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Lake County Independent, 2 Jun 1899, p. 1

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qLAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDENT. %fil Ki _q,& LibertyviJie, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. June 2. 1899. $1.50 a Year in Advance. Vol. Vil.. I .T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____- -I- - fAIL IN UNE FOR '99 Notwthstandiflg the backvardfless of the season we have enjoyed Wlarger trade than ever before. and the prospects are that the heaviest business of the season is still to corne. We are ready for It. and can fi11 your orders as fast as you can send them along. The rapld Increase in our trade enables us to do business each season on a smaller margln--and you get the benefit. Every order cou nts.--ald the more orders you give us the closer we wilI seli you goods. We belleve in helplng those who give us their trade. We know positively we can give you more for your money than any other firm can or willl give you. We are biddlng for your busi- ness, and we are bldding on a bed-rock basis--we are bound to get it, for values and service counit with youl SANBORN &C. Taiors and tiaberdashers. Kaiser Block. - - - Libertyville.11I.1 WERE HONORED. Graves of Solier Dead O.ecorated by Chlidre.l lieoratilouDawned lu Lake County with a clear sky, aud humdreda of ilu anid womeu ibruugedthie ceiieterien, wbie sweét faced littie maldeus tri pretty costumes decked graves of the soldier dead wih flowers. Thiun the day waa observed lu ithe vaions ceinieeries, white patrioeoc uius aul i ympathy prevaded 1the îînookerr. lu Libertyviiie ai]l inlema houées were eci,,ed aI unou out of reepeet for the uatioual euefom piocialiifg Mlay 30 10 be set "ide for the decora- tlou of gravess a atribute tb the dead. At theCUion ehureb lu Libertyvile waa gathered a large audience o lien and eujoy the exerciaes. A chorus reudered pailolie sougs, aud Dr. W. H. Ho)mes, of Chilcago, delivered au addreais on '-latrioim.'* Menabers of the tG. A. H. reported thai gravea of cogurades lu Hall Day, Dianoud Lake aud Swan'% Cemeterles hiad been decoraied duriug flie mortilig sud ineis of iliome abuse graves were Uo be deeî,raiini lu Libertyviiie Ceimetery wer ien auuouuoed. Router of Soidier Dead. LIBIETYN ILLE <'EMETEiti. il. Th J', Th Dr. Charles Galloway.' Campauin f 1EducatiOfl. i At a receni Meeting of au iniportaint'i office over Lovel ISDrUg store. coîiîiiteofthflI llinius karinera F UOuR@ yalcsi Tu Jilusi, t O 0. )L luilfiife held lu Chîcagu pauo were laidlu th le Mont inîporialit work lu W Lbertyville. Illinois i aVrlcuimlraî eauvatiîîn icr set ou fouti tu the statu. 'l'le Illinois Farinera' ilu ife latuorgairiilou Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. uîîer the as rofthiesate for the pîro- office over Triggs & Taylor'S. 1uoio f lustifute work mong ltin- uf 7 tu lu A. M. 2Vid, âJ1. tu s P. M. ' iiiivermiiy ezieunu on moviemeuf. tTi Rleidence lnBtrouadwail! ippoëliti parkilrljugé instruction lu crîîp groalug sud 0F i. lite stock brcedlug and feediug rigbi 'r, Libertyville, Illinb f0 îLe farmners door. l'lie agrlcuural i, - -- colieges are groalng coutautiy sud Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. irgely bna"tenidance, biut0imly a t'the i) uft 1effagrieuiiurail population eau go Physician and Surgeon. Ra W1 coflege sud lieuce Instruction Li 558fti55- I OOSI.Il gk -LCSSCS ilTIL. am. u.in beiug brougiii mb faruiug contiu- Gurne -- -- -- Ilinos.nlîfies, ahere ail May Lave a che.nce Jt Gurne.