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Lake County Independent, 5 Mar 1897, p. 2

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towINTUEE ENÂT& __)ILLMAN RAISES A DISTURES. ANGE OVYKR ARMOR PLATE. "'ttseost ongilet Aiment Came" t y ( tic R a i U ui ella'. Accu- fattoi a-i>u4Oarakers s larWacl .jéavrter G0 tly Offeuded Seitoar Tilîma ai souti Carollin ae- met provoked a pertai mfi olit Iti semator Hawley or Cnnecticut,.mho re- seated bils (Tltliïgaa'g) charges that the Saareplate mÈItaUtf5 hase peld «sa t h tenate to rai thie Govern- meut. Senator Hawley bail spoken agaont au arndment ta reduce the price oi ar- mat plate to $M0 a ton. Mr. Titiman *hteu made hi$ *batgs, and 31sa laimed lu. iat aimar plate could b. made for $200 & ton. Soic htgh words were handied, Sand Seuctor Hawley was lnduced by hie fricude Ia go tn thecloîak roorn. The ameudmont te reduce the price to $»00a to a wm hallj' panard. ouul$smcta aonthe. Parrallones. an~s At the gollctation of the ACommuttpe.on àlqlllLeird rroî,ecîîe. of the. Amrecan Orul- Z-U, "l taogists pUion, of which Prof. Leverett I.L oafmia ai th califomila Academi of Science, la a 4»ernér the Geverument ~~S officiais affl itihesoeufof thefr dM40tcB ane on th luporting of seableda' egge fram thie Forerall1ones. The lghtiousc board at Washngton, whie bonasthe, af- oar f the Ferrallonea ini charge as a mart of United States Gorerameut pie- -- serve, han stied a dere tint the trmffic la the egga oi the seabirda muet crase. M.* The mandate of the lighthouse board will S bring to a close a unique ludutry of San Francisco. The eggs of the murre, or f oaiai guillemot, have bee sippeit ta lhe ii markets of lSau Franciaco lu great quan- tities ever mince 1849. ai whieh date îhey were almost the ouly fresh eggs le bcb ad. * ~' iringlng over $1 c dosen. As high au t-wenty thhnasnd doten of th.e egs were snnually hrought touimarket by the Greeks mdI tallan flahermen. Thcy axe twlce the af au ordiaary lten's fcu. for whictî are said ta i. an excellent substitute, and the7 soid ai reteil front 15 to 25 cents V~~l er doses. Durlng tie lant four or live t sne the Greeke have been drivcu off. a mad tie egg ladustry bas been carried on - by thc lighthouac keepers on th Farral- a' CAMBOT CORNER WOOL. 4od.u Drobm ay lit Weald e.- * «taie Fuît7*$500f000,0004. lu regard la the reported Boton woi ~euner, leadlag Landen wool broken s nu- Me .the idftat t Uic,.La any possibllîty * ai easerlng wool. They may it woulit es- S quirethe puchaae of two clips ta do no, mean eing o n riagai a eait 8p,00, \ CII baa m-the expendture of $W0,- la London, tie Bostanians bought aet tc lait sabs 4e000 bale, of theigher grasse suais, and th"y wil probably purchane as mach more ai the next se, uith th view ai aàklng *1,00,000ot cf heir demIun- der thc new tariff, la vilci, however, the * ntrd. Por the next wool sale there *»e alreaily 300.000 baies offered. and the oamer twil probably reach 330,000 bales. ACDENT 18 AVEIRTED. ?s.alrn Carylir onvernor Tanner and Party Cames Nemi Belng Wreckgd. Tic inaugural train carring Go. Tan- a"eofaIlinlois and pary narrowly missed blng wrecked by runaninjte a landalide la tic West Virginie meutains gre Moandavîlle. Iluadreds cf tons of eari and rock hed failen on the truck, the traci I- walker beiag inocked dou'n and hilsInn- licru iroken iy the avalanche. The train * ~ curylng lie 6overnor's Party vas almoat due ta arrive atthat point, and the track w alker hurrledly scramibed orer the. de- bris and fiagged the. train with a burning ncwspaper. The train was stopped withln a car lengi ai tie obstruction. F OREST OlDKit OVERRULEI>. 