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Lake County Independent, 16 Apr 1897, p. 4

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sWrW . a am wu aauyiiag1 tus Keutuekl apuras ft f'alAn b a Iie 9f'Ie pr mties Wy abouttths.oowit é e due. 16Ut mot oItà populss~ili spubliana un e ch -M arc lifled Itr 0. vasn«c sud Me c- *mas the reat bl s ibn "et lobe ratih. imatrGexeaI 0ary mmd, ihere vil be »o m rong thc poa ser ji m ,e srté oU c M ith osa iv~ ta $kU vzt fiih Uic au« à"" a ue of 4«" MMIlPeendii Ojimg rub leam *MuWg fer the ~~~#bilý but by >wwAsie 4et"1on ÉêAdoptai by lusqu', Mun a wbitbtgcgmmm »Wy ciq,0 Terai, 'w ts pmfsrd no OMMOC ot th tgepul % fi thcrepobResua Tioih. Tisas tate- ig e"is theUi -mc, me tue s Uic The commander of the 0. A. a.ba ordereal tibM larday May 20, b. observai as Memoriai bay-tii ear sai th hé t ua on a Untay. 'loriy.lve stars vUiiornment nid glory aller Jiuy 4, IMV. Théra vili bc six roa of sar,,the Birai, liard and bourth 'Wa viE bave aighi stars sacia; thc second, 111h and slxib, &aven saura A lanma vm eeparent@ won't bal 1dm a bicycele ifia g o make on. fer biatby unateictrame of hi. mini. Uic vheela of bis ba& tbe seat cf la pace. thicrubber l i bu eck ma4apari et ibat liied feeling. ~Girls, nover raarry a mans vi h a peut,"fflya sletuer ou the aubjeat. uyh51 saii'we do wtb our sirlar Thia telleut adviae. liatrimouy isolaunirywjtb futures. U il speali1 manch "a eparuaing pute,Iniarriagea voui e libesangels visita. A yailer dog met a mangrai canine on »Mabe Ave,.laid Uic jaller dog,i --W!Waa er-Nothing butpoUUcmo,' repliai tbô mongreL. By Uice(irest Daner exoiaimd the jailercaur, .,I hope you're not izing ha politios. Loavc t tathse c. Do not lorget thai you are a dog' Dosea lour ueihbow kéep bone? If se. and %bey cousu over la tbat informel = o .001w y tansbavaenMd sas oomptraatï ta leur sgricutural a 1ti ldupa, Four jaden i récpe.cte bybrig tng ig o r si" ii oeslamce. 'If they havant th"~ ranhgratide, Uiey dacerve eauh Mud you dasoee iceon. I le M.aid thet stripa a1 papersaoaksd ln sontr ilk ted ta hemwu. iRteras mthr a. EVary family vit bebns ébould Unracdia>tyti be bofor ibis papaê, resi il, ibea aokil, sud thon taed fit ta tbe ham., W. bave no doubi but tbat han em6d On the IuoaPsUNDES <IB in aivance) viilaMy double-yolkj egge s large A lurbeja eggs. W. ame parfecély vIling anujoncshoutid tri il. Ifl t fallu,try. try agsin. ItilasMid1 1h5 ai amapea. alP94id for-lah4 advaac, loa. heir egg-producfing quai-1 ihics, go U vs bava auj subacrîbera I ual paiu ha aivaue, vbhosenaemarej not dolug their full duty. tbey yl kno thtie cause. flemrtary Long bai rejeated the oniy bld, liaote leuishtael Comupany, tte tqrnlubArmor for 1900à ton, if they b er. givan contracta for ailuicheArmor rplieA niaiby i»e goverameut for lbe imati tveuty ja&»a. ubmittcdBundur the Ac of thc lait Oongtsss. lmltnthela priees ta h paid for arinor plate for na»Val vessa&Sm130 ston, becana. be ,bai ao aulbority ta make as cndibional 1 omiret ani thc thole matter ban ebea referrefi back ta Congreus sud may reaut in 1h. cstabliibcant af s Govessment armor masking plant i nucliste Carnegie sud Bethiehemn campante recede tram ibeir pruseni position or can persuade Congreai ta brafise the lisait ha the pria. ta ho peu for Armor. 