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Lake County Independent, 28 Jan 1898, p. 5

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ZUnion cbuc rda vnng, Feti 4 Local items c neett ietvleR aes Carefili preparations have been mnade ;,.nd overfUi ng point 0a is 1 V V £4J &Jmoomm& enjoyrnent rarely fod Lbry C.. T. P. R. R. TIMÇý TAuLt. Bleigh ride partie, are lu order. vilana.8 The following program C To CHICAGO. Who's firat- apeaksfor ltwel l' ART 1. ga s !1. Utsei i.M. &.M. &M. P.Mn. t.M. P In Edwinl Colby and WM. Met, of pLiIO ia rters fo Wadsworth 9:51 6:20 &@§ Peterson, la., vele visiting relatîtta IXÂRO SOL, Mllrd 0. Pool, =areton 9:16 6:31 &:14 linfibertyville tbîa week. ltr..DNîliOlilati,4eB.Kma LMEXaVIvLLEr :30 7:16 12:30 '4 8SE)L.TION - (uartett.' Rondout 6ý1s 7:26 12:39 :39 *21 BSDloRI&à C. bave liai tlieïr sîringREADNG May E. Davi. v5ai :64 7:8 "8:4&47 LI80 oode in for several weeks. WVe bave P <oS.o, r.C .Iua el .d 6:00,7C644 9:82=1180 W." the gooda, flot sarnplem. <R[i s hernervjllle 6:4 7:50 8r.11 M*484081 m iaoarvi :0:088 14 .880 The 8110w 8te irst of thin veek was 4ELECîTIO0." Mldr.'d 0. Pool. F18080 CHICAGO. lRKA,îso Clra M. Avrlll a a..i..&.m. a..PM.PM .m. flot particnlarly conducive to the good SELBCTION - Quatttt Lv.U*.Paust&. 1:1 arn. :4:80 .8:80 temperment of ye lnebandman. Heo îAIÂN,4<Mldred 0. Poole, Lv. inie et. Mm :0 aovldadeovida d 'îa ,lr.C. N. Duraiid eh. ille @mg1W.la 441*1123916aoeean ovldn -PLN 8,v @ 2 :76117:27 98:18 Saceon the <To'i -ONQuartette best flT8:41&0 *U 84 :176 M 89M Chau. Smith wrote ineuac u The mequartette la compoRod of E. 0. 8:481:1 1460. EO8:8 iin eres f oyth"swek.Sutherlanld, jot teflor, 1. O. Dnirfey, iatou 8:8.ý 0* 11681, Charles la hustling insuranue usi- 12d tenor, F. H. MX8iiell, let ba"a, Ail these are .5es, P.00 8:16 nomsand goto hie shane. See,2n baal of Chiago. 548L rirh . MM ---1 Seel. 2n*bus ai auaelltrrlel1.1 6:2 1t r tno instI ilîgTeeea~o sea .B ob à oasdlî. sdenote. BSudndyoi,. Wh.,, aoén maanears trains are dalî el- Try Big Jo Flour. Liberty ville, = = Illinois. Old Eyes SUNDÂT TRAINS. Lv.Libertyvlllo. 64p.rn. Ar. 1Ron1dôlât 8:8l)m- LV.b.tvll. 810a&..Ar.Cbionge!0»6r.2a.&m Lv.hlsuo0.0 5m.Ar. Uberty lr8:8 .1 Lv.OChluo o :a p. m. Ar.LlbertrviIle &W80p.an No. 30 ru». snm ol. in ot.vl Nt~,ou sigrnas Ilol oin At uaelVI8II gW. on sial u t llow17; Gu e 18:2: 1arre p. M. :0: iidort 1:7; GEvete 227; WSMl t1:0;hRijiervli 1881:arvetlu ChitOWRl 1:44 p. M. Train No. 44 bas i bffn lately rt on trons Deerfteld 80(JhCag.Lae Derfeld7:00 arm. Shermrile v5; 4r<rtva5 Chieco 7:80 a. M No a mveeUn iXlU . mi arrivft SherrnervIlle 1:8a.r.Dqrflh Village Oftlo»rs. Truster ... 1) B Treasumrr..................... M. B. Ctlbt ~,~41ade Young Satrdrs f uh onb.VlItlnbreliorn >ord~l[~59eOU . IW, BULKLETr. W Have your eyes AMmndadprPry Cl, c ;N P No",175 .l.ef, . fjtted withgiasses. vve guaraft eoe. vj~ed' ltio satisfaction..Ca.KxssC-t Watches Clocks Jewelry Trus, If Trrte. tW"May lis',.wil.bout uOtr Y. M,îa and aat: Pianos W.. maylise wiîb.,ut .o andi î'.'su>liv. Organswtbtut beart. Organs W,' 3May i wiwth-,îal ri,îad.. Musical Instruments. i.'e Mayl-sewitbOIt fada: i. i ,,a t B ut l,'t. 10'.air 'ilan Ot wl mq Fine W atch repariing