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Lake County Independent, 4 Feb 1898, p. 5

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&Taytor's T headquarters for «roceriSANMDeats. SWe keep the best of everything and our prices are rlght. Try-1Big Jo Flour. p Libe rty ville, m m Illinois. ~-OId Eyes -,,,-M.ade Young.1 Have vour eyes examined and properly fltted with glasses. We guarantee satisfaction.1 Watches Clocks Jewelry Pianos Organs Musical Instruments. Fine Watch repariing our speciaIty. C. R. SHERMAN, UBERTY VILLE. - - - ILLINOIS. COLD WEATHER ~..GOODS. We have a large line at prices lower than ever.-..es. Bamrga ns in StJOIS.___ We carry a fine assortment of shoes-Iadies and gents, at "rlght pidces." Oui' Grocery Department is where you can save money. FBC. SMITH &SONO Butler BIdg. Lbertyville, Illnois. *oker-~ 1s Cheaper thani any of 'em 0 0 0 4Quality of Ods Considered. -$*Me especially pretty patterns in suitings. "' évercats to fit you and your purse., Have .i'ýh* old ones cleaned Up. f de PICKED Up H'RE AND THERE.- LLocal items of Intereëst to LibertyvlleReaders- C.. M. àST. P . . M Tl M 9TAU Lx. TO CEICAGO. ar. . P. .V.my . pa. RnaBoîfl u ni sert a . aisft ail arrtn I8: :5141 tis t:30V i 1M 4 &38ut 7.'126 1lM &M *21i 44 M -s ailti Ih d a r14.5l51sm s £5 offl lm knasM"aM£00&M Co 8:80nlv W anas ia U a:36 Faon CEICAGO. M MM ~lau4:41 e il i 21 i sm 4»an Pm lma W t e m a ts&M Ae u mu ti 9Mi 9=1. is 6:12 leu ~1mo1o dli!.asdenotes suud y oir. s.eiuaoau m . ALl by oet 1v l eu pm Lis P. ML 12M a.eaML Thon a.rn L i. ii<>~ved~~ i Sbermin. ne Gaiovar. alerk ....» ...*......W C. Sacbora Tresar..................... B. Coîby Po"iluu i .tra ............W. IL Devis EsMtw ............. ........ Preulunan JmYLUODI N.42.a -B ECAMP . 6 W. ofA.. me CUÂS. B. 'Z elork Don't birgot the entertainmeui ai the Unionchurcli Friday ight to-nlght.) Jame. Neii pnrchaacd a flne avell body cutter of Wright Ak 11 h iIs veeli. Un. Frank Dymond ln suffrlug vith s telan an ne ofbertiflugî. vbieh l mont paInt ni. Chao. Applai bhu rented 20 acres af land on Lakeo mOet about ihree- fourths of!ami@ veut afthe village la B. W. Stafford, vho vili raine cucum- bers tbereon neit Beagon. A Wankegan paper, lu canjecturng on te the probable candidates for celinty ofices t0 ha filied nuit fali, mentions E. W. Parkbnrat's une., for Counny Treaunrer. The poitical pot comuncep teO bail. S.,taa, the talion. liasg fulliHe of Miasnu &lansahi' s amples tramn vhlcb yon ciii select snitlugs sud oveooat- ingm. Soa bis lineof eaniles end compare pricea botore buylng. Ho M. J. M. Woodrnan, oft he lsxaeae- DENT, in sioviy rccovenlng itou a very @avare itack of inflsmaiory rueunia- tlsm. Athaugh an Ibe gain lin. Woodmami ta au yul nluable tu leave bis bed, and sevoral yacks vIli laps eee lic eau àain ha 'Dup aid &roud.'He bu beau conllnod ive wvecha îith bh isese. Johu McCoinick plcked up a man in tb. suov vesi af Rockefeller lion- dsy nlght, and putiing Ulm lu bis con- voyance tram vbicli hie ad laiton, gtarted hlm ou bis w&y. Ton much -lIre vaten" vwas eviiontly tIhe trouble sud but for M. licCormieks inter- ference the féllov vouli have beeu bsdiy trosen. If uatefclry arrangements eau ha poil ecied It in the Intentiou ai Acmé Camp ta give tbe play "Out lIn te Sireets, ai Graylakc lu the near fui- lune. They propos. 