'i ) Si Si. Si 'fi 'i Si Si 'i OBuildiui Wl YOU AA"»OW'T FAIL TO CALL ON ~-WRIGHT & SON oW-th.lr*twkates. Close figures glv- N And extra fine lumber. We have a "Wa ssortdoeckofIumberon hand can supply your wants at any tlme. à£Pr'rY a Ni lino of bulilder's hard- Ôur Oui' ck of nails le the best as- a.nd t'heap. CA IMPLEMENtSý beng sold in large numbers t4bertyviile, by that m4mgtW8ocum.'ý >00"MWalkins Plows 2. 3 and 4 0, 7à and S ft imc ý uIver- and 4hec Soeecrs, %,armn Harn«s1 '1ý4. goïWagons, Carrlages, Rev. Q I ouver. FACTS AND FIÔ UJ(8S.' Changa -Woetst by Nachsicai'>ln tndaaetsW laLie--ThIs uluerffe of Tha.. Changea on thse Waltarae o tIsa Wotklssgman. Tu% OSÂNNs uA pOUG r iuemmacst. 1. A greai increme in( produeldee il bm been eatiméaed that the affect of the amcnery. luvetd b, Wyatt, Richard ArkL Wrght. Saiuel rompton. Edmond Ot ri wrlght, sud Watt, on the.texile Industries le su grusi. tistaI apraduce *se mateiai nov poduoed b, tb. million sud bitupeople encaaad lu illn Enropeon fstoriee. ,vold. aithaul the use af machier,. by "be ad1 Roerie baud meihod recuire seven thon-1 smat m line af ei. la is Biret annail rePorti. .0.Oemlioner Carrel D. WrWlbt.refera go lb. manufacture aofs&ri- eslural Implumenta la a western levn viic reperted six buadred emplayes. who dit lth. van wblch tbnt Machinery vouit recuire 1.64s. lu a large euturu boat and aba. fauta,, h wu fonad tIbasc ersons vern able ta do vith maciner, thal ru- suired iorauerly M wvio vorisut vitholit machiner. B, the i of the Good juar sevin a mcine for Inraset@boa$ a maon eau aev mpaai i .ehoeuaa a. Onu boy, b, the nit ei a pisulng umhine. osn do thu tork whleh Iprmerly roquiret iU men ta do. Onu su fna ad our skilet laborurs titis theat i a lofa uly complultedaextuple stcreo- type perfectlng prous viii priet. eut. rald. peste and cont 1350ce eigis puege pera pur hour. U the oIt plan II wouldrequiru to do the press vark &loue for thia number ofi puapeeman and a boy 100 days. worklng1 te heur.stsy. By thusid ofumciner, Ibu vrieus Industries ai the United tate§are net ru by su army of 4,oea.Gu lmen. Wllb- out the nue of aachiuery Il vonld recuire su army 0osfflffsceesmec. John A.- Hobsàon. in bla ibook "Problemsa ofPoveriy.' tuilea us " stse nmon tedsy vtbthe id aifaachiuery eau pradue sA rueb calton maitilhebcspin- uers af Liacaslre protued a enaf agao titisout tmbinery. i9 vouit taise iec.o.oc imonta make by baud ail tise yrm@puan1lu Engladt ie u yar by tbe une of the self- acblnç mule. H. à% eaopasea fcrea in ireaifi.1 -Theiuventionofmacbnery uaorm.uely ln. cruaie thei mout ef veaitb. The lucruase et ve.allb turing thse Maii entury wss De@@ tissaOu-teulb Of tha Itlbabubeun san cmbinery hmba un luciem on. Before lise lluenoe of maabiuury va fut. fouland bagwtathe b.Uité t as«. vhieh ralaed ber debt to2Aoomeea- pounts sud nearis eripplet ber. Aller the influence of nia- chiner, vu fteglant bat a a vr vlb Flrance hicis naiedber dublt tas.oSeoee poundi. but se immunsoly baduuihiuery Innes ber teaitislu a pelod of onir thini eu.. . . . . . .