pome W. Vaudeitit Who bas rê SMeUh made a Mllte provIion for hie huila aunub.Ilite for $1.0060.. Deed neotrut te, thit cxperlmntaex- aipt for amusement, for M. Vanderbilt la woutt$2),()00,000. Altogether Ile laq * pecular fellua-. He l a§sssoaatelYl fond of coleellng <urionas tliisigm, sucli as ld rare bovkii, udd ioins. Egyhttai bacties. enviraI t l4iîutdî ilsilis.ad old biookaits. le spenda oniy F$20,110 a year ou luiseif anal about lnJ0ttO1 clartles, on otiier peoplera-hlissae ni muuey nt al. Once Mr. Vandierbilt thouagit he wuuld lîke t se Ileti'frota te reponter'm point uts'fviw ad rentiîl binself toan nesspaiî.'r atiîa viry ino- ersîr salan>'. liHrieIcciftiiiJournatil- but not beaulse lie iltî.1isîîiIIIe l11 Sne-w dalles, buit bla' iii-i îtîe' t îl);? cation ta baril ttinl. sorî- ilowtn blu bealit., anal lie filt titit lit- sîîllnul lie dolng justive 'I-iii h isel-If rlie pler- sistealIluanu ocililiatio i hit wsîa ljan lng hilai tltliîîiit Ileti i-î'ity îof do.Iig @o. M. Vaderbilt reni'ely madlt a totir ofth(-iii-sîrîd andbrotîgluf baril villu blin a tni-metduts icolecton <if eurlom. whîlu tl e idîs-il iiilils alreal> valtualle store, lie te a toastiltuits, kinal, slimle mari.andlitslî ela'i1f'- lias heenm nuatl by an extnefi'îi-ltvo- lion lu lbia îuîtbir. lIta eltit las spule-ainî lun uway, andîl hi ipipa' lar arnlg young menît. u i rei otI nîc lu te worldly amit. Noue an feresier th,» wiiime of te quarrel ets'eet 'r,'ign bans ivctiti divisiuon if ilm.Il sui'trýi-slg ti. matchu titi-gog tii ,i- of thi i ae bln a- . i, nit li1.1- ii- ana Stai-dIf if rul IoaettPrà sioli liBit- Cecr'a.U al Mlle. la te credit fur milk famine. orkm are out pigi catch a the ses thel Il& turse eite- litent te te Boston lier. -ogratnlated au no Demp- -.-Wahlug it, of course, ' the flpiash lttlle.' Hum. imbue ahIl lis >l Colon aime enipere.-, 1 lu Spain af- oes te last urag.-PhUJ- tu get Mof~ , Lluupy, me Mot.--Cletse gun aldo vii ,m the Pbilup- i convention. is pouredai[o ue fireal up at de llght ot It. rs loua.n tite ý ast dmys of iu.-Memphls k as minîster à dlspitata ot, le preneurs of Path. the nation rkablc le the houai- ef 0- go-P>hladal- .Ing a-heu yon six batteries e. Buatter uain&-New t Phrsmoutht. as, le ahl. te match if the longer.-Mil ptl tovuc, Dago; bi bat umling of the camae te bua f the Bour- à aul do. mou- e danger of r suggfestait ii te Span. * iltenut a rica lu aork if lite lu Dia-- trs that thelr il a more titan are liesu r n Globe. e are mereiy sr. Go te. Mrt. chaluy iaa en in the art ldren.Oce'e of the ir.ny of sholîl lie ar- Isin the Gioy. e lilteal the 'itnised him. ply.-Boston -the trescbery e d meut ta salor. anal Il he Ahel] a-hlcb l ear wltb Il er the Maie." 7.00,00. lu Bank nt sertes. Rank ut Bnit- msuri the tiret n ditre, has the hiad olfice ir'raa8 t te ui inspecter's e chan-up for A mucit lower bt witlc va. itfamine hsd t. 'inde City, so titat there hior and mauy Al $400»00 boa ýwhlh a-ould h -old leats ot accounteal at once Sulng tise Canudian uai of nearir ion of whlch ates citisans. are la not th. e escupînt ror- . EeE7 mine I 10 a-mai, aad nly te wstch f Iportues. a outada neot e royalties. n a the notale ,rk golal duit. sis oreedf lu uit been dodi- y of Wisconim n emuent sur. ue îilU am, dayabur, P14. ry aent ysin.not e cttons.sd 1 value oft1h. Ilf be bk. r. rid Nra* e. 04oTume. limtasaitht %tritura ut a inia utra- muent ici uut rlune lrough lketf rc end break ou nt mb eur torturiug discords a-heu louciel. nou the homsan ti ,îrcesgel coruttf une. snd inke evrs u.y ic boî- 11e tht cones Iti coontctil tit-. &y- et7 ltîsecu use-ns nrre, are nul ot lune, mure or less.anal the resi tohaico lave@ fientes are reLazed tobuhlit mrî. No-'f - Bac is bic lusing lie>' a- thgtens te n"rsea maka tii-m resiiutd qiickly lu te euitioas. resîult. ith--rli' aitpinesof ail. N-To Itou guarsuteedt tiisie. habit -cure'. uakî'a a-iah orn siruuc W'-' ad- ris'-ail tobhu-io t-un ht ti-No'1-H The bibine ilkiy'. Rmn. "Nîr. J,-iîklîîa. Is.