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Lake County Independent, 14 Jul 1899, p. 6

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But1 doiflot tblnh you Wini ha"e ~filil GREAT SMW 1llTO !NOLIMILiOHTKOUSB WfICI415 OI'THN MOVED. T trouble. Becareful Stllt- he oe. flt sac,____ pectIo re vatcbing hlm." _______ Tumec fer daté Mars Lang." 1doCaltan. 1 do!" exelalmbed Bel- STARTLIN OCSHEME FOR UNIT. Nm larisau Le t-rned frainathe roc..IGTO CAS The balan ce of the day dragged by alow-O WOOEA8 ltatedetectlve; net did bh.tient content il iea ellote l in one et the Wllming- Germe mta.erlsogExpert Pro Red U tnad Weidu. cachesai t sixithirt-i, te uiîd a Canal Acroas tnisIthun saittutt hetrain drev ontut tîhe depot BtonNrhads hAarc su ped northon«Il throiagh the pileca. Uten!oha.d ouhA ela Adam. the coactmuan.was eeteOd In th -geoi Th.omahaMona contraband car. the prtondlet Atrican in- ail îet,, îîcy South, and t-te ne thought G. A. Karwlea, te Germen en--o that ki-pt rnîgingtrough bis beaoîtvas- lérn xet h a'1 M 1ý o lagaîre 'long wld Mars Lang to fie g-e Tbxerwo a oeutn do ecat bat aliswer ta de nante 0oh .ÇA. engineer In t-he construction of the Su- un tailua, now proposes tu baud a st-lîl Owiegt tte encroaebmemts of t-h,ma. thbe beuet hetween Yazoltl'and T (To tie continaed.) Dmoremarkable sap canal aeTuet-he larwlch, England, la alowy dI.apeaing. go alarmft hua thiIse acro lmt-~ ________ .tmus between North and South growu in t-he neghhorhoed mefliot.dà that It has beafourdniebscaa at remeve tl CHArTEIt XVI.-(Co.ntcted.) aWillie, (iec rascnl?" askcd t-be deteU - COLONY mAT FAILEO. AInUIcL hodily the Lowestoft Leur Ilgbtisoua20 f eettartber in"ad. As iihut-atingtte l' it was the mornint- or tte twplfth ahett Ilire, Ctt-i. iaroundi. Clee ae b 4îtlcaa lnlt unltrubamu-rapld Inos a 'tch t-hbe ela e maing ait-h"mplace, lmai, bha meosd t-batsus I ~~~~ éHilan la a te to tt-u.nhellgbhoss bi bd lIL reMOvUDt-ihrtbes arle [r a'id ea train for Memphis, and *'W1here yeau stoild hb', Lang" replied Puces» 9 vaa. tain range, By this plan tuJi-tigged Tislhe formr itoedatb.tthoe wlb"taanbc e, etcottage. vbé.doc lais when ht e I tt Ne.w rle,,ris behind hoetc4t- is sife: "mind ci leep' be aalta- enlee t-etleWt liiracfut»10fe T-.ae novm ouat-ly nt er vatr. Arn tha Ihea B meror egen twe headner-bal that Sti-lîhi n et.a, stùphuln Crav-n.'-A nd u 1tr.-iwl l emy dear, le atout ý1dnl I htrmlt faUo hp olhiuaricfgu 8 en t r o osl rdrictr steUhhu egoX oito dr Lad cts1-r1î. r dthe dty witt-bis tn enty m'lihtes- salut Se-lais, as lheeaitý plan vcslony hlch nées entabillbed bore 1bbcomld ail riglt-throngb the moue- tàking ie acetfceuiderable didLiflty. Thos ilîht vas tsquetly qial orenaded Je, gpre«euci-. ret tiaisIf t the table.loy a part-y or sentimental Pollah patri- Wainrange tour abreazt. The objeet Of by lvater, lnapriaoieg the.keepea vithhL go80gre&t bcd thI ncoeveiemceand,.FEl Twcety-fouir tours was devolitilta-O ela **('allé:,,!"Hlie preaently called out. -fnnutsatut twentY-treeYe&afl. itwi*s ncb a tremendous and unheard-ef un- som.tlne, pWetive-dangegrown that the Trinity Brettren finallideed teo ia phi. "heu tarait h aas sîsîtîd. Set ci-lt >O,outald have Adamt, the coach- ttol)oSiselof retugees and retuemeru. eelabing as tIs le 10 maire the short- reaeve thte structureeen bloc.ri Chiarleston. Theu up thte ac d a hiait niau, hre t six O'clock in tte mnrint." artiosa tnd Medeiait,. undea' the leader- ust possible eut tbrongh the letiamus Title Lour light vas oalgbnaliy a traee ofvwodwork, and vas shift-ed r te Pt' t coluimbîîa. *Y(.'tMare lang." shlp of Viaduicot, the fouet wbe @des coflfletlng Nothtandi SouthaAme4lca. Dente te t-he ech Inle= b. ai nPuetmded bylte presat more atiulttal pal Nothiug or C. A. Steptens. rot-ing of A lhait tourtlaâter, Sellars was n e tcsdlrc a l<- aehm a o~ it i hspa tructure inl 90. fitalcool pr& i lbthehI 1gh Llght, vhich làastitat-edo« thbelhis St-ephec tr'avrn. 