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Lake County Independent, 16 Jul 1897, p. 4

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l"Mta e t le Poët-ilmma aetUbwtyiih. 011*e9t. aan eod.elaas%~s. *avumzaxe HATUS Van. zuovuOn APPll- The pressure hmslbeen w gréai that IPrenidmut McKiley'lien deoid tu5 maodiiy Président Cletemada m st ic.the 1.civil servieà u fiai.,mdlbh orier te.ihable ta 1e imda»Y d"Y. The report by Wl! 0f Elloyle, that Spin and Japan mire tryring te com BuEelmnd 10 chier vih them itoa <' triple alliance for the PurpoSe o! vWhfpplng the Unied Stmmes mb keepfng it a bndIeoff of1Iimàda ubath theb.Pacifie and Atianlfo oceM1 Uaba not caused anybody ln Wsshihgtou 10 lune @jeep, and it would Dot even tIf i VeTo hnow to e. true, lnstemd 01 a bit of raidstummnr sllinensa Va the part of Îls originators. Il Io uch casier &0 batch Dp a Cougressional echeme than Ilin .$0 carry ilthirougb. even vben vorkiug for wbat th favored by s mjorfty. Lust week lthe friends o! ihe Rmviisn trealy concludcd that fi wma dvlsable in gel the trcaty !avorabiy xieported 10 th euienat itths session, and voted upon, if possible. Au eigbt out 0f1 he * eleveui members aof1the eommittee on ForeJgu relations are kuovu in fmvor tbe treaty. it lookcd like an easy * matier to get the treaty favormbhy repgrtod, but fi valut asneasy as il looked lo be. A spéci ai meeting of the commi lice vas caled, but leus Iban m quorum tteuded, and at m second meeting there vas only s bare quorum present. The commuttée vii hold moher meeting ibis weelh, but flinf fer from certain tuai t i il décide o10 j- report the irssty. Alibough If1wva tted vbeu 150000 vsappropriated by Conues for the relief oa! destilute Amerienu ctislons lu Cuba, UsaI 1the aMount , ouid not bcea drop lun1the buci et, il bas turmd ouita obc mucb more Iban vas needcd. Just as won as the apprapriation vas avaihable, Conaul1 (loeraI Le.vasnoUtifiai 0go &bond vilh th1e meeaary ospendilurea, up4 t011hat amouinl. Reporis front Geuera Lee vere submi lied go the hat Cabinetl * meeing, and mach 101the aurpriaqand1 graifilcation o! Uic Presidont and bis * Advisers, they aboved $hat aibougb Gmerai Le.bad reudcred uubstantial a tu10every dioiroaaed Anierisan citizen vbo ueed cd il and vould socopi, and shippedl a number of thcm *bach 1011the Unied States, h. had onhy «apondaid $6,000. BUll sugari Thora bhm beau a cou- tinnal lifgbl from the beginuiug of ihe maXing of tbe tariff billover augar,1 &ad itinfabing coninued lu th eciaerence committee, vbicb vss inj muton ail day Suuday. Every re- publiesu member of thm coniareno. * ommittIe bas beau piodg o 1 acrocy concerning the conference, and ibe democratie member. vill mot bc alliovd 10 huov vhat fa golngu untl a u agreement hms beau réécbod, wbicb viiib. sommtimno ibis vm1h PrObsbiy by Wodnadm or Tburaday. The secrouthelb.confermuco haye so fer boom kepi, but il bas leaked oui thai bath aidas are --king a lilgt for tbefi sugar sodule, but tb. Bouse cou- fers are eapectmd 10 vin, no& ouiy bceuse th original Dlngley augar acbmdule la more aallsfactory 10 ibe rePublican Proe asd theo immEandmie1 of th. parly, but beeause Speaker Reed b& id that the Houme votaid nover, under auy circumataneu, acepl ibm Semai. ugar acheduie. * There in laik