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Lake County Independent, 16 Apr 1897, p. 5

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Best Big JO" We guarantee our Flour to be ,- Superior to -ail. 8 lbs Oat Meal .................S$ .25 9 asSoap.................... .25 9Iba Navy Beans............... .25 4Cans Peas.................... .25 4 " Corn ..................... .25 3 - Tiomatoes............... .25 Triggs & Taylor's Libertyville, Ill. Pianos~~ ___________________ have the famous EST EV & CAMP in stock. Cail and examine these instruments. Great Baruains iPianos or Orga'Fs during the next 30 'tbii iea son ot- Jilbee ste W 1 have six new Models for 1897 Crescents. Javerleys. 1 mperiais. Bring in your old Wheels for Repairo Now, anid be Beady. C. R..Shermnan Libertyville, II N~IVE~5~ VUe.b gnmamui - Av. us dNaOBdhw IS m UUALkEIJ ANS TM8 ~ r uiB V a Corne in and see1 VIVE, For Sale by F.B. Loi Libertyvîlle. FRED CROKER Merchant Tailor. Over Bank. thf Cha p onr Yards.mad buruthe PICK D U HE E AN THME.Thei celiar Wallil are up for Water Local Items of lnteresttoL.lb.rtyvilloReacders. g«'Achone residenceonourirai droit. f A.W. Waldole'dolngjuryuorviceinF the U filtd States court. Chicago. G. M à T P R.0q.Ti mc TA t L' W"' »à& n te Llesof E. J. Hilgley and vile, 0f Russel C. M & T P R. . TME AmL. I Ih1 415 t thoiB.llo nfvislted tC. R. Sherman tmni Sunday. Tu CHIICAGO. Api i iisow the James Mutnn, of Wankegan, was a..,. .elle m.iim.. ..,. i lrmiunwtenofllltery îhAki ug bande with oit acquaintances Wadaworth 8:09 6:20 6BBlaii0:026bon ntovu. about town Wednesday. ~IUTDlé». 10 427 :11 Ci i on otoble tu r'WBtoti 914 r.30 1&14 î ~ POIE hs iiiybB abOiltl r I BU3 T V IL L E :0 7 :16 2: 10 4 :U 1hm1u l l y t u t a d u l zoneril &40 7:811 9:10 12:f .40 6:8, o. 0. D.Mouvera wut4: O heri bieo israoc hrmielli. 4:851 7:44 9:1m2:6811v-34 suppild by a Mr'. S&rayer, or Chicago, sud the main part oi town. If fonnd Chiaqîîarri.... 4:50 91:45 I.u 1:46 7:01) 880 Stua' yMad ]Eadiacourttes both please retarti to hlm. Falon CHICAGO. mOtnig 10,11evimbg ve oIaterestlug Miss Alce Corietl, accotapanied by e.n a.,. ,.m v.. .m. an ad Instructive mat bis dolivery was Mima May MacLawlin, of Evanelon. L.UKn Ba. 1:30 M 4:2a . n mut pius. lThe chnreb vwas visited Thos..Corlotand family the Shsnnurvillie 9:10 80'I 4:51 411 7:23 9:16 crovded latheit evang. latter part of lat voit. The young Deelleid ::#6 19.12 16:0 :17 7:27 91.21 lvrlt 1241M &OS19:11-2117:33 9:W7 Audrev MoCoeiYaiyetcoeeda Franktlaie» roiurued to thelr scilool ,duties I-to'ut 8do5 lotU :12 6:40 7:40 938 LaavvrLLa 10:46 9:11 7:âo 9:45 Gume..me forma «Ilthîe Libertyville at Evanoton Monday. Werrentom, 9:96 &19 9:18 8 Oarn.,o 9:0 r.23 9r41 Creamnery aMd Ob". noyers, o! Pla At the Methodizt Eplacopal cbnrch, c Wdevorth 8:0.:le 3 911Grovi, ttie .Ms. MoCruey's place, Snnday morainE 1ev, Johu Los ini - itues eriwl18 8:41 10:0nly.comnenclg oaay. Mr. Giemute as-preach on te lubjeet: "The Monument Where uno mark apl..