FIANK IL. JTJT, hedr. ftRiiY, Deesuber 29, 1899. Uakred st tih,@oft-Offiusat Uhcrtyvilll Ilmes. un seond.elam smatter. auaviatuse 11h paller Fan. Journal Ce. Vear 3 Yeams. Pay up and Cet Bath Papers et Prias af One.. Va venSta gel 200 nev subocribera ta OUr paper by nov ere, and are ging 10 do it If ve au we Iberefori, continue ourkncogment vith tbe Faim Journal by vbiob ve eau $end 1the INloaRge- puEY andi the Paru Journal 5 yesa, bath foc 11.50. Andwv.make 111 mre aifSteanailold subecribers vbo vini Psy lail arrearages and One jear lD mivmace. Tou hnov vbatounr pape: je am" the Farux Journal la a gemn-1 pimolies, progresive-a clean, boneet,J le"l yP.r-full or gumplion, fl ai sumbinj. v.ii an immense cireulation »a mo bosselpeople evArywbers. You ougt go suite IL. Elgn Butter Market. Butter Contlinus a ru at26 Ceuta. The annnoeenbof Chairusu Basson,of thlBoHnse commitee on iveos and Barba , Iat no River and Hrbor bill vould bW reported as this session 0f Congres. bas caused nie grumbling. but a.thie annouucement vaes md. under insructions fronth. leatiersof lbmajorlty Ilai.likely to balti goati. The otroversy over Whu en Ue20h oenlnhybagine teia good ililustration or bummn aturs-the man vhi i. dead vromg la junetau positive ho te right ai thée dh.: ieluv. Anober lliing. if jou ver*.gton111acy section band or thhrd grade sebool boy that they diduti knuv amo ughnoan9l 190apples and hbeable stlyo kiWOhou lliey began counling on th1e 20&11hundzed, you vauld b. la tieuty. And yet sebuol maser@ ant premors and calendar blildoe are printing colnmnin th11e generai daUIiisaoviug liaI nol aver bal of Ibsmn» c0ant hen Jîle yea i nteati of apkdess Bomnea f1thé. inda ai the Nicaragua Canal in balli Hanses sud fSenale are ds«temned lu try lu pusb a, bill providlng for the construction outhle CramaI hrough at Ibis session af Cofglese. vitiaut vailing for the5 report of the canal commission, which vi» 304 b. mades for at least a Jea.. Dliperistly Wel understoud, as it vus"atheb. ime, Ibal the sole abject ka visv vhsn the canai commission v logiSIaiedifor by Cungrese vas lu dshyV legfislation for a canal. il ts ats -sJJ.ed tba$ a majority lu bath houas anti Banale voule vote for 6, bill go coutruct a canal, If £1116B an opportuuisy to do so, out oving ta 1theapproaci of the Presi- tienlal cmpaiga aud the foc$ liaI bI" appropriiuliona for oluer pur- Pont*. Wini b. abeoluiely neceesary, it là v*rl daubîful vbeiher lhe leader@ viiallo 91v A canal bilItalie voted un 84 Uiss »"On: tbey viii qniet théee Who vauld Ie t'O vole for tl itll iby wshug hem uatl 1111e limne ilI b. ltb vwailUng until lie net session, vIssathesrepart oft heCanal Commis- blen Wiin b. ready. lien. Wood mYs 1the Cnbang deeirs 'tbat tbsir achoalu b. recrgauîzeýd u lime Pllnlavague in lb. Unitedblhaes sud liai Amuean leanberh. liesolu batak ehargeai Iheum ibieindicsîe a cou. mendabî deaIre 011 the part utl lhe CUbant &0 fitLhIemucves fur doit" sof Iett.gasinment, sud opens a ,ay for young monand yulngvonien lun11e United 81*1.. ta enter au elucalîonm.I Aeid af large estent. Md the h.