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Lake County Independent, 16 Feb 1900, p. 8

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N6d not worry you much if you trade h*i'e, and buy soon. We bought heavily before the advance and wiII stick to the old low prices as long as the Iaw--of self- preservation-- allows. Good Rio Cofite. per lb.. I GoW SmtîS Cofféee2lbs .... ..... 25 FIM.Sato.Ce.em lb 16 Fary Peaberry Coie, per lb 20 Our BestCoSee. per lb..........25 Fine Table Syrup per gal 30c, 35c aud ...... 40 5c per gal leus in 5 gai lots.ý Doil Soap. Il beas for .............. Sheetinis. Prints, Percales and Deun iai d prices for a short Urne. V. Sauer & Bro., LÔNO GROVE, - - ILLINOIS. rbuldrsOêHT&sOQN.S Is the place to go if you want to' buy builershardware at reasonable prices. We can also save you money on coal of ail kinds; nut, egg, range, furn- ace and soft coal. Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements. When you want anything n this Uine call on WRIGHT & SONO Libertyville, -- - Illinois.1 On scouai af thteruh in photograpla businessdur- kag the P- month. 1 have concludedtd 1continue ihe redsae.d primt during ihe rnonth ai February. N, am »,ostino Cabinetsont or two pensons, 250, mon thdm two puions, SW275t 8XI0 f.niy groups, Arito- ph"ata t $500 par dozen.. Pineat eigng in Crayon. PaiteL Vater Color or Oâ ai reasonble pricm . Satliaetion gusranteed Bettnegativesof aikliren made on brdghtcday.s ad not iter than 230 p. mo A portion of your ptronae s soiicited. M. W. Hughes, Illinois. * AUCTION SALES. PS. Imdesulgnsd vilS sallai public '011116MvMbloni rmorve, ou tue Arthuar ' t am, ane-hiall mile sunil ot miii plattrn aud twumile$ a « RufBokefeiler. anrday,Foi. buI SU.ccieuclngut aiIP.ni. iet '~0igproperty: 8 clticer cous. .2Wiiiexsnae vltb cetf u bide; '9epIld belfer cal!, L.ltrbiaiu botter ,ue rbod mare, Il yis old, Wl cUtm uÉay geldiug catuiog 4 yre uW allg, ut 1250; miîaiI driviiig ,a U.lePolautl Linta buge. 3 large h 14plgs, 1 goti buar; Nia e~..75 %hocks eurai lu lield, scat Ob588soois gond conu lodder, semabay lu barn, Dsartug lateet '~t famwvgon, Opeun bggy, sSaca ulky 6ôthovel eultiasior ~low, bazrou, ailamoud taalh '~I a, corn piaulter, cadrou ketle, toxalpplug <tans, bey rack, 2 bogs 20a11.14vbeei haov , beavy double 11001t arnatu gaad conditon, aiugla bÀomm IBa some honsholai gouda àImmay oîhsr articles tocoumerous h .iiatuàRai, lrttp W. Bf. Am.a.i', Aîacil,ueer. PRAIRIE VIEW ' ielrBiai.' milIla varkiiag arer thno tu kaep up vlth triad,. Rom. Ciao. B. Lyon made as bttrried Vie thIliuit bre lad vweei. »"Bpty liheniff George Broun sud .Daeot iaa eCh»s. Wa biuey vere au tavu ,VflneadaY and Thnrsday. T". auctious are nuomerous slth -J401y11et1bayera Kt good prices and ,W M prouperous sadlaappy sud ;N" shoudat ibhey ba. IN@b laminaInsîltutea ai Atlocb m ltst itiot mauy tram tue soulh, et tfh. eonuty alibougia tue pro- vsa intaresiing sud beueaiclsl. b. -fa rmo.d lth" the negollatilona bernl Dprognea mta msure the V191011ela vi hovacated byt Wr.1 lortAhev wWaukegan National Woaluflid narkeied ana usgon 11" boea Ou Taesday 0f ihis - ehsold ion over two buudrad1 goum'. Who eai beui h for1 dlibe, vlth thespeciaslroute vau iociiag over the pro- iei very roule lu ibis .Xoa&wy. 1ilàh spaed ibmth «M li hitried as sononeasthl alvigemauts eau ha ca.- g mtbh mk lbaid the mis. l Ao fMU1 umât breabr ep bons i Wbie m"a, la retUng a 1 b« roehi azpaetendertin- o ou sa f hb« WAUCONDA. Note M. W. HL-ghesm ad la tie Jais. r Veaider BLoue us a sMelienry calter 1 Suudsy. 