SEES T aM8 SAR EXPEBITION Dis- UMRKB WEAR PONCE. -M -mt 5bSuth Cenet ftheigland eik~fer the Landtug -More Il~ teaBeOrderesi ote Front iWmame lay. In" a .Perto Rire. wbàetaiiàl A biigr ilptri Monisy annunccu! *M.b Mile and hbis forces huom Sn-- bdmscaàlaaiing nemi Pence on jw MailrcsaotetPorto Rico. (onu. mptu* iii blet front (uantananto, j"bu sailei ou Vhursday, Batteries t0 Ma Valet c Thiri aitillciy, B and F cf e# bh snd B ofet icFirththeicsixti Mom i6te BuIr Masachusetts, thte Se-- NBlpitalcorps, 275 etruila vie bai b M a l ustIer lut hai nt lanici etlbdge ns ixty men front tic sig- m ama total et 8,415 Mn. »lsss inlie second cti ln population 0" 8mfterial importance lu Porto Ilm Il in abot eel tmlmes fron thUi q% id liii a population of 22,000, a-it Uj*l-Um ver 47,000 liaa d olel n s higit plain, in the chier Ilie l à jmidicildistrict oethle smne MmaMdinlasai lte ehaeUc ialhleit Ums- Be lalani. INie la rallDnai le Taure sud s stage: amil t, aJuanon tie ot rost; cm Iés e he zve slemt, andl GuaY- ammwasa thc cant. Vicie a ahoa tehe- ____Said able statiou until rea-ntly. wb tB itish Cable Company ct cut e t wuR"cloop te preveni it beiug up y he e ux. Vie-c arc ne fortifi- amah a ose . t&otthici-, cii EL/-I Mm"bewitzcrm. Vicie are repiotd tobu b lm 2,000 ani shicesgarri- RAVANiA'a POOR ARE STARVING GARCIA 18 DISGIUIT]KD. ___lim.. al rei uclamor it ~-r. ecntatorm Controlt b. Woo uSpply ReH Foole Ihal HRMa B«,es lightei end Mlx Mci.,' Oserai abaflsrt RecemI ismutc of th Havants nevîpa- Gen. Osrl a s wviltten &a loUer le Gez. para vilc bave been recirci ait Key Shatter, lu hilciho declares tiat i. la West miew pésimhy tic truIs ef the e- disgustcd ai iis treatluent at the bais ports roncering thc st"ovimg condition of lie Arnerirsai, eud viU coniequenbu ot tic rity. An ciitorùal hum la Dia-riun-lftirav bils ovutorcestute ilbs, bu. Ide la Maruma iccared liai 50 per cent uf iug nu longer villngte suimit tothtela Ha mans cbug peuple ver. tring d4gitici te vhlic b. bas becn u aheeted. Io deati. A gtane. 1tihepire Dl t ic heAmong tic thîngu oet vilciGem. Garas Mmei newapaper rcceircd giet coevine- complains ta thc fallore ofthli American iag prot that une of lic organe ut the commander tu offidially uotity hlm cf thc ogKuJ S pàanaiGovermes inlaCubaelain urender et tic Branlaifumes, unis, mutt yia. ____Gem. Vorni, sud hho eahisnemesciaI thc tact that b. aot invied te b. presait DEPUT DE Louis TALUS PERACI. au thec eremeay attcudlng the formai ca- ~ ~'v-~.,'. ~ ~ ~ plnlaioncfSantiage. Another ofhite ewsy iw .u . a D4 hi.e Ba gicrainesrlathe action cf Gen. fibater Seno DeMde Lie, oiriSrirSP&J lu'arcilmg tic « besp&nisi civil autiorLtle i" inte t de Lme. fUWate~a la l b. admnistration of tfieir tnmrllonm tà.,Uî5t~ t ~cUai54 flsie.baya la Sailage. For tisse remmena lie delaes hbtemtmaieortte ti"tugtu mtuat i vil! unei"ter co>-operate vith Ibe baou s a& ae theu! à 1forc« anue,' Ge. Blatter'.commas&. aoaal Admira-Itccý. da's mq sirom vthbat wviIemtllnaepnmeuy. uni h. dibh- tiv ted-iai ag bewtrs itte. isufoit thc Ameican troffu h- n l0"ba onali b. seenx, Jue. If tiecainted aI sftuac te grant honrablise ceu- OVElRBAUL TUE WAEBUOIPPf t~ .icesa tic. tic w *bumceli m MO ere lightly fDamas"d lu Battlc MM - sa uàew tey. ____&" iotSua N r<cCI.aaiug. mumi the wue eplae. mmd arvLS PU5U .1!EDLT AMREAi>. Nerly s&!Uichebig ships of tic navyj etOa.I . l i safons - v wicutbare bec en osntly la servie@, pl.