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Lake County Independent, 31 Mar 1899, p. 3

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'l". ý 1 " " .,N . 1 . 1 . 1 ý Il 1 . . . ý : ý ýý ý- 1 *P ý - ý 1 . . - - - 1 1 -1 1 ' -, -,_ . ' 1 ý - 1 - ý . - _ - . ý - , - . ý 1__ - _ -- ----ý. . 1 fien essaff the ethef pres1leription. Ob. virhy TRE SUNI)Ày M OOL -1 ý ta the heurt et ý. __ 1 . 1 do .You out 90 Rtxaiîbt 1 ý . 1 der, e&Yint: 1ý . - ý __ 1 ad laid hie bond en the old 1111111111 111 IbOul' 1 . ý . . Christ * knowing that for 011r own dýa lut ..Father, 11Y hjoi in white. and the 1 hi- took th- villegisr? 1 ___ e 1 1 P,.pbet bath gala]: 'Lut tilt- nid bc held ln I.. .sel tjljýt hi- been to-ed INTFRESTING iti ý IL" ý a ý .,.,ý!,.ý,."ffý.,.i.-.,«.ý-,.,-m unany weeks and AND INSTRUCTIVE ,'. ,;-, 1, ------ . ' liallor by the Yaung., Bat if the prophet -q i an the sens for il grent LESSON. 1 m ý ý i . &.11111 hina"If were hure in judgo tain thing, hl, . . ... bleu digabled. aýd the -IIPPIY Of w@ler 1 ', , ,ý L u N IS ý . given 1 gave ont, and th, ,ruw vvere dYing Of ý,ý, ý0111,1 .fty il, theu: -'l't. iýý,-ry man tg ', ý - , ami Ili. that rebielleth, rp- . ý. __ tbirst. Aliter ni:itiy days theY sa'r a %ai, Bon ýtione Of en Eleýtion cbamet" ,. )1Qr-,ý-,,, : ' i lits ptinixhilletif, ,,ý,1,, 4,a with the child 1 ý, agfliuxt the -ky. 'l , ilev .ignaled il. When -Wholesome Fond for Tk4m« - - ' sa 1' 1 . , belluth again.t si . es rt.iirýl-- ]Il. ,as lis sit-k .nd m, %vvary ý b 1 nie nuarer. il,,, P"ýIPIP "si the ho lýcrIptuIra1 Leea-» Ilm« , _ % ý ,. 1 1 nuit bg the ransoms for the other ellil- - u,ý* 1 t e venue en "id ,,, th, ,âliIIilý ,if the gtOIS-vinlg -rlw i., - dren. For cvrv agi.. ,djail lx- paid leu Nnt a ner,, or i,ý,t,, lu ,,, li;:jlsýý'ýýst es %uffering ,inq, M*, telligently sud Profitabl 1 Ile ,î ý . ý pieups ,If gold; and th, leader eholl be rë- .. lit. Ail tilt- v1n9ý ,if ,lit the nations Or a,, : etiler veml§el: "Send Il. maille water . - thom . . _;ý . m .4ýý% . - i deenied tant of ai]. 1 bave glAken. GO, l lit,. rigt-m (.ý,iiipreýseil into One mour el'I', 1 are dving for lack (if wat'r." And the ý Il - 1 - ILI. (Oak tll(;"vii ý captain ois the ves,,j Ibat was hailed re- ,1,11, 1,ýý,,,it f,,r April 2 give« ,1sý the story 1'.. 1.-,,- mller - . - 1« - le 7 iý and remurnbur ,bal hul ,,,, thin girl, suai ý c Il"-"n, "Dit, tir bu,-ký,tl mhure you 1 . ', 1, in found ý 1 1 - ýmv .I.. 1>,Iý.ti.n.. sponded: Yo s. blue - M * - . - the niercy site sho- il 1-1 me. thou W-tlldst 1. ý ur,. Yoil lire lis the mouth ,if the Assis- ,i>ý1, ý;,ý ý,, ,,,,,, Tlý,,.;-.ýý,-.,gI--,.:f ,-:,ýý".ý.,. ýý un ,- lits ýhanu. 1 have 1 Thir, is ill- lit(' %')"rt'Pms of ravert- - ýý à, .. ont hi- giý ý ,,il t g. I- ý _o, nuit iiire are meure, ,if niiis al fr-h p- the .1o.ilig grenes 7ý inouïe ý. poken", Your i,,,ýiý,,ý. dov. luit ilset Ymir 1 il , il And lie turnud il 1 ilig.. aloi ilý,%t .il,,:,ys giv, ait 1111oust 'na" ' m ,tur .11 aaoud ajýoot voit nuit hissaireds 1 ', miaisty Of Junon. The 1 ti _- I.-aving the ald el. ,;:ý, ,;;ý1r,.,.r- ,,,u.,,,,.ý 1 . . . 1 . l'lit lint daring ta , ý,ý.II. .i", of destitution ý ,if ,.il , inunk .tilt tri-nil'i;"ý', ý fect duel).- Ami týuo thuY Illý-lIillýIl ,, ,,,ý, !;r,,o;,ýýt b-on %voubi la, .bout 1 % - e I ý ' - à ý Il 111,ýl.!:tt 1>1 I'1i:;ý,,; Iq1ý- l'am". 1 ý:.ý - ' "" . ,il, 1 t' a 11-111 Il ; thuir iti,-k..t, .ver lits, side of the vul« . I , ý leur ýI0, saine M - 'un, ym :,ý, 1 .... i 1, ,lt-ý i Il Ili 1 ý """ " 'y 'ï 1 le' " bjurtion ta bis ta.k. ,j 'l .rý;, ý ý !:j, i - ý - tir 1 '. lie ontinued.) ' , eu , , 1 1ý r ,ait 1 lit (.ait oniy j .'nd brouzIst lit) th, cienr, bright, frumil , , ýruvifixiou. The place, ýý Il il , .1 il, . 1ý1 ý1.pr:,1Vtl'ý"T __ - - ,ý si mal ,ait have huit ta Innu- ý m oser il lit put out the lire or thuir thirst. 1 ý Il: ý; ', ý.I,, ý '-' ,ait. stoue village. on 1 1 1 i ,_ . ý, . ý; , ' , , ', "n", ', ., . . , "ý -,:t,,ý',I«.o of Olivet. north et the ý ý !,ý .g,::-,ý. ý,,IýIIuý.aIv finanes. -Ilist a. the ý Sa 1 bail you ti)-day after a long and lier- 01 ý 1 177 ý THE TWO MR. SPRINGS. ý ,ý,.iN ,ýs.,,,,v,ýl:,sh, wlg,., si.la, lie ri,[, domn. . lis; a. )lits arc for par- 1 il ,,ý,,o, 's ý ýý _ . e' i' ýýsiijIý-d with tig-garde» - ,1- 1 . y Iidjong, Wit lit, il, Y.11 In m ' !,':,':ý".'1::i'aý'hi,'ý't,ý.,ýý'I'ý)r ,-mfort and t Irqt- Il 1 Iý 1 Fimiturity.f N,.M..c.n.eeconfunion - hi ,,,,,ýý«,ý,;,,,,,,",ýý:,::',,-.,""rr, 1 t la allant two Mi" Il emx-: , ýý ýý in un 1nf."týy Regilla . ', d"'vn , , ternal lire. liait 1 amk Yall What tg 1 fi no . in .il ,ý"erlY direction, ý . Il-_ ý 1,ý,-.,ýi,1 ,-,"i';,ý .ný'l"'tsý"Il,ýý"' Y'ý' 'lý',,nnu.wYiýl,1'ý ýIý,o ý- ý I,1;t .,-It""Iýi,ý;;,':ý: Il . / 1 - ML: -, , i ý,ýýiý eut. -4. a ý *- %an , 1 --er th(, . truck ý Thure m-cre 1%,lo Inen of tilt, finme . ý (if your going in that t:ath n 'iý'ht .if lis,- 'ily owing te ,ýc - ý 1 1, - - ___ t,,iil, 'i'u op di.-,1raý,,ud, Ytoi obridge 1 stiltele'm-ilile ait arotind )-ail lm the dePli, 1 ;.,,ý,.,:ý.ý,ý,ý,ýý,ýrý,ý.ýit,,i,,ý,.glkii,1,1. There is still a vil- NU# ý 4. % t . .0 aine In th(, Twentivth Infautry nt il,, pathetic fWenu 'if yinl aliridzv there. and You gel 1 - a of ('o't.ý3 syln- a il. .if ,hich tg a Clair- ,ý 4 . 1 ý,,,ýi.,, ., ,,,nhr,*,,,',, ru...Y. 011. Our huck - - Kuys ih, New York told ' -'u. - 'd lis -parkling il('(' ýMe - - . _ýe 9,111111) %%«Iksff ý , 1ý Il tg for st.