o! attempting ta set uPon Praslidomi McKill.y's currsney commission recommandation, but fila likOly timIimmediate adjourumont vill folio, 1the disposai o! th. tariff NO member o!11he Sonate cujoyed ibe respect of the cevepaper mcn lu a greater extent tissu dld the late Sonatar Iaham G. IIris. f'1ren., whose fumerai services veeoonductmed in the Sonate Chamber Saturday. aiibougbho alvays profcaad od1 deaire to bave cvery nevepaper mam drava aidquarterai. Nvroi'bleu lbaygo$ Mmachuse! ul information out of thé 'nid geateiaakai leati ibos.dii Who ]m*nov bot10interpret bis burtIof angar vben b.evs saked about amy sere action of!theo sonate or of à * commdue.upon vbicb b. served. AI Page, vbo bai grovu à.11111e famiiear ftelbis lintercourse vi lb senatora, apProachod Sesiaor Barris oua day Md aired 111w .n a free and ecsy »anaIf lb. Sonate bail decided 10 adJuli ronaii oon the neît day. Taimaiag epon lb. boy vitb'a ferocions IOW, libm trais e Sntor naid --Yeu and IAuitd later v. adjouru iaday, u aaliprooeed te, bang vry itn- ,forffinent page ou ibis Scor."' Ira0 PM w«. vassaid 10 bave bft»,u ansri! tiob- n ftm* ba apassa. *lyllb. *tabd1ng m aiioted grufuasi o! pglàansd no mmastoC'h@br lu MW e~palitieul ocuncils o! bis Party. -i"~ hmaII poeveed bis iaaigsany -Pais la Sia s àIOn niCongrais. ?bmMWi Maovomeul tu moa ocountry 1100SoMfat ide, lituai of mi». M ~lprucesul. Afumur ais insila et IMMPRIgE rmcemly adoptai a rosa.- t "es bs Uet: "A lorty foué lwoi b. plémty vide nougb for olb Ihér »w bave té pay lira. Thou. i 14km For. "i .Wm. et preamn i ftir« Mim Sophia friadatrats Ch Mine Rate Dg visiting triends Mr. adMr& mterwamlgaln 80iU id b3 friemia bea m Sudar. ilis. Abiabai relurnedito til after a fe vShee Parente. A numbeof Ing and otheri buildings amoq Chandler, L.il sud Fred Schili. Farmera are nc fine and coin lea UmeRose and vlaitfng triensud. Mna. B. ComMu miss E. Carpelt fr1 enda in Voleo Wben you wi your distant tries sou s and patronl The eomsdiu broken Saturday aboyer, vhfcb te ail. Bon, to Mr.aui Bunday Jniy 11,a are dolng nfoeli. gratulase 111m. MissAnus visited ber pu Richard Compko part af ith eahek MIes Mary B Master Howard M»r. 'Baldviu at Mr. C. G. Rus home lu Chicago The'-Grant c lasd Friday ai Sidney Russell. 11011 a pleo à nouth bank of Pl vua laolfl uo one dayWI . . lerver fa apendinga ivo weta vacation at home. Rudd ayant Sund&y iluCaoran brotbers, of Chicago.ara apoadfng the aummer viib relatives in ii1fg lga faquit. iliia$ ibis vofnly, 9.mongtboae Who visfted Obhicago àAlaWsaia tarlained ibis veam r J. Tulley, J. Lyous, Mr. hifago la" veh. sud Mra. F. R. Zerver &bd M. Cor- Devine, criago, in cora. àn ib is vicfnity. Mmra M. McClory died Mouday from r. Z. J. Cmrou are ibe effecte of t1heat. Fimerai 5cr- bvother&,mom iaemouta.vices voebeld on Wedneaday a$ St. lia.R. RiobisonPairick'i cburcb. b7 a party of young C.Bgmnvscld10Rgld outlug at Gag- es Park MOnday, bis sou Aiex baving been bacly hickad by a bors re w h 1he vas n d cai dren baa uHo ien onthie i,<id t10 ovry bi r home la CChicago Sons mmuat forge&t hat we bave a k% rIait hers vi ib ber laundi'ycilice ait1the deo and tbm basket Imves every second Thuraday orredtanar pain, a$I8 o'clock a. m. Pleas euer t11fs lu vise fmprovfpg their nd ag ihom being Clark J.. Cumminkgm4 