our specialty. - ht n te streeto." Dont ei MIss Stili, of Wadmwortb, i8th giiegt of Mise Roagers. SLt ~ Frankie Protine hai the liiftOrtill>p C. . S ERM N q ýýspainFOiiO tis as he eprugs mier0tyles, troni leatiig New York LIBERTY VILLE, - - - ILLINOIS. "sommeer Cli ant icee them. Memsrm. Jiîllus Triptoe, Carl Wellr, d 1010 a 1 » U(rocerit We keep the and our prices Verve, OU' enecessary to conduct a business. We have the cash to bo our goods and the ne* to make prices tow enouel., reduce our winter stock. You Can Furnish The 0utIpt#-, And by so doing get on Suits, Overcoats, G blankets, Gloves, Mittenst, and in fact ail winter goods, should induce you tolpurçn us everything in thut Iin- may need for some time toà VOURS FOR BUSINESS95 M. B. COLBY &C DEALERS UN £VtERYTNINcî Libertyville, Uu ndRyl tvo local engines würe coupled on 1eriOtrIua>OL05 eti1: .ipeutittîRa andi Sunday wtb of .,suor the,. srrî troulebhi- f r I e n d s l u C h c a g o . u t uu neeb o n e t r u g ' f v r o a b g a . .or i . I e r l l I s p i n LltertalviiiattIe 1.' oiand1 girl.. Wl. A lttie ffily, but the --early bird," vhoilopln'.aiý r,, unwtmilwoý1 etc. Cuit aud cee the latent novelties A. B. Cook receivcd a steel engraved hat LItertysII ill w-vii eroii.10o! lh.'Y w ln u sltngo ilk veatlngs and cord ' rOy8 bîidieye va-NU of the Tra2s..Musalappi w,rk fur a iit l,<hooIiiu fte oitm the tyfo sriandmlo,. M9.S NFODand Intemnatonal Exposition téobc bold Fer tii:'fuur ofLi),,rt Y llei let' Y'nih , . telte.tOmhNb une t N ovember, '98, 1l ti'> s ii011-ou",wi.ý'. I ce Creani Soda :Mr. OrblýinilformalisUathlitfll!a heltreoIl a udTh isi th1e World's Fuir and l tactth archi. h ieln W eath LibertyvllIe bav'le elen taU i Eg.tectlure lea<f the sanie style as tbat n0 'l1 iiOoigltI tt.1eeiaitt u b~ <ihrforeîgn buildings lu the wbite ity. A8k hlm sud Pauls hch uat Lîbert ve vas J Ubb r Sotreet-c. Tue s h riow 1180o you,. as. 18 ili lnterout yof. a grand aciewes lu every detait. Not During October, November and December dDu'chi"ta1.'1) a tl ib t e rtTe- Tettoteeilfldate ibtnii h u a te ho ghs f en an b ysha ' tHall andice te pay to bc given . belld i t te horne ofMai LeBeau, crowded i t tmost c:pacity. Ail turnedso0earnestlyto buyingGloves, Mittens lip'; og.A. ailprapices o eandwue atede. ilepoe rfl ecdtlo i oe the golden of andCa s.The congregatioli of St. Peter v ere won by Misa Herrington and Mr. of a celestial day witti pouce of! mmd, $ 50 e nd C p.Paule clîur<b desire te> expresa thei JoeLafCaster. Tune consolation prî zen sou] and bodiy. $ .0 M gretutude tu the --Township Fathers" vIfere won by Mns. Pester and Mr. Lewis 1ev. L. M. Ieeban, of Morris, Ill., adfi W e us Sei lt o t ose go d~for the Une of chairs tromthe Town Stone. The next parti vill ho heldut I l ilis lectilrers here delhgbted Lais Mall Divines, liaturday evculug, Fo) . audience by bis persuasive eloquence 75c Feit bi $ 1.25 plush caps at $.00 and tliose - Te Critian da Society wili Al are îuvlted. and orato:y. fils instruictions acre $30 Me ex ra h av OC Wool rnittens at Uth Presbyterlin hircb !iext Suîlday e PjePIC UPS Je je saivatioli. iev. Fatlier Sclott vois y $ 2.50 Boy ei r ea y ôeaiîg, commencing at 7:15. Auezer- uhiediferenie hetween auger heet n nu ms lscklng the 'gîtt8 a $15 Me cisce îitited "The Christian i îdeavor ada dead beetl.conniderable. From pleesiug speaker anîd thougli ail did $.l e 50 cents. 