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Lake County Independent, 24 Nov 1899, p. 3

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.., ý7ý,mIý I!ýý-ýýý11 ý -,ý, , - , , , 1ýý ,-,. - ,., 1, 1 ý ý ,11 Il - q ý 1 ý, I., ý ý _. ý Il 1 . 1 ---,-ý 1 , - ýN . .1- 1 -"i,.-ý,-->,ý----".-., ý ý _- ý 1 1- _ . 1 --- - - ýýý_ 1 1. .. __ frontal apon the remet Young polpits et -ý.,..; . _'. .ý_ I 1 01 aie tom «Il mule." @ho aww«ed- 'Il 1 TIM ÉUNDÀY .. . Amerira te try to aure filera devra, to al .ý ,ý ý -i %boire blil thinge, 1 am fond of elaging; , '. . . 1 , L', ýý i,,- , - . ý If in the one filléanstre of my lire. 1 for- - out: -Tut, tut, tut: Semaistiomai Thel ý , 1, ., ., - - get everything cite larbers 1 %in&." stand to-déry preaching in chlorelles that I - _- 1 ý ý;; - ,,;;. 1 ý - Wben one@ Ilettie bad lésout ber aby. h.Id a thotoissind people. and there are a l SERIOUS Suai ECTS !ýIà*dý 1 - 1 Il embarressed missaiser, the talked to Sir Istindred per-mé prement, and If they con- - 1Ê ý 9 T IC E 9 Bleuit with aIl the case and grace abat . D"It bave tile worid saved in tiroir way if comeilutiqlLm, à "., ý..ý 1, 1 were naturel tu ber. .Ho told ber of the larais. of .-,Mpnthy te pre's th, 'bol, sociale as iý thé-3 lié, not ment IL lassaved et - _ "'. , ', ';, te ". , f , 1 Il picture, in the Arada-sà)Y, end dise wu. 1 morfil te hi, loving heart' ait. ,ý , __ ,; Ç>_4w,__»_ý 1 amumed te lacer ralentir il, and in ber sure -' Bill 1 romark agaiti fleur Ili.. r.-ligio's, 1 de flot kroov fort fil.. IiI way or mak- A Sch.larly Expermaition car Ilitais . 1ý_1,'ý1 - 1 ý'% týýD . relatai how thé- artiert came tu Southwood di.lolirs, 'If thé. fiston. %,lit ha'.. lo fée I inic usitI,.t,.,ý of il,,. g,,ýp,»l a. bcttpr--a -Th-caht. W-rthy et Calfat 1 1 in &Pareils of pictureaulue so-enosi, and saur >hors. 1'IIoIonýàItion iý, ele-ts:iIIIl...l 1 il ,."Iieýgiale tý-itiI satioli and un itl)préntirý un.- ,fair au Hour-. mssaifi e 1 , " Il' - * jý ý 11, ber .itting by allie saine wal]. duel beggI-d .,go in à, là i.-Il W, li', No a"",.. lsciýIl of ,hip tender thé- ,iI,,. :."il Ironie attention lýcripturý Time Weil »Postal, ý 4, -, ', " ý tirer bc n;Ight moite a loisir introdueti.roé allié ,If si ejsI agil ('I,,ItialI iiiiiiiister, , _- - ,, e 1 . 't , l '_ f- je V 9- - ý -_ -ý" 11, 11, --Z - '. Site did lot knout, thi ý ý . ami so marry divi.,ions t,, il tii,,..,Ilrlo fiant 1 tire )OUng mal) gl'ItLtlg flic liatriare-h's The lesmort for '%ov. '-)te in from Illail«V 1 - been the suees. of the yé-ai. He toid ho, ý if màèv be .aid tel Io- ls,,.!r a 1, , 1 1 Il III.1rit and a.-.i.ýtiI.1; hin. ,,,ýà,,h,ý, religions 2.-, *-a:I.,; 'l' >.11,jéýI-1 lm, '«Woem et TJlfë,ý, * 1 ý ;"":II" * 1 1 _ 11 ive. Y.ung lII,é.,ý.-r _' SY OHARLO'rT . ail "bout if. ý oille, dny. Iso-I, KlIf ail t ci, i à Doillon , iil., ai old ! t,,'ýil»ýraiàIý.ý." Thié, ttni.rance leaute, ýý ý ý Il ýI q 'q FIL . . . . . . . - -Ytoi ssmem te lac (liait#- ont of the wrrld ' 1 . i ý , front the pulpil. Thorc more ré-w books, luvYor', Yo'lI'g lIh'siI'iâtI- attifa ',[et pistil- itétos-l rfic I.iIt'... .Ir the If-Mme lm 1 _ _ herai lie .mid. ,saison .lie osspramsýJ her 1 oeil] thýýr,, mer(, silo i)t-ý%llzilx-re, senti tfo-re si'-illus. and 1 bolieve if moIIJ.J Iý, a great ý ntI--,tirit of Touileil ginday. IIII la 1' . surprise. .. ý ,,à.ý lits], traýcl front place te, phare. rend ý J"Ip If ov'ry yonng mon ri for the ý e-lIý..ý.'t, front 1".,.,rt'.. ri héraink wbit-b fa ý': e, . CHAPTER X. vague direction, but Sir Basil remensber- Au.] filon %ho total him of ber béni lire, , . lé-éople v'ould >il délit Iiý,ten t- aloi 1, gospel résinfiétry C..Id toit lirIIýýIr in th ' -;') o - .. j e a collection or 'ville sssI aassdsîtasft-.ý-c'il - 'lit Lai un reposait file happy expépériment of cd every word or il. and boréal. (Io infini: @lie would. the could i _ _ , ira]( lomrs té, a religions discourue. and home and heurt and synipathy and undell' 1 mortel t-,.ýit.,ý ,rail elidjt,-tié- roulent. dtti«' ,IIý 1 ut atiturami siald the Ducheux of Rose- Who wu% the old man? net maite the deys long essougla. (copyright. L.ffle K op,ý as. IM ) *'>4-%oýnt,-t-làthi>-" avould finit theni frontal thé- boncellirtion and perpottial Prononce 1 Irons ..I1'ly tisnon lotirai ta he-P.et-«*bý",eý P's. 0 Tlo. date ý delà.- to Sir Arthur. "Comme with un ta Ah, Lisait, the mettant did net limier' Ail He %ai by the ivyýovered varail Tante H N t las 4 s:ý i soou rate . 1 ), in thome étayé, therc won of a Christian trainfister. ,if filles PAtà..Ild'wpe ""-î: «blinis ri ýi)rkoýrx and do- ý ,noligh liait- for a nian te tak%- an ý - ,- , Isolée. 1 du Our Immortalise tuer ta bave that bc coulai tell wu% finit lie huit hourd the'] au heur; and, *II nt lent lie réi drommi 1 hour Ev.ryd.y pareraclaissids. lion iý ,if no iniptortanve. mince d- boýl-, ,,--ý', enii,)ýl tarrything more fiston your vigil. 1 filet bc bats a bit of a titriser in the PO- longinar te bray, yet al abat lie huit ml-l m-fitit he thialk, mill lIoý t he i fi) ,ores biiiim.-if DI) fi) the suléjà,et and Tirant roliatiouq dirimourse of th- future n--ý,, et.- mom-- lisait lis I-eInfflirieuru qe ', ;il. le al iI>k Sir Bnsil to come. and the tenu litical lissal filet bc wu% pour, and abat been Ibert, long en.ugh. thoy both - . II 1 .hý fit molles -if proiii fil, g.,ýl,.-I in fi,-- fi, air hour ta tiool off. Bill mi was a no- watt bc un Porydzy .,ermon, goissal right porenuisal, 1 , lever% wil: toi. happy-thst Je. if sucla un- bit douglatter worked very bard. Ho tailleur as though they huit been friends fer turc; loxl. titillions Ili . , Or tiiiiiimtry, i .-sitý filera i, a .