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Lake County Independent, 16 Feb 1900, p. 2

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EIS SMAIN. IW LE KILLINO IN A VIRGINIA r AMLET. il Tw*oafcers to Eet Cap- &>0*et u iacaeilCousle- ct B aIs- ~4*i'fer Our ofThmAsrci "Vkm!sliahieb in Cabt. At Ltworis Crrek. il ussuaell Count>', ýVùliluIa, Dlcective 1. F. lielfa of Bne ,,»&W. N'a., aas ahot sol kiliesi b>'Wil- Vam ILee, ivho a fea seacouda- las-cc ias @andaskilîcul b> Ilput>' MamaIBusl- t'wis,'alano!fBluetirlI. Balwis andul'els- #àtd tracesi Lee, su e-cape1 conviet, tu a desered bouse. 'imhtng s-otakehibm &Olve, shey resostesi to bile plan o! hiîdng %*qp s-e bouse and Lasingau boy ride op s4. %tilapeed, urrearulsawis-lntermer. This libutalt Lee ous- o!fIre bous-r. Frite then -adeaed hlmis-o susrendes-. bot Lee owuug iInasîf bebil s-be h'rse sud shot Filis 4eni, Baldwvisns-brn- huimoîf on tIse tusd i. get asî n uîLees bol>'.Ii-i ý,zr:bol vouudeil isîuand s-be second àdffl dhlm lutanti>'. COURT MUST ISAY WHO'S WsHtO. 1luneCivil War IirîsClama 1ti c tiso Sa.ima. Thsomas O'Brien, of Togos, Mu..nu(îtî Thlomas O'Brien, or Ves-t>, sn., au-s-c ln Ilb. Uitedl Siatea Coust as- lndlannliuulto «Wd If tiaistasemeuts are s-u Le blIe-e t0«.7 are ose sud itbe same man. 'TIe IZbdlan Thomas OBrien maIe applea- J"m for pension. claiming lha foughtinl PoFus-us Neas-Yos-k Lincoln Cas-sîr> < gtihe civil ivan. Thomtas O'Brieni liMaiue sitys he la s-e O'Brien maho ItAght vlth tise Fous-lb Cas-air>',anulIre ia'à ihi diacharge papessts- pros-e i. ýWlui dina man says lhe los- isimbers -li aita. The Maine man sook lb-thestaîd ý4ad ideutilleil the tudia.ia mounas Taiis. jasa-ove. lHc sali tagrotewa-o a uarmbu-r the tisa Yoa-k cas-alr>'sud Ibat lbe t>. ThIe irustercola of tIre $iwere then prolos-rd and #M»ofThomuas lsgnos-c. w1-~6 lihout a deelsion, as a 'a Iceusemnsosats-ong. cm ela tisemos- peculias- s-tba ss :l s rougiss-t-n s-e nos-use o!fs-Ie saoffciais iu luiaa. a O LPBRS MN NO~RTH DAKOTA. »K EOssmt et OrsanniYork@ sFinIs i Cansina Walsis Couni'. tor. . B . lingsiand o! Grand Forks, 1. D. ha retus-nes trous Walshr Count>, Unis,, haievent so invesigate s-hecanudi- I 0 t.two lapera. tHc found tIrentcon- ~in aa sudihotel, wis-b but one bus- imae vindon'. TIre>' ere a Norve- te aSai50. au a Sweile, agesi 87, s-Ie Pngl4la sat stages o! lepros>'. blind, ieu b is bth is fleah lites-ahi>' isopping bu0aiissh; tisa yonmger til able s-o IM is s ompsanlon. TIre elles- man s'orIt an"l fve cirdiren, Whbo lis-e on ktfait M _a short distance away. TIse ~~gdlaunumarricil. ZAIN OF >ISCHIEFMAKIER. Wb"llos la 80a toi.ne incisinu cabana te Opposition. SWood ai Havana bas receiveil a or- ecmlaints iront Influeuts-al eu- ýP ertoners, ma-ors asndos-er ,aetposition, represestlug s-bas-a U maiDaakes»waItt ne.fron la appaentir 'dolag cousidesabie - Tis i ldfldnaslI: la sai. goes - private meetings, ai ivbicis ~sstise <overument ail dose ail lu r s s-opraveat amis-y bet-ieau s-be sud Cubons- Itslaalan assers- ho as athse bacisao! "mnen o!rs-be V.adlr et Thrae Murdea-au. - hall>'o thtie noms, or Roberts, con- et la. Robers-ss 68 yeara oh., * ais, m48fad LC leara oh nre- - , ere muadere at shein home, »Mm almles West ni Jacksonville, -1lie dead bol>' of the >ounger is- Mm lua .ie yard, vis-h a wonud baud made b>' au aX. Furs-her med.sed tise bolis, et h«r alter , inl shala- bei.. oseS nitb a aX vomniin tile bead. - Eay holiiea. Go l1.sse z aame omers bave beau sens- lww7rýwute Govennmeastl gn. Duriug s-he astr usth@sarcsla-250 lamentai sol-i bave beau aer4aegtise contiseut., Wfgsred cause o! ibele f'opble las-bhei vigilance einireil b>' onspoets- in tisa Philippines. Baak Rohhe lamnDay ligUa. C. wickerunkaerasai Lsc us m libIePiAo a, d ohEla,oTare», 41osabîliaition o tr-eblargepois-cries men antd a ront. ob$,0. Theù~ = enneed ts-b E. . Mers-Oh I r FreeatYan te 3ong s-e pan *èkeoprit sixMehouiia Comîandm tove e thed.as ite comae, as-ptllts Vhgilt of ChAriFu.g use iqnaChrest A.eri e rnmo! otheIGadin,,vo b teisnfew tr 0t11r.ilHe bansei r aukît srs-ure,- a-i. sorsud >' wi popers-ythe r'eturn a si-rlic a! an-on iai Seft. Pai Artho . hl iHa- ns the *lI itma,, toire boany, o!re ,Mtnaathe E saI(as rus- SY. DeUs.ranfsOrn-atheiuîlat lIai ?k.y hferik Comaby '-$W Thecoraca cis-ptizedh te ubaes-a ecsthe n forof OW war» outIre Munuson lk-PaliatrcbojernTe> vr Jb4'iu.tisa> calel goa ofl isthe ie Anges-es. mot- aeL, ei aa, s-o havei, &rLa Mo.... s shr.. j Ot tlCaa eand. Tis e s..tbt la" thse golden s liasââ becs bud. Msd W la a Kabaas.,*d., There iiet o omit: et bisa. batea *bible Sock Mr&Kartü, aiaslites iltheb rnouth of Whte Ol1" crack. sa lugglath erream tbtii empiles luto the Mssorl river jusi beiow Atchison. in the owner' ef the birds. Oune orsrs. Murnell'a geese ivan sacrified for thre Christmoas fenot. When sha iveft s-o dean the craw ahe discovered that it wav,, llUed with what t tirei appesred ta Ire minute graina of sand. The brlgbtuess of thbe Bluffand the curiosity it exeited led ber ta keerp 1, to show ta ber ueighhor. Thre nelghbbo'. husanad, wbo la au nid miner. s5W li sud et once prononnced Il goid-aliosot Pore gold. Tests ruade at the jeweler's enlise- quenti>' corrc.horateil the miner.