----------- lilfloS.tu tilkc sdaubage of JIf This aork ________________________ huit__ lileul f reuarkslile griîtansd asioiiiug butent. J. Dr. E. H. Smnith. l'lime IlinioliFumniers' lirîtîfute la J, DENTI1T.,omspo f uuemeiler froilecadi 1, office over J. W. kiOtlrs b'dg r-ougesdîal dilsrict, sud hlias a lieu- .,îs i, uS na. 1au-i i , ni.. ùl.î L eral sîliiiervi iaii ouer 1the aurk lu thé élt,. I lree kîis u ofMeetings are Libertyvimme.liiI. held un1e taui îîîstlileannuîally sud doirsliiiiiistrict sud coulliy lu- ëtiLibe. I1lieau ltter aère îusîsliy leid Dr. E. V. H ARV EY, ,ieea year, msuneîruesitteiier DENTIST. iii1.pr.isied fri irgauiz-- instittes DENTIST.luncteryt ,ýtîîiliiil l 1. rtate, ft u et, OFFlICE llulihel iiii'we a muuiont, cceptiniitfli t.,A.' . 1. i, à u, h ,s1'. M. u.uiicst iujoitmtif July suit August. Graylake - Ilinoi. ""i',ileut. of the itîitlu ustiitte ~ray5..n~i~ - IllnoiS.iilii- .Iliicteil t0uineîtire reprc' __________________________ ,taflie výfaier il uhacli i iliip Di PAUL MacGUFFIN, crgiiiiIe tflitiiiute. lu case flîcée uen are uîuuicîl flicthe sipervillur uf Atoiiey sud 1 ihuseiutait11w mch fuausbllî awilI ibc ouinîmsiuued NOTARY PUBLIC fi, llit t1ittuuieliieni onutouit lIe ail ()yrli'uc W iris1,1, cul'ii'y BANK, le reiiueve tu mot-juteiac with hlui a Libertville, Illinois. msî'liil i,-scer ific hetoîwnship ands Librtyill, une .anuiil, wlî oîiafier the - ~ huîîîe inakiug parituf011heprograun. A W. B, SCHAEFFE~R'S -ýliusiîfufiîu 8111 lie îraffcd l'y s NURSERY-eiiiiccuf iiiniuiffee vijloeu ly the NURSERY '-aiiuit b avlug fil chLarge 1the on ilsc,'s.iil.iM(c ' .Li orgaiaýili.Im ut Institutfes throîîlioui Fruit. li 0i' 1ii iilîiia' a l ..miliiaue.I te, f0 Lie ishert a. a wrk ing viiisaind1 sii ,olFq1.basîs. Auiibler sit-uliiluiiee aili '~ tf m iri ouusc'iîlafîl sti -90~ drlufiaspriîgram uoftriples for diseus- « siîiu for esel i onhfhilith1e Tuesr, aliîrh my be varled to Muet local W. H. MILLER. conîditiousé 'tlaulltice ai-on ONOILARTîIST, mîfteetaili prepare a aicliemle ot 'l'tlNtitflLuusriceilonli I ialîl faclifate 1the Wlieu yîîiiwant sarcn éLave or a; wîr k (0forgiiiZiug and culuctiugliii. goud flair ecuitaoln01 ilîl. ,,fîiifue. Ifla prîîposed ihiaf one day i'ifOCE euasoé r (iOiiS. lîf fre sessious be fakieninlu cd Niu t ,)rw t,,Mii W i.'iC. î.'y ii unubh 1the morulug tu bu ilevoicil to stelîmigasuifitiiiaî iii î.uia. 