W. 7 vIli alose 14 ever, Seiday SI Ahi. 909W. Caned 01lIv. 1I 2 3 , P de/Atplo, Nme BBIDElna C'ett Port ..afa 15 le 17 'h Tuba Chae Beane Ps d Breaed Ccoa Tee Cekb 22 23 24 2 Doghnuta Cl«,Orolate Gaffe. Cai Waah mugir Ppper 29 30 31 Boer" SPf~* UP HRE AND THERE. ".cd tome of Istrst to Liboetyville Readers. tL"i Y.s 5 e6 f aikeral goda 1,2 TIM3 19 20 Fs Povder Canped Lard se 27 EVERY DAY BUY EVERYTHINCYOU NOUD AT TRIGGS AND TAYLOR'S AND YOU VONT VANT TO TUIRNe OVER A NEW -LEAF NEXT YEAR, Triggs & Taylor, -Libertyville - - - Illinois. S~peciaI Bargains!! IN WATCIHS Ilaving an over suPPly of Watches, 1 wiII seil them at a sacrifice during the next Weelk. For ten days beginning January 6th 1 wIlI sell Solid GoId Sp-ectacles with best J*nses at $5.00. Ten year GoId FiIIed at Î3-00. Perfect fit guaranteed. CR. SIIERMAN, Libertyville -Illinois.1 CoId Weather Necessities. Caps AGo Oloves A od e Mittens Asrmn Underwear' Always Feits and vr On Hand. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. F. C. SMITH& SON e8utier Bldg. Libertyville, Illinois. GO TO LOVELL'S I)RLG STORE FOR ~DrgsMedicines, Chemicals, B re", Trusees, Snp- po ter, bouldor irac.e, Vac tat n sd T'illoArtIcles, - ,89oks aud Stetionery, - eSM If., Glaoce. Pusiy, pRiNI89 k18, Ap IS PRIENT MIIIICINE& F.- B. LOVELLO etyvlîle P' M' P.P lMETAL. m , .1 sel,.se es 1. J. W m isi.. , IL . PÂsa.u»a, Adit. Tire poiîcl pot ommenes to bil. W. H, Wlhna5, of Wenkagan, vas la town ?aenday. Jay M ot..and Amman Wbeeler are ln Ioa on a budene triip. blefther Clark laeantertaing bia masSer.ofai Mnneapalis, Mina. Don't lars tht Waodmen'a Mas- qurada Bell Pldaý nlght Jan. 10h. Tire Infant babaaoflMr. sud lMra. 0. D. Have a as bsried Sînday leat. B. H. Miler and bride raiurned from tieir vadding ltour needay nght. Itlel expeied lhe Mehodiat pareon. age vili be offrplefed sud roedy toi ooeirpaxtcy April lai. Frak Pînkerion ateaiad a g&terr log a! Amrin» aEgliabîmen Kt Central lie Hall malnrday night. W. Bl. Appley hme acoepttd thre egenoy for Champion moyen. eaM tenders. WAsrm-Tvo INDCIPENIIsDNT Of dae l iBepteseber 15, 1819. Leeve ai Ibis Office. IT . .Tht January ralua ate a boon la tira.. vobo ava ampty claterue. If they are uu.aeonabie. Tire 89. Paul compasuy vîli begl ruBunng regular trainseran te nov extension 10 NIppereiuk bay lt. 9. H. Brown aold su Armotar vind Milli 100. b. Davis, 0f Chicago, lie shilpped 10 FM.Myera. Fia., Tneeday. E. W..- Panthurlà, C. C. Bulkley, Walter Mortei»d lE. L. DuBos-did jury service iltae Counny Court Monr- day. Thoe. Hlddàeoou, vwha.» beau vlii- lng hke fauter lin<levelaad, Ohio, for thre put moth raiauaed home Wedneai- day. Ur. Oen. Cerfiald, of 'adiua, la.. aad Sidney Ctrfletd and family, of Aveu Center, ver. guesteao h iristaer, Mr*. alît u aday. bc.day non Klngatey'g train ton 10 Long Laits ovar tho Dev road, vîit a gag 0f vormen for the Knicker- bocker loi Company. Clark PhIillîpa, of Suthrerland, la., la iraklng hands vitir