______________________________ I I -.~ "IR INDePENDNT. FRAN4K IL PMS, Editar. Sntered at th.j -ilc at Ltrtyv1tte LII nl~ ii cclitc :~..matte'. F. UT5IIIt ITE Ai'F C'.OilîîAPPLI- C ATON.. Elgîn Butter Market. lititer on t ti.Elginti it,îiit l'jade Mondiay %i il ir io :ilt 21J,-:elriigs 10I Oit tub mh Aî.bld t 2w. 1Fittiît lsst week 24c. sit on. e era.g, 201 . Sles 01fh lie ek I.,I8' tilî. ilfv.as a relief to the iuînibiers of the Senate Eleetions Conniittee, m li the faut iitueNsin th Oe (latrk]iritcry case wbh l bas co8th, iii..Sîîitv $30,0,iiiwab Itearil. t igi v trt.îti uictfu ie- pare srg iii tthe iCotiiittee fiis ad- jeurîied iliitii 2s1 il b20tl Iie u eteh aide wilI lie gîvvei i i i.iir.s to tilk,1 and the prii ilegeof iltiîîg jriuited briefsi. Fot i iblostiiîg îerj ury ou the pat of wittiiici.ei, th .,ii t irikc il recordls. Il may t lie ut tbeire -nasii. iics l the recomîuendstioof ithle Preaident that the money alreadylv ollecteid and ta lie colectedl as turtif dulties on Porto Ràcan prodiiets lie expeiiîded for the beuefit of Porto litîo at jireëeit there ln poeUtlci,îuin imosi everytbung donc lu Waabitnglou--lit tliere Nas almo hnmanity iu il, sud Coligres ilcaerveA credit for su pronilitiy resioiditig to thie suggestioni(if the P rcaident and tikng nmure tianî ,2.0O0,ii0ù Jet- imadiatety availstle tir iPorto Riteoi Senater Tller is u mue î,f positive opinions on ail ciLijeutm sUndîltiicy are usually opieioiim, mibxeb recelve the Most respecifuil iiîsiileraiioufron Banaiera nbo krioiw that tticy ilwaya repreeut decl abil îureful thouglit. Me laid in a cI)eetj Ln the Porto litieau tarif il ri ow itefore thc Setiate -- vautthile Party tuil pow-r fii, sy setiber t my be the puepose nitllisteiy te take lutiii sland ia,,;uLstuti- i keow thie peuple lhere are i fîr self- geverumnt, sud tliury îîgluliiiinMy opinion tu bave il as -îonî as Ituiuy Le given ttbcui. iisiîuhl t ie ab- larmue If we ahloîlîl l.1iiakof thbm'Pirovinuce of Porto lfliio.,;Lit1Yt i uyit 1Iau]ilot golng to vote tir arly bill ttust ducs not gîva tue eicoplte uiisoumtecoutrel (of iliair owu aÉltru." %r Tller iiilered au ameedlmeitt lecltiug that Porto Ricane s1uait lie illî,îîd tu deteresine thie permanen-lt linu of gIserunuent for thli auds iii i i littiti' Aare i-t ti'ns af the U. t8 lien lu Cînrgrese isbo are usually vell-ilsrused ar- , x fil eissng the opinion that il thu, i . S. 1sîpreme Court detuîded ilâht Coîgressas ui the coua8titîiiuul rîglt to imspose a dniy upon tIse prodi es o! ant erritory ovuasl by ibe 1'I. ta usclained by the Porta Iieîu tar if ,bil, ibîsithe reieu- tien o! thse philippines by the V. S., vil l e an iuipos8ibiiity. Already praminent Seuators unît Repremenia- tlves have saui1 filât lLey wiiild prefeî givlng UîîIbe lPuilippinesl tu givîng np tic protective tarirti. nilci couiti nuit le iuuitutaltim nitil the Philippine& liavlng irve Irude niib thie (I.. snd preaenlting th-e qi u loC tethe Oammeret- di thebericrlil, alsictla piedged iluIlle Pari. ireaty wihl lraneterred tlu, îu frmîzu Spain tui the U. 8. Thui ai.ectoth Ie question lias aiready hec n t, ueiéb 0.1 îpoî lu ithe debatein e i-en'aite asuil t ILviiiLe goeeuino'tttu dcLivei r iîctîre