....................i. sper pi-......................S BUte tra dmvou mole snd trougk... 8 P* sest . .... . ...... l 10 IV* satisfaction ln price and - - ILLINOIS. ~~UbUL.& W. 110w is the t1ire to order'your Wtntr% etapp16! of coal.i We handi, ail kinds of coal and C&n supply you wlth the 498 t o be had in nut, ego, ribgpo soft coal. - - - - IMinois. Usvkg1.0 à, 1=1 12i U 2ma h ulihel rue.,. on buertaes si ilea tutti lw Mhosd on. malecasa$ o! - OisehlaçteyWednescsp, Ocbie * * '10, UM, OUU«usi <ai 12:30 o'cOk taqulhuatigthuud,- f eh ie tafolloWlng lffcperty: ___ ~ ~ ~ ia eimcos. ou 3 ymrilffg beifeas, 51 OIlg>SttsheiouYWUtig bul. 3alésia ine mcmiii 1 Ruie t sdwmli . > Ihep 8 se m oi ad, b&V -mmi M.3% volèle etllem 6.5&sout&, tomber wagon, ýA4bm'* . f ulatintbuy, cvr,,bob lulghe. ~U5Oeiok éip b. olBWiu ~ipiu Vo sknplou. S acres corn am PU ulI y dmla om aS.1 oe aSotsW W», uu ijOiUj~~O~doubl uork harnus, ~ih sE~fi 0v-OS ulh sw.sy otberalce10n..rn s bailbonrams"clos ter sumerlus - ai. beha u tehm i: Unl1uMs. 4 orne QI&i<i WoodS" m tuIo la ecelusoaie suàDoby sQMBo cilua lmnle. aeue bljact t e*re. for ranni. me vin roua oa us vu40 M tHAMMAM î,,<,.a, Prop. onek aid. Vala Chia how W . L£'piaw, Lucoice.. 'la SI bok,0m oe utbw Ph. unubraignulvil bel) ai publie embue lia.sdoru" a,. ýPieso anciios cmh. ari ljnl.,Wosela r n" .bar twtub mh eiof »»geW*nrtofflIalUM sud à mule «Masof 16 bv mk% pe.iia* I M l Uàugtebidge. Tuasij, Oct, 17, ua.band teood cute..cmas il, ecmmemeiug et 030 clok a., M. 0i*a811 mm ikia pie. ftrie t4I hIj.uingprOporty: 20 ebaie ii* Pan.aMt 3, boisdr"1, 001a, 7 vih cauf by aide,3-pr-ou ; Ma Wlata,. aSd.rakie u.s. oisieft ball, 3-pr-old aMeer, 1 3yr- tida mllu .venevil hou la cl batis, a -r-aId halon. -yroc *WIt. egl. bume. wagon box. bail. S gmirea MO& O. VIuaapl h,., si haiée.. 9 -madouble harus 237,1-cW M 140 boybraomborane09pas. 16 04U«. dftlick la boltbeetefad 136%,black l4iiu aruSje mesa te mhdm»sysu. n OUi I!# a bea4a. IeuPag ~diel tIll8la . 01e,«ud saiol ".,.,nt i j. la--= YC.BàI>Lz. Prop. Ioas imait .dOf srsuSa on, Waw, Ansllcneur. et mmas toilà mm .,. oin ma"ms. licidis qittamlg ~M 0bu. c«cal, boa.. raks 8" »=er Nais ffam mil. uua eula, Mt bobter apringa, e, lluqi lu,41 riammNom-0nliagr0s0sharrows, apriuig bat 511*ncomningaceg>.r2plous, vork borne»s. 15 ta. sabarp ta - UZ vîa< eh» n.le c,3oolea uns,2 .1 vi. -gç ival.. mu okaille, l00 mu snl 4 pai ffchqeo,3 7-aII bafars, lon-gMI, ami oarticles toaemeronn. boilà5 aS, miii, moue,. tamnton. hUMe, e entier, flan 10R l erme of ate I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~JBX hOIIW5Oi 111t aa CCASUN, Prop. bohy lue toma uphu"d bop G*y, Aetiau"r. ;1*ee, set double cu. fetsot.,r, QUENTINS CORNEIS. 