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Lake County Independent, 21 Oct 1898, p. 6

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lmi. hdm in *»la OR. It i 6e< e 514 8ic d1 nid mmisi m. lai '-i. 554 CBAI'TER XtX.miglt have cureti fer ni booksa." lyreatrice Beiyn m-Ii vîsît the Despite ber herosja" ber oha. aulfai- .7Tiose verde rang in the cars ice. she WBs@ but a wom-that e..uie e d, gette lady, the mîs(ness cf instance et i indifferemee hun tahsvéore ilie, girls itbo regarded lady Res- than is utarriago lai donc. hblbiber rlain sncb ave. Ho m-ma@baine (otir-cilbead dibmn upon tic table aid vepl. ber!-m-bmt wu@ he tesay?-was hot, bitter tours. kg0se cotipie" *t np te ber ovo roule hefore ab@ CHAPTER XY. 4 the sebl eect mor-ulng aui teck Picture s lang, vinilg rond. boviceci 14 eiticai survo! et ber pale face. on cîrber aide iy (ahi (r-e., vith aori-- as woman coougb tu foot piemci banglug branches, tieisie heian m"- fuir, tranuil hesuty atililfin- viti vild rose sud voedhlme, vtb ella-e lier-e, Ont or two golden haire bai log forgiove and stravhcrry binvnu. *ah id troa tnndernoath the black front (hiek. leaty branches mostim la teue. m io.,' cap; shc hastily eut thonraPlaces, tvjuiog (heur glant ar-ns s let leo; i mas impossible, ahectiienglit tarin a sliady arcb, tie s»Ungt falllgt ayat ceu recognise ber. Ail t.bst tbrough sund casting qnuat, gr-accfm nei et (ho fair ani levely Lady Vie- aimdows on theo grouni. Tics tbae sas tino patuetie beauti cf (ho large tbeesulit tubiage, undçr the m.vlsg *ye; even (base vero diligulihy booghe of the tell ireee, a landsý t*eaei bren'.. youtb. vitb Peser- oye.s ad duateaigi Dr. Hoarne did net know me, t bain, rides alowiy lo.g, loeiag smem-f m tuear-Beatrice." sbc thougb(; "lie lines t theo sky ahove hlm. snd nee-1 and aine btetime-liklug iquicker linos t tihebeciinns bloeu. A gVi-1 naer' lent, prlnceiy boy, viti thduc la c a ca- vet ontlie (ho chool r-oin thon, lier, sud (ho trauk. grandi ailaeut s pateltes of golden sushine lay crowtiod Ling. rt theI whte tor; tlie long windows 'Asuhocornmes r-ding oser the shadowe efo, and thc prtuncti air- caine 1.u under (ho (rose, the vateher by tic ut.e ani cicr-oua giats. The children sec$ hum t Isat, andi heuve la m«àW 1i &à amembiei-ar-tmced girls, witli t ber that (ho iglt dorsmot stylhc ber« @Mcansd nimble ingera. A certain desi. km reîesoueaa veut tbnoogh (hem Thon s great miet rame hefore ber oe. vas huowv t(bat Lady Selvyn was sud duzzled ber-, a migity mousi es et r e t ho @Chouf (bat day. rushlag waters flueti ber- cars, a tesTent et * (ber-e vas a tr ameng the chul- love rubedt tirouali ber heurt, hîaw * mur-mur of oxcitemet; aud oue ber tremble like a tesr lu ticem-mai. for hi. Mer tinafitine ret caine np tu lier, -ail toppeilat the gate, sud w»a upm b« a corteny. te ber. F«m please, nl s. he aaid, "bee Sirelookoil et hbciilsmly: h1« lis. lady SelvynL." parted. but o or-o dun; ber eagév. gaurs-1 aà lau, tatelî lady, ladinluswecp- lirg esca ert fiedaumbils ftae; her wm-ite. è«s etf ah and velvet. a(ooi liotore terveus bands clutched utathticbar- et the ladmy viorne prend.,r-ega]beuty rate. 4I thon mho gaznipn ie. -1e " muetst aeaiy myself," she t U liPs vont a pieawaedmile; the "f muet remeather hi, my cm-a set 1 a. Ioftos ià cs -a enfle, stlsiei ex- desi", O. Uit svept, vith lb. car-r-age of ."Good mnrffiug, Mes. iveesa. cly~. 8$4 tirnglthe tgardon muote oricb voice vas saYIOS; "lady UmtrmIl * Sauiilmre. asheil me te catI sud gis. yoe 9 êww 1 laiv'Dnt lterrpteit Yen" lier cm-n sen-heavea ispbsvl-&mr adi Eeatr-lce ota.mRivera. 1"1 uniy <hilid! $bc loagmi m-h dqmaic e S* vister titis mar-ing. 1 have iougfug te ling berself una. the inmw' idilIo te orallay etatInu, and foot andi let hlm rice over lmu, mlmg aNal osni yretuLr-." lier- deuil.1 » WUsa2a rePlg. lira. Rivers ademd e lnpg the relnsassaie am" dia -1 bmv aidLady Beatricc centinci: : . aiitaapm oyt (ogt. 00 Juat lokround amena theic li- c" iltnr yPu etejh.-h ha. Itists. and thon, if yen pese, iad, sud reine laidi f em-ua sEa 1 a111 Fou la the cot vee.