ff7\ilj-l) "Jh s apetj gradea. the lergest bloeka otae.ame Total lmal ileage et mata track Perugia. sud sprend titroîgiout anti rai elght tesleboa& tour teet uldf and tue bolide Ofet iaimt$ ot Oicago... 115 beyond ltaly. le sdherentm, wito sas natif fret thIct. or-a cubide oteala o about Total mites et Irack elevtton 5 aslgu sgn.su opoerepc- .I tire snd ese-uater yards. The ttl oudiances panard ituce 1M012..5:7 ed fie world speedlly ta terminate, b.- know enfie mesurmmt r atne o Toal mieselevated ta JoDe, 1808 10oiit ieVn cubi? mesurmeetot 1011 nsd ta flb, rial mileuge 7.1 te b. elevated... 22- Ileved tilttilîey coîîid proiat1wVîi grade walits sa" subways stili ft]ittl11e Total miles elevating durmax 1898. 235 Divine Being by walkiug lu procession donî asiO -t et3.00000 ard ()f asil d dTotîl grade crossîas ebaîuaed as wit oily a clth lied arouîîd hein, try dtrt. oatj akea ii tiats front drives per urdinances passai ....... 271 sud fieftlng ther bure abotîlders wlih made aluag Ile. Lake IMichian shore, ntIDl, _____________ hips. Whtch they carriesl, sud prescli. Whe5 leu thau 30U000 prds w ill evenui lng "tai wiîioui t seddtug of, blood soUli ait-b. paeed laioel"atsedrmdet. If ,.' tiers calin e noremissiouY At titMMa tt ius oft iii.chef. elevates txuk te>- were noted for sanctit-, taud made Ueri roa.ta west..,anm d t haped Compact- man>- Couverts, but iloubful vtlie-AUg tj. il would tomt hm . Gien p>raînlds. fers begîuning la juin Itirranks, lie>- ment and a o tocslo» .about luothirdsas . eilIlte dîrepute. aud were restrained - lame. front their processions ty the civil aud On many ra& th tant of elevattua eclesiasîletil authorfties, and tse sect S OME alupeudOtii undiertakinga ta. hgs beeu SIflhtia.but ai ,De&d mans graduslly died away. The terror pro- lte wl>-of Vas% Imth5ii ila- (rOggt&"as ibO dstrictt about Clark ducal b>- lie dreadittl dimieses aled proveinents have enenaOla- sud 12th tresta la rallisd, &Ince earl>- tie Black Death, whlclî destroyed penaud b>- Western raltruamis dallaS spriu&te wvinI.pseessi bas mark- man>- millions ut peuple tu Eturope bu- *8 peat few years. Tu a persan 1un: d sin extrmo.dlasr mdvii>- andti le lueen 1348 sud 1351, caused a revival gaillar wIît the details of the $asme. evlutlin of maC> remarliabie engin-- of the Flagellationi mania. whtcb "C ouila, proves boathatrprtingand, erng pe-Obeus me" sialalen rait-- N apread over mont of Europe. sud usa SMasIug. The demand for 1erteet trei rond rlghts eofus>- crossed eseli other - stendeal by gresier extravagances netvte. roids>-acceesortes flit en-, nt street grade: the ata Fe. Enstteru thau hefore. ilu lite reigu ut Ed- eusb a correct calOltion on orm11atIlîlinois. £rie, Motion. Waiasb, Glrand card Ill.. a bsnd lit 120 l'agellants parla et a minute. couvelduce. lOrom Trunk. tWnas CemIrl Milgnan Cen - made titeir appearauce lii Londlon ou a inot.uttlity-a41 are elemteitts In the en- Irai. Burinton. Madison. Lake Shore' *.a issionar>- enterprise. They îtarcbed sesprie that tiinks ntithg of eiPeudà Rock Isand, Alto.à. Wesern Indianta, -lu procession tirotîgh thte streets. Ring- l millitous ou placiug te rattroad Ou! and Nickel Plate lh ti tnework of iug bymnna.anti tht-n tourgiug Pcd tba ment approvei t'ssis. The' lasIti:dtrucks man>- an tmperflictizen basalotier.,intring tluit te spectacle Muai important otject ofut *'DUoute been kept bus>- guing chit-itwl>- 0te woutd prove cuntagiotîs. bttl lie suber- magroas ratîroati managemeénts han jump out ortheb. us>-oftcow catchlera j mnded Englistumen outld nul 1 lu- basa lthe advatages uf track elev&tIOtt. sud bumpe an sd lhe tos of lite lunt-n -- .Wtt tteed vthier lu flagellitthetbtm-.lves. or T'he enronel tfutgrade (rossings5 teamsbas bhem enormous. Tié work 4 -.