Ik~fESID,ËNT'SMESSA h 14 tire onmisa u aAn.E et »q a la MIIN.ad md Tnk.. vasefe t udS iOS 0tisa parotsauîd davollon ut aisisle GuataaueBuy cher. lt hlbasesde- tisaiSale. ieUuuet of. uiJ .., a.- D _____________________________tasula ta le aalabla »volRrit ttio. tisongis eaute le orderet= e 0 t&paIetaftic eau@stanlitonnsaoute eitishe tIcosaIrieu, andi caiing Il ofIBciai This Important anda eeanUlia 'l vag waau xpmre a forliri lat-lU lb aoue m orpreenu eon*talheu froin lis. encens afte era g!t- ida, e thtIi. Ultqd tla. Tti.y dld tOIllir 1897 Usas: communication htveutheir respectie usytise marines. we at e Bu r- viiol. duiy and eamrsd tise grutitude cfai la ~t~tasain heoisct tndesre-repregnuatlves. Gen. Woodtord lier- M31ud force of thse United Uue 0tanto.I Trge ls I a lrs 4usd aaeasary b; the war. our peuple r.-lapon deniandet ibispaaaporte and qaltted ClaInCuba. The position no won vas %osta o lne provision fortisheir aitable ontert J"la a very satisfacouy andi teadiiy Maldrid lise&saine dsy. i tais!tiespte duaperate &temope to dis- recognition. .His Bd gdegre -o prrs-n)erity evidted Spain isavins libez denici tise demand !=dsurntforces. By Joun e 10atdilional In tua comnnactico 14 la a plaauirafMr erint pa~d. Mu uflrre has been protiîr u mpee om0fr ofr trealuaC On une a 2 tbe aivanase ofth1e i- eation ttie idianti usetul cork o e u purauits bave > te ilii îtnu as of vîr thtes-xecu- vIin -edg r -rsy Roder Major Oeneral Sbaft- Ame-ican National RaedCros. batis ls ru- uof e55 elC'phetair t,,.>-d.au 1 l ai tBalquini. absout ftteain miles iafinmecuues prepualtory ta thse cer- anti $bouet returas. Ishur inithi edsaoutire powersa uthontize by tiese ilUOttia"sof etntiaç.1hseu copihdPalnu atrysitncaIavaihi Io flbotter rewarded. "venufe legisi- lure et once nord bisjme tu meet I tis uanter greu dîfflicultica.On u t is mrval-uthtisacampa of aaaanislse, andi laer, vistât botitt pu"by lisepr"enlt Congresba.largeol îonlingenrg of acul wur biseel u ea tflptdis.On une.23 Iba iovcmenl, undar the abei.andti cieneedleader- stand --à cuitetesr'lb. ostJteSanan h ntd ts vil 22 1 lstSnigo binsi. On tise 24ti s sip of the PrM.daan ofthtie solty. blan Invite trela t'. iiBrut seions eagu<lientent t0k plaice. Clara Burton. ou the filids oftbaffleandsticouait algM timateitoy liso aithora thle prurlainîidaaisiockatie ut tise norttisni'luaviieb tisairtilaid Tentis Cavalry la tbesa isoaplaai tisa iront ln Cuba. 1mlx gamets, etheise n ent have Ocra toast of Cuba, undt on lisa 23d 1 calleil fer nsud ise Vient Unitedi stotaVolonteer 'In traclnp thue avents va arec cI-ni i .8 Wullty diiniostered. and lis redit voîîînîeers ta execte tise purtoiaeutfthe Cavari. Geseirai ouag. brigade of tantiy renjsulitiet feeoblgations lu tisa Impii elv@gisd tae ti Os ais., cule Ilboas reolution. By my message o APril 25 Genersi Wbeelers division. paiclpites, Divine Montr for ais vaicistul car. &lî SUS ualiktainedett tise coridu higist lhe Congr.sa won Informed oft tie situa- luing b.avly. By lIsfa1.,owaver, over ungandti Bis as guidance, for visiis e l 8,Mow& iliari ervic nitderilO eaux- ion, andi 1 recommendeti fonImat daclîra- groisilthi ti r Oe miles tet Satiago eau lise nation naises e ferent acknowladg- cm. La 'n or a rigiteolla ratine ha il Onf lise existen t f Rtâte of toan bc- voas. Tise advantage c-as steladiiîla- mentanofethubepyrfrte rd mmr- IfintO Un aia ati The -7. reae. OnJlyau Revsaers iatle tuaitcontinnellestofita favor. lait1 «Igtbeiaadtlie nations) spirit ant isev wnteUited Satnan PI pla.e ar forces gatningtishe oulwonk of Tise annihilation of Admirai Crveras tisek M » cessat mte closelit thon eertise Congresa accortingiî voteti on tise une Snig; on the2d El aney and Sat Set, folowait iy tisa captulation of San- tai,t betwgslbonda between i ery section Ot-tday tisaI art upproveti Aln)25, 18M. de- Juan ver. taisen afler a tivataevte tiago, isaving bregit ta tiese uniisov- Beas 60 eutry. A review of the relations Of clarlng thse existence of sncb Van, tromaicharge, andtei snvestmen f uthtie clly eflint a reatlalg seulsaofteh si( &qUedsta reStaa 0olher poneru. lwa3V5 ansi inclndlng tise 21ât day of APril, an vwaeomidieied. Tise havy tooerated by lessnes otf coeiminlg à tugzKnov jTh te 1. l lui ler ut prlSlOrY Impullr- eena-led tise provision of tise rescinda s elllustisaétown'ant ienat forts. coaing wislly unequal. it madea ovarires douer att, ot peste tisruugistise Frensch amisasoador. mnu ==sa. i vev of tise momsetouas tanues ufApril 2M.tlirctig tise Prsildenl 1te050s IDestruaction of Cervras let. On tise 261h of luly M. Cambon pressmnt- anid' vhil bavea anlen. deinndinst ln une in- ail tise armeil forces of tise nation ta 051n7 n tisa day toliowing tis brillont cil a communication i agnet by tise Dulie theu lesiailise ultimata detrmntilon iy o'roe tatit betfect. alevemeiCt of t-air [anitfonces, Jlu 3,tof Almodovar, tiesa f'.niaisninaer ofthtise a"i luvolving ifar-fetcOinE rucon enr.S eo Dne notification ofthtie existence tf wvît eciriai thdecisive naval combat ut the ate. lnvittng tisa Unted States tatae lust VhIch vii rellore, theearnest itensio or as foregavag.s g1. Aprnl25is Iseetsiae teeptinsst10dtisa bernaingotsone tere dpo il îcis 'onld ho b wililnglitr, h gouVii eql ia aen ttnio ta aeaiti vhe gven An i 211 by tle bve tise isabeg vias mat tas'tisa Aneie mluitepeste. Jnly 80 tise termeitof lisa onb theUniedStaesmaitaisereltins icmaquadron. limiercSmmantifCon rvrment ce-e aunuecd, ssbatawaiil- Aor Týuall ofs ut numY la u Cls ieUiti tlsmitan euin modste Bam iln. lan lm thoi je as ilatha, t aferward ignel. vcl lu My lut sonnai message vry fll c (on- In furîher fulfilîmnit Of tnterllîtilce iheure &Illttisa paniais hpisaer. deuily sg1 1. repir, dalei Ang. 7, Uti dmidu sniven taothse quinOil f tie duiiy 1 isieitApril 21 aproclamation an- eti. tise twe lorpeio baseein sounk anti aus anticitby