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Lake County Independent, 10 Dec 1897, p. 6

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ENI ]WKINLEY S M.F,,ý'SAG VAU.Ungt-on, D. Dec. O.-Pre--Ident Te Belleve th 'Oduveim"emt ilsiumiey sont the following message 40 In My view Il le of thé tâtonnait imal qualpreme to-day; unes tbat the government eb«ld lie To the Senate end House 09 RePTe- Ileved from the burden of Wowtdicq mtgUv«: il &ives me pleasure te ex- the gold required for pichanges and tessit &P, ting te the pifty-ilfth Congres% Port. Ille respousibility la silent b enýbied ai the "et of government with nana be rovernine 0 by t nt without any or M»YOf whose senators and representa- 1 and necessary bankini posver i belp ltzelf. The books do mot feel tions 1 bave beetlc&s-cated 'm the "K's- 1.traln of gold redemption. The il Mive service_ Th ir meeting occurs trotter *fictions condition.. Justifying eincere «Etrain reste open the goverument and emgratulation and alling for our grate- h lac of the gold rexerve tu the trez as come te lie, wttb or without roi acknomiedgelllent te a beneticent the signal of danger or of security. Providence hih bas un Ignally bles-ed and prospered us as a nation. Peace and ought te be stoppýd. ilend wili with al] the nations of the If we are te bave an eriL et pr«p 1 In the country. with gufflcient recolpti mrtlk con t nue unbroken. the expertes% of the governiment, we A matter of gentille satisfaction in the (sel no Imniediate embarrâââment i feeling of fraternel regard and or preaent curency: but the danger iiefflestion of ail sections Of our Country. ex i.-ts and will be ever present, mous the incompleteneus of which bas ton long debyed realization of the bighest blessings es a. long au the exi.ting system coi tic the Union. The spirit Cf patriotiam in ,es And benidcs, Il la in limes of qualversol and la ever invreasing in fervor. Juste revenues and business tranqu The puist questions mincir Pose mont en- le the, tire governmerit h.uld prepoure Vem un am lifted fer ahcle either par- lie worst. NVe cannot avold without tbmnhip. prejudire or former sectlonal t'loue consequencee the wise consideri dKlt«ences. Thvy affect everY part of our and prompt solution of thle question. eý «m countrv alike and permit Of ne The accretary of the treasury han dMolon on ancient Unes. questions of lined a plan in great detati for the ftrutge policy. of revenue. the fflundness POfiý Of removing the threstemed re et the c rrency, the inviolability of ma- rence of atdeplcted goldareeerve and m u .. from lu rire embarras ment on thal ta@" biigationâý the improvement of the i Zomne service, appeuj te the Individuel corint. Te this plan 1 invite your cal agisici sec of e-y Cerneau citizen te conalderalon, .Z.Ver Party bc belongs or ln wbat- 1 Ivith the serretary of the tr sisel ion of the Cu. ntry bc -ay re- ury in his.retommendation that natl ad.. «Ci. bariku lie, Ilowpd te lasuenotez te The extra f sioco of this cngreag which face v lit of the binda wh eh tber elacerd duringeJulv leur enacteil important deptiplied for circulation. and thst th beoal&Um and bile Il- full effect bas mot on cirt-uiating nottu be.ured by de;: VM been realized. m'bat Ir bas already se- uch bonds lie redurei te One-balf connglobed essor" us of il. timelincas and per cent. pfr annum. 1 al» si m. Te test lie permanent vain, him in recommending that authorit) fermer time will be required. and the given for the establishment of nati posple ut l'lied mitil lie operation and re- baink- m ith a minimum mPit&l Of SU cuit& ibn. fat. are ip no muni te vrithhold This mili enable the sinaller villages troncs il a fair trial. auricuitural regions of the country ti Irkeff egisiation baving been gettled bY supplied mith currency te ment 1 the extra session of Congres% the question rie'd.. Biset pressing for consideration in that of 1 recommend filet the Issue of »0 *8 Currency. bank notes bc reFtricted te fine dosons 1 f $10 and upmards. If the nus TUE CtRltf,ýN(,% qq ESTION. :Oolnl.ol bave berein made simili have approval of congres% then 1 would roi wv"ide.t Exiotingr Condi- mend that national hantas ha require redeem the notes in gold. The work of putting Our flnancffl UPOD lessind bagim.'dif5tuit as il May Sesto. will THE CtFRAN QUESTION. ggfflr emier when we rec&II tire tiusnelai 4»w«to» et the govertiment Pince IS". 1-land Muez Not Pe» lut* the un &ha 30th dey of joue of tbat vear we of ý4..th- Passer. eutstanding Liemand liabilities la the ' tissu The ont important problem with w S728,868,4t-..41. On the flretbot Jan- la gom or th verument la Dors calleil upou tu lwy. 1897. thess. imblitties had cou ie- dhiveil te $443,889,195-88. Of our Interest- pertalnlng te lis foret" relation* b»ri« obligation.. the figures are even cerna lis duty toward apon and ifinris striking. On Julý 1. 1866, the Prim- Cubeur insurrection. Problemis and e: dabo of the interest-bEering detn of the tiens more or lem ln commun with ut wa4 $2.332,331.209. on the i now existing bave Confronted this 1 of july,01893. thie soin haol boeu :rnment ai varlous timen in the Vont m $586.037,100, or an amrellate re- tory of Cuba for manir fflrà bas bons 11,747,294.1W. l'he lntéregt-bétr- or ul't, 9Mwheg ahmatfflë as 0 r dhubt et hé United States on the lot toward a larger enjoyment of liberty w fil Decetmber. 1997. was M7,366.620. self controi. ut organized reavt&aS te MW Stiverumemt money noir Outstanding zuother country, of deproudon alter ODbr- 1) Consista of $346.891,016 of United trou and warfare and or ig~%M 099« notes. $107,793,280 of tre«ury noten ment te lie followed by renewed te, tuUM by authority et the law of 1890, FOr no endurinit perloil @lacs the 111111J1111303 of silver certificatce and 141,- franchisement of the continental pot 111%= of standard silver dollars. $ion$ Of SMWD tu the Western eonu WM the great resources or the govern- bas the condition of Cuba or the polie MM and with the honorable exemple of Spain toward Cuba Dot Caugod eoncor etis Pm before un. vis ougbt Dot te lisait- the United States, tâte to enter open a currency revielon The Prospect from time te tlmq mat Vb» vlli moite &or demend obligatione weaknesa of Spain'a hold Disent as le SM Moyens te the government and relieve and the VOlitical vicissitudes and ses «W *asocial lawa from ambiguity and reniements of the home 90vernmest a lisait te the transfer of Cuba tu a 'M brW review of what was accom. tinentai !:ower caljed forth. botwmn &U*« from the Close of the war te 1893 and 1860, varions emphatic doclaratioz »*» turmgcnable and groundiess soir the POlicv of the United States to p@ ilbutrent eitber of cur financial ability or ne disturbance of Cuba-& Sunection soubdam, while the oltuation from 1893 SWu unies ln the direction or ladop IM IM muet admonish Congres% or the im- ence or accuisition by us throuo maillons, nocessity et se iegildating as te Chase: mer han there been any Chang swalle the retura of the conditions thon tohfiat,,deela.r.ed,.p.o.lit<.