Iuaàti. If emm the dal, isievs v ers te ho malrled. Tisen 1 irent bocks to Derby- Ii Beuw very ltie of my rallieran motîser. White 1iavas. absent thl'y Lad settlted upon golng abroud for foe or three y . maintins. Tisey were to go atone. Noven 'cieîtinp wrItfDot 10 accompauy ftlleul ,.......but wlîeî they came bocks they awcre ta ccxi 'vstu Estuere Court. Cicicîdio 1cie. My father a asented to say ccill-cs a. tIlîis the mlier hLit becn fcrclecn ail allag. 11e ooly aîîpulttedl finit Est attire Court abouldbLeir oarnoe. If 1Ki lcîil shave preferredc onmencinar CHAPER XI' pitie? Til e! Vleaînecî~ .i~c,.ioîck'eplng on1 5517own naccolit. I détraed CHAPTR XX. Peed? ell e! N*lentne-tia oot«ot Laitut mstcb a îing-iu sny cise. Mya On our >urney bock ta Eu;lcîd we îug-1 mothers appeallng eyes wonld havu fpeut taudhisnîsie ln apeclatinit an 1 . *"nlentlne lmafflle wî-l. Ilhive fot turic-cltise ésene.1 Johoe Si laren"woul 911 ana sIo eois.hlm. bat i heard or loinil t ew d*1i go ath-y left on. >My mobher, ic iloaite vist pacewe houd aeishici wtisti1 ug. -r Lady Eatxiere" 1laId, ia.is,'c ofa er snow-vhite finir. iookislg a'air ges ae élieihod tkfain Lm. it the-alhahit r11elou visat bhushappeied't 1 a bride béonnad an ber houcytunoli. 1I vrfetil sngibn -îwut nInlg haloneisôh-couletrom mnone 50 700loted once--tlaid ber sn,naud aise blasbed au ivîdl t orell &aru ie vino hn t on filetaisu <'eou@ taiai ban vrougeol youansd as a u ggrlfmlgbt blush.c me fras OMU mot sumerible&" urld atone. 1IBan the beurrer of àaIuses- Valentinse and 1 vexe commîgsa'nce Ir t t erne. tn fr. ariva. in hlle wesauge: avili you eur il*! A message of sc fiai everytiing at Estmere Couirt1 ves ise tlerahi won g vspenceO." was luremédiaintsafor their retuirai. We werefilèrea. eleraiablc rledrsv , ber lisudatru ne so qeluci Sîy spent nani dellghtful de>s lu aur future1 arogntorusthewardicitor.si urottah i rets, c erld n ufronptmine socueklcY.alat home. We revelcj ln the lasg-hidlen a et orstewd.aHe s uie L>o"ir lous: 1stood sD oerised t te. oealu.Sie trelrareas vbl ettvre rosght tu lighat. bas ralund.H aItteIIe aue ni pandd qoker."t"At.*ud crtlliclised off ou c,,buiky TerIL ndat trncnr"eAutnofilâW t,"'taise ald, wt bibttertiesa11u bvntory brougbt daccu ly oeof 1Mr. The mlles tadinve tro ise ucrt atu- ber cice. *lt consesot jaur; after hait GracisYoung mec. (Cubinetsof lise hll!n m ise orve renatlteuae tirenas day- a lifetime of scorn be condescends ta sendiareat poreealo, chesta of cxcuisite nid breaktbt Ore ore"cse" I etl u%îc.n.iue .eaiesage-a message. I'erhuics 1plate.,iundreds and bundreda of price- Preople ire ve astîr lisrli eis la un v @halheur yousallisamessage of Tgîve- jeas reaauresacecumuîatcd Iy a long ins ves oo rcevithyîL aen.liecu,Mr. N'orrm?" of mens ar aste. Ta watvh ail thèe wer to:onrecLve hYthe auent p'on "Fi'r, for ftmI! Believe me. ail 5la tr.iigbt ont 0falsir hisdlng-ptaccs, and. knew jrd itthceprofssecandIs Îes- mode celear tahaim.le inows bon Le lt tie cosmmandiassd dpleasure of t gen- hesring ilaino i vas, epeue islr rnext 7055hy is anapîlous- kauacatecoan aent front lundon for tise par- ure fihat I bed t lntentco usetacseLamne h liste dupe of s crarty rO:ule, pose. arrangei lit heir proper satsionaaIn of Msy race. 'le kuowna ci ilis'-alinets, allosiucted a lutîcr of love ta Mes. Payne mièce ber appeiine. Ilu :"At." V'allotie and to me. a foie wardu alé tld a wbatliait1hall- "Acid lie sead, >YOD taume! Thisala the Claucdine and i were marrienl very quiet- pensd. Sir lAurecîsebailsoude alo a tuircaat v rang ut ait! If i1lhave creumed ]y ut Ciellenum, suddalleu went toff lor pearanore t Estulers Ccocrt. Aliîangisfilat anc day lie wouad isow tise truilli. a long, ramhllug. deligisîful honcymon go muaoy ;ars bal elstcsec mtuc-e 'ib'Lad drcunsed Blutirirotsiai day Le would mxoviicrfrotuplace tu place et cour 0on ainlo.é,Mra. lPayne'recîgsizî'cl feini t t OUtréeto ssse-lhaîhie tis wculd bLerte a.,,et nifil, andvImo xiti purfoile sxcept to once.le aald notiii la exploitéLUn sud- firt 10 tell me. 1 tithauit YOcD,. Mr. Norrloa. ini-c; aurselvenq. I eu wie chaugistsowe den sud unempesel isir. le w'clinl for ycur godintetions; but )oar seulit Lad egletted aur trienda ut Lame as long s drcamy klud Ofcinlay, mie «Ixd. ltoé,isllé. ocaiofaruced. Wlacevcr >00 faind a Ile dared. rvs turssed ur face. tao ur bougesudvendluîog i th ise furn ie-aiisîctaîe îiight have 1bt-c-ui t dhY Sr uc-w Lame. Eatmacte Court. amou, ad tidiic ilwit Ill fLrn" Lre Uls-eac-e lhallie -red te lois fcor it. IVe i have lrought sBy talc to a close. Aila ail corered op,. turned tictise bouse- aviliidialcîue tss-ecmariter ciaismore. À ilsciat hban Lappeucci ince- carla nolhing keeper, vis, boid ensurent a to lcW hbié-lm , ua ay good ulght-a blidsahr lire- corby of record. Momne ycrs bave1 snd u.ked if ladly famure woasnutshé' pareil for >ou.' 1, Iasil ince 1ivesa instrumental in hrlng-1 Court. lira. Payne wvnalarmat lacfrtist 5hl- wval- aslly oaveinzfrntrmtise iug my oilericacks tatise boutonéabcsi 1 sent tu, repiy.boit manageniltotaordonnler rccccci. iceut tter ber and caugit ber toved. Valesîine ban marnient ell.and9 outtirat ber iudylahtp vas trccsshanse, haoncd. buîtily. If be c lcclnot py bla bruas sgo1 "Ah. aithtie Dccwer ici gr. sii r l-Ishave ather nus-vs---- rsrauger ker'nly as of old. i.Dame laséveilIknovn1 ILéxanree. *'i vîllIrgo and 1015 ber. T 11 swain the art worid. He la the ame sveet,1 tisseus t10 sudle nMY ors." NM) - oic-em'ut have letrayed MY cIi- irigbt tellov ae oft ad udtise sxcvs tisaI Thse gacal vllnisi va. nt ber visa' ed. ticîn. 