ýiiimýrfliiity now. COn- down initié Pýý,ry Dirai lire, and if wili E.pl..,.I.ry. ý,j rotitéortable teinge as lovers are ever lassap- little of bila, bêcaumf bc kept auvai frons, y" ras. let lis %%rait ,)ri ,>tir iiiirill..rjiig." 1 grogations art» full ,If knowiedge front festoie haut how il, vote. how ta bargain. 1 * " Who b" 1ý 1ý -py. »Y sot-ils ta me more Offert discon- everyone and &but biwelt op in bis lia- I , ,II allé. ,1,Ii,.-ti.-n a.. Th 4 Sir Babil ,-allýd ýývýral finie. nt Roi, While 1 -à., scatod l'a I- Piazza 'If a lImkg. front nonsiotporté, froin raille] and bout, to plow, hou, to do any work lie la : ,,h..ý NN'l 't'.11é,Ilié.-'*."' Whois hftgw 1' týtitýI." tic cottage. fil Nlartiiiltoy.,who bail ail Ili. 1 isoler lit lý-xiiigt,)n. KY , onc toirourer 1 ,-ontinlious intorcoujiminication and long called ta do, bout; t. .iold trowel and pet' Iýi,!,i1'l.iéIi à à . tg anil isilirajc'! The porga"Élort lb , '_1, Alignait fouroi t.hpm ai Tfemp. vralli and "Ratisser à ourlant history." thougist the lire fil al je w a vould net lie ý àI ... al, a ationtionian .ýk-.Il ,ai,, "NN'iIut 1 diquisition. of vé bat iht-Y kinuw almadY and pencil and yarIIstii-L and plane. And , for i fi.- mot jii t il htoral desetipdblý ýýg ";11 ý, , happy. without the feintant knouriedge Young barannest. "Snob à rallier and èissela ealled aristocratie, look a ý d .Noir fi ... Il, or the ,,,)I,,,"Ig ,t-rtIIé,n'!** 1 1 mill Dot be obided. Ir a roli"Ois toaher IL sertit tearb womon Low te pramide over - file JolIIoIýI o.ol ..ff....Iýý .Ir lutpLol)ll!týý , ý:l 1 They did et agr i>lx),...j Ili. mus amking lot- lis rog.rd te ' ý1, of ,lia- iloons flint tras faut dravarfint ulgh. a daughter! He connut posiblibly ho a ý wu O ce in al] fr,ý,u.ýýytl.,. ,,',-i, ý .,or ý ,annot i-q)iiiiir".m what ho wimbéra, te gay thoir bou8eholds and how te edurasse filiale ý ..Woý:Od:' ý1' W%' ' l'artly on devenant Of îts bracing air sud politicel writer of boy note, or 1 aboulai Balai] total telle rrankly that bc thought ami so-av .1i.ý-ilime .1 1), Cumining Of ! te, Iln- pooph- ira the II (if forty-tive chilairen and how te satiriste Nli "W.,tltiIl.ý "ithoil '-ejoisti lis a phmm ILI ý 1 -1, ý "I' il hid 1 r'o'n "'le @Xp allés lI'eýit' %% il') lia% Dot 0@« tom* -, "' r,ürIIý borjuse lie ut fiance bail a few en- have taulard antirouille repenti of biul. Bc- ..lac Of Ili. illeait terrible 1 1 stols. mloi sometin,- ir,-a-hM %t'art- iiiiiiiiii-.ý. ix-fter adjourn if te mettre natter Esther and Vashti and Eunive, the mettait pour raroil ettergorinic out of à ýa,ýý1; gagornonts lu the neighborint -yoil 'In à ell!'l Il , , tournai, fore long 1 salit see for mymI wbat Botte- will doc", bard Morts. 1'. u ,i,,ý,I, .,Iýr.is,>Ii-, duel 1 rc1-1,,-,I. -I bave '-et ý ý!-:, - Pr of Timothy. and Mary, the mortier 1, jace, ce ', ý- ý .%forfait de motifs lit like." wili lio longer than 1 .hall. ýN'hat 1 1 .cela 't. flot 1 forma ort arlorward i ira .onic l.roýl or in il rail? 1 , ', ý au Ilà ý, The trouble is aval pressels, atifficarren Christ and those mouton who on north- ! with 'a l'ta' 1 1 Roy bail for saine yen * 0 - > eyp il ]tel I lit f saisi. plâce. tri. home. One autumn dey Sir Bond astrollod tirer now too--h the world il will belive and 1 flots he locant te R-k Illoit 1 tholIght 1 lot-) a Christian frame, and thon we e'rn and soutbern battlefieldsa were mis- fi a, ..x,-,ýsýi,.- and linfinaitésési d sq ý,,l 'J'here wore the days of Martin RaY's te Roseuralk. He total Lents that lie was pratié-e whon the stinging Doillon are ý mould lm. the charàctr »riý,,, :, -if th-, cour- ý Proolh filons ont of it. We forger allant talion by the wounded for angelm of mer- ý fleur th, "Il ,,Ie1«1I. voling men a"IeL 11ý 4.,MII.-nI-,-. and lie could Dot perhaps bave teint for a long rentable: but ha- did tant KtoIving .ver my grae." ing sermon of file morfil silo morillons of ý al duel hart se tri capacity of cy, Iman train the throne or God. ý «"I'lItý, abat ilirs-, I.ng ut the WIIW, 1111111111, . t-hi-,(-tj any spot on enfilas orberte be Muld aulx ber te acý-ompany him Tirer, wal in ! .à. - lest, 11Y do you *Oppose tirait your-grâve ý ilic future, the word ' ('ilitiliiiiig" as A : attention and when tiant in exhaustaI Yom. 1 bave te tell you, the.mligious ' twe ý t 1 . ý finir go to ,,cà,ý .,est mixed wine" alims; ý have bocal more secluded or more fartai- laisa milnd no direct tholigist allais, à, %%am ill bc ré,il with' satinvur nettiý?" 1 ý:,un i procoosné "il dise ,oni, - tire mord 1 ho la r,ý.,t'lems. Thot occident on the IýnK discourne of the future wili bc a reported ý- 1_ý test. . goIng nom.whý»m clandécotinely. Ho I-li.iit,- 1 .,I,,d Sir Bu.-il. tl,.,ýc ,hons lie ""J.l.-tilne. If ýîîîw 411 1 ni nt" a s an a jol a I 1 - Bill 9DY nia-- 1 Island Railsrond yai ago (*orne front, the wrinon. If you bave any bleu filet priait- ,i Il il ,il Io ,1I.." ihai total ettailnemalle ', 1ý Il wéal, a strange chance flairait brought oeil the ettiéellé bill once mule. ëI thfýrý %lartisa lougbed a bitter littie ryés ilý.J a akc >Uggtý-1.