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Lake County Independent, 26 Jan 1900, p. 8

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___________________________________________________ M I D)ress Goods FOR EVERYDODY We have added many new styles to ottr dress goods stock -and show a larger variety than ever. ", 3 styles 40 lu Brocades ai ....... . 5C 4 styles lu preiiy Novottes vorih 5(k, at.... 33c 20 cîher styles ai 20C te......................... 75c We seil Buttericks Metropolitan Patterns and supply them at cost. Give us yuor orders and save time, trouble and postage. Subscriptions received at publishers' prices1 any newspaper or magazine prlnted in any language. V. Sauer & Bro., LONG GROVE,- ILLINOI Is the place to go if you want to bt builders hardware at reasonable prices. We can also save you money on coal ail kinds; nut, egg, range, furn- ace and soft coal. Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements. When you want anytFinir in this line cail on WRIGHT & SON, Libertyville, - - - - lîlinois.1 wîacotst CX UTEaL EA1ML Co. TIETABLEC. ROCKUFELLII, LLINOIS. IiaiuING soRaza ioi.e SOUTE. a .0iltit À. M.7:521 i 2:.510hO7:"o4 &ise0i1:41k, 9:,x. . :64 iinday only Ti o Dallye xasupt Stndar. x Dalle. ROCKEFELLER MAILS. à BaIVaE AuD L.5VX riM SORE AND 8SOTE AT 732a.m 1003 a. lu. 456 p. mn. t1:49 p. ni. arrives Iroin Cicago. fTAB LINa. Leave Rockefeller als.311 for Diamond Lake, Otteter, Ivanboe and Framont Contar. Reterntng arrives ai Rocke- feiler aI 4 p. m. for ROCKEFEHLLER. Mfr. andi M. J. C. Krnesaniertalued an oncle from Chicago over Bunday. lire. Chas. Laudendorf vho bas beau very il] for ltae pasifour eyaks voara gîa 10 report muc bobater. Mcc. (Gertrude Hardeu ta speudlug lteerosi vlh ber hnsband wvlta teaehing lu lte Stafford district. lir@. Cois Sud dangblsr toIt Rocke- feller Wadnesdcy for Chicago hrbe PItbey il viai a fer ulsys bafoeagclng Ste Mchigan. At the clînrch nazi Sudcy mrutng vti llie the lo.lng communion service of the presieul patorata. Iunlte evan- Iug Mev. J. A. Cole nIll preacb hiet Y~ farevelî sermoen, Att cordislty tnvtted 10 boili Ibease rvices. aAI tbe home of lia. Frank Shaddta lasI neai Wednesday occnrred the tuarrîlga of Mins Mary Debora Norton te 1Mr. Irving Payne. 11ev. Cola perlormed the eeremnny ini the presauce cf a fer immediate friand, of andi relatives ITbe couple lefi for a weddlng trip Ibrough Iowa lte sema eveing and vili be ai home upon ibeir ceturui ai 701 N. Central Park Ave, Chicago. Iloiliare nait kncrn sud popular in Ibis vtctniyand ltaI, unan-u resfriands aud acquainiances viii unte vitIt us lu rihing Ibein& life af joy sud prosperity. 1 rani 10 lat the people Who sufer ram chenmatitmamnd aciatica inor Ibat Chambertains Paiu 11dm celleveai nie ater a number of other madiainen sud a doctor Oai laled. It ta the beet liniment 1 bave ever knure of. J. A. Dî,dgeo. Alpharetta, Gla. Tlionsandà have beau cnred of rheumaliam by Iis remedy. Cme applcatiton railevas lte pain. For sale by . 1B. LOVULL, Ltberlyviile, J. B. BaAcHa. Ournea, F. L. Ws¶UMRUeAu. lRockefeller; (SEATS. LAKR PEAMM)ACY. JOHaN IMIELE. Ivan boa. liAi FDAV AUCTION SALES. t emntitou. Free lunch nt 12 o'cloeci. 