aux onnOu sHAnE. head of the ainimal. Ioside of thfis a damp sponge may be placed ln warm weather, and in cold weather It acts alone as a protection from the wet and cold. One of the features of this pat- ent la the arrangement of lotted feet on the bottom, which permits of litsin-. stant adjustment to any harness with- out straps or buckles. Au Awfut liag. bMs tyles-'d have you understand that 1 know IL good many trorse men than- ray busband. Mrm Myleu-Mdy dear, you must bes Mmrepartieular about picking your 00-, mon. BIG TrWIN COMPANT. t lesealoyengo tory strted nu80UXDA RY FIG HT. hit'rla'.,^" "*° e hmGra Ol'"°n Cambinte Faid to Inclade AUl Tan Com- maebines in the shoie turning departmssent, Britain or Canada to Ruch an outlet? that'eL akeis. whI, ich are operated artly by boys In'rthe question Isanoitlin easy one to au- tero 0*A K t. JUST, Editor. The Orreat Lake, Towing Company place of mien. TheSomae. Union anREAT BRITA N WANTS SLICE swetr. Great Hitain's title tol Brithish Stat - -- watt orgeanliedI Cleseliand, Ohio, wIthle idl that uls highrwge, were OF NEW GOLD FIELDS. North AmIer-lea fromt the 141st degree bour TYVItLE, . esINO S à capital stock of 000m.The papers >aid lin that deplartme(nt the uattns rd f -o etlnitd srla iGen r of inaorporation ,wIlbefilud ait New Je'r- 100) mes-nlemplyed in the turning &and¯] wed essflkot ati(thepnied er sey within laf-w days'. This amp:1LIN welt departmnent shouild gui-t. The comn "ontends tat We Mont GIve UV Eome S': es to Alas t, upo leteaynithdteg will belintheitnature of a trusýt, and %aw [pany ainimanced hti hs e eto lsuAelasCntu h e Ïý ION IN TI H E CA N\Dy. emibra-e al] the rn aloi mwing eumpanit eut the entire fataery would be shbut sena o h ret n Wy n itrsia. ItusshIi s sight ,Pertanl.y etier btween a. faolleChie gowiand Dud; u'the Fee Another Way- lil i egnrie tothe Vast by F as fig oro l;ofunhaowingary SMALL NU.MHaR OF FAIL.URICL@. nt-rior ofrwhoseextent ut/elhe timte ritor MAN EATS FROM BOX RE- Bros. of Chiago uzTwn opn Aside from thePp:e war, thc shte h:ili no conceeption. Greait Britain's the(, CEIVED BY M AIL. of South Chicago, l'arker & MalomaOfreprtfo ercy Favorabler.f199I ubject engrossinjg lmost plublic aittenl- title 1otheNrth eest ofl 141st de-- As t Miw MeSilwaukee Tug Line, Est-a- R. (;. latin & Co.', weekly eve of tion!is the dispute lietween Ille United gree of longitudelahas never been seri- ma11 nata Towing Company, Walhite Line Tow- trade sayýs: "Failures for the second quar. States alla LEngland over Ithe linie vwich ously questioneil. It is onfly lin regard maie he Il4fterward Hr Vnssr-3111, tl ingIarCompany of Duluth, Illuman Towling; er ofrl l". ae be-en 2:ON itndumer, utsAlaska off Canada. The <utiýVon. lio the southe'astern lpart of the bon- ator 2l e stored by Antidoteq l'romply Com"pany of Duluth, Thomupson Towaing agalinst 3005,la, year, wIth liailitie-q of afIsfially, ls ln the handas of an Anglo- dary fllne, whehlaformned irreguliarly swe Adasiniatered -Giove Troustlin Proc. asndiWsreeking Company of Port Huron $0,5)#0 aans 3pi2,2512 last year- amnerlean commission,%whine report ls by mounitalussant a fline exilending the eosaeto Formnation in New York. adte8 lld ab u For the first ha;lf of 1891) failures wele being withheýkl by the IWO govern- thIrty miles fromtalhe casfleut there grou ao y ioman, tne& Johnson Tugtt es.f44,71,0agins)t,6 gti tt year,2it4,i83lmeentsbecansi.eas It lis reported, tleheihasarisen a quiestion lin reent yearte con Mr.E ,esh f Fim 1 mi 1e :11-'Compatny OflBuffalo, lMaytham Tugt; leya es f$8Tilt aofieueinatT,2 omm,Isstillncould] not agree uponwVidlha is growu lainograt Importance and som cadv eceva lanudawlhaspay o Bualo Ere l'u Copan, Cn-lasear. dNealyhafofth c.rmis, Where theim:uitter will end 1no- by the discovery of a netv golfiled in InIl seincets eiusyil b niiu fneaut Tug Company, Ashtabula Tagor voes aretduetuoe failare. hmoy nos ow frlotthUnl(e Samn the Klondike reglon. Soui arei-lpoi-miez a b- "r ,oIly iuni Company, Fairport