@ opinion. Distos-ery led ta investigation. A ganose egg w, anlyzed. It was perneûteal with gold. Egg afler egg ws aubjected ta s-e test, and not ose tailed toaboaw traces of gold. A brick-yard la locsted luns-he viinity of Mrs. Murseils homne. The ioud for thbe rmanufactuîre uf the brick muade at tbese yards la pomrped or aucked froni the aEuliebd of Whitr Cluy creek. A Foot yard of it 's constantly kept on biaud. This oozy nioca sa the lav orite hount of Mra. Ziursellas geese. The>' waddle ln it sud est it ail day long. Au analysis of ibis rend shows that il cotaius gold. A further analysis of the mauufaciîired brick show% a perceutoge ef gold in evcry nue. Alioat cecy bouse in Atchison isb constructcd a!ofliee brcks.amisd minuîte particles of gold ib e brick ea casLeseti with the ual.ed eye-vcry dîstiuclly nuder a microscope. TROUBMLE AMO'lO INDIANS. Fa-asly ina Uppe,- Lard 3,tnerdered for SnPtînsed Witchcroft. WVord baLiesn receîs-ed by ts-e depart- ment of ludion affairis ad b>' the piolice authorîties ai Victoria, B. C., of freali trouble smnng the tIdiana of Lpllec Liard. Ses-en membera ot a Scotch- lu dian fiimily namesiNleTavish are saiel ta bas-e been murdercd. There was ln epideuiijet0f sesrvy bottefl] and.tbe t(ry was startcd suîong the lndions thot te McTasisbes bail causedil itb>'witchcraft. A couricil wsag held. the MscTavi-.bes con- demned sud a night atch pliluoclitor their destruction. Scttîg ire to the MIc Tasish home, tIhe sovages shot their sic- timis as the>' attemtied Io escapec the flaîîîcs lounoserf Ilefainil>' of cîght succecding in rcacbiu;g the shelter of the forcot andl ultiniately the tisses Trading Coipsys store st L.aheboas . Consias bie Stewarot, witb îwo tr, ostarcd Ont et once, under the guidauce o! the sur- visor. ho arreat the nuîrderers, aud thc trio livnseiot yet retîtrnes. Commission- er P'orter of Telegrsph Crcek ba-eot an effective puose tu tiike csergetiicactioni in s-be case. RIiSKS IFE FOR VALtABLl:S. tceare nt the Burnlng of the Homre of H. C. T.wn.oI nd in t. Loola. Miss Amy Toasusenil. dsughher o! H. C. Tnwn-send, the general pasaenger agent Of tbe Missoutri i'acilic itailwsy. riskeil lier lite te secure bier manu> valuable jeu.. ci. frorulber buning home lu St. Loüuis. At l2 a. rM. Nrs. Townvnîilaioke t10 bnd the bedrovm full of arooke. She arousesi ber daugbters, wbo sere sslIeep in ad- joiung roouts, andl the trio then bras-ci the danger of desath in s-be dames b>' bîr- rying te the third looer and awankening tbe servants. Thes nl of bbcevoaen cou lonthse bitter col. Amny. hîîseaer, sud- deni>' left thero aud rau back inho tbe blazing building te sas-e ber valuahica. ler mother atoodutss-bte dooriva> until ale returned. XIISTREATED loY INDIANS, White Mass, Who Refuued ta in Gîta Hie Land, Neariy Lynehed. a pecial frome Sapulpa, klm., laya: "To make Fl. G. Richardsaon, a white leaseholder, promise toaIras-e the country', a snob of Inieans plaeil a rope arnunil bis neck and dragge inahm fromn bis home, ixteen miles sonshesat o! Sapulpa, toaa ravine a mite distant, baniled bhlm up ta the limb of a tree. and osherwisc mal- tresteil hlm. Richardson Wa, reacurd lu time ta save bis life. Hia body' la badl>' brulsed. TIre namea of acteraI 0frs-he Indians have beau reporteil to thbe Unitedl States aushorities aIi Mukogee. Richard- son, aouseil the eumity of the Indiens b>' refuzing ts-o tre over bis land to then." SHOOTS WIFE AND DAUGHTEI. W. Mi. Allen ut Black Hawk, COL, Then Trlces ieKilt Himasef. At Black Hawk, Clo., W. M. Allen, a carpeos-er, shot and klled hih% daughter, Lula. aged 16i ycars; then shot bis wiîfe twice, eil inally choc hîroself 'lnthe lieast. Trhe cause assigneil for the &hout- ing lo dissatslfaction expresseil by Mrs. Allen because she was compellid ta live lu Black Hawk. The faniily formerl>' lsed in Rock Idland, II., and Kansas City'. Mo. Famsons Groive in ladin. Destitution. sud dearba fron t ars-tion are on s-be lucreube la the fmmnine-stricken district of Iodla in spite or the gigantîr efforts for relief smsie b>' the Goveru- mieut. The Stale in miss feeding -,UM5,- OW J utis-es. %Vis-lno proliabilit>' of re- lief through the roîla inside of four mons-hs sud iith the Goserument alreoily taxes i t lmrost, it cou Lic oen tIsat tIse conditions are aiorming. 