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Lake County Independent, 26 Feb 1897, p. 6

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SM TM IMIEI.tLa a emna U*wm etmaua SUIFS THE~~~~~W aiqseeanarbtlu1 . argdyoi CRETAN INSURGENTSIN MAIEPA SPAIN MUST ANOWIL ARE BOMBARDED. lUcemuafa iomus e of aum orsa a IàCba Oi Spain a-it have tomaSeut rga'i ce- la AffectezAtt Kturope N 1< . andmilgive ample soiogy fth iedats li:eaita Dc Neer-Eyem or Dlomatei tL. Amieancitîien, Dr. icasrdlo Roiz, Turnd Twadleua n th r -lio as-as tmia-ok found dila IL i.prison Tursi Tbis-dtînein e *10 P a--a.tjuansbaffoo. TIe migltatian la eftAils et Os-oco. ieternldta bavo *a it l vitgt Grain Leader Wireid. Was- lu grIs aessct rageil Suadîy lu- flire. Just na-e-isps-cions tise leed. o!f the pa-es-s lansiei locneJackets nt Canesu taeinsintain flie pe, assd oslduibîs lu prevent GrecS Irones landiug aI lIaI port. Sanday Ihes.sme qunsroas traluesi tiseir bg gens ouxh tiesroglqmd0 aftIse - , Cretan'iususgeits andl selIed tMmnfs-o.>nti' Iis.lr.pusltian. Il a-as a day aet thé mont Intense exciteoscot ilaIllacpi. ,Frontmearis morlas the Insurgent% Lad kept up s galI- luglire on tise- Turisish forts. The imter - refubusithe tendn s-opiiments -a-ilS ,alier, ma-liwaI îvtbtise roring of cau- 'Î9,- nom ail tIhesvhizsIug a! balletm île pouce- ibis Incliled pIeolie u îhe tawnnbail a trihttul ezlsencî. Il lecame evideut inta-te forenoon tht tise admi-ala un the cruisear seeSecam- lng aenasy oars-hls-condit ion of affaira Digaalis bts litteil fs-nos o-ss-sLipla. warthîp andl lias-signalaea-erc exebangeil, ludicatlag tht caoices-te-il action a-as beiîsg CNSL itq IAl .ng. arrangeil. Ileamua-iste fisc uecksa o!thie- cs-uisrsa-es-ebeissg priitreil fer- action. o! uilthtie cis-csuusîsfnascea alioîîut ily, (;onsea-es-e naustendaulmus-us ere-easd the Blasicliasîthositica laye sui-ails tîneil up tie mcclail emergencies. Tiese m- beeu gis-eus ttuusuerafand tisaI lta s io- caltiedrebeis issuilbei-n warnei by cousriers Craiuscit î-illsaffier nu red lutpe luointes-- b.sning fwhithe iaîgi flitif bte-os- firiag iid te-c aifi îrouut aseilisimeut et ail nut cesse the bahfie slips aoîil taise itutie facto. badInmlluthe desperate uselee. Tîeea-arn- Seretary Olues cableil inisees-Tasior 1%4-zz... acaitugîs dimregaer->. toi-upea f1,Madlrid tthjt D.if i ull nior gus- ..5tisle recerpt tune fusiladetran 'euèltsite otta d utea i ntise Glitisalaco onil iceiseilJui, iiifl-ting the- miiuiusto'sta mpses. Tise lime fus- action lad coine,.and tîleriupou tise Spenialis Gars-nent icig Iremeudous soas- ot i discliarge-ilsîseli n-tsli o! tIc Volteil Siahea hIat ail thc sisoois Ilepiasnif an earus-aoke hisuoce- taitaeliemode kisowru urliuthe least pos- eurs-e-ilbenesnthIit. The tirs-thbot lad comie ibie detay. Tise liiuisli rire uadepte ai tram Italiens bouta, Raussi upcuils ail tue-makiuîg promsiseus o!f lisu cuis-. but ns a nue aIses- air lips.joiceiltu tise bombas-i- moc i-billienlty ta i-uies-ii-ued in s curiiig Ment. lisir tulfihlient. lui ilis iiitai;ec, liuî ibe cube* .WVa, se ai",È" n Bape esa nmuIpoxtgk Thse piesst cabean revluio. datag tub.> lob. 24, j«9. lu tise precedilng yer, M89, t. e qportq at in, Amerlcsp porta ta Cuba, imouateil cliectlvely te more tii. p$W,000000. lu tiesemre Yser tisa inpertz jutthetsaUnitedl Statesafrram Cuba amouiteil ta 475670,0W0, makIug a total cammerce, betseen tisa two cauuâtrles of about $93.00.000ilaone sear. Thse Bd- But'oaof tii. fOscal seir of 18M sow tise extent lae-hica mmerce betweeu tisa la-a cauntrles isan flteo off. The total exporta frram Amerîcan porta ta Cuba a-r. 87fflOOO, or about 30 pe ceut et' tise fariner volume ot busiuess. Fromt Gboin aatise Uited Sates a-cr ut-> portail duriug tisevanme pertid goads ta tise velue of $40,015,000, or about 515 per cent aftie tormer volume ot bualnui. Tisa cheft item o! Amerîcan commie -Itis Cuba, tise chioet Item of impora- tiou tramt Cuba m tisthaUnted States, la, et course, mgr, apil thia Item liatain oit about one-hait. ira.