ý,-,11, ,alling . ide' dits y su , c Il r( ii, Il large .1.ý('tý-t s l 1 r'Il FI Azuriveh. The ', 4 1 ' rusa. OU." halling front .Niaggaubu- jjýt hour of gliffering Pr. , y t , . liait drink and live forever. .. WhosSver ilsild, the ('reek form 1 .. - ___ E l uaa'ý: i ;".,;",ýý.,:,ý';' _- lis this sermon drawg Itýss,)", ,if Colu- . , 'di, ,ý0. ý lit, Ili hitil voulu DU . 1 tomm sctim, lm a sergeaut of Company 1, white fort for people in tn»lbIeý t,.xt, 1-1.1. ,Ç,.N.. puy, or you have lost yon, po, ketitIok. Or ý à, il take of the water 1 i: , ,ýs 'Ir .'ait .'u.. ..(;.à ý - - __ - -ý------- -,--- - - - - ----- l the other. a llt-nitsylaillau, tg a private :M). -%NItujý .1,.ý.1. herefore bail r,-,-uývsI ý'-ýlý' dulator liait fail'.d. and Y,'a Rre 1 al ife freely.- 1ý,ýil,.*' Il was probe- . rr h;";.ý 11, hicit (Illý%illl'icit vil.--4(ý r y freudo 1. 1 refuse to In company il ille viuugnr. Il t throvn sibuani cod. NN',ýil. tr,>tl,.,r. yýý,t 1 , "' ",r ý,." ý,ý,ý,ýiîýý" Thi, peuple of t a ý ontinue,11 'Ir 111 1 refuge IL , . , "Y. ('brist om , Divine Fy-pathy. b', a Iý::;u_ , si F ln . gliiint arrived al l'lie brigandu of Jef-u.nlti hnd donu lirt' '11 gli'r'ý'ýýs ("1ýIl'n ý Yet theru arc people wh- rPfllýP ne point lait-of course- ' -hiý-b tel lier .hure niy caPtivitY, ami 1 solk thut Soisti after lit'. r Illig AN Ili- 'j"d", hl Imsde a .iclial. Dl vi ..Il, .lie ta, purmittud ta go belsu, willi thi- 0111 NIontauk Point. ývrgvuiit Spring t)(&gan their mork. Il m%1, alino.t s,,I"I""Is. al 1 not the binise tri m Ili( h Ili. mtoppeil or I11ý' 1 ý ,ji, ili. IgIt 1 ý.ý,ý,iý,,ý-l'ir.1l'.."ilý,ýIlliI Il art, triditionallv kno, Il "rps . II ,ait ai, %viiiý,li lie rad(ý or the Isat in m hl, à « sela 'S finit .t;il,,,,rt Turkl riadjud ut Steffil . 1;, .ýojotby. nuit th ey try ta 1 , milieu man, and bug a rang.111 trous ail ('bris- g letters froni a Jsus ivas ilyitig. Persans lit ,riiiifixio. ý ihýir -,is 1>,tttWm. and drink their own the torilli of lAzaremb. and %-te ;tl.,,It t, dron tissu off, t issus for il]*- -il who haî- 1'..,.l to gel I. -ry tiatterins, . Il, ý.njjd. Il, livd in a barra, 'd 'l')Ils4.; I i ... ýýrar. :sait ,arry their 0 n bu 1 -as th" b .... . . . .... il or value - 5in Blaný.ls.ý. ,ith :1 ýlýrik" ,hu could uni ' - ne ,hildrl, -If, 1 . il k,' yolitig lady living lis .a Kniail Ileunsyk oftet) lilýgý,r-.,l ait front du)' la diO . 1-r3 I:"' ý ý hi- Il il. loiried hl si borrom est 9,avu- - rdens, iind -,,,ýu-, is -b-,nt,_ýI- @train, (larttil forivard aloi dong r(Ili'd - ""' 'lit" ul'-ý»ry- 8 for illy. 1 a town; t Il 1 , F. x t , il ý unsilli un'ossi 1 t1oft yonng Torkodj prinie. ý to;,frtiý-fbini il# I;jný a. thure la ait-- nt t bus - """la tilst) express Packages. lx.ggiog. ( ursing, bat Chri. ai 1,in .1 ,,,.ai . 1 ilwir lire, instend of bel'ng a triomphal 11,111ifi. ations. But » ý haustud l'y yenrs ,If lnaitr,,;ýts.,."ýt. Vil. only aile soit of i-1-1 lit--. Ile leiýý%Lftl Ille'di i tnari h front vilory to victorY. will lie a , , -1 th kiis,... .f the t: lie luss welcolue ror posud lit :Ili k-ind, of lier. vet lie ý . a. l .1 - . "x o-, t, 11, loiation tic the village itNelf, thecn ri I. 1 - b" '. ý 1 , il,, Il'i.ý'ti.,Iý. 1ý1 11 e 1 V% 'Ilowld i e l Irumle.m, pooly (.-il flogged. il, lient 1 Ia,0d;ý,z ait from dufent ta defent, and . il olds. (il silo - , - - -- .t. .ý":.(,.,rit t .. At the saute lime . , 'outil 1-1-1111-ly 1 tit,% iiink, lilial sorrender to retributive 'ing: ,,,ril us). lard. il lm my brothurýl lits our ai nuit, ami Tt' 'Dit thi. Maiter hein, ,...,.,..,ý, - IV I;Ost big 1,;.r,. lýal'lý w in tilt- moriting, sud il. onc ý Expl.natovY. ý sveary Ni y . j'rivale Spring IV 1 lied In a ta ý11ced ý tell . herl, lit- could gut 11nYthilig 11, s'at ý ,Iilý,',ýýt,ýr. ()Il, 1 ,,i.l, 1 could to-day gath- 1 Gilu hiv, ta Ine, nud 1 %,lit biens thy navale a. il .hoiild cuit. 1 mots the leader; 1 as decIdIng liant lie n m . Ile ,,,,Iilýl have belli pl- il The firt thiriý-0OI, verges of the chistp- Io ý sI,ý.u.ý',i:ý ý,ýý,ý ýl;,s, .sýI t Io - tur, precuding ilý(.:,I...$,ýti joisnagp, »hould te ho forevcrý Wu arc the only ,hildruil rit (air stionid lie the chier ituff.ýrur." tiii:%t tic allie to charisa al a distance r IIfoire ilight. in loir Il ý lui illvy lire 01.1. Forgi% en.-S. of 1 lie spolie cartuest'y "'Il ý"t'ý'ýlt enthu- ý '. i..:,t.ý t..,ilý,ý, 1 s and bals--. :ý,,,l 11,11, 'Ir cial failure. ý hecauxé a 'iliissaI husettg girl was writ wil,ý1-- 1,ý,ir, ihe neight of 1- 1-11, hillig 1,I.,,Ilý.il-1.1 Il final, did lit- alla. - ý take thuil, right Io the fret dit a CYLIIpa- laniseliold #Il Illo il) affs . ami. ni 1 li'In or don,-tiý ;1. . , ppointnsvui-, ,Ili ihuir ýhfigms, and just of course tarai 1, rt of thl ntudy. The ý il bis 'Y'% ý 1,411g ti) hini In a loirtiCillarly ff4'ý,l Tu,'ýu1',e -,ýýidiI._ý ta cal- 1 iý..ý,ýrf;:rtn a illirai le ta gvt illonu, ta rjî,t:iýyofls ' -, -s is u m " , -,ý,pit- ,,ai a dii1lar 'ew Tes pa"Ell'. 1 bat rý-V.ýllg,- Il- sur ý kiasni, in a low, rieur loue, W,, )f t'n' injuri, 1,1,.ý,,.,I. wi"' pitl(#ý' Pri'n biset, (,si thos, Of the youiz Turk. mha traiuý ai,,, Ivanting ta k1low if thure loin, il %ý.,]..iii strke u11dý. t';ýý ;il . 'rt..Oly 1 enchs. Gi- .ai- 1 - trýIili.