10 apara no pains ta rnske tbe production a highiy ciodi- bIc ou. lu avenitlihey go te rysiake. Nov lectures are to b. intraduced tbroughoui, &Bd (Ir&yslàko uny ha as- surci of a vory supenlar éntetainrnt. The LibertyvIlle Hoe la tu be tbrovu apen tu ehe public Tneaay aigbt, Pob. . Propnîion Doane ba& arranged ton Ulve a dance ln teUic iug ronm durng thé evening and a feasi of gond tbings vili bc spresd for guesta.C eblcugo mugie vil ha luattendancJ.t invitation& ver. lsined ibis vek forn the évent. h i viibclu the nature oft an --open lug,"'free te al. Win. Waldron pommoses a boane, a sort of a -«Happy Jack.,, Will'a borns. goca !rom 1 bis ment rmrkeitatethe table toastéS onOrchari sroot of bist evu sccond sud alone. Juat wberet sai baise derlve lis suponlor kuovl-1 edige froni v o 1w ual, uffie 10 Bay ho dae the trick &bout meal lime each day, withouitialap to boras or equlp- Ment. WlIl sbeuld pot a tew riblions on the beau sud mahe a speck at the net county far. Ho vouid pegsa 0)K sas -the guldehese vouder.'" "-ont ln the Sîreets" vwu the attse-ý lion Tuesday night, and a gooilyi Rlsof audience vas ounlband te vîuueis the performanice given by Acme Camp, M. W. A. The perta vers aIl tahen by local talent sud cumbluod km make a pa! vbicb tunusbed s pleasaut even. juges enjaymont. A one set fance con- cndei thé production, sud affrici ample apportuniti bm gel off 4"local1 drives" vhieb ceted mucli amuse-1 ment. A sociml dance vas nidulge inl mter tbe plày by tImhose vba aniured, aid noue eau galuasi but tht nl- sient i menul vas iurnisbed tu matisfy &I. About $25 wvas uted by du eWomen. Plie play vas ne. pesaici Wedncsday ulght, msking tic béaI monni lear s mcvero iu the m.lbbcabof PU g, LittleChester Eg er 1i% aufertug viti, tanglitits. Dr. Chus. Gallovay traded bis lravu dnlving ma e for John Welch*m lmack geiiing ibis weoh. SANuosu à Co. bave bai iboln sprnug gooda la for severs vekt. We have the gouda, Dot &amples. Cbas. Kascr declane8 tibsi "rer ýtoei ie, thcre's hope.' Ceai, ibat lots& neslal oni. Kaiser ta a gond borne» mnicer. Palt sud calcîmine have doue rnncb ta beautiiy lire. ProtlRoe'a milliuery storc. Plie living ruoms np sMaire baveaubeu papencd. Ed Clark la daiug the vork. Who payci Afelr parts*1the et, ladioi or genteen, ilut n uthé Strséle?" The ladies, vo thinli; Uiey arc botter talkers, esu dcplct petit- iancy, orrov or joy lu a more naturel manuci than the sicruci nez, es- pecfflin luamateur productioaus., A. B. Levis vwu quit. at borne lu bis ".specoalty" icaturea at the TownuHll Tnosdsy night, and ietajokos, eospccilUy thmec of a local nature. produced gicstimerrîrnt. Bd Clark, lu the character o! a noegr, hoiped te liven thugs u nd ud vs-ail rlht.