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Lake County Independent, 13 May 1898, p. 2

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TWO CRE C LDREN DESAD e toet er fth oed e inalas1_ariM - O-774 . D m = obulnce tromn the 14%117 homestenai l N about 11, whie the followlog ecoue have,, ,ý , , , . laEm anDed of a Pathier Due to Jeqlier new home sit Vannes avenue, and .. ;_eafch a compàny: Coldwater, Kalansanoo ,'ý - - ouy of Hia Wife. Butter street. Shie was fiereely reisted Ba. »ttl Creek, Grand Haven, Ioi, Flint,1 ý1 ,i« à OOD «.,P »Jac3.b 0Gramm, a small shopkeeper, 50 by Misn Clara Sutro, ber sister, who ,ue Alpena, Bay Cty, Saginaw (west sd),b . _ _areld, living in Mortion street, New sted a wild scene at the home. MielBu. i- Sagrinaw (east aide), Port Huron, Owos- à,ý vu •&-.-. Il Ommrk, 0.murdered two of his children, mor- tro asserts thlatiDr. Merritt kidnaped her'.- 9, Cheboygan, Monroe, Big Rapide, ý . -1 tamiy wounded a third and indicted tt allater, who in hlis prment feeble state insý ý Manater, Muskegona, Calumet, Iron ý . limitaiouns on himself. The childrenL are untable to make any reistance. Dr. Mier,1 ,Mountain, Houghton, Sault Ste. Mariole olf e 5 years; John, 7 years, end a ritt replies that sellhaso simply acted for. e/ and Ironwood. BO S OF F ME EN aby, Frank, 1% years of age. Elle and the blent interests of her father and that. Frank are dead. During the absence of as hi. legal guardian, elhe in entitled to -_pranctie has been taught ln the Univer- NEBRAS9KA. 1 - b~~is wuife, whom hiebhad sent to hunt for a the custody of his person. Her reastons - q iy giutrlclefBasnra new at, Gramm tol egbo oafor removing him fromn the old homest« e "&ý.. -Des.It agricultura Colle tte nt iei orsodne , PREIDENT'S DAY T'O REOOG- who had been lef in charge Of the chil- was that elhe might have him at hier home, . .,--Z Pétannt, CrnellI lege ain t en. F RIOM à habit of pleasure and -- - N1ETEIFUNIL dren, that hie would take themn upstairs where lhe could receive more careful treat- n lon and one or two other places. The peaceful pursuits the , NtZ THE NFLUETIAL- and put them to sleep. gramm'is mon E ment and where hie would bie under her 0 e . .i students of these Institutions have ré old State fair gronde The House on Thursday disposed Of' wrd returned fromt senool at 'lc constant supervision. ndd ly1,ea Lincoln have twon Important menaues. The Alaskan. A jrmyRolrait*No- Carry the Nome. of and lwas ment to awaken his father and spo n orma tilrmo te llfrvlun terib e e n transformed land bll, extending the homestead law% A1 1or lin n Alsn the children. The chamber door was WHEAT'S PHENOKENAL RISE. Fomratleye1o h eua ry within a week. to a to and providing for certain railway, AlgrpAoor Baie ndAlisn-fastened and hie climbed the tire ft1p,- W HERE villae spires la @e a&bide; eagler to get back lin the service, comepihs fw n h isrc f Alaska, es w taoiaDsesayLwdsoei h bthrtruhawn Where bul Lnge tower en iet; by the score to offer their sbrvices. Grad- place tof rendesvou.o gts of wyintedsrc0 Pardth Oerron by teCort.Lawdow. ramm tela on rth toor aLlnd-heTwenty-five Cents in aWeek-War Itas Through al the quiet countryide, notes of military schoole have been hearl . . warlike men. amended by thc Senate and agreed upon ýý Prtr vethownbyth Cur. ow.Grinitle o th fuo ad he Not Beriously Hurt Busines. And where the cities lie frotIl •ill le ncs yt s 0 > At the present ftime In conference, was pasid. yhe labor 1. ~thrteechildren upon a bied. The children R. G. Dun & Co.'@ weekly review of There swell at word a blastyband mn ro t woncesart secre 3ot-between1,500 and 1.