110aeos m Bauday Cession C outeracte thc Proidet'. Order. Tic Scnute, by ananimous vote, bas added an aihenilment to lie sundry civil appropriation blt, counterectlng the Pres- Ident', recent order withdrawing 21,000,- - 000 acres of land from the public dornain a9i eltabtiahlng It au forent reser,,.. Tic usual tiunday quiet of the capitol build. * ing was dlstanbed by a session cf the. nete, made neesaeary te pags the. ap- propriation bis. LArge croirda. fiird the gallerleu and overllawed tgtheii corri- fueru.Tic sundry civil bu i as panaed. Thue anre, aisWli Psr. Thc Coauptroller of the Currency has declared dividende In favor of tie credit- * ~ « ofa Insolvent national banis as fol- Iowa' FortY Per cent, the Firat National Bank Of Garnett, Ank.; 25 Per cent, the lest National Bank of Fart Paya., A.; S par cent, the Oregon National Bank of l'oartimuilOre..; 5 par ceat, dis Secod XatiaranlBank ai Colominl, Tescao Ministe,- Peak* la1*0 RtIàded. A letter bas beeu recelyed iy the Kan. Ms CltYMO., taw ruti nof Blii & Peck. tr ohn L. Peake, United States main. Inter ta Svltzerland, in irbici he ays a - udgaatln basnlicou forwarilcd to Wai- 11111a00.4te taie effect lmmediately, in or. der, h IP-s, lu Bt hamper the new d- mldaistration. -G-overmor Long Accepte, iUxGOa. john D. Long of Mesmechu- ee ed e ary prfloi Foi, Shoota "le Fatuer. 3 aiOhDZimmermuan, e fermer ina ived r, 1cr - 7-0 1it m>ee1. iiu moticamistieomb* % ent~i are etaincuti>' atlsfaetary ta tue minées. Tic commtice rscommendatiat a b6di ai :rItration bd appolneiltua te bu ls. ticeminea s anil tia> h. mie a, ti f ta . chaste b,' i. four. Whmlevcr declaoé Ibis boardl oi arbitra- lion @hall arrive et mult b. badina gQu bath aides, sud an agreement ta tialt efecet1 muat beuiguci bfreband. Tc fcqtttate1 Ibis nuch-d=aevcd lbeaîmtes lai-1 moitàau amgeemcnî la fall, vlc ilI Mb. the. houe of cou tentlon betweep tie oppot 1 ing facioa. Il provîdes in ltre t place1 liaI thi eaie ai vagon ta force. mmedi-1 etel>' icions hetic st ce hoit be conccded b>' tie mine a«ere anti mieS remain Ia force outil ticeiceed of arillailon amili bave amiviel et a decisilaTieîîruoosd skgremeut aire previdtttnthei mite amuira chan recogülze labr nitons, and that mmib.rs ai unions cul non-union men sial yen aide b>' ide. Fartiier, Il la pravided ubal noestrihe or ltacha illi le declared b>' a labor organimation or b>' an organlsall4n af employera unies. b>' secret ballot. Tic proposoid agreement maies a furmber proviso liaI noetsrie or lociaut &hallllb. decared on forelgn labor ifaprtel vithoat bath aides submittiug ticir gricrances la tic anbtrution corn- mitte., and tist min. oaens@hall not diserminate agaînst e man becense hé ia a member of a labon union. Ail dîNfer- rome regarding tic future %cale of mwue muet lb. saimiltedtu latle arbitration board. ____ WA&NT IVORE. BOT CllAE1Ir. Uienuspiayed et foi Pol eu Sece t ei JOolicIV-t 'vbuis ltber, iras almost a riet et a mnass rneet- ing be tb, unernpleyed nt St. Paut, Mina.1 The Cil>' Couneil re-enîl>' nppropieled1 $10.000 te b.é used in relief wip nd tthe i meeting vas la prolesi cf lhe îuy lie1 so es b.ing expendeit, 1ev. iR. G.. Smitlh, vie bai heen promfineut la lb. re-1 lnef m-ri, res hooteit sud >elled etinlahiea attempteat expliuiug thie systtti cf dis-i trhbiqting lie relief. After machexecite-i eanit uman>' violent speeches, resolu- bions wireadopleit ibici. efler'deciar- a tie onempicycit vanled ion asoi] not1 chanit>. fanter resolved: "'That ire iili do our utmt in l the acxt municipal elec-i lion Io retire ta prlralelilfe lie.Mayor acui membera ai the Cetincili mItahave dele-1 gated Iu a charitable organisation a dut>'i hilci tic>' are pai th i cIl>'e pr-1 faim." Another resoliutlon, canins for an canimitte. aiflOve tu cali on lie Leiia tutre nent Frida>' aflernoon milu li te uuempto>'ed wbo connlb. Induced ta ac- compan>' lu and sali;thc Lcgllature te do samthiig for thesý%ut ai vok, iras isa DUO UP FiYllli7 BEJLETOX@P Giatir Diaeovr on River Frontmetai RvroN. J, Whilte vunmen vers dîgglua a trench on thc pioprty ai Henry' C. Dreer, ucar lb. Delaware river front, in itivertan, N. J., lb.