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Lake County Independent, 9 Sep 1898, p. 8

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Ç-Ounltyl SPEED PROGRAM .TTDII IONS Than Ever Before.1 pane togo.- f: lake it' yur vacations weeke' *.rbýaps nover in the history of the agru- cultural Society have indications been as favorable for a suc- cessful fair as at present- FAIRO and you can't afford miss it. A good brus-band wilI be in attendance every day. Aliberal purse, $100,,has been Wrovidedi, and ail players eligible, ;ýbther f rom Lake Co. or flot. 1IiiS will insure better "bail" than 4as ever been played In this county. QCood Bicycle Races for liberal purses "are a feature of the fair. _____ tit Miss the-u-o ST PAIR ________________ Frd. lepeets ame&ou WIS. CN?. R.r. IME TABLC. -motstis Oreab' timeuel lue s, ue:iDr. andi MmsUkF.. ugisea visobhiva bien penatng tise pont ev tmys isre 00130eVmogvs ratiiaed te their home lu Dix.n the a 1 p m au Mm. n'iratof lise veek' ~hie1o 's 2'tase rt. '0ite Mu» JmenGreenpenut a few de"y £pteisite ~ t se ns s te st vlrelatives ta tise City. se nov i1-ar9e9ev 8 St 6 39 40 9S52rades a Monaroisbicycle visicis mis Leath MIl.2 49 i 49 986 1, Ubromgbl home vils her. 0rmîs LaR ie la o2uS6 1iù3 u93 it Tise Wamconti abhol building beca [Itolilla 9105550 2 3w.7 ln1020 1 211undergoing rePaie the là"I 1ev dm0. fz ..Vl a 1 - s us 7 S t1-t 0 2 T i e r o o s u s h a v e b e e t a r e p a p r e t i m d 00155 5555 tlie vood voris patatei. mi. 0Dlysoiîs.0 : lbng vil b.pot in shape reaty for s.,, Ol Sion si îgtscisooa vicis yl commenïe Boit Mois- &M. .,...,rss .. day, L..'Vila I 7 i m4 34 go i50l LItI.Wn 7 33 0 t1 1 g ..t 14. .,k'ieiic 1 40 i M t UN 7 i 27 là 6 SeICi, -.ts I44 a 1 1, 1 0 10 veurl'iel 4l ise . . . 215361I Ccetr's s936uts45.510 a530 >ou ROCKEFELLER SOCIETIES. c(ONGREGATIONAL Cbwrcb Sondat mer ce 1lw 0:30 a. nDLandi 1:30 P. nM. Plr m,.tiîîg wednusday evirnnat. Y. P'. S. C. F. D MON D Cantp No. 4124. X. W. Amfft 'A- and1 thsir ird ëoinýof auh o. o. F. No. $15. meet raeonti and foutUs Thursdaye sît emh mosil. WILL Kmsoos. N 0. Oro0. A. OsT. S-oci . 0. O T. Trhursdsr eveninge 0f eab veet. Lxmyt Bu ame K. C. T. J OHN 0. IWIlAN P0,4 G. A. B. meet sturdssy ight un or betiste full niosti. ..oLm&505. Co.ad4r. 0 Ben ciiU5HLL. Adit. Mai gtolg tiuth ..... ë:4 a. ).9:22 P. nM. Mail goinit forth................ 10:03a. n. maieover landle y stram.rrises ut lu a. o. dessertâ ut. il a. ln. ROC KEFELLER. Miss Elie Orldlev aitended tise Cook CouSily Convention ai Chicago. A. 4. King andi tamiy entertaineti company train Chicago Monday. lirs. Beasiey andi May are tu Wiscon- sin visiting relatives and iriends. -1 Mir. and llire. red tMeyer, of Ch icago vislled ber motber, tirs. Rnbiank. Aibert Knigge, viso is working in Chicago, open% bis vacation at boule. tira. W. L. Ricis entertaineti ber mother, tram Waupsca. WiVI., Hunday.