iis Damerons Libenlyvilie ad I"kaCounuty Irlands sud relatives Chia eeai. Mrt. Luther Buail, vira bas beau visitiug Lake Coanay friandeslte pael montir, rturied 10 hIeahome lu Pain- mununt, Mini., Tirursday, A couple of detctvee veroslulavaw int, w eak, preaumably invetgating tire postofile robitery. No dlue go the robbons rasansyet been aacured. fit Hecirt, viro racaautly linrcliased tire John Price sud Harrison filovu terme vas up troim Chicago Wedneday lookluggo10 ilaproperty Interestla Jame 1). tîvmond. ot Bnglovood va. lu tovu tire latter peart olest veak. caled bore by tire aerlous ililue of his brother William Iiysond, sho la very loy. The Iront office rooms on second fluor of J. W. BatIersa building voe renovsted sud repalred Ihit yack and yl ba oeccpied by Dr. A. L. Travis, ot Rockefeller, Hf. B. Eger bongiri Ivo grosof mutk cau. Iset veek, aud a day or tvoalater hie purchase the pries of oins vent up $3 paer dosen. Quite as.avlug. sud bis ntomers vili benetit by il. .1. E. Trlgge purchated of 0. 1. Luce a pair of vestarn borne@ tht. vook. rliey are rtortad t10lbe flyers- sud v]li mate tMr. Ttigga a fiue carrnage team, B. H. Woolrldge bas ordered materilifor bis Dov realdonce wvici lio vili aretl ou a lot Jung sonth of and adjoiulng Walter Achair, propenty ou FliaI treet. fle b8 haliea tva @tory cottage MsaKobuer expecte ta go 10 Et. Louis, Mo., Dort Buud*Y for a veeks viil ultir relativea. Misa Sabins liohuer, of Chicago, yl t*ks charge 01 the Fait stoto dutîna lMr. Rahuori absencea. The esof Clark va Parkirurat cornes off ta-day la judge Jona' court aet W&îkegan, an appeai having beet, takeon by compleluant. B. H. Millet repa'ea.te tira piliif sund C. N. Durind lira detendaut. A y0anngster viro haît herd of tire robery af potuaster Heaiha sala aiealied la tirah office one day 1111, veek and iaoklng over lireocner axohaimed, "0e Wvil, yoa gai yonr sale* bok sgain, aln tyou." The romaine of As% Williams lu- terrad ait Alaga, Utahi., soti ean yearsMOga van.broaghii $0 Liberty villo la8M ga$Uday aud naintea'red beslde 1110.0of bie vile aud Sueau Lakeode euelry. Deceeod vas a flaaive ai . 8c Shaniteka tiely. The realdence in con.. aI cou- sir&iiaîby Chas. WolilgIe. Io .lu Jo i lnair. WtnRegas enPark iiq e vjI Se.tupehdabôiMatch 1.ei ~sd, e,#o pettesbave êtý~Q %0 roitst ibe âhoues SCHOOL NOTES. Thte latNp part of W.t t a sd tira Oiral aofsh"aas givé ri oveatu lte umontWrlp hala. <ivi th ie leste noingvite dono lu 1t. litemri, ay lesti Ftdap. Tir i Weteuet wye1 jrcd lu a mentie af car-,; wh Éitisloft h. tîl lho sratched 1h he dok vvy* hait; a nov taareauipencil ire ,rsped lu hi& r bg»i; O Mietruly in. oa rerk- ah. $th. Thon lie opened hie MUonihebwohlle hf-ieid croak sud thmpae e W orda tli,,î hosaij siron ho spoRes bRow urirusela rachool lite Ita"la Dot the Icast excitemeont pviigîexcitemert batr ceased. Valry na*!W tinga Ituppen day %fier dey, vbm 1 U7 tu write Behool Noiea lireea ihingbW MY." lioen ha sigbid ilà" and lrud., rince again sraelsuibMeheed and vr,,t bas-k lu iis vk:wvRaiha vrote vouve ut tead. a Wevy hait , i oi lc.