~~ià~nre trid. of the shrewd buyers 1 aM blddlng for their patronage. If siglit prices, backed by proper qualities, wlIl Influence yotr trade 1 have the Inducements. $.Pu mu"l." Comblea, varrnmiaiffr 4 yer ....... *14.00 QuMe.mva Oek, patentialaME zieuatonTable, 10 iti 10.00 Ires Bathmy Maintaprices upvard troua......* 2.00 W ovea Vire coa ..................... 1.23 SMiSiO* Omtiw Table et pricea upvar troua ...75 Megaay-tuihConetr Tables $1.30 te . ....... 6.00 "oliOk secoïtimry, e fi bigh........................... 10.80 I have the exclusive agency for the 0. W. Rchardson & Co..,line of Superlative Carpets. Carpets furnlshéd ready to be laid on the floor. Cali and see Samples. m.n'w. HU6I4sy Wauconda. JUS We are offering exceptional values in roasted coffee. Oooi Rio per lb ............................... 10c GOodcio 13lc, 2 Ibn..ftr .................... . -... 2k Gaueper lb. ý.. ............. ....... ........-l1c Faacy Saute per lb. ...... ..................... 20C Faucy Pmeiny par lb........................ .. z0c Our, ovu blond lu air liabi cane per lb .........23c Tour choice fnncy fl creamu American, Brick, or Limberger cheeee, per lb............. - Z V. Sa uer &Bro., LONG GROVE, - ILLINOIS.1 protection to .,Purchasrs wa âandou IRejpublic agaicai Punchabhag Imitations et obalete forma oft enmcioa. We eepeup tubthe laest developments la the art. M&aInEBoting ut the bigbest grade of prouct. aidRive aclierci naquJafl si uccena inl a amle ; beece rmny attemplu ntimlilîtton,.and the Jagal use of aur traienamie. 4 A Brunm Medailîce, oS thte lilpticab torm aboya above, ein caur reglu. tend truie-mark, andaleh placeal upon the end of very machine maie by u. NONE (IENUINE WnnHOEJIT . mmaega.Uiish- aL 1v THEi SINCER MAuFAppcTURINO Co. 'O , - a n venv liv 'N TNt woai.80» Ce lHs WOOLRZIDOE, Aglie ---. Ubertyville - - - Illinois. Cross Creek Lehigh Coal., Wuthtu où'cute mue #oan any oi ubd CL Cross Creek Lehigh Is mined in the heart of the LEHIGH REGION and. no expense or trouble is sparedin its preD)aration. It is re- markable for its purity, durability, freedom from slate and clinker, and small per cent. of ash. A TRIAL WYill demonstrate its superior qualities.. Leave your order now* for your winter's supply. --9- G. il. SCIIANCK, Uibertyville - - - - Illinois. Wn PaId in Advance.~am ~ ooopmaibu ea yrem Ve a a v* wm ~~~,gaa BthaOO e" M lmab uu -FO viacoix ONNICam" IUMWAT CO. TNE TABLE. 00130 NORTH. 00130 ROTiE. A. M. 1:81 A. N. 1:221 à Pm.iO 7"o &*140 11:490 Ctu91 M. 4990 Iteedar only 7:12 a o Dally fiImVt Bunday. zDally. ROCKEFEiLLER. lira. Popp ransacici buaineas tn the Cty moniay. Mir. Cbhu. Feuler and son Arile apemi auniay ln Chicago. Dr. Travia and fammly eniptained reatihvos tront Chîcago Bumday. Mir@. W. a. morte la entertalng ber sialer troan owa the preoeu% vcck. UmnaMinule Moyera hmareturnedt afier pedlug a menth at Wheatou. c Several tront Rockefeller allcnded camp uailes ai Lake Bluff ltuuday. 