-- guIuni onuihe, a brothepr a nil t ut, îuîîs slu thlus tsa." "I mcl-; yîîîun- liîig t,, ',--h ilff rO a ba' haIll guu,,i' -si-r>. s iii a ,- li-ar ro- man. ot a hutl- Kemp's DlIaSa ialji top tue cousglu t nce. Go to yuur dutiaf to-day sud get s @ample bole free. Soluld in su&d 50 cent bolle. Go a1 Bace; deisys ar dan- gerons.___ t:airtdReIf ",We auiuluSshae ta g.o ia-a>'Ibis um mer.-' "Tcgirl îî-xt album lias bad 10 stoP playhug the piano 0to rndthlie war oea-t lu ber granfatitr.' if yon plant yoar iatuiey ahile- Young Syou mal havesl a fotnie la aftl Cronss aroutuaofuthlie Chîngo ;nmI- Wesern Ils ilwssi>'fuor th flseiîiuh ai-e î Jul! a--rt S641.un iiicreàs-as. u pareil -it 37aV.lfinrtemaime arek last yean, "f $12.'S4791. If upna îun tlmlfour ai-es lunuit shovalovu. about ail te othera bolt tem braat. Piso'u Cure for Consumption bas ite. a godmenalte mp. W'm. B. Nlcu.Clfîham chester, Fia., Sa-pt. 17. 1805. The tota lcitivâealeirea lb tise un fladKingalomilu neami>' 50.000.000 sure la pou lses îer pisonina. prom chat poisons? Fromt poisons ttaid.- a-ays roundlnluconitioa baai. ifthliqte Ol ofatet I buveas e net remotel troun luthye acitdey, ai nature ltndcdt, eepoiaonoua en -tnsare ura Ia le asorbed lotofte blod, si a-ye cousn& sufonhngt sud fteqaently causing mfeoe dsease. TIer e la aComme on"na i i mo=.m..t of itonthewinsla tvtilà se ,»oe .it cleaisthe ti * bl.od tom *il limpuritlems d * la aaget Wncethe nfl@fl'. VA» " vo -, nue Usilmilsrislta u 's s. Co iWILL CAMRY 'TK WAR INTO $PAIN4. Ila the Midd ies. rituelle et Col ismi. V C [trqi %Man of grest parts te Mr-lle. rw, d grizly- o C n soeesifll publisiteIt tat Urne, are dlatriutdUItrogbot thie socie lunch ais or a4en more th»ItanIdues country. and( may be mmt Nt any MO-.a t T i é ' -da. Sch u IKti iln' or xiltu meut; lbut il) the bhatf that moment Pas the Sorbonne. or Vnulvermity of seidoi" a&trl, aItitouuli. ritOslyl Bf werLing band, sud the@ Fou cia char cte , c pit l a d lter ry npa - p rt. o b th on y c am f m n w 1-1 t'le t lm eul d s t iv ar ert h iia »@ in eli wa aw licen e ilo)selle oswli t uâ t i re î.xître lutAlaika a lIina (,get el od'gS n p rla b chrlysi. e In theinpelansieill es i ltir r arat n ry. ave a rrl n M5î0w i Te,re.to t oin pga tti broiidetin.'re d i*. î pr~ial i nhalbit t the îistcrniiotud-Ho'Pil îs9oriihtp. lest soaine religious ii>' 'y ry or liritisit Columbia. lbut wbthibas ild creep lu. 'IN. liee îîîiro yet been sufficieutly studîled for tis or ern ofanoireitiil..ort ass.ifcatlion:alsoanotiier. î.til rorer. U O 7am fouithe lictranserliits wsuri liarnîl ît .Up tthe11wpr"('ut ,most un il thei liooksýIelr r iI ly llîil. Somi' kti.Wti,-w111Iiîoblypfove a dIstinct oIs lits prlvilages auiglît lieentlreiv a.ie1 :Itcarillon the muet beautîfui evokec d d , an îl lie i l ma i lm -it.,n hie M r d fu , a d L lriei. Thie lisilliîr eoiilil not about the mixe of a black beur. j en 01x a pire onuiths os'. i roduîcts. 