ra »,r- - jthe nether aprînga."1 jBlesaed beh God, me lare more adran-1 tares glvean un onwO eao reait>' appre-, ontae. We bave spirtual blensinga offered1 U nainla IIaworid wblch t shahl nalth r ether ftprnga, and gnrlca ln tbe world t0 Cornesa hlch 1I@all cati the upper aprings. a Ptea.ura or Religion. oWbere @alli1 flad word. enougi lîrcaut- cd mti lîgît ta set forth lhe pleasure ofi - religion? David, unabie te deacribe itInb worda, pta>ed a on a arp. àMras. emaus,4 not fanding enough power in prose, ama1 that pralae In a canto. Chrilalopher Wren,1 nuie ta deacrihe Il lu language, %Profitg il loto the arrhes of St. Paul'a. John Boa- iaontiuaille tu preacot ih la ordînaury plraaooiogy, toilesailah e fascinaton cf i ~~ l ~' ilegory, andel, with ordinar>' music TAKING for liatot ean oriental iale ho reacl theieieght of thie theme, @cenle solbeorn notined, Dr. Taimage roua.. It ail I an oratorio. Oh. Ihere la T diacuasea the supernol advantagea ne Ille on nri anu happy a arealî>' Chria- of religion for thla a'orîd aut the mnt; tian liLel I do net men a slarn Chisi- teint Jîîha Iî V., 19: l'lieuhat giron me tian Ite, but a roai Chisltian lite. Wbý'ere a acuh land; give me aime sprnfgamof there lnA athorn, there [a a wbole garland 'waler. And le gare lier the upper »prin98 of roses. Wheme there A one gruau, Ihene sud tire rîcher gpriug." are threM dojobogies. M'hors tItre'la one Tic cit>'or 1ebir aras the postol5of an' day ofch-oi,bere la àmlole aeaaou of liquit>' a greal place for irsîn sud books. sunaitîne. Taire tle iumbteat Christian Caleb iaantedi. and i>offered bisa daugl- ... tiat ynîîInna' ngela of (mil canop>' ter Acl-mli. a oprize tea an>'onue Wab inia iirier a-hite mîaga: the liglînings vould capturé u-ht cty'. I woa a atrange o pvnaebsamdale;teLr thiag for Cal, tu du.anud yet the masut ncbrs n eph, i aredt fobilas gteeor that muid toike the cît>' aouiI lave,ait tonttores b sI.>'.11waters. If he walkforth, Man rote, ti 'îmî-îîa ofmadohm1dobrn-et eavel n I.lia hodyguard: If hie lie doan ce>'.and atnîuîiî. Bu-ides I d te01 lu ei-p, laîdema of bght, aligel blOsanto- thlak itînt ('aloihu% mas aoulisil in off.'r- îîîg, are let ito biso dreinas, if lie tue thirs- log bil bs ioilleta tii,- onlurrrof tie- ytheticî.tenlatds ofut iîaveu are iasrunp br a, tliîisaudiiîtlauta>' wlo wek liarera: if le it doan t. ffood, hi&appin alliances for their chillurin aith thune a-m aide blioerasiloto the King'@ banqjuet. biare large montr a wtiîut on.>'reter'Ohc McnAmya>' "Luuu t aI nîlul tettow aill te moral or mental scqîiremî-ai. 0f ta-oltic mornoott ont;" te angels of boutPli-, erlis 1 w-.uld aieîr mînaure lîaîpinena t"Y *'t,ift up youîr heafts, ye overînastîng rate«: the tengîli ofthé %wsaord than b>' the leugli ou let blira maie lot' Faatilos pi'tilce et th pokthoo. in nea.as, ter. sry, '(bet off ta>' fronit tepa!" lie uttar- aiure t" lu- onte gusud i,llOor cauit ;1keelîcra of îîî.ascn cri, "Coule. yebI)leaai.l I trie'aoicý hialer orya soreali talui, f 10>'Fauher, luent it te kingdi)in!"à for ( C.a -lebel ou tIc ba a it li'.'îWehVen lie coesto die. thoîg liberna>'lie foale of lhiî'lu deai-nt hebrie 'li te brrled out lu a pine box te tie poters gu.aiesofDétu e it>' itidediika'tlbtIe- t-Id, te thot pitti-na field the ehariota of dot anduite i, is ime ork uluAtnhe , t jChist lii rnme dov, andt the cavalcade nf théi-. Iuuîsk10 -îuinThu -r isl, (Kh- ias aIl crowd aIl the boulearda of heavea. cilngrom... iu-ni-il latu. itiae. l-at . 1 biensa (hrist for the prebowt satistac for um ii ii a1ai- Ihr guli srt fur.lion ut religion. Il moite% a mon ail ight boa-i-vu-n tuon(juer te a 5i'dahersor.twiti ret,-cnreeta the pant. It molles o howverfailiheuteda wma bemél mnuail right a itl rreeotce toe tnfrtuire. gray' J...ieo a ýayo luiss-ourgeinluai Oh, thinet etr îuîr linogfs mfotri!Thie> man. b nev-r na- on exce-ptionit 1. ar - 'rt. he toundation ut Cod The entviti hoing -neby tandeth aune hoing thia seul, "'Tie l.ard Otboi,-l and t , .h,ob arcoliuitt ii) g0tae knouaeîtlîtieurthot are ig," "'Tie moue- boislrca hme. he u.liter iiityti, cy toain.allait ubpart andl tiebillsa ho relov- hal na>'ctahîsid lc augit'r in, pn-elI, bot n.>'kindneaa shal motdopant frum enta are ira> sunmd wéa lens ,oîlY her-té,nthrsaiieevrotofm iahed diiugtlir g-a-s iff lutanay, sou Ach i- heI'. neitiie ahaîl te enot t .>'h se a îithe limche t. ik ahmast aîîyîîin t u hat 10.-rr"ipiouthee." 