1Indiunation Oer Outrage in china. The steamer Erotress o! China brînga detaîls o!fltse monder or lies. S. M. Brooke lu Shan Tung. Au imPeria.l de- crea roildi>' coudensuicthenusrage anil crîtîcîses s-be olEilssashoae iack of ad- riniatras-on ruade thre Coolies believe thbe asaainiation w ouid be acceptable ta the authorities. The milduesa of thbe iecre couard grentIindignation. Irais Mine" Chaàge Mamda. L. E. Cochron, head of s-be Andrews interegst iYouogatown, Ohio, strie that tIse> bai sol Itheir holdings ru tbe Maboning Ore tonîîauy umine$ O! tIre Me-asha range 10lilanna & Co., o! Cleve- land. The mines are valued atI 2,itaJ. t(ec'esr Gaie CitY Aubore. The steamer (laie City of thse ocean Steamahîp Conipnu>s Savannah le I ~ ot ~SW ara~tefrais it 1- .1IO lad.. It Wu ' thoim,uibua ..l "va bai a short Utit. Saai v u a uint e50 bilSfflte CicaM idsi @ept la thse car. jk a >a a4 sMau Who hAi ro thWi*ca andi Io told bga ho ab ilag 10 SSuIIhi. u4,et issmotter. tisa %teriror o!the naI*ea evldenS eto a tes'tflc fight.____ OLD OMRDERS KItEP ILLR IlUSY. 140W Busisses Llght, but Tr-aie la Fa- voreheBtDule Jgesort. li. (G. Don & (o weakly review of trade as;st"Thre Industries are stili aur- pasÀing lu actual output the work o! an>' previoua year. Their uew business la nul eorrsispoudlngl>' large, unor coulil sncb or- dres be accetei b>'mu Industries If offered. but enough are comng te pree-t stoppage o! W-arka or ach decline lu primes. lunas-olein gonds new buiness o! remarisajle volumne sustaîna a markicilail- s-once iu prices snd in os-ber Ues o! im- piortance, as lu machines-y. oniera bull- cote asaurprising tuareigu dtmasil, Cotton folloased Ita risc traim 8 so SV4 cents Isat asecis by a fîrriber risc so 8.11 cens, wis-b growiîîg belle! s-at tbe crop aili pros-e short euougb and tIre consomption largo euough to gîte budera quis-e theis- oas- ns>'. TIre sire-ase o! rceitts lu Jan- ions- a-s 25304>0 bales, or 20 pen cent, TIse exponho tiJaîuacy asere unoaller thaîn as- jear by 370,000 bales, over 30 pern--t. Fl'eues for tIse as'ak w-es-e *145 luns-Ie Unted Shates, ugaillat 217 bost year, andîitIirI>'î-tec luCaunada agatos- thinty-fis-e laut yeor. TRIFID TO ROM SANTA FE TRAIN. onfnaru No. 405 Foils Hol-tai, Men Nas.-Pery, Oklahomsa. Ail siterîlpt 10 bîlîl 011sout-b b'uîuîl las- setier-ras-d oNi. 405 ouns-b,-Ais-isou, Toipe-koaandSans-o Fe Itailas o> as monide just ofs-es-be train left tIse coul chaise a mie luis-s-bo! ers-y. Oklahbomîaî.Soute oue plblî th-Ie bs-Il crsilanaltue ts-ain nos lnwing dota-, was- he-Ie urginea- nostea ses-es-nI maakied men standing uc-or tIre tnîîck. Th(- coguocer opa-ori tIe ibrottîr, anal the trnin Iloshedl b>'tue as ould Le rlibcrs, asho niade- aîfutie ai- ta-lt to board it. Itig ltrike o! Cool Mn.s Tbru aIsiulsdlni. iii in (he ti ln-S- mis,, Snuigcrual llsstiigs ialit, urs-aîtuiîît'ia .tri au k. At na cho s-he meîîîni-csolu tiilat uu as tntin il .Alril 1, thebs- ltltahsa-h ýinalias-Iliamnaiiiili-"al a entait fr il(, q. cîtu iigsniit ths- louis- l an, a dla-.uu alîî n ,Iedcclahi iiitacdiaitî aduî, ala 51 -nis tlin 5 , niniatnse- groc tain il-hes onîîîa sa uhîînu -cil thbu Icuioal asithi oai isita andi i nmii ais-stho astis. htiilgAff.-sy o iase i-ns-ten sacse îîs--hîîis faii> w .and- aitasdance î-ueli--îîles fs-onit(suc>', lii IaTîîioIernliiry. -Bob' aud Cari Thi ant tacked Josaephbsud Jamheîs Mas-i-Iransd Frnk W ls- î5 ilnC me - i flictînrnîgi n iounds. Len Cuhnuau lit- tes-tu-iilaaId Hidi Thomîson frlIedhisa wiilla s ini ,a anthb hinilailhsliss-evu, I-lb Aunt ot 31.-a.McKinley. lis-our îIms-il cutes-ad tht- hîomeirof Mrs- Mar-i i .Saxtun tiianut of lIra. Wýillioiii McKiiilc>. la-t cftCaktnln, Ohio,. Liuanîl Slik-r, a Lis-îthe t fMs-s. Sas-tio,s-ilu[ua )arrlit i iýa rna a- ail trntiugis ig a lîaruîI yrev caover bIrsuthliti lis tfia liic thé, ai i s aia ait lisinillIaouutih uni boînh> st je-es Worth 03,000. At Loiill-Ie, K>., loilgers & Es-Iil. jeaselerii, asre robbei o! $3,00î0 asos-s-bof diaruonis. T5wo mu nes reedftne sore sud w bile une engageal Mr. Rsosgers lu couversasion thre other serireteil s ira>' o! drarrîonnis. TIre robber>' nas nos- dIsent ce-cl util an bouc afser the mes lefi s-be store. Printînit Comupany'% Fireeis. Fine canai several thbousni dolas's damage luns-be tieLean Bitulding on 4tIr ond Mas-Lets- -s-ets,,St. Louis, tIre psi- cipal ]as beiug to s-be IlLean Prictiug Comopany, nccup>ing s-wno!fihe hoors. GOeile Routan a Bride. hIers-le Homuon, Who becarue famonsasa-, s ebilil sets-esins-be pis-t of Little Lordt Faunîlero>'. %vas marcies as- ber hointeiu Brooklyn bu Edasîn Tbanbsoser. manager sf tIre Acadero>'o! Muiai, Milwaukee. Molinea.ia Founul Gils-,. Rolandl . Molincaux, tricil in Nien Yor-k for s-be killing o! Mro. Kabherine J. Adamos b>' poison ou Dec. 28. 