5 eo. Wragg, of Clalcago, Wsa here Suud1ay. C. E. Jeuis Voa s ýi uiegan vî8stor àlonday. Mors Liaaaeley vas ou îLe streie <of àluiiaury iuemday. Front& Burbalu, ut McHeury,wu&s a taiuuals. Caler Muaa..U>. M. AIcCracin, of Clakuago, W.a %5ia a ma tler a.uî. Mr. %veniwurtii, ut liieury la apeuding u tew unys lare. Ir. and tai.e %. . J lamm rsurna" Frlday troua ticr vile mS i; ku. Qite a nuiber hrum tii plare attvaa<led MAr. 1 liotaise' sueMuaiday. la»iMay iapeaaer, of Chieugo, spenj; 8Suaady WI&IbL er Parciate Mr. aud Mrs. J. kipeucer. MieUrphausrrell retiruied ISuuday froin sa1e"W<layevagit ai&La relaîlve. De geMnury. miss ijobuer. .1t AiLLura ala visît. lug ber cousai, lIa, < . Mt. 1 lalupe as pLýIe"taitl'iag. Attenad tue uybier âtapper la lias M. E. t!iaurcit patior uuxi ilauraday m'en. Iug Vebruary iJd. A bouIlt Witho giveuuon lsaturua" eveaalug Fetnaaaany 171tlathle bule ai Mir. i. laccu. Ail are luvited. Tue IRoyal Nelgiabors wiI give a diluae bsuia lu tête M. W. A. hall on 'Fuesduy eveuaaag Iebraaary S0it. The Epworta Leugue wltgave an Oysîen s'apper lu tue M. B. aiinauiag roomi Febraiary 22d. Ali are iuvtt@d. 1 R. C. Bill Who ha& beau apeudlug th1e pas& feu, moutin uWiltlaeu la laa Wsaundîu coler ai preseais unisilug. L. E. Ukoldiaag, Ciacater Boules, C. P Pratt and s. 'Spencer, oz uicgu, i aimat linday wuln theif parents snd friandselinliais place. Died, la utheao Mouday niglat Wir. 8. A. Pord. Th. romaineaa ii ba bronghatliera W.adueaday. nuuerai Wlit e baai Tlarsdsy. Servie« Wilt be oondaîoiadf bY Wanoouda badge A. F & A. M. Tue bashela@0"al uiciawuasgiven inuM b. .A. Ia. ballenti lisaday "yen- ing usaIaRgalY&aiided. Au interesi. luE programa asgîveu. Artr ulalch ibaskets vere aoldud siappen vwu r erved. Tue Peauaut snd putatu races veresthe prugram sud caused ajulien -Oue Minute Cý,ugIà cure lae he me femedy 1 ever lamegitfur cougbs, sud coite. 1Io l naeqaalfor ashoeplng oug I tati rsu aitl iii. It, vwiles a. N. W lllaaus, Geuiryvlle, lad. Neyer faila. Itl .ié theouly haraaleas reluadythast gives imnadialstb aes. Onraeoughe. cola&, boaraaiena, oroup, pueumoula, broncalîls and ail ihraa audlsang trauble. a.lu adry se Ceveute oonsumption. Y.Il. LoiVuL.. IlaertyvilI.;J. .lia. ouaa, Guruas; PL. WbmtUUuaN. R«oktslj. nos TA«&N GaiNe 5011k. Mois O. A. o nm. lko a. N. ? O D.1elleept linday. 1 Daliy. BOEPRLLER milMAILS. 7:82 a. n. lm 1:8A. n. j 4:U p. n. 6:49 p. n. arrives tramn Chicago, STAB LIS Leave Roackefeller ai 8:30 for Dlaoud Lake , Jilmer, Ivanho. sud Prenant Outer. Beîurnlug arrives At Roche.- taller ai 4 P. n. Capiain Fred Stueilean chiokea bouse tu ranuing fulli huai. Wbai about those Brick lndustlsel Hava they mii faISan Ilaaugla lb, Chicago ORnice? W. bavsu't heard anytlaing about lb, usvelsalrlc railraad aven ln the voods lataly. Ohi no, thare 18 no whiakey soli as Dlamaaid Lake. Wil] ubare dld tbey Set 11f 1U iuou? Wonder If auîbcdy la golug ta taie advaiaaagsof the cbeap excursion rat«a 10 Maxico fron lire? CoUe sud symupa are very cbeap nov. ]Rev. Prad Catie arrlved Wdenday nigat tram bis bomne lu Albany, Wis. £wen the daf and cal at iesloua@ store ueloomed hlm mosit beaniy. Ati liai e are smoking Murphy char., sUt up lainsheboys hy th@ %Iuna aspirante for Coamîy sud BStaeOU1es. Lait tenacone, the the more coma. tbe more MuLrphys are amsok@. Mn. sud tMrs.. rviug E. Payne arrivad Wedneaday aternoon fan a short vait villa relatives. Mr. Payne aspects 10 go tu o vanneiueei ton bi& aid employer ounlSouth Waer sireat. oldiago. Bah. Bouse la more thainbnay ill- lug