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Lake County Independent, 14 Oct 1898, p. 2

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mollo . MiI*vaentered hY the eMbinalloos sud 0ott ise sllblOtst la- ut 4 -'jury vas dou t e t. ort a lrta sur ri 18 OUR. aher pao th 1e building. The moneud la theii. n a atwo haxe*, one hen£gha _____________kaown as the îeUler's 1box aud itheotiier as5 the. treaaary box. It la the. latter that was l y bv MIG ir PF.AK takin. the tolai". box, tcntaiailig the.cashM ~ ' mn£NEflO .nsed in th crdtnary d.ily tranusactio,li cnet iieing diaturbed. la order ta reach w, the treasury box i I vs aeeanry ta werk l tlwa combinatins,. nuit, one or which a .~ amnASkUsd T@wrs Up te& knoma te Roy anneinsu. The booik aff- th qM ft»swi Pur Ulh.-Fit ias declîne ta sa r ntbins, bat- e te- s . Qeuegcolbur"eylna grain from Mointre&[ stales 111. Mn. C lu'una dvertlOU.t Thomnas, genena manager of 1the Mlion bankoir. cn trm hi report of the rohiiery. H. was uotilled tual $62.000 hnd been - 1 _U ala asS L.fy Peak. taken. 01 tis &Meunat $25.000waxosn e ,a X. gdrleogeoiogclt'5I Baiy O -negotio11Ie acte@, 00 that 88,000 in p, Wfflbo bas recenty retuned te the rraltous te the bock. Mr. Pheper, ma trin the.Cook$s blet coutr, ta manager afr1the Winipeg branch, was S ýht* bave dsrovered the. iighet awsy on bis holiday. There have hem ne ~Is ,irt Ameic. The peak, srreste jet. tàwUU t fer & eMount St. Ellas. _ luA loska. tuthe.rlibt af the.COLLISION ON NORTHWEBTIIRN.ni ~iver. The. gove tttopog- trisagulations of tiie eleva- Pireinu hskwai ofChcaso Killed 0 14 *iertslnbg by Scieatflc dhicue aiTreCaaBre j- teexant hlgt oi the peuh, -làic One mnsakilled, liii'..ecarsiburned and Raf ~<Are bhomoe ho 2,000 fret. locomotive '.recked was the, resait of a r liaaain ax as sieti Blnhsc.a colisiob helveen a passeager and freightT tiaksinbat exclamation by the. ladinon train on t1e Chiesogo and NorthwesternA la eth l.parti' upon f§rat hehoîdini 1the lailroad, abot eightitoies sont11Of Mil-il bala tuak. ii.memhoesaf u tkee. Tiie freight train wns standing lý alrueuh. aT Me mberessedftthe on the mata truck, sud 1the accident wao " R5 tu t set oFeBuilaheed ecansed hy failure of EugîuîerLane OfV »a thï: ua&&cbensf prieîousarethe passenger tb notice a block danger sig-à *jbo impssibe, o prcipious trenai. The paseuger train on crashingi into t tiie fright telescope 11e cabooa(' eting v LUER TORISDEAIS. it on tire. The. locomotive toppieti even 16- T ISDRT. sdeways, bnryring Fireman. Thomas Duck- @4 EsatermierGoses t.u,@as Vamacîsco w.ll of Chicago, viiose dead bodY ivas and la swiadbed. takliont Severni heers later in a toidly exue .Sampeen of West Dux- utangieti condition. Tii. engineer escaPed. Ur. Mass., dl e ahe l<tIiand ceuulY Tii. dames commanicated te the mail car 0tut olto bavlng been iuied taeSau andai aso te a freight car contaiuing coke, 5iiscohy btaévtleii.a ofa mt-net te the. cahoose, the. tiree bcbng de- »lelamy.he a sftielet of ageMat- tyeit. Ail1the mail, witb the exception uWge tiar s65et.nai' a alee rc o f on.e.rtwa aacks, vax savet aud the f s.,u. thoe ite mo voman avlegbas ielo- muit clenks escapedunuhîurt. t17 .Mured le toinsiarWOMAN STRANGLEX) IN DENVER. b«t vIses bis gone .1e .1b b ave iefoud 4ta recogi- hlu-mm. Vagt, a clarvoyant. Fousdt bsd.sti, .4ulc la attnubutefi Dea inla Mer Aparloseutls E ïjud = rtflt %Iqtkter for MçaJ" us gbt, s'a'eit""*Myand s i au hm flf ate ed.4thepont- medium. vas found deudilun ler spart-4 lie& twIllor lMaaum, Ent meula on ChampaStreet, Denver. S811e lay' oun11e flir, face dowuvîrd. A twist- cd towel vas ied tightiy aneuud ber neek ["Ir KILLRiD alqil!)WOUNDEI>. snd lier. la nu oumieuh t abcahbad been u~i Wlss vs. îto:row of trangled te death. There is n,clmw tn _ý«M8»eè Prto mcanlithe deed vas committed b! 11e saule1 L guef r efSpmab soilersanad 'Porto srouiller vho marderemi ttuee iranen ou ~,ledrimklag la a cs.uaIAre- lMarket Street l IaI clî01Y in1894. Short- in os âuudsy, berose avlved lu a 17 aller lies. mardera Mirs. Voght lu- ko". Tbhe asiprds wt"rdaw and formed the. poice officiaIs liat spirites md mm .a.snkwv.sud lies ietwoe ad gdivea her, wbîîe .1e e-os lu a trouce, a ufb". te cowd of utarued clviliaus, description of 1the strangier, but 1e ad of~se then sud wouadlng twOi)kY- neyer ben diacovered. Il i tlougbtth11e ~ etlb. oaadd vii di. Ti. mrderer et lirs. N*ogbt cthen belteveti l e,* làt' 