-Ibaiing Drft Mmv.eld mie. long hetore thc vsr begau. are te Il s aedr n" Aisaml.asTit leu . be breegit t teitediStates for over- «botiepart in lb. Post* Aro cam-e -xluauigtwoercimg defesimbauieng. Ouly oncor two of lhe hall!.. bave sabu,.. .àMI.h-Wad, aisaid tht desrUcd ofe. ive c. shipa aidarmrci cruiers vill b. lskea cm g tirtter. oiers are Spain te mi eb m e tm .ig-umoi . ut rm thc West milan waters aI lie smrn Ulgg hpand mamm bave mt yet Idt.vorm te galber anclier si Cents Z teime. butishe Na" y lprtmnt bai de. 000W THE CONQUEROR 0F SANTI- AG0OlIAS RIBEN. ElaC&rer au Emample or Auuricale pe.ibilitias-Ysaruei for Militery Lita WilS. Workiug Upok a Versa- Eiapid Promotiona i.hebCvil Va,'. Hie Glry self- Won. Major (loueraI Willam Rîîfus fiaf-, ter. comqucrr of Ssntiago, mlitary baro n li tevar vitit Spailu, vas bonu sud grew lu inanitood ucar uiaieeburg., Xicià.. sud many are te abories liai an. belug bell of bis boybood by men vbo bue. hlma-heu te vas a lauky, buaetoecd lad. vorklug ou bis fatitor'a ftari. tenerai Statter'm carcer la su ebjeçtîccacun upon ttc gloriotîs posi- billbleof Ibis land et tte free. lHe vas bbc AbrjManlLI""o1 Ho vai como0ner.Hoev rigIî -it-ot tie moul. If te civil a-ar bad vol corne sllong Il i. possible liai Generai Shaf- ter vould sshlli b. a Michigsn tariner. Hie never bau! s tait. for tic bushanu!- mn's lite. As a boy be groamed cr bic vorb-uel tisaIt e dil!net Il ke vrk. but that b. detcstcd wbat work b. had to do. Hie fatber was the plainest cf Plata fermera. Hi# mother wsa fater'es wlfe. whose lfes horizon waS bounded by ber kltchen. ber poultry- Y*d. ber -front rooxn" aud the meet- lng-bouse. Thle eider Sbafter waas à Y!chlgan pioneer who hewed wood and drew waier and but tbe traditions! 109 boume wltb ts ove and a haIt ato- Mesan sd brousbt up bie two ous, John notâleai emclca",sud asordér@el tu bbc VOotY4rslttg7. For tblrty yeére ho Ilvci begond lb. mountalue or lu thein, and! tbe people of lie East dld net mev bis mre.i roruesrly tvcmty gears a bw»vsthb colonel et1lb.el'iratiniuanlry, sud sav r i fro postasubordinae toila ho thougit ven bcsl for hlm rogiment, and net almysa itaebsoficeri vould have likod titi te do. Ho bore. up hrameiy under tte stress of tbilaoppo- aMltoîn utîl a yenr ago. viten Prealueut MeK&uiey mails uni a bigadier get- ai. Wh'en t egeri gotel isbrigadier'. sdrapa te vaa pluced un commsud ai Bau Francisco. lis lite lu Uic West sud ou the ronsaI iad the nusi s fecit. Il miade hum a hesvy welght. He la a trcmendeusly big man. Almuont mlx t tal-rare stature for a commsuier-hc vei(ha83W punda, sud his avoîrdupola bai ntlieoccasion et msuy a jist wbich ho bai tabou pretly vell. go ha. a wiii that la lu keeplul viii bi& phymique. Wbab ho villa te do b. doe. He Las bie berole atuiff ota Grant la lai mako-up. " - BRAVEO BUL.LET& The Advcsturc of s Caban Patriot Ama a smBaud of Spealirda. During Uic esriy Partcf the Cuban rebelOn an ollem lli e pairiot army a-anted a few packages Of cigarettes, sud to Obtain thent vent Opeuly tutu ~'t tovu beld by the Spanish smoulera. Purcitased wbmi he demîreil sud aafely relreated. toiding at bay. alugio-iaud- ou!. 200 Speulit seldîcrs vie sîtempîcu! io