1)h. chialer ut Rh.w intlle ierftg)lm-r. itsen ît li.t ig iaiîîoîiîsmet In hurinmhed guldt -OJhtulhi- eleOant. oie liu r uî h.] nIan lasit i iai 1r %Stirngs f ot 'mt.rt itrtîng tbrorîgh (klb. hé -., Ob nai, lud 9ýcnan jailttetballstîys or trial andîtrtibulaitioin weddîng pre,-nltthis .tighit-r a Pi'e éof Wllin yoînéec, ytuoruthte worid, a-bat nul- land that irai n isiua ndu luîn muthward Inasd the ,iinaof Arabi-,. îstau-tîuo thcn' usaen eartir lu religion, do avepît tî muieuover>'hit oua.It won 1ynîî mot thîmt aftlrit as the darîghten of cel *d**aOuillunni." but Au-lai wntxC('li.thinste.] aterthie watu-r ainnf? Il an additîrun ut pruuîrhy.Site wansolsai la no %aonalint poind, acarmoe.]usr a îh plece of land thon i.laviei-l matereut ami] fer- malaria, butit atringg of mater i-~tu fille. Now. Ili slîn a ,h-m îlotirt O'leh, trutihe Rock uit Ages! Taire itu)tiutreoi-uil atandini amld th. briai Part>', tri@.->es oftirta prinug afilera oid acron the tp ut no ful etleur belalle asie u uof ngtIchot ic orit the uelicate shadu.a. aval' thatlite eeuluh hardi>'msebur ai ail.fth inplwateYlo i uer Stvea ber more tiri ho h sius. Mie ai-I lite grisn utfu-mcali.thîe blue ot gardo- te blmt "Thon hast Rgvoli mesa soutii.là ond. 0>0 tire tire utfjaiinti. Oint me aaais prngof uvmter. Ail ho Seringa ot Co-forl. gaverehetip peor spritigs atoi thoni-ilien I rial, t1teulutoate yuu tunderuanuitite aprtnga." j'>' religion is tun moue ut us. itlait kesa A Worîble.. Persan. jnon .01P1>Yi-hile lie lises and gîain bell The fltcta 151an <Cale,hé tiftthi'r.Ihodieu. Wilhi nao reet ripou a chiair toi gave Achnith le doîghl,-r. ,aith latnd, hurtiog mitdrolusue, I1hiard oaitii-I âo (Oi ivî-ntuluisiilits nonlut. i atover>' mas in teé puorliiuine ry oui. "Biens the thitful ho huis io'rut liaitolit i am Lourd, oh, m10>y,..ui"' 1 luuked aro.îdadti tîke Arinal. in th,'faut tthatt 1u nut vat- noud, 'What huas iicsman got ta thanuN. laed wvhth îe portion. Trc atnd ilt'îasaGodIfur?- Ilt îiieulthe lamue mon mot, and granaudtrimue skiei art' ver>' ma-Il inil& a ohart and h(i- doti,îînh mg. Tii-y iii> their plaies. bat lhe aho ha# nothinig fr huit théIdi oul'anrtan reiion oltiai-ea thia tonld for o port iouitlias nu port o lit amidi.out j. l-sreligionî. lit I rieta lier rnl ai. It l n uîuîaîiiuî uanIi d. luping ouff -ingof DI r. Ih ns nt h,' crieratcd Puii tomandthle dert if ae-us- t tatn, a% liiiiî luti at umoment saud: "l it ., dem>' sirocc-os.II- i "a souti atiha p lar ut>iît" Wl'.ni' u- abidei lu slrength: portioni tue tny umari ht tnt-s t., put bis 1tnan ta oiiiuoiol u)n lbod."' "ii-r vanv trust in tl. liat btiti, lu.ml 3ur cis-r. ire mi r1,an>.u iiinitc nd sîlHber ecce? %huai tlias lu-e cior,'i.alni-ti'tuf îaulire peau--.-" àlii, youuîWh., hure licou ever>'nia n. 'ut -i ir, a it n. thii n toc hv,-I i t if to ahititty i...n res a itî ttice thîa wu,rlutfor a o artuinlQueisu.Eli.ài.., aunilan.d" uit tus sontut.do yoo nut teil beti. a.uut the surruuuuhugs uof puomp>ustaîtuat 3uu)o-uiltItimornofliké e havei, unhappy tecauae tiepoiter aueistoo, au i-ss lu thé- nu.her sprintgs uf spirituel mînutel>' tie trunties un ber fore, and - iout ? Wnuîd youî mot like te havi- alle lnîignantly rues uut. "l',uîmiust Jeas Christ bond river ouar craille ant trike uOff îuY hkelucas a ithit anu> aol- il bisYuîur table and bhiatYour moundeansd ows!" Hougarthi. nt the vér er'ligiît ot bis errea-witOens Ot conoulticln ail oPad artintirhe h,b. la stringf almoit tudeath 1doan the gravdet >four desl? Witi chiagrinm ho-anse thé painting hiu a d 'Ttcreligion that caiise dedicateut ho the kingf(dues nt-utasm toIl(. . 'ss-uct îulcaaa.res a illeaie lise. acetpalhe. for 0.-orge ti. cried ut:iui tua nrelgion co anîîly "Who la this iHogartht? Take bis trulli- a-cotent cuoturt miien me die. per>' out ofni>' 1rîtni'îer ' IutI10eSioihn ite iiu o Brin.lot, Sheridano thliud thee dn-ih s ti1gavei- l'y thi tea er o t. l -,'îlmai ulu vîth hisi. bonue ut lisu fur lbi.s lnt [allier tailu u0,Itlhe a-rduinug dny uf hi, verda, 'tIsu ahauîutcl>' uuîdone." IVater daugiter ntéraote unuote li-n jumsas liai Seontiftimbiiig arotinl thé' înksaod. tny-pli osdeThu )liP r ak las te asite. gays te his datgiter .>> u'poshuc "ouii îinut -s i rotin: '[ui-r- ~,a uug ier oa>. anîirlithiart voas aioî,.'t tlate me iiîck t yro eto nus>rilrliten hcauce %lie a-ns guiîg. 