1898, was foundil ols>'o! mordes-in s-be is-t de- grec. DY.amit. Kilts Chtld. As- Itarrosbosg, K> , n 6 > ens- ouIsou o! Oliver Sale. whiîe plsyîrîg aith dyna- mite, touchei a lighitem mais-h to tl. His braI wasas hown off. RatteW ..the Tgel. DimaoscIes front South Ateiuatel of auj ecetrot Irsitle on tIre Tugela risve. ne- siilting fs-ont ten. Bulles-ai; hard astemps- bu rnscb Lad>'smîtlî. M'cl-K.on indianiaDie.. Col. lias-ard W, Thompsou, ex Sýecs- tory o!flIre Nas->, del ai '(erre Hsut-e, min.l. icasas knowu tbroughuot Inilans as -Uns-e Dis-k." Brial of (Ge.. Las.to. Maj. Cen. HBrn> W. Lawtou bus beu-u suriesi in the National Cemetar>' at Ar_ lungbon, Va. MiARsKET OJIOTATIONS. Chicsago Cotle, monuraits-o prime. $3 toI1 $6,.50; hugs, shippîng grades. $300 to $52; i aeetu. fais- s- chiter, $3.10 te $575; as-eat, No. 2 rd. tilleto 1.7; corn, No. 2, 3le 1032ci; ota, No. '2, 23e 10 24ec; ryr, No. 2, 54e s-s fi6c; huttes-, chois-e cresmner>', 24e tu 26c; eggs, fresb, 12e s-o 14c; pointus-o,,choice, 40c -til50e per boabel. luuianpolis-Cattle, aippiug, $300 s-o $6.25; hoga, eboice ligInt, $300 s-o $iktl; sheep. corun o 0primte, $3,M.10ta $5.1)u; w brs-, No. 2 7Oc to 71c; corn. No. 2 as-bae. 32e te 33c; oatss No. 2 w-ite, 26tu ho27c. Ss-. Louis-Cals-le, $325 s-o11$6.510; boga, $3.00 >to $5.211; abeep. $600 te $41,00; asieat, No. 2, 7le to 73e; cora. No. 2 yelIoas, 32e te 33c; nets, No. 2, 24c ici 25c; cyr, No. 2, M3e to 5u1c. ('iuinati-Ca-sle, $2.50) to $6.110; boga. BWEPT BY A TORNÂDO et Ladnashh Te check@&. TERNIBLIge IlTR Billiedr 1BU *'1 THMSANOS Co oiEs IN m*wY LINUVILLE, ILL . amusl iftd l the,ý7aa#jp ivet afd- str p thn dmu ia bsbeau e*t Maux' People I11515d-S miSXMa1ail ie. àHa dakma, howoýVer, to have gow' Oiseler Nu.bea Ir ddlà Western lugu Blowns fow s "d i iris prop. lodad a stratelc advauce of certain " a rn8 eateu-uramatety thse et>' Rained-Msschuavoc lu n SLLOuls, velue. laBt*e itit Early Monday ntorsslug a balloon s- 5 cnaol.taaualUBt Esîsdlaî>' l Mureai istrct. cended at Potgleter1s drift, ogtentatouel>' BreiaTaklsg vrin Pa-cautia - wlthin ighi of tise Boer position at Spion A ierce motion weeping eaatward froux hep. Sialitaîsoauly Br-iish troopa un- Front almoit ail sectiona of the cOun- thle British Nortbwcat burt aover ;he lit- der Col. Wjrn linad the river banka îry, but parsieularly front tise IJdle tle toiva of Collinaiville. Ill., Thurada>' front Poigieter'. t.aBivari trop, wbile Western aud Southero hai core re- sud almtaa ipedI l oui uf existence. The three batteries of hall) artilier>' ad vanced porta tiet ntalîpox la epilemie. The dis- aturm aise dld muichdaniage tn 8t. Louis. batt te open. ciasa manifesta nme liculiar tentures. lu Coilinas-ilie bouses, borna, tirées5and Following direction$ front the bsIoou, ton. for it la mucb legs virrulenat itit people were caugbî in s-be toruaiu's fur'>, the ortiller>' openeal a lit>'shrapnel lire aial, snd la mtera cases de'Rlaon-m andl the wbole country' lu the vieluht>' of on thbe enemy'a position. This tire anon bisting ih bas resulteal fron t li belng ai s-be village wax laid aasîr. Sine persona began telliug. 'The Boer guna on SpiOn irst taises for chickernpox. Wbiie there wsere rjurcl. somne o! tIsentfatal>'. Fine kop reptied. Then the Lancashire brig- are min>' case-lu UCaldwell Couat'. KY-., résidences sud mnera' bordls were crush- adle deployed inlu 4en order, apparettl>' is-ls eiaimas-ed that haîf tthe regideuts are ed so aplnierii. Teiegrsph poleeansd wlrea Iniendiug another assauli. TIre Boer lira auffaring f rotu it-there are feav deas-Ir. ivere Isveleil, sud taugical wreckage asas graw boiter every moment. Sononil got TIre epilemir ent.,a so atoll thre large stress-nos-er s-he earth for miles aroond. ton accurate for corufort, dropping shrwp cilles, aud. pasagiug over s-be cens-Crso! TIre cyclone struck the horolet luns-be popuîlat-ion, t l ik ue Into salai country durinesa jiiot befî,re 3 oclock. Mîners town aunil villages. Chicago, for Instance, who lis-cil uslic outakis-Is of she eetle- bas bail fewî'r tIssu a dozen cass a i ment irst feit lis wrath and wece saa- year. but at laat 700 have bliec repocteil enesi b> a terrible sîid ansi b>' ieir truhu otenIlnlO he roofscuasbiog uo os-cctheir beads. To tbcougtou te souteu IlîisY ! hc add to s-be tercor ot the situation ire uAi>' forav e 'sîed fthe ailetth atartil in ts-lie Ibris of aîuue Of!file - Agurl> eeta ho> .sbttr bouses ansol het eroca tinete10ad -p dimeuse bas& hein broigbs- frou)Cuba. Porto Itico sud tIre piitppines by ce- a bolocatt tIre dienssec. Eleven par- -unu olirs sons, as-itast, sacre aecîorîoly ijured, two ~tîns odca o! theiibeiriiclloon scierai hundresi tees-.