n a il il it PICK uFp .il.-4 uMe . PIC E D U P H E E N E TD on t e pect everYbOilY tu N' o r 5 M . PIKD PHEEAN HERE. IIII frielid in this world. There are people 4 ~who woula isouer sce YotI mae a-1 J»R G G -YL iem o 1ntret o ibrts er l e.bwuduD pe ak o bve ut D UT A lw a y s k e e P a fre s h , p tse r e lWh to tr oul e a l Ci ei 1 1,t) I E. deanstok oÇ .~.C. M. & STr. p LOCAL TIME TABLE. . os. in e ltaWaye D 1 To CIstckICAGOue aîîpre<latel<. R 0frthtifyt sU U U A 64 A 44 14 li U U A A sUPl Lae urdeilislaid upon Y'11 Ai t AU Au AMt -Mls. r. .emu-prti-ltly youlrnoey unless you get value SC6 . <~............ .. .... houlilers u[trteupt (6.')7 . . 6Il?.....7.'5-0 11ilence. 'î'Le -"alpprOvilg 1Cou recel ved for it. For that reason we Ll,,t6II...........SQ. ..........41u cieuce,' a ut 5,.wii lie a" ever faîth W6re4t"h27. e,....w.a.. are.always glad to have you Iook :3 9 .47 . .. . 1W15 l 2 4f' r,1 .. . ... .1- 14:1t S M ~ f6r : tc 4 4 12.2 '. . 54G 1 1 itM : C -di) le ithrougiic ormad ýh Our store and Iearn how m uch R1nv ESIlalvi1 I 1.1. l)2 o1 'C " "« i " Edglur,. . 54 77 . i5ut;I1s 9i>4 2 s7.11l)u 3 . 4 te.s116 '51 IA. 4ovt1I.. 7( 4 *i..... 1.5 4 7.Il 1. 642 743 P s.5 ~ kNot of Othera 18Fault. better you can do here than any- -LGoceiasCa ned8l6..ods7j7 1 ),o4)il.fi.5.1 v4.r. 5) 7.à411 11.15 M .',ilo o I 41 1. C) Ira) J,(d uor,frst )'6)r.ovu; where else. We have the best and joolre 7.1ÇMIa-onned rshs o Flour - B read ^-Confections FOd 6..A' 5 U15 6 U 'lv Iw.)l,llle5 lurIr1)~.fehs fe yhn nteueo C n. p s' n . ...7.1o 6 ) 1 S)I ..) 5 6, et .6 45 )e ~ ~ H ~ 16.I.îui o, .N î.ir..... 8 ' )95-71641 6466si il GA1)6.1- 1 .'Iatau it'I! tho.'),6sin. E c ' .1... ))8.05 1 0t 57 :1 M54511el.1 .51i - (iý r oocls, (ir<ceries, 1N otions, Ec :,,tB5 O..'.. .. 1 .115 :.41 ) .66 1, lu 7.15 1o.1à 4)îAnd lt) it 1 , t 1 -911 .) .. . . 4.2 ) i.2.1 .1 f 6 ; 67.12. JAU 4Il" Nl,.'îa.,'.lIl . S.29 )u 19 1)6 le' E..I 1 124) I )W,. have))Do)rlgl)it tu) )II9, S il ).))), 1»'.r.'f....j.... .. -2 16 4 . 46.1-t' 7 .. ntl i.Ilê iry r.I cUDrl..15146 B > 41 1 .m51.'a UtlI o lik, ly rl. I. Il, .rtyvîll . .. 10,45 .... Ait 5 o .4ù 55W" tnow t ,r r I îW1.1, WuU ft ) .I55 .............. 4i a v' aI.(51aS )S67d_ __ ii4)LI . 51A5l,.raîuslasf)rultali wl.a 5 Ilsr yrd m Up ARE141 ' I18)6 4,)I~Have flftî lfor 1 on 61) Aouti1415 )ll, )tr))16 16111...,. ýi)64)) t 14. i 11.I1 u6)116e .i lt 1) îe t Il o.q4 voll of a bett.r .1)6), 0)) M)uîsI4O 4,))II 5)1)411) W~ ~~L) Li(6SI.14. ,145' 611 m" s 1)rsas W.,41Crabsb klrts 36e o.... Itet.e1616yO). I l.A fine lineofotWaisaU49c tu 2 And tllg)t ,l)5 o1l' )4, L.7, w LiIertyville le es se I linois. --Lester Culby woun thue oîie-mille Clark Wright le boule from BIelOit A od16v,,Ito Ladies' ltlb Vesele tu . 