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Lake County Independent, 1 Dec 1899, p. 2

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on ABOUT A SNip AT MARE IBLAND. ont for a Lous Vuyâtre&"ai nAI on aurdi- Sh* wUI Sai fer ~Bma- 'i t rmajor JaonA. lr UniCated States sblp Ranger, non-my li ]aIn.eIssand, SRau Fmciaro. bbsa quits Ited out for saie long vOY- en pa neb-ounid runmora an. corrent, tlic lulbrt on soute secret mision. eta o! tbe n-aniilp reuse te dis- the n. aueet tie voyage. Seve8il ~4t-uhgunt are bebua placet lu position the lavesse. Tie oubY Ilua tic oR- Ib M viiadmt la liaI tic Ranger bas -bu adretito Panama, ai n-il maiI *-dliitu Deceinier. Seiet instrctions Wovin receivet tfromt Washington, tn ,d0a arrivai aI Panama. Il is bge hld ynaval Men ilu nFraneisc abtIlie Raugeta ltimabe detiatiotn 14m 4M Up at itaienil b. aneinreti for Ïài' fty t i sote ienen- port§r.- onstly tee»troua te rebels. LOO WSESAlrtELEFT o -IFE- lt.a iM guwe-t g5,litiO.Mostiai la Lu lite urauce Foutese. CUder lie conditions of the. n-lu of the, lote MaiJ. John A. Logan bis eulîre et- tte lu Settabsotoîcîl 10 is n-le. 011 se- moent o bul îmi nophieatiomIs lie linoln- moisIaffarn et Mai. Logen bsve be-n ton artaiyean luhie bamixof obrtoi INgtiCy andi H. M.» Osnrilck utYoîîuas- tev, ih1, anti James Shan- ni Nen- Xat. Mi-Logan -srrhet irbIe insmmnnce t 44 1 3*0, 'payableho bils lMbude fro lglie nsante il lve IMi0 1'aite nhi ntAb. s a fi, Adtrey Jamne T Rbaee ap-h lm ubitilentMai'.Roertste An.dtâ bailverdicte nshbiehoMiciad iMm b __ 5 terey ames T. Il tbrteu I. ug ait Ors Boieiteaiftl blt n-hosas giviTrn e Ietrta ha iwn nueiber.and ranti MJ vnbe btheen bosepariheti tan ali m e the enltiahndi.bul- OcaU e .in aà Eec iut estt *@lu a labi. t Aoragak. Lp$l&t n-as ity.ntiMarabl WJ iga lm t "lniti -as fatalilh nutto e Nonnes oete svai àat Nop te bentme et ed <3h Blluuf tyhat houlth IltIUat dit l en- *bututeand Wot oret A otiesrsBdnit f0 et Blus ho C l sei~nt tna bt ieexaut nil byrtenidn-h gWt te haemefof tbe ami. byWtikueu njncnion tIOne a"hwonosete aud tnîje, oloitheKm. i andtial 1'neshtint Wu"amdIreolearsmina sîr l gnfWt&W et heatheuiet "licn Fai MItIM te lafet athe Cokee nation h bêM he iaUnted tates commission ti * o ve cliviseti 1db.. derlug lie lIni IW emmiaienlla engaget inlumakiag ti ilofgo r i t clhiieiofthle Cicroice na $but Acaat tie Sala-On Lite. bffl lien mate lu Constantinople, in edMig a generi ut division anti actera Itoetaut ooinils. ehargedti -l beinm oussed la a pot 10 asausinate the su] tonwithi dynamite bomn son lie occasiO « thle Uelami. Tic areuset ihavec1b1 exilai 10 eren. Th- icWoodlawn nAvenue taings Ast diltiou et Clevelanti bas bohîîglt oreclbu pulli against Benjsmimn C. Faurotc ls.Oio,.for *32,000 anti Inter>f e l-ffl 80. Tie arnount t.n ore uselgages on lie eetrie igt pIan Vrit Operaloliuseand large ncai e tala itercala. ___ Tiape.e Comblae Fallu Tirouafh Tie attempt 10 fora acompaiy luo 0 tro &U omlahf tbi mependenttleethone cm ales 0f thePUited Stmes ia filei, seent nf the aithtdrawaatfroutil atiiemse ot William (1. Whitney, Thoni F. Kyau. Athony V. Bsdy, William gklam, P. A. B. Widcen anti Thni Pierce Fmlun. in Ceg. Tic Chicago tiepertmm-nt batlîcîha n-lUi a lierr blaze lu the Mforse & Job amnsterage .n-arebousé nt 182 Kit etreec4i. -cb, aler nealy tn-o hou Ugtlng. n-as niîidued t at a bastiai - - ynu by Humtreta. Yokohama strict%-v uythut anerlen conditioni ot affains Iýrerslls aitN <(n-sng. Mannimîmis. aiIb reulux--t lui ibenle plaguh. luindreuls ut deuIl> ceOmcsm itta Tome AAm la Ohi te . ZIStd 0.nCmisa Nuie 011. Enagbt tO Llght. utia laussu but wlii rusa,.. A bliat FsddeichKiioder andi bis son Henry. boit beam iird, but one et the bo isadd ,= ovser'aINapole4OM.O.. w,. aor- metexpitawitb the ethem. '1110 etlcarged vrith tthe marderblMs. were inîestigating thé cause- Wrderck Klndar la 10i4. MAthte time- the womsn'a body nwsa round l2 the gar- XNDIAIt 'ILLAGS DMROltEx. den cent het home wth bar throat in enraseutkek uert and a kaiM wnoond Beur lber hert sui- LEJasCange I .Cu ere cide n-as adranced. The n-capon nbk CaneIt Cu,. boit consei ber death n-as tounti tigbt- The beavy rali of rails etii the Noek- ly clasped InlubW