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Lake County Independent, 24 Nov 1899, p. 4

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I s 1~ý,n CÉM SOU, Paitesat »V 5WN Mdiaâmae going ý,A îm thefre ontMU Vita im o Yural * alomibera vbo vinI gageS Mdi eue ear lu a~ ýmW vhal Our peper Soçnlla a g- ~0.t54-5demhonnIs, mcNXet mpllon, fuai of umai icltian Spesple everyvbere. bu bapprovei b be CuaanaParla ]Lo mm* "Pais xpe- b ua been st alie se*M gaeme. paF x isi wi»ithe exhibits, Imé pellchlal of su 'Owibea, o! 1h.nterni bua maie an In- aM db hoin t .1on!y peb JusS s"ee by me là. cpenalive Simtaxation uni.? u.A14 a"i Ihsau . j b Ininrane Com- buoi»M for a proit muet lshOUgi theta ouli ~ ulua"e ate@ lm escmim sion 0f c'tt f th. Bouin. m eourliedoui, th. lavingsieven fer anss ma asbave ogorfremtbemalenlli Mte oppetion vin hbc bave ine majorlty la t fr hle change wmfer lb. trot lime la atumviiibave a larg ixeaif senagor 1 ila mle te laie to*bmif ho dise.and a 1» appoiai by the l5xte0e 4 Ahlm. Ioantreenlie o1 ho -ffl il viiiCive WWidcfth. Finance tub hayhave Motb.d liN.a fa.tIhe étivr t thé parpome af efatutoemmittse th"l Is endtermlnei upon. bymSoe ud cf lb.eFifty,-alxth ebjýiblay reobed Weahsng- Oupe*mitaliWhprevailleon b. Sme. D. . lHenierson, spa *ë »que dletimcti o f bffl dbac..speaker of the M" mmeinluaivance.of th. et Cfompearbu hic o «M% w m omera of th. t" ta 1 hlm about tbair n asai9*nte and ollier peatanln0 ta he omlugn Q c«0 et 1h.tour gentlemen eaemtelg for h. mlnorlty dm. fe Speaker Richardaon, asa.,4 vhicb erne iwihIl %Wm the ood o dous m ad wI:::- $h. floor ieaderhip, blia lzo opeued headquarters. lir. Rchardson daims te bave more pledges thîn auy af hia rivial., bat lho does nual daim ta lave a sullioleat number la nominale. Mr. Biley, of Texas, vai the mluarltv leader in thelacstfHouai, butinu a fit ef pique, lie nouuced iuriug Ibe lent énsion Ibil lie voli ua4 b. a Candi- ate for h. honor &gain, but wauld llrov li@ta treuglta li r. Banieaid, of Alabamna. The oher candidates are Mr. De Armoud, of Msouri, andS Mr. sula.r,of ev Yok. Alrevi observera vculd na& ho iurprlsed t sme àa di- Ioc in luth.Cauca@. and the nomination Je je IC UP5 il j The ',men beind the aune' lu Ken- tucky are misa tlic men behîni the returna. Anotber gold fitld han been disca,- ered lu Ohio, andS coaing no close on the boloaitIhe campigo, a nalural upicion vill be aroused tht It vas --mat" by tho plticiana. luis mBânuni'!message, Piochdent McKnley abould ual overlook tle necesity for rocomueudlug the establishment«a a blushery for the nale benufit of tle honorable Seuitor from Ilîlnoil, Mr'. liasn. af Mi.Bi, a an a a compromise. 10,000 plum puddings have been preoeued ta tho Euglich troupe lu A Prop.r Conoîusion. South ÀAines. Nov ila Ibisration la lu Ics issue of liarch 31s1 tue luN-' har4ivitihob.mules, they may ha PENDMNT is an oditarial conteudod dterred rtam tamedlngtIhenoilime that ils 'only reaaouable sud jualt isey gel Inta a tighl corner. tht Conty Treiurer Fonle be juat as coon aiulMr. Bryîn gegc over iiioved prapeui compensaian for bis bhi attack of tonailllisandMilr. Hanna servlce. il Superricar of Assusmenlu.j couquers his rbeumnatism. the cens- W. oxplsined aur position at lengt,' palgu of explanîlion viii bugin. The andive believe o na.. v did then, returni tram Lincoln and Cuyoosg despilete bo at hie bbll for sncb ser- counties need eincidallon. vies va. tablai by the Board of Super- A pnlntiug office lu a uitIle tovulu vlaara, tht hoiel entitleiS ta and Michigan, mya an exechange, la lvaja shouli r.colve remuneratian for thu opene admoi îaed wyu prayor. This addillional dtion Imposai Puonhlm la a