* *--o;ii !iOIiT27 3i -Slaclchawk Morgan Stallion, record 2:17t. Mid- nlght la a fine coal black, weighing 1140 Iba. Will make the season at his old stand. If you want a first class road horse, the Morgans can't be beaten, if you want speed and endur- ance breed to a horse that has got it-Midnight. 2:171. He has paced miles in 2:08, a haîf in 1:03, quarter ln 31 seconds, a 2:04 gaît. TERMS: $15 to insure a live colt. Ail mares dis- posed of after being bred, breeder wlll bie held for service fee. Ail colts to be settied for as soon as the mare foals. C. A. APPLEY, TV VILLE, - - ILLINOIS.1 WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF GRAIN, PLOUR, MILL STUFFS, SEEDS, LETC .a A LSO 'mber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent. WE SELL. THE WE3BER "WAGON, WHEN YOU WVANT or Apiultural Il tMI si yville, CALL ON GHT & SON, - - - - Illinois' Id, SoId, Againi ftlgS made the sale of tise oldi001; LI)farin locatea in tise tovis of Momm, Conty of Lake, and State of111I, colea attention to tihe tact, no tisat tiio8e itendilîg to boy, or refit "Saquai ted vutli e tact and Isot diesappolnted. eaçu» a*k and Me Iiesry Co. taras seil. but flot like our BFINE ~asernArkansaw. -00 Mm there tisat vants la get bîm a fille tarin of lit& own iluaa bealth- ~a aa uccesful counitry au, tise rent tg Very .asy. yo kuov jo iiît creaîiierî.-A, al viouîartls,*rîa farînlers Ibat have troainO6tM) 104 earx, va vils psy jour tare l ii adI lak, if sec ,ailI at isfy you tisat ~maki vo dollarsib tere amluasy as islou. ere. 7 1898 is the proper Urne to go, as harvest FtII nearly be in order and weather about as warmnas ever. ~Jng Plows, Lever Harrows, Pulverizers. Farm »Sik Cans and the lîke at cut rate prices. Unsystematically Yours ýý.V. Slocumn, WAUCONDAILL LAKIE COU NTY CHAMPION HERD OF D roved Chester White .Swine. Wlsh ta loprovç a 1Upseocf tish.-ýalai là tcbb"e. 1 causu aiu e eieluse s ui r U tr i l , ýla À..OODi, - - GU'NEE, ILL. ýýIRAND CLUB OFFI3R. SFor a short time, we wili seil And The ýkly Inter Ocean, BOTH ONE VEAR, Around thÏ County. wAuCOhIDA. _ iHLP DAàY CA PO Ib~ - IF. BuWn, ci Xcu ", wu cla ont elDY bui gene ta Orayalaite taCH M I N B DO a i @beet MondaY. vaJr 111119- CENT. R. R. TIMC TABLE. Iditor Co artolld on relatives at John Pâ1ev or. vas bore -several M W R o arn O p m arn neLaorcS::tly. ysre"DJ.i~t~~ O W R o 001540 Nudoi 3 . Aynalve Dlaind Lake., wl, a lira. J. T. Ayie. visiteil ber parent@s CONTAIS il the eltent practicalIimproveusents. Tley hiave beau W.S35à26 u t det a 1etrvngPak ut. k.tentitd by thsetferera, and prved cordal t t audling lattai 99 49 .24 2 0 Wmg Cicgo pn Mlnba aeta treter, Ill., conditions o ain ad ogue. Thse auperloniv of tiie CJAIUUS. UDVevas52 480 3a7 deys ta libre place reccetly. tu attend thse A . À eseampuent. Disait by uannlacturers, as, vol) as sy tihe faerer.TheieanoMBdepiUM 0tt9nas 86me0. 