L All d @OMM '. 1 1 1 1 - . At the Uloor , but'fi liequite àaquodèeff K NygI * '1%0,4" e, WgRà o guu 0gIT , .' 1 11."It is not a watrlke towns any longer-.ý. . o, estbhq C b-optis et" Attsmeted Amseatioetà te Re..- ý ;ý harbuhosltssadmitted; l"Itslamore o«aa an h «o ss o eresentatitres w«g the "'tucet r es a1 1. e,- ecelesiaticaltowntrwat till we take yo1 OONORESSMEN W HO HAVE RISEN strde asade by 49M. Frank 0, Wa¢ter' EàMBeRa OP THE HOUS£ EYX- At Frankfort, Ki,, @eater GOebel, to the cathedral, and show you ail the PROM LOWLY RANK Who camus frai arr" d.Afiter ]bartu-LDER TE OMO. contestant for the position Dow OMePied , ý 1 ~~~quaint old buildings attached to It-with log his trende he developed the indastry *LD H OM N by Goy. Taylor,' pan shot and seiousliy . e ~~their pretty gardiens andcivied walls, and --1 of e-ensnizng adjusting and - sannigas1wo.tundeait 11I o'clock Tuesday tocring. 1 1 1 _their look of learned repose." By Yankee Benin, Grit and P»sh M,- WOOieen loth. Ballet la 268 to 50-PropSition 6, John Whittaker, a farmer et, Bdtler ..Late lithadnightthe miniature manage, hnia acoyHad adFrmr Boa.'Henry C. Smith of, Michigan AmtadTe splDfae r.County, was arrested, charged Vitb th' lu est of tise wandering party war ln her- caln, atryHnen omrewas empIdyed as àaAcrime.nMr.hGoebel was walkingro-p .-A .nrom nagdi oehuln er AeNo mngteMeboftefarm nand factory t • . .ibumely by a Vote of 24t 1Gasidewalk leading to the Senate when , 't'u e millinery purchases of the day, and dlin- Boume of Representative. hand until 18, whiten Bick to Utah. man ln the second story of the buildin - 1 . 1ý .LEK. posging them saon at admit of their being --lhe commenced ta1 - immnediately to the ceast of the eapir, ý . ý 1 . ~~~packed on the morrow. She seemed a lit- Washinýgton correspondence: work h imsae if .1%0., Brighama H. Roberts was excluded front. tred upolnhima. rive ahois were Ardo, ý -:t. d~~~~~~~~~~~te thoughtful, and was mostly silent; but NMONG the new throbbcollege by (fate nationaelcnfuiHouse ad aof Representativeasilion sot fandl Mr. atinaoebeleor fellbuttito ndthe oeegrelotethd, writhvrrti qg eitligecnuion oecadtoa enthse.ai,ànaauiossot f nmbers of the doing chores for a Thursday evening, at the close of a three ling with pain. IIe was at once carrieri .ereisu iss", sly,:amrn, Who "Do you kowirwhat P'egy told me b-Wres ter i a orhi bar nd, hol b eclddoruxplldeb avoeGobe i terihtsie pssd h wants to know all aboutze ighland fore we ,ent t the theater this even- uuuly lag 'ytacigdrg f28ton0,thirty-si otvohtng.lJustathe bod. coming ultbeothk e so clans, andthe Ciase, ndthirrea-, p op rt onof vacations.aewas previous to this a vote had been takeon blade, and vhen thge news s stso tions to theochiem. Andtabout thep45onIhdotnot. ' elf-mande" men- chosen orato forlnte eouio eote-yte io.out It wais declared fthat the e artor ad Prince Charlie; she must be turned jinopoisdt gv ersm rh ro0nfrmlwl1t- eclege c.- EDAi waK o ng the ce elaringrprer yth iiterwIl ewidstexiemntws ntantd ý ~a Jacobite if there's going to bee any Fassiefern Ilotise-a little nirro..1 ibe- to ou laces of ta-tescltadheo. , e ngttleo eswornin, dthat then hewu@cret le ntextow nt dwthintntm CH APTER IX.--(Cntinud.) Pece and.quietude on board this boat. e- ,,# holnor u ands trstes ,qunebogi ' uhit ulcsol eeleaditadbende uesate M. obe hd en*ho i And S.owoncemore e rre gliding on And who c<rn do thatr better than your- I was aware of 1it. fýlol rce of]tIr own notiuce bthat hiwas enagedho up fo feted-1toa244.s Teudiference nthe t retetsln were filled with m ecriis th-ogh the s1il, wýooded ilandcape; ond 4self?" She looked mup quickly. -. eroWor t andmeritte fGetebakeanagn tauder er ahotle ase t tell.ades iofthosn ewh tes and reobl hAahrdzwab«thro mhgarsar iinlthel, ide spauces of Oh no" e si,with a limie, "no, "Oh, you knew. And then eesaid, •ebott h n erig- thndr ten charmnofte ipu-ch anedtoha e oerdi oe d f in on the buela