3-t I, rest for Sir Water bhuiltiécgravi'!' Sts- phen Girard, the> aeaithlm-t i rîau0igiesit ern anatourirtond." Ni.t 'lI> taI day or, ualan>' rote, lyont>nOii Ii aotitat thc ritpe elinga, 0 ut oui>-tItI soya:'-i liai'theli ileot n gabi,->- lins,. i1luithtii- Ibtertaliailîfu. iot) ol n'la u- Whien 1 arise bIni.hein in yoîofen-, .h ltlu ii. ii luîhs iaeu .u fortIn e wrk g bod taa 1",aroKtîplanId'"ruinlumaa nd oItIré vido it Rels te lie nigîht." O1hunlsîanî.Inlher aprntia of sptirit ualI ciîiint.t ithis mppztuifeld 0fail tre wa'n nîu .tii. sec'iti.reurippernI;tigs autaiiIlînaktbe o idlf îalitera,>- triu hI, sasO>' u: he. ir lnug .liasoi ion rem-tnhier, ltrlulge,î,ai e u . nuul ilraaofHevn laugi frnal thc ahillig galler>'ut theIl tmis en>- turtiuîiite tîtIve a nt onpec play'? There sr,' nwiea uo getd pta>a uî in essvn moutil el itb il. O Clirietiii taugl at front, tiheii'd"But a-b>'go n au. f- o ol &ewataPaé, , far as liât? I neî-d li go no tanîluen is.ie 'oId neyer get you back again te th, your treet ta Sud aiu illustration out aît oie or neuatoan heulayo I1an mAyeg. - Uft 10 perforul uluud go ocîtected,. h NO jo> la W .tl. n glath aoil o sctiita-ulduilI Pic m ot onsucesfI ordjng- i ener 1.Supposeaie a m-e alloird ou1go Pickme ut en mccestu mordilge on an excursion ioto flint gîod land witil and >oun kuw whatt 1menu b>' tbomnughly the iuea of niturinf. W'bn aae gOt tien. aaierriratuî a'orhdlînga ick me OtO:te" .and hourd the auulif aut lîokeul nt thn-r sucemastol oridlingn, anid >-uu caomtnt tou turdfcsadmnii ntr more tanoir0Oeothat oot.. happy'. CaWri, atne fane ounld n tu Ietsun da ibm lt u busineaa; cane drogls hlm i iaise-t. cruldr>oI:"ets baek. Taire yonr stand at 2 ociock aithe tIlait e re oubeumig lis ni-ut. Wt cernaer fthle atreets andt sce tle agonized tirtheoltraouble',' r ier nomn. Let phyalognomlca. Tour b hgiofllilla, >'ur 1tuaata>'." Anilà] eareldbore angulie i o aklera, Your lnurance metn. your lmhno a. n lwol aeaglevn . portera, your witelesahers and your retail- tence te put us onut ftist -ovhd it oncue e«1, ana asa adsneth> pa- e Sot Ibere, But ns peoplh aio cotinot -e. Cams doge tirieteps. and, mailing afr et> o ucictimio ne me apeai t God for bellp or cnmtort, time crme aroiind it and look throngh the fla>' t temaretones]crr>"hibun.door ajar or tirouigithte opeuings î lithe Sacof l. teicae wtî ou, ni>' îeaer'. fonce,suoa-e (comne and look threugl the * re ion more coutenteu t Uthnuge or crevîces lt that fcod tsnd a'hini bout tsucteen cmorns titan Yti'oîîare ho tle tiioina provideut fer ls. Whe con jmat catch ioOmS YOU lad in a bonge mien yoîî tart- a gimpse Oe t- t.h' cone nrierenomigh te tri? Hare on outhld more cure and mar tle rttmbiing ofthel,,eternai orchestra, iVetnlm.nt mince you a-on lat $500 tîongl ot nolr enougi ta knona-aho - Ban you dîd before? Seone of the pour-i loa's the cornet or who fingcrs the barpl. agit men I lave crer knoivin bore boenmB>' seul sprnds ont lotI a-Ings anid toae't reat fortune. A man of amai ciaspa thora in triumph nt the tbotuht of measamai lbe put la ront busnesastosupper springs. Ontetrthern breaks -- tralta, but tIe giaatlieat oe t] embarrons- frout bneati the tImone, another breaks aients Ia Ihat 0f thue taon a-ho haslarge tforth frtrtenbeantl tIe aitar of tlin.em tortatea. * The men Who commit suicide ho-! Pie. *coller ai tle door oethle bouge of caus ot osetr>'Ioaaâ ar hbae ve mai>'mangionsa." Upper aringa ut gat Da te sin. They neer die there. Io -RON 1MO1UNTAIN" A MISNOMER wlth no algn of the eeming eclipoe.migh gothrughailthe utalrt .gh~IIron mounatln waa busy. prouperous great city and llnd no one placa whera perdt i IIdMI fO. and the envy of th e wliole State. Mil- the ground vois broken for a grave. Th, bat Prove.t1nly&*Capout l.Mtai. lIons or tous ot ore were takien out, eyeaight of the rêdeen.ed la never binrred The recent annooincement of the Iron money accumulated ln thje rolter4ofu with tears. There in healtb in averlr Mountain Companly tiiot ail lis landa the stoekboldersanad tlîey waxPd ricli. check. There la aprlng in every fot ln outlieast Missuuri, comiprling over The mtnlng hll proeî.*d tîî fr îwr- There la rnajeaty ou Ivery bmow. Thera la 900 acres, togeilier wlth ie bouses, liaps fifty feet below the tiiet of the joy ln every beart. '1'bcre in hosanna on aoi n uligo i l.,rltoimtnantp hual ienonn everY lhp. llow tliey mont pity un au theyaoaadbidnio I iOliili outl oale n Ionono look oler and look down and ses us, au"' wer ()Dr saiti- for far .iingi and stock the drill struck porphyry. Wlîen the Bay>, l'iir thingsa Uy'devin la that raialng purtiome1 Isitnobi, et lesson on irou was found te extend towa on world!' Amd when aorne Chistian lain te tallllîY Or f tîttu nkuotîleilgP, and .entier aide of Ibis formation not luntch hurled loto a fatal accident, the>' cry, scIentîlle bliniilfl toW tiI tga!at. liionglt was g!i-în teoit, alliougl I t left 'Gond,hole la omngl" And wheo wq The rîse and faitl(if thisgreat lInosa1 ýbote out mnny asquare yard. in extent stand around the couc. of aume loved ont* try makes anr.t .