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Lake County Independent, 7 May 1897, p. 5

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the. Best.< "Big JO"'. We guarantee our Flour to be Superior to ail. 1 8 lbs Qat Meal .................. $ 9 Bars Soa......... 9 lbs Navy geans............. 4 Cans Peas ............. 4 " Corn .................... 3 - Tomatoes.............. Triggs & Taylor' s .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 Libertyville, II. G OO RO ADS Bring out the Wheels. I Cora ne nand Se. MyýLne .--- 1[eMOeIS. ji WoclIgI MICICIe. PI t Repairlng a Specialty. Bicycle Sundries. .Libertyville 50C l oc. see' gh C. R. Sherman pring lits.a D --. PI nd up 1 and up 9 ~No trouble to show Semples. FRED CROKER, Over Bank.- LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOI! BUYS A NICE SP'RING SUIT or OVERCOA7 *SANBORN & G-0.11 TAUitl.OUS AiD GEN4T* FURNISH ERS K= aile., Libertyville, Illinois. Compet.Lineof ancy S11k Vesting on Hanc A tiret snd third ,l Satwrd ut Wodi)fr- Hl vr .ra ,adà=r .1-cn. VI.ltlg clhlr. vays w.'com. C. B. xaa. .. CHAS. Kaigs.Clsrk. Notice the Pair ad lu another For a styiisb sud up.todate hat, go to )re.. rotines. 29-2 C.IB. Shermian solOu Ebtey Organ te Henry Harvey test vcek.& Il lnas nlue Instrumeut. Daniel P. B'arrovo, vife sud chlld, of Clae Mont, Calforis, visited vilà A. li. Cook s fev Osys bat veek. Very itlisb hala trimmed lu floyers feathera,laSc and jet for $2.25, 82.60 aud $3.0et da@s. H. . HURLUrr's. Edvard Shaeffer, of Fairileld, Ill., liq viating vltbh i brother-iu-isv, J. W. Milerof 11h splace 1the preseut veek. 1Iwcliisou 500 yards beal printesta14c per yard, to malke room for sntmmer goodas. 29-2 Mas. PaonINE. Tlhe Lakealde <ciuetery Association wiii ueel vith Mr@. A. W. Wado (1h15) Fridsy atleiruoou. A full attendauce ie destred. The Junior Christiau Endeavor viil give a '-Spriug' eterlainmeut ai the Presbyterlan churcli May 14. Admis Slou 5 cents. C. T. Loring vas lualiarrîngton Tnurâday. Rumor bas Il that 1e le conteusplatlng pultiug lu au electrie light plant ai that place. Mrs. Protines in the bhast sud chesp- est place tu buy miliîery. There you viilied a boatiful soiection of triai med hale sud millinery noveltles. 29-2 Mr. sud Mnm. F. C. Smith1 visited 1r.. Smlths aothéF, Mrs. Mary ilehlenur!, o! Arllugtou 1101<1111 %%ednebday sud Tbcraday o! Ibis veekl Frank Dcsenberry vasuîotlced briuginig four boreéf romt the direc tion o! Chiceago> Tbursday mordu>g Franîk han a baru-! cli e! trotter&, colts in tralning, etc., Ibis yesr. The Central Labe Couuty Union o Christian Endeavor vili bold a RaI] ai Grsyslake on Baturdsy afternouc aud cvcnlng, May fi. A moNt cordia weicome le exteuded 10 1the public. The polis are about &Il set sud vi: lu place for the htreet lighting system Libertyville vil! bleca ouI lu &Hl Il modern beauty o! eieclrle Ulglite streels lu the vcry near future. IMrs. M. Andrevws, o! Ibis place lef Monday mnoruing for Bllhiegs. Montana vhere site vilI remalu vith bier brotîbo Sidney Morse. 