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Lake County Independent, 2 Jun 1899, p. 2

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Davis, wife nesota, and ector of the erriam, al»s ta, which id cting Otten- Wasthington, d1 for ten or ears. Mlrs. . osfe maiden 1 1ills Anna 7as Originaliy aker in St. athat 1ime riam wad, Ma ciety tin the rDavils mar- cuIred a di- rx, . 1erriam -r disapproval . IDavis wa@ sSenate and Washington. 9. nAv". path to the ent y se.t ed, ati l it about he' %Var De- .- of thil. fd ciýo. Threi n Juan w1h ti "f thar Maid the sol- in the W%,.st puy to ww jae spént this are nw pri. r one.1y goef enalthough nce wlben the .n juanlhave hlere are cm th ær n of nigof the r.nthe.l'o.I th'. bestIhmg1ý Cit yenie , liant pethat L-lt p-lai ft l > th thwa 'l. d theoMal, a.tm '. Th notý even allW y batears ngthe' teeo h a maml ,ad aptured a ate tg t. reg edin th -h cun mlor ' mn y aourui- nlIl ananptre whil t he navye with a insli e p o ui f 'hA in oming 'au- aken uat b-r the ka itl]n;a uit t oinumerd ,stevenrsmayla lefrommoainuofe s ing uiniaion Piiipiiderw. Re- uta -forter tor h'avne the l b.ailedoarrage-t tiil every mail at akinbginiri e ninto formteru er kntac h VALUE OF NEW POBSEg«ONI, 1 month. The prisoners are George Bom-..AIGCNIAB O H PEKRHP EE THN OG THIE INDEPEN DENT -beyOtto Nofra,alias "Kid" Mao, and M His Arriv TE PEAEM I. EWAT s adHNG ONcino _ _ Éýou~Catone Receipte ofPorto Ric, Cuehatwo womnen who traveled with them. The .1 i&A raeaDeontratccio fa RA NK M . JUST, Eoitor z h lp i e .,p o et tln à ü ncd t e ry$. Assistant se retzar of W ar Meiklejohn1 The rob ers were troaed t Omaha, and K o G ath e o c o n fmo a ea.t.d ý - - - -b a s m a d e p u b lic sta te m e n t o a g g reg a te 1 f ro mth e r i t w a l a rn e d t e y d e p a rte d To n at r a i o . A d mihe ra sipe w e n t h eo n h a r -M L B ER T Y v I tE . . ILL IN O I S . rece pts nt aillCo bn Porto R ican and for K ansas City . " id" M ason and one . ongr ax troed n d m rl 's foaut e an d e msi- . _ _ _ - - _ - __ Philippine ports. The statement m-1 wo mn returne d.' Thot night their bouse o arain.th Bilthe warhip s a n e the r ----. - -brace the firt four mocnths of the prs- ws raided. Mason and the omain were \r iggingan d chred theaieroanofhMail.1 C T B A N S T R I K M D E D en t; ye r. C uba- T otal receipts $4,443 ,-j aken t thé city j i, wh re th y totldt eet\ r n tT he ly m i ts ah rw a is sa rceld owhe CU Al S R KEEN E , ca, is vsel etee, ,07 fr toofhaig on t anasCThy de-th I-whe OlyAi'*eot en ore*andclle d ons eigna, 1,425; amouant of coastwise tonnage Bombay and flhe other woaman. They de- Cnsu idmaotwn whoeurned cwith him ý e te re d , 4 2 ,10 1 to n s ; fo re ig n . 1 ,5 8 , 0 0 9 sc ri ed th e h o u sq e w h e re th e y s to p p e d a n d -a o r h l m i . A t r a b i f c n S O L D E R S S H O F A E R N E S ' C ) o nsi ; c o a smt w i e t o n n a g e c le a r e d , 4 3 0 , 7 0 0 t o t l t h e o ffl e r s a n y f ct s c o n n e c t e w i t h .e r s atCo n w i t h t, h e o n se u l , A d m i r a l b iD e eo S O D E R S S H O W E A SE R E S S T O t o n ; f o r e i n 1 4 4 4 ,a 0 t o n s ; v e s s e s le n - t h e r o b b e r y . T h e o c e r m s t a r t e d f o r K a n - 1w eno r t a h e O cp a .l o n t h e r g o v e n o . u - h e r v l y b e w e . GETTHIR AS. Pd. osteise, 2,Ki;Sforein, 1,420. o-sa iytknIteBmbywmn along gtia sligh athe ofsuwhAmawaisDemwen fSntrC K ai f3 to Rtico-Total recceipts, $481,128; coast- to poiut out the location of *the hous.thehear.rives tnpNew ork. t aThe rets wher fenMsieifaCm,.Daieof Dire saeri ltre isugeta Aperwise veissels enterued, 1,1t;3; foreig, 478; woman made a clean breast of aillthe b crwde withNewor. ager ee thlerean r. Cri vtenofuireM Beerl ddrd nurget Aperroastwise tonnage entered,51,773;inorign, facte connected with the robbery. All of wohde saiedlaayrmHo o temnC'olinesoe et the Paymmeter's cOMe.-Native 532,272; vessels cleared, coastwise. 1,100; the parties wililibe taken to Detnver,,ý,,ô!1 ,weelitovrail yieda aoaounng on adnow anettr Leader* Now Help Military, Authori- foreign, 42f;: tons cleared, coasitwise' the three men have already bleenindicted who. wtle as ra petun amotu. The streets'tion in tieu-aptist Union Membersbip. 