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Lake County Independent, 10 Nov 1899, p. 2

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1, M~OTEL, ON lAKEN U1Y A Pb"l JUOLE PM one Utelamprate Mon ted ssuuiif lMe Takea s»d plae lu a positiou of trust k la iewu te bises tebave a tond-1 Uq le à l aquestion tisaI basi Sethe publie attention bya ledalby Judga liolîberger oet ± latbc Lyncb case. Peter w.-me spe by OIent & Ce. as an t won clâtngeal b. colleateal -rf te samonut 819 and$eut sffuma,, Thea carge vas coobezzle- »0 t Lyscpisaditgulty, but the k ro MUm te wlddrabis pIe-o liructed bà te enter oeeof liot ýj . uuts t uoehi. dedsinthse Judue- asîd: Wm-bernIt bon eme 10siupcs-I [~upete haists, and he toffl ot SstheUs Iscej te hi. ove use ou- bes -sb et hIt chrwife then lu ini- b lb.s rslmcent fhie babil. cm- ten lut niderstanul tiat it is ex- =ai deobul mbbr tUscrimué o but m oub made eut umidi-r maun OSUICMIDRN MOTIL. at omm hsuusm n ie Lit. et lhe O-M #UIRUoasa, Nem-YorS. pifenlmda, 85 jean eh), etflit.9 tnu foUt desd lu bis bcd lu Uce 114ffl. lu MNm- TorS. IMade stai u'*qo bsMe.s 10 11 lo'ciocSthe svmm.5 malbette es .retired W»t Me i dtnetappear tUc the dm u-efoarced& Hade h ielabed deod, b.vicir be« ÎÏÎ;.Z 5byelcam m-o cai- - nU:tb. salabat baudd he1ur.. Il le thenght b. IS Ktetxe »laitillerles Com- UMM EI? UUI N DEATIE. qo Ube enuit of au d4rut iela S rs csSj ab" nte @te&e dé4uiaed teMd- buSsce tesChtcago- ia s i.t la I Joe- W ouaa.pr"» ee t Iwop- lver"mc- lames WDilu ab»VU vilst ai efet a . acet a s ite fre onf ~qpiivilesle wua Oieb-, enn Dakou, . Dae 15 ifiiu, elas m cns-ive de-lueor tetait Wou. bm-Mi"iover fty per- g res.l A maut dued Ibester go" et fliqme cmetnthte aUj ticý buildig eupfl dby the 14Imotm& liant s o so- I, LASSis, muailyburuet tour @oed ubem "M svbcafflme r abe,-loes ulcoiurJ.ames is Cein. W-IIieu bn. âge 21 jears. IUNvuacoulge, cemmitld tl sat bouse inPortlmed. hééussd tl e Iehome ancxpe,.-- tçto*b te give auj reiwan >0iMas eet"- Ltta Reet RemIB . ArS, Lie mbolesai. We C. 1. Lainct & Co. sud Lo PensMe.ser. de- ap.The bgfltlusm-on vl- Ihessllausaled value-et -cSla f8OW end mtheb ge -e e -b - - LehiES aidLem-- Sasder t s UM M Untm tie aAbs vuatatagMc eo isatAes bp S à wkcievribsa qute la te bece latssdbte" ove et lthe Hawaien ~dasby a Compay ot Amerlrsos. a tsrckJ.Ci u e he Met gatton. Ne.111& (0e., enginftr, eorflonolu e bas doedilsacntre«t for lbe Amoricau rm- peny l a aai. Âltbough mausY (cuti- ucers regarded th connection of t4. i ie Llanda hy cible as lmpraeticable. he-L cause of cerai teefs, on whicbt a ceible lç sono covered wllh coral growtb. breck'a are troquent sud repaire cxcecedingly dit-t Secul. the Amerjean compeuy bad abontF decldcd te lîtempt il, as thec oueds of tlcgraphlc Cuimonicatlon bol grown mort urgent. Then they huard of It. bitrcol's-nchlevemo-utg. and li. r. q Wl, sent te Iis country te view the workiugs or hi*s yslcmn. He tond thal the Marconi syslem woold cost much lest and h. more precticable lu Many ssays titan a cible. Regular tlegraph businessf wiii h. dose by thc company Insallier the wirele» a ystemn. The disance uvcri wblcb communication will b. establislmedk m-lUl tory front eigbl te sixty-oue tuiles. 1 litPANESIK SEALER SUIIK. W..Canght Poachlag by 1he.Rissslait Gauboît Aleis The whling bîrk Charle W. Moran,, whicb bas îrrivcd at Son Francisco t romi Jîpilicie waters. brings thc story of the binkiug of a Jiponese selng schooner by the Rusilan gunboît Alexis. The schoon- er. wblch carried a crew of twenty-ane vuen. vas cîugbt poacblng on Russlon1 meiing preserves. it va. aiment dorkt. and Uic seuler tried 10 elude the guin- boat. A shot s. as li-ci &cross ber bows.à but abc kept on ber couru.. Tbeu theà Ilussian captain ordered bis guns trainedf on thecacciooner- Three of ber Den vere pis-bcd up by the Russian boat, but thbe rest were drowned. Two .lspsies.e schooners ver. on the torbiddeu grouds wrben th. Alexis appeired. Botb schoon- ers tu-ed te0ecacpe aed aeparated. One of them va$stsaik, but lu stopplug lu pick ait Uic survivers, the Aexis sllowedi be ther te escape. It vas Ibis schooner mbcb the Morgin spolie aud froivboni tbe nems et the accident vas eblîiued. ]INSTANIX KILLU MIS EXPLOTE. Williaum Wal.Wtt lShoote George J. Taks *IL prlugteld, lit bet Williia Waesett. a gardenci, *o ad hkflldGeorge A. Tanks, bi&l'lred man, at Springfield. 