baviug rented L. [Lusseil, Mira. Seymour Matersousa land sat o!f111e depoi. bas 1. no leu titan seven tenma at work pro- paring tb. ground for millet vhlcb 1he VOLO. vii mv asm @oom as the groundilaroady. low baying, grain loohi The acrub game of bail played on the dolng nicely. EVereli diamomd I lunuday vas one a Maste Lee Bubon are of muait sport, fi bing belveen the smad relatives a f Egiu. Old Tfmer. and ho1 Cracker Jack teamn. Mm, The game reaulted lu a defeat for ýbe aof Monaville. aud racher Jacka. The vay Mles Con- 1er. of BElai, visitat advY 100k lu th.e --dies" and Tommy monday. and JObnfe Eedmomd handled Ibm 'f511 10 convese viib bail arouud ihehome plaovasa credît enda cmli at E. ichard- 10 my of 1&hem. one voiiid brdly 1be- aie our mmv telephone. If ove tbey vere 111e Oid Timers to see gly bot vealber vas bem play. y aisemu.,uu y a âne vas very refresbing id Mrs. Robert Wallon a ton poumd boy. Ail1 r.Ther friands con- Compton, of Elgin, arenta Mr. and M»r. onat Vola ibe latter Iarvey and nephev Frech, o! Elgin, areE rdays vitb Mr. sud b.a à ad daughter Elae,j pending noverai daym con' s eturned 10 their o bat Frfday. emetery aocetey met1 aifernoon wiih iae. Auguat 6, Ibey vli at Mm .GUil'a ou tbe la4Lk,. DIiýMOND LAKE. fichool bas cloaed. Farmeru are eutfng bay. Liaten for th1e veddfng belle. Obarife Nuit& bas a new wheel. W. 8. Coon la auflering vitb mn lujirai band. Potoo bugs are numeroua and cause no l 111. trouble 10 fermera. The Augut meeting of the Ladies' Oemelry Asaston viii b. held ai M». B. Coon's. AU members are urgonlly reqnmsted 10 b. proeat as the by-la w iiibe aléered sud suit able ameudments addcd eai Ibis meeting. Mas. E. BLovi, Sec. Setween Uead rime andi Harveat. la a good opporluuiiy 10 inquire about tarming fand& in Sonth Dakotak, only ou. day's ride fromn Chicago. Bounuiful arope of Wbeat, Coru, Baley and Fia revard the tiller of th. soul. A a stock and dairy oounty South Dakota leads &Uitie vorld. lirei clame fermi lands vith naiby mareta eau nov ba bougbt for $10, $12, 116, and up- warda, par acre, sud Ibis in the Urne 10 lavent. For furthar partienlars write to e.. H eafford. U.neral Passmger Agent. Chicago, Milwaukeme & St.Pauh X*Uafvy, Oid Colony Building, Chicago luI. Té Beomft, Olhe Thm4Oim'ft IlmmOle m pnmo wwlo es Iwo e b HALF DAY laig bas commcnced in thia vicfiiy. 1fr. and Mrs. A. fichât speut Sunday wftb 1Mr. sud Mrs. Fred Grebemi. Misses Olaau. of Chicago, are vi iii- ingiheir mother at W. S§tancciiil. John Manu, of Chicago, vi sied bis broiher WilIl a fev dsys lat wveci. Mrs. Wallace Whigam vi slted over Suaday vi ih Mr. Wblgam's !smily. Misses Ccoklugham a! Iviug Park, are visiting ibeir isici lira. J. T. Ayers. 1fr. Willie WhIgsiu aud Miss Mary Gavigan, of Chicago, ver. marri cd J uneo 30. We visb tbem a long sud happy Il.. Tborm vil 1be a Lavu Social ai 1fr. J. A. Masouis Saturday cvenlng, July l7th. Ladies viii please bring cake. Everyone cordJally invitai. * GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NE%". Mir@. Sherman fa authori sud 10 reaI osv erei pif ns aud advertlsmeutm Lfor th1e INDBi'ENqDENqT .1,0 orders for job prifnting. Omilon ber forra« ORAYSLAKE SOCIETI ES. RISIN BUS odgeNo. lis A. F. & A. M. J. J. Loio&nGNuG. ISacy. OXoltIBa eî.U. D. Ord,.r Fstr "Star msuciet hrîlTu.'eay eveng MnIM . B. MSHERNAN,, W.NI Ma.. A. M. WZrrE; N.cy. (IBAYBILAKE Camp Na,. i41M. W. A. mont 'second and fourti, Ssturday evenlugs of EvUsîTT N xviLLst . VC. 639303 Baoxs. CI"rk. MIPHcamp No. vu 1. N.A. mcci second Ras enaau, I.CMa.s. W. HAsîsi. Oracle. (SONGRBOATIONAL Chureh Sunday mer- '.vaa . m. mand7:5 p. m. i'rsyq'r min- Ive Woddy "enînga. Y. P. S. C.IE.rasât Miss Drow returucd ta Chicago ait monday. Mr. and Mrs. Parker are cuteriain- iug relatives tram Chicago., 1fr. R. W. Cool], of Wauhegan, vas sn ou oui streeta Tucsday. Will Smith 1ad a lumber bec ast vcck. li. la building a ncv barn. Mr. sud Mis. DcVoe's daughter trom Milwaukee ia vfitiiug ihcm Ibia vcek. Mfr. iH. C. (lanoana been spendfug a weccwh Chb11e Talor@ af Druce Labe. Mrs. Wbievay arrivcd from the eiy Tuesday to spend several veehsetaithe Lake. The brich sud tifle yard la bel ng cicancd Up prcparstary ta startiug the plani Joua. E. B. Shermnan bas becîî laid up vitb a very bad baud lbe paât vcck, but ai premeut fit isimproviug. F. D. Batterashl fa a bvlug s cc fouudatfou put under bia bouse wbfcb vas irâi rai sed a tout or s. 1fr. Vanille vii l e at E. B. Sberman's jcvel.ry store J aly 11,111asd cvery tva weecks ibersafici. Eyes testcd iree.. M»r. E. J. liigley and son Howard. 0f Ru»éseil, came es'er severai days af tibis vech go viait vitb relatives sud Iucldeuially tob lu tbe show. -The Fautera Star Chapters, of th1e grester part o!f111cm avay vitb 111w.W. trust fi vasnDo OUraae permon. The Orayalahe boiel gueta the 0p"a veek vere: E. a. Wilson, Kanasavile, Win.; B. W. Cook. Burllmg10n; Hove'. London Company; J R. Pheia, Plymouth; Davd Ely C 0i. Uif o.e Christ Ir. loglm, M. a. ikoît, Evanîlon; C. Stevens, Tvf n Lakes; Frank Thompson, Reîb Lewis, itockford; C. L. Darnesi, Fort Athinson, Win,; Walter hiarM i Bayonne, Now Jersey; L. Jevell. J. E. Riobinson. Mat S. Hart, Jeumls, Ps.; Fluyd Rtobertson, Luls Linos, Neill@ Linos, Frank Rtobertson, Rarrington; L. B. Philipa. P. D. Walsh, Pat Meifamara, C. E. Cbilaon, B., l. Rtussell, J. M. Wilson, O. Browu. J. W. Birkland, 1fr. and1Mr@. Walter OIson, Bon Ackerman, cbioag6,an sd 0111cm from neigbioring lovuis. ROL.LINS. Tom CorkhbfIl speni hast vcch lu Chicago. Miss Mande Edvards spei unday ai (unue. Cheator Frieze, af Chicago. fa Vîsit- f ng relatives ber.. Louis Ko lmitheicproud poacoosor of a bran nov buggy. Charles Coi bus been eniertaiuing a friend from th1e ciiy. Fourth Laka hotel was ilhleldwlth guesta over Sunday. Jim Mlelady, o! Waukegan, la pint- iug for C. Doalittie. Le. Gilîbert, of (isges' Corners calied an Roums efrleud., Suieday. Freddy DoalitIe, a! Watikugati, là, visling relatives ai 1Rollfng. Rd Dooittie sud fsailly bave licou cutertaiulug Chicago Iriendà. Water Noblett, a! Cbicago, apeet lut veek at Fourtb Lake Raid. Mr. sud 1fr.. E. B. Doolittite sud family spent Kandsy lu Waukegan. Mra. Samuel Lftiler fa entertainfng a hoat ai boarders, mosthyeblîdren. Um Mande Wbecler, o! Libertyvle insvlsftieg ber sunt, 1fr. Jas. Garwood. WililDarby. o! Trevor WIealia, Wahcausu Gaylae ii bidaou'"reéla4tiveés beér. il, à Prela Usts 57 rmaSilok pienle-lu 1the vooda cear Bruce Lake dey. 111 ana. vonhd a pintlng prose tfiaiuat tTuesdsày. Ail Eastern Stars are Mrn. V. B. Buirge, vas buili