2 bieyu'le race inîthse inter-elass attsletit, for thse cmu er vacation. M! wn mi,r:lIIIlIéc s ot-1 . t ....... 3 met t Ia)i legau l la.,! aturday. (herriem are ripe aoil the g0od feu)l'sfa r î t io- fi1)4614)15 6)4 Laaiesra,1peCap es ....50 ~~~~~ ~~llime '1 '39J. tLouKeleifi' lR buRY Caningl)l(tIJlu. NOIX et lis ail ))W ' landeW.-paîd Sucr..pe me B IC C L S heLeliartyville banîd s6('!6,IItl I ssMary Kttuer, (Il Chleu1go, s Tln )ftit-1,11) i o.r.în"'7-luesPlates .o .... 4 Jay B. Morsei'ad wile andi Mr. andl th(e g)est o! Mre. Chas. haiser. To~thoses -liti. to Mrs. John Mattocks Msnday inîgist. Mrs. iarry (Gardner, r)Ill taceyville. ltncnI)vm(rIng 4-'Ar'."li.nslsets.....k.. 3 S.,6.t11,' -n'o,.t 's 1,o '. (Craish Mats 35c to ........................... 50 Mv. sd lire John lBradley w6,fitil, la., is tise g)Ie't Mr. asud Mre. Stephise ), î~ ! l r'1)511)5 44) celar IRapids,. 4., lati! Stincday t)uTaylour.'14)4) hsV' 1. 7)6')) 5f6yu . 1,A lot (ut Bions leua ban balpillpîe. attenîd tieeInitierai of ail Bulot (o! Mrs. lirs Soloîstuun e)ey le!! for New Bradley. 11i1rk State 'I hur8day moriîg tu vîsit Notîce. HaryGaioayanl ller Loîerelatives. Notice,, a isereY lgiveli ofthie witi)_____J C. l Sseîîîu olu 1111 bcycesdrawal Ly muituel consent of Edwin W. by tse artistie applic'ationl o f varlls C'r h 1'umlifurbcce arkhurlst troul the baokiiig tirai <if '99 Ajax Bicycles sold elsewhere for $28.00 Colored peits greitly lir))ve~ltise lutua vIi)g te u)c ie8 Wright, Parkhurat & Company',o $2 .0exteitor apjîearauv r(»'e adstnd ii,,Blw fthe ari ib r. ak tyelinisbtien lureet îîf B icycles, oisîle îek . Eultor Laney, o ie Iur InUi y thîe tber uleuller)) ofthe Co CresentBicyles '9 modls 5.0 Mlleai(the lINPENVENT OîiCe î,artneralebl). 'l'le busilliC8willlise C eats n odlsBicryclesiet ai aîlfor!rltýiîg aviitWuî,edy.cand Ly eogeA. rlgt, Before niaking your purchases be $2000 oii viiet ias operator at fli 1 dm - tAbolut twelity y),ulglu))rried couîple@ a]d I. Frank W rîglît' oner the lirno ALO EAMRr.5 BC enttars agu, arllonioL 1it are planiulit 'go to) Irl)ce Lake .iliy mame folN'right, ymond t&l'o., usure to look our stock acqaiutl)'e is in vllge 4th tu speul tise day. thse shum e uinandcd iitSneas ere- L eSO DL eE R Il a g Itlie g ýH . B geri e , f i t u l t l rk~ e t uit î î ol v e e s oll y f r t t a t( N e . . . , F l W I H K î T , t I ' r o u g l i . WATCIIES, CdOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC.,LeHherngneB. Egd