111. The murder wuî comontted e atWliceîtt's bome. vhlcb wue ais e home et Tueka and is vite. Atter the sbetieg Wainscott walked te1 the police station and gave bimesaifne». He elaIms be didthUicsbooting Ilu slf-de- fense. The thoetleg vatt the culmnation et dferenees Uhtit aexisted beween Wzioscot ad Tunki for Uic last week.1 Tanksu, vIls hisvite and child, hadhuezen living et Walnscott's bouse and Mmn. Teckas vasdotagi heeouaewerk. Wala-1 senti La a inglé rmas and he pald Mm, Tu&s fer ber services. Wslnicott dis- cbarged Tanks a fcv dayî lge and or- desed lb latter and bIe famlly te leave haie bouée. This they refused te do, as Tounk clalmed Waiusctt owcd hlm for labor. ENTIRESCLAMa suspEND kD. au nuats PUbtlic Aisieur. The etilre sopbenaore dise or Capital University, cat o! Columubus, Ohio, m-ecs e ing t eu are prepaesd fer the BYVagllcal Lutheran mlnstry, bis beeauiuipeuded ferrefouset te mâles a public apology. Tb*eldam petteued for peraimila te "pnd a darylu the ecU, but, boilas tue.isle bore vent regardîses et tibeuty. Tbey were glven the si- luee ora et ikng a publie ielego o be»L@g t.desnttely suspeaed. Teydid %ei apologse. Other students aveepet- mi s aoumentlaIthebbad et a Meondof earth. lseoebed: "la Memoeriam, Clame of blm'. WUALEE'e 00001 LUCK. Pou"@ oft Ambergrit6 Tb@ vbaliu banS Chaules W. Morgan. vblch baus eived stia Francisco,£reom lth* Okhotsk Des. derng lher- jean's crulse soeured 1«0 barrais et sperm oul, 2.100 positds et bonss snd 0 pouats cd imber- gris. The latter mas au eebeclaly gond sd. as Il vili brnsug rou 8M 0te 40 a pount. The suihrgris mai laeded bu Japon, and bas alr.ady beenu snt te the emners et the vesee. J. and W. Wiug et Nem- Bedfoerd. The Mrgan caugbt lu ail torly-elgbt Perumhileusud tm-e nlgbt mhles. Muaser White le Drowîsi. The talegram frem Cistillo, Nicaragua, eyjirg BagineerClark mad spacty h.- blozgns lethe Unitedat mes cansi cemn- mlisinlid been dromned teinseout te ha Incorrect. El Cemmercie pubisbed a ditiecisylug IbsI il vis Englnren WblMte. set net Enguneer Clark, aud Ive of thé Party lueoeglng te tbe United gease canal cimulon w5~o ver. drom-ned. Palace for s Japsueae Pince.. T. Katstyama, ircbiteet ln chlef et the impes-lal bouesiold et Jupon, le ai Tua- comai. Wash., en route boume. He Sas bers lautUs esat fer tise lesttwIvemonUsa lattiug enîracta ton mterlal sud equip- met toe b -uaed la the creetion e; s grand palamesfer the Crowu Prnu-etoc lapin. Me saje the uitr a aloeeuor the palace vii eesit sÔ.Z- )(11104s b3, s Do.-, Relia J. (mein. ored 30 je-sca, a buck- aIe-. m-r.s sot ana l Slleailbu bu home ai KassasCty. lter Williasm Lampbeea, aget 16 "Amrsand WiliI iper, ageal 18. mbe bad m-rked for tuins, vers azrest- ed. Lampliere cenfeed eab bat doue tise killug. lalming that Kiper plaeued il. Te motiveam-as robbery. Kilnsd Lu a Fotball Gama. At Oakland, Cal., trein the effect4 et se- jues susrtasacd in a saine of football os the college comptus at lb. State Univer- sity, Jesse Mouri Hi-bs dled eltihe liaI Bay sanîtaiues. He mas struèk lu Uhe secb m-ilejuakiga ba-rd likle. Ferry Lani.g Dresa. The Iandieg tage of the Waeslsud relirondt eruybot, on the lefI baiS of Use Sceedt, Belgium, buoSeeintm-o on tbe su-ivai of the firsI train. Many persons tcll loe theb. mter andsi Steecu or tmenty ef thean vene drown. Corp.e for a Captai.. Thee sebueuer yacht Ciiquifi vis cast on tbe 1bchou Lake Micehigan off Md- ier'sStation, Ind. Wbhecorpa. of sai mas rond ou tise ape'. tise reat of those ou board bavisug eviumlu-ty beesi vaubedl overboard. *Prtneely 6Gir, ta Nmivard. Mii. Henr-y Le lilgiuaouorthlb.Clam o ,tE. wm-be ae tldimiu-s'field le Han- tard Uiversity. ba% gteu $150.000 te b. uscai for lise eru--tiusu ansd equiupment et a building -uitithle fou-tise- uses of the Harvard University' Cliii,. Train 55 cea 1 i ctnic Cir. Aunlo-iuil Louiilile ansd Nusîbville train itu-uçk a !'uuui thi avenue u-ictrlececa nI Fourth avenuie snd (' sîreet, Louisl- ville, csmpleely dermouisiaig tise car anal lujunug.uiise peuple, Prefees Destil e mrrlage. At Gr.ancastlc, lad..- Warren Kabiey M"ds-auesuaascas"uulettenjit st amI- .4. Kabley mrote àstesis lp bis Mothor, blddag ber asal bIsisu& sgeet. e~ i tact doviee tat 5bsw AWd e bIn haarrh thet ev ol-X10Lait Watson of North ~sOZsL..O RICAVY &MAL06 OP WOéL tOun imduussual Petarelufleviev- ton Trîils-Wheat Roupette. R. i. Dîun & Co.'& veekIr revleW et trade noya: 'A 11111e derline of % cent lu m-healt and 1 ,4a rente lu cern dos$out bisa- der experts.,f h-ugbh Il inseulsevesce that grovurs îhmsk they bave ample su»- plie's. Atlantic ei4iOrts of viseat tor iVO weekàavse leiiflour lacluded), 15.- USd590 hugeh-, ageins;t 18,182,031 buab- esb axt 301, sud Pacifie experts, 2,71,.