- arbitration measure. providing for the sr- .. Theur Bear Great Nomes. • hd e atfrightfully sashmlre thkan eattrade says: "A state of war was T grb of he ug et comn n tino a rs 60men are bivouacked in Camp Alvin btration of labter disputes between esi What may be termied the nristocratie glash his throat. A note found beneath greatly dreaded by those whohaeen Are citens la bne. battery, i in temporary comminand, but Saunders, no namted! In honor of NebraX. lysad eti omo nrer.abl portion of the volunteer armiy was nomi- the bloody ai written by Gramm, indi. nothing hle it for more than thirty years Lieut. Ely will probably command one ka', venerable former Senator and terri. which lhad received very wridle indgorse- naitedthe ot:her day by President McKin- ctdththsfcialcueeb elos htlits coming has hurt lesa than its A latent tr am n e o ng e rond,oftebtre. torial war Governor. They are now ment by labor organlantions throughout 1 by. lit la composed of the sans of states- cof h wie.Thet kown g him sty jate z apprehension. Espeially since the vie- ,Mid hat and chol thee rofytrhe, ehouandt ofries trsfomal1atsoaating the Ordler» of Gov. Holeomb, the country, received the approval of the asen, lawyers, bankers and literary men. that hie was temporarily deranged by in- tory at Manila, which indicatedl the su- Nor recked their blistering reet. the State go to the camp daily. So many1 who will turn thema over to the United House. Among these appointees who will be comn- tnesueigfrmre aim periority of the Amierican navy, gum for They've drilled la field and dIngy hall slir aenvrbe eni n lc States. It provIdes thaet In case a serious con- n mtioed assistant adjuitant general, with tni ufgugtri humts. fn. Expectation that the war will not Wheuln ayn rearesy f thr ut, si Iowaveinevethen iv i ar. pac 1The transformation of the groundi from troversy concerning wagen. bhoure of la- . the rank of captain, are: Frank MI. AI- THREE MINERS KILLED. last long has mnfluencedl,all markets, and These citiseninlubilue. Rosat beef with gravy, chickens In va- the civil to the military han not be,.n bar or conditions of employmient alli z e, no-h Sceayo a;nae . tcs aeavneth vrg frous styles, Poittes, onions, raOishesi without excitement. On the whole, hnw. arise between a carrier subject t h 1 , Blaine, Jr., son of the Plumled Knight; Two Fatal Accident. in the Same prices of railroads $2.0 a allre. The They've felt the ocorn of friendly rues and fruits constituted the menu at the ever, the rendezvousing was long ago dia- @et and thec employes, the chairman of WilimB.Alion npewofte ow in i wek enra onito o bs nes hsonbe-y'en wtcethe mo ppsedinner served to the soldiers in camp by c'Oun..tedl, well planned and perfectly car. the Interstate Commerce Commission , Senator, andt Erskine Hewitt, son of the The Halstead mine at Du1ryea, Pa., materially improv-ed. l'hl moti e na- Their bayonets, austere; the womenoOf Des Moines the ther da). ried out. Brig. Gen. Bills was one of the and the Comissiioner of IAhor shll; 'up- f ormer husband of Amelie Rive@ Chanler, which caredl in the other day, and in tional of all changes and the most prae- Bat nowr, behold, a nation, thrilled, ImproVIsed tables were spread at the dit- trnt to arrive, ndi military discipline was on the request of either party, endeavor et literary famne. John Jacob Astor, son which two men were entombed, was the tically important hasl been the rise iuN'o.uld agit what ibey can do-- e ferent company barracks and the pmrettiest qulickly established. amicably to stitae the dispute by media- S et the New York millionaire, will be madescenle of aothler dreadful accident in wheat-13 eents during one day's session, Thelr answrte Our anks are fillegrsiie onsatda atess oeatyfryegthusGvlo.tin n ncs h nevrsalfi . insportor general, with a rank of lieuten- which three mot with a horrible death. 21½ cents fromt Tuesday to Thursday Moiies ubue"grst of tecompnes ased a wrestion comb was leotelgraphote ar Deo. o. ahe n the et ers may hawlsub ite aut colonel. Avery ID. Andrews, one of Owing to the cave-in the mine lhadtbeen night, and 25% cents for the week-t brow- Andtthfstaecouchant host they wat, of thanka partmentlthat)the Neraskailti harD- triltro of a bad o he sons "Tedldy" Itoosevelt's colleagues as police twisted out of shape and it Wast imposai- ing Into thle shade all past advances and Close to their hearthstones' glow. asmldt aadaatdodr ahpryt h¯otoes onm n commisiene in New York, will be made ble to use the cage. A corps of men were al expectations, though a mration of 1½ Flron lyouth te he Golden Gate, INDIANA. for the mustering in as volunteers of the arbitrator, and the two thuon named shall -rank of lieutenant colonel. Andrew C. of the shaft. About twenty feet down porte have not been checýked by higher Their hande and courage true-- Indianapolis correspondence: the name timte laid clito the distinction aiust contain stiplations thlat the arbi- S Grayr, son of the Delaware Senator; John theye were me" on a temporaryplatrma prices as yet, but have caused thema, Sweetheart noer mother fin> a cowrard G- HE eaMP Of the Indiana National of being the tiret State commander to tration shiall be beun within rive duiys, A.