1 Mmra.Jame Wil. of Dimmond Lake vialtd iai h M»i. B. W. Wlcox oftisi place. Mri. and M»r. L. B. Llichfield, of Lîbersyvîlle, calîiedon hia parents aunia'y. Dr. Arcbflblld NoArhur, of Chicago, ta apeudilg à fev days vith hla*aisier. Mmra W. L. Bieh. Mima Rlane Lange, of (Chicago, ia »he gueai of ber coaui Mia. Mary Llioblieli ihia veok. lir. iB. L. Burilk roiurned Tha- dey froua Nebreaka vbore ah@ hma beau vlaitiug ithe putltre. veeks. Uem Alice tSkinner retnrued Moaday1 frouta a io veeka vieil vlth relmtivesa ai YorkTlle aidWatermann, 111. 1 For fines& vork and loweni pricea leavo yolir ludry ai the depol 10 bc soni ho linngerm Lundry, Chicago. 45t1 lir. lurupy Manon, of Waukegan, accouanibny lMr. A. Wiiocoz peni everal deym vltb iheir brothér Bl. P. Wlloi reeently. Mr. and lira. F. L. Wemerman bave boom enlertainlng a number cf frlenda froua iheir former home reeuvood durtmg the puti veek. The Win. Cen. lUnehaa purobmeed the gravo l i of J. B. Iolcoub and ia nov laylug a aide irack troua the main fine to the pli. lir. and Mlia. B . Barnum. of Chicago, @pentilait week lu Ibia village the gueule of H. 1; Burdick and vife alan WIliIKnlgge acd taimly. HAL.F DAY lir. Voile, of Lake BluIf vlaîied A. linecîif i fmaiiylnoamday. Mir. Shapter Br. la very siloRmt pre. sent vnîting. Dr. Taylor le mtending film. Mir. Wallace liane and tamlly. ot Evanihou vleîled ritiilvesa hre &ihe irai uftheic eek. Niai Lanra Sprmgue'va clled tu Chieg" onday lo attend the tunewî uf ber munt NM. Simon'&. A ladly troni Palatinue hmnbeen en- guged &0 eachOuer molooi the eomiug yenr. Considegaiion 854* per mneia. lira. W. 1). ialley and tamuly have beeu viaiiug »"niv«n lu Highland Par sumaitacion $hd peu I&wuveeke. Ni,. R. ( uta motter eoflMotine, Ille. la viaiiug hi& tanilly. Tue.y iio have auiSbeu, gucaSI&hm tiler Doboihy, ut Chicago. Mrn.Alfrd lauclf icok a foai uf ivecty ofto0cr ineday Behool peuple le Lake BluffWedueaîy go attendc&ihe Sucday School Convention. Lightalug visiediciuni, levuquie aeverely Iltveek duicg the liard torme mae everil gree vere airuck alan Nr. WolUn barn butig idinul lake lire. The long tlîRciouttelophona. la nov nota mrabut a reiiy. [The pulu voeu&et in "aitDay Tueealay buL nov il ia taiag exieuded tolu Prairie View. We eau nolau lk ibéunr ider tluDi about lth eaiher, eropa or uy tser Ittte ienIn i h&& niay ucclr. WAUCONDA. Dr. G. B. Rilchmond, ut Chicago iuat apundialofiîymhier@. Mi« Paflile Iluerlîn, ut Chicago ila speedlng a fev daya bone.a IBr, Ilîlnday, b lMr,.sudMlra. (Jeu. Brounglion, a daughier. l J. E. lyneR ici Muetr Frak e- tumnea tu the clly Sundai'. lira. A. C. Bill and 'tamily reuumuci tA. tbeln home in the clty dainnini'. P Mira. E. Wuodboeme and danghter Helen venu Chicago viiursFrldny. E. L. Harrison, C. A. Golding and C. l P. Pratt, ut Chilcagu bipuci Iuuday Tliene ylbu a dance lat(Oaklandii hall on Wdceaday eveuieg out itis veet. wm. Rîgmut, ut Wukatganvan ai pluenni ciller hune the irai of thea The coummialOera lu ihe toviî of Cube are uaailng greal urpruvinaute lu Use neida.1à D)aanlcg thue lectrical aiorm tant Fnl- day evenleg ate mclu Ueo. Brougliioca yard vaai&rkby llghlnlng. . Mr. and lira. W. K. heClalu are vlttina lUr. andlira. A. (G. Stevens, 0f Wankegau at preomut vritlug. Quito a etain omtRIa place moi vieluiti' atienci the Myaluc Worker pîcaluleelu vi an bah ah OGrayaiake. Dr. aidlira. . B. Hteblus retrnueti Saliiriny 10 Ibeir homo la Cblilgo aller apendilaga tev inysataithe lltocuma Lake hinimer