ýIi te, allé, a ,I,'ý iroporiant i frat that thé bruites were out of order, ing won invented mitréply te priait secular i ,,,,ýI,.II:I lit biblit-al filles, .bave a ý th,-Ke lavé, %inscrit bu fleur together. Yet lecture bila lay the préitty le.,wa ,if SoIith- ' latigli. ý and proctit-INI tl,,-111--, Al- Coming Sor- ý and when tirer Wanted te %top the train boules, and xtenograpby and phonography 1 ý ", ' lor,-, ,à ... Je, .,-,-tIei.I roligiolisa voim , ' , ,ta leilood thons sa fat sport. The -sloop wood. 1 *'f do met imagine. abat lin ' voit. li'list Il they t-ould net Mop, and Il the rugir- vieil ,outrived sio-roly te met forth secu- ' t ,'11 After walkint no fer hi% courage frillod wili ,are tu plain flower% fiacre ', lie re- liéýr.r.. lie.. mortel in Iý,,i""ý,tI-l] thé« st>le , dise, won terrifir. In ail religions dur- fat ldoas, you lire utilisation. The priait- ý wlilr- aile 'l'e or ', .... ý in soille degrane LII gro--o Ilill filet stolodi baftwoton Donc Abbey , I the rule sémong ait.. .1..,I,.. the dai4W *'lit, _ý'ý lisait Southwooel wu% typical of the Irrant faim; lie prisoissed through file fianc n'id (Ild 1 pliod. of religion, ï1sl oursée -Il h- I- tu t,-ý --il, ' IQsýr- ne maint locomotive power and ing press in to lie the gront agency of ý di-grI-, ,if ,1,,irk--,,-tt--- vvrP q"mieý le Interrior lit caste whit-là partoil tireur. Thore Dot everal look et the ý-tt-g,- lie h-'ol - oUre SI, the Wt.,ks spot! on, land Misrtin Itay, 1 vortel. Ni migist lé, -Il go ,ait,> the 1,,I)PIImic)n. ý%*e wout nt thé- munie finie gompel prochissanationsi., Il is high finie abat la own cynical, wýitih fasbion. effet m ... loris Sdan or t;t»tt%,I,ýlr;; INith t'l)ýs plaiuly nad ýigoro-Iý. kwgianing --àý ý " we, e, tIt.aý whon loi et the danse ma- a') "PP- letitait brakes te lot d-Ivii nt the right in- Coud tnep, instemil or dé-ioouncing the ,ý mont miite-liid the .aille .cas. the -allie lie fûIt ashamed of hi,.,ý,-If. .Ili ,ýe..t ý ,.ri Ii11sl ý1 bc, ame quise fond ,If S'r Blini]. ami a,,..., iustorad of nti- lied bouil) usant. fi 18 a dismal thing, afier a heur* press, employ if Io levaitter forth the COL- the etory of Notait. I)rtidkenum ýý1, ý 1, y probabl) fur lé- (:)titiiion filon. et ;;;ý - ýki-->. yct noithr huit the lé- ut notion bat-il agisse the lune wtol a long .lie. lie looked for his <>,à ... sig; lo- mils more sheils :irait park,ý or ariiii. rý, Il, fo ,xiée, t or bas comprolanonded the whille subjê"t. pel of Jeans Christ. Tho vast majori i eut, fas Ili>tlle-,l K iris. wore fin ' ,' ýf silo orhorit pr"a-rie in th:, ps:t or %%'lieu lie returfoi ho foulA Iller an fl- i CI, ... tri) lisait uussi ors (Ili- i .lieu be il, I iisq .... r iiii, ,,irld lie (io-1 I, ils, -)let to bear a filon say, '*.N-jw fi) revaPitil- i of people ira our lits" do mot coule fa) 1 liait allé, rik of revis through drtl ' 1 the tourâtry. dorly man won strandirez uat(hiiig tire il did Oeil Drake lits aliiýaratilýf,. rt,1.ý, Of -hortation triol ,. ,IIýi,11--lý,KI fait,," and **A row 'mords liv way or ap- 1 church, and nothing but the printod sec- 1 &;i-iýàst il, il i. DO, 1 The ýtinign#:r bail boers but and Opiums- Poseront Of a attire ut m'a Tho se --111 séries '1«1sý.., oore tralking loge ils,' lorc Inorn- J.;é'.11,nI 1:,Jd,,I>, [,,.-I'. loA 111, ý--l',I,,II, i plisil air,] *'()ltI-é- iii,,r,,,:' and "Final mon cran rà-ach allons and (-ail thom tu , m' ossévins Io 1 dLivoý NlàirtiL Bay had siétiffemail much, su lenutifiit abat lie .du I h.I'u,-ýl mala il. ý ing. .[i,1,ý Hotte .8, amis i' v gI,,,,g lier nuist a.Itil.t..,l té. ILI. àigI. ni ,lil, ri hé- ly.'l and --.N,,w lo (.,ýD(.1Iidt,." portion &and lire and peil and beaven.' ! I.Re,..,. 1 ....... ýlit.,",.ttýlI, ir,,Iiliitntý, "i., ý aloi if mets Koriii. miser wlion thp cool Seule insâtiLI toid laisse thès( fils. Nelson i lI->ý,,n,; .ai] Si, Bfsýil sa .1 lailghilsjsýy ý Ji,,d. bol if Il'o't. .."Iiý.Ii, "..- ll'..IýitI l'oeil prrached missi isiidisight, and En- Su 1 connut tindt-rstgnd the neil 1 re-o-ial I-,I,ý,III,ý, I . if am matte te 1,,.-I-m > of nolisait, coule. They laclard Martin Roy. -Vns lu a I.voly mti 1 filet if vas strangeiliey hall mot sio.ften 1 od nové Ilo-y .ouid Ill'oli. :,il .Ilit'.I-ý'c t « ,(-litre golt léonité a.ýl.ýel, and tell out or a ýýý 1 n,.s lit menée of my brearbren of the min- ýý abat il ... ri- .,,,\I.li--it t-ýti,-Iiing oh tbbe ý f-là..tiolly star 1),n, Abbey won filloril with ,lir- Sir Babil reuiarki-ei. a. ile la #rit Nuillooit Martin ýýa-ii k'iIo.,ing bis Ironie. , irrité tvio ,la,ýý,., Ils ..... . "m'l al,-.-Ij aloi ! mirolow and bal bis réelle. '['lent noci- ilry. ýý,bt>n they s,, a new.[)Ilgm.r man , . . ý viritI,,.. filet théât üny of the vit dent lm offert (Illoted now in religions ,..IlIiig a[,. they mory, _Allait, there je a résI : Yet as si !Il, thore lin distillaient W ý thils so-voir Nsecurrod sucs col, 1 in..frtout ut the old man. 1 'I'hore was .se)mptbing imprestrive in the ý thqý- .III.tlslý,, té, gel lo'no 1 agisI elle tlnitgt-r and prisaclialles ,, eorriil te the. ha avell entinglil lie «ait]. ' g.ý,ts,.- .ilh ýhich Martin ýIàddI-uly facial ' But Illo'r" il :1 dis"i11111- of Ili-' filttir" ('ir(-It-m as a véarninx sagainst sommilencée pnI Fvory Liddell reporter id 10ILM ý ;ý ta 1 loiri,ýâl[3 [oad te, abstinence. ý1 ý ý 1 Valhor senti danglaster would 'lot hg le And thrn .Sir B-l variai mlightly ,Il»- I ut, fait, bond. ý IVIOO .Ili 1,I...;Ih il 1 1,iI,.ý sio idil, 11, lis , laturch. Il lm jsiýt as surras, a warning ;0,4ffl.' 100,ffl) Instaurant moisis add ý %erse 31 her line (if file @transitant 0 q .., Iloi.-tly watI-hing the henvilng ..,:.,. dý He il L'ale. valaut Doit ' *'In si a Dame that you haie malle for ' what fiers of flic eurti. ,, ,ill le.- boir. 1 te, ,é.irii.t.ýrý aguinst prolixity. Etitychus the auditory. The finie watt conte milieu i héol iiiy known statut Iýàsb won aie ttear, ý o-o-.ý.ýysse lie etoud and luoisod, tartes nt abc , ,,I,,itmelf'!«« lie iisked. ! bave ni, ilh-a. Ira %%lit- ri o léolislitation of %%lis wrong lu lam mmursolenre, but l'ait ail the village-, lown and city newbl)aperm or almainence- Io lac flamand W th.-D'. Idole ý bloc, rip[olixix lusil and filon ut Ille ý ,'Nie; if won made for me." refflied Sir Christiaris il ,%lit lie ilý,11%- r--,l 1 ialltl(,T mode a illistrake wheu ho kopt on usstIý u a 1 reproduce the goeiK-1 of J Charbatle U'i,ý,,,,,., Ir ou. Thé. ,,, I Il[,:,.te of Donf Abhoy .P .