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Lake County Independent, 9 Apr 1897, p. 1

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Vol. V. No. 26. Dr. Chartes Galloway. Officeover Lov.lii'sDrugtore Libertyville. -Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Offce over rigae & Traylor'.. 1to 1le 'à a. 14 sad & toaI p. -m Lmisisuon ou Dodvay opolte Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Office over J. W. Buter'& bldg Ilfur: toi12m&m. and ito &P. m. DAILY. Libertyville, fil. î H. P. EWING M. D Rockefoller. Ili.. lafrim, ansOemInd doce r th o P. 0. J ~ 9 rsA. M. 1 o 2P. M. kr #P. M. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. PhysIian and Surgeon. aDEUcU OOppSITELmur"A180L EnD>. Ournae,--- - - - --Iîi O. F. Butterfleld M. D. C. YETEIxiAaSUREOoN AND DEUTIST. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, Aprhl .9. F897. PEOPLES'CAUCUS. Cha". Kaiser Withdraws Mis Name Prom Citizn.a Ticket. C. C. Bulkiey ............. ..1... Prasident P.H.JOit.. ...................Cli Tiie Peoplmeas Canons convsued lu tii. Tovn Hall BUarday uight, plsclug 1u nomition lths aboye ticket mter a clue conteel, eapsclaly lu the ae of third tins!., Mi. McGregor and the clark. Sity-thire ballets voee osaI, vich la evidence of unusual lntereat. C. C. BnIley ealissi the cancus to or 1er aMd J. B. Alannonva made chairnand B. B. Gallova>', clerk. B. W. Prkhnru antI James Woodman vers appoîntesi tellers. After the.tfrit Informailbsi*ol Obairman Alanseon nnuneed ii bu. I! o01 r. Kaiser tht i tname vould b. vltiadravu In- the Citizen'& Ticket viali bail nomited 1dm lu lia aiternoon, and on the forgnai ballot Kialsrioooivedma good imajorit>'. Six formai ballots voie taken bufore James McUregor vas declsred the noinse, and for cleik Moesurs Atrisge and Jnsl basi a close couleat. The miater of placlug on the ticket a proposition "For or Agalual Liceuia" tas not broacliesinluthe canons. Obarman Allanuon appolutei Jameà Woodsnan, W. 9. Devis and Ueo. Bond s Village Oominmttee for thi.enulng j'ar aller vbh 110thecancus vas -- - ~ Ied-aed adjourud. miseUM. ^Lacs DAVIS Volet CULTURE mLUSNARMOWV Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. »VAS M!IL8ML 1.N.iTO 3 A» 7 70TO&8P. M. Speclalâl*.tiou paid &0 th Uçatnt 09 Cbuoniceum mm Rockefeller. - Illinois.. *PAUL MacGUFFIN. Atrey Md Couselior ai Lav. NOTARY PUBLIC $PO"iattemiolln given Collectimfa sMd Cuuveymncng. 01110EWiTa LAzy. Couxii BAIE, Lbertyvllle, Illinois. W. H. MILLER. ToMSOIIAL AIITIST, Wheu you vaut a edean &have or à good baU eut eau on '.BIIB.' CilOUSAND9 OPCIGAIL. XUezdoc, t0 W. C. Trage Shoe lstore nf"m 9i ksBo open e%"y day AuCtion Sale! The ua#drslgned batug dlaflvV s.r Costemli1st Puble Auiton.hi 2 ecJ.rér ldnd 11,m l ?âsoutb of figli- Satu rday April 17, '97. Oomuencing ai 1 oelock p. nm. lb.foýllosina prolerti. ALL TROTTIERS. b iH= b Hambietoulan Ba- gmWam Dlan ladeib mt Jr. y le by Vouteer. by Hambietoa- lam le. M ..M iârsisod. b>' Xeneiaus, bî Ham- usosan10; ippiLucy., a amiC(oe owned =Ior. heafe. OdSgedasYi5. Uneoi-neue.5<'ro lb&Cheiate: b e.