*1 I -i I INDEPENDENT. Aur 41WOOOtIAN.PaSIihsaS FIRIDÂT. 'pril lm" i:.U..ws.,d aI Uic ca-I cf, !lla1 ii~ t. lo e dc amy meci bea ou@ fotce tlit anîy ofu temrlty 10 attacil. 1i tn every ban: île lort evety Cty; itoCanne, grp le on the tlirîîl politicai eugluartig. te go il t uchait c sure tbst ,oîd ini plan snüpplylug anîd ukini campaigu. Thi.ussri unuceupul(Iliîi, tarril. ofanders this ide, arcb auamy of('b Cri downtbelishiatb; it i tiagu lia: Il ruina thi doorteaper <f lie t coursée, the gadllliugL bbecMasaasili htul etaus riipc, audl 1,11 ardsa dautnatioiî. IU ba the diiian ili lb vîlI sllaieSatan tlii l il ts à 1igblîiuuuînr t. yull cîiitl-u iti.-cii Conuilig o<i 'bnci"* womau <clii a-oluil île liig, lier -oeil'L lar go traîghit bie &Bd icave ler .<ri sud eu.îr lîaîî'lv. ptays8sand hlii, ii".<u1 W. C. 'T' i. migi iîi tilI she , nsil,-' i mueutt fpier uilJ tbiiga but usa firt bbic kiiobo'ige ilCi baud bas beeu ivai Ctiattaiî oib lied. tanks. ctior hal must evefli, Ilt on onir allersthie 'il nant lct Huen gise I victory. Viaiasý truly as 1 lise al illiid iii> îhe g Wheu titat promise viilbe nu liqînoir st «l the sidaevîîridi -MIRS. H. GLEi Onclaime T sli a.aliot if U11Ls<l. i. 1i WheeHilluaf-torl- liegiceon. Mic, is < jiJ5e»urlà. Mtue. CiOlS. lit H. M uriel D. ;-,1 'WaBU"tcId S.cd GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. mrs.Saerman la autboriasdto roelve subscrptlonnsand advattlteeuts fo eIIDZPUY4DINT siso ordera for Job printtag. Cili on ber for rates. M" e ,.food imo iJos ad whulgme 5c' trtx~t iop .CATION. IN MEMORIAN. living at ait Cuivert> Avenue. S. lR. Mnneapaolis,. hînuesoa; ud& number Of gc.icnubldren. boitide Joas..vile 0f hie son miin Butter Markcet. Benjamin Coie Orury. Lakte Coufty Oscar, sud the husbaud of his 4eughe BaLlter oYringli Ou the FElgint Board 1 Poneer. May.whe monta the 'separatlou front 01 Trate Mdi av. 1-,tli.-, ail cold at A ac...-olniCre of 'i tue lnîin'< t hoir lains falharsand grand!aitber. IO~e oficiIt. srkt îu,,aliit-t 211v: t-niwe ra gsiberc'd ogcther ai lth.Aveu i VTe oporatlon for -Ftrugulated herne.' G.-,labol,. 1 iuie.lt ii'olîek la tb' willt wag eteoesry te have perlormed. if maake& teadv. blîittcr isli l 0c"k <'iftern.o of Avril 1 ite, shace luIi8tnral tledear VUnoelBenanansmortl flte vas faut ie.ar 20v<- cr01,11 wu' .calîd,>lb, e ev. S. A. tueavad.took Place betweeu sIx and s Haîrris. lamtor of the Coiîgr-gatliisal!ilureh it 'rt<er pât saven oclociton Mtchb uad i Mifiliîîrn: Whii, ( oeto ie taIt. the 21st lset. Ha tood the oberation bravel>' and Cuele ai- oi<lii sicinbe intihie Nire'ithe letii, ,e ciiîtir of tiié. (otial herocally andcamne out froct endier the lu- market for miller bdilii. for te weur din<,Rtoi Mt J,îhil: wviîcb ,'îîîs: "'lenu itc'ieOfotbclortormu lunsapparent good OraI lime ite ie he eri»*au sot, overr-idîîMailla uîtii J,.cac. Leiif<tThou uil aai. coniiton. Hia Moncodoeeemed tohae dolng wbic thre as ucha laore Trc, ishe, ceebrother hsd îlot,led." i<tvst iltelY te thc Ist: bat i broncblal dlfllciilty wbio tbro<sas iiei afurirc.Tru,-amiel oomtoutlîig uitndcolisilînaasermoin: ucth wlilolc ho, ad beau more or les. the amount ti bc plîrch'lsaed <s otiitew1'o'hl thle t,'aco i i i c'vî're ac <citrouhled for soule yesrc. sppeared te lu large, uuiy euiougli tu iit hfl ,i.1nui do.n liaSo oin <i:siand îîti"anî,caggiravst.ed. Tbeenfeseld onditinof hi, LAaaetta souveiirmcliver dollars a 900d îlaau lite l-alerIti ilan.duit9leaCalen. owlng 10 advauead tears. prevectod p liftingUnd fi'îlîg ilt hein«g able te tîrua filoff! sud ai 1:30 