iegild ing frmewhcsho' theai wththirsigin: ndth sn-no n; aillthâa riepstand gonge now. rte loladwith no great 'air of Abgot umistalcnSaecomte.Husqntly. some way de andtho fetthatorfthoecol dweseai re, i rerto prent ecapeho fight lies warmn onthe lædiges and fields Chiefs and clansmen are salike loyal now- conviction-indeed, ashe semed question- made by jinglfln.ent ersged law pratc e u hséqarpt o1e i fhi ytecntttoa And his iasrM i P ewor isspeche dy;w r uen't'-y i hing.sea<ofrssenot.Itipseit;•.racs . us-ed ln every campaign ince is firet. method they wtould adopt what Judge De p ee aternowth moer les o m- l and'ers,'ban d pout o wnerthetitle teresting thing for en American girl tuoMtmant of Taeoma, 1 WMau a Printer's Devil. Aralnddenomtiinaild "lynch law" to et-i pte scontrolotheýtlle; ltoughbo, t ays Yesilbut de n tyonerstnd ne ctake homne with her, especially when coin- W W - ash. This lu his Hon. Edgar Weeks, aiso of Michigan, feet bis trmoval. siheertgerab sent-eysreilone hstasas tohim, ow Yonerstn istonbe ligfromt Inverfask; a souvenirttii first year fustthe climbed the lutdder et success to national Thge debate preceding the vote wras en1 .ecsegneraiortrf suveilanc e a ing i tenuuyo nstiudetoman'ial.," House, and in attining ti honor lhe-has imlportance by the rounds of printer's ap. gaged in by Mesure. Simùs of Tennessee, over at her. , ".% exlin , d am eri dca, w etre a e institu tins and And yet, somehow, she does not seem passed through the successive stages of prentice, law student, oldier, new spaper Johnston of W est Virgini, A damson of "Whly, hat'ngsithat ?" slå exclamsesd- hne a b e n us ftoms vare ompawrdatey quite ,sis6ed in hier own mind. The mil- common laborer, or secion hand ou a pioprietor, prosecuting attoriley and &r- Georgia and De Armond of M isouri, in - denlyucatching asiefsoetiRng ahmead.tew oe anthis er old-w o ttelinery does not reeive much of her at , ailroad, to cowboy; fromt the ranch to bate judge. Joseph W. Fordney, hië col- support of the minuoricy reollution; by anItlole aeresn' of gignt i seps ooie aeety; y eanol ho erf Iomtention. Finally selleturne froml the table thle lumbergecampi. to kehool teaching, toleaguie, began life in the lumber woods, Mesure, Brosiusef I ennwylvania, Talbert e sunestirs on itBtiticealknerltd ote epe1h er taltogether the law,. and ßnaly to Congress.lie logging and estimating plne timbter, and of South Caroila, liay of NwYok cia bcsionfl.hocs.abWeiavegttolh '5""D ef anknwltl e!"sesays,tarted in Iowa. Fromt there lhe went to hsaqiedapatcl nweg fFreer of West Virgiure, Moody of Max- clm il htsaotabAnd it 1"W'ell, when you think of I," gays In- in a half-pleading half-frightened wuy Wyoming, theggce to Nebraska, and fromt the ýlumlber bUsiness, ln which hie has nachusetts, Grostrenor of Ohio, Morris of wibe ag vsiey ntedious process. lYou'cea k, it dos se ta nethtthn e "Have you noticed anything? Don't your Nebraska tol Wýashil)nto. since grown wealthy. Minnesota and Lanham of Tlexae, in Pupl baet er onside and tell thMuwer ilochtelnsst em was actuallyin existence on think that Col. Cameron's admiration for Only twenty-tive years agolHon. Jamger Until within twentyyears Ho. John port of the majority resoltion, and by 1 have unchonnw, ad sed Mu doc h astcrientrya sngdaithine couofPeggy 1,sjjust a lle too miarked? l'And WRyn was driv- S. Robinson of Nebraska was working.esrrckfInanadGenof out to takte the tiller."dy'rieo asnledys 1ie yusellh erself, too-hrave yçqu, noticed the ing mules in Ma . as a mechanle ln a hinue factory ln West PoesBvaia, whondiaw aedl itoetsoex- Bcy te iomm luncheon was er n Meis mgh Aost sy-frome thegciotpoe-wy in which &she speaks of him? Oh, honoy City, P'a. ý Virginia, where lhe saved suffeient ta o- pelled by a definite declaration to that PetoteggyionredhtbewrsaietOtheinburgh AneryabutlitleHg d-ople oodgracious, I have been trying to shut Wýhen a mere lad gin the study of law atf the ,âge of 2- effect, whether he were swoorn in or not. t o thloksiandthe proposltate of1ersadnburhkw a buoutte Highlnd- iMy eyes and ears; but if anything were is parents moved Movin2g west, hie beame the attorney of Beatfors Alleuor Nebraska and Spooner . we howu sieteopporund iato eraadterwas upseyunvrtohappen between fthose two, and me re.. to this miing is county and 'district judge, la which of Wisaconsin litened to nearly al, the . asorte wsuaiosl n meia er he oyolhauapndtososbe"twn, and àoung _ latter ofieelhe wsouservng when noi.afternon' discussion, following the adpe.Lord Kilmarnock at Falkirk? 1-ord Ki- "But how aile you responsibler' one Ryan lbegan to nated for Congresls. sekr lsl We now round ourselves on a consider- marnock had raised a troop of horses for nuay% tt iseIncoherent person. makle a little mo ney - 11 Freer of West Virginia , Mondell -of Ceaers ands teiclaplas fo abbeheigt, adhalarund saiyla ich-theprineladyhaaben wih-hthae "Webroucthemnogeter;tsn'btha byirivng amulaWyoingRobbns f AlhaandHoeck thegallrie nådheary hnde Ippin.on ly wooded country, the abundant foliage truhth xeiio noEglnad enoug h?" heexlams, "Aer n tehe atbr naut v Wominer of De llare, Alwell ,offeilnoiAthe toro heHuegeeehnaitxr.cg .' af whic e pt shimmeri sng rayarkening allthrough the retreat, and no must have isa, awidower, twice her age at least, with mines. By this i. Brick of Indiana, Bailey of Kansas and dcilk.Roetswafotprsnutothea1s- in-A orc-ofmeddased-nr aev the sl-m onsntraysandswidegot omkoledge ft hthecansenn n enumered estaote; and 1 suppose means lhe supported rW. U , A U oenucyaillbegan their careiers fhear the wrstW r nfc i o h uligadu otero rm Mihadows trale assted lndscpOIe-itheirk eo to ut iwidhf.T hee d at hardly anlythipg beyond his pay. Think himaself tiltlihevwasat the plow. Tutn litical deathknell. The cllimax came afier whýýihthesh1ots were fired, but coufldt Andl Mu ile Pegyasie waked lng spo !te kir nodoutheprzzle d im. The daywhat lher people would say of it! They 16 years old. Twhe cwas graduated Bon. Willam C. Lovering of Tutn a wearing day of discussion, through no One. The guiard was redoubledt,and butlitle pehas se as eohngt fte te btte te rine nd e erewoldn't see any romance in it; they fromt the high schlol. His high mnarks Mas*,, began life as,.an emply i ot-wich the electricity ofa pent-up tand a- Adjt. (Gen. ýl'l ia ardent political o, woodms and oen s Paoles.ndidrker glaet ouskin down, fr, otheindowrp ofe, a wouldn't find an$ fascinationin lher be- brought himý into suchl prominence with ton mil). Later he became preident and sorbingly interemtiogg ,situation freely p<lent Of G4; oo hreofila wih ysrter a is phe n to.Her yeathus n onadtotei urrse he oming Lady Camgeroitof Inverrask, and the Scho Board l1ba they offered im general manager of the Wthttendon Man lyd h aleiswr rodd n h ork . of indinge oh , eandh anytrat e hdrnofmischie in tenoW.- lsaw a solmdie ingaonginer Eng up there in the north and winning the position of itecher in the public ufacturing Company of Taunton. There were hundirede of bandsomely ired the shots Bu s edrwnert Woto a-lshuior ndwarn abak cockade the affection and gratitude of those Poor schools. He saved enou,,ightmonley to carry From a eqmmbon molder to leading crim- gowned wiomen present. Mont of the "*Theýy lhaýaýmainated Senator Go twe she ture er attntianonhewdnisat . orfKlmrnckemed e pewhieb in quite clearly what Sir fhimtthrough the four years needed to 1, ia ayro hstmMoetsocpe ilacsoeà," a hue dt h os o oerwewrpainadfoti y twent down sairs and Into thetreet, Ewen was talking about to-day. What study lawi. Admitté-l to the bar, lhe sonon atateawase re isne- Rbrs an e is ,utoe ,Instant af,,te the s he rngout. Th. - to im sh soopd o dd o he itle en u toth ma, ltrck offhikat, dIo you suppose they care for the tradi- began to makleainmark, anui OW isa aord made im onlya hmenter erthe Phloro ngoth nosnegay in her hand. We