à Mir*.'Wm. Feddeler anti Artie are vis- illni tjsýtives anti trientis Lu Chicago. Qute a large nuniber tramt bore ai- leadedth ie Soiditrs 'Reunion at Grays- Miý Dooittie, Laure, anti Ira, tirs. E. B. Harden uu Loltie wre in Wanke- gan Sturday. Elmer Risoder, accampanieti Iy at trisant tram Chicago, vimifet isl grand- parente, Mr. ani, tirs, W. H. Knigge, aver Nuntiay. Delta Knigge returneti to bier borane lu Palatine StatrdaY alter vislulg ber1 cousins, Cora anti Luelha Heracisherger, for sanie turne. Ed.. Payne, T J. ticitride, Wili Sert- vents, Geo. Carle andi licti Carie took satvantageoroltise excurston anti vent te Chicago Snnday. Noit Sumtimy nsornlng anti evening1 1 1tv. 8. A. Harris, utfiuilisuru, aliic, c'îPY thse 1lefelieT îpuipil by ce«- change vitis ,eV J. A. Cle, lise pâatar. Oui sebool apeneti louday vits a large attend ance.tir.N. H. Welcb bas chsarge of tise grainliar roou anti Miss Lilliin Payne bus charge of tise pritnary tains. Mr. Woeislabusa iclatis in big Il sebool.virk. Mr. Henry H. Cronkiue, laitiser af (ts:ii i-seine(lto iwinsau,jobn H, Cronk- bihte, dilesilat Priday, Sept. 2, st bis tenuee an Little bUs, N. Y,.tir. Crank- litae,lilig srluinnti t iy vire, reaeti lts isthi-i s i>islidin tu ime t gay taie tamtI lrevîli. 'lale luîdy vas brougist i-ni urliii itl, aîtdtise toueraI beiti Weduesihty. lise decesseti as one ai lise early'ý.tler8 ot Lake cîsuty. An oiitnUrY uil i pbie a)I@iseti et veek. For broiet s sartiac.s, sores, insect astes,' Ltynsu, Kskt diheases anti ebipeîîally jiiî.si Iere ii Qute reitable r.-nedy. 1%;i.>'A i Il IIaxci Ssalve. Wis.-n ja ur ti eWitt's tiust te- s-îlePoteîfilta or fti#nds. You yl nt lbe dasu-ppaîntet i wtb DWtts Witi:at hiazîe Salve. P. Bl. Lcavxnn, Ltbertyville. WAU CON DA. JîonWula.airIvaoisoe, vas beer Tuebday. Jouît ate-r vas onulihe streeti ai Elgin 1îsesisy. (0o4s. lurden, aiflRockefeller vas ais aur streetsti'ut-sday. issmtrtdtiiiltssney bas gose ta Chi- cag<o la attend sebuai. Miss Mtay Spencer viialltendi scisool in tise City iis violer. Franks Flatter, ai Digiston, vas a pleamant vastor liontiay. Johbn ilney, of Chicago, matie Wmu- conda a sairt viaal Sunnay. Fred Musaban, ai Chicago caieti ou talontiu lu Ibis pace BNnntiy. Mir. S. Reynoldesud daugisler itaena caiied ou fieuis isero Suaday. Mr. Julns, ai Chiscago, vas on Our eîreets Tburistay, of l veki. Ut. anti Mis. Wni. Soymour reiursed fioms liei western trip lsêt veois. Miss 1dm Ladd, af Waukegao, caiieti as iienda lu thîs place lait vek. Frank Hiirams, of Frenient Con- ter vais a Wanuoua visiter Tulesday. red Wyukoap, ai WaaOSteCk, Peut Sunscly anti Mîsnday ut bisgSanie hero. Ifilas Allie A .Poule relurue t l Lake Forest aftt » peding a ev dayà boie. Mima Keru, ot Chicasga, visileti reia- lives andt tieni in tis place ieaently. F. Smiths, eailvan5aeusode lMr. and Mis. o. c.lRobesema sairt visit lion- day. (1.. lnsat andti Ivagentlemen trient. iroins Elgtn ve OOuou ar mret. lionday. ' lira. E. Oçks anti son Raoban vblsdt ber parente. Mr. anti lra. S. A. Ford, receitly. Misseli Tadmarms #peut th is rsIt of liseVeeSvimtng relatives at plassalit Praîirie, Wis. Atm ntiflng of the village boomr let Nau&dY Utah,$ 0. L. Prattwuvip- poinie t aah'au .1 W .sMs014teti, atOl- a -PA-LA T1 NE. itchool commenceti Monday Sept. 5.a Mirs. Tounq bum a ev tenant for ber pace near tise deoa. Tlise rebosîra met at 4. M. Sciierd- Ing's Uontiay evening. Wtllls Johsnson and lady @peut Mon-là day vils bis moiber in Palatine. 