le ordered by Act <f .'in gic ca. tii le AÀ 'iir of îii ie ndul'.dilovait unes, themorine iro! Msrcb80,.11199. us iovod une givan1W te Lafayette to,îiio'ut ('<iii-lii Uv Adrieu B. Dî hil s <l,,gd trltend fgone baef l aeiled. te land ica tu th. mission. te becsîld te belli îio'ray the an-i utonte ariii. itot i iaiti lit lears goîîî' or.atrfuu antUp &vit l exeue fthe l.atayVeîh. tîmonumeînt hi'. ang beaîtill iol<iii w.aily ui 'f iit asoele Ststlou. the Immorlt eprt ut erpeues o lii' olsi lîthel' . c"" tîîort.'eiuyloib ils dear davotcd tonle. and tailer. sui te bcereced ii l<aris atalretelît frontu l.'îaiilîît il'ud diBl<l- ii.'crandfatber. sud Ille long tricud touir tba Ametiaestlii Fratie i ilY 4, if ie'tt A bn rh îtuu iî t tlie iceeînry ot hi. Uca'-. erofTîro ac bad urtassoed t "ors etarusl.' Jear, bas beeu set fori i<YO11 iiiofthe Bo"inauî, lî.lic.iiliic<i kw flatta i ritalion iinîîcla Becitacu prisremed0 laucole ualeng sava e 'i alatesinw là iaslv to i. *b'iarlilre u i, Hesa<'îîly attuarec " ilittrblng bis aound aith lis baud: tolit bav a patal utiitaitclilit 1<1 wilaîlveraîl îe luli.ts iipew. Lîlain Litil<). t ha iemuettîlotscratch <t. be repllcd «I icI beou fuliy determiined tpîî. orfi lii"tilliliii'l< <olîle standîingi1t'y t'< von<t uratol if, <il righ.- Wltb alles lotesil ___________________ iî'vard ea'i"< viiii ,'îiîtl ii.I j.]. j vbll 1- liapsparaitacleep.h ,haacobricelifto(i Theeveitéof he astwee, i cu. .ýnain; ad wý- is llý iiiIs tol,<,'lunInngprayerfto tic 'Tirete Th eeea t hapstsvek l ee R'acijt cii v' iariii"t Orsa." it bîing e@etallY racsembered ncinwtb îlier 1tîrelgu reaiîons, * til titavtioia iha aak,'da ileaalug for lhts son ÀAtt lieur bave beeu calcuiatete10 reate <i feelig Anothr 'tillii41n.t urtrpsi e of satisation i n îdîoctîtlCtlion iAnd aloaa ii,, ." it 1h iîîî6' I 1 lîcL" il ogîi.nG fbils sîlendaccta circIsý Auinado lis beti diven Ttl--pati wi'l r,'.heshlia. Ilout sandl graatied wtt a firm igrlp, c c . ,tayht'. wicy,. Wil. latg t yon?« About eut o i u culled ocapital sud lits firetheia i li. 1the nghlng. Il oeioci of thistelst evenîung. bis attendants aryboe i noscattered bodies irýe,' <c, and th,- ««j i,. ; ulT,'reihics îîoirialcenh: le look tac or ulc ue eeatr broskurlés 1- mtethe luto lthosaPoonfuis and was aked If lbt aould bIcb@41men t b nrettier flye as gu erillsatrrt Ii,le i't thel il.* lite clore. Be antatreit 'Y)s'.and havint It~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ asU u tscnIety xu'e Fe, r ii'iI.ai iIsielfie Or tbc tl oosfni Mcc. 'le se.64 Ibat Aguinado yl sava bis earcsa by Her,-fic the f adlr ia. ii" i,g. i«ct's aughi" Ateriarclathai'gave bics getn u o mrenjuritidiction "ho i-t tsui efoîitll wiltt sa11111. tîmlant. tiliîktig It cigbt revive ouIo! mareanTereanathe bils iveýrla.tiuc . lte.Aller takina tac or Iliroe epoonfuls. && tbe lIret opprtuity, if lie liasut The ,tycite sa it'îîtiti gaies.î sliet. 'FbsTt'illdu.o Hi l'ad asys bee a slready doue so. About the îuiddle out Hr' are thei- Lucbt geialglitait. trlie lytemptie t îu <alii rebisted ishlig the week thare wat .etuch uoliatucs 1'Fhe igluast wlilithie aiitliifaniis: timaltcita 10 the' alt. Askeîl hether he btlloaube o! tbe uys tpat A Merloucand 'Flîra c,, hie c(,rian sdt ýil arn, w<osa sY Pain. lic ascaend: ".No.