1 ocoootive" wili lie giveli. A tlîsnk tertali e sqeezed avalUabe.pr0- net uuderbtaud (Germain yet those tiit $1.25 Ladi ~ ot'rlg fîr Hmi ud 'orîign181. duc, but wc would like tri see the mian diti are net ouly pleaseil toit 9wold g.. -rHI SH ULD SET YOU TO HIN ING sies yl lie takten et the close of the vho eau squeeze anytlîlug out iif tlhe nany mi.lea tii lherbill) agal. le 75c Men's TIIIS SIIOU D SET YOU T TI-INKINservice. Everyoî,e is mot cordially ltter, iasamauy Irienls lien: vWho Viiild liec hid ________________invitedt te attend thbis meeting. . * very mucti plesi'd t.:o ei i iii îtle 9 cC id A few more overcoats ieft to close at cost. Eerboy hveedonw;hs ee ' T e e feeync red uare on teur future. eeylem pcai htThese Are Ai ________________Marshall Frsbman hat a gang of men tate are about to decide the rigut of a atteude.l and many regrets Couae frîîm u tvwork Siînday and again Wednday womnl to go throilgb8the pocketa if Fox Lake and Wacnd that the ronde làF. C. SM IITH & SO N whle John Iioysen manipulated the ber sleeping humhand. There leaflot a veeo ,iled wlth aus. tîat 18Gr at Re y iî lw hchddmr rlanprIl fdlbt as tri8the outeome. hinderedti er attendaw,'c at the Butler Bidg. LbertyviIIe, Illinois. gond. The "old tImers' vhiî deliglit The jury lemlmade up of twolve abile misin to teIllot the winters .we miedto have" bodicti lîon andi the judge bas loîng Flic adieîrî'iltn ofthet iîreh îow buddlcd about tovea and declared hein mitrrild.. ted 18 lamîlot large ' euîgî for theu> that 18 vas quitte a torx, white 8the A ne osGriattaeieandi a largir ciitrc'la musilt tjiki' the yîîung blootis Jotteti down observations ApneioaGrnaltaemî,jlae'c oftIL lr tuse in tlîeir olti age. Wtb the I:e,,tfo oelgt ofes, IbpisnOi imsaciexageration said observations t'fOu.. n tue Streets."ied a C r o k e r _«Meý_ý wll furnmb maerialfor ancdote 'ame ufitnewhho vas out ofo! ork ti"u8I0h tres' s.u ll (ustice toieniIre >Snec4fe takr ic place. The chanige vas fround .Ateuuperan'e îplay eni~utled 'luIt iii ouunlucklly andti htm elnrecelved tlhe Streets" vlI t>.'givî.n e a 'iv ow Lîbertyville in lndeed bétanl favored three mnnths for,"intellectuîîl falislea- Hall Tuesdsy lght, leli. 1. Careful Li bety ville, vîtb soclilf ulctiolis and eitertalu- ticofu rC(rd.." preparation for the 1produîctiouliana I s C h eap er th a n meta v ithout eti. The Lakeside ..«be aeadAm apM .A Ceîneteny Associationl are planning an At Evansville, Ind.. they have a vhip-unuder ubîiac ving the play is luIt ion eutertaleOi1$ hich promises 80 ping pont, anti fathers of delincîuent pronmesa veiy iperll)r inti'rtaîlîaîtaent. an . ( f ' iecipse aU otaiera, lioever. The Od boys are given their cbolce hetVe0f The foliOWÎg le ht ea a t e c propoacti producetion. auditwil beinst jail andttlogglng theni soîîîdly lu the lait Das. iîa h..ri>i i (IiRA 1 as fuuny as thet'lne Indicaes. A fan procence of ain tfilcer who.secs that Dr. MeliI"il ...