sud lelling beef. iaipe ta aIl points trop River Vleu la uarthenn Pari Of Wisconsia on the Central rail- rond. ' Bob la a bustier. Don't sea vby the Pour Bouse Commiuîie don i intervOIew h about faruleblng mnt fan the onnty bouse. Wldrad, the yauugest danglaier of Mn&. Herabaerger died Taeaday aller. noon about 3 oclock. Mildred va but ton yeare af age, a sveet litth girl lo)veal bY &IL. MEr addon demi se lais mati a gloom of sarrau over atîr littie cammuuuîy. rase funerai la ta be held flday at fi luoioci ithia ltarmeni at Palatinae. Bd. Payne myealie la hsvlug good luai selliug bis Annony Tank Restera. Tbey araeif.easerélait do thb. van quicker sud Witt lias fuel than enotber boater. Examine bafone you bnp-na sale if ual satiafacioy. Taksu ou triai. Eli. challenges any Tank Rester ou the market la aveu equal i9. They cen't boati h. The Knickerbocker ice Ca. have Obut dav uraneathle Blamnd Lake tee houme.Omoaet the men have retorbed a sair homes la Chicago, toma'ue goce 10 Laie Vila ta 1lin cmr vlles ta&0bc abipped ta Suift & 00..Chago, sud aome have gaue ho Laie ZitrIuh ta var n luelias Iceouses ihene ulule others are mayiug ai hctne bere anld are baviug s jolly lime *pouding ubat Utile îhey dîi earu. Th.e local goctiln o!f ee Ilinois Tesebera'Rondlug Cîrale wulil bld l@ moulblY neîiug aieIRockefeller, ou Feli. l7tb Tsy.lozla litudy a1 the Iiaild, pp. 9124--.. Ums"tai.Docker.,AMr. oaa BHarden. Eggleatouns Rittry, pagsa97-18- UmssDay, Mr. Jas Vauplew. Carrant Event- Mir. Eruest Deckvilb, Wr. Kara«s. MAhon 1*00115. Beginuers of à Nation, page s 158219- Miss àMary eclier, My. Fisher. TaIlarSliudy 0ftha Child, pp ii-isam.. Miss IL", Mn. Buach. Esarclin luoatarapby- Mr. OCaurchl, IV^NOE John Ulille did business lu Chicagoa lai -uaday. lomi Uaoday va ob.arvad aLincolu Day by ear pastor, Mr. Coe. Wir. Coleman tram Wisconin @peut Banday vîllicaur pasior sud tamiy. lira.John lilupson, 0f1 nmde, apeni l1aI Sundsy vill mise Boa Simpson. Mr. Kaehier sud family espw&ctut nova loto Mr. Bsrry Paynea bhouse affln. George Meyerâ uha attendasIlae Mtropoilian Business Colille lu Chi. cag wu se athome Starday auj Sun. day. Tlae Ivabuce Lterary Siocety eieoied tbe toslving ooaera lairA NIara evsniug: B. W. Ilimola, Prasident; T. BI. Docker, Vices President; Mis. Carrne Davis, Trassuro; Milmiaoua Cole, éleceta.ry. The.foBolaig preimbi. sud resolu. îlots vee o dse mi aaiiag 0# Ivauluoe Loage 0f Mygale Workers et tihe World. WEEZUama, lfivieu d& thé tas vu havae iuied by a00 demie o! William Ilacuamansd 0 ei boSusvier I". amiinai y Ohome Who are neares i sud 4«meaju bse.lmalort bu ie Resioled, ibat telelabut aJ aintibuat bo bis memory ta sMy Ulm a i.emsuug Ie rmaval frousaur midmi va 510Dm for osneWho Va la averyv»Y varilay of ont repeci snd rrtd aMdho ie ltieelvd, PliaIv a tah. beu- aoroing trienda la ikali sjuclou sud comment! fiamsteeconHslation an Minx Who oederýa5 fl alk oJ 1 Rie-oea. Thot Umm oaolileas bu apraad os h. e aro f " ti Sa family snd te esab e asl*» Y Papes sud au0heIb fmai oeu of h. celer. Co 0MmISss i m *mtow CDZom f A JfOS W. W. àpw» ik OURN EE. George Dalalal reelved a couaigu. meut ai bard celai stl weei. The Woodanen gave a pleassat daiaoe Party si the Guruee Hall liai Prid&y a. P. ID ale vas fftiry vell attendel Thbnraday snd everythiag lievvil servID0s bave beeai lu pro- grema e alb riatian cburch ihe paa usai ainder direetion of Roy. Dulgin. Jay PnFMO, 0f Otaicaga, called on bis parents hera laiveai on lais ne- tum tram a business trip in Wisoon. lira. BDre, of Wankegau viatad Mr. aud