*" John licCormlck sttenptid to drive te Alganquin and Nunda, Mcfloury Couuiy, thie veok. lRe vas unable 10 get fariber -that Waucouda, howvvr, ovlng tu tho drifté of silov. West ot Wancouda thore bai sppsreuily beeu na icama Ibrougli, ai the track vas un- Thor@ la someihing nov uudev 1the @un. A man senteuced ta lie banged ln DuPage connty, vbcn ssked by the judgc ifl hcrc vwu any rosson vby sentence shonli uat ha pusued nepild: *-I vas nos irliedby a ful jury. One of the jurymen bcd but oue am ndc couseqnontly vas nutal]i Uere" li. Harrison Brovu snffered a aiglit utrohe o! paralysie Ibis vock, vhicb ai- feted bler vocal organe arnig It fim- possible tor hcr go converse roaiily. Whillcsho ccau readlly utten anc vend &ho cannot spesk ivo or ibres consecu. tlveiy. Ber relatives and trlends ha- liove, hrivever, the affection li t per- manent. Bouc idea of the volth ai the Southi Africcu dlamýoui gglnga mcy lié iormed frout the tact that lu 26 yeurs Do lceu iian sveniecu tous a01ithe pro- clans atonea bave been teanilii, ag- gregMtlug in valuo $375,000.000. The yeaniy output le uav about $5'M,'0000. As ol filods beeorne le«s valuable, new one@, ibat promise 10 mainth e promect, are being dlacvenod. Ho critiied lier pudding, andididu't Wko ber cake;:holie vlbed.ah'd mako the biscuits ibat hlm moiher nmod la mako; slip didu't wvsi the diabes snd idu t inake a slov, sud she dld't ueud bis stacklngs as mothor usci ta do. Oh, voili, hbe vsa't perfect; but abe tied 10 do ber boit. untili aib engtli &ho thought the lime liai came te take a rosi: an nue day, wlieu hoc grovled and vbined the wbole dey iliraugli, she turned hlm up and -"tmuuod" bis panté as bis motiior nsed 10 do. A. L. Burge liaspnrchwace cnov M0 igbi dynamo 10 replace teo250 light machine nov lu use aid xpects la have thie new machine in place lu a couple of voike. The change vas mae uceaaary t a ccommodate thie lu. crsailug dernani for iglts. sud lMn. Burgelaures service that la the best possile vhen the nov Machine afri'vea. PThe llgbts for a couple of monilis have been good snd If lu future thé present standard ot oîcellency la maint4ined, Do tsult enu ha touni. Young Anicrican lias eujoyed fun and lois of it tis week. To sec a crovi liealtbày, rouy cboekod liudiorne1 boys rompînli and unov.b-Wung ta eibllorating evén ta apéctatons, until tbe boys select te spcctator tar a taget vlien tbeir uneriring alm nover tala tu pravoke laughton et the expenseo0f ibefir animate vlICm. --Baya vîll be boy." aidthat word --boy convcyamomre -mmianugs aa menacé te sourci dispositions sud grandi! uindviiuaanMy vo knov at, ospecislyiy l@icplural menue and backed Dp by a proçien amount of .Mmunntton lu the vsy 0f snow sud euow 1balle. Neu SUnday aorles 0r evangeliste meetings vIli beln et Uic Preoabrientan c bnircb, Rev. 0eo. J. Bucik, ai Roche- feller, yull asisl the paor. Mn. Engoe e Kni, or Ouruco, viii conducî the alnglng. The umeetings viii con- tinue aven suuday, the ihirteentb. There vililibe tvo services every day dunlung the veh, atternoon sud evon- ing. Cliriaas of ovény Damne are earueaily nequested 10 arrange iboîr vorh goansau tattend the afteruoon meetings ton Bible sîudy aud tu unît. ln prsycr ton the blessing of G0d UPOn the services. Mn. Buck viii prescli sunday morulug sud evening. Allare moet cendilUy lnvited. Nat Goivin, mais ea. Lynch, mp- pearei lun thé cbarmiug drarea, "Out lu th1e stroets, ait111e Tovu Hall 1iuesiay uighl. He dii nanght io ne- floct dlacredit ta biniou, sud ý#ls geu- tle rassi o! Yse éilr asbam* sa As an acter sud trac silver dernocral lie lp Jbowling succeas, and that