1 àireiaavàtmemg eter ReurY Ua mode a trip lo Chieffgo 1110 oltivmtos,,lm aBudy. «41S liMMi.,ial .fa, Mri, Jacb Mmms, s., a aon tha ~~~~ t5lgUi=adt 7 acik Ilié aibt fa agie buter. fla MaO o onin Nia. Muy Courscey, of Vamacoda, Vu.L AVOR, Prop. 'Mme a mil etW. iséobehala Uudow.. Pr AxeuO»Me. 1Mr. Agg. mae, add cli., o raomnt. te ,.lé ara:s MA s ia M etVas. Qaeutina aS- f~lem 4 Mr. aM à§. ea. Qum"tiamu l !S W ~ la- br P.ie aa totte «r m otla ausi her m i usisva nov iahal. Ltsanata b. averp aba tha aim, ubdteaialjob. "ausbgal; WM qRasshlg.r.. uWe ove, go hPiOele, Diammd 0laSc"euhlimtDut vape.lm Uoddsmaàbaia tubelar Wui Pdlaa,00m O d bi niba«, Jr. deai~~ei ho e aii ter a hu 4SWi~ m MW Meh. ia lsbasa, su c conte oar. coueaccru. A. W. VOUA A. M. lan 1!. 2:810 -7M0 *suuday only - -1,1 D ail, ce Sunday. ROCKEFVELLER. 11w. Lpu, ago l in Mpausen oik. 'bd ai the plunbins irdm ai liouM lir. ohmu. Cooper, 01 DMMaadLke. apeni Sanuday ciii ber nisce, MUn. Y Gouilllur. âtre. John Crankbite rimm»el Puis lai mouang trom harviait ut PFord River, 1110h.1 Ni. sud 1M»..J. E. LloieoMb, aai Vm..Kngge auitede 1. unusul0a Cha. Lindemann la Chicago on hmmi Sunday. The Central bboo teilreoaivlng a mou ceti of peint, lwhich greatly improves lft aPUpeurne, lie voit belng dont by WiII Ueirem.- Um iestfer bas reaignl her poeillcu sdomeif o i Notai Hardon. There in suspIcion cf0hoar lerlug apon the men 09 malwlmmu. Wae iesi con. Theo la raporiel sm lurume la pop- ulation lau flviis ithh Sb*h.Puat tua uueks & waca bn MrN. ami lira. Due. A@Ynean sd s daughier to 1M. unidlira. P. A. Rock. The ifusa o f Ni. as ur. Thas MoBlride lied Tumiday afismuoce, sud va. buwfei Thoieaada lu ade. Ceme@r, Idbertyville. The beumvel peranla baveaOur armpsibp ia. heu Md affltioma.- Oneave.k tram Manday areang, Ct.11h 1h. annuel buain.m uet- lng of the.eiiqwhvin ho beid J&lie chapel, for tb. ulection cf cflerm qt $vacii iii.busine..ssum ay eau. bufore il. AIl memsbera raqueuett bc pwe.et. PwMuseg services vini ne ronuml naZi Sum e voelugasd for the tapie of Mo.Irai. evolg t= pelle vi ek Maérhire la bolp u «0 ie renat 80 s»mWe 6"i quâiio,Who la (l." ErFWe Smeerdiaily invilel. Servie mt 7:30 p. M. au ptni, Rodai Dyapopsia Ca val digot uat ou ul tjius lmilu of dypiodà - dsud oamb troubhu E. B. OmeM, Tenon, Teg., »M a, "L rellevue ram o hice i sud auiÏ me. Il h-nov MY evuSbam igtriesd. P. B. lavnw..LbetyvilleJ. R. Umcfza. Guaru... P. L. Vu"Mra 19AN, R.akfou,. IVÀNHOC. Tii. foflovIn preamble sud re.olu- lione vW@e adapt*aIeta smeto f Ivémboo Loige Nystia orbuis of$"i Vosl,' Va«Ia fibu plessed Our aHoven 17 Falir & îlie divine uiedm la remove trmOu ur .1m aur bboared 1,1usd ieaiouued ucrlhy, lira. Vuut u thUiu .hor lir. M l ilgsbas lm.1a vaUi moue ai i. Uei~4sudcllen a~ ~ ~ ~ uV arme-Wtenmcmb~ ma la ed.ihw e» et the b l. enwlAftnj. baspled"achupa tebovedt ofOur $$« bobigr, illiia Ml. oyentn foa beapee po o f ivbs cgapNo fnm.W.