JNTY INDEPEND ENT. M Ç.URTUOISanbom Ir 1 Tallors, would Iead alil thrs with thel.' Odp$r.r system of cuttl n«. Yot W»Mg counts as w.Ii lin putng thé Sgarments together. JW kowr clothingokain- :sÉekie nywhere t*in we Haàvt? y me xamln7ed our d*Mhs and iubdour prkes? Yf fot, Why not? SANBORN & 094t TAILORS AND MA"ERUA#eS Lieiyvilie, II Dr. Chartes Calloway. TrowN MBSTING. %ffioev*r Lovoil#sDrugStore Tht.tle COMMiWOMsi Bt utterfîsîti -Rom~ dMW*ev.* Thle étoi ttttttilvUeetinig for Illinois Lîî.ertyville T«.vutk va&s catie et the' town hall T5elk afternoun et A Y L O . g'ein k . l ee>rts et lite tow n ler , lTaylo neya ere acceptât m tst wdvîit-. m.si-My opoollllv owned and opealsd by Thon. Libety,. .Ilinol Mkll hy Ibliste MS.h Pra rport led.!not beau rend. Hupervisor Miller explite. %bat Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. Thimtle (ommicejoner bulerfieli a &SA. I.L OVaIaSUIt? y iP. X. - yet faîtil go M t uaa sitooty ks V" 40 reort g tbe oesi.aland allieugi le t of Chronie refu.e.l t.lh . h a ll u-iiio n le Rockefeller, Illinis. rert. '11- 11, Dr. H. 0.B. YOUNG. il ,. ,if(rtl.itil. to -"catidown- Physlian and Surgeon. to -adfr ler ,itie o raNy Guuo e P< - - - - - 1 e ml, lr( w .wam îiîtntlv alter nie Liitie Ourose,-----------illifliS. ,.'nT, ~rrwitt!,anl r.'antiIailtig t "t.,h r 1111-- eJî11rt lie .roweedeI t,, air r. .H.Sm'ith, 111grj.-vaw4',.aI: ll ' tiîudI fthâ Off ice over J. W. &utir's b!dg lltt'lt'iII for.nilie langîaeai ,,,r, ,'ta c. n. aniil , '.. - IiAILY litljtlNt ailoii lltreaMon ,ie j lu )fii Libertyville, . knnurIfllO::T rtî.reediire and m ade a mto htmolrey Jiaiti î.y farinerq Dr. E. V. HARVEY, DENTIST. -OFFICE IIOUILS - V, 12A. . , I1 7 -, M '. M. Grayslake -Illinois. W. B. SCI4AEFF'ER'S NURSERY. (O. lmin .t ri- g 1.( <tue.and #lmali Fruit,. 0. F. Butterf ield M. D. C. ttît ea'r l. hueg for atloitwt,îg Ibaleis tu go t<> cee.! un tbîir ireiises lie re- filll(IP t lY the' tow, wl, tnt mfuiarriei ri th a m Iftop. A m.otion tb lilthlrl.c lte com. Iicstorrtu, evy s ta'. of 25' ,on the iStl t i'te,'cse,i vs liîîtiotin tu dditiou o wlîat ttey lre alt.',îiy tuipomerelti 1 raiý c mas fuît, an, entbed ,îid l itlli' laidl onî theotablte. Tti mtintt uitîs oriinrralIfur,îia wamrtt'-rwtriarrieti but, oing h. a tpe,'hnical *rror lu the t.î,îî,h.r of î.ro ,'eire ilb t4t ,oubtfu ift il %vîli 't,,î,,t A 1lo-ti",,t lo itjouroi WIU car,;rrieI atdtheti,' î,,,,erttor (ltarel thelic ie'tingg atj'oîrtn.',l. To Purify Waukoltan Polîtica. 'Io l.rîîhfl 'forts of kIsaugeliet M. H iI llito,,a i rotr.tg ett/eii'e ljeagtîe r1,r,-,î. (I tWiiiikngau. 'lisb,1v.W. Ltu*svvîtac. j L 5 il.'rt'k si'tchus.',. Ireitenl. 'It..rgt. H. tt,*Vntt.n s'tce- ,ei dont, W. PAUJL MacGUFFIN, .. Frrîi e ,rneinirm u ini l.!l Atomenq a!,.Counuellor ut Law.. l&tl,.s " 't lie nit',a'rmrine1etit-a, NOTARY PUBLIC lIiî"t.'olr,' i,tt.'r etî,r,'eneu of Speclal attenton gis'el , I,,bithe VIi,' and ,t,,inat,,kt' mr ontinclulay snd CoIV.yatu,'l l,,'.',r t't OrsîctilWITII LARtE ('II-tatY rBi.N, EIctric Roail. Li.bertyville. Illinois. 