0 50 Je..G(ainer vas lài the city on bof-. Bey. and lira. Gray vil occupy Binderi put out by our cosupetators for IMO, contai mauy OlsdtpIu devisaS o 910eler 11 W 7s2 03 :ai @ nem Ilotarday o ai itwek. BeJamin OBirsai',bouge Ibis lummner. aucii as the baverogear drive on tise binaler atiatcisnit. This devise V»a Lkina a lo§ s1 0 ti l67 10 Mr. snd lirc. M. MUer viaited rrea- E. A. Tripp, af Chicago, la vifgitng patented by ne lus 1893, but tise ecceIcwhI ccl csa drive praved UMMO 00u ila 11004 SUTE 1 tivés ai Libertyviie suaday. relatives, tnienda and îveetliearts ihere supertor. The baver whel geair drive là geod eneogi for co.UpitMboa, hi *D0l1y 0SlOUiS Y.'. H. Mainte», af Wankegan, la this visai. net gond enougis for the CHAMPION. stiy xopSuidalun. &peuding a lew days ai hanse boe. Tier. viii lie an entertatnment nt &.M. arn. arn. p.rn p. . m. Mr. and lir@. B. Fuer eitertaed a thé tovn hal l andaY evenlng May 23. Frt. triend ftm Olcau th~e lirs i tiste Tise prograint viiicanstat af dialogees, uo IT D R R S TH .B R Vila 7 si 1 i29 4 M 111 0 veek. reettatiana, tableaua, sans. etc. T D I M « c.E1 q 7... 7 a ' 3" ~,AdUiaion adulte 20 cents, ciildren *N w r 8C i0 115 é 456 i 0dayP.Pratt, of Chicagoallapnt aun- cnt.Proceed, o thob.sed for louis 0 e s î 11340 vIy S bhieparensta&lr. aan* li»..C. ï oVie i813 12 102 15 M 125ô7 L. rat.pWemig the churcis. Tii.churcis ia W."Is5le l 71 ail 105 Mm. v saluait tuneed ot papier and our "ae Id ~ ad ia F raeof Liberty- visai. community la disposai tuaunie Ohîemoe 1000 i111 4i.11 ville, vere guesta o01lir. and lira. 0. the ehurcis far' innerals etc., aveu il _____Glynois Snndity. tlieY do Det attendu the Snnday ROOKEELLERSOCIEIES. Fred Green vent ta lBarriginservices. Sa lyou dontconte tu tise Tniesday vihs a rond af butter tram tiihentertafaieut plesse send jour 20 CONGREOATIONAI, Churois Sunday ser W aiconda cresiery. ceM nt Sarep In this vorti.y eause. viceil 10:304. in. andad ci> p. us. Pirater Win. Tîdomamapucta Wevidait rre.a One Minutla mot long, yet relief te meeting Wednesalay evlinl.. V.p1. S. C. E. tives in1New Tor iank ie IMM his abtuied lis halltrtisaitinte by tise ns meet lunday esonings raî .ls, auIioru-.E.buinesse led Up bore, 0f One Minute Ceadogi Cure. Il DIt ON Cap o.114,M.W.A.. t One aiflMr. and lira. A. C. aSiosne prevents ecaumptian and quiokiybua tie n Cr iddamp No.4124.M. o.A.emclittl1e girls$liesbeeu very étit but a et ns. calde, croup.., bronciin, 7 moula. 1). on rn . V prenent vniiug ala gaInin. Crtmol4a grpp. B. La01§ lir&. A. A. Paynesad saisiRaymoand P BvIlle.Liery 0. 0. P. NO- Us, mmetÉsecond anad foUrti and Misflt"ePayne, ai 1v ville. Thuhsdays of osacS montS. v"11 20A.Or o!.WILL'IGUEN 0. wveson ur 11,0.1TueMcay. GILMER. 0. G. A. monîThusay. ,,Ig o licr. iBrown, a1 Cary, la vwtIanl ie bu 11411 Norme vaseaiWaucande lent THE WHEELS WILL NO? UP? 111111RO1111THE ORO1UNO. I 011.T. eetTlarady aenigo S e li on Darwiii and frlendîilsa lplace Bandar. vsat. LEs STE UaDICE. C. T. and viclnlty et prenaneli rling. rnUlrcslbuligaoset JOHM O. BAGAN i'ot à;. A.fil. nciet L. Whoeock hb aprcbadaad tise FraUlht uligabuea Batuirday nigit on or sýoa,, fuililsoîl. sosse and lot of!bMlles Fuller. Utr. Ln rva. I. 8. 