- Aje lPIOCU iS 4je Tire bUrffli 01prlabîtig aud angrav-.1 Ing lsa alv "É OUAa es doal1gu for1 priann poIe mouay in donomînalion1 tranril 60 ,000. 0O)lY the $1 and $21 bille are 1ieou nyatLbut ase vond lu-9 fai m ui tiribere sho are llghtiy1 in arrefflleM tiseamall donominellous vijl M~ hietlae value in tie1 aS.. atOthelega 'ueo are lurued1 aut by " .firvermeu t AiS&esimpMeeing delatred ti.t ail the Ptfld. ad 5l-eOnceib hsïd beon taken OUSIbfhat. Tol.r.'voîthemaldbc vanld gadovn in tire u't'Ieueand tise au- OId ooIoad vn As boieveut dova tire &le etheoWai .-grceoo rose tb 11r eeS and »Ii: L.ok heait white Mai, yon =97 Dot bl i o prido., but i bet. I1aln' gyml t-- let ro"fusil Hobeoniseme heal, lf. I le.e vhite foik»." "-COrbel4i eMy fiatnIsd benefac- tar,'"myo Mr. JePr'..-I vas once I hi& spoing patiner, cri bettasled nme negienaUU». Heu,- 1 b ave gisaly agroad Se figirI hic, tuca roîunfrt,, fayots. Iam friand lty aIl tira lies of t rteudeiip a"d grafjiiule ta give hlm aÎ chance Sa ftti me.' 'aths iere evor amci a toueiing instatwe of devotion'1 Mir. Jeffriesviiirovurîl bis old patron aid beefatci by t'ctiug bhlmi mb puip aid knacking hI tIlead off. il nte mea Ieucy hlm rnying. ma ha pute hi& terrible ight Iulo o.frIand, rt,,. Tira country torekeo~pers Itrongh- out tire étale vili nos-thave tbdispense with thiri patent iiediue dopari meula or ampl,., a togi.tetod pharseaclal, Peuple sho slsh ta bny patent medinea.sIli bave ta visît lite City ding store@ or go bto egulat phlyaicians aend get madieltue from hlm. This te e rulîug Ihy ltaesultreme court af IlInala, sud it la sd tllm manu. facturera oh patentmiediclues viii atruoy themmelveta&gailtal Lh, îu.-,cat tro4ernity andi "thora vit., lis, ts-tt tiiurmental Ili gettlng sulvitîrtus peceed anld lun -tuIring bithe r -tt court rullng onuitt 1dfIang Pearlbttonlas oîut li tututva c:xnlons lnd,,oîrv ofhtie 'r.-at.erv ut Cuba, Nov York.ctd for ihlsireau.,,î lire creamrty t bl ave tbeetuabltti peLy tira arurer.. r llgier prîti,,r ututt tRia eason ihatu vre eore. Ailout iel producl ot te( i t oroamerY lm uh,-I i fan buttons, lu preparlug tie Iuulbu matenialthe nitl s iloced lu clhnge val And mlxod sut renune extract, a.t la choce«emalng.Ji t e kokpt uta cbr peratnre a Of 100Irorees until 111 in ftire propei cousistwit , vThonsa fillur hit, povder in addeId thebwsîllebtor oughly cookod for un itour After ttuut th1e vitelaseparateol frose the cur'lo star lte manne, ot malng nitee.-,t lu tRie oaethei.