LAKE d'/OLJNTY IN. Vol. VIII. No. 13, Lbertyville, Lake County, Illi1nois, Friday. January 5.1900. $1.60 a YearjWr4 Let Us Measure FOR A NEW SUIT OR OVERCOAT. WCe offe f you a choice of fine Worsteds. Cheviots. Casimeres - aMc 7 4ges in al the ewest patterns. Our grmets amd-i kîî/îedly the beit lfiting, best wearilg and best looking. 1 SShirts for One Dollar, f it for millionaires, but perhaps they twill fit you better. We would like ta Cuif und Collar you always. mnd tue donit think you wiIIl ee offended if you cete the auperiority of aur Cuffsansd Colla, SANBORN & CO., Trailor-s and Haberdashers. Kaiser Block. Dr. Charles Galloway. (>tfice ove r LoveIIl'sDrug Store 111- 1 -' 1 MT ,Ni, 1,TO'1P. W Li bertyvil le,-IlilinoQis Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. OJffice over Triggs & Taylor's. .... . .. ipp.tîte lPark Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physi< lin îndSiireoOn. G ti mr o. Ittir~0om. Dr. D. H. Smith. Libertyville. 111. PAUL MacCUFFIN, ttî,Urt . lii 'iii n <r 1a.i.. NOTARV PUBLIC L 'F e 'N y i fl <(<I Illifnois BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. W Ilt 1SLIAEFI-ER'S 11 , F lt (;,t u F p i ' , t 1- - I 1 - Libertyville. Er W AU K EG AN.. mnens \ ew 'er century ridera regietereutLiterealiteelieu resîsorant Moudap. b. A. iloeliage, te lirut arrivai, von lte evlent, liietngtlte Northt Side Water vorta lu Chicago as 12:55. Thte ouly tree vito fliaited were Boetlage, (Soetz eud Pridliam. Safe blowera pald Waîitegan àa vii Titurgbd.y nigit of!last; veki. For te flr<.l lime lu mny enpyars expert î'racka- men latlored vîtitfl tarong boxes of local 1h.ensmen. Forlunusely ltep aecigred littIe plun.ler. Il,v te it, te î.lîudererm viied tlhe olticm <1 t e ltvereigii Liîmrating v.,rks sud te ilrit Lmbîr couupany. At excit place mles <ere drilled lu ite asie dioute sud frou) liii. former a srnill liant w#â mal, wai.t MI ite il9t,'r plae te i',l, lîidl.î i,î< iiauilncd lii,' il l robald rI Ici g frigitltcl ailes D>avid Noak., M olifoet, iratgeuiaî ai, the E.J. &E. -us ktlled lulte yards lieraklionday' oioraiug. Nosits vaà valking iu a gondotla coal car (riiiig toverî te iteau cnd îof te grain ut vin lumimeiukown manuier lie feil belveetilte cars sud vas ,'Alî,itl by Cli tvy Iruckx helosaîud ilragged forbomle distanîce. W. W. Duumii, yard master, board binamoel and elgoiale1 Coudurlor Jatmes W. L'île Lt, 8îîîp te grain. Whoeu Noast, vit vss<,ini iitr lteeleenitcarli lte trll. 'i. remecitedtfie as iuitus.'i,iis He va alloen out sud carri.d l lilt au agni iiance, bitl Noaka îljed ini lie i'pit tiefore elîier arrivedt. A wife lind lvii 'iildren iii Joluiet asurvive biii. lis budy vas aiipped lo Joliet ycsl.'niiay îflernoon. A verîllîlt il.! s"ilcîelutit vas gicei liVl'y tn' trne rs juilry. AI fite hme of the grooms lister, W. H. M1 LLE R, Mr*. .J. M. Foots, aofWeîutegeu, a& (' 1 .î 1i. v1, li 1 Mi oflou New Yraoectitiyd tse mat- 1-11 i ri r . îti an< 'hab rîv 'tI«ge io! Mr. James F. Wells sud Mis. Al O< i reulu,' 'iilieM. H0184, itli0o!HaIl Uap. 