51e turued and looised at me iur Leha.4 about 10 psy s vrait 10 Estsuere4 Oie #tnno sartng et ber matee. ,cid bc vaacli-r. Court la velcome ta ail linuoates. Nov ggottau îoder ifie wvnaauappsraiton. "I bavc sec-n yoor éeaent son.' i said tiat biecau tnlly gr-sîlfy if, hie passion aibl fburried es ot aud cosuticdbsr bus- "LnssIrsnc-e Esstmerc-Yfor îevelry ils vaus. Ths inglsabviîci band. Salis vers délai frititeneit sud Ste trembilesl aud lesuent ber baud on made is baudsglraions arc, for the Ment unile o5. cdu thel bitatusixohey their tise tslc'i", part, resigsed tuois navite. $Spoil gn-est monter. il bappsent tiat s former visci "Vsaulnti ainmysau'aisebcaid. -I up ta tise conqueror, hc ay. Hc han, lled ut s distance bad 441Lt 'dut rlddeu bave nic caher. nat, no tira i knov, a cari' In lire. in to, se-Bonn. fatradis ntise ilîite. Bad 1"Y s, Iileilpasalaatsly, "yccu bave. AmpiT provîdeit for, occuple eiticeotly being à careful man. sati sed ta suce Oui' vio avili love you evn e sValetîne tg) mollieflttme page pl.santly, ioving and s shillingilen ie couîd do go, bal,.lii-loves yois: ouevisa bas ocrer kowncil lelaveit.Vaicstiue bld.s fair la live tisea Pajise', îpermssion., tahled is Dors" In ufotier'. loe-haa cver iaienvubis moth- ilite or satisoroughty bappyImait. on ofthtie outhousea about tise COsr:. 8 er lin-ilountil a fev deysa ago. O)ue viso Rtîbell made une mure joura.-v. wrote John Payne derideit 1o maise fa""w1' c ritaict bis cilstbood ha. ssgid ét ier aaOnc more books; tisenretirer] ou ais aur- hils fieuda hbomne, le saddoled il. juit tai'e cinme. O,h.(ei tyou sec tis.-elvi. He ha. done op, andin la a funiion brooghtisi tu thie'doar. Sir i'-*-Deae rîtis" Sicair! oh. aiesté; tii e!"' refuruimhed. Ilitield.to lut. after ail. be raprang lu tise aaddle and dasta av.wy ut lier eye.neére rc-i'c au n y faire, lier spendu mare duse at Etiucre C'ourt1 à headillnt Pale lpu*ccerc- tresîctlitlg as though &trci aig thoastscome. 1He lan esitisl tLe1 Thse py iés arteiî off antcetà. sd u faincîi cra. . trient cf thse tasily-always sc-.lcsmesla msade tise agent laware cf nict arcs' 'Wliyduc 1 -dcie frccnji l'- .iaurc-ce shc, fLe arrives. rc'grcttenl vtera hîle-1 close by. cradotli. tilrat feuiér c, tat a irci- rexce l':nii-ri.- a rî, cxcv rallier oa& r le-c- ctg, i't cc 1-%t of my Icélier, tis.e w cccl 1L ltter Or tc'i-riiibail nucxcaveccl. Ici la-c 'icca.il ct! Oh, ui.chcr.tn'Y none. Iliostitte yl (lie n lbhîini. accd1 tev iiiicîssaisn iorse gra harns-aansd .-t riler hi-r hu-eni-un in ' ivicy tliecilii teeLiabroacl lanida ta citc-ticce la cosiut;witb NIeslPaynce andclvccîc(if 'cil-Illoi.lI c-vac r'occ-nibccr ccnicciccr- ou lc yfinia;t day e tur diat.îîl. 1 Li ia .cvs îîd-ccrvact. licca - Ioi; iai cr ccc i! Ni-.me. cxcircccctlccr; ccc c' iic ilcacoi forgertsu aiicî Iat 1 Lcpt Mai1 tise IJan vr flou- tic l i" Ix l ie ns l ic ,cId. tcîce:iancl]lîi-cn ic! 1ctb-r'Ici i.a - i. Irîcoi-ceta tise dyinc wc cicc c, %Ir-. %er- Sir licr-n eccia s- e e. n0ccc1 frcghc t-îcc *' -c cc sîccisc.>- , i cilli oe i t ccii ciaiie , r icthou h i cl itnvcarc- lic sec- dccci te uctc vc'-t.- ncct cf sicc'r lic c. L..*li uc -clri.îc ii iin fc'cY r.'airacinc. acd it alisîugi i Liît thee acirce' bad l.c it rcîîctaloiicicPl'i' CIcîcci te' c c 1cîci I ccicccct. lie Ilicîc 'it t ocsîc iccf icc-ir ccitclic- s cet., the icccc. utîd bouse scc Lii' ft r-cIci. a if cia " t c'f gi, trl cc-rc lcikccl tr ioctil tise Jntscr wm-cuta cc-r- :Iclueic- aloiIl. 1It oc ai'.. ail cci iic',c. 1cîitc-.-r. 1 ii scarri-i. îaccifcthi-fcrnmercrax pN i-n uai evldecslchoitIi,r ccic- Met n'ctirto ta t-i> I .;î ccaio iccc'li t lointut? Ilic p, ni ch- flair ci ci;of icc.roicci g îcîcci livisng. tise night.I ac-l Bcîs ut t-a n l ria,i ccc- frocit 'chicilcIli- îirccc- i ccii fr ic Lcti>'. Mi tcthc- roncdî tilir. t and i t-gc-t a tcîilrourécr-l; 'ftc-r n Wti'-.Ile oictr i. ic-'. 'iIigt iglit acctnd icccîi.piciL.tif tiseni tîgether, h luin bd i x --enthIcl, fir tcccre dc'iJc"an i c.cifi -c c c . i'.cc a ndl sc i ccc.c .iîc R.cclsîoeiaul tteisu ysra lu no cxisu ai. S.-ac-ci ucîcuj- cii'>' hici.--l'lanoiine .ite. Ili. etcilrinto cuiit lie,--a bear-] Si r Lcc eie l- thi- andc.cc Iii al [i rua n.i,,n'oa in t ly In te i e ee h l vate..ýb- Lc ai c, îîc th frccct dcllar aci cci h l_ . îcicl. cc IrgVlaiicc ci iîac:l ic i i l cce ocf eBoyr-hv o looik ip ise drive: bi'c- rîi su%-cectficcc ctchccii. lii-111 icc 1rciicccit ccelc i'cr0C " MY. ut c-glIf g tcé' viotsandcc., ex iîe ;e iif.-due c ccin, i t;erîcc&' triosuber heurt. floodil aft.'rrtii.Itic -lin aitone fcor cisc rciiccc bicr- vare ccl1. ix ic srMcd-e-nînl ic ficéro- ci in-nlo..l,-aidav- slorir- i .....c.l'iec ellénsrnoiita cle ' i r l e %lci aigu, arcnd Ilrb..l'a>yne rest ccliétthé. 