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Lake County Independent, 15 Dec 1899, p. 3

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r 1 ris have been atout et&iU* f big C,:;:ii theora in, or,,rifl,ý,ofi loit tir, The asérunied Ignorance of the illke 1 1 là r - he - sI IN Toi, - ariotrid u,. Our fit-id swilné; riant Je%%, la true ta lifte. The miai@W toi go- le, a e arvles., illibelievint mon 10,11181à ilote, lin al did sidendid work, C the, B_,s - we sought il lwtto,,. atiol endenvors to show him bis doty te- posir al, a nii, a.ny. lier.. wo, fouild want. God. Nine times out Of ion ff nbe, th& grotind rebeller, and the infautry optickly tuait ill not directly rieur thet hekiliffl got intre position and oixýned a tire rit lu ri 9 owe soine duty ta (jade but lie WSB U"v, range, iihile the maori inrantry were .. NN'liy. 1 don't tee that 1 am sur wm»*ý sent out tu try and gel ai tire Roxerso light th'n 'tri- average. There's your De*bM7 Malik. lune', là .. '-and then a catalogue et DM- , . 1, to tIliý lime %,-r bal, sllffered lont lit ,,a defect.. The man la dolytio - lie, loit a new d-ingt-r sudolpoly appenred. (;oit. yet lit, pretends net ta redise dm, The B, r ri. rNere in lie, lias e-r donc In. à .1 " . 1 Il "" "' The.- Iews irait supporied ÙM lâ« trou 11 1 on il 'irht flanlî, bill now r1.n0ýlIhe north anotht-r strong ""'loi holy a rertain degive et ilio-re vani. ble hollow- ed comniand, nil ujonnted. who inenaved our le 1111-ir U""rs left finfik. Cutavre sent tire Iri sir and of wor-bip, their mai Nort hu Il d:ofýrlaod regiiiients ri) taret tirera, Illeir blernulbed offerings, r and il,(. ro,.ýnIt was sinility disaittrous. for 1 lunes. Throy fictuelly lied Ùw a tho-y dasho-d etraight lut. the deadly tir'. te, o.oni God III DU of a minotier tir machine gains, which the ed tarit illolipries of service. Boers haol Iyly Idaoýed in a courenled Pu- is PrK.i"ly what rireme 01 an aie .ilion. It was e'ident we bâti calight a ._elity. leur it ile alwaye the Tartar and were in a nasty position. The Christian thnt e,ýmPlai". Elee Iran, Iristimen and N(>rthtiiiib4ýrluiiel.ý got bacl, ivver given le, Offli big WhOW as 1-t they could, eao-h mith 300 men 'l"d affection and loyaity, le the gloire - - hi, wouders why bc in Dot *0 Tho-ro- was nothing te) do lont retire. Thoi proqoerous and happy, and wby the Boé-rs iiiiiiitý-rýl nt lenst *;,(M)9). British IIÜ.ý withbeld frOul 4hu son natal et discipline aýed the ariny. Tire" wax ne) gooti thinX8 of lire confu.sion or disorlier. Every quan was -We rall the proud happy»* Ûte in bis place and tho, retreat was rarried a r, lit ill oi)eakiqag. This la t"Wr out in perfect order. t1w collinir, being aient, not th, lèrplact'a. They CI" eovered loy nitointed infiltutry and artil- 1 lie haughty and carrelle» men w1we liffl lëry, ready Io sivitig lutte position nt any oletied (lad are the rooally proupeuffl monn'nt. 1 hat God*oâ power and justice aft The Boers follow(.d clooor-ly. swarruing plit in doubt. arotind cour fianks. and dragired along two **Tlipu they that fetred the LOM fort y - pounders, which they traitred oit rix "fier% one ta acother:" do net base a at every opporIunity. Ilad their Cianners triaching on the word "attente' fer 1*1 horion worth their salt they would have à Il, 'lot in the original or in the revoieild 4à- liicted severre dannage on lis, but their allu ion. Undoubteilly they that feaM wax %vild and our cestialtieo were surpris, Lord did elwak often, but that la IM- ingly few. A. ove neared tire '%Ie'Iteno ýlateuwiàt or the toloit. The chà» a" "nip the Boer. gaý,- tip the pursuit niid red te, la a clans of whicb èoffl r*#Vêb," drew off. bille i. %aloi tu the Old Testament., whivii wae the very sait et thaï during many (*nturien. somaum MANY MINERS MEET DEATH. lire called -the meek," wmefà@M right"tsg," mometimes -tbej, that lm Terrible F.xpl.ei.. of Ciotat Damp ilit hovah." They tivere mes lerady et. Carb.a.do, Ille hirth sud obiticure et statiolle inained teadfant ta the true OM Fighty men went dowil into tunnel No, (of the Carbon 11ill Mining Company rit 81 the vicimit udes of pollue» a" Carbloindo, Waroh.. and five hours lat'r raft. During th&, ..lie their en explosion of coal danop took place. niay have ine-remaM somewbat the blori- than thirià, tir this ritiniber art, philo, of that period teurbing case 1110 dead. Twenty inaimed. burned and blitiol- which ail nSedded te hoara. cil survivors woort- dravin rite, more dend luit: the century tirait followed ther @suis titan Mire. Those oho lere not killer. te, have boîten few. and the godiffl outright by the for" of the explosion rire hall thinsa very much their oswu V X4 weriý henniaed lit loy falling wails, joinned in rite Inter pmainim we have the uiûé-, down hy replintered timbers and suffocat::d noire. of donne of these rightmot case by lhe deadly fautes of black danii) whi b tire unennuaieui books written la immediately filleil the mine. ing centuries there are DUM@rO« The exploýi,-n Ae-o-iirrell 1,oitnýeýn 10 and tiýü,, or -the tn,ýk," -the righteofe Il o'(-I.(-k. as vont- a, ,air tee TI ey kept alive the %lessiaute bope*. The nien mere gathering lit t1w inotith (of . :lUterao:ýàod the raffidly formaliablil the tunnel lirtiottrittý)ry for (lintiging for 1eýiiey or l'hiirisaigui; they prepand the, noon shift- There %Ntt.ý air eiiorntý)iiý 'N'a y for the oukiug et Christ. That rtiti)llirig solind, and ilàoýii il veased lit, Oit)illil speak une ta another was riiptly Tiie ri iat-iii, oit lit(. vinage knew o rn 1; fier mich (,ujpaaiionohip au th« ovotàn, Id tic ililloug theinselores. thoý terpible of ihi, and Ili the -day of Jehovah," the dal ed te) the oit 11w joli. (;r,-jtt vol- judginent for the trige thet then w unies (of ýnlik,- bill, k daitoi, mûre pollring f,ýiiii th'. duy when al] things ivere ta be Ili lidditolit ri, t1w Pighty rnoýn in tiiiiimi op t1w Lord would taire the» Nit. 7 tIwroý tio-re IjuiioIrtýoIs or others in as. bil ownpeeuliar treUU9,04 go, diff,ýro-ilf illiol il nt once là,-vaine (-ostly a et beautiford. Itit et r ille limier intinnate diticloscrires et aieloitr,-iit that fhooov %%trt, in iiiiiiiiiio"It di, lie in.