51.05;; foreign cleared, 463,324. Philiip- by the United States grand jury. 1wwe lie wih roant he tros fteeoyalihonexist peiine--Receipts by ports fàr four month sr ierswih .ethe rods f heck.alhu fiftey SIalfanits. $1,545,260; Iloilo, $85.374; Cebu. FIRE AT CONEY I1sLAND. Al1ng 1hueswredcoaedwthDviw epamnofCuban soldiers was con- 7 7 oa,$,0,0.Teport of --DAVID B. IIENDERdttoN, OF IOWA. ALBERT J. HoPUItNs, OF ILLINOI. thAit gishhma Amer c as. ntb avim wa tinued at Haana Mondtay, and imoe nen Iloilo mwas not roccupied by the force. of seven Bloce Burned over, Damage ..he__rAdirha dweacomniedbytC.p-Ane ww presented themselves to receive their the United Statesountil Feb. 16,189. Arnmonting to 0350,000.avlo YLNSI ORSAE. TESEKRHPCNET AdinambDertonad Fla ieutdBbyp-a dessmav money thtan on eaither of the tw o preeing -ire started in Buschmtan'a pavlo, CCOE NFU TTS wESEKRHPCNET as arecived the Britishgovrnory, zaul. erAt day. One hundred and fourteesn Ilm-en MAIL T HIEF I% CAPTURED. Coney Island, N. Y., and spread rapihd Bgsomye Dahan uni icni avr edroWieBak e with asqud fhoor T hm er war l'aE ta a Mr. 3Aer Mlonday received $75 each at La l'onta, -- vortiflSseven blocks of framne buigdrngg ut I tom Da ·etioands. i Imndian a voyrefneraHtuWe akful miitary ansid oibn ai.ttene Ase wstillis, Ra l-te.ader f s and 103 of them turned in their armns. lHeOperated for Yeats Between C ca- been destroyed. A conservativeesiate CyconerimSutiskta , Iowa and diesn.wenaliraeped that he trominntritish nomtedcer in Hong it lity.afteaer Senator aixty-nine of the men belong to the lia- go and Grand Rapide. h r-of the lsas eplaced ant $35)110.Plic NebraonsanSunayouth ed seiosaossofnextl Speakger il heacWestern mhanthand e Ko hadaBthedtotcoraulH g atriedM ity. Ant ew, aing1 vana regimtent commandred bIyCiel. Mi- With evidence of his crime on b man rý Thomas Lynch andi Firemen George 'life and destroydYb(uildeingsythescorif e.tpaertet ill eb estwenmalendr- gbal 1iieedtwey vorct flil e omhigfer whaifgel, yere whie th oters eloned t Ge. so, Le S. ash u, i one of the Taggart and William Aldrich Weia' poisGruwing cropes wee rined and fruit trees sein and Hopkins. The Wisconsin con- Gvro lk nie h dia owsa oepist hwh Gomes's personal command and the Fran- baggageman, reputed t. tieesknwn uly utno seioslBbrnakeseerl trppe o tei fthee.Wiesar don resina deegtinat.tsmetig nsutipntsheGoernen hus.iewe osteoariag.einll M ccoco Gomes and Goicuria regimlents. A otepr alaym åi hcg ying the Sleeping occupants . o wns ra fti te selcions viitesothitsa e onen Miwauke Satrda taeron unn ati pntfi .),ned iththan AdmiraDeweysoelethed to the. l'ndates least 100 achers applied for money, manay to the service,was arestashbiruCsiclgothesthreatened lbuildings. SRicha5sr e. nsimpotbe t obý.ti de taifihedamae Milwukeved turo tro itsuntfiire helth i oht i.Ampraid, bteyis aremovied twthris wifeStos orfithem with arme, but their rntameswere Inspector Stuart. IthatRhdbeen madotestoand William Durkin, 1 and 1 eZza, in utiing dstictaan oalihigantw das et sentholvC ongressman»Henderson I not siosly ill. pod stwilut bhsml Wen re o sntMet werithe not on hen liss orate paers we the locksaonthe aoverniment pounches spetely, who wsere ashumiliinabout th( by a nuuiailly severe electric stormi,tithe rontesat. They got together, they said , i-gdsh. Kinley wsmkigu teeirglruWe tcm ere hie Mr.Stuat bo.Te olwere ee te lir e wu0 many h(ouýssbeing sgruck by lightning. to indorse a Western manlndshw tathi-cbinet th.enme twere stibll men waiting or a. ongand 1is sintarked.sLarmour, hadl plac- bd. Tepoie eieeth ir aso 3enge-r reports give the followiuig cas- Wisconsin was in thle contest in deadeParni- WASH INGTON'S PEACE dUBILEE. of Mar. IMerriam was tthe seadimutye oifihulOidnti f aeson anli ass i . . . acurebefore. incendiary origin. ualt s. est. The Wisconsin delegcation aplaced]tite-sglge(sted foir ,one- of theplists aethecmclry o w. Titication inletranmade a signed confession in the SUICIDE BCODDB. unn-Bijou Billi., F. M immtiedliate advantage withllendluerson, Celebration H.@ Imposing Pagode the portfoliom, but it in Amerian mlitay auhoriies nd Ge. altioct macallad nithemailebe.arl@iect ittim F.Hackny of tal urem .P.....c.knWest0n1Sttes o delarefor he cad.