capture hlm. Titis eflicer la Msaj. IHenry E. Brook., -ho recenily came to New York front Jamaica. vere ho veut to e ceri trom wounila received lu battile. Maj. Brooks. a-ho a-aitom lu thio province et Santiago de CubaetfEu- g1lisi patenta, waa mcug tic firgt te engage lu lie insurrection agflumi i>paln. Wben lu command et tic Cubai tefrces &round Gusulsusiuo he rau out Of cIgArette"snome loft Milsconomani lu charge et tic next officer ln raub sud staricu! for Guantamno te get thsuL Ho crOMsed the long bridge leadiug luto the clty sud Proceeded te a cigar store. , e hsd iti hlmhile repeatiug rifle. hi* revolver sud thc aivays proamt 1 mactete. lu tlluug of bie adveutuis la 1Gusutanamo MsJ. Brookms ai: "TYes, 1 dld have s lth. fulier.. VIIE LANL& OF PORTW I_________________ __ LOG HOUSE IN NVHICH <EN. SHAFrER WÂB BOUN. &id William. iu tbe fear of God and to You tee I wauted orne cigarettes antd %bard work. declded to go afi* tbem. 1 got lu» thé 50 Tbe mlltary sout of William-sud of towu ail riglit snd entered tbe cigar du"John. for tirat uattcr-revolted againsi, store. I Placed myrifle onthe ountar the field sud harveat sud tbe aowlng -lhera Il w»a handy sudl bought what nîî th raplg.William bad au amn- I wanted. Just afier 1 bail plsced the bidlontet go to West Point, but tbe cigarettes lInxuy pocket 1 bsppened te mlUtary academy was as fer beyond look towsrdl the door, and ihere 1 aw lts each ai wum the tioai Pielsd. He a party of Bpsnlmb mldiert drswn up mlght as weUl bave plued for the crown InUnlie. They hadib teir guna poînted et of Rusis. He kneliw shed te b. me sud their offier ssJd lu Bpaidmh the % ~one tblng-a oldler-and hoe knew wcrils whlcb lu Eugllsh mea 'bande there was Dot the remoleat chance teoUp.' îustead of doing that I grabbed. gratlty bis ambition. my.rille sud jet go sahot at thc crowd. ou@ thlng. however, bie could do. [le One of the soliers dropped sud 1 rusb- could mri books. Higlier edUcatiOn cd out et the door durlng tbe excite- *w d& doma fot particularly belp a man:ta ment and lot ino theastreet. Thesol- Shafier lot Do scboollng. But lbe readi ure. hiatory. chlefly about battiez and air- --lrau up the long street towsrd thc micéansd arma. Hec saw mitakea that bridge tbat leadu acroué th. river Int were moade by the world'à genersis. lie tbe country. The odiers foUlowed me. .~ amp lutheUmicd isis. he urpma f gvtn hat!.to omm- deu!tbat the wcrk must lic peforaucigo rend up oun mathematlca. sud csrried miiotlngasa they rau. Their bulleta flew Mh k aomela quartataImhm dore Watson- Tbe 0o17 twe fotmdba aT!ya o ie esudsa à" 11b0@111a bmentellecrtis adoeu th reflHe-pour ldsddb uci wsrk4e mebutà ouet .B~ISO O mor mcmlitllb. or- warshipe lcftta simi-àe Pelure .adj ulie b.utiized. Igroasw ~uim or theu <iiîîfmodrnreH- eho odwua nwaa kfore.Thes o- l~bsto Rico soneathe trous- the caries V-ar. at Cauiagena. vve erderd to New Terk fremin Uuage. antudled thegrothoftemdmrg- bch ainluefrm.Tbso- OMa IDlwbe toCam ?tbem. repaira am e bclna&m. nthein. sud atter jLike mriy s!! the other chipe,ahle ument from tbe battie Une of tbe Grooka ir hohdfitstmtw ecp tbcy are compited tbeT -W!