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Lake County Independent, 13 May 1898, p. 5

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Ta, headquarters for aroceries ANDM eats. We keep the best of everything and our prices are right. Fresh f ish W ednesday and Friday. Sait fish always on hand. * - Illinois. 1898 >Wheels Have You Seen Them? Everytling in Wheels. A LL PRICES. $25 $30 $35 and $50 Spocil bargains in Watcbesi1 "éOld Sherm,." - ILLINOIS.1 C.M. à ST. P. R. R. TIME TABLE. TO CHIICAGO. a.m. a. 1. .m. -.M.. m. Russeil *s5 si 514: Wisvgorth 8:67 :0 a6 Ourne-t,9:0 s Il1 Wrreuiou a-lE 5l :5 16 LIausTrILLM 6:iei1:1 l23 SU )odot 6:38 1:4 i2= &:» sM verett :44 ?VU Mm 47 a.,5: -eerfid :50 1:4d4 e-2M &MB e-as ohereryllis a64 110 ras 5at @m06:8 ÇLicSaoarrive) 4:1» 890 10:101:46 8 U 4 e FatoniCHICAGO. v P a*sm. ÉLUSn . e .M. .M. a.m. vle Nth. 9: m C3 e vie tle IC28 W.1 i l i: :2 tis tU" 447 :17 1:1 1121 0ont 5:45 i:ss 6:-40i7:45.10 smmsto 81.6se il e-10 e-Os :148 9.42 sdutworth '.. 1 s &W ro (a.eirrive) e9.s8 e-:42 fMon Cdenotesm al B ad&notesS unday oesl. Wbere n myark s-ara trains are dali'ex- oet Bundar. BUNDAY TRtAINS. nvLl ertv e .se..Ar. Itondout &aSse.m. LV. bios<o&e-o m. Ar. Lbet7vliie e-.4.. Lv.Ohlesu a&44e. m. Ar.beitrvile e-:o0eP.M. No. as runs Sunealonly. golAM sotb. viii ti On ainai m flinve--A t ussli 1M P. M. WU avon lai2:17;Gurue.12:2; arren- aw vrett 1148 D*erfeld 1:4eP. mi. Traiu No débas theen"Iiey &" oufrm Dueerl tiiteChicago. Le"Ves Dsild7:00 a. m. thermerviile 1:04;arrives Chiago 7:40 a. uM.BN.Ualesvea Chicago 1l:10e-.m arrives Stermervilâe 1110 a. eus.DerSel'l ta2s a. m. irVe- 1. .lai.a 0.t .0. o. .W. Weldo Tht... e-rn. i. J. Hoyt. Trsees.-Jam.es iieOr.gor 1. .leasOil. tL. B. M,,r-. W. C.Triggs. .........-r.... . . <. . H. Seiti Tr.sesîer-r...............I. B. Colby voil- e ...M ....tr .... W. B. Davin Mar#hai......... .. M. Fresisman L1B~~~YVLLELODE.No. 492 F.& W.BULILKI. W.M. eéAlE '-A *1. l1 75l. .,.0f A.. meti ýbo.Ler, iiaria ote-a-lmout. "tWî,u - i Hll owîr Eerahrdwar. .t,,.. Visting u.ila'î,.s arwe-icomte, A. 1' HrâL».Ckrk. . F. Lyoia. Y. C. Li.ertyvilie ov wenjoys thse dbtinc- tutu, ofl teiug a -'dry itîvu." '.6111 Warren suceeda Frank lfrtz un delive-ryniut iTrigg &- Tayior's. Tite Y. 1%. M C. E. bave, arrangeoi to give au entertait Mo-nt/- at the Ulion Chureh June 6. For miliftwry Ca a~, jache-ta, under- We-ar, shocas, etx ~Ltb.e, love-st price-. go tu, Mas. Patot/ES. A. 1. lMalory aud vile-, of Chic-ago, vimite-d bmraMallr'ja notier, NMes C. MA.Whe-rmerborn. itiuday. Chas. 'i ayior wss a tiî.iegate to tihe State ltunday se-oul contvention in se-aiou ut (isIembiurg tiis eek. Centrai Lake Cournty Union of C. E. rsiiy at Preslîyt.eriau cnrch Éaturday, Mday 21. Endeavorerx beur lu mmnd. lira. Wm. liymond if qulte mIck wtt spendicitis.lie-r daugbte-r, Ain. Heury Iiymno. f Chicago, la ln atteiid*flc uipon ber. lisving reunîed frouitht-east 1 au ready to reauine teai-ing vocal au( Sof W, heat isrueti uie sudside-isar Is going up in the city market' StM ~30-3 The- houe-s fîr tise telepione liD. but it is not so with II-veî-Roudont snd Liliertyvilli