'out lieo loti. an-d if dreau-acabut toîîgtfor fift4o-ca ous Michael Krouchieki te ramneus tonne watt snbaitted te Admirai Waik- ciffahove. By keecplng tauv ibsI drc l.siaae nhe otca n Onîte mrning o h ieelte h l-lasadiii lehu Oi montrel afety thorouglt theStanfoed chancelé vbLich la atout a quarter ef a suite it tectis-e natc ettercîl the potofc in W il btta'conseritîve alep, et six O'clockan eapth oeae oalpen-e. teNcrf C utomisn. ibtiadbsbtwnteam ndB adBns.re muttua thi'fîîîiwîîg mrncg e aascocerrcger;: Helena Modjeeska, who vas then at Thei propoeed Nicaragua Canal wbbch "'Nat-a lire. Sclurs' Nt a thinz loit n ilb Adam li lit, fflc. lietczenIth of lier fame as an actrees; the Unted States Goloermzent bas bcd ju of t-he ordcary runc.' aidthie I10tfîat-er **'loti ari- sure tht-c, Adam. atsîii'tclv CouîtlBotent-, ber bueband. vlto va, repftted eurvers made for viii have t-o emough t-, allow tour chips te Pa- fortabiy ever tbesotge, obl-lou ofe - -tin. bland court has roos iened.' i'rtei inîttimulaîîîtîd ec thet motc agate exixilêd front Pulantbecause et bis be 169 mle long. Engineer Karwiene'. abreat. erYt[aID but t-tetact t-bat treut were dol Sellars stoppi.d te lcar no more. tut- patd ywo rtnd rsî-gniae tint?" patritotte eoergy; HeerykBlOenkbleuvez, proposeti canal vonid lie but elevez No qmcui etupemadoiieengineering feat blt-lng beautlfuliy. lmtsrees ere t-t a testy vst ta L is tIIe, anotber'ta t-oettC'(ertainl, Mars I.segl Certan!" Ill tee »Suce beceme tamnous as thbe mlcOlong. Only one and t-vo-thrdetas lever lieettattemapted glIne.thbe bu- lnterrulted by a cleie volce. yelltng: offc of Attortîcy 1tiotu. and IOas off 1f1 "'itea go oite ad gis-e thîs cote ta auttor or -,Quo Vadile,' aillliot-ers of mle. Of titavould boa tunnel througb gainlg et t-be orld, but Mr. Es-r- "Oît out ' that--bedacidle nov.Ion, Wa-.ntti i, tehere lte occc dilayeîl t-sto voir eitîri-ss. [Do et- give iltatOber lt- ic illtr strîpe. arbo ntèdc a vain and thse Mountaîni. The lat-er nîne maison vicie la re.dy te undertake It-; "d ertffb'go ra'it aller je wlt-b nty toc." days. 'rotutWaýl.igt-on to Ricýhmocillitii ferlileracîîc Craillata, tleft ttéc 1i'otit2 attenipt etco-operat-ive agrt- would lbe clmply te enîarglng of ex- there are mary expert engineers wbo Mr. Clevelnd looked up. lie aw a dei Alil etvain. NO ciie 1o C. A. Steihens, bous.1-. Site vittgIive yen a misaiv-e for tt-iture, sit-ltht-e mietunbappy robiults. ltlng veterw-ys iendtug t-o t-be At- have long comeedered t-at t-be ezesl- big man vît-b a res face bearlog datwn " Dntetettetfietct-rte.me. l'ut eeyûn ts Si nla ui-liersir hlt theco tee e- aatl adPdfc to o ial epoje a fvral po"in'teh.vl pr. i odfltu Homo agaîn aut î-ght- o'clock oa the ntgbt ml t og-ry. but te lait- yen aiark tlt Teewr hrttîît-tos ie-lneadPcfe.Iino oc rjeta aoal po fma leypaé.Ieddtu r of thte taseut- iril. at-d st-tait-ht 1 t-be girl of Iýr-'r[iuîc's naad5,oc tce Iltw elie ailtutlî t-weit- our yvoung men The lterlor ofthelieatp tunnel coutld point was ent-lrely tensible and would st-op t-o parley. He wated noe inlu atretAtt-oritîy Dîilr.alere lho tonna teI. -- iuiu oun3îig aronten.i îtotlY artitt, bcgltdby electricity- and mott-r en-Surnaé the imet atisacOmy solutlio <ering hl@ card. lt-e retred-ted tut'. offce tht-e whole interoceanîc problena. riedly dovtt te bis carrnage. t-wenty hir the oila attrtey, is sitn and Iirect-irs < Sltat- ~iru . cg' Wa' o kcîw nilaua and eut-bora. Four"vre act-- crgy cupplled by eleetricel plcwer trafla- yardseewey.i Chauttour and ic amcdintutCocsulta-hbuit t iittht"" ors at-t trewere ct-lpt-ot'5of entineice tormed frontht-e dtdes oy machine. en- 1la3 G<iainc. Tht. le bow Il ail hapt-ened. Th.