ý z ' 1saumbr uit e iagellatett by oltrs and ft W@» tound. hltsd îu1w tonc awav wth liera bas been more important aud en- AT sinka ON Tas ll.LtNOt5 CENTRAI. the strangers ltfl litecouîntry-wiîîoul --miel>- t0lite sud unIt IsurPet i i- igrosslng lias ai any aolier point utfSWALL.. . in umadle even uns proselyto. lu - eau., wcule te soling oethne preblent tract eevation. Haeluttrrlias IteenTi linatdbyl iîc l-s 1349, Pope lemeut VIL. declared te Amll et rgpld transit vusn îiso cocetrted- lie rate. day a»d ulghl. min or 'blue........................86 d by csnl itreica su lutk tep luai Lot ord....u..e.lias..a..e....lu8reFlrgetanTs lproeteei oand lookastnues torallie ferOrdnane bs flie teresric Te pobém o an»»YUne crss;gTotal yet te ho Pluaised... .....lt185 repreas tem. The fOrtt leader of titis citI lip.sd, Delaylà sud inerruptions t10goasa s are auosterrapliou sud iah- Alpromste ctitmated cost utfes.raordluarv setciwan a hernait called Soim ~ sItrallesud travel wili neyer bule sate >- ortIrais.. vilLe pt-escrb-- elevaiion under ordlinnstites 17.3S0.O00Ruiner. Ilu'the ittepiitcentury tiir Dam &hsUsbqýd, guardsansd gales dispenseti ing open way fors atmat îrallic. -assAppceztmate sointelîtettd- leader wss Conrad Scimtind, wito. witlîBille euh, length tof trains reggitsed. tie solveti oui>-atter laliate Calcutation. cd ta laite 1. 1lm8......... 6000.000 neyeraI uf bts folowers. waa burul by and &auheaitbell. and chiales mtligaleti 'No sucil coiîplime a gu sy raliroad tistnabu 44 D fin 4ut tb. elevatton uf trucks, as In and stress crouing exist insi an-olier YeM ta b.e pended.. .......$1. li,00the German -qusio tabut114 in Leuos ud itla.dlpiA-Wll lac I lac onealit basn bees ound necI Amouat expending t.n1s0... ý ooTic>- existe I n Rome parlauf t ilty un- i 1W malva>systeme dtout Clîtigo ou! ea>-»ry aMis. veofe te lines ou ai Thefolîowing table shows cor iitihecn tmavi aa doe automnatic balasolo0 telk. lutIleblitaud of masornï It iler outitb b a.eectarried out Iis year b>- vani- - ---te - o asuwa. Tislmwa, l Ilih a ie aslano l pogzss te P- NORMAL AND ABNORMAL. 1 lie ohelg la te gretest ratîroali cen taabay bsabe>.ciitl uaus.ansnd Dpotsa ieS Ur tla the.world. sud It@ mleage out cemet-ealled. la graded four fot proximale cost la each. ïsud-lie nom- iferene eten u i ClueEad 4Wgkg exeds tilt of an> otiter City. aliove the river. w elhlae %Y b>. and Ilit-r ut grade croaings abolisiei: sand Puofesionatl Tiig. ge WWD the. corpore lIitis ara found Dr. W. L. Savage explatua liesiffer- A - .1I lesal mles ot main trucks. This .-eut-e letweeu lie traîner sud Ithe plysi. note n et IDCIluSe êvery track oof eci cal-culture mn. "We take asminuasdsud pembut fleeaul ggregale-trolf t,- bulld htm up and mate bina a stroug Imat -t tS te tlck--ot oacihUe 5as0one. anti userai man, une wlio.Iftlho has lhe foc' Mmis are la addition 1,51111 mites utf- incluatlon. mn>- become an ail-rotind o u~ht traka-swttciea.yards. bell - -attlete. The fruitier. on tiecaotier bandthle Ohffl and th. lîke. Nearly Ion Yeana-s a hobsa ate4 ltty dan lth. public began ta diacusa