'iiiulistit especlal liiteresf ili heMen, one_-_1te afternOouitu bc faken 1y flic o- Dieiu sudflic eveing reserved for L.AKE l ]'f4 yiiuig people. The ineres of the ri igîg peeaiay contesté lu ai éhol COUUITY BANK .... Wright, Parkhurst & Go. Lb.rtyville, Illinois. f Issues Interest-Bearlflg Certificates P&yable on Demand. l-7ýTNJA i, soume éfîbject coumecled aitarin le, sud the best essayé arien iY a boy anid u&irl reupecetlvely aUj luae read ai the eveulug se8séon of the lutitute. Furilier ad lu ibIs work ahi l e sofugîmifrtim flic couuty sebool siperi- teuiteuté, thfli >îcers of coumui agricl turali isttuilcésud the press ofli fiafe. ttlas becu deuiomstraitcd thai thîe Irugramu of paperm, dlscuauii, de- baâtes. cciâitouisad mmusic remdered ut lualimiies lé the mront powerlul fac- tur yul spplîed for the înprovenueui ofth taterial sud social asîfare of /1w I IY 1I vile trure, sud tiis uca uovceuit lrmgug the raLmutlflcaon s b f lécc- Insurance Coinp'y t qtlsut.ieslOl syéb-en ihn h 0F eeivc flic mot corialàsupport. lIARTFORL,CONN. ' Aado hna FIRST Iasmto-s-Y Ihaf I teeludcr last- CLASINcuuiglmi tenedy liasdoue for opmý EVERY RESPECT . faily.' We have used 1 is lu0no i4sq Insures againSt Pire cset cougis, ýiumg troubles auq wbouipiumg cougli, and i i las ala4ys uic temntsipertecb satisfadflOii, ae Lightning and Tornados. iýelgresilyiylRdoee the manue Fo'airttu s etc. apyly to tlîeir taturers oft Iis renedî sud alaL thieiu 10 please actepf Our hesrtY Iociîl rp-icunaig ag(ey ii ilisulls -Itespecýtfuhly, MIr@. S. Doiy, I Bes Idoues, tuas. For "ale Ly F. B. LoVELL, LIlUeryville, J. R. charge AI19A. iMtiEi, Ouuee, FL. WEnym.RbMAN, A LBERT rAUEa, Bcellor, GRAvrSLÂSS PUÂMAluXu, LongOrgve, - IIOMKftE vuie mOlulJamîii, , C'ad weB. in.L. Jane- Kc-j . III",. Wu, irai-. C.,0. Y.gcr. Wui Wiiaî,. WW. PrWn. Nioî B,wlc. James Fr-eenf. j 11, Jad,,). *Aui or 1811 Dau'l Bi,. Su.t lan iait. J.lniýe. rîlA. Paýy-. 0.M. Acres. bus. Am'-c Jî,iOEt'UST.CrY. Heurt Pni'ic. Ja- E. Niinuiu. AB Ielirii'jw. Wu. Payua. H. J. Nlidils. Ch"al. Srtî,ilaud. s.nforu Hardi. Z.Dilîie L. Oorliaui tiWAS u'iETEiiy. caisE,TiiinioiiýG. tlicy"B. Swau, WA.aor 1812. am .".S.Waule. MALI' Dt CEMETEItY. Daiii wrlégb. W&rrcu Dry. liiin G. Thraàlir. Wis.îuDot Y. ,,ln A. Curlilu. JanisBargeý. ,'-'li Bri.', John cal&Uiiui. liir rw*, fîe. Alîeîm lfia. bali. nsiiiff, <imeer of1t1e day, John A. illard heiu foirsed the procesalon ahicb asa isi by 1the Llberiyvlle brass baud, oboawed luy s double coluinîn utO pretiily î'î,sfumied clîlldrelî. (irauid Army in u mi meilré of Liberty- vine tiarriwom Ivuigtils Of the (flube, th1e co)lHUinlp.rueeeilug 101t1e ceinciery wliere graves ot the revered soldieir lead, acre îteched alit l uluacYsaud wreailis by th1e childrltei. Prof. R. D. Sti fjs ad. P Rif. 1). SeOfi, nalcîsu. poef and elocutiix (ls ied at bis home lii Me- Heuiy, III. 'i brgdaybMayl tih. Priuf. Sl(ti'i asgiveu inany enteraiiiiicmi lu Lalle ('oummiiY. He gare coneerihsail "îVer t ulteîl Siafes. tPîrsi 1e wa gâiited býy léswîfc. lu luter years his tilighbter sud bis s»ou lu aw relidercil greai aastauce. 'Thc Brutt fugiIlv conicerts, aifli lruf. Il. 1). ScOfi, Mrs> Lîîu Scofi, lieu. 1L. Surrlck unîd Thue aîînai A. A. 0. roaii rave fcîî,n Wleeinlx) o arild liark, t'iîagi oecturred oecoration Day, 211i cii. tlhusîsatie wheieuciionîteîting for primas sud ihnor. Wltb t1e Crack uf a psîljîcîinptly ai 1022 ociosk 1the unit u i, eui lrw over their laidie barn ai Wheliiug and began ithe leart-brcakiiig grlud Io)ward the tape 25 Ddlieh a-sY, a itar- fild Park. <ructiug iow over hidi'i ,jam sel, sud muslesiralueii, twaIwhàeei- mnen awept ilitio irleld park liîiî'sday morulfîg fbriiugli baukedîl