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Lake County Independent, 12 May 1899, p. 8

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ROCKEFELLER - ILLINOIS.1 WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF GRAIN, FLOURo-,IIk-L STUFFS, SEEDS ETC Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent.1 WE SELL THE1 WEBER W AGON., WH EN YOU WANT Buggies or Faiming Implements. CALL ON WRIGHT & SON, Liberty vil le, $0 o A Siselby seameios teel tubing, flus joints, une piece cranke, Bwsged spokes. Morgan .& Wrighst double ttsbe- guaLranteesi tires. Fluss isonts, two plece cranka P svagesi spokes, Morgan A, Wrght dublbe tube guaranteesi tires.$ A fulllline of Bicycle' SSu ndries. such as Lamps. ""(.9\~Seaters. Beits, Caps,' ec.etc., at the rightý price.i V.Sauer &Bro., LONG GROVE, ILLI -1LWANT The Furniture Trade of the shrewd buyers. 8 amn bidding for their patronage. If rlght prices. backed by proper qualities, wili Influence your trade 1 have the inducements. -"Puleetion" Concises, warrasted for 4 Yeu@...... ... $1400 Juuter.awed Oak, patent alide Extension Table, l10 ft- 10.00o Iron Bats, mv size ut pnil,...upwad o..s .. ........ ,s. _______________________________________________ I lýresh Breadi fireceive fresh bread three times each week which 1 seil at city price--5c a loaf. 1 AM SELLINO Wido Srens................... 16-lb Inius. ... .... . . Western Wacher........... . ...... ........ Wrluger, &Il rubiser roler .... ....... Barn Door RolIers, per pair . ....... . .. Track, per foot,, . ...... Pine's CeierY Comnponnd.. Saresparlil ..... ... . . . . . . Wter Tumblors, per doz ................... 73 30 43 55 2 30 1 90 2 19 90 90 35 Around the County. ROCKEFELLER SOCIETIES. ÇONOREOATIONAL Cbureh under wSi vice@ 10:30a. mi. aud 7.30 P. sM. Praires meeting WedneesY esenius.. ..C.E mee Sude evsilig e 4.5.Junior C-. at a o'clock. DIAMOND C aN.414 AM . A.'Z month. D. iniFrriTs. V C. J0. 0. P. No. 815 mot soond aud f.iurth Thuradays of sacismont h. W LLKNio,i. S CN Gin. A. O&?. tBscY. J OHN 0. RAGÂN Pfot (G. A. B. mseet Sturdey nuht ou or bfor, fuu o 1.iB. GLIÂSON. ComuIr. 0 E COuuniELt.. Adt. Mail goba south .... 8:oi a.0m. 9:22 1p. Mx. Mail gong forth .................. ûoi . 0M. Igael ovr land b.y stage arrive$ t 10 a. m. departs et 11 a. M. ROCKEFELL.ER. Meyer Bros..siipped two car of bogs Tuendey niglis. H. C. W. Meyer aud sois Gioge are on the 8ek lt. F. Bouse sipped tovo car liiads of cattie Wednesday night. Mir. end Mrw. Croukiite were Iz.'alî ston viwitors Wedniesday. Frank Roney sbipped two cars of cttie lSunday night. W. R. Morse, wife and dangbter. were in Waukegan Tuesday. C. A. Lusk and M. Wagner ahisiped e car o! bog8 Tneaday uigbt. Mir. Gridley and farnily wili occîîîîy tihe Norton bouse again thse summuer. Surnmer boarders are beginuiug tn arrive eithtie Diemond Leake resorts via Rockefeller. We are giad to so Geo. HerdensnitI and arouud &aein after a two weù8k., selge wltis rieumeilezo. Messrs. Hartung and Wiiserke aind lirs. Strocker, of Palatinse sîsited Il. Kubianik Sunday sud Monday. lir. ud Mrs. Fred Setier, f Long Grove were glesta <f F. Go0svilicr'<s Tuesdsy eîdwise Iere pîrcisased a loai of furnituire of W. hnlgge. Prof. Welch closed is terra of sebool Fridsy out tise ek. blis Lillian Payne willi continue ber duties la-tbe primaryTromn anotiser week. lire. Lyiman Fargo la In ChIcago keeping isouse for ber sister-tn.iaw, wblle thse latter la absent li Micbigan; wbere se bas gone tn get ber motiser. 