55ovs 1e atio f she did know sometbiog or 1e was aseo a su are 4ftiti.uiotig 1, belieer lu "spirits" and decided te put muiSbrfehanses oreuieti hy 1er eut f thei, usyad possibiy Savec. W#MWt ie Subusrb. Tii. datnnh-Sefro xpsè. *ljfl~éitud inlb. Autericau forces tek-sefrincpîr. egs t the . dli, uheripo.thei GARCIA ON BIS TOUR. flus ai Igaetts. Ageat oets United tateà ta Indure É~tapwth th Plippines bias (eneral (arcia left Santiago de Cuba mg the.g lb.nbt six or neveu n bis mssiontbrough Santiago province. leu a hon fy cra loadsocf acting as on agent cr lhc American Gov- Glaa0Of dgaTette5 bave ornaient, te arrange the deisils for the dis- * Nilvuke. sd St. andmnt of the Cunhn armY la the.cast. ê bliUlaathe. heer an -He vili conter mii lthe MilitarY comn- yoefotud aeversioetrMandera lan1the atlYing districts, coing *»telwaedîfi lb.hecir bis troag influence te Induce. lh.pence- * an for ltiheeft hefatl d i ug et the Cubau scidiers aud thir returu te vok. i~i i 4 i i. iii lsd pi ahub « o i.#as auW.srsqoeslitiss eukenea, tu ts ate ogr demi or mat tope god t IreS indesti -t1 ginslt il. h boabeeu de- -ling 1111- vlbi regareportas oute- chat moe, favorable. Actuel shipmneuts have been 3,5843.947 buaels, Ilou ni ucliud- 'd. for the ekm, eaalst 4,468,1k')4 bush- ela for th1e corrcapondlug week lait yesr. Western necetlamont le 10M91.359 sualuela, agaiuuaî 8.810,720 fer the @mre week lalt -cor. Of curn 2,531.002 iiuai- ela mcci -expontem durlug 1the meck. allaint l1.85.07 Isal yemr. Fti)ures for iie week bave hem 19 lu lie lsutd Stes. aguulust 212 lest yer. andm 23 lii Canada, uigoinat 20)bast ye.ir." 1'LUNDER SLIE-PING-CARS- 111ev. Rab Paaesnuers oft $5l.000 an us Wabeeh Train in Nesa Tark. Robbena nmade a nieb buse) ounthe W'est Sbem. division cf tite cai'i~itra w'icb rues bel mcci NewrYork anud Si. Losanad, acordiiig lu catiniâtea fuir- nisbedluy vcime, gel allantl$5,M0) lu cash, jew-dry andi cbec-ks. The. burglary nccurred in the twc Wagne-r dem-pers e111le thei1 u-uiui moi nuing betviepu Bar-t tain sud lhottendam. Tii. rebbery Miii neporled ai tie generol offices ut Chicamgo. Tbre cf the vietimize-ulpasacuigena More A. W. Len-is oflit'ont WaYniu-Eiee- urteal corporation cf 'New York, wbe lest $200 le cashi sud a geid match andi chalut valned ah $150:;IRobent MabrY cf Fort Worth, Texas. $90 and a ceck for $250, sud MisEllae et Vauighan of Bos- ton, $32 lu casmh, gold match and ehain vaiued et $60 and a diamend bracelet vil- ued e t $150. WILL WAIT ON UNCLE SAMi. AsuerîrauCiainsa for Dsmssge Delay Action ut Delagoa Ray. A dlsatch tae b.litMail Cazette 'It Londes front Lisbon. l'uurtugai, says tue DJela.goa boy negclistiuua have been de- ferred uuutil 1899, ou-ing ta th1e tilitemi States iasisftiig uui t'enltugals strict ob- servance out uiicagreemlent tiiit neitiier h1e ralîrosi. lie barborn îon public landuus et Lorenzo Marques. bc alieneted, aotl tii. Berne award il cemîuleted. The Unit- edi States are lutereotcd in tbe"e proeeet- lnM5.- ec eoalpt *etýe "ete tif the la1, Col. Mc!dundu, an Ameieatn, beiug ile ARMX CORPO UEOItOANIZED. Thind, Flfth and Slxtb Are ta iBe DiabondecL A gcneral order vos isemi organiziutg uew army corps and desigeatiegrons points viier. the troopa aboli b. stationeai. The T'ird, Firth and Siuh corps are dis- continucti; the -Finît. Second sud lSourth corps reorgalzed. Tbey are te be coin- mandeti netpectlvely hy Major GenmVala Brecklnrtdge. Graham àed Wiie.ler. The beeiqutarters, of eacb corps wilI bc: First corps, Micon. Ga.; Se-ouud Corps, Augus- ta, Gla.; Fourtb Corps. Hutsville, Ain. S5tai. Gov-sune..l Ttuner. James ItL Wicer and John C. Gentry, eirs of a simmili in ieh. South Park, Colo., and Benjamin Wolf anud Matt Dol- phin iiave bren arresteti on a benci van- nant frona lie Unitedi States District Court ciianglng litenumih tiheîiitt of 500,000 fret of tinher frnt llovrnmeni lands lu lhe South Park. Juhn L. Rus- sell, Gaveranent timber inapector. canard the arresti te h. mode. Tve Kîlîsi, Tire. Bort. 9A fatal bolier explosion ocetirreti et tiie soviwneli cf Liberty & Le., ais miles frein 1Verdi, 1Ney.. in vich tva lives mere lot sud tdure. pensouls aerionslj injureti. The enlire plant vos coiapleteiy deatroyeti and Maies Wilkinson, l14» ofleite m Rani Rois Are Kiltdi-Oaural Ont- break Of tie f&"andamiAttacIc on liiemola Uchloes laeereuL Hostile Indiana sud the amailidetoch,- ment of truepa tinder Geni-nal Bacon met laD desdly coallich at Btar Ilanîd hike Leech. The cascelîles cf tlie lmÔ day,' fightiuug are sîx soliens of tic 'mmrd la- fantry. inludiug àMajor Wilkinsuoanmi Sengeaut Cabli. tee frieîudly ludions aumi nony Pilîngers kitted: îine acidiers la uded. Tiemuiber of lndins killeil u uknou n. 