(cru. .élan, baguant Mali. Il rend LI ' Ba.Il. Ciselés. Thoit di. ourtée oi ..,I...,IýAtiýii. ai..> [rilInij;ht. land serment prt-a%-hiýd on t oue i,é tarit likely te, drink if. "ýVh« ott.-Iilej tire 1,,..tty old Noriassen chélarvis ' Im'l allée t'à be frank. -Tnon 1 do not want il) le ,ný,ýý it As a ' be, born lis aile I-ouIlIrý 'il I tiog hool' IIII The ]Possédiez- Sartiressésors. will roverberate ail arotintl ý red" .., lm résout a.ttraetiVe,;'.. ý ,,, 1 -I bn,,II,.kirt," boe ýý,], truictly. "fil, end. évilla flood intoutiloe. 1 Ill Yoli: you th, batiks -if tiré- ST 1.ii,,,-ýIii-- ,I' 'fi-' %%-ben the religions di%(,ç)iirý, of flic and, monte by type and sortie by valets, ! entié ing tu fil., oye; -m lieu it tarifs .1 S.,,.th.Iod. where Hostie sang b il of ýIrý Mersin Itay. Clin yon , à - ýiraightforvN»rd, Lonest ;and honore- 1 Oregon or tho Ohio ,,, tir- 'l'--Ià.i-,gt,---ý ail nation. uill be ovaugelizod. i >1,.i,,,tlil.,," il a. j'toussait ta thee .. 1 or. ,ans a t c 'lu» ý srf fuluse arrive, ira allie land ami in the ýý Il ýý.ýlly fini ,,, el'arly. T 1. '11wre tir.- inesny people who 1 I.tI,,,ýi. noa,_ te) thora, rancit Si. Bar- i "'il ma' if allie lac il"!" 1: J'le. but. if you bave ono ,if ils".. Drames 1 or file Alabatiolis. Th, lIsr--," %%Lli, ,tilt[[ Christian Choir(h the diýcoiir.,,- whivh id 'l'lit- pravtival lienring of this is opérait 1 ..I uni Martin Itay,- anýmt-red tire o!h- , %sth a *b.[,(Il(." probably l"'Ilo. l'y smînY i deliver if nid,, ,bis motio-ni Il-- in a à raille' ai) aroij- the morld and maritale the na. tho,ée vé bu are ongngod in Christian mourir. ! ý-Iv ,;:Ir toi. obéit in ony form ', 1-11d',é. ohil aitued in tire ,onter ,if a 1 1 g..,,.ý,ati,,,é,, Or men who bat.- lisi,é] Otton ' Limier file ,hal-lv of th, Siosra N,-,eIlas ,sors, le. IN là.ve lire profai in a Iiiil.- village tour the non. Bu, Sir B., 1 ai br't-dy- ' ý and rinher lis the kingéloin. il %%lit net only ripou thi--,Iogi,-nl %tudcuts and 1 against titi. forin of tetmnptâtdienI ' %il lik..ýl ýý,,,Ilthwý)(1 bout. lie admired 1 And ajon Sir Bail wis, IolIplis-ý'], 1 lh'-ir Il foilova men, ' or in a Nov, Fragland f.,IIIhI",I. or aissid bc a brit-f dist-ourse. Hcar il, ail thé,.- youirg usiraistors, toit utilité ail whil Preach -ny. Dot - nuit _ ý 'hl> tirut finie 1 ."IN . oi 1 lisoligist fil,. rit., fi.-],], or souilo-il ,iiiiirii);is. or josil studuto, ail ye ju.t entoring Opérai ,hm gospel land ml, mho (.1hort in met_ j majoi . hovéover. are with il, lhe ruse raolod biin-if front hi, 1...D- 1 1 ai,.. .,,i.;.t oid Noransin ai 1 Il loulcod likë en ariý111, !et. If )lits aie : tissu moment therc noiý tel- ,oloo. ýoiIssg 1 a,..rý,t. te- this ...Ilàle-eiv.. heverage ý.j-re to-t-r and fine arl'hon. So. one 1 ing attit.id.,- and looked ai the hdn-lb.M,. 1 3 il rf-ligiottý mots, ail ye won and mortiers, lots and ail of you if you art doinsit your Sunijoy rIIr,,Iuir, wbo- the sa il lu f -P bo-foro bis.. I lItoý,.lb, Dot soli me do; if moula ýi,.,il my 1 mais ira ,j- or orir tié..ý,lý,gi, al .,I.,.iIII"..,. vélo) air Sabbath schools and Other 'le- duty. I)o yen, citai in prnyer meeting? 1 millier fortes,, .rail th, aplactite QWW w.,tit o-r te, Si. Barbotai 'ý'1er 'e.'ýi'y, i 'ri-l,,ia'wanted tu ,,ee my huis.,à, ami ni 1 .P"s,.,. ut yI-II." ý in th, junior or naidi or sotiior , liIý,. parrinoister are toilinc for Christ and the He short and lapiriteil. Do Yeu fenil lu te le ilitlulged fer et white lin -ong lItnýtt-ria.ir. This h« 14 wat throngt, the w(coi.. (,Iinlbed fi, ý %*hj7'.," lie amkod. 1 -If you vail me '('.Itn.* - sud Sir Bamil, I shapilig flint wapol, ,If pouer, or Illorc ýalalic)n of iniwortals-1)mvity, brevity- Bible citons? Thongh y.u have te estassadj 1 et, Miel ' attoop IIIII and d"mnded -the beautifail 1 -%ly roarioni iK vory ýI,,)Iio. , ,,plid qV ý -l disait unelleautand; and that Danse wril ý mey bc (moing mollie éte, bâillions of tir.. fini 1 remark also filet the religion. pro't-Il trio. ,- ilially fini" thnit every night,.be interosting. Do you ne- 1 Il fi,,- *'iii.mit-rut., drinking" in i Holy Ghost ors allé- I [,,Ir--h->.,, .. ,fini mions-re of th, friture (if whicle I speak ,.et 1 Krasny ýIor.... until bc miarbed the ohi Boréal, raising hisa bat. -I hoard thist )oki 1 do os* Nu cil as boy othor.- i as thé- subject or religion in - " . ' il peuple 1 ici, momitées. rail the- aime. Normale ,hurch vrillera, hi. fat, awroitd avore living Jarre, and 1 notil tu Ice --l b.iw." %nid Martin holf .&,agoli ne of lis Who tiow stand in (lie watoh W ho a pulluler di.,,.,Ir.,. There ore their boulet or in publi, places? Study . i 1 **tbat yoti am not a yotint dulie in iiii 1 atowlors Of Zion. WaLing té, a r, ,bu, in theso lianes who spenk of a puisé- biais. ý tl,,nt. Intre, richtly or wroýýIv. Il 1,Pe a 1 gqj,".,, and mide ,-onsmon donne. The ý se.,ilic fil.. holffleinsnest. of the » 1 adroitneus e -iow y, Indy ir--8,-Ii if aller sortalois, as tbough tbere must bc mont gra ni rad . ..dcr amenait file PI . of ou ai moitié ,Pr mout beautifui thi 9 ' r,ýIililig frelata hi. Il ferai The re-- for rend the proyert. and -sol ; -Aro you of my -ay of thIiking?" agit- ý -l am quite sure of filet," replied Sir :li our..-rlP.rs.b'ý'T'tlint c.ming diýý,ýI,,ir.,,ý maY on Parth in the religion of Jeans Chrin have latrit-kou sait-, disait ilion fom, mord. lu the peuple rainspir, Lion ed Mortisi. LI Basil, laughing. 