rare«exception bteIsere, me t'on under h nov liv, lime ammemoial Il bai beau cuslomary In an eoiali&bc Waukegas Gazelle for tbe office ta be opened by the devîl lut veai eachoi a propur conclusion and cloaiti by the ahrif. vhon il sai: A licLean county min railed this No tmeraof the Cont Board vbo voes yu n-ihho nar fKM to pa, Mr. Foot. a. Supervlcor oi Assos- eroeegts! uar iKfi macla nesi feuar crtchim framm ou- cornuand a Ilii.amaunus etfJerualem atlte..Indeed il i belleved euch a vote corn, vbldh la vry elmiliar la tbe wiilh le rab them. Thora la no tomal former. Be reparUtis aIthe lbaves obstacie la lb. vay. accordlng o the asud talka af bath theco variation af opinion of laWyers. Patina lMr. Foot. for dlsdharglng tbe corn romain green un tii froal, and maie dates of a new office Se nt lnresslng hie excelleut fadier, taing the place of psy&aiOsunti' Treaturer during hlm er..ahock corn for catlle foui. Illa drilled Laie coant ls vemtbsr sud br pelte are lustead of bing planted tu cbecked latedlgetsat ansd far alnded. Whleter or ual the billinl question rova. The grain very mucb reaimbles vill b. slowei sl the nez& board meet- a baid ar hissel cf erglum coins, tbe ing vo do uol kuav, but vo are con- graina being somevbatlalrger and vlncod that once tbe people fui v hiter. Thse grain and fadier are foi endoraand tise aituation, itlils Ibeir toghter. Home fermera psefor KaMir vill tbal Ibeir reprecenlalives aîîov or Jerumalein corn, as tbe grain maie. Mrc. Fooleas bill, ani simple jusotice b. an excelient poultry f od andS tle ionua proficient andfatbful public fodder le preferred to> (orm5 fodder by servant. 51gbSButter Market. Butter oSerina on tbe Elgin Board o Traie Maonday ver. 65 tube,&Ili aellng qucly at 26c. OfficiaI market ieclared fin at 25jc. Butter lait wami Me aau.oneego 22c. Sales of the paut veei, 9,300 tube.. Cianious News. Come. tram Dr. D. B. Cargle, af Wa.hta. 1. T. Be vnite: -Four bSoWte. ot lecîria Bittera hac cured Um sBrever af crofala. vIich lbai cauied ber groil aufferiug for joes. Terrible coos vosli break aut ou her b.ad ani face, sud the beat idonsor couli give no help; but ber cure la eomploeeasd ber héaitât la excelent." This eliove whal Ilousanis bave provd-lhi leticl Btlers la tle béat blood purifier matan. Ia tise aupreme remedy for eczéma, taller, sail ibeuni, ulcéra, boilsansd uniug ore.. 1ltmulates liver, kîdueye ad bovels, expels poisons, blpe digestlon buiti up trength. Oniy 60c. Guaranteed. Sli by F. B. LoVîx.c, Libertyville, 0. B. TnompsaNc, Grays- laie. __________ Up to Date.. C. A. Suov & Co.. palent lavycri. appasiate seUnited Stales Patent Office, Waahington, D. C., visa have atuel client, un every ciiy and tavu of the Unted States sud Canada, report tait nover betore lu their 25 joes tztice bas tle work oi thse office aa v eil up to date. Tboy edaim lIaI paitentsa cm nov bu procured lu luteesIlsuhaifthlIe lime formorly cequired. lit. LAKE VILLA.1 Mra. M. Farrier sasin luWukegan on buianess tact Monday. Mies Mable Richards speutlesliaSt- ucdmsy auit SondayinluElgin. G. B. Cable sud vi!e enletaini cousine tramn Chicago lait Hudmy. Mr. andlirs. John Rose,aofNUtlibur., ver. tle gueula ai Berb. Marrie and famti, Sunuay. T. Girain movod bis famlly tram tle Lebaain bouse tW the Richardson boisai lest veek. Tise Angola Cerntery Soeiety met Tuesday vUs lra. BruBamlu. Qute a number vero preseut, but no unS- neaa ai importance va. lrausicted. Tbero in a pie socialiand ilterary entertainment lunlise Woodman Hall thie (Fridayi evoulng. gIven by the Epvortb Leaguse.Core nudmiinjoy yourasovem. Chas. Hamlu tarted out@swving vood tait veek, andisatoi L. W. Bow- linges wood irâi. Whon