- 5.1t buobhels. ogaluet 3.917,434 buihels test cor. Western reeipta et wbest hase ,-uitinuted heîvy. but bave ut rival- Mu last- year*8 extraeu-dinacy eutPeuhugt, arouutîing 10 ouly 35,9M8.087 busbelà ln lite seks, oganont 49,M4,791 humbels last year; bot the %,fstern cern recepticrue abeaul of lait ye.r's in thea sumo e -as, andl the exports bave been 18,648.044 boadlseba.against 11,088,18busheli lest year. The euormous'esof wet veta Bostou-2155,lOO pounds reported. mailing 25,3tI8,700 pounds et the tbree chiet umarkets for Uie veek-are extreuse- ]y Important. Expectatlon et higber lîrices ut Loudon prompt mucb sPecula- tive boying, but tho demand fer veoimi goodeim'buse undenhsbli encouraLglug. WINONA BsasC AN AIRSUIP. @trase Cîgîr -ltbaped Craft Pîsat@ C'ver the Minsesota Citr. Winont, Mine., bas seu a bonsi lde airabhil. The illuminated veseel muade ils appeau-suce soutbeast of WmDne. It pasa- cd oser tbe soutbero limite of the clljr and followeul s sti-aight lhue veet Parallel wlth the bluffs and op Uic valleY: The sirship vas seen by sit vhe vere on the city sIre-uts. ltvas very plainlY cillar- sbaped snd euiittcd a brillan ligbt f ru the rear and a troll et oparks. Wbilc lu aibI from -winona il remaiied i an even beigbt of about s tiaoSutnd eet Sroui the csrth.'Tise ligbt seensed te he shut off wbee Uie airibip vas nome dis- tance abeve Winens. T. W. Harvey iiaulkrnpt A petition lu veluatsry bankrupteY W"p Ouled lu the United lStatscourt eaI Cd- lumbus, Ohio, hb, Turlîngtea W. Harvey, m-be gîtes Maniettea ms bis praient place et restdesace, but -be, outil recentlY, lv- slded at Har-vey, i., m-bers e -as for a aumber et jears at the bead oethtei Harvey Steel Car and Iepair Company. His total luebteduesa le scbeduled at 8MS,340. Amets are nomtinal. Tm-.ivs Piana Shoeclos. Tvelrc piano aud organ tscteries ie Chicago bave cleend tUdr doors for au ludedaite lime. iecking eut 8,000 vork- meu. Br this action Uic manufacturera stoee a unsrch on tb. Plane sud Orgsn Makena'Union. m-ielcb ad tbceatcncd te rail the men eut Iflb.h manufacturer§ dal net accede le theer demsande for a recognition of the union. Tries te UMII t.he.ml>. George H. Barthel, ssistent manager et the Shumons sportiug gouda store et St. Louis, probîhly mortally vounded bist vite sud bis falber-ln-lav. serleu&lY la- jured bis mothcc-lu-lav lnd commite ouid". Jeaioey in suppoeed 10 h tbc cau»e et tb. crime. Bartbed sud bis wife had beeuu scparatcd for more than tbree jean,. __ TesupsesPhosphate Lande @oli. H. H. Doris ef New- Orleans purcbascd the J. K. Onu place et Mount Plssent, Tenun., for 075.000il.Tise land la suPP-ed tg coutain 200 acres et phosphate, tisough il bau net beeprwspelt. Ugelemat over reeat phosphate Sueds ruse bigbleul Mourir Ceunit, and extravagant sumo are bcbng paid for lands. WebbiaMIiesaeCombine. la Boston, et a meeting et represeaa- liver he maJonlly o et ilargeat en- cerns e inbtheebbîeg sud gering indus-' rtries la Amerlca lthem-erk oet1h. prelul- euuj Organisation et a national combine- tien vma& pertected. The ceesbiaatlon la capitalaed et 812.000,l)(10. Diova mon te Atome. A terrifie explosion occnrred et Actes, lsd., in Ibm Acîna pom-der sailli. la vblcb tvo men vere kilied and eue manInl- jured. The Celoin as la Uie dyna- mita milsg bouse, 1h. cause net being exartly knem-n. 1Art PChient Murdered. 1 Federick Hardy, Jr., art etadest and son et Tennesee millienaire, found mur- dcred in New Yor-k. Eviteuce of dfsper- àte struggle. Probably killed fer bis meeey. Die Ie*der Vallinu Wallte. Thse cellapsaeto a six.story building on West Lake street, Chicage, and ils sub- equent destruction by lire, killad tonur personsaead caused a property lois,et 820,000. Alvia lmondera Deuil. Ex-Goy. Alvin Saundera dled et Oma- ha. His donubler le the m-île et MaJ. RussehllHarrison, son oethl.exe-Presi- dent. Tbe laflrmitles et old ose caused the ex-Governor's deatb. New York 1-ditor Ia Dead. Robert C. Alexander, editer oethtie New York Mail sud Express, died et Brigbt'* disease. Obleam-Catîle, Common te priee 0.00 te 87.00; begs. ilpjslsg grades, "30 te 84.5(; tsbeep. fir tu choie, *3.0 te $4.75; m-iet, Ne. 2 re.,68e te Mec; cern.Ne. Z 30c te 32c; eîte, No. 2 22o te 23c; nye. Ne. 2. 50c te 52c; beutter, choline engamery. 23e te 24c; eggs, tu-ssi, 17o la 19c; potatoes. cisice, 25a te MSe Ver buahel. Ieditnapolls-Cattle, ehlppiug, *$.00 le 80.5; bgeh ioce light, 82.75 te 8" ; 0 ïb.ep, commuen te prime. *1&25 te 8425- m-elN.2 red., Me te 68c; ernNo.s m-bile, 83e te Sie;c;os, Ne. 2 m-ite, 26e le 27c. St. Louh-Ctta, 85.25 tue$6.50; heop, 83.00 te 8425;,eleep, $3.00 le 84.50; mbat. No. 2. Tic te M3; ern. No. 2 yellov. 3le le 33c;nemb, No. 2, 24c tu 25c; rys-. Ne. 2. 