3 Dr. Aiverson is enlertaming rela- lavas tram Wisconsin at prenant. Mis. <i. W. Johsoin, of liarriagton, viaited friande ta Pslatine îeaenty. lir@. Henry Mundisanis enlertained two of ber sers tramt Iova tant veek. Mie&s arnioning relurneti tram ber visit wius frients la Lombard Wetinem-1 day. )diss TilliaumgartIen spltSaIsir-1 day andi Sunday visitang relatives tn Chiicga. Misses Iterthsa Horlamann anti Aima Vase visileti trientis ln Chicago1 recenhiy. Mur. andi trs. Brockvsy vîsitet vils frad in Brriugtoix Tuesdlay eveng. MissllBetisHorstannnent go Minneso.ta te visit relatives iu tisaI place Tnesday. Mr. andi tira.ielknase entertaineti tbeir dangister and iciiltren irons Chicago ibis veois. Mmrs.J.W. lSmithsentertaiued ker sister anti tangister Florence tramn Kansai City recently. Mrs. B. Bcierdiagl iaviag her bouse lately vacateti, nevly clemaned ad papereti reatiy for a ev tenant. Henry Longisoret, Mr. liiam-nmà'w popular erk lefI Tuestisy ta @pendi bis vacation vith ie susster lu lowa. Misa Lydia Bicknase vent In Chics- go Tne"say te stop vils ber stater anti engage in business lisat villI teli ber an unlimiled ignie. 5. a Jangister. Counratntaalons el- ten4ed, a long lie au a shappy ane lu tise younti lady. Tise pienie conducleti by tise tiannaciseir iseid titLake Zuricis as a Social succese fine vealber anti a ne lme anti veU attended alliaug Is i came off on ëunntay. QUENTINS CORNERS. Henry Krapp bas investeti an a corn inder. Johnu Witt hai put îîp a nov steel 'tudmii ant laer. Chai. Hovien mavedtuta tise cavu ot Barringion Ibis veek. Gel ready te attend lise Lais. connly fir, anti ses lthe large pusnpkin. etc. L. ltitlgge bai gone to Gilmner toi the vinter te vans in the cisees lctory. Lots of oui peopae attentiedth ie lanercisoir pieuuit iLAke Zurichs lent lunday. Henry Ailard viii soon mave te Palstine. WIi l eaeia ascioatai Pinni irove &bis Vinter. 19 seears the meiiy-ga-iount bau bharined iwsae very aget ciaîtien am cdll a isalior one. Win. Abîgiani, ai tpx Biver, called al, tise Corners béatI Rntay an bis vay home ta sme bts folks. Misses Mary andi Auna uessîlu are uaktng a tva veek's visit vils tiseil unole P. J. Bociselmau at Libertyvilie. PRAIRIE VIEW. A. C. itchasmiistarteti bis nev bla press Ibis vei. Lillis Colby la attensling scbool ai Waukesan tiasyear. Angusi Itisit h as taken tbeeonîraci foi buiding Mi. Laantz's boues. J. iM. Oritiley enleitaineti Cangreai msan Geo. E. Fosone day laiI veek. Carroll Oritiiey viilstaztto Evanates uniat vueS viere b. vii attend scisool UmaZioaMorse. ai Ginier, vii tiaebtise scisoai in tise (riilej district tibis jear. Ouritloal stock ubippeis aisippeti s car ai Saga Ibis veek bal report nisrkelsisie stock very scarce. Quite a number ai tarmers have pur cisaseti coin barvesiers vithin tise Imwe.Alag soit ft pieferhini lise Deeing. miss Ethel Masan, ot Elgin, spesi Nunday vilS ber parente, ber moie Suste retnrulng vils ber wbere ths latter yull visit fionda for a veek. This vee vll setle tise kuoti politicai prablemm anti thon everl pody aboualt l ess spenti a 11111e tins Dcxlt wocS in boomtug lise county fait Tise meny frieutis a1 CapI. W. 1 Wbtgans sic mucis diaappotuteti ai lb delay ofthtie PirsI Reginient i Montanis Pt., ho having boom expeolei isome Ibis Priday. NORTrH NORIIIFIELD. lins. Frazen i. enterlmining com pauy. tir. Doev as ont vialtlng a iew da] this week. Alvin KiesI is baving bis vacatios WIII nos somebody be glati. lirs. Frauzen bus relurneti hon alter visiling vtth ber sister. Mr. anti Mia. E. Flagge went la il aity lai veois and speut a day wl relatives. Mn. John Stryker vent hsomie av Sussday tausec Ihâl bis boîter Sait belng csied for. Mev. lStierle retusrneti fionsb calletlng tour andi dos nIt expecl b. calloil svy âaat. iMany cisildrsn viii