-.a ltte iM 1 X»t. gberman la sntbarIsmdtrýd emve subscviptiQna sud sdvtrtisraauts t for the. INDEPIE2<DENT "10 oriorafor jobprintag.olcetr lieurs,Rliaseand lil son aippet carlaSd or tw» of! a.ttle te Obicgalat Tueaday uigbl.I liii. Ifttie Dret, ai Cbicago, vu the gneo f lira. Franis Fritscb several day. lestteck. lir. tager, of Wisconsin, l isiilg ai Mf.ý John Wicks, calied there by thle sertolouafilaseiofMr, Forvar. The acboal chiliren are preparig for May dey letlvities tbe lat daY ai Maiy. ses fl aunouncemeat Iater!. 1misi" on, ai ifichigan. fia vfluihg at the borne of Xlia. Dsrby sud belp- hag toecere for ibai lady. Who la very IIl Mr. sud lira. Lari Mead &peut aeveral deys of lust teek lu MO]lenrl *tb relatives; rutunaed liouday evaning. lirs. Johnson lbai buen very 111 the psu yack;- but at lait report vas muàb Improvud. Dr. Shafur la lu attendae. Tbc Centrai Union of the Y. P. 9. C. E. viii muetiaure lu the (ongregatioil aburah gtaurday May 8. Look for prograinsliter. Mir. Fiary hurt bis baud very severe. ly vblie ai vork ai Mir. Ituelikeras net building, vbicb incapacitatet bim for vork for sevural teeks. Thore vill bu Esatur services lu thle Congregaiional chssrch uurt Bunday moaing Ilu vilci tbe ehiltren of bbe Stinday' sebool viii taksepari. J. J. Lougabaugia again tois a trip ta Wiacousin lat teek, arcompauled by ivo other mnu vao ere desirous of tryiug faraibtere. Mir. and lira. Bellwamble. of CChicago, voe ont bore lait Balurday gettiug their cottage lu ruadinsa for thc emtmer. Tbey wyul bu oui 10 say Miay lai. 1Prof. A. W. Burr, of lieloit collae, vs guest et E.v. Barris sud vile laoit Strday ou bis vsy back ta Bloit aller a viait vital 11v. Harris, of Miliburn. Misa Nelfe Bond,-of Gages Lake, bia beau visltiug at home about saraonth; but reburued ta Elgin Tuesay. Siat vas obligedtota aay ai bomne langer than ah. suticipated oun-account of slcknes a nthe Iamily. lib B . Cisurcia, of Cblcabo, vas the guest ot- E., B. BSherman sud vile several days the put vueS. ,he fiqaa aiter of li.J. B. Sherman sud carne lu islp celebftte thu biritday of Mrs. Bburman, vbicb occurut liai Friday. ROLLINIS. Will Darby ia apending liais week lu Effoue sîtablea Win a Wankogau caller la"t Batqrday. 0 goak's flue nos'building@ are n.tling ompl.tion. Mis Daiiy Doolitte spent Baverai days lia$ veek lnChicago. Baverai huniers are hnnting and tiahing ou Ponrhand iRound Lake. lira. FA. DoollîtIe and Mr&. Jo. Garvuad ver, Chicago viaitors liai veek. Mima Aunfie Derby, of Chieano, speni Ounday at bomne reinrning liouday mrnung. Ui. Mallie Bond sud, aon TommYn, of Chicago, are visiting at i ras.H. 0 Edrarda. Mir. and lira. Iaruey Trieger iran- aacted buiuesan InWaukega bat Baturday. Joe Coasman ba& reiurucd ironslibs 1visit to hie mother and gisler aM Davun- port, Iowa. Thoamias Srongansd family are seitlud on the old Berge larm rucently vaaed by Pred Hiler. Beveral lrom bare atteuded the play entitled the -"Deacon" st the Lyaeum hall, Baluesyvlle, liai riday aud Saisir. day evenings. WARRENTON CROVE. Win