-tuigb ti t-o. 'Ilil,,ilcco. Go nov. I1arant tc) de- Int tieir nativee land. AIl beonged a epsclally contructed tfr titat purpe. Tblzitma n t-nt isbefli ietr.Ceeaa aknto v-b i Hopee lbir ht-edup t-toi l esas scilral te artlstlc professions and noue hlitd Sncb a mtachinue aloredy existe and bas dlsos-ercd. There cen te ne doutait of ilcltrd W~atson (ilîder, t-le puet-eaIltur wl cctrî- l-irt~rs.a~eloit t a-a COti At cuîrt-îlîe Suerato c neatered the te aîghtest- cxperlence rr knoviclg@ battr patenteil by wVillam ltiwmn, or et. -He hîmeeltadmit@ t-he comn. BY et the Century magazine. Mr. Gllda'i-Lu dphaeIo thing loti-i iti ta ir' litpt tî iiliî.-tse ird of amgorte practlcal affars of Norfolk, N. yocp.o el lr l hlsl a eet tl otg tTrn-l 'itrBubiv' fitrtii-toirtr. Slirî let-i'trat gts"'excltitm- ocuatoarnlaailmult- or thnh iltntltteoctag t yi-t gentlemen. h outîiulit.tobtaîc a continu- c <rilî - luîg i, bis feet. -l"Yeutare lite, Tlîy cxpeu-tstd t-o lise an Idylîbe A cingle lock at cccli terminus of cau- groceryietoie, nDi y unatureal predUlet-- taut. lt-e htd lveslMr. Clovebans t-o ho aace oetttcI>ie autintfst- Robîert- Camip- jîst in thi111(,k tuf titlle. t was atouit ta existence ln Calîfornia.Ilîke tbe lotus ai cOneti-ucton wouldi ctolut-ely cou-tIon a sport coeeUp frontPriucetun. N. J.. on a bellto he iî's-uohrrter Ifte îaie seîd or ier ttéita aletter that arrîsiv - t-rs iTenttysonustiflioumt, vit-b muet trol t-be aater les-cl Ittweefl t-be Iu Saintedaya ego lic tns-eted a brans] flelitng trip. The riglue a&rouns] Tyrlng- IIl te trial cour ait.uc.-e#t muaniany te sac t îdthia eotr. Yntuiansec iltlamad- lovueauid itîle labor. and front t-beOrlans. Tboie leeke areula.of course, iel gantbltng sbente that- beatsa RO- Ltnt latntons among sportsmen torcie- rijieut' tresaceiil-h, IiintauiCrart'u.preelîlent of fiiocea ut their iet-kesad the fruit t be Dce rte pres-ent c flod itie on tbing yet le places t-vo t-ny mouids lt-s trout btreame anad quali and part- IL "IltI-ssetu"c l.uidAttrtr iPbs -hcaiîihi-r Itatut' atud ls mîrk.-d their olive sud orange gros-es t-ey ex- eead ttb e-iu rt abige un nabx o- ttecme Bidevou. aprueguti. h-. 1-,, "' oi are toi- lat, trsool' aidiitiot thuck l ,hirtains ta of' u uisetuîce sbletb truh te tti'iue oumnt-bten aiseitnic n abbep oste ofager ame ttille -lrde nttd c-eL-alth - Sellers. Tii,. - auts- uicald ttti-i- 5ltinslYe at, it- iitsicu il,*t-ut- atl'utolpalS ut te tirquowhie 'she ttcronttthenat.iîy l oiie met-leeu-I tredstotiaiLtancees tdop lert-antiT he ainia-teoinThLait-su'clerptent e lu terilay. li.,ut .iti iiil tlt5adition Sl-hursto-k the i-nueipitcn bis band. aritt cotilrpi ont-te urq.udit-e reet gaIL, on îtount.Htt ltsmsl t- tI w les ciii catnucee omiopé nd bfort-be aegsInvta t-Tes tolot-rockt-t trial fer muly obi -to smurder. Ttc jury - 'uîîu-l ilatiatore' tle uîtsecs c ndh.upemoltis n h et atntruhteiitmsI II a i wl a poemudbeoeteaglghbt ecp lpce h bas bs-sn h.set, t ast il lI,-tide is faI'I 'fI iu-iti-e cît, it-ta ttc ltter I bave coutl ldreatu tdut ti e. ter sud on ocean level saouls lée prime- Ottî