54e te 56c. Clueluai-Cattie, 82.50 te $6.50; boge, $3.00 te *4.69; *beep, $1500te *4m~; m-bet No. 2, 70e te 71c; emn.No. 2 init, . te 30-; oes, No. 2 mlxed, 25e te 20ce; ryte.,'No. 2. (ilicte 63c. DePtroit-Cattle, $2.50 te 86.50; bogte. $3.00 to $4.25; sheep, r-.50 te 84.50; vbeat. No. 2, Oc1 te 11e; Cern. Ne. 2 Yellos-, 35c to 37e; osto, No. 2 vhite, 27c te 28c; ryc, WC0 te WhC. To"olu-Whit, No. 2 minrul. 69le 10 foc;e;rin. Nu. 2 uiixed, 33c te 35c; oats, No. 2 niesi. 22c te 24c; rye. No. 2, 57e te 59c; Couver secd. 81170 te 86.00. MiImaukce-Wbes.t, No. 2 northemu. Me tluV& 1e crnu. No. 3, 32e te 33e; otite. No. 2 '-biue. 25e to 27c; rye, No. 1. 54e te liée- bsrley, No. 2, 4&e te 47e;pork. mess, 88.00 te 88.50. liuffio-Cattl. tend sbipping tspei, 83,00 le $6.50; bircgs ommun te çiseuce, 81.25 tei 4.50; sbim-p. fir te choie etis- ens,$3.00 te 84.00; Iambe. comma te extra, *4.50 te *5.50. Ntem- ork-uCattJte, $3.2l, te $&0:0; og. 1&.00 te 84.15; sbeep, *300 te 84.75; m-eat, No. 2 rsd, 78e te Me; cui.,Ne. 2 obi te 41t; steMo. 2 Wvite,.8al e a2e; bstoisa1 .,, 17e hbsM;c, gý Wo-- .Uk t le& Mlarude t Emsos and Wr once Uti- cernces m ete fMir Leaden l- àIre lfale Succomessand Aumueition Miets et lt laeMhnqïp5Se5itu tbgfrom IbsI a fr u'*Mime*i.«ethli Tmrscsg islulau ...... Rulumsce Is OueS.Kimerey.......................s e ThIe ocupsîlon ot Colesbucg ytish bney---------------------44w Bec.-. ati a.couilp:ete surpritie theiRîExlt intermoîlen about lihe Boer an- Britlah. lbis cauued lb.egetesl tue!- tilblry le lockiliîg.but lt 1le bom-sfuilet ing of îuueoLmnema. astthe isdvauce 5iny Gtl. Joubert'sea ebuaemt. belote it nuis neenthcengaglut uîfflleller's fores ie - i-eforreni mcielcd of ixtee(s Krupp tuât as tbey aire ut De Aar. thc point flid pIses ofthte istest peticru sud 15e mbre thse Brltlsienitlersi ceuteiplates __ gmiberiuug bi6 army corps pnepsratory t0 s csîupaîsi a oinwt Bloemftounteseuln Pretoria. CokuienUrg la juin aoutb efflbhe Oraug. i- Puc huie hunier le Caltue Celîouy lOclails t aI osî,sillîîthathe advauc et the Boerrivs aeecouiipened by the destrîurction ot ail bridge« snd the Iaerleg uip of ail manuer oft t-ai-it faclilIles. T1he Bi.tii retirs-sînl 10taEsttouri baai gis-eu the lspneeim tUatlt hiintendeule te out le lid t lucre. it,-.teirtinethue ast imoportattoivi l I"tveiilise hiers aind the supitl4 f Nlel.andl if the Houi svcep peat Esut- cuina' cau -toi) tben f rui laying ie-uv lu Pleteruuiritz- buîrg. mhiei connut le- expe-iteil tea malue a prustractel defmne. si-ile il. f ail moîhd b. a treteutloîus li- tobBlitialu prebtige tlirougbotit lloiithAfriîsa. 'lTeBriîbuh relirc:imeuu ,orthu otCo- ienit, lies iglveus the Boer.saunopporlunltou lu m6es a blil for the &sttse laippout of the sisuiffcsled tOutu-hLn uNatail by pro- claimiiig bbc ouncuutiîul cf thee uppeu- 'rigeli 5u1-tiou. 'Ch, faitr 1h.- Vlluhs-,îl otiW.ilaeiuîutu hae,- -iilud tieir syni- polis- ssitb the iniiig ier, 10 a 1l- NTBSBX OMI BS touir cullation. Etr-pIfSu- urreptil ,o.. corat.a cmiaJ.P. osbernat. assisroluu-i li-i-e lnip ,. esidenie liller- -~ eics 1 . euei bave oit joinealli-thera e-opeul nby uyu a-41,-o, las. IBotha-f-t'o.mandsstWellbseh. appretiale inbels. e-Cuis. IuuîiV7tis. Joubert. Buer and flritbsh Prmareduesa. heaosy Ireuaot isiege guns. mhidi. but fer SIne lb. Brltlab liave met rs-esi tisé opporîue arrivai of the Britishnaval Natal tbere sa Posie diîsponekign o trrui- birigade. vosila have reudereal Ladysnlth cise tise governuni fou nut baviug dust- îîlosi pals-beu largi-r unimberi. of Iroops at an n l ioous'cllou ssitb the naval riun.a carlier sitage. The- ssir 1repanatioîies. il monet ii>terctiugr andl Importanst expuu-i- in assertel, ver. nut malde te kcep pa-e tusent bas been stitscesfuliy sarued u( ut a 110W BRITISH OFFICERS GEl' KILLED IN THE BOER WAR. ts - ~s--t~ Tee -traordinry fats:ity omonur th t leaders of the Fnglis sl"le"a lu ac- lions et lSmith, liii and Elîusleagt - lely ei' xplsiaed in tbis pceure. Whila the umen lu the rusieso, t helb.kop>je-u liol.sovautoge of evs-ry crver, Uic o0i-crs esleesl b li eir duly te0sand PecrI. luit tis poslition tlb--y becime trflinpcueus quar> fur thse Boer- markjneiu. m-itUthepolitical movueits or thc got- eruneut. ltIs la ared tUalt tis ertciam user- loeoklthe vily nature oethIe Buer- isb claIs, m-Se 1ud ano uinod te allov a pou- sible eosmy te take bis tîme lu gettiug ready toeoné bemn.Had u-ops beeli osnlber dhpatcised te -fond Afvica lun large numbers the »ceritiiatuuu miu ly vouil have hem delivene-ilsoner. Notblug m-euM have been geieed b> that psoedw-e. Ibcnefoec. Hed tise Britisb refralsi ionern tu-eu uvlug te concen- trate troopo in OStstArrsien Usemlimat- um m-eul bâre hem ilonger delayesi andî tic beglnuing of themar vould have becu postpouii ed te rresposal. Thee liev have been watclulug theB.rituab m-Rhnas- picioua cge fou- jeers. con-taally prepar- log for riue ronliet t-bey fearual. Tisey mneuaiptto stribu m-b.evpr thu- mv thse British misg fon advantaguioua poai- tio. Ilvas ii-iitai1le. tberefore. thot the Iiritiah. if they usuaimt b ls-iniesuai- lu Sotuthu Atuic. muîst ente-r Uic cunliit si-lîltheb.odls aguiiusltisuui ant the Oulîselt. 