Kennedy, of Chicago, la visit- iug relatives. lira. Joseph Hiagner and stator ]ira liobr speut a 1ev day. Ifa Chicago lant week. liMra Dssnn, of Lake Forent, in vibit- rIng hure vith the family ut Thon. Rudd, Thu cbIldrený of Thoa. ltudd vbo bave beun qnltu iii" are sawiy Ina- proving. Thealutile son of BurnsBcbmnehsai la daagerasly ilI- Dr. Foley la hu 9atteudance, Wm, Gurvey vent huiiug Bunday and came home ,tbe proud poaesor r c a large coon gnd a dock. GU RNfiE. Chai. Stafford la ou the sick liai. Miissliay McClure bai retorned irons ber Chicago vial. Fred Steadman bas ungaded to vork for Wm. Pupeu iis»canion. Las meetin ber obligations. luiu gtise tan Sortiasa Chapter, Order Eastern Stanr B81P. Stuadmau la travelIng for lhe wthU France theYco uisit stually ausumulate viiPrea nt ,emfl aary,, lu tale Dr. Sboop mudiciue corpnpuy. s sRXurp inolm u the weath of Englonutissaonle baill Stertay evuniug Apnîl Mineu Pearl Smilth begsu teacbung lise bhs inresset uaffly six ftsuSmthis.u-24. Ail m-nonansd Ibuir vivea are Grange Hall sebool liai Maudsy. om utnait waus uiu. pount a .0oodualiy invitent ta attend. No ad.- lrs. H. C. Lake utrau ieW uThe sae aan i h mission fac vili bu ciarged, bel a C. T. U. next Tbersday afbemnoan. Téheominehla tmue luftise Unittd Staie. onda lun reta.Speecisimunie 1b1As beun propared for bncests t uald rotis 15éai Uc Ut Bata Tale Ladies Aid Socliy yl uselEt£aler services ut tbe Chniathan cbnrb. tisa~~~~~~~~ Inwse ri 1s.s.Siu.i.e. u insKr. Austin Wudnusday, Aprul 21. A soial vîîî bu give ibis îFriday> 'f'i or tm -saui 45.0 pr caPit& lu1^14-101 pur Taer. v&asa large gsiburiug ait lira. evenlng b>baleC. E. Bacieby ai lbt% .aahalla -Motthurtst i Aut iutn atl hiWbte'@ lit WVëued Y, IL il a vury home Out(j. il. isiford. lucesu is ueta uaainrY. but undoubt- unjojabie alturnon w aà speut. About lr ul a large sisrt of Il in. Tuent igSures ar'! bail a dozun gentlemen is o rois tt M Appleyard, ot W. Union froin Mu artictlte UcNovemuber. seulLaoervils bbeladues. J unecioan, wax dotelent Suday snd fis Bulletin, by oeorgo K. tioluus.1 pruparlng te move larin utise nuan ,,i. ureu aiuprfy i te tdssfib,- Judgfiug from theal10dmnIffrnuibure future. lon of seeaiis. balai areacun going Ilanongi the Ettard Gerandin la uugoiating au 01cure.lutû ditibuioorths unthatreeta of Our tsn talla teck onuerabcaugu of bis tfani for Cbicago th MoueInd uliedstributi hown u sinut voeld tailu iîfis ts lit.of lMay. pÉopenîy. Sieveral partIes bave beun tis moe litabnons ebea su unir- Hoeèry Leliaimovut bis ianily lubo oui inspecblng tbta place. l"uanCOgLIlise larguaI chare. Tisene aura-Guo. Fisber's bonse eneri 10 bbc ment tan caux s tisai lubealum ie enaturel tiirmt markset, George Fraziern ias, iul fur nunear: Taie simple psycbologflal las mbt B. j. Loftias'hbouse and tlie fauiliy Present For Vout usaI tise moreunenia tueusre aeasa,tw. talai fîîrnrly lilve luntMr. Wood. 0, atls e t opnuaotulty O ai pldfru lino. IbonneuÉban movod JinoChua. lKssbierg Iamn Agent for tise.Rou'ayosx, MAIS- ltable lnvteat Ala. lay l'à li e isury aeroosathe truck. CEuirERa, NORTHi AssaîCA, NoanU Bsv- tog ia thea