thett-'u tT-ntl -a ec-o.Hp Ttc prîconer bits ar .vlîiticîtruî-llîîî îiii -i'Ttey rcen u1876. Tîte>-set-tled ou a ttcally possible. PNo cîber plan lee-r *"No. theres net- tîtteprofit lale t,"creek La a frre treantfor ttelmont- a- by ttc charge of nIurder. unt thei' cdue, a si o oiîugi-front tbe postmatere tract- ut laud te Orange County, wtt'Ch suggest-cd prasidea tur' an ocean les-el salu tc,"l'eucen't- tell bicl iplIe viii part-, but a tew farinerabas-e put uit)a& et Hermeti Crai-ouand tit, deîîd t-tuttis lei.k lieiit'tiidte mîti-iage onithettctey sacre luduces] te luy t-roughth Ie canal. te constîied drt.tt'flo ot persons-ly irsgne of "No trespasslng." Among daugtber hbte-eu taiu taIntho Ces ri-O iliit- -f th, ei-ua-pe ccd soîîn htId t-be enterprise cf a tLos Angelesa reaiest-at-e Egaoe awtseaisdi uhaqanelwt h ua-aigpo hs a omrJlno.E yI t-te pubtic a gtu.ty artet-i-b iccoiies t-he siluttf plieltîltiaiti cntaitucul tu-trc tus agent. antd tbtey expendedtilr cntire Esee avia ltetttaciaqtîts thtesgretlgpo hc a emr.ono.Eryl prisouer's tiit. f -bea canai could lie lbulit-lu t-oartes for penalties of ttedileu. andl If t-wvasI'olte tormtng Mr'. Clevelans] ana l tr. -ulyoinoetilsa obgnco-capitalioet .-Ot-lO lute pt-ttcase ofthe Gilder ultove down froua the Itiverside "t-uionuit-y orinnocl ent, - -scinilerraO -c ioi liten'tle prescutly cxcisim- prcperty, tte erectlon af tunildîngs and -l tws redta tee-rs detu t-blat te sat rChte ciilutn -oc, washi ui-lad Irembleui and tis te- eet-ingt-utî'ilnet'y, mplctncnts andl - ~Hte.Itvsarct bsttb xPe-lu deatt." aaud tOialrertortelChl.iliuuirt-i. tock. Ony-two or eret couellddeat-s-atd ona Fermera Jolie-ohn "In t-at c.ent." raid Sellars, *'.itt, Muc. tur ahabit- 'Ibeyla apcted t eralls. l.k011.ts-eo15recell '~- eeplace and wet'k dean st-ream te Dobte, must urge t-lat t-be se'tencer of t-bhe t tO.(ii iact aamseynu epeak Engliahu. andl none tall es-ve ot'k- Z/=1Vdlî. 'Ice-tcpe- tolgu. i.Cce court- lic deferrî-d tut sutt-) lacs at- lu-at. longer! rabnl), itaior sigilance 05s-C cd on a fartitefore. Thç'retuire, lbey ~h 11" .-" aid thdeu psddalebig I r.ntCleet ShutoaiJudite «I- ut' aisute.cato ii t-ctih hi'te -,îiniIrel! The muiruertat- - land ba cut lb lgtt cbifrlmatîî pro will ottatin tail tu -icitit t-ri-n luo. hoiuItut' Cool uîsinutc mlieti- rut re a-t tbe ntercy et unacrupuileus onncagtsg fLiia(]p- Hogg. l-s lo utbheîIri,.iiirr beuor buta iti t-t.Iuuli t re-.cr0 i- ttifour touts feit-buefs.c-o aid flot- tu'atate ta t-atiole ~~ceeded te es-y thînga. Ttce -l'retsliint t- at-f?'cuIlttI u- itl iter piittutu nt-gropib" atitaittialte ott-le contilînt-anti unau- made mne ret-uy. lie mnode tr'ucks turt' "M'by, san uiîuîî--t c "atsicuI "'Xu -t-l .r. Iici r sous pou sauvot-uloltlcateul fereigners. st-y Atîtoneya. toul-. uii tas ii'slt l"luitl- h i- r - en ilit a sli ul ttat Iftt iles tea e't 'Dli y-u know you verec clislIg failitt thi-aI be 1,i--iî.lit tIll ti -I u-l t ttlt)uuti rne G rae-r Clevelen..i7" sente nee esked u testituouy atite- uiu icis t bui il tl ' -tri-is aiîul snuuute theiitigarettes Oit-t Johinsuouatter' t-beIncident btd matl ie t WVb utItermîtu ictuýi tudi e-..il,thi' uiut- i ic -tThe I.i--rtiIlo, ccd triautueuout- tattu-ituutiita 1wuttfir-sit-b tature -' iatns *al"L rpid.'le thatite te l usluit h -tti tlc l ira~ I7I0ii i .,-t-ugtot.ttil thon cia te dc-- tih' furis tt u ~~ l uitavé' g-%e tht-u eifîîn. " 't' t rpla i , ator ai t-b is iutu-,litu . t-t- itg r-ii ,,lI - t t-lilvinut. lBuît- lus-ng i-tiiu~t d totu Maeblie I dis] at'mt e Ii tott lt-ut. ri tront aieep by