'rbc B1it4b l 'ar Offi.e uiinced une midngbt Moeday itiit ne diapelae hsd C&tERAst. svu,.£. ISacessoniit. ueal »ISysasa. ben r1eIlvedlbesyutuatbiii.e alil>à- -Uiuiade Public. Nultua-OLiilary offtCial Iitem ut nes-, uas îilslfor ueeiy tmeey-fotir hours. This gare r-se toi ut rop sf ut-i mers Ut ,adyesiths aunuisition sia« rxbsnuted: tiit fin Geofrge hitcwmiu- White m-se meu-aly niue; Ibut hitUi tacts vu-eebeing icueeaed and Ibal tiù- unuusky bippeninugubut ta-si place. Aduices foulheu- Parts ouit uuUAfules m-re ullalmnetlvu"insautable to t-bs-Bu-lt- ishan eutes-yebing pinte te o citical Tihe moteusent of Boers Ilu-Cape C9l- ouj la begLmiasiugto avaken Brillis fuir Ual they ' hot m-iatl>' undesethnated tue terces tua-y m-Iihune tatetcland Ual even Cen. Hiile-rstask uusy not b. in easy as aelieiated. It la iseceuillig appui-eu ttiat ailt-bhe Buitish calculaltions, baaed on the iuyalty of Ppulatinen.re b.pceesly nt ses or tbecce lee a vs-ny au-ins lentage ot Dutiuh ayupatlzeac frounNatual and CaPe CiluuiY. Ollerwilae tbere hane o es-uunug for tue lau-ce ftees ot Bttrgbees iepotued faoin aIl dires-ileu. The m-uv aile,- çnkiiiusttly, is beini urgeul te bave muore ttussuplilureasilues ilntftorsuuagna-usicons-s trnuithse Cbuîî- na-I sutiâi-oul,,Ot Gibraltar, soiitspuy- raijuiouis ognilus i U et-tualiîice aluuuas untuî,uu i Etup-uwaters lu peots- tiui. .Ontise ira>' te Gibraltuar lb. lied @,pi-e-d ontîîfourtmcis part, sud s sharp oîtioiit si-asept for auîspcioqs ura5t. At Giibr-altaruextra, ssatri-s are postisul t uiilgf ant.iffecnýnt@ o! tté siipa, wiil tt-în iiîusmlsd of halîl esurialges el,. 'lhea suuuaulh guusuoui t14rippier Oe-b aud iuntbe filgluiug top~ s rebeui ruady fer nnie- dlore âme. the aisussiitiou beleg en decc; a fe M-M âii abetthe Usgens, the ereis- Illhta are Sept m-um-ig, ait honte are WWiîd aud ult allovtdte apluracb vitb- eut Lm rmokas. 1 Cape Tom-n vill a 4.7-isack i mina seer- vicuable et luAai>-sitis. One Oeth1e Bit- i&b crut ber Terrible's go»e, monolsi on a Setr traveling esurisge, mas Sred lu the xame may as a Se-d gun. vida cutie..c iees. The. Terrible, vilS a tacmbder et enuthIuis mcueted. 1leon ber vsj te Dur- hi-au ami tboui the gernus cattat nom- rescis iauly.mitb. lbry mey b.etftise gresucst value leulb.. defense ef Pieter- uianilabisg, mh"i.kIl emas.. m-tiiProbe- bly bavte tand aa le. Tise erivai et tise Terrible sbtb the relief ieme fr Clia antdetiser a-mhable meu munt bavc placed le ths- neigisbcdioud cf 3,000 muse mca et thb.fflrvim o eb.miltery antisi,- ities. WAR NEWS IN BRIEF. The lie rbi ofg utee-ribe of natives lu Southi Afrien inuns tise risinof tail. tuiropean jaorno-s primt tUs ulîngee aiati-Itt-ituab reports iitîs mm selmeuat of r-uiit Tscîîîy ui.-ssunauiffl bute asri-ied at Dui-bani fnisSazluud atter iooiy ur- ros-5s-u su Tlilrty-fIls- liudreu l,u-"mrosd tIie brialgi- et B.-tiuis. deatroyiog seclions sut tise r.sC!rîoul uu-ur uht plsp-. Brutiýhi militai-y experts see in rihe NotalIu.ietutiutih- swu-t t balthe colis tri- bas fu-ci aines- rrtoluu eviisein tise t'n Su-su itou. Tise 1Bui-r foruas ai-i.bs-ita ssrkesl by tise ssuiue-unu aln o KiSe. Ahi Ihe farmas *end regiar i-iutuibuions orutaupplies on the lie-r somtiuiuuuar>. 'h riiinaîiiiî of laitsarinies lu cariug foru the ivouituulslaindîltsi- .-surt,-u s-x e-h.iose u'f pri.ouusr. arcauuuî,ug Us Te- duuuluilig featuurea uir tlu- hotlitiea. lbupispetfront Cape t'oluiuy puuts lu- ,liemîe extrenue disuiffetisu auiuiusthue Cape- Diiteb. m-ho asexeulting user the huer sourrssui-sn Natal sud are sergiaug onunO ootbi-aak. Reuports lsuxw tlst wsile tleB.riitishs stili heldi rOcAar- aeiltise Ou-angieriveru hriimite us Lor% hovu tise habler lnder- inineil. thuus onumandsuing dis- roite front Caps- TcWîu buKimbt-lticy. AIl the Cape rsillays areu-ees-ilutise ismnieofuthtie uoditary suîtbaoite. Fi v,- hâtuudred tuas utftuoodsbiîffs otsre seins-si un bourd lis-hetusip Mainirat ai liuiu usoasîgus-il tu Delagtoa buy for thse 'ra- 'lhe tiirty-fiuur fresish Brî1,is bottaI- ionstirdered ae-ctaeortrataonce, lil ie evieuwitat Uic n-ar ilepartmcsuilmsdoeur- nihned ti utus tise Tranesa a euIf in Knimrrs suorui Euglaed dues psy a prie tisaI t ietoggen humalolt>." il im undcretood thatthUic opre bave proiiamcd tb. pper Tîsgeia tilvitue of, Natal snsoxed te the-Oraunge Free Stnte. A dîspalcis from Lsdysssltis say tbit Geai Joubert proteuteu te (heu. White agaluist tlb.use et lydule abeils, fired trou thsa big naval gies, amsIhbuman. Tb.emar offie le udopit4g en. Oti%' tacies orfsiaece n 0regard be uperatione ausd resils. 