lise nsgret iaiser sud tltiipour Tae sHansd livsCaAvNTE aInautauce Cios., pou. taln. ii. âse a, auasount volume, Thermms given hy tise tirpala aient soreral uilher goud cdmflsuu, sut '**Tiae lreseul iâtriutiou of Wcslbb lu tise Camp mumbera In Lycenm basil lasn Ve ssbIMOa policy tritien by mue for Unîisnted sw." sucs. tia ta.ea-eias of Friday sund Saturday nlgbba *a a uyosa uel LaeCouuLY, 1 i viigive Si.' bis fond"chlleibitbtoa-liu bgreal sasenm. Tise hause vu puekuri in brade ai tise Bick Salr,, sudd ai national vcujaliUr tonOOu -agai of th' both nlgbts, many tisai vire blaire the the ssae rate fuir langer or susller pal- Poile boIt scven-tclgbla ofttise irai ulght siiundlng lthe second niglal1IePs. tili give loveaot reSpaible luiglble Otiser igunu: ,s ie aliol aiaso, vblcb tas proof ibat h tia rate, sud date yoïar net polfley asex. lise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ORia ttiai. nrud ui,.enjoyed. Miapais Camîp visisen10 pîralion of tait onu or refend pyernlum th"Uiuiaea.Tai um isenu oa" asulaimbitais &IIl ibosuviso assistual lita anag Luis bulp ec tisuier. Write or &Wii. la..faOù-hnlitdet h . o t ltàuucces ansdSoi)kindly lent a iselp-Jo nJ L n a au h iss.umessim.us.t uuoetcsnîlaiîini rayslaku laote] arrivais blae pust Bric tOit8o, .Grayslake Illinois. ldeo nuid et notisutie ncnatainlnniniets'- teck ve: lir. andl trs. Kibise sudI_________________ ainle- anelgsnebn<af~ra son, E. 0. tiret, Ogalen ilruvn, L. A.! tise "Me di-ihity. Ansithlise geesdita. Hughs, O F. Moore, J. W Miudi, A DUIiNISTItATORS NOTICE. Public Inubutul ua i tbu ltaie Unitd tta iv .F elc . 9 1ualle lm heb aflventhât th. suWreiber - . ebC .Richsardson, B.W,&dmifi.brst r titis tili annexet of lhe mari-ceeu tissulu "sus'teirn k.uroasaWhilte said W. F.- lnd, Ciicago; J. j aslate of l'n' lMa "lett teccuet. lli country'. teNal>. C W. KaIS, IH. Lueisenisacu. s u-rm therCo t p atofIAin 1tiCourSa IV. Thse eubatt(Lnton cf Lthe faeri ry PlîJacobas anal J.J. CallauitaJ, a trne Be t n ol sai t c ourtnls asjies In isesiasel, nyiea u ~ Wanisia, Win.; IR. Anlera, (Oaks Park; fBrai Mn t/ nextl. 4?.vien sut dsuuinsj. James Wilson, liacisord; George catt.-ana ifual rea qistet gsa-ut heller, Wiinaot; J. A Aunas, Strling, llsa.néint >sait Courtior"alldleablon. By lise aid O! f nuialerY os'uld bfitl I.; James Burke anal W. C. Bclaur<, teiau sa iats s - j utich.Lester B. M(pos Aninistrator titis PotuI elr s " pr uislrans ue a. Ttnaoî.ut ioisvii aunixet oftsalalstsi,. 27-3 Wth Ui-bsiines udtheise nietlinotuot tte ie 05ket.neaairet nu Ultile lober. Trailo- Ponistion home neauite su i1k-m. i i a ao raehut thlis ruit dbu las More rseut l' ED U ut tRe proulucta tu branopor td UtA isa- R ead T h is sudPe eheuli«mn oe ase a lr otio Mun rouidtofen by omblouetefforts mro- -it daten re»utsa wlls ruit dnet buaut uiUnless jota antta ave IMoney. piiet aeîasratly. TIseairnt teai, ofj tu tli t0" sW"Preventt. ocasasoet by rarryiinug1 ea D stli iafrtionitlace tu0plasee turiangtise pro- cuesneecasrs tu romPlate tlnair Moaueaii 35c Tea for 24C batmnru. Muritse naaiute subditlaou cflbo uaelust s naisu-n uii- 50c Tea for 43c au eaiesllaextensive Poser cf combiatian. 