4 cii ca c, ii % r riî i -dc a ticl %%,-isbc'ualt dcIl e,,.., el 'aruatn Ilin ccc i-a r lie cb of tsi- r.,c11. adI lteciucig. ale f aii.c...cc .c-, t ctcc r ut ic-t tisI c- lngîlin ccî cc-cc'il' fi r,)uic atîb, sr illla a!; cv' lc tise incsrita it li ta îlki n Ltt'o . .It ice c'cii. c rjî' rc> tse ielciiu'l t, ic c l l, ier accu nle i a ore - t opeiscd th..ccr. ads nuit îîîîceîî litlt %a t ,e oui ,Osewo ier r er r; ogh nii attfore tlis'.puc.rir îccîer bccsord lOr 'iti aticiii'diii cccii ciioi-d ca i tice le an ela n»yci- ccc'- -llti-r cc st er>tdocnitcflieric-in-c vîll acu rcczie. 5 rei bcs~ au bi a cci 'ccdroi-cari eceabt iéa bsconidui c i a cv- fot cid eigttlie c il l ot uer Prt,- aild is t frenzccscala etareohiard ou eig sd iciiccic orll. Sic oar feursoau chat lie lire, becccusc isa ilien wieilc taue waît' pmbon hic 'cie sicrecccruitc. tccî c'ire c-,- inuitt.Ladtlaa vil cc afaim frccnti er aide, lu tise sîrugite for coli auféeu-iexîl't 'eiîî-cf ira.ortetic.' cli ).Ior Ici ccc-leccnceua.N;cîcs r nuifainie 1 irlta b- lia deleiit. ,Chcss- This in -o llended vo-con iaf ii-cc'ce liic douarccecer IrcitussMYct.i[te Payaca aî'c'aaîîi Bcft iront nacine 'at] hclcîoîci'ulic raurss brccssîéleverelsudaisuid.cLic mPae utOnfsa ic îîr I îEt- hlier[land ccltic fimin. Hetot;il sud Lresmev-cludîes icOn ic'tisa I ab at is"ei a ndl I Oit- isei hi-t -a l'etu!isher>s Iriiasde boi, il t'oic lic-s î.. ésieSlaat feu rf» alet ofjuistice. I ccr- e hb Lainter n-- tel ,cccilicà" t-"', ichlii' 'I liiifricticl. ae leal. >at îîîi il elie e hat duriog the finî ie bccl,i ut StccntMoaiiî c. I fc'.icl [ba i ict lui-ci is iel.'- liict lii.:rs ieîîgcllulic nc iti'ligttaie ,tra'ini(ct th.Idiot fei-c' aci. ali cci ic t ,îica,,cciitc a lrîliî- ii4hi i clel rmite taiusibfaiate.]ucrot i , n ellh1".crlii i- e" I.d o l ei c "Ins aithi-r tu')rc-tlaic- it cic.1 c oc-. cct cii r1,t u e fis hisiecl cxi;fatisir'i u ci1ii, I ' ciiil ticIs1oo ld n tc tl. Sée(etu lb iln v rle ul go 10 inéai oncx,, blict itqvi-Iîii l ev'ileoitcIr *c"c" cîti",c"u 1c 'cih iî'liliir î cu a oie i'i ut IL vtcuîil Le tcctucr ai>naecisthec uv ratir cIi liivîcritf rliertuitille anid iculion i rei'ed ncli. Itatis cviiianud 1i i lled it ne cra ci cisc Lîcîi'. csc iig ly 31. ci l . iio, c'î l l iber lcciicifui allier, cc r.acl cîvail' ta tis e titeiîion i cî cii> Ifcc.lu tetîîrg ý lcit,. ir, unitd Iîfccii, gaci" i c t Ic - -c in citise cccld kuen' the'lcîcis Blacli'. ri c i a ccndcrcc ac' cIo tay 'c> cisc , icrs tf Cise>li l a ciitcciSir i,,carecîe Dight ' tise certo uMiylicc hoîi,"-u csi cc-rc' Iccl i ci 'ciic fol~ cr i, Sir acrccic-crie cr; i. Ic- icic cc îîicc1 clThei.icccei;iîi iletî-c kuccc îî,iicg if icist i.ndcclliai dcîîî vaa ic iriai. lit thc-fctcr onosci ccsi-- aeitrlgr I.lr -' iei ue ien etneeCut vere c'ciittîi ta a ciii attflt lois dîîc trcîccîs 'le'motliaigist'othec iîf .iNiIt aloiîîtilccî ' V lcr- anducitrol elîf i îicr. t. an ait ani gc-liadnle. The, dicc' cir c I l clu i en- c îitig alnlitc, Site 'u cc i ii'îi'iîic cý f i isir i'volti ishave cirift ccilit gricved Ici lie a 1rpbet of cii. lclia i c- or hliiitiaîii'tcc c h-i -tic-ilcino.-i c il.andcl csc'>'haceenow- iriv'cilnt feearec thisre ,'cccnementa-ci l iciir3;t' ii.l 'cuti lel W a ijiing. llc c cgc- cc lîci ico-frietiitats -ire racty vhctilîr ils efeita c,,,qIid Iciciccîc1ne cc "gur 1li.lc îctlc S',lctient .é- cii',31>fctlr, poitaiionsfle tisei-iicy perorntu i e h' ci(]fl It lit lr li 13-i ra, leq-ciier, :il)ii icr Iiîîîcct c i -1lié, r tri' -ic cclti tic cccx icaaceîrctacnceý:e:icin Oue tlisiothi- ccan ccrtcaintc ut c e cct Icl i, h. li. iicliiIli.raeo ic , stiiil hîe obligaioncs ofîc icirtvoy ire patient aus uic nudsanger, >oc' t'ciiid a'- ii,,aîil h a aîîcîcr,cccccrc' îf plic tioI ililed, cîîd thece tie cccla-c laisa, IL mighbt Ierbnalien-uIslic-c ullic cii;lrecc ii',lois ccc ie riciciil lier, iî 'uît iiciii fi Sund hi. tr ida 'c crs-ais-tccd hi.cc . -- c r i c'cclic i.: cand ('ocerec. ixci l ic -rue lccre are clcanes clobera i c-atlé i .c'o Thridlor lc'el us tsci rie cr.rciiiccLkI -.,ccixc1ii-ci i icciifi--iat if t hi- ast is ,,'&le la; ils hia e> -a 'cdc- cilecýiltic-y 'Irc rît! icrv Jii_ ccîefor ilti .rcl-î,cei résuide,. Il. tenuesCcare lookeitdaclrt. Istroun a911nsI cgi-.Hi 'r.ii rk andi! I Cc--cC tru-., I still lerI, E. ecibmclie li. aceli>-pant turneitfréonustrin us aun-e cute-n-si lii' iîccir, tricI- c lieipricme'oifliri-, eu lu mci ci>tbiigs Le but i taucieu t heir sgaze îjn iei l ccir ci' i.iiiilli Lc;'cii tc .i _ ro, is a, Id smcsn. Iimorile a chu tîii' c-ery aud reteit on Iird l itthcci-ii; 'i. lic-c ld iciiicgfaillicita " c'a ccIii 'cjia ci-ciîaim1rliii h tic,--cccere Coutrt ifler ir trlenit approarise inéLtalie rainled Ic ni cif cx%:.ccci icicik'i ennccscc ii. c ic ifccla looi'cî, and cxi>-he-grt. te-lu lu tise Led unuit trettbed n l it. iin ancti", *Il i,.eiccfh lie -id; l 'c c' i. d. aî .l. ciclîiii t l sce ie Ili siis l"Fransk! rank!" Le ried; 'isa ie isre? Itcicn."ccii, c .ciii cuL iici acbture sur fîccier us abccouse -c-ils yuu . Id' c-ci-t front thLe ecoci in nil Ille ail t('si incccii liiît Icîrlîcai bd pecvi tler cci-r% "-Not >et; sie ailI suon came.".