0 LSAsON. C uuauiia Ai. Fuller isay boy a loi and bailli. Henry Morne vas at ilîmer on buoi. L a H o L1itchfiel-*-7d, () ECH JXCIMý,A-lt. U. Golding vsdm alag lumaber for Dni lait Baturday. Mail soi« nortîs..................u)is. .ui. agriculturai impregnant building,. la"t veek on basiness. ROCKEFELLER- - ILLI NOIS. Mal over Ilad y tisag. arrlvc.îs uai 1 a. ni. Mr. il. Harrison, M. L. Foyers, J. M. A. 0. RBherman bas purcliased sa ____ depautsatalia, ns. Clark, E. A. Goldingsd Clint Grla'wold tanamio iht boras.4 wole Wautegais caliers Sast Monday. Win. Brume visa bas batiît l ROCKEFELLER. Eloise Jeake nov bas ber candy dabeabebotgin e e reans parlir reudy for tise »anier. Hlenry and Loulou Scisvermuau jhels Pecarl Wells la vlaltisg tirs. Johnîî Freais candies tlud truitae onstls ou asàadey in Chicago lentvenis. W. L. Itieli vas a Cýlii,.aîgia vîsîttir Its~ reliorted tisaitise prenant corps Cilmer on bsiness lait veek. Sauray fteachers bave beaus aigied ga Mr$. Smthh lavlslting ber dauigiier Natuîday.teacistise Wanconds icisool tise nexllMra. 1Il. v.Cook ut presat ritlng. Ed. Fedîtier vimiteul frielliaisbere scisool jear. Mîmes îonîes suad BitaliBeecs are Inuit Soniay. MissJ. B. Wrightl visa las beu svitiug a fev veets vus relatives lu Dr.Trvi l eiturtlliîg h fslscr peuding tise vinter lit Meilboa lChJiicago. callisg onfriands lit Ibis place ait fron Matimon Wia preant ritig. 8 C.P. Jues, Mllesburg, la., vyltes: .frm lAiat ront Wi ieli. re seu v --lg bt ava naid IeWitt'a LiUusiarly W. . Wlvi trusDeihlesi isîet Nov la tie te ahave a pîctitre E îj iists @ver since tbey -weWî bIs broîbsi lirre uver Sisday. made o atisa ice isouge. Tise Wau- latroduced isero aud nsuet myaj1 have Frank 'lijiisaasfroi, islai ý(tecuda photogrspier ln esaddy ntaI aij over uond auj pilla ls it amilj (iii2t~uii~a~dtinte ta takée prtureL during flady jeas ai bougSe eping the' devc.iisg trains for Chicago. T. V'. iacun tet stil direcllng lansd tris gave sncb satlstactirj resuitsasoa lirs, sud Mrs. Peter Lltelftield seeker tOArkanss. Hebspurcbaned laxative or caihiartle. YF. Ili. iIVELL, vlsited lira. lBecs hlest 8atlusay. a tarin tiere and la geStlng readj tu Lîberlyvîlle. bilp agrieltural Implémtente thoere. W. L. Rîc ini vialtlîsg bis pareil mTise minnonlai mrmgon vas vol) DIAMOND LAKE. sud otiser trir'uds in Waupaca, Win. atiended. A collection vas taken, tise ira. Popp insilis Palatiue viser.,ise proeed wllie sont tu belpli ny *aiMr. Lbbystsj lt tWill (ouhsrs i'pietsluieytrsmoss r ae. *lie." tie is Mira. iH. Kohliretîîried tlutliaiutY onaf tirs. Specist retasmned after viîing Barry Tidunarsit, ut New York, Baturday. River uewsuasdiCihicago fu tessatline. caled an Waîconda friane an sd reta.