-Bis Eugl.ab aarsblti a bd lrad îîu soeaof Tfii,' iouo<' hat1 lalie Col w iililti.' tst ot rde aira: 0e-s!' Oscar! utlead the nalives of Surnom, slin 'sere * "Hire h- the ýi igel. tle %i it. about liait a Miniute cart. Could lamsao the cipéetl uporel yth Grua 'lie hoes 1ha1t sa illier-t',. daci!boy aîicgalalu in: and gaslt hel< ~ppaeiiIy snpored b Ibi tiamn Thire lethie hi-seiltîlon. "Iivaolia'. <aho, saltu lesd lis dsa ather oflc1rilastera, lest tbe mil-up cbould . T're teisti. and ltsîa llltiett 0f tov." * i, tee savitur th-trauiirettive tlilt bi-edie- lsi Io trouîble aitti terutany; but 'lieraare tihe hert-strlngt s ié-mblie. <t chel o , 11h1 zu,1 d dfaitîfai Iti" a.lo! troubile, it sectes ltkely Ibat And belaliiohccgtenligcrod r nul: flnlit)teloi yLr? itWIla eaëtaatr tagtu- Tuera lie tongandmiithe oîcsl..ii, Whoeaut-1. c.. 1* vii esalu a.,sistetor sîaiglau And lucre Is Our Fat ber aud (loit." tmg out of tbe aboIe kiuky Saml)u 'ieatcbelasa u ii' opyAles ftîr Éliteîli,(, nevuar tact business, as repremiantatlves <f a l',alug tribale or alecilolli.1ta the mortel 'h'istslbinelît hro'cgh [las cyîini',o tree,a GOrmauy, Great Bttsîn sud te (ý 85'rinil<Ofuthlit (leur frtoin d iwghbor. Who. hiiiieas. lays bis «tact asy. thethre prtis t th tratynule;anîl 1 lent.-rie ulil (iil «itiu"mtler eatlî." Sur look-too -ti-'tIciraking «<ce lb.Ibta prtis lie tual im tritnîîi -uc'. il osa. Airos tlbe'moîrhfiît tl srlays! wbîchSsb 8110 aslbeeu governed tori' lJ, icBanjîcc es aaamortirthe taiI of the Wiîo baith net lcrnad. tlubolerof !failli. soMeYearsc have agrec tetotileappoillt- Oui caIlera of Lake'Uiiliî.lavîna el-ticit Theiitcl. teu (oshîcudituseuna. ment o! s Joint Hlgb Commission,;îîî 1848. two î,-,rattar lis marriîga.un fil.,'Tlîît DLaiccver Lordof ethmi. tinrm rou, aili h- hba tuaI radîîsl«d'to Ailcs <1e.îr<oeIscl. tcoitted 10 rmaeauaarsof t<tith e '-iliîehr lital* aiaiîdOlSidS'i forbb goarmat o lte tuos asr liaon<4. UaoI.'d. huu-rad aud rat "Ill iire,tIl 11w le "ry eu'rt. istaLda that grill be permanent, snd fIl caed be,î.vejb une Whobi, kîa ics. He Wa heusr Il àch sud aii. la hoped, sattsfactcîcy. ii<d aiii iiarc.is e <atî<iirtals "en hi' A.<101E 0<thos h ccir<l eucecei 1 îot:alicrî skutavu ah-csptii Howeve'r wcsentcîl;h ______&IIails "esrtly leiarlcae;*'un' lislnom,îa 're>' lhrong"lb,- <ileelo le brasaI. W. C. T. U. NOTES. gîîanetilit reward. LongîcW.li îiessaaii W" aac- thece as or t ors. IlAvt FATII -4 01)'mýorlau et «in filtear lii th.. iiailrt. o riTe kii<d, tii,'brava. tti' tne, tle awe,.t. BAill FAIT l!t 00. tio' i lWo tli'a hlm ,et Woai h te oe An orgaizaîlon boreuoil tei a ii. IB,'UiuictlîCola Drr,. «ut c 'ru lauLitcI- "Whrd luk the harno ,' i. vins Impulse muet boli t sesuily 10 ta fildi. B,rkimu,'r Cîaîîl. \ew <i rb. WhTi, ht e the b<ai i dci, origial pupose r beoîne u uttr (,Ii;i.ýcnleov9. Clu i iu orm a liOf Pue. WThe hlmeshave ai t o o lte aud outrigbi failare. Il wâit5 favorite wulîlitIîîs ite anîd ftuiîliiot rou, $Maliiey tolleneit avetruon; oit oftIba Cruiitierli. ' Ibi- bittle je ohiidî, '11, ýBatavia. ,eîieaea (toiliti'. Ncuua 111<. h. 'tii, gond to Ilut utfliieni. UMolours but (God's." Ocly y faill t 'c oitrk ien' le 1lis d 1fi'[ittcai yc'aa; outil î Wiîtiî W"-are troallie rc' b al htin lau, lie gala csîîSittai, is ially rtu ThaiiîîI Ulu, odît talcouhasei,'i Îrlugaîbhe AlmgitvlPocîthe tled, eac uO i, inkbt' i etii BîiTaJî. <aer,' ihe Alihoiigi<hure sec aunoCir"' temperance scîtue ell oe te sin lu tu <mifi ia'liî.tuio-ai'thiîd on a Mr oilk au<cOect îicw ibsir figbt. The liquor trame talethe ftera nl iiki er <about iîîîîfour u[elsaleMiu tey he aanlared lucre. haviesi nîoueyed îiinupoly on tt iîit!hey a.o hei gît<rI'thîe rositTii oliothet,-s 5-ra îlot me bhard, cotiet.f f" ilin wthw l lea'dilli oilii tfronlt La.