ýy aimes uponn the WawaUtng imWmible. Th revolution which begem la Evetry Dollar 1. Geed. lasteed for Lem Yeare, dempite the @trou 'Mon are miny plans proposed as a efforts Of the suecesalve peminoular emady fur the evil. Belote we can fini ernments te suPpress Il. Then, si, MW tr» reme4Y we muet appreciate the the 90veTument of the United Statsq t OUI IMI. Il W mot that our currency of lied lie grave concern and offered ew«7 kind La mot rond. for every dollar of ald te Pet an end tô bloodahed ln C il la goodgocd because the govýment'a The overtures Çnade by Gen. Grant »kWWe la out te keep il au. and .fu.ed and the war dragged on. eut& VM mot be broken. Howeverthtabtepgleudegre great loue of life and treuure and d"e 11, Our purpeue te kecp the bledge creaned ln!ury te American intereste, VM lie bout home by adi atiting toward tue aides throwing enhanced burdem. or *01libent. tralitY on the goverament. In 1878 4rb* evli of the pretent system la fourni wu$ brought about by the truce of Zal ft the great cent of the government of Obtaived by neigottations betweeq »BLuWRing the Parity of Our different Spaniah commander, Martines de Gan lâneffl et money; that lu. keeping ail or and the Insurgent leaders. MM et par with gold. We surely commet Code et Wer Di.regarded. ha longer heedleisa of the burden this im- Oum open the peuple even under fairly The preneet Insurrection broire ou cou February, ib95. il la mot My purpo, »remiserons ditiOns, while the Past four YOM have demonstrated that it la mot this time tu recall Ils remarkable tact Mir au expensive charge open the gOverný or te characterize lis tenacio» restai mmt, but a dangerouis menace te the m&- against the enormous forces nu Ilemi credIt. againat lt by Spain. 'the revoit and lit 18 mamifcst thât we muet devine norme efforts te subdue il carried destructic tu protect the goyernment againgt every qu&rter of the island, devoir tuu« for repeated redemptionu. We raide pr portion@ and defying the si IDM elther curtail the opportunity for of Spatnofor lis suppression. The civi OPMI&ticn. made easy by the multiplied code of war han b-n digregarded. ne - Ptions of our demand b 00 hy the Spaniarde than by the euh *U»gm the gold reserve folrigathtieoinrs'roer The existing conditions cannot bu tMption. We have $900.000.000 of cur- ibis goverriment and the American p %QMY which the government by colenon en- with the gravest appreliension. The 010811110et bas undertaken te kcep ai par ne lle«ire on the, part of our peop V» Sold. Nobody le obliged te redeem Profit by the misfortunes of Spain. fil Cold but the goverament. The banks bave ouly the demire te ses the CI Me rect required te redeeur ln gold. l'lie pro.perouâ and contented. enjoying s"emment in bliged te keep equal ith mess'or, of self-control whi h la th «geail lie outatanding currency and coin alienable ri Xht of man, Protected 1. sibligations, hils lis re-ilap are mot "- right te tenir the benfit of exh&u quired te lie pald tu gold. Thcy are pald tressure. of their country. ha every ktrid of money but gold. and th The Offer made by mY Predece» APril. 18ili, tendeving the 007 Menue by whlüb the govemmçnt cour friendly q qrîm Certalnty gel gold If by borro%*Ing. Of ibis government, falled. Amy m IL Cam gel Il in no other way when it tion on our part was net accepted mont Beeda il. The governinent %ithcut r ef the anKwer rend: sel fixer] gold revenue ký pieaged te main- "There in no effectuai way te IMB sold redemption. which il hasztfudilv Cuba ont". il begin, ith the I Md taltblully (lune and which undtr thel.ubrnission of the rebels te the Ix suméfity nos, given It vrili continue te de country.' ' Then, only, could Spain The law which requires the rove-rnment. &et tu difter baving redevnicl lis 1-nile(j Statew pr miýd cli"cticn of ber own mette MM«. te Pay them out again as current ail- lier own plans. famille demande a Constant repitri lýhnient of The Poliey et cor,,ntratim the jold reýrýe. This lu cnpecially .. hý luitiated Fvb. l6ý ISI'6. The pr.Fp là of businew pente and when the reve- districts (ontrolled by the Spantsh a Bý are insufficieut te nieet the expenbes %vers déPopulated. The agr;rulturi et mq.gwernment. habitant» were berded ln acd aboi At *Ùch limes the Roverument han ne garrimon town., their lande laid wasi way te supply lis dcffilt and main- their d.-elli.g. de.trOyýd Thi, joli faim redemption but through the increaae late cabinet of pain jilýtificl as a et Un bouda, au during the administration sary inessure cf war and a. a mer 4918y predecensur, when $2r2,31,'>.400 ut 4I'ý ing off supplien front flic tnaur VW oMt. bouda were lesu" and sold and It bas utterly falleil as a wu, meaffl eu" OW proteedo uzed te pay the experts" of was net civilized warfare. It was au s"ernment in er's h Ination. a' 0' t U rZen U. mAgainst this abuse of the righte c 4" VaMin the gold Vbilc Il 1. frice mot the grenier part of the procseds al have felt con.tratned en repeited « tinsse bondo were used te rupply defi- one te fnter the trio aud -nest i obut revenues. a cOnsiderablý portion was of this govsrnment. There mius MI Befutred te maintalu the goýld reaerve ýubl1c condenitration of the treatm The Ný-tl of Retorse. Ameriran citizens by alleged Illegai , and long lmpriacnmcni awaiting il Wlth our revenues equal te Our expense.. 1 pending protractril udicial procef -fbere t Il mY flmt dutY lo niake triste would lie no dcficit ýb, gold re..r,. nd for the relcase or npecdy trial bumwmS of bonds. But if t req""'ng týe Ildh below buse wi)l Ir lie ce- Ameriran (iiiztnv under arre.t. Befc plol"ed except by zelling more bonil.71 change of the Spanich cabinet, In C M tbm any üther way practicable under lent. twenty-two prleonere. citizen, fO" Wwu? _The serions qutstion then United States lied b"n gisent theit -- -- - -é ... .