-JetéiIthei uffrag frenpinicreddedccisud bnlg- tbrough the Mafedonlan phalaux aud ture me voie Joineti by reluforcemouts URIIBaneCHB. rminder of Admirai C*amrs 91aqusu- Pd buI]headaconer!.dly th@ co tualaS <et the Roman legon dowu te tbe modern ultil ihere wore ai leait 200 mter me. cou au Ce*a. Itl .cde r df that if the-- ic big gunatePthefrtdeem1 pm requlIl V"4 arie et cfTroua.,'.sasa&other unaval engagemnent takea place li recisraon Rccoustit fdéange doil g~ odiei speltbbis artrldgansd bis opeo bose b rwZ wa 1met sremider. inthUic linity ef tht place, but cueys sheila. The Indiana uceda . a aeubsyotnuomsms bu o oliebig Itre u ___ ftm a msaman on the batte- Do oeein W&Bhiugten bai ast dcobt of renovatiug: the Broo.klyn retved a few hood Worklng ou the faim. rmalng then trted &crosé the bridge, which la. Wbtofla ta udicrous occurrence the cutcome of sui a <onfluct. rounds froin thc rapd-fil-c gone oftha big bocks, longlug sud thlrstiag for OP- long sud uarrow. Severaliltmea r inoerent durlng tbe naval bat- Cri-ttohal Colon, and th eva baias mportultY wit tbe mililtary academy tumucti arouud and fired at te oldiers, gonloir 3. It was Jul BODIES &TILL IN H E 1WRECKS. unczploded siteil stiriring lu ber aide. De anetiter pauet! He was boru lu obilatmtilt olw eéru ~ eahadtset a iroadaide fronthelg ouebi______il adIle lae i enucya. When the Spowla.'de Kille it aI illui.,av.Nt ARX o 8cKAND WOUILE.tcigbuebsfue otsdIvt b a tepe etlo ears ava te Vmas78va acu e. R.i.i f- et .s.-.- itinFOauRroaal ulîlh.. tie bridge, sud I rather thlnk 1 Ikllcd, rgge trsu renbe g Divers haveexasmiaedr!te hiasud iArr&mgc.,ena-t oIpitai Sîmîosas yearm nid, VTe oid bougese mil stands. sfew l o tem. fnorte ilsawore hd , lier hre ndguhadben, floatu! tteriol-, of UicSpanisit varshipisuk i7 th Cont compilts& Hugit Shafier, tbe father, sud Mra. ttuail gelks anluo okhawe orebl 1 0ibienuilbeeh. hvs edoutuarnlhan er!.-Thc The mediral departint f rte army Sbafter dieu long* nce, ud tteir sb.bluairoksp lsd 100k a fevme tbeouir article bnd, ubsi coutil cruser Reins Cristiua lia ail tu woOd- bai cfmpluu aru.enu s orUicoe ogravebs ae. iHgina fvemntes wausO he u c asanids.ien kthe y a ~quIeky suduscu! us a token f work burncd out sud rbarred butan _ of the mo-k sud noundêd a',ldipr mbi fle os.HgtSafe a pe casd" etbait y Th1 igi c'cy hemn umains vere accu iu seversl places. The piastaîtions on tie Atlantic rest About OdtatendJhadWilm 9ta alternstcly isugli sudcteer. course cf su iglt-inchela aClearîy iMorle adtheaelict rocticu! St ot mode! fanter, sud Jobthesud William ulen. 1 .mtracer! iy a line ocf min. citending rt nr e Tuhebandcommdatio.. Tvre lide ons. t er obdiut igratveSpech thc atemu te Uic vaïat. The cruiser C»- oit reaîlbfr i reet Tasu iia.T et fuatha Of aY s. Aatau exampteftirgerordoet taiklog IM wmlANI > LACKING. tilla va. icui. mmc, but vai tcrribiy urgeon gencral liai receireji mont Prof- as dul sud ueotl as itat of aum-flgstieynd tosa li e 's'b e epre-i ~me t Rhped 1 Pesieas recked. There are plain traces viere -agriculturai houe dvillmau- t clie, sud bo a*re a t ovrd- «M MI eass Cti orte rea ml' sx big sheila tom lutabull ta pleces. Vie altion for miliitarismm vs.appsioutiy hn lealtti-tr awrbral limet d Cui fa rc laekignuevrhip ie now a mai. of îvlated irois sud q r i.e' bollelesa. aud ho biadt jusl bttinte roc- Iug. Tbe reapected auperinteudeut cf d ietcHiel asbrer Mauy 0 Ouctle imsiaitte s life of drudgery a Huday chool lbed bld bla bois thât