-.he.ntionl..e.e. .bile.celbraton e oppsitin ofSena Goeahandhifriendsewiereonsjuila n vrtween Chicago and Grand Rapide, Micht., Kanisae (.Ityle oote Himself' ewcIoa I aohrSatwsuhee nafeahntn ihtetr Ds prvne thechagefro te pevousda, wenever since October, 189-7, during which William F. Iaekuey, architect to the srosl nued .......---.......fA asntonoresondent ayutht iingoshurdrchntWandgthenbwithn its seius conira onylti orty menmdre hemony. Se na- fiime it is computed that he purloined 30,- Kansas City Board of Education and one Watervliet, Mich, the acition ofirthe- WNiscosin icongiressional of aiteamtwhitles, while the guins fromtlion. 1Later the soume n en ty-fveollrsbiser or o eta n man 000letters, of the city's foremnost men of his profes- Killed .. ··......-_.....--.. - ........... idelIegati.onlhaitgVnla dciisi int s taI o Goverltrnmet Ve1lnel m armoy posts e r r influene ais .laidt o )ng ofA the oldirsIhveNeen orOyar. sion, comimitted suicide in his offce bY Hasti ng@seandiBeatrice, Nett. thoe iIndrson s peaker--hip boom in the by thundeiIred salutes. At nutin the can- have blocki-1Sr. ,Meirriatàm BAPTIST MEMBERFA TA FI4E81INNEW9YORK. blowing out his brains. Hleft a note tc erionely 1injured.i.........................3 a.t. It shows thant thet men who have non firedi a salute ,of forty-live guens to a 'ian isu.. It has bee BATS EBRHP41193 --the newspapers statinig tat hewas thupe A violent rainsýtorm whieb broke over beeon in conttrol of the flouse iorg.anization th, lUnion---on, gun for ,eai haState. The ithat fe f.eudhaduiberûei -- ~Three Persona Loue Their Live, One lessly in debt, fthat his incomne was'not Chiaoa 1 oookSnayngtfrtels oryer r tiigt e ftronwsg vrt n uoing t ltthe lai-t reports aret Re otoRh ertr fM sin r eing sufocated. - sufficient ito maintain his famcily as they flodedthe (city :mA l suurbs, cautingai; tain Ithat contrit in the next flouse. l'ayne nIi;tary parad,.re :,e.v ingtr,ugh the prin- tobrak outlagatm with11n%%wI Union Encouraging. e a ,Two persons, a man and a woman, per- should be keptleand lat hb adldecided meulh damnage to propeIrty, of N-w York, Dalzell of l'eirisylvania, e al pari .of te.e iit adie inogrev iewed 1talie. _ Monday'ssession of Baptist a Sn sed in a fire fthat destroyed a lodging '.to quait busine-ss." lie leaves a wido" A disas:rous hand fatal tornado, passed C;rvvenr of Ohio, Stee-le of Indliana, by3 l'r-iý,.let I-ialnh.. hi, cabinet, the 1 Notig i -eo'.b Francisco was devoted toithe eighty-fifth hbouse kept by Fay Hilton in NewYork. ndoe'auher ir.lackney wenItrhriough the vociuntyli the viinaily egr imbroe-k of Wisconsini, llýinderson o ,f District Icomisse-,tærs am lthe diplomatic atett ela i ar giuyermay of the American Baptist Mis- The anitwas known by the oname ofter n 8 1ro Ds lins wer e )io lils tvnt-tv mle ouh fioaTwnyofAlnesta er aog orsfrmenarisi lad n rntofttue ounesinl'ro t dnary Union. The secretary, the Rev. Thompson, and he was supposed to be v a h rei .'frieantweeNhiewoerof thelChambleai n f1i.reutinlines dathl, the ore nbwno tili memers ý,-ai.. --inhe-,edth f\loue nou . es .s thndInfourofth ntrh i1nithe ,story f-romIlla H. C.mebe of osontoet the pres-fs. her.iTe otherti nwm was n-architects of the Iowa State Capitol. of sv'en lprsons moJ the tserious injury of organlization, and withliice]d out of Con- inniionrergimenýt, jusi retur ied frotn ay h elrbecuiin en1 ebesi-o h S ortmetitobegres hoen Misent kown, wyofho was__ y& two lothers. The- tornado formeld ,,nla se- gressthey will endea.v"r lt ouciue in tCole iw, hrar:ý!1.ry fromt Fort %unsRhington ains dti inegletctoniteopar S4,141,M9. Of preachers 1,55S reena- killedl by lecaping fromteotoyofteCLEANED UP $12,000a IN 30 DAY.tini ,p nvilew of hund(re-ds of tersones, thlederhb;tip. Thy have@4 od lilt qite and Shevridanl, 1 , th lecavalry tfromrAn.-Departw t ou G en.ortn ed n omnalyChisinands and1,274 uildin. The ir d, gainedf greatraer hea -Sineand moved, in a souitherly course. Th,-,imprebale ta nEsenmnwDbegrta.:9 Fr lr hr ee i dir who a ire.ow esitut,. in heathen lands. Mssoar cuchs eore it wasdicoerd ndThompson otu fGle tr111ei en tr et.yedi a church amd a chool eetea, .teyaeturing tou o1. Ilen- fUtw th, bl l uoiary h. l ' %. eransofid¡.hi¡tirrwdra bing u . nimbler 1,815, with 205,306 nmembers. The was suiffocated in his roomu. The loss on River Dfiétrict, Minnesot a. 01 outlcseatewhitreached he l'etr derson- a.1Ih.yar. 