'P -. LA Reglar lermc. Ilms Ethiel Kneedler bas been uon lOi Raving soid my artu sud beiug PETRa BAUER, PrOp. hnet liaI sud beau absent frein seboot. abosi 10 mova tu C hiCagO 1 I IlleI a 45011W WAONER, Acîloneer. bMont 0f ie peopiale, Ibtis viity pukblictnionevillont reserve on the aebx gti hiry.1nup, Prémisea, moreas the Jo aIgrlili aeboiglialii eryap Piton, 2 mues SouttOf G rayatake andi The underaigneai betug about le, 4f1 woid I u iiaort or 0fliraa aeboilion»erenicve flretuthe county viii Isali t ,tebu Dîîililmeyec, ofT ibiaga, viitoî Tharaclay, Feli. i, 1900, cmenicng aî publie anction vithont reserve on the lita parelata aal lýime mally friots bj ece o'eocka.1-.sup. uemoîovug s'. =-- an- he '- ------eýý'l.i.aJ 10 Pr 2 eh eh bu ha toi 1 .1 Pl ce ai et ils i 3 s fri tù pi fopry: i1t choicesYoung cows, i5 termion lsnk rosni oe mile veut of Charlev ii:ik advsetage ofthIe goîilu:, If ovsby aide, balance nulikeca, barmans corners and ivu miles eaou aîst Miii81,1day cîghilAbd'dnt oithIb e e Yeasrling baller,, pair of herses, 01 Gagnea Cornera, lioudsy, Fabmnsry 5,lrnr totos bood son, 5 shos, 20 are 190, eommeectng etcced lr. Hm.in Ooasui the "oap, 2M00busheis ear corn lu crib. oloîouggoods l-it SIbad caille, lt u mHra 1ao n toitsmiMaIhay le ban, 25 acces o! 20 mith cors, 1 i rt caf by 1sîdo daugliter Helen vtalted Chicago bàtail ait Im brtgbt shraddad core foddec lu 7 apringeca, balance ging miii, r, Matuirily wi rc, stck of stcav. sel double 2 yesrocia hers, 2 yearling ballera, Arr >iiur poet i ltid rit llieuy> âmewis, ingle express barns", 2 calves, 2-yeur oid bull, 600 buaitlesac'lite tovu cectitr, lic. L. laciager, Ba aartng binder, Derlng mener, sulky Icrn lu cr10, ,tack cf corn siahis. rut socu Maite yensa exl.ba gy rsie, Kayalona cocu planter, diaunond ai ibouetcceaiuor Wotd, bMca. Petercen sud dangitier Aunue. ROI uder, o sulky clivtors. Scotch aveul body etier. uf al vensrood, &pent s fan days villi B irror, 2 nali.ng ploya, Dlainonai Regniar terme.Wlltiamî Jebusons lfamlly faut rock. bl Wth onlivator, shovet pion, iuber W H. A. TAYLOR, Priui Tt yrslrnba eual' ev *gon, et of truck nheeia, sel bob WH. APPLEY, Actioneer. Tgenule at in Ciago. V olicc a. ida, miiâtvagen, double buggy, pogent aa. net Cheago. euO rie h Maing mlii,cocu &boter, tank hoager, 0eUhmnteaidte.pc I 0 eigbl gallon miii cana, ubeet- IVANHO)E. pelai. i &MWoaldon etti, grndeouelot he vanhe «but r. sud Mca. Frank Wells are astsytîîg fIl t or, caidrun keti. g1i0dtoramote h elnoe acho WnuItgîte là vîth Ie ltlera iger, m. i.iltitrýrta yMOnlt rock hou, 3 large gray lmn liaiWOI asLc utlthi oe mrad o »Me. quantuly of houensEeta goods IhallI Ivantice, Frdsy evenieg Foli. oceiipucy. a ad very msuy other articles 100 inul. A pregratu conisîlng off oidl. iea8rs. John sud Franki MereederDe lumerons le mentien. lieus. sehool aouge, dialogues, tableaux apeut a fan dayaI home frein seoheol 1 lagniar termes. and ougi by the maie quoaciat i nlai Vlpsraiso. mnd., rscantiy. A geulle- the JOHN a tuaiai. Prep. Mainu rianai cf Frankia 0caule vili lui- the W. H. AP'L]tY, Auctianeer. legîven. Mr. Churchill sud Mr. col Darby, cf Lîbertyville. yl also give MienLtzzle Moerr bas goa e L Waluîigobuslay nltb ber grand- <o TIteunuderatgnad wnu soiai Ipublic several violle duels. <laceraI admis- parants.,lMr. sud Mcs itexter.lic. O ntion on the preiacsa, 2 miles Ilrb- ien viii lia I5 cents, chltdcec 10 cents.liciter bas beau atck but ta nus ataîry ds of Ral Day and hlai a mile veat Tloi procoeaiste lie appli e n theaovlsig fi Everet station, Saturday. Jannary sebool licrary and othor scliooîltir. Huiîter Oan lftyuiae pupils 9, 1900, comminlgASi10o ecioci .M partd eandbr yrgadrle an bai ach-ol'lie adyTofatheldi harp. 40 acces o! standing tiar' paan. Cm cibb.orgaeaeraig' aLd ftau !W te ho oldin oueansuai Ireacre lot@. friands, If te achlt ibcsryhita cgcod Laie' sud tl itanetlbbave j îsi iiisbod lpeoticalion, urntsbed day of sale. cauce elp us te puaIt Il aiucg. libaispea&rs "Ma&rchant of Vaice.' Ten-i yeara liteue ngcod Sp- . 