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Lake County Independent, 13 May 1898, p. 4

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:"IDAT. MAT 13 898. eteme itii.epost-oMil'.> aib Ulryviflo. iInols. aas.taioad-elig amater. ' & aVRUavIettO FATrS MATIrE OWPt ON API. C A TIOV Elinl Butter Markcet. 11.51er oferig% on the Elgin boxard MonDAIY vexe 55 ttub, bit 10 itoIttwax recelved, and no salesm ade. tîllIcili market declared teady ant 16v. Lant veek butter mollt aiIX.,tndi one jear ago ai i41. Sues rep ortet ilnring tihe pant week 13,712 tubs. There la great relicence ut thte Wtr Dépulmrent concernlng lte move- ment.tof te ariny la conntectJon wtb lte invaion of caba. Maèny conliclt- Ing Motes are in clrcnlatlin, ttoeeof tem probably started by otîr ofilcialla go confuse the eneîîîy. batite wtrid la hiable to) t-ara tuai the il. S. troopa bave laken a Ciaban port ut aity lrne. Under the ne vonutxelr arîoy lixw confirmation tof the nîomintationsa of regimeutal officera by theo Senate la flot reqaireti, as il lx for iaxiar ollcere latute regalar urtity. The ltreeldient appointsth iem. andia inte Oum o f aiu th s nfat appolaintdlb hudelegateditbeappoînitlng attiority in Beeretary Alger. The Senatorful opponeasof lte1 bond clause la the wan revenue bill aelleaparring for Urne uv to ape a. Tle bellot. that the Spnah eotf1 th var la about te eollapao, andttitat Il tbey ecu t old ail the bIil nit t te eoflAyae contes, tbey eau provent bonda t-o. belng imeet. Il the mater was pu te a vote oDiowtbeelinlitt, oal,t UMa a majoty as large as that vhlcb votfi ageine an lacoine tax lat veek vodd voe for the bonda, flot becaaaei anl Who vonîti no vote approve of the . lamie of bonda but bocauso lbey nooglaethat as the ouly auto anti ipeefi! vay inuhit lte goverafactt omn vae vry large sofa of atoaey, aMd that If te vax1n.10 continue evon1 Ur àa 1ev veeksa alargot aum than eauà pohal.vbe h prodaced Inla Ime byt taxation viU b. neoee. Those viteR have nfax încceeded ia preventJtlg te repotng of the war tevenlue bill1 trois the.lSonte eomaîtt#4é offiniance,t vhere Il has beeit moroetitan îaweek, bave Dot mid taIt tey wre tryhajg 00 delay action antil tbey enalti aaoexlan vtethçr the endi of lte ar vwu la aghtt, and iare not lkeiy to say asel buttai lIN heJr gaine. RegUulBs seuL uhslnsUs d dsUd~ e Abaaitelv Piure ..1- -.09. -.. 0.s C .. .. OS. i VOLO. ('Itîser ttîwle#q*tf Waucouîla. x'ilt'd on Volît friendtt liTai'tenay, Deligitîfal May weatber and maay of the farinera are îîow planting cota. %Ir. antd Mr. lierbert Davis, vialteti with friexids ai Greenwttod Stnmtey. c. D. Saillt, tif Oak Park. wa8 the guesit of Il. I'addtock uaid lantliY On liionday. irS. Richtard t iitttnis vistiag ber datîghýet lira. Il. C'imstitata Nonaille. Nr. anti lus. Jtii lIote, tf IlcHllnryv. viSiteoi l i h J. Frost andt famlly sauiîîly. Mr. antid iri A. 1'. lalîglit viitei telativea