M. Comasntlotis. Sere- lau ia~et is GoeiiOs'ii u lie nittinouning tise tresaienti propose. ait luheaMarin Teresa. Amirante Oquendo, wryofState. It Ircqele ncondition- wos @tautsa leantSpain andthie Cîîitat irarurdeil ta vessela antitisitrcartonsu asViamysant ablCln drivan aitslen mpelas1Cu.Poo miunm seam s, y fer tise notiimPiiOlt ta lu ht-kade, contiband. tisa examine of sabre. Tise Soanisadmiriuanti 01er lOb>antian iiaîiod ti ta.Ladroungcent palssavil viini vaver tia-ncsidtise rigi stuaubjets anti tisa liluti hirtoa bad: asmen were talien prison-- group, bat ppetnedt 0aek ta lnl,»duca t" seonnludubih eil ietheus leid leetiSga andnt etagooduldteer sl, viueltise eieliyab]os&of lite cas de- idmissible regervattoiaa iuregard t10 ta dent. 1covudd il s Spienn yl g.A lmlî pecam ou lohy large. Rame 1600 penisiing. Oaaun déanai the0Ptii litppnes.aei du te Mruritnluy relationsa ch as matie btise Spanisis Govahumluent. eo aide bt ona mIn cas killeil. on tise Amos @h bld blu'veto a reanunahie Brook] i nsuntione man serduenlyvwound- iguluc oft Ils Pralnent. nlf Biai is sit VPRrtltulufer Il a Wer. cd. Altiugis oui ahisp er r.pentedly Concelvingtishat disceussion on lOis point repre 1bfl tu roalie ber expctatluns ofte- Our country tuais afttaauinltel'val oeturck, et one cazsesaiouely Inuriat couiti neittier ho praicalo aoc r POft-reut fleSon b vihe iebat becomne irrerocabiy hitia reitury of pouce vils a&U nations Whore aIl su conapicnosly ditidguiis- aie. 1 directeil thisnlaorder 10 avuiti mi - o pmiiei.foind ilseif enZglin dl teatiuy cnfilt ad tismeîJvmg. t I9n tise Sommander ta nterstandtingthte isOler Aisosltibc lu Iautng menlb broughit 11se it-f is 9oeiseum. eary narve vU lise anera anti tiseunnamieil ieroes ii torts-thicit-ed I>y propootést tis e mbsos. ein de go ofvictry. a-hiiauneotasen Tis ine- . «N ytea ooosanistrolation ai'réPnntthe tou enegen o- ~lise camarothea cati ant of t 4 luato îohhet«- e by fi' n.oitu&" arelief cas affortiedth evataiso tise reuit of tiseamoeii utofmi ient nor modern istory aft-rdsa spar- pliit sg -.ton .f is paiss eti r.eOncatoat1a.2ani for 75OW aîtiti.dBIvehatoom .Tise allei lu tua comuaetenrsof tise eenî ant Idroa1t n t o ccepted stet, tni; reply 0e-.&ln le *a ud o e ertue rta~ltY rents oftheroai larausy U'.f -the marveluas disproportion of canualîles, ina lu lreet as n vrtuel ultimlatiumS a del. _____ Ihatil a i.d tft llyI itrieased. e athe tisaiia bîrvIdmu -t l Of it I oabtclinvitions ta ingle ot Rauyfoc ratl f-ttuerotocol .moiiing the pre- toil WI bacquleteie et tise pais au- April 2M3.Tisa Eettati f th1Rie n meclisonhumr. Desxervail promotion bas cime tarna tendateil ta Spain lu unr note ut C lbds ascaSe asadptitfo rllion tbe 151h of Augmsl. vise. it roset e vadi ueUtr onpcoaadr-u uly 30. cils atidet tipulalions oftIrai Sp aaritisl convtbllen raseitlu ii. ta axium, i X123 Imunuid tisa aatiou's itfooondet gratitude ia dise deti as 1talthe appointassent of ia Up sIsSeS. Tiseuaida t lis ver. t iissapprenilia Ose bitudrail andt tsaauva- te ail of tcsose brave metsciao b; tisir atoner. ta araliçe for tise evecuation oft toc1 Tb«s" e lvrewee gaz la wvad diedta thDi avy fil purciadssialbIanti devotion lu a tee sotrtboa te Spniais Ailllles. Oniitis a tersioon Ds, fl s t *e van coninunes!ou the oItun v mjessetedta thetsaGovrnant, cro-multh ie ses poswer of Sixain antitfd u.1 M. Cambson. atise pleniptlen- tst glbdg i t mulcrpreisesalve Plan. Ne oena îutue four neusls of tisa In- vroailst s lrlump>iî hose decislvenlesa a olairs and the Serotatise f ni- h0 ehs1tiae.lv svapiysirîl exhortIationl ot ternational Navigation CUimpsny-tlse et antsi tîr-reacing roueqluentes ceuh&lS@at ue pleniPtecIyo heUi-te da eomistuit and tieraitual tua Paul, Si. Louis.New York antiPleg -serMy be lu uet. Nor cars ce hlin - ted State. ignti a prutocol. the1 SBaildsi ainuuoettue isiautilai luigit. werniarterad.In-luaddition tu thue.the ii f thtie aciiaeliemets o u tunuilti- mmuietialyenjti~tise rontliaon tf tethi. Dmtaciei o th, niie. revenue cutîtru ant i lgblisousatentars un, me.nincs anti artisans for tiseir akil protoculi 1issueit a Proclamtionsu) on Ansg Ces Dsat-mcieaat iseMit.. er.îured uver ta tise Navy Debut- Lu tilsaeonstuction of tin carosipe~. 12 sugendiiog iostilittua on tise port of mur lAtisaJouitMm os tise 15th t Febnu- nient anti b...tutateaistanlia partetf Wistise catastrophe outsenti o LtalUni t tates. Ans. 18 the rousse, Sq1miecitrttise destruction ut tise thseauxilîni nDavy. Sua. tl pelteoca ltualt t-ut ot 100010 volantearu, or snsrs Th 55 Mietqoit toWt B bin lurs aleaira@ iitit îoigonamr ed. A spieuareffort toward thae nuferas vcsntoundta bhopraocticuhie h bbrblSiiaan- au trois.Alani Raisonaîles oeuatc g t = ofutlse lua ens! bar Medlîerrunean scas ordeet. Deir. 1, 101165 offlîcersana Wall 14 *st idous eture auti batarrop h, cs mae by he nP'. Ee u- Usai uuder Admirai Comara lu neieve men hait beau imusei out ant iuians- the] tia ton ', tprfoni .Ttlion eau laken ta prevent posasi la lajaiMauavir is andoui. tise expedition estfrountiha service; 19.0l more cl lu u-pr Ole h e ntio e. tpofud 10 e t our gftcto n l è, coblt bi eBd «itll.dpasuei througti muataircilout tay thea0,ofuthe mns, uait- * - ~ justice prevalieil andthie Tise auxlllanui al ptailol e e..0 t u.tise 1useCatsail. Tiraeil'tw.7 coumaititee 1taentnî N i s'~ h uzliWsl aatdtise esult ftisa anti peforueil lie dm17 of a second amlise evicuallon of Cuisa. Porto 'fioandT b - in 8Wj vestigation t once sel on fot. tf detense. Untiar tue direction of lis. Cpiaieu u Fntog. tua adjaentilui eafutsii p l 1~.IgS ienaval bort of inquiritiiet ot engineerusismarine mine.sa re Tiec aapilaltion of Santiago follove.it.~nlei. For Cuba,. Major Oct-orailJus. po * liaI tise ori f tue explosion plîreil at tise mont expose laoin. 