-'la drilliy weveyonug ladies .w... inter- thle uiîppiug ... net plsy. .. ia lier. ete...........'r aperca the programn. Definite dates bapas a uffllcliet commnt on the 1'oil,:eaîî ....irum 1 W orkm anship bave not as yet heen decided on, but vlsdom of 81e institutioni that ther: mrWîYiWayne ...r Fori about theemndraeof en tg COt~U- hum beei a dccided decres u in1te lire. Brafori .. . .Mra. Mai,l., t ila A nd Q uality of ceded by gneral consent k number ofjuveuile offeudere. There init..e agiu.... . rwi Ir Look for friture motle. -rnothing about a paterna isilogglng that Dou't misa it. Go aid enjoy a good oo s Ç n id r d1ev. Fatlîcr Meehsu delivered s ýCRn posalbly bc comu'ied into langb. The play ia*tghrder.1 teaipcrsuCc lecture et lit. Peter and romanice.___ p.iý . î' btr l indsy night, ns adver- Dung 8the past tive years, Mr . 1 Somne especiaily pretty patterns in suitings. tisei. and a goodly nuîmber of protes- itttesshiow' tha thetie îrr <apta W. Alexander, elte out thieditor oftheai touts ucre in atteudance, as velI s as OIisDlton of tintoxicants ini this Wayneaboro, Miss., îîias ri a Overcats to fit you and your purse. Have toe of the Cathole faitli. Hie î country 1us lowly but atletilly mnauy Instances relievei er ba e the oid ones cieaned UP. îand noue coild take exception to the the »[oe rate torsa long trne andlait Remedy. t5ile looks ilpulitlilcroid sentiments cxpressed, Ihere beiug no bo 800 large. Varioua causes are asna househiolti neceait.v sud helleves .rraigmeut of those wlo mlght differ asidgued for the reduced cuîîsîîmptlof tliat no btter meiline has ever been wihblEu. A maxi afdicted te drink o! ltqnor, and doubtllense18 ls due 80 a put lu bottio. There are mauy thon- "eT R K E Rsanda of mothera lu this broad landi, aste, bc pitied aud bie condition ho comblflation of influences. whlater who are utthesae)nieoîulE. 18i..the -C R O fel to e delorale. I wasa teu. te onuieV ay ha thankful for the only romnedy that eau alvays ha pernc lctue itoutpoitffl fer lat m n idiaton hâ or pogos deepsnd po s ad uponv an F rndl T R Y C R I~E R ~ dep:rnb~twMa Pr. jathe aIlinhdictionat cupriresa :for croup. The 2 ad ocent, orO sonally, lhe le opposed to th drink in uts ihtdrcn 1110881.. are for saisel<y F. B. Loy ELL, habit'sud viii uot tolerte drunken- Libertyville, J. B. 1itaUE, Gurnee,' QV%~ UNI~ LII TY~UfJ L Regit CL. B. LKTCUPIELD, IRockefeller. And O vers 3n's combination rubbg boots )oots n's rubber boots Ys' rubber boots, 2-6. i's buckie artios les' buckle artios srubbers ren's artics Sf s'.' luctions On AUl W Goods. The Fair, YD CLUB OFPI3i a short time, we wili 8»Il And The :kly Inter 0 BOTH ONE VEAR, y$1-75 CashIs Triggs & Ta headqu s'ith hie cousin, 1. J, Hoyt tiisveek.Cols. Mfr. Stoue came te Chicago from ni u- isolta vith a shipment Of sbeep. ISCHOOL NOTES. Fon SAL-Surface humer Stewart Mis"L"na WU iaevetria stove, lu gond condition, enitahie for Friday attnOOn. store rooni or bail. Apply et thfis ThuprogrsmmoatFrdayetteruoofl Office. vasfairly goot. At the conclusion of NOTICE:-The 1. 0. G. ',. viii net the exercle Prof. Stoope gave a shEort meet untîl 18:30 p. ni. Monday niglat. dril inE pariameCltXy practice. Al1i memenhrs requeated, te ha pretemît am The Lake Forent Manîlotin Quartet there viiie aelectionutof llere. uùîcl-BI.1l -,,t the schoollun811e en- A bueiness meeting ut the Y. îP. M. C. tertlint taut e given Feti. 22, le vcry E.