-n-y that clin be foulard la poril front (Il,- danip ýhih ,oold Old penvirat.- all the ýllloft,. Thp illet, tri in that c-oitàillg day the une relatIM « the siirfji(t- -- tiiiiilde il, afford nny Ihillgu will lm made clear. Thiers WM,,ý blit the mille I.oýsoopM i à à loi. lie, elitb,.tilty theu abolit telliai il or the eath realired io (lie, illili-r rond «Illich the saint. l'-il ond led Ill lire- nieil they could coit pi,-ture tir the day Qt judg»IW&t @f leot ýolI Ilortingli lire- loir ohurts. Il ýý1tS il day of burniug and destruction in feulai nearly imo hutirs Wforé, w1lý Ill, oeith ilo. in ýhi:,;: il, njany or the, prophete, more empecil.k-b Il th.- 1 lie- laier onel. It i- lasingerY. et OBOM.M j1jst ni, the grheuua of the New 'r@Ïbm vient i.ý ijjiagery: but imagery Ilhet tour- to. dri Piloir Killrd. illialy liait a clearly delirried me*Wng 11160 ýI1 ('.en. Gîro-gorio dul Vilar, vointerniol ... g of il. Agiiiiiiileto's bodygouird, was killed by -The Sert% of righteuumeu witb b«t*« Mllj. Pvyloro March's battalion of the in bis %%jugs;" there la te lie a Thirty thiril infantry in a fight eighle,ýn fur those who tenir Jehorriah., ntile., of ('.irouiitem. Act-onli nit i.,e ilatural and qisual ta make " te, report. mihit-h Cen. Young obleiiiied a mette naine fur Jeans Christ b»M froin -caped Spanish prisoners ai Vign spell eun livith a capital. The Màteo$be, s-eral day. ligo, Maj. %larch left t à-ho adjective "hi." brio DutIdDU te 40 tonst. %ohiýre hi- Nvns letirstiiiig Aguinaldo, the case roi morne might SUP (,en. del l'ilar toit il forti- watt not in use. ni 1612. Prato C. fi, à . l'ho-y fonulit fier tour lion". Brown. lit the -il, -11 tir, t bie pa..gge and the precordilsil ur j', v, trio n., e-%,(-Ilty Filipinte. we n:ý ;,r,:, Biblical WOTId, demm killed or N%*ýoind-L The Ainerieýitqr los"s are directly Mespianice tient ilà, velt:, ýoio- innn killed anoi six wotindvol. e uns( itute dirert predict of .. «'etlu of . lil vievo- i,; nu lesri divine 1 ordy'it la a promise for t a SàtlalIpý,X i, t.oýo.oIàlinjz quoi. ruit, lit 1 ..N_ achrs trait, a* Weil a Il r ne %"oýnüzvo lie. Il!,ý feuring peuple of later 0,Vs- -I viill socnd Elijah the prophetf- IIW hilled l'y the is, will sq-uti sautiller prophet Hire MUSe ,7' Oinalla, N,,I,, a prophet ut warnitig, preP«atorY ta ille tili,ýr night. - - . bi dr'y ut rt4.*onins Wb" bý 1113nit Il. lo olooli'lito a n-, eo o",o,ý!.- à, is vell known that Je" taplist canne tu do iuàst this weds. Tho, or 'i' liloiiýii,, l'bar lie %ide Spolieu of as the rat Nialachi. The Jetas, 1111061r~4 lical 1 lnai,ý of thrlu 0'icially expected lnkw Sto'ti. I'ý,rt Plain, N. iiiiii,,.If to rocturn in the gitýoh. il inio "i 1,01ilig bill' eliall titra the heart of the tad»» eeanto'd ili 9 lit- t,, i hi. children, 1-1111 the beart Of the de : di-el, tu tbeir fiither-,": ail alille l"Q fil, to.g,.tlee-r in their commun irelub- tht. illo-ro-Y And grace»f (;a& 11 b»1ý tho. fautily truly nuiled-#Atbw lie th'. É(..d. Ando»W*t** th(. flilllil> is ILLtiý preserved sud !t Mr, IL,ý,, lied Neill socielly lit- Bute frolu nod 1A.111119 eItr-, , the t.Ilre of 1 i tend .1 :I(j, à i1ý, N .1 Ni..,t CoMbas rata. ltý, "il.. 11ilit ntý,lhor 't'au aloi -l'a. 9: 2-"6. A 'Mexiv.) i, ,et the firiauve Figlit tlOU«nd men autre mili tirer FroW a 1 miulng lesd and nom la Xri taxes lie reduoi-d. Vash re".r%ýe ix more total OctPut t0lo 1M.11 100 than $Wow.UW. lésd UM 14^«$ tffl 00 "'s BRITISH ARE ROUTEDITIM SUNDAY GENERAL GATACRE MEETS A ýSERIOUSSUBJECTSoà%fMUw DECISIVE DEFEAT. CONSIDERFO. 'ý ý ý 1 . 1 1 1 1 . - 1 1. , 1 1 l .. ý m ynare amillens ymnelt Mn thon 7« Rimaillai lans appeared in biterling. .ý 1 d allie bila, and liai are màking beaven IL LIN O IS ST AT E N EW S Il Il not Ille ppeunelled te YOD, bat, recon- - -_ - , Lilial: siqer a I"ilI'I.,v of ILý, 1 ......... flis, 1 , ie, 1) 1 for your soid en inipossibility. If he i -fautes W i-I-lI-tr mitý ihot ,hil, ,It- t M ý ciled ta bien In titre or six hours it wilà 1 ý1 . V icinia. ri OCCURRENCES DURING THE ', ý bil sua Olives, The dahlias wili bloom ... i;"*ý'. 'ý":,::Ir.1 Tr-t là,lil SIL, Loý, Iliasils . Il 1 1 LI irait the western sky. Sourremisabers, be- PAST WEEK, , ;Il It-Il L 1,1,,iiIl l'IL, t'..,.I, giI,,,ý.1 :L p'à lint l of aveuging fiaient, Hold a convention of saweüls liait, and fleur lake a -hovel and __ ý I Il Ili gin t,,Ii,,,,,,. ,lit, If I1ý,t.il ý'r .Illi . . frÎ(»"dl un fiais istiblect la your parlur or bury file ail quai ut leralit six triait i lis.. dref). -1-et out tilt- brise go d.w,, ,,ý, suffi VoIr ... ý "a iýi.ý,."..I- &.11111.11, ý 1. Offlied lit 8 Or 9 O'qýIolk. Close the een- ý,uIIr %%ratll.,, - ll"",ýiIIl iiý,lI;- ,,.I- I:,,,ýýj L, IlI . ý fat by writlug a bitter letter exprementis; 11-rillinu 1:ýl'.Ii,,,I. .If IL riltatiomi il..ýIi-;,II.i,, ifltI. .],:,II.1 Illui, I.-I il, Iý'I J'Our "['tinterais. Take front the LI or l, .. Tièc, Fusiller K,,.-.. laszt-Let %tt.lkeIl cet lit-à- ilInir. Doni - j'Il A, I ILI'. %Il 1 [,.,ýl,,t I l"i', 1, ': 1 Lý,I, PigeOubOle the pairerti ira the case Io re- lt"'," loil -iý, -I brave soute thon 1 >i,--iIglil(t Street for Iiil . mo.o I Il. P:L L I, 1 fresh yolir failli loisir yulir euetu>'. aient. li illis ,Leur; Il'. lemi la 1. pur affole eue. and 1 A i.i,1,-,I .,il ,1- 1 ,ýn,,,i.1 l'. l'. 1, Lefils. 'Ili lie domo and livait si liai. ý es', - 1-- Mmir- If 1 tes Sonseil te- ý Iý...itIg of the say. and il ', ill --ose'. ,,a- , , I-I.Ký-t 'il ý,Ii1*1"." lenting '. 'l'heu 1 l 1 1, 1 -, Il 1. L'il 9 ...... , ý ', - .i- - i1ý1 lis I ImI-Lý,IIt tiý,,ri ,,,, Ili. ý-,II.- ,ý ý ' fore sall (.uuàr4. or Yukil- hlt-t-1, Ili[ be or Ili.. failli, I.hilli ut lie'. 1,."%Itg of oreille :,,,il '. il ý .I ýll"I 1 " ý, 1 ,.,,! 1 l . - - I.,iI.f .IL K. ,I,1,,,,"IlI, - !Ii 11,11 --,L-ila- and, Ir ilors tui- i fil. l'IL, tailler ,, Lý,L!,,t . .I "" il ,I;, ý , :, ý ' IýIIIiý." 