1," lt'yviil il t'lauge' i,,arli met ___________________ jil. pol-lairu mom:li iiirtt W .'i,,ettlay iiglîl tt,,,,it,,ra irtstir.'lat'ive to LIDS.RTVIILE HOTEL 'gîat,' n i,'îb'îx""ir'ieim Blagua UaBtsg.tc Opleted, for ii 'tcrià t ia.i,. Md mly turisletlthrcuigliut. Dr . . . t'tks. îî re".ilenttIll DIuSag-room Service lirst Ciass.1 Nail,î,,ii. li. ,î,,,i rv'îr'sei'îtzg gentie- lie,!qiat e ,,rt ~tt't,..isl t',,,,, riil I tt 4,l ire'o Ira,,y Niem, li'eessry W. A. DEAN£, Psu' ,, ordijtv,'t.mtitbmarefcirejInho LIUERTYVtLLE. - - ILLINOIS . ',.ltlplttly îroîas i3etI)i,,,il s '.4,ro'ntd SPintîuld'pottnt Litirtyvîie îîallfer WJ. H. M ILLER, I'.it'Iliitg Niliket' Ave. Niii cxtetîd TtJNSOIIAL AiTrISi, iorth.ss'.,gt tiithe i.cîulti of]aies.. W heiin lu întua,'-J'atî 'l. or i orv tr, rat, ins %IlI ple ,ruovsr lte St food i rotnt cuil!(in Petii.'inrondt0i tiitand ,t iî<' in vit thie ,' td lr tp, W. C.T'Ieg.'s ii,: j'Il,.5 n atonfr I o. I ,îtî'i -.'r-'r y lthrîiti't gailttricoitsittersie irionco à ~ iand t nù%ymunîhsuitsi. îILtIt t,,m n llLlt th litI. l',itîlrailîros r'.ii ms ailtt'rented in thae des!. kvha Saiesmen Wantedi. iîv, yn t, stîil'ic',îlr'o NIAsintger Semîng Machines anti ItOucietito eI on asseütiin lu ht15section. A' RAveA3SM0in0 balion goiut rîsîl e t tf' If onis muislt Iity, st'ii liti titiftonnai'aty llioi otires..No sem;ahlo a&H kintie of Ptîpers peions exporlence neoemuay. A gon.! epec y,,contracl mIII Le oUse. lte rIgil mns. AtidresaTheits Blgr NU'tg. Cb.iSn Fishe a l Iý 0 . j~msr~sse Im s 05Ui wiu bau re ile lein£k: JaWak*M levinlp flraui fU TIe.!«lis m UnNie ssm IlIe amusesS lemita li e m the hmli*" c-tie% bsiag espêoesby lme repubilseam »dhd..lsby e gos.l iai. The vole lInnova: sugavison. David! AdamaJr ................. 768 .Nwu eLux. G. Huteilnacun...................53M F. Iidinger ............. 42 l. P.idltgor . ............... 47. . O.<rvi ...................35 FErskine ...4..01 .... C'iLLP.CTOti Samn Wo .............. Me am ry.« ............4toi Ang. Kteller ............. ...... Md1 ltrc, r ?PF.ACE. Peter Jergensen ...... 5..79 . . oer.. .......... (oliiavABL.. F. M. Muaon ....7.... Sa... Renney .... ... .. TarRREvxti coLe. SA. Hateorne.. .......... M Win. Hohau.......... .........41 Total vote 1263. The elehlon tiese aid not cause much ezeihemenl, sud oniy si voles were pole.!. Titcee eleffl etvee: A. Cool, Bupervio. E. A.Goldng, Tova Cielpk. 4. NeCusiter, Coleltos. E. W. Brooks, Asenr. G . M. Fitch, Juslim 0fPence. Il F. Martin, (Jommieomes. There was but lou@ ticket lu the Town of Libertyvillis. 