Ibai bodly miepos siofthe. t l iî,,,Iieo bitl. New Premiurn 0f fer. ]'ie itiu iilîpt-diby filue INDiFi \r ofsC tgiving oui prenstunu., t niliîc"crlcrs lias proven .tilctiN sud de- velopei t reulîs e%'cebeyonîl Our grest, l i pctAlo bele tee proîptoseii ioutiuîcie h iuitmiiulcivy Allecr (Are tit i i iii i t-riîou vs bave chioseii tbrec poiîlîuar books.. n ili ua lew tIuieeting. as nemriv s au Iî,cleth Ie di- vercîll ier.iry1t-iS if unî jone Y4 Urlu aiuUi.ndl ail I is iiew iîbîrsaret- itimd ts tiir , , I vîidi lber ut tie tlîî, , ' Iiail (ti lhî-y uiî IN MIS STF1'.-;, chartlic ' >I.. li grî'ai re- figlis n1i n-t I i. -tory bas.lîcen varnl i iil i itiItilly n ccoined tîy Eta l i iiiLeague gotiIiutaIdIi otitielrganiza- tlions. it ii a5 tIti SAr1ANTIIA AT -SARATOGA, By Jlb Allen h rte la- maitbs riiitig afler tcI Puî lîre iisuix-ci t tLîu n A ride smiiter. Yo'u i li iill3 Io, ir3i OLEASONS MORSE BOO0K, Coîoprisng iistiiry,. triediltg, trainitg briîukiigft 1using, lied. îug, gi c Lasuim u.imciîr i ug, teillug iige. asudt gen-ral CaYC 0f tLe Lorhe. Prf'eîîf 4,Ll ci $reDsiiet tbriiuglîiîît .iniîsi- as the ninet expert aiud eîsuvee1 l i bosîrkemme(ii have oes. Reneî i 011c aul cii re uiîîî. (ltthe aliove preinfinse. THE INDEPENIiENT, FIEAIX H. JieTt, Edtor. AUCTION BALES. Belug &bout te quît farming the nnudratgned vill Il îta& publieo suttion, vIilious raserva, e taieprenaima. knvwunasthe John l'nne lterinen mile aouthof Libertyvila on àlilwauue Ave., Thuneaday, Maroti 15, 1900, commencing ai 9a,. m.the toUlowing deacribasipneperty. 37 cav, 16 nov nnlitas ix viii calvea by side, 10 epringer., balance giving mut, ivwo year old bull, broi mare, Il yre. aid, vt. 1200, 2 borsea i9 ansi 10 yrs. ". 120, mare, 8 yra. olsi, vI 1200, mare, 4 pra. olti, vt 900, 2 year-old col, 30 toua hay le taet sud lbarn, part lame ansi part upiaudu I20 acres core lu tact, 2 siauta 6traw, 500 bu. eata, 2 tumber wagons, truck wagon, 3 sprng nuit wagon, 2 seatesi buggy, pair but sied&, 2 asasi cutier, sulky cultivator. 3 oe-borne enîtivaiors, Deeriug linder, naarly te, Deing corn libuder, uev. Key- tone corn planter, ueaîly nev, Prairie Citr meeder, Cipper neyer. Kaytona puivenizer, self mump bey ratte, break. iug plul, valing ptov, 2 net barrova, 2 bay ruâtes, voos rack., aet duîp boards, Snatiey food Cuiter, balla, roda ansi puileya, four liers paver. grindehoue, emery eioue,I5 l09 ebaina, liay foek, ropea ansi pultaya, tva 18 fi. waier trougbe, 50 milt cana, fIsi botiîîm baut, vire etreiclier, siesige banier. 3 vesigea, 3 axes, 2 gruli axes, 2 crose-eut sawa, bay tuile, 3 cern tuivea, gras& eseden, tanuiug nMil, cern ehiellen, scoop abovae, 2 sala wortboraseesa,massdule, 2 pair fiy nets, 20 ft taduler, herse boae, 3 baud boa, 2 iay forts, 2 nanura forte, 2 scythes, @eth pinga for lunlier wagou ansi maey otbcer articles toco nnerone ta mention. Itegular terinsi.F.RTNPO %V.Il. APPLEY, Aneieneer. Owiug te the deathb etmy vife 1 viii sali tpublie anctiou. ai My hanme le Rockefeller, on liaturday, Mareti 10i, 1900, Connanctng ai 12:30, tbe foliovieg deacribesi pnoperty: Jersey beifer, 2 yra. olsi, 2 lireedilug sad, 3 doz. clilckena, carniage, cuiter, oe borae vagon, bob