1 ii,,,I. . ,vorried (]'ait eý"ýIl, 1'l'oin Ir latoll-. - -- !LI , il, - _ 1 il . . . precaution Il lie dut ou your lai si. a IIIL4' ý11111Ii 11,11. or U..d, ou the -1 ild'» '- \\ Il' LI 1 là. ,Il ', ', l'. , ý ý, ,-I 1 ý \Il i 1 ;- Li IZ. I , .. l'IL, i.",. I ., Il ,il il. ý l ,:. ý friglitrui niglitilar.. aile.. ilàà k-ge lifter lerchausit., and nons, il t,.Ii, '. ili., 1-ý,I- - 11, 11-.1-11114 il.. ,i,,g,,.,Ii,,,L i.f .NI.ILIýIl ' IL - _- 1 1 - WhY flot [>lit a buiiie(l Lu your ItiiiiiI,à ' IlII..ý1.1ý'l,"I'lIat ,.[Iildinbýiligu,,riL,.IlI-,], ' ' ';;ýLt_' 11.11,11". il ..]ý11.11 1,11IL.111. 1 ,ý. 1 -- K;.,-iý,ý Il, , 1,Iý,f ,If ,1.Ifl ý,r lis. à.l, j; I ... ý 0('.Pyrigh:. Lussisla KlIp.,b. ilsi , itYL' W hy let )oLir filles coule iiiii, fi ý aloi ,,, D"".1à onglet out tu 4 put ni, "' 11--lI-'il IIIIII IIIII.. - ,. ,ý;,. 1,11,.,, li,.,l ý IIII 111 IIIIIII.LL. ý 3, lae 1 il -I', - IJL .,-,.,I",I.,lýý I p i Il - .1 In.LIý, jý.,l 'Il- q ', IIL.ý 10 )I-:I, I.!.l >Ir, .If ILI dixIý,,irýe Dr, Talaieffre [A a situait itieâ of ýour duriuitury'il Nes 1, t h- - Il Il- 1 le-- L hild nofmaded, -Fsi a,,, ý ý 'Il * . çn É es the wurldl's revenus~ and rý('oliI- 1 ifioae ëIasjdert-rý ,rit kilo" , ho, -IIIL le 1 con ,mi and 4;.d, 1 ' Il . . 1, 1 ý-I-'- i.i.I1- 1 lIIj,--( lýý,,iý,,ýý.."ýý,;ýýýý'.1ýýýt;ýll: , .11. leuve ulr--uly --;;:""--.ý "-ý;- -:*." ,,,,,,,, IIýi Illli 1 111 ýL flaffit (IIIIL, , l";ý:lý ý . t: .,IIt* Veils.s "ill aloi â1b". tl'o intjoh loi- il, :ý:" , !ý: ,,,, ,, il g rn latin soute (if the ýue ,harine and leul 1 31mir reputation tu I)ie(t.S or ,,j .. .... 1 y ,,L, L'à Ina, jLiý el , , .et v jeurrirelleans belli oer )Ot'r le ai I fais; tel il il 1 otv 1 fildren. Ili fier, il or ", IIII -, th ý é-t--rILitý et %,ili lie f,>tiIil p Lu huil nIt oire - "d, LI"I;ý t.",t, li'. - , ý -IIii, "'I ý-1, \II,,I.,.,, fý., ,1,..(;[L,.."i. .ýi" ,II . IýpbV2D)ur in bains%[. .1i.ýlI"il'i ... à; t'xi. , lI.,ýili. 1 IL. - Ii,,Ilý 1. I, ,,I:Ik- IL ,ý l", billi. 'L'il Ir. il ri 'llý,ý liai drivai, lirtin, yon un, or th,- g l _. ý ai ne iv'. 2f, 1*1'l-1 aloi il. -'il. go ý 'si . a r I; 1 1 1 ..... . :.,ý.1 i, ,ý - , l .. ' ' 1 (Iuwtè lillois ýour mrjtll.*, 1, en i au% liai od ,ais offer ,,,,.ýit, LIIIIIIIIIIII.I. Il- .tory; relit olo. emIjIIýrIL- I'I'.." , Lý;,L hil' Il 1 ,i _' (*i'iILI-. ,il ,il ,.I., ;L ,I,ýLIiý,,L f.., là -Io ar I What a 1 illomi. I-1,,I,,i'i.lI.,..d of sait vol freshilIl ail ilivigorating mlIýýle! Illa Th..) fi-,- ý,,,- 'aille-, . loir olle outragi- 1-- w;.o3,ý "' ;11 11, 1.1 ,.l :ILI IL L. 1 ,, , , ý a 1!, I lý.ý 1 Il' L,,ý iý, l'". Il,, jýI1jLl- Slli.1-I LIIlý L'ý:!ILt L Oral halls i!je fýii)g iuý ' The vriolle I , f :Lot ferace ont y.ur elieulies by thi. gold. il Y-1, loir'. "Il V Lillois, ki,ýi,,ý I-', i .... I Il ý'. . . , Iý, l: o - ,Il'..,, à , Il, ý . ., ,[- - %'Il. IL 'f'. ,il I ,l. .1 ,:Iý,,-I,.ý ,loir j""t l ý,ý IL .*Iou(lmfr.)Tl ,,Ili,-Il the loin risse. in bleu"- t ý of the barillet? NN'IIy flot steaud in. >-,il liâo -Lrý> M, ,:.,IltIiIIl-. , . J., ,ý il I. -111,1 ... 11, 1 Ih. El 'I', jt,-,ýI %\ .il. 1, 1 ,,î,j,, : ,, filial etI,,IIKI'. filet il iý N!Irl)ilsýd by file lait the harrivade or v;,uing ,lord LI ! Agaiii, "e in-ght faut lo Il Ilà, VIL.- tal.1, Lu, th -. .1- ý 1. : ,, il :!. ý ,,, 1 il . 1 .inany ,ý,,I,,rI-'l t"!,tls"l..l",a Je, %,IIiI Il , t 1 ans ), ta thalle, ~Tissus fur aloi fil, fIrttl-" - 'IL -if il,-' >III,,t fausser b--f,,r,- the al tiiýI,,. IýiT Thi, -Il"?l ,,,, ý - - :,..( . ILI, LI l', -d , i , '!, Il .. . 'Ipio, - I,ý -, il Ing à . - eveninu il i,, 1.IIri.ý,1. m nuy il filai] arroi Illany a worimis i, bu,. ' -1 'Ir .11 iller jIffrIiLtý. bel se.si ,,, ,a,:&,. IýI1I Il 1 - I IL: 1 Il .... W , , ', _- .,;,,i,ýi,,i ,, I il ý- lit à, r. ,1,,,,Il IýIL .il tIp, Il 1'. - il, ý8IIIIsot BIOI th.- [.soustraire.: Il a l'tg the 1-I--aith of budy a. ý,e1I aie th, j aý,I,, fille Ille ,,iililI,,ýýt aition of fi'.. ..ui 'l IL. I i- L I . . -l,,.,L,ý - i ... i I 'd .11 '. ( 1 s! "-' TILI. ;,.Il ILI. I. -- ,,,I'..Ii. Ili Il. assaut lui IliII.,ý frelata al tu leLLIýI ' b"I or soUl enten LI le IL TtlUlf-ý'- ý " Ili' "fi' Stilllillik-Nt LÎIW-Iro' 1.;- LI ILI I 9 *-,,ILlý I,.ý l, l . ,,, , , A', , ,, \1111 1 1. 1..,. IIII ,II,;,,,, \\ :-I', gIL gtretI.I.i , I.- ira nýýt-r"- 1ýLIIPI li' IýI tILI- 9 LI'A I ý illtl'-" I 1 l '-I LII LI t--IIItIL Ii;.ilý'ý111-I' -11 A . S -' Il' 1 111:111 a *1IL the .Iplle. ,ýl.ý long .hsfown Dg ,,I,*,,t -Iririt. 1 iI Io fini(- of religions : Il as a ino,,t fieliglit.suillf» sbires, fi il have 1 , L i. f 1 1, I -., 1. 1. .1 .... I il, fi I 'L , il -r , ;, _'.. oral Ille plait, lairski fil(- glory of the- de -IsI l'ad livrerons itiulit itfi.-r lit 1 oir lII-r,.,,Iiil eýjjiO,-,, ,ilied ,, 1 ý i'I'là-'t 1,,,II;z . , NII"..,. ,, .1, a-I' ' lot 1 . - cer- faino., ,.IiI-il as . a.q. wi -ld IL ;il .. ' lai ý.-IL,..,l -L, .-"-, II il,, ý,Id. j".1 Il il, l"I"I partinir I4;ýàt ,,ri Ilo. tiptop vii aloi loni, ihto ths- ilLIiiiiry mous oral] gt 1", 1 tans >tllje.Itý'o Tifort in a tri,- or river LI @aient littoral tra, folirige fil., , ].-a.... of -ul. Aliter aýÈIii,- 1 Lu,, flous, 11.1Ik wliq.- ; ... fi,.t tainswart-Il your ...... 1, il IlIjIIýlý ý,IIItl--I'i I - - Il 1-11le 11;11 ... (*IliýýIIgI' salaire .ýnxlàiatL,-,s. suffi and uolIi 1.1 asi Illein, -ILL sucre not »it.I.. on, ý ir.3I.r. yon Nviii uver Ints, fleur jjaI.n 1,I.,.,I.Iil-«I:jý". ,,IlI,,i,-y .,L.-,,ý: ,IL, li-I .Il ILI, ,il ' It..RI".. ilo. I's4m, ý,uLii,,L.- Ii. IlLI J.. plirple and c-riiii-(,n Ioiiiiiiiiiule,]. Ail fil.: againtit ,,hom )ou llim . a Issais.il fierai or striais ,if filet plart. withotit thinking ,if ..- -'s or* - illi:,,IjiiiIz ;,,Li tili,,l, :,>Ii," :"t,.":.Ii,..I il[[ -'Il Ir. lie.. ,sifflet; of ,heurt in conflagration. Hors, ý ý" erre filet willing ta, or" .II.ý - ý%lt,, ' th.. uloroinq latemieunion. Therv wil I.I...I,;,,.".g fil, il ... ... ý,,l,. , 'I' :.I il- I p.j. .il ,,,,,,I- 1,,,II,1,,,-itiiIr. tl', .sl..Ii, lt"..,ii ..f lait .%lancers. ne, rit.. sk). Hisoging gal- ' :1 littie cqI.fj«iým illey faute .1ii4lItly ý1II,, -11il gare or soine roon, or m»nie terrien >,,iItl.",.., --1 a, tit-ILIL - - 11,;-,I il-, --, AL-1-itration gn- mil tsrýiLg Il- ,I III.- Il... deuil of ros- ut lhvir dai--j.ý>t Musil. 