1ev. Coleta vît couevOui cburch da povaul notes, bai ng 6%, interaest. 3%, lago lAi5non patorale un Mchigan. jascounit for cash. PRAIRIE VIEW We are vory orcy te bava im loueof D. LàNCîasTRii, Prtîp. u ! aans bui our projetsancd bearty good r C. W. PETTIR, AUCionesr . Lnsnw v o issl ishes go nill i hm te bis u fe ld of arrivai aI Phoenix, Arizona. He ta labor. s -----dellghted vith the clima. Baya lita Word bas beau recelveai cf ltaesund Bing &boult t quit facmlcg the sons, rheat i.lauds lghti lches. beta deatb by diovnng of Harotd Biancliff nderaignei viiisali ut public sadtIon four luches, lttice andi peau comiug son of Mr. and lira John StancUf, f..o sa vithou raserve ou the promuises mownoUPud uWn.Teprnsbv As te Lmberry fatn ou love lino p npsd orangea i'coming." Mr. Lam-in-iruedutc. Ws. pThe tupa rsave 'ccd oua mita oust cf Herrice rnera sens friands viiehaptessad itu learu beceaveinent.P sud foui miles rosi of Laie Foest ou oI bis sala arrivai. Mr. J. Richards raeiveai a taller ti Tnecday, Jauuary 30, 1900, commnencug oiJ.. au .of]hexAzn, t 10& . et. sarp the foiionîng gcas __fouda. ( tasnt. of e Pbte tal osui ona, o-it: ecliaica ecvahavyispriugarc, FREMONT CENTER. imptîvesid H illas Ih ad bearecl t i jas oid Jersey bull, broed marec lira. Ernceeitaon the mikli. ejp gth limteibs d lmuhyHeai wllh tubal, esa 6 earschiod nI1300 lb., suaveîag Iha imarets very ondt.of te cot aomug t yeax oid. ebelce broed John Frodericis la inth ie cîîy logvk. ay neeln scnlo b posiuon s anmal rameilucounntry tbay liavaleai Irough sud mon,7 ahosta, Prairie City soeder, leZ bon aostola nma rjur sghts ceeU.fi mover, vslking pior. sel lever druga, Rse menaganie. lMr. Marah the orner 0f rallonT sulky cultivater, Diamiand Soth lb eii , vaton, boise boo. grindalcue, single rIete lacher lu district No. t aya Stock faimn comes out Iroin Chicago buggy. rondi cari, iuber wagon, Ibal there la mre narîîîtb te hasch every vele Usuparltu$end ltae vor cuter, sulky lharse cake, double ncittn u te.beleg doua Ibere. lie bansouade baone«.s.inglearaionsa, baud piauler, wo hnau te.extenaive improvemeuta on taistaefaimci log ohau, carnemarier, bey raci. uer Mr. aud lireEnsuit hail a fer nerd nuiie obas the lfluesibuildings of1 mcytheansd cuatb, i baut crocs-cnt san. andi pacteai. SI eunite Chicago sud any Ilu &h15 loc&hily. Mr. lMurray itae mik Caoancd pulls, 350lbu ca, Situs i l a lt ale f b kdriver ntf (rallonasduderalsssdsbts millet, 100 bu crcocu me cri, i5 touas o oi nlrar, 6 S@tslame bay luhure, 40 hans. hSurpc ide parties ara lu vogua Innec r M*. Hoaile Baiiay loft the Pcesby- f ô ducks, ltto!fecia sailiovis, andi neigbborboa. Gao. Obenaul's îamîîy lerian iHospital lu Chicago irNovesis many olier sarticls oo ai auuecîaus 10 hadt oua Ibsi nl be happily rome n&go, vhare ach. undrvaul a surgicsi manitou: m opoacilon, 10 go1SUbirsitr-in-tara%,c naogniar terrime ber ed bytosa rtc allended. Mc. Pallibone'a, aAsAsti. Mb. bas Devuama LicacERîty,,taia___ _improveai no rapidir slosai*citela W. B. APPLEV. Autiiaueur. epecled home Ibis veai. Mr. Belley Il basnibeau demonarad rspeatedlly iii hume Itaving quise s serions limae in every oagae in lte Union and ilunit coulacledaimsceslunlita rigiti Ravittg sedi "y latei n ail nas maey toreiga couuirtsc taI Chamber. ami.. pbianlion nlthuîîît recrve, oui the isin*c Cough Remedy in a certain lire- Mlaurad lA. R. A. Trlpp laft lts Pramses meu as the Eact farin, vetive and cura for croup. Il bas nilu,. cimtt e beomeIbenuiarai cmey br IalFridsy for Donnera Giove bc viol E. on. And onebaif ml.Nuho ewm h nvrelrmd o htE. RasIons fanlly aferdays snd titan Ivaakoeansd tbne nues aest of dasse. M. V. Fiser, of Liberty, '. tiiyri 11 o h e oea Bmiooftr, 1nesday, lei). 