& Hull, lion of the Iowa iteposeýntative-, towhomantthe guides were lowered. Two amounting for the week to 2.fflW0 In citizen@ lu blue ur1erIdinp aescharpr sgon opoeth n h ar hl eSedwtitwn and E. J. Hill, whoslefathier in a Rtepire- Men et the head attached a heary guide, bushels, Iloour inludelid, agtainst 1,4984,16-7 ILL3 NO1. OLi is a constant eMniency of the Nebraska guard. ty days trrom the appointmtent or the sentative from] Connecticut, will be lIlat cin atme bu fo qaeadtet bushela from Atlantic :(Prts last year." - sourceof attraction third aritrator; fthat the award shaIli e misioned as judge advocate, with a ruank feet long, to a rope and began to gradin-- Springdeld correspondence: . toall classes. Every- ý OHIO. Gled In the Circuit C'ourt of the United ,of lieutenant colonel. Nicholas Senti of lly lower it, when suldenly the timber MANY HOMELVdSS AT DULUTH. --- IIE itory of Illinois has never1 thing is now perf-ctly - States for any district wheprein the em- . tthe llinois National Guard will be made slipped and struck the platform with --_f before produed suchi a camp as .systemat ized and c'olumbus correspondence: ployer éarries on business; that the par- chief surgeon of aau rmy corps, with the gaat force, smashing it and precipitating Fire nt Duluth Cause Loe» of $100,- Camp Tanner. Itokn ncoklieH tt ros fOi-r.o ie hl osdrth ad6a n rank of lieutenant colonel. the men down the mine, a distance of 300 OOO-Fifty Building. Burned. masmrefo -orer. An lte f- b Qý E$e eing o p repOioa red for oenclveoand faitheully exfcute the feet. The mine lwas entered through an At Duluth, Minin., fifty framne buildings kevery aspln or ethn ma iies of A ie fe voblnteerserviceoat same; that thawo ard hall contn thi BITB THE DISPENeA R YLAW, opening a lhaif mile distant and the bodies on Minnesota point, joustabove the ship eaney gasthig ftheaesrdand thaiea iscamneis rc- Camp Huesherviet aifore;as ht e-an t h a iesfor o n r ---- of the men, crushed almosit beyond recogt- canal, were burned. There was a puff trosee el n ialya ii sthuha nmylyml as ftect and that the empeloyer shiall nt diasmiss Bllorth CarolineNew Liquor Enact- anitio, we;e brought to the surface. The of smoke, a burst of flame and then aalll- toue em to kdnow it. encapegd nu t a few ie w y Each mi t of tCoityunrsalayeplydsaidwt î noent la Partiy Overthrown. atmen were John Monaghan, John Titus long row of ramnshael le buildings were When scutte reg ienofcm'panieut a fom"tento tent e grmiaou n w s. of- th llwad, qui wok uer gthree mon-ths . lathe United States Supreme Courtand Stephen Jenkins. The latter !eave& in a blaze. An hour later 2,000 people are called to nofthea- he e critsande ea retixone w cm eru1.Ted freothe Statef ithout gr, iigth keiry days' otie.The 1 he South Carolina liquor law is the sub- a wife and several children. were homeless. The lire took twelvre nalenca mpm t tenat- pni esithe amp, but dre isetr i-ted by thre towneBJias watrd shall become dal andoeraTi . oe esdecision handed down by Justice frame store buildings, fronting on lower 1De . . - - t atisi tecmp utdsriuel > he trjlen wadays aftoer i nlean peal- ,W te. .The State dispensary lawit having BPANISH SPI ON ET. PAUL. Lake avenue, just below the "I'ndler-th- .. Intis city every thmough the four regiments. These are C. Butllitt. 