-ri" - fir.t issue il, . oil del ...'l - j b, uXv,-aý-'o , 1 >11Z, ,, pivalins .faut . i thizing ji-sas. Ile t,,,,k th, vintgar. Nana lis iiiiiii allianst J'Ilv a ' ýher il, the 1 1 ... I'd 11, il, ns1--lý re.puvl. t soinet1ilng shu enuld senti bina. f Il. , wn'i 1 ,-f og-.11> lý il Sahib after lie il..l b"t hi, la.t loittie, in baoy la better known te 1 Priori. lý;%phadi1n -tl"ý suelsied lit lit. .truck. for ,hi m Ilsli hâd la - * 1 fo-I. i.riiýiiýýss -4 a el ,ý f,,,.té,lili ennuis ,,il . taillent. filthough ý he mure ýpîsee irives te XI 11, thuir interview, with a %t'umk' Or nali..-ati , :"".."y 1 m orldly i is Il Il large. N but i, gaid, llow"el. ýý."%:Y l for lie eI-htt-Il "I'ght Of a lot of , i, , ,rivntinn oj* 'il ,,.a,,,, ino Ili,, il,119114 'If Ibert- N . lahed a, Il, Ilýt,1ld lit V r, l* il,.) Wonj., -I ihirý11.' ,ý:ý!,,i ,:,I,ýý,,:; Y haracterils 1 1,ý If .Dis , for bis l,,i4ý.lý.»r. .. -q , 1.111.1,rIsý,.ý.1 lit lh.. 1 .ý ý 'r'. .1. .1,ýs - iki,ý;e,- of lis, Parti' hall nalaria that fin lul'rtll i,, llllli.sllétilI sit,.gt-stivt.. T hu C "I 1 ý sur= 1 , b I'ý",gs . .ý, I - 1,1 w, - if Il.. Ilzid theflu . 1 I:,111ý'iu-ý111;I.1' ýsýII ritIl Ivolu "'::ýi:",.-,ýý "' . 1ý . Illit 1 thougist j Saphaditu IlIsided .ýl-,,,Iy ami muid lu ait- IL ski... ,,f .jijdý,, lut drap :i rlm ýtT- 1 chalitu« ioit tir m hwh ta drink. bu , he". )le ,.,rit-,i mot, hhn aiso (if '%Ittry and '.ýiiirthýi art- sllslllll(.(l up » ý "'I'tI, l".'i Ilý,,' 'I'bis, s .. rail, ý-,,rr,,%I,,,Il.l..Ilt Il "' 1 a - O !, ,- 11. " ilh ý ý'Ilýý"" t 1 -eorded 1 lit fessi. 1 ,,Il I)iý 1,,,,,,i,,z 1..,Igl,! , . bri't t'a.] .1othill, b'st il plain tup .,*et be- lis , - fut, incident., ri of tilleuls . , si, I.r; hnt il t il' ,,,, a n'il - O t 1 , ', ,ý, , '. ý thi. Il st, thý brallo-r ... .., ze.l 1 Il 1ý, Alui ý f ,ýur'ý, . , ýý tur and tir szvat valut . -11 lit Ili. .11n, 'ik Ile 1, ý:"1-l. si. lie sl.,L,., la the duael ý ... l'bat la the wey ()tir priphet would toi lit sigil her last ilitillu. il ýli.l.,:..ý..ý"Y th, . -liill)glt.N. Ilis body was illat thuyop.ll « ý sharp. and il . ý tuait complet, OpIni the V un , ru- !a', A the mail. r. - a f,ýýiill.. In Ivritv for thuni. 1 1 ný, and il was very ýsu,ýý,ý,-,,, iý-,,ý NACX. huit> ai 1 li si r, m hi--h bail hat 3 et bue, :rou judg, If thou ivur. , "" ling ,i,,ýrý .ait .parklul_ý . , 1 "le :1.. . ', -11 of Ili... -ýi,.rillrýillýkg f11ý,niis:s. givc j" - ,ý,lýiý'IlýI,,-_, 1 fore ), - moveil. :eliutu'. 1 rIl.'tit lilial ' f flu-re lie ony lii! ,ri il ,,, 1 Il as %cry - sir. lie ,uý,, ri., ýsI _. ]lot ilil vinrds iittý'%ýj>(. and ,disill be lier- ,tg tilut lit> :11, i ' , "ý': - I,ýý,ý-d The N'.c..t (hall. fenr that t"ay lie 1-egan ta u,,jlýin, Il.. 1,1111;lklllS'lilllgs bugan t.%(.gl.-t tels tank ilo. vinegar. , tInd 1 ly lins nul Pr yet S,,ýa, id.,iltify inzari,ý with the *'rich, TIo.n. 1ý 1'l.lýi, ý ý% ý Ilad huit'. si or li--ll, Ivt il naw lie iIý-1o 41 ', - ý fý,,TiýýýI." ;,ýýu;ý, ","ý-- l'h,-re svur, ,,sirs that pns.,Iýtl .,I.n,. lie- 1 O the rat 7. ew. Tt illay WL-11 lie. though we cul&- , e Wavell li- .iff. -ýI1:9: Thvn, turnir- I., iN ... 1 ta 1111v'tiolis lisk-,tl in , the in h4hrile of titis royal sufft- r. M -1 ý 1 P;ýýr tf8i. . Il 1 Y c lie are sollue "Ilo will fait back from ,. ]-«i,.- yar. has, ,., ta the ,dd nionk. mho liait - m.qnvr,ýf .I-',,:sIý 1 irvlu "a. invaded l'y 'le %ýiiiiig riil,ýr** ,Itfl,',.%IltiittIt'.. 1,ý,ý:ýiiq',«.t',%IBaýýrkeluDy'. ý, . Itot tIýa1 i. :Ili .il -Il Thv -111h., 1 , 1, thi suijýýIt iulathusickuuing, kiffingjun- nid 1-, ,urtaitil ý t 1. ýýý ý l n"tiff,-rýý,i in the pri.onn ', f the (*brWtiau.ý , levu crouhud lis tilt- siri, Of lis-- galleY m ritur*s previous 1, ,rsý Il hii Il t î 1, ý 1,,1,1.r.1; . il lie montent iliC ,harnurd vicle X les of thuir sin carryiug a geai a infi- inýIesoI id being lie hilisible ,..ttegt. of a ý ý and ils,3 lots dsmng th, 'b.b. >Iý,iII», il. if l'hint '4 m souk-te lie tant pensant fiiniii.v. %Vas thnt of the leadflalff IL pr-id,ýd mille (or finse pciýi1I, l'ha died 1 ', ý s lrok vt hing Nevine'l lit si i..,ý,1, e. . 1 a Pricele. si lit- avenzeil. 'l'hi. alane 1 and At I,11L. 114-iglit tir tilt- taligli. S .1-gen lit ta ha'u il fond ..f tn'ýney ,vi!l. . give thu. hrotlu, il, Il thât wu8 pas.,sug, hi , thl nuld, tue la 1 rqlï ilix loi, - YM, iate in di.uýl,,ýi H. . torever. Ott. that that ruby might flash people lis site Village. 'l'lie tact thât Mar- ,ý1 -a" 1 -ý If tiyý,,,. -r jierve aie failli- -of ta a - contiis- Spriiig vvas witikilit! niolle 1 - IV ,. mdlltl - ý1'dl) ;,'.','..',",'ý'. put the blaik appurel lit liste Vil sl(--. 1 u 1ýIl1ý.-II1 i1ý:"c.I1, nà rapt(! change. * iutbetqér"lmtron lion! Butpe! Mure h th r ý-,nýiý,lý, lansied herodt fioly fi.c. fi', - 1 mil[ Net bila fret. sied 1.iull> : 0;1%, mhun :1 voinrade .-alled lits naval. , , ë N-mi haçf ,#gain ta 1 àftý:r tLat una'. .lui Il.. .hall lx- fl.y amn ý . ' lis- Pair, -Init ('lriýf ilionisi suit takl IL :m . ý * "%%"I,ýýt. hi,. therv' Avak, Pad huar ' - I lier mau alluati of l'lin both 1 ed lit die sober, and-so Ili- vefusd th - - i rua r si tua be ."Id lu tilt. wh. .I. 1 -s-"" T,--,ý,ý k, il.king Il haý wa. m , ,,Il t "' fenr, W ho turn'away trong 1 tl.,;«ý,ý.Ualý,,ýuýà, X.»."ý.M dIlý .-n , ý T'1:ý, a. ndmmfort and divine 1 'e. - -erty nerle . - -1 sIfivvý 1 il,- iýe,,t .hall m ,:iI. Ili., idud fir thýý,,"' , m'ille. Bat afturward they go ta Il cap of your fainily record. You got the bouge are soulpê 1 , ý ý ý . ,ý ,e, . ai, -Iý vour iiaiiiv sitring, toi)?- uuiý-,ýIi %ýitir-;;iir and souk a spouge ri i .