knew hier pur- and put hie foot on the bakccae tions of the IIighland clans, or for Col. member of the naional Gongress. tewi years by Wil- 1merswn helsteps to th oefr ont oflat,. Pom. We knliew, whither was going that The next moment one of the Hlighlanders1 Cameron's reputation as a soldier, eith- The Pareer ofIlion.J.ohn L. Sheppard j linom D. Daly fromn1 bui ldinwne tin andtha otl offl -pariegtelochite, olleto ofedscam- stockandg by h airuhedon orKilmar- 1er? MWhy, it's madiness! He ought to of Texas is not dimiilar. His fallher;.heHookn N.JJIldn fire mntes then wlcityes erne tuplo s lueàaih, g elowLbe adstanckadshvdhi wy;Klarokmarry a rich woman, if lhe marries aiat died whenhie was only a malui boy and. district. He was ,thie w nd lt,,,s hndrubglpour eite esefhagdecosisadteinstantly pulled out his pisto] and pire- and get Inverfask cleared of its burdens, his mother took up i smnalilfarni in Tex.i made leader of his te hou seud .la nd it ý looked th.f ,rio Me simple blossoms. sentied] Itat hl@ assailant; the Hlighlander and live there. And shte muet marry as, moving there foun .Alabamina. B5e- \. party on the dloor .wol reul :t. oibokheasfadv riefth It is a every little trouble," she says, drew hfis dirk; and goodlness only knows soeoe ith money." tween the seasonr of hairvest µnrd .plant. of the New Jersey .' rulrsulg of t,he bildngfrod i h an hikofte rtiue halrepwhtwol hv hpendifanubr 1"I think you will find thraitl'eggy will ing the boy studied faithfully. %Whei, he Aasembly immedi- tho-shOts ,uame and quickly fifty special When they gret them over there! I sup-1 of the Highlanders companions had not marry the man shte wants to marry with. wras suifdleotly advhanced lin the common ately upon entering p,ýe.1ýAoicemurq ,runded -.1il and a detail bie ete of Arden,' in the letter?" drýivenLiod -Kilmnarnock off. Andi what an.y. oeele." ··. [he study uf law. came his party's - ri a, i ieif.i, o b Overhead the silvery gray heavenn 1was lit all about? Why, the man with (To be continued.) This he, did entirely leader in the State Senaete, and ln his lote 7-IlJil o n,.Whi aki w ese e wvere nOW mottled with sott lilae; toward the black cockaode was a Cameron who 11 by hoine th conýgress8ional campaign earned the fie- - .1,Jh ilairnsmr-.ý]à - the west were long bande of purple hadl bee nanEgih eiet, n - -andnd with allttutio tinction of whipping bMaj. Z. K. Pang . -Pines frOte the shi ontryig the lou4, 'their, lower edges fringtd with who, of course, deserted to join the $tand-1 WILD) DU CK AS A MOTH ER. - ' He- was admitted lto bornt the veteran nichoolteacher, woae rt.th u-in ro-wih h cimson Or*; beneath these, and behind ard of his chier as soucn as he go the - --- the bar howeverclaims 1tolbe the only man who ever whip- n 0O n - i & w, a;n caught Iby the varlons einmps of foliage in front or chance; and, beig a Cameron, thge other 1QueerPiaes Selected for Neste, Which and a >racticeor pdDwy ohn F. Mil- a manÉlupast 7 years of Us, were breadths of golden yellow, that ;Camgerons standing around wudnt Aevce eoy. W o tn l rdAnother farmer'* boy is B. F. Spauld. ilge. %When rhdi epsoswr only reached un through the darkened have im interfered with by anyone,1 Thewild duck Is apt to e i mther . b iro tgt her yuag 1 ingof North ,kota. Wen only 11 naoAU. il. Ronigars.taeofhipr l odypoete 1,>baches in mild flashes of light. We whatever is rank."1 quaint as a mothler. Shie oftenoceems to <ciendy before the yecars old lhe left his home in Vermont to @st rneur the venter of the Houseo, and rrOnde n .n il av " t e C nU b been seriously delayed by one or two 1Breakfast over Captain Columbus ihave the most singular bdeuaiaotstspulctlrnght anhi w iig n oeuat i-wsthe cynuure, of thousgands of curious ty jaif, rfollowýeýi lbyhuýnreds. Cries of diheuit bridge. It was resolved to call makles his appearance without, and pres- 1rprpitefrtenrsr.tfl,,disrc le-. Ief. He worked upon a farni amtil i1,,1 a hat for the night. We were to be up ently Murdoch liq standing at the door of aporaefr h usr.TU-A§ U PseA csritato ongt coo.ny he mnh.drn yesr. Au n impoing battery orfield, op- "MOb, the wa.