'iTe î'ersmony W&& performeut by 1ev. JF C- M Hîrkioldet, 0f1lte Congre- Nnxrr' '<'I Fii tiii' "' 't<"«'< Ratluuual cturcited auvsa vitueased ty 'ru ' . ' . a few relatives anti frienda of be yoig people. Thte couple wete atten. <Pl y Mis Mable Mani, tif Hall t Sa k and '1Wiu. We114, a t rotter o!fte Btlbride sud groomt arc pop<lr 0 & Co., , v eli kuove la sitels oclilp, ngecrtnO1*e,4aagtacquetu. tcevWho extqbd be«Jeal eîgrtuli. 5' a,. , î jngu 1: MrB. and lMro. We Wt» wli live neer ttiîî. Prairiee ,ii t~jazson feaim whiîuiîtMr. Weis'1reeenlly pur- ctasnd. - t(~fIUIV Thanlce.ta Iqp.boe. i Iii'IEiapt .5iata 10ltanul cg. ismany ki"Bdi"tond noti tbseritieri ns of this lfor Ilîir Ptoutlnshlem4king toiu aid iit eneals lte pasiigev daya.. ovever1 mc eat bete are nome vWhe are pet i tria A kRow sud <e sit of aaicl ut a smtieln.a Front, i and FUq - lUI H9 ig~ak Price wrand,~ CATTLEMEN MEET. Thay Crtilathes Application of the New stock Insection Law. Dairyme, and stock bremders of Illinois lielt a mass meeting ai;tte Briggs Houi Tuesday aftein o difflumSe tnecnloea in cattle sud alloged ijustice in te application of lte nov leu, reqdftg profesional Inspection of ,tock by lte alate boarci of live stock commzseiosere. Thte rigbt t 1 apply thete uberculin test tu stock aud te condeun tite animal& le alaughlter asa imfrion Of Iheir value ku vesled uiate commissiones sud severat fermera complain tht thle judgmenî t divers limes by thte board, sud &btiehy are alli thelte Mercy of lte veterinary oMtcaIs of te sete Wilotaelalabieredresl inte courts. lieveral bunidrede 0f sitippera, datîp. men, repreaeusetiveS of lte Live Stock Exchtange, Medical sdvlsersansd lte late vel-eriuary. C. P. Lovejoy, vers In &&tendance, logetiterviitt tte entire b lard of tommiatonera. l va. @vident taIlte malorlîr of te men presieut vere antione 10 pas resoluti<îne condemning bot bhe ev andth ie hoard, but lits lime van laken up lit ii dsnaiou snd uolting vas aeomplsited exeepl te appoinlînt of e coomillee 10drart res«,lulioina l present et lte Dcxl meeting. BLeeolutloua itsd teen drafledliv te serretary of te meeting, H. B. Fermer, nrgiug taut liteexculliu <'f te 1mw be slape<t untl lte fact of tbe trans- uilîiu 0of diseaac fIr' ,obesat &0 'me" be abuoiiîtely ctbiijcand auggest- Ing tt thlie legel rigitl of Inspection aud condemn&tiou te permllted 10 remain vîitlte board of commis- sionera,, but taIeehbard bhI.- trîîcled 10isbe icient fl i leappliî.a- Thte spirit of te meeting vas sitiwn viten te reslutions vere voted down iteosuse they uid nc.t 'oudcun lte board. Dr. W. A Evans nofte ('î<iuuiiis laboralory tbld o! Illeexpeimenla br i<ouneclioîî villi llbercuuri in l animala suit C. P. Luvejoy, Stete Veteeiuariau, dcicnded hi. action lu atlenîplling to enforce lte lem. A nuniner of breedcrr, and dairymen told o! banhes tep tsd ausiaiied ty wvit tey cousiulered te defeteInlte geutg lava, at mMd miiirto of temn. The meeting aseved ta arouneate men lnlerealcd sdec une- tiiug dci, il.'vii iubilcs lue srrîiui - pli.enthaeli' nXI eeliiîg. Th ie ft<iiing commitîe sax sp- poiuli<î le.prePure resululîoîîs i. r a etug lut e fiteld inthue Higgs, lionut la.I. oi). I. William 'itemunîo, fi. B. Fariner, W, A. (oo. lu, SIan ici, E -J. i"ell<w. St rtien Down in Hie Prims. 