ilKnicy atlai lfort os charred bitems. a compite vieck, mach seebebgebamlri bclp f bysoliedac t rn heln etihe76,000 aiked for tare cf Ucth ea e ariare tiédir buruei. -"thegreai commouer" lu the Whie nelghbora te lb. ach"ol.saylng tIbat ~-Gvenmnteier. orilDon Antonio de U(lice ddmnt bain. Itnoue eroueed tte nation te arma and îiey shouidblUiests atrain, the echolar .. . nu quickly, ridilcu!tfi pleces by $mit@s 0 ., tiled tie vcry nervea cf tte viole belug the engin. snd bis converts lb. cf ail aies. A nuieberof boies ail bud-* i~ people. Young Shafler vas ai lait ta cara. ier] together rerthei ilader adilng te . bave ltsway. Jutige of bis surprise vheunetu- t er ic anç bcratructu e sstheat Uic mt- The ivo brothers vent 1 lte e r day. the door opeued durng lasons, tempting te lifI the Iresur.ehlent to tb. sud tbe pcîtriotic faihbttde thoxu asud s littie boy. making a noIse Dire an suprtructure sud cave It. The deseriP- turdy good-by. William enlisîcu!- a s nle. rau lu.foowed by hall s dot tIen f these slips shows thc state cf th l* lieutenant luab eeubMcîgnl-euohreandgefiea lshc.H ~ 'N*'remainimg Ventris cf tie sunken Uusnish fautry. Hua commission bore date of came te s hiait befot'. tbe itperintni squadron. Hespe cf bodies rieur h. lad- Aug. I2,188. Ho vas exceptlouaiiy ent Wlto saked the mesunug ofet it'h ti- eis lèading te the englue rcuiorn f t aln Wlici wspblm H h averpyws étipea bso wa that tic caginera' forcs bgailan t W art. H o hlm v 90p el .l iT ic u ivao iy v s made a rush ta escape, but failt&undwt l .tuhta eita i nle u h. vas a mtajor vithin a month. Vvo thein'm tbo Crs" Heara no h@tp"utclnladtwadte endofthe var The veight oetan'a brain bai B.31» etmaiauo"rCarerlatheCiilWur. lu la a question of climats, not eft u- A isalu rotibeustoMararfr Iitelieci. rier etaeThete ilicolderra xpoistnheewr eClimatscrblr hee Uice h my ier(oma&rMosat ---F&tý catfwtecueo hesc tdc*e h seeo Yorkton, Wet grester the aise cf the bralu. ed tý ladinsof. bod 01Angeican ded buttbet bu bee Do ccason SatinvPigen ltationar Bai o*sTeAmu»- r e-,u Hlm broît-s ce Potiythe Pint aOrsOkCigar.t fthe e r. bihelso.e. ilpsmîh 'lIs-ando tic rau l.vie rilet suad prcprionlc acise, pros- The gfll.h r_ aigu arcehcalna rapidly. Blond poiolu f cf apaia. When pence caine they re- sic acid, eteonote, jarbolic aclu!. atm- t o r m e e. il e .i îrg i a ib l - z r t h a e t e & ts vt t e f rt n e n t t o p ie .- m u a fi lp tu re tte d by d ro g e n , v iro d iu e eltleya kle eealmso Krlia- , n ont ai.ner dage bottelé more. mne ~~O~-~~EPU WHEELELla ftii aesylcDmd pemptiy 10 cBu uboh tei'ed application@ for coin- pvl._________ - ~ ~,mi ~- *' 1~ti,~ganbo~ ~~~"t tesimat. mnis In luthe regulai army. At&firerhesohaiThaSetcndhe- et bs b"queter bu- icier ampctedflée Baber:tars cf voodehoPPIng hebrotb- liglfron t bbc eoty. -fthagcin.Onm lteuva lae1 on a ia trouLissa, nés vers Ordered ta St. Louis te pas o.ophl&t-Wa' h atr i imbm bhn 5luerbes f requ oui liet uler cet"uimsij lNàburci ont of 3.000 Kaum#aieu.tie exsamination. foUi camne oui t fIlti50pl Wy u fm ea ort,7@3 have coin. W cf lect. Hoise n sudPal,, ""d:. »"* "eses rea eb*d i liahars.vth fiylug colora,&Bd ver. about te bui goeeouf ithout Vertus biévent, Loauiua ?ebcs-Ui brbr ai xp4- ti sîb ru. Jasal', aoniate b. na.d as a ase b omaladvs i ahro-tesu lft a not e a M» a .111 1 ahave turnia- mines.laier COmmb&do lisl 1n r e t supllafeUgaslsbfoe. ainCube. 