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Lake County Independent, 6 May 1898, p. 5

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Tri2ggs & Taylor's headquarters for Groceries ANDM eats. We keep the best of everything and our prices are right. Fresh f ish Wednesday and Friday. Sait fish always on hand. Liberty ville, = = Illinois.1 1898 1898 lVheel __ ~7Vheel Hlave You Seen Them? Everything i1 A LL PRi $25 $30 $35 Spoci bim jains "éOld Sh LIBERTY VILLE. Wall Papi We have received a consil PAPER and a lot of the Seeour wall papers. NE3W DE Ranging in Pl 2c. Tii 25C. Pe, FC. SMITF Headciuarter! Butler Bldg. J3xperiend taior who ments at priî and guarante bound tomsucc imi :10 i m I ke î ii , hii i t CALL ON- F. Croker, -i. PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. SLocal items of lnterest to Libertyville Readers. C.M. & ST. P. M. R. TIMIt TABLE. TO CHIICAGO. arn. . M. f.8. P.8. t.. .. ItuiM l '8 -:94 8511 84:67 Wad,,w:rth 8:687 5:20 &061 Ournom 9:00 5:28 &M1 warrento,,,9:16 5:31 6:14 LiBrai'ivîî. S :30 :16 12:30 6:601 Bondot 6:3@ 7:28 12:38 8:398:211 Everett :44 7:10 1z":447:47;828 Deerfleid 8&80 1:46812:80 8:888:14 Shermervlik) &54 lm0r.34 12:84 6:00 6:88 CblU9arriîei &680 8:8810281880 :88e-56 :0 Faon CHICAGO. Ea. . 8. %Mpf. P.M. . p1. fi.M. Lv.Un.P888.ii .7:30 ':44 :20 88:30 g. iazie St. 69.110:&M ehriêrvlli', 8'.2 10 8441 :11 7:283V. 14 Ierfed r88410:22 6:47 &.17 7:2179-.21 lveet 64286:r28 4:88 :26 VU889:21 isnot 8:68 Ifr.88&:os :40 7:40 :31 WUBY Io 1:48 &:88 7860:46 uetOn 6:58 6:11 9:10 UurD.ee ta> &:l8 9:42 Waorth 9:10 8 268 6:81 Runsselli(arrive) 6:15 6:8. 1e.0 *denotesda'y. 8denotes Bu nday only. where no= ak api~ar trains are daiiy ex- cepIt Sunder. SU!SDAY TRtAINS. v vLJbort yvl,, 4:Up..Ar. Bondontô8:06p.m. v.Chltiogo 2:44 p. m. Ar.Lubertyville :30 p. NO. 30runkS.u8:1s1 on.in. ga south. wvii P. mi. Wadmwoerth 12:17; Ouznee 12:27: Warren- tOU 12:2; WitoIoit 12:36: EverottIt42DeeI'fieid 124; Slsixirvlv, 1292; ariTve$ in Chicago at 1:4u p. 1m. Train No.4 hehb e 1001p ut onfr080 flerldd .0 hlogo.lAes o81>msrfeid, :oo s. n.$irmrvlie7:4:arrive* Ohicago Mo8 a. 1. N. 88iea'C hicago 8:3 P. ma arrive@ Shernàwrsll., 12:18 à. im. iEwerfWIel 12:In8a. m. Village 0Ofleru. .... .... ... ..C. iH . Av-riii j Ti:,, Kîr:. . . Dtt:,yt ..~r........ ............ W. (C. Sautorn T'r,s .... ............. M. B. <.oiY Iloii', aohlteýt1......... ...... W. . Davis .N- a ............ ... .Fremhin matriays of ,,seh rntim. Viitng bretimrn .ordiimJi[ W.,IeC,8s. fil. W. il ULKI.TY. WAÉ. ACME CAbMil. No. 176. M. W. of A.. no-tm fltand oti:ri St ria.yor .-h8b WOBL ut W .... ls f iai! o-,,s r g'rs hariwan.' .to', Vi~.Iltig ,î,i:r. oýýaiwaym w..n, ii. F. J'." Hi. V. C. W.