* - %luthralarro now pres-ails in the infect- Cullînss-îlle is tivels e miles froru St.A es disttsa.wbere nt fbrai the waruîuga L.ouia on the VanaianItatîrosil. 'Th orths-e ph>linaw-bn res-oguized ils-e wîidstruck lit a point a îmile soutb o!fs-be symptorus ivre seoffeil at. Cîîîrmercial sillage ansi demolidihes the cottage of - sras-cir, finilgriot digilu itnlu ettiug Frank Kobars-. troin Ilîre s- ruabeil atot Irohslerrlcîroîtr sortIs, areckeîi s-e frurî ine oses o! tIse loving 10 loîcal î1uacnntlnî régulatinsa mainera w-ho lis-e ou the otkîrls o! the ,.ehoîîls are cloacil. sud ait 1points alunirtis- village sud lefi the occnporiha Liarnei sutCoadian frontder roilis bave laiceirde- bleedisg iii the debris. Thnee large re'ai-layr.il Ilrough clîntroscraies e taen tilt dences wmitbstoosi on s hall abus-e tIse - nttg-eîo l1F.i. (araiian andl Uitedi Staten ptîal aiu- town asere ceduced to aplinthers. The lim- netî ngtIre BritisIrtonnersansd rmalt-ftmigtion af th mil shsi netcsb mense sarookessack oti tht- lighs-Club n h no tyse v osbpitKntucfumigaatio o teîie tahe ricia Coul Corupsu>", buildiug nos toppicil:orf bbc infanîr> <es-In tiaituls b e thY-e iennuîi-a drver likre a euplu, aud tIse walla asere setr ufrr.l Ia-1setIit-iesou sbohere. Tse ausnli tiiics fr i-ThIa irneqral artiller>' duel Lcpt îrp for îlest are offî'cted d, atî sduocýu irliy qiioter o!a mlTh ee d lilotrcksi-il win wbile. wbcs word vas recels-rd front boarils or hésitâtbas-e ceigneilîe, aise w-arcte. famlewr lokd 'h uler îirring a mitrent. Little dlffiriil tIre>'havie nn îîî'ry sstiî whiclî 1 iîghb Afie tIr Koîî c ba [la ta-, ylo dihvawsencouthereil lu efectiug retire- thfingue.'rbre la silIce %nbilla,lu Afe beKbr hre ws lwlrut. "lie Boir. sa s n rrvioîîs dca- î'rincn.-.'r n lsr,, uea ,-ndrutPal îuiî <Iota ogroup o! thbee dýi drings asv«i-ltalonis, faiîrd lu tallosa op their apparent d-omes se. is-Dr.J. N.-lii s-ii, t s-i h,> thIe winids. T'I'bc e y wis. îîla i-ails-auge. tlire stteBisr nriui le.,lilirhau. u iin Joîhinlarquhtte sud I'îiîîil la hhtteaiài ial lireî hal bu-an ii--ch batht this aIi- d ou.rMlrt o!Ii, -lasn uiclîh t ih t blîi t ros-aou d i-n- v îîîlis.AI îrb aîl rercîn afeit, ni. allaI olIti andlétil .fi rr thdaiagh these mnl dii îîs -saeedemli u, a-Ir,-i.îllu y groîîîîî'll Ioi -ni Ii- sha- h iIs bî larc losiail tIre osî-îpîîndi-a îîi.diîjîîî 3 eibmasrîu i îlc ai> s lriorihbai ieti Thoaurund. of Case.. r-s-ip iltJohn Malrîquettei- lias inîjuris-i- ividillrhasti,(i-a Si-ss iiiihiliie thel s-iai lrc J. N. lnst>'di! the- IndîianSî ile fruann fsllibag timber- si(, al is i-s--, lîtu t ti-l, hîlî idev-i qiilhI> îllii-ii obî-îîl. Board o!r leitn h. sin îiisiîh tu hi> Iî hî-i ladl busned, fsai,, laiaîglît lis-e-fs-,îI a poant îî.îshîo!finis-s LOI, îudr-pitbliî-. repotirhaiîthIl,-î,-a- lciîîî friaai os crlooî-l itia ar-Idlthe lsa' cos e-ýtr r 0nbav-al -un5 s nisiî-îlon $%t<5-st .% 55,alo c0 îases l in i- Slbnaté rlui s-i-l, lc- i îîîbclîis- the na, as-lihars coillîl oin auilDouîou ki. rThceîîîtîucî-r8on-îî ianos, unîd tîat the ia 1,cs,-luiîin rear-- bîhni. KoLiorI u la i s so i n t arurchîedia plioditi ridrîge- lnsci-tI>' faciug -tous- eoîîtîî'a -Fai. i-nsl-is c,- do ugbher 103- lu tIre ruila ns u t hdii -ousi -theIr sing opla nilLiiis laIls Krs- o z Ikleo!. snîoîîg teX tii 1iilr u it bIiilias i li for houcis Licfore brca ai cri- -ninî-d. libi tIre rîrth sîde o! tirî- sil î.-A nihid s-beversit> nt Blonbningt,,ii t-tiyondiithlicVa unîtil itbs-OiaShiiiil sR o-Ica iin of set i lîs-yuera 1111110ounbbe tifîire t hi'e grss.îs il Sle 1catn hurear Ja.-kui. Si-i--i-as->Iluili-s- nA .SAIXTINO THE VaOUNDED. ire Sraîte Biiid o! IlelîstI. luinsnri for sameasarnitu0 coîrblîsltiliis,- s-srîiîîîtîonn, aidil,'l-s-c hla-I --I-s1:14) i-ai--' - teibr. sund 4,isi i si-said ii ivis-si - ~dealhs Ibronîhiot thîcSht,- e r Ihtîi-siî, pesiîî. - - Birminghsam. Inoh aisisnild~iisIsî, roîlîug ssirilr>-ila. iiii i îitOdeadir- ga, Ts'su - thirstrahi ru-asicase s-i-anti apaitl-ro-ilin a ,iigle lily. 51,,ka,. i aV sb - last weiib -li irh- tlis-> i l. - . M rOsis. lblit ail c-ciaisli! laîî.lin. - î~~~stlrshedasrigîl qcius-nil tise agaii t nevara cu iit ls. aîoklsboiiis rritîns-> on1 gurds ba,- liîî-în aatiîîîîcd alnlihi l,(- A t Shste hue. Traîna ho Woodardse. OkIa - t - bat,'l reaenti> hi-ciialîandînî' Ilouculn fo!tIre infen-ioa. Snîaillpnîs Iîniii n i-arr 1>' eer>'toasu a,! thre (ýhî-reNation in luian Terrlbury, ansi lIreChervîkée -Ns itînnal Board bas issucul s proclamation r.