icoadi oýf humauiy. l'Ley rode as (plie MID, v- los,- were tbey. AS tiey iîeared a tapie Strctched acrosa aa wilte. tlindînfi driveway, 0une front whocei forged a bit befîîrc! the ottier sud a niau n la srî'î and whie suipushed acroýs the lhue a ainuter a éMile f ictOry as be îiiîiii, uîil us the crowd tAîled sud clieereil agailu fie asa éwaliaed nI iv Ithe mul- iftudc leyuud 1the bue. Tl'luxsdld Wi illaumBltii ai]n iiîisifacli ed rider, îîuku<î 1 'w iiîealii'cleii o worid, ain ithe greai A. %IC. roud race-flic ursi race bliecir tîoitiietcýd Trhe insu ahi, ad tfor iîcc i île fought hlm inchiby lucb. sfibliiriiiy, gameiy, but valiy sud ah,, lî,t by a narow margîn. wus Ubarîci Nerz, al4o au umatiichetl rider. The tri froni Wheelng wss tmadte ail11).22 sudîi hwas Il:39:12 slîcu Blumn won lts race liu a deaperafe îliurt ai the end. 'The scratch and 1.muluute rmen acre 1opele8siy loti luthe baîîdlcups Fer. guson, the wiuuer of th1e fume prize, couilng seveuili, auî B.-ll far bchiîid fi wax au Ideai day for tlie raoe a*:î,l ihousauda i ued ithe dri vcs, ,riîwîlei tlie staun, and gaieve , polieaind parkîtofficers uo endl of troublle t Gar- fid para. W. B. Fergusun, of Wiu,îlaa i ty cling Club wono une îrize and .1. 'ul. Bell of Columubia Logan Squîare Cycle iClub captured second li me îrî,c Graialke to Cet ht. The Uraylake village boarî d iii alh probabililty grant the eleciri' rail- waY a fre rîghit f-way throîîgh thai village ucai Mouîlay nîglt, nt Iliait lîreaecut indicationus poinltuaiâ way. sud i tb elug ihi case i rayalake lh &gainlu tiflicgaine Mo far as lic heleririe 1rosît la cuucerud. Sirv-yrm fr boili 0 the proeiin les acre ini iiatvillagiiý Vils week andi therc lv ctcry reasîlu lu, belicte l,,tli rîuuIýill Ieitalîlish ilulsto, iliere, 'rb, lusi legIglatiiru't iaî 'lthe lime 0f regilar Jily semiili of buards out silerisur.4 iii Un.', liliI Wax nuicessary oiins f the' favt thaf ciiiy clerkm andîlclisiruieu of l bur(Il of liuperviaurm arc a pari tofbourds 0f resîca utfsssessmeiita Mahuiý'll hiaidu ailI ea-lu session mu July. filüeii Wax uei'essatry fu liaUgu' 1the tiitidu i mîetiog uf siipeýrvisîîâto i J nue Staying Away Prom Chorcel. --Su.uiefiieitliere IN uu>gtYlil n)ui.0 iîîg t(,i ehurci," arîfm es 1,. iharlciuIl. i-arkhirst, 1D. lu), liii"Wisut is flic (ioJ ue Luîuing t.su bi risI. t i'juteuiv rirmcp ail y ou Lic te linreli1. 1tI ma.uît.-1 mabel scii sirrici, sfftadel greut 1 «claIinuultlth u,u[rli steidiu, mvs aftteltl(uii. prof. scoti vialbed eî'ery uilie decreaste. Pecoule are oit gui MRu y eara ague11e becaine blIud. IunI this sIliction dld ul caulse hlim fu ouae i. vocation. Bleééed with a wonderfiml memuory, 1e îimsaged to, go ou wahlb is wark asthongli uofuiug Lad happeued. Pîrof. Scuit was L anucff lue adiareaé pleasing minuners, lrreproacliable ebaracter snd gooddisposhilom. liostà ut people ai misa in. [Tie remalus were laid 10 rest lu Wuoilaud ceneierysf Mclieury. The tuuerai wasa held under the auspices o1 the Masoic fratermity utofblefl flic deceased wasmember. W. C. T. u. ConventIon. yho e oorih sîumal conveuion of Lake Cüuuiy Wonus Chriathén Temu, perauce Unions alîl Le leld lu the Conglegatloflal churcli ai irayslake Tuesdâ'June 201h