1For thonicsutM alitier renguea. mibnery'Il o se ofeI3 asialre tubise fatory sy8ttm.1lbR a tdC fe13 y. Ds e Ceirctsztiuos of peuple iSadies4 .fj6tlory tlar..S r in s4 Fscbory tbasa-t maufacturliezioGre G g Pu s ,arase navltly "1over Kuautd . a-uaiuarliy G e nG g lrs sieons île rouions of berurw»n.i o A ercn"..ch2 pi911 luit tisir oocntry isanahîta. tisa-oe, llîageianSa ý2 ;e1laeY s tI psfiihiiyo omae. utIi.m-Corticelli sSpool Thîireau 1 priscoaie , of CmeNa. uemdsr Men's W hite Laundried Shirts 45c .1ConiPetition basneyer hotu inouicrativa,.. e 111s 02140s0ter fprucedle tise invention .of M nsFancy Bosom Shirts --45c asachinen- o, etnoyer dit il become the, cli eciriiugnai vreuefo*&, la the lu. Men 's Ail W ooI Undershirt 70c thiatnsltanli tisicisil ddtler gusIcîners' WIlseICI vu ltodueed. W l elmy ocryWagon. Double Harness and y"ViL s.ccaiiOs Of an slsertisag wo oss "4t stlmeosilor marketTw H rs tuls is iirtailn f acinr, op-F. lai K uebker, .afrîisctnu ame laaabegsia'.fste lubis taotory lsyea.prothmuca&MI ansiouumars Brck Store. GRA'YËLAKE, ILLINOIS. tare close togebber sutdinet eub aliser ___ Wllh lête tom af the prodUcerspergpual-_ _ kunotletuof th@e nebd- 09f bi-»Is s al, rnmnath n he e elel elueil mars01, tise isuisof aulsusl-The ie îî e *is ar t-hn. e y will e ment buIsson dtoma nu PPî bmesane Murle Posaible. Tisem lx anailer rona-aun the Merry Wheelmnen spinning through attils verlookeul. TIsetr er otalilaluigs Vrillait eYrYbusi mnade. nmil ibo iiauxeteco ty tât ue aucem f , otun ireîl. tiîga h o nr, ""uIl as foot. asd alanet. Msutbilr .jats ibe damael iarient productionsema saesalttes. S"K' luvOgUiou o1 machlIn r, tbr.v a numbercfeolegatluasm preilausl oaeut ai. verS Th.i. sruetnr ,y u Q 1 (~bD r~ QU gl t buY? mil oiw* ààc' V à Hamerig Dwn -Pricesif e'or Vour Benefit. Flour per Sack 30 Ibs C. Sugar 9Bars Maple City Soap lOBars Klrks Soap Prune* per lb Raisins per lb Currants per lb Corn Starch per Jb Mlxed Candy per lb Rolied Oats per lb Tomatoes per can Corn per can String Beans per can Yeast Wafers per pkg $1.00 1.0U .25 .25 .03 .05 .05 .02 .05 -OU .06 .04 .05 .02 FD. BATTERSHALL. Grayslake - - - Illinois. Dr. 0. B. Howe Trials 'na'ontifla.ally sud secîsesfil ley thelàe tat ftiilivefli nîebbîau befrgnie l)imxgNzm ('lthse lngs, heurt, tbr'st, Jasai,, qnirncl, liver, ifilaays, bousela vomulansd serlli rgsai. Saîx limAtia î**r Ahsinglea, saltrbuns, scain i e 1,, etl4 la, popin îscaitifs. jaeorissin sycosiS, (Loutiiued frai tati wek. j ili5Ciera'iteal> ring viarn, ,berpôse Xi t~'is.~ai iuancythic a asoaer, and aIl formeîs of eita.aus lis 1! of n, tiintcbea. bla in butas, 040". yery comme. sud oftera aesverY ob5tlaaste e c are inDe monits. affection, &he face »alap are OE Ar>ss'5C<s 315 unnaily affectet agi nUy par- reOve -AlvtiN u îy lîi Ii tions ai the iri's , reui4lIes regsred bhu a inI lii .)y sufer tOas leu sa Cure . jpgu- esmusîît ra euir tavs fiabte teudeuay 0f1 é.. u Lo n0qN$Nz a&»Ume the Mulsiit,, m- ,.fors uurlatbeula, l,.isatraai.pro. unibily manifeste itail rî t es.,-face greasivu eparalysîs, b"eah., euralgfia, ajipar.euh, halaml