ti' diltitul uirs ii oi ct- uil.,.f ad ask mecncu tauitutal lalior andti uittertt.iit-g t-utcron a be 1 tiotu'y. bIt tue ilît-l.But-, beli)u lhorrîîc 5105 li t-niliiilt, ittu- a I.Itu'.u.u1--i tui u, llut-gis- e m-te tai'-duelt titi-bustinstas uîîuun tttt'irli's vticlu te gowpobuctin'gl u n tStae.m" flac c cf evcry j unir iut-tt-e LOI.Ail tul)tf Iotur uI-ilt-tr .eti tuuitutesuai tifurnîsh Fterg Juuclt' n my . it t alla bai note su-w u i trlttutu-,- Niilie - t :1tzielt-tutIottib,- i --ttufé-li-'officiaI i ti-y foutinalit buoksatus' uily reasarti gruee.hnso'teu l te sala. but 'ta- a Il Rosnett-e tooksthe t--ttiti, tbut i-a lu-ic L ut tt ute iiut uvilci tiiccoasiduru t tey realut'd for thi er'retuu-faîtllu i-oas ieac.W nClvadIan'r clv fastecu le tI -s tlit'- lut i r it i-tr uaI h Leit- ulli, i. ltt h i 1 ut tuant erfctittus luttattt' ant iti i-autur. Not isillistanuuitp- i- - s t tient. i'ruuer J uutoth son uai t- ul t-un s' Sb tte fer r t t-t-tre-otair.-- u.îd. If tt ii ess tutiittuitt--r.' liit]te lubooks ithe i' laiti rt-tItI utd tht- put-lu cotmmandl ut the Ty-rutirihaii 'A 1 Icrînaua t-utA i'iit utuur luiter Sc ta uîu turîd t-he ex- thuorlus tlîty bttd forutidt,, t-lit-i-npoctoffice. Ho vas tu-pt itte reuk 'becouiort- villain thtcotitit-ir)ot-ut, 5,.<i ru-- ut.t- ut ltat s-irt-e ellow ei-a c- trt-tt' tht-i fouîîuitiatt-futrt-ail u vu-uts nut iaad ocer got o-er It. tis. lie rît t lroigbuot t-leuntite couurt-ii .t ttt-tic i tu r tet-huuil iOrner of us tîturlutu nas t bey tati expertesi. anti cas ic sesi- ,'v lue'lu-sue ot lit-tructAt-!i ishtiii ilui-s' îîr-.$eiiO tuilu.-lleîend t-lity sacre nu1u-t utluit teun-BRSLK O . torney lioliluutt.% tuIcul a r eti tri titIi tte' Ileo i tii ci ltu i t- tlie autircssa inut-te (R S IK O L ta ime sa, os t-' buotuitti bututîtrn' et1 itît . rt-o bl'é ttîiîriutilied liti- snN tu' riu-s ti us i t-i'r books tii-Inot i-en- wibarrwu bs ec.resuî n he. di. erigalo ltewrs:lau-illatil tts fîr thle mi-fortune w ittle Pint kable Pla.Ior(luttailot prsoner t t-e bar."I Lie l'cksec ' til lt-erlic tuiiuty ei-ar3day fat-e.u of e Et-trke lat-e. inrkabl ps-ets "*ie ba., aulcrtut-uu o t-oIatru.,l stelia I ias itt-ilui l ueiit i t-o t-O utu- o tht- ittiti't't-'n o h m n r m r abepacsi "Su." atussa reIl t trectur liauumonît: Iu's itii li- tpress 'tai sixt htî tît-ni, I lBut ri th-rait-Iir ft--ltosartind r treo aeIu.î, lottsdt ~'uî t a-ut. usIitrulaart at-uu.Le usalt- lt(. olu'l ku-;tutIt-ut-ftt tbot Sui 1itl testus nti tourtfot-rottc r isrtstlnowru lre ft'tLakt'<Hs ron &boubs-as beait cauremai;. Il-usevury actlat-d moe'îuutt a Olu u, ut-e ei., - s-i e suit-e lotie us lui- i s tpIlt-t I-t-u t t) u t-i-l ltts ho fou uti ls t'Ied or a t c ki. ii m< itto u cl u.u le su sttelc]clu uuioy. As aii entaîrnt-tr tf usil[ banaldil.t théue usittiecolt-tt i --o-îu Ineu b t-te lofttlvia dJm ob ivde oseln louatinles est-at-e te beualreody atrrtîs '1uir u-ur ushaili4(lrýilycm lfteLr lelirii lic eigtoaPRPSurUNEu-fîullyU T O CAN.byc4 coe lk Wutf e sw oeil t-bu';e bline-rs. obuuin ta uitc1-îlu-i a lluNiuSulltans. li th-avue tftii Levi, te totitt lcenn-teePt- forTîNE O ON'C UET8'OOEASouy îavge.Tis&hle la et Idcst- ta t-t Vetti tîtuadliutl frrIe, uftraser-v,:it-Iltiii t tiiltinyo> d Il, esytisthuini Li, a Iîttlu fes-l-etefo unye no s-k-Bilacareghu t foIt-raeD1ts baelebglie-u Analladauieu t t-oi. atil tue Sir. Dilt- -Il I ttu ît -e1 luct ni hi stle Uehistuao' cas dti tut- $48,000.,000il. Thte les et t o ee nwwabl tswr on obustilule anti c bin broken i 0) luttefrui cette wouid ltocer bat-e t--a.lien . tt lI ut-r tutilleilirs as