Tug Comipanly, CeVe- ,I tr ait 1 t i nisaudeupper at snd John lHulltare fanxious to get fur sNow I. the Time .to Act. ae twas,t a lers wer-te,, ;% r ý ; iN 1t>,l awih1 land Tug Company gand the Vessel Own-1 cnt frlak, lbut lenl i, dll willh heir subjects ais much of the gold land By thc samne ti-vaty (182j)the free ItheI bouge. Twh,: i no 't l", :. t, ih e ris' Towing Comspany of Cleveland. .hope oro -at ito the Colorao strike. >f Alaska nditBrit!sh Co!umbia as navigation of the Siinle rivez, was dest but were 1 fr n who f SAY KENE - Y 1 NOCENT. Hout n<dla.hoe shipmnents fromtsthe Easit .hey can. Thies commuission was as- granted, ut this aiseo at thetm a a quetole if it 1hr-ue I n __ e<eeeithose inany lother moth ol (f "ny wsied several lothertuatters of arbitre- regarded as of little importance. The nar1 andoe o thn*g ur. 'Traite Robber Asosert. that Kenned.yy eIrfor four we-ka. Wool-sale-, 341.- on or adjustmenat, but the boundary discovery of gold lintheis-Stikine ch-ang. au doze.niayoung it lit, l h 1nlWan Not In Macomb Hold-Up. 17.9sa)0 poiinas, of which 986,10 er'luestion lie the one vwhich demandes the id fthe situation. Am early as 1841 the TI ad res s m , akr 111 Iby oi Nr, Wilteloiam tennings, ori ll" Mo.,tyanrolln e - o t.ervetaa specultion scrc l.ulekest seutlement. tor lt lis liable any British Colonist, ant E.iglish newvspap>rer ai• dechepit. t k e ii,l aa o!ýq'i- tieshen uled a av e l art ing %-la se or em mflay to create troubleIbe%tweeilithe tIWO of Victoria,IB. ('., i-e tel tlede rIf ,v<Ihitblb is mca reu that 1 i lio n re d<1i. -s1fin tI of l el l ri 18, governmients. . Ilty of Grent Britalin's n illring In Itl l reitne AlarmIiIzinli e cent orfilhevcrimetofrwhvh hehabienbeenaint a,-'Unitedl State, agiainst 254 tiast As toithieAhlska bonflary luestion, sNIomie way a depttons thcl'auffle for of l of having en non.\ ..... adjudged guilty lithie acourse.of thin con, andi2= in, 'n:i a, gains.t 15 lasIt- tidotes ere zadminiil r; fe.sion Jennings, or ltyansa y *: Incomn- year." __ covering, M lAli1 U1rut1 Pany vwith lanother lutn 1 iarrived aiMTC TosTNARYuOME. Case. -Nigh's hbouse ,on Christmas e vl-, at whi eh ATH R-r A L FRMD. %l LOVEz.RS FIGHT A FATAL lit, L. plqace we planned saidl hold-uplland va-Hig Combine Will Control Ninety,-Bve ried itut, ali 1 i kow lalt of the partie, lPer Cent of American Production. Arlingtos, 111., couple Quartorea Over coneriei ina :aid robbiery; and Jut als 'The comupletion oft the tiewimnte-h trust Marriagte,tand Roth May lif. aureas oýthere ia. aGod in heaiven. Just ,sodeal w.;Ilgive[lth - ihtu el .llii)nnly con- Þ Charles ltmiatl Ili- læIi Mr sr.stee n a h satscntrol of 9 pe1),r vent of the Imatch outpul.øO foldsteimler fought a ld with -! er1,-vivted Of beving one of the party lin sa o this co ntr, ii s climed. For ea llfat-.s in albggy na emalI11 The hold-up tat lis as innocent of yenri tories in NewYork, Michigan tand lin a Cause ofr thei t æl'vwa Iih, h i fth.- Macombiton Jan. 3 Or lin the neidiatui exceptingethe C nienaowned a els youngwonnI |i ltn bl imar thereof as a new-burn bable, sant a bytl toul oman, aslwlutwpan ry her and thefý of 11- 1h o9youn n isJohn U. heninedy. A ýn-wisueof stovk amouintmg to $4,ý es whoha benkelug heco i GOES INTO TH., TRUST. M-) 'oinnid byin eeng Mien orflo 11ne fi n:ui n h dlent vc om ies. (Of tis -. Gouild will be r0 The couple met at a tirlty al l ""i"1.Additional Mimosng Properties in min- l1rid $1,IxmI,INKa for lth,-('ontinental and 0 foldsheimier renwe hr miut thut neapotiae Obtained by Purchasse, a mt the filsamne silletmwill be reýtaied by sals their relationseunae I" "" The United Stastes Milling Co thn.!e Diainond comlpany as wvorking e- aV They entleredl aliina - ugg "r se popularly knowný as the floutr trust, lis now ital. Thei aoo n l aplitalized at $11,- a se , drive and talk upon lthe. iijz. A wlat- certain to sacquire a souchs larger interest Imes),(MMO. 'The net eýarnmiigx are expeceted Tl 11 a i edt discussion arose andl 1od1nlythe in %Minnleap)ois milling property tiéaW Itan .