ý sid plit il niid rujoiued in il but tilt, chorus, wag gone ., " "' 'O '7 T'el un then. on a bOliO 1 uý: ma ýýý mârk. 1 - 01.1 Ilibli-brand ttiris,..l >1.,.Iy rouil. i t . BI'r. ;. - licard hins. liait nisýwuruI: .I.-Isalluied failstlY: ' 1 this -ffs;ý,uý, mit , ýcM, af'nu, .n,ý. ply p0% l ..11«1ý **%%'I,,, , all, fi linor 1-1 -111?*' ilie si rguatit. . . s KMp.ý . I. ,,.ibgtaiiding that ellirist, ', ,mnet, lit ,,d;,:îhýd ýonê, where Jeans W*8 Il,- 'd a.ý ý. mi, do 1. 1 , a ,ne on - - on il stiik of hyssissil uni] dieu pre-s il a, ,, .... il il. the cr ipl living on the Ilsrt:.ý". 1 ' r ibis fauffly &Ili a 1ý .1 ý - a -)il sa) - il,,(> l'lias, M-11.1si >ou illatit ýlý,1,,,Iil,,Il lit lise ti;h 'a"iliýy 11, hi. >ýý ý- ta I.- nigh hiln. und 1 Watild uni S-I-hadijo n tiý,--ýl :il bila -lits -no, s,,rý "'I'liý.it*s m li:tt.«* replied Ili, 1 lier Ma n. agninst the hot lip% of Christ Y Thi fa, .Il V, o ,,--,ý 1 1 neept bis gràrsý, trudg- in - ', a. bu, ý :ý, nsy falher liait imthur witimait griýý-. .. tilt- üld mais nlI,,k,-: lait, ,titis t1bý- -Frant-im joseph Spring.- the ,,i,,ý. Ivan an nnesthetic Il ' 1 iateraied m as trski., nivay f'om :oo. A coi.1 ii,.irll,- . ý n [lit 'Suffered the lacerat- 1 O' "")th peut for age mhiih aIl NIý,sl,.!o. slý."ý. *'%N*ell, tl,ýit*s issu. t.("" sal to rulio', or duaden the pqý.ný.ý But the glati li- ,,il yonr hsnart t.-day. Onu, as 1 i- , xi ,,,,ýied la hi. fa, th. M",ýlýýt"lllIýd ta finit goule of the comtOrt* ý 1 hm). '-, un 1juilà our frecdom or uvith- Il" -1 the r ý.p,,ý,ýý,arut,;Ims of ý bu tilthy nnub. and for and guntie courtsien ta which lie was » the <Iil.1,t,,ý rowpeil ilsrough the bois", d hl 'bu 1 the g"i">,. ans me dismuraged, and the larr.ý-ly a .tranger. IIII, -n MarY sud Mur' Al ý a, - Iiiiii ' ' - jolded, a - 1 sa ,iN,..f." ed or the rare. look the vinêgar. the "nt Word tu Jenils Of llftzsTul" 9" . -, si - m tholigi't st "" - ' viulg'r m ý fil, . Week op.t.. yoli put vour hand over your sit-hinir liend er .11 , lie laid hin. .bat huit bleu agr.-vd ai,. glatit. ou munit. ý 1 bu .uidý -g a ranmoin ù-r vol] ' 'ri In .,,,., Ilive'ss trie sarcharitil suems ta atid sald- -( : y break the infatuation Des». lie Was nt the on" beyond Jordan ,ý 1 - 1 51 121':'11111lý ý t 1 '*"Iil*lý'. (a' M..19t halo the strong hop@, and (Bethabare) which bail three YeArn earber 1 The ynasig T - aussi? **'f'làaiik., ta Ilium lady, duits art to bu, .et , - 1 - Frank. sind lm 11,11ýlý.Il , .te. Lithe tg Runshiise ,,il a bard. > 1 'lit 1ý urk .euined Io lx -ed ý f,,. ,. ga wilh ber lit th, I.itiIýg ntýd ,.as - ny , ' tjo d the bel ý, et ber mpueý-h. f .,jo A ousand blinda to clail tilt DOW, Yon lost ilaptint (10: 40). Wheu Jeans readk 1 ý lie% of lis( gel lettcrs hoin a gi.' yoitiiir"' pnOtihenicýhismitfi-elnoctohtield ton.81y Biliaire it il the glorie« aunthine 1 ý - f -a say' ne font., Ishotu thou bas*, luit atay ta "No. 1 d0n't. Il ruplied th(- otbur. "Not ZR and the gheils were Ilft amid finor. ,' Nay, nay; vois.idrr thât thix lm t'ut a ý the Ili..,f" ru. .lit il YOU the scelle of the ministry of lolm 1 ... 1 as inally as 1 ouglât t..- .las: .7 ... t beir table. thuy %ce ail but. Ott, you would le willinu to bave the .1 latin t-ýýI--rplhl.,.t och'd' lh'["' tlu' nt' 1 t 'm ni "il to bc ý dýtru(-tiçn. Art thou m illing tu V, mith 1 11111111aval, In Ileý,,tbpr or lis Jantiary, Rtrinl 1 t'le none trec - but a slave in lower tissu a dog. ý ber a,", bX for tht.m,!*' joak gospel! the 1 nuins.- 1 1 Rail nt. Hsalth rubit-und, dây.ý Martha met hilla on big W&Y Tsk -1 (Io. more lisait 1 onglit tý)." subi the trilskets scattered ail over the floor again ta the su thy trIýed"m and go borne 'a haPP" I 01d Hildebrand litI.tý,ý] ýjii, y. ý, -, ...... l. '. Pd Bthazy. Lazarus boit been buried tom ý 1*1 Wili .tfly 1- . ' toit, - fuiýt miih dithi-ulty a"', gergifv-a.ýntg.ot'*l guess they're yours,.- 1 Z'i'ýir ,f.a,.,,ýýy,..Pýrý,ý,-,aygrestii(>nt. But in hen rame to hi if they were scatterêd by the saine bauds. QUEER - OCCUPATION& 'ta ut Mingied ro- ý , trio- l gr,,,,.,, -,.,n.y,,,,,, With wliat a ruthiens plowahare b tijning and of hesitaling failli; white M&" my brother.- %cid the un ý t -rd fer.ard tu mhure Si--phuii ý SI ' balise, and llttered wor, . ý ýý Wn. bere are not knows oit e- . . ^ - -Ir me train hinC, T TIý,-aendigthe reavement rips up the heurt! But jes in lier less derourattrative grief it . t P, up bc annoyancesso nulny What Some London and Parle Wamon m wà ed m, 1 danntell girl ntý.aItily, "and n.thing .bail ,standing by bis sister. Thru the ahi tiade for *ulu," safird,,iitibè.,alrr-tivhaitýhat l'Il 1 vexations, il disappointuient. of lire -urdu that Martb& ,1 iling. .výrp.wuý il ih, about thlytu fYeoufeinengindot týuII Do for a Livilaig. tniliy.hberowtah*e.r"uhta(fornoby lier "inter, and tbesà 1 stopix -,l -il 1 y. man "O cýea"%. a bin, anything new in regard ta bereave- tA ! -il and e) -il the bay tilt lie sMý vu là ne! il sol . t. lie bail -ri u8, ample of the "ultra" type of Paristan bail liged-,*I.ord if thon hadât been heM Jon. t every aime. An Arabi reTlie "dinuer tasteir" la the latent ex- sittured Just the saine uùr- : And an if lit show him that »lie meant ý _md ta lie unable ta sim-ak fur a little, ,,,Illats a go,- answurusi the %las"- n brought leurs ta bis finement. The P&risi&n palette, Yeu Il died.