îiPorté'. i thir <ot- Vi'iircver t lie meîet,îr,. coutiiaul.il Us itîclion <cdli alebi îff.andulaboit a ilhî<i,'i,-refro. minILorrain f'l a 'utl1i..' <ci- i ,îî iiit location for auyoua Who wisbes te mire theîr huoernel Grayalake. The attendance at the oiinrch lest Sunday w»a tbe largeat that bas greeted Rev. Predeuhagen suc. bis comlug t0 Ibis place. Mr. Bentall will 1111 the pulpit ueit Sundsy. Jeirr, Smith snd sou Lyle bave movad ltob the rootus over the drng store sud tbe bouse vacated by thent la oecupled by Mr. snd lits. OleakI wbo moved Inlut aIMondai. M»r, . W. Biglai weut te Grosa, Park lest Tbureday te visil ltb lir. sud lMra. Clarence HlgleY. From thIera she .enî 10 Wadewcrtb 10 belp cela- braIe ber motbar's.7tb birthday. Geo. Adams lut week reealved s check f04200 frein M. W. o! W. lu psy- ment on bis poliy e!blcI lu tbsl order. This vas due hlm on secounulof bis leg belug broken recenlly. This order payea laIl ams lJomptli. The reasut o! tbe towushlp eleellon lut Tccsday was as follows: Super- visor, L. Carlid; Towan Clerk, E. Adamis; Asseasor, Heury Edward4. Col- leetor, J. F. Chrlisi; Rosd Commils- slouer, E. Doolittie; Sebool Truâtea, GRAYOLAKE SOC (Tits. eegL A. FEULOII. W. a. 3. J. LoveAzauen. Seci'. 5S ROSIS %jatter. Un. 1W Order Ealer ta! meett dth lird Tuesdatcevens las Cnsî Hiotnar. W. a. liens JaM i l l. sSc y. ftRAYSLAKE Camp No. 1341 M. W. A. nmeet ~.Second aud trt ha urday evenînga nof aach monh. JonN alHisTIàu .lrk. COURIT OF1' ONOR N. i" metings t an su rd Saturda.ye o o i o oth. Mas. V. Buoz.. Ie. MIPHCamp No. mtiIi. N. A.mIeet second anduortue"a v-ngseaab conth VSe. V. Busesc. Oracle. Mas. MARY G. MoaatIa. . C ONGREGÂTIONAL Church udymr vilIPS aM. ansd 730 unM. pme~ejimfet- lng Wedneccday eveuga. '. P.Sa.CG. mnet Sundsy aevenîngs at ô:45cp. in. JunIors moet Sinda>' a ,. nm. labtiatitSchool tilts llav. FMEUE)NHAUZN. Pastor. W C. T. Us . teateings .very t-ru Las. E. A»A. Prm. Mas. FI.oR&îc Lu as. lIe. 8-e R tI'KEFELLERIL,duc N.titi. O (0. F. meetIngcs lad and 4 Thurtdaî'a. W. I)OOL1TTLE. N. G. A. MOiLunLENI. cer. GRIAY BLAKEdLodl,; M. W. W. No. i6e mecetings insudi.<Frdase. E. MOOsi, W. M. Miqe MA uns JzTSaas. <cy Villagfe Offleers. Prceit .....................B. Shercesu l'rucec . ihrF.Bteaa ('CB. Ha, '>. Dr.E. F Shafler. Clrk ....E. T DeVî, Trc'oure Il.Il.Nasille Police Magitrale t'. . C. Morse Maoali <..........FrazItr OfficiaI PaDer of GraasitIe. ATTENTION! We have Bargaine; for you at ail times. 3lb can Fuxnpkin .. 3 casesTomatoes.- Goosoerries per cu......... Btaokberries par cauti Good Prunes5per lb .. Dried Itlaspberries par lb i-lb Package mince Meat 8,, 1 lb eau ltaklag Il'owder...... 25e Zo.", Fait! à Cream 50 toilet soaP Se2-oz pkg 'iger Smoking Tobacco eAtt Flue Cul Cbewlg Tobacià lb 'et7nnlIeâaed FuetOr! per yd.. %DlAeogkou5g Besvy sblrting. yd ... Specual Discount of 15 per cent on ail Men's and Boys' Crusher, Fedora and Derby Hats. We bave.a large asrtment New Carpet satuplefi, Carpets,.,, Wlltou 'celvete, Bricseli Ingrain, 3 phy ail wool Ingrain, Cotton Chanba.llifwool, stair Carpcets and liatt- ing. We are giving speclal prîces #in these go<iitw Examine our samplesansd priceét before purchaai [g elacwbere. fIUl in em r v J"'nt re eeîvd-T bc< largest stock o iln r 5UE55=~SJever dîsiplsyelin lutlîl vielnlty--Al ,tew sud Irp-to.Dabe Styles. Do not derlde on yîîur E-.nter Bat" until yuu bave exaulned our Hatg and pricas A lot of pretty patterns K, pu..10 Ic per ol F. H. KUEBKER, Grayslake Dept. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. Don't be fooled and tricked into buying aninferior SSewing Machine. co e in and see IT 1 ye, il roodj gelsi ku. ai M. W. A. hall vas croaded to le it O doore Wdnasdaly avceng sud stand- .n rotWuaa i a pracuuc. The occussioe belug the entertaluueut c.i givan by J. Frank i'iekerîug assistait.î by two able artIte a itb gultar, maudolitusud banjo. 'Tha phonograpb vua by long sdds tbe beat evar beard bave. The poliphone attacheol cukes' the mac-hIne perfect.. Thb. seroptucan vleias ere excellent sud proved Mr. P'ickering le bs a sMan Wbo bu Iravaled extensively sudsa lboroughly GRAYSLAKE, good auttaluer. -[ -- --r.vIcMEaso- -- lir. Rioy Jus<'s']bi ~rltsu La0c Clute ahliI sasiet Win>. BiIIIî icatbi tarin erk Ibins prleg. Mils Zos Morse visited te <ilmar scitool lust Wedueeuday. M. Morse sud sou Pbiiip vers Libier- lyville viîctora Mcnday. laNO CE ifg- 1, '~: mot. à. -ielat l emt Ck i IT SEFORE YWI lilY ANY OTHER! ~SHJERMAN9 ILLINOIS. rYOU WIL ,! ait thîs si 111 Boots, S ,r f tI tstramant- Cointi. OlIîlo uin Oellultter lon. Ouiit eiimesor chuu,;I.îoi ..11h FeLakrsuvle iittDicI ut îigbt bave te 1Cc,' BeiiîamIieOigcr.i t, l lIIii.u- iutearUTh > r<il-a ahi. L. Haero 'îî ....... .. . lii lac tut aak Tbuandsy. ' Dry GoodDen, Il basîîwi um a o'tr t ut îîtedut flatulent. He ryCur 0... .... ...our eacarîeoîe Tb rsay h trt îcommualpuit I i>ia,'< ui, 15, noi, tiiu ne ockt t I 'it<iT'Meusrs. .Amasand Wint. Hall acre trse CttafO idulieuc irote: 'a "lun l e i ol oîins u- ciind'an -. firei,'()-i iuo-i< ao, lita. L.Attritlge .... .163 ut Wankegacnun the jury isat asek. rc ie a es icgislalioîulis itni-t'il-laoftl,îcik troeam ito tb) i ui. cethe uviarri, a ilste c aled tiiGrceie itevleo aluls tXIîunîinîîhdy ftatbunefot hno utmvl A. iusinat............ .... 130 Wm, Wheeier <has pnrebssd a cea it as tuolbardy eao-14.e,r. 116. Flthirarol iciother ,aima rettieii>." lit <liiimaerniltorneoftoure, tu iiH<FfA 5 iOMi',( OEiil a gon o! Harman Scbvercus. I N CLOTN I NO. A COP auîuj iiacbt uca n ori.aiai thru i e ile iot nîmiall itbhIandsi. iet-,i lal RI. W. tIlkley ........... ....... i n îuc wlthîuît liclng iilrcle,, <Ilii îu.aanul ule', agon tii, eic isAnd. lîu (Ioule osaluguîuî< ia. Juspli Mitler ...............i..2 MsCr b wa cbeua-Mens and Boys'ý îuîîîig, maî<sfgicg, Va uciîiteiii icso-r-,' eiti,- mulou hof thea <ci.0,,' <lii <c.II.'utiu thoi<,c- rae. < .~~teud eoxl lte pant yack 0on'ccotnt ilu ' n tg îîceesafui uvery 1<milî tven i hucîî as uiroty uorthua a <.,- Eeus.'ti'< i czlinlIt Ceituli"iI , o! lekendsB r'ntp tateM lt tot i,, i uiOt-t-o uiI' aan aîtad fr <c familes. tellîcî ti-e 'teelita, wldi, 'îî (ju. iaîer .... ......20 oilt lnes cl <POlnit da 001e--a i <ii L.'r.<. iel-uî'[* Hcîimund. IlWisîlaUs.**1lu ftle viraîs e,îcînct<îsof Delua& Amas la" împro'ed is resi- Child re e~~ ~ ~~ ;Inî)lugro ici ul','r Haniî,<I e îihaieud i' s'hî"IwtagEsOur uearlaH"iv iFalluan Via il.,,lit.<ur eurreapîuuîîîuta saîWitbp foin lencea iti thIe addition o! s boa, <clu- ut perditonu. tlhe ihît~<'s-ailîî iii <,f l. lîaîag lulibe(iai '1'oti hsm anslr-dIuliraur,r I rfacitoîî«ci ,tt as oFatt'libdlgIawi ut aet re ialiuy. It breaks. o coliItuiutî . i'ugu.a 'inf, I coioui t dopiîarted uaeg"U itiy Wadllesca l rn aiyo hetwls. aotFr k i Eichdoinbthe okSut maeoor rt destro i~a s huit tua <ie Liait',<liiiabout tuley. 01,10 nitbtr(uugi the P earl) Gale.' 'iacre at i x iew mtipervlsorîi'< Groand sudJeonf «îîgîîî nlit. ...Caliland see New y at8i ti I C ulu e mîut.r-,îa,.,,a, aulllao FtEsariatiiibr Kingdîuce' au <w aet.ont P. Holsi' englue sud tlcreebiig cms- ta<iiY I lalit -la la i Itue,, iiàt. 