ý. E.r Davis bdolug United Stat.'s jy srIce lu (bîcago this weük. lira. Surali Madoie vimlted lier son in Evaumtot, the. fore part of tus. week. Mr. Oeo. NVowjer ib uuir the d,:t,rs mae and wliliî' fot gerio,tily il] le conflned to lits kouami. C. Price plt a biclk baliumeut Wall under Kra. E. C. lelto's 'al ioeaied on Orcbsrd street, lasat a ek. 1 bave a lot of sboes a littie out of date, to ho sold at $1.4w) andi$15' Former prîce $2.60î and $3.75 per pair. Cai and see tbem MR-. PîR:srN. Rt. W. Stafford and> faniliy nturnie tio Chicago the iret of thi.s wem-k, andi wîli make thei horne there inuti Jîue aIs, uhen tbey wiii again tae, i tioiri reibence In Lihertviibe. Mr. and Mrs. Ell Triggs wiii cile- braie ibeir tlfteenth weddlng amixi- veraary IMonday evenlng May 10, aund invitation% are being lssued for theî evoîi tth eir reatives. Mucb job printiuig bei, tati, delay(-d tiia eek owlng tou im-esary repaîrs on our maciuery. low.'vr the, repaira are cornpieted sud w e are preparesi to execilte ail ordorm wtb diapaieh. Let us figure on yolur work. The Centrai Laki- (ouîity tioif Christian Endt,'vî,r have liomtîîoled iheir raiiy ahi was t, have bee., lield bore next NSttirday oîutil %Msy 2h. to give vsy to the Lake Conxty P'rohibition,§ iîo ioid their ven-v.m tian lu Wankegau îi.xt Naturday. E. J. Malole lias compietesi the~ excavation for bis uta hboume ahih i especia to buiid in the .near fntur,'. His property is iocated ou First trei-t near tluribîîtt'm Court. Tl'cbouse viii b,- a two story Iran,,, mmilar to ilarry (i es$ii areld.mî- iocat,-d onmalssi:, treet. Licnse at $900. « At a spec'lui meeting Tbnrsdiiy ight1 the viage board, ater mrîeh deiib('ra-j tion sudiany votes 'Mt am<,:înts ranglng fr--in $3,54)ui to $81 IinalIy lized tih,' uloon lilenne tor the, enIsIig year at î$0:o. Bot:iDean su)d 1BohI the preseuit saloon keepere to.re Imji,ro: Us they w:Ii not take out a iieel.uc at tit ligitie. Tbey asseri theY P:litixe- iy cailtot af:rd to psy tbat aiim)iit. Tjhe muarNais saisry vas tixtd ut $104 approve M. Freshnin's sptmontilelt. E. W. Jjttertield seeins to bhi the. ofeea the. board., but whetbor the preBidt.nt wiIl appoint hlm or iîot eisnains to bu e ee, ai the uei r-giiair j.,eetiug ofthe cboard. Warren (rummîtt and Loule Mack visiied sehoomi aat Frlday. The, large school bonsetiIag baes bi-en .î,tlaced by a maier oua for con- %'t-ienre salie but the patriotism ot the 8chool la as grenu am ever. somrnof the W iiyn of the. fourtu roonm have sitat,'îi uhat tley are readr "tu, ,-lst uethue nazi ealifor voiuntea. Il given tihe chance they ai no doulît mak,- a iold trîkre for iheir country. Pineljmal Stoopo tieviug flnimed --'Tht ttoosler Sceboomater" lbas corn- menced reading another of EggiestouS works "ýThe Hýoser tcboolI;i:îY' wsiîhh proves emîaiiy lnteresting. The Gurnee tesm wilii play et Liber- tyvîlie tu,.morrow. The home team wili practîce on the fair ground8 ibis u!ieruou saud If the weaiber dots flot interfere a score iargeiy lu ts',or of l,iiîmýrtyviiie 18 anticipsted. Lake U;ouflty Leauue. Dî'îrlIui:, won 1, losi 11; UrasIaki-, -11 1, tost O. Lîhertys il, , au i luiýt 1; Glurne. -Won (1, iusi I. tauem, mmhedîîed for Nattirday <rsymiake ati M)cemd,'ier. illrueut L.ibart y'iii.,. hait, ah îpî,,si.aigain,,' ia,,t Satîîîday. 