'The City-shll be takfen witinthe ten dayu on ex been amended ince the recent deisions i- isrcanIwp fo hrebc odier of more than a years experience rapidly being transformbed into reai sol- o'f Columbus furnishes water and light chalept iton matiteter f l .1The ntre- --olin4tnHd tisdeisondelswih ea Nara agzie y Gar- t elake dsore Thed dstrictthew a ppu knows just what in going to happen. lHe diers, and nome of fthemtare so earnext 1 lectrie fre, pipes ad wires lbeing ex- vogiinisetaornked aoramlertohenvier - teftWlaw. Thislaw attempted toelim. Overpowered After a Fight- lated by the ploorest peopIle in the city. knows the houre for each turn of duty, and enodeeply Interested thalt, were they 1tended ,lto the grouit]ndsfor this purpose. alties fora em tbioer and sriminaping hnftethe feature of the old law discrimi- The report that a supposedl Spanish spy There are no very- large individual losses. what hie will have to do each day during uniformed, It would take an experlenced 1 kni. II. A. A xliine, who in in command agam f ..ins e l e bren on of 'iýthi con amdog against other States ln the ship. abotleen captured aboaird the military The total is thouight to be over $100I,000). the week end just tþe day and hour camp eye to distinguish themt in the drills fromi ofnthel tr>oops, esumates that moire thtan twetintwvith r pubros ojointhu,, or- mé. »È of tiquer. to individuels for their cruser St. Paul at Cramp's shipyard, Among the sufferers were fifty famuilies will be struck and the start made for _ --- --------- - -ganit ion ihopulseIjinttior mm vin in South Caroline, but while this Philadelphia, in confirmed. Who the of Jews, memtbers of a colony, w ho were home. Here hie know ,nothing about it. , lf f-. galtWin . iiinws lmntdan h rv- man in Capt. Sigsbee refusez to tell, andat as' etigpayn-frte u.Neither does his captain lnor his brigadier o *.- .. I - ,.-- - 1 M- -- l lr. Morrix (Miinni ealled up nditthe ag eetored in the new lawit was con- àal fltati known of hima is that his father cells of the Anmerican army in the war general. What the morrow, the next hour 1 - ý alionne paed a jo int resolution deela ring 1piad with conditions of inspection whchi a Spamiard and that his mother was with Spain. There were many unrrow may bring no man knows. It mlay be an k,,1 -)LI the hand. within. the formuer %fille L-ae lnt ý it was etninel still amoeunted to discrimi- bornoen Cuban soil. The suspect enlist- escapes fromn death, but it is believed that order to mnove at once to Chickamaugra. ý iian rew.rýationt in Mmnesota tI1. oil, batkL Te court in tis decision accept- ed some days ago as an oiler, and almost everybody was rescued. It may bieordicesto return home. The 1, eet ta entry un-er the land law.s,,f lth- edti ve fth ae hligthttefrome the time of his enlistmient was un- -- result of all thtis is a tenne interest inà1J United Statc«.Thle lilouse adjonued 1(, p , ect"irovo of the elhldwiwatata-h der suspicion on accouant of his peculiar Settleu Arkansea. Debt. every move thaet is madle. The next ocal l.. Mlonday. U» ett a demial of the rights of inter- cin.Amrnewowso a The closing act in the much-discussed of the bugle may bie for parade and it 4 us 1freajornet1.h ent stt ometad hrfr atgn.-deo dc'naOtepwermgzn debt settlement compiromiise between the may be the assembly for breaking camp. ïaï 1a - rtntwa msur athr tir te the constitution of the United eiover e i the matgainea.suspe United States and the State of Arkansas Every soldier in the post feels that he 1 ("- -7 _iming thet- Prexsident and go.neral offeers . ouàm marie e nt wanaoulm n themgine.th e nwaseniac-tedthe other afternoon, When has responded toa acall that menswar -__ ý__- ' _4. 1- . Of ithe'armoy to suppfly the Cobalt insur. 7 «V£XygRssoNA UICDF_;matrndos, o imanda rining tyrehe anthe State board authorized Auditor Bloan and lis dly impressed with the gravity e- !,, gents with airims and munsiitionà of war RAVMEgRS ONA UICDE t goudan sor ad er to pay the United States $j72, the of the situation whenevea lhe takles time _ Fitting tribute wa.. pai< tby the S-vnate t seHme t i oel oe ra as h ih hamo thy Congros. Asthleubias thGntlytothd and rain in combintion with cold. PREPARING A MEAL IN CA MP.it , i ti .- n1 ýal'.ýf% lyo, L.1. a Hewat akhen tbefore Ctapt. ofigseefrernment transfers to the Auditor all Ar- raw winds laden with a chilly mist-wind _ - ----- ------- - - __----- ii l ay,, ...!nw ge from tiw l'res;Iiet Mahories F. Havemeyer, son of fthe late eaintion, and the aincommttedo kansas securities now held by it, except- which blows the smokle fromt camp lires the aider miembers of the National Guard. .75 per cent. Of the memibers of thle Na- wa'eevdrcmtwln htavt etheig ome invemeyer , 1ommitted siciehi o h "rg"fr h ngt ho-ing the $16,)000 which the Government twisting and writhing into the faces of There are 5,400) men in camp, and somte tional Cluerdare in the ralke and ready ,,f Ithan.k. I., .xtendeIl l'by Cone.r.