lelgh, 3 toue et boy, singie carniage banneas, single wort barnees, wbeet barnev, lbay fort, aboyaIs, 12 batiele potatoes, bouse- boldo goomis et ait tinda, carpais, badsc, chiaire, center tables. extension table, leunges, 4 atove diea, ice box, iv o cuplcai-de. etc., 5 corde cf stev v osi. Regular Terna. G. W. htYRîm'h. Prîp. W H. APPLET, Auciieneer. The uuiderslgned beiug about tu quit farmlug citera for ealeai publie auctlon on the oid J. B. Ayree farin ai fiait Day Tueedsy, Machi 13, 1900, cousmeise lug ai 9.00 a. m. îbarp tbe foilowlng deecrlbed properiy:150 bead ofctes bred Jerisey cattile, 30 eowe, 10 treali andi balanceaepringera, 2 ceva regietered, 7 bead pure bred and onee registered bull, balance Young stock Il igi grade aud butter bred, iliey boat the wornd for buiter and ereanu; 50liead of pure bred Potanut China boges, pari regitered, 10 leavy hows and a, loi lîgliter sud ail bred to a regtiewred boar, 1 olti bear, oue 1 yr. eld and a few @mai boarsansd a lt o f boate fiera ta a big chance for teundation for liord, as tbey are bred rîglit, baavy vont horse, 3 coite, drivera. 4 sud 5 yre, olsi, by Allen Wilita, dam Miorgans mare; 510 toua prime timotciy bay, tack eiraw. 3 piovs, lieder. nower. cern bnder, Ensilage cuiter wltb carrier, viii elavahe 21f eet; Kempe naunre apreader, Keyaioue hay leader sud aide deiivary rate: 12 foot Wood'a rate, amail 4 herae angine, monuiesi; bob 81ed, cuiter, 4 inch tire wagon, coru ebeller, fauuIug miii, liay tract, pnlleysansd tva carrer@ra.île lay racks, Tever cultivatar, 1-berse treasi paver, nii palila, ahippiung cane, 3 Coley creamera, 12 Cooley cane, Councltasasea, 60 gallon churn, butter worter, log chaint, lot of 60 lb butter tuba, 60 gallon cald. rou ktule, large groeters refrigerator, ice, cheai, ica touga, etc., 2 leserean freezer@anad lot et tee creani packarP, oll beater, ceai or weod boter, i2tîed eleade, 2 single iron lieda, a lot of chairs, 3ogailou meai jar, large coulte biter, ancliase10îe neeinlurea- tasîranta, afev diebeas, eider barreis. a fev obîctene, 14 pure bresi mammoili brouze turtelvm, 4 pure bred scotcli Colile pupe, 4 lawua eetteee. a loio cfleavy oakttInlier, seme oak plant and alici f osde aîîîi endaintc, nuimercua te nmtfition Reguiar Terme. J. T. AYmsSs, Prop. W. H. APLEY, Anctioneer. ASE TIIUR Aslk your hyscdan this ques- dion, "W atustheonepret reniedjfr hconsum?" oUl." Nine out of ten wiII answer the sane way. Yet when m ioshmv Iconsumption th1: loaueail fatty foods, yet zfat,$ naces. sary for their recovery nid they cannot take plan cod- liver oil, The plan od dis. ttarbs the stomach and t"e away the appetite. The db. agreeable Iiay odor and taste malie it. almost uneai- durablé. What isto bcdooe?7 This question was mu- wered when we " n de of Cod-Uver OU with Ilypo. phosphites. AMmhohe was nead wny-lee Iago. yet ri ns o to- a dayth one great remtedy for ail affections.of the flirot and lunes Tu"ododbwmba taken azoeay ud uin bem> sitvt cuaidm"Ob"te M rudy. Nol. one hIn Gm - tala mi *p thep0" ooL 1" od utt m take SCOTS UILIIOMd i- §W iL llui aultfego Mmy Su d w1y o ~ Evuien ladmd ai - contdut-_i - NI, acaT *a'iyu LAKI VILLA. Win Piahe, ta ejcyng? a vacation on