Raet. Dled, Tbiiraiay Aug. 10 il Rer home nour thia place, lira. Aderaon Aged 8u Yeana. The toueraI van held Beuday forencon eli teb. i.E. obturcR ie. Ea10c uffcailg. A letier bRiebacc recelyci by lb. panenle. lin, anti Mr@. Wmi. Besley freni their on Tracey atetieg it ha tm eit the ecean hounnifor haulla vitR the U. B. llegnlara. Nuo(10 DympePela Cure cures dys- pupala becaulie lîle Ingredients ara sucli tii &hcami elp iotng no. --The Publie Coin ely epon îî an a manier reniait fer ail diaurdera arlag truua Imparteci digestion" Jamea, h. Th'omas. . D., le Ameica Joaruaàl 01 HlIebh N. T. F. Il. LoVEL. Li berty- ville. J. R. BRucnna, Ourne. P. L. W RTEIMA, oRfetter. Laike Excursion. lIeuBuazy, Aeg 20th iherp vîli bu an excursion ont the steamer, . W., Noore, for ihe ballt0f the LaRe Couty UnîfoBr iama Baud,: eevag WankegmuntaI1 p. m. for Keucaha and neluming ai à p. m. TRe oune, etfEsn- uMar Blt ili hbave tRain excursion ou Toiy Ia ni. ReR W» poai.. POssi Ob ecou"i09fibmioaI'yr in, 1. rnvaava Teý ,' J.B.O). k..fOm* agto, vialte. moeanhe maiutSuoi. UminaMele Ludlovr la visalg bore. Virai communion aervicea vova"helti ln lit. Mary a oburoh ai Lake VoramI, ÂnE. là. A large claa of obliren toeR pari lu be eeroisai. MeaBradley, ef Obloago iparn a ts cvU$y luat veek vlliugftrtin amd rellivcehers. ,Nlnam argarei O'Oon«o atriaWei. uceimy momnalg for Bout«s, lMa«. le viait relaiveaib tere, the yal romain i&iore a couple et veeke and ihen go le Phldîle, Penn. retuiuns home toelm u September. Mir. amidlira. Mcilugb apeut Onunda bore. A forceofet venheen men are emploi. cd on Mr,. Raina nev baris »d kouma ami verk la poeogreaaiug rapluly under the guldamoe tof iou ulentrpIau citizeu R. T. Lumham. Mir. Zelm vl occupy thech ohboume cuil lb..Dov, oue la gOntahai. iae Maria Launioer anidaaier lmra L. Kenedy vent wib aà party 0t irienda bc Nilvauke. lent Sumday on tb heleback comlung home Mney lai. On TuMMyAug. là all t lAi 111e folks u $is avlelniuy mumberlag &bout aliy gatberai ai the home of Mlae Mary Oonvay Ilumnfietar elghlh birlbday. A very aujoyableima van bai by a&Q ami Uic youmgfolége iepari. ed hoping tug Mary vould have a birthiay &alu lu Uic tienrfuturs. The Everehi aboyai the ouler boy@,& hhiug or Ivo about h be ebail leni Buniay. Our boy@ pimyed excel- lent ball. altbough ihey aerionely maimel ir old bioktop, King, vho la laid up viha more linger, vhliblao cut off ai the tirai joint. fBut the boym metlelcidovn u obuinesa vlib Vounian heuR of the Liai. There ver@ feainres, bol toc counerona 1o allov et tie maritorjous menion lhoy demerve. The lune-uip olla.va: %veretti VoIunteera Fosnisa........(. ...........C0. Tracer Broad ........... 1B...... Otturlaud F. Tiler......F ....C. Y. SchmeIke F. Yore .......... L-F ....L. Y. Woods Noore........... 2-WI..l ... Martin Nom.....I-F ......... .. ...Moore J.~ ...r..i ...... ..,. Bhdmond .......88.............. NoTiaul Thieu ......._P................. Psetow Ever,tts... .. 000a0 1ie -i7 VoIuntu.q,,'.. i1 e10 i e e e - 7 Blruni!mde vo-am b ise, Iledmond fone and F. 