1'The Tbe cty vas lose1, beaiegesd isy aud, F .deaieuxoarAdairni William T. toi saluat17 siinanle Ini, atiaggregate oiser ot mines p lace t whviit, the entre-ace ut oun s ipa laton tiseSanipsoni suitMajor Geiegal Mattaew C.Opi f* b"d ths is Jcks ot positive tendi- 1,W,.et0the principal isaniors trou barber cet off ai relief on tisat aide Baller; for Porto Ric. Major (Gqnej l t ~ alsAtirugsMain. le CahttoraiL .Aller a trnce teasilesof tua rumoval of loba C. Brouie Reur AdmiraI Winiel ires mW tel tishe rMseusibiti yof lts asot- Tie nationalactuaise$50000000 ru" nu-emuaits, t proractil negodtions S. Seisiey ant i ingaaier tieneral George (,. vas expaet In laiarge part by tise ajasi osellnsi trous Jli 3 until Jaly M,. W. Godon. vioa nou atiercard met tise pa; An 4'. l bs tilise aestiid onvidrte uadmay niieojandtsn1 viecitI msa ud amnaueof immedistesai- Spaaibcomxnisiouers If Ha vaîsa andtihe ' él Imm uhabhgbtt le,eulter.tua Aud- vIasciIara fuahi shoci in ts oth malt. tha preinaiaries ut sorrentirer ce-Sen Juan respativel. Tise IPurinRican tien Î w d thesvl coeurt. tuît a cris, aIi teet isagverai sarretarlea. Thia tunrtib-agissatupots. On tue l7th Genermabiat- joint commission speeililjaccompliliei à qmas.Id i ladovna tCuba lui Inadéquae te erequiremants of tarecculed tise cil. Tise caitaulation iil.tlnks, antirbyOct. 18 tOcevacuation the Iptianiequipmt anti ton tue rontialitouttisa bgeiltise au ir. easierai endi ofCuba. tf tue Isandi eaucomplîeteti. The Unitedl ro tsu. ousva Ibs alli ar, thé patrlotiom ofthte Contrese peo- The laiber ef Spanieh soltiles surrai- States fi« wvu ralil orier the Island aitolu b«a bili e ecutire ug- vida! the meas lnthe var revenus e re&lentvs2,000. ait of chou vere sais- nue on tisai day. Tise administatsion ail tereelvems t ou ue 13 by autisorling as3 percent. eqemtiv cuuveyed ta $pain at tise t-t lisaffaira heinlboers provsonaîlyin- tue tbeIF f sssaiingins pnt lar tus nett10 M000 000 e ftise Unitedl States. TOc toni trussitaa10 milaT guveflr n ulil tete. i ~ pssise mipeias ulvy 111119aditîtieaimpoeta;anace= oeerul 1campaîgu is bold in tu essogriyns IOjalloteisese protide. TherIs, 'bu * geuosibe an. ierb tlaxeé.. si etofthse Secretery out War.cwhii Cub is t igiscoamnissaion atOsnulet7.4 lu biiplaala fr he . @&irvioFiaurs tthle:ar. w blai beore lac.ati terminateit ils laburs. Owing ta the dffi- des 10lin 'n t ie emnue le,"- uttise «.x tisu as mvr mur. arlkingby soviw n nuru ut SPanlis troupe tili in Cuba., et ate nti ~a taa-j cM ar choc fohboi tis a i- tt u tieservou]engagements ieatiing lise evacraion rantthiecompleleil o-W là Sa~umo le ss'a I ttue u "- deelaratlon utfArit 21. but a bfitt e lise surreuder tf Santiago,. cula tue for. the latIf sutniry.te id er. tai Iltit cee.fummit rettalof lils m«. lent tatres taap iusi e ta s uit cessive vi-cer- Puraant ltis e ifttisarticle oft 15epro- itnt t'V tu sasisrapassite10muetItue ropriste. Tise Oral ancouiten ofthlev e s;va. Iaca=t n iversel asplause. tount i appoteil William R. Day. ltelj Por lupint of tata teok p lace Apili 27, itct Te tsosautileo gainie t is comaplet@ tri- Secretr; tf State; Cîîahman K. Davis, las - >butiatJ*u gis ipala. a Iitaientoft-flie blockailîg liqaure aple. wvilheatallabeiltheacentieaicjWilliam P.Pi-e ant il(uurg i- eu psi mada a reconaissaînce lu terce ai Mata»- ofttsaUnitedit Blt euon landi. as t.tis omsetfh di nd itSît". un.) WÙiîelaw mn tisa ofeepet sceful mt idt.isre nitrs &nit.5iet uSattago iat i lAd our saipremonRid ai. bc1hie oepensu-uuommisioer% on thb tisse lb ichalcaof ut ati, latts!d gaverai naeurvorkinluconataac- as ou thes ss, tise earnest anti liating thse part of thti Unitedltate.. Proceeding lx'l "I galuxai te tris about à .ga-sltute of tise nation la unsparlngijla Idue sasollon lual'rii. tuaj tiser a met sib uiua snggle. Ne- Thse sazitengageent ati vstiestinsta Ou3ue.Non uloulti ve alunte renacaaber lise un tise ilt (t-ober file xoommsalnes31x lo te ebjectestaotinacit active- a manorsisie epocnisnlumarittsagaltai of lb. living; tis eilctlaim anmiarî; appointeat O; $pain. The negu- se ~4.eruaulet pau. oo wng anare. Tise Pacifie dSet. e4Cm- cari-toars, sudi tar lue-ses O; hallaantid alfsisv ai spf- rgusau simoioe Gorge Dewey, bat loinfor au» s t taust eaid lly exultatit-n et lsetisa1 irtI alon lu Or able tu la; a dat- lits eudual fasx e"e on og po oon etI irenuît aid bta nt a w .1gbtise setul 10510 Ireal; ut l'racea lfure thi-Senate. of te Oea@l villsa *ev te Proclamation utfaiaurallitybains isaed cent of van. iowever igisful tha cause wcutis a evie ofthelse lebading u taui»Tr usdestlu. uiss pauleatig &B ad tue usutemasar ienty-foar iseuaie' ne- . osi4ualtise vlclory. iaotr.-n tle OuBlo.'cenOlnaet tira bins gxee i taluMira Bas' occupation ut Parle Retn. iudtotuldioscss utliis time tise gaverai-ti tMa ri. asltins near Hong K ougi . c meut or tue fîtane ut tishev pose-dil -Ir42itp- dU Wlitisth ai) ef Santiago. tisaocc-opa-lunvis ich il .m-tme to a s se resuIt ta *M~eSa"lss ovarainnt 1talise Pilipine Islads anletel tisuetfPortlo ienobecanie tlise nt aires- of th isecr clsh Spain. Uti thte Con- e sus bt ierearixsiesintie-graphietiordrtea 10cpte on destroy tishe aeugstl. Csenrbî30111e% Sud Ile-greusanaslegilateilitherwiape.lit cilI bluta Uaformibable.sO ati ob .,ieettuan aseembet tel i. ematisi s ~ e .'