-rn la.îrlit the Inie body ut ore. liown furliier and whoae trength il aigonsaway and w. ludustrlal hi,.lîrl ,f or '.îîr. tllr te or(, .eg.în t.. tranclî Off la:o s'ide %lhmie our honat orebodingi>', they cry; îog tîhe sieii.'î iit 'iilii il t lt.. II1 poketp, rtiii og a sho.rt distanice intn% -'1 glati lie la wortie. He bis been dowii cxliaust i hIe Moi,.i il, l ioiiii i'oui-tlemo anali l llgii? lr there long enougli. ThPre, lie ln deadi hinintii n ttI iin n.Mr Corne home, rornm hme"Oh, if w. Pany ,l. r:iin 114~~., t.. expilirI.1i3 ry r'ared lils i,':d iti the ore coutld ont>'get our ideaabiout that future the grel. t irou .. ità loi il.lii l.Ti.'î.tunt l ilt ,as an Ileu p l'y t be world untwlated, our thonght of transitertirait anet iiP i' rin îî csili pur- intrudera. aand nolliing n'as 1.ft but frorn ber. t. there wo,îl be as pleaaat Chnoeof o larg-e tra 1 4f ih-I knowik a. s pock-ets lî,'re nnd thon'. Fl-'ln.ztti es.> t0 ni a it vas ta a litte chlld that vas lbe JulepIi' ra, ,.tw mi h le trou tîctired out, o li lhe ruinllug bi dylng. Shte salit, *Iapa, when wiU 1 go Mouritlainl :ii,î,iit iie ,t'gîaillat ca-îia 1point lu thé nionotain about home? And lie saad, "'Jo-day, rlorclia." celnter. 'ni, ni n.s1,:l it o.iii.,Ii igrant .on Da îî',cî nîl ith, aorroun.îîng val- "To-day? go abon? 1 arn so glad!" u no a .-0 , ,itIt.. i r 1.049) 1,,1 .ndil it, e îlîofuthIle greot Iron Choose Your Portion. acrerA. mauleto t,.ti Pîi.lait, bn '. ountain, tlhe Inexhînugible detmnit uf 1 wish 1 could tîmulate you with the"e Spain u'îî.9titif 1lt(q liiltr ,yt Of ûore. ,v,'re nou,îte'r.-d. thouglita, O Christian man, 10 thebithlhemathIe Malst,, <r. 'Th,'ei'ientitsîaand tbeorista tlien possible exhilaratlon.Tht day Of yOur pndla hswa nyadtc detivranc la ni, la ecoming roLlng Tthe ore. am til,-, ii îi' -ioac î tî u iiot'adtee in coot - (.il O on wltb the shilling anhe-la of the day, a Cliffor î.row. .-i it1ii..',- cr,-,in:body orîfore. andt iadaned the Provosi as-Dtthe jet ahecl ut the. pistht. Ever>' extent, rtaltîg -iii-iii-îîrly toa lio leu iat the îilohr Iode wa8 lieur at thump oflis heari linont>' a harnuel begît ot icienltî11-i., t nbrond'ici îiîi. lttlwacit l hriigs te f'lorlnous litrokle trikiîig off anoîher chais of ciel-. ter of the .ouiîiai Theblancéii-of'.tli'îIîlis i l the i'aîrroundlngs country Iletter &Pour the d'ck a nd coil the trapili te nîoufltaino Ias iir-te rl. z. ,t tfa iled tetovirîl lt-ote t tiilr theiory atnd fnot fer harbor la ont>' six mites away. Jetani of a.'. ral ff-t '%tii a o-t Iihry -.ii naitheîr traieif trouwa s fouhîil. The ail come down in the Narrowa tn meet whc a Ihl% iiiic- -irttfeo h io nl opn you. "Now la your salvatîonunearer than oflitchore. Tltiti tii-i-lili. î' 'o i-'arli'îiîwut ie llot Kanoli Cthoian a lien 3 OU belieed.' tto r' i.- ii lrtiotut. i lt o.aiîe. erc Man of the world. wilt ynu flot to-day was lu gel îlog ont i ,:, is .or.e. a îleili adI o lm miadIto i tt the 'use andl ac- malle a cboice between these two portion», It did by the jroikro.t, il . ilis htrîiîi (-îot for tlîe'iî targe pueokets otflrrun between the "sentit land" ofthtie world, lic mining. A r., -la, îult .,u ire. Tthe latei (I i-înîUition ady,4nced whieh sin"pea 1the demert. and this glor' the top of al0î':gffi,îii .tîr tiitiil1 iandiil h,.,,' uni, natt> oî-îeptcil la Iliat oua land which 1h>' 1alher offerts tbee, atrentmIn ttîe ,,ii,-y iiýiliiiîiîd. lî-a grî'at dil.lIolts acre aqueuna runniag with ,ternal water i-OUraea'l Wl> formlng a loke ofto%, r- tinilieni, ,b Ii ratliiîr titanî igneo.is In formation, anît let yonr longUe ho -înumed of thirat of wlicli are stî. t.rIati-îto. ty. .i-onscquently no mothîîr Iode existe when there are flic- iethetr aprings and temnmnso ltlaliI. ronwIb.hycol aebe e riperattrin s c or ee n Cay liadit n liit(,lo'riiiiiîi i: -, f ti vri-lt-.telî- twIîli'. %'o., and I need aonîerhlng btter Ilian prIse l'liewauten o.pîîtîîî.. d tIoIl l., iiweier thtnia>' lii. afler tîking this world ean gve lis. The fart ia tînt It reservoir andiltiic-IIo4. j itili) îî ill i ilot 3,5.4),000 toiua of as rîcb ore as was (-mot give us anything after awhite. It mountatu. ivier,'it %lu, 10 l .i--%%,it, ever i"iid tie cnat trounioutoîn in a ihangîng world. Do 30u know that giont ffiri uî.otîil,,i. f i.i.i. . t ,j, wci- nilni'lm rio more:;ls goisare dîpurt- even theinotaina Ùn the back of a thon* lug ut aaîîy andîli-a, tiig iliot liiiii d lits 1.2419l Nwoi.iiieu ihave daiilled %and trealueare leapîn; loto tbe raIl.