'fore onu. Three boee bite vuwre acorei by lroad. J. Tueandam Thta. Thin and Pa.tov eecb got Ivo bancs ou ballas. Thiene staimeRoui acven mue mai Paeiev eighi. Noce and Tulley eaeh made a sacrifie bit. liedmoni stole ivo bacsandiVeamim gol à banc on pannai bail. Taylor van emipire. Batteries: Thieneaand Fa- muafor Eveneil'a and Ymetov and Maiane for the Volnleers. 'lie Volnleera are uoh aatiliei and vill play a reheru gains nt Evereli Bnuday, FAung. Bib, vblcb promiace 10lie fnll ot iteihure. ibat vill giadcen thehunte of lovera of Amuiica'a gruattesl gaule. Ton abonld viieaIL. LAKE ZURICH. lira. J. C. Meyer la on the sueR liai. Augest Detimmn mandvite vuru at Diuide.. Nondny. George Fnanka, of Chicago, le viai.- lng lits brother Enjîl. Tony Jenaen eniertalnual frionia from uadee Bnday. f Otto A. limier, or Chicago va» a coller hure Sniurday. V rai itclp'a cil vagoa. of Whoolilig, 3vansfin loven onimy. M John Dickacu sud Win. BObumaker voe.a& Duudo-luday. Wm illue le enlertlinx moine reu- tlivea ibàs veek from Mliytair. Mr@. lIc(jvena. of Chicago la vieil- iug ber inother Mrs. J. C. Meyer. Chai. Iloice han oreneduoci Iirrlng. ion aler a brief cierkahlp ai SelpeA. Aunat Fruenake receutly to)ok a plesaure trip go X.enieky to viivîi frienda. r AI iK. Fieku le taklng H. Hoiea pliee !ui the erummery dering bis vaca- tion. Ali i toe tnkig lu e epieute ai PIu(Irove muniay report a plouantn The 'dance ai the pai.llon lint Ilatu- day vai an ujtyable affaîn mil hmvieg a guai &lui'. John Fink. of Palatine titI frienda froin C<hicagoelareenjoyung campIlufe hure Wse eR. Banc bail iotiay, Arllngtous vu: Algon- quinsa for à paueatit $50, gaie called promptlîtat 1:3 p. . AdIàmilue ree. W. C. Iliaay ani fîmlly rclunuui o tha cuti' Mondai' &fier up"ceing tvo veeks ut Camp bite oaa the banit ite laRes. John Zimmer, Jr.. anal MIme Mary fleari', utWancondn vtjeu uited lu marlIage lent Wedlaesay. We exieni congraitation»at4) the happy' couple. Tlhe baîcnae ati electrie miori liat veu Fniuy lopple theIbmibg lover structure et Folcy'a lec bouse. Tire Ezcauge building la miusne c amote chiiiuy and îauy me voe.laid loue. The farmera flciie of curn and grain aaeRa ver. nul nîtma. 'hheImm of Fred lirookuan corili-aat un van beruci. Berne ofthe many tente ut thu campera ver., blovu over. *'D)eWltt' Little Emnly inraridlme maire gond itan ail bIond medlcines anittiohen plliai, vrlhca Oco. a. Jacoba, ut Thonipeen, Cana. Proaph, Pleanaul, ocrer gripe, tbRai cure constipation iroîue the lerpi lver te) actionai mc give yoaî cicau blond, atendy cerven, a eiear laraîn ici a bliby appellte. y. B. LOVELL, Libertyville, J. R. IluArtin. Oiue., P .Wimrum- MiRockfeilai,. Niphihleu a tFrench ramait sud bau been iai dla Franceaid oernay fan îlte 1lu ifleen yeure. vhcre il hen bacc nulrarmhly uuioraed bym&U rater- liamua*amibaurdaetfheailis. Ilinoisîl mtae authoriiea hava lac emiotaci tim apenlorn ufeeiiet. It le maure lîreveclîve an cure for hog cliolera, chioken choiera, berme bieuaper, &ar- tion ie cuvm ai lebercaloala. Theee diaeeaeacaunel axialt here Chicu Napiholeua la maed trouhy. Tt lathe gremaset diafeclal on eanR. EKila licaý, ll,,kaur lu»man d uni. Il le ia ptmmousaumiDaimn explonlve. A good, mie remedy abat alvaya cure.. inving îhorngbly teaelcia lis iCe on iRe couaty garni, I have' ieamlei tokRepàrqnaniy nandmifoi, ihoae Who @mai wlmgole au hmaclrmet miS Téo aahiy .A APU Librty. villa. 