6, 1900), a.. ciy repeats Wvbu asbeau sId HautltrtotorDo oen oommenclng aI 10 a ni.aiarp, the aroun te globe niho vlie ws: -"I urigton, Eau. lir. Tripp basbeau foloving dascribed lropoty: oua bava usad Chamberli'* Cougit aneoethIe mntlerîeit voltiera lu gond cowv rk f1rnim yil 3oar ld nI Remedy in my amity for caverai jours our churicb boreansd viii ha graally *M. vort leam, 14 years clai vi 2200; snd atras viit peadeans ccoe. Wa misasad by the ohurch sud Suudoy 2 bugs, 7 chiekeus, laaier vague, biiete titat il in nol oly tae boalcolweeb bnba oce spning vagon, single buggy, ridtug cougit remady, but taita Islxa aura bec a uncîber ot Ycera. .ullivatoi, valking cuivator, ralkiug cure for ccoup. Il lashan Yde il.ivas -ie t"rait onlb O te Du e ar of pov, fbalonbey akeo,baud corn o u cliilbidien a numberni limnes." te uer cetury mark su apocit of1 cller, bnder, lnc sets double Thiercemdyeorscsby P. B,.Lovaxa,, muait Importance. Ana va nov living1 homme, coin piauler sud check rcrdc, Librlyvîlla, J. B. BaAcubttGimmus, l inte 201htcenary? Omo of oui affliy er; 12 tons tîmoiby bay ln GRCALÂ"KS PnAbMÂcY, P. L. WNs'tui. people deslire go ual., on ln the 120h biâ, S&tct$cis trar, 600 busatmals, man, Rockfller, JORN MUiElmIt, centurY, wite sOMO. liali As tbePqxp. M 0bogheis coin, 30 busetls nhest, Ivaunte. Ihat vs have ambafteai on ithe Miii.c 2 ceai' torea, cbunk teve, piano, But taé yaars nil roi on sud wv i vii sphboslala fumuhure and varions Tbgosaihing dora the, sWim Ut ima cloebouehoaold artiples SOU nuqprous D IvIfJ au r sic. wbevtîbr il b ho th e l uth eatur.1 Fred Erep. Jr .,anud 5151er Minus vent le Palatinml MInuay callteg on L.AKE VILLA.Iona Mca. lobe Dne bas teu] i uiuilipiica Reports say ThaI Fred iGrever tia ,r na Pestl veai. pirchased lthe ErnastGrattllrui, icar Muas Edua Converae lapeulMatilaidav LakeZuiîch. berhum utl'aI Hti.Miss Mary ('iirtrnoy asuiter lutina visititrIhomesatet.'mirrtîHill.a 1evý E. J, Aikei,,oufTAnciaeb, 4as it dret et Stdatr r ebee casani tilter ereeîlay reeenly lcrt iiu Bornto j-AM tiriM. Jr . riiloIf Mr. sud Mc.irait dHaniinu iî,veat a soi], Monday Jeu. 22. Ail diuîmîg voit. it Mr@a Mary Vanî liatîhica tîolime laetCigare are uc lit t' ek. Mir. LoistRod<er, tir , niait,'a tlîsi- Mr. suit Mrc Heniry ialtur are emîlr-lie and socîia l (ail t agsiîitii anbîig a neptuu.v fru,îmu Miî.vtilm Vi't i, IA uia.CI gi Vleosi.Misae'PIillte Q îî,n 11hcerpieutfroint a isecustu. asvîsitwvtb ber tînclts.anunaandi tien Haniuunaulolma ar tbuiliing a cousins aI Park lRidgmeulndthticago, ruaui un me bunîsor G luerge Taîspheno poople noce onI pettiea toueb.11 itaI lîiînd Laie. ther ai,î,tIno i, urîter Ibis vasi. lion Couuaîcaui la preparlg t,, bîuîli, T h~oîerln lAac asoio o unse &Bd bhrn Ou the Quiti faru n, 'r rheO haeroenly purebaseai PALATINE. P'rof. Duchai.cf Clileugi,hli iuiie large etaa inuMunie Oele Isat rock. Miua-'Itillie BaiumgartenINîathomie i.r a tvasnfliniicdTut'uesday eveeîng rîhti riai ttiisoi Sgrand noneIi~rt given ly il te etasa, Mr .lluiiiee, froint.