'isc public is esup-ciully in- dignant at tisem-an office for misu-lare- seulttaus about tbe British de-test et Duaidee (Oct. 30). vhleb vss baitesinl Euglad et tb. tinse as a builliaul vie- -y. Reporte lotictbe UnI lise hoers are displbia gru-eat courage anal akill i tii mianage-ment oet teirn svliller, but tîint the British mites ar e oute effeetise. While lisera le tond psotest on tue part ofeosase ngiisb papm eLit retard to IUc censershlp, publiceasenimnent fayorstshU (ioverneut'a policy. believing it necea- nu-y, sud it wvI!be- eslelna-al. It ha beiue-veu t lb.theOrange-Fuse State eemmauers nom- bave 11,000 me-s cencrulriteul igaltKimbea-ley ansitise Frnec &iatew tiudm frouller. Oppeea te than sue euly 7,000 Drillé truipe The levas mh mS e mie, te tiir atecSame ~U PiON UVPIOIOIIJSIPTATgU] TU~SOu~'S SAT1~.L1 Obis. IXsntueky 6»4Udea st U- »mibn Oovesnos-Demerala Wn la Seesi S bte-Mebrasks Carrisi b>Vssnm5-aom lae tureS Mhetios vere iseld lka twelve States Tuesdy. Obko. Iowa, Kentucky, Minais- sipu. Me4iaed sud Maascisuslts dcct- ed s Gevemaor sud other SuaIe oMLiers;4 Nebraska s Indge oethtie Sapreone CouvI1 endtw Ioreg«eof ef .State Univeseity;1 Pemnsylvanie a Ircasurer snd judls oet lb. Bupreue nesd oethte Superb, court; SoutDakoistaiuree justices et lb. So-1 prme Court, andl New- Yenk, New Jersey end Vtegiala a 1egkMltut-e '1'ere metc Ove tickets in Ohio, Ove le Iewa, six le Kentucky, tm-e lu Miîppi, tUnes lu Nebrmas. Ivele Soetb Dakota, drftela maryland. Ove le Pensylvauli end lOve in Me@@busetta. ln Kaisaisud Colo- raào coet, omcers vere ested, and municipal elections vere beld le San Francisce, Sait Labe. New- OrinAsuad Detroit. AndInleaddition ta a chensd soe judicial oficers la Grenier New York mayoralty alections/ vere bMd ID noesof thIe other cities lu Newm- Tck Thse reters fromnt te baîd etflise bal- lots lic varrie» Stales uP tu a late bour Tue.day nlgbl Indicateal thal lu Ohio Niéh (Hep.) lied beffl elected GOv- erner by a substantial pluralilY. Joucs (lsd.) recelved a large vote lu the ci"e. lan .ebranka Hemb, lbe fusien cas- dldite fur Supeme Court juge. dcfented lie-se, his Republican opponeut. by a large pluralit>. Deniorits madle a cIe-s sm-ccp lu Mslad. cirryioc the Suie by 12.000 sud electiug a majority iunUiceÀssesblY s loe leste. Kentlucky in claîned by bolh liepubl- eau, and Demratg, vitb tise dusuces favorng thse election er Taylor, the lie- publican candildate. Tbe vote la very close m auly require the ofiel icout le decide il. Republicana win la Iowa by a plurailiy ,raegiugtroua 50.000 le 00,000. (Inciter Nem ewyrk goe eDemneomtic by 55.000). Republikans gilnd seeirl AS- semblyms, lu heh upper part et tise Otate. maemtaledefested fte ..Lpglitusv. Democrata re-elect iMajor IMaybury las Detroit. James D. Pbsulsm. Iheuseral, ia éiected IMayor of San iFraneisco. Virginieansd Missuiipi veut Demis- eratie by increaseul maJorilies, m-bile Ma*- sscbusetts, Newv Jersey. l't-uesYlvanla sud South Dakota remain iu the liepubi- ce ceInmun MORMON OOfVERTS. UIah Religion iBprssdinst Tbroiul Ceairal StaSes. ilermoniism isgamniog a Orna footing lu the Nertb Central Stales. Trbe report m-ihwmas usbuttts-d nI Uic snnuel coe- ference lu Anderson, lad., by Eider Louis K. Kelerb, president of the North Cee- Irai Missiou, vbicb incluides lhe Pleven States eertb and veat oet1h. Ohioeond Miseeou-i, was a greet surprime toei-en the eiders m-ho bive ierved eItbe mis- siens iu thefileldl. Three >-ears ego tbe Mormons«legan their work in thesacction, m-bis-b takea Le Iem-a. Minssuri, Illinois, Indiana. Michigan. Nebraska, Dakoe-North and Soutb-Wisconsin and Minunesota. The fIraI yesr there were very fcv sonverti tte b uppular religien. The nuit prar tiser. vers i fewmo ure, m-ile durlug tb. third jear. just cicuued. the uumher e£ coueerendmbaptisuis hava luec Ivie et greel tg during the Su-st tm-o jaîrs. sud it la cliiued Ibat Uic numben ef bsp- tisme.tbc comiug reir wvI lbu as greal neail orifthose cf the Ibrre yerI. Tier. are nov, 1.100 bsptiscd sud acs-ejsed Mormn% sin the secliî,ni nnueu. Tbough the niîi-sisuasuiea m-ho couic in- te the fied fromt Utsh la.ieve iu poiyg- amy sud may that it is a penar thetsir r.