> 1805tae =1 tise importation oasger lata tise Unitedl, Stalt eiliofftrain 1,800.000,000 te 99D.- 000,000 pounuis, tram $40000,000 ta $21,- 000,000. Tise thet Important Items at les- port tata tise Ufilted Utlfrstr Cuba are tabacs-a. banae@, droi, a-cd snd are. Tise Americin exporta ta Cuba la- clude lu anoadnas-y year foeur ta tisa amousst otf00),OOÔ bars (Il lias now fai.- s-n teabmisat W00000). conttet he &Mount o! 400.000 toua. petrolcu.> ta tise amouat oe 'M',000 gallons (it l la aa-00,000).,blima, tallea-, lard, coi ton goudeansd mchiaary. Tise ilciastatton of Caban planatitons bas uot only reduccil the aumbar a! export&* bic psoiucs o! Cuba, butit lias, moreover, decrenseil the market lu Cuba for Ames- cao proilucta, for tise piautera, livIng ne' longer apy valuahle clope for eW.oja-re, ,tale ta pmy for lb. ,r;te 004ao~ se 4,**W fflWt Sd Ote&. Pýtlae timaist, on Cabant muthurfty, tisat upart fso.>tise actuel expenmeaIncident te tise îrosecutiou of the a-ar, the cautia- usîte oft itlitle-s il castlng fuily Ç75,- 000,00 syeir. Ot -tiiau..$50,O0,000 ta igurei ns tise loistram th7e bueil ori abandoneil plantationa, $500000 tro.> the, CANZA, TUE CAPITAL 0P CRETE, 8ROWING THE HARiBOR AND -NEIGRBORI2NO BUILDINGS. Tise Ire a-as geeriiîs accusat., ail tiss effeet vitei-la. 'The Crelmu insourgents wore driven peil molii tram bebiîîd Iheis- bremilvors-s, ail. thseaiîtg aas as-ms ail accoutermemts, tises isstils souglit plmcei o!rfale train thelsilng missiles et tise lad. Tise leîdiy piog o! tîcîs- bul- letsaemrose the amphy s-eels ceameil, ail as tise firtng of tise big a-ar aipa tatupeil lise s-ond o!guapoa-ier mmois flosfed lazily nortisaaril os- es-bc cl. ses. Tisa admirs-I sucil a satement direct- ed t la m. NVssce, encamjsed at Agliot- Tiç-oilori, nouracfs-osns bltants. The documenta-arisa Vissus thla tIs-ein- tention ufthlie admis-aIs f0 attac i is ts-cops sisoulil le îttcrnîîlte uduance tath ie lu- teitos- of tise iWood. Noue. utthe dipomia-t ii ais, bat lb bi evidant thse attitude ut Engîaidlta pas-- plezt thîe cabint.lWhite Snalisy lias refusd a i utise proposai biocisade o! lraeusBrifilài aar sIMIfp !reports foutu -Allons ara ta b. cncdfitct, as-e helpiî the Tors-si. Ileaniile aIl Greecue la s- Pleis-m ovr e ilalegeil central o!fte uanit atCrete. Albusge ma me-e-lu a-ai bld et Attl-n 1bthsn aidle'. ta tise isag vaumadopted lelsging blacul 4aitfretinre te mîtain Grec-in ss-i-as" mnOARrS NtEW HomE Kt Vîli De Oune et tihe tiandomeest ta Vhe-Preeieut itobart aili occupy ane ot lb. mil be-stiul Ihomes la Wshîng- tat end sone ma-htct ail cuil, hiem taeisep V# tie dîgits o! bis posliua ta tise tllet montat. 5e laie o! the Wlhite IBouse, ore. mîlgiIlook isîttb cnrsopen tIc la- oites o! lb. "Bemot," asn the l'icé-Pres- Upu e1satt Ileaca honte.5"Faner tle hémafy etl&e iace,' myasWashington 4WwIomot raillas-grousil, a-th I~m&~aeed otas btbisy a a- ~tise Capital, tîelenvLi- = = ite toe-r t Ilise pustoile Minl l b aul ofthéle re- UéiaruM e 0d mrees. Belmoat t iîeu e-rer, Secetary Oiney proposes bu Inaisi thnt every appostuity ho giren Consulq Gesses-s iLe. talearu precisels bonansdi under waabcisconssîscea Dr. Rois meti lis fate. If tue a-as musdereil the Span-i lis Governital a-lt e sta miSe prompt1 repas-ilion. Tise anis informnation thus tas- reccirci by this GovernmenIt ram Consutl tenes-mi bec in coabaineil in ta-o diapalu-bes, on, in- !us-sing tle ilepartmfnit uf Iti*s,as-set. andl the secoud innouneiug htÉelltItlIn bbc Guanabacon jainittnrsuspiciofn% cir- cumabtances, This câblegransi-als-il for a reply tram the lepas-tment. lu a-lu-b ('uil t iUes-al Le. va i nstsucted tu mais, a promspt and tullI nvestigation. In- strui-lions wirese scableil ho !slnisies- Taylor il Mail-li, âa ay @tal e-i. lts Dot rue tai Constl tienes-ili l1" nasieilto avue wamshipa se-litio Havans. An officiei staiemeni to tlis t ict a-as mdeat fhe White Hause. The al.