hou lt rt tk:a a irtions uane III Ir>-. t». ust lons or lire oecurrtni 10 per- n ome muscles are possibl>- develultei bh qnig easlg over 111050 tracks cold bu es .Ieyoud lie normal point. an t. ith a sec - aii eoes. walls, ga--gaptel view tueaitntic mou atilt sîroligel wu D~-I ot entirely maure saaety. ili aIîtarticular part lie prodoces au Xugtime seemesi necesmar>-. At one j1 abuornsi insu. Wbill te trainer lt - ~ i '.wIg jf *1igfou d 3 t front e buildinguait, bs munor ratitr liteUn )I'Ug .Pnsm. dnrig 73trains elgîedu atrog part o lmâ ite ak poiintsar,'U V»84= am I)rîngteseeiare nbecoineg ti Whireouegt-r lit on" trtcars passeS. carrying abeguigletc. Vtie t' ser.trhge a 2, waon. rck, ars atouogi t-ey tua>-remtain bta-uniq oier vebilles. wt .0 tionar>- for te tme being. appt-ar Mr SOter persoas. 'Petuple on weaker than Ili~ reslly are b>- cou-po @orne 20001). This cas ~ trast. Tite physicai cultute expert Lai fht ront lie tfequency of --leavea te atrong sud auIpertievelope I br, la e b.kuow generallY -". . parla of his patient alunee sud applile Of -b imseîf ouI>- tu lie ceai part-tie oth- te force raltroade a e ho iae a ba"e- p -7fe cil.te aent tieusheve.tekt-. onWs-t agfitatIon. la 1892r - foavape. i mn it ave lte il l~~~t t ~~~cycle craze. Tite> aei.av ig tank lie lead by gUB3WAY (>F THE A.. T. 8. F. RY. sud calves, bat man>- wio have gainpd AUe le trackB ou lhe lake _____-lu tia tdirection have acquired i luIow *41«aWM olive mlles. Vat la perpetusil>- draaied by a pumpînug'St. Chares Air Lise and jont, cieats. round aitoulders afinoriat arîtt ~ ausd ateyscrued station contrucled llu.theaI caîL i. roadu. eght grade rosîiugs sudweaîness ila the sitiOnolitul regio. 4.ring te e e aDCX il C1 IcU ho csosi db>- six ratlroad lt 1* atolijiied-ten tr-sci. ow onttyt aiesc Vas-ilus esll.t 0 rIge.Pefetilcs-ofudfalltitch are dppress,-d Nw ed u i-t aeac 49 aes d la srrnblda-bridmos.-ornatetee elad cros ee :ooo person'slegs stronier. but we do lry ~ acs as somInearbing Pove ngr vemlaîs n lithe . guleated b> eItnttYIiRmsCompany-. tt nIy pruper txer-iset- l briug tic rest t wua5d no-Iheteigvruadoageyemiot it e ctuagatee ys, n grade -rttssingns , tt ofutheitbody np lu lie tliighstandard. th othetrarn asâeuo 5 rkigsi aboltahesi tuait rucks--------,2.000After ltewhole body>- ias bt-en itr cMbeed lhe example. Wthin whtc It dî tat o ont>- OfneuttwO aP-.aeShore and Mithgan uil t-eoc.n n ata i t #Iw»-WthBaliy aitherailîca>- mpsibeîàastob aoise - te for srnta.for jumping or fur Lol 02? : au u l a ro speel . . . . ... or ro i n gtrilss.u s r "ud:r u t o ve .ttyr. esb rud -tta u t te, o ter. ti in f pma ces lla ia ,t kll contracturae l , lulanov possnbe 1taoie a si- Chttea sd Nrthweslern. - au> othe sor.andis f- stl- placet I&~*8,OI tspcfetevallon t apuai- orbas train lisai ruas ai lie rate of a l iart tri rs.e csttun ithmou ti c itarfndat a rn er. itît M aee. Cbicago aischsuical abiî- mlle s minute. Eepoud. thc ralîroada Clie sIto .sit-rIrad St.ruvita itoutihn por ndau.iTe tltl My dSgg IbIs&bout distinctivel>-. have comblned ta.nuea union depol. CPc.tl tlvîude rosdigs lobsua risiuneofng su.T eo IandieIt IMM*M anurecet etr fimeandHee &, ard wtb u reaoffify- teulie sitltiheý,,d io tracts. - 7i.ti)tit men lu gooti condition tht-y do l@eq, but.ai practcafly experimonlal. Ico acres. contaang &bout 13.500,000 C. Rock tiuand dPa- goutd work.