&b',6ibletn.sn10. pIo Irm s¶ b y Toubgibmuy àLny. 4 aroid. by son outBle.Bull. Dam PCeiiDe 8 yesn o1kbLPrireKin& by prgbred> y ymmold. b>' adM. standard sud .V 9faa. ede, oy.lieaB god mA 3=.Voe M DAM tOfs X d rV i n a m a r s . s t ll h . m d h i5 d y tia7aeiu. 4 years nid. b>' Abdalsh i me,, od bAbdallah Tsem. s este nhid <ed voulus. velglt 9M. PACERSdbyro- Bu ýt by0yomfWllk.m,.Dam by Qyby a eldivb i-.lob Noble by mati ,1itaf5ou..No. m0. Jlbay stlnu. d nirud, ltebanda N mbron of 1 apyMdjuni. Bwtodmiro W l ots of speed vlîh a ileonbold kttbMraide. somri Mar. byson of Biue Bull. P ~sentedl wagon. toP buggy. t5 riti. m mtofbernous. e.. etc.. BoSnd For CataLlogue. TERMS 0$ F SALIE. ,MItimu of Ua or under. Cash. 0 i l"ove' liait aMount a edtof une. rosi ;~~s5fl s god merovd iotes lb4.s- ~.S5fan.es Alportr rmuit àI d o befOre belmîg remoyed. >. M sui ld see them befora Sale. JAS. OENTY. 'e Ç. C. OFFEY, A^mot. TOWN ELECT ION. Austin Seato Suttertield. Caler and Lynch a lie. Whiie the tovn election lu Lberty- vile Township vas oua of Ijttle appar. eut interefft, vieu lie resuit vas ap. prehendes it iud uot hall' vili Iat su- ticipslastb> mauy before eleSoto. The facl W. C. Tiiggs vas rnnniug &PgBlus imalf dud not causeini to bu niervousas tuts cI*pjg n escmon-t.. lovu écik. E. W. Psikburat von by oui>' lhiity- thtres votes, wvilcin a good ahovlug for W. E. iiovol, the deanoiatic nom- luee foi asessor. Wti no opposition Lesy Scbauck bail a vslk-avay for collector. J. Austin, Jr., the demoeratic nomi- ueo in victor by the %matI utagin of fonitean votes for higiva>' commis- %louer. 01 courseOChurchill and erghoru were electesi. ii. Lnak la elacted pound-niatar, but viliinot q uaif>'. A complicahion exista lu tie cases 0f Clr and Lynch for coustableu, thay iecelvlug 139 votes eacb. Ibaîr fate viii bu decided b>' lot butor.. tbe town clerk. snd Use>' bave tan Sape vwithiu wbîcb 10 gambie forIbe oNlca. Dennîs Liuburri s electei, 0f course, wvile Brownvu@is eieîed. Bernardi Beckman vas electosi sciion trustee. Ationgi ballote had been printed foi tha ladies, noue voted u sohoot truste«a. BabyW O gine the note as caRt: TOWN CLEEX. W. C. Trigga ................... ........ ma £ssEosoa. E- W. Parkburat................. ...... i7e W. Y-novel ........................... 14 L H. gebanck............................u CMiWOE5or ItiuBWAYM. E. W. Butt l..îl ......................... im John Austin Jr ......................... uu> JUBTICESOF TUE PLACE. m.E. Churchill........................... 195 'A L iergbori, .......... .......... N CON STABLEM. =ilar J. Citer ...................... ...a riiA. lBrowu ........................ 1i4 DenaeLimberiy ..................... Ed M. Lync............................ai &CH00L TSUBTERS. C. S t.li........ .............118 Bernard iBeuoinuan,: .................... POUND MAWT.. Hi. Luit.................................. Village Treamurer. Report. W. C. Triggsfnrnises us Use follov-' lug report for 1895of amssunta receivesi Md i ePedesibp hlm durlng lisent pir ndingg Mardi 3i, 1897. On band Aprl 196................. la T balcon Lufl ...s................... itu au i'otyliu lenmes as epeliae ..... M tieneiml tax Ievy....................8lm7 Tntal .................... 4ite M. oItsUuasZmTSv. hto"ansd bridge purpovu ...... 1 Usas sW Isureet lîglts ........................4s u Contingent expense8ansd ollers malads...........................411e.I Fin I>eprtment........ ....8 314 Total .................... -imu luw ...ou baud.................... imU W W. C. T. U. Conlerence. lie Fourtia Dintriet W. C.J. Il. Cou- ference viii bu beltI ln tie Metbodist chuicia. Libertyvillie Thuraila>, April 15. Tbseeviti bu auexecntive sension atiIlai . m., aftainoon session ah 1:301 p. mi. sud evonlug meetingaut 7 oclock. The.(boond Templaris viii parîilpate lu t"e evming session. DiAllet Praiidsut, Mrs. E. C. Belley', of Evans- ton viii prealde. Delegstlons froin various Lake Coant>' Unions@marc urgesi 10 bu pieseut, ands&Hait uerested lu Uss cause o! temperance are lnvihesi to attend. / Grand pas si rthday. Undai tie direction of Md. Alice Davis the. Methodist Sunda>'.sccoi wiii prasent a cantale, entitieS 'Grand Pas Bhrlbda>'" naît Tuesay nigit Et lie Town Hai.. ut>' luit>' liltie Voces have beeu carelul>y traîned b>' Mies Divis sud the lîiezeutatlun promises ho eclîpse su>'- thiug of a nature like hals inl Liberty. vill.. elov vili bc founuSa liaI of the participants. GRAND PA................. C. v. TAYLOR OiIUANIST..................w. m. HzATE 15ivs.LE JUAXTrYTî. M. ALICE OAVIR ROLLO CHURiCHILL LYDNA SMITH ONABIIIEAru SuLîrra MARY LEE EDDIE Mc COaMI. E MAUto MILLERI OSCAR KAIR Du iii. Bi LYI)IIÀ SMITH ROLLO CHURCHILL ETH IL TAYLOR Ros TAYLOR GRANo CHLIOI£lOB Misges Maters Lydia Smoith iollo Churchil Peari luer Artle Miier tGertrude Williams,. Warren Mlles LetteL1ee Fred Lee I, a liandman Warre Heathi Annmie Appl'y Horaon Butler Addie eiler Gjeorge Fairbanks HaifaeButler IRose Ta lor ElheisJlor Warren Boyoe Eezy Eddle MeClormick -'b Churebuli cisience Coibi audMillai ito y Wleeler Mary 1,abe Lasll oUre.tgor Vanne Snbcoek Henry Iioyeu Deuis Croker Charlie Gnsbbo Ornes Citer George jAwvne . Wlmes Griay George uf Verne Moore lIoward Enyse Avis MeUreat> rauE finalte Andrews BL. ru <>usoe A jlîLavec lIeilaaiCrmd y P Pitiie M = =~~.jk O0ssar K".er Floreunne eeasi Wndîl Loveli Macih Le.. Warren Niubolaa Alle Aoore Au admaission tee of là snd -25 cent. vill bu cbarged sud the entertlameul viii merit a rowded bouse. Card of! manks. Thiongi the IsNDzsszNi, 1 dasire to express my deepesî gritude Co the UAbertyville frliads, vbo no kindi>' sud toUgbtfuui>' carulesiotthei neeaarp arrangements, incident tu the recaut hurlaiof ni>'humbsud. Mas. L. C. STEVENS. Eanter Bail., Titîre viii beun au tserSsi lu Meyertt Hul, Prairie Viev, Ill., Salmîr- day nigbt, April 19. MnaIe b>' Chicagot orchestra. Tickets. 60 cents. Everybod>' comae andI bave a royal flond lime. The>' ama un mall ltbUsaremontIsen- sitive peisou. tlake them. they a» so ofaective thît the mot otîstittate cases of coustlpation, beadiche sand, toîpisi iver yil t 10hem. Thlin wa vy De- wjtt'a Littîs Eu>ly ileis ai kuimy n a tEeamons littla pilia. F. B. Lovgz.i, Libertyville, sud 0. C. EOmasi, Wau- coude. CITIZENS' CAUCUS. Want the Liconee Oueettpn Loft With the People. C. B. Avert]..................... Preuideut L~eampsâpngor W. C. Omaburu .. .................. Clerk The. Cltaen's Caueus nt the Town Hafll Saurday afternoon vas s quiet mUn[ir sas comparesi to thît of thie Pooplsea lu lie evening. The cooce of Mr. AveulI as tbeir candidate for piesident wva asurprise 10 min>' a in the case of Mr. Kaiser, Wbo vltb. drev is name later, lbeae gentlemen baving besu ardent supporters or thie People@ Ticket lu