~ X MUSINOS' X They tell us over lu Vernon tial 9. D. alcICv iii bc Dcxl States Atar- ney, and pertiaps. If Devis viii getluiiilins vit uns country feliers uov, ve viii sou vibose vho 'n Lake Couulys politicuil game. Waukegiin vont le in ic. A caretul perusal of Becretary Gangesn estimate of expense for neil Jeu compoesthe ides liaI rien -Ohioolh in 111e &aie" IL contsa alot te ride. Aller a vbile ve viii bave a cable te OGuam anti eau prinIthe daily 6quota. tions on uarriages, piges, chickens ni Blpaniah friera, and bc free frum Ibis heart breaking suspense. Siauldth te Bon. iirigham H. Rboberts bc denieti a sfl iu lire IHouas ot Reprussntatives h11e sioîtupen an etablishunt iu Washington for lhe rsform of vicetid Coogresamen. There bave been tvo resolutiaus inlroduced ln Congre«s ta recognili. the Boers as belligeonts, but il sees ta us 11107 have aireadJ deunontratet tiaI Iheir belligereucy dosa»uîît reqoire auy apaciai recognition. The Emporor aif(iermauy viLo Jaya claimas to iaiiJibiliiy, bas slovu is falibility by anuuneingthht 19M1 wil1 ho the tira& Jear of!as nev centiry. We ove voniti bave expected William Il go imprudsnliy lu invite lie late &bta laintore for bim. Chicagos relochance &0ad"mire grand apera May b. a retiection upouue> clIl*a culture, butsas Jet il baas nal been dîsovered liaI 1the City ha tiecidedti t reptîdiage pork packine, ' vhich evidences liaI the masbetie May suier ilut 1he mais'rial ali flouuuil. t tioue of tie French noepapors areet asaerting liaI vith 100,000 &udies outi Engiantiin Souh Africa 25,000 mon couiti capture London. The Papers, bovever fullu tasMâte hov tie 26,0(K)0 arc la crouss the Cannel. Doobtlesas thc grealemi uavet - paver iu lhc vorid 9 wouid bave somneling l0 «Y aboutl that. Pruiesar Dean Worcester. une oft the usmuasrsailb.h Philippine Con- mission, s"y@ lth" lhsPhilippines vîi siartian exceleut field for the gro.%- ing 0oatun nan extensive acale, llit, suil anti cilute, being e.pocisiiy aspteti fo: tus pruduct. ', v i ii the sauti like Mebis ew rivsalu lith field af agriculure! The tiraI Lalystte doluar, the uunIqune apecmuan autharized by cougress lu aid ufth11e fondi for tie eroction ut the, Lafayete monument un. Paris, vas Ktruck off ai lhe minI in Piuadelpiia lasîThuraday. The caounvii b. pre- senleti by Preident ai the IUitedi Ststes1 tu the Presideul of Francs. Fiiîy thousautioftbIese cains viii b. sImdc anti are ta b. duspoed aI ai s cost of tva dollars apiece. Up ta date thie only unes mentloueti tor the Logisiature bI succeset G. K. ed 0"gbi u PEOPLES' COLUMNI- ..As " sa leorumme,s a r »Mers. W,&NTED-Men ta Jous "r trade. Wimeposition lsn*e oil:r. 1leitil. Cait esril tultioil.T va monlis. AlilaI. for% tion vitih anteIsu8 e.iauvenf"r dalelrrý..MOLus Buassa OrLMiujs chîleeg. IIi SAE-Poland Chinua Bosir, itI for Fuorvle snd 20 Poland Chiena pies3 8otmi. ..FoPK. LiberLryilie. FC BALF-A pisce of be..3g i fouse oezbtloausaide athlroonuad pati. Goodi mlir. vsii tietru lai aith 4 il. aud 4 jzle ia le asà gond vse won as vood ouse. le &nless uo smani nt aon E. Ran. eiiit. BsaIs. Rockseellsr. Ilit îf il F R ALE-1lu i coyrt aud sprinicers FJ. AraTat. Lbrtiville.itf F 08 ALE-se acre tarte. voil bupravîctInl ovu=t of Frenlînt. Jaoux avT.DR.lit ivanh1._s-sp W ANTED-Good second baud tractioni ettgine. E. M. APPLET. Liiorti Ville. FOR SALE-Large Aoru stove la F *o, audition. Ill il 0iI1«sP. R -MT. la. rtrville. duig" ue.AplMlhl50rk» C. N.