and operated for a long whiie inviltcd. attecded aur Sunday byRBen Franklin, " sid Colonel Charles The. Soldiersi' sud Safiors' r,'uîiou afteruou. Ganter. "The machine vas quit. a vill b. bold in la nysike tbe lth sud lMm.laucbe Sbepberl primitive aftair, but fianswered thm 20111 o! Augusi. IL vas dccidedetai a Haneaville, ia vilig purpome. Ivas tison a boyîuin ss meeting bcldl tat Tuesday in Wauke- lin. iHamilIton. Pb.. and vaslearng lb. pinter'; lgen. Cassi us Doolittie spe. tradeie th 1e office of lb. Lacaster Mrs. Coasman, of DarcuportIoaa Mon<lay rimltlng Libel Union. John W. Foriaoy, vho made ln vfsftîeg acreral veks viih friendsansd relatives. Ma nmco f o the Philadelphie Prem. in ibis vlcfuity. 5ho. «Ys sbc lavWei Mr. sud Mrs. Wnî. Cc vwu a 'prentice viib me, mmd wvo bob pleased witL Iova, butinu glad ta get Villa, apent Sunday vit turmis vorkisag the old Frnln rs.back sntong oid fricuds. lIns. O)rley Rf bbard. 15 vas made entiiily of wood exept for W.' B. Rigley, Our sation agent le Miss Eva DoolitiJe bo a msrbl lm .111 iai susweied the purkepi ver> busy the"e days ibere boilig fraie a veeka Visît vitj pou 09 a b.d. Ou ibis i1mb tb. forma 80 iiiO<h reigbt sud express. He bis relatives et Libertyvillt 0f type worm placed, and ibey vonld seventeen ta cincteen cars aif ls par Mrs. Hf. C. Edwards hae .u f nked vitis a long, clnnisy day besidles stock sud aiber iL ings. and daugbter Coa visil ro 10béo «himrmno.W. tifk ho1e eda an assistant. lira. Lams udlins. Mu &"0aa day Foruoy would vild thc A vcry large cravd vent ta thse Sueday. titllrMd henettday it feu my turu circus Tucaday uighi sud xuauy mare un accanni ,,of tebol1< tuallot onudthe Diok e ovcp iwtulessai the baibOOn ascansi on vbicb a 1ev attended the msoc ta iasion bm 9h.W. onl Pnn as verymnuccSsafuli. l vas a goad B. l)Oolittl,.s lant Tb about 60 or 75 ahsetsan hour. Theovori circuîfor us Slnd. IL cet befng vilIlie e Domurc tl vas labonionsl. but ve perforwed it; expectet. hat a very large cines, vould it,'pLomh.er. obeesfnlly bccause of 1the knowledgo vuit aumat ownm. Tbey vent froua that Bon Frankinubadlldoue tie ry lberre ta Libertyville. Wneflacii mmevok o iie ro msy hdao- The managers of the picî.lie onutbe Saniaparillia sud yet it fomre o er. born. James Buchanan 4111 of J ul ty Lh t4,lhekuovît that as theone true btood pu Buad tecoma lu ocosionally sud en- tbe vauise outhienusiit diaptay of ire courage Ws ai Ou u isu d predict a vorm ithîe vening via te mt ibat pure, rich, hltty, lifg brilllaitcareer for boib of us if wv ommmmc micreaut entcmed the place H0Od'a PIlafor atuck la 1the trade vo veme thon learu- vbcme tbey vere stww<h sud cared bowels, met eamity, yeti ing. ____ "Thf. wasway back in 1841,ud 1wm a yonng mac yeti. Evenis tlasi are A Rare Opportunity. Pasturagd crovddi fitiste yems m ince. then con- DO o yau isb to puirebes,- s hto-k 4>, Pleuiy ef good pastel tain the histary of the building'ot one generai moerchtandise sud ici Dce bonmi- 111. Morse farci, hiy a! ibm muet povenful nations the vortd licses In asPrcttY littie toieuiteLakte j Uinomvile. Appt! ta bas every knovu, sud t1e processions aif 'ounty? stock att ciesît su, oWv. 39-41 ALBE CLemp relit sud uîîdloubte.lly sa nut ______ mon ibat have pesecd in revfev mince rclîe ~t- iîaake