1"'*"It, '*Yt'--*' 'l'heu 1 Ira%, Losili, '-yo, ,,:fil mhere yole wali ,di,,,,.,.d «ith tir' ,if ,;Ii'.1Ig III. I.,.rà- of -111 -il %\11--ilt ;111-1 iassiLLI %ý-,rk,-t,* ,ti-ik,- Lit Chil agi,- Barilieý ofi, valent. reil ans if trois, I, siritaise, ý 1,ili never finit lunes, with i;üd Las 1,,Ijg . bu bas Iý ir yàoir vieillir joy site .ýs,'L' i., 1,', iii>IL,,I,ý .1 I-ý I-,I;zILIý l'h', Tlo- Slats, tIIII,.Il Ilf les. I ,I.IILiIi.." aller 1 ri^ 3ou relais thert virulent., . il , Ille YOD neer ,1.-ak or tirs( pl:,.e » r > à r la thé braille of the eleint-Ili The hors - ý','a I11ýIil n'Il', w 3,I -, 1: ý ,Ir à 1 II oa il ... I .... i i. ...L a,- -,, as là, lit .NiIII".t lis v'l'l'IL il. tiski. 'Lii Ih., , -- of et auront th. AIlir,,jI.1aI-k. und the t4.iý. (;et Rid -f Hidden R.Ilesaisoent. 1 ,,,ai %liste a muile. morne or yon Il vie fel'IL.P. Il 't I;,I. l eLplfiL faits> Il ', I,.III.ý,iItI il. thl- Imar. v;!Iau(-r ouvrait ilo, Alps know whiit il, :à A Isly in sportif baving lat.fen a fol I 1111-a-;-IIt iiI--n),,ri- connetesci with the Rý,1»1-ý. Tis, ,tailles Ament. 'I'lI..,I. "I'- 'egist, I.iKlt applil ents. mo, 41111,let farroins: ill "IIillit:tit"ý. Aller sa keit hi", ,entier fais corst rend. thongla t lo. , "vI.I'irix étur, or tire nation ira il., fiast Ti.-'l jeule.) soif fil.., Il, ll;".. plit lit. Ili,, ILI ill"I', -I'r ;.ý.à-iI11,1I-.1 soin ... suit ý .1,,;Irt--r, or with tire solarise. balcatille you IL I., ""',; : II..ýI.i, lst;llýrirs est ,I-Là ,hi, -11;oâ: sr,,,',IleIir into ý fus, - as golf. ing fais voisin. il,. ý It,ý,i.k,-Iltl..)rý IIýIl .,I- ;,tý,L- .1 ,v i,-h the Il rI,.ýý IlI,,,II fi, hathLl fftý Été et tailler lisait expole tais inisilà-là]. ' "'Iv il iloit an 3.u --re arriviier ai bar- ron;.Il 1,,IiI'f..I ý.,I.fii,,, il, t1il K likalil- i - Thl. t ... >t..,.. .,f Ilý.,LL'.I'Lfà l'Illiel Dightflill In -poil là, failli, al-iard and : Nlag.y a tissu witla ;a .,militas; rate Ilies l'IL bor ,Iffer a ti-niro-stiloItn voyage. Forever . aloi f;)rf-%ýfýr ( aloi Nro, Ir hiranci. il ýIL. , ltg lý'-,I,, 1 viecteil L Eý ltit.,IIIg, lit (*I,,tlI;.gI-. Nlo_ .ilItLdid dreure. ,.,et ,if for a lifetime. deri lai. ja,-kI-t .If flainsonity thut as jl ý . h , ) heara-i aswiatp tire afin- Itailirosol Lit l'i,,tr. I;I, ýý,, fil- 1-L,,ý ..fi i Il, fill Ili- Ilinir of 1-',,--,Iit, lit-,10,11, The, Alexander rillusitte ,,a fils 1,ol-to à-ompitre. ý aux a%,., fi'.. nl,..Ieutla L'Il laits laid) Lin., sa-t %% 1 t vour moirnanitiIoil.. ont soi .,et. il nis'a, te. 11.1. - Il, ,.,ý,II:Ig..,[ i, Ille ý,-iI.tIIl IlLair I-,,.,I.lilI,-il ,I, \1II,, th,, foransi Io l'ilà, -LI IsýI,.fs ,if lo-Il ... the Ilitegrity (If bis sont. Ba-tter gel rid tilIlitIlit..(i renonciation of ail hatred oral su r'f'r'i ... t il' - , moivir th, 1.1- 1'iill, or - IL.. airs . I. ILI. f..it. ;1,.,I. :Itt,,L i,,,ý" ,-" "g ! lesoutle 1',,IlIg but liais w.nIl..rfIIl ,ipectas.-là. or .Lien _ ý of libres hilliten rux, as nour, a. joosijI,ý . fI'rgi,..I,-. ,If al] rues. flo. I I ;I11. o'. , i I, Il -- s'lin. K .1. 11w fera, endollinent. ILIAksla me think of Ille ýbIinIi>lI,-.l ,-Il lit 1 Illers, art- lasisadrellés of dom..tic carda., 1 The l'r«,tiee of Graire. L,.k... ,Ille les, lI,,ràIi, .l'Il liI-,I. ILI ,,LIý,A Ellis l file moillail ,il., ,1111, illi braven. rural in prison. %tresses: Lay it-sil. wherv fil %vhish trust in u.ý.(Itý(j ira, th, ý 1 solloit il in the niraît diMeult of &Il il, ,[a,, sans...'t lI.,Ij_. :IIIII -1.1, ili-lILIl. ".ir.I.lIati.Ig si ".,an .;an I-i,,IilIiIi .if fil" reltuemberal rassassi, of il.l. gorg.-I ... ý ýIilsd'tn t milirit of flrgiilni-ss. Urfilli,-rm allusif and rr:id-f-s il, laral and nt the utart yon .1.--r-, fil- -sý t,-II ;- -1 fr,,MI h- 1.ý,iIl ' 1 , ý Ir, ,tas 1 sentessia-t-Il in tir., ('1I--,II-I, Ilà-Il amant the motintair. ,If A snt M a la or siffler% apart :and parents and illibirer, 1 '[);'Y maki- a conifflete failure, but keep l-he roldmirilà >i-,-iir-,l .,il i-»it,. Là gold 1 s-*:.oiiIsr,ý hein hall her L-si., ,IIIItiIII,,l ,il- and bors, bill liai .(test ,secr, tire- losers ,If sport. SLA.mo, says a ir«,thý.r ,,ff..11.1à.,l : 1,11 ira Ille att--nlt il, pril il. Shak- Il ,.IttI.ý.i ;Il " I. .. I .il. allil ý à ,.Il ir lit fil Ille . .ext terni of loust I.ý .1 ... Ir'. Illieniancinq Mrl in lis(- I Ilà-, or the ori 1 is barillet- if) Io. noil th,, a str..Ilg ,D, lls,:Ir,- 1,role fera playm before bal renchalai Il Th'. ,ý,1.1,.." mi'., ..10. s-ed ihi 1)"igitt ai ilili.t.Lmý Lilial daym. unit la(- flosselle, lait th.'l mille Ar, filer,. fil,( es ... sigle .IiI-,ed I,ýI-t.,,.Ii. , Ili *,llnTlll4-t*' moi seventever ploya bliforte he Ii à >t;ItiI,,, ;,a à ;:"il ....... tno la, orv in th, self wheu Il.. ý.y,. "1,-t aile ., on, 1 lisi nenther condition, II-f--,--lililIý . -4IIlLllIiý-1 IL, ternit yole t,>g--tlIr*ý r.-;,(Ij.-Il "Merchaist of N'erii,-e" and il di>taiiý %% h,- fil,-> - , ,ji-,-,l ail, site à , ,et- 1 It,«, invemors (If the lI(,ltllk a irag 'Y- thé- >,lié go il,,%% ri iil,,ti ý4jlLr isath - Tio r;Lbhir,ý re--ouret holv fleur N.-I.,L ;, I-ight 1,ljt,. bef-ce he renched "-NlaI,- le., ,jI...,l ... Le il 1 ...... e ,il ,Il-- ,li-l' à.:: ai lain.. si elegral.1c, n'ail. ,a , ....... - ful t,.,t Sublimai. aIl ",gu..,tI,,. di.1, 17- J.-oi , lI;.ý11,I".,a,*. -ts liait ellivis a .[Ille nuI.nýl ,(-eh** und grrI yen will calme front ,.III.-I. ..il fil, , ... LI. - .11. 1.1jýt 1 ,.,.ýiI Iý ý 'I','::'ý"I'ýI,,- York t. Chwel Il lII'ýýlIg-' , , . 1 thai aile] 14-IjlI- no', ý F I"m' ........ . 1,ýf.".. tri. failli r illoi .fier las- wan d.-,Iii fi,- bad I 'il" ensirrir grLIi-.-ý io thil trinst ,Iignctllt. int., tir.. 1,,,.I..ItlI . ILI I ;L, 1, 9 'Il 1 . .ILI Il I L.- mqigtdnwn' Ile IIIjo never f«ý,1, 111, tlirI-t- lits rallier lairrieil il> IIIIILI's 1 Bf-4i(le% tiers, il is flot a masser Of per- ,,oýn,.l.,_ fIll jtm r 1 lit th, rist, a Id Ilo-IL, prit , ý ::f 'ý7,, ON w Lrý, ut lillýfilltt'iI sion.,I diqernainntion I"wý ":)r'l, il ri loisir. of indignellion i, iml,..,il,.. ille .1 ... l.s.L. tire fisheii soin tour étal and tilA tirent ; -o much an the fer- walk mirII,1,z aile itijjti«,a., of ih.- ý,,rld to fleur Iý,,rl..s' I...I.L., ultich fle. I'sey il, 1 inar hold of the- filoighty sera of colli. 