ancb talent la iliovod to lie dormanit laebo kdeplorei H. ta asosri ai comblualion ai condonsed Bryanism maid Goodwiu. lim. W., itbb e ComIuuity St >lsnge, euvy tirai man bis double por- rtion. Hav partial ta nature lu be- slavlwng lieragita. lu justice tu e orge, jcin state candtdiy ihai 11e id bis pari ucîl. D0r"um an dLI.a. Thic Clholi Club bmacarne mente Io gfte a drantaio s:z lcrr entcrtailuoeuion Saturduy, Peb. 12, nt the To" %ial, LibertyvIlle, coin-i nenclgant 8:15p' nm. The prograintviii open vith a sang Iy lins M. Alice Davis, iafood by a cornedeta, eutild a -.Happy Pair'by1 S. Tlieyre, proeuted by Mir. Henry L..- Hll, rer.euiug Mr. Hoilcyton andI Mi"a idola . Orace mBs l. iioneyton, bath of wbomare in embors of the Chicago ficbool of Acting. A short synopsis foliova: Constan1ce ifoneytom, a vite of a 1ev unuhs, tbluking Sbore lea and falling Off tu affecions of ber hombead.Oble 1 gptbonlng floyers aud vihc e ccouid1 ue the barrony vhicli hmaslimou Icst. Blo recelves jettera i ougrat"u- moilans ftrnm ber tnienda rcg«arig 111e' sveeit ellcity oailber uiaid lite.1 rhee ben smâlke iWIyat vile remarkabiy indignant tovardào beX. frleuds, yet ai #bis momnt litr. flaucyton entera Uic rooun, but la vury illusaured. Heotilleslier lbe maffled lier sirnply to oblige lier vich addn more grief to poor Constances hurt. Thnalter mauy snidsug mSuce Md arguments ber buabeni lt tarougholy avakeusd ai lant sud reoognisea bis wlfe.n angor la due te liis coltiecensuad ill temper. The Comedetia lu follaved by a recitation by Misa Caam Avenul, miter whicb viii be presonted a dramaoic sketch, by J. W. Jaues, entitîci "-On thle Isiad." Jack Carijion, Bariater nt Lsv, la charmclrimcd by Mr. H. 1. Hall and Mily Garland by Um rmolda Orace. Vhs lan mast charuint. [i depicis twa former lavea s ho attendei a piente pari! sud by chance bhey are loft onute . land. h appona nmcetime bfore said picuto Jacki Carlyton requcaicd iMliy Garland ta becom lhia vite. Obcrefuiomdand tbey nover alter til excbsngcd varda unii Uiey moi an the Isai. He offers lber assistence vblcb h. ioryl te ushe him bciieve, abc vishea te decline, thangli e la marc anilaus io regain bis affections. At lant ah o receives bis lavons vîlihthe unone.I standing the iii doing so in considéra- tion of the put. Here sho pîas, like &Il vomcn, a skiiful gamé, sud ornes out vicoioos by rogmlulng thenase miec hani sud béant. The accus la laid on Lake Windniere In a boat bous. A recitaion b! Misa Mary Davis 0110ows the dîsemaio sketch. Titr eniertainmeni la nai nnly given by imcrursof the. Chicago scbool of acting but &lac by smie af Uic lea4ing mombern of acliety lu Libertyville wbo are uated for ibelr grand In- ieicctual quailteicnluenligitomsnt, lu rolluement andInuail tbat vhicb tonds to bring eoclabilliy and felleity ta lb.e lurnbhut. Al aluIvîlit0tumattnd, hecause by availing yanrself at Ibis yoD prOClalit te thc vonld yon are a Inige of!mane of the fiue arts. The abject ai ibis eutertaitmnucn atoIliqudate Uic debt due ou te ,furulinre iu tbe parachial residence. Admission 25l couts. Reserved mse36 cents. Roud f rom WhielIna to Lamont. Articles oaIincorporation have becu 11ie1 willi Uic acrelary ai stlle by the Chicagoansd DeePlalnes