arrive- i iis eek. Me-n are- lus: paintinag the-es ansud prepariug tue-i e foarrectîtîn. Tise unie teliow sho ften tiffe-I on Pants, Overaîls and Jack- v'a"'e15 vivce ou boy te mn newspaper la nov bnay telling il ets which is the reverse. goveretuent boy tise- ar shonld là pronecuted. The editor thua geta Just tep n an be c nvin ed mch ueeded reat. J u t sep n nd e c nvnce 1:laîaiservices eti l'resiyterial by inspecting our Goods. eh îrch Sunday at 10:3is. M. and 7:2 Il .. . orneng subjeci. .,Eventul Airningsud Noon WiiI 1 l'ray." tie eveuiug a,(iod'm Cgre- For il liluesi." What makes the Ladies of Libertyville so good natured? i BECAUSF THEY USE .v. SILVER SEAL FLOUR, ...SoId BI. F.C. SMITH & SONY Butler BIdg. Lîbertyville, Illinois. J3xperience Tells 10*8e- iieeisu ts nt.iiuweieL flai5~Vi -. prege-t writlng Ini conseqae-nce of a cessaluiontif tise- iseougisa trou vhici lie sultured, thinte-en days ana nighta incessamely. fis condition la very serins sovever, tiugb llgitiy li irtiv ed. Chan. Beliciiket et tShe cotract for is e-v hotetse t le-erected ou Ivialîtîs sre-et iiiEd. Mi-Donaivi this atnWork. '[buiestrucvture Witt be simiiar tolise- ne-v bouse recutlj eructed biy Thom. Nern unlyidr. Bslicoe-k uil bave- Do cîîpoia ou bis bouse. Tise- enterialuent aitishe Union1 ciiorcis Aouday niglit, give-It ly the- "S-its as Dot as ve-liatteudeil as the prograin wsrranted. Hovever ihose- lu attendauce vere asmpbY re-vardesi. Tise trios vere- exceptlonsliy good wvile tue- Individuel efforts of eacb ofthie - aicotta"s-suin every e-e euoe,alsoitnl.ethleu aureceiatioti 0f JN TAILORINOasse etise- As as L. H. Ong one of lise principal Mou AsweIl asn other matters. The inter"'esislteicrlrira ie tailor who makes only good gar- buili t rous Libertyville ta the- lakes vas lu tovu Tuesaa. Ar. Ong laq ments at prices within reach of ahl, presîstent of tvo ele-duc rosula lu and guarantees yo%. satisfaction, !i suce-saful ttpe-ntisin sud vas ustis to succeed.pleamied ylti tise -lty if liseland" ilu bound t uce.titis iocallty. Iu Compauny vîtus Ar. I)ON'T FORGET THÉIS. Johtn Wooristge ise drove- np te the M lci,ý iii ,11VV (MrIii-isii(, ithCroer or sii raie-s toliovlig as near as posiie- tise W lta ~ataase-v itî itiîisnia-t b('ue- fi sut irpropose-il îigist.uf-vsj. i siia ai-, t ily gliétante-vd asm tUn it, style, bsoe- complaint vas madee Lo Village iliaatt-îaaal aariaaliati.Na tiisîkea tanr misftiî CIe-rt Smiths ihat bis minntes ofthlie ar- iitraI -ai iasai laitîtiol f saliipie-A and alIl r1 mmai meeting vere gaililesi, In .4 iii,. a litt.,t ,.ie-la--, t ul-- rotat tjji t ie-r al you >ay tier vod la ta i erebimbed" the lt-s taiotailata it li tîtiii-iag.proceeluas lu certain plaes te make tise- record cSirect sccording te CAL L O N ~parlssuestswj bey, ven mn tacttise-j CAL ONhoul have mail jusl exscil.jan uhe proceedinga occnred. liovever tisai uy be Mr. Seimitasatehis 'minutes F . C o ke , T ioo! tise lai meeting. wviic appear lu »iun.cn BLD. Libertyvilie, Illinois. o tsba rdpoedm ylor's 4 PICKED UP HERI is always....mL Local itemls of lnterest t preparatery disicîpl iniug. Dr. E. C. Weooi, of