.s..e. iuybjbeaueassiguedta toorgaiunes r mir dut; lu continsse rie milita-ry gaverai- m -e___ aiteàaittis t anila. At tiaybrcais on tise l1ut pliien for tisat porpoe. .Forlunalet;. mu.iiii aeaast. ic-tt-tcu a Si i cvr. a h mrea oc ee M ia hovas i jaletSantiago. w ho Lbcad et hc apeit1Bue"i "u i solmutaion, 1ftis blBa.aAm&finter e ataeho Milautratbe. palion andi ureroment ot tue people. se- a- *g8ah~ taI Ilni Bj. nti fto adev stuiai'e utsl rrivaith of July. cils ru-enfui e trit; ln lfe aud.pro rti e.a-a-oit-onr- vIo» hewole questios ta eeffectett abl varcto ut tate 8i8a- mants for Genevl Siater'. art-;. WioM agemeal under a jolat antidsnlienule..lit. la têts massage etfÂprii 11, li ie et. constng et tee carsipsudaisstusetroopsi, conastiug t-t 341 infantry As situa as ce are in pomasaitn îof t-i ilalternativa courseaof a transport, Sutes capturaisee nvol and arttater. Ivu compatiles tf enginecni Cuba anti baýer, iid- lIsalnalt-i l di e 1 a anoeieelutlng station andt torts ut Cavite,.uanaucodk matone campur ot tise signail en7*, e occeusr; ts iir. aid andi direction tluo pr .aalag tise Spanisis nuival pover a is e lia- sera]lesa i. t iîunlauaa ilîi t -lia peuple ta tonareagoverosaîcal for tisem-t-hI paamai wtInthrna- chlic Ocam andt omplatieutreiling the iavlng ie tranapurta couvoyeti ly the selvea. Tisa siouldti.nadertal teu theI2lOi' mulesaathslethiuu %ymîB ofutMonal itis lie ablilîT te cte* lesander Catain ttigginon. cilS lise cria tonn.o1ilu iiaat'y~ tradtitonssorae Intervention tisa ciyetai vl. Nul a lite a va ltoun aaesiat.<lgiit Dn.lA-es-axnt nomeru ns-cea,. Unît wiere la u fl i belepbewarntcheck te ut-n siipa. ties endei ony mniseriesngftr, olusi u daniYale,.ie c ate ete lranquilîty lu tise Island andtai a -e C oflite sevn. isil aitt a essi ca matrlalj ar-In rocips. The *-pe.litiu lantidleti orerusment înauogirate. military oc-ju aut Ib.,the Cousiseu vas Inionail. at gle&iraJoby, 2.t-is paitIwax ritn-tupxbttomn cul ha-cotiaued. tîî a- n empecer tue Pneu- Tisa affect ofttils ranarksate vlctonj alre t ii 11e opposition. The Miotr Relation. villa Othea Cunatirlu. ruere s eur a fait open tue spmrit otft-un peope and Dipon Gazerai commnautlu caws uiîhoelîlRîtly Itue sallisbc tise fortune. of tue car vas instant. A re-entoied by Genser.i Schwann%hm- Witi tise exception otf tise ruptur. cilsa% aittie eepe f uba, unit preetige ot luviciblity uth tansgd ftueisi1tAeany G1si<vO eui -Spai, theisaiterconrae t-f ther Ut-lI les be andtheestalismen 0taonnr ams, viicicontinuai turoughoutal aIWilseon, cilsapasrt oftbissdivision, anti Saiben Il is riL faithcriiy u adthen . la ie alat tse gtaliamethe tisrute l t"-euorcementa ver.e- aise" i deners] rooke. wîih a part toif cmiirso rt srîilt nits uaV8uUhil. iai 1 'Massf&clla ier lie commandl ut hiseta, aumlurias in ail 161#173 offisers e of uttise eveulfol yensBlletismuet t-fa -~a snu«wwr. Major Cenenl Merrtt anit frmlj "ltsb anst umm. tise isalea tisiuc-casa iil; ar iselatue te Bles itisisgis of t he capital wch Juy 27 leentaiarePn o e us uttis ampt-aiez relationsaout auvereiin atee*ai- th 09th Cougtessa*fierlay bol et ora ont gans. ment Important ports ofthels nun.), trou Justeti un preaentinir nu serionasiobstacle tu ^Uimwsit elberation. turIng Oni relucance to rauas needlesa lmea isic ie b.ttereafter dirar-ed operations tua àlust anti honorable sauiton ly ami- St 'iutun»nuseantiment oetoflitsa antipropertj prevenlethlec canhifer tua capture ut tiseIslandt. cable agreement.t &qeeed pdou veqpeel solng udatirpture ofthethdy. and Wft th uaex 9 u uustera cwitb Alongu naettied diapute as to tis exa- If emoblmgtue tuayavtislisabsolube mltari occapaicjtue@smn a i .lr = cruolgueres.tne ,najhrîer u retn cOiSareuai r.egaJ of thse iouimi. Tise Insurgeais naa- Coasneo anti Teso.»au a ataîk on a Reputaile anti Ciii usumei an ar-ite t, *ialet iCulaas lialstruietortile teandir«ueganltise ative isutitiiesforce andai Il Cap' San Juan. lisere stage in lise eaily part ufthlseesnm. antiP 00 ntSith tlat-sapedatb, tus uncompletei t Incaet uszneosertoos reuliaance. Thc raupaisi ffaotticsu thIils guernaant ocension tau ýoo«mmtet hocIslnd- = 0. Tisein forces luîentet vs . aed cis giest vigor, andl b>, expasa tise hope tlOul lisereaotrItuanri- i Jeblé folle!et af ptio- itai fren tuenortheuris sudoutemt tu 6e fm ut Anguea nch-ofutheb.Islandi tration. alreadys'conlesuplateil Oy exlatng ai OWdia *saaer'cAPrli19, ite but ver. coistrulneil hi Admirai wuga luur posessioalm i tise as-qoiiioîî convections btîeen vue parties, mîgt ti Itamli1tsuanataant3illDewej ant Canerai Mrit -frun is - e S im inlder cas oîuiy a mater ut a 1?n lu Ita a hpi gra ve a. S on ba 0ajis amuse et Ep£reatlvas tnptns anuaecntt. Ilwtictllâtnthme s60,1 lime. lsapiain mhpyt s àeeAbl jit reltlen, te- viALtever wc a elitons la the vay-et Thea ham senje of teise r vas rnsa-itisaI earrangemntus 1tla eindiave beaud tiacisive otentioisln 0tisaI Quarter sbois eut t Maulta, lils alertinz place. Au j. 15, jerfestri. t va uprva ij l eaclliîe t he se trongam uet tahl abine-t amsitaltîpon the corks is 1 buvetunti occasion lu upproarb tisa, hdttssses e ae h teU itedBSaeu alune, lis fon freta l Oi-h th. aquadron Argentine litvert-ment cAls a vilutai M tis enmat derApril 20.. A lolowlng tise comprehensîve scisemof ut slaethle cupital sorrentiereti accn- rnioviug tilfereuces tf raté charge-a lm- 'vuset obus communîca@dte te tesgereai ttacis. pecerfi iforces ver. a»- ddollaj. Tue coinaiulîea aer. comptes-poie-t ousthescubles of auAmericun »tb" at t11s capitl, vise seminu i tvIaion.poinste oue ur clet tlvijfaux. Si tissconilleutoft-flhe Piil- corporalaion ls rnmslohteen t4ahliauonucai tuat ibit coninuance ta, Invatie Caubaanti Porto Rico. M"ai a..an:d ,v.ta copihdBtinA;s n h iiso rga 5~Washington ba thtreby haecoinalupos- islenival denontationts ver. matide vbalise Sauaiapa-ty for remmallne, anti Breuil of tirou;i messages*tiassinu Igli soBit aisai for hiespassporte, wviîcit selleaialuesi ponte. May Illbhévas trou7d fis AdmiraiDeweay'@ vie- tronm andta tlie Unitedi States. Âthoîtgl uni li tireuon llbiu-w ruiner Wilunlglon anti torpeito biot l et tise lot t Mal, victors' cas for- tisa maltir la conilaiei'tei hy exclusive l vert gveu hm eteeuus ihrwWinalov cfe.usuucesstul ln auntau ai~ j = uett. To Granerai Mer-It, i ut- concessions by Uruguay enld Bmalb lua &M Waaislgte. leavng lie protectionte10silence tia batterie a Cantienas anitomLasand mUeo.fr tiair ilnIlaàiDg toaigucoumpanles. tier. la trous hope îl ls 2 Pamé ambassador anti tue Ans- men aifllas. l ctotise nation