-#It l fltthh e roln. M. Hâeuothim-Oughl investigation is being made in to retain, the Auditor is authorized to the cookis who bend overfthema. These idea of what It takes to supply their ,wantnsft go into the volunteer service. There Comtiiàore l>ew ev awd the gallant ofM- sefthoghte rin r.Hveeer- pay over the $572. The secutrities to bie are the things which try the metle of may be hadlfromn the following issue nf are nOw 8,282 ot11crs and men In Camp cers and mnnof hi. ,commaný.id. Without Was 35 years of age. He ]eave* a wel BGBLZlNeLVEAD turned over to the State amount to a soldiers, and& all of these the men in camp rations for a single day: Fresh boeef, 9.375 Hushnell. A svere rout ine Of daily dutyawrdodhnta dihutaiseig an w hlre.N oie o h u-little over $2,000),000. (Gov. Jones voltdhave had to struggle with. Add to them ,Potunds; Pork, 1,350 pounidx; bread, includ- has lbeen adopted. A fier three rays in voice. the Sen t.t. agreed ,to reslui- eflaiet le sknown. Mr. Havemeyer hadl -toyBd Er- -es bu no and filed a protent against the accept- the absence of sufncienit blankets and lig hardtack and fæesh louve«, 1,770 camp not a single case of ickness was tiOu arigit fec h eomn à"eeM o enoduring th$e day000and aetofthevetlemient.e pots i lothing and You can judge of the boy%' pouinds; beans, 675 pouinds;ice, 540 reported. lion Of dthe Pr-id,-nt. Thle Senate went *ad seeotng eealfie nSolaynbefore The big ix-story brick block aiththe e imlat t , het esag ue e fied t icmot ntecvlyteei n ons ofe 6 ons ua,115 Mj e.AMehsapitdCl ateee.ta ht ilwsp th ershootn helhad ben paigewsithsoutheast corner of Bank .and Lake the bolestrwent vhieasurectpassd lanket for every six men, and for twenty pounds; tes, 90 pounlds; sait, ld0 pounàdo; E. C. Brush of the First Artilleryprovost sented increasing the number of rear ad. ý, àà. hoe ad ee nthig n is an Itreets, Cleveland, was gotted by lire. Auditor8 0 n,w ncrte or S8 eHullmen who came into camp with overcoats pepper, 33 pounde; poittes, 4,5W00 , ._mirals in ihe na.vy fromt six to seven in eýar theit would lead to a spicion that is The northern half of the building wans and Treasurer Gully volted in the affirma- there are eighty who rushed away fromt pounds; catbbafe, 1,350 pounds; pickles, - order that the lPrenaident mtight nominate set U"releliatd ownied by the Bradley estate and the i ve. home without themn, truating with a child.. 1,200 poundis. The beansl are furniwhed ('tImmioi-r- Dewey to the highest posi- wa reeittd southern portion by the Root & McBride like and pathetic conddence in the Lord ready bakled and the coffee comes to the tion uilthe nav«y within hi- gift, and that. . - ýNational Leaue standing. Company, wholesale dry goods. The lire Lme elr et rth oenett rvd.In pite c.pro5e ndgondeiesteetoo, ma. passed without (dissent. In addi- l Ubwing in the standing or the clubs was confined to the former, but the stock The firet annual convention of the Na- Of all this, gickness in the campi steadily edlibles nearly all the men buy pies and ' 1 tion a joint reoIltion yiwas unjanimtousxly Iathe National Base-ball League: of the Root & McBride Company was tlonai Hard Wood Lumber Association decreased. fruit froin peddlers, and none suffer for .agreed t ietn h ertr fte S ,W. L. w. L. damaged by vrater and smoke. The total assembled at S. Louis, Mo. AlU the gireat Two hours was the average time con. n ftencsaie flf.Mn oNa vy t resent to Commodore iloeweya althntiaore .. . 9 3 Pittsburg ... 9 9 louessaillaont to about $125,000), fairly lumber Markets of the middle West and sumed in makling physical examination their own cookin, but a majority hire IleI , swomrd almedahl of onor ami tohal, 1. neitnnati . .12 4 New York... . 8 8 well covered by insurance. T.he rire re. nome Eastern cities are represented. The colored men to do it for them. Their sruc-k, in comemoilt.rationi of the ba)tétle o'f G(eweland ... -12 6 Philadelphia.. 7 7 sultedftroain explosion of chemlicals In election of a regular board of onficere s .as cooking utensils are limited to pot.s"iand .MaJ Ynila, a brnze .