>' uueartbcd ire baman sieletons. A physicicu ubo exemîneit the sielelons saidt laI anc gave evidence of compara- ivel>' receut bunlal. Tic ltter vca sp- parentl>' the houes iof awite mou ai ma- ltre >'eara. The sittl irasnfraetareil ad aeemcd ta have been criusbcd lab>' a bm. No definite tbeor>' eau b. advacedi as tu hou thc cielelona came Ibere. The spot iviere the>' mere.foud la baci ai the Faune.' isi mb, vhila Iourd b>' shed, finhermen la the aprlug. Lice, la te De Donlne&, The fulîl test of tic Alamia heundan>'i treat>' slgued b>' Seereler>' lu,>' and Sir Jutian Pautncefuîe bas bean madc public. Tt provîdes for lie appoinlinent ai one commîssionen b>' the Unitedt States sud one b>' Great Bntain. mihhmm@hal b. associateit suci surveyasand ocher casbtant ulsaecigovrrunent shah elect. ~the coffimisainers <bail, a anori>' se pos- sible, preceidtetatrace and mari seamach ai tic one liundred and iorty-Brmt nacti- dicuocf veau longitude à4 la neeemàa7- ta bc deiued ion lic purpoce of dctarmlcip tie exact limita ai the terrilo'etdd t the United Blates b>' lh. treat>'y wlà th. United SRate@sadsudesiofai1d"c 30, 1867. tuaimuci se tic sumlOt-bt Mount Si. Blas, althong Bont 111891,4, la ilt la farti aDWosl nc itred sud ferty-firei meidian, la se neari>' eaini- dent tierewîlli thât ih is>' cnvcniently b. faiien nea avisibue admari miereby the Initial part ofi nid ieridian sab. b entabliaed, It le sgrqeddulaItichecommis- cioncra, abouIl they condluite uiat itlel advisable, ma>r ddlct 1h. masttsaudierl>' Pao-tion o ai d lnaeseauB 1 miee dsaine rafflvti tic summît ai Moitntu UlIBa,menb deleetion not ta exenmmr llaig1 tvent> geogapilcaile." uortlu- vmril fromn tie initial point. The loca- tion ai the one handreti ail forty-iret meridian as determineit icreuutpr mii b. inafid b>'sinenvishINebjectenture or ailcam sc itmeseaia i corpuisonere mhallares,ad tic lint thùus manied, ln viole on lu part, aalieb dèeed ta perumnentî>' definefor aitlu- ternational purpasec the anc hundred and fort>'.irai umidian. Bsci gavernument chani bear the expenses Incident ta thc eitlagment eai l.*avaa*maintesai ai licealtulons easdecued b>' tiet, but thea stet ofmèterlî sud la pernumMll marking tic meidan and nfilsolaaspa- itlln chanl bé bonne jointly ad equal>' b>' tic tira goveramentu. r»",riag fer Wai'. Thc mamelus ai Turisi to ualndme- nliis A mr on tue fraudele lpaeoed-1 lag mlii feverisihbaste. Ailtichesilera on furloagb have been reealied, ail eleven batteries ai artller>'. a tegituent ai eay. aIr>' andl tua bdItllos$inantr>' bave sano front Salon", M " t..a- lcIc vieestoa eeona. Tvoa sinltional bat. tenlone afilnimntr>' bave reacicil Kat&- vina. Tic relef& freinSmynea, Bruimsj Trpblaoaile aid l clwviens 1uto~qg~I an dicir vs>'ttath. frandler,arc à tlotal ai six divisiomsa v ie b.formned viti beaud- quartersataIBlousosa. .Herbaert IPi-Pmttce La;, &~dl ry Herbert bai annueced liaI i 'voulil aven s lair office la Washington mtanearly day aud-resu theb profession -ile -b, ------- aia>'--a- Ea- t 0 Ak la* A A1*fço' Trapmad.mq 0,4.,. fen. gmin, Wall tart a>' EIUe ][ManTruaw atlvlty -lutter É1t1for- Mclsthe<i.Bataier- -Cs'msila *tUin,. lai.dy Gain ta COmmee.s IL. G. IDau A ceas@weeciiy B.vlivoa T"ae my. : "Uemiue Imuoeaet.la business ilces not coinsc iti a rusb. 1k. the brsakilua oaagrent dam. 'lite griti for saine useki pont bas beca mare se- caurafegln, iceaise lauanial ti nia l bas been gadmiuaianud maderae. Th. rup- ture ai the steel rai ad tier combina- tiom. ln the Iran business bai breugt tont n vent quantillr ai trade ivilci bas beau beld bock andl has ôet man>' thousnilmeni ai vonk, wmii.the slow bat eteal>' gain in other gremu Industries bas givea Pom- pio>'nt ta ma>' tiouscnds more, but lie ful affectesulîl Dot appeatr ouillln- cneaseti purcbaaes b>' aIt 'le.. selth le distribution of goadà. Meanv.ilinl subtantial orroanil for canfidence diat maun; h ilci ucre regardcd b>' mam nl th moce>' market wllh serions appreben- sions bave passed wilubuut islturbance ad mih tead>' gains la lie position cf tic ceuntr>' and ai lh, treamur>'." BIGnoe A % Wlilougbbr. liltiA &ta. Clama i thle eorîf an u Jitiment Notea. Willoughby', 111)1 & Ce., the Chicago cloîblens, mer. closeti Satunda>' b>'tie Sheriff on tire lutiment noles bel by lie Fort Dearboia National htaai aggregatlug $81.611. Tic minanit>'sock-' iciders, rcpreaemted iy Attaorse>' mm man,.ednrge tlsaitlie lingoai the gole# iras lu couteaipt cf e suppresseilrealnclun- ing order entered b>' Judge Siomalter of lie Feiteral Court, uint et faad la-tic notes tdeicmelves, andit 'le>' milbave_ theni exemineit b>'micrescopie experte 10 detcruiiue tudr authenlîcil>'. Son-af