ver whI OS a, or four. Or v. to-dalli L. ty uT i , and bit) àk >, Utaa otbgt 7 ta belp bIse iMe up-ehe o-.a cl.l'kiu' Il as Wa$ bier t-ots deep- a ChiomiiaA lng a martel itmais bLlsa hi' guni!I W. Bulletin. d'ai a up smoking, sc Cinalmas, git buy mcaà oice.-letrost tuas box f rom tc>', exultanrt- packge t. tic Se-er bion-el s got a licart ', Who saayà gla ise ne M, eS se Id s tins, but i ut as tIi' lttie m viien ne oy turrid ouf. a too ghr'- e nir got w) 1 >001 bun Junt ter luont hi. nft arae fur no id hax 'round table Buti t tabe so muclu loutJun. If Iut s big ap- 1 a damn sigit ford 1 buov n esti ahen r e. 1 kin au' aIl tbern r Sister Ruth, asun fur Tom, n' su un rigit neyer fnl-geLs 'r ba a dueber t bnoeb th' be core dog- me, Ruth." Ma naila long and bis the W sfLL < 81 * su- ._Z 111 8 8 lu the. stret boee om oitevestlng tha e woyk. et five, and Oued the hou ithila ells sud folowed by swonderfui old gentleman Then pater took hold of ber arrn, and taok a prolonged " o eut fthe. vudow, of rapturons exitment viien thçy mvw the iu marvelous attire, win, even by the llght sai so quietly that no one. ele beerd '"Fa M - vhllst Pter skelched au elaborate dispraina amy of toy in snd around their bloated of the low gaz jeta and the flickering lir,bvas ther Christmas vanta tu give you a prescrit, upon he blottint-ped. stockings. But brise nurse bail lit the gaa eaily rccugied as Father Christmas irn- my dear." Bo Aunt Aggie rose and let bîro Movever, pater must have cheered Tomn dore in the nursery, no thet they could play self. lead ber up tatheir guest. Jusa she came uagond des]lin the course of tthe day, for the", during the smal houcs witliout dis Trli e bvas a remarkable sigit. H1elhad to Father Christatos,.bowever, grandpa anid M 1 T A o teidt the. offie togther in big apirits. turbing eviryone else; and excepting tat a jolly red chid face, and âsucb twinkling, grandir asl. etwo funny miatakes. Grand- Tlsey miade a aysterious ami prolonged viit Roy took a heeder off the bey roeking borne, rnerry eyesL He vure a long white beard, pa ecdenutly turned the gaz rigbt out; and te a faney.drusemporium and one or two snd Dot varined a wax dol'a nome a trifle wlîîeb airot covercd bis bcoad, rmiaou grandi. eling ton varîn, it muttlie pre- other places, ami then thelstuek bg cgars ta c i t tbe fire, no barm was dune. wsîstcoat. 1H ample white bair waa sur-anumed, gusbed the sreeu snddeniy i front E E D P in their mauthe, and actuialy Vent offad atrvsasuulo sucbocsina orted by a erowu uf bolly loaded vitb of the took pater quite a couple of - played a couple of ltundred t billird-- fourth ehild, and the. younpsters Wer. lu barries, and tays peeped oIfo vs iue ab h ace wihwr n - paes' anna disiption, as he elld IL. hige gle. ail tbe morning. pokt of hie long green cnet. He carried in bhis pocket, after ail); and that couldu't After ttis tb.y vent la lii. bokilti office Tiien grandpla and granlme cerne, bring- bis rigbt band a atout staff covered witb make graudîna onderstand about the screen I - XM the -a l new, et St. Pauils station la collet haif a van lut presant@ for ail the older one-it beiug thick ivy. He laugbed ail round as hie mat -yon sce, @c i getting rathier oid-srid go hrsraicm my deer. ' bai of permls;, and finlly dsesla underslaod tiat tbey hed been soimcbov in dovlà, util everyone laugbed agin, and hie uobody saw exatiy whst happeneil. Mater Whcn the. yeec le Dulvicb yitb aà eabful apie. It van leegue witb Sauta Clans as regards the Raid: AMrr hitmua nd a Happy bsa dsthat abe he.rd sorething aboutAi ukgbgut 0ev.nocebelaTo balrouvy ch ildreu. And everyone bail a present for New Tear! " in sucb a big, hearty voice that "deer ittie Agi!" aud "dear oid Ton'An olubeit, lai UsnainRPrrnm- fui ince the mbruing, and pater arrived tiemi, "eveil the lttle Mun, wboueepennies tbcy ehouted. "Tbe à m AMIuFa ertaugite u tld nyue ad aeau Lît tierIsn, bonesu ful tjokee and memrment that bad been remarkably productive in paters CI -a!"vth nue crd. lHe beclîoned il dec-lare tat tataugbty nid ccamp of a whonicobncoseaf, iqît e a ur en uAge allemi..bande. I he srvnte t. place the parcee on tbe Father hrstna aerd to kis asurtie. hn1bg t retint Then the mral business of the day began. Tedinuer as i b udn r al nfront uf tom. and, pressing some-Ptbbly bis aflieua retuuec after tts thi Oves every tinythilu. There ver. the nieces aud nephewe ta vigit, ticular beIlg uba cuccens that cook wax hn nteebus he aete a:for = oentiue ligbts verelit again lhe hadilie Tili eLuganta Clans about ButdtCand aillte, imite and siug, vith presents; there vere lbheÇChritmnas caileil in for speia] compliment, and nreariy "A Milrry Christmiaa to you, sir!" motioncil appeareil (grandinsseemeil to bave been Thé thing i vaut to 1fi AU the glati Year througb.boestati ervants, tie parcel-bringers, feil over a chair boving bcrself out. Every tbem out'lianding bis clotbea round the door, Ronie ButfocIflli.e-ndcwf'li' ette oe M y s l o ip sl u t t c e u u c l o t t C t e n o e AI thi e ec goies by. rry dear. andmailsortsuad conditions ut men aud uing vas su joly that it ceally hid Rceu The.ribe besitated and began to loplbis said). As heyer oe b, oren-for pater dida't belleve in waiting trange for Aurt Aggie ta lok su grave, un- face wth a big Bilk haudkierchief, as if bie And the prescrit whicebcbebali ieft for t1But preInthentcviiip. Lt un keep our ski' svcpt cleer. titi boxing day. There vas the final tîrring les,. uggested lttie Molly tLu Dot, ahecn'as iîardly knew boy to begin. Tiiere could be Aunt Aggie (boy slle dîl amile!) a- And put il vîth the mail, LAttîs trou and 1, of the Cbristmas pudding, a slemul annuel looking for a present frorn "Uncle" Tom. nu dout that, as pater aud graulpa Raid,.lhe there, you'd neyer gness it!