eginiug ai 10:301 &.m.nud lstilug mal day sand evenîug. Every inember of everY union la urged le ho proemi. The public la luvied. A Laut APPeai. Noté fhi abe ou your paper. If by uoblug iyouu iId îourselt iudebied 10 us kIudly remitî or cail lunsand psy up.1 We have been del»yed oousîderablY lu elostug up our books, uecesllated by 14r. Wooalmanse retlreument, sud hope this lant appeal aili briug lu ail dellu- queul subscnllilois. Otheralée ae wiliiLe couupelled 1e plactelatCOnmis allAi au ati9i7. Atwpud gohLe nabler rîgiminueu. Wfere It la necensesr tu remli amounul,de4iit lcent 0eprat- oMeçpu r exprçés moel çrder fromn amiouIui duoeus. We'il ay ltue relght J; ae eau only gel lthe .uoQds'. The Appatte cf a Cong. Ié euvled iy aIH pour dy8peptils abose slonaeb sud lIver are omt ot order. Ail sucb abould kuow tbab Dr. Kilugé% New Lite Pilla, the wonderful sionseli sud 11,cr renely, gvea s spleudîd appeile, souud digestion sud s rçguIar iodily habit yl nomuresyl ee eâOltlI and greaienrg.. u '~cai P. B. LovEf4.. Liberlvle .B Taouws0a, rayeUae, fur slaymng Out. Nur are ihey guuîîîg to be railu in sa'way fi, iild viemu by lucmug costei in 1y artîliclai éqeductmiU. A gond dieal Oft liiiîu'Y us puti mb flic arti-4tiIî rimiiig4 -1 ssuctuary iertloce. 'l here no liii Ob- jectiuni f0 the arfîstie Il it la aruglît iliu ilic budy OfflieaL.rice, aind ut svsllcd ut blmply aason, uenli unlliiicry put lin bu malle the serice moire lire- seubable. 'The advertîamuîg iii seisa- thonaI fupica 1îa sother aay the pîlpii iakeé bu aorfY frtihinfo rcliictaiit bearts ut advertiîsnicui rapircîl cou- gregsflouit. If docé 1101 holtt ileopuiule, but Il doca u.-bcspeiithe pulpif sud set the houéeofundGoal lu1e saie row amîli th1e dry-gooals tores, tmilliucry shop8 sud olier îuétiitiuuaibin Put big lug placards lu 111e front lanuloas. We ns! caili he rauk sudfile 91 peuple very godiesé, but tbey ar abde tu aumtinih.iuarkabl-Y "C-- -l -' t - HîidINgsonFaRECKruuS BitNdi U)a-raig d. Ali. it 1 ii'li, i W ,i iiicilii3 ioriug ia vi iltr iii, terrifie inlurit, Swecpi oier Libierty'. 11e. dolug greai dainage tu Iîrîpterty, iicstr(î3 ilig irei-m aud dis- iri butiug lbarni lîorm, 'tray uts lifta woud an uhiiiLer isibiit riîi'uîi. S. 1. Pclie s large tibarniiii\ianid liavi îg 1>4 lotjt>i %N am ra,. cani.,I a coil plet.î wri'ik. a anà ifeaîy lh vstu Nir. J'ope îas lie (tltii it varr v tîrilailu iisiiruiîc-t. irliuaticly there aire mul tiirses or i'attle ii tu, Ibar ia ilthu a lt tweuiy hîlga v.re iii it.i-,aseiicut, bit eseaped iiiiiitiriiei. Atituie fuir grîî'i'4 ls WednesdaY wnîruîîîîg ci rythîîug liîuked tî,1sy- tari y. 'J'lie j i îidgte'a taùd lW&u it uni imid îie, unitl i ctioit thflic ilt feu(-(-'ms bli an i i er, linl1ai ftue euit jjj iiiîtfh1e griiii.,is eiMhtifi'cii lire talls acre fi ppedl iii cc, 5iiIUC lying wltl rouîf îuderuîcatlî A îllmiiiintg Lbi,'.e tfirty flvic caffie tals i re llîl hîîw, tii "Y nîîttilig ut ni icti alj daiuage ilii11e abouit tui.. grîîiîîîis Many irait trees perillicd whtie ihiade trcu'î at'rltttld iuch il iheir siîrealilig lîcil3 , i aluI about ithe vi I 1,g. Seî'refary Wriglit, uof flic .IIHeiiry Cîîuufy Fair Assiciiîu in a recent Iste oftbflic Il ixtlsociî Senilî,ilwrîtes thus '1It lias beecli tirfy years smince fh l wîlîl ifîri haîla real barbeccue. WivIII ii-lo.,e tio','i îtury a îtliîui hanvîîîg uii , 1i licFair auséîcia. tîîuîî ail nil, t,t wil aI gite Friîlay Septciiie-r 1, ti' lait îlîî of ithe Fair, tu flic 1ionecrg. An iii aHi lme rued ami sert cii oîîtflicgrouiuis . 