er lie Sierifls 1lev>' Alfred Benjamin A Ce., creditora cf tie coacern for $3,«05, ilcul a billin the, Circuit Court for e receivér, cuit Juuige tlaec-y appoinîcit E. B. Me- Ke.,, iho qîialiiied witilibonds cf *75.000, Tic litigation lu vbich lie cIotiipg bouse Ia iuvolrcd la primariiy tie autcome of treubles emong lie stocibolders, thhc'Ill interens inlaCliiengo being arrayed on an, aie and members of tie Steln-liaB"Comt- pany', cioîhing manufacturera cf 1Bacica- ter, N. Y., a-ho are the, minnit>' stock-1 bolIers ia tic Chirago ceuceru. an the chber. OLNET STANDS BT LEZL. Serve., Ntthal; Spanmuei Re- spect AmerleaRighie. 1 WhiIe the State Depunl'rneat bas Dat 'beekeit up Consul Generai Le. anregee- cdl>', the adminitretien iba tait a ârai stand ou oeequestien, and liaI la lhe Icnth cifttle mn Anterican citizen eou h. heîd ncornunicedo la a Spanisi prison. Upon tuis questien Secretcr>'OlaeY as autionlit dGen. tee ta demmnd tic ne- arase ef eeh ad erer>- American ivia mn>' b. arrested ad iept tncomanlesdo for moetian seventy-two heure. Ont>'c feu wiekq aga Cen. Weylor infarmetdi Cen, Lee. bodi vernît>' and talnltlng, tialticheSpaniai -Governuent tond, and praposeit ta exencise . ngbt ai ieeiitug Americena iu prison ad incomualcedio seventy-iva deysifI l abauld hab.ose d- cidel. Juergeat la the Mai-Id. Tic langeaI spectroscope la tic voil bai icca comploleil b>' Prof. John A. Bi6ear, lie fantous astronorner of Aile- gien>', for Dr. Hans Hmusaldt, s veaâjr scienlist of Meitiehurg, Gen-' manYj' l mil b. umedin lupiysikal ne- mearches and i. cxieclcd le aaist il anny Important discoreries. The poierful con- cave gretlng Instrument in 91 fid long ait iili require e room about 25 feet square in wibci te operule il. NeeI of Thilees laUntbcthd. Tie arrcît nt Seatle, Wcsb., ciflieuki MeAlpin, William Launie sud Charlets Husaey, the lutter a 16-yenr-old boy, hec led ta, the diaccorer> b>' lhe police tietj tbfy have rua mb e nest of coulterfeit- crs sud iioieale Ilierci. Tii. eriencu, obitained wias foundin luaecabin occopleit b> tire. aiea, wvi e mee -esupîied mihal kiuts of boametîeld gouda. cigare, lubscec. etc., a great des] of mhincibas.been identi- ied. Amje rmahe The, question of neispaper publications cf prime igits vus diseussed b>' the Houa., Cammitte, on Commerce, and lie commit- te, direcîtttepresentative Aldricb ci 11hi- naîit t report te tie House c billpnuuibit- lng tic, transportation of pitîtres on de- scriptions cf prime igils b>' mail or minen- Mate commierce anti fixing e uteximiiii penalty of len years' Imprianoreut for vilattion of the, tai. fchinpeer the Miener. Tie six-day bicycle race et Chicago iras fi ninied b>' lie folaiag men la the entier nameti: Sehinneer, 1,7818 miles; Miller, 1,763 mites; Asbingei', 1,727 mle; Laie- son, 1,707 miles; Henic, 1,008mitls. Thi prisesmereneaifollovre: Fred icia- neer, $11fOO; iarlec W. MIlle, *$0; Colna. W.-Aihhtger. *30; John Lavsou, «Thé, lérilt+ Siede," $200; A. A. Hau- sono, eTIoe Rilmaker," $130. D4le te Doters>'Actias.k Tie Banale Cammitte u Foreign Re- ltlons met Weiluc.d&Y ta casuele, tic requeat of die Stgle Depcitnnt tiat the cemaithie do ont plsfl lii recolutlaul le- IhRç lui lie Ilumse hat. reins, of Cen. 31110 a im uil>' ra. a inte"lainrsa.la Cuba. Tic eotulmttee gave tie rabject careinl attention. bat decliee ta, grent -he neqacit. ir lwe outis mmalo- Wiiliamm Mù lt a pimple on hisa ge.suM 001>' the dey' eifeme.. George Miltler. a0,dled oi blooti poisaalng, nla. bailuneder biae At 2M0 WoodgIldames irere iiseavereit trams tie roof ai théier 1uilding Tahiti avort o Mi ex uI Iri as brougit aotb 0 i pablictl à astar>' ta tihe eet tim nn St. John's Island, lu tic Soti ose, vers al aumier of duai>' vainu via va,.pla- Jus for huabadaAil tie meabatil beeu illlcd la vat and *o . matevera bnci>'. A gpuptu' v, rgaaleed la San Fran- cie. taeuteaîte relIef (if thé duiy danm- sels suit on icrd tic Edmards are aine- ty-meven men, who sigi for the. tropicla elime aud tihecs>' lii. ln tie South Sea. It basaince developed tial tic Adamiec 1 Bleu %nr>'wona amyti, batthle compa:y organised detertntned la go su.. Place.1 Bach man contrlbatedl $100 ta a ecumOn fond. The. aid wmiîlat-bnlg Siarda was bocght ad prvialoaed and the expe-4 diffion atarted. Tihe mea are pravideic1 witi agricuttural Impternents and sevetal, tradep arc represented. The>' mlii loik for nomne unlnlîaluled Island and iheno tii.