and frileatta iiiWatîkegatî Satîtrday anti SnndaY. Howiardi ad Delzeli the voterait atoep aitearera are ntîw mhuiantg aliop lit tour aetglibotltood. The -Open Wlatiow Club" mett wltlx tîr secrelury Misa Elsle Smnit Satan- day afterooui. Titeir neit meeting viii lie witliNs leon Raymond lMay 21. lit. j. Waltoa wîl suait eeto f lutiusoîf aid family al huewrv eaideuee. aUntlcompleied ahey aili tecelve thirr tntinds u latle bar,lheir stimulenborne. The Bîîtday aebool tif the M. E. chuncit elti theîr annal electioti of officer Suaday aftternoouî.lita.A. Rtxngbl watt elocteti au1erlntondent, lira. juBaie Towuceati tuasaat tap., ]dis Ellu Moore ectetaty anti trousnter, Quite a aumber froin Wal. couda atnded thte aiternoou servîcea. Master'. Sale. SxArtE FIi LLtINOutIS. lu troe Cirucu ouîrt 'f fLakie Countit. marcterm A.1). tam. ,M lqiiîItaien. ',m i(a±bahn l iiiiii. iea k. intitt! it er hbauit. Paul t).. iteîilandi. trutes,. Paul U. Itetial sK.rî .ttiud, tiis il,. LazabrusSi',rîuontutnd Stiarat dH. Itea.. jIli 1o fort,,ttua,. Pubillixetim ,lm btthy giveli tha hy vittîe fi S ter,,,,tI) ue uoi and ti ,ured liiitiia*, tiîve otiWd -dase In salitC..Urt. Il. unditterigiied Nater lni t.iucýery . o l C .orit wtt on tiilt t déli of muty. A. 1). il.itithe bour 0iuni oi,'i uli vndut" ,fuirtaitlanbaniî I ,the Mahomettaunit best idilsr. t lnjti out dtinor 0fthieCourt #fou..' 01 Lukm l.uxuty. Iltino i tWaui'. eiaiute. Mitt.atuittlu tlii, tiuty ofi i.ke antd bultul titttlto- wit. Lotst one (t. lotior (4.ii.>ve (a. atît six î.aini lo titre,, iii. 1-48ta wt tandI.i titeiliA. lu iiolikfour (i. lias ,,itvun ido tu totitte- two tut) tnotati tiusltatt ilutîi,k tifltenn is)it; le i 4 le ).t btintte s).tus.iolv I,, tli t,>u no1>. il.tIii.lArni Albe dttont.u 1. 1 uïiL. tank îl iuîttitti addl itit, iilwlstitt ot adiit etlOaio elos-n . 17;j liiitownStill, iorty-tuur tiortit -JIl 44 N.1 laieie.aiitI tlt >4 oft tllurtl prniîtai laieit it .rtil' di am msiiowU ntijinlt ttit'if reýtritli tii,- tl-.,rlr.Uffl' 01ti BARRINGTON. ;uiSad 67t..iii,,,,i',,. UrIL Il. E. Lombilard ila aolvy n-t 1 uuiitaiitW4Il. A. . lia.. Thte almospitene oftiisluplaceuitla try !- ~'»evey" of late. ,,,.Adimiltrator Notice. Ul laitKai lhteil itet friî'îi, 1'Ithl itS ,,ln li-tlyiV 51 thilaI it- MIe lidie Eraitut .îtti0ii l miluiîistratîir ut tht, istatti i Myrie IBunyan uailgu aiay. Lzrit 1 1) itiit, ;--,e.i îta'îîLti- ira. C. 0. Winter ila stnding a fi- ii'tii iiii.tofLu-titu taiCll . uiuit days In Chicagoî witfrjontd îîrelu- 1Wuili-gtînIii sli Coutx. ou thite irai tiv s. otiiifàY(f JLiii, l exita,vi t-tni." lt iutur,'ý Dr. 0. IL. 'anforii, of iltiîkford. tam an' 0uli tolutiiti.tîo r-sî'ut il,- bissanagett ns speaker tf thet ay o0t,'ýîiti.