ta sncerel iela.l lu t in laion 1 maylu epesiltte a tsoteu larimiiter. Simutaneoulj Meanviîe tise Spanlei nvl ea - Isrogoaa a aievtuuu xiaa as ttseàtis - n voi e muuilatiou le tue opajli tienis b.daibeaupaihs! it vi lS great a fer lainaccass. a" t. ssiirby cts-te lrmeonaagreeinrltl heiry lthe Inter- akSlUw. Cen. Wostturd. the Amserlcan Apoent ait suagicon antiai-Admiral Ce lite m@36 mont of isonuair ittatchange uf nesales citer ronnectiag ce- ~s*ai i isataI u tia oIn rsol- hablites ba crssit is ocsu.au hi Teat as a t e taWr. Tsleymr al siut a nlfar bopuple o e mh a suutettdio og n lte@ dmi et vils tuaIet Auulrla-ungir. te Idls 81etuh* bref lime alilitt WPrels- teali le.t tue extîhits et ls coeuIn et pulie Universal Exposition eI Bruisse liu andtiht 7enloyjithe ssienlar dtinlctions etIle. Il -gen proportIon of avans. si vlug ce- transi ci tii a sumber anti classes etarticles ta the rail hanliltisofothier coanrtrias. Imprel [arduy a jear tuasses th-llu lo-Aenp ment la Dot invitai u aetie"]tpurtiel- buho Io at snoma importatforelgu carter. tenter uften out 10short noti-e Io permit States reourse 10 Coaesa for tise power uftheb 1menus laidu no. MI predeeleaura iresu te auggaatid the uiitlitlîl-fpro î in iç isy 4 gaaaral enaetlt-ent a i m 0a uig appropriation fer accepflng socis Rt-be tatioua andl for represnlatuit-f tisor utn inti by a Comailsou, This plan las as -n& Cordial approval. tt Col tricol tise Baiglanrestrictoi on ntheesit »frlationsao ut tle fraisaitise Unitedl eurdl as.m origlasally adopleau IaI aniarj report ciou, viii tau "ildtebho atis- dy as ne0 ixaitprnntanti future ouT h Issus uandtiscriminatleinsuoas lu ad- fsac lira couleierouter due reumbation of ege re siaugislaf alter lentles.I1sam hilep- cîolet ,1ton of a favorable cisange lu tise ibel ign trottinent of t-ur praeaeedanti ut à re Pearis avents la Cenutral AninicUnd -rtc moi-a han paasdsnemton. A liona tacing ruptur.et4e Cuontar Rien liasv aNicaragua vas bappils' compoisai Oy and1 esignaturet-f a Convention balcec Unt I iparties, cils ltha conurrence of tise ratemalan r.pceetativea&a a media- The lise soi helng negotlateti and itsgnai thle e btad tise United States steamner bs1 et libe lyug la Centrai AilOarica Cort-a, ers. le'O altedlaciese tCeatral A merlesi. oft aiMy est annuel message the situstlon la g apreriantet vWitb respect lu tbe titple- pnoci lic reprefauallof utibl ioeramct la lion oral Auterlit. created bY the assatistion Tela, llraragua. Honduras anti Salvador uster gi-out , t1te oftheIbe niaer Ucîsublic ut Centrai v&stil trisandatihIe ieiegatloa or tieînInter- Tbq fonctions 10ta eduet Ibereof. Wbtle the pre« esealltIvCeliharacter ofthe bc tilw as rodai valuim by mi predcesaar laid bas beau and airise.) arlng lmiradiloarn by re- tlyà 1.15g ils sceredited envoi sud grantlag Iloat ci= ta 5Ct-nards' omnissionati under e 1ohrl. cbat recogntioniores qusisllet art,, tbdisinclut aanisprttuaimding 0 thleri- H iuibiiiy et each of the compaent surr is s repablietocard -liseUnitedl lSa"le- lmae neit ciolif nnsilfedtiACrurent'om uf soi igales frulnetiforcbev a àteillrai rouai- coui, un anden tise naine 010e Untled tatescomn Cuitrai Anerie atiprorited tor as"con rêeu Lierlerai governaent anti igiiilature. erani tan ratificationu O; tbe Constituenu t l p ea uetorNos.nber Lent oves lad te, th-c T *w system 10 go lloooperatioti. TiiOla a u ti verts tbereutter tbe plan ca.i sesereij ba ied laiy nevoiistil moon arltllg în d i a C o n s àe- a r e m a t dI ofa na ît ; ot s e - (; a v ' i oD tho part ofthIe ailillan, poee ut Ilai eFi-dersi stalag te sapp"88sitemtiunerevpi la atrain tlb. Decunlots sel-uits.lubave 0.-ociîisu vgtcocd brugo te dIttrawsl 0f1lse deil re important menIonsInlot NIcaraigua Canal Commission. <lus, The NicrauaCollai Commission. aadcr hi&s -e s-baipousbip utet IesnAdmirai Jobo Si. lia sîtIer. bas arlri Coopiltiraalsoars,.atidos- " austa ut lia exaustive laqsIlriaoo he Tb Ipr roule. the tesabilIi; sud clic -otiat In ratontrut-lion of an Interoeesuis- eaal by Unit ,lestaguanu rosIe viiili e laid liettre jas, bout The tioreruaieni 0f Ncaragila as onetsf "vo a s v e r e l gu a c i. e fu e rne s , il s P a i ,.erns An oseof lise seclj tari.. Unied sonu îles ut ('entee] Amerira bsgrauiti AnusBen ilua.. oti-malu a u chuer ssa-iO.tissn become effetive an thc expirattion uth1e tnou etur Igi-al .Tbeucelccrun.lts5 ggesl le argemrj ut nume delisile action tb; Lbe ungceaa aIiss@iPlon if 1he l 'i t'tsfstar st are in bOcutiliser[ sant ia ning ot Isou se Atiantîr sud Parîis- l)realîsbj a prarli et al calerday tl a u b.rlealac à "atuventUuaprovidlSg for tbe renIvait-frrl @ lAtIe IUnited lstr" and Clan nains eag aimîselua a thlb.Ct-sideraila of claire.laut bleb crodaly preilentetil ua1thelarerails"fo alua nbut Dt aiee asagý a üc à@ Semie.Tis rech e!-elu diaifor et-~ s-ttins it hereangOraat iications iarint01 tsa-, tise Coavention falileas10ulient eratendetibiy assetiment, dini s m en- svarnt ta brios about. vilOtb th ri.ndif lthe necurreuca of the Clieniiaa (jumot. .r Assericaaa Inleeests lu the Orienit ait The Unitedl Stare" bas 00t lorie9an indif- la vent Wtotluor outh1e extaorcl e'rents a mnspiris inatise Chines.empire. weorlyZr, rîluna ut iramaritimse pruils-sarr Posea nt es-iethec01. roii ut trions dnropeaunemt ,Cens; botth Iba prpuelhe vaust rom- par ncc chbloithc ergIir ut at itiz nsd iy e aecslty ofot t-usapie ProduIrtIuaa for t 'Ilsees.bas balit p lu tht-sa regls.suOy Dy nul 0e pmreind t boagb sa;iteu- pri ,le treaînt by the aev u spanls bas î.a oiated 1he need of unrrecountry WOiulg ers in accorlu thocane. la lis relation I reflertalutha Commieztr- 7 Ioauddresard ta 10e Speaker of the "osu" h if fapmaent4iatîea oyth@ lerr.tari outhe al nesaary an the 14t oft lant joue, ni-tout 0 et-ditai enappropriationi for a Cominssion g t slnudy the commercial ant inldustrîilrc-ta lions lu tic Cbiaese empire asti report asT t lb.e oppounlies for mtuloatacles 1a tu: ilasrgemasiut ofmorkts laChina ftor 1th a"' c pïrodacîs as) mannfactures ofth1e Uni- a 'dt &îtes. tcrcitdaIly urge chat the remus ae Mendatios refieau leur bond. 1hecolt- ; deralin cir Iti mportancsudautiminil- eu tuert.r. Ileautileireten, aj0e jour gi-oaa.)tfnro isqaUietadelan vec-oftsfhe tinreantiudrevIs-ai Ye n t Id ti sattseOf utoppulli.n d prelut di us-ie to allen peuple wbisb perrusles certain fai of the Cbine.e Provinces Asultusose ot" n the attactis Dullnour citîzeas lu Sv-chuan a.) n utiîea n lu 85. 