'Borne Strenge Things About tise Love of (lad" wil letise tisemeof ttise nsorning sermon next Sunda.y hy 1ev. J. A. Colo. ln tise evenug lie wll preacis on tise subjecti "Springtimne in thse Heart." Notice KuiggeN ad. Rockefeller bas tise best furniture, store is Laie County onttadeo0f Watskegan, and st ha Msr. i(nigge's enterprise tisat (rings inm tise large country business wiisrl excoptiolsai iargains. IVANsHOE. W. H. Abbitt vîsited frienits its Evanston sd i Wlmette Saturday andi Snnday. Miss Lilliie Payne bas reroverii frons ber ihînee ond basebeglîn teisci- inà again. A goodly numiser attonded thse C. E rall± beld lbore lest haturday. 'Tie meeting wes very Itteresting. Tise Ivanboe ecisool bas ongageil Messrs, Engsitrorn and Pierre o! tise Cumsock Scisool of Oratory to give enotiser entsrtsinnent ii tise srisîîîl bouse Baturday eveuing May 1:3, I8es. Proceedis for tise beuetit of tise school ibrary. Admissioti 2) etît.ciilirels 10 cents. Everyone se curdlislly inviteil to attend and eujoy an eertslng uf rare entertalnunt. It makes nso dilference 1mw liad tise isound if vuu use heWtt's Witcis Hazel Salve, it wiil qiucily beai and leuve u hcur. F. B. ios ZO, Liliertyville. J. . Ii(AiiF. G (.in, F. L. W E'TEfts MAN, Rockteller. GILMER. M. More-ta', a Walsculsda vietur Sat urday. llise setsoîl <irestors bave lîîri'itih e set o!salis fur tis il uîi Eil. ('iok'sLig tinîurau aay <use day lest we'sk. No damsage (loties. lus- Dietz bas leen "ltslIing" beilge telse-wtb bis enigsne tise tct -e for Ed. Coouk, A. G. Scrhwsriuani & ti. are buililng luiinl s-i's.usIltiis rs hils iia hisurt thoue <lu tise hurget getieral litisi- nses of aîsiy tî,rs-iin tiis sectlin f Lake Ciîiiity, cul tiev ire riglit îîp a itîs tise t Iis-s C ili i it t3 5s- tii imîîruvemenit. Brave Men Fal '<ictînis 10 elsîîuacb, liver coud kfiliey trtlilem asm Wsil as wsrn, and ail fsel tise resuhtsin l'use o! appetite, tuisios ln thse blos, ba-keuise, iervunos-s heedeche and tired, lithoe, riu dosun feelinxg. bîtt tb.rs's no uses-iltu feel like tisai. Lis-n t< J. %. (Gardnesr, Idaville, Ibd. lie maya: Elertris- Bitter»areais.let tise tlilîg for a lnuos wisen se hi ail finsi dou, andI dosît cure whetissr ise lis-os or dise. It daul more tîs gis-enme ns-w streogtis andi goodiappetite, ban asîyting f coîîid taies,1f eunownuis-t anythusg and have a nos' iese oit Ille."<>ly Bs sentutt F. B. Luvîbti, Libertyvîlis-, 0. B. 'Hsomse'eî is rayulake. Eueiy lîittie guareotes-i. ITisat Lame a*en ra ho urecd With INOIS. t» mllea' N LU iLASTEi(. Only 25c. iTNA Insurance Comp'y OF HARTFORD, CONN. FIRST CLASS IN WoVen Wre Cota ..........................5 EVERY.RESPECT. BoUi Oaki Cntai Tables ut pricea upwaisl fro s .... .735V RSET Mahngany-flnlis Conter Tables$1.30 ta................... 6.00 Insures against Fire ol Oak Secrotary. 