- Dessi.Law OMM ic514 RsasrMc, coff. nsete Admnstratora Bale. S1*1. 0flIlinois. 4 Laket>oonhr. (s lu the oauuly~ Court or Lutte Ciunty. .51eo!Goge .Ril.dcest.George E. RibardaonAdminietrsbar of lieasetate ut Geoce W. 8uuîs detaei vs Ciariaa Aua iliebirdace Lita Ib Laiiepr B I mi am t. Al et«addock r ~ n i John o ve rse A MIL ItIaL d frkiand. Burto . e J eA t. John Whuisvar. Alida l. Whii.liiaî .Wi oAusu. lheuknova boire of ovs uolt tii.prolierf ieieinaliedmw.aed. purs Omno Of a ilsoreai r rmatis and unle ofiairecord ie said eaartlln heabaove 0 OMM icaseon lbthe otdur ai Deesuber A. D.i. hieaii adiinsrair GeorasE. Nbardsan yl ou Tuestia, lhe 85h day of jauw7 IM et une o'clock itu theslternoon o ttdaraMitheesa" etrance ot the onrt boussinthe reffroi VaUl M.Counîr af I.and 8144e f liUaois. atl icifsaleand oellipublic venduthes h i igstansd boat bidders for cash ta par tie deila of »Id! essail lbt.eriait 1h11. andtuerait vbh the maiGeorge W.REli" tecoafed. hadalt ihe dîne of ie deathi la andti th 1e iolloviug dpmcrbed rosi eatpts. to-wit: Tiie sauti Ihuno igliha M ofthe mom e baltte)alof the norti.vsatquarter lmu«r%) of seton tlven-hri (M Can sd the north bala)*) et lbheti- veetquater (a W vp ai Moiti uon tventy-tbreo ufinl owluabp fortâ-five 446) norti range ainle (0) saut Of tbe tIrd frd) princialm eldan. County of Podeed or dfods viii te delirnred la tis purcesser or pureens ni ald premils olii anb smie bas been approved ty lie saiti counîr court. DalcO Wuiesa.IlliinoisDo., s Gueon Y.F RxcnÎAmenA<lmllalratorof tht, ý-mme -f GeorreW. 171115 d..ssdý t_ N. Duasco. Attorney. C. N Drms. .Le, Oirles 5it RsipirSis. Chcag. lUa-s Sharff'aa. i.akrrCorilty, Iibl,.,e18 te icreigveu the&.1b? vrtue of a a-rtiatvril ni smii ittution laaaied outiof 1thee ircul entielads Countraud ritale 0M liSsaisSdtetme dîreeteri datte Und0 ltiday ofNoeuher A. D. in a l aver ni George E. ihuhartison 4dlni"lratr o f th.esetatî. of Ftidelia 911114 ,leceaned andi saust George W. RiMa, i @hall ou Tocadai the M5h day of Jnunsry A. D. lieu et1the heurt et one oolck la Ibm aternoon of raid day at 11e esaidooroai li court iousl is cil, rof Vanbe sa. 4.otr of Laks and tat1.e of Illinois. seil 0ai;publie ventluie'Loth1e bichent bitider kw cahiltbei rigtt tille surt intore«l of George W. ]Mts la th.e fAolivioodesbeti rosi estageitusltid lu tie Conut f Lake andi af MIltilois. uovieti au iv ne hi virtue ofsasiti vuit mti. qVpety o %ad GergeW. EUS to-wit afttenorti.voatquarendthis u«tone ball Mfh lrr,îth-vert quarter of gestion tvenir.lhrer (mitovnship forti-fivo (44 nori range Unie(V.iesasI0o!thes lird principal ner,iiaii. Daeluwt %autegan Iis lîrriday ni Ecrua J. 0 m,,:,. itherifi, Latte Counîr. Lyon, if iuo is nIs clandidfate for Tt- 8lectian are C. H. Es»tan, ut Derieit '-OU@ Minute CI John Burie, of Anitioci en 1A. K. reuody i ever i» ý et eýtrl cin i1 a hi i bre others and it j-etoîiylu .i BN. William gaine. A Wý Waldo, (If Libertyville, Neyer faisà. Il voulu for nman y reseus mate s ctroLg remoti> Ihal giq candidate, ln ficl liere are nTireuTou s pieniî:ni. rir vhy hoewaunit ut uuîse au peuiciJeu suitlong tre repreeenlative. yez,.m as rs aad. 