- ybeincirI-tesd 1 ,t fi0 er anumiby -su woandrwa evlvr tri: . hithertoi been thoughit possile. A. C. the new% denht.nt U which took effect in her ci nn-ai Loring. J. B. Gilfillan and John Martin' CASHIER FHOLITS AT BURGLAltS..*.. domen. ~altzman ai ro.w a r.,-olv r quick «who hold a majority of the stock of the-1 * -yand tred fileble, it M -Noarthwestern Consolidate-d 3illing Coln-essDaring Atempt etoeBlo'r Olean ault• foldsheime-r's bodasi'on 1,11-n te. depany have ngreed to seilito Thomans lMe. o is Ntoa ak n jugular vein. Intyre, presidenit çf the trust, the si Fire burglars a de aiusue f liat. ATTILMPT TO KILL A KINGt. smialler maills which they (coutrol ma thai temlpt to loot lthe First National Banik lat.. city. lThe figure is underttood tolbe nl iluingtn, lien ad broke i i* dýe Unknown Men Firess Four Revolver thei immediate neighborhood of $,Oebn n eediln h oter phots a et Milan ofrv. K. The capacity of the six ills ais 11,- valt vwhen Cas.hier WitenVho lives ýs Former King 31ilanfabe of ;',ing 00) barrels ta day. The -omplany is cap- across the street, fortunately awloke and aa 1 Alexnde ofSerianarowl ewpeditralized ait $2,250,041), of which $,0,0 dist-erd %-at was,going; on. Hie start- assasinatioaut BelIgrIl. 1The wouahMe is in pareferred stock. The trust now edas 1aeross tu th.e bonk, whben une burglar, moerderer is under arrest. file tired four a total Minneapolis capacity of 1400à oing ntry duty, comminanded hbiim tc se4 revolver ishots, one of which slightlly barrels daily- bit.t Whitten re-enatered the houise anc IG, woundied his majesty ain the acki another ]BOY'& CORPSE IN THE WAGON. froms a windowN openied fire with two e lodging in the hand of Adji. Luitch1. whoI ---u volvers on therbr, who droppedl theie , 'qe Jas C was with haim. At the ltie te attack Two Men Fleeing with a'@ Bodyr tools, jumped into u ggies a tnd mrade their c vras mode Kingr Milanu wlas driving Foughet by Lynchinig Party. escape. Several thousand dollars wiere in = through Michael street in ant open ear- Two men were seen fifteen ules southl the banok. rige Hs ssilntisabut:syersofKoom, nd, avngth eadbdy of LIUOR LA W KNOCKED OUT. MAP OF ALASKA. SHOWING TELtRITORY IN DISI gild. On hig return to the pealace( King a boy in a wagon wich they secretdi Canadians are understood to want an outleit on Lynn enai at or sieare place marker a eeie hecnraua ionsothe atic. oer atledaghtIofrenEuth Dakota CourtFontaine the Se. boundary line, as giveni in the above maup. ls the American line.. The Cannadisans conte mMaemiber ofthue cainet and the dipla - somhafares upnth a fruit tree leon aeepers' ,Contention. nearer the colst, and seek a port at the Place indicated by the crosq. maiccopsupn isencapeé. Laterinadawtecrsinhebto of the Judge Moore, eighth circuit, decided the --- --------- - -- the evening King Alexander drove wagon. The remaints are upposed lto be thiteen liquor Cases of Sturgius, 8. D.., t lasaunfortunate-that the commission thist part osf the British psesin.It an] thrug Mihal sret ad as ntusi toseofPeal van, he6-er-ldsoninfaor of the demurrers. The grand 'alled to agree. As tol whil party ls atirmed that thle strip of land istretch. mi notically rreceived by the populace. of William Evan, a stock buyer h jury recently brought indictmaents agfainist o blame for this non-agreement, there Ing along fromi Portland Canal to) and boyLOETUB ORIG . btba:n calle as a grand jurytait- fthe saloon men of Sturgis for violasting seems to bie a general agreement. Mount St. Ellis, with a breadth Of ten tar --disappeared. It is thought that the ab- the liqueur lawts and the defendants edlearcely hadl the commission been sepl- marine leaigues, "muast eventufally lc inem Chicageau Credited with Promotion duction and mourder were by persons hie inurred, raising the question of thc voia - tOnted befote Ontario pansored a decree comne the property of Great BrItain, fr a $5,00,00 ombne wa lkel toinolv b hi tetionyinity of the law. Judge Moore's decigion rctically prohibiting the export of ether as the direct result of the devel- is. AAglvelrusr wih acaptalofWi5,0e thegradijryIoom prctialthlevegthanpatjouthytae os. ot o b beindla ntenatona opentof oldoorforreaonswhrht. 