>inim- Is-tion lisuou intentioni ot scudiug a fleet ta Cuhan atcrs. HANNA TO BE SENATOL ttepabils-ma National Cirlmau'WlIi Oet therama'le îoeie. Mias-S A. Tiene ain to succes-ilJohn Sien- munais Cated StatesSoe- tframt Ohio' Gov. eusliaeii ba@siven eut tle foIo»- !nt mitensent ta bbe prscs: "Il imi Sein my intention ta mais. no anaouncetuenitla relation oth îe action 1 a-ouliltebai n Ithe mpllcs- o! an appoint- mtent ta tlItishe prospýctive vascicr lun the Ohio r.prcsenatiou lu tle Uilsil States Senate outhiltise vacaisu-5ettially exumîcil. B ut, on secoant o! îhe manîfesI Intere-st ufth 1.people ail tisr elsdiii.ta isuca ra-aa-hwilb.iedone, t de,.> il Seat novn l I os site l loa-lag iannceeematt: "*When Seumbor Ses-min r.ulgamta enter- tle cabinet o! Pnsilent Ms-Klole-y, I a-lit iiÂiCV5 A. BANNA. appelintf0 su-cees! hlm Hoa. Mas-con A.q llsnua, o! Cuyabogi CeunIs, tugmre unu- tii lis sasceoin cun by îl e Benety- ibIs-il Ceata umbly or tle lImbe. 1 trust tis sm-isi a il a-lîtunt b biste &p. proval 91 tise isopl. "A"A IL EUBHNEL&" las-ses taie-n for nose by lise sliiers o! cuises- as-ms,and $500,000 ai tise value o! the rui-ile faisen fteshie commissariat. Tise dlestruction o! loweau, ratîranils, brIdges stores and fis-ms, ghes ho miaeap the balance ofthîe lots. Ouba'. clie! bust- nesa is a-tI tise- UitediStatessuions tas-- elgn -ountrirs. NEW BABY AT HARRIbONS Lile Dubfer As-roCaI tishe Hasme ar tise Icz'leldest. Tieouloosaiteil ils-nt otaen belt,' ai tise reiielîce o! exPrmlleuut Harrison lu Indianapolis ok place ni 15M30 'eiocis ime. usiJANn u AR5isol ttunaitiy uorini, -hea Msm. Harrison pro- seule-si er ditmtgunbei iuslîid a-t.a danubienter -lging elglt mil tbree-quer. lerpouai. 5em-tba anneunc-ouentwaas mode la tthe ez-President tInt tisetutat a-miaà giri l 'a-as fiseuibt tInt a obaile et dlseppelamen paeit avr is ftue., but it patueal nae55qulie. nil cammes mid ha upp@arelte taise mach plemguurinatise nim.udithm te is bonseholil. Teti iramâ@ te fnleada fIreugbout the cannlfs vrmmetsaaecmeing the tent, ail miss v-cbutllaur replies a-et. recelveil. sme el île.>trounte istaimitugseil min unit vcmm etlite country. It a-l oasemrhe-eie1011 of April sine tle ei-Ps-esienl a- m rrlei toaMsm. Mary Loti Dîmmicis af Nea- Yo* Olfky. ahof ! ila fretat wf o. e la04 yem aid mnd aie lu 42 Tise union kas bgep Most pieut, mthougb Iliris88objecta bu hy tise fa-o hibirea a! tle gesséral nelîler a!fa-ism atteadeil lb. muriage Durns Ilo"bsst ta.> moulIn tle eblidre, iti «I hail ave hbmemo mre rececitif andl tise laugiter slamidtotabave u#todtei bles- ttlr'm haume damlng a reeat trip te t hIe dis. Tise frienls of tise Jaills bave ueo. expreiag tise iope Ibal the elvoat ofa a liltte Hirica migl maSo comsplets tise recounsilliîc. ot Grautlter. ad daugiter of WiliammIL MeVicser o ew Yoe Tris, la demi nt Ina- ftEV. Olt TALMAGE TO T1408E BýUR0ENED WITM DOUBT. Proelbs iau Bloqanst permen Bisa.