prenions pears. La.E. Morse ollej the .caucun tu order. Ed lubbard snd J. A. Gage vire choaon as chairman mnd secretar>' andi L. B. Morse snd Ed. Clark vere appoiutecf taller.. Paul lMaOnlEn made a motion 10 tbe Off" tbat tihe cancus Iuslrnot the Clark 10 pl»ac thle bottoiniof their "eckt a proposition -For Licenslug Saloons, and Againat Llcenaing Baloons." Th.iavon due to asclertain the sentiment ln Libertyvîlie on tibis question, Mr. MacOuflln believlug the isisa vonîsibu endorseinluthe Peopiles ccuttelahai. lis motion vast carriesi, and aithougli notbnng vas doue relative to ttut matter lu the Peoples' caucus, It vili appear at tie foot 0f the Citizen@' ticket. The C Oaîrman appointesi Jake Miller, Warren Heath, andi J. A. Gage as Village Commtea for thie ensuing eair, aller viicihah caucus sadjourne., isving plmced lu uominatl on candidattes foi tse re- spective offices, as above. Tbe tovu committea later plactlng James MeOCregorýsunme oit their ticket ln place of Cia... Kaiser, reaigned. Death of L. C. Steves. SI.60. in Advàm- ua ce~s. AT W«Y-S Carpets Ruts Grand Spring. Opening. Wool Ingrain Carpets 38C to 55c per yd. Pro Brussels AIi-wool. Filling miade with warp. Worth 85c. Our Sale Price. 65c " Body Brussels. Beat Quality 65 to 8 5c Chines. anud Japanese Matt'g Floor 011 Cloth, yd. wlde fec" Liroleu,*,s 371c AT -WYNN'S, Cor. Oenesoe and Washington Sts., WAUKEGAN. An..h.]iTown Leeung. The Aunual Town Mssi« o1 theg tovu of Llberty ville vas calisd to order et 2 p. mi. Tuesday, April 6. by Bupet. visor W. E. Miller vbo vas immediatsy chouan moderator of thes meeting. TIé report of 1the town clark W. C Trigp> vas rendi andi on motion approvodsudan acceptesi,masuva lo 1the reporit of me, township sohool tresanrer J. W. BuStle, The. report o! . W. Butterflsld, treaaý urer of highvay commtiisoners vag mal and an objection madto 0lés se. ceptance, flot tIbM the report iaitwva incorrect, but on a&cout 0o1 tb. *W$ tthe las igbvay commulmiors hasi usesi the dolnaqnent rosi! and bridge tax tu a vay cotrury 10to thelai. Aller the. question had beau thorong"l disenosed, and l seemad 10 be evidout tht the commisaloners bad maele.aly, and not lnt.ntionally inappro. prlated these taxes the report vas se- cepted. C. C. OopéIi.sL vb latsl3retuinsi from the plaina obKaaa, the.landi of tiee iil,.t sa" hot vieda, vas pissent and addressesi he assemubin lth1e ln- tersaI of good roads. Mi. Copeiand ls an euthusiat on the question, and very graphicalty laid dowu the great adl. vantages of gravai ma~de. Re toid boy other parts of tb. country hasi taken this great work iu band andi puahing it had sacured goosi permanent b 1gb wap., sud te show boy progressive vs are lu this beautit ni section ofIllinois, vitia resourem foirinaking good roada nnauîpsssed, ha sald-*Keutucky in nomne psrts of the tate bagau thia vork sa eariy un 185SU, fort>' pears ago. My friends, the people of that stage vhicb là ava>' oll-novhere, came to tbei nues early, Eugland. France and German>' have goosi macadam road&, wtie w, vo, lift caor beadeansd pro- daim 10 bc progressive, vlde-avsks, Intelligent people, go draggiug througb the m ud up 10 the bub, wearlug ont gond boise ltesh and spending *li day on the ros't. Wake op neighébore &0~ tendi a baud 10 fortlier t1klîJod vork, the meeting anatructiug the coummi sionera of highvays ho levy as mncb tel as the lav allova 10 beuaued Inlugravollng ronde, vbicb vas narriesi a"OUalnul moual>'. W. H. Appt.