Mr@. Diily liaday. Mira. DHiY bas basai au the mski liaiseverai Piday marulng Ars. N. J. Young $t&ried for Linoala, Nebraka and other western points uhare she yl visît MrS. WnaIeutelibas been lu Wanka- gala mvrai veeaishere she ha. beau carnug ton ber daughter. AMrs. Stea&- man. ubo bu 'beeu ici. ..I Ibink 1 vould go crazy wiih pain ueeaIt Dot for Chamaberanl Pain Daim," imites Mn. W. H. liiepieson, lierminie, Pa. --I have beenau afuled viIthaumails.for saveral yearsansd bava trieal neesuihout aumber but Pain BD aimt bu at medicine I hava gui laold o1.11 ona appliation relieue ihe pain. Por sale hjy P. B. Lovux&, Libuityvle, J. R. BEaàoHUU eurnea, unAyULAK5 PEL5AOT . P L. WE5TUEM.A, Rocefeller, JaEsr RUSSELL. Mr@. Ryos$utani lay lunillusu-. iee. UmI Amy Aiunilvsitilg ber inier, lire. Neliai. Mr@. Parr vho bais heen quaie ininl savly recoverlng. Mr. Waraaer, of Ciaicagra, vlslled la aur Villagesonuday. Uma Brbarien, 0f Wauiegau. la busy dresamakng liaithe village. Wrs.. Henry Melville via very sSci lust usai but la quise vell &gain. Thes W. E. quarierly meeting was beld lat Snndsy at York Houes churcil. . Mrs. John WhtalOr., veut ta Chica- go Tueedny morubag to viait relatives. Dr sund Ars. Thampson eutertaiued Mire, Thompeonabrother ovr liuud.. Miess able Taylor vîslteal ber suait. Mr%. Wni. Tilloîson lu Ranonaa lia 'ibe Osidale Coreîery Socliy W Ddyuletav4aI, moe wih Um Aût ewdIi "IlWho eau visia for more kinialaof mebrar uibil2 da evuTbursdiy vestlier? Febdies"li ainyil2hs ucid. PrmwHag diceasa ltiocîlbl laietbis prenanty 10:30 a. m. sud 7:30 p. n. .vany Sun- M.Ag oowe iiwr o d e y . A u i n v i t a t i o n g o c o m a l a a z l n d - a g s d b r u i a a ad te everyone. iter J. F. Bunten la Benry Popp thia Ysesr eifarulug. pastar. Wn. l>suermaa &eut tianday aveu- WrT. J. Sbear, liedalla, Mo., saved bis iug W lWn. ftiorbel's tolks ni the childa lite hy One Minute Coaigh CuIre. Cornera. Doctoreait dgiven ber np ta die vith !Heury Weasevas St psalaiethia croup. Ira su infallible cure forvaioraoautdrysifr l couglas culots, grippe, paieumulan we fr 0o o ar a o h brouaitieansd irost sd luug cemry. troubles. Rlieves et once. F.B. eoBarsu liry aer er LovB.L, Liharcyville;J. R. BRAcHE, (0.BkradHnyBkrw Gurnea. F. L. WE5BTBRNAN, Rockefellea, ver tua Elgin 1l9aI usaitilaa fond i o dressned park. The vedlung bell, are jlugling ai FOX LAKE. the fur distance, »aitOmsanesayJuci Air. J. Atuelli Is0o1 tbe sîcilfif waal tile longer. Mr. <' Vs lier imovaog t., ilisHenry OrsI? bas returuad ran Chf.- farn.1 cagu sudti18saioppieg ut Mr. Fred Wr. 1V.IRogeêtre vuSa Cialcago visiter Fulleth'a aSi prenant. 1 i ay.Boru, tlu(1eo. limas aud ulfe, s MWr. J. Geru-od IRtuovlng tu hl aI, u On u itiuday, Feb.Ilt. No vonder nasr Mliuru. I (eorge l5ail sailles uou-a.days. FUslger ila itlug Air N. %v it., Reports "aagai Young balle boe viib bis vonk. bite a mania for vrlling jettera a tout Aira. A. Tweed lu vistiig ber inatier long and fi taie s aaîf Daylgo doufilie si ouriea, Whoî in Kick.*jet. A nuunber trom ibis place atiaenieai Wonder bas lrtîer Paddock the Fariner f natillute ai Aullcia recelved iboae specUwaIeg yei. (htee Henry on ha. eau keala tn the vali afler The St. Paul illroad dellvered a ibis. carload af coal ai Foi Lake saion liai vOes. Hope tbeY wlli dellier John Schueider'% folise ulîl tove ta mii la Chicago nazi usai outhe uev flistarn. He buastlided on Wr. Fred lue.n@. Graver, tfarin for ilteeu year« con. iioually. EVERETT. Jobunie Quentinu unt.e sickilasf Jeaute Yore spent, Sauday a&hmeluD igh brouchtîs, but