-me, Mm .Rivera. Iltulavery wu. »d 1m ', I on Wor tebav savd brt1have r-ion Dfai." ý lit eoudve-ibthav teed. lie- Ab! if ahe culi but speal te Mim! Ir lht ber- parcheti lips seemeil lueti &hc miglt but crY ont: "espeN-t,1iamn M. Mdy lady vas over-ce, udvur-motiier! 1IamnViolnte seiuy" me devoutiy belevedti (at il vesBat (ho white, parted Eps va, .1«M t et lier c-n suiguat presence. o oaigatler innli era.ue Mme (bat made ber unasually gra- e okn t etogth and mffabe. s sud dquiet; but the inm-hm-a «psd lady mmePt dom-n(lie r-cent ber (ho mouruing dressaCCVetd foc rit. %Mi ani vetet trailing uer- ber. "Yeu i-i net apeil me as Mes r&kwe lWIS',fellteder sion5(11with sîlent did. t hope." R-id the lmtuging voire.. "tIi, id Mtlty clinceil bands. Tir-ongli these vo mais." rn kmd e ViEn,- mhro lie rinson frayes lai the t n-ill gurs.e" ayhn 1hs. e bnead pattin ce itlccottage, she niolwtb tremhling e-r tic voiles frongin full foyer-. H otda br k Ite r r-ue etend Brs, sud tino whute-tacel '('ed sukd etbe iti, but esurpris.4 tl "ahd lier- gather-etiail 'ber ..îadknbteroà w h,1 &bleffeter-. mental comment.1 ëWRYmatd besel onthe itte "Wil you reaiiy ce.feraoBay bsUat -~gray jk and ricb velvet fai- lbcad lie icer. tâth w« e r ibumi ber. 'arbttvtvll ma tamsle- t iaRèd, lira. River," abo asid. .s-ht1."ho si ithean lb uds bas 6e W etrous. 1hope yen ar-e pretiereb ardle, m-lie l jute h jOur nevhomne. Yen are bai ast se lt(ely. «'lamuW us ut « te th lioue'slid e tico.r-es," sii the iboy, tbroviug blasai.on M ftt Mho close c ap. yso,* tho cacin. "Il la Am-ýtmiy hot. lra, IpelsI i huban anini onRivera- boy ceci yen teck bei-e. t1shaut bu oet replyr; bY (ils tinc (ho ie- like s glans ut vater." *WmV oraisdetcaimiy sud sesici "Nay." she sii sottiy. -"Iae ar se- W au ladysface. (bing ulcer (ban tbat fer pou." V, "Me"'mas the coonien al epli; Andi sh rano'te hocaket. faudautth1 MW sa& Ton îar-e gimi.perhslpu. fr-uit. irt laLdy Bestrire land oam. Heu MM We aller- a &Zatscrrem-?'sali banda trembied n ue clook fumsliî i W. atter àshaiet panse. lunch et pur-pie grapes, snd sa nossy. P isM-9bas bean anti ià a ver-y blomingflupel. Sic laid (hem sn qlm repflcitic quiet voice. plate, eorored a %mail tray viti a dsint, & 10101aslMu cr là ibis part of ticem-ite cloti and lotek it te hlm. Ire IcLAdy Retrire. "Hem- tinilyen are," ic mi en.t; tfus bieenliving fer sn om- y0rS'a-s but 1iamn r-eblng iou." 4rn, ailies. River-s. "No, no."* %araid bis iastb. lly.hi -s bil pos viiU makre îounself baPPY. s thousad linOs moe spamum555e bar I0jen mdionfruit ant iloveýra frein that b ho etlî enjey them., * l'have ho*tu la (le habit cf do- And enjoy tient be dii. %ic est dem- W re y7« endu o et ntgw nDeir. 'N ber-cshe icul vateht hiencating b !'r Oy uucmre," saI the gav- ithe lancionts uapes. 1 er ici-hut 1; bl ave an other." icar-ucltaobhte, lier- Osgors iuged, g. i#bOIO » seDmmibookas àt the Hall." rtch (he o h ed. vithil.tsciust g 0009L10y BotriM ;"Yen cau bave caris, ber lips lurned (eo tour-b is aU' '0111 Vmtrou (hoelirsry. 1 sent oence--enlY Justiont-e. ic bavemr-c rnad O* Ilv; hav- yen inoketi *ver thon him. alie itecl nosr-flm; asic muid ast toast ber evccacugh on that rrank. band- ave»st lai im.1saMmlia.River., soute face; aIlliber- seu u* m-anla effl~ ~ohai.bokas. Tioe.,aresd on ber- ii.. _. d fi i u etai. k t rnuy r- ld - ""les t arc n ie." lie sa i. -T u (.1 she rawaseb frtht ui thonglit." plain truili. lra. River-s.do I tiest IP Ieem-"S gen uugli liehe r-is MaaY grappes t hoorn. LadyBratsire' bibplei yet Lady BRosi-e. thouglu t (lia boyas hottlhbc brongbî Sp U& MW,- Young sparts u." OV 9011! ad unneved ahe l."- "Lady Bitstice aihe r-s'peaed. Mm llva"I te olme "YPs." lie centinnemi; "'av fsirer ie ln nevntatSictvole -Touet LO ady Iteivyn Jlan«otymm.h- le IIIIIN rebm iredthe( lior-oeeg or" lie oued cager-iy. R.o -db Wee u adCi ove-yilftu - Nut 3our mother-!" gaspecitic White WIM l ere euryr iert le* bar LdySetrce no." lie roplied; "my ovure mtier U PM 4k ,ow so" lar &kti desil« Sho wvaskiflal a r-slwe-y &Me- Q iu wiswrldah s ednt rtSudl, in Itali. My mther m-u. 9 Rvea dd ei £pfà Iohae se beatutifîtl as an tngel, Mms ivrm.7 9 MMesivt iet ap pe- he Sec mur-mur-rdmont repli: eh. se,,.v "*W W Woestton. tie bai epe. ttknev m-at. b Oenr-e.tVioent,; fronber- de- "e, c otneldewe . 