'the mui-hAmrmn war amta 1" ,e1a ýj o, Baptists are slpporting 460 forelign mis- the building was$0 .M rs. on ThmsA MritonudarHmn snpartere the execut,.ion oei walAnIndanaoli'dipath sys he In- from severlal ST:ii. tation ratoit, nd travel sionaries. The Rev. Dr. T. J. Morgan of Rtoathberg, 84 years old, was fatally bulrnl-or' Duluth arrived t here fromt the 'Goldensan pacing hee lle and tinjrdle sdi naIepli:msa erhmhi ao ngtabiatsetab a r therln frtar.e_ in euftmed s..lif they h New York made a brief address at the ed in trying to escape froum a bourning ten- Star mine in the Seine river district, wi t rew all abuTthe prem alisebi ng of ,m flo'Itp il ,adth par t ey mnag,ersfare t e n Atiizinthae rlu;n.l 1>-se wmng te . tIi milrun 'fly mnorning session, referring to theleac eet aItivington and Pitt streets. $12,00 in gold bricks. I repreentedt alen used I'nalnd maime-)edin a shoekl ing m 1 ad1,fvrhi.Temstptn aueWs mvnmnmet twic e' at i' -izensI. Iand so far.a c o n g r e s s n o w, i n s e s s i o n t T h e l n g u e . -m o n t h a c l e a n - u p t t h e m i n e w i t a d el - l r i l e t h e d bi u i d l i n g s h e r e k i m a s h l oi " t a s p r fa i n g. ei n e uo p k i a s ' f a s t den * ý l :t o i l e n le a 1 - h a t c a net we r e re et b jet l ts t ,e v f ,r Ion th He offered the following to bie sent t Am- Littl Child Kidnaped. o kdstap mill nditeats alprevious recor.dsint, rs.fter oingit s wo-rsiathe s torm liht e woubin liapprove d.,rai,,eg n thentoaimrkbl arilfl ay ther p arivaier iti Bastsdorrehte "A moii o Nrtern nopios:ohat eid waseported to the NewTetstockainethe nine jumped fromt 05to passed into the crne ofrhills skirting the islation aaseint, ttrustée , andas this qulles- daphry o (f fer ký ili harge,.l undebr an fthae y wI e gvepriefereit Bapissrereenedm nrnuconven- tokPinge . AlAbst in, issouri river wher eit appears t,) have liou is NI lbe proinetunt ,inthe coin g oa- Anieu,,an, llbgner4 ftlngsu ., a d etion nvokePnocofeencetebn-"k vA te aan e owncTb he ictorathewmarb tarties, bleendissolved .The piath coverve)bythe. tiona1lcampaign thet-Indina (Congressmnien pe,b.l ia a igh al-it.il.elby anne.of lbal- h lterprsfo edictionsofrthe Prince ofePeace.dArmo- The' miss- h nstorin was aonly about twenity rods wtle wull be for fhim, as hbe a known toliehold loons, ther, %was a replro.ietin o teben exaggre-oiratl dtalt tien to eable the message wals adoptddat eres h ffne1 mts-ldwhich is supposed t ei ntn am eiancbottheumns nleghtTeWetrnsntmnt egrin rut adbate fAanl o n rifcalokef ltheelshagd unniouly auartter of Arthur Clark, n em»ploye Of avne cnsas.wind w',as naccomai d ]bY a beavy fali rleo .encessity for legi.latailnagiaines iet.t m wiehla700 mnoaen;,gged.[· are nI ey crcumta nces.vd TO FIGHT DISEASED MILK. a publishing tirmn. She Wasltae, the Cuba'@s Prcovisaional Fla. rain and bail, thoe hitte bing as large as Ticbest Poted poliîe Ia ay llianah ONRQENS AA A .le nt.ed r ia --police Say, by a nurse namued Carrie A special fromnt ashington says: igo..ose eg. Everythinga in the Course if1o After the k f ;K.ng e.f niaa ON-RQUE'SNAALDA.-he Coming Convention of Physicians Jones. who was haired by the Clarkst "Cubais blue and white provisiconal lait the sýtorm wmas compiâtely destroyed. A1 will vote fhi n. nlnt ertsEr taehiAlaterAt ,lie :i-g .f ,lie.. t Wilstd ubruone hruhanavrtsmnt h woewill sooni be seen un the high seas. Frank' large amunit sf.s. ek wa:killed. DIE IN A WRECK. nieersry of lHer Hirth. t1he preM,mo :i lthi.e oi Taberculosis is to be considered aut a thing seemus to have blaen a cleverly laid Pavey of New York. attorney for the lie- l'roblaly thelc mé -t destrueu-tvetoraoQue itoriawnayar b el p mtrdwie:dol convention of Chicago physicians, which plot. The child was taken out by the rarra Steamship Company of Hoauaxafthatever visited NebIraskLa passe.d through BrigtnTai fIee ar enedy ndctral lad And horol %the I m-re i>af.1sriaw: it ba dd will be called at an early date. P'articulaer nurse and the empty baby carriage