hcîioi-iitt-iitcolli- uuai htipr ir arfoues, te Nicaragua Canaile a t-iO.50ligtbttu my pit-. Ail suitar looks alîke titi-Ut-s anal set on tire il ie k-pt stock lest- ýeàr pnud ifteen lier cent." tu ruca-It'tBut-hui, ea sfoltuued tlue st-tara atiotu intillv o velieu te i-oh-ant ivfse yea's' tinte for const-rucionl)t. tu MI. But te ganteIs foin. and rtes-i 'Bt"ulittthe-ale roua-tic oe ffecct-d et 1utu t-tut-c ut-u l ut ati iisapulileui n tle ururtu ullît"utu.!irdeatj nuit tultli-' Segrent-anudertaking ace littn aexitiig citen Ilx-y bu-gl t-ebeornte- oecel" irututrutt-attilfe t-t' c)uapsty liufîre h ttîîc î'ttl tu-il Isauhulu c t-t iai-k upouu boie tbrouglu a mtinmttailitrange 9it- at-t'-ti-tAns] then th ies(Io ailtte 'Atht-t-exp.ratiuu or t-lit-y doa s.Mrt lurttItl". Illiu ly! Selais.' ' He ,ithtiti-ut bet ndillt.t'stge tant IIlt-nry k Sw-ulvizn-t eeoug fer abîps t-e snilit-rout-b usoultl sa-rt, and do It-se ebeertith" -Wevi. mn ty lauue-ursulîre uin thirt-y ta qticr heurt ilt tia w y ta lis hu-uet1 t -u t 1,08s Ageles. asituru'lils eiu lit ailent tmpossiblîe, v-re t sut-test-cal ly And lte yan!ad -tisit-bes as a i-us- dais" bu' ~L 1 al tuutuuui t to1utte e-tu ii t-t-luand-cul uuuiîut us oas-f tiens untîl auy leusci' nautt-ort'ty t-tan tar. Kart-nter att-i Lo l)(. t 'tut-ecof fit-ut'. - an ocony %uit ai bt-csaui AIr iati -ftu lur-,ant ietuslft lbaili uu l (u--aiu - ottil p.t-îuuuu- o tutpuyiraas Sa -veetlnt osiuin tîtur Dutîts. ani, ttttt 1 - I ts lriti-10îîtu-tai-k te l'olanul, cllitlue rctaluiu r ai. Karuise vi sa- uonauuilt- gengi-ltt "%\'ait endil1lup-"ol' ri-tte di.t,- IC s ut ttt-lcéî.î lut hallisugi-ttfouldt-cutlutrutry etuîuoî tent munul ei ct ttc sesigtulutant i ldingft-etlc MAN WHO 0CI-ASEO GROVER. tire, -hit- aIt- e âIail at-u r t- i- Lftlly setl Ii5inutt--uycutilîtr-lit-foi . canai t-rougtel tcIsius of Suez, anti iuut-ue Vtb Ille'Cour-c uMiliert-stehall ili iers, tNars ang -e- ' .IIr i brdbyfrashr în a ngaged îî île No Puatoflice for jolobléona, No Flsh e.t-uii - tut- t-le old ti îsluluîîtsler(,. It' wsu taci1 A oeelu inl'siua. Aliiatit luttluir .ot24 rt-uts tilc-and %t-as Atlut tiei' fuir yimnts.tiers lut-the t-býat1 ae lrt-tiThed lait-a titio.ignaeyLeteBekhreblsl ttle r î;nvItuit- ltrtlt the. *Il r. - hctu-h tutut r ttu it-t utut aîe tut e utlu-i-tu' utiiru lett-ltutît-.C c alit--lut' frshut Pnamdn'aticarupultu lusi-atît-t at-refor tiat- tuaslbtutui-te ta ttuons. ro -au. ti-i t--uoIt"Iut litle :s. lut tLeoYrefiitu'lit iLes Angeules, Lutno uit eeau --r tien lue teuna t-bat-t-te estiug lut-luiu- vet'Cles-eland,.foriner Prélilint- cf t-lic xtariar nualIbaonlg '-Lutas Iut a oritt-uuil i-euIt, l t.i ittututusuaju-cieetiis tale'tt tJiai-Qut- o ~ls usr-r acre Inacute-rat-itand lu Unit-es] States, choute t-e to Silîig-112t-e saihor a tr out on the lat'. 'rite Dellitetea.uuîuuaertluuisuutti liili t. ti,Itetuteuil t 'tu, t---tl j-laolccrl aa'o.rkaleet caidtrousers anal ait old eiouct h ,s-,aets nomutu"etta leai.ruî,-iittc.t -ut i u ii uta11'li ueutII 'lirs Ltittit- Tîik et - itulginlu1891 lue tua a ara- tnat. thc portly ectott-t-tder of tteliet-îttnc tnonblsous'! t-yjtultt.u.Iute-t -tutI. ctut i,-uttiet le Iîn silttul, t le t-as-ne Aeked TeecMolo'h. t-emane sur-ty ett-he su-le lstliittuut u-lIct are tis feit auerens. Thetue ca-i 'Thc e tt ii-uitItth-ledeu, t sis -.I.t- guit ', luIit riiu u'Soete nu'at ttcuttlt-y of a the - ilut-hlte ltas colnltttê'd.anmi la nov taruuos coite'tlns-se'ter-tioft allili Itt-en.Iltlieee . fîuldo huupl rit-la-tla' u-ecs el po@esaai'dort itps. sctituiig tanleiur-- r - u cnsa--tcluottu'li