1 abad., ivsn Selmy-," v a ttas hestute auasauel.1iva.- ileni cmenifui (bat the sit oetmer ber face qulte veli. 1t mmcia e du bd ot udr-co o r ai 1 r-eau t ous ber. tSuv- l bvieg cyea. auch sW M ~ m et ilsbe useti te kism e . Hir i e al fl op ratKie cgianose a I. nte lu ber- arma, antibd e sts *%r -Lh. nepieilereoaly nlun trheurt mwusbrenklag. 1 do M I»M t~~~,~ "Iet cv seat i it mlh theîaoihi'r." M."m The hantisome face greum-@4sA e6 M6MY riers pr-cned(the cet mn-au.los. oeys Ilied it m-ii (s illt rose te lier- lips. Diilic leve "No one lu qait@ fire ur Sovmb"w7 sMWMM#s. flitie that ho gave te bis lho sai: "attirine loveti me. MY ft&r sth (e gir-%trt htdii lcouber-s? Oiten tels me licm- ae %rondtte 1zI« M#ter hookashoun nat incre." audrfesr for me: h howge aMniaMB Imoy Bestnice. "I hare o rneenotion te ce me a god sud tgrntlaira.s i làmma s ibr-sty ton tic unue of thei tusute ho. 14y motier la damssag th fse'm if gs..Mmlis.Rver@, 1 shah ho aungeis; but ashsall sec bour 1 hoftd w 109 k11 pt It osier your-car-e. Re- Sie eau beur- n mer- e:i . wm-co 614ot. "Y ujtimnsdlu In y diS- ih idly no, k,,,11,1, et tinheu te" e ru P..y0a ment apply te tae." lie ceitei. lier- aboIe gir shah. m-t 1 Muse st a 4eotselaud sta(eiy. drep-dram-n bitter- sois, &"sale hqueue the Htile rnoon semedtOU(au ii fur- iug over- ler lu deep suss. "Whs le the rantrer-, lMms. ive'- o0 veY Picasoilte have @accu ', viat la î-ronge' SZu"se-.ah. sti. graclonai. "is By su effort ao violent tint filab@M Slvyn m-lui ho nling paît tic kiiied li er-c" -etialidici-seilfaud vus. =ft#Az,ýand i. mil brins yen the 'I mrutashametu." site nai, "« giu'i et 10peakiug about. I1m-iabyou a m-io: but i huil a @ses e nd MaiM IU~uieèaà I ~'* tumIal»~ cadi sever i ~ udhtS jnoi~t. "Good meeuLag~ ~ I i viii <oui. agals ottss, If ion j viS me." ~-'-* .~lt ~ N.', "Osn» m-len, i-ou m-bu,"@lic m; Mii thon *air ticn Met. Tb*. boy oalrt -"Wbê nen tliancrenisliks, Km s, Ris- ern.bha r-ed. "t baveu mon you its. 1 asmmr: or-lse nsene elits r-eu" Bh" dram- back in alano. - "Chance r-enblancea are cmmu eonegi," aie sali quîotiy. -J mua-on M OUNT VEBUTVIUB, (lie mont les of eatthq halte mi face r-cminta ion et nome ome fumons veicane iln the o eia mie dîstunti very piessant. M hitory, mhidi. as overysecheel- Thoegrmit "Thot i dos." io replieti. '51(um-1boy iova. ietroye4 the citiea et Pom.in AuÂgumt,1 Mst si o9Mpu aiHcretuimneei, la ugain lu erup- lava peur-ed Andl tic uit minute heomas on hos-tientsmandgrat miarnula ftoifor- (ho est@- (remendent bock. maviug ila cap le s taravol ndtety et lit. ui prcperty lu tho vilinty te, hon. (Te tice cttiinnet.) et (i. solonue. Tic fow of lava gces m unebocioi. ail ut the eruptien cout- (lamas on the o ar-iing seale -It bas IN A SULPHUR MINE. latte r«e lit h iii cause figlttul - miueryamaiimmense tamage. The lava Irerble-10ar-shit.eoft tinSoBiya %an-testent ner te crater, wbich hbaa "Tiera are but fev mho admire lb. viiincf aimtsmie dindent te collection o euiuls re Felghty ymrdu vide. Theso as (bey pour-i "e taila it hoNational Mufeum,'" r dev (hamentainaid,1agin n -- ai lic gentlemaan m-be coieetei tbons dlvie jnto numerons amualler treaipa. fronth(le famoi sliphur mines lu Sl1elly TheY aisanent the rate cffoty yards I to a Washington Star reporter, "vht an heur, anbinenging overgthInlg iu ONC hasre ayideieslurelation(ote eaMotheïr patmu. s.arlng the vegotatien In the excepi t heI beauly. I don't till, s. ieWmty as thougb lir-e bail passetever tanenin, att h.e Mi. "there laq anothor- spot on eartb It. An enormous (juan titi- ef lava keeoit ho seuthot vbein tcl abominable treatmont, snch pouivn: eutet the crater. It bas OUed sentit aide,à flemlai cruelly, la lnfilcteti on the la -Vetrua valley. a deep ravine. and soli- vas heoend ioier as lu (hoeatlpiur mines of SBi. n1hDeseveraielihsttlek fer- n long dis- Inuedated as Tincy mie lali ttnrely enougi te pro- lamces dom-n (i. ides cf the meuntale atter, m-heu site tbcmiîoives n-tb a tenait snPPIt a"unmosthe adjacent villugos. Tho lu- andl gave (Iq thse eoanest. 