Naisia, la., fins been in Our village macS ta! the. prese-ut veek snd the electie rosai lu wblcb ho la inte-resteil aud tor wvi el hie bsneen granted a franchise titrougb rour village ln tise magniet tisat drava 1tise doctor here. A piroposition *hich %ibe rallnoSsi pe-ople fbel la a reasiouabut' r ne la tbaât tise citizetls of Llbtntyviie Bappoint e cousmulttee of threa prope-îiy owuers tisrîîîîgbubose aud tise rigisi-of-way la propose-ilasd arrange te grant the cosPanj a fie- rlgbt ihrouîgh our village-.iTbe- Couspanty have asie-ilDo bonis anîd tisey propose to @pend tisousands ot dollars on tiseir Ue wviics l a direct benetlt to ou citize-na and especiabby te tisose- viose pîoperty it psss tisroug in luLiîertyviiie, as h vwili cre-te-a marke-t foir lots sud e-es baise 1 have- alii 11of aho sll$tle onît o! date-, li. le atlîl ilOeanal $1.601. Former uni ý$2.5o4 aÉtl.75 per lpair. Calsud seeimMeIS. POiNes.. For Sale. Ne-vslxrumhtnaeonWiitCu Got ix a-efl heou cistr ge- ot. i. L.. JAMiE S, Liliertyvîllu. 31-4 For Rent. Ne-w nee rom bîîîtse- receuity vacate-vi iy Jaua eFuney. Mode-rn empruve-ments. Aplîly ttî1'. PROiNea, Liliertyvifle-. tf Potatoes for Sale. Eariy olibo, Crovu lewe-il, Wite- ititis atdîRula Ne-w Yirtra. Peulait. vtsttbave trie-iltiti-Ne-w 'tunitras ay t art<e prif. l ln.H ifl Aie- jîu agiitt«)li ilid.'If su gi-i eitlmetus t11 ail ktiaitai of ateriai ot (0. H HttANa A' SuN.. 304-8 thie value of saule, titat to-sbsy are- Pasturage. vitisont auy prospect of sait-. Ail tbe- Bnteeg ute orses aidvaitili tiitiae- railrosil people- vaut la a !réee ight.ut. Laessaste-r earnfoir gîod pasiturage- at way ad l;lnno aunutmonl) . essiorsi11erates. Oneand taa uee-.alf vay ani hlaflo anttne-aoniil-milleses oithsie-aiof lîaitioitit. t retîlie-at. Let s eoînmittee lie appoiretevI týir oti , represe-niing Our citizelisa to co.opeiate 1For Sale. witb thse projectors oitt4la enterpnise. liiiiie- aisti loti lu Lil-tyvilie. 1I. Il. other villages sud ciienluve- no stte- R sY, bleriyville-. .ly M .niurned te) secure t'nterprisea of le-as importance tIssu tUisl. Lut usn*-wat Seed Corn. up- snd resiiziug the gre-at ad i have-làs anatlty ut White Dentse-si permanent ieneit to tee derlvsd i-i vet s liisale. FusS- (aîiaLiberty- acoordingby. We vuaut the- roavi aud vil. . i 2t they vaut to coule-. Cetalymastis- ý-- iactory arrange-me-us au bucisiii ti Feld 8*es vs but pull Logeter foi a Voaitnaaî i.tattt s IcOv'rstee-yne-iltop, good. lavet grass, yeuiov bit eores, fodder acru, 55eten-t 4re ani-,s, putulkin L. F. Fale-y coeducto s lrjs-aa , et. mercantile business ua ibterty Mil 0:i4; 5.. IluANCK & SON,. 1UG. He saja. --One satplcation ol0; lChamberlai'@ Pain BaIm relieve-si'me Lots for Sale. of s "eVere pain i.lumy baci. 1 thini I1itave very cîsoîce- lots nîgîs ilItstihe it O. ." For lame liaci, rheuinatiamhuto ietyil o asu approacisa mberèlalus Pin au itargain. Enquire 0f M. S. Cobby or buu uma al esds noother liimeînt emuyseit, astu teris ifîjulant tise i &ProwbCbsmerlan'a ainBan*. bestsîaiaed rptyuthvilg lt »la ene 551i0581y fr msforsathomue-. A. B. COOa.t dissase and la remous for its curesi. pot sale by Ir. B. Lovmez., LIbertyville-, 3. a. Blitcwfl, Gunes, L. H. LITC0. Brick For Sale. "MUD' Rookefglfe. C. Piecu, Lbertyvllle, 111. 