1 18,ItoYa he ýiir of the gitilil lInlPart' for exant- Alien'a Foot-Euse, a powder for tie lie . w e re s w '.rn a s p p r :îlsr' y th e f e t. i l c u re s p a in fl , . w o lie n , aia rt- buthorîttî's of the rbrlione t a icll lng feet and lusfiiitly telles lthe sting ,iiling valu.' (( a book. mn at aîy devis ' otît of curas andlhaoulons. lt's the "t- lon froti ili iîs î licitai îoffenîse'. 'lo est conifurt dîscoter! of lthe age. AIVo. btu d n tm th e p rkl n o oFa t E se nak es t g it- itt lg o r I' J is udents tt e rîci'tin ixeil t two- ni-w stos frai easy. It la a certain [MI11-s rirs of thl .' urge aski'ii of the ge--cuîreforawpaîting. rallot a ndilhot.~ IVf ýrai purctiasir. i'uib, oui'r iild tlred. itervous,. achlitg fret. Try It i10 ot dispose ((r alîcr eh ire stick a ndui l "v. %oIl tuy ail drîigglsls sad sitoe TU Y I? O R 'nade wtthut the icci'te orftIti' untvi'r- stores. lly matil for 27x--lu @temps. Trisi m ElCUENCE of n O m Dy. wiiiimut almo approve iti' par- packane i'iEE. Addreii Allen S. Oint la due not ouiy te the orlgtnallty a" baser. As an addittiitil helli lua-tu- sted. Le Roy. N.Y.slmpllcity of the combination, bt asm enta Ille liorlionun luh(,' lulddle of The Queen and Lady llll. tu, the calte asu kiliwith wbai itleb te fourteenth century ft-anted a iaw il la rellated lthal. wheii Sir John manufactured by sclentific piosa compelttng ali Isiokmellers ta keep Mîltîs igell îiî. the- qui-ru sent tii- l'rît' known ta the CàLivosiIiA Fie Svuus books to liai1 ontîn ie. and titis e ics Loiisi 1t te dylug man tat lu- Ca. only. and w. wish tu impreis ap &mille was tImltatei nt Tîoluse.,lBo- qire wlat favîr site muid accord i b &ilte impotance ot purchalalni the - n.Ven n xod l hsfitcudalvit i orw fnttructeand original remedy. Au 1U. uta. ciena atn l xfrd. lu titIse t itat hieipai. irltivt issrut. genule Syrup o Figp a hmanifctua eay trelatng îbraleswele etait bi pan. m J h ereitOh citli-il by the CALaFomAutt' Fie Staut CG& Istird Iu the midle agesl.-larper5 for lis wrltiîg talilet andi insîruýld ouly, s knowliedge of that tact WRl tound Table. upon It lie aunils, "Igholî ke thé ai to. l vliu h ot _______ quren o ce uiy 1fr' Tif' ~~ Imitations mamutactureal by othS @w. YOUNCG AT SIXTY. qu(erlbroke tîrogh lber Ioai'uetttiîf ic.Tegstning of te cà- Serene couafort and lappiueRa iu ad.'t li all hee once dissoived--wliether cal profession. andl the satlsa" vanced years are realized liv compara- tIee eniM îane or nol graelotisiy ne- wiuich the. genuine Syrup of Fige bo titely lew 'noien. î'eiii'lt, ttîe reqtarst. andl accleedthe' gitan lu millions o!f amilles. uah» Their bard lives, their 1lability tIo se, sori-ly trti-i lady a tender sud symtpa- the navale ut the Company a gia'am rinceatroubles on accunt oftheir pecl- tuw-tlc tntervtrw.-St. James' Gazette. of the excellence otlits reedy. ltbl liar organisai and their profound igno- fat lu adtance ot aIl otber lstis. rance conceruiog temnelves, &Il comn- Wheat 40 Cents a luhel. onsit acte an th. kiducys. lita' &Ma bine toabortainthe perludntusefsilness Roi ta grow whest with big proîfit nt bowels withaiut l.rrltating or weaksa. anal filitheir later yeaus withibuffeeff. 40 -i'etisud simples of Salae' IedCross ing thema. amlil tdoes " ot pS Mrs. Pinkhamhasdoienautclitomake 80OBushelm pracre) Wmuter Wheat. Ityr. nanasate. In order tojet Ile boelddii womneu atroug. Site han given sdvica Onts. Clover, etc., with Feam Sied (,is- efecu. plaes remember thse issutg tri many tiat as showu tien how te loge for 4 etis postage. JOHN A. SA L- te Company - , ZER SEEr) CO.. La Crosse. Wis.CNU & MP p M pM gard againat diseaise ansd retainuvigor- AIO1UFI TU e ana healthiluoldaga. Fromevery cor- One may. oubie aud afinlle ad ha a ~- ner of the eanth t5hete la constantIl ycomn- vlialfl mtIlI.'