acocon$ ofmor lOts . lir. Mary Dalrympia viatted ln Oh- casa the 1ai t ta eeka. Mrt. and lirc., arbanglivers lu. Antiocli one dapflaat ve.k. lire. John Dunu l entetalning bert. frieni, lit. Ch".a Oray, of Chicago, ttel veek. Born, 10 lMr. and Mlra. Richard ragg on Tuesday Feb. 27, 1900, a ivalve pounusigirl baby. Miaa Mazie Gal1 retaned talier home iu Erglevoosi tiu"a eek aller a iwo veeka ,vlit vith relatives bere. Mr. Wm. Walter rnoved ta the John labestera fanamutm week vhicb vas vacatesi by L. 0. Fairmau wbo rnaved norîli to the Kerr houa.. lir. and lira. John (7ouverae and famity, of Fort Hill attended the eniertatumntbeleint fflday aveu. tug. Miae Edareturnes borne vitti tbemt Twe leighl asic frein bere atteuded a enoher party ai Lee Nelmona lant Satunday ntght. Mr. and Mlra. WiII Btrisalte gave anather enclier part! thie next Tuemday evenlng. Improve iie good alelghlng andi bave a goosi lime. Banicer Route A Roliber. J. i-.<arrison, Oaaher ofthie bank a1 Tbiornville,Oli. h" bai aurabber 0f bealîli by a aerions lung trauble unit lie tried Dr. King& N.V DlaoverY far Consumptan. Thon ha wrote: '-lt la the boa$ Medicine 1 aven usesi for a aevere colsi or a basi case ot lung trouble 1 alvapa keep a bottle un baud." Dou'i anfer vîihCauglia, Celd@, or any Throat, Clieat or Luug trouble vbeu Yau eau lie curesi no eaatly. Oniy Soc andi $1.00. Trial bottes f recata F. B. LOVELL, Lierty- ville, 0. B. THou'aXPBOrayalake. "-Ou Minunte Ceugli Cure la thie best renîedy S,eeuaed for couglia, andi colde. h tlaunuequal for vbooping ougb. Obuîdren it lilike Itl' vrttee a. N. willam@, Getryville, mud. Navet faite. h la the ouly harilema remedy tLaat givea imâmediate renua. cura@îcouglis. colda, liomreneas, croup, pneumonela lroucliltla sud aIlil troat sud luug troubilea. ita early use preveuta conaumptien. F. B. LovELL. Liertyville;J. B. BaÂSYHEE, Ournee; F. L. WUATEBMIA1A. Rockefeller. F. BAIRSTOW. M ANU FACTU RER 0F Â Marbie and Granite Monumnts. cen1ETERY WORK 0F EVERY Descriptioni. 126 OassesSi WAUICEOAN. loi Rupture ....Cured INs 30 TO 60 DAVO ath. wil talle idsily Mothed. lio urglual israllon. Nu eere Pain. No Losla utice. No P .r7iiatili Ciu'.' EXAMINATION FELE Evary rîîpiured personula lu colletant danger froni tranulatlon vliicb fre- quentty reenlia lu deuih. lu every «M e h Causes a groat deai o! eufferlug. raie, are readity enrasi by th1e Fideliiy Vithosi vithoutibaet lf ime. Ail rnp- turesi perionsinl Lake Oouniy ansi vi- clulty aboutit tate advsntage oftbtia i.PPortunty. A cpscialiat wvtlh ver tweniy yeara' experience lu the treat- ment e! difltcuit cases*vii asial ma ai mi offies ln Libertyilîle eveny afler- noon frein 2 te 4. If ve eaunet cure yen itl; l ot eci yen a cent. Cal ands» sen. A. L.T".vîcs, M. D., Libertyville, 111. J. B. Clrk, cf Paonsa, Ill., aaye, 'Surgeonc vantesi ta operate on me or pilies, lut 1 curesi ilem vib De- Witt'a Wtcti'a MazeiBave" t le infallble fur pilies and skin dtceaaea. Bevara o! couniterfaite. F. B. LovzLL; Lîbertyville; J. R. BaàcEm. Ournae, PF L. W »TvuAtii, Mekefealer. PEOPLES' COLUMN. 