1. 1 - ----Lake o Coany L.«aue.. Gj Oiyel won,%vouIst 91; Deerfield, wonl 1, lent le. Lib.rltville. won 1, ]esi E AND TI4ERE.f1i Rockseuelr, won l, mat81; 1; ornet-. o Libertyville Readers. Glain-a sc-isduled for ialnrday ltockeeile-r t Libertyvli; (jure-e-tt B444ut44444*44*44iI~ Th ise Uislsako-Bockefeier gem.- at Minse thel Ellia la suifferilxg svth Rtockefelle-r resultev ilu a vit-tory for neeiralgia in ber sie. Orsyoiake- by a score of iii to M. Libertyville 41,Glur e25. Laedt Mr. and Ar@. E. F. ilulibard have Ssturdsy's gaine vas wariuly eouti-stei molveo Aurors, Ill., for thse sulîIiiiir. but autihe enud ofthtie tourth luueuig Fredliaterbal, un t. OryaltraLibertyville-bâtd a lesîl tiat could eit. FredBateréail oneel raylak liebcovertaken. The fealures outth popular merhauts swas bereu lds gamnevas tihe pitcbinlg of Wlter flotati J. C. James, Jr., (if Atincut, was lu the work ut short of Boy Wriglit, tlic, work ai second of Lyun Colley aud ht attendauce At the d.eri,ttrati e li ool ail round vork of T. Joue-sof tion Thursday. Gurfiee. Tise Nuighst f the- (Ioilo wiii tuti-t COUNCIL. PROCEEDI NOS. ai ibeir hall Weduieaday everdg lng ay LigEItTYviLLE, Maiv , lsIMV8 18, at 8 p. m. for drilil practioe. iBoard met in speciai session s itil Victor Saner aud WinîZimn, l d fuit board preseut. Long (irove, were bere, iieursday as leinute-s of meeting of May 2d rosat ad.,eatumotion of Trlggs sud Hoyt delegata to thse democrati-ci nv.utîîîa. erapproved. The bail gamne beive-eiithe Liierty- Moved I)y -IgOregoY and Triggs that ville sud Lake Forestinmes resulit-si 81,aun0 ieoe oTils. ys in a score uftIlligo 10 Ilu tav,,r Hoyî, Kru, Morse. Wldo vots-d ale-. Libertyville. . Carims P. C. Busitis and Erue-t hiîîire Moved by Triggs sied Gie-sen thut erel a fie brnzemonument ou jetfixing rate of lice-s informai erected a fue briioze-leiots.ifiltalend udeslsballot vote-d tise' Smitb-Mloore- lot lu Lakeaide- on separateiy. Motion bast. cemetery ibis veek. Afttîti uuc discussion anti varions motions vhicb received no Miss Aun hua, vbiî bas acte-ti il icuvi Ho» and McUregor nsove-d te ison-keeper for Thou. uis Kfotr severai re-iougide-r motion of Triggs andi leurs, left for DuBuque Contuy, la., (lie-aan relative- luimnuer oif pro- Tburssytii tay indellnitely. aeedur lie fixing rate o! lice-use. Carried. Mr. snd irs. 1. S. Gleaaon are- teksesg lretie-ut called for informai bllot i thse- site eucssupment vot tihe- G. A. ou aiout of lisceil whicis renlte-d R. ai Streator, III., sud viitsng iir. -ilithse folowiug sieontstseing votid - leaaon's brother at Pontiac this ve-k. for irlb the respective iruatie-e $3,50, $2,540 $1,20o, $M41, $M5, $700. Prof. Cha». Quinlan aitisister, of Presideut called for ales and naja 'Ev»aton, visited John Clark anti on $315114, ail voted no. . fa ily he fnit of t in w ek, r. l u n 2,54MI a fllkt, re-ulty ail voting Quiuliu wss lu Our village lu q iîeh-sofa Ot>u$1,200 the vtote stoldas toilows: 'snoumer residence-. Aye8-s-tileesol. Ney-Hlt, isert, flruMeieor, Triggs. Lost. There viiil ie saelîper and saîtsiac lu 9,11tîM voeatts a oltî aiu the new reaiduece-of Airs. Ni-t,, Aye-loîyt, Triggs. Najuls avaa neit veek Thursday. May 1'î. Lvîry hi-ru, Morse-, Aicre-gor. Lent. t bo învtedcouse-and îsavte a gaîol 011t$s511the îoîlowîug vote Wl bndjuvied eglatie t-i. Ayes-Triggs. Ny- t ine-. Supper served troua 5:341t" ýe.t0leasô Ho»t, Kern, Morse, McGre-gor. 1Priese fil ceets. 