3s.O. $0 e t us boe muai day alotosnrupwt elmuefue dte sodies a ic hebarber on s a h ad aeua *ac- j rai Cross gst a sa ntags bave lionsud jobs. OtDte bte tos« t luto 1"PUci nq. ftoi lufplKtie of 1h. me i at e risaaes ntamvt _j - - - ,4 À novell tlu Boton-do net iaugh, thorearn novelsîs ln Boston, yuan sd aetually living tere-sald ta us tic other day, "If 1 coulu! ouiy flud a plot!" Here la a plot for hlmt roc ut charge, and the story le a truc on Iu 1730 a lady-a rosi lady--came itolcBirminghtam, England, wvitt a itandsome equlpage, aud deoired the landiord of the Inn le gel ber s bua- baud, bolng deterniluedto lmnarry sone- tod]y or otiier before site lfti thet ove. Vue nman bow-d. andi sujponed iber la- dyshilp to bo lu a fuwtlloua Itumor, lut a-lug umade setîslibli- boy mue-b itlic waa lu carneit, te vent oui lu suart-h of a man that wvoîld tuarry a fine ladîy wiitout asklig tîlîrtlons. After nînuy repulses traom puer fcllowm who wvcre net desaiteeenougli for sucli s mou- ture, ho met wltli an excise mîan.,vito 8alîl ho "cýould net Lbe ln a verse tcandi- lion titan ho 's-s," anti a'cordiagiy vont wtbhie imuieer andI made s tender of bitieif, a-uit-t us ail ho itadt t, lstoiv ounlte lady, who trame- dialeily veutvîit tint 10one vîto Rave them ~is ~udhmlua speus e £200, and ti it mabre delay icftitiete owu and thte bridegpoom teý ffil et7t w1osfic vas or unritidle Ibis strange adiventure. Soon aflur site va gtine lac gentienieu ramll b ltse lovu It flli inrsuit oetlier; tbey bai tintci er so far îîpon lue roand. aîid, llndig twIii-in n-bore suc Itatiput up. lliey t'zamlripd loto ailtlte îurtlcuisrs of litr andtioît u itbcritig mie vas iiiiîrîlt'uilae up tîteir îîuîeult and turu- cd bat-k. Tilîy a noblet dame. one worlby of a full it'nglli iî-rtraliit lte galk-ry cou- srîlet-ti by TîtîttaslHardly. Wity diii luit noble tine olier ber- self 10 lite huit toîttr? Anti a-bm ers the respi'table males of te tuvan o bai-kwartl Th'ruicimas neollut of iran- dii.. l'litt n-ce u trsuera? Dldâsie vli4t by one stttlîet inarriage taescape eue deilberat.-iy contrîveil sud repug- nanti Was ltecisiomna pert feUow ln spîteofet bitabject condition? Did site everosec-him again? Disite ever regret that miteitai net braved lte norlu sut! ilveti vîit hlm? Per- bape thte nteînry of lier apparition baunted tim: peiaps It rouseil hlm le dougitty deeds. Ilia a pity litNIr. Hardy has% net mcounled for ber action sud ber fateeyuL bis grixu lrony.-Boa- ton Journal. OMINESE PUNISMMENT. The CrimineilaeCagot Up and! Let% 1 to gtae teth. T1s it 11turc front te Wlde World shows a for-m of punistâment fer thc LEIT TO DIE OP 5TAIIVATION. graveutmtîTeiv lnparis ut thc Chint-st empire.VTe erIinal le cagei Up and leoti te dit-etfstarvatlon. The Fil'-. l la esud lty ,nte tha a-e ca-e lte ltie-c*ar-pitreiîîg," as Suaktpeame "lttis it b lite SaiS, ant i tr James Turner, chie busîti hblmseif lu vrltlug1 on îiltaiy mîttors. nameg It tbe "Aile-f maine a-ht!