was was ere toa-day consulting with ome 'isthgle northern part of Hlamilton CountIy Almost Demolished. event. Theý Quelen obse.rVed th, day at n:o ;- r the irin t w attention will be paid to the spread of the ifouend by the police in Central Park. Son a% to means to remove the piresenr st ro- i Saturday naight at 7 oelock,' dest r,y inog Nine per>ons were k0ib in I-woraliriad W%-indsoýr, where e f es.tivia l egan atw1a,:lie he por omre at ""'1"I.uke ý disease fgermos by the sale and use oftimlak. afterward, Mrs. Clark received this letter: tions on Cuiban steamship,whharnofm 7, to$%0wrhfprp -kinIaher.tofaenr1:3, witch are nren:ont by a choiru of 250 amO , thh wa-pro:e. - et L tDee bracm iteo tw ny- "M s. lark--Do not look for your nurse longer entitled to My the Spanu h lagi;and erty., including ift.een d(welinjgs,, one tramns runing iinto washmlits., cau>,l iby voicts in fthe.ev ,tle court yard1. The turc- 1a wIl fr.,m e o p q "r t rive members was appointedl fromtthe Chi- nd baby. They are safe in our posses- caninot ßy the Amiericanlag. 'The bitue cuh'a,,none school house.ý, two iron broidges strmsl. Forty ,ix mcre.were iujured anealwthent satwmwsfi hv antgtAgA t c oleMedical Society, at the suggestion of siion, where they will remain for the pres- and white ßigeadopted as the distinctive ,across., the ]-liru river, barils, corneribs smeoftemw'larbalydi.Tettr tlo ed bythfie jnib-e hyman - verfia ,..,,,.aaI.uke&e t be a.'ii Dr. eynlds helthcommissioner, to ent. If the matter iskept out of. the mark of vessels of Cubain ownersbil) en- otulins'rhadgovs ece n io o ferias nearWaeby,. on th riloe H .mdrigl: t no.he uen lnadoin he ! i,u, m i« ie mlake arrangements for a convention. bhands of the police and newspapers you gagedi in coastwise tradte has no) mterna- sok nC mn iut ubstt i i. & Nr wal.wiera the seci-,on flw ne'C ar rafa Tom here.. he,.Il 1 surround rn~te;,«,!clen ,l -th ia, That committee appointedl a subcommninittee will get your baby back mate and sound. tionnial auine. is unnderstood that a *,em- the noiirtheast part caused nmuch delistrue - Ot-'wtin. Near lleiso, Ti xas, ia freighit edbyebYl en, rs of th.. ryal f ily. Later 1 tti, who ,ýfortnrly ir;itn.wt of five members, who are now, considevringIf, instead, you makte a big timie about it porary arrangemeont will bceuae lby the lion. The crelk wIas illed bank higha in a t_'in jumpiied the, track :antheflcenginaeer plhe witu.-,ed .a paru.ale of te Sots i n1 therela, had] t the matter and they willmakle a report and publiaih it alltover, we wili see to it War Department whereby these veýsses few mlinautes and] the adlyiniuig lbottoms was'kiledJ. Guiards, who fira.l aie honrary ,alutne. , If eTour nob s t,7o thr p Don. ' that you never see hier alive aga in. We ,wil] fly the Cuban coastwieflag and ecflooded". (Over ICO )touts of hay is kniow'n Teweko h ulntn ea nteeeigteesl n1gonsltte etrutw are driven to this by the fact fthat we can- given clearance for foreign ports, with the to b ahdaa n etoea1Iapids and Northen Itaiway wCas cau. tee ,riia tlyeilluminted ligoi .ý.>Aht t ,e. ke(:it prophit .mi;c ON ILEMATIJUE. not get work and one of us has a child dy- provision, stated in thee41earance paîpers, miles of fenocing is ruined. Corn land ius rd lby the washing away o h fudtinwssevd'ae atraprfraceo in,potllrkhaig -- ing, thrcough 'want of propier treatmnent fthat the Umited States Govertnment dorsbyws he..feeahthtraketeranfalligat the "Lohsenrin"gen i the atle-r Thineaofte r poilath ,jdropst o h ]Northern Paclac Express Train and( nourishment. Your baiby lmstsafe and not assume any respoensibility for the ves A terrific hailstorm struck Hanstings, timeic in torarnts. The-re are indlientions The Queen rec-eived lteh.