Valley flectrie liailvay companoy. ItlaI pnoposed le coustrnet and aperie an electnic rslvay tront Wbeullng 10 Leont. The capital stock Je plâced et $1,000,000, and the principal office la in bo rnaiuiailiei lu Chicago. The lucorponstaris sud tiret board of di- rectors are Houry G. Foreman, Clay- ton E. Crafts ani Charles D. Evaus, of Chicago, sud Pbillip H. Gray aud William M. Hulbert. nf M*ywood. Px. À frlend maid to mo theotaier day -1 caninaI undorststd vby my covs are dilg no poorly ibis wînter, Ébeir août, produclug qualitleasomen t have left tbom." Mont every tarumer experlencea tbis trouble vltbbIse berd as u 10 ll sochi thé surent aud quickoat relief vill bO tt eed Calilfrula Creuceut Faod. F'or price sud tull particulars saddress or cail ou E. Bliemehi, Dooriteld. Gtf Unolslmed Lattera. Followlng J las lt of bietera remalinutIl Libertîville. IDI.. poatolfice, February x. les, Wheu cailing for these latter a y ailvertlaed. xmrCaiiisrineui*bbon.ý. Mrs;.8. E. Lee. 11ev. Thom. Kearuai. Joe Mulder. 000. Newland. Richard Paxton. W. DÉ.ENATR. P. IM. Ta Our CuBtomera. Chamberlain'& CouglihRernedy la Uie boat cougb syrup ve have ever used ourselves or lu ar tamille@. W. H. Klug, lameo P. Kiug snd mauy oehers lu Ibis vicluity, have also prounosie Il the hest. Ait vo vaut ln for people ta iry it and ibey viii ho couvlnccd. Upon houar, there la nobotter that ve bave over triod, sud vo bave ned mauy kiude.-lt. A. Blake & Sun, cloueraI Merebsuta, Big Tnnel, Va. kold by F. B. LnvEYL, Lihbertyville, J. B1. IIRACHER, Guruee, L. H. LITCIIFirLD, Rnckefteller. FaioitETi-siX roo111 1bouse 0on CbunCb stroci. luquire of Paul lMaeGuOfn, LIbortyville. it For Ront. A bouse and baru and tblrty acre fartâ, on Wasington Street, &bout li tuiles vomi af Wankegan Court bouse. Fiueoarchard 'mu promisea. Addresa or Iuqulreof t HoARD IBONoS, il-i Warrenton Grove, 111. Farmn for Rent. Thé,ltron ovuemi by Mr»a. Johu Hàrries, siiustod lu the .ovu 0of Warren couslsting otf M0 ares, possession giv- ou te. irai veek lu March. The terni la lu goad couiion and the landin largely nov. The proporty i viiib reuied te any anc vba eau gîvo soeur- lty for atoe reut for a terni of years on tavorable conditions. For furiber pan- ticlas ppy . 1.Jos. Wauke- Nerve, oi Ail these are'necessary to conduet a là business. We have the cash to our goods and the net- to make prices low enough. reduce our winter stock. You Can Furnish The Outiet, And by so doing get. "' on Suits, Overcoatsp Gàg blankets, Glovels, Mittens, q and in fact ail winter goods- should induce you to.purn" us everything in that iý. miay.need for some time tood YOURS FOR BUSINES, M. B, COL&Y & DEALERS InelRi i NO1wfêà Rubbers* And Oversfi 'qam--A T COST.-mb $2.60 Men's combination rubber and feit boots 1 75c Feit boots S $3.00 Men's rubber boots 2 $2.50 Boys' ru'>ber boots, 2-6,.1.1 $1.50 Men's buckle articesI -$1.25 Ladies' buckle artics .1 75c Men's-rubbers 90c Children's artics 4 These Are Ail New Goods, "Cande't 1 Great Reductions On AII* W! Ooods. The Pair, GRA ND CL UB- OFFBR. For a short time, we will seil And The ýWeekIy [Inte'r Q BOTH ONE VYEAR, 1. O n iy $ 1 75 aSh I j , 1 Drolon.

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