1ifarinrs, tii, xM-hau le s-'d tue i,e. rider are liable t,:în'î,me ( lit , a ,îî ii, b r i ,- . ,,w " "t , Il it e li lIl /i avihe I,' -tthi iu t.:'eZ :,î and. i t iieîîis , iî-kiy siîi lmaa kn-ll ,, 'u (- , re rt:,r ie M.s 1. B. I-I k~ ~II)eeI A.A1i. STAI-LUM.LSrS owîîg tuteimomn arrivai if thiies OEiLLi mrtvî W h eel( i.iiî:îigu ntts aiea Auerica H, vax lipossible to coummene mork 1COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Ie(entohiieriyvelioeUemRuillntLInri:1vN IL.LF, MAY 2, 1898. ye-e.telLiertviethis week. iiîiev'r iBoard met inî negulr ie silîn. Fulli huii:u Ciîîrnii b las been iired te, tle i,' re eziîectedl ,iily anîl aork wilii board liresumlt elau-pt lscrii. Mminutes teaeb iil, eDeriieil achiuoI. bu puabed immàedlatuiy ou tieirsarriva]..Pli previosum mtîngK rend dauil IC .i. E. Churchibll andl ]Pete'r Bock ver.' We vaut tht teicPione hune usad17 aîpruîled. eaudiututm-afor the nmarmbalisbip). Jint nuethat 'Ot. 1087baveimenut of Moved iy (.aiiuwayav ud Shermuan that the. board resv:ivm' itmelli lnto s LId. Dymonul, uf Chicagmo, visitei W. reeeivîng the latent van bnlletins. committete of the' choie tu, examine tih, and $50 C. Sanhorzm andi faniy this eek. Isaac Heaih.whose illiiu axano:ted InlitufmtioflS 0t iewiy eeted mcnt L. Il. Hanby ban gone uortb toim17 lu our lat Issue is gradîîsîîy gettîiîiberh. commîie. rprlgfv: cattie fur uuipient to Lilertyvilie. veker and no hopen are etertained on Iliimtatlons it vas moveit iv The ommtteeon ourfarmwer lnfor hiel recoverY. It; le a generai Gaiioway and Shiermani tlat the' premi. .4»i,~eî,uit teonihuor fa naelubreaking dowu î,f lus systeni, bis dent anid truates îof uew i,,,srdi bu failng ealh bingattrblied e) 1,sesteti. tanrieîi. in W atchest Fo mine cpesh: c kemtlllsta, iea. partÎmeuar complaia. Wiie but Nu Whur tC.thir8emt,,rila Wear. sboea, etci., at tlii,' owext lîricesfiNwbadt4kherstro]cl guo ti Mas 'm, S. eity-tive yeasaoui Mr. Heathe iiiuess biug as follows. anel sliowingigs Theistis t tt'Leusdi etmtryle sîmîtar tu that of s muan ranch uider preaent exeiut 3 orse: Presîdeut The rlasti ofuhe aeilt ie bor !sud if blie are aie ,ider man bis %Vado, Giea8oii, lieeyt, hermi, Me- Amocdecliuewwlllmenbuutitrebhoee Ofo regor, Trîggs. 99Ml rnhns.dyatenlo a a:.dvclie wd ge clit le iwiy lmiktu Presîdeni Waldi: askeei eierk 1.0 nt.d L M. lt. . ý%jyilow and ife ofadvaeedage.liein lowl miik i ,pliicatlonsfur luie suitndalter fe r mi.e îio udvte fand thte eut ue1. ,IY ài. atte.rut a iitrt Ireeadlug lic referret sainue to, icem'îee ttetiîamy, M.. ver, the guegts of m. Eý tirne. ,-omuuttee. Chunrchill smd famnliy over Simday. Li'ensetu *,,multtet' reporte!l favr- * * ~ ~Tht' May hall feldi ut the Town Hiu isni oupetution o u. 1elutn - I LLINOIS. m bie, milua at Pi.Monday niglit liuder sumpicetu îf tertîndî,îînmtOn.ii, o otic bilttonse art' ail tte rage. Olti anîd atinile Club was a brilisrt ,,,îe,,s m crrectionl. younig are deeked lent te, deuîumîtrate advsgueiwt u ,meueii Av-en and iNays bii'ng eaiimd fur ,omia antlim-.tr .h heprmen'e i ropio t.uutugrant(iîl-îmbolua 1iïrjatrttli ul yfromic iago 5am edi afI: ni .