'rieliaieI,'o? the 0)Fithe, ar , iTbtho luxa li oîr hIîarî uhie. bine scnd ibaywalîl lberesdy fuor lui tbeuter, filue raci' i îîc,' lit .a u' l' i'.' i tua.' Iurceiî- u î,ît 1 preU(Iuîit eore. huit lie ileilota nesa IbisfallI. îe lurgir. sIîcta I tîi ilî' ýtli't-,jnuî il itg<Lu and fal*.r ad uîaa l f uv or tbe,'îu aid lb-- Admitraliuewey baotiakea sen soo ogtCure, ministars sera grcatly9 1 a tslelvtile about t dilu ui',, Io fotu. -sce ,iilli ltIiir iai'uicceolgusg t'. un heuruitoir. Be airitoi es tus rleuit, 't aillait itralby eougiltitg cougregatiens. iti. itùâéý lii l a i . iii y. <lui Jul Pcoell Noible- eartlu. îles sahiclu csasitdese m a lr. ii Ne0exuse ho! i îoy. Y. B. LOVm.iL iLîIî lm ic,-t h eo oru nkîî n y s«< e l t r îin priai e h .ii< il iuil t lu r. K eau ,re . i, T heu a n u th , H e ua,'îii nult i magine (in;a I a l tte targ t p raelice L b rt v l . I. B Has nat, ( urne c ta ilS, rtiiua liiit ,r IuîaluHilont<i t'<ligtaru uBle. ,ahuri tuerlil,,novae salade, behira Ireskasat ou May 1, autlit briugLotis M.IL ITCHtILuLI) , Waâkteliec'orsal <e iiiuîuiimsud< uuuiîi ,ua Iikuiie' AI te ta iîg atNublea Again.us' irse 'rbc ue ca-uut' ltherptuas cea adjectiva. tututhe language. bat, bbcfîttn'u.lii wcs -et I uiî u i, ('hio. ilitth"0<it lis hve uc ft bînîî. ilook bere, t bave a Dewey w<chcîcittl-t O IS le vbuuiîiby i,,îi Sei 1'iît :%,Iu<t aît,.- .uîî, î da" ofhtratleasid riteouies, tu ove a te dear set .at rin Ie H ie u ! Fraîl Wrigbt sam in iAnîlocti 'l teurs- sei-Ca lac nIe litai t <liiinu iie tîî"î , Iîrita iii Olo, Sasicuar. and u lorilînuThy Nieurtit th auutavtitreruc <cIo baitcamad a dayW . . D o1îdiuIui Iithe î ,iuiî. ieriietsonitelue.<iii Tlheo <e ak il 5i11 late uaine of thb,' iasr bat alter me sîshcd to saci mue one, Giffotdibtl- vîsited i icChicagou Ia8b ,.- iOîgu<ii 'iedoiiiîîattiîMliiuiuudlelacur cu,, tdhieerui lu<d ansd srîte aile askiug Waîcl ite I cois' yak. G aiiia--0iiJ-,it, î (Cuil. s'Iiuiuame aCilaresCteg.tluai se mibrît lice ohayonit I thAsie'Fz 1wre Mr. trik g em Kc a pen hl îuaIy lier iia<ilit. < li , - tua <iu '.ry nutu 'ni'ti-, t lait thît cle otilurs.Forgi<' ne Our alias ,. oe lwt-heatrsr ua lis boiklivcr lt« rse Ottii<g, 5< ululut let- 1N.W '<a ultlelif.- lu,&m la tir ut Luther crse 'Flit. tileavu-le Istîr. u ittlea s i î.Il, afore Muy 1." wiing. Stu liiir kiittiiug1 <.'.iI'il(u, ti'-'s ic,,ldatba-r ut Dr fttceirceore. Auîî. Si oîeakdua oiaIgpet Lytis Eitardics lu in ake 'Villa 'klu! tui! u rt ~~ c~lIutii. < lI (Myii miK>. r <<cr Uiele Bauîîacuii: T'r<, >,"uan,,t'ly SmJus'Fb h floig et-Tursday.I rit fori 00.e <i it bi.i iIit l uaiedîuîlAud,,ao hotte o! tills îsbernabl,!." wItîo i ha- B el]t quastion: -Do yon kcoa tsI Mr, Hamln<llbas# beau iuite 111 tb. 1.<arti-n iouilîuut<aCuIiliuaaîi eu iîl i lLai<ore ne.taoihuit love. ltliea uiaeect me tte liii hîOys re more pattcuis! bo tbey go pasl veut iFor Saie. r fle' suce,'mm,"f it l.î' ;,11. i wtuiuýi.. (' ,îlîua-ian. itiinii. 1lic tericairlal gtobe, i du nulebld ni Witte titan girisa Yen May iblutit t aSi Sdney Stern ins hu it hhthe< grippe soîne vary chiul Pbl'uiaii ti i .ih urOF~ hio Iti', t.1li î hut îu'fa,î ina ultuor aftu"tiu<i'li<ie = Ii. Knosintciai soheli srneseelet itIi e A girl ut prelaufvriiug. heosciready for service, tuaIt aa tdd i Clatili!t'iiîuso ii. , NI>Ji.,ai ats<ot'. itu s <'n u a i l <citaitas ui t abil ta lii111it-, ieti ii.5 <i i fthd ort1 l.a nleîn.rta uri Cit tsal rime y nraîîturcd viii goîth Ie sreat vîit s boy that Fred Crotter sud trienaitlfroint(rsym- oed lncocune nquality and tarei-eding. ua le itlito uai llu i,cilt <.. t<l.'uiillatibLcd acîîucur spiritsaaied fleliceaîrîîs of ailt te gels drut, but the minuteas boy limes isha a.sic Ibis viclnity ou Sundsy. alto semaneboîce BarredtPlymîiuth tîlw iti<îy< If .. u, .iiî'isl o ',tjlin,'. i huat ii, litai ,uec vout' lmthur,." suali ueet icitil. ouIttai a girl gels druck ha vout go0 Mr. Murrle. ut Grayalski, vas <ock reon)ctea ts.sIprnulti aSt i «cmare 1 iaI J.iuul, il iiittirt!iuittii ci, NViuiir. aathiu.