à berusved.iauimmd is eopa'pè. la»»d thha a Liàet rouu ute. ou? cmp. G. A. OSAu@. Commume.. t'mte l ia ulue.elw@» mmi onghOurAtrola erner. to u S nedS.bba, etillam l. Moea, l. P. misai. 1M4 C.ue la bare a lm B.aeJCmprNo.e951, N.W. A. exMal la hal hif ue smiepom Ulam I"Rai bi"' opf Ii. enla- lias Glm tu .ailalb asouf trliip aur cap.Km. . N. IurOKUe r. Debator obin . R.l'A va tro rou cholsomi el echrl M b coin Masdsy.« asreylae. h la*,wtsy vape andhleao ta Teea a. '" ie ue u . L.vooubr r Roc~skeloler. jryiismeh lir. . . cbewea dtutmç i ledl Vuaee M. LIda Draun, s Vahapa, vMr.ttng Situer rlt. s Mlp frieu 11w, mmd 11w.. 11. the oerusu, S,., arwm auetiuu a ila, liiiL, S - are vieil. a. langUIe, Vere, ci J. IL ensot, of Aveu Ceaie,, vistai his pssaits udw. y. l. eligrsudi iweuer.aJohns- borg vieil Semao. Ni. A. ImaiaRIlesait vusac% Our séreum s mUwu ea owla. Kmra.x. isitilla"amimeer vere Aatiach viscsaou Slaturdep. Mis. E. fblirer Maudé;sugltoevert, AnUdoeb. "ois saa alhdY. Nia. a. ubeivoal, cd Lai. Ville, vs. suAutiea ie u SMiuitdap. Mir. R, lit1ildrt buha.slafflir. B. PIpusai faim bilidings rooanlp. 1 ra. Vu. Moore sud da.ghitevW"* Pot Leue visllais saerusi da s et unik. - lira.Voeber,»sudlaegbter. cf %»tbbvbdtl Mlira.hniGliger on Pro. pemxn vw a itiis vilnisp lmi Tueciay mhhitlng hiesathamai- bfl Chame, MiU. Sitcu CoClvag à@ barlug a nav vetltdov. W. Saplor & Ca., are Ur . u iweii mas oncm Ourtreal Mcmlay pcchig op bta sfe hiesa"le uhibci occurOctohes Nb. Ni. W. Vaine l »ersi abeep bittesW sud hilaI hpdog ne a trlay nigiit. sou. ver. mima uimmlîo. Sée.r aur pwonug people gauiered ah tirebahocf Ni. W. iuleu on Utumisp ov«Unlg tla wclea gng. Ou Sundow oveulug quite » audiene gU@bewdta hem, Mr. Pratt Bing bel uere dlssppcduaed, Mr.- Pratt ual puttieg lu appouasicu. VOLO. O. Baok, cf Rollins, vuailu ha rlclulip lutMi onîay. George Tcmp.on, of Grajaleevms in Volaeil.t Thuréaa. Vil Loser viaied relatives lu Chicago a feu laya remauilp. Mu,. A. Baughl laent auteiung bar mothoi,. Mia. Suplder, of i Wakegau Grant Luak aiI silo, of Libertyville, opeet 1m«i heiadap villi N. gratuit- mer sud falllp. Menu ansd Mesdames C. G. an sMd Torr»anc tenelal s eicaspie soclilbeldllua eWsucouda M. g. Beni*rd Waguer sud XmIa.Mary Vovia vere msrrled lu 1h. Vola Cathollo chbch lsateduuiay mare- Ing. Thei msup triende ai hemhras lengtsudhappy lu.. Garner V»sl)nef 111forSouthh Dakols iabTue.apy.NHa bueu s ftifflui bond 1cr Eagbt Bias.. 0ev. pes. Niamay M oda