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Lake County Independent, 27 May 1898, p. 8

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You Bet We: Are. And why can we do this? Because we buy our goods just as cheap as they are ever sold and'we wili seli themn just as cheap as they can be sold, Slbs Good Raisins ........... .25c 15 lbe Oood Clean Prunes ........... .. 25c 2 Iboofl15e Coff ee.................... 25c :8IbS Evaporated Apples.............. 25c ,2 elns Fine Salmon................... 25c 2I-lb cans, Baking powder.......... 25c IIgallon Machine Ouil.............. .... 25c Don't fait to see the New Champion Machines befors buying. -L. ft* Litchfield., ROCKEFELLE R - - ILLINOIS.1 WC CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK 0F GRAIN, FLOUR, MItL STUFFS, SEEDSe ETC Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent.1 WC SELL THJE WE3BER WAGON, IfflWHIEN YOU WANT & is or Apiu llralileo nts, CALL ON WRIGHT & SON, iUbertyvillea - - - - Illinois" SoId, SoId,- Again! S uavlag - " 11 a"lae £4 Ubt09t (it 1-1)faim loril A«1in ahi- ban .,f *oamt, cou»a !i mk sudANstek 4 fl. 1 »w. eil atss i o e 1e L --o t e tisi .nsintendiuig V)i luy, lor ront aI uayba aquuataed v31111136- fart i ad Col .lipp(aied. 0f enema La&ke &bd lNe llemrY C,,-las-ma s-ll.but naîîikhe olîr FINE PRAIM ELAND UN FEatern Arkansaw. à ml aahons tbai vahte 10 g« bus à fine fart"o i o i v n a bcaltb- bd u mat. snd a sacm ai rCouintraa.l lb.- ruai is 56-T 'asv. Yon kilo, 700 enu visit ceaua.--. 'a]]oa u a.i.-rn em larinenu Ibsibave beau lUWnfrom i6uo 0ear.. And!vve iiipsy yonr fare t &dosa anL ti ý.- Dotialî 0 1 sy yoil ibat yu âbaa Io doliara 111-rta f<ef as&eue- bhem. JUNE 7 1898 is the proper lime to go, as harvest - wili nearly be in order and weather about as warm as ever. Walking Plows, Lever Harrows, Pulverizers. Farm Harneas, Mîlk Cans and th-e like at cut rate prices. Unsystematizally Yours T. V, Siocumi, WAUCONDA, ILL. LAKE COUNTY CHAMPION HERDO0F Improved Chester White -Swine. 4. von W" bta uimpros c Vour Stock o! 11".,? Blto suiii< f-tor A i '-v -.- UE.k FiLOOD§i - , GuRqNEE. ILL.1 The Great Race Horse Trotter U1?ATTA N 2:13. 14 ad rata BY,, Ji. Si, iruttllag. tîtbgreat raie liiînîu-s aad I Ze onl8y wo <if the gel or<i bIr ii.. .v.r trairiei. OAAIrON tla b Y Wilkes Bouy 2:2p.,. buiiii.a hîîî,îî,y liîit VM Jr. ne vasgreai au a Race liimrsé u. aii slIi '!grieat sa a sire~. TMS SOithe Scaouu, ith Re- ,,ra Pnisi.cAddru..'ailinqu ts a i#Oatta Stock Farm, - - H aif Day, Ill. 1 N ib Matter! F'ORh <1)00WOi<iiAT ifIOilT PIICES. ~W1IFfxYou Out Proper.,ý 1 24pa ou Fit laiieV ,oas 9639 a 80 a~ ll13io IOn 3 U 7 es a38 810 1 005off10 Lake Villa Ét1054804 7 le 1029 003110 BOUTE 'Ilalir exepi MSoday. à 8101. Oily on eattaai. a.m. a.m. amn. pin V.s. LI. Fr1. Lake Villa 7yil Ille3d Ill0 liolins y41 4 3 <1ÇS*1 77 a. 45 Il4 Br 023 11 bu4 40 g126 Lelibton aleo aoi 126e Prarle Vew 13Ni 12 52es ûs 1297 Ar.laklie 22 il1 I1et Whellng Ss 403 11 Olcugo 10 ou 1 10 a 30 ROCKIEFELLER SOCIETIES. COINORGATIONAL Clinrch Eunday mr vicCO 10:30 a. ms. and 7:30oap. . Prayer meeting Weduesday svefi'un Y. P. B. C. I. Most 1Sui aififlgai 04 Junior C. E. ai à o"!Ioek. DàMNDCamp No. i.M. W.A. mot montb. 