- - .1- Con 0 provide lis the @MWp"e are lie prenant naval )f ltwé tnepea» by notruction, while ý à few ntb4r Poire e; lie vessela a" the very ype; and Witb the i"";«" made te lit Irom lima te th» e. and curerai attention te lis à bigher state of eMei«ey la ell adapted te the lm a country. eut kiereuse of the ravir wM place ln recent yetre wasi j - ào "quirements for national "celved public appro bat". nom, arriveýi, ho.ever. orlien t te whieh the elluatry la 00 1 for a time faite the terni off bellitle4, commensurâte %titis t If our naval vesocIs. Il la an u tact liant thýre la cndy one cific canon capable of docking lit itpu and only one en the At and flint the lutter ir meven menthe bee thtrefore Incapable . IM4 «ps ehould tu, taken te prov tour dock. of titi& capacity la coast ai one ln the a ftýtjng dock la the guIL ommcndation of a very constipes >pointcd tu InvestIgate the ýre abould alliée lie ample provW, for powder and projectileme. a mlliens et ar an" for au iumber of officers and enliW« me additions are &lie necousul ivy yard. for the ixppoir and 'mer numbfr of vraie!«. Au th on the dock« nive batt:emnbtppo tt «hich caaux be compl tenir or two 1 roncur with the tion of the m-retAry of the eau )Prüprlation authorizlon tbe Of rue t)attl"blp for the p ere nt prescut there la «Ili, m«ý o*Icn and (,ne undfr construction, IIII» Atlantic roast therme are tàreQý in.-Wn sud tour minier constnuit- 1 alffl that several tur pedo boaw «Ized ln c(nn#ýction W', b our sec--j lm of rouet def'n". rrilcrY of Alanka requires the nd cariv attention of eongrermi. ltlç!,- ilow fxlpting demand mou. In IhI- la,,» reLatIng te the T hý grcaf Influx of populatlor4 c I-t and rail and the ,ýf arg- Immigration In -,C 1,,r.it ne te ton rý of civil authoirty or P.ýip-ýe the nt of a more thor&ugb govera- ýitLNq te, the Pr*p*Se4ýý t'y this Koveromen Il et J utl(,n f the liqub 1 le of Fraise* 1p.te tu th, itiiýýrul expmftlgu - llfimedia"Iy folleured of . . 1-1al commis- thc q*!,Ite'i States in th*ý Lth si- fol rode«r ý,urIng I'f pa,ý for aý Adequaý* behalf of the V ni' e4 Statue, . 1 dýloyed hljWý for lý.ri» Icrig 'Q'U«h ta aucer-ýý pr.babl,- dema.d fer spare by exhibit."ý. M& inq u IMM de - Rn almost uiI)r."d en tell intermt ."P.-d and thu, Inter. th.. mIi.ied enablimil bien te n applicatirn fùý touvh larger ni- rr éjeût, for the, Ameriýn section 1,tý.,n by the «position ce Th-, r.«uit was finrilcularly K tu of thý fn,ý that the tut- one or thý- lait výo». -ept the InýIt.1Jo. of France. - ,el,:Icn ou, pecial rom- ou m-1 d sud lie was r re. ý.hý:,r y Ibert the -elve . rinsidert. tu r 1. .1th the proportion» h, b, t Th,- repri of the .. t. the nussini., - tari, f the c.mIng ""i- f, gý-1 !e..nd I., Pace bjr I ne. orge. ; à and judIýIouý appropri- I, ilie tid that an tjr-ý 'If the lud«- 1 -'o 1 ou, I."u.ty May bop, pý .. hih will Illustrat»',, ý ý e, tiorlug th. :iinýtemth' Tk tt il, imýnded te bil mprehýrlive of ý riai -xhibitknut, -Ii ut ihi,.K" -me a br1I-ýý niil, ý ,; that tbe' ý:l a .,.nby on- nl %kiff a", in ev*r1ý 'Flint %lit RW X&4*ý ý,,K i-,-, idd f.r by the, là, IIIIIIII 1 loi J.-m tti, the, puis. of .nKratule- munt. f hl il if La « edgq.ý riiccily bc 1 ai., h..Ibg "" .a,- C dw]uca. t 1 . "ve 1 ni, tisu, 1. rit -,ýarh te the j_ I_ oi ýýy one of th* th- rih-tý J", I.ri,. m (ht- world. 1% il, ý i-ýlt% lit E. Ilie %$fil il>, rfani trant h of our governuielW iii Lc ý -1 to the pracL4COý of hu, long beeu &ý h.. of latin! g!ýl.tlye au, j )tir i the peut fous thc h. . b'. n placeil UiQ fi'n, of hutlineu methodw Iion.1 u,,,,t. w tri 1 , the right 1W riiu to trella.tatement ta, v, .'t. bu., I'v'n aý8ert,-d. di«IW-À reasons bavq, mu Inot. the na', rs f adruitranre in flic etýrvtegE ut th -ame tinte renderw, hnhal and inré riractleal, and & i.'l - n ce bu. b-n made by giviug,', g betrI, disiiiiýýl upon ail caeolW i,-,,,n ;I(-týn(y 1,t charged or demam« ,r th, retnov.1 of officiel% ln 'r d.. r hau b," made te give to, him right to bc heard but w«b way impairing the of vhhh hould al.ays exe of lnefflclency and incompeten ch le nue of the vital sale- ,1,11 ervi" reform Bystemi Kagnation and deadwood every employe keenly olive te ,t ecurity of bis tenure de ; la voir but on bis own tented, r watc lied record of service. Relon. le, lml.,eý.ment. of tourse %titi remaiý » te be= ýied before the sys= tan bý bly pertect fer car needs. T , - - 1. th. -M > ý 1 . 1 1 . ý ý 1 I- ý ý ý , . 1 . ý 1 - . ý - , . . 1 1 - 1 mommumommý ,ý ý . . a ý ý 1 4 . . Il ý ý . 1% MuAW la «Ubstab lit& entheufty and ru- avine and ffl ts or amother goolercunest 7 1 &O«eD;:tourftlveo. actuated ordir by uprtgbt froalz, and Honduras. the Mme oig tirs pre. anc» that C ~ vithib the bordera of the in- Of lie people are no far affrail by a a nd Matin c motif ration@, moved nelth- deceisor. Guatemala le mot a grember 01 untll then land; tb" Wb Ornald Dot eontemplate au in- tac ciffl confilet as ta req degril.'t by pasolononoremeillsbuc.%, the gov. the Great Republie of Central Auteritril, trialore. The JE due-ftÙe partant for the accompliahment of of Its relations ta the partUlre ý,ý,.ýe.1l.n. 100un, 1 er,,.,,t .,il continue [ta watebtui cars but Honduras le. tu triste of thb viemiL this confilet muet bc one whtcb in recog- over the rigitre and praperty of Américain Should thie latter gravaramient dectine under cent nt. , No solution won proposed te which the nized la the tenue or International laiv a-, ýI1tJ7fyj r_ý.ý vali abite moite of ,ler effrtas ta rincettre litre bc bas been lantructed te ,au tiret ut à alighte Il Idole of humiliation ta Spain cauld war. t ia bi Dg &L,,,,ut hý beaitE1.1 'a.,mrl,â report thils fort ta hl& government and able force; JaVOI ettaob.'Jand, ladeed, precise proprosalle siéra "Belligerence, foc, In a filet. T a nierý 1 maire which alcali ho honorable and en- âwait lis further instructions. ut sotch Lit lie re- VIthbold ta olveld embarràmmeiit ta that existence of contending armed toiles an 1 during. If Ir reliait hraftcr appear ta be should ho r Dg &U Savonnaient. Ail that won aaked or e;t- their Occasionai couffiýtz clo net constitue ý 1ý a duty irrI 1 by Iller obliKationý Lu oeil RECIPRof ITY lNFGOTIATIONS. the future, ild «- pecterri wèe tbat »Me sale way might bc war in the el relferleil ta. Arp:ying tu IoP ' " Lu c-iti[17.ati(Iii and humanlty tu in- lut IL In a borne aimarmilly Provided and permanent peace te- the existing condit!o; of affaira In Culli I tervent, %Ith t'orci-, Ji abat] bc .ith.,ýt tien of b 'lit the attirail. fi 80 chanced that the constellera- the testa recognlzed b/ publicittý au 1 ý facile on mur part and ortly bécouIté the 1 '1c90tifttiOn» Pending With Forelgus reperdit. ttai W1, te tien et tble offer. addressed ta the fiame writers on international law, an 1 tu hich ý irecomsty for surit acilina %vill he ma ,leur IL monitrice. The grea el thé Bp»lzb administration which bad declined have been observait by nations of dignity. 