-tîuad (;,,oit rIfur iut*îi1ttlu -iit liaySOb'lî. ittHAItD IL. iiiiiiiiT'TLU. Atuilliiitt-r. X&7 Mr guitAitiil 16hl, in. The troniches are being Liug for ibîn ________________ thb.Wvlter vonke. The, vork 1la pro. E D Y UR S O K grmealg very fait. O K MXr..T. E-.Ilean ntnrnî-d Lime Wed_ IEDrUR S n.iday from a short viiitî avtit litrý mothere suBoath Elgin. Cal iforn la Cresent Food Tvo aev lîuiligigs have taiet~e 1 ibe t paof 01ihe olti ouoslately iurueti. iittltSl.S i(WS ANfIHit(S. Oties vi sooi lie ereetid.1 Our nev city "latttors* vili bave th1iti'i lwiikii onuthte kiaseylti.liter and saloons close i bollu front anti baek Iitttlo . It ixia aa'grain saver- ant ini douoe)nl ttte saibath.it. nla îugol itgrîiateat tlkitandi floit jttutuhiuet lav tat mheld lul l- ct!rced ievery- th vitare. iifite wîîrlxl. WiII t-tre santi îrvei The flierai of lira. Wlke Wliner iHtîg Choîlera. Fur mlt by loch Place Siiay P lu.l. aitte b.' E,.iLitti, >iilitif., e£* cituxcit Iuntt'nt vas li itite Evargeeu* emeeryuttitis place.1 iiý'ni Agent lot Lat, County. Bitaleavesa bsadadthree aali 1Mail trdi-na viiireceive phtta- ebiltixn. Mr. Wlhner la buggage mas-, tentîon. tuaetlite C. & N. W. Hy. belng veilit_ ___________ tbovn bore. Be lis»te sympatît0of -________________ ML ie ommuxity la is sîrrov. Supervlsor'a Reuport. C. P. Thomas, Supertîsor orfte lovai of Frantout mahes te foloing, ýïMpor for the year ettilng Narcîtý For Sale. 'iVto Waukegan Guztt.-israîiiit ae>0~~i~. , na i tii. idsa. a t2à iAG latter îudarsor ' A Fw hrog Be 7 BCatti oeateauîatiik ua 1 . ij tù -ý Solt j oek t,,.. a Stck 7 àutsEaînt býrotuglxtfo vr t;05Anu (orug B M ToDomisAuiu -ret fx i e".1C5.0 Menta rntv r'. SCOTCH ut CP rLE PY î na ena Miikt 1106.Srock. C e aon ewr , .taid . . ' V T AL7A TM f tiw lXOus iaxeDotîAb,- ti Ivîcea vxw- ny hert villag tufnLqueut lttx a qîtaiJt.e MurrkcountTnaaimr..I>, iCAititEY 4ItiJng ô» n' e Id oFan IB1ceVLEII .Branatr Muia,4frw tira ia sortun il son band ae~Vai:VITAL WATER RS a.PLi . u1 ,0 he 1 F. Dl SANDMwce a eksNweel 4j4~uA rr v ,illage ofLiberyvll i - niLL.s J.Ievaw àcbtlesg vs", I541 t'---.au F RAYbLAKi$LOCAL NEWS. Wm. Tort, of Chinego. la vsilng at Y. Wlbys. Ml. a.Ma. INUMAN, Lcal Un«bs. A liew doolor la ex1eted olin la lire. Sherman la saulborissd 90 velive iubaerlptlonsand advertlsmnente sotie ln Rlaitisl. £ for lb. INDuPauwMD»t alOilimer ~oxjob printîing. Calîon ier for rtles, lites Lottie Biter, of Rtacine recently vîsileti lier aunt, Margaret Hiver. 4 * 4 4 4 4 * 4t * 4 4 4 4 4 6 4d Nrs. Mai. Ferry hua retunnedt 1beho tome lit ilallanti, Mchigan. OAAYBLAKI SOCIETIS. a»villa tusshoot off te ptider t.ley Lad .Misa Dora Dixeit, of Vaisvorth tISNSU AlNolsÀ acmdMlenienugfooe attendodthettisocial l audyevl. hl aait 5uiUSN L i.»] A. u. h A. v uitiset a se enoug-it tiinti,,. Satîrda evît-evonhu!in o¶r belor" efll moon.