- 1liq *"sea len tempoiitlakd clle, îwelve grade sros':îs__ ogoqpokWo Ireanit& Nov, trucksstare ta bitsbed-t.o irat mt5)Ot lenand Woumeu at Sesi. W! 9ew4 ni nerruption a *trai- Chicago, Surîtes-ton andtiQtt.-- waîter Weinangines os Itloow ig, W te s-ahare raiseS by jacks ltut-y. taetttggrade cunt- tîl.tai-s sas lu a voyage sttît od iMO usbift abouet M00yardsl, sud Sritla be ablotsited-twitrmiatt 1.250.(Mo - casor ug stat menR. »ÎiRd mades- hem. The elevallon la Total rutttcs uttract elesat;otfeail ogtsn rlp o-l Ie @i&àtètgbuted as le alloc a graduai la- Totai grade ro.,angs t,,îI-M x-aitk and Invisibte. 21) per cent.tuen S tisUem litsarface...e........ e....-lis; Fsbci and on Set-k bol lot goittg ttNi Tý-------- h clear Ides oe»tW)stmeliosi 25i Petrteut.; mn ît nitgo tth) c ànfussueariee oafil inmtheraTie agiation of trattcitIîîtlttît. ia nIeais liut oui>-nibile titroogli 1 trldc sI w» Ilase toecosnweebe leagalstwal.ttiIo ae "Pl et;l)nýi eet ' »ýo ouêi f raîn-trelgit and pasmen- tn hean astgoi anultîil. -tel it ta e 1 lit-k t-tut; tte lit -cn. gme e I-h u nsd over the elevation tmnitc guls iat AttF-u-er t-ingiit i. Ittît 1 itli a ~et- la paures. cîhout tiiap.econonir tenture of railway prttgru-asm-ltu2ltitdtigt',alt h-.-ni labalagli itlg relhain alslu -it hait proven Ilself ltot- ait tîtijtI'1p-ttti tI-nit io lt t 2te 4h. be sentor d411. couctricrat.lg not ouni>-profitablie but in hie wilhthtite ue"tttI otnt-l tu10a it-( ul-ttt I umasoiti oudaton f ia> auaed demnanda ufthle age. Tut- nî:ttt-r i ont> -attlittt 35iper c'cul.; ivoîncît alci ous 15 G.poc as fo f foation , muisC ofay li thaIis ao w occop>ing the itieresteti dhet. h40 pt-r tet.; Mwoîunen ltutire noi i-.. ~ v plnlg are somelimos employ-- -attention ut tocnhutîsas %veiltas lut'- acasîci 51 - citewo Ii ba 84 ee aide vertical. or noarl>- m. 11e -ucîille.sdtegaet-usn aisili5 prcnt. nd r te a silesot offasîs, ta gîve the fast becoitu a daugerous anti rou- "dont teed just rigi 7 per cent.:;nt i@-my baltteIllte finisied cati. tmesume îhing utthie past. women a-ho really enjoy il. 3 Per cent. C Ioglu a ubsaalimuId la pour-est ,AlDT5II U N CAK gsT5li. rnat - ~ ~ M lx eet mitue. hîci a mSs u SI4ELLS AND STONES ADORN IT àt = y ta adspt Itaît resdil>- te yards of filltg. Tsy takre te forn. luma Chiasser Paepgoria =e Ue rti oIoosfn am tsubcaym ai an obilque angle, and Arieraeeof the Grave ur Maor Iu Chlaataee ibn o t» gonuof fle sold . Conslietmassacrxep-onltengt. The semai- GraietSt iia. peaprlta compelled to hnve lie palm tMIh l ilresquie ea Ti . temassng areor eceUttaalia-edigu.l- Mai. Gradym buody cas lucased Inla aof bits baud ruéied over uilhi tneo ol _fbiudling ofthe .concrets là, dune ludiDg approacitea areabout .000 box matie trois boards tr luaSîa ti p atat.He leu phrese bts aunm Sp«Usble machInes-y. aud the muId ted. The Coti; ottis Pie" Out wurk la Ilociitouse sud cas tieposletil iu lm ae. ilbrttn nln ~ l laI uti li cacrle ais hvoabout *î.WO.aOW. grave nt Sautiago about four foot deep. presion ofthliehUes. Titis la used lu r,, teugbly iardened. Truck elevaioti aa come t0 ho as Afler lhe grave cas filleS s mtotait] of preveul trausterente0 i asul At uspoit lire it trct u an Iporan aplk Ifi Republican sand carthtas ibrucu up over il :bîouteune as te Ilaea of ut Ico bands are aie. t saisoe bS u udereset ndrDemucralie lParty- litlorus in mayor- Moleculis In tG&a. t s tb et suotier aI lies ne al>- andi tocs tmrseselecîlons. as lie liui faobra