1)ý,.,I..»iiv ssL-s,,ký LI sir-tIt'.ý. ý 1'.Il.IIr.1 Couture, a ,-ilhI ... a-- la fil-' ,, il ho ', ili help il. to Lie, anythinsir Ive oui .La ýrt....t -r ,,il tio (;ý.,I mis - - .1 1 Il L.. lndI,-tIl upon bitil-if and iilif-rs ýiiiiiiii ,,Iélm)sit(. .Iiro-ftii.,,%ý .ýl,,j thers- or.- se, ' 1 'I'lirt-(- 1 yiirLI.ý nt KaILkak -(,, %l- itLstflilt flash of I lLeek. ,Ir H;..], 'Ir I.,I'. ,,, agit,, .1,)"',,st;, anl ilI:itlii4-s Lisier ,il for-er to I to do. lt,-uIemI.-r tient fil ail perfoniral or th.. (*.".,I'I'.11It..It S,,,-,ýt lt:.,I,,ý.., 4'-,,I, 1 1, killI-Il by follieur t.1,I-1,th file ýllI,.i1- tinn of I..IlI,,. a- I-it1o à L'I iiýn.IesIILý ,Lfh IL ý«..ti.-rl ail parrentail ti)..iIIà,Iil. 1 contrivernics the one len-t ta Illams, wli iI,,I,, IL, IpriogfoýlII ,- I'i'l'.1l'i..,..it II, Il, ý 'Ir il., engin, ;11.,I, whid, lie ,Ili, riding. . . . . .rester n, --air, ,il il,' Il ý N% hil-1- Aillnims. , tl'à sors. ,,.ilIIls 'If be;Lý..n. llI,%v fer il' " hae ri) taký thf- first mtefr nt pacification ....... IL, Lit ,IIiIl,.igiIt 1, lis ,ILI, 1 là'. TILI. ..Ilsarine .aý romains: quis, ,111111 al Ihir- high j.-,.-st. --,-II-r,--l il,-- -ý--Iý-tý,1,1--ý -if .-,agi.-- tly ,,,ait ills, .,I.-rà-d il es h-: Tire il il in tirer effecied. The contaist laie- I;,ýt oill. .àli .ýr Ili, 1,il, Liol il . ..111;I lie(. fini(- Coliturs, feil fron, ai ihý -urt ,onnà i .. ........ Vant --Le fil-- 1, .... . IL f >.,nlI,.tj soke. il, Ili family fil, t ,vol. D Aso hi rit-IL and Aristipplis re- .ILI., ilLi iI;..,I.,,gIi,. ,,I,., - ap.il ,illa a 1 \jItt liftier. loi-sil ennemi ,if , hi. Jordils mouth. l';: Il fil, LI -il . ..... 1 ,;Iill "i;i-1 Litatil ir:I,ý1ii-al s,,gg,-,ti-,Ii. 'riIi'I'l.s (,'IIrllI in -ýýli-,,I« thiluh laisitory, but Aristippe., f.., ý,ligl'i i,,JIIrI.-ý J'ILI IIýIIàsoitI IIIII [,..,lltrN Company, comnifittell ýtsi.i(làý ut . ', 1 . urnisrl. thi-Le. ihoil ,1,1-d -li lie flo- hr- Ià,,ýr;sph., or lý"..d,.,i.k fil. l II. .- I...I-t to 1.1sipiriv. liaient te, .%en [jel-11 Illo.-Il "IL tir- -Ii Il 'Ii;,t tis.. ,-Il , 1;"...IIvillà- il, the office ,If lis. IýIInl,,Iley. -ntnI. im.I,..-dIit- Il h- (--r-- n-ý test l'saisi Lo'). il'.. olil kmg ,,je, ILI.] il, liel. -n à hole. ai:ëi -iii. -Shail - ont flestres, to tr,,,,,ý ,,,tli- ;,IlI,, lisa IL. ,, , IL. . :,, si ri 1 Il Deslioloieni > ,,ii-Iid l'y I., frienils 1 --l "I' IIIItkI. oursavives file ait ti'.."ý ,ILI. ;fil .,[.I.."iI, 'I'l-11 -h 1 I n 4ts.1jur,à-,] ,a, fil.. -LII.vý 1 le rommairol, file 1:1,1,I-ýi:IlIý. -Be ye flitarry feiisorlo. iiiiit Il.- lit jeul, %%ith I- air. . Li ' 1 ';ýrLoÎ'ZýgI as: > essai sin irait - 1# LAI ,1--l»ý,-Ils oil ,vital loie., Ir te-- --IIIt-ý-1 to enter 1,(.ItI.I, 'l'Il,.,. loitý-Iiiriz ,lock ,If the whole coIiiitrv?" tlired loi.. ýp1l. --f il.. . .Il and IlIrL", il 1 1(ý,,,i., , mitli"v Ils.1 ,.,iý,.rý,l à ILLILIrvn. eoli are mari .1 air,] ho. 1,,,Iu tir. f.ýI-iiiIK fil. laffl Il> le;. - fe. Il... Iliserre, *'%ý',it.. il, Apil .1les(lairon serid. "l'hou art a fier frisir illi- tsrml ký Thl I -IIlI,- Il,, anil lie-- .1, .1. Niiitz.-II,,Ltigh of lr-,io-iý Cia"02l. lesir, nia-ther ati--,,-T- in riii.,ht or wr,-fIg ýolir lr-,tli,-I afil-r 1 ,,,,, field fleur 1 fils. Initier filon thon 1, for 1 leegare, the quai toi-jjjjjj, _.r, 1,,,Ill illi-ýýIýt, ý,(t I.111 .I.I,à. ý ililliI't4-il il.N lit(' g ý rassis] lor> for faise re l'ire .. fait of ..x"ýiit-r:.Ii"Is Tio. dno zi'à- IIIIII., Rol"I'f', stol ,.,,,,f.-nsý,r. ,fi ri-I. liet thon bruit to4ln the- fimt in halls] , ... t loirs 'l'itý. Lin, k, IIt-r-ý - baillii- tllýtlý on prollerti. %,As IiIIIII $'!.Iwwa soif ý cer a. lissât tiI-:IltlIf,ýl 'I'dil shall *11er rriajisfý liéta Initier %%rite iiiii, Is, lo-- tire ?oN-a(-h." and they were ILI Inriken ilI:Il 'Ili "'ý.ýýl,,,l -L -I-1-il Dit 1 I _, ,,. ýso ill,,,tignti..,. ri.,>Il.,I.-,l th:It he týýn.. lailleful ýj,,Ic m'.1 sisal ,rir f.-Il solidifie]) *' "N--.«' ,ofid Lis, king, - et r t- fiienils affernisi So lei the une or you Il.. t Il'..,L IL, Thi, .,Iý Il , I Ille.. aý le ,-, ý 1,,ýIl -,., $14iiqxmi ,lorils or vahimble prois- ing« ..file Il.ýt, ILI., A illolorli -,est 1 :,tes d'-all. '11l't , ,11 1. tafI-r." ,lo h:- 'Lit ilà )east in blaine také- thil first soleil ,,,,,.l ri. lie .. ..... i Ili , ILI I.L. , -o, m- .... Ig, IrI., , lit- sIIILIlI- reme-là., on III2.iKisi ,orih. pourinjar of lé-rilix-r ,li>lIl..,,.jijg il, as is-t tire >ira ,If lien varthl, v1iýI.. il - as; à t ar 'od mill . . - Il reI-IýoI iiinti.ni. Thf- ose(- sis-t in Ili. IL ;à le-11- 1--- ILI' IIII ";il "' ut k;".' rifinours te oitý .1v..ý. :fini ficisce lire ira, Ii..u uls'o hi, ýrtiti. . , 1, à, ,,rong oill mirer take IL enth ,1,Iý-L ýLLLf ltliIl L .1. olo . Iti-19--l' laigr. 1,eoil Bonjuloi of ('1Ii(..gi,. , fil, lwlrtaqIf ir)jtllji.tioli of lit, lé'Nt. «'IA-t nos Aji - ongles n.'t I., .11i,,, (Il.. .Ille (>Ir. il n,,,LLl, ,,ne faiel Làplendisi in 1- - - i r,ýI-I-itly 'va. assoit. lis', heurt "f file liai the "ait Il. siotrais fusils pair Ils-ritli ri, -t Lx-fore firgiI.tài.,s ILI 1)]It(.o., lie :II.I.- Il%. God's belle In prarticle, unliniâteil \%.>,.ai.,, itivil 1,> liI,1,1ýr.. L ý ,,,,ýr ,II Ili Rep- à.,. of (>aie'. Tenailler. l ,air- mi- lljiglét tj,,t livé- ri) nive fi f-,r,,i,,,,Iinn. Il improves otiL,'@ bodv Raid \Il--. .1 ILI, llIltt,,,,, Ili,- ,,if.. ,If 1. lize. . hi- doinairs of tell, lis ork, fi, loi lents. W liv I lisgIilLýti,--I fil Ili,- - ri d- And .faut if sise .b,,Iild La- ti.lI.-rI.ýl >L'ul, MY l'installai. il %fil maise you n,..Ilý- ove, lI;,I..I.;I,*,ý niv'. hani, ,, l'à ait, ..xI-.,i,1- ('111.I,. He IýýI.-I-ts fi. go Il. lie.. i4aloi il, W hy abat farine] ,If filament: luiloir l IL, into the Ir,-ýý,,II- of ,ai, Nink,., mille :1 lit- iiii,4. nr four usure inelien siroumil the iligl% ýI'l'i-Illý -IILIItIIý1H lit 111-411tIl ;IS IL il' -In-ol 'L'x wI...k. ira ,,rg,,iIi,.itIg Ili, I-hirl.. ý ' pourrisse a floi..IIu 'li.jý-iti-,I.*! 'I's, 1. a. 1 cnI-lu.. aval, foir soul? Tio- iiiiii-,rif% of ýh-r end improie your r(-.ýI)iratidii ,Il suis Lit air ,.rii--,iiitl--i ,ilh 'Il, ILI -Id ILI, 1'. A. NN'itIk.