-ing corupulsor>' vaccination pon ail. 'The disease accrus 10 besprending lu Coloadso. Mîchigan, Minne-sota end South Dakoîta o rwcer. arc sîmîsat fs-c Il bus long hicii a tradition o! tlc Britiar ans>- lsainîtethei- lit of tIre tend fro il. A few isoîsheli cases Irvas,- suîd aoonleil cîlsricil troui)s-be ieldl of liaitîi-. A scene asilucesi d nu thlicMusder pesceri in Msanchis-tta. but trse thse ris-en is bere dî-îîchîý-Illustras-el Londoni Neasa. disease appesa to bc el--l unilîr î-niît-,. ('itizeor oIîlne luff, As-k.. hsve os-ton gs-îîîp of large froîIrn oseq. occupleil h>' sf1 ti-eengîrr c ouiîilécly escalied ts-e iitd t lght their Mayor* prolsatüiîn s-be Lawre-nce-, Olîlirbole asud Fix arfsnî enebl> 'n Sîîls-rorderinog composor' vaccination. abî,- lies. TIese aInicm Ira-ed shemn. Nr. 0d Tbeiithe' nos-ilas sgiacu for théienlu front Savannah, Ga., an apîleal bus Lis-i ileslicge audni. Lsarence receivse ini fsaitr>'tu]ail-ir t ladey gaît. sud Mes made ta Surgeon Geocral Wyman to havi- 015 inîjurie-v. and nîcrubera of Iti(- Faxn lukbaki -Zawaiiîei froni ies->' quarter Lu the Marine loafpibal Sers-irehale charge famil> as-rn,-ssooiin..tiare>' Fis and therdire-ction of ile ppcin ridLcge. c-sa- o!rs-besituatinulan Geosgia. Iis sister. Sophie-, ac-eeaslertuluin s-be i wîtlout aOtts-ctihiglIre Hoer-tire. moaic rooîî un mu hî--.iniiludor. 'rbinmos- saieb was grîll bulsil> i-ugaî-d asth INCREASE IN FARM ANIMALS. aenicdilt. aîîîîîcaînd uIbroibler ali s-Si 'Vsniis lbrigaon the î rls-rfi ses- aies-elet dlii i tlîchirLedlau s-tie 'ros I lmrnt,, is lîch ils the suiirit of Annual Stock RePort Shows theIrl- groicd lî uor. 'I'îu i- t lie>' ocre foshîl ai)- Krautz kluof, wa nalîickl-i)sound bs-tIre duste, I. l.spravivig o, Ilîcîr c-uîb.ueh s lch Iral n-tîrria Britiah infantrhc>'uorlînstüd la> sear'intal 'TIre anluitaris-ato-ks-iport of Itm- bs-culas-n the tlic tiilais-c>Dot i uiîrvd ilci ts-uar stii i--> utl iusi lui sîsh irîhé Os-anlge JîîlîlFaesmerlianrîol o lcne- tie lin-atbunî tnnîndhi-w-ns sushel titiicl- n, i ara lilu-rd it, rthiulil us> nît.lit Jorti s frou coolît>'agent s, ahîîw sthat s-be s tail h i i1,r il e, c-sir>'liens-bcen-il for ti-ruetiex ed lis-e stock iiidoohry la iolium ni g. Tbere ti lSt,înit in-iusiloi ans fei-liiîits- it -inulé ei-, as ba-h hhe Bînîrs haaehii n uIe-h anauincreasa- iiithéieiiitiîico!fc-ver>- flins-a - Insha, i icn t sas (Olh>it'f rai-eraýdi-ilIla-l sitliin itilratnge. nrh casa o 1ffarnuaîîuîîîls i,-1t anî.sd anityinlia îfin h, l.'re brlneuter fi-l l Thi>îîs-hshîîlighti nsfît s-i nitan il ihi- î-o.uuide t tIrIis lîccreii- uiniiinliecs in> tIse loasatta, tu ececI uinîhýt lîuî-r ilgîa îî,hile tiiiýlîusda lîs-îg.îîtî -is s big silanci-nu tIr,- las-,ote isl a -ty. .% bais- iitiiiisstiso i iie-iilluliid l mbaîlcfoc the t i hli-- i-ifll Es-a-sy ahi -il(If ail uîrîîunaila. There s--ent ne the- ailiil uiiiiilg trnîsuhitli ireýuend1O uc rii ait kas aiiwu$ l.s-isc-a The Bit-- tru -sowthot nlt sic bus tIereiiik- wsiuibias - ulin nula-i-s rass iiialuf' u -uit tins- Ie n-uahion k fin tbis faism tuf weîithtî b-heici P012 viccc luis-i Siiniaa-vs u ilings as i-s--maii usi--i-iiiîgltiuiii)liag tirelic lsah inunas-ila Onul SXihitili hie c-cn-d, lutisIlracre- s-n tcl, iI gs-s-o iinl gr tosu ilet, s-t> ias . a uhmgahe %ii ltiîhion of fo ristock s-ow as n-s na us uiniaiiuîicdi cnî IBullennhca (u- irle-ail Iprevuoil rord. Tht grils-b etillina l- wa as otu ril-ci iaieios- t I ii momen-t pet. ci iil, as lits- TIseods-ani-e inoasverage pris-e s buil uit uieui-lkh -I ita5 lsiilIi tiiaii Ial unS is-nhîni-us- usitins nuiiifronîtIreé low poins- rached it ire depuis ave-ut. %iisgain c--0t, Tiand îîî I i tI1Spiou kii1î nul I îîî-luîllio.Oin s--aual o! thse der-ioon mocînîu 10 3t; per es-nl It ni-do li e,.1Nilw.o-i o!fIcs-îiî,ttmn icsi. ai ýh lo; -i lniiilt2501. os-c for bus-oea. L;, for nîsles, 50 for -oaýs.s,7u; sosdu-s-na> cilAu N 7 Noir ibis-ilstreût tsillig, nîîusaritna rile iis-hortnce -for other cren S f1 or shet-1i sud 21 for tbme fours tois-3l -'l 1 iît iediiib> ie o!rhIc jj-jii îcîîîcîîjîîiýt illIiuiiîi-il og. luntIse upwas asing oir cîtl- ttle IX rite Bcîîhouatniani soi(ln îîa nil - .hnîuui tiiîinio isvath is-iiIera ind andul sIe-p Iras-c tîssei tIse ps-ca ous lent the Sage-kliiiîîatii ioi Cill aluer i Nitil, lin ti.