-Iyncie Tom' And beg mantra ssnti It sv..p up aven' ctoudy cvl. rite. under the superintendence ut cook, t which aînt corn.5 oe aa ifinent sud nervous. Su Afier that, everynne must believe ini Fa- By the poîstu vitthout fait; _ 7d ivs tirlaul. Ard thiik br vbei-' leI htloue Evei' îtte turier-rov. vich cach member of th ebo ld - Atrdiurptrmdealti peh pater Igo p and made anotiier littie speech ther C'iîriatmas. Perbaps. if thcy are very Aodulug vibetrItw Lau li nf tîe.peced o a pesnt. Al e hil a sAler i mce ite r athcrhst feer ynumaddeuc aan u e is c ui m ke Soeofteoo.anm o m ' ea erims'ge A ntAg i iosuc ne er se tltef 'Neati acludi0 sy dren vent ta beil, and the onerous funictiolts announicel au suent which made thatCbhrit- made thcm laugb, and sRme of it mae tileul gies sud Uncte Toma for their presents; but But t preterid abe d. Wlren teyari1& eu,1taire My' soctaings Chrismas LBysi Wheri.fhe year la nid. A d boy th c hlmlY ide Ltun neyer doult or fear Amtint er mwile1wihtan!he Lough hertaay re awsolar.uWcre tylce as long and vIde: Corrn earsknt.-e tom,etis tainduvun. that lma ! Cistee aud snow, su loves dear glnw Of coursen1 n CtrulY cmortl Lurailou gayto-ud!But t pretelrd it cari! ait ue eay a g IdAil thc urIngs 1 vanted no, Newchar, lu ......sCmpno.Are stickiug fron MY'stocklug tape, or standing lu a rua, M Y 'w e e , .e s y c t n e . w h t t h e c u s t e r i ig 1 h g a d i l s m o h con h es nodI hua ar kowIts rny thmottr. And A nd mi' fatter, to. tecause W i h t h e r n y l p s sn d t h e o h t e p a r l i st n r g n s C a s That ver e,-Mca. George Archtbatd, lu Good Hause- Aend >ua kîse ng tit ree ynma Mai' the iuld. comrri sud rare frctiiee,Th al Aud agrahea sui idew e ar keîl Mi' unn ynut. îfitnote î,ow.Betuid a htet-robcd auget ai rny duor, And thatoithec a gld oy 'i ar"Opetou ty eart teflire the devIl 01 W hos e nlY s o g lR of l caure eno , lg t And Y,omesae1. rs the rie. lyAnd let me take thi' taud and tcad theé i-loir on a it neyer a fra. Tbechcasrn uf duit gloorn. Fear raifuili o t lo u e s d I m at, îtî Jo u c e y lie ,s t r My aed newit thesnoy hlrCorne fortt, and follow vtere the wal i ihth.. a l. ,ad Monte.wwhitr trvic â ot '-eI te idigtA.d leave nid sorruws onuthytier-swept W as uteaiigcly faînt and loy. fu. 1 gmt tee owboutloo tosexItAnd the Nei ear altakethng ta me If te loa man draeavritper. n y s u e r t a eh r w l And t peai& n u word, siice 1 n w for a d the. et 1 muet go-Tîme hodi the mage ik«. -Lslî& lt ch G a e w YLde s r iA d 1 ot i tld read ttc untalo vO. ope ni wtth sang and hope-witt coulrgenunde- Anid gontIo-IIt fattti, as voutd a ctlld.L -.Charles Hanson Tuvue.ltri adi' World, 1UTIIER ÇRISTAS, 014f'lS ENOUC71 ver' noucii cuce;pt l)ertelvs i obut tiien the" inaild a godd'ai, wn Indnse up for 't. urc c 'leu fIhe et5,gment had lated for a n iile fotiîuit uîl lly teri days beyond the usai ilosi ultheir tricuds, be- ceame coucened, aud us it dren near Christ- mas <Lic the itei o Ouquite angr3'. "Tiet..sounaig .l i mîgit uase veli ate i t) 'O. lOas g" 1114nitgabout al throuîth (i lunta5tîe and s.iliing everi- one el»es fui,î- lie g,,itI)Iled.And the dear ti e m ater s 1i ke of thernm nth sor owful k E h a t t i e y u a Iin f tt r thake of flicli-i cu uhnliliiifthe patergîve kci foc Christmas," said Col. Ucyker. so ainut tIf Agcie sens fretting? Per- "Dat's berry tin', cunnel, but r'd 'fcra Tomifle fetudo, non vnigtotetyn-dotier bill et'. ail de Rme ta you. lCxla thep. sen ,%% aywa rwn 0 Kringle altue 'peers ta leab a luhkey et mi' Bpth e r thodre. duihat as uic nas ma- buuge de niglit aloh Cbria'ma."