'lh., remos aof Clarenîce W.ltiuyd, of Chiciago dee iMougit tle Liiierly- cille for intermenil M1eîtàeoae, lte local lodge î,f masoca bliilig citarge 'et~ lte servions ut lte grav'e. Decemsed vas hotu in Chicagoj ttsrciîlu10, 71suit epelic ineariy fie Ilia Literiyvilie, <nýeeite lesrued lhe tIuneri, Irade siit (à.H. Siect He ltler wvunî 1 Iowa aîlieiigaged lu litn bs.rr<are iuamuess viit 0. A. i iîggs. Dimpoming o! bis Jhusinîes ter,'lite aeured a poielion vîitlteé C. &1'N. W. rsilriisd compsup asulire- mal],oun lte Milwauke divisionî, utI duit aoctiou lie vorîcî taî É nlrikei vitiî yphiod pneumo<îia, frion wviînit ie dieit Jau. lai, afler a ltie <cccSlIhies8. licvilax ameiniter <f8 lte lisonir order aI Lakte Part, la. Sevnu pears A90oite vas tuarried tlu KîLlie .1. Wrightl, deugitter of Mr. andr Mi. atlas Wrght. uf Libertyville.t Twaobhlidren dee oto a tem. anea a gi of se cen and &boy o! Ivo pears viitlte vile aurvlviuig u. 'l'boue froiu abro.d vWho atteuded thete fnuerai were A. C. Trlggs, J. 8. Trigga,e Mr. sud Bts. E. Il. (JrtieUa nd Mises Stouer, cf BWRi; Titi>. Phalpi, JohnTui'riggs, sud Wme. Boyd, o! Chicom. go;M Irs. tieo. Predetois, Of (jrsysiajke. Chan»eS<~srhm 'lTe geetS. s'. w05, iici lr7W re. Fred zarwver, vse'rEenl* ot i ewvri wb eom ha ancharge 0 o!am u, Tb e forume #ji- sbv Ui$<t libers ai Md anti hp leWýg1 de l«p ~jii about Rvrbi 'litelir<g Chimao tas flgliM ed :F Zerves desbyW gota ia for 9l~. j44ausat belitioeoutgly vermadlab -busiluesaandi a ltnasWvite WRIt momildence un.i in frien&. '--k - '-r if Vplcanqo £tuptlesv Are gtSUtt,~ bpS~ uni. ~s an,' - F 111a .1 Sur» Deati to Country. Mrchants. K NOW N AT LAST clationof Manfacture@, for________________-fo clalo 0 Mauicîrer, ogtheviitDowle Announeauathe site chose. te.ProPrielora of taveral large depert- Near Waukegan. ment stores, and ôther philannîhropie O Hl iy0fZo"vi tn citiens vio aem 1 tiinktitt noulte eliore Of Lake Michigan, iorth &Am shoniti coudaiet bie agraira to serveofanen.Ti mteNwTDYWBEITI NNASLEC lteir pereonal intereal, are trying te~ Wuea. Tt usIe5vT-A EBOI U NIA AE0 getCogre t pas la amItin Yar aunoncemeut "Dr." John lage Oonresa t01pas, anlW admtt ieg a cdrloi zd 0bsfioeHOUSEHIOLD INEiN$ý larlle pta lrte f o lrcaget<ie mb tueSthie tabernacle lu Michigan avenue DaMUiiiUmn, blaefand uabe&el tearguest l y t fpoaage. lmogtct îag er.,NYeeanirngo"Ol. PaftermTable Clothu, Ttg. lit aguent leypreen l lie ar *Amen"sulte deep ehorus lit utfotalue thlai Grvet Britain te postage on greeted bIeannounoement, and "Halle-be se percelala9 6cents for the tiret pouud It *.il1. d--l.- . - and 2 cenla for eitAilonal Pound. thua MAktng en li-pound package, viticitis lte limit, cobt only 26 cents; andti ien bey goluto hysterîca over ltegroal benetil ani couvenience IL vould be 10 lite plein people 10 have surit a rata of postage for the lIane mimlino!flteir Chitlmas presento. The vonder iltgst t ey do not ast Uncle Sain tu carry theîr P"cages for nothlng. Let us seehtw tiisould work. To begin vith, on uluatal service nov bas e deilcttcf me 19,omoi,îo)olier annum for operatling expensea4 alone, aud If 10 titis bis aided te appropriations for iev post offies sud nev eijiilpnîile, vithta