-ui inili tihbe rcordnlof tics-a nbrad. pauo. u d tdi ltm -il s ri a s-udici mas asttisn as-stes-)ti li-lI il sr alsmuoun iIti-maIta,ý laa1ru it w Os lui-t cloir 11 Ofîro!lIe Ilir wl-s-bOf 'iblthiu ia lui-itaon, astIr tIra' hliunga ests-un a-i ailSaItIdIo o is-e, mml ciljet of sulei l iii tj(ýpni--sirs-on tht- ia, uasiloslmnîl bu-cia scukîîI Nohausi> latters-,sfat * lu Ilm,' s-cut cr of tIra-B-ut- ssii njîns-si li-t laiehiruali-i o! thle lli poal 1100 atSi frtrIrtioti nd Culea- l'uîahi> & 4Ihuulis-ah utttmttt aour, Isurg, s-le Itritiaýhl bnglas- î i, 0eforma o-u Broadwa an d amI FraiitaLias as-i-ni , : ' 11aihlai amil, as il lu . t Iîl- a -mîuî ni-,rfnrreIIuent s, lefs- standing autitîs- as esnil o! s-blnonus-h sart-bIrentin9 fitlin( rispositions ou miasnn-i a buitO bris-k -biis->l'e ttipril b>' tIers- ntge iter. Tht0sblan o! ails-nce s bIb sheeti-muîn m msoc i-e ucaried agîîiust s-ehes-s .front aitlxtiiitsa as-once iloasoby s-Ie fuis-es- iiitIreainil. Police- ta <redis-rd Du te grnia o!ftien. Lord nunWiliam 1"u-sI. wlho w as sansding 1Itobes-ta.s, iomo salips--sorully directs-s-Ie sear b>' aI ihe tivmtite ail a oasroro s-se pe atipintl fs-unitIre seahc lunostIrt- fs-oui Ienîb. Fis-unatmi isers w-i-se blutan Icoui cColon>.- clwnait us-er ee iha - -- ..-I- DRAINAGE CANAL TROUBLE. Chicago River tiettiln raa ai Weyl and Sornethînax Muai Be Done. Chicago business mern met tIre ns-Irs-ils> arnd saisi tIr e nnul lu s-bte iter, nota- taso mois au hbui n d t10e -Irce if s-Iet full volume o!f ituke water la te pas tluro.ngb t, hbus ruiodu- navgation unsafe, and tIereaSI i f tatitir. m-nsqtut sporu tIse cenoval o! tIi, a-naoldamt, w iII mke il Impossible' Uai îl*-tj,'re la lredgintt ou a large s-oic. TIre ebanunel esnot Let uerpcued wihort ioweriug s-huir roofs or1 aboliobina s-bu- sti*es- s-slwa- 'tunnels. At Bre;glorl. ashi--lre v as-es- nas fourtecut fet befre ie s-simli assopenneal, l ss s-o lue ouI>' ais- fuît nw. Mesnwhilc bbc flwosa<f ssater inmisit be reuiuced os-tIse' Ch'bicago River Jliubroseuneut Assoniabion andI the visai-I oassns ss IlappPUhs-o-eh Wer DLecaos-snieat 10 chut off tIre canal. GOVERNIVENT DEPOSITS END. - Mmke Nailiedun Regard te Itnernai- Raevens.. Iaipis. 'iVabmiunbon uu r aseeleved lu Newa York Frikilsaord tIraithe bonites-bot ws-nu recrut1>' en-atul ailitionat deposito- ries for Goves-ti-ut uînue>'bail beau ne- tilim ta10tusri n ia-îrîuahrevensue reeipts Auiotoh-e sllbtraminrlcs b inheha- terio-s-- Assistant Seccemnra- o! ihe Treasur>'Vau- denhip anthorWlath îe statelisti t*thîe deposits loi internai tavenuse receipta lu * additionaîl eposiorîes iiiM on ceaqe. TO SWING AROUND THE CIRCLE. Adraheim De-ey'e Projeted Trip 8outh anti West. Admirai Dce>"ys apîparntul îspose s-o take a swing anouni s-be Sous-herm and WVeserun inclea inits-becars-apring ln as-- tracting nîrneb attenti-on. TIr, admirai s- senst>' accePeteengageme'nts 1toisis- cer- tain tons in ticorgis, and île lilrtiitue- mens-isnruades-at tIre adanrsatIras san cespied thse invitation o! thre Fellosvrrafta ('lob ut Des-rois- so vi ls-i-bt. city. Thc srip a-lîl probanhî>lbe es-lermîeil bbougb Michigan andl bo Milw-sukee, Sr. Paul sud MN1lnespolia. 'rue admirai hua anos-ber trip arrangeil for ('hicago. St. Louis, Louisvillesamd us-ber points. WAR NEWS IN BRIEF. i The Eightb Arum> dîvîsîuîî aili Ire kcps- ln Euîgiand foc erurrgs'uees. lna milestes-, hicAfred Mituer deseribea rue Trasvaa-sl us 'a lbnge arsenal." Contuluint lanbic elint mas>' ni tIe rifles o! Bitisah troopa are defeetive. Is- bas been iccii s-o keep the Clan- ual liquairona luhome vateara fora Ucime, nAccos-aing to adivces reciel ulB ets- lin. the Cape Duicis area >ouiug s-he Boas. -WillIam Waldott Aster bis subses-ibsa 44M toi eqUotap a onie* saaiibooisrs' MaBsaehuses-tahus ittee n muath-sce men as members o! its Legishatore. Uhah asilI boli an election April 2Ls-o 611 s-be seat Robersasougbs- s-o s-cctpy. Rhbode IlandulailI bolil a geseral elec- s-bu lIma >'eas- lu cîlose'u- us-ovr-orsudni other offices-s. Thse Iepobicsu Stute conventbion o! Kamaa vili Ire hi-Id as-Topa-ha Mii>' 16 andI wtIlconmstto! 