fingers. The. n-nrns sack River ta overfiow lu Wbatcom w-as Frederick Kinder',s.ecosd lire. Couuty. Wasb. At the smeutb eoftthe Bis go00n-as by bis trot martrisas. Two river lvan immense log jam a mile long. monthe ego Hlenry Glinder. n-ile don. This enutidtbe river to Ond a new ont- gerousiy 11i, confeasedthbat blnaseifand let. Tiihe n-cliannel .wept îirougb father boid -ommittd lhe murder. Lumuil village, n-ieb bas been almoat n-ieb nas uprovobeti. Frederick linlu wiped out. The ton-n contaiiied .00U Peo- dier feliei bis n-îfe ati, a club and the. pie, bins the liestiquarters et tbe Lum- son cut ber tiroat. Then liey chauged mi Indien vesrvatiofl. <hureb. sebool- their ciotbing andt attentiet n party. The. bouse.,asud stores n-ere swept away. The confession n-as a profent secret outil Indiens iîce tout their posaeaaons in- Henry Klinder recovereti. Himselt anti cidng the wninter's store of arnoltet *ai- fatiier are ciiorged wnith fisI degree mur- mon andi jerked beef. Tiie floodi struck dier. lhe village et nigbt. andthei inhabitauts CLAm a-AINT PAIN. were saaedl front drownlng ouiy by lhea CLAIM GAINSdeiteroiis use of boi, anti canne,. Naturalized AmericanWes l.priaoued FOUR 1LJURED IN COLLISIO.N. t lu Porto IElco oa a itpy. 11*09a Azar, a Syrian by birth t 1a1 Baltimhore andi Oho Passionner Train naturaiized citizen ot the United States. fRomanite a Pretght arriTeti lu ths conntry onu the. ieansiabuf A nest-bound Baltimnore and Ohio pas- San Miarcos a fen- days @go to look atter senger trai, n ninto the. rear end of a a suit for $100.000 damtages to beati net-bound frelgbt train near MeC"o' anti property whise, besay. he aiffereti station. Indiana, whie runnlng et higb nt the baude of the Spaniali., At the. speet, cousins a bait wreck. kiliin Ena- tirne the n-ar broke out he huit a jewélry gineer Bradftord of the passenger train store lu Mayaguez, Porto iio. April 4, ant I njuras Engineer Barber anti two i. sarsa.lie won arresteti by Lient. Ga- liremen, The accident oceurrd turing briel F. Morale a a sp. Ail bisi, rop- n dense fou. Tii. passenger train was erly, constelsgof jeweiry aud serna. vol- trs-n by fn-O enginuti. Engîneer Brad- ued ai many tiiousants of dollars, n-as ford wna on tbe second engine, while cariet anay. lu bis place of busiuess Engineer Barber n-as on the. trt. No 'vas fount a New- York nen-apaimer, antionue vuaq hurt ou the frelgbt train. Both this conirmeti the bicher of tih. auhiiori- passenger englues, two postal cars anti ies thut be ws, s spy,.ReH. nucar- three express cars wn-e.throwan the. cerated lu a narron- celi antiwnsgivemiditcb. inauffilentftond, and weara giassea am CuLOKEIl w T DIATH BY COLLAR. the resut ef bis Impaireti eyeight. lie n-i PMUs bis suit. Indiana MansIa Killeti by a Mosa Pecui- ro U8» WlRFLESS TEt.IIAPHY. ber r ~ 1wAccident. î joseh,,C.Cockbujrn. a prominent eti- War I>partoment Worklug on Plan for zen of Logausport, lad., sul'ered a stroke Mignai Corau. of apopiexy n-ile seated at hin desk lu The WIar Department t at niîngton his private ollicIt. He tellfrom hb»scsat la qul.tly aetn-on on the problein of lu snb ta Butnnbut uaI hil wb*eati dno wirelesa telegraphy fr the signal service. tub tbe floohe bîîtomionstetins.propp The. signal corps bas been bantilcapped ncollernaubo setorChly about.lais reeentiy both by tacri o tndisud ,uit- cia astulassdgty bu i ces to experirnent on an extensive seule hroat andi b.ebokedtu t deatb witbout but Cat. Rtelier et Gorernor's Island,. being able to heip bituseif. ,New- York, ls crrylug on a series of ex- Shdi tSaePis perlasents betn-een tbsl point and Touîp- The. Amerlean Assocation et Faire anti kiiasvllie, n-tb a siew of sdaptiug the. Expositions bas aranged the etste loir earmy apparatua for communicationthi, 8seedle as fol-'us: Des Moines, Ans. twcen tortlfied points ent in uany other -_7; toghii, Sept. 3; Banullue. iMin., locality n-ber-ý the. nireiess aysteii uilglit sept. 3; Milwaukee, Sept. 10; Intianap- tprove superlor iu pm-cice ta tbe older it§, Sept. 17; Stpringfield, Sept. 24; St. tforan of llegrapby. The snmy le not de- Louis. Oct. 1. Tii. Eastern circuit date, yedn n1~em o ntuetare: Syrscuse, N. Y.. Ang. 2t; Coum- bav ag-developed a syster oftistae-n bus, Ohio. Sept. 3; Grand Rtapide, Midi., randthe n-ork a-h ieb.pnmbed nitb vigor Sept. 10. n-haaCongretsafurnisbCa lb.eu-ctOssCry --- meaus. IndimaaPostomfce Rob;"e. WRXX CR WTHDYNAM.