-Sbk5l5ei7a. I mui..11. InterTom.116,111 lng the muaI convnciug statementit- train women, showing te efficacy ot Lydla R. Pinitham's Vegetabla Com-. pondallu overcomiug temalafila.li. ere li a letter front Mra. J. C. Orme, of 220 earuest and sbtsalgitt tu the. point: "DEAR Mas. PINK1BÂM:-1 feel it my duty tu, tell ail suffering women that 1 bldtrouble with my had, dizzy spellis P resent and bot flashes. Feet and bauds were oold, wss very nertous. could nt sleep P ia1wmuut i .0~G well, hlld kidney trouible, pain ilu o aebbmt»teane £ASICMARI e1t the otaries aud congestion of the womb. meae LSISAC.Faif Since tuking your reniadies 1 arn better DtaUd). Toindutes Fm ta117 11h Iud et etery way My henad trouble la ail bthi 1.yo0u -7 lA" tuiv po5un gouie, have nu pain lu otaries, and amn ta* clisise uri ls sup.hrftjsMd s«M oureal of womb trouble. I cau est snd B7m.e se, 1ea.s hm e ad pqnuril. 1sleep well sud am gaiulng iu flah. Iruapm, leiee e cousider your inedileie eat In ha . lid tor fermais troubles." Th. prenant Mns. Plnkham's experi- * eéuce ilutbating femele iliilanpars.l- S led, for years ah. worked maide by QE P A U f or ninetitue p ut bas ld sle chare a f.,fldUCJ et Gbe 43NIM weslg b i l wb i * I Ut. 15 £9 of he correpodence departmeut t 01 yenADSLUTELY PIME Wporat .t au.0& oium55 mm" il o4 ber great buiness treatng by letter T. P49 re4 ahal ttUfUi tmlSi D ce manu a sundred thouaiad alliug ade atve s « 0 lcud l u sCMfmou l&eriait l49it"Yast.0. womeu during a single year. ea.küeig 4" a. thea sué doa #M.efet Anogibar Point eof VieU'. sgouon .y ame met firml" et u0"pic. mm eu ho. elSWhaMW la "'rherea al3togetter t o much libterty the maur aeolil. 7h muiel ame: mluwed luntitis c unty. Look a t ou t A ud CM A.0en " . public streets. Theresi no saety there de for man or bret." Et"Q R n»%W "I titouglit thte stricts wene fuâ of Th.ebirds aea haadmsa mulsbessa4 aid stnut I.atIUrI1asMUta. I9 iafeties. Btt whtsthe lim[ntter norwT"' Plaqua la bordered whih a h.adof goId. '*OUT -pet dog Weut ouf lu thse rusad- way, wtene Ille lins a perfect rigit taL STC TA CI * T.S t h i ha, aud inait becausee e wouldn't get fl T R H N w T 9 Tm ouf of thte way qnlck enough ta obilge bu b« Metdhi57i0S. f28s..i's a adreprate whrelman he wits rn oser il 1 e L~ , ndad bal bitaitlihalf! ampututted. It's TwlNTVlIWO MUJOI'4 t yo::m 1120 110 hjse. ia on outrage ad momelody wli have ta pak ag s fti lii btains M aold bseus ss si 3si 1 kg psy for IL" tat Yeu. Tmut,$hou gol Itla. ç bw-.3a 10 "Wlsaf are you goiug toaudo about lt ASE Tom R ALER gram. f- "I'in golng ta sue te feilu wiiyerau o » lus l n tonad EM ~ 7 GOCOT l UI SW16 th over hlm ." DawSt CI o l dc% 1= I5 0 la "Where la hep',' 'r tc A,1 e hseu "les Bmîll luthe liôaplta.'-4lete lndl Plin DeskIr. _________________________________ itsduced Rate*. CaIS Dii. W a Be o e t e D y f a.Via tie Northweterii LOe. froin stations i a e o e t e D y o withiu 2110 miles radius. eu accolait of tce Rock River Auseiibly. te ha beldli e U Dlzoa, JuIy'2r>-Aug. Il. For dates of insale, etc.. apîîly lu Agents Chicago snd h: 'We Amerlestis,' salI the phyiciean They Used to Say "Wioman'E Pl.'are not carefîsi about otir eatliig. A s ý' man ouglat not. lifter eatlng a lieariy g'hrat.tnllngohe nd Work Is Neyer Done.5 117 ta eat a ot, heavy dinner evrY YairIy Jump.d Ite SUcooSe1l" day." "There. Reurletta." salI Mr. Nleek- ton. trlumpisantly. "that la wliat 1 liave9 Dubeen telliig You lever sIncethe base-btall KK HE 1 seson opened."