-modal for ..a. hl ,f the Broo100klyn ... 9 68ti. Louis. ... . 4 10 Beman's chewintgaium factory on the held, with the following resurits: W. A. i1 frying pans, and the coolking in done in ' a, m eeHrs and mn who, parti, pat.,l is th., , leago --....) 6 Louisviile ... 5 16, fifth floor of the Bradley end of the build.- Bennett of Cincinnati, president; F. H.1the open air and often wheln the dont lis -gallant fighit. The- resolution app)IropIri- Bos30ton ..... 10 9 Waéshingcton. . 3 13 intg. Smith of St. Louis, vie-president; A. R. -fying. .,4,ate. Sl0,00î to ,.nable. the .Secretary, to ý1', - Cattle Are Thrivin«. ~Vinnidge of Chicago, secretary; W. C. . .~.---...- 1The aorder to close the saloons and roaal- ... .-, en, .,ý_ rry il. provisions into effecýt. Th, grnt- Followting in the standing of the clubs cateAeTryn. . Bailey of Chicago, treasurer. -Oil ditagr T housem within one mile of the vamp had - r ar.o te1ayinth'loue".a.cu in te Wsten Lagu: . iimPenn Anderson. catle statW -been ignored by the liquor venderl, oanl, 'OLIRsA Tn RMttnedby mar niiý.ires.. The ýrecommen'.i- WL.W. L. Tainfomteanfio aok as and Misstionaries inuTrouble. --. Gen. McKee ordered a detail of sixty men --- ,t - -- .ation o f the l'residen.t that a vo.te Of T0aanpolis. 13 2 Minneapolis. . I610 TurandtaCompanyaofChicago.ehasiust re- A dispatch fromn Free Town, Sierra --. ,__ to vieit places and close thema. The de- marlshalt of Cap Buwhnell. andi Lienttltaiks be tiet'idned (Commodo]ýre 1)>ewey St.Pau....15 3 Mlwakee.. 11tur toSal Lae Ctytheintrmon-Leonte, West Coast of Africa, says: The .- .- - tail acted promptly and fthe dealers were E ..GenrothFurethRg.adisanat n rsn<mnwa CaaObtenion...- 9 4 Omiaha,...... 4 13 Andeceonterbithearngecatee. hirtyrebtellion which grlewsont of the dissatis- 1.notified thait forcible posffsessinwould bement assistant provomt marshl. followed qui.ky wIith a unhanlious vote. Kansas City.- 9 8 Detroit ...... 2 13 day. 1 have visited the State assoctiosfaction of the natives with the but taxl takeon Of the-irplaces If they were founid Tebi'efomto f teStte ad ithIeiiatl* concert the flouse pa.sed .- # a ochser o ' and 'round-up' catle conventions of Colo-- has spread to Shongay, in the Sherboro open again while the camp insimexist-: troops ha. twen lput into effi.et, with Col. the lait tcreatmtg .an addlitional reur ad- rg i olhetrCn. rado, Wyoming, South Dakota, North district. The headiquarters of the Ameri- 1 1 C B1Iut f1heFi1tRgien i cm.mrashpoorthcer. f a l'lTe 1 F er oltheseondbutimeswihintwetyDakota, Montana. Idaho and Ut'ah. At cain missionaries have been burned by the 1IlýCol. (George Hl. Pemngton of the 1-irt mand Of t.he First brigade, and Col. A.* B. Ill providinàg f.or ithe'orgranizaition of a y .oer Clcester'subusinetirquarter has these gatherings I1 have met and converi- insurgents. A detachment of police han 1Regimient met with anl accidenit. IH COUt of the Fourteenlth in commal,*nd of volunteer engineer brigade andi enliqt- eenreuce t 'he 'byfie hecon- dwt h wnr n ag idr o-be en oteassaneo h e-mounted his horne to go to brigade hea i the Second. · ment of 10,9NX0 voluntt-r troopIs immune O&grtion startedin O'Connel Bohr rn h nie*ag onr etoe.bers of the mission. ,1,111 quarters and the anial erladfll Wb .HysofCeeadhs o-t rpcl iessw>pas- fe w sadM Sisters dry goods store by thec exploa- The concurrent Information thus obtained TEsuoT r pon its right side. puuioning the colonel pleted arrangement% with G1ov. Bushneillhourê, of debate. Thle principal graimlaiof _ " Of a laMP, and burne o vrsxgvscnlsv vdneta ee e :igMltanIeteed.£ " TOE.1to the grouind].When hie was extricated for the organizaionà of the seven taddi. oppoition ipres»nted was foundi,]in the fea- - ar, tla o fwoen buildings fore in the history of range cattle busi- A man in $tate militia uniform, found of the men, after wéhich they takte the his right Iceg was found to be braon tional cavalry troops required Of Ohio. ture" giving to the Presidenit the appoi.int- ...r_ Mgluig aiment the whole Of IMerchant' ne-s of the ptrt of the Northwest de. wounded and probably dying near the oath of allegiance for two years, or uintil above the knee. Hie isn ow at the c-ity The State has only one nrow. This one is ment Of aill Otdorg. 