%ITF. Aî d ring postoffIce robbery look place WRBCK CA W1ut New- Fittsbtîrg, toit. Burgiars driled *Explumives Used ona prinufli lLine lie office mra nti explotet a charge of Newto Troble wtb S r, r- dynamite. The.sanle wna mrost blown ifavln Troule wllu Stlk 'luPiecesAnduthei.enfirefront of lhe * At S.30oclock tbe onhbr ngt a Ftreetbuligwtrot yhefcefte 1. car on tbe eventb street lin. ofthte uligvstr n . tefre0 b y éprinsfield, lit., Consniîdsted Street Rail- explosion. Elgbty dollars In mon.! anti ,eWYCompany wndanmie i hesue postage %lamipea n-e bchu-oet by L t er part n-usth ynity.Tecarn a the tiiievea. There are uni ees ta the à. liatly dernoilsiieti.but the motorman. rmies. . _ te eondtntor andtihlectirern-oresn wbuTragedy Enta Twm Lises 1- ere passengers esspeti njury. Frank andi George Belley, protuluent _______ businessImen> of Stokbritige. ,iieb.,, ner. Locomuotive 14ets New Mrk. founilu the teat ot their bicycle anti Ail records on the Lake Shiore liait- jen-elry store. bth sbat tbrougb lie osatin betneen Clevelandi sud Buffalo bea. George -as deui anti Frank wn-a au bave been broken. one of the nen- loeo- ting. It ia tbnugbt tat 1Frank, n-bo se motives tarted ont ut Bufsalo witb eigbt boiti een uudvr a tioctor's cor. for sev- Ir beavy cars an mour antionue minute lee rai tisys nith n mental trouble, @hoI bis anti reaciiet Clevelandi two minute brother andt hen himsetf. ey aheadi t lime. The. distance. 188 miles. n-aswo coveret inl 186 minutes' runuing Massiona Cuseu a Lade Duats. ld ime. Marinla4..Mei"O u, ..ut Louneil- er man Peter V. Bergen ot Princeton. N. flartug lwd-U -p aI Dizie, 0. T. J.1, diet front recelving a hostog at Lan-- A taring hod-up occurred at Dixie, reneville. Rie dieti of inflammation of 0. T. A man anti an 18-ypr-old boy the. bowels. Young Bergen wnas a resb- iu, n-hi bonditerviiefs tieti over tbir faces man t Lan-rencevitle. He n-as being e rode loto town anti. gaing mb-oS. B. Butin put tbrougb the Initiation n-heu on. or nt & Ce's stou-s, eompeiied ten ffien ta boIdthfe basersasccldentaily fell upon hlm. m, Up theit bantisn-ile f bey took *tIfront d- the cash draleer. anti remountiug Ibeir Bodies ta Be Returueti. n horms eti robiiers ceinpellel lhe crun-t At the expense ofthlb goverrnent of il to march betore (herm 5 yards. Chine. the, bodies of!(LI) Uinese burieti ne in lie cerneleries of Chicago n-Ilb.e e- Aumtiar I. & (I. Wreck. mmcd Imd bipped tb Cbina. ta b. buriect, Ths second section of Balimrore ant in sacrevi soi. Aceordlng 10 Chimese . Ohie passaenger trains No. 9. nest-bound. religion, ail n-bn are burlet Inl forelgo au knowna asthe Oysîer train. rasieito telndu. are doomedta10eternal tormcat. rth tiretin section la South Cumberland,. t- Md.. andi wuasbatiiy nrecked. iCnineex segT ronp toPIbt a Ton-n. n U IL Kindia ot Baltimnore nas,serlously N o ier*, at Fort Ringgoid. Tex.. tiIJrdant i& lfirentan. ewis Massey nen. attacket by citizen, n-bn resentet ne o Batimoe, ue trrily soldd an thirpresence. A ptebet baIlle follun-- e diat In boipltal. cd. in wn-un 1,500 sbios n-eu-e ireti. but - -- onty onueman voas nonntiet. t- Crippies tiesperale Dee. At Munt Vernon. Obio.Cbarles Colts- Amerirons ta Battd Rallway. borotugh. à crippleti saionkeeper, siot Ativies train Tien-Tain say Ibat tbe 'eanti kie bis wsif. aud then endet bis negotiations of tie American syndicat. i- on existence byniending a i uîlet regarting the Han.ko--Can lrilIwli acte in the slîarlnets of the. couleI,. lision. oer-tthe saloon. .Ieiamsy on the plant nf Ta Make La Fayette Dollar,. inthe bushauti led ta lbe deet. Tii. La Fayette memoriai corumiaaion i-n Cheokee Trealy le Kibb. i annnees limaI the Uuited States mint The. Uerokeecminci by navote oftIl; utPhladelpbla il soonulb-gin shriling ta1 2dveciledta luexenti fie ime for te aFayette dlnlar nitiiorizet by Con- Cogress tu ralify lb. lite tberokee greusa la id ofthIe montument. 