'heile cilon lu Lîberlyvilte Town- slip prove.! a surprise 10 everyttody lu lit1he. majorilles mers large even mbese aclose cuntent Lhmheent anticipaisd.lTe ticketsas elerelai Fous M' C. T , . i 1 E.EiW.OV.. '"ttiTOR. W. l.ltcry21 1-rn.'ct D, in...... e Ho. .... .. . .... . . . iitliil 5 h.... .210 Mnint, Il,tl .163 For aboltshlug p.tying o! district rosit tax ho' lisor, si. Againet the Proposition, 17M. ELA The «"l'eopieli'"ticket w5i, etecte.! in Ela, tht' ouly opposition beitîg for Offices Olf,'onctable, coninilesioner an.! thictie eonmtssilon,'r The following tla the vote I).'titon Hluntlrgton. Supervîsor, 175 E. A. 'iî'ke, Town l'lerk ...... . 174 W. F Eretager, Amsanor .........174 H 8 - C Meyer, Coliector 1<111 P. tA Nlni.-key, ('oîrtrlssoîter 102 6.'.. traber, ." . .7#1 Wm. spunnier, cotttame 127 Hecnr.y Silefer, "50i .1. C. Whitnîey, Tratse........ 171 El Gainer, 'iîttit' <'otuiicaaoner. .113 fI. Tlitesi - " r.3 SHIIELDS 1 htinau Eastwood. Town Cierk. Timaotby love, Asseecor. Wit, Attritîge, Coitector. -los. Mrphy. Commissioner. F. Ptartie, Jusiitice of Peace. Aiidrew fiartlêy. Settnoni 'ryttee. llite only contetlntu t'tba vasfor tite office o f conRtshle, John Rempart hetug tlefeate.l. Titose elecle.! more: MiIec T. Lamey, superyleor. t. A. Kitaott. Town Clerk. E. F. Setaede, Coliector. Fret i Krcihner, Ascessor. Johnt Jalinke* omseoîr V. L. Wat.'rmau, Ji3e of l.a' Ifs! JimherîyT, coîsttnI,' It îtal votte'10t. Thie rellltilican ticket mas eiecled: Jf L.. tawyer, Sp'vcr 0i. Il 5.'ilmore, Townît tjerk. 1'. M'. Mtessart, Assescqor. Il. Bl. Strang, Colectîtr. J. Elclîiiugg'r,('oynminitîîter. H. Young, iinctice of Pence. N. Lmb, Sebooll Trustee. C. IW.t'ucker, lichool Trustee. The vote was ouiy about oeethîrti of thie'tttcltîlitier registereti. Town West erfislti. Titi elechîon mas quiet, the content for Coimlittioer of tilghwsya betug the only* feattre tendlag to lîven things up. lermance Witeeier re- celveti but tvo more vole& for te of- lice iliun Jus. Yore. lie ticket as elocfle.fil as follova: C. B. EAsaon, superviser; F. H. Neyer, clerk; Michael Voe, as-sot; J. C. Adams collector; Brenne Wliseler, oinlsiaouer of igitvaye; FPrailit0%1.comalalge. -1,upo ~as~ We ilS l@voles <'ast for cupervilcor lit t"s Town 09 Vertnon, of wbtcit J. A. Milssmaletfl].17. Ticettatnly in a grmU~bu misseil bMN. Mason, andtIn " Phoe@""massi "maltaway." Other endinflse d w mxe: C. C. tbshl, levu'ek. F. & Tripp, a am; L. 5bn1er, coliector; W. Wilgeu, oornuionor; H. L. Trlpp, tu.. cf1 0*001; M. O'Boyie, ocuslaffls. LB s vote.! ho Ievy an sflssrm.~ a sdihoua 2 cetson Mie $100 5555M usdluatIon, for gravel. las soada. $42,000 BLAZE. eUMWwinatort Loo"5 An Enttre Busintess *oGkc. One of te Met destructive tirefi liaI sys, visttd mEarlunglon razewl tu tis groa. su satire business lblockt scly Tiurado Moruntcg Narch 31, snd coasumsd 34,000 ortb of propert y, ln à lev boura. Ibl aine. ta inthe rear t'f A. W. Mseye àOeý. big store and vwu dheovoesd&bout 1:40t o'cîcet. The fUMs s@prend rsppMly and raze.! the buildngfoccupisd by A. W. Meyer & Co., lte Vesailia flouse, Hardware Ilets cof L. F. Uchyceder, Wagon &hop of Augm a Sit, Dlaeksith Shop tof EsiSe & BleimSefer andi George ProrurnasaBUIlha. Omtng t b laoeêrctty coftthe mater and lad of Jene, îolilng coîtîldle dam tu sur Slitenes. If tilt' ater voeut ysisum wiein tenov ln course cf oonclruliom, ha.! been lu opera- lion te lire eoial undoubtedly have been confns! 