- Nelther et - - 'a . what %Ta. muid %lie weut and put lier arium ' but ai last >aidý atisfaetori- , X,ýr,â,V.,*ýT in.c.,.:i-t,- ai there wu§ a wortu in when lie tant one it 0 , e .1 Oran il Stt sing tale . Iuzarue bail often entertained bitn know, Tg the one thlug Worth living f r tab(elmthhnftdt ninlytabotoriýn1m)[)eâtrentlY, Of th cachai, . ,lien. .hi, only bunir lit. huait -Al si la the sortie briziât. yo cillistts lisait. and :111 was S ff Mârtha did fill- 1 (.1t,ý. _ .m . ù,,d proteus belief in the resurrection, but ýý lowen thani bufore, big face annumin, .. ý ' . t N,.U. ly arrangt.d. exept for tilt- (,ontents of 0 gnawing lis strength ey 8 . 1 ",,ý.0m ud t'Ili 'n"It . r that I* xaw in the market place si t ut ý 1 egapno st ni a. eKv i un y al his haine. Nom, Lazarus in deuil and acording to the Idea of a certain cla» 1 t Sa youinir and sa briglIC 1 whivh bail been de- Part i y suppor sa t sa ,meaank buried and Christ breaks down with cirai- ssrtratns Yi ýrý.i O fiýopeotih)le ewnhjoosyempelueat soufrtebea lire depen" il was a dini Vague boise liant bail no bas- exil tion. Ïhe convulsion of grief shuddering 0 siennes. mediate relation ta ber pr~nt sarroise- ý 'Y ý r,,,mion ut siceper contrition thân it bail t accru ,,udry pal kages, & . 1 ý yet W.rn. 1 Pd a. if a Voieu frais' buaven s'alied ta t George of England Turgot ait the grau- Of bere9vemeut- la win- 1 Th, TurkIýh farine, &'tri Praxist 'on- , m- *There in the leader that will take the .lifter Ilat th, tma Springs met every deurs of bis throne because One liaY in an througis ail the 89PS The --dinuer taster" malises Tt ber blond- Even the glorious words Of Jean%, ýi1 m b Christ knows what il in ta 90 thruugh the ý ne bouses and tante the remurr"tion and the life." couisi M* te ho t.o in silence, and glephen h.ll,,, t, th, "pu -ber of the Lard.' miter IlaY and held il mail excléange. interview Beau Brummel called him by bonne nabiging a familier inniate. Christ ness te Visit the Il multered. Il And yet 1 wa» in error. Il wu. the voie - - - --- --- - --- - ~Taine thy freud Blânellu. white thou ý C ', ý the dlqhes intended for dinner. She moire ber train deupair. Thus there WU toth "M. ý of an evil spirit. Glid il ha% bd thein ail tri bis first narne and addressed bina as a mer- kplnaocwenatwthbaet tinbin. towmere aneruenococtilfpoieudr a and shows the no one in ell ML It du us no gond by nt Oh. my QUEER THINGS A- BOUT MANKIND don. honored ail the world over ..- lie Company of meh a" Y- ' ,la,,ry and marne thon illath. Tant, crying, ~George. ring the bell!" monnen who behuld the miracle, of WbM retînt. Th.uýan-t blims Lang of them-'.%Iary and Idartba and Christ of preparing diables. Are Taiter or Heaeier for Il il g ý .,ýt'g'ý-.t.,,,,,-,.Pr...Y,. -, laza- , mail . ing and il m lit be but one mure tu malle Lard Stephen. why did they not kilt tue Wh,,e Men er pue e enius in go worried over and Lamarus" Four of thens. But where 1 Tbat the be ees la IL Profitable eue il clin lie muid that bis or ber testissils,111111117 - ý mI;ý.bIs,--, and not Illive mi. in ý what ha. value tu th.. Millier. the evil ruI orts %et âont regarding lier la Lazarus? Louely and afflictd Christ, . y be jud by the fact that she ln- la blased bY a previous ePectatiOu- TWO ,n. , "Bruthýr.*' a ý theé and ail thesu telul.r little .ý,.ý.*?" The nverrige Weight of 1 mnu ln the that .11, i.) f.ond ,tend with an emptY a lx ait important consideration when tire Du ous . id:bp 1 refumed ý saphadiw iiiterruptud idin impatiently, latitude of New York ln 140 pounds, of Pr hand. Gold- bis great loving oyes filled wltb team! Obý ý variably rides ln a ent). atudy this narrat ive as evidence. isenhen thon il ttake the ,ro- baille of prussir Reid lis Il yes! lie knows Ril about the lomdi- - 'nt= ý L ta follow thee, for our Lard nevr wallt ý saying: a wolnan 125. sniith muid that hi. lire was a wretch4 ye9, the heurtbreak. He look the In the East End of London a lucratlv e ,-jeans wept": lie Who would commessit sub. men ta kili ench othur for th, sake of an n"s and or no tue N empty t«mbý but now that tho-f art la #lit- l .. 1"ýn"ugh of tiiiý. Thon nboulibit ha ve The average lie iglit of Americans bas beilig. quil thât ail tbat want and con- V hngaj trade 1 9 foliom-ed by sortie score Of on titis verge, seeking ta point out i" va&»- 1 mmron ý rendy lit hought of ail that cre titan didst lead bleu . 7 for men and 5 feet 4 tenipt could bring ta it bail been brought, sabrolisers there are ifuid significance il& eloQueut SiMPUc4ty- ý. ide fering and 1 cou huip tb,'ý. 1 ans ý 1 avv« ) thuto- children. Allah bas perinittud bout 5 fect and unes aut, -What. tben. lm there form- Gateo of the Future. wouien. The Paw share ýhy lut in adversitî thee In live. tu all tue ".L"tlen"s ,if fur wonien. The average bas unques_ Then them la the sournemi, of the denth very uumerous an ell- lacks discriiiii biàty. 1' _ Dot laite the s.rffln.