-Waaqblngtoli Star. - Right fronn the stait, noD tmadn tn other laundry starichoi on the .a= l.NQ,4, a- Lam'5 Psunily Medicine a t Wh i thtMnosofaéll tie Motta the bowetsch diy. lu o va iMM? WEN ELit t havilli n s eof M u adta ha bcaithy tus la uecesaary. ActaeUl~EAI TIUhv aaue ae- gely ou the lita' andl kidneys. cures few yaarn since thias tsrch va" invented Pj y. slck hesadsebe. PrIee.25 aud 50c. -do yaur înonîng a ntunth with KVITS D lat Wsr Cries.STAIIIand you vill mca. It makes ronimg Us "whit vas ttat arul nuise lit the easy-il puis os that beautiful enantel fiaw In c te-t luit nightl)" ltaI it PUISjit at the head af every kova ".Don 't know; Ihere must have b"en for irouiug. Mauulactufed by r. about 19,000 Spaniait battlieshp .s.uk IT'S EAEL STAVRCO E>, CUICGO U afler 1 o'clock." mie- Tue reeel'rers et lte Baltimore and Obi baýmlso *,* Çq el COMMODORE J. C. WATSONi. The commander uf thseDenea satera squadron and iis captailia.s OUR SPANBICH pRlA>NiE& ----PICTUkE 09 DEJECTION. $WARES IN BREF.. Ths7 Preseuted s PtîitIs Specite .. He- osCa-tara Lauaked When Ho Arri'red qsi L.ndlag 5et Portsmuith. lu the Philippines the inmurgetts and 0fmltuePrs mous artessco. sp The Bposuis ie asutrs captared hby teAmerîcaus ire acting îndepenht'ltl3. df1aluthelalîlut tesvitaactesPot- A dnntIiandeatylang thateaeo raai Ports Pomonlh lui. ..Sndiagor d isefo- Heat>' sentences are lmçs.etif<'iick montt. N. H.. Sunday, a-ien the lipan- lovlng daly rvettatou ssiorc, a-beretey mua aou meintes wa toaivii'hUs onit isprisorz arriveil tuera ou bard the r. c.amàndInline barreiks un Sev'o duuy. S. Louis. chiot interest ceterel lu Ad-t Islamd. A corresponident gives Ibis de- A dude figitta nerary ausa-il as a row- mirai Cerera. Ha isnDot Spaniis La itttptionor ithe lndint f rom the ut, boy, anal a rua-boy figitstilter titan muY- type, bing ahort anal tblek anal a-eaingr «bsthîng cher ou cartit. a ful1 grilbeird. Ha wasath iseptareof1! The fosIt prmoer te landl wosa mîcder The auxiliar>' rruiscr Eagle receuti>' de- a brate, resolufe man euduriug s mlsery r amdl about medfina beight, aifh s blsxk stroyealte large llparish steamer Santo tisa: la unbeable. He spoke el..wly, and lou&d He voet tao article. of clothîng. Domingo eh Cape Francis. lu eterring lu tue éeteti Santiago gare s d sies atai japer and a pair of dirty (len. Aguinaldo, the leader ai &ha Piil- tise Impression liaI ho a-ould have uich- atas trommees. île sMa ithouf liat or ipineiziurgeLtm. la figifiozfor annexe- t i vttIh aiatbt edm'ia ehoesa. and lookeal wit a aînioins. shifty tiente theUnitedl Staties. il. He $Peak% Engihiasamone citent. StanceetaIthevl tanin bouse and aphlo t auie0r"sr it0no ur dmiraiCerera a-as dresseal la a bine trswhc velie helndY .. ,Tneil rmt rierNch-o u-seenadres, uniform, lte cuit of ahich tres ahlh mnooliea lie a .a caaed frein the Brazillan Got..rBmenif as muehtafou long for itim. Il was loan- Biaîabh.rcame tite procession of prvi,au .turiciit i a collier. tib iuCmadrWiangfe osiera. They vert utsrly aIl dressesiin e yLet omne anTgto docktrotsenionsd jumpers, alîbolgi subie AdmirI Deey is managit tise Gen- te (flou6 ester,.a-ho roundl hlmeaimming had dock cipisud a tew binhe shitrîso .tîua th greai dîploma.'>'asd dorsentInl bis underaiirt spd took hlm Lafo s boat.1 rmgged flannel conta. Neari>' ail s-eraelîeacrions trouible a-th tisent. He appeatreal t0 feel ihuhmiliation terri- bâtrot. As they formeal ln Irregulun Oa, NoU ncre ai wort. on the cruiser bl. During lise trip nort holie -as se- proupe on tise aide- cf the âteap Incline Y-..erto-n St2al ali IlandI svy yard. S;an ruatomeil ta stand for heurns Iauti lie>' Iceked l ic ratawys lte>' vereIFranciaco. uahing litemto îoiîîiicfiou. againat terail andl gazing rery far sea- a thin. huugny ookinc lot. aithoot hbat- 1 Oralers have ben re-ice tila the us.'