tebate er r ei;wtuirelatWed n LsaIal IwNW AKIR hyme f thse republi ul i )the itot rWisconelfl pointe. UEO. A. WhI),HI, IftD~lQI U I~ tfIMV meio ,, f the truggles al îL teFRNLNP YOV 8 1 8 1 L U U I [ Io fJt h e n a t i on[b c R O u t i l a i 'lElde h e v' D r . c u C . u t Z i n mu e r m a l n s f l 3 4 -3C . F A NfWI G T Leaglie ou SundaY evelii(g at tise 4)E hrhl a ae uduyUion burcis PEOPLES' COLUMN.,. .<~u ~ Y~ B argains in B argains in e, seriou lY iii tie ilest o!ftibis wek, Mr. ad Mrs. Jouhnu lattoCK 8 retlîrn- AdS la n(ienk iis ela c js Po, sssk r flint M .L IB .u uOL Bg Lg uferlng wîtis gail tne o! the cd fro motheir wedding trp Satîîvdav ar «Wsas, 55eiv u .e s w e r lino.m ~ ~ ~ ~ S Ladiles' Ladies' llaulder. lie le mue'is better ut thi isî )gltansd are '"ait home" scîtisthe ___________________ wrting however anuuibis permanent lrlut"sthe rlirs. Pluoia.oon ü' recver ia nater ! bt te d0, hll ' 1 flariI. 5114,1, au).) fruilt tr-,ý..DEALELRS IN EvrAyTI4ING retvr na 'atro ut81wLBS 1 ). .1.Helîver and Cbae Kaiser Will se.'iîat u'aarîs S1elAthîM G l iid John Hudzul t Pof rairie '1 flC l leIt LIbertyvillelat 'Ja nu. I ueuday lor Ont .-a îl. ' , lic' 1A,("o6.E (IbId FIe iFiiIled 'br'yv'îl'. t, Libertyville, --Illinois. froul hie lîuyle alodilr,ke his rîght a lay e fIeL at tiiamotid LakeaUlidre. ý r s.otIlrwt)s4 6))1 ________ -Oliar bue ut lial Dey lust week tnrue. I sth a string o! i7lu, .scri they , Cn a nd.____________________________________mi,..:_______ Six Size SxSz Tueday evellilg. Mv. Holz, it eili Lul it oA1,1Y. fsuE lvryll.II)~ s li e Ldui;lsd01thehlyE . 4( 1 l ssu F' ,I FI1NEsT i remelmlered, le tise yoslig ri [Lguuie ile ie .Echrb.-W~ PIl HAI I l l k"r'.Fit, N4'atches. NN/atches. Iustlierht blondulin a Crn lîe1d' eîi ave a line utelai 0on tise larson'AuiFR 8IEH,) ~1 Ioll .1.. trigia rraaiula.V aI6ae îý oÏvilay cîeuinig, June Ilith.F Town f 1F-nnont.L o. (,,Ii. 0pee-N.7alSikRbo treigh ri n a t iedu Iar-1-ec resîlu anud ucake' ssllli be serveul îPrl'con)),,) ai 5)'.ril. W 1.50. uit AGENT FOR EDISON PI4ONOGRAPH A ND COLUMBIA w(,rtlj Sturday nilht. autlive cars ErLusly u'ute. FARM iForl tALE7) WO2fr'li -rL lua lu w ,,rr... ,lere ditu'Led, catIiOg la vusierale ' Whlu ireaketlîa edea Serpent atir,. kîsue îîa. til.' Bou,.l.ts eîîu. npadSrpsadfnyd-7 1) 1 Iwth wisîu'L tley were lu))(u Ieu l a[t 8 ivh tise ev. Juh i ee will ural y.i i LI14L th k nd th t is u se u (ipr))lu il) tis îisey il ci a tul'e )l jtl is'1vte tet fr SPA15 lIT) 51I.,6k l tle. III .ayî C. R. SHERrMAN)reul lIamportantu))elestos ai the SAIE la ,tiî'in. î)îars1 m I 60ruch now, usual prices lOc to Lmbertvvlle - - - Ilimois. i iebr i li uAa.Methollitit chîris on Sunday mornlng. 