vlibetory ta lear, of 1his depalure. ROLLINS. Quit. a feu farmurs Iwuutt a the Ciy *aturdap. Fred sud Vai. Couvera. caildai t 0. Nook'@ Wedue.day. , Dcsr Cremin l a annding lhii eehlailn Lake Ville. - Thomsa Muade sud uit. risitel relatve. bur* entmai va. Louia bob viltie lnluChicago a souple of lapa Mai uee U. an sd Mia. Luai snd Arullida brome vere lu Chîcago Saterday. lira. elcb and baby sati .1.1er, Ireme vare la iLauievi îleSaturday. Ni a uile Jolnufo tamIran Ca., mmib., la vlaiug ai C. V. aMtit.'.. lir*.a. ilalen vent tu Chicago lMou- IgW te havi bar upo lasaouti, b W»mnjajva acouple of vuoka &go. Baerai tromIn bis tamu atheuded &Ibe tua*eb sociable st Lake Vilnla riday $set29811isd s Roal lime u.u bal bp 49L lburmlap Sept. 28th occurred lhe Murlm01geai i. Oea. lisaitta ]Kr. Osrter aIt ti, brides« home lu Ibiu 110vS. Bev. Aken, af Lake Villa. par- luued the. ceremoa. A large croul enaublai sud san.erery aitepraeula Wms. eaved trams bai maupfmondes mi relative@. Tbep leurse hismwvns Icu- loua. HALF DAY Urv. Josepb dbuvoill la qîite alek. Dr. Herteladladimlphbave moral la . .Otto Johnson las ou lbe slck 1011 sud enult ieth a osiof Dr. Bans. lUn. Biate Vlbm rovaeti risitel bas brolbar VhfluajuManu and familp. NeMary Hallier and chîlutren bava ute laCicago la join ber hushand C. Bidul P. R. Tvipp. F. Mitchell and J. Rioblerd. are in Vubuk n mjry .11M. William fman.us e Ruent of KMerU sits r. Bocklmanu lu Liberty. -q,*bo lcad upragvussiug ninaîr uiet he ahi. managemeut of J. P. of has.a usuli. MhîWUVIfaj Saot«lil sund danglter Mue> have returnel tram Ibelr -go. 14 h ituursilla. I1RMORailleles, very .ick sund MW MMareof Dr. Rami. Ve hope là egma huai cf ber reeoiory. 8ue Ms. L Prlpp sand lUr. J. .Xbb#MSed the veddlug ni Mr@. MdUi r. Carter ai Rollins elý&WCaveiung. 1 daa.iapa afteiinn the. et 11asen"lberptak t1 aisem. .1Sh* aa sele couitr of,-Mi. andlire.. pelberrv. eadmi be hea *0 fu a cysu menuthe ci Mei. luveg la mauru buperants ap. brouiier sud IL me ~.p u vetue u eohoneew, 44sdPatmne o f larmers Wbo qf*S.ivua amie. Tour.0o sud fair daalUng havi made bisu lï. populerar seilnur ln tua *1,115'. Ru guaraueu fftiaation eh" Sdsbe atmle lasa uhale lot. 52-1 cnt oauraif vilb ne>i liiliip vimu pool laeCaugtuliiefly W , 1004 bthesct of -lime? - yu aidemandsudnea.have yue $0tabc a prompt 'uefor colla. ILt vii i *d.p Iftako nmoma muttelllabtheaotean. ThqituMili leno evifflas mthe Parues ai. boginuing la huaitcain. àVWOU, il la abouit semasg Ume. lir, "b u leuda ta maon 11ber wrenielfarta abautt. lot cf Novem. buer. rmeu. re. rmit sud Vlchrahl. Weu$ la Voalatoal ou à vielé15.lual- arday. V.Ranler ueImmuulel l a serve on the petit jury, but leairel ta bu as- camaI sud