you gel jour vooi pile ready let-hlm mkow-be vill do il ai voit and me cbeap ai aujane. What migbt have been a seiosa accident happened hr ont day lait woek vben a freigbtoair smaabed into lb. enigine- bouse. Home repalrlng nad ta bu doue bufore h. engin. could beunued. Na au. va. but, but Jas. Lenri adWin. Walson gaI ont mast lu timo. Oea. Roand, Boclani, O., sais: --Miy vifebidpiliaifor farty jeara, De Witt'@ W itch Hazol Satve curai ber. Il le the beal lu Amrie. -'it beals r.eryhiug and curtes&Ili sun dînasesa. F.B. Lavis.,., Liberlyvillo, J. B. BEAàcHuEGuLrnee: P. L. Wz*TEEMÂM, Rockefeller, THE FPAIR! followlng articles we wish to close out at once to make room for holiday goods. Mms Apoco OverailBlue and Back. Mass Ovra l Jakets, Blue sud Checred MW$esVo.! Shirts, 1 7ad long, E ............................ .... ....ý40c* .....40c. , .4OC. Dow m OVU9c1 MWÎs 50e Dram. Shirt 2 collas wilh each ahu-t, 1 . ................. ....... 35c. Waul m In. (IRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS.J M»S. 18. B. 8SIRM. Laid 545er. M» lr.Sherman inauathoriled 10 remce,. ubariplionanud adveutiamenla ferteIN*4444444**I)zmvnras resfrlb piS444ing & ber for 4ilh 0i fo l.I 4 4 a4oadeafr o 4ntn.Calo le orrt. TIME TABLE GAAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. cOIiv omm .GoivaOuroUT. A.M. 10:18- A. . 1 P S. s.i* 1:4V au ndai' anti' t DaiS' exept Sundai'. Daty. W. B. BIOLSr. Agent. WISCONSIN CENTRAL RAILWAY CO- OFFICIAL PAPER OF GRAYSLAKE. A large new Sec housse in beng bilît at Long Lake. MliseJoale Desce le employei il Marsball Filda, Chicago. Mr. sud Mre. Sbaffer seturued Mion- day tram a veek'a visit lu Oblo and Indiana. The Junior Endeavurera biedan entettainmnt lait Bturdiy cf Misa Lillie Lnasia. Bey. Jacoby, ai Mdoodys Bible lu- sinate, preicbei lu the churehbobe Suuday eveing. lira. Peterson and lin. Nici Lux, of Wadswortb, ver. the gueita oS thei' aiter, lira. Hlgley everîl dcyi huas veek. lira. igloi andlir@. Sherman vent ta Chicaga Saturday ta attend PutI Matonsa Lodge st Queen Etber& Chapter. làr. am suad Ar. Jobn ScottI,at Hyde Park, vlIsa have been vlsltlug here a eek. rturued ta ibeir borne lait Sundaj evenlng. The Orijalike Lodge of Mystie Workees vili give an enlertainment manoyter aupper lu thc Woodmen'a Hall. Wdenday Novembor 299h. Tickets 35 cents. Everybody Svted. Bey. andS lre. Stevens are belng entrtained by thse family of lir. Bobineau thîs veek. They are valt- Sug fur their gooda la be sblppei from, êouir City, Iova, tbeir former home, upon lb. arrivai of wicb tbey viii maie 1h01' home lu lir. Strauga flat. aerved. W. hope ta b. able 10 attend more of Ibeir amea". The lire engin, and liook and laider car& arrived lait veeli Thr.iuy and wua lestei Friday, Saturdsy amidlion. day, but faled ta mail requlrem.Uts. Monday th. domo baril, uealy alri- lng tWa mon. Another on.evwu put la plie., hlcb upon bains etekiThura- day aiea burat. Repairsaire bins We leau from a Chicega piper Tharoday moruiugth$Mise Jemnhe Dyke. sud Mr. Choai. Tache orve quietly maried lu tht clty lesi Wed- u.aday. Their maul frleuâ ltaieo- tend eougratulalons. They vilI male their future hlin uGralelake vliere le vilU b. emplayed lu M. Sullivn@ biaciemill $hop. The W. C. T. U."Li"e Cony onu- veuliau vil! b. bl et ilWanconda Saturday, Decombar t. lirs. 1Happer, 81.1. Correeponding Saeeay viii b. preéent and deliver an aidres. Mme Shepard, Connsty Preeldenl vho bui Juil îelarned frosa th. National Con- vention as Seailei, Wahngton. vini b. Ibere ami 'glve a report. Ev.ri body la oordially luvlled tu attend. A bus loaidvl! go from bher. and inyone viehlug tu go May apeai 1golir. Burge. ______ COUNOIL PIIOCEEDINGO. 