81e bas beau con S. Oued 10 1the bouse ueariy aIl vinte sud il vas Ihouglil hast for ber 10 V -o 10smilder climats. On sturday May 15, occura th sunual convention of 1the Lake coun Bîudeavsrers at Lake Bluff. A vor luterestiug programt bas beeu pit pared. One o! the fesînres cull able speee by Eudeavtsrevm octsid e1e coui.y. Evcry soclety ashucld ait 10 seud 4, largo delegation. AIt1th" tegular meeting o!1 the Villag Boaard Mouday iuigbt lBoehm Bt. application for a licens. vas accepteý but no rate or autoutittu10b. paid wu filxd. Thîs viii ha doue ai suana jourued meeting, 10 occur nexî moi day nlght. The proceedings o! tI regular sud sdJouraed sessions wc Iappear lu Oeil veek's isue. ine oed ieGreen, 0 o! cn Te i suceeda'Misa Luiu Peuniman, l bas been Billing Ums Liie Mors position as teacber o!f1the Gramun room il lb. seboil tmpolrsiy. mi Green comtes highly recommeudt sud 111e sehool board 1.1 lhey là. secred a competent instructor 10 111 te vacaucy cans.d by Um Moio FoBevia:med Lattera. mil olloine a a * Ofeer O@ulniS ate i«tnde I.,WbSaIb0qW1rNa doubledly drav a considerable amonunt Eldou Cl-ansd Eruesl Gage suppo or busiuess. ed thes8 s2iàqv* aIde ID4 ÇiiI We are credibly Iuformei that C. C. <ag. th4i4Wtivoe.«TbeliudgWïeh Cope"ad lias givea a 'site of îweuîy vsoréen ery Vaille, Cleve Price.i ace.of land 1S inte SBtera o! MercyF rank ProUne. T1ey decfded inl ay of Chicago, se institution compoeied of1 cf the affrmative. about 2ào sisters. vbo bave lu ChicagoClaMlt Ivo large achoolsansd te" inleseveral Weaareluaralpt. v o of 1the parocislai hol.Tbey alo eaei eep rtocm couduet a bospîlal with about 300 cain 11 eko esm patients. They viii et once erect a iiature, one from s prominent buain of ousderbledimullus.man the other fromt s privste ciliz buildingofcnieal metns thougb extensive property bolder, A vre one l 10luloj 11e abo ILibortyvillo. Being almoat idoenti iside Cemetery, so 1e laies of Our vo desu Il uecosaary te pubilihb cemetery association bave decreed, OnI iht Se otepita ragin demoustratiug thst improve. 1ne, hcic la trse. 01epon meunaeau lielooked for that yl Msu. E»xvo: 1bave uotlced lu yc eveutuaUy make our cemetery second vatnaleî papor tromn lime 10 lime1 o uODOei l bs section, Il la not t10lie isomnhae"acolSnt of expendilures su rdiaryvir foce ut u. 00 illgebonrd. as endered by1 an orinarywi 10 oncesut on -,-rx, u y surprise bas goDerat especially sdapted t t&&Pu 0le norigbteos indignationumas I e sud that vîll sdd greatly t10te11aenat of o!money belu" expend <eneraI appearanceorcft1he grounds. for Eleetrie 11<111 ire sad Biture the village et, thelstigaliou Of aB Card f Thnke.nukuovnun &Hsansd vbo bas fat Card ! Thakta10keep bie oblgations vilb r We wiali 10 ezieud Our heartfelt village train the trsi. Ne commeb tbsuks 10 Ibe msuy rieudgo oere sud proposestoput lu suleetrie I sekind lbtheir»asistance during th1e plant complote, sud asecureda franc n siekàeis sud deutb o! our doe mother. on thaï; represeuiatiou. HB e 11 1)ME. AN Mss. C HARLES BUTTERFIEl.D.:il? liashoe fot inuced 1the bor Ibuy vire, poila and material 10 A Later.arnount of aoir $W6.00, or raiber t A Later.c ittbave ezpended more thant il bas haen salO that trustee M-niouiiiî hen 1the fourteen bond .1Gregor -lii diaregard the decidedI pouada o! vire lbey voted Moi le ezpressed will of 1the peuple of ot rnigbt 10boy lu pelOfor. Wby sho 'village sud vote for licenslng asasloon. 