î nsl-c o- lîce blaiiiit'lc. tichieiisîe ci,' -c. I is -fciîc'i -wîii ctLe trenuresauventilutilet ed Btothwell.waxitonsic uî-rîci fîrceei-ci i soit cil-icfrocnt tisenecto; ut their formeu-r tscpîi- "-Futhr,"i %ai d. "do yots kuiino i'me!" c..: Icalt1Ifi-l t hic ccii iil it(.f c ii-ccilect ne-,.Mstll le c wagici chi-n 1chualsec "Yes. 1iflaon, you-you are ic; cuet ii iitiiis voclactiîgisc part Sir Licire-allit oi-i't. gravec rime iauili-linadtisae: son, but 700 bave hec-n vils rue ail Eicicc-e landitalis 'ite. 'ahi-cctisanecyen cchî'i atc' oaiscya tbrougis the bitter blackiflime. Nciv t Iieunc lasie oiis lore lcali]tic clOmIn vanu ne on.iaant tins'ieYni]lovre! (IAPTIER X-cVî. Hfu ncr rntraner."velYcf Cruel! Why have tisey Sept ber f1oni lontii-ler us;faîbr*, u esnsicat 'smc- Tie -ircu racit tsiitSir .ie cef me? Deteait.the dsya have Laeea long- altcr bdluth;.biarecovery, loiffar a:le TIc ay cci ae eSciîuec no long, Corne!" évoudil"vnes c'a nrapid oue i',w1e ccc.outile Estinien-asluLbctise darsct lnd litteruait Ho vms bcgii.injg tu show igués af ta leava lia rocic and taiste ecit-ot -door da; mlir Ie ban knowcn. girent exciteraent, Lut Rotiswel calinecied cs. tet aschlct cnr The end.) il hs by repeting ia promiae. my tmbller liat 0fr cecl-rt eccrn itd"a'a frA es TRE LOST tJIIILDREN. TAL.MAoE'8CONSOLuNG SERMON FOR BEREAVEO PARENT8. Tiha Shorter lise Voyage tise Lem. Chance for s Cyclone-Teisptltion lu OIt Âlge Wisstlise Luit DylugsAitClu- tsslaCpm reit. Ouar Weekir Sermon. Frou anunnaMusI stantpocst Dr. TaI- mage offera coustorl t elise lana of cil- diren, sud lis smormon muet lie a bulsmi for maxi; vousds. Bi@. test la Isalish 1,11., i. -*rie rigistacus la taiseu âaa; ram tise cr1 ta couse." Wc ait saucut mucis lIme lu paaegric of locugevity. We consîder IL a grest tig ta live ta ise au octogpusrtua. If an; one dieuIi nyourthirec»as;."Whsaspi;y!" De. blublenhergis, lu .iitasre.rail that tise isyma vriltec nu aa'lirlIe b; hie ovu baundt namore sîpreset hie sentiment viss Il maIt: -I avould ouallise alva;."' If ou. lue piescaçuly eireuuasacid. ho neyer vanta 10 go. Wiliam Cullen Bry- anI, lise grestlpilet. ut 82 yeara ut age, slaaittccg lumy honae lua atestai gracup. eeting "Thanalopos" vitiit specta- cita, vas just as saliona ta lice ias wheu eI 18 îeara of âgeslie wrate that immortel Iliresaoiy.Cano eurei t ut80 ;c-ara ut age tisaI ho voulit net [ive. ta learu ticeoxi. Monaldsaco, ut 115 yesra. acrlting thseisa tory of bistibme, teten scallupse. Tiseu- pltrstus, aviting a bsois ut 190 ;cam ut âge, vas anîhona to lire ta couphete it. Thorlov Vueen, t, about Se, ;easr âf ge, ton ieits ugreat a deaIrailit; s.uvisen ho suuxfeot tbi. §raI politicen. Albert Barnes, seavwell preparcit for thet udt vorit el 70, sainthe voxuli rasher atuy bore. SHolt leaail tisa va; davu. Iasit- pose tisat the lamilime tisaI Me-tisusub wus out of doora in s storu i' vanstriait of getting bis test vel lest Il ssorteu Lia dmîm. ludesat 1 sous. tie ago preuciset a sec- mon ou tise bic-ssiugs iM loxgevty, but I aoav propos. ta peescb 10 yau about thse bleigsIsSof auiabhrevhatenl eamîhI; exist- ene. If I vere au aguostic. I voult sau s manu la hiessid luproportion li tLe naim- ber of yeara ise east ar;on terra firme, becan»as tsr tisaI be talu, off the itocisandui If ise la ever picisec out of the itopti aIL la on ta, b. met DptluIsas morgue ufthlie ussiverseta me if asyhoit; avI l aim hlm. If 1 Ibongisl Gomnait, in" eair t0a st torty or grilleor saisun- dreit pesraait tissn hoevas lo go lulo su- uibiIlatioa, I.aveulit sal bisebhef business ougisltuloetaeSep alite suit cven la gotait! vuttelbsulub. vc-ry cautions aasitatocurry su ambrsalls andittaie overshoces and lite preservorsantdibronze armar sud vespos of defenselent b. rail off imb notiLiDneus suit oblîteration. Thse OuleS RelousHom. But. usy trient.. ;ou gre not agnosties, Tou bstla n Immortlity unit the eter- ual realienste outh ibogbteotsinbu sven, aud tbsrefore i iraI emaris tisaIau ais- brertateit csrtbiy existence is ta, Le desir- et eDt in a blesusg sbecs uâe ut malisuonie'& lire vans very compact. Soustacsengo ta Luasns at 7 oiocis 'u the moruiug and returu ut 7 lu tise een- tugr. Otis go ut 8 o'cloc-isancd c-dura ut 12. Otheun go et 10 ausd reltru nI 4. 