1 te eNeyer buiding, Il; va foutunal liaI lthe vin.! biem fTta ltsesnlbveslfor a nortilmecter von!.! have cestled ltifms e.10the main business portion snd il Je bard tu tel vitere lte tisn scoul.! have been chooke.!. Itlai very likely the entire b"siSa portion ana a greal dm1 I olte rellemee aistrict vonid have been destroyed. Folicming le a liait ,f tite lt.i.andt lnuuauce: A. W. Meyer. los.5 ,n li,11inci n-ts1'.,:l,',- anoe. r4.. A. W. Meyer Aà(Co.. toston ',î,k of g.'treral tuirchaudlse. u.W uitran- .'5.M0. C. IL V.trmityc.tuss On iolltrnit,în' î st ttnoiiruitme. Prof. J. L HKou%, lkm onn iî&ti,,l lrer,, ment". ~00 aicena i aeltnd t 1IeMoki farcd- titread Mfekof chet ,nu..lan,! lînkY, î%,m atnrnrdie. L. F. Schroedr. km*s'on mt-o..'ft,,,,lm cr,-. àii nctirane. 02,-76. AugutfJain. 1,,Nc011,î, ,trW' s -I' ' .n- lnts. é»t; ne tn.,,ran.'-.' shop.Sie: no iîîrn'. Georg.,W. Fcr,'ma,.1Gton utîlllg~n, hoitmse olti furfýti,t. $:m: ftîtrl,,'.,ý,r"l. Lotnsbury L..dge X.. 751, A. F. & A . Y and ltarrington Caîmp No. su. là. W. A.. h-. o,, "tu" p îarcptternallu. NEt: no, ltîtrit,',' futîr tnaured. A. L. WaIIer. H.,nrr B,,îzond î, H. D. A. (Irehe cuctaineti sm,îlt 10.6'. "n holsehol furutture and to , 1h, couteî,ta of thpir stIon., fulir Insureti. E. W. Peter,,î. aM,-..Ptrof. Hetr', and1mes Hartman. as w.'ll as oth.r gussI, of 1h.' h,,t.'t Joct a Iani, am.uat of î.'wt'try mliiij, w,,,. ni 1n,,,,rei. ForWakan The concolidabeti(leuerai Wiining. ton coal eOMPany and!lteSttntiay Cseek Coal Company controling vast mluing intereAs inluNortberu Iliniois. an,! Central Ohio conlempiate iocatiug lu Watîkegan anti propose ho center al] titeir ftereFti tIent. The Elgin, Joliet à, Restera raitroati tu ready le %pen.!d iif< on dovkis and dretiging for lbisccneru, whicit. If It locates, vJiiib hile muet extensive conceru in tit citY. Ic' a big tithîg, hacked by aimuetlitnliilticapitl. Strioken Down. WiIb a a cutîdennesa thaltiiakow tht btrtien grteater andt he shock ceeus mure severe to frilout, andt ley are logitti, relatives anti acquelutatices, intelligence of the antiden ileati of Charlese . Muhike, er Deertilit, la as. tertainei. tir. Muilike lias been c promînent figure lu Deortieiti anti Lake cOutYfer thirly-tive yearc, a mau hionoreti, respecte.! andi admire.!, a consclentioschristian cati modil hushanti anti lailier. Deceaseti as 64; yerc o! age, anI Nvan for Il yearc aàmter nfthe pic- tteer mbolesale grocery fir of! Wieki'r & Cot., o!1(Chicago. le mac tuken sdît Mint.ay evenlig abont iII o'c.'o,'k anti tiieti the folloing Tneeday mrrtng.1 lire. Bergen, of!Hilîand! Park, ant i Hatven.,îof Lake Forent, rentiereti every possiblie assistance, but in vaini. 