'Tie Liliagena caniedti cî iend tothlb. neesasrapidy as tiey teli. The ludians lae ,lenreithut pin. trees do eut efforul the protections tbey dld liu former yeans. Thé Kriig-Jorgenun bul- lets plum tbrougb two-ondinary trucs. As soen as tic Indians learneai Ibis tieY feit back-. Tiieredskiea provedto 1b1eiveuider- fl markisinee, bfuivcen.sud sptted tblt men. Reperts frein Der Hiver gay Ibat uberu' sre sbouit 400 ludians witin fivee toles of tiet village. cumpiing the Whiite Ook, Wienibigoshilsii anti some cf lb. Le.ch and Hou- Strneg banda. Tiey are campeul on lie banks cf Bail Club take. It vas rpperlesl tlat they mere holding a van dane. mad tbey nMay yet h. cellcd 0 Lee men ami the of1 an1 seri seul trot the and pur and the tar 5,1 lug ini 1,0 WDUUUUB amat@ ains . WIIi Enrata ta Afrîca. m 7 rsgineDu j iboIr vs1 i W*pmletuant seversit West- ERhet 7rgoebas argonized a coianY tound. Tiei.apilon vs csnsed by he.se M Ott 055 017Cityed agiftd rfiflfy..:.,.egrues of St. Louts, who wil engîneer allowing tiié bolier la mun dry lui la a.pprealug grain rab- go th ihm ta Liberia. H. bas also sud attempting ta 611 it vith eold wîten. th int"t en .d ven Ogtred np- form.daeband aof missionanieo ta go ta chn ~~~Wt5.tt.Tii sçeta-Africa vlh sthe, settiera. Fifteen ycara trandai Goli Reekers.I I 'reA elas Wls go Taou aos t1he ir apparent 1ta1the Sterlitng Martin ia drowned and tno e a, LUIsI 1m. mi datte rea hrone f o cannibi ntion on the.metthi# companlena. ait froui Chicage, are nu ý; 74c"17:,S. oua n dosi of Arricn; to-day blaei anneintlig trandeti. They ver. gold huniers anud lai n esu.sianero iuna agsolit lent 5et1the corner of ver. mnmera of the Alaska eud Ho- net -Twenty-aeeond and Locust treela, Et. nuaa Miniug and Transportation Comi- e PNw uet me. cl»b. Lanis. oud casing eut dcvi.sud diseuse pny cf Chicago. Their sutoli tea col la téw Ustosdlof nIthe.clubs# llie nom.e ofrthe Fther, tiie Son,ad schooner. Fortune Blizter. uDe- lien . E iJEsBAUWSliague: lhe Haly Oheat. Miss linie BrYa. an beached on the shoeres of C.leviui Bay. tel *. I& W. l intelligent daughter cf Kentuckuy, 22 Yeasnas a «11 fNew Yak... .74 72' aId, who bas beca doing gospel won tia St. Victoria Nemi' te Deaih. .84 Wwt.. .71 74 Louis, and Robet 'ainsi. an e-waiten Qoean Victoria and ber deughter. the FI L Iville ... .67 80 et the, Mercantile Club, are tva of the ex-Empresa Frcderick of Germany, badl p. 84Uiooklyn ...- .54 87 nesonarie.. The mtssionsnjea are ail a nsrrow escape frein desth uchile diving S.70 OS*esington. 50 990wvilte except Togo. and his vif., viioDn t Balmoral, Scotland. 'Tie Coachutan oit kbM.74 1 9L. Lonla . 39 110 lhe msrrld ui t. Louis Ivelve jeoro ago- contrai cf 11e hors.. and s serions acci- Tago. la as black os midnight. He speaks dent was only avertemi by tiherses tue,,- Ir fier PIsteUo usînga glih wlîh a inarked French accent. H. iag into the veods. mien, the Csrnageit. (ibl.se oposelflec. lata bave an a is astr f Germn, Greek suddstuck beween tle.tirees. h hnemp là aPbyican. ai a bali- lti. ade tree. Afîcan dialecte. la tlD USayear. H il h taI n isnative country, Asaatee. hlie re saSslipoz la 0hio. ye seulai office for t1e pnqta.e ef single germent ibrowu aboueti eboiiy An epidemie cf 8aIlliýox has rokeu eut!n mi ugey iarepart tâera- siionders wvthth1e ends dangliag 11.1cm at Wspakoaeta. tObia, beu t ant ere un »S iuelg alek. and i t in expeecith1e mait. la Auerica bc. mearg Éa black have been no destbîi. Ail the sehoola Ti be L N maie & large savlag ta the Prince Abert ceat. plaid trouisers, whbite bore been endened etosed, anîl publie as- di iema tel salariez. shIrt, standing collerandum black bou, lie. semblages bave bwecefarbimidea. 