1). (aî,RnT. VY<C. 0<. 0. . No. aili, li soeond and fi.urUi WiLLIKNiGal. N 0i. 6 Eo. A. <OT. Se Y. 0. 0. T. amuet Tbirsday eveang..of f<euh we. LEUTS aa ii. C. T. J OHN i. RAGA P1lot (i. A. il. moee 40lOsirua:=lihîior befri fulmoon. 1.8M. <LE.sON. C M'tr. 0> E CURUCHIILL. Adi. M1ali golnug eu h...o...sUa. tu. 911 22I. l. Mail goûts nel-uh. ......... ...... 545 . m. Maillover tend by stage rrlvm.i ui 10 a. . deliarts aia . ROCKEFELLER. Mir@. Redks is visitingglber parents ln DeaPlaina. Mir. Terpening, fr0,» Chicago, Bilent Wediîesday with bis farnily. Srs. Cronklite la in Evanaton vial. bier sAter- m-law, Mns Bartiett. C. M. Fouket,oiii vanji ot.brded the n ion train for Chcago Weduady.1 Lester Hurdick came bome from i Waukegau for à short visit Tuesday. lirs. Jessie LUIi, of Chicagoin viftit- îng ber parents. Mri. and lrs. John bouse. Mr. and is. Myiek viit.îllMlr. anil irn. lDan Iittilitler si Gilioer Wednemday.' Mr. Adlîesonî J. tiiisl f Chicaguo, wiii spenîl deî-oratîîîn day ut b.. bomne of Jî... A. Cole. Srs. 1. AI. Dooltsle celebruted iber birtlîday insi Saturuisy hli avting a a fcw of hi-r frlendiq o lw îid thie day. lDr. L. M. (>isley, bouse physicean oîf the iîalîtimt bosplal, <Chicago, ins albeyidiiîg ber vacation beri ut thb.. boule of ber hisier, lirm. J. A. Cole. S. C. P. Jones, Milfflthurg, P&., vrites: --i have Useil DeWitt's Little Early Early lRî.era ever allie» tbcy were1 iutrodiecul bore and râleint uuy i have ilever iisud uîy PUIS ini ny family doritig forty yearis of bouîse k...ping ibsi gave' suelà maisaetiry resiuits asna laxative or catiaurie.' P. hB. Loi Eut, Libertyville. The iniemorial sermioi, 10 tbe soldiers (4 tbe tGrandulArniy uf thi e public wili be dîl.vreil lie n xi Sunday anuiiig May luth ly tbe pastor. Rev. John A. Cole. Mr. Cole lmas ciî<*îeu for bis tjeil -"fistiîry and Lea- tiny- or 'Thelifand f o!(d An Amer- Jeu". The GI. A. iB. wiil attend in a body.,Ilii the eveniuig Mr. Cole viii deliver a patrlotle addretm esliecAaiiy to yoiDg menD. Ail are loviteul. IVANHOE. li-nry Lue in vurkîig ut carperter. ing ini Lake Forest. El isba Praciot received anoher carj 1usd of catie frointhe îorth la&$ weok. Will Leinbacb calied on friendo Iln Fort béeridaii aud Highiland Park lion- Mrm.Charles lialueoek, of Liberty- ville, calied on frlenda in Ibis vieluiiy Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Ralier andt son Harry, of Lihertyville, vislled bier psrents T nesday. We are bsvIDng beanliful vosiber and tbe laie uibuwru, nalle ail vegitatili look lUne. Elà Trigge, of Lîl)ertyvJiie, van fi Iblis vi4itYlly tLîuAy l.nyilîg fatecaille lor bustnmarke.t. M. C. Wiriz bas pircbasei the iuen ber for a large barn bibl, iif J. H ('roi3kbite. uof Rackeflleor. Adam 1i ltus ban sec ured asfi eveili if Suter unLewis lladkea ftairn, 6and %il neii dl l a swell lon IGeorge Dsvis' faruu HarrY AIîliitt batbeeîî engaged 10 teacb tfilvauboe i.'