'l'bey prouttuuc.o te affection choieri 1The ltrnit'i!iate relativesc eîîrvtviiîg timre un'Ie.idt'sifim vife. tee ttue. Chtarles, Edmtrd andîiAlbert. of licer. ield, anti iatiglterît, Mrc. Richtartd Vat, o! Chicago, Mre. (;.0. IBrandl, of Higb!and Park, andt Latîra NIliillkf, mbo renides ah homte. Fueral services steüre ie!, ld îîrs- dlîy afternoon aitueh Evantgetil'al clki îr(tb ,f l)et'til',orf w tîî,'btli' ma'. a utember. 'The lNDIIEENENT Utltt's mitt thie largecitrele tiff Metisandti uia t- suces lu exprussions of deepest re'gret and! sîncere sympatiy hoelite bereaved relative. lu their heur cf afileion. Farte For SaIe. 157J acres lu section 31, tnmti tof Frumonl. kuomn as lte Mary Aun Nougiben farta. GSond buildings, deep welà and bye runint cprlnia.1 For terras. inqulre glss. . Beach, lisait.M;Nia.MaIla Unilli.Vole; or J)* ll. $1 , dulawato. "o 1.50 a Year in Adva WHEELING. Evtiryt)ealy in anxiotîcslv Iokiîîg for tlie mnch iaikcd of electrie railtri,il Perlolai Broc, are iu poccsî..u mof tie Wlîeelilg Ilrewery and bave a force of li et mork cleaning up tiie'ol! place,.l'bey wii put i new iachinery and expeet V. Nar i 1f) tîtineits lu Miay. The Farit.erK'lUnin have ilomtedla toutract f.r lte busiling and comptete equipment .of Ibeir hem creamery. Work bas begun atmi the fachorTy h 10 Im- rt'sdy for operation May ixt and colits $33m1, everything bran.! îew. THE t ICiAUIIO ITFltE liam change andiait!.agall. Fred Sebtultit havtng old Itn.Reinhoid Peir. olat, colt of the bremer. The nem pro- prietor cornes wmcliprepare.! 10 give publt' satisfaction andi maintain the timtablîîbe.1 g.eîd reputatîin of this momitt Itopnlar laotlery aîîtd iaftwaY itot.l betwî,en Chicago anti the'lakes. He ic aly attisted hy bits wift', a ho) ta experienc't in it. ldt'parttîîetts ef the 1miîttnesî. front kîtce, to hosteis and wili give it lier itersonal attentionu. The travt'itug publiîc wtt!li fna hî,re evî.rytliing tî Atueiitran lityle et rea- cousît!.'pricet.. F.','.!tale aud bcr in ecnntctot. DEERFIitLU. MiNseSimpson l in owu itayî,tg wtth Ndri.. I.G. Parcone a few dayci. lire. E. Bieiii' returneti Sunday front a vieil wiib re'lattves ln Wattke- gan. qutle a utîmtter t,! oung l»copie vere contlrietî ai tbe St. Pauîl chîîrcb Palm Snnday. .E. Bicimeliliham b-l,,t'entertatnlng Mr. 9. Dedtmer tntioit! frletîti tring the past week. lien Millier an tloiit Churchill, o1 Libertyvîlie, more eîîlitîg otn ieertleld fr4etîtiî. atur.ay. W. S. Weleh, Mîises Ag1le.. Simpson and! Mayuîe Vetter alteuded lhe lesclier' ILeadlng Cîreet Libterty- ville lat Stturtiay. It ln our dnty b a rite the catineye of the dethh of C. 0,. Mihlke he vas haken islck Sunday nigit 12 o'clock, dieti Tuemday