8f ii bi........................ _. 10.50 I have the exclusive agency for the Lightning and Tornados W. Richardson &Co., lne of Superlative Carpets. For aess tc. apyly 10 this Carpets f urnished ready to be laid on the f loor. local rs-corulig aitPs'il, Call and see Samples. chlarge of- ýW*uconda. MI. Long Orove. - I ('!UDMI Çtiunn liii. 4140 MWA.mee4aai '.5 lissOarva shah. Ournîso III.. etory sessoasi ansi fouitis Satuurday s-vs-siffla of s-sets sîlontus B E FLoon. V C W. W As'Ps.avaao. Clerk. GU RN EE. Bert Braciser lies retîîrîed frons Texas. R. B. Dixo mase home et 1RU8eli Wedîsesiiay. B. E. Jones wei, ln Iondont o u si- ness 'Iuesday. lirs. B. B. Boyle enul mtier were in Chicago Saturdey. Tise Irnperlal Gîild rnet et tiseborne ut Mrs. Vinrent Tue8day niglît. Siver Bros'o<f Rutssell, bave tecured tlisec ltract for Liiiiug thei new bell bîre. Mirs. Nottinghiam and dauglîter, of ('tîy er, are visiting witb relatives liere. Tis e oîceri iilIL e given aethlie Chrsîtian cistrris }riuiay eveining Msay 26, Fincebowers bave visited t luis section ltise paht aeck wiicb wiil gîve gra8ssend grain a htart. Tise basle hall seaiîot bas upened with Oolîr Iilse iA gassuesax tt5ilted Stînîey tlit wsa îiterrtsîted Wy tise raî 1. PRAIRIE VIEW. tir. Sprague enteetained thie oinistes' over Sunaday. Mrus. Wese, otftLong LGruve,. susht Suusîbay aitîslieîr diîsgiter, àtIrs. F Rzab n. 1l'e sectiohi fîrs suan Mr. Ericksiin expects 10 iiiui i tiiW sîusîsIeit week. Miss J «ilie Looiisu bas rstîrned home ater tpendiisg a femweweks itisber alilt, lire. rriggs, A nîîrnber osuiîtîg pl he stteîîded tise etitertssiaiýist nt lise Gridley scisoul Friday evuig. Pr4islserity issurt-lyecîuîsssg. eusdisr8 Bros'muilli.si rîînîsîg every <loy asi ounrstock bisyer8r e sisîpisig lts out stock. , 1. 11 . - - . ( 'Ihose wboisî tteidesl tise social t Half Day report sa vîry plluant tirue tÉs,' we ieerd suie yîîusg lady sssyf 'Most of tise iiî taye. ui iiîied'." lhua abouil st bys tirons enotisu'i COrs-ilîrîdoUtJ Mir. and lirm e.os. Griully moyeu tu Rockefeller tisieA eek t. W. Stiasidleie1s lging paiser at Rockefeler thiss s-sk. 6. F. Mitchell, C'. J. iabun andi D. Spears are Elgin vîiturs tises-k. Mir. andilirs. J. S. tridley epent s fs-w days wtb Bligin Iriensis cesntly. Mise Lllsan lieus is speîsdîlg a fou, weeiss wth bler ister, Mris A . tire. suon anîl daîsgliter snd I illie blit-iheli viied ( hs.iso iifris'nds rs-i's-itiy. W. P. Dii'kssiin siipped svsrali vaIlle bors-i tiiC leve laisi. ()i ( s, birut f tise weesk. Ss" sraI froilis'ee itteîiiiitise opess- ing dissnce ut Hertels pavîllîin Sitir- diay sgist ansd report u goou i fnis. Four cars os! lîve stsck a ire slssîped trousisere wedîsesdauy ssgist <'bas. Striîrlisavllsg tisces-and à.lr. Cs. i ta c'ne. Neair*vyvecy oiriserpoirt% thisr gripe vinses as Lesssg cvds'silsppo.edly fi to rnuet) cuiI artather 'sitliiiit suini fir i'uvsriuig. Herehiierger lr8 us' lioss ime s on tise gainîn di1tisey are îîi a p-i st stii tike care of ail cîsrsrWiîo oay uant aîy- tisg in tîseir 110e. Ourtsr seelr le tryslsg tii do ia îuty