1he Uoile) States a nuisalr bas lelatra;Ctet tssaccoeret thcil t aiiosiBlessure of protes-don. 0ba0th no irai a. uperilfor sura;menavc.)Anavis-an iuter- - uts, andta 10deinad. l usae af lacrua lu- lua jry ts ia ersnuorpropenty..inatant reparu-s.NT lieea pprop-la te1th1e vi-e-at-. 0110Iudng sloe i th1e rendîtioci outh1e yward t-f ny ardtco stra liUtr est- ,c te Cialm ofuth1e Il llon ua salijed.Crti', r, galuatthb.rvpuhillc tsf inIomblà, differenres Il roue betrivtn 1ch-iipartli.ltaihe arbitratio riIl an regard tai the asope and extenuio-f uth1em viaril. ot wblrO certain arlelea re s-on.t tcle.) b; Colonbla. hle itai; CIolrd Cr halo lIteraI tfilielm ent . Tb esawrd haviliS lt-cad cid, tb; ibeident ot the Ui'ted States, My tient afforts acre lenl t-ob-minIt thc partion tu a hai-nonioas agrairfuet Ua, ta lb. execotion ut Its provisions. A naslalO i-nionstratssnIlyIt-èl; resiltit la anuCli- gge mnen t luta ; liste Ilallles e laseti upsîn a thein aurertanet; btîntIbis apparut-t dis-b possition ot the rouli-uvera; ai4, tuloa'e.tb; e i r r ofruu dlplouatie liîtcfrtase locîceen i à onliaand ti lî. chico auilXrenclouesa. îlblauugela fortanaieîy wjthot & cote symîl- . tonil baia upensenciG A rialm ot an Amerli-au çliien allsientP the Dumilagen rapablis-fer i pulicl bridgef oser tue Oseas Itier. chic oaIas Ins-a il basipi:atnîr Ort-iOl'iy fsîer e-eral feula. ba tensleti bj expt-IArbilnat-on anti mn au ard inufoyernouth0e rialmant amener c [i taoabut i .a0 Participation 1.11. paris IExpositioin. i Totra Ia now verj prou p atctthIs ie Par- rt ticipation ofuth1e UnitedMilles lu the ual-. i varual exposition ltaOc beIt lal'anis la 118)0 Il viilie u onàaseule commensursile wcîth cia advanced Positioni beldlii nnOur Odtitaandi inutisînluathe vorîda eblet mara.S;t asIet e ljl,1, 1898. a aimnetual lu exeat $@aaOI0Wi va lilted fthlie organisation of i a Comimisalon lu rare tur 00e prupen pnep- f &ration &adtIinstailllainutfAmerîcan es- t b ib it , a n ti o n th e d i lapiy uts ata b le eipo i i n l h e s nî I 1 a p or ia t io n - Irls thlbeveaal eeuitadepartaineal. parlticuarry Oy 10e Ilepartneti of Adrient- tort,.tbilPait Commission and tbVIKMI.b- aunîsa lnsUJution. latiste rreaeîîtstIOn Ofc the GoterSusaont 0the L'litdî@rae& pr-e nat . Pec..utC-icru. oniAlun à t h ie « 1 5 tu eh ema a u e a - .c et 1aal. itb chou the Adumi te UteflstauamniaItoer.' jWulien- te mitheappropertate srmaislattoi-fo l&Irrlo b ualgt fIsllaai ,e@Mvely, acomplishet su thh 11oru ct lest. Oy the doulvaet s-i urte 10e aohutlaus donsalet Dols. àliemreupli s-eiied up te lstrh ia tites o thb. Gomnent et lb.:lIauts ae tte algaty and publie prupertj be »isaueaseIsis. Ilvlslb.tortillerprovision et ths r1 olîlu. IP uplmeis ebj M. Cnt- of Illinois. Juoui.. . bungaS ot Aishama. nIt IL B1tt1etutliois, »asortiaS. Doele Istan d Walterlu. ireur ofutracl omnlestuers uo conster andt necumant tagreasautOlléattoa conaStnlig tus eiait Islandes as thej shoul oes em a ry or pruper. The cuomtinenlubaà edth liseiono ruraded ta Iben. ha rt cul luelaid liefura ;ouai atu mearlr squestions heralotce pemtuig batvreu vil auit Jupes groisnsout 0ethlie l- ,a iluiraeu t ofJapouese brauts'lls. sala were. i amn pleaiedtetosay. 143ustD -fore liseletfutIrsofanhy 1h.e fat Lressituabile lntiamultj lteb the ta t ofJupon. Oder tha pruvialuns utt he joint reuolu- Ic "etliog rosms rMetoss St lha aJiua [clanda itO the tUnited ti lt.e wîlO otber coonînles rminteuebangt« lrgiglallon aboli otiancîse previda. Conirî.varsisa villa il. le interpra's'lom ut cerIain proviaious et exa1raillesconveatinlof ut e. lt11 10 beeaetl aanus timas théioccasionet noyersy dli 1the Gtrorment et bMax- As as-u tc tifenenc re iosa- la th, cas suý Mtoirau ti.-toand fer the tallvssi et s. ourrers. cho. basîuLg blS4umirail- exprtlltla siern 10e bonder vith thé lualiieti punpoaa ut ialllatiug a u nnrve- i gaiuel Preuldeuil Dis&. egcapet blote [au. Extradition css rafusat ou thé n.) lst the silegeti offense tvas pefiti- la iie chararter,land therafoea ruin lun the lreatylprvisu ut non-suiteuuort. le GIiurr= ts 0 ePru baslvIa tua crîisd n tien ofuReut isitus ontleah- ta the lr.sty of tnienatip, commence 1navigstion conelotetil cils Ibis conse- Aix. 31. Im8. i bate lavîleti Oslgas an by Pera as ta the partlautpnovlsless jd'siii tl u san.ni.10thc bop@ ut raac- lb arranigemntt cereby the rem&lbtai s-les mlj Ocprorisionailisetil. ibtjuly, thaer.ue*b.viag înnontred tuo e 10 uule the ImitainRoultan ton tI cbaps5liuitalb. re al; f uts .uY, t respoated,. entier the sulbotritj t..a-t i;tise set of lsnh 8, tus. hy amiliussud ssseiiinsth. actuel 'a.ctntallrez ai St. Petersburg lu the puci; af rasador calraottlnary atil ,olpoteaîlar;. re proposai ef tb. Caefor a raseraI n.- Oison 0flb, vomItmiliit.ryeraliishments ait eigh, se h-eul ilîpon any irPeuple. la ne of peuce wcasrimnilunicateil te tOls versosoal citO osn anneat inviltion ta ha >re-tet la the confrrcnree bieb IlAi empis.te u ssemble ditO a rAev te -usalng 10e menus of deroapiisbiag ai0 trahsie uareauit. lHis@Olaleal caseaIt Oses ired sot th.ecriall ympathy;tfthià tepranat cth 1e ptlOci ple Illed is exaiteil propoaitanind t lie "salit«mof a ited Biste telaite part Iluthu cater- ue arbitraltribunal appoInte.! anetahts oly ut FeOrrytn. 