.biol liltyeur and M1iwsaAima lieîîîee, i.f llaiesvîlle, the Sm. W.il (i ' T113.1 wii'l I. 1.- ,,rvlî.eg Ini tIhe b iii M .1u..rî,~ln ;- éil aie iu- VI: (9i t-.1;- ki':i.WrL,.t i -iisst lit tibir A" faloai ulii,.1. t lit. , iîl iiiStfil$ h4i bt.. ( i,t îjîîmÈ s an îcitlu . ii 1bre LaI it, obuisud early 1,o ric, ie pareils ni,. for bi@boîule lu ile iskies. Early il, bod mail sLittle Euriy Iliber the lll ibai malien lifilonger and boer aud vaser. F. B. LoVF.LL, Lîbertyville. QUENTINS CORNERS. Fine gruving Wealber. (Jeo. Baker, Jr., or Freemoont, nmalle a cul bere issi linnday. <loi ready for decoration. Dont furget tbe boys An blui. Wm. Smith, gr., vas oick 'lii lthe lu Oel ay Vuaed veib vil!deUver ltse m iacriad.. Measierso011he G. A. R., W. a. o., M. W. A., leaiciersansd pupiis of lthé PUb, Hc scoi and ald lieoei an d cluaens viii tri la Procession neur (e A. It. hall ai one ce'ck and marais ta11théoanailed by lhe Wanola Martial baud, viser. iithaaiponl ceramonyIII11 abo place, .111.11 vii lia fuie by deooaing oldiara graea vAt foyais.Tise poaaa vili thoen mrclo 1theObiadBi, v11r the lrgram aoflthe day yz iea ocaclded. emorlaiservices Ile 11.14 An Vole Stmdaey May 29. Ai wl meantaM the achoolIonse ai one o'ic and îmarc ta1the cemeery visera1the LONG GROVE. Mr. aMd Mi. J. RAlanltr vliiedl st Dan Ritzeniiaera Snnday. Chste Wolf sud Mima D&Isy Wolf attended services ait1the Evangelîcai chuicé Sunday alternan. Th1e Long Grove croamery baut is ps day on Baturday. Average prion vas aitylvwo cents per cvi. The liannerchoir hai t heir bail lutl Frday eveing. Allhougis the sAng. Ing vas extra guidyei lisey mauaged ta keep lihe roof on th1e building. Thue vole on the. Luthera» pester vas, by ainilformaiion, putl anthe Long Gravo i s i onghtt oiiave been in- soile in th1e Arlugion ieigbt assi. Wben a felea returna home froin rchura, alumbles ovuir and falluslaieaa barrol o wasor. bis Ihougis aare visere lboy ahould t Dlbe. . n a barrel of vator. Mir. Blepheis la (uitelo s nusirian, hoebas beeu sa inspireai pairiotloaily Usai he coniposout s sang on11 e pros- eonl var visSopalin. If lho vii go as a volasnte«r 10 the front anal $ng bis sang the davufail af thse Spaiuarda in cer- tain. A Yomng -Peope Alliance of tise EvangliAcal chumcli vus rgaulzed lat ThursdayevenIng. Ausia th11e sillianne la praporly organizedan sd n guidmulnugai der a bearty in- vItation wvîlliehoexteedelaail young peope attend ih. meetings. tiunday ovening i&borewva sphi- sut surprise pariy an Walace Scih aA bannor of bis ninteenth blrîbaday. Quite s number o!f ounfi people ver. prou- ont and &bat lisey & aia smonl eu- joyablo lime ilusauperflnomîs