- Air. andl lia.tUt vi.cted Claluiago Ira. ltadke etteriaised her istertilves tise lrut of tise veoi. Tissday Wediedaj. fromDemPuiiia Tesda andWd es. ve Wntglabing sud caugisi a flue Abert Barbares 14 hula..frotté frot ea'llîeaTu>saysu Wdne-String o ai ballises. Vaiparaiseo los. day. Everjbdody la cleauiugisouse and Born, tMs Nr. alial lra. lhrîsaii ~ .î~ Ars. Wis. Fedaier la in Cisicago evemjbody nueds ameting nev lu thse lrocismais a baby girl. ilpendlug a fev asvts eaie lin., failumiture audearpetit. M. W. ln .OîsllraiSc ay.FR T P E IM SA LO there. Hu~~tighies Invite, jeu ail to cair snd 5me visItai Ciicaga ltaturday. FR TP E IM S A LO tiser.,. lii ~~~1 r.andlira. Bllioan are visditlugaIL k utn y F iO c o e 8 2 Minie HoYer [tse returued hanse Mr-. ad Ara. 0. C.'Roberts llai H. Bouctnta'a durisg iss weecta e C u t a rO t b r1192 alter spendisg tise violer is aislia Mnday tam a fev veeba viift vilS Part, ~relatives and friunds lu Wisconsian iesUlmRiner retnmned tu tise tlty oni ParkIll.ir. Roberts bas engageci the services of Satnrday afler visitisg friends boe. lir@. Eliver i l Ciii itugas visere aise i. H. Bos, of Chicago, tu look aiter Mies lita& liobu, it DesPieusesi, A AA l l A B expecîs lu bave ail Operation tise business durIng bie absence. vialted ut Wuâ. Lensters durlug tiie A B D AiLLA H u 11P'IVI periormed. Wrn. Tidmarsis baisaod bis biacis. ek a mtbsbop to Jali. Kirviu and Miles 0,eo. Smih la amoug thse lirai Wuil stand for the season of '98 at the FAIR Mr. and Airs. J. H - Craisklite and Fuller. Krvin & Fulser talle poisons» plautersOfthtie sasais uas he plehtedG O N SLb tvilI.an hssevcsm y e dangiter AuIe aud lin. B. F. lardon iis auonSaturday ai ibis wvet. lotis elgiât acres nt cormn May 'i. G O N S ietvle ladhssrie fy visitait Wankegauss alurday. are expemleîîcedl blacksmiti and vifl Mies Trille Rouscamle bomnetram secured for twelve dollars to insure or elght dollars Do doubt eclve thiei@hos01aiW&Ukegan bigis achool liaturday cccii- O. N. BeaiieY laitIlust Ttiesday far patronage. Ing. reiurnIng aniser viseel Sansday. cash for the season. tise vestvisera e i iibe for samo Tise humtanmachine îtarts buti once Tise Ladies aof hie Dlissoiad Lais liem nute g oud sCurep.sdstpje oc.i a ep lCthey Ascito ii aa gIng Ian cest sud most ragnlarly by spoclet meeting vhIS is. Eilisasiu~sllstbrnIlyaxei ~aîeMnueCbhCual ien$o it ng De*itt'a Little Early RimeatiseMay 24,at 2 P. Lu. Ail membeiîs irged ina lbbaore [[ahaitei preparation I bavé ever otldor Bsnd famons littho pilla for constIpatilon and ta attend. BI *ib 1 aitt i ds). igis, vils besvy baolà su Icnies ocnuc iiit pase"aI soacsand liver troublea. F. B. TeIocet sthud shThrda a usîce, flia.'style ad extra fisne sulimu, tva leen ates visite, L. M. Kenties, Mercsaist, Odeli, (Ga. L RLLîba Tiecnerta ts csucs bseds F. Bl. LOv=LL, Liberlyville. O L, rveavezinog vas pronunicedl a leclded fiuleul May lat, issu îmoi sas lire] l'y 1%sîris Brotheirs, KfflBridge, ilîluola ________ sucema. Au iàterestig prugnamw as snd 'uams ir, il luy IBiaul'usais iaw s,làusoa B. 1. Oranger bas pîsrciaaed tise LAKE