'The "I desire ta Chitlaie my nation sud tu sarare anieunîs te aluiosî a Panie. th 0e Test W etfAunime louai, place tend homes wiIthiihe eci of dis- - -na >Guchas steoni ycht Belienressed negroes of Amenica. Tii. Ivo OrabIed bthe b.Czar, ra lis tmbnera cf Hem 'flîeodor Len- amse au lie pîrued joiutly to adran- Mcenelik, uegus of Atysinia, on salî tu b expeillon. returuci frein, Sptzber- tage," said Togoe. hae coule teonui agreeent it Ii îles i bVis reached 81 degrees mcmli. -sia whereluy the latter country secureea e isd in mtseen Audre.. but bai col- Womni contestes au Old lMarde,. ceelue;tation o e iR ed Ses. mmcli catogîal mater. Eeren Yeans ego, 1.ouia Bailwvas fcully - 1 uww soolgieuiUuLttr.naudereti et Wasinugton Co urt lieuse. Four Dross, la the Hudson. i *Oeps 1N.t U.quired. EOhio, hie heai hein, cuoff uiuii a nzor. l'our Persona wee.drouied in t1e Ilm)- mna .%nlon rendered the Attornuey sud bis bed sud body laid arr-sa 1the rail- bon River I.y the capmiuing et a yam-lt a ri bo& tst revenue stutmps are rosd trackinlu scb a manner as te appear fr i:l(Iîs norli cf Tro)t, N. Y. Mgufflen a receipto lsaod for te tbst 11.bail been ktlled by a train. Aira- g#puel by passentens for excueU bat-.boniHuffinan wu#asrrested for the crime. flAÀIKET QUOTATIOma. bat vas releascd for lack or convicliug eidence. Otiiers uer. suspected, huitlil a eRave a ew Xv Rsteror. y- ICok o sI udsbc eifsl Chilcgo-Cattle, comumn le prime, w0te atroue sbansl smye the B Of lMns. .Jeffreys cf Hîlîshunro, Ohio, juil$3.0 >te $6.010; i.gs, bitpiuug grades Oosu.aer end ber suimportes bave maode lun1the présence of fouir persons $300 te $400; s-; fair lui cboice. 2d 06Iy me« EmPer. lHPIn la"0sO raiin e a lled ta ber dcciii chaneher. te $,t5, whuvic,.No. 2'.)rd, (to 61 14; am 4aq.clus nod i vlllho proclair». ylr.vesîthie idenîlîs eor1the murderer. cern, Ne. 22e ZiJc t o 01, No. 2, 21c Z ; ý 8 "l ra . Jeffrey iiap llca te d h erse if, a uoth cr t o 22 e: ry e. N o . 2 4 7e t a 48 ; b u tter, 0 *Mewissa Blak ILoted. vouas aud four muen, giving their names. choice rreamerj, 19.10 20v: exca. fresii.- p .tiate bondi of Jacob Renierder 81e saîd that *lie h.ld Bal'. lead irbile 14e ho 15e; ptatees. cbolcc, 27C tu 35e eibsu. l3lei., vas Inoteti by rouera. a ins utcaluIloff viti n vanur; that the Pet bushel. uae"e W*$ ates, exeep $1,000 la hieod vos aiiam.d te dn tub ta tub, lndiaapolis-Cattie, aipping, $3.00 ta vhicb vas aftervard conceaird unden ua $575; bats, choice. lght, $3.00 tu $400; hanse, oued that du. alier voman beld Rail sbeeP, commun ta chalce. 1&00 te $4.50; Mcinlley in Oahs a u oniber lep wil lishcsd mat being eut wrbeat, No. 2 red, 63Se ta 04c4: comarn,'O' ro basai dueusiian i ctizen» f due off. The men eannled tie buody sud bead 2 whit,-'De toa0; ots, N'o. 2 whbite , 24e mhsacitl regon welcometi Presieut t. lhe uilread track la cuver up the crime. te 25c. Iler ta lie pence lable. lu Omaba. -The persoa inpllsted lire lu and abaut Mt. Louis-CatlIe, $3.00 ta $6.00; iioga. lh i y $3.50J te $4.00; siieep. $3.5(1) ta 14.50; wheat, No._ 2, (07C ta 68é;: crn, NO. e r Acceptof t e Tanii e me t CornryIlauildfsrd mîîîted iisa-yellom, 29 ta 30c; nets, No. 2, t2ie te 24c: ë e#l of td ue ldcusverin qet1ut Is dsiotEmma 0114. vie ryi7P No. 2 41c ta 48e. mM ttepovers dmnigte li Cincinai Cattie, $1.50 ta $5.25; hotu. baine h asic rete bas 'd"snmbere' oy asun ti lu tic e I-se,$«0ta .5 91 edte 111eibador. ofin MIIIbPeudt Bidiaigport, Canu., a fev 8300 ta 14.00; sep 25 a1-5 ta tters asas r oae . utazreaes eeke &age, fing luit ahe came ta iber viieat, No. 2. 0ne ta 68: cern, Ne. 21 the trme ropod. bt exren ,ateis by telonlous homilcide et the bands mixeti, 10 ta 31c; cats. No. 2 miixed, r ei'"certain modifications. af Nancy A. Gillard. osited and abetted 23e te 4!4e; rye, Na. 2, 48C to 50c.1 pViela OàvesRanzanillo. iii Alfred OxUran sd Ruse Dr'ayton. The l)etret--Cattle, 12.50 ta $5.50; baga,1 tsAsfla roope riseaithe Star@grand Jury baalIailteti Nancy(inilford $325 te 14.00; sheetu. 12.50 t. $4.50;1 - avs ec thecti nl o o ui lu i for murder La lb. second degtes. Thia uhet, No. 2, ie ta 67c; corn, No. 2' *11lie sàqpareOf lisasasili, ql8 yl faclitera ber extraditiontfaini Eig- Fellev, 30.c10 32c;also, No. 2 mhie,' 1 .* temni possession. Trhe Saae 1and. te 26ce; rye. 47c ta 48c.1 b. iild orCiufegs.Toledo-Wiient, Nu. 2 mixei. (lle ta1 1 ma eotU orCiuueos attle withI ndiauna. 69c-; corn. Ne. 2 aiied, 30e tu 3ic; ous, Indiana ouidtien. Bacens mlssl',ÇaN. 2 white, 21c ho 28,;: ryc. No. 2, 47e il b usaig Get Out. feegbt s desperale hattle. Tiie sceue of te 41)c; cîcrer sed, $3.97j le $3.) ene f ret a, cthe confliet as o prmonotony iiiLeeeii Miicaukc-Wbeat. Nio. 2 Bîminu.(62e and -a m àten. demandling the Lake, nean Bear Island, tbirî.,-tunîes frein te 64cr; corn, No. 3, --De tu, 3Sic:Gas,.NO. « lie ?urklab troaPafron Walkcr. bian. Seensi ver. kllled u 2 viite, 24 la 26e: rYe, Ne. 1, 47c lu 48c; aI C . ulsbsbeau prebeut<id ta ditheraide. ____baley. No. 2, 44c le 461e; pork, mess, - .