'bespest foot, and a gnd habitants efth(ene villages are la a lutote lea portion cf (hoe(ino (bey are lna a tante tate et suspense. net kuoiug n-bat t(me cfthb et chrenle s(urvation. WhouI -s _1_____w__u___Vesuvios tr lat ibore, maey cf (lie mine. von about h te;o elosed. anil a Silis palier 5(5±oi (bat ,e. - iicanduilI 30,000 pecple ver-c aiarvlng at the -viues cover mims.The vert la et the bariest asud -uliv »Dont exhnuatleg character. Ver-y tom-I mnb et tic minesîhave hois(ing apparatual, - - si otmri asdthe (osuipliror ue suiphur sud ilime. Vesurlus atone ceinîiied> la breugit up froin the u~ o Decemix doptia hoeloiron tho bocks et men anid uuexpecteil baya. Long, leping. car-rom- tunnel%. ay l2 beed frein the surface dom-n te(hoesni-,- dlow of lard plnnr bois 200 te 6M0 test or more lie-sutngt-i 1ev. Minera dig the stuff ont, anti Il laan ted <sret np I atout sacks or- Bat bas- dl rco kets. May of-(ho laberers, cspeiafly A NMES tSUR. dot rece. the oysa ver-k nakeil. On (hi lieds usat tino volcano maiy ht torth lu (imatedti h ÉWY m-ar a plece--of mattlug, or bm- dilit g amdi tuury- ubemet t âcesaine lives.- Tic tbing cf (lie sont. bol y a tlmg 5dIt Mhanlababitanla cf Poîipeili er o161. but oui arouni tie uoct. This la te protectetl 1Mo-yer age. to<tnei me lesh freinbeieg tbru frein (hein lioimoa Tbe.abolie oet(heo enn1nsone et Oneofetthi tiy (ha jsgged corneons cf the orsey 6edu mneut thlekly peputateil districts lu curret lu il! terriy. Ne cueeau Imaglno a norte . ertS. The fentlllty et the ouiljecteti sever hett-eding algt ha hn te sese he ____________________ vreteh.il cnea'urca toiling up (he lIg.'a& amsp slopes Iu (ho mine vîti thett eamnons tlas. Ever-y stop they tale a mrings a gnose frein titir toiturei trames. Motsipitîfuite(cme m-asthc aMbit et tie peor, bout, broken snd omaciatedol eutmou, mere Itstter-ed vrau'ba, aut the yong tads et 10ad 1L2 yoasî, mho hai-e at beign bIs lits "il(mggerng atoug undeon lads feu es icavi as a stroug man ouglit to carry, tlie dreailtul procession m-inde apvoarsl ibrougithe uarrev driftsaai tunnes te the surface, mhrs th.e or la Pffl PI n e ctaugutar beape a"i pobli fer Tii (ho ubie meter-. "Auatevideuce cf the amfut aeverlty et tint tober la the tact (bat s sory lorgne per-entage et the"e lais are me la* crlppleti bg the tine (bey r-oac (ho age for mtiitaryservice (bat the . 11cnl)itiht'iera are teret te reject temn. Andl 1 assure Ye(u that tic Ital- lu Gosernunnt la net over-crittcai as iUT EVtU Iothe iiphys1cai condition oft(ho mnaUTVEUIS site seuil by theohaitp oni te maue'se- bumarpassed, tour cropi n yoar being air lu a dli m-ah te bc bbulebered by tbe Abys- patoaseiîn the bcat part. large musa.l elntanoua Wbon the mîserable croature. The spectacle nt utgiu( la oeeoftIl- atreana oeti ley.e the inftime uder-ground andti ie(lblc grandeur, anul tl's'-eIers tain aide, ci rasclithee ventaie (bey iedt theinslsfitem ail parts cf Europe fdock te saeetien, lu 1'é la a venlablo cerner oft isila.Theo nu- th@oicMo26La action. The feint. pal- Terre delt phur la î'xtractod untt(ho mine hy roma- pltmtlmg Slov (bat noutlualiy marks 1liete (ycd.Inl 'mg 'u luImutense lieasaailghtly cor- gria~t eatet ha oxebangeil for a ni-hIdruptunei th, tee mitb eartr. net itoltke lu for-m te a ongue cf blglit.coired t t (inos alinost a crater thI char-coilpli. Tlhe air la su flitîtimh t Bt a ambov, hIuInla(lng (ho hea'- and 1.000 f ulphurus rapons und duat ua te ai- ois and relectet l i exquIile eft'et! l'eouvios hli vient suffe-'at e-e.Net a green (bing l the m-aters of (ho boy. Tbeme moti- ruptlons l In slghi. for- the p)oisenuos vapors bll ettosseacmali yiepe oeo ant regetation. TeVitefr-ce Sun bettae rombblansot tiunileno(s subternan- te-d for-t "em-nupoe Oone ln t (best endurelesa____ --mme vaUeikmwil(bgt'eat for-y. On evory aide lieusea, but tle are thte bot rocks..tacres cf li. ue -iI palpable tidliug îius(, audt hovapers -inY. ,- sr i nd tronsth(i-ateinng tain c;u oncly'hog lle8 u cenuîareit to binasfrein te Infernal q, . e s- uec r-emliL N ~ - .. r-ptionhIn Chitdr-cu ln (ho e - s se,( VOl'i h (n (i- lawtiiut Isa;iî t a cn- -<. ~ ~ ,, Thene Itave aider-cilas iî"î'tcry for il' i'lidr-onti - thultme t,.am-Ir-,ia% Inn ',lk, (rIndî'v ed. i litletrii ilsm-siiuu an switi, bî'foni' ey eau Tic mniti-:orf eacc u n iite ar-t of ntautinIs very tilnti..h't'ierha- Paatagsdavi to tetut'seashore snd trire thetiiuty thiurtra rite u ater: net tue tlie m-sien of theocean. wluer-c lie suif la alvays treng. but luto tlue ily fttbsemaoe soute lutet or lageon. Ms a nieth (obabies s@whinat once. ahe'wlug tiat (hehobnmeanimal lm as m-en pio- siieti as uny olethon i'th te natural tantinet of seit-petuier-at Ion. If the ta- lent hi otteeGi- on tee feeble te swm 6e parecuis. intutlu i agrineil. dise at- ter I li ud ake It honte. bcping fer-bal- ler luci next (ino. Among lAtto- aoiut chitdr-e lore te m-aile or puddle (uy thn acasora. but soreeoe thein mate a decded fusa ,orics expectedt e reguiar-iy go baddimg A m»ier. m-tuemd . m-ai and timi bey et 3 tuer- vbe a iebiy umasbath vpo reomemenbotl. settiodth le mote skltffly. At the algiat oethie big, cela oesmtIia boy m-as se figitepai (bat St loa à a effect ou his ere&TM.'b mother m-ms oqualto le ieoccasion. Rie bhm blis tub brouiglit tethe bosch aomi allitlwith smson aer. Ttre. es. eUitfor (ho taet tbat h lied"onsa tWy~ bathing suR, lie vaes tubb.i bag lie anuelust as ifle libat beau at bone& Aflor a tom- tayie hoceed a pue. seclos idem tluit Ilmou -morty Me mMeen(mbe teck gond date te b. la lia m-mer recdy fer humn) If lbe sinonhi juag sut et hie tub sud totîem- ber lt. lie *MI.L t Course , lie cres -&h li le'xeuý-tieu, em.Acy a= bha&jo ci b ho ul. anudlier object vas zb=or- ta ithu inur-voîuseor m-orr-y. Levers et "Alice -le Wonetiand i'gl le lattremtedto te iir-n (bat a plain mbite mariet ross bas receutiy beenc.ets ba Guildford eeter-y te mark lie @po arbhare rositie remluof etwais Car- neiL The cemeteni. ituatei on theeaide et (ho liég Bock. over-ookiag Ils levra cf Mllford. la eue et the protti- st la tlue kingtiêi, amd i taia @" four or live hundredati oboveUieUM fr50' - iî" aiagé Imîportance « -Tam mccX O E CvRacATER. lias, but (ho average I.about 4.000 téetsagreat ersaterntasoeo2,000 foot la iamoter and about 500 foot deep. Il cenaltofet (O distinct parts. 'The usa explosions, tolloncul hi great eut- pour-Inga0etlava a nd alies. The treali lava tresia merlvg dem- e omoun- tain aide, toadiyencr-oacieg moe ami mouve os (ho . cîîttlraiel rogius. base abimsiy canseil extensive toas. Baverai mev eraiers have appenreil ar-ithle entlral cne, andl fr-cm tese tie lavealaie fliea. Vusuiss'Turbulent (lister-i. Moual Veanvnles e$lgit tmiles from RNaple% theo largeut et f tiali, and ovrisata (h.Bay et Naples. At lis bisseVeauvins la thirty miles le crcuin- femome. Ita higit varies aftor- Its or-dp- L *aehia slut(y.aei-crcular edit,, M oite Somma. wblch*bas a pr- <rates. Itt a s9epar-toil fnom tic acetive voicano by a deep ralley aov- ora bmdnre t m-hie. IboVesuvina of tlicancieuta mas a ifumeatai cone, m-lt a bas.etfelgbt Se aet"bo miaid a iegit cf4,01)0 foot. At It. soumsit m-ms a tepresseil plain, (hi..asihola diaunter. On (ha plain Upêztaeua. 