regardîcas of tise psitssts frorn tbi- wisii uI lskt- t" 'd' geI' la> 5'îgtaxem, blit tus re are5 -,Illei liii are lisule tii f ies fîr nima relsî-sî lrrîtg ttiat tiiey biais- usiseis îoîeyouit et Intsreiit. '1Tic asîrseots lclved tisat risetîma- tis mtis ise a î,rý k of a uhîliuina thin a aa.i.isy 'une ut ho bli d un I etter k it siatie <or iltaumtsiatory risctitis ctn)u <si igrs'ttist tise ii se tub 8 uu'tsuuili,'eîiiigb tii warrantt tis,, eL'l icfI. l bas lies er 1 liIsîlm'l thuit Umisiranul'ails lialîs uuiiu e nt out ituoins, Lutitil iilire rits-n isatimelo, and ul ireile huar ts.'tilsuliy tii thIe trtultiii f tss tale inun it. <<tir appicjatîin ce lieu s'a tise panO.snmditis îjuîck relief ahi,-bs it attuiruls i8a Imîw worti& naiytit'oita euit. Fouic sii,'hîy F. H. iiirîu ,Lilurtyvîule. A. B. Bus îrî, ,uruî -,F. Wii sits. Rck tuiler, 5., su iL si li E .joi. ; N 5L ', Ivîsîhois. DEERFIc.LD. tIrs. i iliisîmul tfeuuîsly hasve issus cil tii tiagui. Mrs. Cousil lie Kterht atdîsi fessly are visitiug at gratmieselist'm. lihberî-t 'rudd, uf Roges Piark,. made a liying vissit tu DeerfIi'ld last as-sk. MIr. and M trs. Strayer tatdi riilulrsu ai-r- u5.'stiîig grislsiiis, Vtter iast weesk. Geigs' Loaugiies otît rilitsg every nigii. W<Vo us-ser es wa ers- ytuu go George? Misses 13ieiiermtemult, 1Parsons ansi Gehioway aýCoitpsied Miss Sisopeuil t0 Bentou tu s sîîd Sunulay. 'l'ssre bis a new corns-r arcivesi ah thi Ss-iwaib îiusrssry. '<Vs have nol isearul wb-tiser it le e girl iir boy. Mir. ues-bt ha putthîsg e foîîuiethon iisîtu 'rFrit8,i'me sore-andul uakixig «tiser tîoprove-mente whisl i sli 515 lurovi' tise îîla<s- 'fillotss itsewithIra e sgaius L)în't ksiis os t)e'rfis'ld la sucisàebsiness pslae. We gîsees tisere îust bs muos-e otiser attraction. tirs. Berthe Suck was kîckes-s 505 titre ego by a bormi, ceueing several rribe lu ebli e ris. Elbelias Les-o s1site feele. htut lem siitise gain. Mir. iloreislîîrgs-r, sor Iserchiant. bas prit a isigi hurd fesîce seiweeîs Wil- msît anisl mîsglîl)or Ms'yers. GOos fs-ms uake goiud ns'lghbors Mat. 'i ss has irs il.iiugse 5sf orlieof uutr oca rs'c'taît's stssrs- is sregrulu s'"ý uss's'u.scm ' 'r taits wsimnoein 0tis tîîwîslies torii liirclotisesisis, r tisar titi'u, Cliii thers' ans' still sitiur <'uni- islailtg. if's bail cssîsgis tsihavei'ii) weik ttu goon, suit abs-n orle t rise ti) mtel) oott sutaomiii isse tus-y have 10 be 0sauglit by msnse aire. Ify 'îsstr fr"i'utends-umssor fullI fes -oh'tise riglît fe, ~paise stîuer mitoisnîsr Is.dse, conîstipatioîn, tilris Oss iek.hsedai'h., sd fs-aI itîil hs-aY uydulsle.oj'y yusîsr hiver is hirpisl aissi ongesteul éi.s tt'a Little Early RiSers us-i lcnrs' ysîîs pronsptly, ploanently ess'h perusaesntly by renoi lng tiseuloîgejatiu n d esaigthee (su duels ta open snd 1110W naturaiiy. Tise3 are good phil. y. H LovaL, Lisrty ville; J, - R. l5isAa liB urne; PL ucBTAAN Roeteller. s b' LONG CROVE. C. Meier and famlly visitod ai borne over Sunday. lire. K. Bergisoru bas been quite il], but la irnproving. S. Fobîman and femily froin the Heigbts viitod et borne over Buuday. MIr. ilîehl lasbecoring qulte popular for