îct lu, ,l latu a i ice, tor cutluPairae omeiaionshleam vh Lieba. 1 vîsb olr gils wvrana s riving tbruîîgb tbe counutyMoedsy, saies lu thosa sbo vautstock. avy il ou li,."Ir < ue u,1 e. lii'î iiluîoundal iuue'ledionuthie' ,-I't luI uit <leih sasi at titighouti sîclrwihwome sthe0<Hery dwsud sevThra îs sc.oeret (ii h cth' icg i ll . ý. U I lî'.'îOe"i Iîiu'te'on is 1 'ail th. ei u o tcc îilhtatcir tn iy g s iarBeutyadsersTots Stcug.Jis 'ns1 i, h bio <uiglit, --a'ii, o etboys are"' Chicoago Fnlday. ..sLa.live ' ,Tu ailtînliglabolhhrt «nlifienle, <tlc Aittimaginais>ve mnîtul a îgreat <'barley Huer. Lincoiln Luik, Liiit kiîuiic cuteaa Ii J.b."l .ei ii;i . tort au tsniati'rt. h a,, sabluor 'ilovei'andt affeoiun. bleiireouncas§omaiinat, Iitbheiadepeutted 'cVido Edwacrls, Mrt Cirtton tran- Il Çrîsailt- tir . rlim,-î . lU î..ty ý <'l li iMI i .î1aasu opfiailpthe uul ioura ut trouble and corac pnb ul-tbig u laebeaub eo busines inChicago Sslttsdy. 'i atl'tctîîurîein aurheiuc furir Ol'diar old érandptu, wchum aosmth [is ndiareaescThere vas quite au ezeimelt tI tuithit uai <rteedi lieth'butar aoc-Id' aud ambarramameut, esthe toilowlicug aI II vceMm og 1u eLý pb roimic . iiiî.iserc. it. t îî '.le Iîîaujiiî -r hlý edîu-lrentble: . <cliiiere show: ,tg taila vera the teie of lte day .,~, file ,tule n lueîîui tiu 'i"i îîîluuc <Éj1jn asUbtàrIl. relut.-dlto biîn be tien oc! liou. do <ast dO Thi iiacsaliireo- iot of lMr. Shîrmsn't A greai joute vas on lte bîay Who 1 Xa, ;iiiry ii la .îu 'li"'fc«r.auu.t1ii.imiula latunI, tIii' eîuboto ionu ur thacks; ai eoritsarstethob cuusl iierhiuio -uembarrasaient carnedthelitapg taits aud triadinlbe sa,, '.îîuu u ,îî,troua «lI h,c iwmlîsce tlîchn u, i luuaO-îtî- hu -«<<cras wautîca ieueal. i lu u-uîluuuarters. OnecofuthebaNew York inncent about il. î.Sal.itfocketaler, IiJlt <ea utiii l Cgl tb gave ii i uwiMeBnde's foaiu1 mules saat otf('oultuY luuu. u .',es îg 4 ii ii"uc,'a unI lama.tîcir U.ura coi oarth. oicheIlapur mortl<bode vie! IctatLAuKE o <iaVvIiLLaA.mla <a', e~ S<ut 0i.J u tiuJî~iuiiaeie s .anir't.e uv cilvito ih.soouttrsl <thoetaty o traiîftheliuclul iilcsao gabnid'WIieF . tauddtaileelt .1lu' u ," i î ',ii w"lor i lu<c5uL1 tiY. 'l'il ail u e su vieli. c lo<s e uetaloin o! Iladaatsiedil M ilsi u i a Mondi igte(ac tit'.l < '.î<<'liiC 'll-I,.< c, 1 ,ii.a fea beuts lettre ut vas cunlradiiitedtalied Jo. Hubtie sud tamîllY 1i0o eluA, ad Lettera t .f- u.tî. t1iIiuIueu 'aia Mii.. A iclabd ttuw'uaîp menu takes Itaeunethis îictc<iîodId'i itîntandt hlo anplace ecltlh cf Pikevill a iti yack. tf i. Lti-cctiii.i i- ,uh le,îr<ailt girl, position titl aat ta calleik choierasu ittensitanhug ccc,,e-rftl<iuittî t. Me. Suit--aere Lebas biraci oct <an a large ,uvu i '.' li .î, t u.uîi.'.u -1ut' -,ltu i17.'c<i o' l .it th-, bogusn more fil t bpolci lever, andt msn tbut hieîu' e lle aiire hi, vss lu île farcM. c i' uttu- a)l 1 . uu<.eeio y -l a1. s. ici' . '-hî'r t Wo eicr spiriîut a icit hisd lel t Iiied it. arule tlit Jas. Keads t lra. Emily Keart atl t .Lu-i . aloîuîî<ii IChales. w--rc bitfil la tbe renuit ut a costat, auuî,îenuceî uuoît a dtesuitdasent messages t run lte restalurant at th de>pot Ibis iuuah.uM, Aiýl' .I 'ui .' îuau< i c,"' l ie ii ateofucnetgiug ditato!cern. Tbis, ha ilttlnli<hbsirmit u4eli-d.' summa!, but retaluing Almas Little as '- il.il.. I.i ui 1. ' i.,î uuI. ;lI ulJa î<"îaInî i< ay, pruduceslufat but doesBuot builaci a ____-ssitant.