1 am aspithor duke lier i tifty yerars off. .iliol lot lis jéray ,i are duit thorrisoives, the world ou a1vkwardly limitent if *1 ait. 1 ,ivw, net leurs; il ey have brillent eut maurds strass osent home te evory heurt bal elaI daýnýddm1 NI et- au -ami.. t ,.ai... Ili 1 ROI Irft air imprulon th.". Who. the --'ý0, 1 au' nuit-*' mPl"ýl 'Sir Bas"- -you 1 God flint lis arriva] Indy lie ha4tvnýl bat a sernion id tend mirai do out work'rap- j I toit IL Dot. ,I%ýhon IIIIIIIII 1 IL curry te essé-on. titres ,millets, I Wieýe Ili li **It ventilai bc il, r work te baie you; ý whilc 1 annoulit4» te -NI wissit 1 rimais 1 la p,ý)1ý:arLJý.p. ou IL as trupid. Christ ,do idly, and vie mont du it effectively. Sinon el consoles ýoice contrat. there wns à but litti,. 1 hold a milleilà, parti kýtý-n ý bat 1 aboutit baie you if You wore,- said ili bc the ,-hier "bar'a,ýitýristi(-% of ,bat th,. ancat patienter prea(,htý the world ever ý ime for work will bc gosse. ý mill ëI it yet ail le IL ý aligist salir in the ortan loft, Bail theu a you and illorte wissoust ylos would ,ail youl 1 Martin. 1 dincourse or exhortation whon if il-- "m, and, conaidering the émall 'tomber Our as pié ture of degrissellation more ViVid - , , ý. doloi johooo. . . 1 1 Front filer finie bc alway- ,sillet] Sir arrive, and 1 want ta mollie my romarks Il thé- wol population. bail the Jettent The End of Time. ý abat, , ýý M'bat hroke if? A cleur. deuil veice 1 A dying Christiun look out hie watch ,nemi,%. 1 Ba.il "(;Icn;" and wben . - -- I appropriate and suggestive te ail classes ýniidii-iiý ever gathered, lie never pire - 'l'ho t.ai-ilitig Net the IPMOR abon» whiris, Sir Basil LI fortes, singimait à "A middle préth.- roposited Martin. ach and gave if ta à faiend and muid: ~Taine ý ý 1 -Ah. thon you will Our interout foc. .. him si wu» ne -11r. Gien." of Christian workers. ed anywhere without mailing a great tell- finit ,scotch. 1 have no more une for IL. fer allemand .-ai.- partivillar Pbgm,« el in a grand old alithem. Pvery word ý (Ta lie contitaurd.) ! paorour, probipm: for , - or whie-b mes distinct .and audible -beau- -I dur net sure that 1 vai.là ta dl, .0.1. 1 i The Living Christ. nation. People ruissillest ont in the wilder- Time la et an end fur me, and eteraiti great tenl 1 1 la the fine réi Sir Banni. "If waý net wih, a . _- __ - - Ili physi- air lit.. ,onn,,tion of intnapipraisre 1 Ilfui wùrdu, woli noste-breil wit ý Firent of ail, 1 retnark abat abat future i liens te beur faim reckles. of betinsi Oh, my friends, trissera 0 erinNo. I'q the toucher Save alli tw tulýiI. sud the anKeliý uoico. 1 Illatoniel interclassait Y.u sitar 1 deoirai ta i BUReEDTREASURF- ý roligious diýcourue will ho full of - living val netýssitif-#. .Sa grent watt thoir di wateb bas ticked away fur un the ]&et on.papoir. for à week or turc, Md . Il the :, -il *1 à ,,,a ý1. 1 1 -ai,. ioty to boer Christ abat, Initiait no food ne in wItýIlor; ho bad b"rd ..,me ., . ý Christ in contradistiur-thin te Illicite, moment, and out clovk bas atruck té est .loger. in Italy and moule Of thal "I dort not intoud 1. lie iu.ýlý'.ýr,;ý,.ur,ý,,-l A M.. la Maine Mid 042,000 1. Gala - ont cvery m-rd nt crime that il$ us the lent hour. Lady IL lac fil me did P, -I menu t1si It Hm» 14". sý.cht e ver 'étassatter tet-larnicalitioté. A diw-otir%4- Indy bc full with filons, fiai would bave failli und or lertinkennets, punaisai them Christ thointis, III montioning hie sterved bail net Christ performed a mira .... grand'met ITI in the norid, bat n.thing i Ilertin Itay. Dur work well, tirer we did IL in the ver .-ý, -,k e ý More tissu forty yearx ago .1.1 .Tlfýmy i O' ai,. .. cle end red flacon. ýN*hy allai sio man ' y Ir lie fin. Chicago or New York lifte traité. Ho wu. net sentimental. .and ý hall bol-n a tiorre tiédis. 1 knom but two , - i mai il a sermon al ho cruply of y best way, and whether we preached the hi. shoilid gêt scemm even in a fête 1 faticrod biti..»If that lie tý,k IL praI-ti,-al i Pxt,,ýneý. Yetis métier forgiýe une-_ 1 liste Danlllver. a rich owner of tituber land 1 Christ vélaile evory ,sentonce le rolimil people faite the truffas et Christ'sa bande? gospel in Imitai or tonifiât Sabbath ,mat flanelle; but as lie listerred 1 ail ttcdiIerity." ý and mille. burled S42.4)(m) lu gold donne- ý ýjoOm of bis filles. The worid *wants a Beenume they ail undermtood if. He illum- ,.landes. or admirai mail sick âà If ivill ha- a better uni humain thme , vie. of In - il Mur 1 li ng Christ, noas a Christ standing a trated bis @abject by a ben and ber chick .ta the sucre [lot of .ta'ti.ti,-». l ', bc listionglit lu hisrasseif: like ail old -Idier délit. semelle, ' where bolween the Pet k O ' 1 ,av' ý physicians, or bargute m Or. in monte -lanm-8, sortie- quettiéta *",I,. arc r ,;,8 es, t nt, il a Innobel mouture, by a fleurirai the law ained a erchantm4 or ' ýr.ý ho bond of a format my8tem of theologY a' riant 1.I,.i bc h.w the fincel. .las:*, I:,,.,.Il,ýr," soleil Sir B-iI, good Ie-rtiper- ' phy's, in Maine. lie ha .le ' pleaded as attorneys, or farture julaitýiiiIte proiscur importance »My , lie j-,kcd Op lot(' th "rgâ" "" 'r'm edi.v. -You would enjuy a marge) polito-mi Montrent along ,ha. old French voy- i but a Christ who menus pardon and RYm hing Ille 1,orks, ý pet 1 of Malt, by a bird's Illigist and by a lily*à buary as artisans or buebandmen or u ,,.aidtýréýal. 'l'lie ,ontai mystem 19 e 1 hy und conduionce and brotbehond arum&. Ait the people knew utiliser lie wlsl tho ,roul'd coin(.. ..il ,hom là, .w argument wilh me-; but il In flot J'Icooble. agorm' trait, suit. roi 1 .eel,,i,,I,,,, air terre, Ille Marthe, c4ll.dý .,air, audy bée ,houris, with a atude ý -fur.. ,bat mes pb.tographcd on hile ý 1 am only ju-t begIjuit)g 1, ,sIé,J.