>', Matin Malody> sud otbera spokae on the question Qf good rmade aller vbicb the meeting id ionrned. IP We clip fiani lb..Columbus, (Win.,) *epublo!.au lhe follovîng obituai>'. li e aeàaes, L. C. Stlevesswvas& former reident of Lîbertyvilie, living talk.os,»ýn --- ,o&. -- P" ..îskeeAve., over thirtylilve ypos e go: Mr. L. C. Stevens, fîther of Meusi George C. and Frank M. Slavens, died et his bore neutuila Citp mlter a ý long sud severe Ilne«. Mu. Stevens vu asbrn Jul>' 24, 1824, M$ Beon aVt.' Me learneel tie traie 01 csipeuteu, but the rilalt pbusinesa et tint time offarlng a more profitable fieldi of operations, ho becsma conneet. esi witi lie Buttansi& .1 linlgton rondi as ftroman of tiacksansd bridgea. la 1856 lha camo esl, 1ýaundengagesi vitu the Chicago & Alton Compaiiy, sud ln 1873 ol position vitb thbe Chics- go & Nortbventern, on vial vastIlin kuon n as the Sioux Failia à Worti. ington divilsion, filiUng the position of roadmaÈtai until faillug heaith con- pelled hlm tu relinquisb the pouitigu, vian lbe remàoved 10 Vermout, vhere bie remainesi nutil lut fall, vben lie came to Connmbus toube noirhis cliin- dieulilshi@decliil u ai. Basides bis vile lbe ieaveî tvo ebilduen, oui veon- knowu townsmen ahore menlionesi. WAUCONDA. Waucouda studio opens April 14. F. Grovner reluruesi lu Prairie E. L. Hars 'wm a DtamontI Lake visilor Sunda>'. Hon. B. MoCsue la speudlug a fev dapa lu tâta place. B. MilleaBnd Ueo. flapke shot a ulght baron lutI Tuesia>'. E. A. Goldinggvas a Lake Zurich vinitor Monda>' lent. Qutea unnbai of flab lisps have beau taken out ofthie outiel. Mies H. C. Wells isturned lent Umni- dS> from lier nuli In the Ciy. Mr. sud Mus. L. A. Ford returuesi from the cith tiret51of lha week. The Niagara flie dapartient mot lent Tnoada>' eveuing sud ehlcal dofficeis. Misses Mary Glyucbi andi Lelia lyncli are Epndlng n few daya lu lb, An excellent progr.&n ie belug pie- parosi for lester Unudi>'aiathtie M. E. churcIr. Um Cornveil, of Enston coin- monced ber spring terni lu the Siocum district 1lut Monda>'. Mis. M. Hicks hus just Peturnasifroni the Citp viti a funillina 01 sprilg muhliner>'. lve lier a cal]. Tie creamer>' t Lake.. ('orneashas cliangesi bandes. Win. Pepper là. nov mansaglg ltheconein. Theestisigit republicail ticket vga elected lnteaiay. Naît in the village elaction. Oui>' one ticket lu thefiteldI. W. D. Weutvortb moved île hol*e. holsi gooda front lieur>' ta thie place hat veel. Ht occuilea roua over the Cash shore. A gramaplione I.. an athraction aM Goinlg Bits,. store. We mndeimtand that a gramsapm.nt' teteitalnmewat ila 1 be givaisin tie near future. A urepresentative ni 11e Chieago Tetopiong Co. vas hae luenas. Eleven carioasis tf jsale's iave arnivesi et Lake Zurich for thiinolinuo. Mine Elolse Joule sud UMsBeten Woodhoum e rournesi frum the oit>' Tuestlp. Niass Jeittavilii tart ber coufectiouoiy store t'hIe near future. are the cuffl by PenIllaM"kaPURE ULOOO. wà.4jja ilà JU LESTHTON. Mis. Frank Cooper la reportesi ver>' 10v. Spriug tîme bas coma ai &etsote i Frank Wililngton vas lu tbe cil>' 1eat Monda>'. Klssfng le