11017. betldeen t ras itain asti Veneauela 0tieerine tht atary n;lie flden th* latter sud tht onj e aftlrtlisO tuana. la 10 ruseDe a io durn the 0.pregnt mool.Itilàlaà re etmuri gratiftiotln go0 ibs osese at la 5ee lie frieintl; 1-vrtlu aritrie- io appiladte lahebesetulement ut this cou, BureanutfAmerîcan Repnbllcà, 1bave tbe sutiaft-tion of ieiag ahiO tg lt e bI BulreaofatAmerirsau aplb sCreis la tels)a.lise ostusofor PMt lliu oinsi-rriu misner,-oureand frternel 'tions a aoiag the rîsantrie. of tis et t Hemîsph.re. busbedoïn, s more elliiees aIentof th.ie«là,opaipunes ut Il atari suad la.reeiiisg t therortiol .U1 t t-f the ctutribatingmeleut tib ternalui 0100 vîeWh an. aciîsiy ru eslsti la lus hourt! ut managet-at. Dariag thelant yeur the Importnt W cullertntg informatilon ut preetimlie» to Atuvnira Inustries sud testa ihroogI l ageniaof tbe diplomatie auti conuls& ores has bhus seatiialadvaned,4a4 Il ravr la lai, sacsbdtes burtoreb Un 1t he bc 1d d tlay tue rretce vaW&$ g Jannary. 15ole. u si g the rumm.eil >rts train day te dey. us tisy art.ri rd b. lie O>vpartmniO t ofîta. NYe droir.la comotn citO maientcivIlsa alns. 10 roare 1the0toquentpossibi lot the datasse assiula limaetofvw ypeareahla i-ste &adcommierca. 7hi rt-ous-an probaîiy lit brat uccumplluaba yas interational agneesuest lureguardas raIe praperîfetai saexempltfraimrui tre oe destrironuab; tb. forces out lll eut pucers. condtion oft tisaressurn. Tise Ilenreary outhtecTressury rteport ba the rereipla oftheibe trSaient troi I stars-st uring the fOscntl7r ecdetJlu '1. IM lltdl us $4.751,i121t*ivelsatfr0i .e tif Partîli ralinouts. auaouaotetzluw1 .-.ai is expeudiliur 10 te U, ,er, wus*isoilerel fenmcestome SlU5?8.0 t.) trua Internai retenue aioo .ov slutlbe Importe aoonte te1081.71 do-cesse otsSSil.lltU0 urer the pa-ecadit 'asr. and Importaion@ sfret t- tay amOUB dto lu»1.414,175. a deerasatriai lb. Pi ding yenr 0ffîlO.54.4M8 Internai neveun e-4't. ceetia tOus. Oft1he predit -or, Is $225,00.The total coilerctil l4IJIe iiteiswu. $Wt.546.9».u mat lattird ttshss-ce 111083ll2Oi5ZZand Ou fi culte.) lîinuono$8M.15.4211. WteiePuf etelanistle tariag lite Y"*' aomenai s-er the 1trredlagJear. onah ls u1t-of tlveiien. 181M8thlb. MOU f nîtue; tsf.1uti t.in cs-rculation un s telaudeti1latresar; boldings, vus*SIl 4MSt,5 os. Inmae erv sr taeerotf rCi 7941. >1Psasating oUr population et171 104.555) aitlise lin.meaiýtleuisithe panrucpi irculatioîn cas 125»). Thc prCovisioln.adite for strnuglbenlng t îaegore ot-th0e tresaunT la roinetirîOn v te cor hure g ion larresse confidec lie parinauanti pt-vear outhe Gorainet îiueltl th1e preuc an idaltd. anudbas1 mbllsbed more ldmal7 itan cicr the asîu- raiît utiborne andi sbroad. A martei a die" if Ita usletuailun 1he lalloc of,'l oe the treasmef. 1 renva' su mucb t-f my recommndutt tf Dîcceinl.ierf11, us 1tolîsoa "Toat t weoat-yot-th1eUtilaital noIes are prestentid tonr r-deoupliou 1 g n.) te redeemot ln a gla. aeýh notes t, kct-t anti sel aPrt sîdilul; Palid ul alehuum fr o guiTh7.is lanuobvîis ta tr theotier oft-teOcUnitedlStules notea ceru tOhe geltaid gela lilt-mth 1e Gotil mient. Oe aul.) not raeut Ivech frainm lo.va-rament a tUniltdlitates nota vllb( îa;ing goiti la enehange fan il. The rosu tir ibisle a sde aI the mnaspparent wci tha bioeriment issuv@ an Inieraut-bearl leOt to provIde gold tur 10e retampîlOil Unlitd States noleaunon interest-beari debi. Surel;il it-aioud nut pay tisai glain, rarept on detasati ant for gui. t0e; am plut ot-ttlua n; ather vtue t -eluira agula. 10 0e fullssved 0; uosother bc ssue ta redecai them.lar Interaul-is aug deli tehoradacinàa nen-lntereut-ha debt. - la mj judgmenthîe prescIat e001111100 th@ trTesur;mpy jualine. tie samedi vaselinent ofth1e legisiallon reemmeni one yean ug0,,%ioden chieO a portioa ut geIla holings shonota lu placet! lu a Il fond fruntvllb greiabalasisudieih deieol sposopesenltatiun. bal chen t nedeeme 1 etaut tkreaflar ha palti eci forgalad.. It Iflt 10 be bateciret itot osr iegti lion relalîni 1taaiur erresy la net nsquir un t0ee osldany. Ihere ls au obvios e i for Il. Toc importance 0f adequate Pet ion wOins illi maurelutanUTaiutur* a Mî staudard raiitd usoun ms.ncj standardt andta 1thal of Out commercill nialà l ai'ni.y.re-o.-[-t. The compatitin PrOl vsB.SPoSutet tiler. lucres". of ray Kcumeaueei The Imprtane of leg:oatlonfor,*5 mnnt lcraiie f tbe Irai; la a" ad lbhereommenndtlon o ue Ibe M,@it War for tbat parpoas bas yunasil rtv l. T7 0 c lan b , on q u e . oil atiai. aad probly for snmmetisEsu f u t u r e 1 O I J K 1.0 l a v e u w i i l l i h a , n o ta e t e mont the ne "es.tiOs othc aial il .oy pu apentatu amontr ou t tc treS utrer oral; ao authlbCongrens provde for the inlrayU oft hie regail u i* tbllsbaiant. ale oft he uaalCu Pocie. la su r la ns t u t me s a g e t sla te d i l g Violn aride inhIvo7. mail lise. Weau; 11. «u ader tb e de e.. f the u lîî id ml ta V huC for tice t> stri t ot N e bir s ka lb e lit a ln ot Noveaiber of ibis lasr. The snsul 4»,~~ th, (inrrualent ccuasisîie othe pria ipm et, t hlb. s lsid y b o n d s. 8 27 2 W 1 :4 f f, a nd Ml s. U erq e t c i re s i îb t mi.r u . 1 ,2 1 1 . 5 1 .0 1 , mi lagib te total indebeda. $01.&448ýe Th e lai e ite uie t-overed lb e rsi lt i gage lien ant h Ie Otira m ortage naIai et th Oc iiovnl. principal ad Internt h15la ltt h. Kassas l'unfe ru a 55<0 ciuie. "y a diee ueofthleCataitlautinta Cuall atsaiet îrivefor the prutertl va led at a sanvuwbib woaid ylid 1te2t» ouveruie na'l oîy 2.5ý0liti0 ilpon lie1mes. ty à aom.wbat ronipicaed iranairtiuu lh* <o ,rrnm enl se ,vur il a it a îiv ssî t 158.8W ..11i (M0 oserad &bu" thlb.sumrain wblheb.cout~ hudiOed an te usd tprie., oad vhel th@ rcorgaaaius n ijIiteboitiderlsred vW tO e m a i msu mw h w al t e r m u it tujd l fe r priplfry Pleavaant of justirceSBuilingl. IsidentsiIloiry dary t rail ta thlbattetîCion f Cuagresa lbe condition nf he protestt buildiag& .terupieil î;the lîeparlobnet S Jusii. Tbe buiding liii-ocrpied hi iitu paranutaîri datisuai, ndorsolti for 9a tu wbichb t La pal. Aà,roper regard fthelb a l ity . î o f t a d o fi n l a .i t hl b . 