1 on ta --mmand thé -ul)K,:it and approv., 1 han takrn 1 whole the tenders of my predocemor, and ni bouesty and power when triée ira. st el ý of -.lie civilized worlil. i in order ta exécute as earry as panel fled by the [Id the for more thon talc, Incises bâti poured men tive or seillite and unwo thy iiolv", 1 ' the Provieicels of the tblrd and fouetta sec- 1 !, tortir of the revenut, sel appruved July 21, Jeune and «surY and treamure Into Cuba In the frottées ef- fait ta find in the insurrection the exist- Imm han ne ,saison, fort ta suppre« the revoit, fell te cithare. ence of auch a oulaistantial p.ilLi,.l org.in- ' IIAM AIVAN AN.NI7Xýq'T10N. 1 1897. 1 appointait John A. Kassem or Iowa torrents, ta This Between the departure of Gen. Woodford. Illation. mal, palpallici sol manifest te thé - 1 a etterial lýomnil»lcner pleirtprtentiary ta ted thoiild the Dow savoir, and bis arrivait in Spain. .oriel. hall thé fortes and clPable Oý 1 4 - I, âl e rud, Ille ý unellet-1.1é Ibe ,,,.1.11c c,.,,,i.11«,n. with ce, ý s)reig ccuntrIeâiPdc.ý,ýDg .W aval) ,th. - ipulty the statestirmarla sillet hâd shaped the palleY the ordinary fonctions of givernitiont ta , , Inereate of - 'l'r...t). c %ets of thorme rai, e l'ne The m gallec. folliculite. il Ilta fer of hl@ country fait by the band of an as- wards its merle people ont ta citer étýteý ý By ' a,"R."Ë,I.,], m'."ss'a"ge ,pdatëd" th. 16th ý tionta are mon, proceeding with sellerai gov- a M&Y essaie, and although the cabinet of the with courts for the administration of jus- et il en the l'sel front, tain premier stili beld office and recelved tice with a local hatitation. lossemilng day f une tant, 1 lard befort, the merrate ertimentu, [tarit Fýurupcen and American. lartierst .bel à t .... y . Igriod tiret day by the lele.nipo- J fi le belleved rital by a carefut exerc:làe t le cmI a Ir tili train mur envoy the proposais he bore, that nueb organisation of force. nach materlal, ý ton, lar:e. et thé United States and of the ý et the portera conficired lait liait met anime mating cabinet gave place within a les, d4sya thaïe- mal occupation of te.ritory an ta t'le' j républic of Ilawaki. tel for ils purpose ý grloances of cur own ont] of aliter colin- test six or ontin- &fier ta a note administration marier the the content out of the category of a merle pair and ri f aie- leadership of Sagawa. rebellious insurrect en or oecamienal site- ho iiicGrporation of the Hawailan tidand. ý trie. fil olir mutuel trade relations mai, lie m quility Ile repli, ta our note vras rceeived on a. an intégral part of the United States ý elthar reninavecil or largely aleviated and t edLat. stý fraistrest and place It on the terrible faut- .. ci tender ILs ývereignty. The sonate ý tiret the volume of our commercial t-x- tarée or fo re for the 23d day of october. lit le, In the dl- Ing of war, ta whIch a recogni0on of bel- ý ravIng remuai eh,, 1,,Iun,,,,,n .1 ea,,.,,,y, ; ,,bon,, nery, ,a <.tergal. AtlautIr, Co ut se- relation of a better understanding. It âp- ligerency would &lm ta elevate le. ý aithough th.- trcaty le atili pendinq bc- ' ta bath (ýrntracting Partie. .,,Li .il,.nt..»' ,un., .. ci a !ration Prectates the friendly portes,@ of this -Tbe content. morciel 18 octiedy on la th. récor fore tirait body. the stiblect may bc ternir- ý ment ci , trahie feront (very Ptandpoint of )or , a P. 1. goverrament. It admits tiret mur country land; the insurrection han mat posmmýd Je- ,,Iv re'erred ta lie this mem%âge belcause : national lititreEt and patriotiam Io the or- W ci p a out- la deeply affected by the war In Cuba and self or a single ýeaport whcmce Ji mail senti the troccasary action 1 ject. 'Men D pur- that lie detires for pence are fust. IL III forth lie flag, noir halî Il any encens ,If , , Lot ,týongrý la re- ý fait et, ,fxtend leur foreign commerce. Ta ,on Made f recur- chaires that the présent Sâanish gavera- communication lvitb foreige, lx)«ers excelle Il u Il ed ta dore mine Y égudation ail i Ibis m Our morrhant marine aboutit lie Im« Other mun 2 nave ment in banni] Ly every considération ta a through the milltary lions of les adveru- de aile of the éventuel union aboutit the ý provoil and enlargéri, We ohould (Io eue full tremmed nu ai ac- change of polley that aboutit satiafy the rie«. No appredicinatun cf any of theoîe ,vid- fa!. of ,annexation bc aecuml)]Ished an 1 ! strate of the carrying traite of thé wlarld, ir c .. Sonne %terni United States and pacify Cuba within a den and difficult cýmpIIcatùons .hich a wàr bel vit t .boulet be. ý li rit, Dot do Ji no.. We abouti] bel the ta (,tir navý While eotimintently dientowind front a ý lagieurd no longer The lntertot-ity of mur re&àonable lime. tribun the océan !a apt Il precillitaie uP,11 ý véry early period acly aggl'ùzsive pollcy of 1 m(rfhant marine la juatly humillating ta f mur largi troas- Te Ibis end Spain han decided te put the vennels. botta connui and national absorption in regard ta thé Ilawallai, , thé IýtionaJ petite. Thé govci-m gré nos, 01 ment telle the en Itionnâ [rite effect the political reforme heretofore and ripant the consular mince" of athée, gracie, a long seriez of déclarations tivt-rï proper lornditutional melon. erhorrilà ,Iarg t ta the advocarted by the présent premier. without Pamiers. celle for the définition of the cela- 1 thrcugh thré.e-<,uarl,,," of a renlury ha, ,1,1 In casting ,or Illil, 18mllar ,,",(or. ai e ' or & ye' , have halting for any considération In the paria lion@ ta the partiet,, ta the ce m test. ('cri- proclairred the vital traceret of the Vnitod (-%er,, cormientrelat port cf elle world, thon tain con m da t 1 , lie ax si in lie judgment bleds ta pesée. The sidered as a question of extrediency, 1 re- States lie rite independent. life (if the opentort of, new and valuable markets ta for an app th . isit of milltary opérations, It la zI wlA con- gare! the accordance of beiltgerrint rights udand. and their intimait, commercial de- the miiiplu» prýlu(-tâ of (ha forcer ,ý1m1tJ.n O of 1 donc. but will bc humane and conductel stili ta ha as univise and prera-ture. ý and re 'a.t .ber mm 1 ý tendance upon thos country. At the "me facilite). join with ail regard for priviste righte, being regard IL te be, at présent, indefonaible as 1 titre le bas beert roptateilly ariserted (bat ý Thé ,ff,,,tn whih hall fi,,, mari, d,,Ing in cimilitit. ýty bis vecomparried by political action leadIng ta a larbearmure, of right. ,,hil, in th . i In no t'vent could the vittity or Hawaiien ý the t,,ol)revio;jn yraro 1,3 my predecossor in ,oumata Ltional the autonomy of Cuba orbite guarding "Such reragniCon ental:e up(ýn thé colin- I .t.týh..