uubealtby if' ber father cachez pou ati i. Eobt. Libby vas among Chicago viaitors antast urda>'. Mrs. Tom Derby doue shopping lu Chicago lent saturda>'. Yon viii bu euttld to tive léanes of the lisDEpzNDsir Ibis montb. F. E. But terlleld andI daugbter May' vere lu tha clIp the lattei part ni fast v.ek. A man uevar ban real trouble nutli hhan amson big enougbhgo vear bis clotbes. eGriSUs v ire mog cago vatru last Frida>'. Mr. Thomas Rtaynard sand children vere diinig Use foimers parents baie tant nda>'. M«s. Juo Eruclmuu euttthle dt>' tat Bstaxday tu vieit; ber motheî vbo la quit. poori>'. The bird ou a vomana bonnet cant siug but It maktes lier bumband wblatle when ho @et@ the bill for it. Mis. C. fi. Itudal. of Dejiver, Colo., vbo ban been the guest of Uns. J. Wilson ulsrled for Jacksonvilla, Pla., test gaturda>'. Mr. Heury>'iller vbo bas been lu the emplo>' ot Mr. H. lielfer for saie tîme bas acceptesi a position as coach- man lu Chicago. scceas to You Henry. Mr. P. L. Jorgenson, of Waukegau, formailytoutecher et Diamond Lake changasi cars here tast Baturda>' auront.. to Urylyke vbert, be vili teaci scbool the sumnmer terni. Oui agent. F. E. Ulasacoe, M. D., bas acceptesi the ageno>' for selllng medicînas foi the UTnted Stales Medicine Co. hbeas medicines have a vorîsi vide reputation as belng goosi mediince. Tbmo public of Lellbton sud surroundlugs &ra invitesi tu iv. hlm acuiit. COUNCIL PROCFEEDINGS. LiBEB&TYviLLu, ILL., ApEIL 5, 17 97. village board met lu regniar session Monda>' nigbt viti Freaident Averflt lu the chair. Full board preseut except Colby. Minutas of regular March meti and adjouneud Mrcb meeting r= andI on motion of Gllovay snd DuBoia voie apprnved and placesi on fi.. Colby then came in and took his meat. The folloving bil& ver.naîtad d on motion of Usilova>' andi DuBois *vere referresi tu finance committse. , n ": ',Jm................t8.4 .~1000 (seo. Swift ..................o ~:~n.. ................... ~ stWodmn.......... ..il60 .lial&Ho..............u3oo .C. Smithi&son ................... la Finance oomuittee reportei laver. ablp on bila sud ou motion Eiger sud Gallova>' vais allovesi aud varranta ordaisd dravu ou tremairor for amount. The Tieasurer's report beiug rendi vas on motion of Galtova>' sud Colby relerresi 10 finance commltlae. The finance commlttea îeterred the Tiaurera report back 10 Troasurer for correction. An itesilud bill froni C..14. Duiand fui $U5 for legml services vga read and bu motiou o1 Galtova>' sud IuBois vas allovsd sud a varrant orderesi dravu. Tb. oommittlee ippoiuted 10o sec about puichaiug a lot of Mfr. Cook on Cook Avoenereported glial;Mr. Cook vould nol s»It lot toi village puiposes. MovotI by MoGregor antI i>nltl that Division St. be couuected oouat aide Milvwaukee Ave. vitia street runnjng on south a ida of Park nuier the supervisIouon f lbe areet oommlttee. Carrissi. The. follovlng voie appointed as jndgeà sud eterka of! iectton: Wm. Aggrldgs. L. H. Schnck, Clerka; A. J. Austin, 1. a. Gleason. Ueo. Swift, Jusige. Moyesi b>'DuBols sud Gai lova>' thut board adjouin to meut April 24.1 W. C. BUoB, Vilae Clark. 'DEERFIELD. 