under the Jenue Yre seullluday i brne iescane of Dr. Ueo. Alversan via Mn. sud lin@. Siankel @peut Sunday veit again lu a feu Usys. lu Aringion Beigh . a. Waket day ementu10efaci people lu Mr@. Carpenter bas beau vlslliug lu different vais nmre dance s Jlg ton the clpthe pitnt ev deys.. Ieir tnda, anoe chev ibm reg, Mr. nd ire.J. . coneysp sonMe&vba va"s peil, loes the use Mn. auj W na. J. W. C or, yspei eir limbe, agal u morae taien ultia liunay uib rieua bee, ic-up-up et£. Obarlie lOOkeqd lonpome sBuda Miss Ed» allaawuasenienlainad by Mbsa Leursa halai recenhy. Ur. aud Mrs. J. P. Bitseutbaler spent test Tunday lu the ciy. J. P. Aliseuthaler aud faaulir vieitl" lent Pnlday at D. limiths.. The singing su aIs aietlb.esChoc] bons. svery Weduaaday evauing. Mr. Badge bu moved Io bis nevij retuted large Ipuards &the H&igiris., G. necisisuweller faon theCity vas viaiilug relatives 'ad friands over Sin. day. P-.étéi RKwsavellas ocal Mouday villa bis circee Nw. Frnki ad CO boas the job. The Misses olive sud Ernsa lguie». thaler toai tea wib Miss Lina lichai lianday evaulug. W611, uhat dld gond lit. Valeniue brlng yon? Yon're forenainse if ho didu't mail yon a comte. 0. Meyer and J. Beaketaveller veut Ont utiug a day liai wýeek aud capfured saoen rabîita, VIje Ripe eohmecke, aie. Bacause ai the incianent veaiher the Y. P. A. business meeting did not naienialize leat veai but lysaxbold liai TJ'breday iustend. There s a large cravd .mgAir*. D. Eruegersl auction liaiurday. Nearly avenythingsold unuonUaly dear, a barble baving beau sold for $126. Mr$. Meyer vas oailed to Chiiawanth liai weeir to adjuit âmae flacial affaira. Suie declans ittb b.a mueia botter farnaing country tlasu tiba ueigbborbood le. Joe tinteIe aahe bas quit grauring alîbonga be la Ouly live feet ibirleen Snobes. A& big parants are oudy medinum ltstature hbemnai take miter then. lie vould tae@after iuything fie Could « The Va. v. AUlance viii have, liaray roranneDXi Suday eveang, Waanington sud Lincoln la the saab- Ject. l'here wii laiso be &Oo exfra, alinglng. Ail are cordially luvlted to attend. Meeting opens at P . m NCNOOL 501. lu abolttàamOuibtheh@luler terni viii close. The subjeci lu the (a. W. <'1h liai Frday vas bîrds."' Von aboujd hava seu ane Of those 'ileuiues. Thev oe. avi n ne. Milite sudben nie itzguihaler wve *bésai liai ueei because 0fsitunes.. QUENTINS CORNERS. Beaulvnmaoy, aifiandoat, vlalted hon, a fev days or lsnt veei. mayne sud Jenunle Iarker vaut ta Chico liaturday io visâltua-r sans Uime. Mr..land Mns. Eduard Biaasley, of Tisiava ame vliting bis &jeter, Mnt. John Horubarger. mii" Vaugin, Whbasabeau au the slici lint the a sivete sale 10 ha oui' aigalu s1thaugla not ent,"iralecavanad.! Quitt a numhir 0f nov books voe .dcded 60 Our abhol library liai uoek for ublola vo are dm17, grateini. Lo th Aogood wvan caniuenA athe baut Shiaaived trm Ibame ,books nana MM tpsy for lb. amouai aspeanded. Ounlest Bsirday eveulng ett 8oclock et the home of lb. brides parete «o«»da the marriage of Colla Horn. forgeuaid John Ragga, the brides aitedanivers ihtyme Wedder sud RUmslIMgg; thase oftiha groom beang Obatias Boraberger anad Frd agga. A barge numberni ffrIande snd rela- MUsa vituemed thae ocemouy. Mr. Mmd Mia. agge vuil ha ai home 10 stm mauy frind At 14 main lit, Oser- DoIWitts Ligut a ny Bisera pnnity h. blood, lean tbe liver, inulqorsi Measdem Passons Ull ilas lot o*ipaooa"mmdliver troubls .B Ifth lias eaer or tislîalaould chanes to mnofa*Dsy ou, vbo le sahectIo1 attacks af biliaus coble o cmea do hlm no presser