* M uara >, Mn- 'c,sI 011.1 ui t<igalic sill uc iî ofl boue or m uscle bu any couta rable Lo1.M rs. B. H. Shervo oi n te Very si ckek Ff5 I* ,0= "% U il.B ct'i. '<iI ituatc hîîr.oc ctuit'ni<i.alid "thee ba. aitliou ae mcdliys cnsant cuse vrt i tp îutrame spuctals g andmal loaVla orp ca, l îra ntîuuuiuîîtiluaIowu-a. eiut be ae t ot a d laeteea iant i u seusail arul. If retuteit. H Pptleer set frayalake tin Ine iusa, lýut gt'ulu Bîîuculuwi, feua as, s îsar. cibsefo.H atcael hl lltcle atberwrLI atre. H pfr alwfa Wittlmacaga lbe V 'm M I SasiaslaseoâeW" AuWuhaaItaict s1alii.lo rnso! hoga are kept clasud lendpleuàty ut Mute. JOHN BnARîa, Evertli . Lovry' Mous.thesonttct&@&aoi- . Wheat. tasds sidtu<.living ut Fort Morgicn. Ilflrau, ou 5155Ic beels, aorgbum sud - ____ lilat mauceesa ti thalIrnav un. altut onbribalaCol rad.:Ébd roîhiar. COtsain0. Drur>u casher les the bt kid vog itte cotn, dettaktug. Wm. BHock l oceupi enO.A itoeucao«t liutt. ace.:sa auiva.Ihr n<o e.*'laina tbsî realideace. ,.peavacISl. .L FIND tore, a fulll une of ,hoes and Slippers Lowest Prices. Notions, f ail kinds. )MPLETE LINIEOF Suits, coys' Pants. n's Suits.. bv first class Tailor. Spring Samples... F. BAIRSTOW. MANUFACTURER oF A Marbie and Granite î Monument. CEi1ETERY WORK Or EVERY cie lisaisSt W.%UKEOAN. lis FURS-WANTED. The highest market price will be paicd for ail kinds of Raw Furs by CHAS. STEMPEL, Long Grave, Lake Co. [il. The village board wîcuid eLiet m ut- ftl to those alto b>' cuitake or othar' aise, carniet svay palle fron thIe Inuber yard tire. Net ouiy puls .be- louglng in lb. village vers laken, but aise a large uun ber %bat lit.Thoineon bad kiudiy lent. IL la sbeallnggote ata s' thtng, troc u 5ch a ptaC*,jV a mach s gogoll ueà houle ind carry utf any ot Ise contents. Word truie li. Maditan received bare reports let vaery Iowc'bl5sîsJtersý bavlug beau eslled lu hie bedaîde liu Taxas. Word received trotu Mrsi. Stuawstu bau Antonio sas R ee lu slaîaly lmprovieg; but tbe tberieometer, sttbsI place reglisters iiety dagreasI lu ths abiade sud they expect lu change Ibeir locabiou Ibinsusmmer to Boerue,' wblch la aumiewbat blgber sud con- sequenly cooler. Mrc. Fred Krucgur bah tuovad lis fgmliy lto Mr, J. htirrie's bouse. lirs' Tbsyer was ii the pasit yack. but la recovarlug ut presenlt aritlug. A. %W. Harvey i l)luî aîitagae erv- înun asj.ror un (bue<,me ioi liiîiî>va. DeKay. lits. George liielarilvon bah beau very iliitbe past foîur weeîk8, bîut is slowhy recuveritg. A crload ut potatîîî's are ebipped true thIbIspotlbéat Vi'auuesay by Mt. Payuae, oflRocku bIler. The Inftant dangbter of lMt, sud Mmn. Wttbur bas beau quite ilI the puët aeek waitoubttbîtl uhItnproved. Mr. Klsney bashcganestarted iu business aitte hd l aud lu Bebus buciluding sud ahilhâve cvrytbilug lu te barceas hue. lim. brandatettet 1a agalu able tW be about moule ater bing confuea to ebr rcocu sabout Ilve acets îou acconel ot lit. Boyes bas offated bis place. uinat sud lot, for sale eheap. A goud Republcan Viaborlee. Sncbl reportsas we gat ut lima <ot glîlca hipresm iîndiîate the csuai republlieun victornien tliriiglîout LaIke Cî,unty ut Tueilyseetcoit. VThe folloiug in tiie'rasil ut îuin .ibertvvi lIc toawnshlipi 1 M" ( iLE.Ei y 1; - Mr E fi