ZURICH. reuderdlina very plessingimnulier tuR S Y SH M L T NA fitures aid god vilii aftise barber (Becedived toc loge for tat veeki a good sud appreciatîve audience. R S Y SH M L T NA shop tormerly operaged by E. E. Emil Ficse visa bas beanu quite sici lise Ladies of tise Diamoiid Lake, bis Étrat landa, a blaukuoire ui1 ru'mart:îbie gidud style aiji extra trosttng Hainie. Mr. oranger Isa atirtit clamin isnov Improvng. Cemetery Association viliigise aa itetolis-il u Y S-iiilIlatiaflet, Ir.,aiuon of Haiet, Mcoin o'clunieer, tousorial artist, ansd viii doubtiest, H. H1iliman bas rented bis store tu saciable autlMr. Brry Bouses Thur. hi e-aiisau 5ssuss i.Kraî Ie ySud.sa givegondSatsfacion deyeveing ay 6, t deide he idi ecodayi e ieniug Aiayli. 26, nd mroieeldeul lisenl gîvo god saisisoiais.Birringlois parties. vinner aoflthe <ut. Couse 'vurydîii lil il' aiurduse kit laY .us-sls Saululerniai ai Humer in tise iorth port - ourtuey liran., 01 FO' River, and uedeIlyau vii. 31.2 of if'l jiiCointy, sii ai lliaaau lu ti".soustîspart of Cuait (oujeiy "a IVANHOE. abilpped a carlotta of caIlle lait veek. Flaiig ia excellenit aostise laite. iîs deIlfexut-crai gussi rai rd ui'. Tbe retresing sisovera ou Moudsy Franks Bouey Wauconda's lsuftingi The ntystery la viseres do tlsey ail cone lisipelvoetstion immeniely. rive stock dealer aiîpped a fev car ironit ar lise boys toua a large J. C. COE and JAMES GENTY, Ravinia, Prop's. ames Bi: rue Dt b isee aSude oaiopliogami Iis place recenUty. nnsnbem of picisirel this dslinig abnugW.RCH C ,FarGons M'g . andviitat enr Gabb'slent lionr .E. Pakr Sharon, Wis., vrite.: thons mveral eleven and Ivelve W .C U C ,Fi rudMngr day. SUD ..Ibave tritdDoWittis WltebHansi pounsdere. We tiougisi ail tise ufiislu The emetry ommitei wil m Salve fr trinislugpesud Il alvaym tise taise muat ieb.piciserel, but iat ris ceictîy omsitl y "Smii@tpa trisent la Ivo minutes. 1 consider Buuday one man caught tiirteen blacis itbcr bitatisetia. est pile cure on lise mart." F.1B. tucit ons tisenmne dsdy. We twegi, a Mr. A. A. Paynse hansretumused honte LovK.LL, Lbertyvilie. thinis tise 118b is is e IkmiénuaI a, i e $ 2 o o t l i ramtavesiig isî verilsftrhenîts ud At tise annuel electli i on 0 eers aifiihm. reates iasvea tlievl t ise LakeZurich Fire Companiy bord Nr. Mitchell csraped tise roads agalu states.Wdenday avera« Mlay 5, tise lut vesis tor thse ittis tiissi, eus 50, Miles Emiua Caudrey basl hsen mlore tallaving affnera vereeected: Chiot, tisecilla». can eil be proudl ut one The above prico wias paid by the French Coach veeta ta teac inistise Svan icisoul. J. B. Furbes; Cailatof ngine, H. 09the nsftesipso0 country rond inos o frN G IR hi o a h Sh., bas isugist tise sciool for thie lant Solusfer; Captaiîi of boee cari, H. L. the counny. Il dany otf omegliborm os o o E RE .T i o a h 1twoaausi. Preism; Becretary, John Kohli; toarldappreciae tbio lumur audshbave choice of McLaugh lin Bros' Stallions. Nosuch Air, aud lira. Charlei, Kaiser