000 lis in procemssof formation in Newwihualqorawfansrt imity, British Columbia passeda a law are now yet ln the betginnling, but p.o York. It* promnoter% are inwtetinag with BAD NEWS FOR TUFE FARMIER. DESERTED ON HEKH WEDDING DAY• Onfnjlug all mining privileges ln that whose resultis are c-ertain." At that ary eeniderable gucesslo. The originator nis rf a ro nst asLO- - rovince to British subjects. The memu- time the British Coloniat looked for- Plu berington Ro11s& of vnstoni.ll, a mem- cueeave AppoeaedThetre. St. L ouis Girl Att pSmde&Whn ers thad worked together In greatest ward to obtiaining tils strlp from Ru%- Br Ceoflonat. hiHago.&Ir.o-s uina.Gloee Prof. Otto Lugger of the Minnesota OAlieanedndby MHe ACanée, u; iarmony for the accomplishment of sla either peebly or forc-ily, and Th Cerompeay Chigo Mr Itosailtbten On herltra ole Ri te ffi e ddn dyMisC r oirs d i fteBiih fWrseer alneekstinrnerelanwitte Std "ate vgrcutual Coegeaidteonther ofSt. Louis received a note from hber af.t-.he great purpose of the comialeon, conjure up a vioon of h riihlon umi W g e sranfactrewYrk.thnd sovem ay- s y:"Iher ad news, andlheeis thes f1ianed husaband, Harry E. Baker, saying ~)ut since It wast seenithat provinces and the Russian ear looking at eacha es1 aobeswentuto New Yrk, hetglvemmesse ng eprothatebroutit. Opea eighss-that the wedding would never take laeer meh as Ontario and British Columbia other fromt the opposite gsades of Bering alt ring cente o Aeria.HemadeitehandterofesRaidiscWalsaeadf grasm-.and fthat lhe bhadleft the city. After tie ad It in thellr power to enact laws istralit. Possibly Rumssiatalo may aevw rehmd ofte congeensther an rm t hppr.Whie msa tas n ellof Bth mi-tragic denouemient to her romlantic dream xhich imight make of no effect a gen- felt thant seh a content was coming plu ih uc ecoraemnt gatryin e montain ubflorwte ad atMin. Cru.y becamPetrntic aendiattempted eral settlement au proposed the ditDeul- and wisly saw that for her, altuated gr hi omn i atstrulefr pofsrto leape fromtsa window and die. The time- :e' aegeal nraedKrsews i ol eunrßal.t ]rae fer the Pasinnant. Prm of the Nort wes . Tyhinterfernceuoflfrienvesaved her'Incese b da No a ringe t, o tad abte door of it- fn The standing of the clubs in the Nu- conchided b'y saying: "Exchanges are re- yitreevorfeus"elle. A year ago a provisonal onayNts meriattond the selrcohe prob. tor tiesal Leagsterace in as follows: quested to ive prominene to, theefact Covered vwithe Moten liro. ewas agræ,d lupon with the exception ofbtyicouteduon m aking thale pUni.ted lt W. . . L tat igatoy ocutahav apeaedinThe portable hbait furnace used join few, miles o the UDlton trail lt the Staotedokeper. And gtheis it e Brooklyn ... 46 22icnai..34 31 this locality and may do somne damage- welding raille for the Indianapohis strepet -nd of ChIlkooat pass fromt Pyramid Sthateuntil reelywoAud hina(e en Chicgo . ... .40 24 Pittsburg. .32 34 808FULO IAOD. car cmpany exploed.The exploeieln ro.A h aetm tegoiglaateoght h ntd8ae.t Phutondelphiaý. 41 2.\w 5or..: 23watt accompanied by a destructive pyro- mportance of the Alaska territory ln plesateo wtfi nte tts i Boltiore .....1-a26oivle..25 42 Lonte Bushfine Pnty of jeweles, AI- technic display, followed Iby a hall oftfinpnte as furnishing the gateway to The sevents of thelient yea Balimoe ..3727Wshigto.12*47 thongh Claiasing toBBasnkrupt, molten iron thant covered the street wamks :he l Doradoof the Nrth impesiee evr, greaty m doi St. Louis.... 