(l cesse hy the partenaire or the il, .wu o bel or protection te tire fur zt"n: and à 25.000. Spantab moyereignty. try, accorditig the rights whirh flow ý imland- undér thé drI)..,iliatl,,n or in- ' bénie il Ille .North P,,111, oc,,re and lier- h, .,Il and This, fi Io claimed. will restait in, In- femme, IL, titillerait and complirateil collée 1 hotte I filience of arlother power tirait the UTnitc(1 loi< .es, wére ri i,ý,,.-tl ai .. vally date by , ,,j., ,Yt,,m ta be training Cuba with a distinct Personality; and requirent the exaction froni the ficii- ý States. limiter th-o ,.,e,..In.tanieýa tire th m a(ImInJslrat:. ri and have héeri purâtred theïr the Island wili ha governed ty au exécra- tendIng parties or the strict onnervance of 1 trigle of "élite Iequl,,d iller .nic".tit,,i. ý,,h ,-,,,,-m,,,,,ý,ý - Thé ter, titre and by à local coutreil or chambir. their rights and obligation.. IL cOnforý i horettifore offered but ,1,ý,-l ricl, should lu itionai reservieig ta Spain the central of the for- the right of sparcla mienne the hl VisIn inv tliýJiatitn the g,,v(ýrnrnentm of 1"-'el'ý an' telle - hy j the ripencris of tiuo, ,cl atmalt an thé Japair and Riiý>ia -t ll-,Ig.,ie et, W.oh. Th, l.iI!lt Illai aigri relations. the armY and navY and the verbale of both parties: Ir ai subjet t 1 nature] rescrit of ilo at"..ngtl,,.Ii.9 tic., ""." Ir boit air iiir-r;iutltiial eonféronce ý:"J.I Ita., aggeil - judicial administration. Te ftCconlpligh the carrying.ïyarm.,anl munitiýnn ut war. chat hind Ir. il, iloril, i i la ... lm .rit tic ri- - toill ,1,Ii,ýI: th-- ,.,,,,,Iý. c)f tu-t ber r,ý:, rI, es the Ibis the présent graverriment proposez ta ýhIch now bc ,an!ip,;st&l frtely and altzid hy the liée wijl ,f th, Ilawallan sud N"v""I"" Ib". eh,ý,,,J,, , "as , ' ilir!,Ig Ille ,animera- modlfy existtrug législation hy décrire. vrithorrit interruption in verocéla il the ' intate. ý ,.I",..ýlv tr'r'l'l 'liai on-ler the ,,I'ý't iI1,:ýý; ýl>, r,1,ýA red ta jeaving the Spantsh cartes with the alti United States, ta détention and t 0 pabit Ing 1 Il 1 1. and deputiSe. ta salve stdzure; le would give rime te ,ounL!.ý.,es ý R.Iltied la, lii.,,.11. ..ý.gý1.11.,rb III.. .,it-.i,ý ,cf ,ý.tfc] animal. of Cuban "mater- le an thc,.tnt.,] willa ourtinlion sud test "'el,,t th, the économie prob m and properly clin- vexatioue quistions. would roloraie the 1 That treaty was t't'aoIrnllu!IIY ratIficli an inttrnailoyiol KKI""Ielit of &II th@ in- whhni th.. trlimute the existlng délit. parent Côverument front, resticralbility for l iOlthI.tIt aup ... lement bv lit,. SýI,.té and 1 t,ýreýlei -,,,wrb wax necorisarv for thei, t;à":"tlnýtul la the absence or a déclaration of the acte lierre by the insurgentir and would lit- 1 Procrident cf the republiri ai ilaw.Ii au lit.. ý ,d"",." ""t",.,I, a Ille g,,,tn.", ,if rouerie- lande ManaVres thrait this gotrerrament proposez ta vent Spain wilh the right ta oxercl- the 1 Joth of Septontber test ond ci. IY âwâltx the i tir Gicar [reliant did mat mie proiter ta be taite Ira courylng out lis profiter of gara& of- supervisiun remgnized by Our tréaty of ý favorable action ,If il,, ' %ailriý'ýU .emote 1 rl,,,e",t"l et trio. ,-c"f.»,."". b't butte,- V 1 ficarre It angliciste- that Spain ho lait free ta 1795 over mur commerce on th, ,es.. à very ý ta tffect the rompleté .Iý9IptIoO (If the 1 flilIIltly "nt ta Washington, as délogatmor. wbieh conduet mlllt&ry operatione and grant pù- lirge part of which. in Ils traffle lactivéfer illiand. inte, the donnain of the L raited thé expr.rt (ýmmis»lone" ,If Grriat Britain fîtripert 1 a dorai litical reforme. whfle the United States for the Atlantic and the Gulf stateil, and be- ý States. What the (-a ' , "D. ci f eula a 'ý and Canatfà. who had during the past two ena_ it@ part $hall enforce lis mentirait oblige- tween &JI of thora and the .talc. on th. 1 nolisa abri tre. thé p.lit'iltl-al relation therv- ! years, viotted the Pribyloit Islande, end tribu 4 the tfoorg jI eut off the assistance, which, l- Pacifie. passez thmugh thé waters whicla ' of ta the Vnited Sittelle. (hm*atttr of th- ý met In rl,,n'c,ý-ue .1mil4r -mmig.1cter@ Th, air. acal is sanerted, the insurgeais recettes front, w«h the @bore% of Cuba. The exercise of ; local administration. the quallty and dé. ý (en the pare of elle Vaitoil States. The m- the initial thm tâts country. thie supervision coutil sesterce fafl tottroncti. l grecdot the electivé frarn'hiaté of the in- ý nuit (If the. conférence wax an agremmoint te 1,-r'l,'Il, The supposition of an fintisfinite pro- If net ta abublem. certainly ta cuit Il un bah% aille. the extension of th, fédéral ,in 'aiguillant fâces mni,,rred With the of 1400 .1 ,;;. péritoine to.the peacetul relations of the ý iaws ta thé térritory, Or the cnalýtment of langation of thè war la derried. Il la an- : riditlori of th, -al herd, boetofor. in by thé .p;ý M CM nwted tiret the Western Provincial am al- Ivre, stat«. j spécial law- te fit th" pleuliar condition dispute whIch .heuld pis,. t.-y.ud "m- -in- en rit, «M rendit won ntgb reefindiseral flint the plant- There con ha little doutat as torwhat re- ý thercolf. the régulation If .ceci bc, of th, ' traerny' thé rifflly of the giorerramentactai propormeil , 7 and Ing of eson, and tablacco, thermin liai beau suit Ouch supervision «.uld bc ore long laboir sy.tent t1loiréin. arc .11 lancer» which (eri)ýl ta adot rantainires wahtout chaloir te, the -i te tbs resonned 00 tiret by force Of arme, and draw thls nation. It wlatilà bc unworthy 1 the treaty bis wixely relegated te ('cri- for the préservation and modération of the exhibot (,m r dis.. imew and ample reforme, very early and et the United Star" ta Inauglirate the pomr- j grésir. ber-] Negatiationn ta this end am aimer Th, .plc "lu,- cromple a paeto«ttov tu hoped for. aibilitien of mach remarie. by mýfaurp.. cf If the triaty la (onflrmed. a. Pvery rail- in !)rolrre«. the rescrit or *hlcb. 1 halte départure tenait. questionable, rigbt or expediency, mi by any 8 ideration of dignity suit bonor tertiaires, te hé able ta report ta coriaces. ai au tain the 1 a m- litimalla pýmie" Amello'ntion. Indirection. th 1 w fiedont of Congrens will sec ta il, thât. carly clair. international juriritration con. Américart oý - The Immédiats auselloration of exintfug mer. Il.