'Thle Senate bill nu- ser asreet, was in mins. 'The loss scribed hlait there been a more favorable railroad tracks several mile« fromi Lin- the end of the war. There were many. hospital. Cases of mensles dev-elopeýd in in Cleveland,,. Clevelw will e allottedl thoriting the armuy to distribute food l- toa.bot$0,00, imostly covered b'y in- winter in the open range grazers. There coin, Neb., has been identined as Calvin touching @cenles at the Springfield armory il camp. t wo marc, Columllbus one, Cincinnati one, amongr the suffering Calubansuad farmva , Me.e-Wen nO serrere weather fosse& to record; Hloppier, a private in Company I, who, it gasthemen were sworn in. They took the MICH IGAN. Dayton One-, Toledo one and M.arysvilje the Cuban popfle was passed. "Large Hotei Burnls. cattle came through etrong and thrifty. in charged, deserted Camp Saundlera. Oath with right hand@ uplifted and heads __ ~One. These have be-en organized already, Four war me-asures were palotd by the .The Elms Hotel at Excelsior Springs, The trade In general, asuunnl at thise time There are two had wounds on the head. bared. .IM etodbylr.'ligusetteer amvi rmsuttaThe silence as this ceremonmy prog- Island Lake correpondence: without authority, an<d the Cleveland Sonate on Tluesdaiy. One of tht-m pro- , . a dsrye yfre h getof theandeai onia n from a sot to t ilnressaed wan deep and impressive. Men, ICHIGAN'S Governor. H.l. Pin- troope are in camp at this writing, vided for carrying on the addiitional workr _- ,, 1, i1g9Over 100, were asleep Whenu noth asrndsCaifoneri n N evadaeast A n rcsiot a ilatn wlntiho hadl falildto pasts the physical exam'.gree, is the busiest in the adjutant genteral]'. offle: the. sec. . Marn was given, although nnle was wtotsrositrnto.Apret A nrhsi itboeota iaination were marehed into the, officers' man fin the State nowWISCONSIN. ond authorized the venlisment fof a1volun- . Th Baes tartd i th en inesstem for the rentoilai of even a suspi- Italy, and 300 persona were killed and quarters, that they might he sparedthbeaeheirungterinacopwtidsf the mm Tndawee snbeyo n thcontrluTe con of contagion has been established 1,000 injured before the soldiery restored pain of seIng their comoradesnpatteinto te iggc-lestnt.hing i- Mtake orepnereeer sofignlch pmutwol exper tect o-a ,1WU ault in 1889 andIc eost $00,00,aot NtLaskaityoesningCoMortadona d.the volunteer service while they remain 1. t'he state-the vamp| A T Campai) arvey everything le or toeeraphers; the- thiri was the so-call- S . lwas lasured for "i$40t. % It was the d Utah sanitaryboard ngMonana MARKET QUOTATIONs. behind. Those.who failed to paos brokle of volunteenst. IIli a. :nowdonc lunder strict vid "immun bili-Iii," Ipa..sedby the ilonse ,flMYof Col. Hlenry Ettension, of aadown entirtelyr and many of thema wept frotneeyhtgdietpl .Teo1ersnttnadtefut a emenworth, Kan. Death Folowu a Trivial Quarrel. C-c atllike children. Generally big, fine-looking else-oties aeyn bus.groundphavene.Tenofa meare sýýàuspendingits-tig la ChinHnsof Japsan At Mobile, a dispute over the payment S3.00 to g550 ie, scommongto rmle, cap werdtey efused or on r eno e- iness-a.nd in devoting .fto iu n fdexcellently additional hosxpital ste-wiardscan be ap- The representativces of China paid the for a bottle Of soda lwater between a negro $3.00 to $4.50; hee gradt ci es,2.5 ter, and wth egtred aroune bgd tiram-is entire time to equipping the imops adap)teto c ami)usez, poinitedl. The poýstoee .appropriation bill, . tives Of Japan over £ 11,000,000 named Louis Reed and a number of meut- to $4.50; wheN.2 rdto$cho9ce, $.50 eeranwthysbtin ee sege d to for the field. He hopes to have Michi- and omeiers and men carrying appropriations which aggregate el) t the Bank of England .n bers of Company K. Third liegiment, AlacrnN;.2,3et ed i, .9t 15;ko h te a enrjce' gan's brigade ready for the field the first lare ,compileltely &atin- more- than *$fi.0,Mý, wals 1,assed, after war indemnity T Th,0 memblera of the company fromn camp to to ,Sle; rye, Ne. Z2, 68e to 70e; butter, the United States volunlteers of IllinoisOh iSaeffotrue.iTbetrouhpe tro-dayowedpresentig and-ani- eolteion ubi;t.tin oe e ags'atures ffrâl forthwith commnceoale-the scne of the dispute, who