1 hure frucoda asho are teus hura a ta; in busnuess. otiscra 'co are ltischuara. othera visa are une haut-.'lise;AlitaotLc-ir avons 'ccil. Tise;do liseir colis-e 'ork sait theu tise; eiretr. Wieb Icuitiontui yon thinistise Mont di'îirsisle? lau @m;, otiser thinga hieog ecîul, the' xman chu, s tIse ahonîcal titue lunains.i l idn iixmcý nd u vis aiaureturuiboue tise quli-Lestinusthb Nov, us; fs-ucnIa. n'Lvnot mcry ilsct gain> senneltloche atibjei-t lcucc'uf c- fromiwi crlit? If a pcr.oidicii csld hacc, itSe geda thisecc.ghbihua 'crai 1Il ovlcIs ln tsi- cîccrcicugIf bh i' Ie md45 yeara of agi-, hSe gels tisnch .'bîa itk nt 12 o'cloek isnocn. If lie die ut 701 îeara of agi', lisa'gels tisucaiutubiceS ai intl o'cloci lu tise attenauuua. If h i îe ut l91, be bau to tsalAli the 'ca; ounuop lui11 (,clela t ut ugit, Tt'li aocucer ce gi-t Lisrouugicarsu r sestSi' blIer. The han' vestalal in barrueLcccotint-n tise farmer tues siot matdown cis chc- a ltciield;ît:busc, aisonhderiug hic.ccc'> lIe ad taiusgbin pilciser trous stiiler tLe tdec, hLematle. a straigist hue fus- tSi hut ba meatent. Ai ave cauft ta Le Anîlausabout ia ta get 'ccr avonSuAne and sciI joni-, auj tise quicisen tise Lelter. aed fronutishe Cyclone, Persaxus. Agaîn. llxceelina hie.sning luan atîire- viaIent cartlsI;exitec'e incthetai-t chat moral iiaster migisu ceui iuipon tlie mac if Le tarriot longe-, iu'-c-uiy a nuan ciho bat leen prumncent il% c'ltthccu'Lndsu no bâai bien admireul firhuis guenosily utit ttudaena everyviscfr fotccegc; caus menut ta Stalle prison fr fat- suen ci i-ue. Inot r yeara &go Ibere 'ca-cnuocmore hirvhabillu; otflisat mari'% cnnocctiusta eîcmicieal dinbmmoely thnu chat> cuiicviii codmmit cou). ucercial 1*ousioect', heltui- niiiic-r if tiecu avio failloto ccimin c'tcart-c50 aucd 70 ycorn af âgei' l cinurui.ci ppaciliucg. If thsec' hald diecl biri; cecura lu-fore, it n uîict Lune l'ecu ielcer furir Itniaccndî'îcfier ticeit tumiicc. Thie micicer the voyacge, tehees chauee for a eîvI'uai. 'T'bare un a ccncng tieury clrail tisct if one6 on ausbLe right isî Lu shjage nil ilie riglit. Ybu niglut cis Mn-hli su> c lecc i-s ntohing avnt ing fircaicili'snu fît> ceit la geL t ul; acluchldon thei' tlumdit' occin. lissa-e ntloidcti -ci n8edthoie 'ha vere scisuohunadea or umllegetu testruitlne greal da'facslters: 'liit kict it cfiluuoy cas ho? Vhat itutotfsa îcîîcg dcciuii ci.l A d lise; Lare ait: -W113. lenan anîic- dît feiloav. 1 iscnieticdccc tute uult evc'r ga tât sucb un outrae.u', clii lithlIe grealt onaptutioru0cflireinieiue8 daMen far ou lu midlictiruicncc cl agi'. Ttirait b ime Iceiisceil tise tihantiu- oceas il van cascî i"cu-s ci miii Pound.,and 1 tiscnghisthlise ns .'millsasd lise vo- âgera buti lannlereut tise uIt oceau, munit I tWrole bouse ai enac for a Muagazuice ou "TheO Stile of the Scu," Lut I ucrer af- tes'wand coulit Lune aritteu that cbiuug, for heoae got homle cccgol s terrible saisu p. Tise ttc-st voyage of lite mu; bo rery uxuoots. The tînt msay bLencm- rocytan. Maxi; avis talnt lire tn grent prosperîty do ua -t dil in promperlty, ,peu. - leau - t Ptat ---cone ast damsr. ceuoesn Matiren lsit may b. sait If lisausIf Il aveulithave basa b.tt.r if tisey coutlthbsn-cembarseit tromns IIs lite nt 20) or 30 yeasof efsge. Do yoo kcsov tise mrnahy lise vaut usajority of people die hetore 30? Il ln because tise; have net tise moraI endutr- suce for tiantwIcibtlta Leyoril tLe Il0 and s merettul (mc l -l ont altucn tiseta ta Le put ta tLe tearfai trnrs. Agaîn, there la ua bIaacng in uoin aire- vîatecl éuirthi; cinseure lic lice focrt chat anc is tise aooner takei-ucfair Ie dît i'usi c. Au soocirsauaoie in raildutnugltuctakre tiare of bimaelf bheilapai unLangxisartBoita oui the dacîrx tii kccp aut tise ecucbu-rn. Fine- proofaisartet keep off tLe hMnes. Life lnutranc' anid tire lsaurcuuce uauant ac- cident, ieveýiptp lest >dou Lace tic Iay a debt tavic-c-, Itebont agaluuat aiipn'rek. Wealinghouane airlurcke agdhiunt riroi collisioni andt bindreda of Lanit, raiyte 1 overreacb >ustaxitaLise ail >uibave. D- tenusirogantueolut. defense againat Leut, tetene eaultant alekuena, defi-ace againat tise worlds anuaise',cteae ailthtie 'ca; clownIo tise grave. aud even tise tomill- atneuviellme nnta aLaa sileut barri- codie. If aàciolciier visa boa bec-n On gcsarit sbivrsing asuatring avîitiste colt, paciug op aund dova tise parapet viti s hiiuidere- muaiset. ta gluihc-n ironce one coMues ta relieve guxard aud lhe eau go instill the tortress. c.ught nlisat man tii about for jccy saboacouput dovu bis*aveùpocoaf Parthylis; ee oandtgoiinie tise king'a coa- tic? Who la the more fartunate. tisemol- dier ccho bas te stand gixard ucrelve hocirs or lise man who has taesais îtcrantdaix besur&? IVe have eomrnoo senine about evcrytiig isat religion, commun aeua about everytising but tranaference trom thia 'carlit. Mani Beresvemne scsapeu, Agrain, liere lisabislsing tlusaa ssue- viateit cartisly caisuence lu the tactliat anse ~ocpen mo man; bercuuvementn. Tise longer lvrelivethe mareutaâchuseisand tise mare iidreith ie mire cvisate1bcL wcouxuted or rapeit or auuitrecî. Ifsà man lin-e ou ta 7001r 80 years or agre, boy nainy graves are eieft at bis t! unliat lac-g rmachs of time father ait mother go, broith- ersm sud àater. ici, chilitresigo, grandebil- dren go, persotsl truc-nuis outalde tise fana- ily vicle vrllrashc-y huitlovent vt s lon-c IlIe liant of IDav-id sud Joathan. Brutales tisai. somse men have antuirel trepidutton about dissolution and crer aud %non dur- loig torty or itc;or ais t;yc-srs, tiss or- r oft Ieir dissolution siaditers hbrougis seul and lait;. Nov. surppose tise lait gaies i116 yesra et oge? H@ escapes flfly tunersîs, fifty vumiseta. its; ohms- quiei.l, ifty avftl arenebingu of tise beurt. It tais ard essougis for us to beur