t-AI î'RutxV'i .1 lislu-. utirttu'ltt nlîftur, trututt-little wesctern recorda.lorcilnviaîîi 'ft t-tlit-.e t .. ofbetit it luttc st-t'ta. chch ttey puait Atiliutc tut:- nl teo -iiii , rOtit ipîiau t latirr offcri't snes se course, faitllar i stt-lte NIcaragutuu stlelas thIti vltrese in aizu-.rite), At-- ran l ii--tueunut ilîtt u -i ii ut t- u t u' frtuu tui onîu1pru,îî tuiLi-s Irt-ues bdet-nui'd regiuu, anti rondets htte cue a'tiertue-e alau rsu -nirntivr iotu tie fiuIt ti t-tt -utb cttI s itr r ,ht iii tt, i:11u ns getu-i- -tilttt-ýi-u I)1rtft-iior ls s i-bkis utlt pet-- aîîy enc.euut-ct'cs In l'eamlitsL.nucleuts iuy iiat-u.tlu tort-. The'Ittut-ts prt-ut cja I tut-ed dos. nwil tt- iliu tt Il Aual,ha- t' , una lotter for, xt.Ttc pt'oîuometnesu-rout' luaols stee sailli turn Itti iitft- ,uut,'uttad iitit3 Utdr i -,,i-ne t-.bnu uîduuîi.t N i.ti. îa' tu uIlucn-re ruil t-,' t-le lilly inatht-ytlsratte i'kan builling,. btut-ît-la leiioiled tubcnet onu- ient thliclawsofet oliegus amiui ua~t-c D ieuthir -u li. ,uito-lait aut - l e .. ti '. - Il. u aL ie lur su utiu t aslt ttl-ittts- iluu1-e e ii îitit- y ttrtc' liasr ni(iloe îtt t-ie, 'lteniet l-t-til ci- t . 1 tttI t ut, lt-t- t-at ut tIti sut w',isollt--t u-tf utl-t iat it l' t>nt'ot'd Ica rttan, uhnr uund-fura ure att etti t ir --u sh l u -t iIl lu, r.- ;uu w.uli't eulldoAlut l-t-tlIft iflhe lpar liuuuoua cntrey îe spur caicala ut-gestes]. NI'. K r fles'L fur*"Plat mo tnp pt -lc ttué, a, n tlha>tu s t-, I hibii Sir. Iiuuit.rs-n titiil iîou- satI i ti- uytiItu suLati -aiti au-î'ustîîîuî'uliulî aore Iît'ui-it ttan aui otîtur M . Acor"vnt o leisu t-b ot lii ttieI. t-I u utle tt luu tii l tiuî Ielut-- sIf u e qîirem f ni s h II'Iltatlu ofEgrsi sudiî A. -iiitun a tl.-s N talJtrlu-t te ýil I int ett g t i- i ht la NI-t . lur uIi i s at- b ts- e su ut - nut- ic uu ir a t tit o I li' îuit, -l u-r, t-ct lut uu-înîu. r i c n c d la tetestbildin au r amet. atnI ,oi lt-uus.i -cis~uu.- u-ur jtat .î itui- lit tod'la" ttt t ntii ti- tuo -it- uu-tuuiuthsws rt al l--re c t ancb pm ber Iî at ' assure t -u<le stit--t-i lIt-It- i nsut ho l t'i t'îl itlii' ll- ni."-Lia b"aid i i i I luie tautîioeret - intu ttl et-inli st. i-.ttvii1liuu nis-- c!bcunpua t elb-h-suGrs-ciet hteuruai-alesfrot- us! htu-Ie lobau su litc- beart Ti. ihat 1 bave bit loué cailiIotétSet-, titi-ltost ene getlelu liter thlUnited-luîîu-I '1'hoie wu i , o 1,- tlIt- u-îît it -ut-'l Tu, uluît iy prem y . h tues i- nc l. ofIe aitui, t a t - ,Iiu l st et e h ch p oai ble ( a uit5l i t'c tytîpîw eq il s e-t uc ip e tu sbcis clltt . C o lt l uitsl The 141 te CanIbý1: tIl,, in , 1 lvtily poy, lu-u-ltIl s utit-I. - tii ls a hitolun-na-i- ret n i t tub onr t-htt-be ojItlm t- ru d e olmp n ali o po a in l-bus1 c -rut' f bli- , os t d-ui i NisAuati'hietti uitl.tiihut-,r ii lu u tui ît-suîIn tlitheî5'ltltt'l-." -usst-nearlblo cy. "b- ab t raut-i tnut Ii it t îu- oit iltI : blt t-tttailu'mtillentuat- t-tee iIlli t-lie pruu[aiIy clacr STJNDÂY 80110 ITERESTIING AND INSTRUCTIVE LESSOU. IsilcCtlOiI5 of an lhlevation Cbarautler -Wlaleaome rond4d'er Theught- .tsselylis the crîpsua itLeaso. la- nillaetly and Pront-ablr. Thte hvatitfuir JIily 1t-inla t-,- torY ot Th- ltIr'u ettu' lý'lry ur cee" ie- jstrt.l orutstuiptare tnalien. 