h iecrosng, .ceus hpu" nCiao uIl bas besu calculated t tnt honom- &biaere Wth skitlful sud Inleresl- bereaf mis-set" plaina.calfeCInchget lu ta&g lingm Vmre airl ntdrîven Soya, lie pasl four muniipal elechîdus. the glsier cf molculca lu cuite tui ot an> ad lishedîri cas then exeas-ated îhei-e- track elevatiou Ideaiasmade couspie andi lu oaci of these moleculos there Imm. iîît beug neces;sar>- 10 put lu ev- uuus. TiIs prtaq4sle la apreadlug I r eealuosmvnguDU hm amiansesoutpltnga. At lie pruper stage itilrlarge cties aud te tocus. AI seare@ ntterai tof 70sls a mitge ï t the vonkthle trae t-k ible elevaled several places trucks bave becs tle-______ es-egel acrons tie Sepresslo b> - ated ta i stanee ot even fiftîten miles ne Womdul undoraitanti. % meme of pilhaga flieS aI intervls. ouuîorthlieCilty,cimes-e tic>-run lrogteBmllrdle-Tliere's s Frent-inan beiilud s As closel>- as cti be Oigured oui ah large sulzubh. lita; l'dlbtter tell Yeuu lus lu Etîglisi. ps-salut. lic tutal tlesaIeSd rut-k- tc y-seec a rttuaaces have buen - tertie-On the coulrar>-, o'îtbe lalated trun liue traciage cîitili e passed ia-d>.Y5alTudtlug tie ePea %aster If You uvere taapeai l-rencht. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~i f.lo hcgi îee u ti>th -literra"traciti. ant ieznit -mt! cnW osujIIjijI tits ot aillbatiks inlaite lal- amaiffec 'LIreî" »»te o ept. 2t ihd eeon eor de- m mser draimatic career pu w r V uai, nscu-rd-e~ ae2 b wasa 811111e gIs-and exteudemi tve-r teu ieialsaeBOlusesit 105d of fort>- yeam se t.Oh21 jae 1 Run>- Das-eporItuiaeritsd er mira- isuukahat. 140 hasts lj aleul. ion ftib fn t Edgar Loesusd dleconni. 4,174ite O00*5M514.47733 laveuponi, wcul. ion motter cam overdanu ns os tic Englisi atage as FanaIes aeuai--tand Ig. The tiaugiier cas liera lu Lon- nsru i. 0.8 5 251,0Mti39 United. MSîttePa iu 18W 0andi aie came t10 ltacouD- tbonds ti lu 18"4 ciiihber pan-suisShe c:sdtag i1<- ae lier Sebut as a chItldinluBoston. dmîmns -. ...(t58 1 15.ttT Othuer bondls an 131 abs ceai letouis-lte t ta II andstms., brelte rolos. NexI site phaismidîth luluullng ga., 1 11,6.724 LJohn Ure taopera anSdrai.l miuband l2081,02 88 10 la.ti.to2 es abill>- attracled lite st o.lo E 'f otu u ttI1. 5 l,2.Jt patun Dal>-, anS unter lits manage- Calier baskn '1o 305.49., 50 30.,73,224 M it ahe carne t ho Ie tront rani t of c- 5G.US.t21il94Ot390o' ien a treaaen. For insu>- years -isti bei-n ber owu manager anti met th great suceesimert andttabroati. te or the rotes luncitit-l nieuatie s me for herseit were Itosalinti. Nanc>- tes, Lady Toazte. Poers, La Tos 9Cleopatra. lier aptendit Imtper- iltIons rmado Sardouin tiramas POPîl- ,with lic Amerîca people. la 1891. lc Cleopama as buing producet i a Fittu Avenue Titeater. Nec York. theater cas burnedt l lthe grounti dMisa Daveuport oxperienceti a ma lus%. The entîre prodtuction, bue- Pr. was repisesIin tire eets. !ean uactres a Fsny Das-nouprl cas te for ber sirong srtistic sinceprt d thint elligeuce ut ber vis-id Sta- itle style made iter partlcnharly et- tuve lu rotes requîring breadlb sud rer. She cas regardeut ns une ut ablent stage managera lu luis coua- F. sie castIcîe marrIeS, ber Orsi banti belng FEtin B. Price, lu uom sitecascesldei lnlu >79l. aud ber und. lelbourfle MacDonald. vie as ber leaSing mas for several yeara. HIEAD 0F A LAW COLLEGE. miqas Po&lin Rneld by 1lies. Kiea - pencer Masues-, uf Wosiiaton. Dean uf s 15e cultege