> havero fund Ilthty propose ta setîle. dowm ta a lis1f. acc.. muet stop ipsitîsi %trcçltleo. SPieu Ameiceus ulixonîl be proteted? llie h troag arut of aur JJncle Samiuel ta b. stretcheil ta Ijueir defeîuse. vhercver tie>' mn>'bç? lu sioar lre Amnericant Amerca'blcrerywiucre, or ouI>' m-ten tic>' are uitiin tie confiues of tie Unitedi Igtata?' Suclu acre the tienica for disco*- in la he Sonate WNediteeaday. The de- but we'pniirnuntrll, u lie resala- tions intirqSd growipa omit oaiheLis - Incident. Tht-ne îvcsuhatlîempt on the part of terlain Aittatora -tealsdelrack thes. -eslutiqus toedusie %%-y for approifation bliea. $"alors Daniel, Morgan and oýti- Érs hoirever, Xal<i tiat tie gamort t>'a AmerlinltiuittzlnsMerci-en Il iS«Y' à ioand la peramocunt te apîpropriations and thlie b.settied iret. Tiie influence.ei the admiiirallon uns exertteit l e Wre a posîponenient cf lie uele on lb.etth- ory ilatlthe reporte of tic dîseugalon gain« airoad wmlii "burt lpiiis feelings soit binder the autminitratlouna plana fer pence la Cuba." Itegardinl~ ic resolution rall- Ing en Oiney for the facta lu the Rizal cssb. Senalor Mlleidssai: -IlIras lnspired b>' lb, dlapalch in the NeYork Sun irorn liannItilt is Irue thaIt Dr. Rala .won lorturedte dentli,, ns described Inl th~e Suin.and 1t tellere ih la, w. siould baye oiclailInformation beore us. Ev- erytblng conceruling tie deali or Dr. Buiza augbttelab. la 1he banda of the SIete De-i pertinent. As 1tibure repentedi, salti on thiner and ln newspaper Interviews, 1 belliv te tite bec corn en w ie sauld put a stop ta thome Spunisi nîrocitiesItt :& comardly for os ta stand b>' and s»a Americau cîtimens bulciiere In lacold blood. Sometblogougbtte ie b.doue and immedi- aId>'." Senator bMille expressedlbc cpim- Ion diat thec passage cf the, resolutioun ec- ognîmînit Caban lndepcndence. vol b. anc ai the irat acta ai lic neir Congrce". ciepr tise Engl s teel. Tic Canaditt en 'ciietaillay Coin- pany bas placet anorder mtb lie Camae- I comp-a>' fer6,0(9) tans af steel relie. Ai tic loireat rate ine.thli rea" la price..thisi.lveaiu nexpeodîlore af censldermily oai-ci$1,000,000. At tic rate nor quoted inlathe apen maket-ff2per tam-tic purebcas vald amnnt te $1,- 300.000. air Pua-sO sKilts&t Six percent ivere killeit and saverel Iu- jared by an explosion of nitro-glycerla. ut Nobl'a dynamite wrne, Ayrahilre Seotland.- Tii. explosion *-as heerd Bi-, teen miles ira. thc munis, and lb. con- cussion exliiuguîisicd the gaz lumps et Kil. ilnnin, tire. mlles aira>. Mardercd hb Natives. Furtier deteila front NeieGule ai lie masuacre by the, natives ai Mnbare, lu milci thegorernor resident iras killlcd, se>' that la addition ix minera andl 40 nali'es icre mardercd. Orecc,1. fliant. King George anditis guverurnt reit- erate tiat Itla imiiesuble for them ta re- tre*t from titeir ileciKion in regard la Cnrete,. mmclila u sptorleit b> theenir, nation.1 Tunaada Biak Ctoeed. The Germun-AmcrniuBaItnk ef Tona- manda. N. Y., iras eloseit t.> order cf SBop- erinlendent etftBankas Muburu, on the grouud of Insoirene>. - No Pigit» ilU ltah. Reppresentalire Kenner'a bill, Inlroduced lu tie tab hLegigînbore evenal lays cga, to leglize prize lIgtiug. uns defeuted in the lieuse. Clilcaeo-Cattle, common le prime, el.50 te $5.50; boga, shippiiîg grades, $3.00 te $400: sieet,, fuir te choie., $200 to $4.50; ulicat, No. 2 red, 7Me le 74c; coîrn, No. 2, 22ce b 23; oats. No. 2, 15e le 16c; r>e, No. 2, 32e te 3&e; butter, choie. creamer>', 17e te 19e; eggs, freai, 1.5e ta 16c; potetues, pier buaiel, 20e te 30e; braam corn, commun short ta chuce. dwart. $W ta $W0 per Ion. tnillaulpli-catîle, ahipplng, *3.00 ta f5.25; hoge/ebhoice lgit, $3.00 ta $3.75. oheep, good, taettoice. $340 te 4.00; wiemt, Na. 2, 82e ta, 84e. cia, No. 2 whbite, 2eta 2&;oanti, No. 2 white, 20el ta 22e. St. Loui-Cattie, $3.00 ta $525; boas, $3.00 t0e*l75; icebp, $3.00 la $4.110; u'h9at, No. 2.SMc ta S0c; corn, No. 2 >'ci- W. 20e toelc; cals, Na. 2 white, Illctu ne; çe.No. .,SSe3 Ciucinnati-'Cattl , 02.50 ta $50Ô; bote, $8.00 ta *4.00; mi.ep,*"M5, ta *4.50; whec4Net, & MeBBcta IliOn, corn, Na. 2 mdlaed, 22o to,24e; amIs, No. 2 mincI, lic ta fic; rye,. N& .. 