'l'he finla ont Vole ashowevi the- B. H. Mille-r viii delive-r tise- ololwug vote: Ayes-MetîCIrtigtr. ovaledlctory addrens for thuless of 114Nays*iiluaason, Huyt. Neru, Morse-, llie the Kent Cellege of Law, Chicagot, Mi,ve-ti iy Triggs anti Me-friltai i- Mr.Mile-r lae one <of a clan» tif 1lii sud nation fixinsg lit-eeslle- at $S.i lie- tise-bouor lantone- tf ylh lai- ie tiy Aitvedi iy Triggs candi il.-asonthts tii - e-s prend. vtote fiing licuese- et $551o lit- recult- - Befire ver waa deciared fltur ald ina idetreil. Ayes4-Oleamte, i<iyt. Triggs, Libertyville titr $61.011pert iti. I'fecNaj-NKeru, Morse-, Me-;tr. Waiîi prie nw l $760,andnexmonh miivote-ilave-. Carried. prc-nvla$.1,ailn-tuoil .ti iove-ti iy lriggs sud Iltyt tisai bcle3414 per bletl. ccording to rîceet licernes lie-grnue-s ai s1111. aileato crietf lur neer-ljiet.,fitl, Muve-vi ly Morse andtiEin thal 0tihe- millers. 1mOtion lie n susel tL ai î$2,041 0fsl of $94111. Ae- i-rie, Morse. J. W. Furuea isOnseisolai eliecta Nays-(ileasou Hîîy M(.t-f(ir , were refmove-d go(Oak Park Wedne-sdsy, Tniggel. r ir i-w h prbsda ra--yad Ayss snd Ns 0 original tmotion bee i ble urhedagrceyan vers: AyesG ,Iiiiyt. iriggs. meut market business. lir. Furuey in NasKr, icrgr. Waldo mue h pleased wtis bis prospects lu vole-dale. C -bis ne-w location and vu sînce-re-ly trust Noved by Trigguansd Me-Gre-gor that lise asy re-aize- bis fonde-t hîtpe.. A. L. Blurge lie instructed te isiteut ellectrie ligbt systeme te sotiie limita of e- Jim la te< on0d a te-iiow ti elinv- lute-village ou Mlwuee Ave., fl jpiaclul Bsalooin lîsinestand bis mulîe-ns tour more- llghts sud aiso put one 11gbt Liliertyvilles frie-unite- lies viaing ut junicture of Cook Ave., and Bramne-n hilm tise auccea bis itusîne-si aîuîîy Courtasud one on Fair sire-et. Cierried. sud tîterit la eiievitg 0fM1<ied by Acregor sued Hotthat and ntegityte dwering f. ocaton f lights bcl ofet to the A. L. Biurge bas su place- a fine nsîw diaciretioti of committe-e ou bllets. 60t0 light dyniameo iitise- Western Move-d by Mtiregor sud Hoi that liceuse- bonds if Illed lie apprnved by SElectric Cos.mie-.Mr. Bttrge-lhast Prelidelît caniCie-n if samie-sow 'y nesrly completevi an additiotial sud achedusle- of $5,4M141l srouai estate. Ll separate- circutlifor the store ligista Carrled. an la ifinin survieetlbe-eau Muive-d îy Uoyt sd Aie<iegtr to and vte-n t ailjoute. n gstarsutee match botte-r service teOour Mouvil by McOregtîr sud Triggs that id mere-issts. Tise- liglitsartn brigbt sied Pre-siabi-tt Waido's appoluttue-ut ut Ml gthesservice- et presentti-xcelent and' Fee-hmau as muraillie- hcouirmed. 