- ligion. th.y au-e ent iur.cblng ils luire- ductiiin. The feeling agninst Mormon- ism mas tory litter iin te States lu suhIeb lb. mis.iîîesrym-ou-k hua beun takea np)îiuringthue lestthirPee" L- i- cou.s of lise pralo-iî-- ot pnlygamy. and lu N.ime ji-,uishlie-f.--luîg airaiest the eld- eu- bas ceas-hed uâ aeh jiteb Ibot they bobae en xaluji-l îot thIe cily or (*on- dusted tlth Inhulit-ulsa ndl lob.t-lu, alon t. luun onusr lus-, *itiu lbh-.v,îrk,-rshave been rruIlpe«4a-d end luiher iiiliguitles bate beeu Ibi-s1icsl 1;a)nu Ienu. Il sîî,,t aIl cilles lb. y havi.e --u arreiil roin the chîu-ches andulbave 1-1i ,ueubâlagui. froflu pulpit.s. IlNi-rii)tjsii trsa lui-ipt lin pay, k ast îî ý'O l . " I ' il.D, i-iilerl ious, but niabstaiuîb-uu-î- ts l buir ownu e- pense. lu sî%tpiof u.--tuaîre.'u. tise Englahb paprs-a lre begiuî îiuug tiiligure n- nthe aiiitt f iudu-sio ityteSm-ibt h Afriran ltepuutulric ilila' torucd uuu îar suheu ubhe Huera are Sually couu.ercl. le ibis ruoe- liection il i-. pois ru-ilontîiiliat the- tuai.- cilicondiionu outtise rî-îuîulic i uts-eIIýlt. Fuir tise yea r lQ4l7thle-ittl re-v-enue ut lb. Transi-ael amoiinti tu 2.4000 ithile the litaI rxxiidiitirff es-isum$21,- 1 ,100,M. Fi-u il ou Eeilisb %asuu.luit tbere msaltlieb.ruaiun li tuefuture- tor inigu reductiom lieix-usitiuri-s. sathat a big balance uibli eluu itt shisis May lb.ap- pllcd te lisepaauient oif inter-sit on a loin autnient t yth>oIe iotieisiity m-li-b tbe Buitishs are te deuiuud. At preaet the total Siale da-bI uittise Snsuth Atriran Rei.ublic la If-sa then $14.000,000. mten eô61Currect Evente. Celins et Havanare augu-y bccaita ceet llgtinugbua s ecu borri-i. Peopl- nt Atlata, Mi.. claiuu that Lienut. Brîuubibuthe usailisero of Museib. Os-er 5M00 termsu n uiliea n-llocale ou a big Iras-ct fiand itMexico. Cerneut pleut. 1tacout *1.000,0W0,WIi b.e locateai oun te-tbill. St.Louis. Leous Jau-tson. snua -.Neswport, Te-nu., w" arii-ed suul nobisa-uof 9000by thu-ne mera. Mmoe. Alguris IBam li, ,tise yotuug widom- of tbe laieulien. Barries of Cuiste- Male, bas gone au thue stage. bian Ituusuh, Haniton. îOnt.. m-lit go me a nurse su-us time Cuesuiain roopg te the Transaauil. Hon. Gee. Suas-ir, î'iuintuuot of rli- Philo, Colo., dit-il autl-i:y wm-liuou a traien reur Bîuffaîlo. N. Y. Itler tison militait lui ar-eut ou the charge cf osife beating.tJohnîm )enbussty, Philade'plidiaot uad killi-u hîliself. Six boys vils revolvers. ucite t'oim- bhua, Ohioli-cil ut tsio counîtr~ uy o . Ed- m-n Beit n-sabit aîd sia.y tiu-. juine".1)Daguan. 17 .- huýýtîuui s l'a.. .tl nul kuessit suas Xuui-.Itîbu> ' K p. 22, la deuid. t;gu) TsfLuIo. once iib-list or sud tise luaubnlunliifier-l'u i tii-<lin Stick- ton, Cal. lu iut unuksu u- s .tIiilat)-V. Dus-is K be-r wsi-su tland uullisi utbieà biles I)l - redfioui<'i-ut ralbPi;rkdies, but City magstralet 'e rc ui-tsiet proseru4e. Fil ShiiW.'21. tise sun <if Theodore Su-hie, a item-YorbMuati-uui:lenire. mIl! serr-e ftoir relasinbteTu ts peultuin- tismyft«cforghi lugcka. ' lu tisa next Cengresi tlhere yul ba la-ge appr~iaion forres ratie diliva eM. Thse rof et nyHeattisovs 1h11 rural ftre. tdltlvsa sucra. ai- theugb tise appreellatlsn ettil linmitaIlteé tise expaimenui stage. Il bas bpec dem- obusrai.d liait tb. average colt le -tic, population mu-ted in the tubule ccUOatry1l ouiy 84 <ente per cipiti susuulY. iv er. au lu tt, et fonir 5.00 havi-nif ree de- livery the.efflin aeaIleisl 8280 suuualir fer «ebiibabitant, Il ha% been proved Ébat mber. tue noad-arts fairlY good. th. bousq es r toeaibo, &M the pop<sltlce u-esoeiblyi teIlilgeul letters cou and cbould ha delvered andi colletteil at the ternicraese rone. The reports ot tis esuc- oees et th.e ateu u enwecteuurouites ars aiment lussulsbly etbisulaic. anit lte1 believed Ceengreus m-l appiirintreut iasit 81.000,000 tfurlise extemiiofutheb servicis te lhe fausuers. lit bas resulteui lu a incresset ef scrculatiou et bath dally aldseekly papiers. whie there bis bsee an immedigtst addition te thse gaseral postalreveues. Patr, rete mitan write more letters m-bec thcy tan bare, theui dclitered sud eli.cted. As fat as lb. mon.