1-.l* l4SLLI. r ýrtuslll . 11" 6,ls1t 14). 2. our price - - - - a yd. l'as. iîay s til))ily. troum)suthé iseî, Jay IB. lil urt[11 wi!e arvived in F01b(t )Ii. le har is h Iih, '11 4vH a"., irevstîng Lîlertyville relatives, lirv leSaturdamy uubn, anulJay uia ANEDit , Itv(i lr.u.. 34_1. wlg Cuirr w1ros.this12 dozen Men's Imnported French ilats_______ Sis~~~~~~~~~~~eridai), wlîere M. ILlsy sii! ia a for several oula alter hie retllvl. tAANTED.-GirI for g..)u.Iral )4)..Ok a rga drer xr tiset NDEiuDET. 1-1u0 elbConcertder5O1,Extr bisfuture huome, Le isavîug ecuireul a M1r. and Mrme Morme s ili reside wltis 5 ) sras )'.y l).114) Ali.)' Wve have a new and coryliete lm ne of juusitiuo 56 .oîîiict)ur (untithelica)go) Nîr Morse' parentletor tise premeut. F,1 SALE-A No. 1. r Y.'irol e Derby and Fedora Hats which we are à Milwaukee eletrie rau. Rieie h adBy ovr 71fnte7ck sligat right prices. Sc.rviceh ut thse reluytcriaou'Lîrcis anduiu'al uext'Satur(laY eveunîg, June N. B.: We have them in extra large shIrts. Nos. selin l.uoday a!i îu11lui a.il.M. Suijtect, 4tL,- on Keris iaws. A good time is ,. atuli. I isre swilb' l)) Cvii) lruoinseul. Sulo,, o lt, And full bandi 46 to 52, and extra large drawers, Nos. 42 to lîg service, tise cougr<egatIti .îî lguIIgînie slc i! lue turnîsbied. C. PB. ' 46 at the same price. Sh e ,-.ý fui iteul toui nuet ai the Vtlbnn eistîrut fSherman 5111 eltertità wttia numlîer 71t)IIwitinthe oethis1t ,.4u1gregatl)41. of eeleu'tîuuitlit uî bis phionogriiph. 0e The shoes we carry are made of the Iev. . iIii(4en)au wiii alur'.6 thel)e isulpsu'i fuîmu6e e cresul eili best of material. We have them in 1jouilt audienc'e. Ili- ervel for I' lit( Ili, vanilla, airs,,Ul ptture Ladies' and Misses' SiIk Mitts and Gloves ln Childs' Misses. Ladies' and Gents', latest lv higis th(- GlAberlua 1,sf puyberryaill Luuu(rel01 avure. stocnddevery large variety, and at prices styles. Investigate. r)u)iàti eot u, tht, lui ent tritu puy andeiîdng ulmeritv)luns san. .....Cutrcb on which we invite Libert'uville vsanktaf! uuuferred 1r)slte.'is e hLauies Suîu'ial Club utf Libertv- lbey enî]uyu'l a f10 ilutimeanduiwCfl' ville bell a danue and 1110011 llist I N 3Q. To 60 DAyS, comrparison. 'lIuneleul* by the WaullegaO hîrîgiste plorHtl akHi ay ) w'!kîuw l Carpets...*-lea et'sPr'Hl ay th w, koiF- lupr)uper sIsal)), etnrf(il(g isome abu.t Weulnesiay evenilig.Jloue '218t. It waiR ,Ivity M.-tluoI "l ou.k W ediesa4ty morîi ig. a uevided 8iulcets auli largely aittemideul. 