*rK train. ear' ifly .,x- eîmed charge ofthtie DiamîînîlLake o! the Agen." Eauior exerciues by tbe cti 4,îndar. faction ~Mondy.'Snnduy Sctooi Sunday evenlng. BUbI>AY THAI'4S. We predîct &bat «omtcheîî ballots' Services commence ut 7:3o, *LLiortivtl. 4:iô.m. Ar. lioonîlrt t :o80.8. L.Lbertyvlib. t*Io ... 10:&J g.tO82a.mn Wttpredomlnate vien the vole$ are Tliere vili ee îmias ter services Lv.Chleagîî W30 &m.. Ar. Li,.,rtyvttt. 946 . m. ~ Teaa * i.chLz *:Ob.tiv.ni. Ar.Ltcrrvilk-. g10 .mn: cot susdy igisi t,.an calent utt he l'renbytort la ch bnext Ban- No. no raitesandaiy oaty. sooing soutb. vl heoeoforeiaîînoWtia&local elertitîni. day morniug, by mombera of!the Sun- etol, o.0eluial as futover-At iRU-81ti12:0 The lcoumequsedàO beittg a SOPRarate day achoi. In the evealag 1Rey. p. in. Wasswortb I1*t7; Ournite. 12:17: Warren- toti1n0:liî,u12:0»E rît24~.e lflot eu cnt e hiteded bYvite of the .lionver viii premch onu "Heave.' S1:6 Pl.,rnrll. 28:arIe a hcga people, penmosiprfreuce will largely Evealng services commenceat 7:30. detortaine the risiof iTuebduy's ,lec- i ieg pos h ititcn Train NO. 44 lmai, îetn îau.îy o0uon frontsv ot rsal ititcn Do,rtl,ldt Cdmg.Lueii erâ Id 7:2o lioti. ference of the fourbit district W. C. T. S .*lteo9ll :4 rl.eCluo51 a. m. No. im liani" e tikg11:20 p s. At the TownHall luat T,îesoluy tuglt u. ie lu @anuion at, the Preabyterlan t2iarnivoe.c lý1:6l.M nâ tejti o thîe Metbîîitt$lun. cfirch. Repremeshtiveaf[rom varloba - -day echool preented a cattata, en- unaoi l the ditrict are lnt attend- e Vilage Offlcarm. , tled "Grand Pi'@" birghday. ut rther suce and the lverai meetngs ptotliée ...... .......... C H Aerllthe lutile ones ver.ibo majîr lportiot,1 to provo unuesuily înteresîlng. In 4.. îb.H. B. kWE1),ý, ~ î..isNî4ruoîr. F. . oîf the production, smd they diii gliont- neXt veeka issue S ful acconuaiof the (.1i4.,aw,.imii (aiiîway. eelvon proue. The chrims e es.cuaforenco vili appear. -irt....... ..............W. C.iantxa rti îiîars cc gond.atr, repreadolnlars S Tr.'asiir-r ..................W. C. Trlgu Wartlculury gt. Tnayw-1C aty il.ereenig âîIqîe-Mg.tr.t.ý... .........W. E. Devin C ilo btiina sliil (hannel Lake Potatne Co , watu ibis 0 ar.ttai ..................N rehia A nov dynamo vili repfilce .titi (ne lîicalily Tburaday, dellverlng soit po. n0u ln une by the Llberyivlt- l'Eectrii- tatoei.. ,Sevoral frmer@ noir bore BETVILLE LOI>OE. No. 492 F. & Light and P'ower Co., It li a Bruahbhave pdrchmaed aeed for lbe Chaneil LA. M. iticgalar Comntàneatlt,u 2dh4b& 4 il olgbt machine white thi e s ow Lmke Beatty, a nov ptatS e. clwa lb.turday% nt ,.a-h annulth. Viatt ri btheru a,ILiiyL.detit.i..LLT . ln use ila aMO50ligli macihne. Wfth propogatoed by tbe ahave uSial orn-0t j. . Ls. ee.the nov dynamo tieti ptentseotvice tpaay,wvicis promilses ta boa fiieival- cM CMI %,1"7it6. N.W. of A., t-4ad t comtmercial hervice ViliIne!emeaiy ety Tbey are toeuiblt moi ert- a A croit ind lirîî Saîîîrîî8 f ,ah tanthipoic ut Hiî,saîsiaioer uiall îrlwac1ie usopiratoeccitst. Thie nov lles of ibeir p iliet ho* f air tisl iO,.V i iiltiigii, k«$a 'Yoo weltImti. dynamo rrived lm&i veek andtîll bihofati. c. Ji. SHI4taIOAu. V. C. k <'He KAota.'