là cerlain>- a que position for a coma n tu occntpy. rs. Elles Spencer Musse>- lla luhis ullilon lunlte Washington College of cw. MIr*. iuaseytulanuObinan b>- rt and lal the augitter ut the sulior lIthe %wetan sysici ot crhing. %s a Yong aomân aie marries) len. 1. D. losse-. an aile Wasington lac ren, aSdvtitim aie sîmîdieti tac. ;ome years atter theIn marriage lien. isse>- bad àa severe tItuesa, andtimr. lusse>- aeut Imb bis office lu conduci te bttilutesq. Inlending le retire on is rstoration tlu llii.but Ithe gencrai tîtisteti on retlniing ber aà bis part- en. andtihle relation existed tor six- tlou nrn. lermlualtng. only aI lis ceathitnta1S92.lira. M.usse>- las over tinte cunuducted lthe business, relain- ag tie large dilenteis ot her husianti. as aell as iecomiug lte attornsey for aany comen and oroneis asca ions. Oie pradtîcos betore ail lte iourtsaouthte district, including lhe Supreme Court ofthle UnitedSOtates. he bas icen dean ofthlhac college a numbur ot years. STRANGE ISLANDS. TvsLone l Rocks disici alida ont oftlhe Pocli Oceau. Sos caplaIxîs accly arrîvotilaI San Fr'ancisco trom Japan sud ChIua Sen>- lie report liaI lite Island iuocn asl Lol'g Wlto baS buen damaged b>- an eartiquako. Thîs lonel> rut-k sticks out ofthecPacigc cean nome distance lu lie souolies utNipida, lte lsrgceh aIRD S tLANID- tOT'SWIir-. uftt.se gprfose -rou it. Isruggcmt peak rimes 3M00 t abone the ses and Il o t-a" bupen lcuuty-Oive Miles s'vay. Tiiere is a grenat cavernulu tic btise ut lie plunache, anti throtîgbls tic set tissittis it t luntlergus moar. At tht caler lIne lte rock igiitiy ted lu diamn eler. Anoîher strange Islandofut lit pacitOe la Bird lalqmi. ilc it liessuint Sdistance off lie flsaahan gruup. Stop fInting fonui-tIi phour vite. Woaaîd >ou do hetter If al pou gel wa. roar board and clothiee Lot of melcllo CdlBltbi$#tl transi ns rm8 Itouse... tYT74 2M end astar-s 201;154 ~ Oth.'r ret Capidtal sti-to t.St. t t Suanîîtssrttnd 7.*.rit.Utatt5 oit ..... 7,27 1 -î RavitIg»I ltt, t k- t t t t ilpttslts sttStt 4 Ti- --tIM Di-ît., th.., tiin i-t t -9 0 e2' MW r-' 002,236î 67 sua us Wr 2,A.601 li4 7.li)5AS8 -it i4.72,0ItlC-. 9t1: um m XItAt.42SI Ttal -.Iti:m 13c4 : i.lmsî~, 'ample lue 1s bels-eti ltil hn- tiuce.d b, Nm.nns Vote Tit.2 l tty tifîhli ttuml -,irm-îjtttt e Il tlItols VatianîsChr iti lttîtî,-- ee tUniion a as imid îtn lthe iirsit -iiIt1 ut Clarchiun Eli. The Oirsi sessituon olthe- t unît.itptu, -r tas 14 eid TîîImsdsy t-vcîtinu. ,lth-t- it-vt-ls e i ce iunt-uiffm-tarltîtt f thett sinuns rem l i-t-c day.. ra. A. t-.m-ait- ird ut looitnton loit lit tle,-,tîtiottsi-x rriais, %Ira, l-saleB. Bltîtutf Eîsm.- tan folios est sitlhina adtrewm ttitt,it Moli arg dey. i tie tirithi>-oetFraus- l-l crd. lai.3. lithlt-r ad-i r,-x,- terr-etdt- Saiath Iit-mu i-t- tiurt StttItla! ili Aprit, lir. a. ., 'rtm I1tf a - n BrtttttiIttî-ittti h l-ietit Vr lIstt - as lottR ti.Am tt itt Fi .w i us inctl tn tutîta itt tit ttt i -lth-t tht.sdi.-. te ,-uterprite. Il i-n ar-t t, intht- i-t-,t tit- ttr-. and-tti. ht-rstrttgchu. ttid ttmnttmed Immttit ts ii 'I-> t-aitlets. leiipl. rstiî tla1o-t1lmftt-m idl itgtus-I lit tî ttm " amti i,r.t ioî I I,'- tîîtî ai t - tir, 'llie Otaît- utîtdiltîl ittîitîatti'- laite a nîti -e fati-t sing t-e rliritt I,-tf lit,-T tt ils- IrtIhtil. lIýtq-r Nfm. <ti r.- itigt liit l ilog itsammn itt-ias rai .îrttttt0 teesusea, iarluto rtît-es uîh.r.lTh, -ltat, lId lts t ('. O ar>.m ens tt1t .