3s 9'eelu .1253 Louis Bush, a NewYr iyJw n ulinswtmalrerdu. bi:e Ecessity fortheNprh mpettlmntfeeling between the two counitries, asnarrested ait the Brutsh street depot in perns wre ore or lesm seriosusy ate theabunda fry ipoput me.T une-thepresent In, therefore, a mottoppor. o la owingWes th e stadig f heclb Dtroit, with $19,075 Worth of diamonds undatn h iButiso h aeahs uetime to arrive ait a satisfactory Or W.te etrnLaue:thVow alaio) oceld nhi spencer O. Fisher Faite. I i is settlement of aIllterritorial orthler t W.L.W. - hores. Less thaonàa yPear agot, or Noir. 18, Spencer 0. Fisher of Bey City, Merce, :orical and geographical review lanee- usin tisebtentetor Minneaipoli. 318 258gt. 1ltl.....dta 32 1898,Bush, who ussedi to runo a clothing ex-Co,ýgressman. leading Demsocratic pot mssary. climntin s Isebtwe te w Indianapolis. 3421 7Kansas t'ouity busa 1 insat 13 West 102d tret. New itician and formerly a wealthy lumlber Hielstory of Question la Dispute' Psse aofthe DitButie, th Cetoitu ...4231310Mffiwuke.-. 36 York, petitionied to be declared a banke- man, ha% iled a petition in bankruptcy 1.% By the Webster-Ashburton treaty of it i Bts De-t-..313-ufa- . ..' 3irupt, making affBdavit fletatie was not the Federal Court. This actioe in thre- j 2betwen teUie ttsa dualetoarrive ait such a solution Ilae t Rabbi Ia Kiited by Neuroeut., possessed of the necessry $ ees to lac- sesalt of a series of misfortunes'etBian h otenan at-ncssar to kinow where the equities c After fighting againt death fo.r foty companiy the petition. Hisliabilities in 1y a bdrinewere uaeydefuntne leTeebngdtrndtlaex k baotre Wilethitre deep stitees long a is petition were sid t e $11,79.ais A NHwarra Dofait.Yalte Harr om the Rock Mona insato Mars ie. he Wts d-erain wh,tol f ea. b o i e w o n d i n t el e h f t v e u t r i l e o f i s a& e t& n o t h i n g . A tf ron o m Yn . a l iert a H , H'r ,m tt h e R e a s t e r n0 n d o fD a i n e . I n mtl o t e l a v r t W f e hart, itd)abb Ls insbey rg , howasHUILDING1 BILOWN TO PIELCES, ver sfiradatinand substitute raere«. •gr- t h orhr adws ern forwaiving or yeldng any a mer>usl assaultN.Y. ed. y three neg e trnCasnisilGrelt aaeeoundary, afiter comnierable sdilscussion s b e "b e . T Bs thfie t i iul tnt>biatn,_.-.. al, ofpicpei- Heavy tor aueneGreaD. mage at ah. besaow Qoe es land adiplomaticenctng, thequpsion Part Of the suljet t. By teermes ofai tontishavngdevlopd a areslt f hs athate ND.The Greaier America and Clonil exwas t stte.fuiolhl oute treaty f125 hetween Grealt Brit. t$ wons. Th ilMel Dxb pse iheaet storm in.ten eruarspsto.asoee t atsa mh.lary questiop gpw the excitement "dn and Rusmla, the provisions of which R obert Hil lee u Doieah.forpassedtgt e, N lthe oter morn. RoIllinger Doomed toDie. whleh led4t& the adoptionl of the 11am- verea adopted at the treaty of cession W Roerist Hrragwhorua ehsion 1 sail f o eaks and cineys Emil Rollinger, the Chicago wife mur pincy Ffyfu ot rah.,between Ruéssa and the United States te Pa)ft ranefrfnihiii nme shký. dade trees ruined, churches derer, has been fundelguilty. ?How th,'is old oudary questonhasluI 17, th e of eImarcation b- ft asswar eat the exposition. felil fromt a H. tween Rassian Amerleaqassttowasathen wagon near Timnl. Ohi. and Iwe crushed blown off their fouindations and smaaill EE'¯ Yr IS.en et least partially revived i nvolves €aled, m»anAttra ri.ans No ilrha to deailheby fthe wheel'. lie was the head buildings mloved. There waes nome hait, _ aiteetig la o retyag s iamr.candpossesns, wias ined. t f of the glasswo)rkers' union and soperin. but sn ouamae t th ie cropte. With heavy hcg-ate omnt rmtr etanrghtplagaofinsty When his teaty swattmdeit was Iltien fBt rohr u atoryat taer ad ihtig twa ngt 3.00 to $6.00; lhos*, shipping gras, anderstand lit, It in necesary to go bacrksuppose there Wall a range of mulam. Muncie, Ind. terror. 53.00OOto $4.00; sheep, fair to chontce, $&L0 to the ukase of the Emperor Alexander tan8 unigdw1teeueos. 1. talfo ht MinngTowayot Mi" ao ruad elf. 8kgo to $5.50; wheat, No. 2 red, 72cta 73c 9. la 1822, by which he declared aitll te patcly sfrigantrl lu sooingafra atSeel. W V.,Mhatayo ames adlbirneie fMukoa, cornuNo. 