i, ~ii.r oraclilca innocena, la.eilel)sy, cesd by aovered by dry exutio,,m s à,a î,in l<JrusU metbod and P euetrolyals. of yUowih orbimknfi lise azumavîiuaulearticuer, muacu. i ya liaitOtenbuues ,a à..I aieîr, înîssumattxrv sud risennatiagaut. lillo stini lle sifos i&tiaaiiypoulbively cured lay a nuesad ucous. traim the olt-reeurriug ltchauig, nallang fui procesa. Cuare guarauteet. hbis Md fln vain ailempia tu ailviisbe It by rssbbngthehaulamed sSii, aginatt X-RAY APPARATUS. hua ciotbing, or If aid euougb l un«a bis banda, tearlug tise face sud eatiaing Dr. lot, ljacs a canaplete electrlcai lb ta blodby audda ti erce sud usa- autel luillng bhe mceohred expected dulie villa bis alirp liliger tyrovilu lt<nbgen iRoy Apparatuefor naila. kaiiography snd FitioroolecDessous. The cause of eczeaurn igiat lie alratl,în. liymeans of faue aoadentful diacuiset aigreat ieugib sud a#titi canirfivance thàe dator lis unabledtot littie llgbt ibrovu opana theseisieci, explore liai inu-issiusireiusaitf the for itfisaiallysan aobnsurone. le;banian urgaaiim sd ha i t1he May su ""eea s etai lniprope at ut# e"i etiii sfreretoauake food aud imperfual digestion aeIabîdalen or olîscuru.' Mnostftreqsaeut caume.of tise affection T OPLQii iTATaI' MiHlE E OIIAD ai It fiumet wtb luafifscy. AND0 <IALVANI«' iAvnIlIasutaei al ble Infantile eciema bai uislly uotbing oîf diagnastile sud operailive tuatra- tu do wtb ihe toteb. fItoflenan pJarameuniWtAnasist bien lu srnivlnua#ai eture ie.ilg begins%, andi s afluiliar correct dlagnasisi any dasseai sud euption may occur in- cil sge viaun beirsu(-ceýsul lreattaanl iag oib m ata ail tihe leuiJ are gîlue. Feribermnore anad sengicai. fit la alwaya amendable ta proper CLua Fa,.? strasiuteiueàd lîy urgieal tresimont, wlaeiler thae child ba» une 'iferatiun ('liuioin.s or taooiy tebh. Whoeu tise pvînw,fllEifoamiipxm si itileu) ert uihau culiing tests Inierferea awilla Ilapainful aperato lîu lasusiel cases, or general bealib of au, enfant. îî lislelsy trou]sébesiues. possible for the eruplju ta bu iat- 1VÂhauocmLî îmrrnaaeutl.vcarnet by a dlmectiy sggavated lay the condition,, 11w melbunl ai the guana, put la nu Cae bam litrii1i>550('l'.LE AND»"Paul& cîrest itteis iug" sever to bu regarduaim ahtisa'sai,%etii ipueraiiaîn iandelay anus buineas. canae of cessant. 1MetALIiNAN T i:mois ud &aanmat The coaimag out if ofczema isna-ever gritbs, farrefigia biales. uucroissed s source ofthilania-n-unie%%fiîltissae, euni., remnved by surgfinai bsppena ta caine <OOuonaa sarn.liy .aperaLfl<î. ales's balby. We mlgbbtstlstaukflii DEaiauiiviaia eorreettd aind blartis it ver. ta conuoei l intuie la.. ,ak eivdb u rls ciatlsiug, sud fit lisé î aiment ei&y toi CossiîhLTATIOIS FNEE ANDS coNpe- do ibai ai Il la 90affegay ut ofLise 'aJNTIAL. Ail medi.iin aferiflabed Internaiorgani. Eam aaeîaiî ilaa diseusie af thuskie sud eaunul be irams-_________ furrudt thetbuimite or luongsanay more ithu the rnddy glow af a iaealilsy O. B. HOWE, M. D., cheeaumbu "driven lia." itlfis tri u tie.a oelWoaok tisaI au alimout May sometihesbu fiea otlWoaok appliiotu aanuazeemales scaàlp or face,, Woodatock, Illinois Suite 28 tise eruptIon eineppears, aud l'yland 29. ebance tise baby msy dileutflîrsian Hours: l0 ta 12 s. m.;:1tos30 ansd lever, dspInal menlugîtis or àsomu otiaur ata 8 0P M. W11lltaeaprof..