-ill"an " et's ftake S.betimes in .the morning, for there wax a the saloon, awaihingrder. I sprcafylnesei lo"teeun tie. The next step was avd a ju en each of the tive interveping wte.He ra ndohrhortiadllgerneawyarm.h plieanlhniea long day before us, to say n%hing of the 1Now, ti being Sunday, Queen Tita weli-being of her bab.es thiat the nur- and h ethsrsndsi ubd te lre nsoe o oryas glasses wax leveled toward him. were heard] all alongr the route fromn . wild pei and adventure'of getting would rather hbave given our gay Young Hery shouild be cloue by the water's sidle, gitioin.pgi o being thereby enabled to continue bis ed- Reobciertuhsay erniacspodet.lis noamtrae to le. hitukriegedfor through the King's Norton and Westtmarbiners and their diligent horne a rest; 1for the little ones flike to take to the The . ucas a as urlbd iation in a literary institute and to bie rcnie otesenfc hth wstcin rn hti ie nopp Hill Tunnels. So lwe chose out a mea- but, sasappeared frofn our noble graptaini's waeters sotin am hatelied. They have DPcfccathsas umhdagrdae rmNrihUiest.H ot allowed to take the Outil. of offke, tumity lb, oulprOve himoelf innocent. dow banik where there were some convent- report, there were omdinous rumor 1 eind t ef-made mai This lasHon. Russell J. gaate ra n Na w ientesitydooke and that, therefore, the salary that would Wlhen G. ' Ilylor wua. informaedi of th lent willow stumps and aider bushies, and abroad aonguthe canal-folk o ntneasaue ri exe"o'e nWtrso'alfriaae a aie ucesulpr i h triora ndb is i mcge eloac frcer temtdanmntinh trwhisl there we made faut; and fthen Murdoch- repairs somewhfera or other; andlhe im-.and they aire rather restless. The water on a farni in Massachusetts. He worked stccae pitiofnothe Dakioa . a ire and other perquisites ar e lst.lHe back ln hi.s(-hair and p.Al of th. slow in the Forent of Arden, and proba- self wans distinctly of opinion thant we isl their element, and yet the ohldmotler at odd jobs as a factory hanad m h)is SaepltctO ot aoa feels that the Covernmnent has nt acted doorï leading to the executive DodrceIwere S bty wàiuMnlhe lwera at homle in a better should at least Pusha forward and getj duck will somnetimies chioose for her @Pare moments attencied schoofl. He AMERICAN CAPITAL FOR RUSSIA, justly by himi; thant helhait been duly and locked, and premntly a spe-cial guard of place, though is courtesy would not al- through the two tunnels. 89 re-assnt- nesting lihtee a Pot remote by more learned the trade of machinoist. # hat legat electedi, and that the G»overnment State militia lined utir in front of th. 1ow him to say so0-was besouglit to pre- ced to that, poled the boat aerossto the 1than a huindredyrs rmay aeheknew of bemisons fired himn witþ,a de- Mnufactuarere frontThis "Coinry lu. has steppied in and declared fthat the ver- executive and capitol buildings. pare some food for hie comgrades and towrpath, hadl the line AfMxed to the har- somgetimies site will even choose the barde ota he con uued oostudy vRtAnthIEar'0Ral.,0c0o0thFoRregpStae f ta -- brothers in exile,es n eeonemr ldn along. ad ewn oafmhgsho n American capital iÀ going to Europe, amounnts to nothingr, and that the State's RA E ,00FRB R. . -eut wh uene me othe rst othehumble, but Yet conlsiderable, lheight of worked himself aup therem tof)a professer- ai is ne OW to be sentoeRumsi, where representative is not worthy of receiving CHAPT BXtunnelswe fondmet hd&jut omissed a poilard willow; and1howçseleconveya ship in Latin and mathemnatics. Obeying lbritha4n h es fpouto ar n uttetet ympathiýer Hold a Great Meeting in. ThViela Sundaymring till n ba-the steam tlaunch which hadt disappeared her 3young brood frOm thesie situations the mandate, "Young man, gowes t!" hie is now. It