-rL. placed lu poquotinol i dyu. Dr. A. L. I ravis, of Rockefeller, tuna Tuoeay.Alderman S. A. Rie,,fti bsleitY permonal louer Wo C. A. Appley coia. 1EI,.ctitiTuedy.bsa fine borno collby Mltlulght, Data; monde himmostthly forthoofllcleut Nets Hannon, a Chiigri tgallor leliq byJumige Hayes. Mldnlght l in oeof treetruont of bis borao'a hotu. 'Tho employed by W. C. Sanborti. the tuilait etailoie i Nitthertt11H11t- docor aay&, -"Alun comlngbhre mmY oia,hlit a mark of!:7,til2:bhreae e ulalwa4eo od John Llmiberry eblpped hie thresb- 0:1 He tin a:80theoro t t beri tmu lo and !bfie" igengin e IRacine Saturdiy, wboro quprter 31 seconds, 2:04 gage.Ho8 thfrttîoiivtnubaielc I btg orne Ihat le bard ta finit of hie oquai. thon haý gaibd repldly and doos not F l9ill ii hpartiaity robul. Mdalghtl .evuwet ha C. A. Appley, appoor 1k. itoes@mo borne." Mr. Fred Seda huttho mtsfortune o ljupt.Luke Countla' oot îFZ*11 Appie reputation in borne dentitry ho ibrowu f romt a horse Sunday nîglit, Liheýrtyvlle- Waukega )aiy Her<tid. inî more ihiti local, ho havlug treulod I. nstulnàlng a pain! ni spralned intie. ilelvidore, Chicago, Evaneton, Ilacine nuy borses la Waukegmd. - lisled platformst have beau placed sud Miwanbeo areo cileis la thia section W. bheur a bundred, atid one dîfforetil lu H.Il.»1,Egere hardiware tore, sad wvbere île much talet of ai hp hmsopinions expressd relative te the hiesIfie of toveshows off t mach beon soin ha'voraclous ltîhubllmîîia. uihop Proposition on thetbillotst btter advantage thereiîy. tiveral peupîle lalmtoit have seoearot for Tunadays village election.- and bine lightttwinkliug lu theak htt rnt h oeo redr rPo. IB. litîe vas t hie OffceatDons and a largo mairrl dart- ho bo r it atheremod ohipeothune u.iaal sitIanuiotnt'es holie iinet b lashesgon tm ime croWÎ%ieI la rgoniar, 1h latho!de, mner$hothnet do-Lined livlaid roade fromt Ibis n k mo n segihaeommtbti atuoiaieltsedaaariIlea 'ai d wilI viilt te place regîliaria'. aa.Annlrogsapuitln u vy bindlng on candidate* ta lie a 111e mtn.toioereiingail thain visile o! the air ehip.wlch leeteltoihera vow te morai obliga- elttt# fatriean. a lî aotu rai-î l '.etng let lie levlug." fui candidates. whlch over vay litmay e rnsuit ietorp h hu' bg Moe,'theepanlel hPiliîging tii C- go. Il il serve go gel an expression àwtyir ralt i -era' mle ON'iýr C. Btlkiea' li(edm. htine itir, ,-nvioue of the votera, lu ana' cycut. il.Il.Egi ha. >uir.t~'lt of fle chi- eags Yîî.u iîatîp~g.o. hetr ftire et tit tf baI, îîsij(aîîd tîfie', hr d t irut. itv 2eita»itt,g.ý. I n aiitiffir (îiîllttiti alipearfl titi eI I otiliut iiitiIfi'r lÀ iirtyviltlevillage eietiist t'it-uday. .pril 20. ButS tickets it-arte ptuiio! guud, cean deterni tere rsaIt. 