2the village foralsb 1the capital fori It la to le hopa Dot t rue.na man 10 oposte au elsctric piu Il ~ ~ ~ ~ u ta10haboedtht bi Who la ln 1the eleuirie ligbl busta SThe citîreus by th1e same vote tuaI sunyvsy, the. vilage or the Llharî in .lected hlm to1d hlm that the saloon Eletric Ligbl sud Pover Co. ic should ha closed aud If lie accepte Ihat ILeitIihe village fabers "ceuàa offIce lie la a man o! t00 mucb su ndI h roetr f hsao ligbî sceme cannot go shead - sud honor 10 dieregard the viabo. of uiUl their contranttsa perr sgres:e lu his friends. Il la tated that lie baa beroeare %bule vbo eansd vitl a- ud lr u jdesu ei et 1the110village become mole propri thatthemaner f te vte u ]OI;of the bu"sie, vhich Ji prefersl, Ibal111einaliie o!111evotevasnet e orali vhere 1thé village coi id legsl. Buppose 1e dld on state sud je ogseî ouly by 2the -other tell ry suppose hleleright, vbat bas that t0' experlence.*' Agalu 1 say "-o a, do vîh 1the case The votera o! hialt." éiTîZC k. Lîbertyville bave aald by s large ý Dd majority that îbey do col vant ai Geo. Wrght, ocr receetly el1 e- saloon lu the village sud If 11e takes sehool director la uneabie 1 o e g. the place lho cerlaiuly yl col labo il for bis suddeuly acqolred populeu W, upoe bmlf!!o0say they don't knov partloularly smng sebool ma' vbs thsy dovaut, sud volelfor lices- splriugt10 lusrnel1the poithaoo of Iug. Noue o! bis triends halleve l1 evility. lHe boldo sort of asu lui ly vildo Ibis. lie may vaut s saloon ireception vhenever sud vhcrevez lu himaeif but ls ol 1the vbole cf01 e chances 10 coine ln contact vith lut village sud not s majority o!f1te o!f1the -"ould h's.' George liki votera. Should 1e vole for s saloon lîke. il swf o! Weil. 19 faut if ho re 1the salon people vould flot respect bis vay lie woeld &tort sehools ouc M. hlmi ever again sud 111e mec vho lustauter 10 give thes» charu ie ollected hlm certaiuly vonld not. No creatures su a job. To DuBolu id one respects s mac cho for auy cause Bulkley Ibis experience of Dire yull not do hise01117. lAe have nfear Wrlgbîs isa uothlug uev. Th Of MeGregor. lie thieks t0n mncb Of been there. liovever, George in i i mauhood tnd future tu do auy- 111cm ait happy as lie possibly ~'a tblng o!f1the kind. 0cr village aud vlîh assaurancesansd tliey nit Our people are ail rilht except for the. hlm happy s. tbey can possil -druebenuemu d mloery that comlez ouly aspiricg ochool masama orfroi he salon sud now hs w ta v 5151!10. g0 lie relleved o! ibat Il vll lh a asine a Th. Liharsyvilie correspondn place 10 live lu as snyvbere aroud the Welsga Reisier vakes up àe Chicago, sud more nice people vill veek'sa altr village electonu ly come ont ber. tu lîve and the villlsge'commente oun1the eveu vl;h 11e a ýry vil! grov oh!! orne rapidi!. One o! a gsgrblod clippleg !rom 1the lxvi r. th1etiret questions asked 1,7 people j DEN. lHe preseuls tartliug fact be Whovaut &0 go te s ruburi)tu 0ilve le,! Ihat keoving 1-1I bld 7011 so" ma ti "-is there a saoin lie? We surely ocharnoeriaitin vltlidale lm donl esul people tu coule Ont bere vho pnet h ito hc r vaut 10 