-... Méthode te (,ai,.. aviliding abrupt ainstrallation of eventà mat ho empirait front the liât of «intellects veloporil an tintent eonditions oublier the more &dminia pe.rhap. hardly YK fitteil ta ahare In the (laiming mur eonsideration. Event. have in th, peul trillion of The firet sieux of the new gravernment lie faillirent Iliranchi.es of citizenship, and hav- ; oniv nerved te mtrengthen the général rotation th lie, « Cubait affaire la predicted, and therewtth in thése honorable patte. Tho polley of ý ing due regard ta the glosirraphical corail, ý viewm on thd. question expressel in My jffltfy an ,M ta &A tires dOntUrb&nee and ail occasion for &ny cruel Insplue and esté entretien that 1 tiens. the ment font provicincune, for self Inaugural a4lirýx The béat êtentiment of Joliment (if change of attitude on the part of the Unit- long obarcked the uniZrzal sen f rule in lacs[ matt"n ,villa the hargent fil- et tlhe ed Station te obviated. humanity bas been revermed. Udor ,ho 1 ,le, the civillied .Irld la mici towarril the liber, hall 1 Island Discussion, of the question cf the Inter- .cý ni y .et,&, )ý1hortb1ýe# as an intégral part (if ,,or 1 ,utilement et difftrený,s hotmotten nations autboriti- lubur- national dedans nord responsibilities of the maàlJt&ry commander a broad clame ton III ac,ýcded ta th. lia.ati.n.. ý millilitre robinetterie te thé. barre" of vour. gestifylog la prefelrrel 34«nur« have alroady bécn No fées In due en a périple, %ho. aille Treatien enitýdvlng therme humaine priori- (,.,ITfl si. ,Might United Station. ais Spain underatandis Ibarra. net on foi ta relieve the horrours of star- 1 nüarly livre yearK of donnocultrateil (-aparitý filon on blond fine. without In any way tri.-, Il .Il mozi- are pr«mted, with au apparent disposition vation. The power of the Spanish armiez. I ta fuifil the obligation. cf self greverni 1. 1 mg iin-wriling nue Interé.t. or nitr trottoir Thé ,.ce a IS23 ta charge va with fai:ure In thlis regard. Il asserted, le ta be traccil mot ta @prend ' statellocid, conte of thýir -n fr,.t. ~III te mball have nov constant encouragement. .11" Iý"jý, non of The charge la wltbout any honte in fact. Il ruin and désolation. but ta protect the 1 merge their destinicle In cur hody politie, i __ __ .- - __ ý ;,,ornait coul mot have been Made if Spain Irait i renumption of pea"fild agricultural pur- ,,oun c,ý,,r k with base COCDISRnt Of the constant efforts Il suit» and prcductive Industrica. Thar ý ài«-.11 «ý»d J.s-.. 1 fief FI 1*0164 %HIs , Ji.%ýsri .ýI . a ,psal goyerament bas made et the cent of al pont méthode are futile ta for" a peace by ý The clinstiens whit-la ha- ariscla bc 1 (ýI '. ,:-ý,r- , pur- lions and hl the emploieraient of the admin- .ubjugation Ji fiel admitteil and roin ' I J.j.. and lia-.11, t,, restent of th,ý trierc-1, rejette Ji, 1).,.«. fer Flint illeinéroi. 'r - à i r-:-. .iIl Io go of tentative machin&U et the nation ai auto- wiltbout conciliation muet inýitably fail frairiont of Jstat,-c 1.ii>,trý .-niK,.i,,r il ,rriltarle. Il !e le ,III 1 a part moi tg perforera lis full duty according ta ta rite for Spain the fidelity ut a rutented j ri, thé litanie entier th(, ilawaliaIi-Jai,." the law of nations. That fi bas Buýýful- dependency. : ,se ,.n,,nti,,,, of IWý, art, in le .st,.f.,tý,c, A rimerai rý-«tt-ý, cf publ't, oorite'. ha& tii:. oeil 1 1 lg«g ]y prevented the departure of a a, ngle ri Dýrees in application ni the forombad- stage of roulement Lit ni-vtriatioti. This flt I lxl-;Iýj,-l Ill Alýtska x11,1 - Il on, Ami. ri air rnueu» tarit expridItirais or aýed vessel tenue, our mwed reforme have alréaliv lacen prortiol- gvtýrrizi)(,nt ha. mile týtýn lilitý'l Il credt- ,- reins lier ro.-I, In liait ,1,.(,Jit à ce na 'Il' r '; 1 gov- shorses la violatirair, of Our la" would $"ni gated. Ille fui] test (if théné derrecs has ai.,, and (,ri tir,- tIth.r bard ta. bouger, II, uj,ý o .i-,;ýt .iIr,,») .. 'l ne ,,ý L lit ( ong,- all'it t.) 1 1 m te be a aufficient answer. But Of tbJB am- mot been recelvert. but a, furaishtil Ill a : ýiiiervcniin tri thar niazti, ttitlher than -f- ri !I:ig il, .%Ia>ka th, nItulubr lâ- rit hildt fliv] ow' i il, ellele Ils kindiimi .1jsit,,J(,(,n inýýr-1.ý tlo. ti,ýr,.,l ,;Ia[ý., ,,,rltain(,l ri:, le t,,,ý .!,Il , test 1- pect of the Spanleh note Il la net mécésirary ý télégraphie tummary trace une croiniriter ' .cý.- ,ri Il, ta speak further now. ENrtu in the con- 1 are: muc-h a .,I,,-týly ..il l111,-,-t .djtýtmtrt by týor, rhirt ', ýh,,,,!Il n"F L, III,,trn,,] lit put r iiI, ,il ai Cuba. victIon of a wbolly performed obligation. "Ali civil and cloctiortil rights of penin- the t- mriv,-rtýlgii roatcm in lottrettre - 111 f 'ri e tilt Ki Meldl land là- Ge Ilit. enua- tý,> ý,,,Il , ý sers due rapportent, ta this charge bas been made zular Spauiards. are, la virent, of exiciting mirait vernaport with cillait) soit bilan, . Il , .rofo1:ý ý L&illlmg In diplomatie course. constitutional authority. forthmith (xtt-iiIl le Ili graI la âïl teint th(- app- , IIý !lie ait aPI'r.ýýj Marth :; Is!)l - au- ""' orst 1 id In- Thmughout ail these terroirs, and don- ed ta colonial Spartiards. A gcheine of ý heusicura, ai les[ displityr-d ,in the part -,f ihorI?ý - gl-n for f-ntrý of' lailds ucr Ifi- I-lIýKI$: bc. celles ta mur civile eea" thla government bas solennel han boon pr.:Iaimed hy dorrié. Jetait. test the (,ý"tl,>. , f lilew.ti . mm- 1 1'. l, il, ;,,I'pi--. enIl ell- fi, [lie pur- ý ieloreu. marier braillera noir even In any way abro- ta bocome effective upcn rectification ty tirnal lier, through annixa!iý,n oiight le, , h_, _, _, . xI. ,-(Ijllg ,(;il u.