laver Ibsu 10 tell biu ot Chbamberlain'& Colte, choiera sud Diarnlaoea Ranedy. h aivayagives prompt relief, For mie by P.B. bovuur., Lîhartyvlle, J. R. Duiogua, Gaines, P. L. WE5TEEMAN, Bokifelier, GRAÂrâlAsu PEARNAOr, JOUX Waniu, lvanboe. PALATIN E. Airs. Fbe.la ou the sal otSii v.are sonry ta hear. Mits. J. Hl. chlerdlng relnrned Irm vlsiIng vitnleudm delu ChiesugaMon- dey. Mi" Amuie ilun vas homne for a briat visit vlth ber frIands ovan SUn- day Wr. sud Ars. Hanry laper froam Baiington vialteal friande lu Palatine liuaday. Mir. Barmaan Haimonlng la gaiug 10 ha a realdent here once more ta thc deligli of abl bie friands. Il laie. bat s Minute tioovOroanme ilcilg lu the a s#&Bad t0a sop a couga bythlia.ousee , hute Oongb Cura. This remedy' qulokl cures ail forme oftbIrcorai long troublai. Harmiesansd plat$ta on. t proveula ooaaumptioi. A famoes ]». lRobefaiLibbeisr.a YBil i. Vale»Utine d4loup Mr. James lamobippd a Ipro Y Of couSntheb.oty. Mr. George ausobinga bas raturnes it tram Milwaukee for a eka rias. Mr. Thon. Joues suid'dauglalar Ana cl uer. over faon Panr dge liunday ti vilifriands and relatives ai the (Aiea. >1 Mr. Frankin Jockey led the Epworlh Longue meeting lai Bnday nigi r lh as à vea, luberestiig sd Wei tiended. ' The N.Bl. P. Fan recosved a cou. *sigunelit uf tblnty-iuo coapa a1 chialions <broiteraI Mou<liy noaung * ron Washingbon District Colunia. Early liaiurday norning Mr. Aug. c. larey tonna a pau ai horse« ith harneaseand neoli yoks oa inluhi& ryard. il bas fot beaulearned ta viau $bey belons. Aleil liud"a enlug lu the Seniar Loaque lSrvies at th. M. E. chrch, Wr. John NelOI40Bni spelk Ou tbe subt ject --The aBm of Liqnar-aeliiug. Boa aud Il' Con, sud béat hlm. Every. body la ordially lnvlted ta attend. Died, ei Glenvtew, Iii., lob. 6,i, < Lou" aDilig, bloveâ aanghter 4of Jou and Dora Dûsg, qed shteen yers, elOeu antuheansd ninteen days. Alter su JilîneSS0f only a feu houas, Louea DiUg vas calied trainMe islitslta1the bei- ian Ile beYoud. Destia was oansd hl panaysisof the brain. Calied fao. hi& earthliy le lit a a s ueA rin1 lb. thrsboid at Young vonanbaod. Shoeswu sapparent 1- the spiri of bar Ilite, nucia tbaai gave promise of a lit* ubicla vas 10 shed brigatuesansd rendez belptuinees sud consolsion %0 aU WItb han abseh@miguil b.oaaoeaaed, pantiicnazly 10 Ihoas Who art nearesi &0 ber lu the bonds af love Msua@(> 1ion, aud ubose sorrov nov is greaiesi. liho vas inun ta a large cîrele of friands, aId sud Young, uhoimeu ber ouly ta ber Young lite, th. emanoy whieh ia ili e iondly cherisbed. The tunerai services vere belal at the Con- gregational ciaurch a lai 'rlaarsday et i P, . 1ev. Lor. passor rathîe churela, couducted the services. Our bartili sypaby &o tbhelareaved Parents lu Ibis sorrouful boaar. SHERM ERVILLE. Heury Thinrien la laaiug s short vacation and la @pouding Is ai ume. Edward Landuehr basi botaglat the bouse tozneuly ovrael by K. M. Schamidt. Misi Heileu aianlass attendad tbé techer'm meeting ut vil leugo laut aaturd y. Dont misa the prias misaqaîarwle t Punies Hall naoi t arday evemnug lie bu. ei lu. Ig kit r ln er lie. Athu i ao b a h Mca. AofbMr G.I. Maa vln vas the peaiusai ekreturned omle Wanily. Mr. Ramelow la bsving Miaula Pari beaaitifiad by heving al l e deed irsasl ent clown aud repaîrsmadeI lgellerai, Quise a nuImber of ouîaoug people "teuded ihe nasmiuera.Sa ai Glonviev liaiurday evenlug sAid everiîtody rred a goud lIme, lrs. K. . Ncbilr I,lthie ciy Jîouday, the lousabold effects belng tnoved uuder tige direction oaf D. A. Fesver naîr station