-i.lý,id lifid total the landford of r h c hotoi that : und tiré- and laienvers. a pour mon*% Christ, ,Uqant.t and they flocked te faim. And ta tire a mal to a bail Christ, DI ,ville. il.. eý,gitiastiati,, initier es a Ill' - A tell. ellnder girl : mgttl'Is lu R fow nouelis, ,à, a fi- a rié-h man's Christ. an overworktd w Il lie religions discourue of the fia- litre libanais, te Inake a ouest for a proph- bériaité fier ocr..,, sOfforaist v. otv. l'lie oýen(litiolui et Xd ý stood Ili Th, joid,,t of the choir. in a rire.% 1 yertrai vontinueil Sir Biiil, * 1 ,hall i'ýc lie hHd bII folloued hY a party of ' .la .." Christ, an invalid's Christ, a farm- fore appears if wili flot le I'rineti , et or jike Polloralas te rourre the rourair te) J ,ý.1 1 .1 filon 1 :im Fril anal indien outhil ail fil.- way - O out Roeillemterian. not Andovorian, mot ' e _(Iuy. ,villas ,.%gll(.rit.al, saloon$ lioi»Ç ý 1ý Of ,tel,- noie. à girl viril a fale no fair. su ý botter informod abois polai( , or 8 Christ. il mort bant'u Christ. an di ý ,Ir' moule fiel Barak in the Lord'. con. marcotté. lisait Anierivais Isoler end W , ,ý 1 r:,jI. - II.-rmj,ýsiv. abat if lawed and toi-- ý note. 1 itité-ad to rond, tu lttidy. i, jbý:,k, front th.- si. Lanroiwe river 1 mil (1trixt. nia evory inasII Christ. JIiddletonian. but Olioliv plain * prac- 1 th't. me did our work in social a aval that _ - .nu net te and thon. wheis 1 b.,-c iI,..t.-I,-,l I.,th -I have- nearly rive score hinndl :1 A ,iiiiiii,-IriI-ill and sine -omprolleroi followilig file fing- .Il abundantlir Sire m'ala -I1-91 Y worded mytitem lival. unique, consent. I e ,If if wili .tend tire test of the judgment! tjo ,« ,ý Wild.-t-i bras- ý pr(,ii)lItl,. lm a parrartival Illustra la ý - thé. j_,pý.. ses,, Instoncel w iris batod todm of the vierioeun quà,-f,,ný. 1 ýh»II bo vollow fflvprtýigus in iny lfflttcall.* bc ; Of thoologY i- -11 -"i,"'Kh for theul()gic&l ý ait abc woe., miiutý. mins air(] sorr.a., or i And il, the long proetýýiKti of the redoti . M' IÏ ' broath ,o.t oi bien. whos, oyos slever ý unie il) forai (-leur and dIidý] viomé, or d,,jdý -and if 1 doii't bury ruy fait, . sod, té", il ha% lit, more bataillons in a i air auditory. ý t'týbaý vé bite m8n'- tqini.-B" an lossibui op - _J i iloy ! cru% ,il final Loti arout'd il'-' détone Illisy IL lé . bro. il lisait'. misoulderris. 1ý,. DIl l ai tlor fa-. : my -.-,Ii." ni),, tire (,razy dovil,, mill role fia, bée- ý IIIIIIPit tirs". have the lechnival phrasés of liait %% lien 1 bat exhortation or diravourro, 1 he foilnti abat thore aro matsy fiacre ý la 1,,M Ho, il ,,Ch,. bad pIt.rý-d ,foi, .id gr--in- -111-t le 'listés. -Il -Nlatii. "l'i,à,,e ý I a filtre uillen saume of litanie - fort- 1 Cet to Wat..rville." 1 an arrationanit or a 1)*yI-hoic)gist or a phy- ý d.o. com, thorc mill Io, a thotimand bronght te (»Nerf throuffla our illuminera- boulet Io- 1.ýlielcrý sire afflo stre, - ':, ,d ,_t, ut.ýi lie.. hissé, rallier filet IDY bis- ý and m#" lie,- 89aiu. lilil his,.- ,,torre, Il ý ancien in the so-k room of a patient. 'l'lie gloraininat alcalinisera tu charge on il. Thore trélity and ira %vissent, renvue Nia- outils. But : e Y..O.1. janéi È,ad boue a- Ihe land whorc an- 1 old p, ... I ira 'Dy heurt. GoI lio left Ille bolet lit '10 O'vlot, ý t ai . I >tr.-I.Utlitý.iing file brigade or the 80-W ' c ý wrid mants boire, immédiate and woroi drrof'lo .à Massy thtýI,1.gial leminarie, , lot noile of lis white ace stili enseveli, wait Col. .t.. I il.-I gold'n bal, allait a And mithotit assIIoýf word Sîr B:týiI naight senti Ma. àl%%>il.v ilir, days. On ,splirting and il wili vreme throtigh a dis 1 et ,so. es solling young aile 1 il O' t abat religions discourus- of bc fu- 1 ring, il Je .I.,,rt-.,Ixhtt-d folly for 1111111111, - sI Il Leftd, and hi, I ý 'il lit hit'o ! "t-téaýtý-1 bis ,élii Io le-,n, Att,..%'. thilli, lits ri-tiiru ha- ré,inarkvd Io tir.> land- ý course si; whicil Christ abat] malk rg.ha ý tire. . ilsiýtat,.-I,.ý. aloi L'étouing b ow, an:1, ' il tisay coeur, arter trai r obaequiers. frie l dwn allie the immortel moral and sois, 1 1 aut ledit abat if a >oulig ",air litre. le, enfer Ili,- ficid of politicid diul 'hIý air angýl l'rail d..ýl-t..I,1,,l 1 log Ille .bol, .83 ,If fil,- innu le,. had lord: in soirée after the stonocutter bas ýLIUMWIý, % thoogili Il toile, ".aie er frotte **Ili- 1--ll'Iý 'If 'Cht - Theos ;( 1 jés,,% 1--ft. *,%%'t.li. 1 %e plat fleur isioney w1bIýr@ evtýriastinit pétema"étion lot if. filling if 4. , of .1ir thoologilal etemilérirrivil soya ""ý , hncid t'tir Dame (In the dirais tifty ytare ne n'ay imétance a grout week -_ 1, 1 damn.-Il ,Il."., fous ýl,,.I" t1w Aré-haijas GLI cati't duel iC, 1 ' thing Ilklallit lor thrilliii g or unique fil. il réi étalleil lascif a reUleM ', ýýý silos thioé girl ý i feill or light as a. th m sjoonday Étrurie ý lo-forc. Du nassit serait fur a Calent steamer n'et 2 ,aloi j..,.n jh, .,,igitIai of fil.. po tise.. -«L'hée ( IIAI'l'l:lt xi. ý ulty and érudont,é My ai hini Duel met lains or White Star lisse to faite journal, and mon vieillirai to be a M" 11, . 1 'l lion ho look a hearty elipper, m'ont 1 usent. of thé- Canard i F-t 9;;.é.il.ý.. 'If .,II>""iilg.>, aloi lé, - , Si, liéseil ro.K.Ilod il> ,l 1,.],t,,,,, aloi Lit 1 ThIst ,.-rt.iI,. Il, exhorteilion or th.ý fil isght and ,Ira,&;ht,ýii tri"' ont ami susoulh , yon off the wreeL*,. but bail the brut ,raft, II %%'lits a shalléon and besty @P« ýAiI té, L.ah, 1 fie wite Weil pl,ý,à..ýIl tirer --hatI-o' làMi te, troll. -lopt tvà o (toi s a 1 IWO ilighis, filet 'J't"I' nuit chéop là ... à off toril hi- .4.."ý bis Palier Isolé rt-I-miit[,N stalinien lia IDQIF ' " nI..",t.I.,,,ýl "fint Il.. huit -al nette men in fil,- ilirend ",itlà homover low a muet and however t q .