>'? lîlkeit np 'and liînîîi.l tIo tiie siwiî tî, tu10tiveutytire, wo .are uow engaged i The Alleglianiem are dying. The devis atter finii' niniir utfiîiing ort li,,. faî' .t'rtiling' up and sorting the lat ot the wîtti erystallile mollet are bammerlinsmons, ('itnstiiîk ti..a îîiinga, lîreparator>' t0 abandonlng the away the roka. I-ront. and abowera and w uet set r td lflmiI,,o" onv.Thocebyppla lightnit.ga are ni'aptolring Mount M'ah- T- ii'ri .ccritd îîîmi.iot unvr îoo.ebn ua iugfinand 1thet'aiskiiis. iiagara every of the ore' .,îîs uieiel on tii.' .,).,t. lior mNt+a-iî,l+'tff net fltty of tbem are si-ar is dîggîîîg tr t it ifa quieker plonge. Tiso aw"s .onîg hlii'tiîrlii,' rîilî .aîti n1.fl. Tlîe i-iîîi'caclioiits andl lodge- Thîe %ea ail around iltîhe onrth onlita shift- bhinlt lte thaoitlii nuthe 'Ore- aloti pg riiîîîno ar' deserti.l'hou d ,velting. irîg ehoreti in.aking migbty changeain Iron Ia tictiaisî,orlail liv îîîî':îo n i lthommes o'tre' crîuiililîg on tlîelr toonda- biar and] ha>'andl frîth alod promootor>'. and ox leainis IoSt. Oî(i'1lî1.onthP' dons1. "ut a storeoeor hop tm opien; Suome or the .îid sennasaire midland Mississippi river, a di'ulauî-e ut fonty UVni-te Siam duc~s n01, evein mititain a noa'. Off Nantucket, eghl feet helow low mîtjes, a î.tank rotltieiîig îoo-'îrueli-il î.otofib-i. anî t ît(e train a do>' each wataer nmark, are tnund Dow -the stumpeaioffor lthe tilrîose. FrontiSt.î ii-îevi'vea tîy stops lft the Iln ditnîitdirailwauy treeea. iaig that the a-aves ar e con- te irou %%î, lishklIipf-l tii st. Louis and stallori. The lîllie gravi yard maInlaIns qaerlog tie laod. Partas alI Seoer aat10 .î:n fitirnig liainils pib e Oh10ioil pplaio but lins not gmua-li ver> art- ainkig. hIitia to-dnaillîe roud>'otlh'rrîep wheels n ..niy a lttie a-hile ago aias slid ground. rvr atdyo ftecp eweh n Neor the inn.îth ofthie St. Croix river la Somne Idpa outh(-. nagnitudle of Illelusîties. It fs;naPletîîre of coIn oaîd dea. an islariit whi«lt.li thie movemeals of the Compiili>"5oîierailoîiii t-n lie golbened Oilottunlubesi-en onl>'in anclent lands earthîa atoals lbut -,rainty rolating. Ail fromt Ihese fact-. Tiiîy ocré Ott a gi- and ln hie militi;igcamps of modemn the face ofthebisPartit cianging-cbang- goutte &sunt-. Thi' nuînler or niuti'sAmerlirîi. iog. In lsgl an islan-iin aiings P np thle.and lioriss i ,s1i3lie Iransmport hIl NMf>iterrani-so sea. Inll,6tt another li- ore rearcheditili .liidreds, an.] a IN HIS COUNTRY'8 SERVICE. andentreni)utimiedr the obacrvition of the farm of 1.801. ai-i- re. i'%vasii'n'd uoh and Cl .E ..,W.De fYlo Americon conàtul an bie looks off fr010 the ptonder Cnlivsîiî.î. 10provîde tbonCl( 'Wrn,.oDr tYio beach. The carl ail the time chaong 1, lia>' oasndptuge irgV..N«y eDt. tie columnsiar utemple 1enear Blanli ahow ,amni î~irg.liigIs Fre -aaMr>-t ll- that the water bas riiePn nîne feet aboya palm>' ds a simil arnof otuîn yaaa Thte cîiistancie sîîirroîîîîsllng the the place it a-an ien theme columna wreemîîtoyed 1 telierale tIe ill ze ond 1t l detl of ('ut. <iiorge F. IWartug, Jr., tint down. Changing Ounr Colorado riv- Colatorni enlerprises. Foir yearq lie a-ho toIt a Fitini Io. y. low foyer, Con- er, once vanter than tîhe M4issisaippi,, 6mw- îng llîrough theCgreit Arnerican desert, a-iich a-as then an Edlen of luxuriance, bas now dwlndltIa .iniîll âtreum creep- îog .i.ao Ilirough a gorge. The earth iîa,-it. Ibat aasonoce ,aî.or. atterward aal.', ioliing lit,t aat.'r-atterward laotien orock, i'ooing off ibrougli the agea ouîtt i lions mght live. and animale uit lîve. ani] mein mgit live, rhanglng alhe tI,'aite, naou,,i-îîling, 00w break- ig off. The ,an, hîînîiteg doa-n graduai- l3 ino tls ockî-l. Cbosglog, Changing. au iltiinittin ithliat reat change te conte ouser titi- m aorlî ,veo infused loto the îîî.do.l'f tihe' buauliî-n a-ho lias nover seen the Bible. A Steeple.. Goal. Whie Brnhnia iiîav aîeep. unr (ad ne,' or slninta'ranOur mIieps. aod the beaven. .lait pana aan aîit1à o great nuise, and the Peiments oasl mel a-h fervent boit,- and the eurth and aIl Ibings tlat araetPILOTr KNOB, IlION MOUNTAIN. t1.'r,-io &hal he burucd aip._______ 'W cI," an'. non lle f hat l e regulor force consisled of 1,200 etu- latdahl ntesrîuo i oi if the world in Coing trom 01 hneta ployes. varioualy dtsposod l in vtlnt'> u^u.. were of a partlcuiariyan aîîîîtîe,r.then wa la athe useoft my toit'.tiîl iig ýtîî Isbettermi-nt'l" Thatilathe point omtig, transporting andi charcoal nature