1M Lixzle Pettis bas relurned home allai a leugtbp visit vltb relatives lu 5Barrlugton. Chas. Mubike, of Cicago, vislhbis parents bore laut veek. Miss Siup@on apeut lasISuuday at bar home lualbouton. Mire. E. A. Fronts bas been luà Chf- cago for the pus tvo vesks ndergo- ig medîcal tremtmneut., Mis. L. P, Todd visilasi fieusdl Highland Park last Saturda'. ýal WIU Barbes viied relatives boe leat veel. EzraFritsch vas a plaisant cailer lu tovu hlut Monda>'. M. D. Mubike has bonga the agrcor>' vbioh liasban ruaby l3s. Pura>' for lie ~ ~ ~ B hmtIv ar.Idbsexperianoe If vo thsud ce your eone, dot «do tie high-kicking mot la pnblig. but use Limburg'aaraisure lotcornasfor ale b>' aU drnggigt. "Busch" Tupper bas shedi bis fiovlu, crop of vhiskers sud ls biol Mtia dutias of nigiat operator. John Horn- berger returni 10 bis olsi positiona aigit Man At Eveistt. K'itemq mjullsep Long Scaping Kfala laboriug under the dalusion that bl tsipoliticai bo ansd bas the scalpe of! eeral. of oui local poUiticiam, dangliug fron hibis . aiseoaue la serions ansi laolas tie sympstliy of thes publie-Nit. Doc Sp" an returnedfrom Mavinla and la rsady te suaver maila for hia services. Offce lionis 7 to Io a. m. Sali>'. Aron C. Strayer, loimeil>' principal ut Oui achool, nov living as Ulauvlsv, ill., bas beun admlttsd bc the bar, sud granted a ilceen10 practice lav lta lhe *tate of Ilinois. Mr. Straper la a Young man of abilit>' sud it la neiesa 10 M ksa, ho . iimake a .uccea! lavpor. The boat vriab.asof hie former associas«a of tua place, are heioby oxtended sud as fie clUbs the lmdsiaî o! lame ha viii b. spnrred on b>' old frieuda os Deeild. <Prom suoher Cor.apoudenti Ueo. Gutiler stili bas a ieaitiy scap and It la ou lie top of ti.hebasi vhere il siiould b. Buiglara enteresd the. reaidoucas o! Gao. Paraons sud Ueo. MlUsr Wedna daY ulghé 0of lut v.ek. No attempt vas mode 10 socui@ moue>', tis ti balug contentesi lu getting vliat h. viabed 10o et antI carrpiuga ap snch articlea pios, cakes, rasors, pork Mdt some thre. doaen oas. ot fruit. It la isported thal Mr. Milie utiMmase ide louis Ifit. dollars sevnty.nine conte and a liaitl. Thsis le th third tisse vithin the hast ail veeksitué bonis iu thia vlclultp have bs.n enterasudns lt la boped Isthtle ti.! viisoon b. cauglit. The excltiug evînt of ths e @~a occured aetbe tovu hall luat Tus.dap vben us ntzler defestesi the baivy veigit E£ Irautla uhe.conteet for rossi commisalouer. Thore wva large attendauce o! volera sasi the reanit of lie ballot ubovesi Gaser a vinnsi by a majorltp o! twalve votes. Eh vasresting seau>' vlien uasnb>' a reporter antI siciaWesi Ib bhobà" receivesi a blov lu the neck vbich basi cansad lias dls. Duiug the tovu meeting a dispute aro. se mte he corroctuesa 'of the antIlles report. Several of our pffliçiaus com- pendOn antber on lthe virtus t =e'dîimt pommea and for a vlilelt appeirssithrà blood vonîsi bu ah"u sud a riot vouisi renait; bovever quiet vas fiual>' r«1SoqetIandi $hie sisotion day <oadovu in hiaIci>' asbainsoas vhich bcao aiight envy. luit Gris. RON DOUT. Mi',. John Laneaster vas in Chicago on business Monday., Robbiasthe o Nsvbol4e minus, vi1k JackBenté 10 four» hie inn. UmsjueaCoawayJats vlsitlug bot parentseut preomut ving. Gs. Smith m»d Pas liile>' ns .m*. to diaailvé psataetsbp. No sou. given. Dm comay ila lovly rsevsuug laces injuries uatiueby buaeiu mosme simosa.

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