%,Oti O ,,:,Y. and sivoke il raving manioc. Fi,,- 1 ' titre vtill lier di agaiTIýt ilsoeic who belireve that légal ý ,., ,*,,,Ilýt fa.... Iý_ mtllt y ... ii-, la,.ký fonder- ý inade trios ai-qiiminté-,l with ili".tratiIný ,If .1.;,t et, ('hit Ili "'Iý'Y'lI'llg j""I :es tý"'ry"I") b"' gay' Il 1 sinaIl a Liilk and however prieur a rudder on" , 1 ont ,1I-stlll,.,l i, knots; ),or I v, ho lis hi.ý rime boit - ativd ."aie 1 fi 1 Il. vveck Il.. fouglit ludion. and buried a si- -'f, , [ Oh, vIoýts silo fisture ré-ligiolos disci -r weak a raptain. Botter a RI,,I is il,,. only .or.- rule to-d". _ ý ýý1 - - nI-,ýý., , . ý :tant colésing .I1.1,..., .e.'rt. "Ill ho ,,à r th,- 4'tiriiiati ,,hurýh arriiým ail the and howolt If lins condensucti the temperance temr .ý thiliseil tilt. ni't'. hi. ,aid to hini,éelf the lxlitial avorit. %%*lieu jo, .l f.,- ý tiolit ti-.ý4t.tire, ira lits delirium and died ri. - or vit ariol, ,Iiff,-riiig tiik,ýit right ý le 1 dI.,abled .,.Iéýner aller voulez Op in finie book. iisvd lis the m, hostile, accusing ,tbeo >'ý"ý .-SIO. .1iIl".ýi ,1,ý'. aie lit lui-ting. 1 sý 1 ltý).t,ý.ik the noir dity. ho iiIu-tiy Lm-- lit thé, iivt ,if shooring il Nlohavk ciller , m' ri , . fils-, hos ,,a Chrit la Ont gl , sites vé ili : ,bno a full riizged brig that cannes op ý of iiiii(---itritIý) and innérepretiontation. It, liait ,if vverydir, lite. for thorc il, aloi a I., throngt-tl' Tho world ,vanité spirituel 14411 lo., ,flo.,,olý,,..1 by ,,,,.ýi,. ý,-t .,bat id léavoil iller he wa,é gýIjljg té, soe .Nlartil, whii liait iiivaded bis si,-k fais,-,- for the , dov .hé-là ,,ItIs,ýi,,I,1, né 1: ' bave anink. ý lie Ili,,ýt holonsablo ,rail thé. il il 1 a ý hae rtvonIIý joildiehod on article Il ý"! lie lo iI:-*!*' purposto of rçI Iiiiii. 1 cri,' aie tiré- l'hé. ý lit-]p. Ail %%lit) haïve blirieil abolir (-il I Instod of ivaiting file tires religions ý, 1 ,iIiIIn .nýi.g hi,ý d'f'là ' i clergytà)dn Of tir.- Charrias of ai à S a.- m: , s'. IlitIg té) biais, 3ot durinai tir, ý Ilsiiig,'c""Ioii-uý,stivo%. Ilo iiiiglit, ,If (flirý,ý. For a dozen yearq siffler laI)IIivel.,g i theritic pali.-sit *1,, -,-ritit-ing hi. Il ; ,airs .-,,IéIf,,rt. Ail kilo, IllIý[Iýý,,-I,,ý. lo ,Iiý,-oéIr.e 'If th, t'attire lit inay Lie forty. " ; - whoI.- of Il, ,I.y flint rapt ,1,1,itIial rare sec the bonifiant sing. 1 régain; if un. [lot atoll fils boire a(Ivtrtiýil(1 for the nation. ' lire; as th, ,hr, I";:[)IIIi., Coing dov, il à, iLla Ili- mortel sand lo ho s'mollisol, suit th, hi, rails a lwor maloon an a petit ot b* ,, Je. I ,%nos ta bons- about the groin future. 1 hrty yoarm offi, toile alliée plain invitation parilh duel nxes the profits for choLeky. ' ,' ._.Ié,...l ,.I,ý,y, hofore biais lie world ý itai,,iballl-', l'ut lie ý-, --or gol-si; foi flétri ý ,...,.,l , Ili h - i, gotting hiýý pu- il of a allait ,eho te. haut- gion yori ,épiritual ý W 'l 'Ilo site wu-. loir lie L"Il- , 1"s,.gý,ý'... I:igiiI-.tlili. land liiI-i*.ýasfd the revard ý hi. 1 Thi. clerbrynéors t»-liiv,ým bc bon fo*M - ý t.ýII ýoti, m y frs.ýI.Iiý, if lis(- jéoojIý or ous, bu,,- -kI. __ i gors ilil (fi.. 11P.b"étiýroeille firIýleaui, lot, ,>Pight vould lie glad su lie coller] the iso ,lie.. ili.-II. ;,[)il Who. flic attritions mas 1 % I bc ,Iýý..I,...l lt.",.w.lk a Y ... ing ' a nt 1 tho fin fer al entilled te a., per i .Iiniing lis the I)tiriiiiig building %%Ili grosat .-itio. ,,h.I bor- bord trouble on], èpitti, bý file band ,if Christ put on the i the solution or tire ~public hombe', quelle. fitI,.Is..el ,b.. ,:IlIilsd. 11, ]laisserai in the 1 soif IllýIýI't'f'ei girl Ila, -il lo-n, flic cetil Of ail lie sbould disootor Ilav- 1" b' ibought tio-v ,ould ge-1 li àinýi ý tien furisi.,là the workingman pure balort, * ý a. takiné; a Ihild out of a f ... irais ,10jý - ý ,yes or a lifind failli, and %%tic) would con- eld ,.IlllIl>i.,,! mitera, the rail ._ __ mai[ ,,,,ýrlI-,kitIg fil, ,--i,, NI of !ho Ing s[»ýnt nearly el.ffl) lu a-lIýrtimilig, avindow, a,, lis -iiiiitéter the stroijg - Lit ý " ... josthotié, lit-Ili lis tir,- Christian ilsliré là. 1 duel do tirer lot abc Profite go to the se- ý 1-,Iýt gI:,I ,fo: ,badows ,en the - - hIý heurt bé-at - 1 allé- heirs gave il up as a et 3 Oh, strier , 1wre wotilti aloi le,- a ,trect in IlValihing ýid*,r thé. bighest voitiplinteut (if this ser- rir-lintent ,Ir Dise, l'rivale parties. Ëge il 1 IN, , , i,,a. ir. ai thoo-Ioso. 5 m) néon abri mort spots ., ,ait, Pif> gras.. boa 1 firrit higlit ut bel, 101111I bu ; mer nt Eý;i-I lialoPion os- Long BI t .11 Il, Nol, N'.II-k or sssoý li i Il Io t 1, ýing coutempt of Illumina , P ,-Ittigili Il-. ýr'i1nJIv (Ir ha H e fast'! fle [sud té) jos- ýIos, ý il .r. - went - th' v hor; but 1 which the people who kiiew the 4lory ! or talwý ý\l,,% or Lake Coorge bitoldair I 1 ihse do r, -Hying: "Wlitl,.,r bc 4 ý à holéo. Io Isolé. Ahiley tallits the cletir, rich lie w(itilll n'IL look ut th(' 9oId,ýIs flair ,and ý ,ould lie 1,II>ý,,IIl,ý .... thé. SaIdélé le ,Isly if , trois ,, hi, find iii,ý-iigrilitv between beer--el"% ý continuer] the avork lit their own ci- ' pori.,hod îrýiý'sg to r..ýI-,sc the dr-,.Iiàig: 1 ,a..,,. w,,11 a Il.,iroir -,es il. for ail tir-, poo- a ni aimer ni- ilo. 1 kno' aloi This one .. voi,.t. rrjIj:ý,g il, his cars. Thore was a , BII fa('e. lie moral lllt;,,,,tll,- lislaint .' 1 11 1 ho ti.,w.l repos- lély une SInit.)"I. 'rp t -11 Ilhomot' 1 %%il. blind, now - joirv lever - mari thé' service of the saine. ý ll ,,Ivllle», 11,;it ,un throngli file Isolée 1 doives virsi port-il awl Poil ,et the 1 pense' For tm'enty y'al ("gg'llg : âý ý Il.- ,oulii prot,:, to ilial .,y]It., or mor,-ý, ' 'hissait 1 lan, ,Dure. Snob publications need to ilse ý t on ai ail sommeille. 