- fou thea iouitabika of en utalsig Itis Plan o! Sivttn-tta Overcommes hMuy Obections Racd by Sisaptîcu.i Tsf mmxc elu Flov;di. After mssîy sears of Invitation, Dr. Talmage preachei lelat Sunday st De Funuak Sprngs,Vils. Fs-ntciial parts o!f thea South the peopule are sssenild. Tisa sermon laomtgitils lielîstal for tise a-ho land il isard ta bellev. everytiug. Dr.1 Talsuage returus tlila a-e ta Washing- toit, The mnje-rt o! ibis as-lnon la "A iShattereil Iiaith," aildlihe txtActa xxvii., 44ý "Andl nome ou bruken places o! tLe Never off Gooilwiu monde or tiseBsker- richi or Cape flatterai aa#a sLip lu varse preilesnt thon, tli the Muediter- mâcnes hurricane, a-as tise grain slip on whicli 270 paisenger a-es-c drîven an tiss cnsat ut Malta, ire mile-stramntishe me-8 tropolia o! tht Iland, calleil Cti 'sec- chia. Attes- a ta-a weeka' tcmpeat. a-len tise shlpa-as eutirely diabieil andl capt aI. andl crea-bâlad hoons.completeiy ilemor-9 elliei, an nid mlesionsry tout; commuant] of1 tise virtsel. Hewas ea ii, crookeil bock-1 cil aud sure cycil, iccording ta tradition.1 I Wams Paouf, tisa anisunscarei Min1 ahoird. lHe aas au more afrîlil ut a1 Ruroclydon tommtug tise ?lcsitrrane-ait es, uoiv up tç> tle gales of heuven andi Dow salulng if ta tise gîtem cf is.ll, thon lLe a-as &froid o! a kttena piistug with à strlag.lHe orsiereil the.>milffdÔa- to taise tiselr raliona. brtirInaking for thméis a blens- Iag. Tisâe i uis-'11 #'>*Ir ivetya, teti- lui tise.> tisey oulillLe r- îded., pd. su tuîè tramtlomlng thise-fd, they a-ould not lane su machi of ilieir Lirase ysn ceulil eut off altL nce click o!f teiscasms-n-ay, rdot n threauloftfil. wîyther Il acre gray vitis âge or goldlens ailli joitîs. "'l ahall ual s iai,' fal trous bhc licailo! ans et sOU." ICnoa-ing tht tIcs cao neyer cet tuetise dIleireil port, they make tLe mca ou tise taurteentis nigbt blacks a-iti oi-crfhroa-i cargo, su that îihen tIse sLip trikea il a-iil nal strike su hcriliy, At dayhreuis they ia- a crecis and In their cxigenry re-« sou-cil tomaise for il. And nae tley eut lise câbles, loukI l ise ta-spddles tises lad on tisome ul l bots and-i iltes tise mfiiisait su flin t t lssy nusht <-<sue iitis sucs force a a h e srycu bigh i)s on thei benahyjsaisse forfussabe isilisa. Tiser,' the goca, tumiiîmto ars-s fie os-La, usss sproa- forcusot, nom i as'sîîfsris-oust. nom, roltins- oyrr Io0teflic tîrIs,s-it%, s iioy<r tn tise las-boirsi : susa. a uve slî 'steus ciir an-r tbe ilecs, unuilt i <'ss as if ths' Id crîft bas gosie foreuûr. Ifs- ni) aise csio-s agalu. Pl'siîarsins iri,:iiiila sait.ile criesf: "Ail it oeli. <bd iasnus-vn sme ail those tînt cai ht u eilsi." Cruasa-eut tise ps-ni>, îaifhs uih force tiai il broie off the oait. Crash îî viiithe finîlîcrs tli tise genis issiscd trouigifrtrm islete siiie ot the oc Sh>i ie pnins iniidnhip%.andus Itl a thlssfusiifrstgsssu-uta tise i rccei g0ue and ilo tise i-avs 276 niirtiuis us-c lire- s>ptatest. giesoffis>haut (bes-ibrosîght up on the' sensiîore and liaui leurneil ho ai- i.ati tîcis china juset abîme tise waaes. anuiyh t ii Ib as-cssof bîfiariass ail prsousionu of both fi-ut tIi-j put out fotastiebeach assil s-eaîisîli. But aIfofr Lhtiss.otserx! Tises bave sîcrer lesie-i ta swlm, or fliey a-es-e a-ouuudd thtie tallng o! tise mait, or tLe ferrouo s ocis a-as too great for ltmait, An(s]others lad been wae-usnesV ly luong samscbcciu. Oh, waltti liecome o!fteai? Taise1 tisat pIe-ce o! a ruliber," "aYa l'aul te onse. "Taise that fsagmsent o!fails,'." aonyx Paul te anotiser. -Taise fliat Image o! Csantors ail Pollux." "Taise tht tîlanis tram tiseà lîfeboat" "Tae.aisythlng mildiscailfori th. beach," Wlst a @friugate for lite in tise breake-m! Oh, tb. mes-ietes waters, boa- tley saee-p oves- the hend o! moess, wo>eu ail -chilsiren!i Hid on the-! Aimait sabiote. Keep onisosur courage. Itemember wht Paul Ilid jon. Thes- tise reueding a-ave on tise lieueSicavil lu th. mnd sa-Lhoitansiis. Theren- other ptank caises In, w-ish a life cding- iug fast ta il. There another pieec e! tise slattereil vesse], aifli ita freigîtîge a! au tImmortel coul. Tisey muet by thi.9 fiime ail bc saveut. Ycn, îLes-e cori neslenut o! sil, fer heisail bei-a ovesselîîg fthe reat. the olil usionory, a-ho ariîîgsthewaies- fs-a.