reastneitle mounit for deprea- Clou luvalues aud <eair ud teur, Itie deticit voiîld prohiably amîotit 0 $'20,000,0M Oor imore pe.r sun îîîu Who pays titis s5itage? Every twlloollboy kuuwe litat If li mie Salu dora uot oCil pî.itsge etsmps cuongh to 0psy bies'optal expenses, lie muiâtmalle IL iiifrom isenscuebo dulties, or fronialther interu revenue@ m) tta&thlie people psy lthe loveromeut'e delicit, vitcit bru, lthe profit going loito lthe pockets of a bew large business bouses vijo are ini a position tu work I'ncle balIOS maciiry tu lteir persona] advuntage.1 If a Îoman lua Oklahoma, or t>sikomtî,4 or auy otiter ont-o! îbhe-vay plae, eau gel a uew dresa, or tnn ponds of Leu, «r a boy'@sunt, orsa pair 0abloceb, or auj- ting else that ber fsmlly or lion8eeiold uses lu Nev York, ( ioaîcgu or St. Loule, or any alter hlig Irade c'enter, et an expene of 26 centseor leaâ foîr poetage,i vil iil euelîsronie bler l(w<aIl stre- keeper' A cbi'a1îparae upoull eans sure( dealth Lu the country mereblantS, a l<lov 10 lthe proeperily 1<' ivery 11< île1 country village, sud au enoruionsà reduclion iunlte business of rcgîilarj iottgun imereoi,,ts m-ad ai» or lthe ieelli f a te.,' mrcaiîtîh.' saggrega- lionlitaI are. Dot aatimfledi tucorral &ail loîsilnes.. vîithin liii, mii', iof tiirm ebatUIsIMinenî but Uî,w auf fri, e Sam lu Psy d.llyîerv echargies «ntheirv packages .eilt Itbey eau ispîrîre tilea reluit traite of file entîre eolîutry. If we are 'ot very mueli inuitaken the à uiltlion or su iof country merîliantsv miii hâve sîîmetbing 10 Say linboret CofugresK Passes auj new postai ias suit vwoîld Iîievilably drive ltese il mcnu'iîaîîla uont ut business. Inoeodtarlee Woria. Last weel i brmrday lvi, ires, rlcaryy the w.,rk of i<iu'ndile. dcslroyed a large baril iîelougngg luJamies Anderaon aI Laie Forentldoitddcoii. miderabii, tiioîge 10 uir 1, i<clu lte reur uif <'nimnel Flarlier's mmeat maret. Iu Auîicnioo v liarri vas sconsider- atle smonîît ,of tav aloi oîacliîuer'vte 1081 amoiluîig 1<, nu,verai tiliudred dollars. rFite ire fiotuiuîu.<'ilo 4îesî'oyeîl,a the tire vas dî<, ullil damage va..dîoe. These tires, f<lliuwiug Nu cloaely îo tite re'ec tiîrr)iing of lte McCormick sud <iuweiiteia barilîs six veeks go, btave sroused Ulit ilzeaus snd astslct valclîlain I,î' itepl itereafler. A revsrd o! 51,0(X< Iîan een ottercd lor lte@ appreieusiOo0f lte îerpelratora Of te OuveUtais aud ticCormicit lites. Thte Police bave arrcaled s Young mail ou suspicion 0f belng te uilty persoandbc sube i îîg held pending an Iuvestigation. Church murned. TrilY Eptacopal churci t siHightland Park van dealroyed bp lite Nev years evsnuing. Thte blaze, vliîu 'as eauiad bp an over-besled furnace intlite bement, vas diacovered ty lteNez. ton al; n oclocit. Thtelieues spreati ropidip 10 lite fluor shore sud la e Shor tiiue te entire structure vau biurmng. 1ev. 1P. 1C. IiloolI, lte relorvan anc f ftlt, iraI 10 reachj te *celle. Ttc V,Iliineer ire de. palèet won;vaoullîuefecticely tu hîiwiud. Thte pipe orgsnan mil lie b9fp.uvs iteala uecoraions unte *dJIfo er. muincit, but s piano sud atM. fornisitingoe emaved. Tite an Une abOni 10,00(1. Theit chait a ê*orp structure sud tullcof wood dilit brick fouad.iion. TitelugurRuce bts about 58,000. IMM PIre rurance Annual Meeting. the aBnal pire lueurance Meeting yNqmilburu Mutual lusourance vili liefiteldi ln Forete's >11Ihiuru, Illinois, Salugrd"J 0.IWO, et 10.30 a. m. te receive 1i reports c!