mîtitînug at 7 t, dock. John Dcyle, îof Chicago, bas opoee. a barbSs ehop in Aubes' liasemnta andi mi cmoe 10 lîtplae eeysatusay' mnoruing an.! keop lte chop .tpen alur. aay and Snuntay. Eat Fritiny evetiitg 1s0ur' of the girlisotf thIe iplace liadait Apri! footd surpîrise on %fi"aMamie 1'etter lbey bad! Aptilfootbiscut tandi cake fillIe. witttcottott. A jolly lime lheyliini. NORTH NORTHFIELD. Mr. J. Fritsch wm set'iilIn Noth Northbtld last Saturtisy. Mir. and tre. E. I'iagge m'eut t.. tlhe ctty luit meek. Tbey deletir,'d it mas ail tiere yet. Misa Elia Baxman and Mr. and Nirs. Eckeanseln spent Buntiay et Engiemooti wltL Mîisa Bexman'e lrott<îr. Martin Btzenhalor, mife andi Mise Mary Ititzenthaler froux Long (love tîpoul Suîtday mlh (Geotrge lebi. John Stryker from Itavensmood wm lu North Norihuleld heverni tays lact m,'ek. We are aimays gladti t.îce hlm. 'The (lutyler*s antd ltchietabs apeut last Thursday vith Mrs. Ni. Kitedler, of Prairie View., wiîert' tiiev bai L t tjî1iting Party. Mrs. L. Wemaliîg took dinner mlth Misailhi ast meek Thurs.lay. After dinner tlîey ment tCn Mrc. Mescuer', mitere a piearent ,ufternoon, mas epent. 11ev. Mr. Meoinr ban rettîrnesi froni conference atîd me are gladti t report, mili reminan on hIe pfecent tieldi of labor anothier year. Masy It be a plecitont tone. Last meek Wedmesday and lhîîrsday occurredthe leatnerai ceremonles of Ms.. J. Arnold! anti Mrs. Delle reopec- tively. The former lu the Vl. E. chturcb, the lutter lu the E. A. ctrcb. Btttt ere interre,! inithîe North NorIhfiIl.!ct'metery. Mr. Delle htiaun autitt,,liant Satuir- iLay i'vcryt.iutg mu,. totti mithitît recerve au,! if iîtyott.'doutate him stateinent lie tai catisfy his. tituittie atndi crioslty t ty gitg t.. Mr. littelil. 1 telil yots tMr. Ilîtîhi in a ntai] tiat liîv'lîtîe tiets mhéli 1lie' in.!crl.,îk,' autytîting. Mir. Dolle viii al.4 e tlj Iîtsoo ii dot if a I uyer cuiiii' f . BUFFALO GROVE. 'ibe farmers cri' ,îîarketl,îg ttîetr ot at Et :'anstan thiis wt'i't nt the faitr IîrîCe tof 29. ce3t'. t.Jîirit t VIller hlîthe t lit' tif,rti,,ie to hutrîîla ite fie tat y mtti ou ll'r tyhile ltiotilng sonrie toms fetit. Ntt'k Aulnu txpîects t, <ri ve ttii nos,, famier than t'ver nos..thal lhe bas heln. leinelîoiîer the KaNter la'ir anîd Dilltc at Arliugtois 1Hîlgita fi% tiei'î'ttotf St. ilaryq Cattitl ie' î'iitrî'i it Botillaio (irose. LOaT, Satttrtlcy MRVart; .1 teeen Long (irove andi Libertyviie a large squmare horsn' bianket ih fatteilyellov aud green sîsîpes bail ben oru au.! cemeil up. Pinter viii îîîease notify H. C'. Paàddock anti be revarde. A chlken Odeif frôm the clty matie raids ou sevarai famnere norlt aofboe. MataI 9114th. Front eo. fioreor io House Cleaning TiMi A time of many wants. It may be a carpet want. A rua want or a lace curtain want. Ail of your wants in househoid furnishings we can fi at prices beiow other stores. SOME SPECIALS.... Nottingham Lace Curtains, 36 In wide 2t yds long taped edges .. . 