isestimated that $15,000,00 Asked whagt notion, if agny, would lbe New l ork City. tifugl, thesuliaht lorng, amand eau-hewith its long convoy into tat black hote tu the water Is cone of those probleseirtd oCiao suidlw ps-o mrca oe il eivse dr ae owr bann1hsrgt o yptierafteuoescoddt tridte Wor tershirelandaamly over the in the earth; and as there was now a of naituiaihIstory whichà,Ilike the cuick- Pd further west to Californhvi, enigagedi in ingit1900n in manufactu ringplants in the aestj3Mr. Robhertsyaisi þe did not feel Grand Central painee vto the quors ina New ,ar.stretching valleya andscape, rw dconsidherable btime for ansIotr aitvwe all oo'swy fcovyg:e egintoa bnkig, gais and publishiing enterprises, Russian empire, chiefly at Moscow and that the.question bied beens ettled bytne 'York Montýiday ,ght, and before the la: ylcofse(rown t ahor d rceeded i lo theand becamne promninet-uin any >public In- St. Petersburg. The Westinghouse Elec- vote of tbéelHonne. lHe did not know speaker thadthin .ny over $5,U000had be: hin.,lits smiling farmseand imagnsions hafitghorei a proode oexe n ashewren a nest. will iprobably go0on veinlg stitutions in Los Angeles, whence hebcnoviotric Corppany of Pittsburg will put up a what formi the aectinwould litk, but subséribed for [ihe beneût of the sufferer among wooellds. Thlperfect ileeigt-Shortwood Dingle. We wanderedsale tl h n ftmrtrspeostecniett ei i complete etablishèmetat St.,Petersburg wras of opinion gthat.the State of Utab -l'e meeting wals ,nHed to exp res Ame y ssnerahe a ees eih- hrug hepitueqð 4nge ad p o There are theories lin plenty, but no career as a national statesman- coiting nottlens thtan $2,500)0. Crne ýwold appeail thgegmutter to the bSupreme iran "sympathy for the South African 44d» - liytit universal singing of the a heigh thfrm icthese, is4anirde viewcertainlty. And loften shle williniake her'i Bornnln .Emigrant NWago. *1 Brothers of Chicago and the Standard Court Of the Ulnited States. •The voters re-publies. Anot her object wax the rals S that àalmost drowns te velvet-mbt otueover the adjacent coestrg, and eneptually 1nfest or lay lher eggs (for iter notions of Hon. James C. Needham, fromt the Sei-Pmpwrswlinetaiiarmotofaoeegnttehdceedhutongffnd r <rthiladwod of the cuckoo. back to the canal, werbe there were now nesiet architecture are primitive) ln a enth California dis- in a pump factory at Moscow to mauurac- the national ( oýngress, nand lbe.did noi e- e ' willun iil" tetr hies. "Good reorning!" says Miss Peggseveral ot eie.u w witn p. htsessa4yslce o rcwsbrninture Amierican inventions; the Singerlheve they Would quietly subiit to such (o'ýng,,r-manl Daid .AI. Do Armond of- roiangsOutli toethe white light with tearvb tesemlanc. itss uenice of overýkt. Ánadyet no one Carsson City, Nev, ewinAgMachine Company will duiplicate treatmnent asnhyha eeve.r11,h4rs paro h cheeks fresh-tinted as the rose, and hl eerr1ý%Nleall ater-roofg-ed ared foun say thtitshe is not ,an affectionrate. in an enn;grant u fin bgPt atrestmno bte nt,000,000aund $3.. HEATHEN NEW YORK. sin omswh ypt izewiththe Boer surreewel-blueeue hiing. isisa t he ordeoal-all except âMlrs. ThreePpenn? vnanoeauiu, ohr.We pagnsw ers 000,000; the stockholders in' the Baldwin h ad Teei oseiltnu surp-rie Iumadesure it was rammg bit, who preferred te.ait by herself in 3yàn comtetinar her nest and startle hr nserrepes-loconotive w,,'s of Philadelphia ,will es. It Ha@ 1,300),00n Peuple NWho Helong paortiular lhinence th- ll;lau nnally Us ' rdf-thr a uh atrn on the the saloon, awaiting events, andconsoI- off i, shte does not go away, as a wile g lste tablish a $2 0,000 pl lant on the railway t ocuch yan.1, lorty te deamlnd o- ing herself wvith the reectios that these womuan would, stealthily, secvretly, go Fo a lifcol between o i Letersbuirg and Mosepw. It NwYokitisneothmotg- rinheodtimofalw S *ancfidn't you knowl.what the platter- t w o Tardebigg tunnels irere shorter