-Dtroit. ters iter, an i fe u scar s ouger according r e Pr « famîls Bible, t n-asalier a natter for tauhetueoîîial siîcf't îtîî,y of the BROWN'S NEVENÙE. aieterly ails ce. So ,eîler întcrveted, sud Me plans b o ct fven wlth bila Det- for *'fruer" liaI buste1 ilure neeks ofnt lat th e te n t i (o u ia il th e e lev e sfh ? l p a rti rateIM lf C hristm a s e e. A t t lîîs liolt ai Le a rîl i'r w . Be n C r at u ih agýeceliioiehn is bdnc ping?" aakcd the mn viti the tur-liusd "if on duit speak t Aggie. 1 -lhaeovercoat ut tic man wvh the bandiez. tospktuoler Raid pater, firli', "Y".- ~ puls orrI' wie,"eleduinnoe l ithtlig au slie p u t on uth e a ta ('la s co at uth ut efo yuic" e l pd t e a big p cket , to sa l i' f rth i, n th e m orn u l.p a k g s lNomeur.IaiýntBPrl "You bave? Thatag gond. i Rai', nid men, Tom tocet hu;bIe-i 1durit consider tl ewa o aeI e.Pegtt Iatle wa-ai lublame ai ail. He v air s a - g lR m hn gfrM ie n a e Tom to est a o ad lhyfmble cubfuie.p od mri1liu mem hsvbate yu"ufnoyuhavevemogot ber,, te li1itst de got o gl. that eternoon, sud ele could bave gone la Andl jIlt t thilnk 1 In one short year l'Il be as old as you 1"1baeouhbra zr,àoxfcira Ihesbo ast u eili n tic cuculue. W umen smeeaciauu ue, and a tew little thigof neyer! expostîste the mater, soft lY, "ex"Foc your vite? NN'by, ma, you muet bd cept youo Mi' dear. aisusys excepting ynu. ut Sata Clans bal to ha performed. Theri-mail ebrarondîfferent front ail others. cri', snl once. 1 think, grandira sud Miater auybov, if they remember pater's speech, crazi'!" But i-ou areuniîque." l'ben mater lauglied Ihere snpretti' Aggie Lu issansd prescritlic we peig-esî,s uu rî uoiped their cyca, sud gearidîtasud Aunt lhe ruai' bcrelied opon ta bruug niuat ..yeiyarfom'viagtldin. andlihe kisxed lber. "Oh, but 1Ibhope you iti somcehirng glittering doue lni' un cuver lI frend i hutbuan lainraeirte i ninîn .n ggîcblokd ver' liai1 unoîthe ire. There beartîli' v»iiitiucm-A ?,erry Chirstrmas,. iboil iesg, Broniil Wbtithernat' vont, Johln," aie naid, coexungli. "For papier; and her brother-in-155C must bave hlie aI dkovu tbs ceihihoodi, andIwnx fiietiing about 1eace au cartit sud anola apptsly New Test '-J. A. Flynn, hoter ' Your wîtc miuet b. a nev vman ut chidAg lias been cMing ber eyesonut ail the forgotten is inteudel admonition. ion be wiorn they bad ait lb uîel lu meet, aunl gooedsi -lI tonard meni,- sudsomcuig S. Pau ýin. the*wor8t srt." ti mte; but aes tac prou ta m ake o 'erturrs, put i s band o u ber gou der v er ' bî dy sd tried ffi end, b e rnght aln sa i'ofthList about r m em ierin g t o e niom t iey vuld t g t i g v n w t tbougi abe ovns sic waa parti' ta blamie. and vbispered something about Il comînsgrard s beld eeu icard of is onuonot for Il the varllurget, sud forgetting JUST A 1111-T. ber." If you could bnang hîm round, no, t pai' graulpýa Z i"I don't understand." tecmlmnsof the seasanata me, or tu .