0 agreement. Tbis ilts tbe lrealy for ail Tonado Detroya Town. O% ime 10 cone aud eavLa lb. Chierkees Theii. nn-fntMagazine, AnL.. n-ade- Off under lie opertions oftheb Curtis bili vlroyed by n ornado. Boonevilie 5baf- ,pat lu ail lis .ieîaiia. !ernd a gevcre .10cm. bouaes h.iuz ilown uby mir8.ýj o -.ipionuand ati alIe ilte, ee Smalpoi hbaibroken ot lu Li viroiulut MARKETQUjOTATaor4& fminUniontoa-n. Ky. Tiie Kentucky State Boardi of Heaitb quaramilini-Jetil. CmsiaCIllmiîu pie li. place andtetI.lîlinois Central Itailroati $3 ito jr& 25; bfs, cmunipjtigprsime, -on- bas tilscontioti u-uuuining train, ouaithe25 ni-. iranci rodmati ecen lMirtautî-td anti 63.(K) tu$4.25;8buel,,fita ho bice, *3.11 on Unlontnn-n. t u $450; smbîat, Nu. 2 red,.'9,c to 67c; corn,.Ne. ')SMc to 32;et.9l, No. 2, 2=c thei "Onk succumbs ba os. t 23c; rir ,, No. 2, 54c bu 56c; butter, nue With assets amnosmting 10a*3,000 &dibuthice rresmery, -. 5e ta 27c; egs, freeab iL. liablîties $210.000. the Taukton, 8. D 17e to làe; p.matoes,, cboire, 35e ta 4U> jas Bovines Bang wnasforedta toclose lis Per bîsbel, doorasfter a tire. day' rmn occasionet uiisils-atl.alpn.*03t by the tetalcatonu of l2onty Treasurer $650; bgt. <bile, igbt. 3 3.00 ta2 tart A.-l'.terson. n-bn nas mon nafdtai sbee.P, omuion to primie, $300 ta 4.25; bu- evlnivety witb fit at - wbeuit, NO. 2 ri, 65e lu Uc; con, No.2 unie Prisoluers Buruedta Dlu is. wh ile, 3ne 10 33e;units, N.2nbt. arue Grauville Neit sutd.Johin Sirouislm. o ho ta27C. %.2wie 5 a ned r. arresheti end placet in thie ton-n St, Loova.-CaItlle, $325 to $6.50; bose calaboose af Jellico, Tenu., for trunkea- *3.00 te et425; shiecp. $3.X) lu *4.5iJ ness, n-eue rernateti in a ire n-hichd e.-Abeat. No. 2, 7lc 10 72e; coru, No.à ril Lir03-cd iihe ul anti several bu ildingme yllon-, 8SOcta 12c;nts, Nu. 2, 24e t New ien il. 25; ryn-. No. 2. 5 e mn 53C. ) theCinci»aai-Cîîltie, $2.50 ta *.50; bosi j- COMING INTO 'ACTION IiRONT.' Tiiese troops represent the. Natal carbinimwa, who took part ln the recent en- gagements at: Jienene andi Elandsleaage. Oea. ieliac ca sBeer Porcs T.u, Mlles froua Bel monte tien, Lou-t Motboeu's terce, advamiciag tW the rehief otr Kimberley, &ain mct lie Boer anmyaht bras lia,. heu mlle, Borth ot Belmout, Satnmtiay, anti a desPenalej batie. lailitîg ama: nyheureenueti. 'The engagement n-mo not endet nbn tieoair- ciaI report n-s seul, bot Il vas construeti a. a Britihi vtory. despîle ieavy lases, la n-n ie mears1i tacirent itoot More, han ilisaim.. A necopitnlatiOn et the lasses hy <Jeu. Iietbunnsforces ah Gras Pan shon-ws tat ifty Boersn-ene illeti andti -ce ns man: n-ounuet. 'lie batile began ahtIl a. m.. laslng outil 10 a. m. Boer lusses muet bave been utuci heavien thanmnon-n. Fîfi: bonzes n-en. roundti eati n-en. tie Boers n-tâtood a ateaty main ut shrapnel. Thie British tIi nut pmrstfe lie reîîted tonnes of lhe .miemy, buît habted on. day le resb. The brutntite mibiom ho botheu- gagemeuls wn borne iy lie Ninth brig- ade, tic nsval brigade, lb, Se-ond York- sire lgbt lntintny ant irit North Lau- smhire neginicut. 'I'e Boeu- force n-as compouet of Tmnsevaab sutdlF'ee Sf ste commandos. Il% .rillery wnscommauti- et by the Transvaal gencrat. Deiarrnye. Thie autillery n-as carniet off ;hcdlà, de- spitthe le auingatîsci cf lie Britisht cavalry. Among mhe iliietn-en, Com- mander Altredi P. Eintsenorcftle crus- et Pon-erfui, Caphain Guy Seniiom cf the Royal marine ortlllery, attaciet ho tic battleshlp IMonsrci, anti lai. Plombeofe the Royai marine,, Flog Captaîn 1R. C. Pratien n-as severely woutet. 'Tie* Boers oieled a camp o! Riotesin borne, nerli cf Crocoilie river, anti captons- thb bon» santi mules of tbe oquatinon. Up htaaethe- Boer@ hoîas piiscuens tiuty-nîne ollicera. 1,237 men anui shxly- tn-opblitlçuiprionera. Tbe total 11111- lobhlosaeu'slnce hie opranug et uie cani- paiga on OC. 15 are 222 thlbct. 