came e a et e ie;eamery, c5e n t oi1e cggfe, wameLrofnth eoFifthCInfany.GThese Men than ever before. mated picture a t all of the various Statesan amendmient to Of Wei-Hai-Wei. The dte of theruil, and the negro vender of "oa pulledDet1e;paoecm ntohoeaefrmPra.C pnyGf Pekin The routine of camp lire iseemningly time$. In addition lo the bits or blue the constitution of the United States Ocupation of Wei-lIi-. pistoi and discharged It twice. One TOC to 90e per bushel. wals the next to ltke the oath, and C of enjoyable to the men. notwvit-hstanding paied tIOut all over the fields where men changing the date of the beginning of the .ýî 1. -W~ei isnBot buillet hit Sergeant Hugh Colline of Coin- InIanapohse--Cattlep, shipping, $3.00 to Springfield the third. The regiments the fact that they are kept busy drilling are drifting froonie regimiental camp terme of the President, V'ice-President ý. " ~~pany K, Birmingham Jrißen, In the tem- $15.50; hog, choice light, 53.00 to $4.25; mustered ln the following order, seniority all day and no pasnits extended beyond tuoanother there aire alwaysý in the fore- and members of Congroes from March 4 1"&M - VillaageFire Bwept. Vie, indlictingt a wound fromn which hie died sheep, common to chOie,- $3.00 to $4.50;, Of coloels being the test of precedience: ",tapa." A detait watces wall trains going ground groupe of reruits whot are prac- to a y 4 was adopted. The House, in tky, Minn., aboui t sventy mile@ latter. The negro took to ight, pursued wheaut, No. 2, $1.09 to $1.11; corn, Ne. 2 The Fifth, first; the Third, second; the to neighboring towns at night, and the ticing the goose Altep or the setting upl ex- session 11es thtan an hour, passed a bill ËPan, Was thireatened ]with d-. bY lhalf a thousand soldiers and citizen@, white, 34,e to36; oats, Ne. 2 white, 32e Sixth, third; the Firs, Col. Turner lin announcemnent at the outset that any who ereilles varied with foot mnovemients. The alppointinig three commissioners to propose S l Iy lire. Hialf the business par- and was finally located under a doorstep to .33C. commnand, fourth; the Second, Col. Mou]. did Ot wish to bie thorough soldiers would soldiers aire now getting accusitomi" e t eesary revision of the sitatutes relating Sthe town wasa destroyePd, on South Carolinealctree. The police fit. Louis-Cattle, $3.00 to $5.50; bons, ton's commuand, ffth; the Seventh. Col- bie dismissed has hadl a good effect. There the cold and there hall not been as much to patents, trade and othier marks and -haben ntind-ad-wre on the &pot $3.00 to $4.25; sheep, $3.00 to $4,75;.,havanagh's commnand, sixth; the Fourth, are no many young men througthouitfthe 1complaint late-ly as thiere was at firet. trade and commercial names. *M, imm a noul a Palae, anesOon as the soldiers, but were being w'heat, No. 2, $1.20 to $1.27; corn, No. 2 seventh; the First Cavalry, C.Yon'Stewharso nxusojinthe, Tereisne thing the l'paiards will -_- - - 7 Ahmel Safeddin, a cousin of crowded back, when Adjt, Gen. E. W. Yellow, 32c to 34e; oat&, No. 2, 31c to 32e; comimand, eighth. Clforne $acesif gi-en toppxotittha t l eani teWsoni egmns apnTbis and That. di41ve, *hot his uncle, Prince Ah. Johnston drew two pistois and raedoi the rye, NO. 2, 641? taou6e. are ganxious to hoeld their positions. t fimette, and thlat in that mark1 The marriage rate In Ireland last idwithlaàre vol ver, nte dn esyn hth a encmi. Cnint-Cattle, $2.50 to $5.25; hog", 1OWA. ItAe oacstmtemnt i in aship la somnething to which the badg- year wase higher than It lhas been In m th Khdi iallub in éailigme, toned y fClign t see thatit hecoman- $3.00 nt 42;see,$.0to$.0ee Mt.i he Mah opn soblid g t o -r--epidatnin owte a n ya.ic 81 Pr'eeFund-re.eived.. hree. bl. -huldhavea t.a.. y te ciil. uthoi..whea1N. 2 red. ,-.17 o..19, cr,-o. ns oreodec. ts-wn o kingescelbengtroiddhit fel hot!Tae heThrdIegmetfo rs..idetemeetfoeng" The Ta Sthe pier mole si fer that afterno lair tbres waters ern. The 0 leg pls< mot alto on sumi ut IluW la the snd lui ce ro their fi cents, AttIl pretty iing room, table lay Ali on manIý ridge water forde, YOUng skirt secon light lttle suppe à wki roit a he -o aws thn awr h book mot th n- shin a r ga.I te

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