50eca pq 50 In wlde 3 yds long, overlock corded edges.............................$1.25 ajw 60 In wlde 3j ycls long overlock corded 1,i edges.............................*2.00 a And Many Others. Japanese Matting Per yd.....................................121c to SBàé Ingrain Carpets 36 in wide, per yd..................... MIII! hery I>.'tf. llrlghl alî'l N.'w. 25c to Go«RO Lyon & Coi y a ..1 HOU«E ESTAULISH ED NOV. 25. 1"3. WAUKEGAN = - ILN Lisk tIanufacturing Co. Canandalgua, N. Y. March 28, 18 é8 Libertyville, fil. W.e desire to etuphasîze t0o or enstornerg lteftliai al et , gooda mantîfachured by tht. cooipany are mîrraute ot t l ruaI. We M thbs guaranlee good by replaclng free of charge, eiiy MMrb I d'* iai brouglît beck 10 ycu nl u eusy condtiîon, or prove cliervlmedeiseU,.; any sncb be fôuad, o-ur agent iii faie pleesure in alieudiag les~ 1vtni lie makes blé nezt Cali. ' Very tiulye Tait Ltaa Mbc. o., Lvu. The above speaks for itaelf. %ij and see this anti-rust tinware. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. (iood Harness FOR Spring Work. Single Buggy Harness Nickle trinî.......$ bavis Rubber tri m..IM "- laiiîliiiitole Davis Rubber Urim..1 Fancy 9LIrO Now is the time to order your team and.fm harness for spring work,whhI and wii guarantee as towok¶I*0 and quai ity, to, be No. 1. rPure Neats Foot 011, Globe and Hloward 011, Baum's Stock Food Always On flan4 CHAS. KAISER, LIBE RTY VILLE, tslOxty-iivechiekens. lHe baggetl Nevv, liatus au.! ntne sities o! pork f r'tnt J,,tn RUOPf's emoke bouse anti wsa sctared away tty togm frin Wtu. S.'arîîglîitset',, Johnt jecketg.. wîti'r's anti Jacobb l(itzetithbaier,. -IL tilentis. Titey expect ovS Me, te the veddîng au.!dlte seig mîlI enjoy a goIns holiday mli ha ait abuntisuce of ri andte scromts milIL e «ta« rotyalitlyle. ,'alîîc ntrtb in the afterniton note.! bis Msosi amilf. î'nriolts actionts anti fext morning The ingllug EohB e tracked bitt a bck aa far as Jetiersen. cf tLe Riugling cscet bal~ If ht' conîe Ibis may agiuin coou Ie sa a Mantefamilly. ?mé mlii )iayfotr thîe atoleti property wa 1h o! the boys, and! aitlo!.i lotige. Eecenly 1lis" U~ THE GROVE. jfctier vas rétselva& au.M t .Ar.(.r.'melli ustîreti of watiig fory brother. qalsW iul- t tîtatrace und las taltet i)nîber sest- te degree, Asu ni.1B deîîî'e itli inde Joit. Iltei faliter estmv Tîte long i,,ket ftr metdîing of Ueo. poson IIl iten ie Santier anti Misla tofet rke ia cil for Iiintl ieoé Tburstiay, Aprîl 14, '98. itey ob-I degm uo. bSi. serve.!lte popular (Sermnicusion et Mahty- S'!N ittt'ttg people te teir marrae by tihe groom ri.!lug ail arou.! i the m.t try on aboe b"efae.4mi tAMsa x an.! bis bal orsualmetio bil-wmla hmon liais' W1~~IIllinois. Friday. April 8. 1898. Ir - .,0 qelý Mm 1. t-e-- .. ... O-Sgwqýq 1 . MWki. Np. 26. 1