thtan as nt to revel to you its oexistence, .but 'Yourngam will not 1'e gany offceal connection with les.s 1acesin th1w -rld, are !ing to flig eve-reamed ,iýlOr hopeýd foradvancement "9ine it wasin't rain, 1 suippose it was' the W'est Hill one. Shortet we found with a fifitter and a commotion and of- passed! through col- head aCmay1n wl era-u smd ulc yi HCai ST RIK ES - T lulWA bA LOONS. gratstemnutasomc drer1ndeb en with an affeltation of a broken lege, entered ltheohrttl.atoghondb-tesm ea-atr i tsretO a soutely dark, for fthe bargemen did nmn.ettrmo cruidrs abrd eatqatr l Ml t.ot nMi "Not az aW ll. tas lbirds. They were 'se ocnie tncsayt iht . 1wing u t ead you ofy hm pursuit Of War kvaýlritnt at J1s.onm.sox buil in opanyan der anuacurro httngensh sy..iweaena peeCor ei nleD hoingaitabou• in search of erumbs 'among iheir lamps on this occasion. We scrape<i , her, railher tlOumleave 3 ou looking for Vns ilingtoln, was i aetdso aigtahnr r lol ,0 epen sey l nisant 10op.rg in-nB.K ski that rubbish that Vwe sera e»f, n n oeouka logfrtth n un e '#,thlat tells ou las plainly as i rduated ,in law, and now tenl years 1negotiating for sires nertecisna- Ohurch. Only about i per cent of the utscoidrd iotmota the tunnel. MutrdluA must &g.-t a brush niel, ad then -vith an interval of smlooth ;shte had <iµmcked It out, "l have ialint Co,ý "Il;ng lcresfc. H vr re d-with the encouragel$nent of the -Reus-p ultin r mmbr o lrtetat e o n hcu I tion withlosth, ld aswee th'ro; t, isn't like him to sailing in the White day--throith it therfiplease do not go looking for It; t'tie o . .ilert lanGovernimenit. - churches, an ihat i a losof >out r 1t n vr deed "I kunow wh " se says. lie enn herk i s resorgreuntilahtead ofr utcomendentcliple:Ihaive a brokien Haugaunof Iowa had a remrkhable ca- R h ht ntietl a ntbe nat o i ubrou Monday. l B: il't tltirds of the lig hardly take his eyes off Col). Cameron; brighter undi brighter asot Of fuligin--Wln,. Shte hshaý a rming ideu of reer. He wals a mnerebant atthleeuae Of 1R1Outkowski, the finanicial attache of the but 'the differn npr cenI'h 1(l"tage is d'le to.... Il" 1,-:ing -hop. will bie closed, and lhe 1 stens to no one else. 1Ibso --Ious, confuseýd, opalescent glar; te ua smlct.14. lInfthefirst two years of salitsales Rsinebas nWshntn h the steaidy stream oft foreignerst, :ý,000 a ' he vSupriowi Court, through Jida pose C ol C a ero is gr at 1ero in ti ally w e plunged into lta bew ildering ! She has O nly to o nia ny rea "sns for hbaua e u n u h t ak h r t h s brought the form er na m ed da ev- w eek, w o e p u hi g im \at er ' s I o1-ini<m , e c de ofthe1who . 1urdoch's eyes." glory-bronze-hued or saffron-hued it ap- lher ovanxiety. It isquite pitiful She deposit lin ammnt for a farmn. '\¥hen eral others into communication gwith te. Only l1t per cent of the population in mtr . Iý-it hoha[ l, t hat thercopd o 1 "'Well, youse, the Highilawllers have ,peare-d as we iapproached it--and suidden- is a pitiful object herself, as shte goes ol18h ucwdafr n otnofeaso i oenetadscrd ahta a vnoeprn onRNldallw hrtfr asd h a strong regard for these old families, aR yeereino ulghe renes but•1 1e.n nomeetuelhis educgation [outil equipped to enter for themonvalurable adantages. Thbomaes in this ounittry.' In Greater New York the-old iii tuult-awwarepeled; tht te though the claens and clanship, have long o ,f foliage anid the quietude of thre outer a, e ma busmness colileg. 'He was &hus enabled Smith, the consul of the United Sitates there are 1,300),000 persons without any sent petitioins wen-lred i filed under til benablshd heeis' me ha or as*m But the real dangers that pursue hardware, grain, hive stock, fin+ in Russi, has also Ibeen instrumental in religi ous affilliation at all. 1In making tison ldb law are reriilered i Torthles, and thit Hliglander wudtldn't do for Lochiel, or "llow many more of these tunnels shrail meniace hber y-oung fanily are iny and riement and importation enterprises Promoting the moavemgent. Repeated at- ealculatiopr,msays Miss Clark, 1 exclude anry saloonukeeper operating minder a p 1 Clany, or Lord Lovat, or sanme of those, we have to go thiroughL?" askse Queen terrible. Fromt township and coungty offices lhe tempts have been made to indure the those whgo have athliated with any lig.