'Cis preveuls cubasu eary, and repubiicnsseem incinud10la iiertvliie;J. ascerttin lMr. Lyons inteoans ors Otier maunitesîriýu-iiiy conqdered.h PsJs bas su. C.rugi Cure la the boat qoseri for cauga, anMd unequal for vbooping n an i ii lt," irritez rua, Genlryvlle, lad. [t li te ouly harties. usae immediale résulte. nilds, iiarsenescroup, rncities und an tluGeS ronlîes. ils early use unption. P. 0. LOYucLL, .H. Bisaîaast, urnes; MAN. YiocefP.ller. r GOfAY8LAKE LOCAL NEWS. --f.a.a. 8 4N . Mtu.. Mi's. Sherman te aulhouized lto epive ubscripions and adverisment t ur th1e 114Dap»»n1uUtBa odera for job printing. eaulon hbeirates 55t.5 CAMI EWIN n L. 1-1 vas nearly dmati iti dYsipopsis tristi toetora, iaiti minerai apringa, antigrsv voies. 1 seti Nadali Dys- Jipa Cure. That cursti me."' Il digestewbs& yon emI. Cures indiges- tion, saur lomaci, imsburn suntI al tous a ofdyspapela. P. I0. LovELlý, Libsityvihle; 1a. hlaiCUI um«rn., 1.L WmayuauA. Rockefeller. TIME TfLBLE GRAYBLAME, ILLINOIB. p. u. ora. 0010 UU '1unday auilr iDaie,, xcoit linda Y. W, Il. BioL191.Agent. WIBCONSIN CENTRAL U*ILWAY CO.1 OFFICIAL PAPER 0F GAYLAKE. bira. R. J. flugbey ud lion Howard, ai Rlussell, vinlted wili relatives bmre Ibisvserk.i Mir. B. .J. Allards, of Chidago, vas tire guest ut ie ainter, Mrs. rihermu ast veek. lir. Lavéon andilioan, ut ebicago, vere eutsrtaiusd ove: Xuias by lier Maler, lMrs. Parker. Mir». Johnson and nisce, of lipring.1 field, Win., are th1e gnuiat f ber sonj Bort Johnson ai Itbis place. Mnr. Auna hiradvay, of Chicago, ts sp.nding a fev veshe vith rientis tn hrayslaks sud Raineevîlle. Miss Aima Usie«reîurued leni Satn:day from, a mongh's visit wilb ber cousin ia. Smith, luin loit. Air. and lira. J. T. Marrili vent ta lieloil, Wib., tu »pend lb. Châriîias halitisyr i ih Ieir soit Deyt»udc daîîgiter bira. Simith. There are sous tinlga in the ve.kly Items ve are Dat respoualIble for, ni) il an item dome uot suit Juis la, itgIii tie alher persan. The Mises Day are &pouding the Chritums ilidays as Ibeir holm lu Michigan aud lMr. Vi.her a& bis hume in Wbettn, lit. liey left ufier lie zcloseutofsehool Tiiday. 'Two cilereu of lit. andi Mnr. Henry Mogg. nue au Infant oriàSlesr veels anth 1e aller ageti s iev ysars ier] lent veek andi vIre burisd tu the GrayalakLe aeetery. We extond o<>0 sympaliy. iens Editi Bendse, of Wattkc«gan, anti M»r. Brlp, aut <îiclngo. @pont Obrisîmasvith their parents, IMr. andi lira. Rucliti Rende. vbo aien enter. iained Ivo yanng men trou> Cbloagn et the saneelme. This iridasieuing Sorosis Ciapter O. E. 8. andi Rislug Suu Lotige A. P. .& A. Md. viii huld a joint installation of ofilleerslU) vhieh besides the membes. of tlias. rdera, tbeir vives, huabandi sud sveethearts are Invitei. gripper will bo servetin M. W. of A. bail. AI lhs proent I riling Edgar Hook li very serioasly I it lh diphbilai bis cousinrs in Chieago. 