agent made a busiuess trip in Chactago aile dsy liai veievin I9te omfice lu harge at Is ssi8stn. H %Vaguer sud L. H Starr. ,lus,for liglat t)erato lux ins-, veated lu ualart la ok au,î lae sy»a h la tbe bîggeaa i ag out. Ht. boaI arrsuged PrA hivîlI ring about tiretine tbe tant mail trains aie (11t0, Wri ounitie ('siolla- institutonou@ Mlle Souatha r ofo i ii Iegîn lu csrueai juas soâo80n as sprlug setstli sud. jndglug fron tht aénioita Of ratéierli they are 'iontaslly receling il vili beau auormoitlhbuling. Threatare soute yoaug ueu n nleu- viev vho lave a mania for catiieng baruessegs and lant Ssturday evsulug one ai oua Yunug ien baîl su occasion ta ]cave bis borae urader a shed for s vwhite and uhen ready io go home founaa lis brIdle ont. l'bene yoaug mon better refrain troua commiîîîugj thoeacovardly dapredslloua as ibey1 are kuowu aud villIireadesit viib ssverelY naiassa hey mend tiroir usys. A number of aur lufttîeutal citizena disaed tle question ot incorpora- lion raeutly anal Il vas declded o10 hldanmeetinggln theuneartfuture for the purpose of furtlaeriug 1hs plan. It la very evideui thal île people barst d ant ulfalli re lle vha incorp ration c mauns. Iflaleual ueceasenliy a tact that bocause a persou las s largeà troutaga vlihau tbe limita of In- corporation thai bis tares vatuld ha Vary 1gh . 'rh is o v e vli ne er i amantut to auytllg aatil Il la lu- oorporstod, uhat aarîltA&l Lovu ht vould bc vith sideuclkas sifeet lampe, n Chicago vouldtliud lne ludaenent to anvesi lai propcrly. V<îî't lot ibis An Unbreakablo Side Corset Ni<lc Ère ffl ria. ta e -umtaaglle t th e wi a r e r 0 an d In trtot < d s tO lt in aala ttpa'olaaed t o s ui are ta'ouled lît m aorset. ralg aasaiy<auiresi 04Yvarl: d ý long. uri . lW eal. T e Styla ie.sdi.,4 4 S s.. io. CI. 1 AILLP.N.CoRSETS HAVE CORK PROTECTEO CLASPS 71111 %B!KPR(>ICIDCAS18 bl e l 7Vea ,mlrof L a lST, rcctr les.e ia ndegsM %aie ana r egsi M.P. le. JeqUmona f. pnilcoipl ai OUIBolool kepi <ahiio" 1090*lua"y. Mis Aamanda Tuls enterAsineai a young geutlean rair0.hicao liuu. dey. Mr. Chas. Leolear h«s be eti home coSéveral day. Ibis weei ulila a bard 00;d. M àrà. P. L. Jrgeson @pont aitrqy suad linnday et ber homne lu Gage. 1lAie. BOTv. liyder iii tzYiug ta obtalb Subsribers for a book eniied --Tb# fLige of DuigbgtLb Moody." PiaeS' baud hlm Pour aubsoripslon. 1 misa Saie Patis lloiiugelocatiuoj lassous ai the Madame De Novilla 1s@hooca . lu ity. W. loo][ for#OM. 1 tibiuglire*& aa be bas ld natalent. 1Mies Lizzie Pelta e.bas b«eauaIhome Ibis Ia aeeli ounaont of ber 7braiboe sdesai. SlabeIs oriijng for the Elgin vt.li iufcallgcn Tbere wa u culerlsiumnt giveu aet beWli obchol by the sobolars yrdAY biglât, for tlepurpese ag bua'lng a iibrary. Ail repoziad a good iUe and flue progrm. A bumber Ofthe yuung touks 0f Deerled Aittuded ibe ueddlug of Wr. John iagge and Ain* celiliae- berger ai Everet ou -aaue.d&y u igt. Ai repareï. a good Ltn. Tûey yuli lîve lu Deerielai. l ln raporied siat Mr. A. 1. iMubliLe vii a a yndiestewval eorett sa 8100u0- Miaiiu aithe site ot thle Columbia suiphur siprluga. uvueci by A. ii. MaIlaile of "de spiaca.. lue aprinta are 1SiUaied Mai6" 44< Lmkesiiivd. The progriamgîven iay &bu ti. A. C, "&-"rdY ii itwia tue u.ecti ias gîvan. The debatu vas pbellumînaî, '£ha afirmative and negaive vere led ty &Lie abi»e PeaLker- M. P. L. Jorgea. sou &ad il. Wurguu respocgavely. COiL Miaiad bis regular, s aî ,lu ia force -u visit Wr. ilob vo Huage. Cu . A w"s oommauded by cap. I h ei Scb.alz 19 c00i Johun 0b2anos wgu«as lba regulars vere 'eut sccordlug ta the P ro f. k4e lg 's ro ah esra tien be au gvlg grand opars iiut le)erflld topeansflouas, le e 1augi, ih aa aeea,ud Noua.. i,! wili fitrulsb 111e beslitnMUSIC, MLbail, ,aacacolneerts, aPerais sud sucaia, l dese U r address balz in aI-au. 12 baiesilde Blvd, Olileuheaurs froin 14< a. ni. lu 1p. lu. Au accidenaulocurrel ta EFdun, a eaî Satunciy adt&arnoau uhlaîlamiglai havel ree»ulied erluly or eal ave fially. 