2r, 3ct5;otN ,2cterritory Of the Pacific Coast Gorthleof wternbed and linte of demarcation. Harrison Lu*k, a voimst ale, wvashot Mc. a ho n-ild ye-orDi o2c yeNo. 2, 59e to Gle; butter, the afty-giret paralleil of nothialatitude TeRusan ardonyfofifoh l sthrough telus an fataIl!ywounded rectoir John W. Tayer, a discharged olB- thoicecreamery, 17e to 19e; enggs, fd usia trrtoyan b teha e t a as it wyfora with the Mnd Funton Cox ca ýooed., whom thie n.ciel. After beringthe fatal sashot the butda12eto 13e; potatoes, chiceelw, 50e teoRumaienad erthratnpart ofite »Pacile aogth es0 l titlabatempt e aret afho hreIron bis poct, dbotkteont aretacsud ndanapols-attle, shipping, 33.» te Ocen lying north of thge fty-airst par- t b, evever ade proiion as t i thebu ilreoe.thetraurned the still smoking revolver 5.0;hos,. Choicei light, e.75 te $4.ett allel of latitude ln America to 49 d-huiwe the boundary should bes deter- eutYonnr puLesfr no ÎeNe eldeu ilw.rat n uld h rger hecommon to choice, $2.50 te $4.25; greest north latitude on the As aemied sonud lit lbetsfound ftatat ay RabrtBoner pblshe o te Nw e s dadobent, Ne. 2 red, 74e to 75e; casre, Nll. 2 eoast a losed osea. The effect of tis place there ls no l:uch natural bound- "Tes lAder sand Owner of fan, tamo s or, Faute at a 1·relate's Famrl, owhite,34c to 35c; mates, Noe, 2 white, 29c ukase was to exclude United States ary by lBmutingthe RusanInowUni- ad aet kio home ain New York1. lesth According to a dispatchl fromss Vienna, to 30c. whalers from the Northern Pacifie, au ted States teritory to a distance of tade t a general breakin.g down ofrwiue thereaime of theis late Cardinal St. Louis--Cattle, $3.50 te e75; bos- exclusion which the Government oftemaieegu.orhrymle, the avouet. FrontsLie Piaula Von Schonborn arch- $3.00 to $4.00; gâtere, f.00 to $4.75; the United States vigorously protesteld, fromt the Coast. The Canadian and M Li in Perit bishop of P'rague, were beings conveyed wabat, No. 2, 73c to 75e; tan, Nos. 2 nand ns a renuît, ln 1824, by treaty be- Biihcneto snwmdtrs fromtethe Prague railway station tterYellow, 33c to 35c; oats, No . 2, 2e te 28e; twee the woogoernmnts.,heaNoth- d 1.aTe, Bris, Fire in the large plant of the lhnois arhepscoalpatcea ani arserye No 2,58 to60c upoeth Prtrthcna te dl - .of ier 600 e ployes. T e llicat- d aied.à po le r w e . No. 2, e to 7crc. B he O eg n s tt e en f 8 6 nel tothe o ln dve nlon Twere a m ke tue ecapd y ean o te ße scpes a n i m t Grma mxe, 3__ o 0e;--sNo:2 ixd, 7eGracBit anmagotatOenPacges. dfor .ehP. analor Caec ieor qé hauthit ltes acrosi. o. tth "e ba."th n..DaTid 4ilis,-Y$ tl ln pursuane of its method'ofte- minIng the boundary tile Vutg tes in many places hafis drawn its indlary line "m'ore 1thn1 1100oi)e m thecot. To explaiiin thgee-1l gent pointS Of VIew It l18 tsaiy Snalture of thé Alaskriti.Ooat ht ti-e -stod or at lemist fith a ært (of If. irly r00tmiles long, extentling sonth southeast from tlwheoN)y3-of the 1ter. ory, es this tsutthe part wvith wle bouindary dispute concersisel. to thtis part of the Ab:i Lin col ft I y Igw sakti In gene-rn th t il l.ft mutain range extenils frorn r- ry tuglet to Cook's ilet and then eeps toward the Asiatic side alIong penwinsuila. A group, or several jupe, of lanmedm, nmany of themn of alà;derale extent, lie Off the shore dfromt (rose sound to Observatory t and thleencoait below to P'uget fndt there ln a serles of Iglanpls whleh t- ýsa situated as to leaive be(tween m, as one writer upon Alaska hans c ribed itl."an uboknline of In- )d navigation the mnost extraordli- ry lin thle worild.- Would Clim -F.,r lnýl'. rhe British contendl nhat, imiiler lin- national law, whelun atit ule-tor arin thle eaaIs lemsIthan six 1n1IlM'%%uid,. in to be conslalert el teritoiýrial water the, country Ina which it Ifslsituanteel, MU81KEGON ASSASSIN AVENGES AN ALLEGE, GRIEVANCE, JaMes Balbrale 15.11aintb a Disp- pointed olesseeker, Who Immed- intely Afterward Takiee Hieu4)wn Life -Deadly Work of Dultet and Poion. John WV. 