1ev. Leesrmon on the "-Retoî- rectun' sandaa' mornlng vas a mas;ter- fuît addrees and vSlle limîtt epaco fîrltidit comment iof* which -the (j iisîtiaruestls vortba' vo are consirainot tii protituce hie effort a vory anperior C.J, helireîolveel 12 voles for -LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. sibuiltilrustee sondliernard Bectmaen 112:t tAie i-ceont town toction. Wei Pants From4$3.5O up. -Suits From $15.00 up. 'Every Gai-ment Guaranteeil. Expert Wotkmen Only.1 Vers in cri-or in tating Mrt. Bock mati hait tofeated Mrtir l-. 1551 ho lin L thie o fî".,io the votera, mn A i man for theo <ilico lu atteted yhails niaorily o!f59 votes. We -"actaov- ledgc the ec)u" Charfie. Our mis. take anîd aour treul. Specimen Ba.llot, VILLAGE 0F LIBERTYVILLE. ELECTION, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1897. VILLAGE CLERIK. Forrra<e, l C. H. AVEFflLL. EJAMES MC GREGOR. E THOMAS KERN. S 1. J. HOYT. For Clet, ~ ElW. C. SANBORN. Ç011 PLOPIIS' ltK[Ii. For Irealdent. E C. C. BULKLEY. For Trusteoe, ECHARLES KAISER. EEZRA W. BUTTERFIELD EJAMES MCGOREGOR. For Cierk, EFRANK H. JUST. k. ~uuu.'.èage.aà4 aa.u4J~aae'sv'a Ik.anemIn~ IYEtR I « I ptîlsîîmîed hî,t. This adds âtîtther to the long lât of dog..tahashâe mit their death ai the bandet -,f -ise ittils- crlmitiate aud eontemptiltis ewr o! »r ptitleti. iympitha' for the- uierable ois * M eB, es - - condiltion o.funoeh reprtiluttes txi bt iiti p muo. aca le.nigsono ar& lie feit nov, bit lif nomte hatit to-dhot gi e-d by ac ed il Is. TIsa do Ibti lîy Wttilent conttuîe the ileai deailng dose inttidefo r canines self uympat.h'. vottidmanifeet lîseif lu a detocted! murlerer. Thee Youug Peuples Coutîcil otf the eseita'Mad w~ Presbyterian chtrch vl ere favored Dmiilmf dimmarPIS. viti, e goot attendance' aIt beir 00ut à « eulertaltimtaut aIFrida' aigbt. The li'.LHoiI. eoS~ dialîgue8 and tectatiotsoe render-. et In aunor thât e vokod latorlng applanse. Meurs. Strayer and Durloy, LIBERTYVIL.LE MARKET. o! Chicago, veto heartlly applaudot. Corrected by the. Nrchantw ct ,ry Tltariay. Mr. Straàyera rocitatlonn ere o ro îtilButbr--Creamery .......... 8 21(4 81222 provoters ville the solos rondetot by Butter-<.holtw Dalry........ ls (a 20' Mr. Durfea' voro o! ,nsJ.re m tisaI Egueie-r dozeti...............07 14 0 os _1Potatoop. Cr bush........... 10540 40 deighled bshiest. A quartette,., p~ e-r côrd ...... .... 300(4 a i50 composed o! girls vas particîtlarly gond. Cal-Hard. tsr ton ........... 675 e 7 o Ail in ail the enlerha.ntnnt vas une! Coi-lOofI.per ltin.... .......4é 0 0 4 6825 Can yi o! wbich the Contî nma' vol ho Corni. er hacee.sh.elled.... 2 mi40 8 l oata. lier uhet ............... 18 (« ,1 cllI proud and their efforts vote deserving Gound Ford.................. 805 40 70 the apîîreclatlon au evideiii. i Bran, per ton...... ..........88 0(40 i5 0 c. B Sheman n a entis ofno i ,ittlia. er toti........... te e0 i5 0 t. ~ ~ ~ e R.1iemaCoagnrn! omo oalm. ter ton ............... 1 1211Butler1 abllity. and bis latent feat let the con'ta, vf. er 1loti o..............i3850 (Mi8 75 contrtucton of an electrie idynamo. 'Port. dree.fllier 1loIes.... 