in,îî,cy. (iead relmal thon oei for the peu of anoibei Plutarcb ionseiltfug. Speaktiuick it. w be t 5011 iNotilce to pathry tu pcrtray, and tisai cramped, rickeiy fer wvît atock viii ÎuveiqUary. AddrenssJPaibeivaters mnd ove litile Franklin prose tisaiJohn W. For- INI'EiPNE, l, LlirtyVihtc, 111. township o! LII)ertyvitl mm ad I u.end tu vark piayed a big requested tu cut att Ci pu ney emiigo tento n burs or otber Domicile pth maligmoftheipogeaio.naton mend Dr. O. B. Howe h.igbways o! ibeir rospe Btill 1 am not Obi. "-St. Louis Repunb- Treatmientiîectllcan sd isueccasfutly lly aider of! uc. ty thee tati-ai approved methada. al[ COMMtIStaOE5s c0 ________________ ebrani,' dimeahes o! thelonugs, heurt, Roson Wy habelaneCaIc irot, enr, nosac, .toacb, lIfver, kid- r W smiL&i ReaOn»WhyCh&belal's Oli ecys, lieveis, votutansud ,cual ergans. g-_I AC Atdl Choiera and dlarrhoea Rom- Skie disle*es.ûzema, sbi uglea, sait- edy Isihomet. niacumu, nelld bond, iciter, psoiasis i. ecause Il aifrds aimait luKtaîni capiths, pFioanass s.vcosis<banbera ftc'hî roelu l case o! paienlun111e toeiacb, rlugwonîu, beriies. zester, sud ail forms colle sud pchoora morbisa. o! cutaineaOu ertîption, blaicee, black- 2. Recause I La the only remedy becadm, et(@., ered permacsntiy. tisat nover failistlb the mucns iosvere Mole, sud tsupcrl,î<,ns bair removcd cases of dymentery sud di iarrboea. ihu anh lcrlsm 3. Recause IL t htie anîy eutie,]y vratpaetWeecr is tbat yull cure ebronie dtsrrboea. Diseuses ,,f tbe nenvaus system. 4. Recauise I la the Oniy remedy 1 cecrantiscnia. oomoterasaisa, pro.- m no,@lms tbat vi il prevout hi Ifous colle. 1 gregmivte paratyhis, Leadache, neuralia 4=0wms Lel* 0e 5. Recaute IL fa the oniy reedy 1St. Vitus dance, .çiatf c insomnie, cpi- tbat viii cure epidemical dyseniery. lepsy, cured liy German metbod and «... Ce Euta 6. Recause h fin the ocly retuedy eletralysîs .callior (s~a a UaUt l thai eau idvsys be dcpecded upon lu jItbeumatimm, mcute, articular, mes- à Ut?'i . UEsma cas«a a! aboiera lfuautum. 1coter lutlsmmaiory, sud rbeutuatlc cet *.a& dês 7. Boeuse fI ls the mont prompt guet pasitivehy cured by a ccv sud OU .S O sud rellable medicine lu lise for bovet ' sîccents!et precema. o. .& wrn complainte. iW-- 8. Recausetilpraducea ioebâid e.!--- ------- aut. Rcuef apesîisd~et B. HOW E, M. D., ________ tuea. Qfîce et Hotel Wood.atock; Suite T he IDEAL BLI 10. Recausel hbas savedt11e lives ut 28 anld 29. the least ohl anc mare Peaple thon any oibcr medieine WOOOSTOCK. - - ILLINOIS. it.Sa e stu inthe 25 d. Sainela ses The ibm and.5o imsforgasicby F. B. OUS isuch as rmowerç Loveil, Libertyrillo.J. R. lirmeber, IOURS O t<.12 A. m., 1 tuansd 6taialtafo'0t Gemnoe, L. R. Llteisfield, Rtockefeller. 1 8P.v-. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUN- wat thelot o __DAY.