6e glaimior,toglitClau- ihoPulher. There tane record et an etupdtiof eVeauvlus plnlen(eA. D. 79,. MeffL the latter-day sientiste have @msi thaa Il must bave been active bobketfiat tInte. Au the bcgnlung et tbe CbrJetiasora lie aides et the Vos- usha wmare onredtvhiels sud sinu and Its crater- ias overgrevn m-» w-tiigrapes. It ta certain (bat (ho peo*gl lig meur It ait (at t(me bai lmme malgiteat idea t stil m-asasu - mus reIa».:fer theic vlug etPUlny lQ. Temagr anti Tscltua s*hm- (bat lu, OM u ab-rhg fer ihirteen yeuta befoe jý Wat erptien, Tiimere eea set- Cte-r Iv. Hauntera. lîgut lu out oil le au lui 1 (vo guru i aought te, ptoxitiea er The affal storeve hl outit m-lt apeakt et. hy 4 iuchej very deudlg veapen. The leu of2.93 lnue aliber. lb, batfre".lefet mchet steel, andti ho breeeb mechanim là ~~ baudi n tho screv princîple, sinipliAiet se ihat It can be ceotil qulckly enougli te rmlte,(the caution a rapli firearm, Thne amSnintion la lu the, ton. et a bquakecasant remendons ,*eh: efiplete certnldg<. maieetofdrmvn tances. bah Te"pu ua lagie-loader, bt istorie enuption teck place b u ho i magineti (rom lta aise, andi , 79yeas ater hrit. helu entier te secnre rapidIty oet Or. it jeatreameanma burieti Hercu- las Practice theo gun la serveti by a Sun- _________________ ne er paocDaimthe cmntrldgea (o a mas Who stid on the lett aide of tb. car- riage. He lu tunpasses it (o (he Sun- Der. vie mita behini (lhe breecli. The latter la chargot i wtb opening (ho breecli, lnsertlng (he mmnltn d eIOelng (ho hreeeh. The brceeb la ceo. lng ecksa a ammer. By the icrglt aide ofth(le gunner cbsrgeil vhth loadlng (ho Su @Il$ tbe gonner, who la ciargeti vîti ainIng sud firing IL. The dis- chargint of tie batamer la ion. vitn (ho rdlary hue keevu technicaliy as 0F orUIMMLAVA nBa. (le layard. J Round the gun carniage le anothor the weit base; Pdmetonsetle.wbe viti a lover (uruse(lie gon eat aide; Siabise. on tho If It needa t e owung fsr on one aide su ad Catellammre, viel or the ellier. but the oriuary ammlg la id Stablae. These elties vote doue by thue giiener on tic carniage. anid tergotten untit centurie. - ia (lie ronain ver. iug up te muoderne a perfect luaigit auner. ati customs oet(ho big cruption. For centuries ras *quiet. People vie hived irget (bat It bail once* briei- uttlea tuonuasnca. gala oic ?r(he crater mund -tsataies aloId feuls. Tiare lbail butn in t eartbqnakea but tinoe eepteti as a vmnnlng. mhurat forthl in igi(y fury mne 16. 1631. sbdtcnhy ati dly. It coutunueti ntil Job- 2.There wva stismnua a mingiot viti valet lu-. DM thoeinelting et (hoesnov Terre ~1Analàt. Torre Retins. andi er-tii vero ai- idly ileatroyet ad it las- bat lI&OO0people toit (boit er vas anieler eru9tion la mig mhes aid stean, m-hlch id tor-rents,.cae»fortn. un very grand oruptlon Oc- TÎ79. linge steneswvsapro. erat thousani test buteutthe dui etf Wlute saper, m-lUi os et melten rock. linge lava peured dem-n (heon- MMIDE ngdem(h and destrnc- L94 Il hurst forth agaun ati Grc noemasl once more des- nOcter 1822, mn cutbrealq th top oethle coite, makbug troc miles ln cireninferenice feet deep. Slace this flinie bas nover heen vhoiiy quie. bave eccur-ret perlettcafly.1 t ees violence. tn 18M 5lava (vtenti-seven days, iestroy.ý f cltivated lied s d may Lt (ho people lied lun(lino te livea. Tbere vero eraptlicas dlu 1861,. m-hi v o t 1(1e -e. Thore vere giester dem-s 186-4 and again lu 18M2. Tho In the latter icar m-usvery s treeta et Naples bilng ces- s deep vîti m black suni. rbeen other eruptioas mince .wlîlcb haro doue moneo r e., but noue bas beenet great -OLOINO STOVE. cuttaon utChîcagesus Fllem . Long- Feit Want. tcampera and these m-b e - ut-et-don sports arc Intereat- rovntion m-hidi lu tichewrk et gi Chicageana mho have overcome rnemeoft(ho per- 3f "rougblng il." r la a sinali fohdleg gazoline bh eau ho placet! lu a camping tout taklng up ang rom te lis dimensions are 7 bg 7 -a and It veigis 4% ~pounds. taEtirrIR& A cAMdp TOV55. Thene la a tank attacheti fer theoelI. vbtcb la terce to te oborner by air preesure frein a mmllinoliber pump. Au Apt RPIF. A student reeutly akedt he presi- deut ef OberiluCellege Iflie ceuld net take a shortor- course than (bat pro- acribeti by (ee luatîtutlon. «'Oh. yes,"1 vas tho replI', "but (bat dopen. upon vbat Fyenat te make et rourachf. -Wbcu God vanta te nmake an eak ho tuâtes a buiidned years. bot vbeu lhc wauts te ujake a squash ho take.siMx mentha.," "11ev de Yen manage te keqep se triniry itb lMms.Tiffr "aaked Mma Teeters et Miss Twltera."I nover u» ber telephene." repiiei the no si tier'sisobeienco vasu lcoketi. ANCIENT STATUS OP The a s Clasai Afoie Vagabonde