- rnalady vbla is able tesfitan> Iày aiinai Visita in country simli st cou- inant ai ail tUrn. ibis msy appi-ar caliion anw itsofer quiiflesspApai- ai liraI iongtan thongb tisee reptlîn sisova ai aaeoaa, bt beau diveun, but tlae lacIs admat. -BRANCH OFFICES:-* ai a atsore eoaiushce epiansti<au. Wbeu lrorn expamueuta colt or tuent, Libert'ville. Triggs .1TayloPriligg.;, ather cause &auIllammalion of tse Hours Bufdsy only 12 to a P. m. ba or lonigs resulle. lau bloot Bisas Wauconda Rest cottage: brainHours SaturUay andl Sunda> Cevrn- fin su nuatilquautilta b5theaffeclted nirs, trm 7 to 9 P. M. organ aud aur enuption upon the sia in rn..sîonaa.n.v. îy nastli rompîîy aussfrin. woan begien ta fade and disapear.______ ThIss afcourse isSus plieestsear suy ainimeni lie appliedtior fnot. luTu£ TA5c. oa yoer pauierludicati oncleà s»ae it migis bho mid, viuibbl peris mort tui, ibt the urupion te Mime yaîlsr suelipnltfiun expirea. bun been dravu in, but ih la evialeul lu rueving aîabcrlîîtlîun seuilexpreas ibst the dlsappeuriae of the skisa or paoëtllfce rney ordor n cxcvo disus a sthc resul sud ual tbe cause TRI 5 InssMete Ipayatli,. taJl'NT à ai the interna infiflammaion. The WouAOflMÀssdiit!îelig arrseunt pafl commun beilel héut a skia diacessfia the outiet of nmre poIson or vicions for isuci oraler. material lu thu blond in quile -- errounuonis, andsinluthe Ugbl ai Modern patbalogy sàrmni abaerdien. An :sdednibeeev.1 bu Ju»t'y con- LAKE 1q4 s àpatient. Wben a physiaisu la unablu tu cure a, O NTY oasa. afIinfantile ecacusa, I May lserve ~ ~ K s purpaso tua aim tiba& thé eriîpli.B NK.. .. in saluyary s bal ie anildate rumoval by local appllifliowo tl Wright, Parkhurst & Co. ho liable tu lproduatitedhasitraus resuits. LbetrfIlio. The irutia, bavever, la as foilowua: An eeaema ongbet sltsys ta lie carnet aiu- --- apeediiy sposiuble. Thîs ma always hos doue wtuanthaibsfgbtisidanger Issues lnterest-Bearing Of Say barrmata atier argaOfaitise Certificates Payable body. plsiciana af tbe largesi expsnseuce lu ta. rement or skie on Demand. dise"«ainFil 11agrese l'pou ibis paint. (Ceatiitseaut a nesert use of gl pper'.) A tan ecmanaio.F. BAI RSTO W. etron Rommm«daton.Manufaclturer at WOODSTOCK, ILL., liAsRai S, 1897. Tha aM ariv htibâi 1& Thslat certiD y bat 51 Shave I[)Peu terrllaly aliletet titis Enuma for uv.-r ivelve jears, tbu dîsusie spnesdiasg anar tis enctîreo Ndy &A tel 55 tiat lace sud salip. For jears at a liasseý bave ual lieeu shie ta tesr Nstiaie uar atber tignt i fltiîg spparel, ani1 suiferet entait mlsery, sîtisoigli I dactaret untînelly, uiuploylung altageibor tveniy-sevpn ullffýr.-lil phiiens. 1 couit gui nu uaadIp ouin a jear sga lut maunsthon euI begsU-.Mirellg vllb Dr. O. B. Huau,, Who cisse eCOMPletlj lu lesa than a, Èamib, unmdI ba*ve nov remaiueul tu<OMqptM 0f is dt~res Marbi, Granité CEMETERY HVE MINIIIL JALK8 By or. HOWE. ECZEMA.

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