0xaY@Lami. 4IL- NOV. 10. sas. Vataigeboard met lu speclal esion wllh Preidet Sherman Su chair. Trusteet preaint et roll cmii Wlbue. LaItns. Barron. icheardson. Cali for meeting made hi President Ober- man for the purpoe .of hearta eptort cf building commttaee&co o taie action la regard toa fitabine viage hall sud appoint nev building commitice. Notion bi LatIne sud Wttbur tht tb. building commll*.ue b. given power ta Ialb building viSage bail bi' brick "eusertwo aides md onoeued ofoihbuSld!ug. hi'bud- tnuaan elght ncb brick tain lufront frocs bWiernent up. uclIntrumaradi for support of uppqr fluori. ucsug gelvanhas<t on ccrnlb for front of building. cernent Roor for lame. meut. rumove oeti sud petltiana sud other things necelamir Sun Praperli'eompletlng builin. Vote bi' roSllcal.-Ai'cilbur. luke Kliroy, of Fond du lac, Win., oueB&rn toadn.SI1. Motion by Wilbur and Riehardson to lnd charge of the railrad gang ber. ailjourn. Carrîed. vbo were laytug new rails on the E. T. DuVoa. Clerk. Wiaconsin Central roid, but wie dia- oharged Mondai for living alloved He Faoted the Surgeons. bis men 10 become drunk and create i Ail doctora bold Renici Hainitan, of dialurbauce &bout tovu. West Jefferson, 0., afler snffering elgliteen montha tram RectW aluae, The Soctal gtven by tbe Lady Macci- lie woald die unis« a o"ly operation bues taat, Turaday eveulng vaia àvory vai performed; but ho cured hMsaif enjoyable atfair. The pragranz con- vilhli v. boxe. of Ducklmn Arnica Salve, the auront Pli. cure on esilli aiatiug of coup mandreaitugeand and tb. beai salve ln tha vorli, 98.1. a aulectiona ou the graphophane vere box. Sald by Y. B. Lovu.m, Liberty- veil rendered. eufreahmeuta vere ville, G. B. TuompsiN, Grayali.. Real Bargains-..-- Necessities. 1 Gal Floor Paint.................................. S 60 Javaum icoffée.................................. .Ol A Btter Coffre...................................... 10 Il............................. 12 ... ... ... ... 20 Thefleit Coclii....................................... 25 Tapioca . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 02 100 lb Keg ofNala ................................. 300 Barel Sat of 51b aics.... ........ .................... 90 Vaves in eSprknga 75 Rce. per lb .......................................... 02 Granite Ware at Haif Price. GAeo. Battershall, HAINESVILLE. - - ILLINOIS. in ' thIis calme. abc oewsabSMr fiv ica eorilu;: vec ive 9. a Si ». BALFNewMil onaud eprînger tien. Owlug tathu deatb 0fl yisn eau vi dtscontlnue fsning. lnqnSril o.f Mas. rANam Ee,"n. Iche.IL or C.P TRaMAL.. Fremont. Il,.. LAke Co. 1 Mo Mufip fori. Easoeer Dvs. t-tf ihave for sle a fAw choce, Poland China 8l>cra read=»for@-rv eo 11 1 Mbob. mch. M.ILAIAmS. d Lake, 1L&ii WANTED-To traiS,. 1411:helfi omnIn w'eern eoid for dr .cava. BiioN CaLi. LibetrIl@e.ni FBSL-aieAoru Ieating tove u S coudM. W'II'etS cheip. ROI. Itx.Lberty,le. . Il wilI ual b. a surprise e 0auy via are lailUfimilar vllb the good quaties' afi-Chabebrlalu'a Caugb itemedy, 10 knov that people ev.ry- vbere taie pleuse l u reluintiî eir experleuce lu the use of Ibis splendid medilele andinlu elliug of the b.ntt tbey bave recelved If oaait. of lai colis It bau cured, of thieateued attacki of pueumaula il liaiaverted sud of tle chidren il lia saved fran attacks of croup sud vhaaping cauagit Il ln a graud, good mediine. f or sale by F. B. LoyaLL, Libertyville, J. B. Bn&cuîît. Gurues, . F.L.Wiaiii- MAx. Rockefeller; (iRÂysLÂ&Kz FiA- MACi. JOHN MI îsLU, Ivaubce. SusIissi Seoilnu a Location. A Proaperous mauufacturiug intereet of brea.goadeandi vatft varia Supplie@, insesaking a Dev location vlsere le toavu iI rnial"lop aMd gronuis vlli sgod bonus 18. emible theU10 enlarge their business. FSr f allier informatin idireseG. IL HUM., Braver I~.rna Obh..64 "Fetway.nsulffed boas wotldaip a beat.P* dlang sma proptu aipmii Cim a I W todo me aMy domi, bipf5i ci, 1 Mea"10e lilpe Apron Overafl.a .......................S$ 29 Jce............... .... ........ 