> le provided nem- couloes ii bu laid out. On Juiy 1 tbe routes enteud- ed ove- 8.930 milles, cetereulau ores et 7,567 square miles, sertcd a popsulation et 273.004, sud bail isaaled 9.2121,lr27 pipees et mail. Preident Mcinbley m-dlpSsoisbly oui- lla. bis Philippine policy, at iat tmr enougb te lobt Cengres@ for a appecine dcc laralien as te the status ofth» b iluds. The tresîy of pence ceded the Plsllipplee outrigit te tise Unitedl State., but Cou- giss bas net jet acceptal thens. lui-s much as the trealy m-as ratifieu byibe Bemte siensd thestatusetfthe Ise aends bas. tiserefore, eever bhau, Oxeabby statute 45w. Tise Prosident bas assoised tIbsItUs United flatea eeu eep the lui- 4anus. bbu oviii reput teSiCengretes ibat, m-hite1h. situation dore set justity novr the establîisment oetàa dvil goveruent. it hi neceary tUal 1h. lslas d soisit h fermal> neted te the United Stte hi lavr, ts eteeai termau e t lb.h Precideut may procecal legally te defu.e them. Th. national Gement bas des-Ided te go loe thU messagerie business ouna seule m-bleb vii ite the endluarj tel- ludtionts faninmal$s"lochlousomse by erin- M ervu bem e o ad sssge m-taiti onp toe. (Ilrculars bave h.cprepdrs-uland sent out te Uic cantiuier represientalivre ofet lieovemnmul mioven thse wsrbd. ie- striai-ing Uiem to purchaise sud ftins ard le Wasublgi'iIanImalIst 9asuîîîîn .1.11.-r- eut speriesi, indigenoutitte li, u.ultec lu m-bIcS îbey are locatéd, as pîsaile. If ie espesteal tbaî Afrlca i ilî-'.lriliii lbe moneateaimene, amoug tsi-nitise genils. girelle and rblmpaniee. 11wue u- tioua si'*oo*' ilI be maintsliou.inluie- nectios vith the fmllhsoalsu luxtilii,,ii. Tbe GoveruimentulaDot01concerai-sI.,ver the clies Inuila1e a pauisl tu-ue.Dte Ibat twoeut lb. Balanea group anal ýb. land of Cilajmn m-eueet motlulla l lbe transtar oftheb.Phlippins- - sfroua Opelu te theUuited fe trerougis g. nonce. os tUs pint et Us treatnu ms kom TIe Amerle e mumoserCavgîte i folle«etonsidaratios te Usheqstion vrieéther tbeese Islands evould, sot ha ose- aide the bouadiales oet1h. arelpels prescrlbed by thse ts'eit, anidl-i us iai- ly anrseged. m-itheb.concurreuce efttUs Opebis counuleilnes. "IbsI ey ah.uid bu iecladed mitbln Ameiantsjunadlctlous. even ikt the spe tollem-ed by tbe treaty mSas euld prove le b defective. Librarlan Peinan la dong a verS for lhe Cosgressalenai brar> m-hbbas long le- eceilia. 0f ail librarlew lu the cousu- try îbst ue sluuld h. me b iburulîr e- pi;ed vllh nem-spspeus and peuul.udîcsla fuir use, net ou4y by Cengremesmn. but by rte public lu a city m-h.re aluit moe tisnyuj itise»-tise peope eboula keep sbuesst cf the ti meu. And jet Ibere bus. bu'ei usec place bilîuto shene the lcuuing new*lapens seudb. couasulteul. Mr. Pul- nain s uote -quippiug une of the lurgt halala Ucth neit building as a newffaper sud periodicol roonu. follovta lthse:lue of the Bouton public libriry. svis ien bas perfcect systsui ot nevapaper andl per'odi- ,aiiMrerenee. Large numbers uit immiguantssuffer-ing witis loathaumie sud dsugeu-ouA diuaasc au-s daily s-riviug in Ibis coutry.lDuur-- beg tise montus uf Septeuub.u alune lfly- ulue arriseal ilu New York. teriy-nine et siu'u ere aufferings-ibis coutagions snd iectiiuabe disesse uofthe eyc. Tbirty-elue uif th"e n sutioates mere deporleul and six are uonui-d in a beapitliand i mi!li s si-tent utftise country asuaosuu a uble tii tuarn.imoatut ftis eaffliteu au-e troue tise ffoulicru part of Itaty and are Ruei. sin en h-s,. talîjuns and orientais ut va- nioub topes. lu 1837- the national debt of the Untft States ws o .ly 837.733-lesla thugujs osvid by hiîudri-alsoetmen to-day. The debt reaches ita iigheat point ou Aug. 31, 18615, g-heu It vis 284a9.l. The tIi-sI refîundig saaitisa-t of th. e e- luti.uary debt. at Il peu- ept. Ater the smar ot 1812 tise m-ucloins sucre refond- s-m at 4!dj pêer irut, m-hile Uice murgnuus delit incirreild uriug thse clu-il m-or bas lieereftied eacerail imes st vuîuioug rotes of inteabt. Presideet NI(-Kinly m-culhomne le vote. He lefI vith Mu-a. McKinley on Moud or lu a pri-teaIrr over lb. PcuDaî-seua road. gun direct to Canton, Assisîsel Seceretary Corte!ycu and a tem- otiere nc- componied gîbera. Cb.ck% amouugting te 8821,600 m-etr- eciveul by tise Unitedi States treaaurer Wcdnuauda>- lu furtiser part sttlemgeut et tise Union Pacifie raillcoads Inoebtedee to tise loterumeul. It laecxpeceiud tuaI torthe-r usouet viii b. recemivea vitisina asort tUuu. Neya of Miner Note. Ciiro draiuage cai viii Se openeal Jan. 1. %N. I.L Webb. 831, sbbp builder, Nem- flya>'p--.nufacturer, si-hi sivane priri-. 1() pi- c-ct. Nesw York m-Iicout *500,000O. Ssuuuiiul arren, 24, Nesi York, h@ dent Ù iruiiuiinjuries receuusd nt no luitiuai Osel- Fýi iiuîu uuuu in.lBitiliiore. Nld, .. u Iluat Biguuultt aruasn-oi-tli. Chuicago, jae ' tbîir isualuanu. J. J. <iragbty. Cisicoomaya bhaa s st±nrked b>- usukuata u!ung UicCalmshuet u riveu- amidiadi>' bitten. J. P. louney. t.ave:ing min4.. .8. $> eOP914Me., m-su .s'tîd by a 'iIaw IF 1

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