'I ayr, fre æo of the rit ilwors i dMay or JisBoal. Thbursdlay and then killed lhimself. In order to makie sur- of death he swallowed a quantity of carboIe sid and then shot 9 imif The shooting took i;place en the main business street of th-- dty, Oipedily in front of Mayor Balbirule's furniture store and undertaking etablishment. The Mayor had jus.t descended from his living room over the store and was about to untie his horne, staniding rneur the walk, when heo wax ac-oted by Tayer, sb iali e wished to speýak with hien himselt a oat choipin ront ofanetm A mail carrier approached and] haniled the Mayor a letter, and while the carrier was still present Tayer %hot Mr. Bal- birnie, the ball onte-ring h is loft breast. The murdrer dhen stepped linothe doorwany of the- store, swallowed a41uan- tity of carbolic arill, which he took fraim a viol in hispok, and then abot him- tat the Myr i is but. The May- or àtaggeireýd tu his feet and ran uipstairs Io hi% resiilence above the stue. William llurnett, a blckmth ho lhas hisshop across the %te -. a witnem e othe shooting. Ile ran after theéSMayor snd re hihe top ofr the stair% just as Mr. Balirnie fell. in lifiete i it ,.almost bfore aid coul beurm.n-lthe NMayor wax dead. Afte-r Tayer shot himsielf he ank to the nalk, anda late-rwas remnoved to the city hall, where lhe died shortly bie- fore 1 o'c lok. The motive fire àc«rime fissupposed 1to have been mo)rbI dpneny Tayer badl been .city prmariister. Hle wax re- moveel lant spring by Mayor Balbirvi. Tayer asked the Mayor for the position of city sexton, and this was refuoed hint The Miayor's ation embigetred Tayer, but there 'was no ssl.inthat hoheda4een aroused te a murdi-rous siate of mind. LOST IN SHiPWRECK. steamser margaret Oswill Goes Dawn in Lake F.rie. In a northeast gale the steamer Mar- garet Olwill, loden with atone fromn Kel- ley's Island to Clevelad, foundered ln Lake Erie ogf Lorain, Oi. Nine per- sona were drowned. Pour members of' the crew have been picked np by pasing steamers and taken hito Cleveland. From the reports of the suirvirr the Olwill's cargo of atone shifed while the resacl was laboring la the trough of the ses. Shortly before it went down the rud- der chains parted, allowing it te fall off lin the troughi. Au the helplees craft rose on top of a heavy seà the matoe sud to leeward, the steamer listed hearny.. and tank to the botom. The rescued mem- hert of the crew were fund Boating on the surface of Lake Egrie, lining to bita of wreekage. Thoeir reecue was attended by exiibitios of great heroism, fer a heavy see was still running when they were picked up. The Olwili liens fifty fbet oged to . P. and J. A. Smith of Cleveland and ad boe carrying atone from the quarries aet tKelley's Island to Cleveland fer the 1breakwater soir being built. The Olwill was tiiaebdd in 1887 and was 175 feet long and 34 feet beam. , it measured UM grons taon. %PUTE. »d or fujrtheýr own vthe- cat..Th'le Md thait in general it sohould be drawn id fithat what lu known am the three- Ile limit woul i apply. Th.. British Md Canjais rassert fithat te terri- rial waters orfithe united Staites com- Ienee at Point Brialget, et ftemouth rBferner's hay, whevre the Lynn canal lest; than six mih-es wide, and thaot ineuenitly ten marine leagtuetofrom oint lirblget wouild inakeý the bount- ry fine atil'oint Seduc-tion. This wouli Lae IJyen twventy-two miles within itih territory and Mkagfuaoy ixteen. he United tStateoi, however, ln its aps has followed the coamst of inlets, pecily of mut-hàreýat Iilts as thoie long the Alaskan coast. where th.