thiteledeçarture. Lut la t t tier for us ta beur thelr itefirture tissu for tiseus l eIa; soit beur Sfty depxtures? Ssaill v. ual by tise grace of Ihoi moise ouracîves lot a geucronhty of berermesit avite avilI paractleally -y. "vI. sa rd esiongis duor nie t go tbrougis this bers. nemenvt. but bLoy glat i1amnintI e avIlI neyer have ta go Ibrougil." Sic I méson villa myseif. unit se yon vill itdit heiptul Ite reunom waitis youréelve, Dan-id lentbi@ sou. Thonugis Davidt vai king, h. Iay an the Perths mouraisie suitInconsolable for sous. Lime. At libis distance ut lime, wbich do you teIiy siinis vas the one ta Le con- gratulateith îe short lireil ebilit or thbe long lin-cnt tther'! liaitDan-u itlent ns cari; a. tirst chiut diethLe couid, lutise firut place. Lave escaped abtisIparticular bape-eimesic.thec'Leasulut have esi-apeit the won-ao bcrecsremeust of Ahunutuc. i. receat son, and tise psusit ofitheii-Phil- isitines', andithetisi' tigicn if lais uliltsra- cinapiign, anoithcis jealîuuy of garai, andi the icerfidy of Ahithotchil, accu îLe ccrne of Sbcmel. and thietetruecicoftlais finsi; ccl Ziistag. and,. abute ail. isec wuffil have es--uuitdthtui wcugeat dalamiticu if lua lite, tise gvrat alunAcof cunu-licuusni-us andc ccc ccrer, UDavildl vîci in lue ntfcvast id utc thmeicceela andl tire 'cor u t oIu foamd i.a .%vuhapîcluen. 'as cccnsc-cl. dcc- ic auit sfnd'itiu (ti iii at itlasoutldiscu e hein ln't,-e tefurînatccbave gor,w ecul> Nov. tisin, ni;friecida. explaiti sosnie tiblgm thrit t. o 'cbare,eic-nexpicacuti- Tis.shawsa ;u 'h;'tien Gcc(i tak-aUtitIe vc' ie eis ttr-ctccîaacînicuiui Lc la clrt dagit ta cake the brigitsîct, uhe ma.t gei-all tisc mount synipalheitie, tise mdu at tiedi NNh;? hIlantucencune sialt c it ofnnurc- sucrfern thi' monit 'he ilt tuesausîr naciIlI somit licbie do tem[itaiau. thit sun tire cten.t sncn'pitcg taptaront cime ('arliin cutuitli- tuttirce tc-lieatecerafu inca tht' itrat tiarbir, Takian asay trous tisec-vil lu Thse Cesiter inSeavn-cs. Atain, xiy trient-i. lucre la a tiîessing iri ais atmiirpviadccl earilt;exsenci n tise t-abtcitIilpartsune aQicer lu tise Center ut ubuiga. Ail antronomers. titidel as asciI na Chrisian, agrcelIn believltg abat theu nivresse swcinga aruiuid aonie great i-cuier, An>' uni- vsahcîlonsa ndii'cthe c-arctcmunit saladiier]thîe beduverie kncccc nthat (f(lucta- cui-ii'figurce hn gecasui-e; is eral, lheci (lad lliit ftîcnilitshanditcltua cadc dhetauni cverse.,tic lic1d as-is dbat bandct utright aigIe, huai li' caa ccl il lui ut uiru-ieciand 4iehci on c%%ivinsg un i ciru-li- ucuil a> ateia an cccl ,îcutd'itai cumi8 n uni alaiu 15 sndclnil c crîaslouk liant xccclocu, t Icur piînît scc'iiigincgci cciucudtcire aint. cilLer lIsItta an icîginug a rucnd i licr asaisbtmnie- cchicilm srIa t but). na eauccccl cx lthes grii achit îî f lise mii ire--turos. Nucc "chuec -uIe c- i7-ucaeci, 'Itic i hu- -cpitll .t lci usivrd-cm abti atir,- gre-ciI uietruti uîlîn if îuccuc'ucit> - I loi--c ucn îîdc iduîniiisasi li 'b mix isct irai ctteri cf chtiyl ili-ttc-r firun luý io muu -it froictutIi ceiier tîcccart cic'e î-irtcmacfcrenc c rutilr thonîtc ubu'cccn ichic- e cuuufrise.nhi-ce cir a n civ in? IVi are- litre tîose 'clcu i st>' ythesc .tsucenu eîccîllîîc'tmt liil itnlcuiiig oui the'Atiantie bc'acs. 'The nu; ta cucd>' thlce continenit is tuccots Ilor t.- lu tLe heurt 0f il. Ourc atanctînint in chiemc ccrcid unsulefectlre. IVe cure cul thi' as ouiC c'nduif tise ti'eesme. 'lis tuestcru; ticadyui;a pii'ie oft iisice; ic nultatestand unthi' lonrstîp andt try la lookIn, lu.ut ticgo l i istisuth i-ugiuec'r andiatieor plat-e rigLI aniflthtie sun-s andl lie cylluclers. 1l'o eur aur c-yen ocît sud Our brattauut frtramthe fuel thtisI ce are atumuing under such great disudvran- sage. Mîilionsof dollasurfor obset-culories ta atuci Marigea botut the mnu. ,about the naiu, about thse ringa of Sattîru, abouît truansitanduitoccultationasnd eclîpaca, scsicplytic-ause Our studio, Our obaervstory la pocmrly altuateit. Ie are donn luirle eoilar trylng te stcidy tise palace of tLe usiverse an-ile Our itenartesi Chistian If IebIs"gu fes' ,bsulutI, IMd lU ls gooitfer meocalils s»d aeustMut eus in gond fer s ait ousiS, lest ve be sn&- ietexaunaersdito lahuitof evevlsallng hesrtu, viser. thc-lubaitaul never asys, " m ar isci." WLsI fiiolsave al are 1e preter tise clx- cunefereuce ta tise ceuler! Wisat a dreut- fui tblug it l c eif ave ahoulî Le nuit- deai; ciahereut $ram thia 'c ntry vont lonto the- Ia; time orchardsa ut hc-sresanduifu aur pauperiant of sinandut arrov ahould bis auldecul; Iraiseus cp Ly s precetationt of an enspeors cstîe aurrotinded by parka, ailis spnngîng fonnsaansd ptau sianoi doavu viicis sugels of Gmt vals twand o tyra. We are lIke personsa sdlag'uthelis clt teps of tise National pictur@ gallery n Loncudon, uniter uobrels in tise ain, af-aidtet go in amidthtie 'l'rnera andthlie1 Titiaus soittise ilphaeta. 