-~rda ,or .t.lids r paeked in baxrrot. aid ahlipeti to button mnanufa.tory lu NoewYYork t,. t,. moulded lotoattractive fornme AstWdl-hn Our hmtometh nUrriageofiBenJamin fa. KMile te, Bt"e A. Blue ccoarred al the, home or the buldes mother on Park Avenue TTdAz afternoon, Jau. 111h at tiv,, clocik. We vere unable At an h,,ur oc ltar gt ime of going 10 presyn t,, promutau account of liha union of lv,, of Libertyviles Imoetpopular yv . ng people, bance do oaa nov- Promptly ai Ove O'cl,>ck tý. bli, $trains of a vedding match played l'yi Uman ed Elt. the bridai procombalu ouovod from the ripper flar Ln10th- 'eaet petiot. Uroomaman A. H. Churchill and brideemaid Mabel Ellias era foliowed by Hul1e Maud Miller, thi- floyer girl. tben Bey. M. E. Dix end lantitire bride and groom. The bride' vas govned ln oxam sarge vlth vwuite- chiffon trimminga. The l100 gueelà erouse et the con- tractilg parties look titeir places lu the bay vîndow,. hich hIad been couverteg Inte a deuse baver of ever- gree, shere Rev. Dix praonuroad te sared word. making Ithentmai, and site, usiug thre ring oefeeony. Ater beibg lutroduned by Bat. DIX t0 the a8sembly as Mr. and MUe. Mller the itappy couple vere tbeeegod tritl beatty congraiolaiione. Light refreahmnenl e vetthon eerved sud a brief Interval of social inter. course followed, until at 7:30 tire uavly vedded couple ot sa canage for Lake Forest vitere tliey boarded thre 8:45 train, aud vera away on al short vaddlng trip, vireathey efled' flot ta dliulge. They are expeeted back the latter part of IOia veek, and for lte preemut wIl1 reelde witir the bride@ moirer. Guestei from abroed ailte vedding veto: Dr. A. H. Chrurcill, Oavago, Milea Ida. sud lr. Irvin Goodricit, Napervillla; fit Watterman, Hammond. E 8. Weils and site, lke Forst. The maxry sud hetutif nI preomut& preeented, atteet thre eeleem and affec- tion lu wblch tire Youug couple are hold by thelr friand.. sud relatives. We preserit hamnelu a coudenead tars herovl lb I>.d t,. [ait aorebuildinga alt onoPark Av.-..s, edollarfruu saeh ot tour chilîdren of MIII.- taili,..four besutîful ru«1.,coner table, isu narlor lumps. smenieo ock. tllrr table iluths.o. n"-dorer, ospîlus four toiai bogeiSâ.tltr.set e t tl.tka. lvo jolur six)ona. salld fort. bye fruit apoona. hheire ilk. oul soop. ailier Sour, ladie. tvo hattenberg pie,,,, .berrr spoon. beantfihu hilvec"rst. wo set of aoild silver aonne. two china tard te,.elvers, silver mouatad w1ass a tr <r ar. suiaz &bol] and butiter koîf.. liver 'cake basket. aliver syrup pItîttir terlIng oI4er butter dih. olive f,,rk. Il,,.- epocu. nId ument pIck, berty dieh. f,it -tTurklub design, lIver Enalrtted vilckîl.-ter. Iwo eoIld sîls-er tee aieta. oiver true- stoor,. slver fruIt apoonx. domeo fruit p1ture. oct c11-r knlive. and tort,. iclac ea st ln litttriuing. twu vali 1,l0tureg. hall tre.-.lunch eloth. @et .Md Iront, duht ho,r. t.o routîng chairs. office chair. tit ard Ouvrer pleot. Ivre hematIlbhed ,aniurchct lndmadte. bwo dollar-s.lOve ,iuttcru. The brideS rate wsa aso a vleent EASY RUNNMNO. You need a Wlndm ili? Why not buy one that runs when others are dl? Isqai o r. a e d-t F, n BROWN, Libertyvîlfr. AgesIfor AERMOTER MILLS. Cross Creek Uncial,,rn aLtte-. Following Io a t-. 