ÇageMML ltinsdtots-lbat$75 o$.. ooffu mut evacute the Geadi lu. lsthluh. B17.75 te 18.25.hipig glerg Scçete vithi a amaulh. Oliver W. Trupp, sait! te ueliheson or ufl-aue eulsiîiu les su afficer ef higi runk lu the. British $3.010 ta $575; lne, Comoniuu t heice. a 14 ueCoc . aruti, vas rounddeuil iu o bathtnii et 11 .tohe.5 seltain e ,lueomo e i- i ~~amd <'bilienWestEUt eli oîin i t. Louis. Il bas ules 1.0t $.0 aits umunt a 18 ibbeau aseetalnemivhat couseuiduche uan'setr. 5.0 $6 1.00. a vlaf witbNew York-Cattle, 13.00 la $3.50:;hbas O"riNm ýthe «-L1$.00 te $1.25; sbeep, 83.00 tea475; lac Aeoffee*otDiula Rtvisw. wbuaI, Ne. 2, ted. 73e ta 15c; çr, Ne. IE. . Co Ç., lu thoir wveklY e &.Me te.87ci,«s, No. 2 tc te 2ft*'; ~~ ni:,'l <s~fe eite gqgbreoms..15.' 10 me.4 «M we -~ a Auu vii i n J~i ~*~-e~ lir MI w.'l tue, reae ed I drif <itin IWes IISI)i-(' (I 4 F (IiEt'lOiAi-AtHSI AT BEARt IAKI. umai FEAII AN I'l'ISANO. JEALOUS WOMAN MU.RDERS, bela Minnesa Fo11rnmer& GOel lîa lge nsg. lMcKtiey'* »iller1s SisaltaWe tarh-d lisalUneteeAction et ladins*. DentisteoaiCanton, ilhte. m E-etlement prevails nloug tite lisse cf Csnton, tuOis an a -orseomut grest ex-ttP Ilb. Nonuieru Paelic fIron 1i. l'auilte etesngeut gavenr1the inmti-r uft(lenrgi 1). her, llratncrd. Thie people, alttiîîugh ujuite eut- Ilaittan. lhe brotiu-r l4Mitrg. %IeKiuliy , tii- tii., aide lie regien of dangter, oppuar tu 111mb Pregsidentsif,-ll. Nirs'.uîie t'V. ( W'em hg m a gpecrnl Indisen nîuisimg in at baud and mus arrestu-il oueiIivlu-o rs ulmiilegiuloci to tee) liait iluigaîy aoncleevent tliuy ougbit uiudcreas. Sait ii u-lniutlest loý is e siui ino1 lu> le ai the front. Farrer@ in bie er-ly lifte-r loris;hylu! a n it lfront mt tihe l'.."liickory"' shutsandanu loileh bainte otie cf M ns. Eva B.i Itli i,iio. e i r;g-id trumcp le the trains oud nsiQuiestions mof of Saxttiant]aida uîmlitlc)mi ii hist mui, the. ýoeeuutor aid tb, passcutguns es tc instltuuteîlpence lire -ýi-,mi-gmîmîmonstling.. bois go the forttunecsofwaoc nt Leeu-i inku. <lurge. alaegiug sient li- liai t theftned Aa a mIeê none of thie queuttions na anamer- bier wtt violenu-e anIditi-ttu. Saztois ed it aail salisfaclery sur111cm. bul tili litotensbody wax fouut(]id 1irsnte eut the tue ounty îucplecomend stand abouut grounail. wivititIres- bull,- et umis in lu, tie platfornns patieptly volltng fan newo. Nelghoa' descriptions (et tic vou At St. Paut. lie Fee,-tccuiti Mineesota inho shet Sasuon taillîcd vith tleit of ,ins. uolunteer n iutery ta holding Itîscf la George. Sein la otal. gruucefuul moine., rmadiuess tu go tlu> Leeu-h hlae. Th'e citi- more huirurditinily gond leekiug. and zesetf t. isiluieurisu, bagitated overnemt yet uiiddlcligc-d. tic situation and a iregil tie. uuiarilies ant Ilaxten wlsseuuuoftthe ii-cssfitlibioai- Wauuingloun uasedunl a at 11») )soldierasainuen ntCto('nIlauas 1uosausedilof ta Beur l.luunut i urir t tnt funtben uminidrable Irolirr 1hi uls 50 yeihl' slnîîgilcr cf brutin lui-e emm b-avemnelî. utl. "Ille muîrdmc i.. isupoim to e he i - If lier. isuerroui,esscsllnnme i Hu- î,uîoe orettroutlitetorui.'standlligbe-- pliu- bteeen lBniini-rl and St. l'au) tila in -.-cuu Saixusesuiuniltim-h#,1pet, ily. os umtlieg -omirm e iii liie-tatlof grmIcg uie t foi-Oi-ca retîmul 5 ii of tuc su-nt of tromubl-. Tic-cetireuin-" sd sito it-llo.ii luies, 0mu-a ut luis cilluuiurn tee)l ier linse mu s ury prseca lIL, 11seiumsl utimi. o i i ,i i rel Mn. G,.urge sied iuîîun-ia le lumîreet indevclopiuentis. c-ai' e <'auutonîsix y3-ain cci ronus tCo- and lhi.4 iumereeit lessuila btlues taay nouille lussmien Courty euuiaing ber luulauud lue- vol cf loiils Sititgaru*, lengdu et tim binai, aie oppreeli ireoorskin scasli'h- ne rifles. smu-atin tlue Sassiu block, SomeItiuuti. lhi.ontsfrein liu.regimmauful-ake cge Suunille IC. (ier4p. tie hisoesi f tiei tell of iacnuaosing ultimes liere. 1Tleiur moman. susem Saiton for 1113t,013. all.