~<~ vnn.I ieav'yîuitis tag. I Roaauv E. bAnnas,. W.M. lIme. Mir. aad brs. L. M. Eddly, of Wauke- . Loxaaa.uou, br. ltegluald Oodfxtuy vas modeit î a atti ad. Sanitydbi. ar taiîutSaudu OBIS Ubavtor. No. au Orter Retera lMaon of ltllig Bon Loilge. A, Y .1 .Mr. Bena Stiaieraki ad Mias mno Sarmelra n R&IL B. rtluamar eW. Nu.A . aHT;See. E l iaxs . A .li ltxa vilg 't Metîvlltverto mrrieti liti Watkegaîî, NsA .Wîa o>.Manon* front Lubrtyville vitre îtesoitt Weduostisy may 4. IG4BAK art No. tutu . W. A. t.Jand a large nambor trif (rayaiakî. lira. Eljeîi lar ibast tetuneti to soeioMiandi foitîrî iaturday eVeaiitg members veto out. Alter lte iiet- Emorte, Katisas, aller vimiitug frielsds1uebetontb. 020a0o, mPILB.V. C. lnga&autppor vas gitîvet a lte (iRaYs ln Itis vielalty, Witiktîgattanti Engle- JOHNt CHIBîTAN. Cltt. 'laite Hôtel andIt wu seitha one « Mrs. W od. ( '0ITOF HONOIl meotngalui t andi Irti <ardInIer aaîîally gves, goitti and A teiegran v'unt ast week tuftoltt. Cgý Ný'Tdtîrduof u tlî meti. igtbedteatit of M.tit.lVn. Cole, vltoi B.t. su Rsu. W. C. plenty. Portysaitdova lthUetale. vent10 îexeo wii t'tra gitfuîtbis lia E.V. laavv. V~ li. John Peietaon, (if Patoatvilie, besitit. 0PROsnaN. "ul.Âet e ceondLit w « asvery agreeabiy urpisiet nhtt MisFloy Melville litatetitiiedt ' M aadfou.rtbrueadyevenIauaeaebetontb ogso o lito nnlab it M»i. NEu il WazaLoci. Oracle. test-go.roevit deumtelie bail ber bomerne ItEigleittoxl, afller a tbot baa. maavO. Nos»uL . ba .Ree.vt yntr tiile visit vitit ber gteitlitreîitui. Mr. atîdi tONGERQATIONAL Cburuh B tdtty mr. lrîed Ilire of lte hut doctora la Nev Mtsir. J. Melville. Vvîe mr . m.and vi . r.u. Prayereteet. Orleansa, headea ball a dozea tir attre Thte aniai covenantlmîeeing of te ing Wedeaday venings. Y. P.S. C. 1. eteet patent Medines, but neoelved vety p. Uabttatb 1111 etrelIe. p.am. erlaitir Utille Baîtilut lîttrt a wli blie hlt Sat anday ttcbtO 11.3 & . B.eief.ati lxberkda'oItolle, afternooîî May 14. Ail of thte mt'mbets Cholemand_________________________ arle requeiuetoti lie preseul. bea e Wooitieided go hlm, ha gave Il Last SuîIIlàa.ul nilg Ithe Maiîte Graeke Village Officoe. a trial ant i 0bs gpeat surprise, titee metuoriai services wveoi the Baptiiel ....a..............f.t... ramdB.tShetrman ettîrcit. l'ibc ciircli wamu very tasIîly...........E.l.hrin permanent cure. lir. Wm. Moliamaxa. decorateti for titi'îoccasionî. T j P'a . C. Willutîr. 0. Ilurron. a vei kuovit Marchant of lte aievu Tuts F. D. Batwrmral, J. Wieýks.y. panl elgqdtdw r Thte social iat Sattîrilay vetulog lant0. Richardson. C. B. ilarvei. Pae.soI.avdatentant te t ti fthNt theorsonanti attsta 10 tte trutî aI tItI ttc chnci u ti t thet eiat Treastrer .............. ......... fi. Novilie tatentent. Thii reaîedy Ia for sale iîy eveynu otjiyeî th'eenin. 11ev.i ...h...îri,............... C. Notae F. B. LOVEt.L, Lliertyviile, J. Il. J.F. Hanter act-d.tiitto-aulJe o the eventng. lthe tasseil Baptist Marsal...... ....... A. Mamillon BBActiig, Ournee, L. H. Ltwiil.MIIELO, ('lubli tendt t give otîtitr oclitlascaton.Cirk......>................ Dr E, Shaffer. Rockefellet. 