-gramis of cougra .cr eor eabngtatp The Capitol express on the Northern her. If everything is quiet you wilhaear lbe willing to accept this arrangemnt. tifteena minute, during wheich fiime severail thcloudbui -i rstwhih hd wshd he athmeags fromoaiet1,ie-qs aitd indviduals.f-- h Paific crashed into a Grant stretelec- fromt us Monday or Tuesday. iSigned) Eventually it is probable tieat ail h pron r ut, ve 00paes o fom he trahc foraist anhd c e f hal mong the rn cnrtulmanry telgras w th.i,.;i ' a toi he tri car in the sburb of SttlWs. Tre"There is evidenc t show fthat veslwill secure the right o ytped l rt knefut n ganr nile Ira. ngfwarne dibyanlceehtheaen-one frileintu McKyIlley ovyng..a Twenty-five passengers were thrown into the nurse girl wrote this letter. American fdag by being a tr rr oan hiknsad idsklldan njrd toineote. lg%,rimeing diastr, ofthe eng- the frontare-soand well wishes ,y ou hegAmeri an na Edl«othtry nte electric crlet wriek- nethe state for ialary. nominal American cownrers ip. At thei.asylum folir chronir ini«ane 4m'noer and lirman;jumped 4and esalwdilwith can people t.- l. t cyapital of fadalnjteurestle.ddardBtr.Toadorecied .JM. Allen ,a member of the House of Ricrh Mine Near victoria, paneof orgla'ss were brokeln mfthe main.siliht tbruise. The cengine plowed its way titre ,andé-ma nes fm fate anjruind dieddlfterawoothers Rrpresentatives fromzeAthens Couty, O.. W. S. Harris, manager (of the Harvey tbuilding and 13(au mthe green hbouses, 1inito the earth, mand lay in the ditii with BUFFALO STRIKE ENDED' wealos ntairorea trloith . are dngerust ly ured, n fiteenothibesbas sued the 8tate for 500, the amount mille of Granite creeki, B. C., reports flta hre a grceat amounet of damtage was the cars of the traine pilediuponit. The - ---- foe iC Merut lnded.n wer bdlyhut. t asthogh posileof his Slaery for a year. The Auditor of at about the -îinfot leveli, 120 feert in the donc. The hii a tonies ewere ais large as ma1crwsprilytlsoe y h mcbePtlmn eceand the srretý1' ndeI'Ir of the tow that one or more of the passengerns were State and Speaker Masoin, who refused tutunncel,!he mother lode was struck, show- tarens' eggz«and came downi with such force milag car, is ch rin ltulr peetare the Amiain shetes G to Woirk. the, >irflag but.ifLiller ,w drowned in the bay. sign the Toucher aremade defendants. ing about two feet of rich galena. The astoikill chi;ckens )oung fruit on the tsmoke r The earind th ensokrraet.e tegain sovelers strk ta Buffalo 1 a b gair gManera Rcfoth eatiThe Auditor refused to issue the warrant claim showeed assays asq high as $',201, cherry, applai and preah trees was aillcid.on the roof o.f the padssnDgrcoacu o-hsedd nteareen ne hc aeol h l Rm face t forthe cPes nnateNa (n the treasurer because Allen holdo the sand on several occasiorý the assays have knocked1 off ndit aany lihmbg stripped fron oic ,wie h aycah en hslee- thesen eIn rthto wrk Cointractr whCon- be no mlit9ak aout tloe stangue ofrthe clbs fitheNa- place of confidential clerk to hi* fallher- gperfrom $400 fto $2.00). the trees. 'A" the wvinter wheat was de- ter lhadtalmost entirely teletsco,ldachoth. niers conceded fpracticaly everythmng. with 1 a ben odaeaoratd tionl LagRevaoir osfollws:at stoye.inrn ad ohergran ws ntier.The sleeper iutite rear escaped w ith the exception oif the abrogation of the ýfa ' Broln.. .7 L, Wimr . L. in law. the$1Colmb00 esin gnt Hvc f trminNbrsk- far enough advraned to bie affected. much less inijury.con1tract. lHe agre-s cover bis signature *. m,,:s;>ig iltwas capta Broln ..7 1 B lioe ..2 7 slr f$,0 erA heavy windstorm struck I Hsang, 'Terriic stormus Socit over Iowa Satur- New« of fthe ,lis:aster was brought to not üonly to live up to all the p)rt-ev.1is party ,o.. manded b ly 1 St.Lois..2413Nw or..1521 Fouet a Whole Fasily ra Nb.addd uhdmg. ogrwday n ;al S ay. Ai Tamca them r as al- Wtroob w fte aegeswoagemnt1terdit'bh lk a .!,e. 11, 1 . Bosenl . ... .23 13Pceisburg ....1421 unuttýa ent ; .lopl o. 0,wel rofra;lread sheds on the South s de o te mct a cIlidur-t and uch damage d1)l. on adescýaped serious injury. tel-f traines riers, buit h agrees also) to ftheappoint- Chicago ....23 1hLouivilleb...1225ofnJanEnaM,,. M bstsSSt. Josph and Grand 's'and Ialod h hcgoaiNrhwsenIairalfomteead rmCdr tpi wr etofadnntteo ie.tremm- S 1ay ; a PbBaelpha. 