>' ar-aIbeyoud thte vanishint point, a . il gage anal genea-ali>' athidark,. nukealit yard, CIrle-siown. Niais.. toe pend $10, Ppmicred. Eri 'ofilcer anal man ou the beards. Tht>' id net sarea ieaùshi U; (i()i tarepaire upou tisa od frigafe Moute sithi t n opportunlly lu show tir wt brlo.The spectacle alwhichtetIL knultlfeelings. Froi fte youngestsaili- citt tuem l.nr.t etd hnte Avcs 1or ta Capt. Goodricit. every Arneîc ,ti cipmuealspa rs nopreeui onwtheu tht>' Advi. frois l'aves$taltlut itIcoudi looklu acf o rd-,d id -bat lay lu bis lieath re a-sa ai pitifa on tht ssitol. .oDA are ontausty gouing sorse sdpanal - htnth oror o hi l tha tii' suke ceaal xtîesssi baitark ment ls regirdeaiuna adainty anaitent vll isuai PUY raiertan hatreal. tuant. TORAL WILL BUiît RiED NemI, aUalich peopile of Soutt Amnean LAPPItD sHAFTER. contîtrics arc la satîiiv it Spbariln tMadridal*OeaeSeSGave te 5peîi hrt-fuse te hlier@ tories of Amemisovic- Ntispaaîtr Corrspondant Gsinsaua t eira No unatrsirllons. tories. Unentiabli >sinction. li Madrida alieessay tisaItte conditions The repaire ta dry dock No. 3 t the Sylvester Scorel, a-ho bas a-ou for hum- of etuna-cder ag-teed hi, ly (;on. Totral are Brooklyn Davy yard have iteen compisted. self te nueuviable distinction of beiug lu liedte mIlitanT cole, sud bute crc- Il cau aci'ummodata tise largi-af reaseis in lise oniy civiliau itory a-ho siappeal sied a pinflipeso nt M.otDv.the fae of a major general In ftat offi- Caepaltai eealncreio eluditht aréi.- ur er'm heur of upremo triumph, làa s ea-s- Caplun Ge t lnr'enuits ie Red Crose Society'iln fetiingthlie papen reporter a-ho la posuseal ut un- i- spouslblity for tie capitulation. The People ut Santiago, wniere thouinds are doubte daring aud recklesonosi. Mr. minimses do sol belbeethat the troutpe iesttute. the sappi>' of food l inte nil __________________ uaidae o! Santiago a-cntinludel tante bing exhusistd. ura-tuier, mand tiey anticipât@ that cne Ylo ee ndresn nteam oft hem a-lu refuie to lay doa-u their Ylo-frrudcean utt m arme. Cen. Toual i alji bacourt martial- at Santiagotougit te sutitar>' coudi- lions lu tise captureal cifl are such as to tal for ourrendertt Santiago to tise Amer- invite an tpideuic. ,g Gem. Tril amy liclaies ho a hlgit pn- -rnarle of futa as bing theitou> Spaniard uip lu dataea-holhed mienne enugh ta khoua u I ~wleu ho aaistrotinceal. f .Te Spaniehsit eamer Panama. une of the tirut ut the éecula resmela ceptureil k attenwaanva-as diciared. hasliesu rellteal itfer ise a a atransport. -. Gv o w.Lande. of IMarylandl basn u e -~~ nounceal that te Stacte iti preucl la sa-oralof honon lu Coimmodore Sebiley - - aho la a nalive of Frederick Couîty. npu Ex-senator flou Camerun ut Pen.uyl1 \% vnla ha offre 10 the Govenuineut for 1 sanilitary bosalhfue fa-ce use uthie iLeieasox. fiue etate ou the South (Jarolîna cat. Saovel tineal ta puah its lwaayagalual or, Tihe Unitedl States Governuient alîl es, der», te the rootfutftise palace lu Santiago >.tahtish au ettsivi'wa ethier bureau lin a-hn thoSaanl tpevsblu lit Caibieassesforîleuseof il t5hoistol, snd a-as forceal iack. Afier thi liens chome luerrts lie onulmnt segiots. caereon>' le maale lis aa-a' Gen. $bar- 15500.PYthisus a-hoa' ouîîii-enge in acthvete,1r nasudsrack liat bero In the face asi gLNEA aar servies have ieen notubiel taI