1ev. J. F.Hiiter ittendeui tite Pro Very nad vas the misfortue tai ilbitioii 'onventilii Vuakogaiî lest befeli te Drary faînly the pett veek. Saitrday aftt'rrioîun. He vas thet only beauxe. Wtodmuanis auborn, 0 Lest Fiday occurred thte deatit of pabir Iresetît. buttt attrope ltaititre Lilietyvillle, ultittbusineoss tiesbts. )rnry gr , aged maeveitty aine are tuber pastitNs w'"ttare ittetsteinlitWedaenday.Ysern§, &fler aitl Ilueas otifitî a fo Mr.1-k . tia..ft1ii te Enflt at auidav galn, Ai ROLLINS. manovet iaIis lk»famlly ilitteone 0o!Airn MiitsLautinicrcitlii aiii ,iltkgaa Brgesa votages ]nli eeh. le yl W lusIt veek. go ijmite eAuW millIng l]itîsinas ieth bise Rattle i,4 s-iteti lier sinter soi.Il la Waîîkegau liti eî-k. Polliciaus tave beec itumeroas listPl M. Rappli' vax lî'arsavitg biness nyîk ii ve ntli ot la illbîîtlast veek. Gasae&l@we n at Sisb Mr. Mackintosh. î,f ('icago, la vîil t-la ibeir ova lieresisautnd sonetr aithb ing fIeno nRlallinsîu. latenesta 0f othets. Letthiem conte. o Getorge anti Chus. Siteid.-ut have Tliey are ail veicouto ti pitttcatteti a iîev cornilt ier. bts. E J I-igley, of IRussell, urove c Mra. (aie lietcatf anti lien innîlier ov*@ 1te(irayetlke tant Tuesday tut get h visiteti relatives atilRollinîs Sunduay. lirmteMs.JS.gemaLnw lins. H. DIII, antitaugitter Fnancis le ole lrJa.itttnnt visîtei ut C. W. ilamiitu's Suitiay. pesndi several nontits vttblier Ttey Mrt, anti bts. Sternnand ivît atias, offretunetiWedaesday. I Chicago are ont a% Foîtî Lake itole. Frank Woo,of Sumner, lIwa, visiatti MNrs. Oneit anti lady rilenti, of vithli@i parents tere lust vîîuhtroustht Balneaiville, visîted ti itlra. Stnotnk f Monday to Frlday. Be reportsaail the of Suîîday. dsLk c typol hbaegnte u W. Cremîn, Misasea Lytila Etivan SumLer cuan peope vibagott atîd Lors ('remia vert' lu Wauaegan Siittvl u raeîg laat weeoh. 1ev, Moie, of lRockefeller, lreacîtot Thte Ladies AId Society Met aitlIns. lunliai. Fredenliagena place tat veek g S. Livilera on Tbursday anti a gond Fnlday. Lust Tuestlay 11ev. VanAaken V turne vue teporteti. arvdadi cuygtesiee Mr. W. Bamltonlias toturnedtu rîeiat uocnyiglt et ChItîagit anti bia fumly vîisoiei fotsov paipit evenîna s is vesek Comie outIT au lts vîfe tas teeuveret froint lerad iear hlmu. ci ilîneas. Theo patrloîlim tof titi Graysiuke ut Mes. Sophia itnîty, aifo 1t osif A. I ue ad h fc Drary tiepartoti from thIis vorîtld biy(ln Oitlie88 o oeaatt tn l Sauny May lth. Fanerai services larger grovhb. iio forai lnu a targe'ne vt're beitietut tooîtioitnso Tttesday. lion ire vitîcl vas huileti 1celebrate eu The reîttan» vert'slien tt AvonDeveya victîtry Moîîday alglt. Thte coiuelOry vbere aie vus laid lten est, baud playedtr airllarsanditwova SU0 eubaes a baaliaad anti noveraI L cliîltirea iii motîraitlber lues. ont iast Itrday ocetiredthe dUts teuof, lir. Dtury vito bas lieeoinlu iis PAL.ATINE. conutiy for a gooti muuy jeata andi vasAiplu Banus vili inhuve