-ao' ii n cm'st'r.uîlt,-îiam tI iws John ti >k hasie t en gagm.d to mvtrý Lake Colmuty, ,î,utiet' ttsîim iiidtste Ayes-(iit'sson, Mi(,rege:r. ý\ltyms * set'the. gruîuicis, andti imieriteid (he viciity. Th- muait' sas .x..eii l ioy2t' lernu, Triggse. ellenmotion mt Kerilui aîi ie-, rtg: gardenlng ai the sioters ut Mercy to' the dancer,, prtttiiy e:,utime:i, anîd ailfiee11,lgblsmûe i"Vdalr mtit:tiir es u C . Cp ad. ,tu oiitglii r lîî,î miau o! C. iiiisîldi, thiat vould ietd te, îmalle itai:î,îeusî,îu: ,.i g rmpirttm.îin xîfavoi i l y b iii iaxiet Il S o fl0-V I ol.it* lfeviug reinrit'd tronitht ce.ut 1 arn aionce pieas:iruble asuit-cm#eîru4i sas iii: rmsdy to renoiiie teachlug vocl sud evideuci. Tbm suppîm aefen sumt a, M r.-.:o.î litnstP-mital mfolle andl delsarte 1le is sictmf i: tn.Mi LLiMgoosi as nsuai amnd timt to t buc i::3 . -:, S Pi1--\ ieti NI.lt tè-3 iave evir partxmkeu of rm'i:ats îiesdi îy 1, S. i. IPoelî'isas the graiUg Abîout lde iteCtol liixî-îî .S: - of HAT 2Ccomp-td (e West ëtretu e nov iiLi. Tht. May dani', wax a grumxii ,M'.l ebetter grade goods stret't conxntci iig Lak street and Cook sucIen(55.'. Ave., axndlrinng aiong eit bauk u mvolinLf rcxîi M'.x .e 1;ii:&S:: .i:7 Btlter Lake. ieorm nniratîin rorîm ilte Natil:u, Ai . . . ......1;P- Aidt'rniii L. B. Mo:rnm- f ieuferug Maine, Monnment Ctmiittee iii w lii A. L. bîir lGr, i gPi i ur lh tîrAril lunt' wthrnhexîuîtnnî,iiiît serions enough the Heinu. LeviI i. Mortou is the Chair- alla'-ed sud tiaced n Ilite. "0 he ves xiiailtu t attenid the trot man aud sgue:i amoug otiieru iiy -I etîtton ci Win. Dean beixîg rectitleut mîeting mot tile nea i:oarîl amui that'r oaunerai Nelaon A. Mltes, Ctotitîiuîî,er 1,ie iicenit'e ommlttie rtportî:d layon- prety meiotý, h theway of he U S.Armyrequxtiig bni lîl 1y ou sarne. Ayes umi Neya ling 'ýSJG N S, 9, in trieiytevy , tt .S rytunsî: i: ,îulldfor oit grantîag Winu. Deanl The erittea mit lien t lboule and paso"Maille.'Memriai DR"May. M i4.s't'44i, 1:: uaîi,,i:lceusi,.reenititi as fîiIovs jxigum'n outi whe ud beetoespreacli s sermon tiat a ii iiret y <lsoî iOeu. Ny attenintmon thm thtsherolsu:eut tse -t :ex: iioyleu, MTrgm. Presn rice prom (if war, btnthtime jîîi charge are attend- atnint heb în fth.lelH,'tîree uit,mn hit . Pemde iug tî, s gouîd iîaay ttingstichereat of ahose lives wyen at lu itavun,,Barbon Tevired ti on reotv eî udo 'ta8uight have fmrgmttenl. odleugt f o, 5 i: nu nday otlon utf(i,'sson andi Trîggm vas rhedecaruionof ar urnti otsofevening lMr. Leîsueîit %, fili b.;'accepteui and piaceti on nie. IReport e d.asinu artreiit f.Spainm and thetUiîtedti Ntlu.', ilâhas s llowa. Arnonut on lbaud uthlimiasm tiosne in Liiertyvlhe, and AmrcWhtL.os ote prll 1lti$$114454 Pald olut dimriîg Ir R o we bar (if lan h ave decianed Ha Iner, Y ut Lsue dtiîu-y