29 0.noim aci miWhilh Strlp.d Shirt.....................s Maivy wotk Shtirés ................... .39. Lot Zaifea$1.75 tw 0.98 Sho.. ta o . eouIper pair ............110 Mens 01i.98. $1.80 ami $1. 75 Sliea g o eeout per pair ........99 it PiM pi. City soap ..................... 20 2 paceseflaiWbeat ................................. ...Oes a Package. Pantin ..................................... z 1 uanrem PuRf Daking Povier . .... ....... os I"cookisOva . . ...................... O03 i ' lakburi .................................... 04 i alUbeSTi....................... ..-......... 04 Lima Beans ..... .............. ................. 04 8-lb Cmn BU Plan .................. ............. ....... Io Ravy Piug Tobaceo per lb .............. .................... 34 Lut Chliren'. Eubbor.mi. Il lt................o D1eut in tte Price..of ail eur Clothimg, iome of which arctse kBoi.wl Usai 20 oaa.. huail Clay Worat.d Cutaway SuitIs,vere S5.40-$013 go menàa livy AU WooI Brownvuib ta er. 08.00, et .. ............. 60 liens AulWool SUiS., a gooi re............... uI0 Miena Hxmvy mlton Ulalts.re, vr$ 11.00, as ................... 9 00 mena@HB«17 Park Biue Ulmieu, ver. $10.00,. .ý...............8 )0 Mena 0$14.00 iltaok Beaver Overoata ai............ , . ....I o Fa H. KUEBKER, Grayslake DeD)t. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. Terms to Suit Purchaser. FAAMY SEWING NAcINE PosiesmsaSilishe modern Improvemnent: tu ho lound lunisuy ira-class machine. Scdd a!popularpuces. Warrcvedtfr0 or ILLMNIS SEWIN ACHINE CO. ROCDC ORD. ILLINOIS. Shet d i moat Durable ef Ever purchased for the money. ALSO AGENT FOR NEW HOME.. Ail Drop Mlead, 5 Drawer Machines. E.e B. SHIERMAN, ýGRAYSLAKE, Cali in- ILLINOIS.' And see our fine line of Overalis and Suits, ail sizes, for littie money. Also a good assortment of Men's and Boys' Wool Pants. Men's and Boys' Wool Shirt Overalis, Men's and Boys' Duck Coats and Underwear. A Good Assortment of ail klnds of Boots, Shocu, * Good FeIt and Good RubWe for ...................... Si 85 The bet to bebad t.................................. 250 A Goad Lther Doot. Mens ............................I1 50 "ACocciEerry Rice.per lb 41,2c. 26 Ibofor........... £ 100 "AGoodDBroke Re. per tb"............................ 21I-St A LargeBox Good Matche.,2400. for.........................0 " Suai Dox Good Matches 1200. for....................OS0 A Fine Tabl Syru..................................... 30 Good Soda Crickets brokesi. per lb........................ O06 GoodTua3sc to ...................................... . 50 Good Cofe 10c to............... .......................... 30 W. W. EDWARDS, IGRAYSLAKE. - ILLINOIS Protection to Purchasers W.e uion th. publIc agctust purrhatIig Imitations af obitolete forme ot our machin«i. W. keep up with the Sact devetoprnents i.>thi . rnaking notbtug but the higheîi grade ai pruduet, and hSave adulent I. unqualilcwi saccuin luiti ase ;sence many atteiupîs ai imittiun uws,...î I legal use ef aur trade came. A Bra* Medallion, of lise elîlptical forn eheonabuser. bears aur nerla. lem trade-mark, andistaplaceS upon the braiS of crrry machiice .anâ.. hyj . NONE oENINE WITIIOIJT IT. mmsi guum UiIlS m MOM m y *y51 m Tifs W~RUW'ATIUW o 7-~*~$~IV4Vv~Iwp nU ADOV ARE MILL ENDS 0F THE BEST OILCLOTH MADE TH-E FAIR, 1

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