>i@i.gray bi'usud ilcrie@ "ut, "Tbsss Goil, ail are lies-e!" GatIes- ssouad a fres-eudi rail bbce rail. Patul billi a fis-e, sîndi î is- flue lbsondie of sticks begin ta cracisle ansd standling asni! sitlng atsndthdîe lblaze Ilie assengî'rg begîn lu recaiver fs-o.> their ciill, and lise a-et ciothes begia ta dry, andl warmhh lie- gins ta couse totoaail the shivcrissg pas- sengera, lat the potro f tise vRg-uel go round snd sec t!anof o!the isor creatfsreis ire mismalng. iSot auec ot the croîs-ilthat a-es-e pluogedi ite the sen. Hov il s- taeseout-euxiehy as wfi-ens-ui: "Sine eu broisen pieces ot the aip. Andl no l came ta pasfIat ltes escapeil ailaife ta lanil." Ha-ring un'prevlana occaos oise-ilet tise allier passeugers, 1 confine myeit ta- dîy ta an exaination of tise a-Lacamte lu an braisen pieces o! the ahip. Tisera la nometiliig about tise.> thut excites lu me an lIereit. i1s.> net iqmuc i ntercateil lu tisono that cauldialm. - Thev gat saure, as 1 expected. A mlle outmes- la not at vers greit uudertmklug for a strour siminar, or ove. ta-a miles ire not. But t cannaI stop thinking about tisase ou braise. ieees ofthbisa sip, Tise girent gospel iipla tise fucast of tise uni-' verse iail eau carry miore piaiengera tisan an" cratt ever canstrueteil, anil son caulil no mare a-reckIrit-thon sou coulil vrecis lb. Irone 6f GdAil Amigisty. 1 wImh @jl lise people a-oucame abonril of ber. 1 cautl net promise a amatis voaige, fer afttîmes i -it Ib. te.>pasitouaor n chappei sai, lut 'I caulilpromis. site irrivit for ail a-o tob passage ou tisat Great Eastern, su calleil br me becanse ils commandes- came out a! tiesaut, tise star ot tis e ul s Ailgilof!bis utiorits, -Dp irit aattsi do not taile regu- plsudiltheir lîfe la bs-abs. t. pre«, a=wi tisir wos-lu andl spiritual proapecta &» reiasala plecai' ail set 1 blieve tises tet.goiag ta reachi tise hiulag shore, an4f m enouaragei by tise axerie e *.ee pedou e abe ame iguee l l th ~t~"*Se 4. ta 11-pec .# th.lisem "t m J". tise* miait be aawed? ur, bellii la 00 Tir-aiasArtclin ad tisa. êalis b. muid? A ma may b ortlîodozand go1 to hall or heterodox and go ta beavea.1 The man wso ilb.h deep affection ot bisa heurt accepta Christ Ilasved, ail the1 man who don fnot aceept hi.> la tout. I bellei-e la bth thesHiedelbecrg and 1 Westraister catechiesmi, aud 1 I wiibyon ail dld, but you iaay'belleve ln notising tlsey contai. except tihe one idesa tisa Christ came ta save lnera, and that yenq are one oft tie>, andi yon are itaatly1 rescued. If yen cao comc in on the grand oid slip, I1ivoll rnther have sou get &board, bat If you clinonouy finid a plece oft Wood es long as the bumain body, or ài filerces itilwle ai thec outaprenanihumî i arma, sud elther of tisem la a piece o! the crois, came ln oa that piece. Tensot thosaînds of people are to-day kept out1 ofte ii.klgdîsm or<fmi besause tisey cou-1 neot believeeverytilàg. I arn talkiag witb a man thonghtfal about bis mciii who lias lateiy triveled tisrol.gh New Eîîglind and paaseithtes nigisî nt Audover. lie maya to me: "I calinot believe that lit this lite tise dentier la irrerocably isseil. 