2 15 ahnn. 12 if,""a. ifnt child a grl Af-t yelar as e hdadfite, r wnysulainednmuch damnage. A toriaado strne«k Iwlkyo h ru.,an h nue eso hc ilrpen h ri h oetro om Cincinnati . .19) 16Chev .land LI.. 1 gfe ni0a h e eo l aeIsan bow-s ýof liaborerS wer l own--down' tthfrm hueo a m nn mdMc ".pasel nrs cwr oon exralienef rom thp e sheer s , wich wil h,,rIýave abs l,.epor aIir e.,ng . t-. ermit hada enlsa sh 9. ý ed i t ail A mm ofrn o n nasinj'iecl. hafea i lebon.u:h o le ni.e ld- e n e lrl no o mtlte odtrmn hte r itai fth1 u « e s FuteDoWitn Lateadingofhe1cubs ita abullet hole, in his head andFiem MillBurting was idemoli-hed a!ilfiv e perons îwere wr.ae otehsptla ea tp e epolb i ssopr h htte r m in teWeter Legue eiped reolvr. e hd apant Tsas, s1 eat ateren, N.injuired, .Mr,. McCoy fatally. Itam anloeamitditotenje;tnshvlrs.nesoe idro Wllan Ie ..1 3 el. Lpi, . l kiih.d his family, thencM n.Littdedd e a J.vaEi Od.r yed y ïre - setry haitfollowedilihe 1irni, n i an notachdoit- If was fiound thait deaith h'a<l resulted in Union and be permiiittdto ork. iîs1i.:n it'> t. ,ie u Milwan e e .9 1 daapolss71 C lu b , ...;1 14; - ea.(h»c iaT an. i. z a -trqe e-ry frame ru.-ure and age to fthe growing eropes resuile. 'A a short tiime in aillfbut the case of David Vioder the terms o -f tth- iagre- mn t.(Con- n1 unni!. This a-ioe s . Minnepoi...7i 14 Coums.i C ...'21 -a> Ro b rsch se y T ai.a eod 7 : oms. The on is 4estimat, e:ojrm rpassid thromtgh tecounitry twenty- 1. liallo of N3tinneapo.i'. who livo until tners is to subi t to 1, t hi iveigti ng ,ýzcomi- 1j- t r- luti o of Cen Detot.. .6 1 K na iy.. 7 A raebetween ,a fre:;gut train a:Dd 1for' afivra e , m: i nrthat of Ibles 31lois Suu" - some-hours aller the a-cicident. .Alr. IHallo ruittreea list oif the tunnel o f thelimen '-m- i M.- h1, 18%f. whiihnai, Et. Paul. ... .15 14R1uffalo ......A 1 17 ,robbers in a spring wýagn tr-k Jdaàr 1-ar dyarcn .vrl oss n ar w s ntewa o9inepoi o ar pae b i.a ri i-eer o e- uonteSertryt . - ~~~~~Luiner, 3Mo. The law-breý,akers had a Wmoama Indicted for Perioary" dare roted to hve been bow n dwansd', as onmhera 1.rgesten of ioitat city a amdinatbn. annersa li. aglr.%ereXto the as the ehiirsir cdn • Re po dmran i aerua C naltoo trt(utwrioetae wthle 1e .Buru; ,whIæ i' de-ledamage done. buit so far as nice of Admirail Sehh-y. 'aily of fo U,1I"ý,the s g n i of ,al so-cýa[ld objection be emnece ci sary. Recara diala al ker, pressien t teu oui lt fromthei,»village sand captured 1by the aam-uýig l-, $ .-OP,'K ) fi r < ,amag's kL' n no Lit, es1., we.re lost in that locality. ijrd ae i. eio . miin n ose n otea pitn n fb n ie- Niaau.a a om isosb it train -c rew ndlo,,ked up in a box car. Tue , agr t I'he ita o 1f To!ed> andlu 1- resent. _ _feaijtrs are enert aid that theditofdad month lyi nwnh(-a -the irtucesorf , ho ;ln Shaterat a- 'r thereprt f1ht cmmisio tothel'esi- nlyait pavaeilbfthe sapig o- robad 140edb te rndjryNPARDON FOR MRS. MAYBRICK ill be added,.,to. shall art as boss soopers pemling an in- itntructeld to »,eta>h a dent, who tranismitted it at lonce to the esra1aale ih h aira rack. for p-rjtry. .- -- - etaio ftech r s m dnaant te 'eii'fr te a liateatibimn.it ibs expnied n l.w.F'rhise Ta. Bill Passd. British Government BayaiThere la No CUBANS DIDN'T COME. tho suspenaded 1b-,s,,I. 4,110)voaiteers. This i, - that thi scm ion as cnclueitheso- $100,4000 Losesaet Clevel.ad. The franebL:seta' b;il passed ItheNew New EvIdence. - -------- - -- ftemse u fvl pwoointetof th., new ,isthmian commiis- Compjjany's lig factory at Cleveland. The ------- T.p.artnwý.nt thant ftheBritish Governmentt rreh thelAr len omrs i Ia.AR EWS.N:RIE . U Io lrt rm en. t'otithi si,.n to carry ,in the- work o a a sre.ofm srpetdyco m ncte on ar M Ta'ith s ein ltoga ta ad n to Is a dfome rymonn ntlit i::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::: wl e ry2.. ik by, bu:ildings. Bev,,nd a severe scorching, -- irne lyrcsetne oprsnh -: a: .Teea a s Ye1w aks perac- however, nothing mwas destroyed except Chicago--Cattle, common to Prime, for lietein July, 1SWJ, fur the lmurder of the even iu-1 31iThe raynyhseason has begundo>rought honw in hiepiasl1 State Halth Officer Bluntt ofi'l exas re- the O)hio Bash and fDuor Company's plant $3.00 to $51.75); hugs, shipp:"ng grade%, her hutsband. t ua d ie thu e Cubano te 437lhiepa cuonla.bgln rgtmlen.. )a hmakmtàl teied aoltoel egram rleans lltingt O-' ndlume .Ms h ttllssi but$ I o $4.00); sheep, fairtouchuice, $3.00) At the request of friends of 3Mrs. May.mni rprt( ft or es Gen. Lawlton, with themain bodly of mnsfirte einig ee orhno ewOlan Ittngta 100,000(,iprtily covered by insýuran-e- to $5.50; wheat, No. 2 red, 74c to, 75c; brick in this country Amhassado-r Choute r ims andhe nt o e yorhs srren-his troops, reachled M-lits r ednesday. movement. yowneerin ad aai mdeit apercorn, No. 2, 32c to 33e; coats,'No. 2, 25c was instructed to reques;t the British Gov- tdered armis. arcn oeivinghomeyeure The Oregon and 3iinnesota volunteres . no.