-l'IiII,,, v'là, gaves, a --I hm. the n.knm.t glot fi, do "Ill, orsù's ri, lieuffle ileiliart this liti. il, et,,. light. . B.- thlt -ss cars soleil a Ilevraser and Ilngir soi-là. .ho rold"d fi... ilf # 1,I,,ý,.ý I ,,IItIrI for $1.411,11 tarerions the - iJý ,If 4'l'iI'-fgI, [aie- .eittfu) transition? % L":Lý il ;a J.;Il,],;,ýzI'.1 t.,.I-Ia 1 1 o*I loi 1, Il. III, ,,il :; O*,I,,I k il ,- limitti. Il iiiiir(>vf.,% the ý»iiiiti-nan-ý,- ILý lisez $1441. lass'iwis ,lo ,- 1-111 ai' #ýlItI" ,-IL,,,,- Ilo- flatter (..,rilàýnetieIl Ili, ILr-n»ýrty malissatillament lamiers 1ý Pool wIIhýaIt ý14- there jý ,oflo thing ira Ille atmo-ILI., Il. ,- niteritez the saloons and assisaispet , Lin her ysird silo a,,-,- ,II-iIl-ýI11, I-1-1--;Ir,-.1 und. ' - .ILI, le ,,.]I.x..ý ils, g,,,, ,rhi..I. ilo. 1_1, ýiInf-what IikLý Coll hinseil Ille in lien- . aloi rites fi- >I>ar.ý al-,tnà11,1IIýl the ,no- viol .irn.fiL-an,,'! NI,. ro, 1 think .if IL, ira thtir ILltI-t-Iit T, >-ýII,,I- 1-1 Il ... 'a-" i IlIquillition, pollistinal. i.r",.iiting tire arrosons ni .a. -hoolil LI't les fil.. -111. j,ý., on Il ... ..... 1. -oI 1 .... ý,t Il ..s,'Iý hillotl ai"] we (il",'--t -11Y fil lie tient her %%illi il,,- - rtý -f a 'l"I'l"Ir "ait' L,,,tiI-i Il lemiding or "Iling the grouillai. sait Iwfore our iI-iiiim r. Ili-- ,à- .et -nrifil therougi. tilt. sisallo- ý.f ,ii iIIil..[.>I.dà,1,t of ail the universel. LI .b' 1»-à-iLl.,.ý .11I,.ý,II>I à 'Il. ;Ind .;là IL, fil,. ron) Fini. lai l'ili bý,%." Is 1,,,,g il ... .... ri-, Vsrbaj,ý God illety bel ni , - content fropy fleur. lit» la cralative. rin'l .iItIi..,t.,k, ýlI.-r.. .IL. 'ILI, f,"ILIi i ', fier Leula Atki.t-,,I,. saili Io làl' (ILI' -inq'Rh- y listes. Ili- in omnipre.-rit, husil M- Il.Iit,,,L licol --11-el fi,,, ter of a chawago midertaller. loinnaittai rnoussh tu lie ir-ýs als'ilt 1111% utrollaz 113 ranareil ai m tient .4) - .. fi, malle 11,. ý 11-' L loisir: 'L'I' ;III.; iý ai. 'l iiIl.ý rit Belleville, ,vio.r.. -Io. fusil balaies f1ivted repos ai>. ýNlthiik: i, ,il exiiiiiisi voistrissi (lit- noire ;:IIr,,,t,ý, 1 l'il- ""Il jind titl cannot copy short. But he l ý ul,,II..%. froils lici- Ii-ILLLLI'ý ,1iIt-ý , à ý ijIKý site liai] falleil in love %villa a inc ta jallysical hi-fi or mental fsLIlltý ýllishiri.%. davs ira Oeil, 1%orld tlsat .Ili , 1 ,,III, a brr.-I ,,walefs ail failli., and rail fli,,,,i.ýl t'y thi riItiI.."ý ].et ,as a l'r.tralýti-Ii iiI,11.1gsIi-.. ,if il] lanmoir. bel 1,lu ali...t fiLe il.., ra(tiiII,,. Il, , tI.>ý,,II,(-ts. und ail iiiýiiltu. and ail serons- -Il nameil Bilai wilo. ,ItýelIit" lier Il tri t hi- rien oul, ýY-to-fil fi biarts lit-- heravelà. Illuis as toisa lsi I- %,ý tire ,,,,irlg,. I in filet vit, lorry mpy bain 1ý,«Lslî,j.g 1. l'i,,i.h-l. pleadirni Iltarit-Il fi, (lit l'hilill'illes "W' ' Tirs. laissait . Ill'on ,ligextion. la h.-si the lIldxml il) brima senti o-;trth lx-twes-n stinlI,ý[j Illeil %,afin.,, il") ,ýitIL Inighty succe-Là. Go herrines. sifflet .. Billard i'f EIln;.Ii,ý lis, ."Ilil,,%%.ýIl littiIlItll,,tI). heurt -soif lie-- %IhIAL, I«Ldý is fir'l --lIýr 'l'lit liai- 'lorill ut itý ,1;Iiki.,t. 'tIol 1 à. Iý,IiIiiiii,- iiti,,n .if y(mr soui to the il ,,,,,I1>1..II-Ii it.ý 1,III.". :ool "'Ij..IirlI-,l sille l'rostres- BrIillI-. es 1--lIl-ýIl tzI-*"I,-e ,ai li 1...at.-(t .tilt tLen Iieir.-..ý(1. lk-side, abat, L-Is. LLI,,LLý. tright, -Il Il. ai,,- b,,gtIt.. , 1 Il , -L-t I il la ' or "IIO the truite of balai dj'i. TILI' 1-11ILl -ýIjnsII1ýI I 'lI ,;IlIII, (;,ý,rKI., ,,I,ý rI,,Ir,.i .JI,.,,tI..,] fil a as: 1" fur v il sours the -lil.,ýitiIi,. Iiiersil ,,ai-- --idà- finit L-,mIraýTý (sol ,If du.hiI,.ý,., silo 'f'r. I Il . ..es Io les ' lie Ilay isairs intre the etl or fil, I,1,IPI-Tý ,If 0LIý St et-' fils ]"!of ýt,,Lk ,,,,tiriiir failli .Ili il)-- tallit of .Nfr. sirotai hi. 1--ziliIIInt-- 11111k eI--Io1ý -'le Illusion. ý à ilis. liroi IIIIIIII, of the glorie. escape ibis stouont., a., $!1,.:ý,.m.p!r.',7jý .,a, i,.".ýI.-.. of Barrai, hi., errandon Ili ]:,,, Tlo- Iil""al ,.I'ri'. lisses L'ligies lo be liesse, ..II1.1I,)....l .Shtll ,il. tiI.-l' Ili'l' -I r the ri1>1-IItl- %ý ily throin:h rite brief oix-iIinir- 'L'I', lalk $1-ý4,t;*-14.4>;l Iv- lILt ptLrý Th, -ý,iIlI-1 .,il "Il. lm; p-Ls,ý illii. nilil If ,ý ,,IllI...iIl :rail dors il% more harisi thiqui il d'.., our lank of Ili abri, lie.. ra"nrit, lI,,IItI:Ig iltiIllt Ils. iliL[1.11I sllD.-ýt- Illeil .ourlet «froid iz,.d ,111,,Iýs art. LliiIl..,l ,Iý lolio,- l',-,- 1 ilL;tt in lis, f.ývI.I.- .I.1.ItitiIIIà. III,...l I,ý oP .gIla;:.ni-t. l'saisi eivà-s ,,, si goisl. ,,î.IIý , uroussil <If tlim-1te iità,l civaiti. ,iirriiia; -jr , il" '%IwlI11"ý' loi' "'D'atit malmisi the oinr- Ilonsil j.I-ojl,-rtý, $Is,-,3IGJ;ýýt; llIli11. ':14. 1 ,va. ' le,- ', à - L .... ai.].- P, 'M'. lli'.Isif. :.11..";,r...,. or lion. fi,, 1,gilà,wale ýi,-TI".. ILl.IlIIý,ýitiI-, ,,iilà o,.ý %'f 1, - - II lit L J'l 1 1 11, .1111. I-:11 - Ille 1 "Ili I.-Il Yole hole you nirsy 7:ýI,:Lt'.!; 1.1tý, $:;-L 1.7!11.ý.':Îlts> TILL' 1 ILI'M'i ! ltt:,t,. .ý.ý,I;,tir J'-i or \%«,.I.ý,:.,, a. for à ,:aient). i fi -,'--I,,- k si, 1; i,*i'lIII k. tirer fi) Lonfront lits C.,41, iix;jjiiýt %ýIiotù ,Il - il &:i;iii-1-r ,lirt,--t illéirs .111.1. niers, lover st,,,.I, I,,,,issf.ti iy ilo. hom r :ý anilir.lin " ::: ý ýhIrinj: .a 1...,J,.I 1 IL, lia"'. fils. leederal ,ny,, -81op Iller. ' * Ill le il... IlIý.I. Ili- )I.I,,- ail .IoLe loi .Loi à- il ... Ig, Illase ;Ili, ,ý omll". 'IlIt l Il, lo-III; rital lm. là * v fling- ý%-_,.:t1s.-_!igi. Itili il,., i-iiilrii ,.,. rLý -'I'l"Il 1 ;a Ilý-I'i. ,.It.." ILy ing orb i4 I1âý, aloi , lo-IL Il I---:II là,l, ilsi Il-Ij bée, -- don, ;.g.I,à,t et-, I ýLLr, ,ý,ý 11, - Ili.. 1> : 1 _LI'. I.:.I,-,ý,1- und tel fi" 1 - - - 1 ;I -i .... o-LLI I a $'.-.'Ibl-'.14s -. Ili.. IIIioqý "I., ; .... 1 Ili, .iLwLIý frIti, lei.r&x.lri lake a re.-l' lie ,oilr ,11,1,-,,Iti--ti. idd griedues? lio. I ;est Ile o.\I..I 1 . I ILI, -- -u-1 1, 1 1 IL. I,-,rýI-n of fire tranillý ý .,Lrý, IL, illo NIiý-iL,îppi, 1 )Iil..gIt.,ý l'IIl...-. ý l'In I olla, .,.il I oi-1 iff 9 'Ilil nez, fý-rk:--lo-ss for 1 lie gri-ater %ý là. il - ,a". il, si,, ItiI.1 fil-. ,b:iri(,I% of lire I over mIef st.11. flý't"...",", ý"l Il, ý 9 ', 'l , , 1 à 1 I fil. - ,il ILI \\"Là-lIiIgI."L fi. org.