2me ta 37e. Detroi-Cattle, $2M0 tg $5.00;iboga, *3.00 ta $LU;5:eiccp. *2100 ta 04.25; ubest, Na. 2 vcd, M1e ta 80e; cava, No. 2 ycello, 22e te 28t; cals, No. 2 wmite, 19e ~Toh o-ieut No 2 ril,3eta4 o.e 2 white. 17.1. 1e; rye, No. 2,8> ta 37c; aler-ue&j.70 ta $4.M0 -Mauieê--Wiat, No. 2 spnlng, 73e ta 74C.- o., 'aS. 18c ta 20c; cals, No. 2 wite.Nl7c o 19e; ban,>-, No.- 2, 28e ta MSe. rW ,No. 1,84. eta 315c; Pori, meuss, tlle, commun ta prime siip- --*trr etilfis Pamusm» upe esai zt9k 1Werkt-Wl. ra Pi8s mýBveelaman Latt Wlsg P *elmiai, An avalace afgreat 'valume and ai- mmn t lttlcPoaver ept da- uoa tic buildings at the famaca Mmstbay ai nt. BernardhlaVFrace, endi great appre- bension wu* cavari nt Aostm for the safety cftiheicqlc. mad the. 8ften Ain- itertie yensdispéPtci2&vd ttic plsdace t has sbiltered tiasesadtcftravelers dur- tag centuries, aud thé hardy Alpine re- cecra ver. ovcrjay.d ta Sud tint dicta iad beaa luof aie1..A Portion at th. avalancie. il.milddthc lcft wmM af tie meastMend miburleil the hospice1 deep ilau and midebris framt themon. j de. l~umcdately lic avalanche hadt ti, manlia began ta dig a tannelt and swou made their exit. Tic>' prepared, quartera In the Rotet de St. Louis, a1 anialler building, contamaIna tbe store-i boutsefor foodt an&s lodglngs for poor va>'- farers. ifvery achoolpmpi luntic lanil recalîs tories abiout Ibis bosplcê. lis ieep- ersaund thceirouderful tales of travelers rescaed fronm detiby the dogm, u carry cea of cordiale sud even pactk- ages of foo troi taîîpd te heir lbodies. Tic moanstef>' vas fnuuled lu 1111 A. tD. b> St, Iernard de Ileuthon, sud for lies. Mxi>' eara Ibis bretherboad oi Augustin- leunémani asueadministeretitgratultausly te tie suffeinga of liavele. Tii. prea-1 nat eubhmtcal o4çfr« -euf(rom the k4m , ~ siteetI~entryand aistier1 portion w~au balth in 18.Durioni ne montis each ylar, known as thp snow sea- sou. lie Monk$ are conslauliy aterita reecue unf,,rtuiiat, trurel,.rs. S-t. Bier-j nard doge, descindante of su eld lin,, but not of tic original ulent breed, su4re the dangers af'the itiet' toe i Iiglirat1 wiater habitation in the Alps. ' u lie middtle ages Ibis munuslery Noe very irealtiy. Of lt, jeurs the 18.000 travel-1 tre wbo annuml> taie lodging tien, cuti- trubute little More tien viat would b. a luoderute hotel bill1 for 1,0» gueuta. lPro- vis.ion@s aret akeji lier, from Aosta derin« Jul>'. Augusi and tseptember outy. Seurm»- ly an> muni enu continue in lhe dreary abode and live for mare thun llfteen yrara.1 lie returna le the militer ilimai. cf lMur- tigny or cerne otiier pluace, breken ini icaith. Napoleon end his armies kewi ireil the benelits of the hospice. lu 171118, 179)9 and MMIJ, darlng the Dallian cai- pailn sveral buîîdreit thousand French cuit Auucian soldiera crossei thti puas. Napoleon'. men repnile i Austrians tuer, unit the generel kept a garrisonuait the moualer>' te guard lie pesa a wmole yeur. Au en>' asu 100 B. CI the Rtomans oued Ibis route. Allogetier lit la a place ausot-inted intlmatlt>' iti the geographi- cal tudies of millous ai schietra. BAD FINIt AT CASBT, IL" Bqasîesa Pi-opert: Vaimeet aI200.000 Dt)ctcoyed. The tiretIlire tiat bas accunred Iu Case>'. Ill., In ten yemras tarted at 2:15 o'eork Monda>' mornlng In, lie two-stary brick building oceupied by lb, fotlowlng firma: Poqua & Bont' Bank, H. &-B. le. Cýou- peny, E. I. Shile, D. C. Stardevent. iB. A. Les.,'M. C. Cochenoar, M. Sanford & Sono. tlulnocuk & Clark end aCier. Property ruiued at *00,000 was deetra>'- ed. A slrong vmnd asa blowlng et the, time. The dames soon spread ta two ad- Joining bhxleu- andithe entire business por- tion ni the tban wu& In danger. At a o'.-loei the Mayor made au effort te r-um- mitaictle vili Terre lIctl, Imd., le mai for esaietunue, balt theti'legreph cern punaies coulitonot raine heir Terre Haute offices. 