îLong lu ii., Vwax Msteu tay lProif. Iiuiîanî oi tMca. a lu Palatine Huîîîitay onraiute te Chicagoa. citle Dluibaîn lias Lyda tkus'cmob,î'l DeWit's Little Eurty Rimeca puctfy visit lleds it tte amîeihonte le blod, cheanitte ltvee, Invîgerata masqtierado MSlntrdsy utgbt he systein Fpamous is 111e lîllit for tuatipation and tiver traunlies FP. lisrcieît. lu Chicagoetathe bouse aiT LOVELL. LluiectyVttîe; J. Wl BituÀeîsa, the tbrille, Mie Ciscs Brui",e liiDi. ý;iuie; F. L> WElT5CtEMAi. lRockefellier. Win.î. 'M.*tîerituîig. if Paaitinei bir'- -îdey .1.» lm, 19h11 GAGES L.AKE. Mcr. J iheer, iila.Nai rvtus ahulltt'hIlire1V Oi)îîM haute CoitCii 'ac ttuuIirt 44rant, of C'hi'ago, a1îeiat Miîi Doctoars liaet guveri ber ull 10 (lie nitti ay nilli frionos bore. croup ia sîuel rufallltiiiý lire fuir ir. and litr. H. A. P'age epelat Mian- couglîs. îilds. grippeI) îoit iiîs Liaywit reaties n te vty, bromieblts aloi thriiat andal lng ay~~~~ rtirltvsltOitytrouilltes ReitovemaiStonce .. B Mmn. Bond tai gradulcsly linprovuuîg LovEL...L,0@tyVtllo;J. R. aISBOHýl. rui ber TeeOnt serec n.îsss GurmiF. I..L. WESTEIIMAN, Rockefeller, Josec Cllatst, uofClietgo. ras a .uuday vistor ut Mr. Atuiehiai Anson Wbeeiec. of Liiierlyvitie, wms avist4eta Mrs. Masens Mîminday. Miss Fîcience jacobsen ras givon a party Tberabday veuilu iihnur <if bac tîiclhday. Meverul i yallc W criera brou iebr@ iltenda eige at Ltbertyilite lueos- dey evsnlug. hlsv. Mr. Leonard delivoroîl s vacy futereatlng lecture ai lte church Tnaaday cvenleg. Irving Thomas, resaier and mmpersou- ater viii give su entertaintuanit Ita chueiub naît Frlday evauing Feli. 2nd. Thota vhe attendrttl lia hthghly unumaa talent la bis line. AdmissIon fifleen and twenly cents. J. B. Clark, of Paonis, Ili., îaym, 'Sergeona vwanled go oporateonmime or piles, but 1 cureai thetu vitit De- Witt'@ Witct's liaxe salve." h te1 Infaiible bfor pileand sud ieuse. Beaae of conerfelta. F. B. LoviLL; Lîbortyclile; J. IL. BRaiEZu. O(mme, PF . WusbmANà. ociatellar. Preaened a Tragady. liî1nety informatioun givon M rs. aeorge Long, cf Nen Straîtavilla. Ohio preveuteul aaireaiful lccgedy sud avd ire ises. A rrigbîlui cengli biai long kopt ber sycie avery elgot. Sha had titeaimany cemedias sud doctois but ateadiy grer rorsa outil urgeai 10 lrylDr. Kîngu iNov Dlseovary. Ou* bostte rboity cîtreai bar sud ahe vilas ibis mamvelons inedicine aun cered Mir. Long of a sevara attack of panmonie. ifuob oures ara poitive proof of te natceiasserailof Ibis grand cenisdy for'oulog &Ili tiroal, choiud lnug roublss OuIy 6easid $1. Triatl aitles fiee. Evary hotu. guamanead. Y. B. LOWUmL, Libffly. vIlla, 0. 8. Twompson, Graye"oh. tcb flesiCea la the World Me LTis grown in the iouritaju adistrict of Ceylon and SPECIALL\' prepared le sai the American Irade. Il je packeai ou tletgai-den where growu, in ccc potînul, lalf-pound anti quarter-pound soldered air'lighi bean1packages, tiîcreby ceUiiug alle re wnderful fragrance. Il is sold only iii thesa? le.,îl package - ever in bn/ik. Il you wacui the vex-y best tea, ask your grocer fer NABAN. OWNERS 0F THE CELEBRATED CANNED FRUIT'S AND) VEGETABLES, COFFE, BAKING POVDE, RTTT2ACTS ANDS TABILE LUXU RIES. DIAMOND LAKE. Jon ula hc cmec bR uraiF RAN KLI N IVACVEJ tng herses ote eCity tasI Maturdsy. Miss aaaMitchel in able te be îOut O again aller lier long neige o! sîcîneasl M B. Colby L. Ca., Libeciyville. lira. Godman, îîf