8N) Sirgl'usl EII'r4(i 1,. Just received a new line of samples. W...Mntae -sl8111 frTeeeigw8pretsi rf No v-rlutin T hel'Faiu, Corne in and get prices before buying. ts aiLndrl'.rtrru ruatertel fuîviised ,laboratc illlîumliIS- N - fli eix week'e trip tisroîgis tise wrtevn, tiollu.sait decuratiuue for thse occasbi. AM.TîNFE.ib tvle,- - -IIfOS F. ~~states Moîiday sitis a lbuuok !îll o! 'lioe avillio loouxked ilieliest asti tise _______________FRE__.__________________Illinois. F.C. SI1 I& SOI',I uruersudatibutsiness ie l.uoolng ut fluor anud music sereth ie LbellttuuLe Every rluturml bleveoun in luconstant Butter ig Libertyville, Illinois. tise Laddfsv tactory. I sy are DOled.laul.iue ladies expect tu hOlu danger. Tisevel o anng n lousriug a 4t fuot uarniige' 'îs for sip auth6r neit nuuntis. stranguîlationi tvetjently restitslnal i l deats. Aruptre alwaye causes Lawns, Prints Percales, DiMities. ment to Miassuri. ]dise Laura Gilber't, o!f (etwuoatO, gluat(tlest of sîîffeing an~d keCpu cLld- ExcayatlOu for . HW clsouls ew Oio Isasbeen elgagedi tu tea6' tise yon froîndevelopîng as weill nailly F rS ao f'9 store building, cornier of Miliwaukeeth iî rugi('1 of Our pulIis csoola tLe sud pisyslcally mas tLev oîîgl. lu everyFo e s n of'9 progessng olnig shou yer. MsfiGilertcase tse geneval heal thla ismpvoved w ~~~Ave. aud Spraglic strectt IN rssigcmn slolya. is(Oetatter ling oured, îuin t ol h ul d iu N LS MIES A LO Ice Cr~ezn ta ldly'. l. Sclsancek propuueeeiloaisl ,llcce5(imMisa S1iil, sud is a gradute Youang. T EE G IHS IES A L M Isilluty I h.s entire pruîerty oun tLe )Otterisein t uiversity, ofWetervillie, A specîalist wtb over iwenty yearis M.-I, o litbllld te Wod allOhio. inle EContes very sighly reoin- expevîene lu thse trcitmeul of difer- corlersad Wil uîl ieset511 eut cases wîil allit et u t Dene esesenake it project abouît smveii leel fipringebloro, Oisit and aitlBessemer, June 27, 18991, ai 7:3U, anul Wednestlay TP lieyoIId atjoliug luuîllini. Mic'I. l'roi, F. £. Miller, 01 Giterbeli tforenuOU. I'nivertoity Baa ofl ier: -,Miss UJlîberI I(ýf -e (Clin1 lot Cure yen1 it wlll net Tise Lbertyville yuuthin lit'0 relI)Oc' cut yoîî a Cent. Caîl and see lst. ton ut persoos wheu it 6'omme tuoIltnastreî'il eliments ut s suoesi-L TAIM WI p re a d ris coisrlvarls, noirle is doterIald oiure fui teaclier, auouai!l ler work ts (ut the ____ Yo anewasidate brotiser.l' tiîstheirutassurance ut igiseet cisaracter. Brioets apt lute d. a1 0 gtudstl t,itroitelY expressietaubouLe atheunsaties, stvong in tise naturel Cucumlber Pickles t rv.Weigh, 1 00 - __ -- ", .1 IlCo1-o1,rMh1 Bay 1- IK