- rater lm sait and of great dlepth. and ainly a part etfithe orenn. Even rantingr the British contention thant In le case of the Lynn canal the terri- nrial waters biwnnat iPoint Btridgfet. le Amierican settlements at Dyea and kaguay, Katsthin and Pyraid har- r. were made In good faithi and at a Ime when there was no question as to, rhether they were In American terri- ry. Following thie prwe-dent estakb ished b)y Great Britain herself in the eneizuelan case, theseplacesn. ln case of the bounidary lneP oWing sublmitte- .arbitration. should be excepted Te pgard the coatouline as§ running acrosoo he heads of inlets, when they are- more than thirty-three miles long, as the ritish (-ontend lit shouldt. would affect the territory bordering upon the Lynn :anal, especially thec White an<d Chil koot passes, which, accoriling to Ameriean contention, are withntu eu marine leagcueso of the coast, but not cc-ording to the British contention. Tt ls now practIcally or provisionally rgreed thait the bounidary line Crosses the Wh'Ite and Chifkoyot passesl, am while thes do not consttitte a minuit tain (-hain. they many be said to serve the pourpose of a mountain barrier and thusl comle within the mueaning Of the treaty of 8. PROTECTS THE HORSE. New snnbonnet Keepoo tie Animnti At exc-eedingly unnobtrttire storm o sun shbade for hornes has bee-n designe by Schooler C. H[arn, of Bladlensburg ohio. It la a cul) of a general fia shape, and designed tot fit closely to th ,n 1- .e i- re he d or ýe lt PoLfluiiTO ARMY. Recruittag osesetomahe Eis- asens Until Nottaed to es11. The War Departinent at Washington bas not yet placed a limit upont the nom- ber of mnen to be recrutted for the Phil- lppines. Sec-retary AlgrsaY@ that the reruiting omcers have been Instructed to makte enlistmsents until the department or- der@ ta the contrary. He would not soy when the recruiting would stop. He se- mounced, howrever, that it was the Pur- pose of the departmtent to furnish Gen. Otis soldiers not only to take the Place of the incapacitated by sleknessand wounds and those killed in the harassin sorties of the Filipinos during the rainy seson, but aiso to furnish garriens and police for the cities and towns eCUpÔd by the United states. At prenent a com- paratively small force will be reguiredt for this purposte. Whben active camaiagning i resumed after the close of the rainy seson, and the American army with a Atghting force of 30,000 proceeds against the Filipines, their progreuss aoud be rapid, and hence a large reserve force will be required to garrison the plaes« captured.1 TO ENFORCE FISHING LAWS, Moewfoundland Warus Amoerienna Net to Ald French Violatere, The 'Newfoundiand colonial government bas prepared a circular intimating to American fishermen that the boit act ia about to be stringently enforced eaait the Frendh, and warnaing the Americans that if they &aint the French by bringing them boit to St. Pierre the Ioa will be similarly enforcedl against them also. The British Orst-class eroiser indefatigable o«e of the Ainest ships of the British North Ame4rican equadron, hbas been or- déred to Newfoundland. It ls no doubt the Intention of the naval authorities to attackhber to the &et performing ashery service on the French coast, CONPIRMS DEATH OF ANDREE, Letter h£mthe Emplorr£01Waahed Amharae« enNrway's Coast. a. 3, Baron, formerly a as tera non poiper mon, bas written the feHewing trous Wrangel,AMask&: "Intsemation su. celved here confirme the storY that An- dree, the aretie explorer, is dead. A Nor- wregian, who was à passengser on the Bo. ualle, a Seattle boat bound for Skaguay ohoMda lettr oid tavMe bea written by Ahdreé. '1%9 letter, tua a.a ed bottle, hhbeenwashed a@bor* elfthe Norwegian coast. The latitude wa Sgiv- en ne 74 north and the belloo« was som where to the westward of Iceland. 'I am leaving balloon and provisions.-Andree,' wrere the words written." SIR dUkIAN TO RETIRE. Amshassder Will Gien Up Ris Asnerte eau Minuteot Next ApriL t The correspondent of the Lodon 1Standard at The Bague telegraphs that he has had au Interview with Erfellan IP&uncefote, British ambassdor to the United States and head of the British delegation aet the pesee conisrtie, and beeau red by him that he instendste retire from the Washington eumsy tn April-next. The correspondent saye-: aR Juin will stay, in Englad afte the eu,- fennee outil Octobler. unlsess the Aak af814r calle hieste Washington eatrums emoeunest et a Caudidate, Geo.tB m t e N ele - amina tie r PEddes is