Animea, taira, lIn Trîgi ETaylor. Libertyville. reporîed very ton ai prosoltnrltlcg H. Cooper bas the cecîrcet lu, san F. C. Richards.F, Son, L-ake Elummana. <)a'mancd Heuvkinvcre I Rowling F. Barnsiabie Wood. R .DzmCr Chas. Whtney le gttug te ha aiR .DiaC exlpaît catchina mini, h aturoul twri1Conrad Brti the cîber attrcoon. Go lira. Liuransd dauîgbtar. of ChitG-. cage, ara visitiiug ber simien, Mca. W. v Elegaunfer a fer days. A pTrly rasl eP lruo. lcn .etes Sunayrlh .anlat th 1e rînai ras bieviug s god pesd al day. andl Ibey butl a big lime rîlO their beat. Mr Poiltou oîr station agent ut taightiiu, losI lita poeket-iuok Iset Maturuay. Fiutar plsae returu te lus omut ILigbitee sud roeotv o aat Mism Ia lociamoyen ontertlneai ber of lar friands ]ast Frldsy avonlng. 10be eaeulîîg rus apent by playing pro giesetre crokiole, Misa lRuthb Ray vas awaraetei rst prias. onl let Maîncday niglît, uJcnJuilli. Ibere ras a surprise party i1i, H. P. Barlaît il taîug bies axly-qix litliday. Progriova clucb vas the ovent of the evauing. Feur prizas wre givemi Mim. C. BilituakI recvad IraI prizo fic ladys, a cake plate; Mcc. W. lisethOe boy prIzes.a lemnon seud C. 'lasttier gogulaprizes cigarq; lMr. Maximsin booby prizeaslemon. Aboutl'cloci te guesis aeeinvised t10 te diniug rooin nlere a boutiful supper vas spm fefr Ihain.At saIlae hbon Icli daparisiter home. AGH & CO., CHICAGO' e SA4iR iIY- ct Fareit, e. Lake Villa. cnet. ms,. Waukegan. A. Oit, Diamand Lakte, V. Sauer & Bra., Long Grave, Foate Bras. Haif Da',. A, G. Maether. Prai&;e- Vj.w, Golding Bros., W'îecondaý Club House and CasinoBrands Excel They're Roth Gcood. An Unbreakable Side Corset1, MauLo aitti extra etaya re ifllorrtsgaide abois ve.t se tsriiytias 10fliIn pair fhitaaiuilye orseýt Tl;ht,, feanre nîlil, appreeiateui Lv tilume woaare ltuaîîb1 i,.tht ooracts briîakiiag; jela 11-.1iy tii.olraiireakut, th. wealir ciilice1,11-1 Oea-rth'russe t- great il,t îi Caar, -rO n e ,Iii athtital to ALL P.N.CORSETS HAVE - CORK PROTeCTED CLASPS iLq~, CORK II)TEROT CLtiASPLvIS, aihre iîî eteerytaiar uft P -14, llitET9, r ,,., rla untîli n, ir al utt c,, ~~te cîderoanneasitt air smit If not at d.ai» onactt prepsid on receipt of price. P.N. &ORSETeS1115th Ave., (51EliD 0m~go. tiesà K A.melsai fourto W. W. APPLu'rD.. Cieni. GURNEE. Rstph Dady ras bomee hotu Anttocli Snuday. Md UIII. soll bis st)ck and laruateg Inîpiements Wedueaday. Mr. and lir@. Henry Fast apent S8lin- day with relatives here. Peter Soboaser bas reuted Mrs. Eltavens' faim for ibis Ysear. Mr. and Rra. Greeu, of Evatîston, @pent Sunday viib relatives hef e. Norman Brown came home Iraîjmlte etty fflday 10 spend Sainrday sud Bunday. A number of Our people attended the Btafford sohool etertatnment lasi Friday evening. Lfe Inenranca agent Sucs', rapre- sentg a New York company, ta ai work itu tht, neigbhorbooît. Mir@. K. G. Esiy retucued to Waîîke- gan ltstfriday atter severai wveka stay hors caring for the aiutk. lira. Rarden came np vith Mr. Har. den Suintay evening Iroin Rocefeller and viii spmnd lte week liera. A number of our loruamen thiuk of engaglng in the brtck maunfacteriug business li Wisconamn Ibis spring. A new proces bas receenly teeu developed for makiug a fine grade of brick by lir. Tandy and nm fonr c people are recelithIe ieceflti of tbe deai. VOLO. Nei Snday Roy, Dîtt<ni'stopte viii ne --The Rlcb Foocit. liîî't fait to coule. E. Hain and famtly sud cilint.Mra. Davis, of Bouton, Clent Simlliu t George Muonsa Qnarterty