tise iieigisbore8 girls are visiting is. S. Kiedler andi faniy from Prairie View vimitud et J. P. ittentissers Stiuday. Tisîraday wae appropriately cele- bratedlby isuti of tise Long Gravesn clistrcises. Martinî Ritzentiseier got into a humble becs' nest or aroîuaed s litter of serpents. It la ton Led Martin yon dii 001 raake tisee sn siine tisrougis tisens wiile Yeuî were about Wt leke Esier la getting toise qulie a biusiness oman. 3 bere ougis to b e a telelibone froni lu borne 1tefHighliand Park for it reiluires ton soucis tise tse rîu over tisere to see ber severai tises a week. Louis ltsllenbaecb received a dise latise lest tiosday of sufllicient capac. ity tus take a 9 footbafi. Il Is a hîealty, anîd pri)balsly tise iarçest Istise ils aOy slisîinsuLake Couuty outiede of W isikegaîs. lisabsîfsEsciser preacisosi itise Evangelwial cisurcis lest Snnday and bfis sermotn, prs-avied fruinstise teit record- ed ils Il Peter i:i10 1l was sarnasteriy proslictiou. sde portrayed cleariy to us tise srilarity between tise pisysieal snd epiritîsai wriî inîstisat as we bow si shiah ws aiso reap. May wo ever beuar tisegriot tristhisnl îuiîisd meat ThessCîîîk Csuty cîîrrelipulsiont Wiso la cintinu aily alsnling Ile target e.1--a crsh saut'srsîss tise 1le " ongist tu resus-sber tisaI persona wiso live ini gla.ss bouîtses abs)tilDot tisrsw atones; for Dot ouly wili tisey chiattes tise glass, luit tIse falltsg PertIcUe""rgit-ludge ils tMeir eyes tiitiseir owu detriment. Agamslsebe siuolilrensember tisaI one eao crack sigiiod jolie and ostili 001 scrinice bis mensîniee Better take a hisnt witisunt a kick. Some ufthtie resuita of negiecteil dys- peptîr conditions of tise tomu are cancer, consuuption. iertâliseaise and epilepsy. isodol Dyspepsie, Cure prevents ail tMsa by effecting a qulck sure lis ail cases o! dypepsia. F. B. Lo'.sLs.. Libortyvilie; J. Rl. Bitàs'uEa, Gtsriee; F. L. WtisTzusu.st. Rockefeller, The Sunshine of -Spring.... Usually reaches out the varlous fu rn itu re wants and makes apparent the neeçi you'iI want to brighten up your home, and of course you'il wish your money to go the fartherest possible. You'II want 'best resu its. Outfltting the home in an econom- ical way is a speclalty here. SI NàlIDEAS Newest ideas bought at times when prices were Iowest, passing them on to you at slightest mar- gins mak e a special ring to the prices that you'Il thoroughly appreciate. Tisrme pleca bedl'oorn suite, antiqlue Hiih~, (irisin bs-vs-i glass .îD dresser ý...... ...................... .......................$14 350 Tbree piece b edrtio nuite, white eusIssel, witti i rosu bril .... il 5) Bonid combination bookcase ....i .... ..... 173 Bolid oak ladies' dressing case, round rises11,t. 'gisit- 52... S3 5 Thea Perfsction concis, warrarsted fosr four p-aI z0<M Cor deroy cnveted coucis, sprlîsg odge 5isl ceites 53 73 Soli doak higisbock dlniug s-sirs, cane 's.-,,t ... Q Wood @st kileben chairs .......... ... 43 Bauid oak seving rockers i.. 59 Floor Rugs fros 25c, 33C Up.... .... .... Seit wlndow ssues, :37 socissa hy é<fi. c n ill iiisI ui ";'ru Yard pictures, 842ichses, nssussted (i l gîss cis el'i hgslt îîsîiiilisig S8 Wall pisekets, ennie] trane, fsncy s'olsred lltseiî,iîmt.s',un gluis" . 