aucc»ee. Mri. lumpel enl.rIslnd Mr. aud lira. ze"krt, o1 Vaodaiocksund lire. Pfetfsw tram teetlI. T'he pragras commitue of tiie Y. P. Alliance mesthe hlainoe of Mr. sud Mra. 4. Rileenhaier. Ni. Ociloansd femily eubtined Rau lieu Msd Ume4j. Hu etrain it Iiowiiielllutmaidmy. -Thh. Long Grave .cbcoi viililo- menca ile uluter teru londap, Oct.,l16. Let parente s le note of Ulie,. Cava inn pretty iiigb sometime. at s»uciionen baving .011 for 803 near Viiusliug. But $bey aroultnoemis fligI s uhuniiithecoujumpel aver tha Doon. A psoverb saya: "Wb.m s moutb bugins like a lion, l iliiendlit* à lamb. * Vshope ithe preliloq cli prove Orue for*iiMm iraiof October vu à blneieriug ciuly day. meou"eRueansd Zîmmer vent oui veustla vida sand on a buuting itrip. Likolp viien tay relur,,ail ibeir trieuda <vbicb vu yul l & thoIbn) mây «epeci duck or a goa.e forai prous. Mr. Riele, bal nofaithe. larguai fras n tacha evor aeua&rounndhue. t coniained sbout sevenleen bla and vu about 30 ffel hlgai uhenu wil solîlel. They muat have beau trylug ta builî a oonl Touer oif Babel foi, là in nid, uhenthep madeIe .ansd came ta tie top.thlimn» un tbe lbal pitabid the bulusta oneon a ladder via, lu turu. handel ibm o nthe pur- sWu *boaehlm sud hoalaly dlivered uhem ta thestolcker. 80a Many porsons have nild: -'Wiay doasut the reporter pul eomeiiing lu the imper about hinca.lf onoe lu s vile. Ho in alvaya aimia aimôme- one aise." Well, bleaihdoua. Les%. Buulsy baving bou invisel ounteg tlnuer liha teal fai fort North1<1- Olid lu hi. boas Soulayocai, ridiug hie ubeel JUunasthugu ho bal onlp onu, aujaplue aveu lu suticipation the chicen, plus, caktes aud otier lusuria. tahoaevved. Juasa mhoe ablitnît pesaà tes. la show lieu bau go ile--bonrar of barrer, his bleyrle Ual s ponctur.He titanpuhel hi. iie home agala feeling aboutbW0 oce aiier thon viieu ha alsed. But lbe la not asdaim b mse olook», Ilt thi a poeidble, for ho vont la one ofthb neigbore fur lIne.,andl al chicken suyusp. Oclo)ber. Nlicu Welueaday. subserlbo for thia papor. DII pas go ta mue Dewey? lfreai apatere .1 1th. market. H. Korteus hboua. i. complowaI. Jahn Stehens vistel Joliet&1mai uek. Agent White nav lvea var lielle.. Ji. L. Pîebn wuea& Waukegan Ibis week. Mines Augusta Elcinian la home trom Chicago. liaisa PennsylvaaieGrit ut ,Iaiinie Dicknon. farinera. E. Polis suie lreu a large crowl Tbai cbitney ltulbhe aieli.oiroon le yery detoclive. al. G. Sublelimasor Gai ler, Wàà ln houn &lnurday. Trameu Vl ,of Chilcago aasreluain- cd liera tu 111e. lho gravel in tIhe pi 09il. Meyser lei ai a gon fal aiy. , C. M. Whte entertaineî bi& tati.,- mn-lau lmst uek. Our slter lama Waneaadalinorgantz log a aportilig club. Aahhonp JeaiaeamWitt ,oý,.tiomurago Dundee sithibis funiliy. Eveîjboly bore icemrnagregliy liton- ossel lu the Krouger came. A Doiat lisem excobanged b.rmnuq sol nov dîlvea s star bisetL. Mr. andîl li. listsle p-oIoatiaio vielona thelilrat ai the meut., The aidemaîki lu Zurich arc alAli e- tau replacel ihDouîituber. Win. Emnating autertrinel isporianien troua1 lius everal laye ut lat". fi. élelp, aur vulevlau nuctlaneer ie alianling aI Many hale tisleal. Mire. W. Eicimna uWho lase boeu en @it e nImnirarag van rnapidly. À bnalunDom daugiter, ai lte btie Of il. Ktimbarly aldvile, lSept 20. Fred Rttkuck W mitnimbe toai" ai provemnenta ou ibns"eaIislu. Oliavtey TuId, fartiaoly ,af &is place cailel ubis triende lie antmaI ek. Theitago rosi to llariuglon l lmbola gravoee. A large gang la un tlie job. H. N. ChurcliandsolJhni eolllns, u1 Rsrringtan, more oliservol lieru Fri- day. P. C. Danuig'.8 caution suie ai coull, diI Bol Pau uni vorr WelmaIl Smlmdy A unamber of oa, people etteuded the lance ut Waitcoudi ad report n line limue. Far a@-Odaitl lypemiter goal se aum, rerp champ. Appiy nt Zurich A god miay ralirool 5radeic pàased lhroiagb hure ai face banal for Liber- tyvil. raie mani trienda of P. J. Pilbert, cashier ut the PalaIue hbaitk are pieff to leur arutit e, là ou the rosdItf0 le- Look for bills for the naei Ill lanceutaI lcke'e bail. A goal lime esaurel. Ç. W. Kohl lise n gros& departueut slave. 14v owyn(u obnpnything pa nuap mant. 'mise EmanunaJ<agge, of Chicmgo, iaited mita iber brollier lai. and vite Tite familles of Cbas Patte., E. Robertson, W. L. ilate bave rtarnel ZLsv our sulbecription for Ibis papor ah the Zunihuone, aud gel a 014cb prentin. A largo nunabor of tie acoaveve have unau neat clbudaDow nmma Viti lie etuplopal. fi. lirgmau, of Palatîno, ihm the ContrtImot a il U eorge finette',nem hottesitu &hg Brace subdivision. Gearga s .aiUmi Mary f4ah Mre, = 901% mlamotlem .& as Me t.,P Tm E BEST COPFEE ON 'Mrn. 13-20-28-32 and 35 conte pér lb., accorrdlng tW grade. E. 0I. Payne won the laho sd ,a., Tattlsr the picture in the guessIng cogitat advrtusd. Some bargains in winter, goods next week. .... .Watch for a.,,'... Rockefeller - - - -Illinois. Now Is TheTie.. To Have Vour Picture Taken. A 16x20 Platlno-Crayonold enlarged Portrait wiiI be given wilhth ery order for a dozen- of our best photos at -S$300 per doz. Photos ail to be of the same person. We make ail Atye a and FlaulsIts. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Hui hes'Studio, Wauconda - - - - - Illinois. STUDIO OPEN TUESDAY, TUURSDAY AND FRIDAY. Crolss Creek Libertyville - - - - - ilIia.,au i. Lehlighol Cross Creek 'Lehlghf 19 mined in the heart of the LEHIGH REGION and no expense or trouble is spared in its preDaratioh. A-t is re- markable for its purfty, durabllity, freedoni from siate and clinker, and small per cent. of ash. A, TRIAL Wil demonstrate' Its superlor qualities. Leave your order now for your winter's supply. .ibrtvile . -i. SCIIANCK,' PAL.ATINE. G",NVI!.W.. MIr@. Her»ebterger entetaluel hier We noton tait .Wili Rock'%uroossap lîrîllar receohlly. homes u te.rn aepm imer itihe i frianiagdscatl. ar. Lotlfsibmud au.a""" t,o,.i, ha liat puis 6gibar. Re aime bas MinLydîia ikuane peutteIbsaues mbd »aiditioni loger. JOW fnghfrautl lu ita (rovo. rm bons.-. e W. tla aimdeut Mr. adtb ,trtJ e alady mr smé ute se n- ire je frIand the$nt isi Vantaisai bal ireceari. Mr.nu o itnsr. Porepuaitertha ieaul vieh iliceha thu eussl. 5teUIa Saltlmy a ith friande lu Plan G;rave. dirmuiot Mr. nuiti Mye. Wi. flousmefrirts Chi- Mr. Johu Damesadi a luit lséVesui cgo visititl mtb frIeuls lier. "ver tn bis asait l sbdiviui.qê len Gitrhsu, iiunap.to Mr. ureaau&au. iiCiîestp, h -. emploa« a NWXW rlo.1 &Çaý. wSh lira. Thaise luit for Chaicago expeai. bau savàmeel *sip tir ehap, Ii##s l Iug en> metsber huml,)and sind vicia-j tperu fr.n bmiai#s n a,* b frieuada thore. - I aller ltu t" biin eg.m uel Bnlira are nisu&Il emil pet, ibuy ttiMutvMwem eu leu ebll ieppùaaie appoaren matleteir presenca fait lu .se MarcaI it 'lt,.. hi md. w&.,, i$la Vrosplace.. dciIy. Mrlong ati Iào w14. . .I Mr. »sunir. Kiauz, 0f Arlingici btalhIma i %leiiuvm t l. w M Naigtits. ve. gtel ai Mr. tsel Mrîs. Tihe asteMuac i uiM ilarmaung ave, Sunaî. . urpupcuvêhisada.et, a. C. Padock, flita, sud publimber wbomharsoauiiuja,à i îuà 1 agI of the Cook CoRUntHémil ile itonneb 71 059eafagamavohu lh bon c llu pions Grava devina lb. ln aur m ae. i itoadî,boiillég s«it eamlng vulla. 'lie csur ai e lire. lilrmeuulinger, <nf Cary,. w«e tw ,ne Rueest lier fathers aven isn mou o. cM istsowtmga. Her atmier Mary saompatie*lier ç 11-b*#9 home ou Minudmy. ~balO,,V SHERMER VILLE. t basons«- o qvsu~owl Fon Rar 160 mira ferai luShormer. mt iatté euutiu ~ vilea. knomn as &ibe J.le. è lisii au IOeu I léiai nttoiteu" M farim. Fan pardlelars anuulve . 0i. w W*10 fyiZieisaiiiPUVA%& SHEitIAOI, Grapsaffa. Obo*abf~ilhyt ~l «*il dite me more goald thau Ytissa ut imesulu «et. as e f it:ll 1.- ever misai. Myp liqepasvais cu tegupn 4wtîl<efluiub, 4ýÏ iiý muantha standing; aSier eatliug le va, PiAs lwnttgih k c 04 , 7, t e r r i b l e . N o v L a m . m o u " u i e . i . l a i i h1 i . i h a 4 v . Keamier. Ualalago, Km..,of Koduiol ad hiia,,.. 0. #it sj au Spk Dyppaacue.. ledigalaMnt aWu% iehÈVau, WQO gAio h tw "b iebdu. ont. P. a. Lavwla., Llberiv"lbe. 10bh. swgsf jr, on - - -skok ~ P L lat Uhlhsaaehv bohp. ïwMih< ý Li lis.