41-8 Mo Muola E.niet *taWocn&, m. 10 c rineami ralalvea bore Miaul ciiy bearder vere foeced le busie home lu mercof et armer vrapa liraet f theyack. lir. J. B. Orilley reuhnly enlertaîn- adia mld acoolmale, lir. NMollie Derby, et Lament. Thome vbo mileuded tbe piente At OraLyalako Tueaday report a pieemul lime, ami no poltilce. Mr. andi111ra. Lute Oher, of Pîpesione huma, are vittîag at Wxc. Whigama ami cewng ou cumeroui treluds lu tt@ ia liiy. TRIa@asction dli coitccape the e- ceai morma, ami the damage ýo cure in very heavy le addîiin te Io"a by ligbinîni. Oouzay Traeeurerer Foule aid amllY nempaudimg a tov iaya vith J. H. Onldley, ami otler tieiide and relaives lu the vliiy. Juet an Uic prioe et bugs hbu reacliai a payiug bauit, ihe alcku w vh cauaed bh«17 le1tat fai, la hrOKklng out freah again, ami eema le ho more prevalaul ihan ah thia lime tant year. Mri. andmmr. M. B. (ileanon vere aummocci te Elgin on accouet of the deaih of lira. loaabrothen vho droppai dead vhile valklug ou the are, boing only 44 yoara of mgo. If tarmeri mieaci ail tbe pionute* those <aya ibere voudcoi hbuaucb alavkiiig or lbreahiug doue me thora necma go ho une ilîiedfor nemrly every day outhe eeuk. mni averai on Kiu- day.' hMr. Bpnagueu mnddaiglair Latra ahienici the ffoeraI (of île tuer.a sater,.lira. Silmm-ýio, nleChi.eag..Mon-. day. lin. prmgue iwinug nearly t§7 yemr ot age It van quite ani undertklug for hlm. There asema te bu conaldenable com- ment an 1tevhu va reapoumihilu tor the peul morti llvrilîgatlon lu lb. Krufger-vbae merder cutm, n, ome may Hunhîngton, aome a»Y Kelgbi, vhilo, othora ay --ail." bai meuliy Ihure la no oeu eblame tor il but the *'people". maiul aiti' v aul le t mec justice dota. Iu the cane tro u nov utllthe mymiery la lully earci cup, and il vould ho a diagrie le amy commuuiby te lot aucb a horrible crime pana vîthoul an effort V) properly phace the gutll and Il la the duty ot evury lav aidiag ciien le anatmInluaucb a movemnulinlea fair anideaprojnîiced maccer, untilithb endi. SH ER MER VILLE. Borne, ho M. and i ia. itenjamdu, a j girl.1 Misa Clara Deek ln t',,laie marrîidlu Octoher. i JohflFyicibau ing a Dov vel ona hie ata. hMr. Deeinlapaining bia honne mI Bachi Tovn. The tove achoul houase la endumgoing a nev coul ot point. 19iia rumnred Ibîl John lBernhardt la 10 o ariled thie tait, urC. L. sport van vWiing vlth nà Sndat ici amo~ng the evengreun. A goneral renlon of trienda ant nelgbbora van heM aut A. tSeciler'a liai Rameodm aveinga vere blote dove by the atore 1ai vwea, larenklig ana ufth fb ront vîndvia.f Miases Fiera and Lublie BuckRandJ. Hock ani aleler allecdeid a piectelol 0 ai horton Ororu iai teck. L. Rchlevor bRam auna isaeider preuan md vill accomîciatu his patronsa& any liane ofthe veek. ilie Honte Foruabra vibI beli thelir annual pientc ut Moualin, Park neli Sncdii Acg, 24). Everybodi' velceme.i Jake lMai mot Ibave nome attra- tion ai Weielaa tfar vu qlte treiquent-1 ly sec hum up there. Wliii la the mitter vilb.