- L'ý,L, the Lini.ject fil ,.-,I.I-ilL ... g -I.-lizIilfilll% ,lot , illitig to rorgi- ..tlt-r, fIr il,,- ,- , 1 lo-n, * :.,Iýi ilà, ,,.-,iriIi.-IL .Ir fiL«(ý état. fioles. lý,zIII,. L. l'tests '1L.ýil ILI - * .ILI, 1 th.. 1,L-ait. of tirs, conuir, ilieni, niId It.i-."ill.., IIg..It s*-, p;- gri- Il. Lai., fia"Iral'h. ,ai liIII, fil n'ail. 1*",«.Il >ý,,,, t.gl't li't allil ý\itl..,],.ý.11 wils I.II,.",Ir:tý,,,-Il fi, ilzjii,ý IL Ik, ;1"ý 1,iIlI%ýs q', liro, overmliellil thalle. 1,,I]ýttIg 1-1illite. th, Io- l ýl,;.II. tlt.lI.iý ,,,Il, ,.,I.,I. Ilo , ItiI,,k .,Il If. I.1",.i.Ig or tio. A lps 1,(,I,,,,,i a 11:,11, kýrII,-,l l',--riý,,. :, Il I--i-lL Iii Ilý- ;:I: 1,,gl, ,,,IIý,,Ii tri, joý. lions Lit Peornà 1-:I Ille tires nt fil'. I.I"fI." l".1i I)ti%-' fil.- ilIeigii-- lind ler-,viiiilý, , ro-vd th, iii. And The Key to 1,L,-IàrtI.lity. fi-Il ler-an m illi :,Iil Il - klII .1 .11 Iý:ý i " . , lI,,tIi,,. .joins I_ ,zl.IllIliIg ,Il file Plions eraà,,IIt.z doK .if à ... a., il, bal k il> Il, LI IL lit[ fins rngfied pâlis of fà,rui,.-ii,->, 1 1 '%I,)Ii:itiéiii4ý(1 ,aill. "'I'lie ý%%ord a, lie(- keY jlLn:LLý 1 1 i,.:ý ...... ,ILI, Ilviiii atill ,il). eILsI'oraI.ý .lei, The boiser, ý't Il- ,,I..w"Ig -Il pia', lie, M't-ding f,,,,tl,-I,ý, of foin "ILI, '.1il. .if ll.ý;,,IIL :11I-i 1)..11.*' Mit, n1Y hi-là ý Il ilp 1,-ý,,],,Iw " :11 ter.. in IIIIiIii, 4 L , ,,ý;.. I 1, ri'. ý : à 1 . T h.- I lIi,-f f. atip'l. " :as t1L.ý l". rind the uft..,IIi,,ýIL ,ill :II,,,-. niol Ill- iiii,-r,-tl ilirIItigli ,iiff,ýrnLg, aloi I- , la, ili, [jIt IlIs.ý 'IL. ,,fil liil ils'i Ili ., oppo lII,%,. ', -f I;lý1-II.', , ilI1.1 .-i ItIIglIt" . , I'.1,Ii, -aj -11, , ,ILI. lit 111:lt Il. IW fille. aloi rital ifil " .)rIl - ý ;I,1.1,:.ýl, lit, lIihý,1, SI'L'Idinse. ,,il **4)1>1,,., lent %vill 1.1.e;ll Io mt. alA. 1 là, al il, ille milling to follo- lin il'.. Iii= diýIiI,- 1 tll.iti,.>.«ý ,1Ii,.ýa .Il, bziI.i, il- LI beraire ,a,,- it,, l.riiz.iiig licerrils ilii'I-ý% ;III IoHr fé-ndý. imir departiurt, trois) iiii, lire iiii,, iii.. il. Ir 'il 'I'r noill J,, I..i.,,-n. seuil illiet le.. ,ILI, :, 1 , , , ,, L , i-1 i , 1 il. ri i.,.. ,Itii,ý . honi a. of file nature ,if ilot-Itiver, ,flot -iItir'.ý'. loir Ille pli-la .fil talti- il, bi- It illerl,. LL,.ýII-, Il,..,I, As"d that lis Ih.. ý,:,I,,ý"flitIg 1 -'L' I ;;à L I'. ý ,, ý. . à Os hier strings là--ii-g l-wlal thl rour, Il lai- and il will Ira,,- fi, lie offer.-Il su ilo- tir.. . ý ILI' ("I' jI,ý- f;oLI'ý fý,rgi,,-,I.." 11, kiiiiIIIL I 0111 Il .1 9 - I*-110, ILL'i ;il [Li,,,t iziritiiijk] ;11'11411'Lllil'S. il, I-ý,tirse Il,, ;II,,] -', liIrgi,.ýtI.." of à.'o .... o- iind 'L'irgis'ijl ,,av iisi.,I-iI.11, sterling il, Ili.. 1",.gIl;,g.ýý ellid J.,ýý.i,,I" good tI-lIIlIl, -11 lome ... If ..II..i of balai ,%fi, . à ILI, s'Ili. "if ., "Il 1", ilo-, 1,- 1'l'y, 1 . N -1 SI ni Elkl litéirJittIrI' Th,- i, afio it tih,-ad, A ri olil %%aller -:i, Illait il',' 1-111- git, il,,[ tai-ýli (flair Ir.-sýIuS1e1, IL.-Il)I." ~ LI Illil 1, J.:,I:tili>--. LLijz-1--Iý Il il ;I'A . 1. agal, I tr.itIýl jili. il, t,,],i,-,,,ci or Brilill. Etna- ' vour 1jéýetI.lil.% l'estilec fil I-11- il.., .N ,Ili lo", 1 Il l'IL f,,L af of ý ,Il , il. .a , L .... z, l 1,I'..il 1 IL. I, , - 1 il ý, 1 .et 9 'il i on , fier biisiness t-IilirýI-, 'J'IL, IlLITil Lit' NN :14 Illlllt 1:1I1(j, - , lit a, dining pars, ,,lI.-r.- 1-1it 1>I,ý,,i,.' ,,;,,l > ...... t Ili Iloil. I.;IIllIi., I--ýI-I-i. *'41 L , -- 1 -L. il, - le., t1w bishop ,et ;a -11 i'f $..704V. and il IL:nt IL iligià Il il-DI q'X4it('[iLIýiii rien Iiiuli and ilic ,il-iiiit(- 1 ý\*Iiàji a sI.rt3 pliglil if " Ie 'laisil lIII." . VI ,,là ý, o,.ý .Ir >'l' il ha. IsýIIL a tI.iI,-, Lj;Iý NI..ILIi,.,i, lit g..iil ,, ,;Illi si. Il ' Il. 111 1 IL ' 'I'l' "e lle Il -'. in IliII.K.- .if ji unstr y. and e hilà. llI-it([..I«>I ... l'a: [,:,Ii,.u fier, l'Io. ;,ait Ilistillaïf rital "a.,. aloi I.1 IL. ,il b'. il, . 'ii" .ý" ..i-ý.,l jl il a j'Ili. I)IL.- :i,,:,, 1111IL'Il 1 T he lir il Ir .N a. !il ,Iwnkillg hi- opp, jot.lý rires fil.. il. ,L,.",I'l« "i.lIiig fleur on, a foulage as.li ý,isIn,, L", Iý.I frisIr laler. -Th ' v .,on sirad ,il) ow $..,l ti, il,- I-I,, , tire ,,holf. and th., fai ,0tý, ilII,,Lgi. ."Izllý lits maruernirait, ,[:IlIà-Il :1 91:1- ,if ,vins- en -11là. ilti. ,I.- j I :,IiLIIIitý , aloi .a. . ont , tel.. ý - ,Il Il 1. III.;tl,(,r ,hall Ili., IILý, il ýNlL '. a 'l Io.s-i"ý 'L'a .,Ig.I IIA ý,Iiti'.1, J'a. Iarg.ý ellosigil fou lie.. ýixt3 ýIoIIqt, lai. r.l.-j.. when the sl.,.il%.,r delilierniely ý si lie> III,-,IiiIg t,,,gi,.ýIIiý.ý for lifterai illi. 1 11-IIIIIIIIII 'l'l'Ir, for file l'oeil' "'ai' le 1'..l.,, .ýl..IIýl 1,,,ý,,Il. 'L' Ili 1 a.. 1 Il 1 Il il, 'l'Io. lailt ,,fil 'If 4'l'i"]I., NI i;Il,,II-i'. Ili. tri th, fialluil frotte !ai. fal... und ,lait: , lilllitl,., .il hirart ;raid lire. \fs'hqý,,Lmir Illi'li. "'I.,I;.,tiIg IifzhIý ami the IlI,,ý lf 1:il,,ý,[ S,,flIýI-,. %-- alli'l'. QIiIIIýy LLttorIL,ý, Jeu, IL.-Lit 1111-11 f'>l Ps" *,,riiiý. ,ir. in :a -iimr,.,,iI,,- .\-,ý,. ir >-Là ial.i flots ýý,,I...,. 'Il. %,;ans il fi, filsil . ;a il ý [la ' v o-IIoiLL,ý -liait Il.. ,-II.lI-(I, * 'S'o ,!,:IIt Tio. ,,Iý.i,1.,,I;",.." ,il Ifi, \%"..,ý1- .\I,.i,ýLI 1,Iit:.. Giliner. lets Ilill -Iati. il, Ili, ,ýi.I-v, phirle, for tir,, main -L,ýLIrvwrLt - Whil, ý righi. . ! l'o. ,-i.I>I.1 I f virils ls.,.I,,II. the ,IiI,.Ie "If , 1. D'assied as ..ý\..,ý'Itr,,, L'sol "Ill, ,ý sivri J'Ijilo",I.hý- -"I'l hcIl. filet v issarras. 1,.h.lsi.a.., ý ý.f h.ý.Lve&i a ilIl ( 'iIlLIl';IlI I il 1 - Ili' i-go. il il le il - "Pir à 1-iý(ili,ý.t441 Il) Ille ý% 111 t., es,,- I1oý -tal, lil : - - - ,.a >;..Im#,,N. 1, hj', i, I IL IiI ..I'..ý,lý tpw;tu solch tqIlil.,i.ý of ýpiriI. ,,,. si ý .1I.r.1'1'.,"'ý'ý,.','ý'fiLiiig si in, ,o illui la ira 1 ---ýý - - 'l'Ill.. 111, Ilis accours, Il. lus-1 transiter- à . __ .- __ __ ý .:.--::: :1 Joilgi. A Il .1 .... I '. 1 ... se I iii,,iII,- nil IIIiIti of tais Irop,,Iý ri, -Illing fil, if ( od ("nid fit-Ill a.ro ilI:11a il- -,'--Il a Ir, 1 Ille IIill..".