4? I have a new assortment of carpet samples, also a complete Une of wali paper samples. HammoCks, croquet sets and Iawn furniture. Turninz NORTH NO I HFIELD. Ms-lu su 1l.gge bonght a O wbeel. Miss Mary l'renzei seasnîoylng tise B icycles pure country air. 1ev. F. C. Stierle entertaineid bis couin roi Chcag lat wek.T oysy-T urvy. Msers M.(nrmsa, J. Hectumeiior sud 1 bave put tise prîces rigist dîiwu. Co'lln 10 sisiils ivi,- ts'hs'r viii F. Mess-r ws-cs-viitîîrs et NorthNorths- purcisaso. 1 bave several escoud-lisai(sisesisonabult ". îîs $4 50 Id,$14). wiimle lItId Susaday. tbey lest. 'Iw uîîng men wlîîîmale trs-,'it n tag s... BICYCLE SUNDRIES $0 vi.,tPau Hgtlndgarkardse the... '... . . 50 ull tslhgîlss lak uiîsd ieHansi punspa....................14' I Mîtial Admiira.tion Soieisty uft that Foot pump ..... .... .... . . . 43 place.. Whly goîls, fer tu admire itubiser ansd wood clos cessîsni, 4 ozut 'an.....................10 beautte@, isiY.W%%"liu tiere are Or ID tube&s.... ........0 iretyintatoi" I l i m Last Frîîlay ovs-oîug a rrowd of W u Ha. M IN E, - Rockefeller, 111. hliiupy youiig peuple- gave a pleilasîi surpri'me lis iunor <f Chieste.r Wesliig, It wue a gransd susrprises wasn't it Cisest-r. Anud as eorne- une aIl i s unsmual glîîî humimshne wasbiail. ehpecialy lîy tisrseiir four~ coupile alnîusg tbicn lRibatndl('allie isSuos-ens tii lie lîîuessuîuc itis out eaeb itbors 1 colîtly. Aller plaHyîîsg love in tise1 durit and oliser gaules 'tilI nîîdnight i relresimmîts -ri' servod, evory une fad as sulus a, hey i'oislîfbol,sinse lues ig îsîsssils tiigî-t h eisni'10tire for 'îii's iunîluy înîrnisîg.Alil wre 4k. ' Sî,rry usîsen sNome oui-s reîssmrked it wee tlunes tii gý,i 'huu. Btut tisere wiIll ie illoirs'parties boiy s. .1. B).bridges-îiîtîîc andiproprletîîr ot tise bemoiirat, Lanceaster, N. H. saysc 'wîulî ioît lue witiout O<ne Minute- îîîsgi ('lire foirny boy. wiscn troubloî urîthil î î'îîgls îor <olîl It t l e ise est reisil fus î'rîopit sver îseed." F. fI. Gune; . . %"*,] RM. WllRIGOLO, 19762. x.1ii i s 'îr .. IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION. %Iîr. Westboklirîî s puîîrchaisa s îeuv 'Tiscalove isorse le owssod by "lise Watiis-îiîsia iinh 'iiIl' r',i(- sîlandm tauIm wlli sake thse ceson et poinîta is tîsis virlsslt.y.fle I. lai kIlion iîgrevin lsoîîu, M"nilel teu ttaansii Nrt bas11.t, 1ise 11loodsu ld îbouie of the insst terrisero i iiisi'iIlsh 'rutitsi'. lie' se '<V a t e ti atrists 01 aINocis e,'ît 115< itew-git, sait of perfect toiris, Ieisg asmiS sî,tis i sa t liirîsigislîres, Nortlstield hGeosrge? owhite bie dispasitiiî on is itsout f lst. Mr. Johnsi<s'rnter bas pîucs-iseoiia Dcii bore for bis datsgliter Lillie . Q E E 2 SHERMERVILLE. wZiaIGI41370 P0UN08 Ltslîs Maiischiaffler attens etise operes Imported French Coach Stallion. Ygivels et tise Stîsdeiseker Hal. Owned hy- Watironda Coîacbh.isCoi. Miss Rita Ling, of ('icago, spont a Thissfine o rsa will make tise season fs- îlys ults Mss aleisadirnbCompansy Wlti RîioOLO, and bistis fow layswithMisaMaitchaier. au nw bo sen et tiseir squartera, et '<ise I Fursiseatsd Luin Misciailer Frank Tisonss' frs, ns-ar Gilser. 