eud Stsriy There le a commisnIdes h* are by iaw cousitioeneta the bistorlç botte ieiag a- tien er thé statutea regardlug cy. Tii.,. atatutes. crud aMi lu (crins as venu mli or .005 erly enactutents, haviug beeoga sud roe u'ed betweo'0 1 year of Edwmrd III. antid"lie cfe Queen Elizabeth, ver. v pemloq and consolidetei 'la 1art hotus (lie l4th Elizaboth, .lu this mct atr-eiling players nl eare certaiuly clased amnu vagabouda anti atundie ieggars5 1are lu (ho premie et the set "eotF'ageoue enemie, Iote tvcafl" the penalty o --nl--o 1 1that (lieu imelti .or lie adj uiged te- , gtlOVouev suad burat tinreugli the grIstIe . irigit Poseo wl(b a bot yren of the passe et an Inch b hn'-apus gouiy te b. abatel hy sons beosehelder taklug bun, et ber, ill NEW FILENCH RAPID FIRE FIELD OUN. A valuable teature of the French gun service for a fu year entier proper tes- la the apparatus to take up the recoli. egnizauce. A second offense bec"» à se that the carrtàtge le fnot moved by feleny. il. The cause of the net 'ezprssulu With a full force of men the weaPefi what person mnd persons ahboli.oas. eau dîscliargo twenty abois a minute. extended within (bis bruneits obut vhctmle ai) enormous auneunt of tire rogues, vagabonds, end aturio ber. eensld.ring the size of the aanmuuitifL.gars" Includes thne tollrng: "Put. 4 Theo projectiles arc sbrapnel. eacb lad- teuded proctors, ganests'rs. peoef ed with 230 leaden buliets. The burst- fainieg themielves to have kuovliiga Ing charge la jeillinite. The buliets are ln phisnomie, paimeutric, or ~ber scatterod vith terrifie force by the ex- abnaed sciences,' quasi-laboureo vis pioston of tbis terrific explosive. Thus will ot work, unlicensed ingglermv pu& lu one minute the uew gîte con throw lara. tiekers. pettie chapinez, coust- 6.000 bullets. coverleg a radius sa gvoat feetours. and usera cf ilcenas&ma tbat It can put au cutire buttery out ot passporta, silpien pretrnding logiuis, et action or even 4]ettroy It utterly at a ses." The folloing inclusion deab l. l range nf frein 5,(51 te 0,000 yards. As rCtliy with the subject of actors. "An' the stteile auaohoset te expioeont a fencerx. boaro vardes. cohlmon play. mark d1rectly ovetbcd ofthte enemy. ers ln interludes, and minstrela. udt be.. they cao demollh cycu a battery under lonilg tea &Y baron ofthIe realine or. cover of trenchffl. - towiirîganuy bonourable personage et _______________ grenter degrêeo *wbch abêti A FARM OF 21,700 ACRE&. wander abroad and have ont etiouU.s It l Natthe ulyOne ui db, Nis- of.two Justices cf tbe pence cf the Iast, (t 15 Ne xinOa ere. wbereof oeebec et tbe quorum wvisar The phenomnfal suecesa cf David and luaîwbat sbire they *hall bappen le itankie. et Tarkto, ' Mo.. proves that for. wander."-Tie Nineteenili Centry. tunes can be made lu taraing au veili 100-JUin Rida Vtiler a ran.. s tn other linos or Industry. Mr. Rau- A Great Sortbern workman. ecmploy. klm le kuevu as the 'miihionaire farin e< inluthe locom~otive deartient ai er." Ile ln vertn $5.(M0.000. and it ail Kîng-z Cross, bas just badi the thrUWg reaolted frein au original investmeet cf oxperieuce etfrlding underueti a raWl $,,2. That won lu 1846, wh"u. att(ho age waycarrnage fream London (o Graut. of 21, be won given a coii by bis fathor. bain, a distance et over 100 miles.nel He soid the colt fer $52. Iuvosted tbe vas lying ou the rude under on.et the money lu calvos aund reetot a farm. nie coache» et the 2 O'ciok express fro. tiret luvestinent brouglit gond resultà Kiegna' Cresa--one cf the fautent trains- and ho beuglit a tarin. At tbe âgeO f ou tbe Great Nerthere msaem-aetteni- 251 be ewned eighly acres, eliof et.i.ng te tbe bruko geariug, wien the train Stop by step ho adîled te bis pesses- starteil. It bad acqulred a gond agnsi aieus. untîl atter beiug itteen years luin bfcre he reaiized bis perlieus pouition, the bualuess he ewned 4.000 acres. At Frein the place lu whlcbh o iay JIva» the saine turne be ceutiuued teaileailu Inmpossible for hlm ta aligit vith tb. cattie,util bcho ail12,000 te 1.OWtrain lu mocien, sud the nan was vel lisait. Wben be bail acquired 10.000 aware tbal the train did net etop oui acres et land lu Missouri andl 4,000 lu Il reachoil Granibain. Therefere, (hars was uethiug for it but te makte bînmeIf as cointortable aa poSSIbie, and ater about twe hours, when Granthain wo reachoil, be emerged frein bis alagular quartersa ippareuiiy Uil te ho rs. for lis adroulure.