-SalLa Clans!" amole front the chidren, wauted to remembffer. Tlherc n-as sonîetbung, %V'eil, you seesIlut year stle gave me whhie compliments mha ti.u s8ofai n eàvng ruables and combe ton the bureau, sud an raîher sioili, "" I sha e a i'tin if 1 .the kîinl l saint vas a persan vuith Il thc grete ipiiuin ogivirie, onI last obrti.tcrwt ilo stop ani' longer; and 1 ougt lu bave caugt , loîlteu n ruftesh1ex- of a Il ter sus tinrg about wbat ut ail ofthe a froda ttaer hîs rnas. Ia bvfo lie un heor, lii." Matr idt ___tenlaue business relations. t?-o." pater ex-niest- thik liceu1'niîesnlc eeaie.invr itIsalbv bote bn yfrth er swatwnl lauuîed, lasn't cuacti' ailLa Caus. membrauce and lohae ir)ut lic talterel , no ((dsetrinedth±is sortae bave In ie m e;an' uher.ailbe mayre a vikBuei-lutnas a relatileon isiîndeel, anme lier. tlat vine liaI ta gues at 1the norIa. I ougti hm a s Ciratiesfrescrits fave for Ilion e i'essand kne v is w ys, yo o se..p u l ad lt r t er i e lLF t u But, preslumably,,lhe remembereil vhen Chittaâs!" visitor iîraîgînt, and suri isere thue gîlta -er Tom(womchefhewas lokd nt hflTic moutis ut the tttie unes openel vile whillîail n ould %%soh u renier inureturii'. ~"Ia>,Brovu. You are agenlus,miy boy. private mntmabout lunch tm apybL iatnsimetlad i o headeaocihe ganhireeve adpaeIa1betieve 1 viii boy mi' sife Lie smme kiné respects. ..'You're comirsg round to.rnrrow ,~ lookeal puzze except granîpa, vin i. ali box ut cigire; graîîîruua, a ssoiiulrlul ai '01i beet e tu anlhagolidefor aiterucon, af course, aid mn?" said pater, n-y. quiek àn taking lit Lie situation, andI rangemuent ta lind uî ibook o ai,,nd1be vthatuà tt wu merlieurn ieta kW* nismuteverydai tarue. But Tomn loked .e.,er More anti.n nhe bbons thue mronua a hret ) stan ieiliîît iuneha en rl heat eutoc u lng and tise not L.u.hl yer' gloro aud shook hieg besd."Nonsene'" ertbeoeiu'He vas ver>'gati, luc re lier u'îthatsîei, ied ouîîîîîlhuiiiif ta go in i \ue - ejeculateil pater wrtifully, "tou ver. the nakcul gravely, that lits nid treul braitic lttîr suî,ind-I I!) -iilThe i ilihillo, - let lrsto boy."-Site gave ies'eralé,6 triend of the feil' before Miss Agge came cafr ucoelishessetcoertt ueuni.ntuiînlo.vihîîea1uîi la live viti us, the littie mnx. Jiou'd neyer M-sttnnnnîs'sn itulnreiceibonu-thire moî'eîîinu'endlio flîîn. Ererv denrtthle youugatenw un Chrismas day? <uponu flicbenefitswviclcibe bal îonterede ,ei i~ni hà«. iuii i at oiihv Auritie Ms-ie MalyadDtaeawy »igabout ....oaritlîemal-fac ut vas geuccally kitownn1Pggieniisua :s f udliscseetiiiifa eethuni, s, Toiiytasutsemtep' a *Uolly aidT o aFnre vth e bo ing e-that liei rspirel even ie bîiluema of Suahi sîî e lt loîng andu uîchasîuig ber'o îs uted lht dov st irs Iv ce es ve k. "N , o, iîcore-Ifàe,îg dumita s evs or.u t oanîInve. lerllini-.. "uV'h it h v e t e ed. akat. oie ain't going mims tbis i'ean. ruunt she ulve es as mch as Lmd.