'Mr. and Mlra. Gardanier let ateâtouil a& is bedaide irmmetlstei, ou receipt of lhe uevs. W. trusât &0 b. able la report biè recuvery lu auoier wesi. lie vase home tu speund Xaat, relurniug Moîu. 1day evening. ; Mesurs. Allen M"dilien aud John Besholîz vin are iu lie Featier ltenovatiug lbusiness in Keno4sha, 1bte formera proprietar santh1e latter uas, solicitor. niove t tiir familles there1 ibis veel. We are sonry Itiloce lie> from, the village.bul visi 111cm sueecss, lu Ibeir Dcv veunure t There vere niani family dilrner parties il) tavu Xmas idey, abolitthIe glargeet af viieh belug lie une ut Mir. and ini. Wbitebead's. vicie tiare wsre nineleent lhe thble. lMr. a'Id lira. Wbitehead are very torlrnate lu baviug lai tb. fauily snoflemr boue. sn luI a very ahort lime liey eas ai aler for s renion. The Ciriétmas tanita u i l Congregatioînal cburciî lant Mondayl seuaing vas very gondi andl lie, atteudance vaas canal a large one.1 Ail the litlepeople se veillam.Ihos ai larger gravlh vers veil remeinbered. The cbulroh vas beanlifniiy decoratet snd insteati of lie ustouary Chrisimas Ires the. giavere linîg ngaiiy trimmeti lattlce vorb. Proa@mRmlIeL UTwo yeas&go ImsIfred aW- varey lrorn nuralgf anad pel pta*lcith hwit 1Ivu 1 *MSmoIR I oouwork. 1 too m e uai cum 3 bot" m-c - Rdal trm of my dsa-d', and 1I»WMdw fre à Ies OA. Mdr*. la. o. Ht. Dr M«WMUICMn. EM, R Iess o coat tomaeroor For 30 days, ail goods 'i be soid, regard- .frnew goods. Dsconperlb . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . S 0 ]Ri ep r J « ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . 0 Po.lacp pp u e ............... S Holidy 4 o ibu pric Ai iu lcd& BoMMd Shoas ai cost. Ma lu. Cut Tobecco, lA hm ...ns.... 35 Ham, ............L..e.B..der- 02 Mas$ M mysiae i baftboos......... 75 rossa"Sou k& ch ........06 G si eW . .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 25 Suit perl... ... . . . . . . . . . 75 1 Six boisl a N . a .No, .............20 0 1 Phu .cbolWebb amd ceIIiosStarch...... 0 Saisod10lOhbsfer. ..... 10 cSk as" P-W pai ..........pair0 Bargains ln ail linos -of ~~s whlch are the fê r g Ise m ada et... ... 15e md 17 DgeGooet ...... . ..... 57.00md S e0 Lwdls e...... Juue i s's»Y ,. bet 25 a..............1 $51 d6 CAP«iat .......................32 I 2ca m » e. ....................'4n Ve ohaswe .50 aia..................»Y 25e md 30rc ernet........... 19 10c &Mi12e Cerneseti... .... ....««' - 7 A discount of 2o per cent on ail ai. F. H. KUEBKERÎ Grayslake DeDt. Store. Graysilk., j110 Buy Géode of a. Responsùe a*.Wh- Guarantee is reliable. Dontgoto as John Store"5 and expect Somellng-' Nothing. Alfred W. Whitmors, Hr., vas born KI Cbsitenbam, England. Aug, lu. 1811. Dieti ab Urayâlakes.Il[&..,Dec. 17, le"9. Mr. Wbitmar. came ta Ibis counîryseiplsDîb.r 1848 stoppine ab Cîrmlug. N. Y. tbsnee frotu lbrg ta Port Dovsr, Canadt. Roturning Sa Engiaudt tvayears Jeter. lie gain rsturned ta Ibis coantry ln 1852 by th@ way 0 uthle Gulf of lMexico snd visitedth 1e W~est Indisa andisontbsrn 8antaeru States. After @ponuding tire. Jeari ln Natchiez. Miss., 1e