*' 1 1 idy been lotivered by Inimigratlon idal'h, in a jail«!" Correggio's fine paint- il never lack for nation. if net se" 1 Just et listât montent yotinir for th.." iIriN-Ille-'!" the Itallan. ing lx hunu lits for a tavern aigri. Hogarth hour. Whatever else we may escape, that culs. Amons the latter, hOWever, "e The verse tella lis own story. Bebold the 1> 1 bg à Saphadjin. j fal.e prophery. N%'ilt thon go and bel; . t non - ý , 1 ý of sniail races. like canant seil la bc id sponge will bc pressed ta Our lips. 1 nome Who do not reliait the Idea of being Mali! bc coutil discharge bis .bligation of grati- uriOItY tu know how Il ' aiiyiflicuiaria-iienstitnhe.ewliamota- ý ý 10 1 n'l Wh. séeenred Io bave been (.i'Il.ils-ring how ronýlu in Kentucky aud Vermont and ln t Kt painting except Re Th, tamil. as usu of th. The nid monk raised his bond. ta lits hrough a raille. Andrea del Sarto malien *0111etimes bave a e -un- art 'a un . ook nt the chil Ililin(ýmýin. wliere tuant immigrants th, An. 1 will bêhave when 1 Ca.. to die. Wheth- brought tutu personal contact wit c:tvc,-siàttnral or 1 d toile to Blanhu - forelsend. mith a Wi.tfui 1 th, grent frusen in the Church of Cie." . Il sieste rock, closed by a atone phistend ý iethod . about 'blet. hl wa. evi dreil round tissu. Tic- mumud ta be dis- are :candinaviaus. the average huight nunciaik)n al Florence and gets for puy er 1 will bc catin or excited, whether 1 will Tt i for the beneflt of these that t e ',upon IV'--t" Siraur dently supurslitioum- wilhOlit lettin.- 90 hi§ taucht mith the woe that liad coule an of ulj, N ait Inch tir no ,-rester. a stick of corn, and there are annovanceS bc filied with reminiscence or with ariticil against the olwning tuait ýeticial vengeaule On the reut. .palle agisin ý. bila. ces as well as in Plition, I connut RaY. But conte to the pawnsbroker's agent exista. $lie goes ,Iwuing was probably like a loin, dont »M 1,1111alles art- snmller than une peo- uni] %exaltons lis bigh plu . several limes a day tu the pawnsbop a nivre baie in the ground). The Jem pleante "Girl," bc muid t. lIluneh«'. -1 bave Of- Blitiý(-Iie. meuinz bis insibility to rempr lu jud are Keiduiii fat. on the allier IONY Pluc-", shomin-, that in ft great inany [loin t 1 must and you must. An officer fered thec lil».rl'y. and thon hast rcfwuýd ý ,_ -_ ý orld will knock et th, with articles belonging to, the buhful ý alays buried their (tend se when pomal- ýzjZ-y ý 1 er allait have (1, Il Ily fit;u. arc the souirs greatur than th, trou the future il. 1 lavegaid ' tissât tby br.th ai,, 1 t.ýoI. Ili. bulot. .;Iy,,ýg grioly: huliljý ,ejItýnarjaIjs are aiso gencra B.,ýý.tý. -When JI.ý,is therefore hait re- dair Of mir heurt& and &erre on us the nues, for whoin abc gels the highest hie radier in niere excava b CM -erg mlavery. aller which lie enuili-boneil ami tenu. .. Zit or ejectineot, and we will bave ta muni, procarable on the tient@ pledged. soli. Of courue il did not guard ataimn but five yt -Iloi - s, father. il lu 1. Thuy viiil not lut ceived the vin, ur. nul wild beants a" %hall lie fm, A-k of me th, lire ami Il',- ý """' "'y" iuoîux1,ni,ý',u "",ary* ' a"", "1'oitý'tsh'eY The blond completes lis circuit Il in abstint tgo suppose thrit a man m-ho surrender. And we will wake sali arter For ber services site reeelves a per. decav. but rallier aga! a W. T. 1 1 erty of Ruy ,Of theme in exhanIr.. for titille 1 ha ,.P ,ýn.ýýýntot that thon and 1 .11t.11 Ili.- thr.ugh the body in twenty-,,o aile- bas alwu3s belli vreil cati %yiiipathi.e with theme autumnal and wintry and verna centage on the amoinist obtalned, rang- rObbe". Since Luxures bail been deM r boule. own and tbo. »huit bave il. The prophet 1 and 8 mmery glories have vanisbed front wun pný.111nably rium maith that gratitude tg like the ýd of part 'a France 'o- iillug ri ,,an,-,ni far thune ,,,,I,. and lu thrt4, minutes every drOls ilio" m-ho are Kick. or that one who bas . u . Ing fh)M a halfpeuny ln the shilling, tour days, Niartha that d"ay bad aiready Tioar i-hlllý-,.. M t thon go mith t,%,-'.," and lungs Vision. We will wake up into a reaIni lis ber anxious leur bent that tg %,.aller" un fertile ground: passes throngh the heurt ftlWayg 1)(4-11 hanored (,:tu appreciate the saIr but lier "'on geldom comes te 1 Net in. Tt lins bren assume Hildebrand mllook lits lojid siom1v. hich bas OUIY one senson and that the "oluul'sý 1 by nome ru- ur. " . ail.1 J.. revitalized. sorrow of those II, lin lire dtýsiii.ýt-d, or that w Mure titan tv(>Iwnee on a single transite- ers ut Jetant. in whom It inerýa-th forev *'Il la impassible." lié- snid, with a dreary vizuru titis out. A (Trop of blooil will one mho lias heun haro ta a grefit fortune aenstam of everlasting lave. break ôu, i fioualizing biograph ý Blanche won murpriméd nt the wny hs,ý lion. miracles lin- a priori impossible or apke, but sh.)k ber hrad. naying look in lits t-ye%. **Hom shail 1 fat-e theni Io Miles a yenr. Ili ciglity- cal, litilltýrtatil the distresu un Il lu m. lsllig London woman 1 Mind aide. that Lazaý a 1 . ' flu'etly: ail. and what allait 1 saý m lien the moth. . - jutra d the But you say- "I dou't want to If thou coultbit graut Mi- lhe lives of ý fnur ycarq a Matant corpusele woold its of listisi, %vhil are dextitilte. The front my pregent aý%ociationN. Another entertir nt any rate iniproh, moupb- - 71101»I m fat - bus Ilit on a capital. although probably ý conid u I )t 1% a vu beetti trealaly dead. l'bel u tics. look the vingur chilly and sa danits to go dom n the stitir4 ce or onspended Immou»"É al] livre in ýtorR for mv nitra, then woul'i i ers nid. lui- for thir Itlililrý-ii? Child ' -t that Christ Iiiiii.elf 1 ghèdly JZ vu Il op; but . m bat profit wmild hild. 1 nul nI-týiirsel ficever, :lait ai) por travel 5.1, kus hini aille to , . ,iipnthize to-dny nu il of thnt vaiiit. 