and Treasurer, H. fitlignan. Do Brnîcroad oatteavis 10 moidie cvar Stlon ve st d frsrvc in aeC. tamIly, of Liberty ville, alpens lait Sun. -- liey vîli do vel ta cagne lowns adlalo vrs d fo evc nLk o day wîtislier pareiita Ar. and lira. C. OUENTINS CORNERýS. ojaj a plongent ride, nic. lulting, before Ne rier is an imported horse, a beau- H. Wulrdge GergeBat vistai hoe ënda. vayiug or mckisig of lise vebiclis. tifui b h sberb action. Hermustbe seen r. W oaride. OhargtBale taled borne nday. On tise roait ront Appleja ta B (e tes u butrno Scr pernobagra ersbcbamedo a Samanl place <ut lir, Bultley aeant of Liberty- Mr@. Lisis muetsou Jus.' vliied aIutaton'8 i. a6ulieral supply ai gravel to be reiated. Hrs pedigree is In the ville ad fblesoit John Blemixnivod lin. J. liatera Sunday. bttanoc h raer gradors aifucinhandsY hs managderMr. George Vose where bis bauselsalet offertselisere histliais- Wiseu In ued o aitipapier ecuil ntise vagon@. 80lian lWvse bcstieagisoua ese y hs neetd day. ~P. Ycoung. Prices rcaa)uable. tisatbSas ta joit tismough i ideso itrb Mkeo mitk-e Ns 1~ bfr . Htenry Lees 11111e boy Daniel, vha Missess Mary sud Emma Baker visited Solai.. wagon Mrepairons cuuld veli bforeYou ..reed. bai biiris raiessfv eeo Ince atilir@. J. Baker# one day lait veeis. affrdiaulscous. Severn]al re Inu luis F. J. Berry, ot' Chicago, who sella more horses Ia daiug nlceiy under tise came ai Dr. Miss Mary Liait, of Helena, Muntana, coiUiij for instance fronti Lake Villa tauh .S.sy ic albalter, ait (irysîisle. and Nict Baker, ut Barringian, vieited Anlloeb tram Antiocis tu Chaennel than any other man nith U.S-sy ic Novai bas rscisei neioithlie iariage utlMr. J. bakoeraaisne day lait veek. Lake. But Qualtyetreet front Rllins 1892 there has been a falling off of- ot Mr. Edgar F. lvanitatuMieis lartisa and Ltiie bave gaie ta the tu meneaceauMDveili dam liie naome70, 0Fo saYe iCharlotte Brîgisami, it Hiobras, 111. cîîy tu vomis, tise girldt are ail 1oavngmeSoiar au tise condition aftie streetl its0,0 ol er April 27, 18958. Hii meuy trieisdu visis ls' But daisi voriy baya tisej v ii coucrued. As itleI.nav a sgrnigbit --n ~ . ~ ,., thm Blc applusus. s i..ws.li ueilgai ioalyIv r Th Ie markdet wants good cachin re. r S. M. Cicry. Plaîsuî i h., wmlîos: Tis e lopiiono lie troam Barring ionvde, apertect race tract for aussotà-is. l the turne to breed themn. Ne * r Ili "-DeWiII's WtcisHaxel Skalve isacssmug te tiseConrser la complétai and nov w rad lrB Il îîîî tn muore filles bore to-day tisaisail oulr isrllieau do he ligt h lyadIo ees. WerSdtratud iri. standuiifor service as follIows: monday. remdie ailatiie sItiniciase." F.oil. veiie ii abi wu.alie tysdTuesday and W ednesday at Manager renedea cisajied Ieuma ncrn aoav bs hoesaes A o n Saes.Geo. T. Vose, home O'Plain road west LosLL.Lllcrtvlic.Bunday mamnîng bis calteoa i ay T e nlgned ylseli ai publieu . tom Ro .. - -mt1 ...av..l-l-. Pr i h-_îlna is ilae al a f 1Lqrn s'co rners; VAmMwwMmMý