'e want aIl Ih fInuformatioîn Possiblei, ail]fthe îîatîîes îof (Al i vttlcrs ini m'eu ry, lit' andi, iot r c' iîuties ahi, caine fierii ti.' ctiuty m earlier history, as aciil ai tlîîîsc utiîi lU t-i t tei. @Ali an' r-julu-tedtut,, eid alat informa. tiu,îîthu'y haie il, thc secretary.' 1 hi' lresa if NMc-iîcilry couity asud Niirtbcru Illinuis ailI ahhslin lupfsliig Iiing s lai îr tii ile- crly seiflers î,l i î coiimtry, l'y gîvi îîg ibis uit ic 111e .ii lît loahilepîit lii cty.' t<uessnt ,e ain,ti i i'I'acuesa ^ai.iuai uns The oiVanio1sfDaukesîî is fo lic. thc IaLli.u tt rl'ual î,flmeoikILute b thei amiery eiiîufîte CookaaLake satde lînea oiire s g uîrkî'd Iiis ilîre a rîghfiiiiiat- îuf ortlie ty ut- vt'suakcgi If tlii eau lue ubtyll(id ilieu tgue castIrtrmnle btaIticd Whe thuea 'I 'terinalorsMifll11e rîiau ba,' unu'il ls iters foc tsheli r,' vea vîmliuaîni' theldî ho bast Iuetiuîfe'eling arouoîl fu Iru abat îirospeciiithei'couipsuy bas ut enteriug1 %n hiCity. Il, ilus eoluuuisildmuisiiif th1e 1xiiiiiitt buainecsslmen'uasd ail iil Ibt I ielf he deiilrouite i it', tlt!i' iify ci'iii I a thoii îlîu liibe se- 'Il11h latit îVersiiis anuiiig to fliiith 1-leif h itle hbif un tfli i iii, îotilit, lmîl na('hivagu fcrunlwmre Ilic tti ii thlauoiiilif %% alikugau. aloil pivt a hy tile-.spéee pru.siues tii bel ici e f11,1 sai), ieml a i llîl îUstrtici a rail r ,aifuiontî FoxiiLake u',,W atikiugai 113 mlai iiiLibi'rfîîîllc i. liardl f0 uAîi'ia i.Igilii'rutt fl coiiiiilby inap li hi1ioiiflii a is c culbîi rutueaijîl uc ,eufîrtly outl i fli 1 ui'ati(ii . îs againi, Mr. Sésu, Lhgifflinhi Plays Havoc. Saurd iiîay i îgbt'î tortu di ei cmîvder' alle idamage lu Lake Cinuiy, Jolin SîîY(lc. rl luiat lî'ailhiie a-as struck liy liglituliog uuciwsaburncd aitb Its ciotents-. Siverul vltuug Wuoîlmc vîcre in itstuiudsiceuoliuO a mcefiLg uof I îaîîliîî-Lîîdge, M. W. A. lauj lîsd tilir ir hr-.esini Mr. Suydiur'a haru, but fhuiy acre goftcliiout ksalcIy 1 lic raiia hic-li fel inîutorrents aaa mil fliat saved Alfred l auil Peter layiii' lioîîses wuuclî are mîar flic bite ioflie 6arLm. Franik Dyer, ai, h us îîoî filicJ. Jalnion Iaim lu Lifiertyville township hai twul cows klmlldanîl Mrs. '1. Uarby, ot D)iaioldi. alc. lit a cria ahîle a large tr.e (lu n IititLis place i Iiiamniuitld afie 'viai lad Ia 11tfli lighfuig. Cucumber Pickles tact sudfilctmuion in atters uit ra-bgii.11 i - lb latdfonJn 1 belleve t111sf uîneiy peuople îout iof a ollbt lîielfo~îJn bunuîrcîil all t-sect itoa'm bonnei-if 3tilîto Jime -2itlî to imaure good iieî ace tire thug ainAs(lot's Iiiuiui' Crîup. Cuntracts andîuleed Catl bi more ihali itla sluai. f irake a guuu, deal beamdes a PUipt, a C'hoiur 11uJi loliuaulit M. B. colby & Co's. s spire go malle saliILîV . w.S-,rAFl'uiiI, Liberty ville, 111. C.iarioua News. (29 July 4) Cimes frein Dr. D.B. I.Cîyigle, uf---- WlIilia, 1 'I. Ho wrifeu. -'Fouir Lasi ful I sprumucd my leftt li bottilesui Elecirie Biltters lishué ntd abîle hamdlug some heavy buixcé. 