1 thîi the«a wll b. sootiier opportussity of repentance *fier denti,." I s., tohlmn: "MLy brother, sit bo hua ta odo 'litli sou' Do't sou réal- lac tliat the maa-ho walts fur another chalnce aliter sisaths a-lnlie bhai igond ehiioce before douth ta àa tark foui? liad îlot you bitier hiLe the plank tuat la tliroa-n ta you uwan sd beail for shore ratlier thonnva-ait for a plank that mas hy Invisible bonds alie tlirown b ou tialtter' ou are deuil? lD ns j e îase. l't n lfor myseif. aith pardon for ail my aun offereil nie iow, and. ail flic joys-o! lime ad .1er- nusy offercd me ocw, t Insttltaise themu rallier tisan rua the risîk ofach otiser 1fhhune s.wtse men t litaillter cao peel off or t-tw. cîsoe&riptuLe Passage tet has fo iîefg ~atrie. upcW do not lise lPrinceton tiseotogy, or New Htaven theoiogy, or Assiover tiseology." I do îlot amis sou on boardl cuber o! thee great neti-of-war.tisiir portlioles fluteil %viîlithse grent ateji- gunsaofet etirac tiattie, bot 1 do ais son tatotis lie en Istîni of tise gospel tht son do Wbele in sud airike out for tLe peari truug beach of licaven. saynsoaile oui-r man, 'I wonld attend to religion if 1 va<ute lairs-e mbout the doî-tone of eicotion au,] fs-e Axeni-y, but tisat i ,xesmalt up." Those thiogs aied ta bother me, but 1 have no more iscrplex-1 itt about tisem. for Igayj to my.eif,-If1f 1 lovec Christ id l lve ia goi.bttnt. uavfai life. I in Pe-Ici-tu-l isbc asscd, snd if I do iot love Christ end Nlve -a bad i te- 1 a-ii lic daîcueut, ad ail the tikieict-ai wmit- naries of the oui crnecinosat tuakeit uniy diffesirî t" 1 fioosnstred sloag uhite ta the' mca of mia andi îiîsîiît. snd ilt aas urougis as liseMIditerr;asi-an on tihe, fourtéetis nisitt. îîeo il-s îlirew the grain 0,cr- tma:rt. but t1suiv fhsre varsiercy tfs- a ai nuir. n iii i oit ysiuk ulook, issd 1 bave lies-s%i wrsou siuyssult lis the lrghlire on tliii soirc cvr i-ue. Whle Issii talkiug tin another min about hii-Roaii e hils time, "I do n'ittsi' rosle a (ls-litinlivuss1' Iu ,oct belit-ve ilusrpita uny bullt Stail." Aih. d-ist iiî? Do ail the Pepeile o! ail heliefa andl no bce- i:-t atail, of gooJ morais sud 1,ud moral@, go tsagît ta a hippy hbeaven? Do flic lîoiy and the debaucel h avehie uaime destination?'iAt midnîght, lin ahmllwmy. tise caner of anbonnme and a burgimr meet. Tise)- bull is-c.andsou!th are wouuideil, but ilie iurgias- disailu 11>.minutes, sud the coites-of the honte lives a week mifter. IVili thse hurgiar lie nt thc gaie o!fie-ave-a, wsuting, a-len tise bonae- oaner cornez ta? Wii the. dehauociee sud the libertine go rîgtintasmîug the famillea o! Leiresi? I woussîer if llerod la playiug on tise baiksa o! the river of lite- with the <hluren lie maAaîred. 1i aondcr If Charls-te-atheau ansi John Wikea Pttcolare ai l ierc Shont-1 iog nt i mark. 1 do not uow costrovert it, ailicougis 1 muat say that for mach a mis- erabie heavu-u 1 bave nu admiration. But. the Bible dis noe ay, "BliIev. lu perdi- tion sud htisnvcael" Ilc-ase ail are saveil accus-ding te 3osir tliecry. thât ought îlot t, kecîs rou trom lcîiîg sud acriing Christ. Do ual refuse ho comte asiiore bc- cause ail lt@ eailiers. accordtngth o uîr liseury, are goissg t gelt assure. îssi May have a different fheury anust cleinstry, abouît aatrooomy, absot the atsuaiubere, frutti that wluihuthersa dolît, but sou ire flot. therefure. liissîiured trî,m action. Because of yor liser of light la dit- fercot fs-o.> othera do flot refisse ho open ejea eys. B-asssyous,'thesîrsîof air la siiffurent sou dio toot refiuse te ui-allie. ttc- enlisae osir theors about the ateilar *ysteol ta dttlcreuit sou do flot refuse tus icsnsiwt- edge fise non h star. Wby shouid the tact thaf yoîsr theologival theurica arc different hiles- you fru.> acting upon wai you kîîuw 7If sou bave not ia-haole slip tant- esse inthie theological dry docks te, bring sou to wiînrfuge, sou bave nt haist a' piank. "Soule on brokcu pîcces of the slip." "But 1 don't believe in reviva."Then go te >oiîr rmosn, and ail mica., a-tiI sous- iloor loeel, aire ycur heurt ta (bd sud juin au;me chus-ci here tise therunometer neyer geta biigiser thon 50 ln tisesadate. !'But I do flot heileve lit baptea.." Cornein wlthout lt and ettie tisai mutter ftherwaird. "Hut'tiere irenm mmy incon- mintent Chriatian@." Then cama la ail show the.