111. visited i]irsE . J. HoIt issan at wilrnette Qnmbec, one of tise noesst aalions t .. . evor brouaist tu thssicouniîtry, wes i104- PAL.ATINE. 'liu' usty issIli acielor isas fs-w crusinu of cuisutrt. -May le e luuvihsg mosIs evon tise ssîs1'walks gel a move on tison. miss Mary Halterkanip was a very pleasaut cahier on frieuda in Palatine Siday. A sew ibook le entitied "ItoOk@ Tbat Have Helpesi Me." Tbey woroprobably cisck books. Hersen Meyer ands hile iIer Annie, frosr Bartis-It vishîs-s witis friensis lu 1'alatiue Sîîîîîiy. Mr. anid lre hlii srminuduge sune Eruitern DanliiIen vhsited wltb finonda in ploatiue ovu'r Sînday. Mi&seiLsuBichinase viaitesi fricîs li Flins Grave Tbursday ansi went 10 Chiicago for an indellilite tise. D)ont tbink you cao cure tistailgisI ettachi of Dyspeps is y dieting, Or Ibat it wil cure itoeof. Kodol Dyspepthc Cuis willi cors-it: il "disgeiste wiat you set" and restoies this lgestive organe 10 ueltis. F. B. LOVELL, Libertyville: J. I B liAC'iii, G(rnes-; F. L. WEFtTEt- Riivlockefeller. For Sale. Mytais of 118 acres in sectionsa 9,10 and 1b, Towuaiip 43, range Il. Inquihre O! mes. FIRNcisB TANOLtIWI, aU Dar, Ill. 13o41.p 1Id. totd h iete MW lnal isu we bave yet 10 btaer'a boremass h nfinir.~ any feulti ilis. Ho la Maisugaisy bey ln coior, and hb isiposlon 1e4sîf tise bîgist degree of equine gentloîsoas. Bots isorses are uswnod by conspaîsies<if farmers and hiorseinesi, wbo o cit tise patronage of breeders Cuand sudetisese hil il toîulme. sîid Is.Irn termes. Tise foliowing stands are for tise spriug seaissls1<1:3<ý MONDAY-Ai Diasond Laike. TUESDAY-AI borne WEDNEBDAY ulgist andI Tiucsdoy iaorsmlsug .tAi3 asSîsitm fiuiri, ustueen Veto and Feesîtut Cîntur. THITISDAY nignt sud Friday rnurul AtgIL l11-ts'sos. i sil ilc!. îs'tuda. FRIDAY nîgist and Saturdey--At Tise Litstu ssiî it11insu" iii For furîber pamîclea r ail on or adurses, FRANK TMOIIAS, Manager. GILMER, - - - ILLINOIS. An EpldeMlC Of Wnooplngr Couith. Joi hrrss Lest wistoi durlug anl effideniiis'of iIf3uonu iii tut lu iii hi s ls. wiscoplng cougis My blidren coutussut. If onii i eiuueIss- oi tise diseuse, baviog s-vers- conlîgu If )il uîwot"liu l i, lng spelso. We lied used Chasiuhscrlai n's a .Il ',u îîît lii linsus 'unis.m Congis Besedy very sueceisstsliy fuir 'if I % i t l it loilil iiesnu i, croup snd naturaîly turos-sI luit et tismt If, ,i o i . t' ,'r.liais, tIse ansiond il relis-vs-sitise cîssghIf ~ysussici . ulei uitisg erds. sud effectesI à conspls'ts-<uic -h uINs E. CIIFFOED, Proprhetor Norwsîsd If v'iii autit a-'il hiiug lsvltsîtiii, Bouse, Norwood, N. Y. This romedy If yon iutnt iii jilofjob work, ta fur sale by F. B. LoVELiu.. Lberty-' Lesave 1yoiîr..sitr.i'--ut tise INDEPatsoEi< ville, j. R. BEAcIIEB, (mince, GeÀl3s- offce aniiibave tihisni -xu'cutod liatise IEz pHuAEMcy, 0. L. WEf5iAI5, 0, .urisiiitsessroît~ sIowsIsîbIES 1081< M IU, ivahbo.funtmtie adtute tore - 4m <** F.L. Westerman, - - - - ilinois.1 '$0 o A' S. 1

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