1 don't want anythin g liti living by "1)renking ln" bouts for mulation, and then elther admit a eer- ý ý ton for ,ternity shail lit. tý. ],,,,L on tliý"., 1,or that millier. m reaonably active ma drawn go tightly over my eye%. Ir the Painfui. hilsiness. Site cornu a profitas- assume maille ,mort a = it bc u 1 -me pour cré'ntures Ir 1 donnied il, illoth. And >o 1 mms si) sure ,non forever vvilh n1l th-,se whose cul> la filleil ru lm one were to bc releamcd? Il woiil(l but Wallis about L - bis lire. lie touk were only munie way of breaking tilroilgil LY Wh£ 1 ) lie "al of thi - wà7,'") uillI-s-- more wilh the shnrp acids of t 1 a 1 ý Il m-as ll1urnberý of the upper etreles. Site - laits degri-e of iniraculous Influence hl, train . Il Nullard as if il %ý'i.." froils thon il-[) Miles the earth*s (-ii-cýiiiifer- the vinegar, the partition butween %vorlds without tvitr' Ivears theni for a few (lays, until they 1 jetois lipon the mind ,If Laznrus leading te ý 1 ý . right, [%y. in. bitter for tbosc Who resuaito-il in cltailim." nuit ilsat thune porc >.,,itig 1,..g,,tm inus, tng abollt ,lis ty fauté, Yefirs, just trot. Thir Trencherocas Friend. ing ibis hody all to abrutis! 1 wonder if bécome ensy and Coin fortable ta thelr 1 1411(ilien revivai, or chic malle the whab . >ý make the bitternes. of slavery the surire , huiven led tilt- un. Il tu-ii 1 ,as preachiisg, ,nu, in ,igh « 1 "Neerthý>-,," I.-r.i.t.1 the ýouu,-ý . bons, a nt, 0 Ili eu. in the tirst plitue, there was the sournems the KýIrgk'anS and the doctors ennnot ,..M- a coinvidussre, Lazarus rev!ving nat- ý i (1,sérve à inirale, si, , ri)%% il thuir uffortN, puons] a mixture by Ivilich tl Ownel". ýý . 1ý - il frucly.- . t , 1 .- Bat, Ili lhrcri or tour day, thev are quffi- ý thin * lien a rumb of tressailli ý Torts, -ask the liberty of one of theine ý .%,,ýl now it tg fil,,>. lert tji na. , ( le The .average weight Of 9 Iliali's brain of betrayal. The irenchery or Jodân hurt lis body liait irait%- nt the tinte m, ý bere, and thon ellait havé la ibrue poillids eiglit ,,iin(ý,-q; or a Christ'» flluling, nwrý than ail th, frienti- 1 clin el] the lime bc Lept together? 1. a ir elitered ilie tend) and the tond solmdà, .ý . th'n 1 tri his fac,. snying: _0111:111 -ourse- shil) .f his ýli.,.il,[,s disi hiln gond. Yon there un (..t-ape front ibis sel)arution«?" leully "tiiiii(-(I.'* nuit site only wears a ý of ilinuy ýV(ý-Ibing 1%ýtiriiergi mulote sciplissa z bave huit rnany friend,. but there m"e one None, al.,.Illt,.[y lion,,. A great niany Ilu ir two bours each day. She works Iiis dornjunt senses. Still other ivritestros, The girl humitaied, a moment, and 1 The girl tank hiiii lit tilt. unis and juoked 1 m .8 mlightly legs, hlit, of ( c Raid: . - - - mun tunible through the rates o f the ru- ,lard, %eiýitig that abc sometinies wours ý Of course. reduce the wholu story ta ler ... l .,, noýtIUý,r,1v1,i..I(g si ,w al whun 'Dy mutiler Bers as Weather Piophete. al str'ss« trire, as il weru, and wu do not Lisait; thirty-six different pairs ln a week. i ,ild. With thune épeculations we banni ý - Free my brothur. then, and take niy -.Fi. " - brand, art Ilion sure ili.111 friend ill'on m bain ý lits [lut esppui lire ' pIýdbto thue sa lut lier only son go?- As fors-asters of tilt, vveather hpes Yoli fuisted Iiiiii. You lonnud tissu Illotley- where they have goue. nuit they only urbi Hait a crown a Ili Ir Il% the professional ý neilher the tinte the disposition te tome disnppointniunt. ý ý i -illy: a 11 0 1 f - glooni liait tuystery ta the passare. bat feii.-New: York Journal. lent hl' o pen-ni Nu riý Christian bellem- The Turk- howed Iiil huait mith a look (if , You 1)(,frieiitl(,d hint lis the dark liasse 1 e monk mhuddered nt hor mords, and iitvý,r iii,,L"(. a inistakv. Thuy knavir lire, whün lie uspecially needed a frie : -l have proiui..ýd it. and il .h.ill b, done, 1 es.. 1 """" 1 , 1oroký %Vhat the wealbur for the dtiy will be Afterivard, lie turticil sillon yon, and lie ,le,,Iiý Christ so tilightily stortned the grites - lit tic I Ireparud tu disetisa suehqoeo. kood. le , thongh 1 ivould il liait lieurs :.nattier . 1. .u,ý., lut nie forgut that' 1'hild, ,ýitliýiiit consulting thu dIreetiOil Of t he look advantage of 3 inir fornar intilnatjes. ,If thut future morld that they bave never Keel, Away J'rom Guatemala. ý tiong s'lien t lie biblical narrative, aceunk ý ne. jet 1 ý allait lie freed nt ,,nt-i-." Ile ý ,hild. dont thon ,vidi ta torture ait. beforv ', ind tir markiugs of ilic baroineler. lit lie virole 8g:qinýt You. He talked against 1 Ilince 1, ý,,n clý,,.ý,, ,but. Christ know.4 ~Guatemala le a firat-rate Country te ; inU ta ordinary raies of evidence. seeme . ... iliv tiiný-'l" . Ili. lie mierogeopized your (nuits. lit. m bal il la Io ý v!ýyt hi. world, of the beau- Stay away from," a former Louislarla ý more thon usnally %leader; that la, bu rning ta $tel)ben. hl went ail: '.. thur, in going is, lie rain tilt , will uni Y( h. us more appruciativ, , front a ilomisible alternaý- . "Art thon willium lit talil thv liberty nt l Canst' thon ç-,(-nlw the ni(ýiiii)ry?" askud dong c->"týýIlli't nt You, wlien You ought to 1 y or W ,eh lie m illan vvIlo titis spent volisIderable Unie should not mhrink aâzMer Blanclic in the saine quiet wa3, not lier- go to work, Ili) ullittor ha", fuir illo silu I!ave received noliong bat gratitude. At thnn we ever cosild hl. lie knows the 1 therý deulares. "The Gotrern. , tie exisilliation of a iiiirnele as fronq , visé. 3n Thýu, tu first you s ,et) nt Diglit. Thun t . qtli8iteness Of the Ili 081)h()r(.