ta ssto. IVe Viaun i i msy bore bappy birthu- daya. Every muairian wsnta obeel munie. Now lasyor opprnitylo get L AA aelect number of irai cliùma hoot munic elihser vocal or Instrumntâta, or holh viii ho laralbubed aI tbe nominal rate of tee places for dli ucents. Munic la fuir piano, organ ou'violln. iThi s ia trssiy staff, but la guaranleout t0 ho equal ta aîîy bîgli pricrin alieel muie. Any one vWho tniuy hneAuermied un 1he malter vîli do well lui consuli vîlli, or' drop a card bu fi. L. <ireuis, Long Gnose I. Wetdlig bhuwi .11 uooîaring. 5u1r. Samn Febia an vsboîule .ver Mir. John iopbf, sr., W"s ta the eity Suliurday. 'Ibal sîrpraiNe pîtly sas an lilp.îu- dale une. Mr. Ausiln Wolf bas pnrchaied a top bunggy, n1 o oder the girls are smiling. Mn. Fred Sebumaker bias a new vbeel. ilet belil gel Ibere once inDa wvile nov. MiXisu laaleus, fnom NorthIielut, vin.- ied wiAib ber sisier. lira. Sclar, Alut week. Wonîder if tisai young felo. vent ta aicep ibis tme, dont bardiy ihinb su, bocauue lhin girl bas learneul io dance. Gilibert Febîlman, Wallo bchai andt Fred Scbnmaker vent fiablng Thurs day andt came homo sAlb ail thb llab ibey cou 14 carry. S. E. Parker, bibaron, Win., vriea- -1f bave trieai lewi Alla Wieb Hantai Salve for ilching piles and t A alwsya aups tbem in tv munutea. i consider DeWlta nWltchB liel Salve the great- Yhabl$a la iersetgo. làomeyU etoraiWoodslock,vas. in lovaSaturda.. Mis. luUMa Harrison, of Wanconds, vas in lava Tmesday. Ai. . il. Fch han don" a gresi dent of pillUg Iis eek. Don't torgéée pi~utenitetbc helut lu Oak Park notesl S ay. Bubsecibe for lte AIoneaxT, Lake contys iesdiug per. J. B. Frel« masofed busnous ln Ohîcago sud joueeS Monday. MaOUes. Wam. fl ang sd mmiFrank veailed Chiago friands momdsy. John Boedge visitait Y. E. Davlin et Wauconda Saiurday and Sunday. Ths fie compsny voie out la drill Tueldy evening and made a gond mli. Barman Prabu'a hardvare slare vili Bcoo b h bulng under s noir cent of paint. Tise gaifers vere oui front the city et theîr favorite gante Satnrday andt gnnday. Mra. Joseph lipeckner aut dsugbier Muriel viaiteut frienda An LibartyvAlle lait veok. Frank Meyer sud lister LoulAms spent a fev days vith frieusis ln the City, re. tumang Tuaaday. Frank Eomey, af Wauconda, abippeut 0@alie and hopg front thioir place Mon. day sud Tueedy. Tii. ball gains May thmîd vosa 11111e oumead. Score: L. C. (latrons i;, Chicago (Jeyioma 6. B. Lobunan, of <limer, vbu lias liei qlui$e@sck, la ugain able ta hoe ont. ir. Wele, 09 Wsnconda, vas An altelidaaie. Tise receul sisovera bave beeui of greai beneli te1the farinera sud nîsuuy tiiink llijs viii ho a good yeur fuir ail crapa, eBpecally coste anutcorn. l.L. Preban, J. W. Whitniey, bir. Bergisoru and ther republicauai of Elat tovnsip drave over te Liberty- ville Saturday, ast delffstes ltAie re- pushUcan canly convention. limeas. B. Belpi, J. il. Forbafi. Hili- min, Fred Kuckuck, Luth. Ciifford, A. Packard. Cisarlos teifes. Otto (lissaer sud John Badge vont to Wanoo,îaia Saturulsy te attend a lavmul Irledble- fore Juutice Fitcb. Mr. fSpencer, o! Wauronda, tla Con- teaiplattng te arrange te bnlld sud fumia agrAitmslit bore. We bopte be wilà carry oni hie plans as t voiild 1.