1 reine 1tissusm nit cm;, "Wh; itoc'l you go inslte tise9 gallery?" "Oh," tise; suy, "vs dou'tà isuoavwhethea'se. casa gel In." 1I&&y,« "Doxt ;a yu sec lise door ia opens?" "TYes,"1 ticy as;, "Lut vs have been no long onJ siseincolt %teps vs are nseattacisedteta theus ve dun't lIke ta lenre." "Bat," i say, Il inano rmnchsbrigister sunitmom a Len utitul in tise galry; îou hait btter go lnu" *No," Isey mi, "v. knov siaclty bow il ln out Lere, but ave don't isnou' 5- acti; hov ILi. ensite.1 Bo ave stick teti s aorit au hbougis ve prefertei torid drliii te a S haaion, dîavord to10castata. saselotis ta roysl pur- pie, as tisougis ae preterreità alno avttb tour or Ovin(of tis e SyaouIt0frIsue teans untruumen ufcl; attuneit. as Ihoogise ertb anditiescens hait schanigeitsppsa'c-l. ad castisbat tiSsn u mbriMdy àriai sud hase- en hait gone lato dec-pmdurnuc'at &Hifbt waaera stagnant, aIl Is harpe broSsa, a&l ebalicea cracisei t 5the dry avrls, aIlthse lavîs alopltug ta, tise river ploavedit Ii graivea. isis decut sagella stusier tise fur- roav. Oh, I vaut te break up my ovu lu- fatuxation aud I1aant 10 break up your lu- fatution avis itis worid! IItel yon if ave are t-cait; aut if euoar vnsla dosatise aooner ave go lise Letter, suit if tiers are bicaninga In IongevltyI aant Yoe u isnoa rigisl avelitisere are sinalan isng lu &an shisreviatei t slyliexistence. lràsu frosa lhe. iilit. e Cum if ties pirit ort tis n ermon ta truc, boy counleit you ougist ttest elabout usenbeca or your fsmlly tisaI ent early! "Taken from tise cvii 10 rouse." tiIsbacSsays. Wisst s fortunate escape tbey hait! Haa gav e ougisllite d ttathey vIU uc-en hure te go thirougi tise truilea viheit ave bace bail tego throngisi 'bey b.d mast lime ecougis t0 gel ouI of the ertitîs assit ms up on lise uprhnili5 illIs et lhis avorilita"d eboyr It.L lebetMsd thon they suaret for-&abtiesâ~Is Tise; vers lISe abipsa tisIput la ai St. Hele'na, etelng thsre long eno"b i:,e-i- passengersugo Up aud ses tihe acha s0 Napolsou's caplivlty. asuit Lien bolmî " for tise part oft tiir ovn ative tsuil Tisey oiybois tiss avrtditasirat. Il ls bard for us, but ItleI. LSkessi for tisea. Andt If tic spirit oft Iis mrmon sinrOc, thieaave onget net le go asâd nitsghis mnt grosnilsg vises a saalir yssm la going, bsxt ae ougist te go deva on sm. Sacs hi tise milestoas andt ae lb. letîcras ait IssuS (jodt ta ae are 3651 miles senrer borna. Ve ougisl 0n1taego around it Ii morbit feel'ings about 'sor healtisorabout ativipe tei t iue. We ougst lobs living nI acr-rdlng Itehnisa do msslu is ichis cisc-tta heusr lunuy boyhooi t tit ybu uent lire an tbacsgh en-exy day vere tise lest; yuccx muat lire uas hiough ;iis 'certetolits torever. for ;oti ccillIb o nat le servoua lenI;cc su ve toenove oui ot a ahat to auc Alhanmbra. short Sersuosas Nicrrtige Vow.-In Ilf not 5tea tl thclug lic outeniplaL Lise manuer in n hl(Idi lOn> of our marriages are -ous- trnictedI unîtthue treqîen i vIls iîc rîsu'; sretI)rokcs? lil la otteus Lie caf tîcut mets andt cvsmn are murrîitaviso lcî'u tn more Ilsoughst of lice votraetise Imue isetan If 11iey as ri'drlvng a aimlu icurgahuc, 1ev, F. IL. Morse, Baptlat. Neas'York Ciy. Men suitrte Age.--We Are flot perfect yet. ltoretllng semalna te be donc Nttîl. Tisî age, of courue, la dîffareut fcomm nIl othem-c. Thisla i an age cf n- ventionandt itcorerles. Tise tiougisa ocf mnen voulu tlucrcfore. taturally le anxt tîese IlInosTiese prit of tm- îirorî'mintIR lalutise air. sud everytislng tau.4t Icei Ialroveit. Tise meni of tits age are mure Intelligenltishan tise men or an; otiser-Ren-. Lyman Ward, Uni- vernulilat.New -York Cl;y. lurnan Devîléu.-ltu enet-y conmuclîy there are men ahsîie apilrt saitdorni' nant motves are as levîllîsis gatiiogo of any uidetl decIl coxcelveit of ly il!î ton5 or tle meclaeval theologlun- mon apîptrcltl.tc tnter ties peill cf &orne as- pn'nlccr tilucior mmdw, asnccas 'rcîîsy uner the apeîl of Sycugaîl. lRadi îcn aci'k anitfoiioav other lait meus.'riscy yteldl ulleglsaetu bsuperlor baîfluenen. The; are tiso tOola ut kîsanes abreavier ilion llexuuuielves-n.Ren. C. A. h)iins- non, congreguttocalsl. Boston, Maint 1Nlîney.-'Nîoney istande for home. for c'ccîufcrtn for lappîttema. Sulrmîtlocalu leîceumcentut pots mcmeyI') antcuniP ic' aýrumntl munt lic lrocsgbltoeJenua Chrisnt. In this -otcutc; Ilueru' are spc'e lnt nusîl- ly for cs'Isalng gnu *20.000,000, 'tit for Pc'ulie la hl.)Mut uiadl ns ;Chi: li- tîîi-nheue pnîceul eir money for tlues lhiuugn,('otutrastL wttlithese amounsa theme cocnu-;dea-ctc'iteb torelgu missions lual yenr b; usl dinomlmatioxi, s (0, (KKj.-Rer. C. A. Jeukins, Buptint, Newv Brîuni-ck, N. J. Bi-otbi'rond lof Nion. Oui; avien tisaI cnîsol>- triuty. c-c'tt.profit sand In- tenant. basuniluipec'u'ent; ouly cc-eu Iin- etul te 0 Irtue asoit ice Iceome ltce coule of lusmaulty; ouly viscu tLe Ixtetqttatuof na>-nelgisior Locouso tusîtu anit mine lione lula: enly vison tise c-o-oîieratln- e osmouxvealti la estala' Ilihe an sd lIhe rolherhooct of mas is aunsucomplisocl tact. then. avIis ensu' lallon usteat cof cotupetlîlou. viscu lis3 liettermentut on Ie useaus tise selter- mentcf tise vIole. tIc-sansd Ibso onuy, eau 1 Ion-v c e ulgisisr asusysei.- TI4OUGWO SW@é-WT#YO' il Lau. M sdW iars x*li Fonat-A Leureui sud Cu view or theselamme. Lessn our Nevabsv'7.A Golden Terx.