«lte unnagefetl ouaeeto tlhe cooupanp, 1tuatak phaslatby.iaqs liti 46laedàIa4. ter týée ulon a 5~ mtumcl hé, ""M' ais theralls ere i cuadberoe l ailn lite me a cote tme hon rionteparudofcaue mut ojee. Turingvouritepterfwaukean theplad Tit fuavie lbfr as liaI lt. l@%W vleut purc tefCutarngimm s plant vitiit lte MrnWeelock iipe in &Hlu t. W u ,butkisu on selllns options on more larme. Mee*bulY bo obiainetian optionoa otq. cfland exlindàng wat frOM tit tropmmwevins hiumge%Ç) Ib.opI. Peli airwodftb a .11M.WSitlIs rP ho lied aiSagB*r ;'aOi ace hi. iluý bobos 081,19i4 bt WA*. « [ibi.M vuA** 94W ous. , Mie -COTTON SKEETIIGS-b ~ the yard--ailthet e&&% - bmade-W«Ced Znleached-36 to 90 inchu wJm IrXx SHEET AM PRLOW CASES-uedy for ue-a iîamhad and hem.d. Sheeta 8LX90 inche,. Slips M 36XSO Weu OUILTS AND CFR'3ERS-an exceptionai zhih* md op * fo the montb. MMNSUNIÀUNDERED WHITM SHWr&-bult fwt style, ce S-rw4ce- n th u ieaMd stroogly reinfored-Me& xulin wtlh good linen bosomn-ech ....... dx M oust ISTABSUEO NOV. 3M.le" WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. TLpqg STOVF3S i a ~The betluortnent ever l84 Libertyv Me. inclucling Ge%~ Acorna. Universals ani Gold:l We bought one hundred stoVlî early Iast sping before any advanc>,ii price and are Prepared to make Pi0r1#4 that defy corrpetition. W. deliver and set U of charge. No freight or rlk age as is the case if they arn in Chicago. Compare our prices with ..prlces before buyl ... STREET BLANKETS.,. Common Squar Blanket - - - . Large Size, 80z90 .(àlb) 80x90 lthe -Overseer," standing on lte plat- fermaitowed a manunotb bird'a.eyî vie, of bis future City. Tite auinouncemet vas madte neair lthe close of a lonir meeting, front viticit9ail but beltevera vers excluded. Aler lthe communion, of viticit ai] pargook, "Dr." -Dovie mounted is routruni. Thte veary congregeltior vrais îlickened Imb ne.. lle endà murmur rau titrougi the churcit.--Ho ie going 1eashov uis Our future home.' Dowie paused iti perfect, silence reigned. Titenhie began. He retold the gravthof i&ehitrcit. boy from a fevtI itadmultiplled d11it Ie memberq nnmbered Ihoussuda. Nov alter mauy trial@, ite seui, lme dnehtdcoine@vimen titeyasiouifi quit lite ungodly vorid Riud meke for titenielve a City viterein teir cred eitonld be supreme. -And tiinis our etty" lie exclaied raiaiug bis baud. At lthe signal s large Veansvas urolled from lthe roîof. i, rneesured nearly 1borly feel squiare. On IL vere drawu lite ouîllînee<if aIllithe centrai S9teea dt lcheir main allies. jua nortit of Watikegant waa a golden star, from ieh iitradiated lhues lu ail diree- tions. "Tliat" said lteoverseer, poiuîîug le lthe star, -islthe aile of Mion, lte nev ceuter Of tii reglonl." Thte draving va. greeled victlas chtorus of .' Halielujabe." "Nov, -Y peoPle," rontInuedtthe overseer, -tbis linlthe pieu of our Zion." Once more Dovie raised bis arm and anollier canan vas tfntalled, digelo.. ing a citarl Of lthe future City. -'i wyul contein 6,01)( acres," said lue tiveraeer, --and viii 4teuoe and uuue-italf miles long from nort 10O meniîtîand tour imiles from etal1t e t. l1i lia center vili be a gtest park of 10 acre seurronnding our LneurTemple ai Z ion, lthe moM mgmsl ta ia man enuimagine. Itoundti aouit t Park will be grouped lthe adminiatra- ion i.