- Il behp 10 the fariners, and-e lbluk l1w villasn the enigluae and botter la nut a th1e deoa. ROLLINS. Laira Crenîlin la tbepuîsefflor ufoaea piano. Lincolnu Luiuk vas ln Wsuuegan oui Bunday. G;"orge KSbelîiou was li Wsiagan lant week... ý1- lira. Struilnk and mon Fred aur, iii Grayslake lait week. Fred hibeiden anal friend àau-Iin Lake Villa an Munday. Mlary, Hook sud Lattre Creiiiin acre lan Lake Vills ou, Muiduy. Ernest Chrîsten2, of Wmakegauî, vis- lied ai Rollinsl oua Suudoy. We bear Ibalt Mra. DoolAttle sud Urandrua furge are very Ili. We 1usd quAle a &toirtu on Wusliicsduy wblrh did luute a lot of! ulamage. Lincoln Luîak bas purcbatied a uev borne of Erneai Chrimtels io sa gau. UT. sud lira. C. Dooltle and dauigia sers vere vAators aitlins. ltmoAxiksulon lionday. uee. cmled 0on frienda inuiRollins on Monday. "ODe Minute Cougb Cure listhbestug preparation f bave ever aold or used and f rani amy ton mneb Au ils pralse." L. M. h(eunoi, Merchalît, (>dell. bGs. F. Bl. LoVELL, Libertyville. VO LO. L pEL,Iu.aau.su.rtiraM . . tr. A. P. bangit cslihîd ian frleu,lx LOVEL, L beryvile.in lianaville lialnrday. PALATINE. Mir. sud lira. James Blrovn, afilss fabte vere Vola cailera Mauday. Miss iBertha lorep speul Moîîdsy lu Mn. aud irs, lBen Concluanta! Minsa Chicago. vlle vliied 'solo finonds Sunday. Jae Wllildamaaa uoio!t Mgl ilas uble <Cook, of Wsncondm., le Finka nnday.vialing her aunt,,Ml.A. J. liayiniind Mir. Strauiss, of chîlcago, wos a gueut and famlly. of Mr. Porepil over biuiday.The Open Windov Clui ill hIileel Mian Anna Ituoz .111sPend thbc aui ivthu Mime Mary RliblJnn,- 4. A tuer wilhi Mis. Clark Iii Palatlie. fuhl alienulancinl desîreul. Mn. and ira. lRicbhmondi entuertslied Mias Neillie sahey, "ile lhm li. a iulssfrma Harriiigtoii Saturday. alrk vwiuuuiitruble, is niuu la-tIi Mir. Lltobfelth, fniuuia Rockefeller, Dr. IRli'kyo!f(Irayniml aetid lr Mias e gucuu aitiMr. HaiottsMouds. Tlue Voie ambool clioetiriisau lira. H. Si-bierding eulertained May 24 smi îaalmuat Fluli lýaui ileta rîîm<Chicgo Sluri andt Sun- Alil wu-,attekriahi.i uaulaiviry liitall dey. liuàe. Mir. sod Mtrs. Feittumi se.iieainl- A liaiialxin fraie 's oh -id il. I lug gieat.i hnom l(ialventuiii, lexasi, ailiifleuu.ry tih~iiig lant Sut,i-ihiî-'11.1 pnemit.sîn A ». peu-iiuu.ns if rn i-illuri- 551r,- lirb. Pied lisia, fnuni the lisliata Ce.ugt faci, -si ledciuit oi fl.i n liulatiue , Tbe banai i aa.:bitîao uil lnteit.i btiiâ aiîay i ug anasuitatopa lbit i iii)o. s ou il iq a-. i 2Miss TillAc ataiuugrten 1 l-îaldIguiiig longent and ii muîst regîutauiy IN the. ,t hS- sii i er bunibli i hi- i uu isngDo ita I .u LLî Eau 1 i-vý .1'.1i tenu.atilvug 't i:ii ltmîîu- %d0lauiîit; IfaiUs ,litie illis onclsilli audi tri. 11,1> Sîîî iio. - 1.tah l tou ii il i Vi.