suhave draa-n torîli xprea. on a-bsh It aattu10guard you î1do flot burning, tarmIng. etc. A rit>' seuilaluns t, ofotmmnd sorrow firuaUilparts wanat you to become misanthropie. Iîlae sprang Op.,a-bicb ai one ime bad a otftht country. Col. Warlng returned o great and glorloîîa aorlit. tr Chist population of clore to 5,000, aud for a! frein Cuba, a-bore lie a-eut lu thé enoîil afford tu apend thirt>-tlree years long îicriod waa the, largent. lîvetient carl>' part ot October asl the liead of al ont it fer ita redon.,tiron. tlieo 300 can and mont îiroqIicroueno the Imon Moun- commission appoluted for the pur"oa aitiîrd ta toit aod pro>' for the hetterment tain ratlroad outside of St. Lonts ltant, utf aelecting sites lu the Ilandt lfier urthie nations, snd for the hrlngîng onl Of The co.rinany bu tîn a large botel, Campa for the army> of occupation and ta ni asraimn ut (la.l peole thallre- acools, c-bondie, ,lodgeroonms, halls, also for making provinions for satultar>' fore I want ta gtuard 3-OU against misait' stones, fooîitries. mat-bine and carpen- improromenta lu the principal Coban lbroilc ntions lu respect la this suject ter stiops barilstînt da'etIIng lionses, cilles. lie laid the needs of yietlow 1 have preseoted. 1 wanî yuu tu talle tnos nd provideit cvery liig necesanry to a fever lu lils constiltton a-bile ln Ctuba, lîo.ught houte aith yoi: 'T'ils aorld ho a Cit>' 09 )Iis sizi'. and ou has returu to New- York wa poor foundaliin 10iuid un. Il la a ebang- bIn jIrîispi-rolis days It -ould bave nitrhrken down a 11h the terribîle 4dlse ing aortl. Theiionhftinc scenes and the been ciuli,ti atî.o, ti tîn, andI aS One ICn a tea' dayn. His reiialns aere cre- riînngiog sando are ont>' emblernroot &tl ofthtu hut .iinakelo St. Louis liait. mated. Partllule.'pectation. Lîte is ver>' nînci Cojmiss:iîu ioii shitipî'd provisions CuL W'arlng a-as a-el knoa-n lbroîîgb- il.,' tl.îday ihnoîîgtî ivIiýkire have pas- anud tîoîîce liieul itiiilonge iuantitles ~i,.enrya uaîirt'o i c-d. 'I. miny tiflis ti lorni endi an -and ut atti and ihitu.utîlrecclvci t theiiaîuntof ills, a lans rtunrutlu nas hen -uinstiii,. eltom nd dnrkness ' îtiouu a s-ii~ieru nra niWtetbeten oîte. lie as YoraIn' t iien atter-nard ,a littie stiioshine, now via:oudnNeecri- tethsr onjNwYkity agaîn lnrkness ail vioro. (Oh, bold not oua raIes. 'N 'r>' uitu- farrihng wan car- tii-c yeors tige. He stuitieu engineering your tîaps t ipon 1hi5 ilii'rtaia aurid! l'ued on ln tie iii iiity in tiiose daysln bis cari>' dnyo andtenlinîcut durlu« but îo(bGA. Confide lu Jeqns. lanothe aIl alîsorblng ilî:cst.oiî being mniu bteciv'il aar. lie was four yenis tn bis for an eternal resideno nt Chrit's rightî ng. countrysseracrhe and mîadle a gallant band. Thn oeie ickness or healtîl, TueBseîn ni--ao mtigrorasacnr>hatr.Digté coulie jo>' or sorna', conteIlile or deti, ail TeBesmrp ,fs ...... ecdasaavlyedr. uInth lm a-eh. attismveI. a-as unnknoan InItie iart>' lenloutof nie ooxbreak utf>'clow tever Ilu'Memphis Inthîe Dame outibe (boit utCateh and Irun moîînlaln ivoilri'. hrcol aslu 1878 lhe changeut the seweîrago sya- lus îtaîgter Achaali.1 tIis do>' oller you uneut excl-iuvet>'. fuir îuhe urnlng of! tom of tiat Cilty.,s"nrating the bouae thie "ipperepringo" of untadhng and even. a'hlch largo quantitles of tituber wuero; drainage fromtlu,' aî,rfai'o drainage, taisting rupture. fequtreut. 1.uuklty, Ilaas close et Cnpyrtght, 1595.baud. The a-uotc country>' aas tîeoî'ty .....tmbrct and charrn]almkung a-as an :1 SIO' SEM N. important brincli of île oiieratotln. %1Il SHOT SRMOS. thLe thmtîer ou the original tract or -- 17,000 acres a-as noon consunted ai The Churcli.-If ogaînst tie IndIffer- additionai lands w'ere pîtrcbasedl frot onc utthemulitue w se li clîmatîme to tinmetintil tic holdings out heî encto he uiudeon patrIthae hitecompan>' reacîîed thie grand total ut ofutthat tiese daIms are mauy sand 31,000 acres, and procliil>' ai of lte flui tht tese laia ae maiy nd lImber ou thils Itineuebody haut biecu Kîrong. Mark tic affiliation ufthle turneut toto cliarcoal alien ticelIesse I churcl i Wtl art, cience aud litera mer proce4sot'aille luto general tuse. Ou îe-Eey. N. D. Hîltîs, Independeut, i d-u miign rn ontn Chicago, Ill. eaad and tlîencefora'nrd ouI>' the ore Iubumanity te Woman.-Let womau a-an ahhppd. coN.vcreS ors« Abnorusal O'xpre@«logt C.e"Iiài -I*ie o. f the Facial N-01w AngeUlo Del Bele vas the «*, convIc-ted ut murder lun théeirt lu Ohio nut sentenced te 1000(1 poualty of death. lHe vasueâ« 10, deati becauae orf luamntM' 0 120t Insane. Ho la confiued la Mem asYl uni, thouog be tlefnot a 1=01%I Melo he a native Italien. b«t»@q uuitcrsto-nd neither EngIliai noelU coruprebenda nothing tht lgaU bui, htg il1vioug of pnnliibmeat.