-." lu France lh asacm-t pîcycil et ieüst as esrly as 153-4. lu it i.di year il a-as ortîred by Francia I. tat cîcit band ot 1,M) mon a-ai tu have fouirtdrums anti ta-e ffes. A tew v yaua Ister, lu Englanl, a-e flin'drimtm« anti fyfes" nt-utddlu lte motter cf Londion <itîzeni. litai-1 speare retors te the muaIt-Ian. net theie Instrument, a-bn te speasaln te "M1ercitant of Venîce" cf "tte vile squeailug utftea-r-net-kedOfie" An olil vîlter- observes, lutieed, tt a "tfyfe lsa a-ry-veckt musiiclau, for te lioks a-ny frein bisInstrulment." About the reign ot James IL. tue tfit leat iba pepuiarlty for a tîtue, Sur James Vomner ob.erviug: "Wlth us, a-ny cap-g tain may iecp a fifer lu bicmpauy Sud matntali im, ion, toi no puy la ailca-el in-peibaps luit as mut-h as te deseia'eh."-Chauibera' Journal MarketIng Marly Potatoea. VTetomo vie are unfamillar viti po- tato groviug. tte lhices a-ui camhy potatees commaul miiât 50n t l maie l au obuec le dig a large part et te crop sud marbet It vbile Uie prIce, la up. Bot tere are several drawa-bcks un marketing potatoec early. Tie veatitor la hot, sud a-hile lie skiai of potatoca are tender,tey vili mi off bbeir jackets If baudici treely, sud tie potatoca are ticu aimeel sure te rot. Ronce Uiey are nover sent far or lu lamge quantlties. lu dlgglug potateca eariy liere la great vasle, as only a tev of thc largeet are et mar-ketable ime, sud Ihoue liat Il.oemli a-uhd grea- tWiIlarger If leftt s ea- laya longer un tic bihl. Origin e Goidfith. Goliob are et ChIuese oengin. Tiey vers originaliy fourndI luaurgeble near Mount Vletslug,' sud ver. iroughltenEurope lunte seventeenul century. Te fiet lu France came ai s proet te Mme. De Pompadour. Thse microbe et love uaualil clsore Idi e ofma oh bacbelor'a bas&. -A 1 1 9-11:1 ýimmc-lFU lit la Siatcr'm viclory, snd Miles la trat cucugi te give hlm m&H lie cnaît for .-Phlsielphla Leigcr. Chirage la lu danger of a miii famine. Evidentiy tie clîy valer vorks arceout of repaîr-SaIt Lake Herali. Every ime île Yankee piga cadi aà paniai .blp lu tic irougb et tic ses îicy eaIit rîglit up.--Bit Lake Herali. Wb'at Ilawali viii de viibil&tatiree cicr- amuil vote. viii adi speclal liernet te lic next presldientiai electlon-Bonion Mer- nid.' Admirai Dewey ilat10lb. cengratuialed pou the tt liat licre vas noSeamp. son at baud te vrilteie repcrt.-Waing. fou Pent. lu va. the cempositor's fouit, ut course, bat mau!e lbtreadi "mamy cf lie fpauisi piioner, show ticecares cf hottie. HBo. ton Hemalil. Of course Christopher Columbus wiii b. lai te learn tiI uthe Crîstobai Colon aise 0Itnduiauti in tle western heicsphere., TUQrp Je~sirq te b. laned Inlu Spain ut- îet liaua urreiered remevea ttce ami vestige cf deuil as te hlm cotiruge-Pfij- adeipia Tinte. "Bay. Wenry, d'ys expec' te geltsay ut le Dow var bond»?", "Nav, Liupy, me an' de books ude mime boat."--Ctevur sund Plinu Ueaier. Tic chances are liai Agulindo vil heai à Dewey dclcgatlou frein tic Plllp- Pines te noset future national convecion. -Washintgton Pont. Wh'eu thone Chines.e rebeis poecet[ tu a magistrate and lit Il lhe fred np ai till linult, buitlthe reteis maielilgil cf lu. -8t. Paul Diffltri. Wbenevcr.thc Vesurlual urgesin.lie Bpsuisci magine tual t4e arl days ot 1ompeil bave conte again.-Mentphls ECommercial-Appeal. Weoford neci net go bock as inister oe Spain. Wicn lier cane la dîspouu! et, IMdridvWulote Wrtb thc preacws et à vire conau.