- i-iîil, 1 'Iiiu-r Miiia ilAl ekc» au l -iELiui-i au neld -iii, aiit auliI,- Zui-la i 0,.i- iii .T ilAs lKra. iteeaind b.- Iaru-c lait funti h aslit, i -uS, di l lit, i,Mr-. c lluheiitr, ene t,, 'sîlîî tîiaii C ls , t i l ( i,la-gi f--Iui,, lî, 11r bi' ë1stîui l uîîîl tir î. uî. i-itttudy,'1"'ilj uia ah f liltua iius lius lut au it-l ay li fdüu l 11i4Ilt i cille io tî i-r sI aIrit sCia iy iii a inlui u."tg 1tmv Amideîfrimua s !.-îî inkeia strai lai utla i -uuIhi ail i 0 j~ ii l aisl Mu ie arainii-suo dhliui.waiidoue,- blt lilat.utahnfur 4yeiazii. u o ba htitIl vrovery uîucb frigbîuned. lie aua iavaibn hir lyemua lemortil ssîeiceuyl be lbeld ai S. Il. Geary, Piti rouMit-b., à>r"ie: Vl udyla e 'C .b -*DeWit'a Wllch Restif Salve isnlrn oc uua a 9 Te0 .R more1piles lbers 10-day libaail other Pinitalnd friands vilii et lt h remeîos o mbnedficres r ascholissbonne ut 1:301 p. u., tbelic ti, sumdaits o le akîn cueseaa e. Oem.ery ladecorate the gravest-sif auuds&Illerarfroni dieel F. B. Our.&E Lovgiî.. Lbeniylile.chaicb here the main services .111 EVERETT.be e. ---1 lini B. T. Lunhsm ba Sgoue tu Mil- FOX LAKE. wauikee. ira. E. lraw *àa s rayabatke nIai. Kra. Carpenter upent luhast aurday loi TliidaF. lau Chicago. lira. Harrison Gilbert visiteut lra. lirs. J. w. Coomuey vieiltet ij. Csro- Il. Cuil"ilouiday. "a Saturday sud Bunday. Mir. Ehîne la building e burtiat bas Mas Buste Mahanley, o! Chicago, Fui Labo résidence. aent a 1ev days boie lastweok. Bon. (Georgo Watt sud îvlfu vere Fox lir. mnd lira. J. F. Goodbody callout Labe caloers Saturdsy. on frieniis snd relatives bore lent Potnistera Tweed andl Loof vlluuled veek. Waukegau on'buinces TuesaAy. N. MeInlyre andt Mater Wenidel] tir. A. Littlo andt J. Atweli sbeured CoIrorma drlOeont f rom the ciiY One abeep at Wm. Caneés' Tuosday. day lent veek. hM. 0. Solil las makineg Imirove- Mir@, Cosifbonse la progreassing menta on is Fox Labe pruiperty. rapldly. sise experts bu moive iuto ILini Uni. Hor*SeCaîver sud son, Slmeai., about asixenbs.aud lilas Annie Gilbert vilgteut frienud Mir. Lunbam bas purcisaseut vil aI Bristol Tuesutay. acres froni Lawrence Pagain, Considera- The IFax Labe Oemeieîy Boreiy .111 lion $60 ier go. 1, eel vithUin. Herae Culver Thunii- -Harry Lindnor, lient Thies andt John dey, Jue 2. Sopper yl ho servesi. Waunry vietted et F. H. Zerver'.sud A cordial Invitation la oxteude t ta&IL. M. Vn' Y litstundsy r.tnruing ta Chf- Ou. Minutle I. ollong, Fuit relief in cago Monday morig. pbtalued n hisstU si imeby the use Tise Cobau questi nd tpolitiesi of, One Minute Oougb Cure. IL issnes @tit fAte lnslgnilemue vIls 11heprovents,- onoumplhon sud quicbly reaulvisa sutters Irm piles. Whiabcho cres <1.448, croup, hromehitiii, mont desirea, le yaief, DWtIa puatmonla, laagrippe sud %uI troat