live vhere there Ila saloon. an lecton 11.0 beau bell mouetin Lge The vorse enraie o! unir lime aud land 1the dia pont aud th .11he,1the ns 108 11 drunkennots. sud 1Mr. Moregor'kiiwv il vould ha Ilé vssa, li ,d, certaly vilI nI vote 10 perpetuate and thal it vasmas 11e knev Il coui vsour grealest curse lu Libertyvilleafler. (les vhla, Ialasum'@a c d. vheu the citizen§ vbo olected lili e lako off Our bat sud u. have expreasiy tld hlm they do agt scknowledgeieot lM)1the posasasa th vant il auy longer. Not a man of the' herculeu brain tha& coucouv i,~ counicil abould vote for licous. nov evente in tbeir minutent dotailab . thal the people have voled thal 111.7 Ihir occurrence sud thon tell ddo net vaut s saloon 111e comlug yen. @about 111cm long alter siveri rhoC C oEAE> papers bave poblilbed fou soe re, tbereof. We almoal ceans. 1 brs vo contemplate sud compare Ha I N i modern intoeeeual Golath vilI led laen. do tfletmmon ordiuri mortels, w chmg &va au MW > nt2i »poviM"dp~la - 0 --noîbiaignoe by fil ma qes. T»Ts ie a1* a slsias comparIanu. Noi ouly soutes long irouble1 là» ' w 5e fatlina éa .lavwa.tir III Ml fe mtd vor tC.M.ENERSOMiCD. C~iiCACAO,ILL . f PIKED P HE E AN THE E. I Miss Linna Wells vlslted the sehool LclItems of Interest to Libertyville Readers.1 Miea Green loi the nov teacher vbo LocaI ~~Ousiicedb Mi"e Peu ulman ln 1the thirdl C. M & T M P.W. iibl TALE. '%I«hernt ut.Tnesday Morniug Earl Dymond C. M LO P.R. . TU TULE '~àîbr B mSbrought his osmera and took a viev of ToO HCAGO. House-cieaniug ia t1e:order of the e l.school bonse. Russoli sm.a.. 1m3.. .OT> Nora Bot.nfleld, Blanche Vuillo snd Wsdgworth &W.10U6:06 Agit 10 se. 1the '0ev shoe" vheu et (Grace Williams vere visitors lent W-tn1Mr*. Protine's. 29-2 LIU&14 1LE 530 118 130 W ern on Rondout 10 7:16 muie r> u Thon..Keru bhm bloesomed out ln aidlI .4ar n &4ret 4 735 15 114 66 &1 the dded <tory of a coin oflier, triple l-iy rcIofrnlig u l §=Ifsd &82 t:445.-10 :10 011' OUz.Pietofr ohn, n Besaorvillio :8 780imeuie &84l as&Masgold plated aIderI. listar. CbiCaoOsaTIVO> 4:80 ou0 1*291:44 7:0 ril For sommer dresgonds, ~ggbas, more Ibsu the3're vorth. FROM CHICAGO. dîmîties, organdys, lavua, etc., go 10 Toesday nme one brought nomie &V". .M. s&..ii.M. P.M. .M.5. Ms. Protinesa. 2#-2 baracleesnd a very smani star Bah Lv. 'i~~tM.6*800 J.M. Woodm- umoved 101the bouse torth11e beneli f thelb bologycias. M erville 0005l U ts il tes rie Doosloeld 0ât12 :00 o "17s1-27 turecenlly vated by Mr. .Blachoil on Woe unto Ail the masâtes on Sobool outo utr.21028 AS o:5u:18-'Mlwaukee Ave. 1the rst o!f1the Bt.Ounr euterprisiug youug Bt. 1048 6:1147:60 9:0,promeut veek. Patricks are futi csoaing 2the Bobool st. exa 4:23 91.LU 41 Service. ai the Presbyterian cburcb esilke tribe 10 become exîluOt. aussellcarrive) t.1100 &ou S(Ut Inus! lboors Bunday. Morning Ueo. Lusk serioualy contemplated ». 