-lake? The egg biiyer fon tIie Nonrth aboeie pombhr., tari tl Uleuvlev, u-mm t'O &ina the 1nla in hala ceighbtaarbooai areai sinIeR onaiihm bat ltcihlm cornu »rund on u iidayit iebu ili finit il dufforent. Threu of our niout îol i bcycle aponte booR a trip ibronga Wbhi.elng mui vicinîiy Seuiiy atternoon. Wl' au ti fr tWenou have mîuy mafias vho vouli be very Radlu 10bave moace yonng mancalb un them.1 Luti Balerdai' eveming Aaig. 1291h Bec Gerken beld a grand raflle for a geai valc. lMr. Arnavalt b avlug the Incky number and recolvud the valch, althongh ItehpAt oS na$gui nu vîlch te mil bai pleuir etf nufreai- meule ut aIl kîndsanad coborsanda. everyboîdy vent home rejoicieg. NORTH iNORTHFIELD). Mir. Ro<b. Weber lsactilng an engineer tfar bis.faîher. The celîleid thee ev cbîirvb van blovai duvc bthe tIutom tait Friiay. Mr. A. weber, tit amatson veu ho violi frlentla cur ligaliai Parkliait itoudmi. lin. J. bIncR lIa ialur asualMIsa Flî,recce Buick Atlunle a pieute ai st. paiîlaa Park lait Th lunaaday. 'Ail reporteil a gait ti li. Thc craaa noadai hein lir. (jeo. l.aalwuliraaboved on a mt.centi:honal aaornieg by the miîmurons fooipnluaa that Ibaîl nia 1he meetinDg place ofthe boys ici girla vhîo vere engaged lu quiet conversaioni a ti 1e diapetea about malterns uictav. WRy net go loi botter place on uueh a bcaaititnl Buuday evenlng. --Oum baby vasn aloifor a monih viR a nevere, cunandmi artnirrbal fuver. Albaagh ve lrled uaaey reicilua alie kept gelling wve nu uil ve Dnii fle minute colait Cure,-il relievudAt a once andI cireil ber lein tut iay.- If. L. NIace, Pria. Higli bota, Bluff. daM, Texns. V. B Lotia, Liberty- ville; J. lb. BaACHan. Ounee; F. L. WMaTELRMAN. ltoCkOf6iOer. -APTAKISIC. Perd' Vautine, of Chicago, gave the Apg&kigi a caîl on Sudat. (2. Geortie ho tell you Mlortes. Clama ea u eu o by ntereahing thet vura. h)iM. and lira. Wlli Wblgai analMia H elon Whiga1i oS Chucage, came home Vliat Tncaiay aveug. a Mia Jua Wlok@aholm vIn bhm llve i tb cuai n Austin for lhe potnt ev jean, la viItilg ul home nedc vîli tn ienda boe. flA large eevgalboeaisan a rpriai aCua.FitsasIick'a 1ai Ilaienda eraning. WUiiul vu aIlhbave bai a granitt ime if tRe brame Instrumente bai sent forth Iheln lnapirlng music- an tiey uaei ici do. Ail mrle of Industies aarc aprnglng up aboliiune. Wliea»Ys th ctov e uni boumlug. Fomlnatalice aav sw h- repairiug ehop--affenfateled un molid wth aimpia. - Ail rupaîricg; doue Deau. ly le orner, but nomplainte mai ho uade*boul meores00 Pham Me aielada zEI.ow- We handie the Roe 1). L. Now is the time, to order your winter's supply of ceai. IT WILL BE IIIGIIERI We handle ail klnds of coal and can, supply you wlth the best to be had in nut. egg, range or soft coaI. WIRUGHT &SON, Libertyville. - - - - 1lnols. A Mshdorvr m Ibai ai ddolât bu»Mias lauMa prodtvecd bumms"lA" am Omclaiaulta liunMya smtie md la i ipO.M Mdtand Wv"lcarade,. im ga m nAM'IUMadiaivwullig MNOmalas unpriadpe& docifalMmd 4igmmi ealpractiiomumiI Imm $0O Ibe fmdy Mmd iroalumî, ofc e ietaNmOSbuhn»asboaltaileala aayk« dutaii viii bl§ vide ropotatia.Sa, hhd»bm@loi, h. la Judy aullli to Ibm cclisefflci lia ailcimiPublic. Wili - ... the Doctorvili meadbmoes,hm cO aepomami rericcmleto U mlâerfiMg foue my UIOUUIMUFUSIN, OIIUf M cou lu M , wmm«lar vif IaManrMarem-1 My ha, adboiR meami omen adinlamil cam erqurtgmricràal aih the Im ai racori mlaop* gnd acientific methois yul ha %mddamai a gea ri