3: 14-28. te visole u'Lapti-n vuilite iccridd in tte 4mon. It le uit. oS t-bemuet faseinetimi t,'s t teccea-d te a t-tld, at-tii te ca ucor ifcher chu tentotmatle il Ctcll ch it-ememberwvile at-adylet- nd taing chic Ieiaunt-be tacts broutbt out ra oek inlareard te t-be reatiofuthtt ook uit Plaiel t-e t-be jtrspcatman oethtt e-s ty thbe syrien iT,Êutrch Anit-irius uthaa.170-16-4 B. C. Antitu-hus, e aurne ttintusprialecer. outhle Sitelen id tynaltyu clains-a divine honora aned uofeýIcithue tecuçule t Jerusalien hiebu la-se rult-a. The ra'eeintisne etweefi a tiplutaeer'andaut-LnisurY ut Netý K-luidiuezasr tant-s'dettJevieat enders at-ete Ure uitAnthuetus vWte rend thus nici i Nebtciadncsaar'o darig fuuhiy ai bie tîtal ate wouild te emicorageti. ont aur t--Psiithernmiucrsoes tn eisvenY ainer ci' ci eurangel ty r,-dleg tut the plus anue tutt-be litireve froin EgYç E. a tlsatory. Nt't-iît-adcla'ztr, luki-moits-t Estere uit'-u a. sa muscnîtt impulses. of sud- 'nleu îîe et fu'.itit. ot swift rages sand Mit a-eaaae.Wten tuhîl tant t-trc tushi.lecte%-s fleea, vom te hall tav- a-t- for yîu,s.nuosretus- th ie at of image req~tumil of sîll *nte'tz, tie ua tur it iret'.,w)uchane-of peiadii- lin, tai ailuuit t lus-ti , utuwitt-te ccreaithy. Siuuiubltlcein itct t a--t-be tiprres.ut- hat il-aieshuit in- ut iu fetth, tou- cul ticst-rumet itesil lu-tfi-oitnu-t- te tuai. tiliut- ioiilI.la- eaid ti t a i'nt- is aieiii.. of t-be hutsinhiuo-chs. chut- tutti tîtlitu a umesa u-arsa-ir tiitg-uncl1 usa. th( -hiotru,-t, ite and îtlîî,timet con' tutic iausrtuihs-tt'. and lihtlint. e ai'kltit tii uswaIt-cri- ainitul in-itmecis; he i oct ticut uf t beluisluint kurt-t, but t.' .tt iugi-d i uctrt hi-ic à rui- tibîutic uio t urussudt-alersun in lle IutabýIl i-to an icre guut-. ui- utîîilaidat i tuît,,ti lhu-l usi stut fecut-r cxl J tt - au t-cir. Th.-ut .tetiiu-,f i nu.' i tu ii t itiu . il ii'tiu.i a u-t uu Au a u ut-s u.rthteln1- lit'cu'a u uutts -i af t r- lut! uucîcîst u ts ut.h a itiut h le ttî-tutfoa - *u ata 5 et tii tiir t u- t1 o -fii,. t-li u u'l L i ah. Ca ii Iti t- h.-i, luti thu t-i, 'P'ter andt J. hi utu'uem4. l-l -f seif ts. frut t le l- , i y, ., . c Bu- i u it - i it >il - n tu-u-i!, i l ic cut.Ire uit -le ht.n - , - *' ig - toucu 1uf 110- ti,-O .,tutc i u.tt,I lu tat-iii aof i i- ti uh tu-. tietutti.tti, titîlil%-ohtt-fa-tus'1- .iu'u tut -,utî. t-in u ss 5 ti t.i l- t-t-c tutuil uIýt t-b h iù tt ui-d t ttt. ui îthut il e- 5 tr, -d-un. ut - a tuttig it n .o'.utt--h t ci .ii-.- i n thfrtaS il-t luc utli--uiautet-ue It-'hit I nî'itt u-t i tl- futrutaY I- i u - - luit- 'e lih. l.u-Là-l -ts t 11,8titti ihuuuo u h-i.i-of'iu y il-ii tt-i-ut iitura ur- i-o t-f u i t. --r I ir tu u 1i"lIt- unii- a n et ~ ~ ~ ~ - t euiiut-- tt. l-ui -ittu titi' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a, cui N-ut.lu uiot ia t tii I t tht, -u t i er t-- I.. uiii a~ ~~~~i uiLî.' t uhtii -t-ltlt-ut i ,i ,i. l it-h t tt-t n-tuu Th-I lui i-tlu i-r i-a diu- I- ligt uuîu, îu îfi r a ".i- tct lut t-u - - Iuuuî î )uî u- ia lli. iuttu t ttî bu - lu , autul '111t-a- t t 'ut Ii-nu'le het i' tît 4-uttt-clials-uTh- iiu a ai cut- rili titte it isCbautit'c. -itara h ft1. ho e mrai-l il:teatlig ots. roui il) uiv.t-o.e.... ai tuaI t - ntut uittî frntt-oy uraes tt e dos-a nimot ai suihctItlie mIIIut lin-"afrnt i ng- Iut t. ei gamei.,ý a ter s t t>t i t ii r lant of t--u la en 't'hu'iforf.lî i d a-u-n atetic bot-t-ut t-linto.tte f i. rutt-ht-h ldues b hmi-ciivii îutu' ran timp lsvekii. m loit- ait lu'y usaumiracsle. ai ueîl-il too Lut t'nrtutlt-O 5lt talu AIlu tadi froit t rfuît At-.- u Bttstut w lu t-c aut- ltlefo» tli-utIh.ml ftr"foncit Ne t-Lti "riet- s. iiu rtli-o h A 'iilitilns uuluto- hii'i'luit-i iro-e tlttu, Is liili it utlste tiuuuuurolie- ut-il o idouuluîîîîsta'dalon b.Th boethes'usitth it-u oI biitetl othe lui

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