'The town was nt the Mercy' af lhe dumes, being without c ire engine. The Case>' Bank building i reckeit. The veu, linuever, inlactse. Tiiepoalottice sa badly doniageit, but ne mail was de- stncyeul. The biock in whicb lie lire slarteit iras elmont eoîuplelely iletroyel. It iras ie hundsornest ln lie lown. Afti-n the ire bcd rageit for an heur c lire en- in, ownei th le Peria, Deeatur sud Erunsville ltallwey nue jlacei t ethle M&nyor*s digposaI, anîd esch ellicient wonk irus done thnt thb, lames ivere got uder î-onlroi et 4 o'cok. Chse>', là., la In Clark Coùnul>.car the, Indianas une. Tic place bas a population <fabout 1,000). Miners' -riii eeun. Tie stike of lie river rosi Minera Bt Pitlsburg, wlii<b wuasdelayei ou ucuonut of lhe higi ircer 9lilng tie i Va, m-es ioiaulnîraedWednesdey. Tii, number of mu-n eut la net inown, but lie mnera ex- peet lthe trike lu h. generel el.ng the. Nionoiîgsbetnaial.>', lu0 mci erent 7,(M» men willlieb inrolveit. Tiie men are atrik- lng for 2% cents Ver bombe]lIluhelie mt three pools and 2 cents in tie forti pool. Car'@ Wlld Antice. An electrlecare on the South Milwvaukee lin. stewed suditeni>'wile dcscending a simrp grade on Penaylvanla avenue and capslmed, rolltug oxer endl over on the steel rails. Tiere vers elghteen passen. tiers ln thec catIand. strauge ta relate, non. ver. iled. Several vers qut. badly bised or borne&, hovever. Tic stove set lire ta the car, baut theliames were crtlngulmhcd and tic lMmrlaId pas- sentgers lif te! itomthe windows ai tie, wrecd car. Ire Cbleawe KaMcow. lTe Ci-go ciell Pumaulcacovert- titisia notalmaitdia. Lclilovlng tfeiet: For ea, ainil.Sara; for City' l'rasurer, Charles Cran; for City' Oteri, Predmrick Lundin; for City' Attorney, fia> O. W.at. Figit Ove,' a Street msilva>'. Tie i.OtIsene' Ratuwr>' omutazy af Knoivlle, Ténu., cmemineeed tearlng op trucks oun Davout streetr>'Mondaer moruleg, mmd 9a git 1iu4tvcaCty'ail cont>' oficiais vas preetattedl. On. la- berce vas probait>' fatatll' chat. Pire companles ilaperceil tic crovl.. Craoit tr BaisEers. Clarence.Austin, ai Marion, N. Y., a fresiman lu the University of Riochester, reciveil ca antaet tie bands af lie WOUW~P OIJR NATiOISAL tsi A W.eUa Pweffop iu a 5e sus se ~Caus'se-4mpaufmua taas.h- conseil &Bd Acicit Upa-An i tuai asmme 09, the Duaiaeas, Thse Natiaon a ooum. RepreantatIvc Sulmer, ai New iret ThurdAla>'lntrlucM*d a bil lantihe is led4rnng ar betvesg psndihU'* colonies sud tice nîtil tate.. A recc>.- lution ralliait on tic Pruaident for au la- farmation acernlug tic trestmiet ai Aumrloan Pioners la Cuba vas adepe&. The icuile Wvus tamm-mcpt b>' ach a atonale debate. suci extreo 1inr poum anstretians la the. crairticigaliesusnd sucb fronlie persacil exciage5belveen thc conapIlucs figure« ai tic Besonsea ta mainte uderone of lhe mont metors-. ieln tahe.anaIs aiftic apper brmncb cft Congres. Cuba-qaa lthe t. sudami1 Oeemel ta rMilforth &Iltec peqtu-p c ions ai manti. it brouiltaboutm lise complete liaplaceme-nt ai appropelsiio ille. thrneainu hheir fal.'jre, sud tic mdî-ce.ntaofnitic Caban qutestion ta th. ver>' front of Seucle busîne., ' Cuba vasiagain a tapie la tie BPmate Fnida>' f rom i ta 42o a'cloci; but thé debet uptolu lie tinuguilr sud Agurrp resolulions masl comparetivel>' splrlllcs4 and rsulleil la uo d itelaction. firat ball hour af the. evenlng scic m givea Ia prisaIs pension buisethepsso caicodar belug cleureit. A;maugh. ill passei vas ihut ponsionlua tien.Caen Mi. Cua>' af Kentuicky'et $50 e men tAt i 0'47loei tie canilderatio i lb. heIndis WUi W»a reeumedthe liemendînent iqici.- Int a thlbire civîlîmedti ite, b.laa dis cuaSeit ch raillength. The ga»meuma as OnaIl> agrecul ta gIves the VUlt1i bilcien excliasive Iuni.idclion urer ail civild andi cnimiicsen.. eb.lliing lie ngtl,. courts. Tiro sulitîloual juîdge, are pro. rideit for tie tu-miter>'. Tii,- billIirastlieu passd. The lie-se pa#sdeiBssnt international nonetan>-u'cîferue. bil b>' a vOteaf27fi9o3. 