881 vountied anti(176 missing. mainga atbtaI o! 2.779. About 400 ifbo sre nul se- counted. , Ilnlafearet, wn-e.kîllet. Gen. Metiuen'a secondi imîtie feresiati- on-sa abardi campalgo ton tie Britihb. The information sent iy corresiontieOts cou- cerans G«<e. Joubert'@ movements la 001 altogeticu- niaile. anti engagements msy i. lonketi for lu unexpecteti places. <Jeu. Joubert, lu an interview, tieclanca thé British n-Iùbeb.greabiy veameanedby tbehn bouss, andti tat a teuesite n-an b! the Beers n-ili resubt hu guernillîs airfare tic Britlihrouit nul loua endure. A dispalci frmut me-says mny llam- suat are leaing there 10 loin the lioera. TieBerien luhem nmarches frequeuti: hait Iheu- borsesanti tismount to pnay for divne guidance sud nid. As lhe sec- ent standtibythe Boersaht Gras Pan n-as ,oui: ten rmhles trout n-ire lb, lirfft en- ;gagement bonk place, anoîbel lb il expechet as soon as tic British &gain ut- vajce. DEATN 0F GEORGE R. DAVIS Dlirector Osesal ot Werfds PVdr IEx- pires tu Chieugo. Col. George IL Daiyla thet tlb. amity resitence, (092 Washington boule-vard, Cicago, iahnrtiay nigit. At the betisite n-cm *18 is -e, is tn-o sons.,hBenjamin and George R. Davis, Jr., mat ieh four dangiters, Della, Nelîhe. Geongia Belbe, fEbuaseti Davis andtihti atteniug pby- àsiebana. ti. Patton anti Fater. .On Nov. 13 Col. Davis n-sp strcei vILwti icart troubla andi a specralisl n-a. Occaplelau auffltantiMW Do-ma il- pînos Ton-aid Momatuis Maia atiîces ay liaIt Gc. MacAr- lbuns terce bas occupleti Mauguhareut, a-est of Bayambang, lu lie vabiy outhte Rho Agno. Setea Auterhcans wio hiît escOeaptifront lie nsurgeut. vo-en flon .t Msiigalauem. Thn.e ohhen Americans eacapeti front lie ebeis at thicoamme lime. 'Tb. eesplng Amenican pronen amy hiat tour Americsu tesenhen ian. aerviIg n 1h tic insungents. Tlhe insurgeaIts i.- maauing in tbe tesI ir re rentingi be tors- MacArthur ute th, mouriahns, tnas- giog sixmus. 'bey are lu commant of (.um. Alejaudro. Maj. Bell ha la punsit ut then,. Mucb laîcrestbIs minitesh lIn Wasbing- hon officiai cireles as to the dispositionaut Agunaldo lu case of iis capture..Nomne persona sey tint lie best solution -oîld b. ho put ui 10dcnitinmiaction. Siouiti Aguinaldo esespe ho Hong Kong lie Unted States couiti not se a malter of u-hlt sai for bis aurrender, an4 lie Pres- ient n-olt tiu'etolu ioubiess doter- minie ho lesete Iensurgent leader &lIe.. lu connecion m-i bthe dispositon of TIlE 8sm.rRatY AGUI.'AtLDO Agoimîsido0ln vaacetfcapture. lie authori- i. zolt bute lia uonsierthi e cfset 0o tieir polî-a mptu. nem-nsites Wiieu lime in.tnneelion ble iumly ani timiet, a iribiaî on a commibîce tili bh sent lu govî-ru lie Philippine!%'. Teai-ci ipelagi> ail lie divite- inmt.,tour milîtan: teparmiut. lth.- ibsmît .ît Linon in ttc over n-bih(;et%%. i.awtiimasnt acAm thur twil probahly preite. Aduniral Ililvin ldtnsy cablpt ai-or firmathun of thie reporte-b sîîrnnter out li entlre provnoeîf Zanîtnaiia slant e 1.inticuto. Anu nmondit lomal surend, n-sa made by the- natives lu Comimande Vemy of the C'astin,. lieu. Otia' Iront Dowancnupy Esmioanga. n-be inh l principmal riîy o! lie isîmuti. Tiesoufi eru isît ni the. am in lapaciietinas Ameican ut hority sopreme ho hie di- triet. Sec-relany Rot sud lieenetamy Lot are elâte-Ianti predtietnthtic emnaur ufthie native srmy n-li uet snsy n-ith out offenbng turtien effecite resisîsuce. Afler lie 1atFiipino comînei cf vie et Bayamiang in lie bouse non- oceupie iy tien. IfamAthur, thie native arn scattereti ereryn-icre aicng lb. uinesC aîroatis. Tn-enhy Filhpinos espIune lime. anti killet on. cf a foraging par cf soltiers near Bamban. Tic Americar punisiedthle nties iy drlvlng tie Fil pinot, intofie mounhalus anti butuit them villmge. At Malualqul lb. tirnaet fAtos Sheila. president of lhe thnn, lie vie presitient andti lIe members of tie coni cil n-recul bocausethiey wetcomed th Amerirns. Tic mayor of Son enmim n-be rote lu a csrriage a lb (.en. IIie. ion, waismunteneti IMPORTS AND EXPOATS. Treamnny Sltatbmiu- Sib-lng Baisa et Trade in Fan-an ut Jmle Fus 'rie delaileu lIes o! ihe SelilernI imports anti exporta havi- li-n>comPîi ed thle lressilvr tt-iaif vlsatii 'l' us-sttimsnunatiuonwli-i a-cumPan1 bicu sica-w Uitheirin commerce ut f ?month hy grual ilainc. eompinetti , eltiat nn B is patient a-as foîud >- isO05 bu a eMtical condition. but on-ua te bigset M greal vifality rallel anti for acreral timysArtilesmoaffood astl tien. n-as bope utbisa recovr-r. On liaI- lIte animiales-.. a14,07345 urdsy. bon-even. ie bgîn tlu aisanti an ArtIce i atieo heur bfore bie passet any lebécarnrte metic lndislny. - a,4i-1.It uconaiona. Atcles oaut. Col. Davis n-sa bornun Polmuer, as.. ton.d for ..la lhe me-visnlc arts 4,5:J1,35 in 1840. lu 1802 i. elîshet antiWnasAricles MaiRa!e- matie a captain iluthie igti Niagaenbu- hret reaty toc sellaiutnanhny. Laher be cnteuedthle nonsuenphliomin .. tIthOîtO cavary sevice andwnaspromotedtu toa A try ue, t toisa colouley. In 1871 b.es'eut in Chicago. etc---------------. 