tieal,' April$1è9.9I5. Axîîmxntou baudt $171î559. t1v hdeurutmn3a mîî,mrnx)g sîxjeet iVhinli rmsideut sppoluted M. Il. (:iPiliy ras R ou.t.iidter cai by ci nlet.vtdunieer : ,ftl ~fWomau» t remasrrfor 'euningu Prebden Wado'mincinaion t' restdumît appoluteti M. Frlnuiamu Th antlcus f rcinI lap u .Feh nrlan d sireet rommnlsiuner. A & SO N enry Harvey on Park AvcinmsahouttappmnMpralmjn marmhali iay le ()fi motion of Rem sund tlîyt utumpeiulnd C. Fisher has theapprovcd by the board, but lunci rut it iipruvai ut appointmont tou niarsimai ,ýh"IjdflotbekoWin Uns as4ýr t as axdefored mitil eimeetinlg. -s F o W l P p e . e u utrac t lier m îaso îmî o r k fo r M r . E .h o xîl t n t e k n o v îîî g o m e t e u it i a t M o v e et y T r g g a s d M eo re g o r th ,t s For all P per. arveYR bon,îî.,,lhvii il be trected E .Btmrlt iib h.cult.thet itymilsue petitî:mai acI douie ic In tht.fleur fture. Ed. le a goond manmifor the place. sud ruu'unsiderm't. Carrieîi. Librtyill, Ilin is. HenyKrnad fmil moed mouew li make a Ruent xnrslial. luvever Mîuseut y MeGregor anti (siiux Libertville Illuois. eryewre imd ta (nîrightm ot it woultibts lard mattm-r t,,)uselet a huard ouet Thubîrdsy May )tlà to ihel ue raltec u WlgtCort>uI W indreterottr ret mesder applicaîttinsfior icemea. luestiuy. Ed. Clark anti wife ocumpy ma hostrut conder biler strvice Carrledi the ote vieutll y M. ad Mi. n a tret eninisiiunr tau he 'loved ly Keru anîd Hoyt thaet village liern andi ili conutinmu Iitits ut the prusumt iiucuubeîit. Mart ala'ayî, due. fmrltilt'for aiiey ,mtrancee roiîî T e Ih is vork wei ud la deservhîîg ,îî Hunthutt Couurt tu) aiiuy lu rear o! W.- ol6: ~ d staîîti rd .r h xclen e Achieimu iut. Ailt ~tu Ayu. Carne O. i:a-~ It wII% mueit redit;ftirntiîm e bliguiit emîoitif livedi iy liruregor snd (.iem>im ~ wumîiuisiîggst tîmît :îmrhlglmu3' lu euur strumis. i, utidnîstuitds I that trittioimittee litipiuweru-: m-xnmssuttrsree the dirt frunt hiebi,sillmes auîi if rmtired it in e to se in tlîuir dlscrtusîin not: tihe iew rolilritige fluar Copeantis ho liopeti llstuxmcessur vîilmai atsigie.uns.sd gravclilugl'ain trict. andi alsio 'lix up1 tht, road muet of the the genenal good ni njtioniout streateu C b rrieti.d oy ta . RING... bridge'. Tiat nitisroitingtbe plank vanta. etc., as redibiy as Mr. tFresl- cerk iîring buis mut A. L. Bmrng'îow on tht bridge abiele e oust eutrantsi man basl o,to bis' leiman amîi litiee n filic andtpreaexit ut oeil;Xmtinig. s i n other matters. The tmu the bridge Ii tu liadt shape. coiitent'. j arried. P m kesonl god ar- Cha. aitr woseadappargonMoveti y Ktrnixandu ltan tat makesonly ood ronCtas.paeah ui etiappears ouvilge'sait' îue reiuuved tii village bal, iroitpag iashuda tmain iisl,-,ePotatoes for Sais. . arried. ces within reach of ail, tilin spnlmg asui f the'flambier ai E:riy 0110, Crowmi teveil, %WIitli Mivumty Kerxm undiet flît imnt nîe- yOt.e satisfactionsold thepnt taomonti i îls. and ItHumai New Yurkmrs Pepe. lo. g aîjîîîrî.P irlci ýees yustsato ,i