uintibis oi one of thte ti-i setta andi vas loteti re'lieIMce tiIseek.nea by everytiody. Futii"ai services vetos beiti ai elite ouai> Sîîntay. Thte Johtn Bhîlt and faiiy vusuteul vitit> tieceatuet vas taken 10 Avon tceîetel'y Mn. Prat laitSunday. vbere sble vas turieti. Site ieaves a lirs. Wannegeron uittaliet friestis bualianti andîti isous aanti nne!I front Long (irote recentiy. ilantigier iii mîturîl ber Itisu. Mr. anti lis. Wrtbs of Ciiagtu. are vlslting at Colt Seftons ibhis wc'k. For Saie. Thte Mies Porep bave teturtiedi (loutti tintg mari, solunîi an iniiifrtîi theirextendeiltrip lunlte clty perfect condiion. G(bai life yei Nise Augusta erofige, tf Situani- geuile anti kinî.l. i'efor lady te berg, visîteti a& bru. iatnga Ftlduy. drive. EghtI Jeats tIl. Pretty uui lr.atan.nadot îet ota i'tiisilî.l'iltir~ttielt iîl ofite. wlit frit'utlsreslîllag aI Siata <'ýs or- GURNEE.nera. vas uR CtiF go E.'Mn. ant iins. inoIe, of liatting- J. IL. Brachex tn.aonegluti ahin.cagoaotons îîuaîîteho huiti ToesdaY. rto.ýe geatnhy.Iienott lira. B. E. Jounes vas in Chicago lt e MiseMt ofecop.o ita latte parttir hst vok. (rove c.alied tîn friloits iii Palatine Tite W. C. T. U. moeUs nexi Tiara. 1Tbarsda. day vieil Itrs. Mary Moeaf. Nns. Brouwn friaies llafl 18 isi- Fred MMe Cracken, of Evansteit, sartul ng vitit Mr. Pratt, ber granulfulet, Sunday wîit fieutia lanGuree. ,ibIs vese . Cari Lamlî cme np front Citî'ago bs. ldjianiel Johnason lias retîuruued îo anti alent itinar vi tis parettus. PtnIîe ant il esli eln luier bomne lit, antibrut. Johna McCeC and t onfor te future. Leslie, vern uChi'ago laut Friday. DavidI BanunaaitdiWrn. isu.ing, tif ' The netai coiteqt <f the Joanget Qîlltens cornets, vert' guesis #I; cis vwiii take lise.'Frday e.îenilng HàtneltsSuiday. May lIt, lits. agde Popp, of iRockefellier i. C. E. teple fiMayv 5-"Our lbodilestaking lessona ittirees maklng, eîîitlîg I (Jods temples." Tuirnerance tolt; andti IItIag a spela1ty oif Ira. b. E. Pearl Smih. leader. B astings ut preseai. bra. Eleter betcatf ant i sliortIu The faânerai of A. D. tiflsel vas iteld betmlf venu appointai delegates 1 linbe M. E. cbarch at Suatiay. Ilit. attend te C. E. convntonotut Lake terutent vas lanithe Eng1isia emetery. Forest lo-ntonrov, Batnrday. 1ev. Plomnb, of Citîcaga officlateci. The sncial beiti il lie honte of l'ie social given by Palatine Lode Elmor Fuller Friday aveing vas a No. 317 A. P. & A. M. lanltier nev bal ooees. A large cxovd vas presaut lu atulrtay vas a saccese. Tlieno vers anti nearhy lveaiy dollars vas atdati speakers froîn abroati. Mes. T. B. t te C. E. troasuiny fond. Roggard. the. grand vuîity mtutonf _________ ___________ Ilinois, of thte ordar of Eatern Star.8 voen te iesrts of lier bearera vîit hber WHAT IT HAS COST. ean alle la timba If of tI ilranc IL Tite iyatlc Worters have alreaiy Oruf maonery.b ciaintedto t liete cheapeet Fraternal a_____________ laisunane Socety litIllitnois. The - ______________ fuilowîîug tact.