> hy i good exansite isow liro- fessora shoalil net. "But 1 loj't helieve la the, Olil Testament." Tisen cames inou the Ntwu. "Bat I don't fille the bsooks of Roans." Thea cames lu in Mîtthew or Luise. Refuslng ta cames ta Christ, album you admit ta ie tise Sailour of the tait, iseciose you cmnt admit other tinlgs, sou are like a inu out tisere in tht Mail- iterrinean tempea andl tose in lutise Me- lita, brenisers, refuabng la camle asoreu- ti hbcaolinmeuil th isluecea of the brokeu clip. 1 heur hlm sas: *i wo't go lu on mulsofttises.plaukautil I kaow ilu aht part ot the slip tliey iseloug. %iseu I cou gel tise wlJudlin latise right pigea, mnd tise @ailla set, andl ths't is.l place a-h.'. il ie- longs, ail tht fleor timiser rigisl, sud thes eoesutaugleil, 1 a-ilgo &shsore. 1 am su oid sailor ad isow m&U about miipe for toty yetire, sud asn oon as I cm. gel tise vamsal alont lu goond shape r a-lit came i." A min dritins by ou a piece of Wood overise-rs hi.> and gaya; *'You a-ii drown isetore you gel tht aiip reeon- stuti.Bettes- do n asmaidong- . 1. liglae s diphieaudj cecissi db .mtip hend stilb a peulmiseIs.It Inow ». nmie purtuer la business a-loe 4S o ber ot an evangeal cisurt*is plîy4. yon a triekS bt i nhgualeil ypa w» i liglon. It moi b. that sou bai. Azewla a-ho have taikeil saet ClrîiitlIu*yý saur presena util you ire att ut and lion d-eiltmore an tinsiagbIai do net bellierstissu ou' tilugmVyau 4. tiers. Yeu are lu fae respect lite, Nelson, a-lienasilgülsi aas lîftai tim a-tisetIte diaregard, andl Le pat bis am glau te hie blinil ye aisud», "Ig"av do nat e the sigoci," Oh, My leame., puut~ t115fie-Id giais oethtie gospel no lueger te saur blil eye sud- as i1ciaine1. but put It ta sous- aller eyc, tise we et taib, ail sou a-ilae Chisat, ind*e le ail sou see tearme.. [t sou belleve npthhng sime, Yso eptu Ir believe la vîcijiaus safferlng st»U e. Il aimait oves-y day l ine osbBê steataisip Knickserbockser et tise Orplong lina, ruuning beiveen No Ore*li New Yaris, wa&-as reataol ,m b eiptalnandilcrea- 55a-tisemeoaefq:rs D. Cranmer o!fPIadiplala ape5 Tise a-coller eld, the wves M 40WStIB* - hîgi, the fret aftieer a! the steaumà» and tous- men put eut la a lîteboat te mielise cria- o! tiesechiener anil seaci'd lb.hee- sel andl tua- I t out o! daoger, th iseaud obiting no that the schooner wasa airi4 But the Ove men o! tise amasilpceli bocks, tir s-bat capulse, setp s'Ibft1i ialu uni came un, thseilaitostatdwIh tee. Tise boit cattlseil&Wgita. ami Ire times upset asndlwa-marigsteil, aud a ti a-ai tisra-n lisepour tloavmbut t fI bandl e-eetromen su ihey coald, Dot graig Il, anil a gient wsve raIeo itisi, pm tIcs a-eut idoa-a nover te rie.al' lisez igives op ia dems&, .,D» it a-ho enau, aildeau clie tise ChrittWaha put ont lm à a biting calil adi mb a mare o.ervlelnimSI surge ta bring un ont o! lafalite PerB ltt eveslasing afets? The waie ot hum»s haie rolleil oves- hlm feu. eue aide sud tise a-aveu!fliellias ftry soed overhlm aunbisa other aide, Oh, tl b iiicae t ofth isa.11 ail lise ihunder o! the tem4p Itta vicis Christ pions-eu!fus or rresaIoi Come in c. on. nasr eaum ot tise cross. Let ail cime gis andilding ta tisaL Pub tht unies-ycti, sud vitis Ihs 4rnit- Demi ot à sa-Immer atruglng. for hbisIO put oui for shore. Tiser. la a grs-taarn lire oftvcîcome sire-ailsbut 'ai iad maya-ha ver. as fer out ae sou amoam standing lu ita gental anil lievly glea-. Trhe ans ocf -tjm'uresî-uoarewaaing ot itb bissusi ho- clutcli saur band,. a" îles isnoîr hoa- exhausteil you ire, and mil tise rede.