cama a& Cairo and camt by rail ta Chicago andi then ta Waukegau. Wbillein lis narth hs traversedthelb Great Laies. On August 121h, 1856 bs vas unilsîl inl marrage ta Elizabeth J. Ilook, of iiridg.vteOr, Ruglaud and »Stîisd on a fdim one-balf mils vest of Hainseville, Ille.. on vieiih1e livsd unlIM189wvbn 111sy rsmoved en Graysiak., bIs pressen% resideica, lMr. Wituore dorng 1the Pont year fiîsti the position of Ans&. P. M. Mir. Whigmars vas the sîdest son ai Dr. William Wbilmare s physician anti surgean, a doctor hig inlatli ranise aibis professioneaI lia I lme. Mri. Whitmore unilit vlîh lhe Md. R. churci vWhen qutsbYou,.lio serveti the clinrcb Iu capatlcY ut steward, truste@ sud ather positions ai usefol. cess. ie»lIllevas bey ond repracb. Thoie who huew lim lest lovet isei mont. His ilînese Wvas unI ai fer 'sys duration asd i@ilssutierings intense. He hnsv liaI tie ime o9 bis departure vas ai bandi. Ris faith la Cati va stpoDg and bis ho a aglorioa resursction brîgni. The muerai ser- vices voe heiti Tustiay, Dec. 19, ai the Viret Cougregatluuai cburce, Rov. Chapler ainiced hy 11ev. hiteveus omdclUilg sudi lieervice. vers couducttbY ibeUMasonle Order, andti he remnains laid ai rest ae Foi Lake, 111. -Thoss vioa an loft lu motaîrhl*Isemsare une brother andt tv sisters, Misses Alee anti Herriot whig- mors, ai Chelieniaun. Engiauti. lra. A. W.WU'ituîre and tiresnos anud one datîgiler. A. W. Wimore, Jr., of iiatnevile. Dr. C. C. Witmor., ai Chicago, 0. B. Whitmars, of liancocýk, Wiàs ansd Anale i. Wituore, pont. miatress aIt shiplace. il Lakea but a minute ta overoome timking la lhe Ibroat sud &0 slop a cougb by tbe une 0, onesmiute .Cougb Oure. This remedy quickly curs un forme ut Ibrouaiandi long trouble. Hormis« andi pîsasani to at@. IL pravents consumptlun. A ramons apsoifle for grippe andi îleale eals& P. B. LOVELL, Llbertyville, J. H9. BEAàEEE. Ournes, P. L. W sa. MAX, Rockefeller. car y a ' a lht Table Silverwear always delighia ithe houeewUL I hm ea - --good ime -- - ... Extra fine Carving Sets, and so rigtli Clocks in varied and unique gtualns. Repairlng of ail klnds. 1 can Mi your watch wili keep correct ti me. DIROP HEAD SEVIN MACHIES New Royal - - $ , 19 OOduo'a im New Home - - 29 75 « E.,B. SHIERMAN. GRAYSLAKE. IU4 --mua 'ý You wili .find during the coming year you have in the pasta that my lino goods is reliable and prices the Iow possible. W. W. EDWARD.59 GRAYSLAKE. - - W. caution the publie agalaht pund cf aur -rnachlqs.We herp np viti l4, makingaotblid but tic iigbuut giais. uaêqiilisecm a iiuSel; ienesu*a jetaise of pur «i0raiae.' " A DisseN OfsJ».. etleiPdcaJ 10r Iseei tsds*t1 1amS bpla1d "a.t61*4 WATCIIES. JEWELRY, SI LVERWARE, NOVELTIES- IN GOLD &ND SI LVER. Every Pair of Men's Shoes, Overshoes, Feit Boots Apid Overs TUE FOLLOWINC PAICE 13 JUST ABOUT ONE-HALF VALUE. Miens a e<>caoa a pair .............. $10 liens TFour litraplt eit ul- a pair 50C Mens RBuche <vrB a pair ....... ... 1.50 h(xys, isîelle(>esîa apair .. ..75C Boys' Bcni s i -l a5Oer a pair .. ........A.00 lilo.Germau i4c-s a pair .. .... .... 50C Must be SoId at Once.. THE3 FAIR, Waukegan, 1 . 1