sud WitehIl"HazaUlv. cures piles. Fr. B. luni troubs.eF.FB. Lovuli Liberty- LoYSLýL, LibsriMy" a.vinea Ir'a the people of tbe community-u11. buynars4Ia8 @tores& eligibiliity. Theo casminaion ln a rAglione, ame, pnicessudnmînsltIeu are rlgbtI ilA l 11hal'1frpesaM use . a store tisaI nonrtis areful couparleon-We iollt ilAv Every ItemFou buiy ier, ha pniceult tayon a n ai l ovols wnya lowenl, iiallty cousidered. May Signal 11.111l prove profitabule te yoen la note anr end.f-May sud fiîrîiture valucae-tbey ?IAll id yon An easy naoney.mviag la' Iteuîus yon uare uow lîuying, tiery poant for ulaihiy and! u4y1e 0 fuel n boîutl iliitat thacylI paname usler vîth you ai once. .i Ilieyelh- Sîîidriu-s of All Kiîîils. *Bicycle Repairini, Seetiuiibandîlwbîm.ls btukuiii ia îxefinge for îîew '014 niodels. 1 hava nevý, nevi'rsl giîîd sei.î)iid liii nilwliutilstiti hanîl sud for sale Cbeap. Ride a Good Bicycle A piu.îr liii 'Vc1ýiii uli actiy lîk. a pinîjr bormse-yoai reaUyesa< trulst tllîiîe, ai,(, W tii-la Y- Le illii ii iil iein Jon nuvor feeol l," i Juilrigîîî. Iltipays toblmy a g-.i1 w.à"elAundi heyre yew b 'i.rfrp btNyi r-ofeiaukedIfor àtibte ordiuary quliy ndprtiii-rc tgeterbert -yon get vinue. W. WILL KNIGGE,A Rockefeller - -- Illinois., Blackhawk Morgan Stallion, record 2:17-1. Mid- night is a fine coal black, weighing 1140 Ibn. Wili make the season at his old'stand. If you want a first class road horse, the Morgans can't be beaten, if you want speed and endur- ance breed to a horse that has got it-Midnlght%. 2:17-1. He has paced miles in 2:08, a haif In 1:03, quarter in 31 seconds. a 2:04 gait. TERMS: $15 to insure a live colt. Ail mares dis-i posed of after being bred, breeder will be.,'- held for service fee. Ail colts to be settled for as soon as the mare foals. C. A. APPLEY, LIBERTY VILLE, - - ILLINOIS. The Ham b1etonian Horse FIRST PREMIUM STALLION Lake County Fair, October 1892.. ABDALLAH HAMLET Will stand for the season of '98 at the FAIR GROUNDS, Libertyville, 111., and h fs services maLyb secured for twelve dollars to insure or eight dollars cash for the season. li bballa a aet ' lig bWitesefuy hu aii itufe, flou- st3 lteandl extra i I ui ctii, 15,. hluet auk lee vwhite, MialuMy lut, immuitianud wits lîleil yhîyirk lInit1o-rm, Sag lnil liuoh; aluie.1 u sAi-l'iy luuuih-ç li lasaus * Noieîou RYSDYKS HAMBLETONiAN- la . lrat dlaimi, a tuaik AtarI iof r.iuami kabll,-giiid tyle anet extra trotilîg a-tioliî uiri-iI IY NchlllIs lfnîîmlî t, r, suîîa i. lîalut, suoni of Voluiteer, lis su auîîI iluai s-islueil luy Mr- i. k am , a lsri-aiby Sauiuioran 'a IIlichen, aiet horKuý kilt liv i aî-îîiiuu lermaiiu ut lîinaur lia thelie artiuparil of Witt Coiiiuty. adîiuuiw l-keie)ii i t mi a i i i p ar t I Cook ('uutiy 5an proluacen <if extra gauhi uoii tarhs. J. C. COE and JAMES GENTY, Ravinia, Prop's. W. R. CHUR CHP Fair Grounds, M'n'g're Ji

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