-titlon fi tledprior to Oct. 1, 1897, Who and you must remnember that Ewen Camt-Titaon shotme, as soon as intched, or even reached I s State Legislature, whidch Cramps to open a shipyard at Cronstadt lous body, Protestant. Catholic, Jeweishb, 'lew-le, code toouk effect. )a, fiable to 1 ere's naure i, known-slightly-to othier ."ot another one; that a the last. ,The iwhile still in. the shiell, they are tepoea nmn e, thvetbe or t' somte other of the l1ssian port, Buddhist, or what not. Thus, downi o n d ln for contenipt. peope bidhes teaigand ers. fo anext possible danger we have to face lis1most attrntetive prey Of rats, both gray Pto ongess. buethus fa they haennotodeideddtoaur ineihbo hood there are(Io50,t00liet ita-heowanSoue, Arie a aot, seiler, don'«t youe"eshe sayso.-No, 1 going down the Severn, and 1 dare say1 rate and ,water voles, and no soognez do twoc other Iowa Congreqssmen, McPher-- have more than ),000 of thremt in thleir berfsing hve ar iot br taea ni won't »ay that, for I likre him very much, e ar b e t Jou uanae somrehow. they take to the wrater thtan a hungr7 -- son and Smiith. The ,The Toast for a Sailor- churches. 1 oai goyh r andUm otthelest itafrid oni O,1 o' in wa ti, olp spike is looking out to gobble fgthemiupor e&L former r e aeh ed Sweethearts and wives; 611 upitthe glass ln one former %nrd in Brooklyn there freodn aar.We p a Bowe. yen, Ilike him Very much indeed; t1 "hre1isdaylMVitigh."sh a sdte ng sea' eon stensibly benr on isiing, las. Washington by gwair With erystal clink and latter, ji ppftinoo2,00rncntasi'ben oýnictheisr.Whundedy ha afdl hate, hndoino:,ad Ioon'isegadscookng eack hoetellwwachwyc ntwatallaboei-eweangoneof temoflteeLwShoo, An drnk henequdojwel dow. ge Potetangchrch r mssin. n or areof ifaary.The a ickan1 owanlyone can 1help liking fhimt. Thereo, h ime,"ucIcnesI mnto i.bynt.ek fi sol oedistrict I attorney- May the former tbecome the latter. East Ride 1Hebrew quarter, ln a popula-soe r utit i and adIel i. a kind of prou.d simp,1,,ity about him anxt. io uno nymutI oreaiece1o amnt ,onhI way o altese adeq shutecaumes1 . ship and State at- When reglbg wmnd and waves unite tion of more thaI 200,000), only aine- set to aie oin hi w nte Thisge , that of sockdifferent from- well, from'thekind " torney generalship. To raise a mighty charue, tenths of 1 per cent are imembers of Prot-k kidoIol alnr ta on men 1n1for- mont poignant anxiety more than , The latter taught We.know thant sweet and gentle lips estant churches. in one of t1(f owe soilne cask comp leted his eyez are blIn, think no fine. Ob, 1 wish girls couldt But just think of the story you wil. exue Mother Duck-,fer lher fussginess- school until able to At homne are praying for us. EatSd1wrstearet a er af(oled iami twelve soldiers are select, talk!" have to tell when you go back to Lon~ ven if they tbe no'ext\ose for her habit purchase smune law yearl arSie wone-tharstanyadte inum-atr n l mfromt th,ranks by the coi, "Can't they'ý" don!" says Mise Peggy, putting hramobieighriuseytn nstsboadeter weter1 ndwvs-ie rciu ear e opethre.as nian snthooeer.Il Their own gigos are lta. -l wish they were aillowed to speak round her friend's neck for a mmntI hal ealsrent ey1lgil.law schgool, whence ,9am¢1 ' n teDkotste"Potetan"chr0h,1romte n hyáefr their mind1.s---ome ,pe.ple-,wou.d -be-,ur- eflsaismgaogtohrento Bt rthis me oterya cosel afarly F.C.WAcTE. hnwntint"sc- Tha1mh1aonIharttgowwarer mebeshp i 1tire Potnt h oua- re loaded n ihne m__ , six _.w Te eMsce thrst yea die. o 3 and it eV took on deltthe Cand t cu fors you.r13, Th axif nu ,.. Libby, 01, 9. N. U.