-:- enni thatcty.New Binntas ilver Mine. to 2Gei; rye, No. 2. Glc touG3e; but ter, ernment tu release lrs. 1aybrick. Mr. dcam is.ollowr, revbgte in nlighers have retuirned tuo Manila for a needed rest. Dlvrdwt lo Negroea Attack the Bolidiers. ,A letter from Durango, Alexico, gays choaice cre-ameiry, 17e to 18e; egg, fresh, "Chonte comiplied wm ithhais ins4tructions sev- camp ongthe. Sevacealiohrv woaind Atyhogpeet h ailing for the the piens ioteeare lett Wo'irthle-ss negroes ,n Sullivan'@ Is-land tat Fred L. AMorris, secretary of the lis- 12c to 14,; potatoies, choice, 27e to «4etceral weeks agit, and tho British foreign coiuldn thow Seany connectiwo wpitth i tedAttypnpe ofthe Calioniaolun-e thr tiouhot teoun jty. have recently c1aused muc"h exitemnent by souri Valley Trust Company of Katinssper bauhe. domeeat once agreed to have the mollt erarmud o hwretuned awayi,. Tnwhe otll'e ttsu b'Cif)aVlatrs-latrohow oo the comryi attacking Uied ,lStates soldiers wmithout City, sand H. E. Ellison of Abilene, Kan., Indiatnapolis-.Cattle, shipping, $3.00 tI okdit ganb oeomeed aysnwr asthrefore .TheditribtionlaFersm asps h rbl erSngn h amn fp any apparetca cuswoiav ee$poset..fr7oedee -)ü; hugs, choice light, $2.75 tu $4.0W;homle offce has re-viewed the case, and of $525, kwtthet gn orrlle d.riGtonld'PerorMti lhs ae bi eeneager n uid. tlae. Inienearflyat . ntemutanhS trc o, nzasel, commne)to choice, $I2.50 to $5.75';?Mr. choute has received through the fie.or d s, ivrt o teamount cof $39e,000 asing ew llrtencs. writdinhula.laer s. thnat ha-erhs ' Bin llin. ith Winnero., sihve mine h ate2Wins a fotu. Teywha, Nu.-2 ed-7c o 4c; corn, No. 2 eign fMce a courteus reply, sta ing ftht radyad tronggouard of soldiers hadl Tweny insurgents were killed Rand for. lawyer, collector, prenait Wi.h amlielumPlatntaChe, crosteclimty hvem, nfa .wite, 33c to 34c;noat, Nu. 2 white, '29c the British Government reogrets t aen ts beeYndt Bou h amse' met y one nteeggmn8it a.ascaino nii tuaenGati,ed 1vrk at Cicao' «ly IgFr oeinE.Jh. t 1.n a evlpdt as n e vi- manage the expected crowd. Bell's scouts west of Bacolor. that the pension would morni igthinnerirf he thirterh an-damageaiSt. Joh , St.Louais-Clattle, $3.70 to $5.>.5; hugs, attitude toward the prison< , I heCbnsprio nthscureth orhoinadehy nual road raceN refid enor ousgunderwrter estimateg $3.00 to $4.00; sheep, $3.0X)to 5..75 n); eetendingto show herinece f haveUIte Staes Goernme ntIill beoust- sepoat thelele l "ferthtteynaare not go Omrih. f th Teas ad Pcifi ltil-manytenmenthouesSndarobblyG.00 rye No 2, le o Gc. Mybrck i ths contr arnh bhal Unied tate trasurawil sve te 'Chin wil no bepar gertrm-n hel'c - cly oa wa brig eolelTo eahsar t bese $.0 t $.0; hep,$250to 5.0;atd y onres o aythi mthcaihdetbus wthth eemyawomthyDostie ssrace a w r c e e a o n c t , T x a , b d w o t h i e h e a t, N . 2 , 7 3e to 7 5 ; c r n, N o .UEF R D E F .am. T e2el ef p e viit a t o t s d e of d i p r s d it s v r l . O n o l o r a d o f t r e t r g t s o t i waterspou-t undtermining aa d cuelivert.onOnei m ie ,3 c t 5 ot, -- N o . .- -mi_ .ed, 2ac H avase fi d n a o reng m t een i ake the nmoney, ar vou ne er as o un ed.ro e te f ly., i brak man nd o e pa sen er w re d own. Nove fe tenc in hio.to 2 c; ye, o. 2 G4 o GG . ' ivil Cour of aesa ion Repo te i the are les und r th infuenc of the raf, wh ch w s; b ing-sed o tr ns- ial;her-tha bef re. lelized by the ofil- long China will be nations, and while not take a hand tn me it will not per- et to be carried out obe the oser. ered Charles Ayer al rtist, to paint a rtriait ofNMrs. NMc- mil. NI. W ppl ýe fiminLg touches t resnient NMcKin- mied to remain per- te llouse. s nt believe Ad- Le four monthe te though it will take )lmpia in àhape for ill remlain at Hune repasirs and receive t, .and man"ystaps

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