8W10 ilbegas-e. Toled-o polisiiaus close tusMayor Joune% are autbocîta- for the saoement s-las- be ivilI retire fs-onu ploitins sudIlesote Iis lime s-ohIs ba bsines.. Go-. Taugiuu o!f isiipli wmas 01,cr neant>' mobbed La hi--ifelloa tahîudüts at s-be Univesaityo!fIimsissip1ui fus- atio- lent speech aguisat lynu-Islois. Senator Warren uf Wyonig, -ho bum Ins-rosimceil a wanmsuuffrage bllI,sasys s-bas- Ils-egenerationa o!flis faumly bave been ailsorates o! tIre rigIrI o!fasomen to vote. Congresamnan Bs-adle>' o! Nesv York la ose oi tise best lnuiits lu île flouse. He speuka Germasi, FrenchI, Italan, sud eue Bobemiuli ialect, sud reails Habren' aud Gaellc. New York, Nen Jersey and Pexiasylva- .15ai tip as>u iseslu tise Union tisai thei Goaraoi a an uahsliry oi Thea teature or Wednasdal laus. Sa»»- aM. wa a tilt beta'qec Mass-a.DawIM and Pqtiigrow ove, iltastai frnm l'a- dent lahurmsu or tise Pisilîppima esmqàl sia, rend by tb. New Yr-et, Salirde- aliug s staîrreut maie b>' tise Soutisllia- kola henator incisa debata somsail..» ago thai b. tShurman> "'bailtricai to bribe tise inalrgetainanad faileil." lienIt- tors Baie, Tin-rtand Allen spoke agatinsi s-be tbani-la i ll ansd Ilic. Veut offaced aire amendanient providlug tibat tisa hecretsry or tue 'reasnîr>' shah bate lpre. pareil $200,.IXtit,1t00or tresonrr> notes, ta lie knuwai s boud lrt'aaur>' noies," wbich abat] Ire bul l -gsi tender- fotraIl debtàand I arieli shail bo looncalby s-be Secers-'o! tIse "ressnry t1 anybai>' Who nia>'deposit t'siteal States bonda bor tbemth Ie nolaie ri bu-ur the urie iuterest a thre bonds il.-posii'l. 'l'ire hous- pasti- rd diiplomaîtie analeousilur apîpr-opriation bill. carcyîug $.4b.ts ubabantlall>' au lit canne irotirunîîe lulinîges in ude- aubIns-y drainuumn o!rI'hilippine qiuesion and wàr luin olith Afs-ua, pri.-Ipal les- tuce bi-ing meî,î,eh lu> Mr. Shuofot i n f55 an o!r ,-îaiîî n Southîib frira Undll pnulsiona u! f iiilis eurtren 1>. T1he ente i.iopeot TlIrsuay luIn dseus- sionu o! tIre filîai.-îali bll . %If AIen s-on- cluileul ýinp.-îuuh, s-hargunîg -zeli lub- becau pas-bs-wîittuî i-eskirig faîtilsath tIre diic-niioiuath,.i ua un, uf thýIrn-raîîoinal bîuîî.îsiliiiuiia \ioIlNi. Cun-krt-il nmadle t les-Inn, Iuuuliss u!rgIe fluais, sud SIneeO iia-o lieihlas-gedrIri tise, Scuistesitulithi -- î-uîsl ths- nitIeli-li aiasf-ru, ut ch isilli- p-îîlîsuîîo! th, nuCluaI d-hi. I n thi- ilas-- ull>- inor bu.ui-alt II. ia, buil TIe wasal andl mu-u-ii îuuîuîa lu,-tIi cýalilluiig tariff rtlcs uui-iii , tiiis-f-raIosItI'.onlu1 t1Ise 1*nuinu-ut SanuiaIr i,-a-r-oa ms ase- nuus-.-jau I suiand' ii."ai notic thut tul,3i. 1 uaiiI i aaiiii> 1 h.- sext 'Jjarý 1. pro-lu mi na Sil-iabra :,, tulu lun-cl Ii riac i-r-l aaulai i--n,dai-ilui stuc mainne tria, arI, ii IsnIi> aua aî.Iailsthea iii~ ~ ~~L ai~ii n t Il al,, u A-' iii as au, i II.i lau u 210iii latter s Ir ihiinue--',,;lis.nrrai-b u t he asa. ludi I ai uca1i!, - 1'. Ilulau- . ,nain.uuilSutiis-la .I -î l.l n ih.re Bi r-qun i> i lti ,t.iu ia s III M r -U-,IaiIlu -*i - bil iai :ipus-lors- ma-, r ir. i,iiauuclai-'tr thei vos-e mdili-i aaa--mdI t1 la-tuu uuiîiwent ulu~~~~a s. iiii:niaiIil-i iii, ... .o int rî- i Isil ruI u ig ' urgil s-be àii - -I Nil s- ilnîî u nd l rI. 7,-l- . i n ia;Iuilr 'is. Alill's cm--aa lat n, aiS atu. -s-pr"lea ilus: an i 'I-ai .Z - iii if l oude- in lluuil i l.. ' iiî,. aI u n -n. t rrsua liaI. ml.I buui iil aaanl > aup on aIiut hîilasbl i-ii anil in DItnnt (lu ' c, is t Ir li-l.e i- bsil l, n an ul il - -a .naf Ni-ad sinu opposit ion tiu-ela i , 11 l u.ruîuuîug $,5. t,>4 haîmua,Psa.ilînlblicrulin.g as- lont- i s--au-iuginri -if ii i nw isoarnncur tinltia-î I , ni iit1 l1uit, li ofs a usa-iiilus-u a uitiuu iig inu" . Odad. -sd Mls. alu -lu til-aI, ii, -- lo ragefond l a i la lu ll lc m11 I v ta-a luit au na-ai t nh. iis-. irIlstula- ol ir uunînltl'i. t a - sif h n Ir. uhi a s-i lai l,, ', iuan t llin.luOua,-..IuM..aaail un-ilis-i w,, tI th, aluti liii of ctheaauuusr Il , i r-au rii uli I lisa i 'lub-Ir42 at lt f i IItt , ai 'La a , lutiii 'd duss-kiA iaia. -lii un, g"la Il a 1,aIl - l 'is-haucun, bn su- xiil la. -auf- i a I l a mI t .i-in-iii fb', li-u 'q'.nuIra;, ,- nraîîlu-î i i el w -u nira- l , Iaa. ii isasm li sionle I lia il' ua l r uiay ai i iot i In t at con- fi i iii- tu lau I. I ru i-u Nos-k m u r l.. Laa r ia:ii.au u atl'Irde tNi-w h.r mlI,- 'utaîsI'i, ilisi i-i iioti l le otul tua ian id.lisa uiS.Nmil ainher tsu ru sue i-qiak cut11l i t, I . ' liit o theyavlI lameuît li. alsi, nis-l b i- 1ens-iaiIgin arlu sl it icl -te %ir] -l v -( . Potu,laanas uu a- ana-413- for the o<'luth E- esti amofia0 l us-- u rn -a i aulubilges tir s-Ir nris--l, biiutil -t11 1.utItitiurnrsa trlh i o- initss- lail wortIe oaror s-bu o 0 miIi tlumle> i 'i l ,llte wr u i ni Itu it Ita n iu ma-tons (sit .lî I , l. ' l ar ii. fui uttl irîon ilmuultîuuouliaiL, u tale su maoruo yen r. 1 và" Ad.. ý. *" nât.] c "le suifer Ire «C Ilkeil comm ence, -don the au I belu ::Di Os-ber dîffer as-mo a-ou t nle aboui aille beau littie andl ts repea la, ver>' abis. data halis wh3 Du gen bus- --.t d.,t WU) are- -nA luar of s-ot geai rest do fan a in bu. bu, ois- sn itr ba- fan. -i' ib ta! su, s- e wi sb lit in Oi b

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