-"We kssav hla ai wre vax-l togetissn for god te IsU ia o Gmtd." Ro. 8:28. The letton Ibis avsek, toulait la A«» 1-16, treuts of Paul nIailloeua ubUm la tis enlat letton vs ta 1%w O .c Caemax-euto thb. sisparecis. auit passeugers ofthle csilp avisOS cape tola*aors sud pemc«ed 60 $bW*SUme ter Of tels asnd avier. the IserneithIbt tse; huit MIt.or Mats, an Salauditwil* b c mid sea lutaeen Sicîiycuidt e A11111111m @bore. Tise kinitocas ofthtie "isrbareUslaits, pIe" aras more soteavombiy tissa boa Bt avousîci e nov. Il vas by Do mous um'- mou for abîçuvrecissitpeople la b. bob t lily receltna nmeconitlattb W tisotuglut 1 Le legiise pre. Tbis niper tva.s sussl butpo s serpent, fauiflitheic oduslps lu 'U1(ettenneeis. Tisetact liaI t W~ nov lu be fouoit lu Maila h eeort *- na au argument againsl tise a ,q ct tLe narrative, aymore tia l, t sence of ibiule, traouota-3 =Us plains dinpron-vas e toules et histesfl" sLoI big came there Itirli inn as&. superstition alili iboldo tial suy MI#" usInfortune of tIsmort bshsas mput» tous signihtcmsce, polntlng ta bIttes alm or nomse dîsfsvr et Gmt, Itilmplatnly luspiiecItîtisIPeurs s Ibis desiti; poison vas divine lales'- lion. A mere sccitental immuaily wam nl bcho sespoken 0f, FMousàamuriterer, in the easiam t tise crcuad, be isscomes S ui. Popd opinion aubout publie mecn orient vain bu' taveen exîremes jutas get. Grant gai- iticIsus, gresl preecissea, greeIa atbi,. ex-est susîclana, are aeldam ated w.1 Iras value idumringsi ItePeiingsýw@ lesru sonner tises vs do tlta ie e en-cn or th ifvIsa meus areametael prices utour note lIn-s;a;nsd tb.e es.wa thecrw arei mor nea "anatd "fnwg*'- uîtying aotiulg." "lu tie mme quartera" la et cmité the oime uaslgbeeioed.'c Peilmo,11w Roane S overuer Wuaprsbsbl.y a uut* esldsrsbIe vel@tis aitd uggl5 Itie. colonial geverioms, et la provincesendaitrit& ietveit la etate-tissr salaries belut ettea menleit by revenuesa iruqem it et 111 Te isesase of Publias'taIses' la nM&- mmonne bu Malta, mcordtuglit mu- tiers. tGoon nvaspresntsquicisly. Ia .c - à ry couvâtrin. w, visa snative le haU1aê - s uisasiona r>î physale, laiapefltoim ln made., auit sncestortistiser. la Les â torcthe forsîgu heber: the peplee«» la et-ovie front mles arounit, te tociehu"W- isalîntr îoucb oruMediîcne. It lis not lisought neecsaani by lub fin apeais abodutPau'. prsecblag, liait iahi a Maltter o orurge. Paisl' m aelita negleet sureh an opponlssuty asnIbIs, - Ta.. clitiouccs; t he cfausidsit aCist" V ebuîx-î'h in Malta. The lîree avin*ex- mattha, dut-lins W" ' navigation vanxîsnsafc-, ver. NovemiUt. - Ilecember andt Jauusry. Party la ff- rîsar;. then. ln the year 61, lth"y 55$no ain In another Alexaiurla sbp, -IN Tavin Brothers" b; noaite. "Fetehet a ecunpasa" la reniteffllib- t-en-lac-atrion "mate a circuit.» l geWkc ahbi; refera la tise taciing aloW thle.ente trou Sy-racuise tea Bielm. -vich ai 9- the uarrov strnlt belaveen llaiy and Uk cl;y. I'uteoii la on the bey cf Nea«l.s . are*at i'is'rneriai port ofthé uItalla.emc aI IbsI ime. There vers usai <IuisUm in IaIal ttis tIue-nol niereli la Raom- lut in tise other cies. Atter traveling bavard tro u PIse. sort distance tic-y reacisi thlb.Vit *e pis, or Appiens Rosit, a grel o ers ibal rasa trous Bouse anutivmrd tixwb tise peuinnula 10 BriniIsi on the Adalie Ses..Appi Forum onaantauabout kWc t; miles trousaBouse on tIbm rosit1«W Three Taverue vas about frisamls. feu ther onu. 1'ae c-su oui; guets tise rseo em u' tunumnatlcnimiderstiou vielciPaul ruai,'. cci. Tise uscre tact tisaI Se trou a Itn citizen avouldt s 5accouaI fer itItoml bave-ehen bie dilsogolahesi bmseehai courteocusa ndutreserttul sattite leavm& tise uilita sîxiso-Iies, eadthlie rac-» brane of hiaItmportaxat vomkIsn X"' lhtIscul atred thîe captaIs et lasghe cive Lina a meaure of coutor Teachlag Ululae. Wbic IL mu; nut Le a legitasIs laents ta draw trous Ibis panage. Il in mont no. ursl a o.utggeal th"at.lisouglu Paul @S et unobarra tronu the viper, sayboi o as-actithave. Ueccuolnt e eet le II&- ssi, riper., eu naecieutally, vithonit iai. Iluca littetu. Il lm tise pIstoita aI11 e llei*'t" sct kila aillisthe oboys 06e play; vith il. The Christan Isa asi àa tua miraulus 'scape front motelo ai-altuacge-r. lHc sbouilit pray"iu ntait)n texcptatiosa" axd t lies peaga ta ke-p IL saaecdisacefrntsith e temnpeum 'rîia is ane muorte passage thaI a4* fox- nelical missions, as do tiese 5e j cf ditres 0 f Cht-iat.Tisa heelu * * tcuc-x'a bodies afîco leaits to lihe alagmoir their coula. Paul lad renceen the goal or ;eureambiltion. le vas la B s tise great avons tbnl Le dtint entl Nwtg imprlsonmeut.ave ceau h pnly, trous the Lrisf rem"rd aisic lote, ~ . neul vess, soit trous thesettlsie vraI, te oliser cisurcises Neit Lcsaon-"Psal'a Mtbsltr7 lm Iloue."-Acte 28: 17-31. mnev Mars bau 5k e lub Knoavleuigelea SudosiMW ulà bave 10 it le a emailifraetIon .et asinge Mjý- arîtea J. P. MecCakey. TIus la *qupifl" of a seldai tarmer avio Mhait ael e t vrlety of Indiena coruc maiAt b g a bon avisa wauIud te ber s Rils tât lS replIent: 'Nct a grain.*"la auce ha tisougist has <en kse ttsU