4é -0 (e ô ou Mr. Shermxan bas in hie wndowa mina-' Befi, tte Per 10 Io ..... 2 74 3 26 tare locomotive, porfect lu evon îi Tut. atvem,. dreeid »r h. 0 40 iii niost inilutr parte, vblch le itltlmo yeari age, and vhlch atîraî-tedth"tAe t- v lotitiitt and ineh faîvoîrale îvimmonltiW hA o! numerous railrirîatel ýIiî,s. Ttt keep puce vitAi more tîiiîiern tievit-es ___________ for devsloping poe ie bttuhs btlita or witere hatve you see-fn 1m-leh lmîmatîre idynamo, wlieih develtîpm 1 largaiiîs i I8:rliess? oue-eighlh herme poîwer andtîl yu ho____ neoiltii rttm a 'uîtor fait tantd the, lit- No. 3 Single Harness $6.001 cyces in bis ethow e'oditw i,î'iNo. 5 iinghs, liitation Rutile-r boitte ben lho cauti ailtthe crrent Trîmmot liannoas8.0i frota the lectrt- lilti t sevires4. No. 6 Hand.mado, Imitation lttîh Ho "tmadte ovora'bit ,îf il, oand Ias ,ber ttlmmod SlagleHarness 10.0 aidod fuîthot tîroof MIthttiunit-ornaI 'No. 7 Single, Hand-mado Nickel expression that 'Otd Sierni" ea mate1 Trimmit Hrness 11.00 anatbing. Nô. 10 Faniy Singlo Harne 15.40 Cook Avenue. Fr-anul nhtqe 1.0% J. B. Ayera removed tho i bouse Extra Frm artiea 1là u. trace 24-001 standing on the priîposed lIste o! Cook CHAS. KAISER, Ave, teo ue aide t1km veet, ad Mn (2ot Itendt leopen np Ihut ermint'Libertyville, - Illinois. Butler Lake astaoou astfonces eausho ________________ huilt alonig bis properta'. Mt. Pope yl theonfoni a stoit lhrostgh tu con- GRASS SEEDS noot vîtil Coot Ave. frotLake areit, Fou SALE Av.rWEOLaeuLAI. N» RaTAîL Co aioug île odterît border of the Lite. AU. 513u5 or<Co whetiler Mr. Buler will continue thei' glettibrongil ta Rockefeller raid, vie Pure Clover, Seede Tim- ame ouaelle ta scrtiu, bût 1InmlU othy and Red Top also probabiliiy h ilvlido no la the DlalaeAskeufle future. Boaldeoe proporiya loag Aflt ly e ne tieuls stroota .a otilearablo, and vo and Hungarlan Seeds are Mafnuat asverai rlM"are liet sigottuilug'for bui«lg ttm .TbM ~T17my FIying Ylachine, T hat can b.' dozen placi time, is.just: consideratia ti sts of the V Our Seeds. Are entitled ta- affion of Every they WILL Gg Field Seeds. Garden Seeds. Flower Seeds. Lawn Grass SE The Plowman Pair of Heavy1 We have 'em.î The Vikigâ OR, Thel House Cleaning Time,. And you should get New Carpt*1ý,' FRe-paper your rooms, with brighttt Corne in and ses .... .Our Samples. ... Dealers ln EverytTWM. Whenever 701 Yeu natundI1% property ufiW 1 cati insui'0your property u1p Aget inf Lake County B0iqgv the Milibura Mutilai rc property, forý ho past 1 le70010 1893 ........ 1.......... 1894...................... For Polîca' . ...... Total sest o! lnstranoo fft il lait live yomSs............. My rate on $1000 Worth of l for five yeara .' ....... you afford to belong to a MutuaJ4 n you cannot. You hvd bettu *r CHAS. H. SWVU BIdg. Libert BUYS A NICE lIT or, OVE., ,ýOF SAN BORN & CO. TAILORS cee GENT$ FttNIW> Kair Biock, Lîbertyvflll4 rplete Line of Fancy1 ~TQN son. t te theO àt a "1 and ra byî à 'luI. tesa. ý ursaI eae.Pd ý-A- 1

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