1,821.419 Re n-n.tiretor gcnerai oethle Worht's Total Impont.. -8451W8 Faim. _____________ Pen cenI. otft eq. - <o n EVANS A CANDIDATE. Dalles i'olbe.he-i... $16,759,574 Fîoreign gouda ne- manmimla wn-- TcuemaetVilIINaiM IsUlmfer lie Vice bouose------------ 31.1x7.434 Presltncy. 1OltEiTbICEXI'OITM Teupessee. nili preatt ie nome of B. Prouso f ,.grlnul- - Ciay mranzaua a candidtate for l ie Vie- tInn,------------ 5,aes.seu Pruesîtital nornn- Pin-ducls ut manu- factures..... 27,,02.047 lion onthie Republi- Prodonts of a ia r g 24.459 can ticket. Ticeau- Pnoducnts et lie for- nooncemieilt bas beeu cs.......... .54,2 mite at Ciattlnoo- 506n.s------ - u.72 ga by Mr. Evans' Mloeiseu - i..... 110. friemids. Erans, l 13 Total umeule - - calmed th le Most expontm. *89304M p p u i r M iau m no n F ore lg n gond s ne- thi IibFuoisaus fou-lie expotetl.......... ,341.07 - Ice-p"dlteney. 5Sen Golt Iimportsa-....$14,510%,41 ator Cuiboulils -a Gob301dexporta.... 11:1.102.1 b.tqmc shtartIig for HIver importa-.. ... 2 .615i Washingteo laI no iSîbver exporta -... . 5,15.103t M. CLAY arAs'. betten men coulti h. Totl Iitmote ut iuctbndbae ine ou t icnthe ticket. m o ts -.. . .. 1 5 3 ,i8W put ____________________ Total esîortu ut N WICKED CHICAGO- m.reniiuje tIe misuttis -8.......... A ThumsutiCrêWBRoi a baormen anti vian-Hlm, VALUE OFIHOBART E A tosauti vorachoUS cron-s sn-onpe dVc rsietsW downun ou hnbuSchidtt, a German trucîk Dn iePehcV c farmer bu the suburbe ot Chicago,'l'orns- ma"e ut *15,000,00 day. andti tok froma. bOn a iv.e-pourat Il lae tinialtd hiat Vi-ee.iî package o! §engage satdben- ana:. 1bartleil an esiale vaumet ah - 'rie experlence et Schidht inu one ufthle or peniapa alnr., lie arrie- mont remarkahle -et tic kindt hisIever suce sili acterai arge decoraledth le bocks cf the. Cbicago police arnountîna in lb. aggregahe t tieparmrnt. Tii. altaek upon îi wnasThe remains of thicale Vie 4 mde near bus home n-ien b. n-a etou- n-bU iol b. lacet untier groin lng fronu a meal maniethait a mile b. hcleseut lu a massive btoa avay. ,Ris tac. and bandes shon-tie bulIlt oi »er receptlon lu C effactaet lis lst iththelia uts, a & Ceuietery. lu the meantiui t. Nen-feuo&ntIadtg tint aclompaulu ihuMvWi bulet la ,the nesvigg bat ouaofetw belm ôFlu e Osma. 7 nbau. 1 $L0,371 24.32S8. 10,43Z M,84 4,3 .37 W25j Pd liim 2.37s o$3w,2 ke8P.es ,und, bu ne be 1 cempt i t . mtiio mldas em u it oumla mille&. The mont ditlngui advoman ai the 17 SVwm« teiCa»? u Nuber- ee ofuthostitisa la Seti Atrica le Perty DBoes@Taken P iso ne . Lady BmataiW illmee, s Wser etftthe iate A British vlctory itun-iici hli mprowa am a et Z251 odicern anti men.lan iliet. ,naunded anti misaiu sn the Onsi reuit et the iigluiiig oilhe tom-aid Moetett in south A,,,e. (jeu. Methuen* col- ora, ats-ancing hoatth. reliet 09tif mbet-, ley,,encounteret i a trouterce e of rs ' ' I near Beirnont ati trove liseni fr~ontheir pouition afier a terce taie imting mang boum. The offic-ial report to tie n-ar elied states tiit Iberepublic'a fm e ne.lord patopi bae rositei. but gives nu estimate of the.liin-b areprte1 a lBer oses. Ou lie British aite tire. 11*Wo a deport. ita offien ant iritly-lite nMens 5re kileMko d»qa rt tn-entylàoÊî ilcer ni 125 memn-ounui- ars.e try tu-oui Kbl et, n-kIl. eigbteen or Ille ruand ami miulng hibe nonue are lîstet an mtaslng. tien. M.ethuen u rsn h e l a i ma s th a I l e e u c n y (j r r e d a n - i e i nr s a e t i nt r, e tac i -o ilarge nmuwirs cf dentl ai n-ontid u ens.saent neo thirtrent. Forly lunlaîmersn wee.takIeu Marlborough. had iOve sonsanti six y thie imupriai forces. 1dae en a d:gbtera. 