9lier caauser uehla, ulWhite stenpting lu t"ai22 lcalibre rifle svay trottaber bruluer Arnal, disch&nged theaggla sud te tiutseoft aei laîeh vkag as la falliu& sitered a Psane kaf i gatg istrliiug ber lu the f ureliead andI aOno glass lodged lua<ou, outlbereyaela. MuURIa. e mrs. Mac, laesa' i cea.a.ld ea hu.. n,,..a dariOlruarr 4. as. le illnai fila« prl'reclyau bl ami ouae,, Uidesulla ut lsauiueH. PîabuNa al<t a p ly aobe belore.. on asbl.csutltul iaaammi.rclar. .laia.' j. Mii. aiurice JH-Fatas w..v ljura, ad fro.aa ts dam usi" hia aatimly tela li e ld Ma betifuIlielU a ah, s iant Jouaa ae Il.a ulaicia hoc amt %&W t iflhîof day. Wr. Pefaiswvms lau iarti ahildi ot Mr. anal la'.. C- W. P-ti. 0aihV.,rfllid. haelag lacer bornandut!ralseal u la ha i lle. His boy- hoad. lais seboolay. iacbsmanhoo.Ic 511ai vaMM .'lpt tg.lauearVillage, ut LVerel.. Pa.aanally Mr. leLea ets auhlabk. ait, --cal u a i mn. ilylaal aie us stroa.uag roaus i naliliar. muId tairealais iaitiad tu suFiata osu ia-v aatlchla Word an, ta"t morali ik, ~W"u , aîiollet'Valaita asai ut tilsdarsund afre. haactlie jlaaa lu liclpiaaa lbis hallier lIn attair ut vînal- mil. sad drasllleg aIle..Wlaeu lie th'. caaaaa. IMaJra Woudneaor Ancl. As ufg&tiOibul ie lae --0aaa ,fne t»ta tartr mea. ber,.cad us e of t l mit.'nablrntai,, ti, timre Of hl aieasi. 'Thactuurat us aa" el(a un T'i'ay cia ttraaoo,î i'a-iraay o. The. lcalladg,. M. W. A. N-. lut1 s.aslte, lky vulctlng aiiember ti'om Wstik.gsa. HiUtlaiad Fait-sel Laurtyîîaa lia Oh-rom of tle tunrai. Th, .nmàbers ot the là. W. A. forme l a a lin" ai thi, tionse ai 1 1).M.n utathe illa.g oftheb.bel bore aI, that vil, exsailiy (Ifaua. eIL li t th.s Ucraaau Lutherie ehurOla vIavn tu, services wre lielal.Allr Ms alhrt i rMYr M. Howard bteara d Mi»s Neile Smilla, Of la'rlug Park, sang Jais i jia.ctd th.e iîcr. R '. .A. PfsuaItll. Of le,, ireeyt,.rtait .,urh ut ilantsd Parkia th-dli, fîaaaarai sermn. euilgizlug iii. lauataor ta]t tIssa. 1kv. J. Itaerse inlaaoaia asi,nauta Ille mar aremeat. The casktl usethonrubornu thla tat restlng Plke,' t-ut >earfill .cnetsry. Th c asketiWaaluoa etuee gayOc ..alu laavîait a ilvr Plae s ILaI ae'lpta- Manice H. PeUle. ba.rii JUDe -. 1874. caircd iveniy-.Ie rers, a-gt limonilis aiau t O alas.' A ureath blaenglIa tias furm of a maut airai wedlaite.the munograa f thii . W.A, Mill atreleuted bly taaa. cralea. A palîubeau'. ini itie wveaU**Maaîri,.r'tran âgten by aii brother Elmr. iTh.lsaa.ly wt5ia belîag s llevIlla ta vorale -Our lr ta 'iha Mr. FPetit.leave'.a s sa!, .ad aaaol ieîe sactrs aud toaarIcut, a,,,a11 mulideu caml. .. 1ollai tib illt au ~t,.. i..tau, aady tata.. T'lat s nulle a.,,.tla ti a , Wst dol. Littînarth.îte oul wtr,îie' ',m.,cc 'rýu, ,are li, nIalto lt us i e. tuaiD, ' THANEt< flaaaflto ,IIIIw uît rral til,tlsad ilisui. ohms to the ,,gata t',a ,j dWoodrnae FO ah. manarkl,i,'eu,'<o% n t. asc luth", Vo Bol Shi Dr. E, Libe 1 Offic L Dr. p roi" %BEI PM& aF rStisapt of para«. 150 Sth Ave., I f n et a a i r Wauconda .. .. .. .. . . .. . 2 5 1 1 and C. W. PErrIm AN[) FAXILY.

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