« vIl! ha old at 8the boutse ofM isqe liltne. 18 coneis Ut tvo mandoline, a Tovucnd thîs îFriday eveiiig. Ali 1 udaiua.Agentleman sololet meuxarts are reqneeied 8e ha preeent. ut rare aiulity, of Chicago, viii aise be Under heati of a.Schaol Notes" wli bc proselit. tound norne suggestions by echolare ut Thf rpoterwillîaiiut'. sertsl, Ia.'h Our bchool, agitating 8the eetablishiug greri a-Ina .regardi 10 a bigl ..'.o jgavots 1, Inviatationa r'sqaiettiaag eviryonv, ôta blgb cnool. Reati ubattxcy bavet, rta htrprgr>ioi"bW',em to say. àe 88<1, lIhooI." IVany excellent artieles svIre SÂSiiiohS & Ce. carry tîae only hune of haradel iii. a'fev wlîl"hih are giv"'n b,'low. gooda ln Libertyville. See the guoda lpoa1t.e.!,rh.alr oinontla.u. la the Sud slc ritergniiic ItýS ut(,,m:he're. ri, i, a..tlce ttoo meni more eatisfactory thau î'tiôoetnmg rom Iutl.orfu loî mti n vr anail remu ants sud ý oui're lxund teoiIan I ia i,rr,lU ie hall lal o ai vr- got vhat yon order. unray hlgher Stidle ia le,,mmou s"b00l, The Ladies itid ofthte M. E' chureti thereforeWr are lis greit need of s 81gb vili give a Cob Wei) Social, Friday inbool." Walter Bond maid: 'We neeti a eveulng Jan. 28,.etth81e home 0f lira. h1gb chool teeauso Ih wuidd urilsh an ductlon for m a y ia titis l eI ty iat licoregor. Everybody Pordially lu. vouîd ot)Ierwi".lee 8 vtho,ît It. They ,'oulId vited. Cake andi coffee sev,101hourd iui home and> tt.-nd the ahool with- cents. 14.3 5,g envexjme'nm'. Tt)e ,'xe'ulo! thoffe vi, lise otilde i lstrlot woild he t'uti be "lThe Logfie of Miraclces" ililibe the nltonwlioa s noîag .:omu.ared îi.tlthe 18ev. John Lee'n subject at the Iboard and lodging expen*" rindrred hl, Methodiet ehurch ounSttnday cvemnug. I goina off 1,0an a.:desy. i thiak tiaua sillage ,'Marcbing Od 811 te ecodsermn i'la esuisie o!faamm.rtlîag a 1,1gh v.bool sud Ordes," ccn trt,.Ibatht by nother ye'ar w,,mme, bave on titis aubject vililibe bis uîorning ,ne"EtWiarWiguer andlClairs Noes Jotluali theme. wrote the folloio r "*Hep-' are a tew brie! The maquerad bâilut t reTown aS uby the Lovu of LII.ertrviilr needs a The masquradehallat te Tou hlg a. 1: , 1 ïlrt-B'o5tc,the popuation Hall luet Friday night vas veli Bt- rtae I.Son-lt would add 80 the tended, aud 8the cosatumes vera varieti pou ft h. .r bught!llPfaren.tSsiawaya aud unique. The Lihartyville Pleas- 1 [o hevlitre of thbrr ,:iidren sud ure Clb neltd a eillcient 5um 80tbeyh' ll otm . t- atoa vbre their tire Club neebliiiranhi.y,,, baW's'e'to go away 80 attend 81gb encourage thora te give another dance Sachottl. Third-liaratyooîaIlg lm'e woaid Iu th1e near future. 'osa.e frUEn a dfiItauccau'ilthat wotald brleug 18 vas 12 o'cWakTietay ulgbt hetore luiteaoSUI wiIlbs ouldg', 1toarlisth.' Avens orKînelcy trin gi l froi rayiuag utfaàiigb seb.,.,i. Fotirti.-Tlî" Averll' or ingleym trin ot l frntEreselit building ismla.le.iua-.' Chicago>. They were auio's'edinluat Mai vere tia' r,,aauNe îsola sl.r s.' Rondoul.t'pon itie arrIvaI of an 0en. a 81g,b uoi. "iy ,w e e c 4saineuimuod vlans, enîîv low 8h. .ducatlon vas t lie ex pesio~i..n of on con. 231 15S5, l.OQ> .90 .50 p 'b m- 1

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