Meeting nIlli e lin l lta Volo M. E. cburili Sinnday sitar. noon Feb. 4tb. tir. H ardon nIl preacbà Let everyhody coma asîd beur tti. The etrauot~!ub Ia Freunud& sboot lasI Frîday evounug ln Eiadleld'a hall ras a auccees. $18,3. vas cleared 10 go tiiaarîtalitbcary for lte achoot. The marrIage of Jamià Murray te Mias Suite Gtoas cu crred aset Wed. neaday moruiug ilu the Cathotie chureli. Both yolicg people are relI kuer bere sud have a large cirete cf Irleuda .They nIl goît, touse.keep. tug lu the rooma vîr thie cceamery. We ntab the bappiy coiule a loand i tîromeapois lîfe. Dr G ur Lib BE N vt un S aveu d lg. îlot, L(b P Mais piec plia LONG OROVE. 0. Mayar wss ont bnyiug calvea ai Apiakalo Monday., Ilt insaid Dr. Enliai is continuully coulined go hie bonte. Didal rwe bave coma exqutsltaty deliglilul rainj reaiber? Anna S§auer ta recovering rcpldly frontlthe oparalion the. nuderweut. Meusrs. Jaka sudMa11rtin Ealcentltaler made a business Irpto the Ciy Tuço. dey.. 0. Zimmer, vho in emptcyed lu the Wetern Electrie, spent ISunday as home. J. Zimmer'a honse lasabout completed aud wrît ere long lie ocoupied by c happy couple. The Evangelical Snuday cohool bas added a dozen nos, aong books, Halte - lnjss, te ils librsry. lir. Reater hau te drive 2.40 uer, ince iliere in another catI buyer mun- ulua opposition to fhlm. Becanse of the detay of a coualgu. meut of ebeece, psy dSy niil net matartalîze unil naziveai. The prie o! butter bas tîeeu ou au average frailve te Sen centa biglior par Ilb. Ihus i nIer tItan lt. Austin Avenune vii have te he re- christened. l'iîe mont apprapriale naine nIl pccbaty lbe fihe] bonte. yard. The Diamoud Lake reporter, aller hibernating for a fartutgbît, lias agua appeared lu lits cunde plume, tENuKaumua. Mr. Doega voutd preler tu more nov but, as Ulia. eese dos ua wtsb 1tu bave tbe bouse vacant. hl ie Il tkely romin ésevera vees alouger. Ail parsons enuiied te Pbilippine Albums ore kiudly raqnmed 10axer- cea a itt1e patence. As sOonu a the anpply eau lha made 10 @qualibe demand. thay wnIl rocteve %heirs. UmssEduas lchar viii long remember bar 2-? bicfhday maonou f lb. appiesi unes. A compigny of young folk% gatherettai her hotus aud anrprlsad 10ae ita oui o!ber. Wbai vttb sng- tng and playiug gamea and partaklug of deltitoua refreatai, s muest au. jeyable cventng wvasapaul. Wlnon. ever Mc&. lichai vanta a surprise on aey of ber danghlers. slie aenlt plat Iîîfirm us sud va vîtI doî tbe r,,t. SCISOOL NiifEa Teacboer -'spoîl bank Millite--Haie. Every membar <of the t, W. i. la tu 1 --- --- w & tOa quio (1iî Ilte 0. W. Club test Friday "Spett. tug.dcvii' vas on the prograin. Erîna ttzenthaîer carrted off lte paîmi QIJENTINS CORNERS. Milît veaiber and miul areuicntp ai preseul. Gleorge isîts, îof Watu'ouda. nmcde a caIlai Abert Hl>eotsb Is veea l. tiockelman suit lamlty viatteit vitb H. Wease'n folk@slets uuday, îtlred mou are repensai quiti searce Ibis cprtug. Mia &&y the employer@. WHEELING. GLENVIEW. Mi«s Lille Arnold in home &gain. A. G. wasai Long GrOya ou business Mir. Henry Weiduer wu& ln to'wn on Bnday. bninuns Baturday. BorA., ta Mr%. Frank Hioffmann,a Tbeddy Kittel Io the happy taatler babY girl. qI a honncing baby boy, boru Jan. 17. Misa Grace Dilg ta reeevertug frtilli Everybody lmiiioktîg forcr oid serionis &loge of tilDos. weather. More tee to wauted for boit miss Emfe Huichioga rouI ta Ylis Meaon. friand.a ut Mortons Grove Mat Mfr. J. WV. iogan lias hail a new drive evening. welt put In and