&udfigures ienton. strate lb,, Iratit of Ibis daim. Il bas, cist eaci nentber carrying aIi one ibouFand dollar cetilata for as- seesîtiotuis tiutitg te viole of 1897 sas 18 te 20 yeRs St14q) 20 tb 24 " 1 60 24 t028 '~ 1 80 28 tu32 2 20 3; te40 xi 1t00 40 to 42 .î 201 42 t44 i 3 40 44to 46 îu 3 rA 48 t 51 " 4 (K) I hua,, are ntmarkably citeap ratas andî are i-iiialed by no otiter trder anti aluce vo puy our $2,tt<t41cetîficate. in ftiti, vlîi'b ia ai ltut any order eu du, titis mahesîtîrsthe best ande heap. est ottiet dolag buines, anti la agaat- atitee ,f te g.înd laus of inombers ve bave. No onecutit afonît te e, itboat In. 8snraace vitetu Ileau bho obtaîneti at this mail comt. Then do nos tielay tu lotî intis the t'beqt and mntstcon. nert't'tve of orîlersé. -PFr funthbet lu- fortmationiîatiuresa F. Wnt. xfîaaxiit, llepttty of Cook and iLake Contesa. .1 he Uit.m Gsu.dend e Un" ukuka es. a 0 t a DnVaod ipeiaily te tasfPeibat ielastite «ttefthéueMmmio s..tUsdmaiUîegithe . tut. u.tas eu mm qe yeu,».ha. du msa Menn e ..n e S*5. i .se Md v- TM &ANERICAW BAIL WAT oIiaa Co., Mt u =tiiMr" % mee. au. lut. W-ell Digging. Having had yean. experience in the Well 1D4*g*ng lbusiness. 1 amn prepared to do this work on short notice. Write me for rate. and estinuttos. HOMER FELTON, LibertyvIlitb, - I noie. W'iie at lthe fanerai bts. A i. lirtît> rito itati l il I acerai vuekm (limedl a bhe âge utf hty-nine years Her littie hbteo t ail dlieeeai daym Previent%, 0111Y a fi-w bours olti, was hnnled with ber Tneaday itftenîiottîî. 1ev. M. A Hlarris, of Nillburii, îffliatetl hoitîbtuocuablons anîd titi' tunlals ok Iplace lui Avot (,eliter cemeiefry . 'l'lic fîrîîîî'r lft titi agi.-u inebauti. a daugittir ad ta(It teti wth thitr fanillies aa1l the, latter ift t sotrowinig iumbuîtd, a fatiily tuf eigit ,itildzea vin are suai)ia Itoeft tif a ovlng motteraN cari', ait aged intittuer, six slalon. andi four brotera tiianoltrLi ho deatit of one eut off la tit i>agîtr of lite. Thte grief airli'keitlî,ttti one have lte sYuiPutty 0f a hitt i rlitti. "I woaid itot, lie wltliout Ciîuîtitt'r 1ansCougt Ueniedy for iti; veigiti it goid," vtitea fi. J. âJîîa, (If }iulaîid, Va. "MY Wift' waxt trtIibieti witiî a coagb for naaly (vo years. 1îltrJ. 'arlotis patet iuedut'int'a, blîili nuierios p)nttsrlltiloniifrîta jtiysu 'lana, alltif vliclî i uitt) gui iii1 iam ut Ia.It permadedtibu try .a ittte tIf ttomptiy telit'î xl til' t-tigi. li secondi itotti T(e ltt.'ia t'ioib care." 'The 2.îaMi(t t't îxttl' tre [tor sixt by F. iB. Lît... .lu vlte, J. Il. BRîAîI Hlx, tirlîi-, .Il LiTCiFrigLi, Rockefeller. [1< Macki ntoshes..; 4fr Whilo th'ey bast at $2.98 AIR & 1> GRAYSLAKE CASH STORE. Grayslake, - - - - Illinois O ur Fieet ~~~js BomIflE Wamrc! The Enemy Held in Check--Now is the Time .... .to Buy the FoIlowing Articles... Cildr l tut-s 4. xfr lttauk i.......... l.ymAu ljlc'f i uti 1»....Stua- Btoy.