'l'ime Mr@. hrewer îîf ,croulla, walieiliasuédoctor i elled oit ssld ai tlrsi il waséa causedl ber great éuuferiumg for yearm. iligbl stai an d would soionm 1e wadI 'l'errlhle sétis aoîîiîî brak oun bmehr but ilgrew wavi n md tLe drueor tieuu &ed sud fat-e anal 11e lesidocluirus alul 1f bail rheuuuabisn. It eutinumd could gîve nu) belpi; utnieru cure lé tiugruwwoarbe sud I eould isrdly gel complefe sud belie hinlexcellent." srouud te work. 1 aeul iii a dmug Tis shows abat ihousauds Lave store sud the aruggnt reeuimiuumdc proved--ibal Elecirie Biters lé the mé got ry Clamierlalu's Pailitaîi. I best bluood prirîler kîoan. Ifs the trierl lb sud oue.balf of a 50 e t bogle émpreume reiieuy for eceema, tetler, eured ne eulîrely. I1uuîw rernmimeud sai rbcun, mlceré, huilé sud runnilng lb 10al ny trieud.-F. 5AIlabcoek, noires. It stimulâtes liver, klduey sud Erle,Pl'. Il léfor aleby FB. Loi L, boaels, expelé poisonsé, lielIpé digestion Libertyville, J. R. bltta..'BEB, urneis buildé uplie stretigtlî. ulyllticeulsq. JIAYSLAKE PiiaUisACY,'.F. L. WESTEu SlId by F. B. LovitLi, Lîbertyvîlle, MAN, iRockefeller, JouN MaiLE I . . prnaoGrayalae. Ivauoe. JONE UALF SHOES manufacturers; they know a lot about We are merely the humble medum through which these good makers and their good workmen supply the consumer. lone Caif Shoes THE IIIND TmAT WEAR. M e n 's s ize s 6 to 12 p e r p a ir . . . . . .. . . $ 2 0 0O Boys sizes 2îto 5.......................... 175 12 to 2........................ 150 We are also agents for the renowned Queen Quality" shoe for women and other worthy goods f rom $.50to $3.50 per pair. O.L1ON &R . N4OUS £ STAULISMED NOV. 25. 1843 WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. TLPOEN.1O A Cinch '-.1111111110 ON Win dmills. Would you believe we are the only dealers in Lake County who contracted with the manufacturers for ail the windmille we can handie during 1899? Other dealers wilI tell you milis have advanced from $8 to $10, but we are in a position to furnish themn at the Iowest price in the history of windmnills. NOTE THE FOLLOWING ...... 2 u e ( a il nî SHain e S 2 28nt"'l *tV . . . . . .. . ta g .' i ic Plan oe UWle.............v........ ... ........ ... .... .. 00< The-se ar!e- trlctly c&sh LIUERTYVILLE. ILL. Si mmer Gg -~FOR HORSES LIGHT SINGLE AND DOUBLE.. HARNESS. Everything for Ilorses e-AT RIGHT PRICES- Chas. Kaiser, LIBERTYVILLE. - - - ILLINOIS. If You Could FIy othe0 ujimdlysten d yaîu bul &as you eau by thel i5or fth1e modem ialephoue. lu fhese daja of iexpa*. @ion" expanil yîuîr telepliome service t0 uIneet your busmî'insrequiurements. Au eztenaéiuun tcephoue ai your desk egate bui a uouul aisunru Telephomes lu thue home are- îulîîar, couvenienl, and CII the Contract Lepartment, Lovel's Drug Store - - Libertyville When Paid in Advanc-m 'lIlle INDEI'ENDENT one year, Farci andulFîreside On. YOaM. Wemaus aHomie fiîspaniou LOne Jr, Fariu journa l UveYM and iwo bskt Samni a a tsog' u" iîa 6&m*lh AMs the Itrethereui ALL FOR 42J«... 't-i Lap Robes Dusters Nets FIy Sheets Horse Covers. . 1 d

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