-Si. Paul Difpaici. Whist makes li caliug tic nation 'Anerlean pige" more remarkable la the taet liaI tic exibition lu houer etrCe. lumbua vwu heldlu Cicago,-Phlsdcl- pi&sVîmes. A lucsla au excellent îhlug viu en o ego brins Up 8,500 mmnani six batteries Iuring Iia rontinusuce. Gem. Shatter se te have kaowu bi& buainm&a-New York Wcri. Tier, are ne hal agitaset Putetinti. but ont Spaulai prisonera may be able te 0"c au Occasions] footbaall match if tic sur contîncea s w veeba lomgc.-MIl- yankee tantinet. Oh! TaniseeDocil, rama lu tovuc, And pounied dovu a Dao; Vicia stock a feetlhiel bat Aud ralci Il Santiago. -eit. Paul Diapaîri. Th* avful acus aietlie bnlng et the cbsrity baîmar lu Pariîa sema te bave becu imilaîcil on tic deck et lhe Boum- gogne. 1% t lithéle let yen can do, mou- ul.ur?-Cl.veland Plain Dealer. Senor Bagout& ilu m oreutedanger et tlluking tiat tic tinte for iuggeoing peubas ainul yet arrived, until thte Span- lob Goverumeut finis itleit tcot a place te bang np Its GociBlesoOur-Hima .lgni-Mlvaukee Iieutincl. Vioce *'rapitilAsa" who trcu te verb a crner lu the ucesaiset flite in Day- son Clty may ilani thcir stars tiI heir sceee alcu!. Oîiem ine, illaimore titan probable that tic7 uli lave iteen re- morei" menisi agri.-llostcn Globe. VThe Parla Figare paysa ve mnerety apprenices lu lhc art etfn-ar. Go te. Mr. Figuro. Look afler youi clarlîy sar aud Bourgogne. psutmanliri nte .art et figitiag wcnten aud chldren.-Clerc- land Plain Dealer. Vial an exemapllfiention cf tte lrnny cf fate ht venuldit. ItWeyler abold lie sr- restcdinluMadid fer critlcliug tie Goy- emmnt. Wbeu luCuba i. filou tic prisons vîit tion. vbocrîllrîcie im. Turu ani tiiru about la fair play.-Boston Herali. Spain tas psu i esry for tle tmemcliery whlci destroyed the Maine aud sent te lhefr iemth 266 Ameriran s»Hors. sud il vas enliicly fitllns liaI lie Abeli vhlci finimîedthe tic risya sionli beum t tIii tiée adjnonilon: 'Relneber the Maine." -Cicago Iifsiitci. GOLO OUTPUT IS 37.000,000. manager Dois Report te Bank ef Btritish North Avocrirs. D. Dois, nmanagem cf tle Rank cf Brit- ish Northt Amerîca. .ut Dam-son, thee tiret batik openedin he c ukcu diltiol, las sent an officiai report te tiche ti office in Vancouver. Doeit lad ac"esâ te the Dominion Goorî,mna-tt niîîtlg iueem' figures. snd titis plat-esthe close-up for thc measen ai $7.0(K).000. A munit lover anteunt titon anticipated. but wici vas accouutod tor 17 tic fat-t tint famine bai driven eiaiy minera boc-k to Cirie City, viere fond vam pieutiful. seual atiters vai a great aliorlage ef laitor sud mauy rlams wercie it untouchel. Vie aicunteil police atated $400»M 0bid beenrollet-ted lu moyalties, wvici vouli repiemeut $4,00(),000.,a-lI venould care $3,000.000 uncellerted. or net accounteil for-preaumaly duatt et 5once goins oui of tic couutrY-me liai lthe Canailsu Goverumntl ii nake s haul cf ueariy $1,000,000, lthe major portion of vbirh vill conte eut of United ti ates cilice.n Vie police t-latin tint titero ia Dot tic gsut ashow cf asuroeenaailng fry alties le auy greal extetit. Eveiy mine ovuer moisi have a permit hoevasi. sud tiers are onougi police on duty te vatci thc vmai-up cf eeemy cdairetfImportance, Illat n etimabhel tt aitle ontalde mot oaa-r $2.000,000 viii cscape royalties, os that 810,000,000 I.a given ai the outie emîlmate oethe acamon'. vork lu gofl u! mi Note* 0f Carrele Vet@6 Vie laent o tie monUincala 01efftul CbcsauaPark baiat bicca dedi-