îildings or Zion, ecrit a grand 8tniîrtîîre iu ilself. ' broughthlie clly f rom euett e t wmlextend e bou<levard 5400 yaillavide, ,baded wîtgli trees of e'cery ktnd. ur cllY le lu bave a laite frontlge of a muile Ruda a l!audti'amaglldceni ibarber, citercin lthel boueltuaIont ride ont tlhc gales.' Wite ite lalked lthe Overse es-ex plaîied bis varda bY lb. diffram. Wh libe fluielîed ie psased a moment, Ilieu Raid: "Here lsa aview uf Our eilp as fi -ii rie wbeu linialued." A ltird cancan van lovered s'iowiug abirdsi-eye vlev of Zion. Speakinffurtber of bils plans, Dovte said: "A year from now 1 iàshahlie staudiug un honnI Olivet. b noua all atarI for Europe, visillng ail lthe 'onlutrie o!flte nid vorld, te maite couverts." W lieu lthe overheer a10pped epeekiug, hunuireda in ltelte citurcit vio lied irougitt lucieous bega 1 net, vitile olterm refreaited Iiemmelcesin lthe eosînaraul lu lthe besement. A 1ev Went itome, but lthe majoritp delcareu bhey vould stap until dsy-ligitt. A box said 10 contalu Sî,000,000 vas paraed dlthrough, lthe steleu of Doilo ZIon eartp Mouday mofuing. Thte itest vas titres feet long and a foot squeire and sppeered 1W be verp iteevy. iThe contlenite0f lthe citest, Dovie Raidi, would te uaed lunltse ultimata purcitsa f lthe land he iait previonsi>' deseribed. Mayor Pearce lias no fearm for fankeltan by vîrîne of1lthe location, and ex-Mayor DeWolf thi1ika Zion a le btter titan if Carnegie bult on lthe tact e big tovu lita wonld aleal Waukegan'm Ibunder. Waukegan's evelopmeul ilia wnhUne vonld Dol le se macht burt ce tthe nevr Cty vonif 'e no nearer titan, Lae Bluff. City Treaurer B. A. DunRaid lter. va. e feeling cf greel dimappoitamnt, se mont people expeoled a large factory tov u 0ob builit. Dr. J. F. Booemer sa Zion viii te a lemperance tovn, ad vîlIsitome Wa<îkegsn sud ita iauîp salcona. E. D. Wbeelock lias bren oblaiutug options on property In lthe northera sart of Lakte Couuly for montIL. PeuI. - 4' Whips and Horse Furnishingp, of ail kinds.' Baum's Stock Food Always on'H Chas., Kaiser, LIBERTYVILLE. - - mil" of lthe State Une. iatP The land vasuseured friom fi.rty-one The IN»,*1EM differeni parties, vito soin tracta very- coa peypals lsxg Trou lveity. Neveu amom Up bc 560srpour, = uj 1 acre@bave been pur. vorltbi4. ~ ee ntrgitansd the option& on k. reai expire on Vb L rieubhqvvr, wve Su n o"66Suad are fre 5 à co u au*fest<of authette: wba theproperty bau beeu 151usd, ai. 0 Tb. lageat r"tb"o B taI o! Mary J. Duent, -M assit. Prom a. W. PeNTy ecÇrlb Jý&rbo en oopmy w.acres. Wi â 4 I8 Oi 'A lP94. gef m'Io - 1 IUI&b- halled the detmkh of bis plan u All Wool Bhsnketa.76z40 - Duck Bleakets with Vool Llning - - ...STABLE BLANLETS.. duck ljaed - - - Wool Lap Robes 1 - - d si ý -. ý, ý i -- ALL WOOL BLANKETS...