*a a puzzle 10 tic prtaou pbystclam 0 hie confinuement bia face has begi THE SUNDAY SalOOt. INTERESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE LESSON. Regectione of uas elvatinu Character -Whî,legnmFood for Theaght- Btudyiaig the Scriptural Lana'. ltlge.tlyanud Ilroéitabiy. besat, for- oeuhr27. Pliiî-iuthh:i, NI 1,ii ri. 1:ni' 19cii f.îumuîiiii l.. îilu'l.îf-r us i.I,-rlii.k i-i tuti iof iuîîal lt-1u fs ii.1ip iniglut cinriiie-ictrno iat'tti . biliio dîîîîî itiritu.în.. i, ihil,Ilii i f thte t.iolioi-el.five i,'iitu wisdon1î..î--'--î I. utt,. au ' a îîî,,ane. Ili.rews philuuiph>' toot a liraci-iai rallier tiuîa sie'uiiai, forni.. The renîuuu.îgn t thue Hebrea- phiosopîherr in u-vrc, i[iieri-il ait b loch ftioilanmîiýtatî rîîllcî,uas the exi-t- enîc frGoil. the- nalure t o.od and mat- 1,r.tle ptinuile or uit i iutuloui. lie- seiniil thliii- mait>niit v (ol .5esnî-edîng no 1roiit -ile as unit outiu.i-ni>' iotriistic- tive te),neviniîîil uih initichemalint ut huanr ibistîg. tt-.-- hiîhlsîphy waa ci-fl t ji ci-atl ihliis(ihhs. lie aati-henil ail the l.'kci-ne-l st n.ltt i les ut bi. ts-luiî alie-t t i-r uttis and thibm-mvices, th.-i ngis -eýi-ou tl t hein trailiIs, ticir re- ainur,ïsanîutli-stîuustî aîîs nd ao dre ils oui. o-i îîîslo.îr a . ilt,' taisant life, the niai vurit i rt.-, sandilus niltion ta (bout. suit inilnrimpo..rtantl suihjecta. Thle book outProrbe;ni.s k4ii iiiictiuot l te loithi 503 îngs urtheI,- i a ai>t.îu- Pa'rts ut itai-ns- arilten b in liniti uîu. liarvIs ot il an-ne probiaily u .'ion pýi îtuulr pro- virtes much otler Iban Sotiitoiiîu su îîie of it s pruiunbiy ranch Inter. "[tietu-son iâ a section coohaiuitif urac- tii ai admonoiloos ni oulud ei-Suciall3fýor thie 3.0z Ils verses ai.-f-r <ic O.ost pîr e--t>Il'ii.in nîiii imple, n-ediiog nu 4'xlsiiatiiin. Bttieh,- ' yunr- tutti otmor-i oh eoroeatnî-ss. nur, i t,-tmaii>'impor' tant tessonîs ut a gî'îî.-nn unite, os WeUl as liearing on the- îujî-rttorftenriperinco, i-liall>' assigniiforîîn i ti lui> "The yu'rorf thyi>'lite,'chah lie mas>"': il h a a tvorite- sot itg f the aine men -ohm, ruile the ,Prîuvt-rhî. oastI aq of the ~iuiluiixts. t hat ngitiiii.ni-sbrligi long it.-. Iltm.s lveid' ia tfondamîoental de- trin otf 1hi-bnt-as tiuostihti tat gooio.'ss i nd tnislul-it '-vare n..rîîuuly noaiciti'd; a nd mne..cî-iti ii' oita drluîîitu' sort wa tîinownr hu,'iîcî.ei îî atit the future lite, siti nI t ot'l ilis n-îv,în.t in the presnt. 1 it i. rl,îinty truc &iut tl'loto-rate living is toit iii>'y t0 holig living, otler iliiuu>li-ing cuan. lfi i4s-oit knoa-n ibat lt,' inîsînn ' .nrî..nleluîy macîh impor- tMule'on ev,-o "iiolerate" drnuking as a faoir l in i-iai andn-y mtrefuse alto- gi-tluir tiinure unna o drlink to exesi. "'h .>u-ps sai oll nlie cîraigbîtent-d": that ln, silatInuit he controctm-d or stîut lu. It im o Ilioiroic ira> ut sovi hg tait le avi..othe -tru iak,'c tre is froc Iodes-i. ~Instruct-ion~ as hivre osmetinlithe disci-' pline oftlirte; the îun,'c.1s uit teai-her and tiiobir he- îillingôl,-sn tiienîduîre liard- lies. ton a lîîghî eou. It duel; not differ ,irki,bIv frîîîîîthe (7re'nk idMen t f eli- nogîîtt-seaf-ctfunrol hl lits oîta-rd main- ifeutatiinn: ibut funîdamn'tslIy in the bail of the dicipli e-in the (brcok ethîrs, itl- er an idem] un a utilitariste motive, in tle Hebrewa sthiic ii.--ttcli aIlîne of dia- Puasun an hi-e stjuggi'steil îuifight ho profit- able,'ini clases of Smnra' mîittity>. lu ailier cta-ses th,- solc tusk i-i t,, esxualu cleuri>' irlut inmu-enttîy "ii rlît ion" nand "iis' douo," antI thîls nia>' lie hhîîntty and enlice- quia.Iy dî'inio'tas 'diiingmaltint yon know i5i right." l'tint is.,ithe' ilbhrea ta-pe or awis.- îîîîîîoi-.tid oîngood rouductasa tlhe'fruit ifrtu.rrei-t thbinîkîng. '-Euler-nutoiulttiheie uuhofut hierked": an apîiuuniîîîî tili temîîu'rance is eau>' and natura . If oun er-tw a-iisns uîî li rer' taini>' nevî-r tie trouled î tIi the proli- tenu bois teastop. "Tic> sIca-tunuit, t-vci'pt tIi..> lave don. tmiiciioet" a oluguîilart> kit-n description of th lui'tntiring toitlignit>'o u t mn.li.tIla luit dilituit tu ptnit out miodern exumpIço a ithoitt griîg (îi(t u n's na-n ctl>'or îu.urn. Snlouiiiiîi-îs-vî are gr,-at offendera, lot nuit the ouI>' îuusa. T1he ireacr andt the distlletr standtiîack ufthîe aahuonukeep- Pr sud urge hlm on a inibIwiork, and Banme- times cliur.-hîs a liiî a.