0.01.5dais donotos udat oly. subject, "The Influence of lturrouud- the addition of 1the tille L. L. D. 10 bis bero Bno arka r ranIncdl th ug uPsl. l 1e evening, name; but 11e concluded Dot 10 do so BLJNDAY TRAINS. ~ Ors~ Doctrine Concerning Dlsplay vhen L. L. D. vas lnterpreted sas Loo"e Lv.Libertyvliie. &.ub.m. Ar. Rondont &Oo n.inWOrBhiP. Lusetic, Daugerous. Lvj.llrtvll.0osm. r.Cbiaois anx M. B. Colby vas appointed Village As vus prodicted ]nst veek a nev hvCic«O 6:1 ,..Ar.Literyvllo s:UP.m. Treasurtor t10 socee W. C. Triggs, aI election won demauded by 1the porsons No. a rocs Bonds onîr. golngoutb. villteVlaeBadietn odywo I rdteeetint cilgl stop on signal as l(olows:-At uiusîl , 1eVlaeBadmetn ody"odcae lelcino1eilgi P..Wajsworth 1i7; Gurnee 121: Wrren- nigbt. Mr. Triggs bhs acted lun1the Failtug 10 secure one they 11eu l2: liboM rvlk, 1:;arrivesto 1ïtlcidotizeEveettcapacity of Iressurer for over ton delsred Ibeir Intention of cotesting L1. . a. ears. 1the election. A meeting vas clled Trin No. 44 h»bas an ai&W o£n t ro Thos. ieru aud I. J. Hoyt occupiedi Monday moruing at reees for th1e Dw4erlled gCbeo. Leaves DeOUlid7:29 a. m. 8hermervilie 7:à4 qffve. Cbkco asOUAldermsnlechcbirseaIt1the regular proo0 lcigaoelf h a. m. No. et baves <uJfo 1120 m board meting Monday ight. Tboy uecoesery ppeors have been tiled sud arrives Shrmerville 1Moi;a. m. rgîaihm udvn aIleuhoua aebensred oi 12 i a0. M. appeared ghnthman ettilth upSabaeensevdgol lu a buIness Uke manDer Ibat promise. uOtbing interveOo a& full fledgod lem, .illaH. Âvoors iiluc for our villages vwelfare. 1 suit vili talle place ln 1the uear future. Tho%. Kern. 1. J. HoYt. 1fMr. Mai Kobuer bas opeucd hie 1 The program last Priday sflernoon Treaa..James MoOrgor. EIL.DUeBols. 'onmair' storeig b Lul C.B.bherman. SamuelGs0fovsy. -Fi" vtr ith a big stock 0o!Shevas , as follovs: Ediu« by Lle CW.k ..... -. ............ W. C. 8911 orli general mercbsitdiso, hardvare, etc., 1 hriraigb aus ae Tr.asurer........... .......... W. C. Tim lin1the Kaight building. The, store reading by Besale Bondi, readiug by Pir"Maffi.trat............... W. E. Davis Marlial...................... M. Fresbmnan room bas beeu îboroughly rouovated1 Cleve Prie, the debate sud 1the read. __________________________asd paiuted. loctrie liglit itures liug o!1 the Stâr. The aubjeet for YRYIL OGýNo. $92 F. A l-se lu e te Fair jea'5 debate vas Resoired "htWaigo --,*wî *àt ii ueýwa a realer General Thau Grant." TheF allow' unp&0I6mdp yourf"t you haven't respondt Invitationl t4 and OurW To » I e t very soon. We're prepared and expeolutu 'theReut There are many cases in which t be seen from the beginning. llar 1It's so with shoot'ý leu zeIf you buy a poor shoe juet,40 r, of Cheap you will have trouble wIth4iq SThere's no case where merit la o' .das in the selection of a good shoe.. our reputation in this line. by . Coly boed ,j. Try the cele brated v4lh bsu m1 Atlas Flolir. It makes Better Bread than any other Flour. Tornado Insurance 18 C Cali on us for rates. it's a good thing to have. A Windstorm cores- Vota know the rèst. F. C. SMITH &S Butler Bldg. LiD* v 1v E i . 0M Cori For' TON ayV w. bytu Ulou" lk osgaW W.ma lis. ces. Overcoatsg> nd 4 Iver- ies, ages 1e il. m 10 tu l sil sudI $0 21. 1 on for P, je -1? 1 Worth makes the man, and Worth makes the Clothes too. If the Worth and4 the Clothes corne together at Colby's, Both are Suited. Spring and Summer Suits shudbe bought

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