-meil lsodtrals o! heave, ire o. tise beacl ia-th oew w-fIte robes te clatise ail tisosit who come in ou bs-oison iecsa et tise lip. My nsympathilesare for moi-h ailtlise more. lici-aisse 1 -asu ahusalis miscîticai, di> - pcs e oquestisoucves-ytiiag&boutt h@ lfc andltfli suct andl azasitadanger o! le- ing tas-tiser out tse ara ta ani o! tle 276 la tbe Moitchers-ineau brensi-r, sd 1 vis susnelioses the anlioyioce o! mistieoweg- ,-ai pr,fesr bu--anse 1 aikeil su mass quesurlona. But t rame lu On a plabis. kuca- Christ a-as thesBionut sns"am and tisat I wua simnner, aid 1gaitmilare and t do uat lmos. la go eut on that ama agisin. 1Ihbav et fo tas-ixy miutesmdi&- eusse-iltise cantrovertiei peints ai tloff la thirty se-are, snd durtng tise rub t f m lts I do ual proposec ludiseuse tise. ter thlrty secondm. I a-eul riber la a mmi mca. tri te veather thea wSvet echathmlaer sa-epf up tram mise (Terbbeatisa, ,Eu us .- mostal@i suin lamasad petoue disetts- ass lu a-icsic e eo!ftmibreltron -le 11e mtalstry ara ladmtgi, 11 ,x . 1 o! a cumpsny a! sagus u tia% ise Rtamsate pior bhed. tram vlw" "Ule- boit, ire aumls Isundw& ,and ceuabydjà- cuising thse dîfferat stle a! ceulochsandi isoa-deeb àabbat ougisite etlu in e w %ter. -hilm i barrae la la fuit biiot am tisere are tIre-e steabber. croa-dsd a-lawez- gens rontai l pesmla th is d. Asus-id tus-, the.muscles of Lie a tce vus-lad itit nerrous excitemeat, e-fienet- "'This la ne lisne hodiscues aek tisngi. Manuta*elite- bias! Who a-tilvolaiterr? OuPttaIi ber ltil the- surf! Pull, msil! poftifor tise a-reui! lie, ha! Nourv ebhavecîlice. Lft île-m te ail jsy themjooa- nautisebot"u o! tise boat. Jacks, youttry le lntng tison> ta. Put tisse faaanotvaroadutlfliboa" andi teestand it -U pillEue tfheulea" Ge iselp ue-! Tiserai LauwidHIummar' wleu tisetrse ano ainsstrîîggllng lunfthe Iaa ut sinansai rrow and a-retcbodmess, let mil e-tie go but avation tocrturneaildaltre- liton fos-eyr. I beibini suselfthtiitherearase nmsm hore aLose uppurtuinity or a-lis. ife ilai mes-o asecisu id tbey have onlp %e sial tîtece lefLt.Yeu starteil in soath is v s il cii. et, and cverythiug promioeil a grand voYage. but sou baye alle laluthe a-rang dis-cetion os- have tounderai on a ras-b. Yu h4rc ouly a fragment e! ligne left. Tien corme in ou tisai une planis. "Suti on braise-npieu.. o! tise sip." Yeu admit soius-re ail brekea up, one - decaesiofut ous- lita gene by, ta-a des-des, tIre. decadem, tour decides, a bie sl e.-, tory, perhasjimths-ee-uarter ora! etr ione. The hour baud uni thtie iaute h4nd ot sous- clociso! lIte ire alipet pur> alcl, mildsoon il a-lit ho 12 a anrur dau euded, Clair ilhaouragoil, ire sont i admit itleai saitthifg togve a i Mr, llves tht as-ea-arts austil a Masu &@à the devili sud tIenil lemstnmaise GsiDd preut o! a firet-rate carpes.. BUt** peut You cannaI ras-ove-r. Gelos «bee.. tht aid alIp sou novera-ilL Sua.w only' ana more soir laitI, an. mer. fefil ana mors a-o ne monre. on~efeMM isaur--ome luaon tisaI, orkpseisWs ty gelte la svea Gai mur lot Mso snet gomm o saine great mission ta ae le r a-esia a-ber. sou ca oea-lat blase for seeg las-b o!es-visc la Ibis. - Fron masniea tishmilIhav.e i bsandes tirova apinludepiittus mo ise tibis: '"My tites, wbooem a -tà&41 tion and grent opprtanity, but a-aruhiaems aineg1 le liblu s e auta ave the»ee t.>remataug ho«%e Doaecept o! Christ ansaitssl, mter boni. i on tlraugh bhlmemrei, but, alma, aies.*tb« vison I migît havaeulnercd the b.v4eo oes-namil'est a-tII a tall*eirgo amind greeteiliy thie a-avina isande aofaà tuièln lwahase alvatlua I lad 6 blstiseil part I1inuit coatéesi Io

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