0011ivrteofthesous iried Mnt a reliettion of tiie bolie of Blants- dobpb, tie 9ther sucoeeflta 0 iitheDku-- ltigle. A tismptch of lhe prenions day dom. andi bia son la the prelseul anti nliîîî estimtet Ibat the Bolins-s utht vlelnity- Dulie. Lady Igarai Wilson. @@ys tie num ere t 2,185> a mîd that îey altire. Chicago T ribune, la t ere ore astirent guns, aut, jlging front the absence of Cson fte prént Daleiloît.ie any stateiiieut to the, contrsu-y lu tb. oMf- Cnul .-drlt ciel report, il las heiereti that the. iiritisb - n-en sigtly suisenior lu numbers tu tie IPerbapa ten- people kmon- Iba th.. eueuiy. sasiesof John Paul Joncs, One if the. Tbe Boer* ihal -bon a pfioolnn-itb rMos itsdtlabiseti eroes otthe Anmnri- their euptomimiry suiianti aen. stromgl beau revoltotnu.n intrencbed. Theu- ihtleb n-en. olgedtu1 - buiiet aomueri carry thne. itigea lit ni-cesion. Appar- In-ber.noiimy entby theii amantbore tie bruni in ecarry- lttoan-s. 0tIrlesd ing the. bush litige by a bayonet charge hie s. Aer les a&fi-r Ibm.defe-utera bad been siaken Ylas h meli wifb strapnlîe. Nohlug Il aiau s osevctbuate whéieth le pocitions an> gaînet n-e m0e alluee an>,- bei,. tndt hedstruluction ut ammummîlîon nce. Joue, enliatl> srecul t>. itdicste tbat the. cotrnrymw-sImthie Frenh a-r- tie case.vie an yia W1'ile Cet.. 'Methumen caunlie cougratu- IPAUL zos. sbortlY attera ntis. iated ufion a hiibant vittory, il la #alin-sa bu-led 14fis- aithte cosf ut a ieivy loue 0 of im-r susid French capital. Efforts h oale thie men. tami of the grent naval OffIcer have. tamt- Tii. seenets-y cf n-an jen Lontioahaîl o tuiitedate, bhu it m eetiuc-aet vigi- recivetl thet tloing dlspaîch. tbmoi b ance Ih la tiuugmt miat lbe dlacovery a-u ten. Forestier-Walke, muni lie. e- lie mie lu the coure oftiUe b>eau-e thora tullY mnspetlng the graveyardsoutl'aria. "Attacked fie pecrnt at iylînet. HeRecnîtiy tbe Philadeiphiea Tînmebas n-as in a sr>îng poition. Tire.- ui>gpoi commnrned ho agitate the malter lîy uug nen carrnet lunsuicesrAion, the. lent dlt grstlng ibat cloa.seanàrh c i .iatlîtd tank big covereti br ibripisel. lutan- for he Krsve o! Juhn Paul Jouls..aund try b.i.r.d spieutiidby auid re-eveti smp- lu lhe eveutthme quest Ls suceas5t hot port tram in thenvaraigade sud srtilpry. the body lb. irongit bock ta Ibis roin The eniery fomgt it l>it rage ant iii. tfny anti turlet ia Washington. I). c. Bat 1 attacked Intuer i shouldborbae bad TweSvbe governors sud many otber distin- tanrlienvier oss. Our victuîryn-as tom-. guiahiai Public memn bave imdrnedth e ceu- phete. Have taken torily pisoners. Arn fenlris,. bnryl a gndlnmiter of the Hle, but - the greaier part o!fie eîiiiyo ilîhed sud Sarnuel Csreemey, a commissionmnier- won-oued n-enre muve-fl iy hbelu comn chant ut Chicago, testhiet brtore tie rades. Have cesltqired a lange sautiler of Nationailudndstriel Commission lu a., horses anti cosnsut ula-troyet a arge sion lie, tiat a quant ity of amnnimiitiou.' comuhiatiou of ove - ~-- n-aihhy grain men, tF LI.PINOS FIGOIT AND RM iof n-ilch I'biiip 1. a-Kuem7 BaIlles (tubbornly Whtet B.-Armour slab.edb- le treathuz W S@mat& Barbaras. n-ding genios, con- '-hrie.bas been mamchsevere lîghing trois ticelîrice ut 7 aortit o! Iloilo iince Touiady. Four ferme~r%' prouts. 0.Amerina ansbve- beenkille-t smddtweuty- Armncmr. bie asys - Ove wounds-t. luebudmmatiret nlters cliicte bis n. The. Insmîgents are refreatinu 10taulant utofrelgit un àn n-Baubara. Col. Carpenuer atesucet eil. nalirost inluor a01t le n-au-t Santa Barbara, tralgit northifront r Chicago. Tiia ifJa Ii iaigtrench aller tien-ch. the eue- i-ommmilnatimîm bc- ~ mio r my giting sot retrealina. tien. Hughes' tucen railroamis ud -ou r coîntun ibas teadily i,.en atvaneing miîrîi ivao p-rlîsbas pnacticmbiy kil" n o ai apolîunn-stofSatsBa- nnpecou nin.i grain Marktlilatbe hC tbars. it anpotoneent at bm lusutar.i est. aund bag eft lh. prouolers nifi a b-detaciments. Six ho heu Amâericimis acre uiiooby o! the markel.,lty bording 'Id wonunmd ln tbis couisntn. un se quantiies of grain in lb. mar- l- Col. Cirp.-nten on Tustay Marrnt.gketelliter t bas giver ise ta tieprotes- <g9 openlet aith iatlery G oft hieSixti u- oa1 1 ar specniater. n-bmse businesaIlb b5o tilery onuthet I obs. 