leir bis palm. He vas acresteil st once. anl icans. bul Il lanot probable tuaI ke a-ii erfic.sts of endos mciiiand aldcaims ite reut a-ar alloa-tat lhe inal,'h be punlabed.'Te Gorerintut dlal net thereunder wuil be coudt-es lIl anal dumieadea anal sbot. authorie th surrender, but lustructeal voci. Captalu Centra l Banco ta leste the la- Dung the naval battie ai Santiago, lu P01190NED WITH HAFH. itiatire 10 Cen. Torai. Tht miliitacy <ode aluit Cervras Let wansdestroyed,. tae prescrîbta lmprimlint ton lite for aul Oregon abat lircal 1,776 shela@.'te de- PFitenSo Sldîesut Casmp Atger Ex- cirier a-ho urrandera te forces of tort- strtuctîoit causea b>' nome ut the aboiîseted te lite. We poivblch. alîhoagit dependieul uf- a-as teant ai. ____ Fitty-five mnu of Company A, 22d Katý on his communal, are notlahclitaealh inte Isolsin itcittriek. mam iufaul-y, ai Camp AIger. acre poison. action cauinh captulation. Toral'a sur- cd by eatlng iash. Thte met useainI rentier a-i haiesuituitted tat te upreme makîngthUtc iasit tis cookeil In a lin-luned militr coancil. AIl te minlatens repu- kele. Tise cont-oduug kete spoiled t diate relpoualbîlit>' ton the surreuden ut meut, anal la ascribea as te cause of the Santiago anal otiser plants lu caufern Cuba. violent sicutueus experienI db>'te met. TREA11i OF W Uilý-.Surgeon Duncan diagmne tei affection as a arvere case ot ptonauie poisoninul lUa Bentu tatliliaI Net a Finale Farte nof eptelmelu rtuse iul l n Caseef BloOd Polmning ileeportesh. aentepjtdt ie As soon ausutrgeon Meâches a stounal- .F enu ieîîna-snosyiIa ed man bitilrt at lu ta batte the aoutil SAD I5.AVOC IN HAVANA. wii ih icisioride ut mercary analtires% ut a-It aniseptir gnuo, anal Dr. Van Rey- Bimeane and ftarvtion Deciuas'lIn peu, te surgeoni generil o!fte nr',saaYs speniait Soldi. > tisa thusastInlutue a-ar noteasingIe essae Starvation sud diseae are a-onklî of blaugi poionlut lied been repontoil-( dire itaroc whlh Biances soîdiers lu Ha AstontIhe 450 voundel men at Fortresi vans. Refugees frona Havîna reilenag Monroe tent s Dot ouaea-ho la auffeing sued confimutue taie ot suffering. Foou train inlammatiOs on touaa-hume a-oundu for lise poorer people la scarcely obtaina are ulschargiitg pas. Tie iaercuul kilse Caplain William MrKetti'ick, tue usau ble, deatitu fromi tanvatuon occur dai] ail germe,. keepe the lacerated dlesh sa-et a-ho ruisaI the Stars sad ittipes oser tise -hile tue Spenuimh olalers stalk tamiRs ana l ean anal causes il ta beai rspidl. palace of tue coiiquerel Sauliag i di- ed through fhe streeti, golng froi bous Ne uintIns useal ludressing; steriliiel Cuba, in a sou-tu-la a'out ben. Sitater aind tobhue- ofuthîe aealtuier chiasi haggln ganse e sround imach baller lu&Ili respecte. a member ofthtie genrnîl'a staff. for foodl. MANZANILLO DOMDARDZID. Mentie Resu ltu Oltt Up. KIPEDITIONVREACRES GOMEZ. Advices breagit b> te Empreso! Iu- meaa Ameri Warsipei Attack the alla ludicae tisat Maulla lu ready ta sur- Spaniards Remi Laudag at Tuad îUaidýuaautsiS utf asdo. render. Intimations îvuine trorn maoy sud Were Whiuped. Manzanillo, whicb la On utea-eterni soureathaf te milititry officiais are Reports troin tha soulh coeif o!Cu tost cf Santiago province, about niuoll ailing ta haul dowiithm- fiag. but Ihal say titat the brut at*inItt of lie Florn miles trin Santiago, a-ai bombanalei Mou- te civil aud clsurcis authoilie. ana op- and Fanila ta landl la-upa anal suppli da ysatan American warshlps.ireo poseal t0 capituitint. for Gornet reulealInlu anmuuiuury hb Spanhiligunioal-the Delgado anal