-f ordeor. Slie apçeeiltii tut- ilr iicIr or joittni> itthi-rilthe ct-li ri lt-h-r rtulttt&'. 'lit. t! t. ittuttoîtlbItIdt ,St. Patti. ENDEAVORERS ASStEMBLE Fes-cm HoUndreul Delegmles Attendi lhe etlte cummeana ahut ýi"î. Abut 7(x) dm-iegal-t tient- il, aîtetdati e aht tth essumn i.fofthe t- t îî- lt- an t i deaévor t-tttvelithklnt ahPesr.rt t iiIt.trm et.-,-îid are: i'retmlt-rt. A. E. Titrît--r if l.îa-ttn; iMi ~trt.utm-n IligI- %% . S. ils-at-y of Catrit.,.stMtit-al m.s.rmttmr3 - Kattîtil>e Sttaterlttalt îtf Stluît-.rt-lia- tirer.Juin 1 ,lttt u - tIf t-at iitii.i Tie (ilutagim Iýtit- ttaut Rc tis atthîr- f110tti i-Sort- î-a Irt S , tît1it utectimifor the tlsrtt-I-Sit-- it> it-. the liriue-ipnl atitri-inciitdt-iim-il IY Drc. titti. Jc.:im-ttt tf ii Vtr1d-.',u-m titî t-il>-y iti-r lt'î .11 t A Itui t- ti If tli dures-u ittîti latt- Sitîirday iight String- fit-id andtillîktîîri ti-r-iitlitt jerity. E.. -I-tlîîî I fi t ift lti -ittI t Inn j,. Fel tiof t wmtau-e, -î-î tt supeiinleenttt nemuct- huIun u- til, imi jtunitr n itid inît-ramtmtialt- ort - 1- ce- lelsirtu. Clu-ugco; ittissietiary. Sîtîti- Nit-n- deniail. Verlijiion hi-tuve. itt-i i 1tartnent. %Mn. E. W. Darst.littci Bibte naty. J. N. Hlunier, (îtut.ii Nelilie N.l. lir tIf t-ria mOntcttvfi c't ermi st-cveta r>. vitis snd Thalle 1 Tiere are 1,0W 0Miles Of trammnYs il lite BirttihIlies. 'Cruestis. ut aieiUtl nes. lto atssc ubout 4i(i10 Thte IltcIti initie Moliît-COtIIPlexio)lb ruuîgit'aud retitl>. lu Ia gapeuat-uhar pislaythe iacelt-r. A wmua wmithi îuuîîîy mnsys lia soîutllng lu go bu>-. Wien a man'saclowvn be tt-tliutsrit qa a u p ailb unm. Twto-tlîlrds outhe ' BIîT)bullldug tît1It ivoritt ls doue 2bp lie lîlilit. As utocli ns $12.5M,0tlli00.tit) basl- lent lu uthier nations b hi>- e-BrIit E-ngiaud etîrties abolit 5 liter vet c lthe Ses iorut- itutretîs tie-outil, muortd. 1 id lifthle bug îîîîusm.spîtingrtint. lis- Y' aru-eno fi-aen Ilîhi 215 80101is îla )f m)( vanilette. ýn Tuje -poîulat luit ut Eninl a nti i lînsCofthle Cou t m'li miliot t-St-t- s l it ues 7110() lotis out ie ur lu1îmîtî lthe postal cîrdsîi-ti lu Int-heUnité Staltesert hyeur. Il.Tîe Frenichi bUlit teéltî-z<-salI nt an the Brîita re.gehhiîlite larir pli oTheidts rli5m. -militari- to- mC4 Wng&d va lie maniregugnS of 70 'te 014' Pape manimu01 bouse, au h wasa uierw&Ms wltlout doubt the oldest bricit i la the bMîsaissippi vallcy. Tiié .1 ing now stands lu wliat laaou _çenter oft he remaina of tihe blutorl laie oftQlq iÇaskaokla, lan ~acton la taken aga lunt eh.eau, encroacbmenth of the isissippi, the boune WIlI1 ere long follo & IIIlt oti.e old butilingrs ln tht'tr cur a tali a victini to lthe relentlé a tit The dat- orf the rettion othe ,d.. Ing lm veileti lnunucertaiîîty ut Itwe bulit soione lune about lie year 7B The material ot wlîlc Iîl la coatrtct large squlare briksa, were brougit 4oWla the Ohio river t roua Pittabur. aud tience np the .