1 porting bis insothor for ,-,ai,- vossirs lail in , 1 i 1 seaI - ' l titres grossi ho'., Of -Isi fini] vowolir- ' ,-oiitëra,-tý-(] by ..tuetWas brutales amillé moIod, ý fil. l>, ,il (,ver il. and, Il,' the ,- Pet il Tio,ïs, ti,é one ,,Iàt- liol tising. in m m"Il I o ,. re 1 te a gé Iýj : swiftor ahuri uhadiIww li the plain, fH- .IIii..Il lit bila front if% éît ý- ,Ipth,: 1 dram, la, Inim, flic yourés: giri sis-i-e .111,1 ý In 0(-totwr, 18Si. Saintlors Alvood i 'al"1-1I'I't"(ýr- "b'l ff il) à y 'Il ' [ soin . ý Cesserai exhortationts, on the other aide. wormil I Nvalk t.ýard him mon a finis. gra,,,-tul : (-ami- front %I'iiiff-t-1)Iil-t air(] broliglit a ailes, .,(a .,Iý.t.ý Il, gel - c sporial [,,,[,.", 'l'lie M.ýlet'. Sorrow,. birds in their autumn&l 1 - 1 lit. laéigbf..! nt hillont-If. NI ý IL bustier than ongles te thoir proy, (Ir -lai lie "'d lie for il- tenir Ill"Ilé'l 111) in 'et' ;]'iý 1 A ,,,.Lli--r ýiii, si demi] lotbe il, lie I qqu'L'r filera .ý.,ý.xt lý...,,,, _..Ký.Ping the Saisi ý foi., boit over hauntod bilai loi '. %%«ih ý .tel,. 1 clectrit- barterts; nitit Iiiiii. NN Ir oI flight, ' ' basthwe': -j bog you, pardois., là, '81. . . I ï,iy a,> tit-liýt-r si rend %%lis trivéholi molir , ,.alot. tel ,ho alod Sied ont, liski.,, to ho,., ý hi, Nul, te) a eyiiiI)attletic Christ. rhe 3: 15 ail il. t.,,i:!,,sit boauty. -on lýah'. hall ý .1 * 1 wlint sald volild (IptI4-t lits Englisil rural illg I the wheoI., ,et lit, Insin and hi,à os, Tue ý 1,,ýa,,ii have martial tisseur Neb. 1. -121. 1 Dot balluit-Il hissé as this ont, did. 1 té, Il MI. Marliu It.Y." h.-s- I-hild re-.(,.r.-,l té> file. The gui Si-s ý orho-tras Or ,1,1i.. %,i.iýk flint palised twfi:ýistinl1.1y -My fRth,.r,!,, .ho 1.,.[ili..,I. -Ji.ý il, flot under tour '*fjktlioiii.ý of solid carth. i grass Neill) tollé, str.-iigtli onougý Io -'. ý id I t.r..,ý,-. -YýIossjZo and g.-t si loisoll"il ý instrumenté to celobrate your ramciio. ý - - -_ - -,--- - 1 1 q .. %%*11.ýli lie avent 0%%il.v. rive, n.-ok.s latcr. 1 ,,a al,, v, bat ,, Ili U, ,one of tuy polo. ý,iiýk' 1 "Il ,,, l ' Ruestant' Extrl&vogauce. rallié. ngu;rl ,Nos a long one fi 4 r Ba'il. ý ai bain.,. . of il _sa -, f ,,ai, a léloté, ,[à à, Ili. là 'l"'d m,,y mer, the voiceti arousard the 'l'lie bllê. PY- là:okod int, Ili, foi a mo- la.- showed a haisolful nt ý;,vI-roIgJJ, .111 mother n- ?- N -il sufferinsir tjw j 1 la., re ha- hot-O a,,, ,o- aloi in ,,1,ilà flanelle. l'lie wealthy Riiiisians are mid to tue 'ý lie Irait nt ille toast intention of ,vol ! g - id ý ý 1 ',Iis filli or il. ý Itremely profitable tu hôtel and 8111110111- I à il, thouglIt. Disira 1 1 " 1 tuent filera they tell. and ,a -ft -Ior hile ' stalupival willi glats ii-ir .% tri, more , Il ils-1 ,%Ir ongince, ,ùIl fi, hre bu, bovit il,, dé-ath, and 1 mill io ý itt-joi,-*.. for the Lors! bringue back hie boinir. c", O ;Ir th, fairest pesai ,If a I covored yeairs sages. and soleil iliat he hall tais- ý no. on si lIý,,,,é.Ili,ý. in 1);IkiIta- "NN'.. s'oeil hilll té, lit,-,** :o thé. tI,,,tli--.- 1 .. O. keepers lu the fonds In whieh they am , Ir he lisoi droallied filet thoc m' - - - a": 1 the' I te 1 1 - Y""' ' - __ , - - ___ - __ travelling. A Swing authorItj lu" 'I N, dal]XI- lit ýùoing file bouillir 1 1 là r ; the dark vyv, Ilookirsair ai lier ý evarthed lis(- wlielI- of fil-- ilIiýýilig ý .I.(.,I 1 lie I oniing tI, liciter aj)preiiiiiýji l 'sort et, i l"Ist .11%, .Ira Idée %écrit Irons héopée ta talons, Ili- ,,ollit, have avelidcel 1 .0 full of pa.ýi.nlýi, .,Iiisiatiin ! ,veillais. Bill w1ille the 1'.ý;.i.l.. al , ..],II'd 1 tirai. ".ý,.,I.,.ýIl il,. D'd yon lace fil ar 1 holile tend rron,ýý:iuo- té honte Ilioking ro, 1 Alcohol Mitraillettes ]Lire. filet 200 Bantustans m 111 apend more la a ' ,,,!,. *1, ,ý.11P1r 1 -eý.", 1 t-ooni ilit, othlr djàý -If on crigiti.ý,., ,,UI. 1 ri .. ý el . liarni votilit ifior, lie in Coins: to South- 1 flatter Kilt, could net reine hi uvu to Iloé , tais rheory abat th.- lIi.)i";' finie ta dIg , ai> -'t. hi, jol,: .... gé.,s sIlle.k te bi, Pl., , 1 il Plait, %%là,- - -ri- liait boon sor sorrow Tire IIx,'(,SSie salortallty lit tire ân- , mouth than I.iN)t) EngIbdh men and wood (,bras. h té. local, a grand oId aisthvin aitiails. il a é . 1 OINI-1, iloooli 1 . . . noli ,,Ior.ý Iloire bill] I.,ý,,iI Dé, doil lent glin-d %%lie are engageai ILI tiie liq HI- did noý.ftýooýs1Ioi -Isot ai h,,iii,," ropeaied Sir BlàýiI. -I 1 'vos 011 th.- élark of il , .lot vilson lié. ,,,, f--ý,u 1 1 dond ira tho J., o 1 mir ' wortien foi- litre saisie pertiodi of Uns b,âiitifiIIý toing'! i _ ý sans ,Pr Illé.v itýl),,(Illlttý(j lis, siory sisal )ai- land ! ili(I11%,.. %%Iiiç.il ,as ,tle.'idt, dovén. h, "ý, ý 4o. foniol toiso., fille v%,nt linck te) the tirade lins for il long finie esserviselail the 1 - ___ - __ ý JA-ait misi if. . Ile liait one il y -rry for thai. 1 ', it,ý il> ,ce r, I",Ii si'a s'il.1 said: -My transition in m iiiiiiiis ut the dii",tom of lire Inmuramile dray, aloi 1 avalkeil .l i, (.4.1il. 1 fi, .... il .,,il, .loiling, Ili lisait lait thé. l", 1 futre fraction Or 8.11L Worms. fil a. lie n N-o LOI bc hall t%"I-t'IY Vois- ý [ ý ne ,a. c .flic .li>tlin,.,. ; rolind ally (If t1w II'i.ý'IiI, 1 (Ion. 1 Th os .1 ,. > 1 . a ' -et' té silk worw laits finit lotrodUL"d go-1« filet NI not quite defint c. loi your pormisioli to %Nàtit iiiiiil lie ý ,I*llig rail, whon the tirer I-los .if the Wako', * A ... 1 il., Ili.. lui socs- ..'il si "o 1 failus.,, Non ý,ý... 1 lllat-Il't broligist th.. ý, t 1 - ,I 1 I'Ill't;I'.1 .,.ý,-Ii. 1 vali'l lisel il place whore ' I.("111"'Illiý.s"' says the l'uni Ifn __ _ o- I- 11.11 lo, liand ou I ho .il,ýl.L. 1 .-,l-- ý -ý.--. . ..... .-1 à.- __ . _é_ . . . .. . ý ... 1 . . .

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