tueth.adCpin ues rbrofc Paraja-esmfd tue atck and a-ten et Outpuît f- suteiee« Poa-dsr. Nunes, anal several uhhens a-anc kiliî onulire liy @heile tram tue Amaremu tes- Thetupaut fumokeleas powder for tht The Faulta neturucaltfealire sud fonti gels. Tise gunboti a-tre huriteal lu-tu Nar>' Departrnt la teadil>' increaing, lie Spanisit artlleristi to retreat 10 i a-aler' edgc. Many efthte Spacab sali- anal lie onduance bureau la recivîng anuls, but Il veau decdel nul tae ori urne kihiasi by tue explosion ofte more than 8,000> pounils daily for tebig land titane, anal the boata&a-eut taui sheIla. Sung. Tunas. a-bore a iantlhng waa effecleal. PlEiCTSWAR WITH CUBANa. Have Little Usa for Craium. CONTRACI iOuEB To &PAIN. Thtegains are belur laken off te ruineal AuO icer Pays Figit WtVlIBe-B pani.hsitmipa b>' Goveniameul ligitfers. Oianish Company Wili Taie Senti&& vua Witiin Ta-o WaME116 The examinera conclule froin te damagt Prisonere to TheilHomes. AI Norfolk,. Va., an irml offeer et vide doune l tic armirreal cruiaers tuaI they Arrangement have eean concluded exprieliCe analdinimate ncaleâge cf tbe are not a greatiy serviceasle type o!fa-ar- te Cotrninut for the transporta:i Cuabane made te tartlint prédicion tuut -suIms lteft englue rouins are easll lu- outhte Spanimh prisoners aI Santiago fic "witint lao wveaus a-e shal bha igitlni capmctated- The batlelshlp is tue tes- Cuba ta Spain. The contract va a at the Cabas. He salaltofthti: "Thtealhait adaptail for bcaty Ighllng. e ailulte Spanla Trntilantique ci Cabana are alraidy dlsaah.fld a-tu pamy. Tht compauy ama-csl carry1 Amerinan inthodae. They yant tao ilil VoinWmSae Signal Corsis Recruited. pisoners tros Caban poste ta Spain tuait prisoi and caunot undarstaud Th e oalea eompsanes et the volais- theraet f for tehi enlisted mnu wby a-e du ct alaa- Ilium te do M. Thuylieant0111011111 rps baves now heen rect Olt"d OUPSfot taciecoauailoted acer. et dontast tele uuxd te th*e Unidte ta lairftn rUmgtb. Dam* oMPaay-i1a1itu e e .tnSulhhiWthe «ecm Blts u send otIl lla obWtglees15 sa*iOf idW-ta «P . IMU Iud"I8 1.tg15 axSM istmebamla. asnpsevffed iglfthluS ogla0mni .lW las l*S la lston tter&Usly. P',ies 75 eslL If it çiaas-t-forThie lynritings occa- aiouaily titere would ba more trNIîS Iu tis world. CASTOR 1lA For i&ba ut.mJd (q idbb4 Thiad [lui om anAI" ht B.i. thi. 4 4 Blgus=6 ofa i ns ai' vision and lu the Baltimuore tunnel. These ra i t w e re o r lin a lly b o u g t f r Uth e G - I . f e I I U fte whlrb was desigued to parallel ltse Balti- -more and Ohio Itairod between Balti- more and Washiutou amsi to become an- important factiir ln busiess betweu @Là those points. cThe pr,,jeit faîleil and the material whiih was purchased bas been sîtl. Tliese are the ira sixtY foot rails tolie uned on the B. & 0.O pays 1to L ein a T htis Tow n *fl? . t Thte towu of Lorustetten la urtem jo?.'4ES 0F*NIA @ berg as Ils funds no eilI vested tat ----- the luhahitants. inatenîl of paylllî. taxes. reverve n bonus of $1%l aach an- ntially, Ibesideaifree lrr-woo<lantfret' uise of innd for ralslul vegtable. CAMCUS I TUlE EtliisI asSIsiDe~ 084100 ii am ita b Sit a- u wend. Ailk s S ihîls $amtIl bu eue kN.I. doem l»es. »M f Uait sm Mt W 0. 1le« ta L'ady ltn riplyweaut office> Al Clere are oulyi>' itii> iiiulnl aAi t5'Ysl #a thte fal!>l. I1ttnk >'i>u <ugltii il w-hllug tot tme ton legs tan youuai Titere ar'eîaîly I-so pebaoas ti eotfte Duetc-ltU. muta, a-heu lus0 vi you tuèeo'a h. lhee.-Nea TOM Weekly. da at- col.c ed. the eta L'as [au d o- ird ron- va he Lont- anth int andy Sf«t 1 -Amwl 4-