says lie bam plenty Mr. Raymond Outzier wbo bas rater Dow. atck the Point veek tu stiti contned Dr. Loner jaetttng cord wood, He hielied. Baye lie eau cutoaileand aile liaiT corda Mr. Roy Noulley, ictîn tisien lisied s a a day onuan average. a Iltegular" te serve bis country le« Mias Emma l4anmon lias gone te thie for Fort Sheridan Wedneuday moaing ctty ta vork. Witl Balim<ci lies gene Misa Berthia Drawtielm, à mambe ol te Pirriugtan ta wrr. the (iionview Epworth Lesguecameti, WANTED-a boy 18 te l20, te tearu frein Edgebrook, to tend the meettîw bîsekamilli trade. Cati îor write t,, A. Snuday eventng. <0. Horcher, Wboeltîîg, 111, Il stitieted by a becîlsebe or tooti, Frank liartmnlth bîîcy hreaktag Bacle rememiber tiiet Dr. ieuicti ha, colta this veek wbtto tast week lho was @orné,Itlets that will enre it. Dr. aIs. bnutiug cocus, sud abat ,lie that keelî a ful Uitne of iriigs. vetghed tveuty- mie plîcunt. Mr. Niek Bites. wtîe l stek an i Ol 'Ibere ta getcg ta lie a belttie lu fluodtîl te h b,.i et Preeul wrtttug the aid t<,v uexot Saturdsy icîglît. ba@ <hartey (lntzler îi ptî.yet dîirin There viii tue s danice given iiy the bis Iitesa i tiarley mayx helietîtehere.: Young peuple cf IBuffalo tircve ut tie sud urtlsceit te riasNtei,'. lu iltll, Uniion bail. Mustc ty Prof. Weituers minutes. 't bts aui kwarkrt'bharlcy. atutug t.,sd. C,,me and ..uj.y yeîîrcc.lf. lMr. illita.r hit t aieneut froin tiý 'lIhe degs cf Wteeling najiat be City t,, riait icitia ii,,incleMr. c'. ieeý, muzzled cbatîîod up or abe(t It ba" and attend thlîu*lter,îry Socali rida, beau ne ordered by the presîdeut ,of evenici< Sîrit.Leed eî,t bhome saIn, the village luoard. We e.onet wuanlt udey everliîg te att.end a- îiohureb seul,, I thein alot for Alderuman Iebi aay nîîig hi.choe i i.in lutheoetty. the dogcsud saleî.î,keepern imuet keep Geoîrge Htit,'biigi. , , i"f Jesepi up tbe tvu ltuteiliîgm isule fion-îaete 'eelrtbe Attho ctacb party autlIra. M. huntltt.t 1 uuivergary of llii,,tua utv.tiîrt iirtb Jan. 17. ia. J. W. floiegan cptured lte day, be retcrîiel to, Mlwaukee Satur. bcoby prize, litas Ecuma Bardejît)uselday ne, lga le 1. ine,leytd Ia irilrt.4e; soit 'Thereâa Leuburer gel an tee lparkingi,,aitin io seeconidprize. Aller supper was served t lu nw a volerý aIt remît borne lu tbe Cî,tuuiil". sT'lhe ýitiirtterly *t,,ualrtiîî.e meetiiîg l'be mten cf Wbettlig are trîîd ,,f vli te eldt lie e ti.Ethurcfi, Fr1 tthfr r,,mei au an y 1eyare nia day evetiitPet, 2,1i ir. ilatewill. afratd cf railn vben thure lma s i,, ,îw il presb ,,îonatu a, i. a i ug, àsju lsli paruy lu or àrtuiut town, îlways as abu. aiitfor li., A large er,,wd galberait ait C.Il11rs. a aigu t t,, greret hi ila ui li a sglu i saturday e tenll suitdWe'jt t,, iami, a I teit ta îu 20 suit aîirited It lace1 t, dt ted Mbvilgel JIlbeiUg is. fart -ilt i trI 'l'liec iiter.ry -a, ui iaeil'y th. day. Amoug thece rliceel i.are lMr. Lemgue lent Iridaai Jeeu.l.s lotta sud ]dra, C. 1Miller, SIc aloii Nra. (,.St ti.borne ,f NI r caai lira. lobia Hier. 1Mr. suit ?.rs G.<i.îraauî Mc». Hitcebluga asilax li.iate, ',ustiio Ailltera, Mr. sud lire. WiaaîtrliMr ng Iotiîiithe eatti,'c A pria and Mir@. M mhiltl, archialil. Hîpl,, gramime i'ouminîtllig afil nial, vocal awi W. M. Iz, iy.ID. Mtchntît ai F.SI ilIcr iiictriiiueiiýtu.c.li. reIitili, etc. Ail repiîrted s good iliue aloi masy (ai.,, uas cîaeet Agit1tillO nlwax ..r 21) i ta adeuidyat. iiiiteiî. Ka Dr.

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