* llitîtat- %lts............ Liii I risa rititit ixw i-f y i 4ma 4)4 iM l 431 lte:t ILi.Ctaitsliartitt tenta ( ts auil,'s-rrlca; t("aitl limla itu-nît i Cetlt ,iui.t h;akiuîg I'u,wxiî-r ....... 1 F. H. KUEBKER, New Store. Grayslake, Illinois. W. H. PALMER, Srn Opening Sl tFatt' = 1 « 0 e. Mii s oo. 0f Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. > 7 M 0(GH dosa fot alwa. sIl consumptIon Mr. W. Il.lair wt a nervous, atric.ture of tlb. bcial %ubm. wbicb develuped lotonervous pros- tration, I w, 50usae Icxstd nol .11titi. naioep for day.sxcepl wbenu udirhe ms.e olabe or four Bothl Iatf- eUpaed lt i t igbt di adbe at re.t. One Vhyttdan said I1bail Coauaiption. forlIbad Semgoutituat gave ec adPhysicI.C uhose icline b.d fàtled, aýd e tu e ousetDr. G.kodt that ft bas brigbt- .a.d.iydanegbeted my Mie aitd aved et." It" bborrorsof itervous prntratloa.' Dr. Miles' Famedien are solti by &Il drtg- Clat ader a positive guaiantee, Biut hutilu baea or mo»YMe onaudes. Itnok on Berb a&d Narva. @Mtiftestua&lappflcanta. DB.IL " MIDICAL CO.. Elkbaat.&d LAKE>BB COUNTY BANK .... Wrligt. Parkchurst & Co. LIb.tyvM., Mlinois. Issues, 1 terest-Bearing Certificates Payable 'on Demand. A Good 7 Jewel Movement 18 size, Stem '4Wind in a Silverine Case $6.00. Elgin 7 Jewel movement 18 size, Stem Wind in a 15 year Gold Case $12.50 American Waltham 15 Jeweî 18 size in a GoId Case, 15 year Guarantee $17.00 Ladies' Watches from $12.00 to $25.00. Aidlc teWrane fnrlTm mer."D 0f aces Wratd odT Keepers. Clocks from $3.75 to $8.00. Cali and Sec My Stock of Wedding Rings and Other Jewelry. "Young Sherm," The Je weler, GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. Amrican Navy, Cuba and:Hawall. ~ A potuliliteii usrt.. aixte DF AU K I W vîeu l ea'lî pttt, x0itt i i ta liaif touae pictures t(ifte AnerlextitNavy. mANuFAcT<oiftEoq-i Cuba alaîtiuwuîi lias j aI t eeicti.sut'l by a ('iit'got lili.4 iig Iît Te 'I- Ciea~ign. Mluwalike & Si. t'aîtl lti-'Marbie way lias matie auraîîgetîxeîîua fit a là opectli eeitioît for lte litactît tiflifs paitnandatta gStuinieii titpy ean u ad afeili ut titiIcket tifllce inmie tiepol. Single patts a my ahiti ut ten centa Grauit eat, b, heifull att, onte. ltîadedtltad slxty plttitres, ecitIbtîonetdotlar.Mauueta Subactlptloa forthlie set îîay bclieftt wîub teagent. fa viwovtf lte I)tts- ont excteneiti regariling Cnita tIlltis'ICMTR piettîîte are very tinteiy. titil ut tite ticket 'illicoanîd septeau. WORK 0F Colr.msd.se .36Osa....St. WAUKEOAN, l. ~~Q9 Inter Ocam amd imipenieut «» ym. er $1*.73. TekS edveaupoqt te SkI eer VW.um It 'R.. We liave a Limiteil Supply of l'allieittu' tuti Nj5temtNavy Dia Woîol, Doîtule Texture buiekits. tolies, tliti rîpulitir li otloltr kisid, tt'lîjtIl me twill ail i Z'» =). 23mtte=ol=mll. trmien- tw Dr. ulwe fi*-i".

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