hto have trieti the' New Vonkerp say rl. trrc..SIAiTH, tiurk. sul mndictiontofuturmiimî< prosperity tbey are pantleuluriy fillem. lhowlii1'..: :ceed. amaiig farîmîrs tiey ce-etaîniy arce BULKLIEY. it Chiiitrun like It, it &*voist ieir lives. r FORGET TH-IS. axtlciputmuîg a properouls year. . Ou nauuonme Mliute Cougiî Cure, Do flot forget that the d<ate of tht.a A torplii hlvcrrieis yoîmut(ifîmbitionî te Itfallbie reînety for couighs, culuts, r filu iî:ruuiti: i nikr for aut îit or 'sîe imd rulîts youmr iealth. DeWitt'a croup. Itonichti, grppe andt al Pro)Iubiti i'onvtlltia t Wt 'guLttle Eurty Riflera eeause th iilver, tlrout andi long troîuble,lue. . B. flilly giarititet O as t) its lit, style, ls Satnrday May 7. Eev. t0. W. Stevart cure constipatlin and ai stoxu'ii andt utL ultw3ville. Ni:)xîultakem orulsiti antI Aionzo E. Wilsonm, o! Chicagoi, will liven tnoubi,'s. F. Il. LovELL. Libetrty- elhi-iiiisi r(ti o uîarflm n i eteel 8eka ftedyadville. iFor Sais. i iiie - i:îîitriis o ssmuîmee sit h b tuecul! sîeskas mf tc da an iiuxsaand tut in Liiîrtyviie. 1. il. i iit rîu:. (mi ifutîr ait Yoilhav' evenlng. The Mlli>eley ti il Building Materil. ltIAi, Lîbertyviite. Juiy 8 .il li:w tiililiig. fr hlsiigmsc i rbb Are ymmn agoing to bud u 11s:> get BricFrSas tlî,nlstsi are lnvituid to hrig thelr estiment@ on ah kîndut it mxateriat kFr ae lunich baskets hi Temersuce Temple, ,if Gu H. SttANC<m< &SON,. :10-M C. ituiLiiertyvlle, Ili.1 abaru tables ai hIle pread sud tesi o and coile etrved for ai. Coue let us Pasturags. For Sais. the noon bonr. Cou. Lancasiter srm fur gond pasturag tprot conditil. l!e yet ______________ rasoabl raies. One anti oiehaf .get.e. nd kin. &Sa r lady to L8bertyville, Illinois. 1 d S .-z0 îh um!,tfnoui A. Elbf jer .a d -- ~ w .~ TUE Volunteers IN THE .CORN FIIELD. Must Have Them. (Hendersofl's Blackcat Shoes.) Colby's Is the right place ta buy shoes of à kinds. Correct style, fit and price our watch word. Wall Paper A new lot just received, new styles ar designs. Our stock of wali paper hi been replenished and is very con! plete. We have some remnants haîf price. Ca rpets. See our new carpets, the styles a right, the prices are right. Ion't Forget That Colby's is the Right Place to.-bi Oil Cloths, Window Shades, MatiVi Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps, 'in Tl Col by's is the Right Place to buy evelr thing usually carried by a First CIa General store. M. B. COLBY & Co., ibe rty ville, 9 à SE OUR SAMPLE SIIOES AT LMSS THi-AN WIIOLESALE PRICES. The Fair, Libertyville, Illini Àm._.The Prairie City Seeder..mo The Keystone Disc Pulverizer. Steel Fradme Lever Harrolu aKeystone Corn Planters. Bradley's Foi * Drop Corn Planters. Hummer Sulky Plows. 4 Bradley's X Rays Sulky Plows. Bradley's and Deere's Walking PIow BUGGIES - WAGONS - TRUCK$ Lumber -,-- Coal. SALT, CEMENT and TILE, a. RoDe. Twine. Etc. a. H-. SCIJANCKý DEALERS IN EVERYTHING, is always--..m& 1

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