'f citers ,111.t4 i. 11, . iig C Wheu eaillnuaf- 1 f, 9,r- . Nrue.t Auderv,ý,> r. Diln k Worth 10 per cent. Barry Day. J. P. Ford, OuicB. Johnson. (.W, more than any Mma Z. A. Maso,,, 1. a. P.-.z,,tt- Mr. rnsd track, tvC8,r,,other nard coal. Km aThartom. W. J. wa.II,. WARRE A..C. Woot Also best grades Soft Our New .n, Coal, Coke. Lime Ph*togrephawe are IgivIrig free to a and Cernent. ne. b.«oIbe«. aud 01<1 sobscriberm CyIg oe year 1l. advance. "Fîglit- inUtePiiillipiulnes a.Our amtî G. H. SCIIANCK, pftemim aud thre vupply laivlg boeu: eeXbnaffed axae uflable to procure 1Llherty ville . . - Illinois. Ume of tRam boe viii ,su IBsbtuted "OUZ Niew Posseassion" lnthpir mslnd, vhLICh la aven a beter sud more interetlnu Production of tc hoto 0'-1 . A R T graphie arb, covcrî u bmui vdr .BAR.,I V terir.We aile.ay vealae n beoorder, fnehem vich Witt MANUFACTUREROF bo filedl immredlately upon their r,afpi by .ne fotu a NewYork bouge. Yon c eac'Ire 0oue 01 thoe popular Mri premiame by paylng a ye-rs .ubscrlp ari ttoU lu &dtuceO r to 1901, When tii. an Obiflet o Alumsnowexpecced t'> n anlv- dlIyla 0bauteawe Ahull vithdrav our premniaut ofior. Ir yo Gant wanî One, attend ta the mattierutGrnt once. Later-The albums have grrjvlMueua Jut st ime 1 o goSaprose. E. mcD(oNALD, CARPENTER ANOD BUILDER. Fing am grindinag oi al kinda Vu t.pol k a "of wocd work. choit. meined woe tm 50 ta 7~oa*a R.iidpIFP dy- GUniETRv WORK OF URVR Deeoeptlee.1 - '"«eme. fflelb. 92 uM a#,..O W4WuOOAN. mi I VALUES 1TALkI I M~s M 5c 10 11.00 810C 1 ocle10 9.50 cioliin 5C 10o315.00 ba5l o-ni. I - "g MI-c nl. B. Co.O*& GW.9 DEtALEAS N tNTêU PlanneleU#e Remuiants La~Sbe bec wi Uurta~ foi Boys' PL Blouses Libertyville Cbiidrene Dreàu& .oui pim nS Md A line Of Extra fine Lace Cuuial Wipa.!11,4 ta i2yu&ds omd 4S 4 VI&. w hthlieg lDtse !lndow Cantains. ot aà m rction af their actuelvalu or 25c. 35c and. One lot o1 Boy*' 35C Outkng -lanet Blouses ta cloaet .- A 50e grade, mSety ie1am S.plenddy -jade u..... The Pair, Lake County Telephone Exch~ Libertyville Exchange. .. .... .. .... ... .. ...... ....e 123 Ulement. Austina...... .........Bridge WaS .FaIM 8 Clark, J. y...............................eiae 24 UaflaWay, Dr. C. il......... ......OMM. 4 Galloaiy, Dr. C. R ...................... tdM 124 Oratton stock Parmt... ...... P.]L.xauh 5 Lovell, Y. B ..... ...... .... ..Druge end Mdebme fi Loveil, Y. B .................... 15 Lake Oomtly Bank..... C. P.Wright, ala 1 Lake Oouaaty ludepedet .. .1.. H. jult. Mt 12 LibertyvtlloHote. .. _..ýW. A. Dean. Vuep. 11 Lake Couusy Foor FParu......... 0. A. Appky, Mg 122 Luce, 0. 1.... . . .........itaili m 13 MeCormiek, John....... .. ....... ....... Rmbl 52 licLmbli, Gage LaX@..e ........... mk 25 TriM à Taylor.... ...Groeies &abeMmloe 3 Tayo, Dr. J. L ..... - ....... tea 126 Wa Brothers..................... WodlavV GRA.tSLÀxu ETCHANGB. Shierman E, B ......... l>ruce Laka Dlsseoud Lake luraylate ToLL STATIONiS. Gilmer Hai Day LlbS leu" NOTE-Wh= moIing «R by muant. Subm4ee.tedu hdp,.fort W~ ý. 1 oîiw.--