1h masupporteit alie b>' ttcpulicans, sileur tepublilans, gotti Democrrtlansu lîer Democnats. Blleq ver, aien puesed tle lrorîde for thc orbi- traîlea of diffu-nencen hitvi-ca lie carriers of iutcnî,iate commnerce sui thIeir empîîloyez inoîn as lic Eruitian bill), anduthes.Beu a(@ bli tahrevent theie mportation fijim- pure tee. Tiere mn. s a àJorty>'ofitire. ta ane agmlîuet ticket s"aping vbeu a rote Wu» tmiî-a la tie lionse Satunitu>'on Ibo billI reporteit fron thle Commitle. on Iter- tale and Fo.reign Commerce. Mr. Se- mna.clairman ai lhe Committe. on ta-. dieu Affaire, moyeu liai tie floa.e on- cancauic heSonate asinadments la tice, lnuion appropriation bill sud sgree ta a couferéce. lTe motion mas esrrlcd snd the bil mai sent la coaferencelantic Benule lin. Daniel preseuteti ce.<lei rnp!es ef thte ncturahlmatlon pape., aomia isogull>., asud ltic. printed , vhbem- " tracte fromein tic 1w iyng tisir regular- l>'. Mn. Chandler made a alatemseat moz ta the Laud bill, maying thec cmmitte, imil cancludAl tuat lut mas impossible la have an>' leulalagon cu lihe ubjeet nt lia preacut session, ad tit a commis"lo ahoulul b. crealei tu ta vesîlgale oseon- clim mail matIen. Tbe usso uailda quiet of tic capitol building vas disturb- ed b>' a session cf th. Senàtemnde e- essar> la pane lie appropriation bille. Tic attenance ofef Sacora masue.n grenier than lint tirougli tic vre. B>' a p ilamentan>' iction the, session iras apart aif lie legilatire dey bexincinu Salaus>', a recrunhuaitg iccataica at 2M21 o'clok in the moruing until 3 p. i. Tis- sunuir> civil appropriationebilI reuelved lis fialshiig touchesi, cuit m-s passeit. Tic Seuule. b>' nanimoas vole, ihanmuded an srneadmcut t te ilbl, onneracting tic Precldent's reccat ariter vlthlrevlng 21,000,000 acre. cf lInu it nm IBpublie demain and establimhing it as forent vu- senre. Wieu tb. naval appropriation bihlinru carne up lu the lSenul.Monda>' &fîi- nuuca Mr. Chantier stalei thlaI lie ouiit more Inter te ineresse the. sppItriration fer iorpedo bouta onruecrease lic number proiied. Al i t.eoller items a-en. agre 10 O jîhoot comuwiexceuept liat relsulug Io mal tfcrmn, establliment of Gavera- nment anrotiplnt. ecu., ii'iicb eceione exteuude-lddbate. Tlie Chaendlen rne-ui, muent reutuciug lthe prit-e.of arrmor plate tu, $300 a ton wac adolteul ithtiut n divIs ion. Anthier, in reduice the tetllOf con- tractsanuthorimi l le92.,407.500, ta corne. spond i i tlithe edurction per ton, mat adoptlu. Tîte amtenulment muticnizing tic Seerelen>' (,f tic Navy' ta ctallîi» a Gev. cranent armor plate faciornat a ceaI ai P10,000 If bc isilcu t maie contracte was lest. Tic naval bil wus paseit c rnldnight, and aîhiotîgi lin. Chandîca trieditat cal up tie international moue- tanry conference.billtic Senahe djaurucit. lu the flous, the bill ho prohbit heit iIrns mission of detalleti accouaIs ai prise figbiq b>' mail or telcgapi led te a ver>' livel>' .iirmlsb, ln miich prise ighting vaoul " i aouaei on ait aide.. Bat tic bil me vîti mont sîrenuatus opposition on lb.e graand Ihai It mauld tendti 10eshaaitj censarabip ai tic prena d, maui li> sietracicit. A bill ua passuI tapi vide for thc troansion ta Wagmi ngta ai Preiitentta l ection enamure b>'mal; ,The bil abolie, lhe systentof ai ee gens now m mleti. ilicthe ate Tua>' tie forticaetboq bIll mas puaeed, s as noia110lie de.Sclece appropriation bill, afler amndment t4> iecp lbe *1,310,427daIaitoftic iaunt=.i Pacifie Comtpany' iu the rcnirysjJi fiai adjustment ci thc Goverinltet lain Y nîlon tint corparation. Thc Reqea mmaiad- ment£ ita heinternational tuanctar> cem. férence bil vene ared ta, andl the bOt sent lti e Presilent. Tic Pieldeait seni ta tic Hoase a veto messagc upon the. Immilgration bIils àapincipal -ojUisitu bil a thle eduaaîonal dene; thiIl dent holdu fiat lie morse clamsai "mI. trante la cet fonu amang the IIâ«tuci. ' Tii, day lu lie Mous. mas on. of rautine Unitedt States Minîsten Matt W. Sa-. sont iras deeeted nome dtenc 5<0*4 reoi. ers. in the Guatemala-Mexico icuda" dispute. Owîug te lis Ihîen of hie vif. - and lie Imprababttlt>'of iils toylug mach longer la Mexico, be bas nesegued tic pu. h sition andl thc tiraGovrernmcnte Win as- led bi Me cesoretau an sl> date. Ha vas te have receivel a fes aor*35,0% LaU goil tan hi* 1Sl.1

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