%IisglNâlppite 0Knikauku lu keel bonis. Tiîey were the. fOrel brick brougbt mbib te counitry tbeim known as lthe lliuols îerritory &Md titoug i more titan 100 yeara bave elapoed mince they ws'ré put tistii. building tht'> are siUIIltu a perfffl %talc ut lîremersat ion. Thte old boum lias been reîtaired from tlte 10 iai and nt preBent the Uicner walla are oov. croît wltb saieany coat of cemeai. TIM- bilding bas a miont reuuîrkabW hih- tory. Il s eretl as a remîdence, but &AI 'Il ncared t-oniptetion. lhe varions coDaà- cils which miet ai Kankankla banIDE 00 sullablo building itebertelu 1hey couid hold tbeir sessions, sud as the Pape nisusion was î-veryuhiug liat conld b. desired the ctiizt-îîsof thse town Par- t-itaed lthe ttullding anti convertesl 19 tutu a poblit- hall, lu 1809. when aun t1w terrltory lyiog west of tho Wabaal river sud north sai far as the Dominion THE 0111) PAPE ]MANSION. ut UamSe hue vas organiti lulite h Ilinois terniiory, isaaa abece te territurillseat ut goverumeltl sud lie [pape lmauxinituas couverteS lit. lt-e tiasembt> buse outhle torrltorliai legislilse. On lune lMi.1100.the ie -t terrtotrial legislîre lia t-sen impt a-tst out lt-Wsabriver t-onvened Ia tibIs olti buîilding. 'rT-ebody w as etta- pas) ut 1 mer-al Geo-rge- Edwsards. lb.e tsrritogiat cîîîernor.n' litl Jitgé blues-t an udutge SMprigg. lwauouthle liresesu- Itrellme jumlgu-sfuthlimetrnltory. Frtoiti juîu , o~util laSîtesir11hie ,uîltttitt-aoutMadisoit. ilain uand Jobs- monu er 'ou-u rganizesi. itaklug saltogh- mr. a-llitSt.Clair anti itaudoipi, Ove illîltW. omn..rpnt-cmnattte trois e5tb t-oniit tîst mlîcîed. andi ou 'ýovenbèr 14) tioernuor Edwada isued a pros- tL.uîîiuli trmtunig te repr~sntativei li -mc-t-a i tt- Pape uanxlun naI Ras Laskia ali in t,Ie m-tirs las-sofuthUe lrrlltin> ofhinouis a-trt- t-atteS. The large bailouithlie lucer fluor outhte buithint sas tusedius the a-su i>l-- ruoi a ndl tii-rousin Illetitiller alor>- sers ti si tt-ole til t fteguveruor aud tIti- ultut- xeli ive ofilcers. lcls lu Iiis builinug taI te eglature ia- t-ttirtutesl hlm- lira taunktluIles-ri- Ionry. tutu ans loctittai Cairo. lint- Y-ir ISIS Illinois. oving lu ber rapiti prigrt-. n aa adîniltidlunlte uion as a itTt- ite Ila-ition ,traYiut for lth t tut l.,iiiIl l tatît- tthe îuinniti au esîtat footing mi 1h lhe cli- e.- sîaî,t-g amsis) lu baie een trameS lu î lits tI buiilding. Ticleglalahure tia istession na!t amaskia lu lanu- ary otf tai ni-tr aud tttllesst'#àui cea ble]1ItLu titis biling. Th(- î-riîr tif It-eitou-te bosn ov fail.rtIo tlt-ia.t. anî las long Rince tt-n t-uaia utttt.n-uet-tn b>- lie lîrenentInl- biiuitîtîut utrim.îtsast.la. PRESIDENT FAURES ,DAU0I-TER l'h. 1. ws rki«g ht.Scure .New Triai fui- CapItirsvytUa î:nen llume titi-trial antS convition Of Cai I tIt-hri-t ttis ttont It'eicharge ut selllng s-isrriîîti n' rt-talua foru-igupocer, SI.LE. LUCICl PALItL NI11e. Lutie lFaure, lie tlnugilcr of lie Presitieul of France. bas belleved te t hils tunuti-uce.anti ler usomatal>- aji- poli>- ha% s-une 0ont UnMadame Dits?. tfs. 'Sic bas usai te nfluience weUh lien fumher IdI Dreyfus' buisit. M3l% F-auret- s a bs'autnl aSd lIallec - girl. chu keetis ihorouglyID>- lu i miilimtle eenulafut hbeday, s&aisthela alsautdeep student ofut aLe affaIra TheSutian ns.a ltouek.epess Ttîe Suitan ot Tuntey lesai t lu tic montt extravagant bouseteeper la -- tb wtrlti. Accordiug tlu an ostIacle bils donestit- budiget rua tis: Re.~- pairs. new ftnuture, mats, lieds, etc.~~t lth.000,IitO francs; toilet requlalles, lu-, t-tuîdng rotnge sud enamtets ortdhlbe !adils outhle harem,. sud Jecslry, a- Oo0.00 ) riant-s; extra "cxlravaacp,- 05.,OOMfrancs; clolhes and tf for lie Sultan peraonally, 10, franes;tilooceona aund cagme.20, frant-s; gohlandtialiver plate.,12, francs; maintenance of liru jantiherses. 25W."0 ) rane-t« 175000.000 tr*nem& or about Nmiegë 4lL8y -ým,