-ging tl 1ejuytllled ornuetsorte strei uuuuintg e iiîliuaion cf luis fs al fe0iutcui e freinstheir ferma.biigcig iliein las Th igis. was sctued by Sillaisuu porlig aed c-lidrnuansd suielpfectsauo tiey ons1the iisband S1,925i. Ilu i uîîier oflests- carry. nuit i viitheir mloguuesmiif ti -rm asisalIr%. aeogesimas ioitff sigsalinot icets. '[bey ccihIo t uily uuemle- iti Samson. anai ah-sevrani liuusir' tl thein while bretimnu ofthie cilace,, for de - ees In11etah e tntnte ,î s inu mii mil11 reneeLiguioest tlte bmlig it Cu lebiuîtiwliu, -c'ns i, e, cbitr-go-it iii îîîurfer . i>t fa.1l ccho or uceutcvriuug tbrouiii'ithe miuouia citiie elerai grandl jury iiiiu-iu-dbim', ciiOi'gistg luuîunîîîur t thlýi- lii l it in, sendinc Ihiri-aîc'ung 1mtera te Saxl.iui. w PAPER FROM CORNSTALItS VU Mtte resoatmNew todamry liai Il.i rof Gercetoatine lu, Formue"s. Th"le curnatiiîk ik ll ic")uiigi-r li- aîitil i , ll10î tluki -n slig ii k uit rI lueiu uioit lit uuumia itlcCuuin e sile a ca; ru-viA. uuiuetii,'ultohe i rili. , L sc fodill uun mrbu ucl-r tuud friny of uuti -ar,rlanied n-ly nisppers cýleuf tc hue int uilias)at- hi -n îenau Isst f, .tutrem fn crîn scc-eo andmlieis nas -ryinu IL in e îitxle u In ud t l eu. u gner sae ion-mr eu) ie ale .Ilu. ie dmaeuive ry la~- et wlii- Uuiim ates he vslurtunu-rontl lie- c~ttite whi. thtedaiu-ouunuriua or uuulcs'ui l .0 atuîî-kt tthe A uuupr,isuiî ajur -ý, . u t r-dre i taîkof urlteîdlier uait le -'er-.u uu anîltii, fii> r. N Ilissii) retek,' lie .> î v-iAai lu uîîli eatiithdiu n mt hie or i.tle c -olo Tii.[laeer Isuondee sIto vaherm-um mliii feuil id le fal l eu).theiucgb tanglegghi caulu nIinld tail) dereljs il frnuseut e itum iau- le o n u- in d nutuac ot_____ enui inbtadNo. th Sîiaklt f tîccimdet e u mcu ug-ket ofthAi ['ri àrei uî~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~peev evtpiheaenrlgt.nm.cusdrii gitrookis roaluialdc irai-ct Ileneuth ttuleui, u c hc ul-m s iru i.- uo ushimslhte#ue rr ié - t h lia edU intu tb iai iclr seanis ffic- thuuuhc.l il t- Th Beu lalnde? hi lc rn a Ite ier -,uoiu-r Imli t, euunuh.; aitebin'$of i îitctIn u imui l-aiI« of at thetroubl. los ILre Ichec i ur cacii i lt l H V drisW Atfrontd:it iui orîirudenieil sim- sui ljso pantd nd IujpJ r-i]irel'ru induno,. 11. I. is tle mte I'neeasI<luoui t onai I ~ ~ Tii. uîNewsofuiens l, potenstoTu. Fo50r F. gt Biii Chvu-r viucd atI 6ilt1%,or0 aniecreuAr- Yh 0cm-r 15 perthei-IIuco oi-ri. r.cI umlueut3-cuir. in euu. Mi Gles. Barnemha i Nosuiie mille er deilla)nI ets riit:ruIdis a i oli-ià in en. lputcrba gtmKrt)îec tn.crn le rs. Jila-.'Fcutesui r.Br Couuuly kcns foryirm.loftherinul. lieý e ral. FnicBro ln $ a a p> u blicfai. N.-Y.. -a .(rois teirgcn. Ilili. Mau. cite of. iilipifertint .' eue uelgy dil.ci ut te Il- nes sebgaht.îtî itîl iiuuu l bi on tGur.o almh.býeL i lvrn le Pur aptit iknsndt-llie j b tellilie T.t;-rrdonculioben is byI, Do aennufie tiientIpsen alvîiwl u a rie itru' imi~i-tae î esen.I . x. er apirO i- sr ulb, Zmcinc h-lie o1 ui ut îuuuJoi ,iuuiig boatne notion$c oftuhein; lu uie stpri-e -in Gerneiliroefr gt er ct ried fouruiiuuc agih,pnc nmre lie sai .a um blusc etilbcci ortaec nt poidenmcroe.cItCu a (i. cdhr nsoruu o ttettc ur t cic iiket.Iduc lsKeal hu tî fori- gavi. er 5 e 4ns. oer yns 1 Ges. Ierbrt Ktchner as oriein Tis. Jurin, .rneous lin ier. enru- Lill Ger '2%ile, Ma. Latonforouli mail e sanedp isenu as dout-be Willisni S. Wiianbof ut Ai)îta. nou prcident cf Ivenîr baicia. bugan lite uas LIgCie LAtME ÂOE5CV. ait office ber in a ev Yeork dry goods I ;ti giuny ir taigan patr ot -1Iu housea..rd ieoftes drivtug lie Spoinrds fron heu rtrenehes Nira. Marin Ceafr.i!.f te Tii. regimtent bt u eavilly lu the second teiou noelist. ins dnnii eycs aid goldenr day'a ltgbting. end thmo$lti t the cii- fini, ttu-hlliga ruirey ftuuuuit he isaune palgu occnpled puats of dnger. pu-sou. TROOB T PHTECT eETLER. Mge, Tluomes Magenuuis et Heston. vio T]ROPS T PROECT E-TTI-ý.5:.biai jutît becu appoittim a domesîue pre- lute h. tic Pope, non ordined a prient Minnesata Arthlleri Bateries. r-lalâi3 sieresi la Leeck Lake District,. Batteries A anti13,.inlnesta aruiliery,' Speake'r Reed in aamd ho have âaadmuem were orderod te proccea i a once ta W&lt-tice,,netf bs bicycle lu Washington on er, lu lie ieeeh lais district, cs a pro- oc'ote h.atention mu attrscted ouu tection ho thie selliers. mho, in feuir et an lb. treet. allaci by 1the Pillager Indiana, petitioned Potti bns a lýeaknes fer Mexicnal pen- G-av. Cleugi for assistance. Both bat- iela. and uherever sic gues cîrnica tiro tenles are emquipped miti Ima Galling tans, er moen cith ber usauly iiapped up In liora ifi eîcnn, tcco brasa Napoleon cl)i iamli. feld gps, 150 sihera, ,snveu ty-five cor- (1evAtkieson cf West Vrgiuin ha cry billes, 100 Springfildairidles anti 3O00 iotestic !l, ii bstes, nid elîenî liruug roundsorcfatumultielu. 