aimasurai. DR. KENSINGTON vil ha Carefuil n hie Examlnatkcate Honest ln hlm Opinions and Reaooable ln hie Chasys., Voun lite may ha mved tbrogi having a frien ami Iirvlmu v blls i., i" viii coat you uctblag. AddrosaUImleto DR. KENSINGTON. Aurera, Ill., Dec. 1III18W. University cf Chicae, Aug. 7. lmW. Home ivo menthem go Dr. M. L. Whom Uni i'yemcma:-l iave Kensingion et Chîo i roatli 317 yma knovmDr. h. L. Kensigton lInabO- vlh eno le ufliai, .my vision va.Ily for mV"riyearmo, lurtg vWb**ha ic luaparai maidIva.uBilaiby Site prmoi lca proiem telami' ea- docior wvUx h gefm. Hets Ir tion umly, »di m a ernihi'courénn mui glanasabava provan Rigly matin- hlm an a phyidan a"i grtilcun.e4 tmclory. 1 a"n chefnlly rocommemi ..Vo. hlma an i gentleutan et Iclagriti' maidlieenlly paor 01 iRa Vocileam profemaluuty kilitul. Baptini charoh. Toura iruly._________ Oie. T. PrT-T. Cor. Fourîli and Clalua Ste. Chicago, MI., May U4,107. - mi stlarAve. Chicego. ni.. Te vhom Iltduy c1oOcru-Va. île X. Leonard Kenington, h. D. Chicago. undaralguaitlaie -4 al-- OU a Dean Dodu,, Tounr ayo madicilaD aoinaaiflg Dr-IL. M. Kenbg ..reue,, vhich v@ obalnadItrons yen le ia publia e a nallabla umRRUS nometilme &go, Ram portUeycurai paysoian lu badalde ami feuil ont daughia terermye. of a a fvat r pMeil8a mium& B liecialabha m came of graaul&44eye ins. saventi pnactic ar ay omudily la eur eMM membera 0ffouar famlly avug umai la,1011114y, aMd vao 1meu or veudari ai vo cheerfuily recouamani ycmn ,'1ano" cur" ha bas pmrfciUumdfor OUM&r fer acy affection of iRe aye.. Vry lul. Very irai'yjours.. Ea lme. 8347 £11W Ave, lima.. J. Tueàmn. DaMoM cfivoilvu sepalm hta. LONG GROVE. QUENTINS CORNIERS. C. Meler laengagi putingug a m enteKna lSe iekiuegla v*mmmles aIet honie lu Palatine. pranusmim bppla ibone. r. ndMlra. Zîmmer arc ougtai- iredactifewuaSite. Oalone il"0 leg Company froidlMison, Wto. iiromehies amla ite évieiaiiy. F. Itchumbcer i. ougagai ai proet a I. Vaulalia, of Juera" armk.,lisI., belplug J. Kuoff, Jr., enlSa@ heu. Utah@oa vuni ai Jo. Rbomdre a. Hov are ihosgirie 09 yonrm (?) veeR. getingiong Jake? stick go tRolut ha teaiolloe poupla vare ar-»_4i The cremary bai lia pay day l îma Mamypuitlmag iheirliaS Toeauadny. Tho priepar. ecvi van oraier. ilxty.eevea Cents. 1pol rjnbr M The bumînemameeting ofthb. T.P. Qullea &tev aw a ruboev1 Alliance diii ot ma&lilut 1mai &0 h@ boplaca 'MbelBURSY ai Floua Theraday evenlng. orove. lier- noff maCler froduaPalalîne has W4oeping 0c119gh8la mglu tic go9 beau tillung the puipil oS the Luthlerau la lhis noigIabeirboo, qalle a leur nov church for natraal eets. have Il. Mn. lilckeniaeliter outenlaaimieChas. Abgrai, Jr. aud Reda sai Sa htnday evenlng Mn. andmr@m. 0. Richard wlahani lock lu Uic Devirm Melen, lMn. C. Melon and famly ami LaRe excuralcu. lira. Meier. Mini Bath troua the City han beaxUhr. John Waametliving on Site vliiug ah, V. Bineras. Ou mon a llaih place laquite loy astproena Nialiartbi Biner and Mima BarUX vllR a paralysie minoRa. vialit vîi ber cousin, Charlo e as. Vua. DumblnmgJr., Loule Kiff Mn. IRupert tlebrinngan àexensicaon amcie luter Auie teck la tha M789le bul 10 b is barn. F. UV ilb la doligWorkarm picule as Urayalaoà" maiTe- the vonk. Mr. llrich