be filhieti v regret. toi tise scisoçl bell again caW lism onit tir tanks. Mir. LarS venl te lise clly Monday be remdy tu fil bis position 1principal of one of tise sciools. I Next veek tesfair venir do net for5 fit. Sbouanith 1e vealier man bleus vilS gond vealher, il certainly yul 8afa(si< vieS. It laruaaret t P Frisme vililesu thi fart antd i s sen viii Imne ais am irecas auto .sssebody for I boomuaisoff'& gooi-tatas 0 L.ake te e Ir. H ho e lis, the la ie rtI né lae bl Wus. Gtpp poircisaset a nov Iering corn binder recently. Chiicea tisieves sIole a number ai tir. Bocks cblckOns îecently. A numbor ai y 'nong people enjoyeti s pltuant party et Wm. GerSeD's Sun- day. ,. Lonis lHouer purciaitag àuev Me- Ooinck carsi binder of Fassbender& Whoun joeili for DeWtt's Wilci Hiail Salve lise greal pile cure, tiont aceept anything cisc. Don'l b. tlketi lnto acceptîns a substlte for Pila, for soies, for borns. F. B. LoVu1L Lilsertyville. HALF DAY Tise dance aetlHertels '&iaS vas veli attencident a Iarday igbt. John Peglov isougisi a horse nt Mis. Charles Anmioida &notion lent Matu-1 day.a Josemph Churchill visa bai been sicist for lise peut tisrceeesa I able te be &roundi again. 1 a. H. Peglov anti bis men have tinisieti a notisci contract oaimaison vark ta Wnegan. DeWttt'u Wtoh Baalelalve isitise jurgent sale ofamy salve la the vorîti. Tis fast and 114 meit han led dis- honeet people ta attempt te caner- fait il. Look ont for the man viso k tempia ta deaive yen vhea jtu, oeli fer DeWtt&s Wtlo B "KaeSalve, the great pilis cure. Y. B. Lovxlin, Libeityvillé. _ GILMER. Martin Morse bas purabaseti a coin bioder ai B. D, Cook. Wiil Morse and George Grass bok a trip teo btengo Sanday. H. A. Scbverman lm sntertaining s relatives tram thee aly. A. G. Sobverman 80k a trip te Chicago Wednesday on businesm. Tise Gimer achool cmmnead Mon- aday. Miss £unie Asaes la tembher. MUm Zoa Morse vii leait lbe Gt rldley saisool, viicis openeti Monday. AG.BoisveruaU Saspuroissuetia new gusolinoengnsof Fairbaniks, Morse A Co. for hua nov elevabor. Yon Invite dteima latuemivis s. po tperimeaL LIIOI.14» . lm. esa me ut me Four Ali mpudmhasi S uram aul of th* valnuitisaSmreItabe touati veryvisere taqu Win viielp yo u makug is aecononsteal motb, John nova se bernlas o~ tweetetlof«tm is uWalgs,.a îaur s"col- openeti Tuedy undit the managementi ofmi"s Buryon Mmd augena &Appiejard'. store li. nter- boiuag a cou$ ot peint vbiah vill Sm- prove il a giassdemi. lYs are very s*My ta, esanIhal tise Rev. Lyonna brother Who bas boau serving la ltao srmy ie quite ill. 1Bev. Guntiser, ol'Evanston, preaciset aI the, M. B. cah siaday. lias iuîbjeat b.iug t'Cisritimn Liberty." 11ev. antd Mis. Y. R. Anderson, Misse Jessie Reeti andi Graac Shepherd attendedth ie Chuisti"n Indesvar ut DesPlaineslaut Thar.day. A very plesamt line vas enJoyeti by al. Tis des 4.Aid 01thtie M. E. cbnrcb msuet aihie home of Mass Clara Apple- yard laut Thnreday. A gondi dinner and a very plissant ddy was vii @pont. George Buagn. ciiltiren are recover- ing front typhoiti foyer andv.e are very curry te hors tsat Mr. itugen vms etrioken vils ai andi renoved tthie bospital inahiicago. 4, stubaru ougis or tlikting in lise throat yieide go One minute Cougisa Cuire. liarmlcesin effeet. touches ltse rassI spot, rellable and junet triantlai vmnteti. llaeltooe. F. B. LovELL, Libertyville. 