'bey mre lu ceint- cciii1the carma mîf fli"ccuuitlmsciiecuit mauti ef Captcin Benne-tI of Miia1îeli. slaiagthie ciclilu. sud Captain Avery of St. Paul. ~ 'i rlemtju e) tt iy i Indiens Well Whipped. numeudIrishpiinle lurivuiil cieimry. Wallccr, liiu.. special: Cen. Baron uîcmr'BHuston. sa brut uotalitly-)iurati-d sais 11hebss vipped aid seottened lhe mili fierai embicelue butbisriemums nui bosilae PiIllgcn Indiens. anud ias coule 10 amitirera. Walkee r nie he wusa unabie in inul ter Ieunry W. Pi-brrî. iig,% o imi luci Boa- more ofthbe onemny. Tie hostiles arealill onîee 1uhcuimda y. loftI muue iamnisruium at large and teinas. If l acre feut that unasi l e Iliarvanît Musicaul Aci twenly Indians uer. 10 lie oresteil, tlblion.,mof etici lie uic) ieeuî a mu-rben Oigbllng ivoulai h. at an endi, 10 lie verditl suce 1137. ofth11e &=my oaticiI goSelang, bovere, tol. Frank J. Qucen, ibo nueuctir dicd as due Indianas mie are vauled aih DuluthtinluBirmingbamn.Ais., ged 92 years, nmgr- 6 smitzaces relus. ta sareudan. on ovoli -ed -hie dxutgter of Daniel Boone. Si. lb ik"% eutIse militari vii reomin la tliedtee yeuseao. Coi, Qucen assItai bld. Usg jM "d lii al17 , es -ladribq 1 »1ie ~ < ir euat ê«W n1 i e ». ubon sthe was 10 74 lu West tainRocktotd. r parents. TIseh,0r ur07 loi ipreiries andi they -bail son re wluh Indiens before thfY. khel the. sliteof the. city of ena maIl collectioni of but&. afamily locatd sud lth en ln nelnlng. Selng unsuccosatl !ted about f rotplace to pwi~ s sbe posacti through theMost ng lImes andi tougitat towtM lw et crer k»C.W. When abc was 1)111e more ubsO ) arlet Nat Collins, a miner.H. mor sccestl hon lier peowqw> en, sud tbey flnîllly decided te éè ta the business of ralsIng cat'tie. M"e ee lmînedlatelr ucoîfu.Tàk»lg,, Pa amnall ranch near 1flena, thai' rd bnon Increasedti tasuch anue«tant *y nioveti ta uortbern lMontana, hen. Immense ranges were aceeshte., catlng lun1the Teton volley. Ut. Col-. an was Btin 111 and 1the managemnt th1e ranch, caille andi cow baya de aiR.'. !tT CLINS5. olveti lergely upon lIra . Collu.1 .Me 'ver reitained big bealti aud elle bas onthuueu s the oa-tire lied of tieccon3- -eru, addlug la thpin fortunc by ber tuet- -saful manageunt. NOVEL KEROSENIE LAMP. lii luseeiloslair Wh. tis Kenosene for Liabtlag. A saxon lauu[umanufec-turlur C004>e 'ru bas luutniîlced a Iuovelty wiruii1l nteresttig ia ube miumerunsult, ,uâebalde bhere kc'rumelue us tiie0111Y nîihid ot lging. A keroselie Ilili has bien ustnuuc'c llite center af wirbiet tens Ia suimuull ci ik lui'uilig couusetuiy at le expen'î el abut 2 centslnluîenty- fu burg. Tl'li llium lemk 1taOfthlIe ound patuern andl urraugemi tu lbe ordl- Br7 vny. the bsmal i uk projeclllug a ttI. Aioetîhe rotundlune. The wËei n be raiseu or locceemd luumlPedMtlt fr enci olluer, 1the sdJnating s,'eew to ne luttie ccici luelng îlacéd viit ibatti one of tlue lîrgur mu-k. Tis arrange- mc-ut viili h. patictilsty WPlCaOI cluere ube lump lait111 useti tempo- rally or wbere Il le useti as a alghi mmp. it leaisabaile vlhh o lever aà" bhain arrangement, mien. Il balles- noua lie ceting at à beigt bt ui'I ieakes Il dItllu'lt to reaeb. Wbeu 111e imali mlek la once llgbted ail Ibat la ieeessory to lugzht lb. langer dlame la bo-lumu up lie luerger mîck: tuis vill figb itlbout 111, use of a match withînX hiaif a minute or lesa, lbeu the large (lame la lurnei out lbe amalier dame zouhlnues ta burn. H'OME-MADE CANNON, nuilt for Ube Auaraetthe asgilaIs Iluring the Itoar Uar. Ti, sars1the wlde World Magasine. mepreseuits a cannon mode hy tie Booms for use cgatn.cl the Englihdnnng 1he Boer wcar. The Intelligenh iooktng gen- tleman stnanding hu-side lie "fieldi gun" la the soie Inrenir and m)mken of Ibis uuot t00 dendly u-eaiuon. Il l Composeti ot ondnry Ure-imen, such as la ufetd to-day for the huige mirels ut Hoen trek wq "011 , auud cr-n lie Impositug look- aged lu a typhoon iad hald to be repaired at Houolulu. Trhe ignorant matiles of the Philippine rerolutioniste demanid ahmoite iniiepea- deace. thouch uttêrly incapable or self- goverameal. lUOlitzMAtD5FIELD auxi. Tbree bundred menu are to 1e recruited ing carniage upon which the. g= la in au Franeisco t0 te.th1e place f the mounted la noting moir than thse atter' men with Admirai I)cwey, whose terni. part of a cumbrous bullock wagon. of service expire. Edward Toinkino. of Cuniden. N. . d Mant li.owued Pianiste. A bmmneif locked ùîî in the Catide-tiJolil ta lmen have dIlvided wlth the 1na.4e. preient hiuaaeif froni obriring un imipulse ainiost equally. 