-Lirerpool Mercur. Evî'ry reader le famUs;r wlth theo phrase "truc blue," but very f@v ka"w augtt flis oengin. lie tirsetasumption was bY the Scotch Covenanters ln op. positilon te the scarlet badge cf Charies t.. andd banco It was taken by the trope. et Leslie and Mntrose inlue»4. The adoption ot the celer vas eueeorthoin,. reilgieus pedantries il, vbich the, Cv. onautors affecteil a pliîrlaaicai obus".- sccf (ho Scriptural bitter and thne usages ut the Hobrewsandma t(us a tbey nameil ibeir chlldren Habakkuk D)AVID MÂKKI2f. and Zenft)abei and tbelr chapois Zioa Nobask hevasnetyetsatsfid. hatandi Ebenezer, tbey decorated tbeir per, kebrasensbcltb bitteynlhbousohecansehthesaos. vas lu 188U. He veut ta Atchisea îevng prcept vs ion ue hetoi Couety. lMe., sud benght 21.700 ainse"$ ong: 'cpeakwugnteI(ho he aw wbicb ho divided Into four-tèeu ranches. ofrMoe%:ad bd ei n (btey idrak Ho bout bis home near- by, le the ciiy ute ndluesin thenbordea t teir ar. ot Tarklo, aud overy dm7 be rides eut t muatrugeln ttoreira ogtener atin over bis great cotate, lutervlivling bis aedts tho (bey ut te (lie rnet (b. operluteudoutsansd watcbleg tho eders a e u n te"iaeort prégresa ef crepa. bodea _______f lu.' 0f course buedreda, snd aometinos s uboley'a VirsaIloa. thousanils, et men are requireti lu the Lieutenaut, Dew Rean &dmil manuagement of lMr. Rankin'a Immense Scntey di net se, bis tirst boraaos, tarm--cowboys. plowmeu, gar-douers. until the boy was 14 yeara oid. A év. budera and praetil fariner.. Au liea veek attfer bis marrnage the yaung cf the lmeusity et bis business auib,, comtinder vas oriered to Sq&1 galueti by (he ou aiwvi canes te ait for wbere bis datles on the Agiatie otaiSe anu heur or (vu,llb. ahed@bti b is livo- demaudei bie constant atientiân @tory brick harnIn Tur-kie, andi vatcb fui Otfteen yeas. B3, eue of t» r- wagen alter wagon, wltb tour aud six ulpulations kneva onuly te the superlsg'ký hors. tcama hitche t o (hem, andi vlth courtfay lu vogue lun(tie Davy, lie jq tve pairse ofsidebeards ou (hein, tond- assigned frein China teaa ei te (hein utinout eapacity viti n oms, naval station, sud bai been fortanmb, wbeat and cor-n. driven into the yardi. 1lu bavng bisl vite scc.pt ber bnsbêsf% - Umektan oe, a flate. Invitation te cross the Atimtatie OOMv' Souliers returning frein theo var lu snd bring over bis sou, forer ior«- Cuba bati many toles Inte (efhet Uc igit et a athars lprend eye. cemtert tbey tuaik lu a pipe oftotbacco. '.Moaa, lu tee mRay casles Il vas about mai(lie -%earntheliety et Durango, MeziMoU cemnfort they experlenceti until theY an tren mountala 0640 test hign, a reclied home and fr-louis once mere. the tron la frein 00 ta 70 per ent. A @ttry ef tobacco on the hattietiehl làThe ineta)lle ma«s proada lua î teld by an efflicer et the Britisb neyal tiens. The entiro depotmîtula esIln herse guards, vine teckr part ln te te ho suffeleut te aupply ai elu'. M ,, charge cf thec "Blues" ut Tel-el-Kebir, quiredin lu the ver-Id fer 1,000 geis: Egypt. Durlng a bivouac lun(lie early heurs cf the morulng. just before (heo Engandls Liliboat iUoa'slo., . engagement commenceti, odentrsvre The veluateer llfoelat serrim eto issueil agaist smeking. Bemeof the. gland, establaledinlu184, bau treopers, bowever. ing litte 1haies lu (han 300 lifeboats on tbhesliorn. thie @and. ta n vbthey bur-ted their- kiagie. anti has been intruuea badelu crier te enjey a few vbigfs or aaviug30,000 lves. , a pipe. The. ordot ta motint wuas ud- Rats Usck OraffleS, deul' andi softy given. la a minute tho Rats <11mb tîn h oft Ag,ê sanailmns wvesmenate" Ula latami pecjU "ýfk liiUM&

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