1DEERFI1LU. A.O. Strayerand vite are vasitng tbeir folks. JmseGaiiovay la tant recuvertang Iroca injuries. M»r. Colt, 0f Highliandi Park, was s DeeubBîtivisiter Iueaday. Dont torgel la go tl, tise fir DC vecis, becanse evorybody ia goiug. Mi. and Mlr@. C. W. Pettiî are eatertalning msdoter îsud aisildien firoua Ilarrlngton. Miesss Dodd, ti, Waukega, spent Sunday andi Moaday ut Ibis wve i vu Mr. and Mlrs. Ed. Bleimebi. 1 MiesLilian Lohflag returnet laber home in Wankegali mter spouding a veek vilsMri. Md. Illeimehi. John Horeniserger anti Peter Bleimehileot MandAY bigiltfor <Omaha vhere they vill apenti a t 0v tiys. "arais Antesa hashmboom visitins relatives in tise City foir a veek retarned home haut Tuesday nigist. UmsG.Zerver vsah..bubeen vieil- tmg ber sinter Mire. Fronts for a mout returnet th ie city lent Sturdsy. a Mrs. Ometzer, Miss Roberts, ai Chie- &go andi Miss Snsclzer, of Morton, rode ont on tbeir viieeis andilapent one day B1lentveek bore. Aug. lange Whin working in yLitiertyville spent Hndmy vils ie rfolk&. Aug.isya Libertyvlille ie ais onlitolae telive. Maurice Peltis andi Peler Dnffy oni etjockey boys basve relurneti vils tieli home they t0ok out ta tise races Their report ls very goo0d. a à great any young people taudi surprise, Party an Mtu ms deissToi lant Satuarday nigil. Everybody en joyeti thensseves very mucis. d Tisas.vise vert an the City lb laat veci vers EU Frantz, M. tiares berger andti vie, Ont lange, E.C Tilotion. John Hioremborger Jr., Mar, krBieinseii. Trots veaars veoit. People bay learnedth iaï; DeWlttls Little Ecri: Miser. are relUable lit11e pilaIo rregnlsllng lie bovels, cnrtng canai pasion sud sink eadache. Tisey don' *gripe. F. B. LavzLL, Laberlyvilie. WHEELING. Born, te lMr. and Mrs. Franks Evani a-a baby garl. A niink kiliet ielve docks at Gar( :iner'ï place Tuesday. Bicycle Stùidries of Al Kinda. Bicycle Repals5ug. 1 bave nov 1h10. ION up-to-dat e iyles left an t uti la lelaM in tise lemmonfor maieé on Viseels, I viii si tisons ch.ap. CSu e M4 get jour pitaia a bargain, uhile tiaey luit. "WILL KNIGQE, Rockefeller - - - iIu4B anudof the *We haudIe' *excdusWvely. L. IH. -Litchfield, ROCKEFELLER - - ILLUNOIPIP WC CAARY A COMPILETE STOCK or GRAIN, FLOURZ MILL STUFFS, SI3EDS IETC Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent. THEI3WE3BER WAUON,. WNEN Y OU WANT Buggies.or Farming Implementsâ CAU .ON WRIGHT &'SON$' Libertyville. - - - Iliis'UI E~AS TERN A RKA NSA W Tueeday Sept. 20. iseng ourn ext oecursion sots, Ipakeiise at or 'et cltai attention la the tact and aima la gave a speelàIi tation te &Il tnieto@W I laxe. à trip vils ns ta lbe Grand Prairie Beit of ArkansgW. GO AN D SEE the big corn crop just harv*stoàIl GO AND SEE the -big pea crop justruL, ii harveat, which is grcwn as a second crop on land from which this year's Big Oat,- Wheat, Rye or Potatoe Crop1ý was harvested. GO AND SEE, and aur teams wiII draw y over this fine cou ntry FREEI Go Tuesday mornlng to Qh Wltli LS, or meet us at 163 Waàhlngtofl Sté, a. in. as we take the i so'ciock on the W aie driving ovr the Prairies the next day ,h~ , should b. with us. Drop uns4a Cad. Greater Resuits Tour ney»mesIounsaimb "lmât reeuto-ii * trtisranmdth ie amouats v. ssve sou over t"is remmmtagï isy oson, emable yon te seonre mamy addittoual tiesa aid ia making your home atigactive. I~s ouR "-SePte 13ml4ml.

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