9. , Aye--Gle-anou, Meregor. Naysa witb the improveineunta Mr. Hurge- han I Hornt, K iggs. Lest. eru, Morse, Tr le- made sud conteenplaten tise Lbîerty- Moved by MeUre-oransd Oie-ssii e ville plant wiii lie- a cee-ilt tii tise- tisaisours of duty for fmilhai lie- troti Ky Village-. 7 s. m. tubIp. m. Carnie-s. Move-d by Aicregor antd lrlggs tin InRoy Corieti sud Itull> liîack lbave-miner ot Mrahai suit are-et t-ou eulisted usitue-ic . fS. Hospital i siaouer be de-ferre-y until next ma-e- nsCorps for service ini Cubas or its tact itig. Carrle. Mîîved ty Nern andt Morse- thti Svie-never ibe-y ny lie- sent. Tisîy alary otmarsal aitd street cIui@l ho loft for Fort Sberidan Thursday. aluner Lie lIe-y ai $Ill per t lonti se Tiseir duties as Ise-yndersieitand cus Carried. a ut present yl probil b le oue-c- Aoved by (ile-ason sud Neru ibi tinWtethe ambulance corpls sud the bot o<f bolding regeîisr board mee- lion viihiîtgales o 'rock noutili September lat leu position la lui say the leat a bazarduonsite-r wviie date mseetinto v couvent :3one. Tise-boys yl probaiîly tle- houle ai 7:30i oiock. Sunday sud tiseir acquaintances are- Amendmeut moved iîy Hoyt ail ig, liregor ibat hourhbu Iixe-d ai M p. yi lu anxionaiy awaitlug their appeerale-Ayus-Hoyi, Nain, Mefregor, Triggs ,he thât tbey ml nropoîend a liutedre-d 'Nay-.Gleason, Morie-. Carried. sudonue que-tionsansd le-tan iair Maved by Hoyt sud Keru tisatil-i opinion of Ilil the service-, i-st ug adjouru. Carried. ut _-C. H. SivitH, <le-ni. Oum" SEE OUR SAMPLE SIIOES AT ýLffl THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. The Pair, Libertyvil le, .....The Prairie( Th e Keystone Disc F Steel Frar & Keystone Corn Plante & Drop Corn a a Hummer Su 6 Bradley's X Rai :Bradleyts and er 4BUGGIES - WAC a Lumber * SALT, CEMEN Rope. Tw a. f. SCUAI LIBERTYVILL - - 111h City Seeder,.., Pu Iverizer. me Lever Harr ers. Bradley's 1 iPlantêrs. ulky Plows.- Ls Sulky Plows,. re's Walking ]ONS - TRU AND C aiing YT and oine. Etc. NCK, TUE Volunteers lN THE COtNFI ELD. Must Have Them-. (Hendersofl's Blackcat Shoos.) Colby's Is the right place to buy shoes cf a kinds. Correct style, fit and price1 our watch word. Wall Paper A new lot just received, new styles am designs. Our stock of wall paper Nii been replenished and is very coul plete.. We have somne remnants, haif price. Carpets.. See our new carpets, the styles 4t right, the prices are right. Don't Forget That Colby's is the Right Place te b Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Ma"'h~ Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps, in f Colby's is the Right Place to buy eV«ÎÏ thing usually carried by a First Ci General store. M. B. COLBY & Co., IL Llberty ville, 1898 LIBE RTY VILLE, The Prici Our Prict -St FlIp mmmoiion» DEALERS IN EVERYTHING, ýLq 1 Ir 1 ', il Liberty ville, Wel Tanned jther is the firot aequd II specia -nngeUmI. 1 1 direct supervisio 01 thO makers. That's the 00 tage you get by buyng shoes made by the l ~ -' '~ manufacturersaci so. f *world,'and it coets no more titan to get the "4PickI me up"l sort. witit these amons shoes, because we mkàe pride in giving you satisfac-

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