1the honora of exfflll ta kill bis famill. a losta; on the piano. violln An&d'Oý. Two tee plates;, cii-h 21)0 3 rs oli, were er instruments. Aiuolg the men *tbçg sold for $1250 and $G3 rcnPectiveilr, ai greateet names are Tbalberg, UeSf. he oid iiatt e rh rtu m an sion, Falliag t n, )M ayor. D reyaho cq. H eller, Litollif, e Boks Ceunir, l'a. lk sn onB w,-n vný The esieni of hindon l'a. aid ii art. Tauslg, Ilendel, Sellulboif. BcIsti,,4 cilirare ruI!ing and tuîdb lithei.hii- and Hraiasiî. Anong the adiean î*1 %%-ys 1mroied ai nîght te preiil thie b, founi Thereia Mlanollo. WII»glj dep dti înii f tieve. m ine N 'rtud , Teresina Tua, A The houl;e tnd furitître iîf 'Ml. Eîn~ie 'zolt wiii be mold to îtiisy a jîidgitiîeit Senkrah. Wilhelmine Szavnrdl, 'bîud aiune huniite lite) suit grue- ebumnu, ary Krebs. En otiigntc ucDî fî ~ ironart, iAnna NMehlig. Sophlie MaS <erjoîril }dward* o et iSev first Aaela<odard, Marie WlocS,ý New Yonr giuîi. ue lieei l nMa- 1fnette Essipoif. Vera Tiuano&if. t ii.1 inee the botte î 11111, tlt, w.. garethe llerr-Stern. Leurs,-a f,îiud ini a liosffltaii i Br,k)yn. iad Mnrtba itemniert. The Mu"ý. Anniîlinîe Iiur-kcrt, olee a fa- piano artilt Of the [Present d mous CenfedeCile, py, iii 1w îre,aideîit of derewakl. wbo undonbtady the 81ocktou and Tîîolunuîie C0îîre tail-it ti.beade. After one nan»ia et road, a utzty-niiie trtivklu Cauittrn a. Iegdeceee lJEnnitln4 « The. viatatto» fl fthe Suppeseil giist fhu. Ia.wi ta dPet« tivstiano, 'ehe wl. iurdernd f p.t ftt dimaI~ Otrf'.cn liled by innaesota iliasu 10 osut the lil lger braves. A couple runneru cc-eeiii Deen lRiver frein ,ech hlte, aud it mas leannemi throîugi -nu cc-o knem tiem Itatbtey uonc turing lb. section, calling cauncila and iing assistance at Leeci lake. Aun insînucuor lu tiie Indien siol at l ageuc'y gays lutt, dwspile protesttons ffnic-udaiip. lie sgen 'y Indiana are lu augly nmoud and, vieu tiey taliuneli- eved maid freily amtieg tienselve., t'neir eiuueuts are u-sr)ikc. îletinliraiâ tauble vil con.efront tlus sournce before caftai, insesttled. People in aud areuuîl Valker are npprelieuicm of the OutcOncc id are demsnding uhunt tic redakina bus urstued unlil tbey are brokeuî le spirit md thoreugiily cois cd. '111cr sy tint if ue rouble la illo,-ed te dnmmpluis il cc-ill le but a shunttlimre hetore tbc-y ngau -coin. defiani, nemi tist lite amiul mproerli ili uou b. 'ttc. Inspector Tinker bas vmmcd lie Sec- ry of the luterior. ssking for nt least 100 ureeps. Thre cocmpainie. of infau- ry under Lient. Col. Hsriach, enuber- ng 215 men aud divided intofour deisch nenta. landeai ou Bear Islandi t0 ne-Cil 'Os. (len. Bacour A (imlllng gun auuu [000 rounds cf ammunitien acc-ompanli i.e squsl, nihichi left Waiker ftrnth( K-eue of iio*tilitien. A elmugiler utfi'vcr) iduian ou the Islandtlta predieteai unlema le trille surrendero or retreats beyouî reach cf tic troops, nom lu tie field. Renier, bave oprnd tiat 1the Heur lakf nitrues are being r.-eiforeed lu longý nrnbens 117 Ities front, lcss anud le [ales. A gencral uprisiug lis teareai lu, uttiera lu nontheru Minnesota. 'Tie tmV tepartmnt iasned id rer, for tîrepumîr( ompsniei of siebiers at St. l'amui t,,ppe pare ton service. The caliug cul t f ambt alion cf Mtinncsota vehîuoleers c-at ais autiioizeai. FIG117T.40RECORD OF THE TUI Hl tegluseu Wu@.ina Ehickest of 11gb et santtsgu The Tluird Etnited States intaetrysu tuei ras sent aginset lie Bi.sr Lake Iuiulieîi- was oeeof tic liret regirnet 1 nierl te lat. Sîaib cc-ar. auîd uuder-ent as the bard flgitinin teCuba,.l'on sorer ,rensr it bas beeuu cuatiouied nt Fort Suel lg, 111110. It wu% irslct sent 10 !Ieobilf cnd interuvsicatrmuîmaerred tu Tamupa. 'Th 'bird cuý-m-euiiepel (len. Sluotuer'l exil( iieu aîud iaudemt lu Cutum .lune 21.1 cas ose oethle fient negimni imtntetaki- u t1e ucarci freinaiqeuiri te Sauntiago.1 îarracciy eqecauemitic lire sent iuî;e t) ranka of ltie rouugb riuler, and ires bei uurried tcerurd the liing line cc-ec Il Spaniards lied, t'on a timu-e h'iirdii istieced nt SibuY, dem; giîuurd dut with lb. Scumc. On July 1 the l'irm îinriiiatellin lh fight ou San .1uinO iil ). ound i-i Neul tii

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