__________ lisi Haokney taillion. May b. coumnltidl Sudays from lIl tu For "Ie ortrade, anc fmported Hack- 10 a. m- sud3Ita bp.m.ai RosiCottage, Dey iailion, eigbt yearsatd. SAM' u1i Wmîcocda I111 e'oîi, Liberlyville. F. BAIRSTOW. Manufacturer aof.ti Marble Granite! Mf an u me n te. CEMETERY WORK of EVERY DEBCRITIONl CS olt* u14 of Fany$IkV,ý. wied ilaysdTus of Graysilkc. sebo l lîday r, furîî.emiy of gur pcst mater ent Sucday and etyvîlle friendi orkbill. af Laie Itb tbeir iec., la Just meturned bt frienduansd c'e sud sol iteasuell ted ber isintera lrmilI ai Warren iA veatber outy cieiy ai Mrs. E. ursday. Thero meetings ulîtil Uo0od Things-7 10 Bars Lenox Soap Lemons per doz. Apples per can Arbuckles Coffee per IL 25c* i 2cw TERMS CASH. F. D. BATTERSHALL. SGrayslake - - - - Illinois, You C81n Save Money by, buylng here. t Bargi,7sIn ail Lines of (Ioods, Dryz(loods., Bargains , and Bargains frBicycle, Riders too. Ladies' entire Bicycle Suits 8$2.00 to 87.00 Men's 66 1 6 2.00 to 7.00 1Boys' ail1 wool Su its 1.50 Sweet Corn pe r ca n .05 Yeast Wafers .02 Prunes per lb .06 1 Can Good Table Peaches .10 ri lb Good Berry Coffee .12 We have a f uil Une of ladies fancy Dress Goods-- Shirt Walsts and Wrappers which we are seiling at the Lowest possible Prices. 1 Cali and sSe before purchasing elsewhere. Brick Store. Watch, - ~1mAND HAVE VOUR EVES TESTED FREE. Mn. Vaille. tise opticienu vbalfa meting weuh mach marhed succsam ibrougfhani lM.couniy vi Il be boe Frlday, Juiy 16, an m ib. plesae mi 0mcc&ail isa re troebled vuibteir yeigbt and make a ibonougb ex. amnation fros oi charge. We Ps-i1you the glasses b. recanmendis et ressouable prices. E. B. Sherman, GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. ACOMINATON P-OFFER.. SWE OFFER FOR A -SHORT TIME ONLY eahaeua&THE CHICAGO INTER OCEAN AND 1L~uui.LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT ... -At tbe fohloving remarhably low figure whmn "clubbmd" or ordereçi togetami V JFe Weehly Inter Oeean and Independent, 1 ymar.......................... si 98 rnDally ... ..1...... --.. -.. ... .47 Dily and Sunday Inter Ocean and Independont i year.................. ô 00 UE FLAME STOVES are the prettiest, neateut to operate, Use ci oh, so handyl Try one a week and-you would flot be without Je of top bugles and surries, as well as ail kinds of hay tobîs s, rakes an ¶edders. We wllseli for less than cost now. use an old mower when we can put you in a new one for about lckles are worth. Cause: We have more than we want. k. L7 We conuot refrain fromad aiinq your attention te ibm faci t v . fM lMMr Ihat ve havme1the preltîti muItdurable sMd eonomtessi ELVE PLANE OIL COOK SEOVESon Ue1.j mazhoî aucb se dli, Punti tua Md~ '% National, and ai pni iiom nIlaroucetc - ail, as ve viiiagie tef umih, vhile Q %lu, hst, atiser Libeityvilie, or Waucoomd, or slip you iract on iaes 1 complaetuie Flamm store and oe. ioady te gel dimmer vltb, for oaiy $O.86, Thoy alilproduce a buIne saeviétheb aMme off !on-"tu inFour lampe, su d oult amohe or amal one bit more. CoaI.oil lu chesp, bmudy ami JIntthe uiekblelagib t Dura. Your local desiet may My Ithâ t. - . Unsystammailai ocuan" aaut dot aud heave tb. oren off. Langb et hlm. We only charge $2.78 vithout oveon.4 We buy oui dorles fa the nom. lovm wbmrm v.ateai our inait anm Iabootaf and aboea wbicb are camt4autRya$rI.- * fng ai Libartyvlle and Wanaeoada WO laid if you pîas.' not IOiiov. laqui- isy and prie. Ladies laiYe yl=b turnemileh.solo blacheansd lam from 65c..te0$1.76. Large line et aMa * boys and minesa ommon ami Ulo %hoet oh«ap. Bonb vir4 vovsaW »Ml, a iarl, cthépitu* va ogs, Mdsa "m -I J MI F. H. Kuebker, 1GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS.

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