ýr,.. tenu or ý jet Il t 1. lia 11, pages gated lie enverreigte prérogative of "série- the ('cri". Ir createu a Cuban l'ai Rament pair 1)riilegfim ta ýhlf-h Japan h,,ri,,r - _1,.ees Or lm,. ý,,,ý,:i 1 , ,,Se Il &Ojon' Ing ta itself the détermination of ils polley which, teilla the Insular exý-utiNe -n -- lard clalon, hâr'.. gi,,>,I pino ru ,,,,,fl.lt,ý, ' .il 1 f-l:I,,fýi t'ý:.. thl,- u f nt ý i p th. and course accordIng ta lis envia bigh trens& aider and vote ration ait zut)jý(,ts ait,.t.tirjg i in thé uprighitit-ma or thla gaverait), lit -i ï la, Iniritori, ,f ('I,.igr,.. - thale Car ex. ttmpl of right and in consonance with the deare-t local order and Intérémts. 1)tjmseýýing un- , in thé sinelitY (If Ps purfl'ý, , ;,Io liciel -11h, f ri.,--il h- h. , . thiIt , Ii:) .-il h r.ght. t"";Ih 't tolérants and convictions et our ulve pecride limiter] powerir gave suit to maiterli nt aise,>, ail possibi, iiiicri- (Ill il ,ne in ,hl ,!iIi,,., .; III, il, t;lot trlit,,I,), sa .hiuld ahould the prolongation of the war sa de- ,.or and the navy. as ta uhirh the gov- brýdüm.t ripirit lit frit illillll(bb. ý 4, 1lýiIýI-:flt-al 1 1) "."nl,ý,l 4 41N Mand. ,nr-gen e roi acte by him onn authority 1 - - ___ - - __ , Il fil- m, . hi-, ,,, ,il h ,,ýz,,ým.t,. ta b. Of the utitried rameutes tiroir. remal. the delogate of the contrai Kovj. m c ci t :i'n., f;,,, tir.. 1-ý -t I ý il , .I, a il, 1 , e t P,.,. - me ai endy: Recognition of t be surgents as 1 This pailleraient réclutreil thé oat (,fi th, 1 4 IlILSI, 01, IIINIV.I'ýtkl.lý%1. . il ron .f -;- , ,,I,,,iry «Ix, H.I 'FI romane belligerentre; recognition ho iradmporrd goyernor-general ta prescrive faithfiiii), thé , Ihý ,,!y ,,, gi,,,i ta th- 1 -, Iý, [stance ence of Cuba; mentent Intervention ta endj Ilbortleir and privileges of tire c,:lony. and . "III lt.t'..a fée Finir.. .If ... 1.1t..r»I.- .'ti. b, il'. le La le thé ýI- 1 lit ('ýýIiý'ýý- t1ill" Il J'Ily ýA. W,-7. ta Th,- l'el, ressenti the war by Impoming a rational compr.- colonial averotaries are re,-I,ýns.i- : ill,,i.1 ,tace"".t. I,,I1ý il,;,, t.r"t ;y ,.et, l'a land ,IiýI".t. ai t tir . ,,, ad the mine between the conteietants. and Inter- le. 1 ba. the right in prop - In thé ' -lis , -t ,If I' ,o- a ri 1 ri, -1iýKizilal, !Il%- il, un 'jrl,.i tti,-rot .. il cher Party Voiler the prcviýI( . of th ha. rit Lion ta vention in favoç of one or the a . ý lýc.l1JL goverrirril tbrl,,.Kh tbr. g- 'ni'-- gr--ru, appr-d Mar. le :I l,ýI7 f r ih, p- -- 1, ,;,a ,1,;,., ýIltI, 9ýs'.- aal -- yo'. of 11, fi Iý-l ,loping 1 speak mot of femicible annxatlon, for grimerai nondificatictu, of thé nation'! (har ý III of an iiifrriatifnal .KI.,i",., ri. .- ud ýIl .. .1.1 thé l',I-ý!,It m" Iý,,r Il,ýI 1 efforts tiret commet bc thought of. That by Our ter and ta Invite new projecis cf law Il, , m:,,l.,irIg 1,1I.,.t.li,>",> 1 .1,1.,IIell ý Il lI, .Il. lý .,Ilh."I,,l-,l et, ;,i.i.,!,!t à ý-Iyl,:--gffl- il.. . ,,, , lit lvilized code of Morality would lie criminal 89- exécutive nicamul-cis In the interoot of ilac 14, La d.v lit Apil 1,47 111,reril 1) li ,11 il. f--r Il- ,rt,ý' ýll.'l'ýIt thii ,III"I.- no jean granulait. colony. Besicles, ils local pou'erm. il lm ,, Coloril Adal E Se,.,. ..,,n il( Ilho , ý l',irý.,I.IIt 1,, thi. illith ... ilv - -,ýrv-ýy.r- , , 'à abatte. Recognition et the bel4gerency of the compétent. tiret, to régulait, elvvioral rf>e>- a,, 1 Chirrim J, Painé l f -'ýl;e.,.,.i-hI., il, a- ' 9,tiý'ai tend ,ý,.ýl,,,, h.- l'.'n .1.1,ItIteýl . 1", I , ý II r.'l' )ut 1111 Cohen Insurgeais bas ofttn tacon con- igtration and procédure nuit irfei-rilýt> 0- 1 , I ni, il 1 lth l.ffr. l ., il, vit sed-a possible If mot Inévitable %top, quatificatione, of eiefttirm and the mariner Ill 'la] t'I'l'y. et, ,ej,,- ,ý.it (Il, ý1lIk, If ill,,Il'.. ,II.,,Iing 'Il", r."!,g people .ýtuIt .. Th- have hoi a ,1,,ýg,,,t il, Il, 1. 1 il III, ten ysaro' of exercieing suffrage; secont. il> corgant, , -, ý le, !ne iI-,.i!,I, - , Il),- ..I,;Iý 1 l 1 - I , .;I bars bath In regard ta the previoua , I ffori. ta -ý-,, (Il, ,,,-,,iI,,ý,iii,, of Fi. : ,,ý1 bli 1 ,Illip, ý -IIýl-,- ! tý 1., -Il ,,, ý , , il ', )pla ta atroggle and during the présent war. 1 courts of justice mith mIItiý . fr'ým 1 ý iý:t':,! 11-t-1, Ilittr -fi 14-1- nt .,,iie !io.rit il "h ill'igýH i peau ýI" I't"l' "' e I., illt.1il.ti"I'.] ýiIlli II, 1. We lun mot unmlcdful tiret the two tonnes of tremblota, of the local hir; t ici ul Pîrrl, ,,ýI '-K Cubons COugreB3. in the spring of 1XX. expressed the Insoler budget, bth am ni t-\;,,,iiii Illut cf th., ,I-i.,.,,,ý,,,, but -, Il -,, iý,o, il. the ilýk,,i ,"Ii.l N>I .PP, 1111ni', . -d Io-ý g thât the opinion by cancurvent résolution tiret titres and reverrités> ,,ithlait limititicir cf , I ,..,t i,,riI ai,',, t,,.,I,ý,iý t!,l..gIli-I,,,-Ii, I11,11-'l' 1 ,ils I,- IIý f, thil, liiIli.,.. m;,.i the in- a condition Of Publie war existeil requir- any Il and ta xet spart the rI-%-(,Iiliý il, , ' rIl oItýIf" t I'v , hl il, ,,,i,ýii.,I t:liit 1 Il - r(leýsarY 1 - - ý,li,- f- the II g;,zrtf,.7,,, ý,,1,, ,,' ,,,,, g- ! mIýI- 1.1, lan'l .lt>,,,.,.ý rite. ,lia it Ill,, 1c" i- Il m tiroir Ing or juritifying recognition of the state enclot the Cotan share, of ihl, riatiIiI-1 lai 1 lit jii *"., t h 1, l -t 1: ý ""Y Il I', ty. ýiill,ý'I' Luetie» of belligerenry In Cuba. and during th, get. wbivh latte, ,*lit hl, vocl bý Il-1. Il.- 1 tr'-Illibil, cf F"-.,. t 9 extra session the Serratte voted a joint tes- tional Cortes with the aý.ýiýtaile (If thi 1 in "Il, 1111-il 11, 1111119 1111 11 11, agi",- 1 "Ill',',' Ilil, "il* I-- 'Il, ,, - In Ji %%Ill 1 mer In olution of litre iloport, which. however, Cuban scooters end dtputi 1 Inter. amortit thé 1>riii,,11;al l ,,,:IIt-ri.1 na 111, i,,ýIit ,,l, - ,,, th, ,It,,ýi-tiy for il fi"'tý'> il' tien, cf Europe. wh,,,Iý, a fiý, 1 liot rt-I-l I7,11t'al, f .- ,, In tý- '- I-,ý - ,Ir .%[" k&a milices won mot hrcought ta à vote In the Heurté of Initiale or tain, part in th- neg,,tiatiijiI, ý il ,,, ,cI,ýé liq, ,q, gli.1 a:l 1 ,,I,, r snsil f- IIII p: t, , i ,Il ,if Il, : --riý si, 1 prop. rty. madi Représentatives. ,if thé ..tlcý,,l go, c,.,,.t fi,, , ý,..-I,ýr, il 1 ý Tir, luip ', b,.,ý,I,,ýil f,ýrIýi,1,,-b a.ý,,,,I,,,, th r, ,,, ',Ili'ýii, il ý'il'Il 1 , I, iI,,ýý,-Ii,,K cf k .,,,, ,, am ad. In In the pr-,ýnce of thurne .ignWicant ex- treatierc %viii-,-h mail aflicrt Cohail liit-,"ýý.1,. art, _ L ,I .rioniv, Ilit, Lîli et Ir Ii,:,,,,,, ,if '111l"I tili' o- 1 'Illi fla ,-flzi,,,, ,,Idlýr 1,,.I,,I,,. il,- pressions of the sentira ,lit of the légiste- Mrth, ta a, - pt or ,ej,,,-, - IIIIIII- Iiil t ...... ý thé Isorld in r(aliz:llg th, iliIt";ailýI,ýýt, I ........ rr'Il cf 1,1-iIt I'ý 1 lt-Iý:]rIl lf th. -I,1,ji-,t lf ail Illico branch te behonves elle exécutive in liés wbich the national g,)ý(-riiini;)t r.,- 1 , I ter of the 1)riiýioni anil in il I1!1,ý;r, lýleý'il I;ýf-Irv lis I.,-I :lit in st. ý-- ru actuel soberly rocirridicr the - nci ;lions nulle, have cI,,ýlu-lýl withnut th, prr Lit "i'tII"I ,if ,,.,,htlg ý,,,,,c ,111 sud 1,7, "-'ý'Il ; l', lli, hin 1 1 i .. ,Il t'h il tý.ill,.Il)' I- t. As Il r il 1 litl', Mother shich am important a mortantros muet needi of the (7u!,an gr,ý(iriiiiieiit; e;x(li. t, fruire ý trie, of il. ,I-In, Bi.i,'ih >ý,,.,iiIII,ý,lt hl> I, t , ,il,> ,, ' i. -L ,f th'. g,," lI,.cnt il, Iiillolh, t! tient for justification. Il lm la !III, seriotisly the Ii tariff aiiiiiil lit ai - I m1ill ý 1,,I1,11ýhcd a r,,uc:,- il II-ý Fiiil IlklI I,,,i>,ilý!K.- t b, ip, t ý 1 ,nn ri t ,If thé à still fi, in the considered whethor the Cibara In%-arre.(- the Penir-.Iar gý,vlII,-nt in m,!ii,!,ilIIS Jl'intly L'Y thé J'tertio -ý5iI-ni , in 1.iY,- filloirrv Iin-1 il' (JuI ta folIrw up les ard prisa lam and lima pog"soeo belli il il the, attri- 1 articles ut mutuil I, ,,I.Ié,,, bttoeu thé ,,an an,, thé eptoel t,,,,-I,-,-s lit th, t 1,I', 1 ý titiz.rm viril il"' bIllit 1,1 Igal ma(hin- our -Itri butes of gtatohood which allant, eau do- 1 mortier -uutrý ant thé ,-,,I,)iiie.s. Ilefor, S"ta ,,Ith 'honc ,u, lerol.11-11117 ut lýý,,,- - 1 ,ý,riý,,tl,. oge ,Ill ,a l i,,,,,,,ý,ý, th.. os- di-li ,,,,Ir, on al mand the recognirion of trelligarency In !rîtroducing or voting ul)-,ti a bill, VI, ý don et ii,.,Iy , ,,-,IlI,,.ti., il, iln- pr- i - nia- ý 1.1,Ii.hrIl,,It il a .,,ýtilý - r gý".."""nt %al. for Fpective ils favor. Possession. lm minait. et the "- Cobait gocrumérit or thé (ýl.iý,ibr, ,vIII 1 tion 'If thi. mobJ,ýi 1 tu hl r ,,,aj, ýI , . 9" , ,,Jrh -h fiIý.,ibýlit)' il., ,,,ill enirbie je Io bin -ri- armiez sential qualiMe.tl.n. of imettroizirty ty tho lay the project before thé ciItral gi,,er,- , r ricent, This , 111 JI, lài'l týf"". ri ,I - ý 1 insurgents. and the conduct of (ha war hv ment and hear ils i,1,Iiii:;ri theroon. tell the ý -ý1,ýl! lý't illaff Il) th. filture -Ltir of .1,IiI.tiý Il lent In- : gr, - . ,lt,-.,( iiýpilýtl".. ,,rl.,gIl , out the tireur, aecording ta the te,-cgIitzd code a' ý corrpFpnn<let.ro in l-ulb regard b(Ing inail( 1 finir .p,,Ial ,.,v.ye blive .,t rolnIt, (h,ýI Tr, ,oartlirig thenuela nossibly exaggor- lim tellir tais and war are no lems important factor% toward public. 1-'in.il;y. all conflicIý of jarili, , flo. 1 rpit. as fulth.r Io-cl P, bi' nt ... 1 rI>orIý tricot th,, Yilkom rlvýmUnfry d; 'IlLi't al ,Ilcy the the détermination of th. probýc,;I of bel- lion ,.rii.g botween -,ho diII tu-n thé i*clr(,e;t-ntativ(!' of thim 9 ,,,(>rii- ý ,le thé probable 'shortiý,,,- of fond for the a Inarivig c oeil liger.ney thon are thé irflUcr.erle and Con- InII'il'l;ýl, provintal and Inoit., al- ,,cent and thé gav,,.I.rmt. ,if other ,-li,,r- ý large ~Initier n' people mien are ,violer- ,hc,,e loi. ý - keana or trequences of the mîtru-rrir, lupin the in- -ý"Ibliffl. or betwýn the lattt r sel 1 ri ce arc peil .'Il 1. vontempliet thol,-, tho mc.n. of liýavI.Ig made for urgents. imitent policy of the reogiiz'ng ,date. the IIIýuIar (.Xc(.Utlvp pI,ýtti-. 'il 1 ý, Thy bciterné th.i It IIIII, ,ht h h-c ItIIý:;; ý ý;l','ý' ,.'ýý;:,.,;,-,.i lm i . iImfir.,,,l ,ci .urh monstres Of the -111 mure. IL Thé rinterancen of Prerdd ent tirant In wh!cb from Oicir nature niav Il" i laiseil in certain ,,im11,11 ri'-: 1, I IPIZ 111" a, il, 1,,.,tifv bringig the marier ta the This or. , citer- bis mémorable crecturage on Décomber 7. lie rerocable te flic central goverrillient fini 1 pomitl, m of rnainfainilIz the still ,f thý; 1 .et. .,lien 'if et, ng'eli A",.. in tiret acellaied h Ilir, am signally relevant ta the Présent d"iàluu, ELIall ha submitted ta fte court, ,,.rlty betwetri the metain and hlod-, i voliniry In à nter can bc boit cordy by the In any w i of Isar situation ta Cuba. and Il con%, lié whole - ('ý'.01d.-. 1. sp.t.l. SI.ý..,tty. tinterions el yet bc snlvt4l bY 'net te . Occa- anime Dow ta rIrcalt tireur. At that tinte Il 1 ýuâ,81cRd1rm-I Dyc. soif vilnitv whlt-h 1. à m-v-I ,vit ,ci 1.eg.tlat,.n.. le . dit il Il and pertraps an impassible in cases ( . limitent a rutrions Confier, hall for .êven years That the goyerriment of Sagaies han en- .Ma.,hilc. Il 91". mý mý1f!'fsetI-n Ill t.eI, Ill %%(,vf-r, should thomme, "port% et and ubicl nuch of waztait the neiKhboring Island. DurIng terod open a courbe flair, which rccýelon ý Il tiret thé spécial ,o'I'Yý hill, -11týa,!Y ý ille miifferlnv If our foIlow cittrens, ha of thé ci ment of ail thm,@ years en lutter disregaril with humer In , Impossible eau hardly la. 1 (*emonstratei thoir ail art F.I:14'Fs il, ý folthé, ,v.Iývd, ovvry effort ait aDy cost veilleig 1 1 rreans of the la" of riv7lized ,warfaro and questioned; tiret in the feu, weeks Je ha., ý demi wlth the oubléel. soi Il Il 'a le '-en- 1 bh.,,Irl le ..Io ta ,airry lire. rIi,,. k-Ple. ,, trial or of the just dema.11. of hurnarrity. exiIII IL bas made ýrntýt of the sin- c.1y h poil fact that risetilloge. wbIrh called forth exprrIsmýon, of con- cerity of lis professions Je ci . 1 bat tiroir Jabots moý,tb1rý1JmuIvtý11; ý ------ --- ,Ii,],,n!able. 1 an Interce lional agréera 'Ill à mot on la tant de- damnation front the nations of Chrté- Ehali net illipugla lis .Incerltý-, noir shOlll'i bring allant recognitirn f hMh gold aIvý J ,ý%1('-I,91.11(;t .11. ( AN 41ý carefully Ifore the tien and roto pervaded tirai, Productive the tack Il bas trentertairen. Il lie honcio- h sate-guard.9 a- wlli -111111 il' -me of 1 rie L.-».I.»I.n la Beiit, M. al of ail tandem. continuer] unabatéri. Defflia- Impatience lie enflerait ta embarras$ it In ý attirer am moiney report Aub tcracrire .et 1 w 1 t ' - -_ October régime. ellormoualy affecting t lie com- ly due ta Spain, and ta our fri c -t' 'e - - 8u'h Illeil .b.,; ývoILc - It...,..e, .1 Il %loch O a of the more@ of ail commercial nations. but tiret tien£ ni Spain. Limait abc abouti bc vi,ý,,. bal metala upton a bmin w lois Avirâl ressemble no injustice ta any close al complieffie ýir frais- of the United States more than any éther a . chance ta realize ber ex- 1 - ý A subject of large Importance ta mur réellement

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