0 cet. and ti eltaicrnld) ju.lirthelb.as- penilre or à 1îii,rnai %"sfavoueritla ta hé e r e o t l o n o f a a i ' . b i l d i n g . l a t i e r o m i e - -in i iay Ilkewima el-ie si) theiaadequst* ncsmatduoia irtIiici foi titi daPrui Co.urt l ta'plt(9l. Oir n .t th ou tah e. Pl inta i F url fe P T . p o l i a r ie o ft hlb, r uiry sd ra ccets ' w ib . u l r a r d i t i r y f r o wl h . l bl>w u t a e u v a bI b bo eiit hn d O uî l . e ip e b d- tu,,# 0f lb, lîotl,inte t.psrgtin ibaie » U jit ip t W i l b ra -i f t I tud a b s a b u t t e S l a f a t. i l . b t, îe s î.î- > s îîîiî , ýd O ur p o a l i l a m i . a ca fri as tO i tO Y r liîl tia n unr P oe sîiitt T i î.i Oï ils uit Erîea i tre ai :b.. .i, .,il .s o1 t .tiiauiera X.lu Iid pThe o. lrai1.lii LotîCao a'-]eSePtibUBi iabr.a ,în l . >.,sî i. i 1 Or in .it t. '715ll îitu s l. ,î g f l , uis l .iail re a n id av a l f ra u ft heii 1 a l-I i attaîl a r.qtlreîi s eiO t l = s .vrl15 o a r - re c ullp and tr: z lu lt go T h O Otri a A ýItIri l aos ai t b a jiotusptidailOili11ti-hif zpoiriezbSd -u C tsii bo o sîili if,rt'.aad tafi ls- 1 i aoil titi lt'nii. en-vitci atera& 0 .yitI. nu isat t. tsfu rt lio ir de? uniîrlîs tit. arîst.inotl lborces a li 5 ts. i- 11, '. lt ii td flo u y tr ua o rt * ;'I. atiwid oi.tdhe lia ai lb a tN r l t as;îliIe10. he . f * 'l',i tiat.yî sis a; arieut ap- L T h - - W. Itt .l teS i e n d rls p p e f h i - itiitll-.iîI.;:), .a. ti rantils- jtiît'st.Oi atl athb. ,-iet srîur &N le oio,s.rflts r <iefor Ya-lset tbesr, al Cl sI i iu st Iritem tif u-Ito l.tni*t. t1 to . in it a v arsissî - d au rsa m .d . i- N.O2 Tie bcls.loîi alavdanu .. r. tf 0.i't 1_ I-W, 1005 iol diple4m îstlt'irlglt t;" il osuod flu ltavll trisOtrf r If'.,i f lvr nlafl 'b bts ro alîoti i l.ro Etiildc k~ ~ ~~ i lb 00o anscsd t rtsaîsIen..$4.UW.Mf 1 ri..b.. r- riof 04 otnttltil l ib r *-l nt rsir. st .l l .151 ttta li lhiuo . Stlciirlio Isf Alitou. asti ilt savy the i lla lîs- tiso tt.outable focr Os- le leIIft toriteso9, tlulEi. , I tslkf. eclu a i iai,, ,l -iltlt.a,. d ïorilsers ut SAlai 2501 outsca.llt stinlalubavle lbe barbean tîe mtti -i- Allahgo" s r îia t Iritî . . g ,'sic. , iti a s r l a d i ,ts yt It; b . -a n i tta rfî i jt . ni 9 e s u fl - -as e s i o f t r i t s i t i a i t -I r u . I i-4ai1o rssîrs.S.141.s AoJecb. se Adidtinn*a lthIe l.a nLIai. li .a . V tr îý ,- r r v -to b .. p -îa ia o r il a e a u t .. Il M"t Oie ule Oanlin.r slth; rils itha"Me >1 11i lutts rire iisg îear hTbv intll«P- srî~r~ ed 1th..b' 5,1f liP'-2. = . tkfa l ytis ntitt 0. fî~iio Incth. iet la jsr d inim1a-aOn. $141t.,t'0 iNs. Cit.ist uîilliî5se. p-lidi vo it fty ni_.t.s ab ppre- t~ ~ ~~~( îî.ii l iî oftt Mula 3sb1. tiul. te t.tIe ttitel ii 1. t 'sy p iitiu a nis rM t s ntt îs t ..tf 012tt2tl .»i sî.Ahluff t o a iti ltîfSi -. ItJ12,-.9a. Iutlefr lha d o .ars . t loit i itt lal fna rii's Ts I tI i.tteifrui I bal au s 144 t-' sl t s-ails;. a 001,0evof ,vu 4liLil' tM; itli 7n Jtit m3. ltr0 s. blris aw_ i r'l ilt I t ou ry. 'à T-b.-Itii l'slaf tlîile o.9-idur- hur at' i at u t . s-icst' l.2.3ib411144. Th* ru- 1 ie t Isi .lu . od lap o t b i th f av- la* t vîinnîil ii g the tir eerO lil 11,41.9111111,11112 tsg I .t ,, r a ofiaiti."îtit6 nve". oef 011 Ttî ro h. total ireeipla fro li s - î i il ls i îl s t h1 e fi s c a l t y e s r _.a n s O s a and t p2riti , lt. tt its.tIe o SJI0l9 t te 1 litent th-tliitsi yîla 774 T11t ;tiantoT'tio tif III'. o theUaec, ,ýt l'tIotlitl1.tt -in tf 1.e reotvi theLb.li r'n' r if 1 rlse alîsIla relisiioithyabave ne sit iîit riti I a ate'vb Ila l mt zPisîrîl etltlioîtf te. [silisilanciOW li5, sr Otol p-itrcalîilctnlî.al taà su- ri51- tsuîstn-o--dtîvs-rt si tho1e Teur. t mi tlsits f l1 is illipp.as Indianas ut III~ ss.t,îl. tîis h apt.itly bias becs op. l0 1. 1_1,1 b il il . iti it e oe» îraris' il i n eual tO lies-e a)i t iti-vsAls-oi'ft,t ;.e'cit 04 Joue 2:M el, >ta,,fo ta, e î ct" -11,.sîf th, peuple ut vi a l li e i î i n T s t t îl t s n it f o r o lia r P u - ta a - P , a '. 9la h ;ti s a s i l r y e ,t i l p e s 14 liti. i îsîtolng Ibelire Irilies. l 1""»O tts -s î thtlîre .racoimnini Lin z 1, f ths..- >- 5iO,51 ,oit a lîd ofthe0. lIn- ý1-s'Iftb ie lalnrtr theb, e-el-ly of liere tII;z fr...s I.li onlît ofthIe 310.00 tItt" iiitren reid nt la the. ludis Terri- lit. 1)c.uvlocit of Agricultue. lire - ' it- lîe p na h i is s ts o f .t g rl c i ttj r p ba s b e a u sa- -11s, l 0e sI V'e.In h. l -, rsi- baveil h eh5 te t sent lit îîîtsîîy ;îsf lO lc te 1a 0ou1 .ti- a d t'sCosral lentlphefes for saeds. 5 0, o 0 -ta ti p la n t . ib a ai o a ; l t' a i â-f u i t u tb e U M i t a nt ha . ila t-.a n ds i a ll ile f lîr î e r V lew t 0 " 011 Wt riag sîp iilt%1,ls fr tll, ourpiosprodanti. The u t ft r i. î y o nva it il t tab c- î p a rt n ie n l ei. g irM n . Mat OOîti-tiol îîî-isl,î th 1e trIreisaelt-n Or out oîîr countîryaond .) liivsidiîla.f apecte ep.' If cially laitipt,-dti1 o eiIlreg ains. Y' May fia. irhic aritotilerfaiee a'itb te n d th o u i .op ,e lti l u t irijite t ] r l O D S. a e h a-s aur- 1a a lu ta i t i t e Is... -Ct fro n t is c a us ring ~s u oysiiylt'd Tbe lîpartmlft la lS4li'.i litS itiie.nlies.d l titosunnt cul10ma io ut alcAts otihe %t andai.)Olliellng lufiOS 41 lis 1101 rs'gîldia# tbe lads nf the $tete& SM vied dîci.qaloftih, vcouîrta aidt.)el eusiast 1 ith t h e p e p le lu l O In r g a rd . a o b t a t n u i e maut Cour le seeirod. >E» Isrlieu ltiLttMtiliUO, vsr- lib wu erfeelivr, e Cery lsr.J» m e @ . a n n s i a p P pr î r l a u o f $ 7 2 0 0 0 11) b a r C e l ilont grena a l iinetiIted b; 941.000trIMMth. pi-rate.. 4atliso.n. de 09= 10 aai5bava b@Mg , 1 suoi sAnd Oi'llsltsiCsniI) ltat..for gruli