'i eey Io- t h cbm endownnthe marie, sud hbas beye>i as tb. artlleny honi uîp positmon. brouit loto elialence anti matesf.leh n-oundlig four. Tn-o companies of th,. biie; shop. mna Twecnty-nizth.régiment, garriuiouiuag J au-o, ed m u re dt ht ro u g b C a p az . a iîa ck in g t h e. en -i W ibe l'a rsas-sa rin g in g w- b b lien, ' * i! emny ou lhe rlgbtt iani. tirlviug heni IiiofuthticBoer vicoriensthebe r da.). l ai n-antiCoi. t'anpcnler. villie-reports fiat Sir Edmnunti bu,mmsmim. tii The countryietn-eeu Jaro sutdISanta bhe IBritish li baw- 11< Barbara hn tbickby inîreuciieti espéealîy s»dor Imu Frai.e. 'a" riear Paria. The Sixth artibiery iu-e on i1sion-eti ihi n-un- il the, trenc ies a mdît h e ig teent i mgi Cern eta h le , . a metcagtibe enemil!retrestlug 1toi ,4 by îsklng bis cnal the methrgedc. TeE'ieet sauatternoon dri- in mio cbargeul, eueounlening anti attacking sa thle Bois.irn Pmi ce force o! bolo men, labunn-eu-e hititen ili mon n b i>,rail.- lu h loungtrius.anti nho ns.rey wonntied Pe The'2ie yotf ii.- ýbe crerai Ameriemins. 1>îina hli fter- Empire lunlFrance." os noonu the.fighilua-s ae->,rmmeiatelyHe ocîiles lie 4r, somîthbof Pavin, tir>-, miles noruli of mont important po- Jaro. sillon amomia Eut- Tii. Twenty .sit*mcinipamileti relllo siirit ,5iOiS liab ilornal sud cil 10 Jaro att'n uthe flank movemnt. in. a -mntaAllv cie-i hpO~ onaesencise mthe bavîna captuneîi fini - -pund smoothb îitush to-tanti aill. ie t!. app iîîuimuell lce bore cannonindîîîamiqîîîîmmty of aeinis andti ol'anis lun17 mnt ites wnlîhiun-ie. aiinluiliin. Tiii..-mim> u ltsis tî%not sudmi ilîrîîmimlithe mogniiic,-t palace 1, obtainahile. btnem-s-mn snare touaîd <ii-. ,-imîîîed bicPl'bine, tihe01.1.-r or je.I n tii-t oi ne lrî-nni. Na!ul olinapiarte. Bir Fadîm,îiimd bas i" F R E G N R S P T I IO D A m.1l cummin m th i. lîî natic ervic fie t îrty- - -ien FOEGNR PTTINe le yeacs. l)nnig the Spaniei Amten- lie Tbey Au iin oAccept 7Nominatlinu is nar lbe look atintalge of ail uipifi-- mtli for Re-V.bectli11. liill!ai a publie banqnet bu s-ara laIn One cfthie moat notabhle polies1a dem-t-ranee ln diplomatic language of lie otmvrailsinluhie hiuiîory ut Mezico oc- toitl eiiso!aEmomamcaiion cîirred lu lb. City of iMexico aiien uih. alailma the IUnitedi States. >foreign resitenhi ofthbat anti atjinilia- ro euutmiesmarciet in a procession up Saimt ic ,-cite beyer baan onfeta dvitniu-d Francisco street ho tie national palsce t t ab 1imot o! lietuatloi,îsout bau-a- Io 1 urge Preaitient Dia 10 ccept theii. mic-ltec-ret fraîcrnity bas picem-iuot ý.inomination for re-elecîhon by the liberai thliniuIll l wisc Party, n-bose convention nili essemible ho jiimundohasl ae- .713 eanby lu tie cOming year. cî-î iu-It ' e i iges. - Several tinusadtFrencbmeli,4.c- Juttsnon-ticelel.k 1T4 Mans, AmericanO. Enabisbmeri. Belgianlu. lexsu ncuiiînnmre 1 Auahiang anti Italens boni part. Bouses twiniitia iil"ietoîî 3 06 a n ti in in e sa s e i hice a w e re b a n tso m e l t i c iy t e ri ce o fu - adornne-isiti ugags anti Feteral emblîme thebvarlîm fa ter- Da4S andtihle Ameriran anti Englia inbisesnilies. Th. pleutre 3.96 were conspicluii>m. Tihetemonstu-atiOion i-a a milcanidatîe n-as wu@vievct by an cîormons cron-tof i thebUniversity Mexicanq. oeticheigam i ng 111121 <J.u. Diaz reimiedta hoils radiera lu a iownn tle m2a- ine u lquent speech.i. un wbichbin treet cf AnAr- deprecatedthte ideathbat a mancf bils age lion attired inlu a en miviAts. ,415 aoui>t i. seece tolu crry on thie exeeti- ridieîttnu costume. carryiu, a blu-ulCota m,2g# tiv e ipanrmnlohfcihie Governnlfnt au- uîund inutncin 0ta Il Passeras hiatb v 1:maillcer four years.luf n-vu, veny rresb.' ramil Otde aand ILads. Tic Young Il f Mancesr.nb .%u Cuba andi Porto Rico n-hi bave exhib- baunjîmt mati. bis appesuance.aan-,4 1.356 ils ntIthbeParia fair. i-orepndtent; la cepotet ausasyîig t la 4,4 - lit a nreci ai Bibivile. Ais.. Engineer nils poition wnonj g,340 Pattergon vns millet, malte 1h easl tue Trucek enopo ail Qamond, La.. are ruin- hlm ta gel lie ne, ,-148 cml oit accnîttit of te drotith. ltwe Afrîcaoas.nil _î 1,594~~~t A abmti... ase.aI ie rsenl. r', t il -l i .1-1 i-] pual t U. rai, i Ah. h lo lu put hiiiti buiie ct t H., n-afil -W leW -olt let hi them de.y ..lp Raye. Hea. den-y H H cae, eame' tolu Myl scen- aImaI moti My tale kuot l nerf laib ei .. hea abat 1 j ýý ý ýý,

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