ý'igig of Iloulpeii an site, nI..."IIIL( i :ý . ....... .. ;ý >i..tI..". ,tIItI., 111;o ]Il, tII-IIlIl,,I,,:,.r> ,ill . l.poIiý . ..... 1 jlIýt "liniffl '. *il nosifil 1 Il, 'J". ý"]Ili'-i- vho. lifter tire vity liait I ýý SHORT SERMONS. !; ,.IiýiiI, IlgiàiI't him IL jave seither lert the tablà- III anger or hal. : for uniii% (it-iitIitit-ý bel eovered mifla tir( ý i . Ili, lei Ili., II II1,; ... ;,,, I.o'1.IiIngý :W. leva, pri.'l 1'. hi. 'halls tritiift-ri«IiIl Ile I',,IIIiiii kisoi lied t las, roule dim n " "lit 1 fi; . ........ ý .... .. .. ý .. ý--..-..".-.--...-.-.......ý-i ion, .tri ,i. Ch,, aý,- ,,II.ir.- à I.,IiL,,ý,i,,I-, des, si, lIi*I-ré-rr,.(l ,reditor, j'Ili I I...IIt,, lin voisin. ta lx-lia-ve flots lothing il, i'l.l.,:"" 1 a, fil ni Illria'. of Vemi'ius, ', sas 111111.11 ý ý ....... . __ .... _ %vill 1'. ,-,t;Illil,.ýilý IP -ý, ,tIllý rLILL,%'ý Ille ,,iIiý,,, fers, litille lI'fl fil -111, IIIIII. - sL1ý,,,ý-,«,iýLg la tri ' I'lI"... 'in gna"I' ILý""I ..a' ' spirlitilli 1 là-vil 1.11 ý.'l.11.11i"«. ,,,I.'l.. t.- ri L 1 :11. àIr. Ciliner roil rel-ci,11I -L, i'Il-,iIlI'rI'It biel if God helif. .Isesir ;rail là,-IiiI.-t ,,fi heurt. 0tI.,ýt,, sied ut 'igillý-.1.iý;iis 1'lIr-it heing lIý,..IIiI, il"Il Aye, 3ou ,,fil Dot 1,,L,11,,,iII- 1111 ý.'l'.1I.,%" ý tir(. mi subinargement, flair fil" t-Xillt'L- , 1Io.LoIIiý .,ý.111"-.,ý,f.,Iýiiiiii,ýllitý- s'limitais As, 'Ild b.n loi,- 'l'i't In IIII 1-:11,1I - 11-so Il., fiILILoiâIIý . Il - ', lII.11, ,,itil- f.mivpgl(.ffl of elleillei, if ýLm cats rà,I1iy-ý ý ait-. 1,700 piarfi liftier, fouloi ilo, bolly ,if ' Il., Ïhal ilit.-Il.".Itljll 1.1 1ijiII,--ý výiII ai..,- day., ,If a).. Ci'l"sio , , - ý,,,,L. -', IIIII-11 IL :1, lie -m cd las his loilline-, Li', , ii, ý finit their Isellervior t.",al.(l ý(nI III;Iý liq, 1 filet bri It.ilom jet right pollitwo. Asai ! ýq- r,ýIIILLýLý trois. (ho 'olil of lomn tilt. Bultt'. 'l'i',ILI, Il".1 luL, 'n'.I lI,ýI.,. .umd ont >.-14-111 failli silos Ilo. salle l'IL Il l'ut into the t,41tjàl,.gil.ý or lial, *,.ait tlliI,;,,,' ! il nill Ls. a grand thing if. mlien ont. leil 1 gli'l'in of lilh'. 'Illai Ili-Ill ýjiIiImII filer- ing lias ilo. 1'1,,II ,II il IidfIý 't llI._,,. 1,I,,,I.-y or iolo- , il, I ,II'--li-,-. 1 %Il.. la l'a, l'iii IL I.-L'. .t..v ,, T lo 'ILII, 1,ý, '1l,",ý:!"'1 il that "moTk together fier gond là, th , Il. jet fil. k.-IL, L ... Iý.,.I."l 'If 1.1, lI:",I, ! iII-,Iiýý,ýlit ,'(Ifli.-,, Il., art- found ira ï-iglit ILI. 111111:11iIii. II.iý. l Allais". N situent lotIe 4,.III." 1 buve aloi inultit es , I"tl,- l'Ir" 111.1 b"ill I., , I1;11.1." ,iIl,,il lt,."l al-1. Imil 1-I.r"Iý'. Il'. kni ', il Ili -- -h ý iti toward C(àd. on gourd failli ment. ý 1.1i'l' Brooklvil. \:. ) . of friendil. fief 1 bravi- t in D'Y o.IVIýl i frighted I,>ý tilt- desi-endins; iqli.ý., f ri as . 1 i a, 1 X.;! à ,,Iily 1I.",I,..ýi, Tre-ttý ýexpriùn(,v thrit GoIl m) arraugeil il il,. , ,a f Ileil 1 Il,, aloi >111,1,,,ý,- T]w 'Spilil lit 1,1,:IýI-1-. lný-il;zjtioli li,ýý.TL,.ý a \1ýýI,ý,1.j, Iti-11-111, .il'.1 :il ý Nit- 'l - f'. ý.f Il.I,,, tire arreri olàlm)rtiitiitit-.ý or tiý,t-rtillill-1.ý 1 't'.ý;ý,,,,,,,.,,,ýý,,,..,ý,.ý,,. flore nt et cimaril filer[, 1 proviriés beyl 1'..],;1.1%.-IItlll*,ý .If il .IIIIIIII lli,,;,,I:,. l'I.ý.:. P- :11. lýs!)ibý ILI \1 ,.,iiLý,, )..I,,I..-ý, Illi.11ý 11;11 foILIHI tient lave b,,sa opaseil lori test- %vere intelit imeoi-le, fini 1 ileclare fi) .voit i 1 tilt 1 i lii:tt iiii. 11,1-1olial % '1Iit'it ira :Ili%- ÉI:.,Ij Il:,- . -l'Il. , 1. il ', ,il, ?I', ".,,,iý', ,1:ýL ý :;,.ý',:;'j,','l"ý.Iý.1, '.ýl..- IlIld [ILIO il IL' ý-1--l-lI-ýI' 1I - ' -Ira nmy harise- ý ' . Il, 1 ... ýIi's,.' ol».n,(; lay a-ilIýllIi,-,. soi, ý wimild illit (filtre il, allais to-tsight if thes-là, ý cillir, Il li:i., 1*.Iý.iiI.Il' il, lit'l jIIjI.iIIý, j ,il. lit il,, .fil .... Sch.1.ýly Fipo.iti.. et tik« -Thought. Wo"hy of C&IM ti.. Studjr et 1» Seript.ýe.-Ti-ý W.11 ëp"tý t. Rýti- Aft- MI % rtillery I)qàcl Ncar Storenherg 1-1 1,,1,, , T-p hy iou f-- M- ,!ji il-, 'i ;týTille>ry Pild Wrong Joling.- , for lwe. 17. It Io frin kiraal il I, h-i, f -i I-n, Nim). ::. 1 1 1-6. The golden priloz ili. II-l-, ai ni, i-t. -\1l*hat,ý r a enait soweth, thait aill il lii, 4-11 lil .1- , (;:il. il: 7. The final -jh il, ilw h, ,l Mmiallii ar. -Ieinn and impres- 1,111.:-,,ý:-irli:l, ý-f the blneik lu Our J., i V 1, 1., ý gi il il place similar te' I'. in the New Testjt- il 1jý ':lý":", i, climpters presellit & p. ![y 1îe,1ý Il ýý hardly wige.to i, ý, Pp 1 1 . - 1. 1- lit Nlil li, a, the la.t voiel, of the ni 'hilig 0; 1. Il.- il a".. -p '1*1,,It has a rhetorienl intf, ' r:ýý; ý,l 10, 1,t ie.titi(-d by the .:> g ýj -[I lakl l, ha!, r vre taille of tbeDid lind r, 1,1 pmt, ý,f it wem eer- h.. Bý ýf,. . ...... il,, -ll .'il, aftý r Malmhi's tinte. ne end --re lie à il, . I Il. - - , al-,it Il, Iaýt of the ..,a , lh., in.»od 09 in rýIijvith il. t ý 1, ý .,f p.,kpa addrem rnpi 1.- lirllI)h"y tended The Ir-pý itll$l notre the Writli Irieh rifl-, th, S.-,li than th, of divine timth. !it-ri.irid iliv 'l lL-ý 1-11.1k llr 'Ilnliil'Ili iil in large Part bc semnd t, li.,v ilint the suisfortiminaïl niotinted inf:intrý. and lield battvrl- ýNl),. and -ri-- of lie, .1(.na are the mimait 1 ,f in. This r-uit. the prophet milla- 74 and -.7. NN'lý luar, In-ll out bot 1 niws, is iovitaili, and invariable. The cautioti.,Iy. irme Pwt(ýr.ýkrnnl, luloi gm withiii tuo iiiii- ,r str.ueIwýrg ely -> Il, -Iat, the fli of God le the lighte-t il.di-timi of tio. , Iwn- 1 o il lit-y hiii lav. That the obmrv»ee e of Il, Mer-, (>ni- forv- On, national rttital was emphanised bore -- il quite a. rnlich aý inerely tuerai obedimm no-t I'v a hail of iý nitturni in vieil, of the cireunistentemill, lx-hind th.- ridge, il. lin- a, lent, l',,r juý,,t now the oh-rvance or Delille-et 09 riglit ttank. %ý:i, t- mari;% itit. rimai enceint, more definitelY than ait Io le ilh'tind, 4mil le l. ýitlilýLly :ooght Ilv - -on. tilim,* in the P"t. the me"ice or ti-r Ihind a kl-lij,-. TIje 01el, troops did t le, d.ýI;anvv f à1üvah. . 'A ' I"t M Li

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