ý( te 1 bla.phemy. Bat them lm na gro" the price of that -if thy sinter?', Il In the inoriling and if Ili@ ex ___ - luitting hini to e'ade lier eye., froin NvIsivil 1 , ,ýý>ý,, ,.-ý,ý;s 91,111g to lit. fair ;!ýt. lhb-IIý -ould not .1, ' 1 - 'cure of ment la bail. il), eurrency la ueit __ CIIAI'riý,1' VIII. ýý Ili,, shrauk, wilh a .haine thnt e,,-ii the ,ai- ,,,, ýý , t Il )r -il y.ti Vient allant willi a Relise of baving lie men. lie trait it. le kn.ws th, glo- worthlesits. and the ellinate Is ,worfft of ý m hatuver for .ý,ýkiiig sin niteruative hem on. Turk notieuil liait pitied. ,-IsliýIls il lie i , sailli; (Io not keel) theui bu ,il, S or the nlidnight huaven.. for tilt ý ' om-'l ' ý The evideueu lm full ami conclusive. Il 1 The questi-u of the yousig Turk ta Ste- , T , - il .en un Etulig. That ditticulty wili never lie 'y u Il ' Tt take« ail the lire and encirgy out j ..,ýazartýn, t ut honte. bealKi. for thau.1) iiltitiial friends lis y - m"ere the .piiiigiI-ýl cittiý,1,ý, of his millier- ,mat, forth- One of the moM 'a, -now. of a mais Transi the States cire lie bas . triking crises. 011. , ý . the muet draissa lis th-, morning. and if lie k - about tilt. lililei, IX4iIl . f aga Tb ý pilets %%.as put lis a tous, ,if proud con. _oý.hn, us lie id lias ai)ser, .lie Il (.() to the lm-es shike ness pill.w. - IIVIII ' ý-, ýý templ, an if the speaker Ii-,-[,is-1 the lier. ..tilI.huthýý la bitrnt - e in the inatter until you allait 110 twisted thon lait) bis sernion ' tg there a illontil. 1 BPPftk illuluelit.%, if Ive inny nue the expreussitalis, - 1 < »On ta NvIloin il wag adiln-ssiý(1. but ex- ý citer. to lnsský and I ,llo%%,s obont the fom.1s of th, air. They front the dopths of a sorrowful expert- , in the whole life of Jewot. The otbessns ... . il b « . alliends thuy are gidug out -oliiiiig Ili as hn"d', the old 'ordiality will never conte k .. 1, pluted it bc answered lis site aMrina-1 or a',,. lisual. Il la gare to ma .. -y whirred their way thraugh lits diseourie. ence. Ait the iuoney lu cireulatAon le 1 whO hall bcun raised train the deuil h" -:::: '. t marin fr ptmî,hinvnt'!*' Le liste os' go te brick. N«,,ý I vouiniend ta ail suuh the .... tive. , rýuR urtýe'l . t'hl ul'l'molik cOuld but au- lis,, pieute. If they arc loaling nbout syllipathy of n betrnyd Clirist.'%Vliy, tlu lie knoavs nbont the narrows of leav' of the rog variely and there la no ren. 1 been deuil oulv a feu, hourg. and were ce- 1. Not a taper . I., il thrang of incredit- ..... .. 1 - , . 7q, . boule as If they Intended t4iking -.1 d1ty noi titis beautifui wor ** Colint Stephen lixteried milently. like a 1 K il blini for leIl lisait car e2O! They ail "àg will ever appreelate 1 Ili ibis s. ý::: - mail in a dreain. Toit skiait(- no amnwer tilt dis. (h nuit fled. They eut hini to son te thilik Il U 1 buried. .11 . - sas-lic -'u off, depend ulroil Tt illey hilow therc le kindled lis t e ý tir , hy8i- valise, for there un ý the Word hall l"n rIýixatN]. Thun lie i . il ,Ibh,ý .I,,%,." the quick. He drank that cup tu thé il . 1 kDegg. lie died p s no specle Worth n'en- tous and indifferulit jews utffla aboutit., ý ' ,,!,,t,,**, auglitur. But that targuais hins 1 , w 8 irAgm Raid, in a low toile, as if lie were thinking O,,,, tinnell the girl in 90ID9 to I)c 1*11111 ffllll. dregs, He took the vinegar. cianless. il lie died in cold sweat and dizzl' tionhig Io back Il Viti. There are nome curions ta Kve si bât new trick of mailla .!,,ý.,'P --h,;,ýI.-ýý."-ý.av---"iw il better tu fait Soinetluies they vvIli lm- Focu rtiFIiii.ý, There la ahm the sourness of pain. There ne" 'ID heniorrhage and ail thât this Galileau rabI,ý %VOUld PTkýteUd te 1111>011111t.' Pm m d"ply: th e nu.. . . 1, Ilver mine@ in the country, but th y 1 ho have net Selo lu limes past a gond rhien Lazarus. la, hi, eî "Tt ileudcd but tliRt; il loto the bauds of mari or lista those ut hoine. -.il; If lis a " urry, but saine will bc are saine of you w have put hins ln sy pathy with ail the e TiNsot hâg tiItlirý-Il the mene where tbe :. ', needed but thati" 0 . Il a Weil id are not workeît. ýhü.tIy garments et 1 - 1 , lie *lwok lits hend na be upoke; bat the G il ,,, ý notIced liying aw: . By keeping ont of dýing. lie goes through Christendoui. al .1 1 %, This lime the old man - IV tu the t1eldg. fflica day for mnily yêars. bu g nioneY lias been made out of white appuârs nt the nionth et the t$MI%4, Turk, out undurstanding what lie jouant, shuddered vin, storni lm threntrn- droits, and by corettilly studying dipteties, ýthers up the sistingts out or ail th, dent of . Ing, OUL of those fi Men electrical yon continue tu titis lime, but oh, the but tbP boom ln that busr, gropi 'u hi% %%-a%--lbiiii(leti nul by dàrkll@W le - :: -------- 1 i....ti...tlv: lently. and cent on instinctive glanee up- titis happens il hurd na death pillows. and lie pute them under eolffti c1lIt1lrCý il __ - __,:_-. .t_ -----iýý of ber benduches, and the aide aches, and the bis owli neek and bead. He gathers on bueils bas dled ont. though the bigh bat by naddeu nuit dazzling light-out la - - -- -A hru-,k "m"st Iý--lý--ý-- -,Il the Islartacbes which bave bis owià longue the burning thirets of grades still command gond pricea. The the lit, .Ne of denth laits the Worid ot *0 ---- -ý---*I--. The enonze in soaked native@ are about as Indolent a people living. Who cati look open that serva, M > .11-1 _ 1 q. Ivithout the feeling tba bë

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