întd seurn the sa- tounkeepcr's o auiî-y a-i nethat of Ile tuinîipala anudit Ia'rioara in moral destrue- A Ou-nue tbent is immourtal lies-nse or ifet hoenni>'anutl is . utn. de-ntonstrated Irthl. Theiîcfait thent b>' -the ierfert do>"' tic iiehîrî'îîsauge protiatil>'tild nuit mean len- et.. huit rallierthe n.riplussiuga of happy otît agi', -hiiuilnut dtttliour apprehen- alon.ouitlhe targur trullbi licl ltea-urus vttggi--t ta a C'hristian biîliiver. For uc "i- i-thé -u'fet iiy"' iiihefinal and com. pli-ueîuionuu ai li Christ a'hiu im la 1corne vau lintiart> siiîtîhîîî caie fursi mr hast. If il oili-i u tnai this strictty a tu'Inîîu'nuuîî-i--eîti.hhirei' iiriaftut -rse beu- e ui- Iilîuit.- tuil-.t lie tat.' aie, ton lhb l hîut l..mi.,il l i-ieruitthîe tei-her i l..îîî leî liait a o iiiiui' i î-hau e tfthe îîiîîî3 .uîlî'u îrîîtîeni. 1huis if thetie îr- Fimiiu id il . t,.lietr,-u.dt,' he qutioîn <ilth i luiîlîig'a ii e bIroînîghitop. iand tih' piiii'i ite, .. i,ili tciitet> Ogainot lie,- lise- uitliquuiiv..tifutht' higai l ue. liiîuîl îsmnuu t 1h,- r,-,-oîîprohihiti u vil-ory m 'in iiiiiiin uiîlt tIn- a- iiiiiaN- aietîm'îîîn-aiitO ini. thii-amo a ru' timlt> tii-nico. T'eiteiu-iîai su-a of nhe ou,, ut atî-..ho.ut ra> ii.'.i inili'r,î. Ile. 'con' ti'u' lit a lîtirninmg th tîînîî. nothe lemus na îîoîî-tho tiiniug thliioir. f-mm tht-neare iiiis tela rgefi-toruce-s,t i litnti"r, sud.rt-glu lois nithie NV,m-it lai.s,, nuit the M'ilite- pireis' Ni-l Joui "tht llu rth e I aav K-ittih"2Iing. 22:84. Have Ber. a Language? 'l'hieme îur uîuîi-unie lI onacl a-i th a 1. nuiîu d a nul i llenuit-cutt- tudiii-ltîult lii' Iliii ting iti iuîfrnt r,îraîsou. T'n- tiI l)ialu tî.îk uîpu tlii lei'sliail curtul- %vsmuu.fuir cxiiiiiple, nie oui' compne- leielcthel.>'imsi ni-un ofutlia'sd'ttto ibîeiati'isît traîîîtiel mcnttlrc, Nilurniits iare ltitru -tdhsutuIihg WILLIAMi OP vîgu. of Saixe-Wema-Elseanci. vbéus vas presseti b>'Empéror WlUM Prince Frederlck lient'>'of Pr Pri nce Hlaroldi of Denmark.hU Nicholas 'ut (reee. and Prinae AiB ut Saxe-Coburg (botîs. vbola a v« son of Quocu VIctorIa. But ç". dM mîsset liétu inlu vor oftyeung W latu ot Wiedt. Lighling mins. Thc extendiug une ot eteclrlcty a-tlIi Iuslmated b>' Ia use for t~ mines. Tiec andle or oit lamp e s cm days aras nultont> dangeronM mini-s, -hel'e there la tlkellhoOd' et i explosion, but 1htnrniahed a v«7~ perfect lI<lt aud cornpelted-tbée~ vork lu aem-daLrkue. ami lampa, 0 hécarrtlu>' thé m u intnoduiced un Fra c l ut le objechlolmilé u on ant weigtt-nearl> '. o upnnd- becauae lie>' voulutbunsoui> a boura -llbith bdg eargel. lampa are nov ieing attabd roofs of thé aUielt, a.culvecl tabllsbed b>' meana et vIrus, meanS au &bonntcé0 IlSit la obWuie, but canémm er'ciflaad in l.ttatIfç t Yéz* <nielleoa r uah provroko aslmxplesoM M noudi.g wood-wiwk. ta-mat oser tomard thé rlgit. Ati thme ductors tho ught t i aa anM but measuremeuts show (bat the la contractIng"on e aIde. A proualuent physilcien, quotla- Banîleu'a treatise on fa"a in salut - "Thedlagnoala 9CtUiae a.- maîler of cooulderabte dIUMU'...,ý rensonable 10 suptpose. ioeét' Depu t>-Waruten Dawaon'g neutÀ*ý lhe mans mentlity waa of toesM order to admit ot lnaanlty laài Det Belto lesusffertng <nom Basilen calle the 'reactbon eof i tion.' Hie mId bas deeeodl4 brut.plaae.1Hclbasa aiovad tu benomo auci a binait (bat Si ts usefulueaa, sand buano*ow b' show tie effects of lthorgy. "Del Bello's expérience eum1111 aanlng la those vbo lte e>' passions riae.' lHé has lat ta saa>' imtutaincthan cIt«t ý nervea ut the brain hav. e 1af ed ani have bat their ftCiê0i5& la viltence ttrimâtnnkof th e became affected. thé dim graduati>' apreadingutil t1 .1 nervsabecamé ontlret>ly r loa-Ing lie face t. amfueas5 expresaion.' WILL. WED WILMIELMIOU6' of AIl ler tSuttoa the 1Priaqifi ra the a vori"a Qocen Wihelmn ofe marry ber cousin. Pie Wied. 1la a àlors fmaas doéa flot partbcutarl>'y e tirsand lieyalg uma tIraand r oyal QumteU~ motiarni or haIr app&aruat Wilhelilne la happy. Prince William ofWied la aon of Prince Wllia millon Charlea, wioeé ft, la at Neuveld. isbt waa borin Marc f St fore bn bis lwe - rIdya. of Wied le would have attention ln Kuropean cour thé coaort of Queem W wilI t he iret gentlemnan ala-; dom utflRolland. O th% ie self a-lit take pecdamae ia place wvîlI bonte h em' ai and other onelal cereuo.alie &hare ber Income, and bla Inherit ber linon.. ta a vee4, occatpy ln Rolland thi&M a that Prince AtIr cepa as consort of QUem VIc@b, - Queen Wlhelmna huh aullora. Âmong thoes wmU Xoula Napotoon, Prix»a BoeW<