aMoexpecia le iey. oonmruch lteboumne.fer J. Zimmer, Jr. The miru laat iMdy ovasing vua Mir. Huecl lada&fne almv lacker, mveraeue. TRb lgbluamina imala but vheu &boeaare noms pretty girls auaadoacadiffereel pluem, butilu around, Rie brain on bfis heurt bOCOamM buildinga. offuti ai IentacuE a~ao icburyng pertil,-old lUme Wu Dcot h Raà anue gama of croquai ays are quile lu vogue boreta ibu thu aIRI lle da? Toraver pa&n. homereport plckin4 a nit a the the aibtafer4rkTho b hi= 1 ni on. lu a ihoil UR auo many playInE adi ilwvnomcdark . a ma tht one bai a chance ho atentomle tRer maltera omncceoelly, henidea PALATINE. plating. lMr. V. saner velu palatine,omaroube Mi. brnger ani John Zîmmer, Jr., for Chicago FlMay. veut to Wmukegau tait yack Thurmiay. emsortabr01heaee Young peuple do uol go 10 Milwaukin We ara eri t ean cf"0. .r any more, au il la quecr IRai John iLuo tHra am ahouli go ta Wantkega, ud i vy b a le atm. suemelr loft for a tacha vac- building a bouse la evident by Utac lt lion tl e epent lu Michigan, rlday. thaie van wumaried luti Waaday le Mima [ia Tboitelavlatlag fleM udI Mima Mary Geamy, oet auceuds. Flu Grove ma" Palatineaai Re ammi The îlziy.meeth hlrtbday cf liralirs. Miaule humani Ras im 1P. Rlacthaler oocurred net Bunimy e efl tanamr ub o andi n launor oethIe occajoalc R vnrcoaa roaawoueaiaie liivied 10 %pend ihe day vttilir. ami bcasîllta. lira. B. Keudlar ah Prairie Vlev. Mia. Popp, of fitoakafeller, va. a 011cm gnecaa preeai vore Mr. lMartin véry pleanet Celr ou friande lua. sud Mne iMay lihzeuibien, lin, amidFelalue rlely. li-ra. J. P. Bilzeulhaioand am îMdl' ye scrîh iebadi the houer Sn b. lu- plic réa onnoi oean labugai ha$ vîleal. lra. Enedier unicrataniehu aeetra bonaivlIh ouil ho ncI a tiraetclama ble, w taiRIlîb. e hRachehamibuilding àu the furem for a birîhiai' Partor ecaveatilcu lin.rPck miii Oui'Taylor maie foIRa and Mr,. Kuedler unuetamim butmea trip ta Chicego, tueIg88 ~ mnt anytblug ft Uic inu t vblch mt 3 a, m. Frî.lai' rsiraing @uaiiy tact yen îumy conduit Bruns. The evcrng, INDUPENDUNr îtbndi Congrtulations ta lira. Riazenibaler amd i vsite bhrU m Do--% lorep oapeut Sumiay ISIS b aybpy i ui'amvrar. Rr trImadiluaPalatine mai PIWa man hapybirhdy anivrsvi Gr eva mi ttmed tle <iblgn a-. Kodol Dyopepds Cure thor«onghiY dey avomîing. digessfood vllhuui ald troin the i tuo-.n etidyAN mleuach, amdaIt theu. Sim» e Ralain iouei I, .uaiyA 8 sd realonea the icoamacidigllîove Oth, born lg)lMr- ad lire.jais% ergna.Il thie ol oayUlMalmerner a. 4rphlfa lm.a, qcu. =1:4ï.boith tae hing m i atCsugudalllaa telfllOi. rliai upon 10 permamenili' cure Theutu ov. D..rlan aimar pm4air'* dyspepse. P. B. LovW., Liberty- ibe Piu (imove oaim ai vIlle: J. 'a. BRAOHEE, UOO Y. L.diaghlen Atiamalea ;aa =fa.,~ WBRICUA±l, Rockefeller.ailr.Iltts di. by wfý wil otten camde a horrible buru ona Minute COUR Caireut y sai, oni or bruinas; Suokiana ArnIca OUftit lila umai, ema t alvrehaie huai lu ihe vori, vîi kill] ad ' -e1n0i1114er il a lmàat IRte pain ami pacUaPili' hudIl. a1uafuai mioae-tak a stc. 1 WoetrrmreuonbU . b MaseMarhav. Wid, P,ý teicuaorn, ve a rohn arionhBall&LOI'UL. Liltat.tv.lle; J . t p oile cure on ecari. Oniy m25ea.Grte ueacw a bol. -,curae ffla. ould e