'Ada" ta tht. Coluzaa. sc pap Wsa der fUsa lies or basa; 55cr tisinous.ocse pr les. «FOR RELIT-6e acre o! tand 2 îleshee at ot Wareiton Station un oit Piant nomd tetng sapart of the lJohn Hrle. fatalau tavu Ot Warren. fias no bouge. Wlli ta rentait iovto 0t0,1 Party. ApDîr ta fi. N. OcTHET. 9is W. Monroe St.. Chicuago. 2-6p F OR 8ALE-Nsw Nit cowe andl eprtnuera J.AUSTIN. Liiertrviiie. sil F il ALE-My saw mili Properyai Hait FDay Inatudi se hrspaver engins iu A t couition. VIII -11 mwi.ery yul hor wthttîspreper. My reetiense abo for eale or rmui. WiII slchesp e îs i icbh o muse avaf. W. D. BAiiîv 2-4p M2E ?I o LOA-1 hisve moner tla e R'jH.%.,d suIfarrm auiutir tr teut. viaua.- ituatve 1, Warrentowtani ghiii on t.Idis lpaniî i'aul. twotes oust cf isgis tjmcceansd one mile weat of ,tlîemaa Crnea.Large house, 2 berna. fienr ot giod fruit, neyer faimlugwter. A vrr tairstile hsume fer goe!tenanit Terme r.ssoaabte. Correxponitwtih la& IN. IiAURxa. Park Ridige. Il. e4 F<?SALE-* flue Date pi.... Oak sas.. gai rlu.Cash or munthir Iavuanta. Piano ai Llertyvttle Town Bail. Asldrefs X. £rUr£ all Day. EL qatu GRAYSLAKE LOCAL N EWS. MRS.fB. B. lSHURiMAN. Loal Uditer. lira. Shermnan Io authorized ta recelve anbarlptlanaandadvertiamenta * for the INDF.e'quN1T £lmo orders for job prlntiug. CaIl on bar for rate@. TIME TABLE GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. ff0710 ]MORE octlo SOUTH. 1.0.:25. A M 7:44 1 3:01. l'1131-' &iAZ Pli4:45. Sundar Onu' î Bunday Aveitflgtri in glalgiioîîtli ai.ili Ain signaI on ly. W. B I LiEr, Agent. WISCONSIS CENTRAL RAILWAY CÔ. OFFICIAL PAPER OF GRAYSLAKE. lira. Ziegler. of Atitoch, atient Sattit- day wltli lire. fiiey. Lao Portion returued test Saturday from amoulue vikilt ittirelativeA lu KanasaCity Mo. The Laiet or the liaccabees vili maei wIli lira. J.Waahburn udt veek Baturday afiernoon. li@. Hopper, Secretary 0f the sitate W. C. T. U., spolie lu thie Cougrega.. tioua churchlu at Snnday nîght. liany of 1the ladieseoft he local union ventaoGages Corners laut Saturday &0 a"tend the. W. C. i'. T. Convention. The electrie ightlit lant l ell under way. Clarenice Wooltey the proprietoir declded te tartin laone vitil thelie lep oflite father. lir. and lire. Merton Smithi, of Ileloit, Wts.,retuned te ibeir boonle Monday. 3evo liorîilitwbo bai lla180beeu vtîtt- lig i haine returned witti theni lit. Gardiner, of Veto, latier of Graytakle ttiproprietor tiasa beau very aerloaly lit thte piat eek* but lu reported to e Improvtug ai prenent. The 2th Century Club wilI nueei wiih lira. A. W. Harvey nez& Mouday eventn« Match 1ttb, not bavtng liait a meeting Iaat Mîmuîay îîwîug tiithe iîad storm. Nazi week ' esilay the 1ev. Stevena wl be ordained in Cougregatlonal etinrcli, mauy otther mintaters baving been tuvîled to be preaeut. luioexeir- cieel l legin ai 2 P. nu. Mir. Ball heid an auction ou SIrm Forvor'a farm laei Wednesday before movlug off, fiels niw living te Mr». Bradway'a liouse, Sert Jobumon lbavlug movad on the tarin lie vacated. The meuibera cf 8cr cala Ciapter, 0. E. 8. veut eut te Votoeiaut dianrday evenlng and ourprtaied Mir. and lire. itanglit. heveraill uiiyeîgul oade veut and liait a few soieal lion ré i geat foui. Baerai surprise parties lî,vc tîei beld iu Haneaville tûe pust week lu wbiuti many t;raymtake people par- ticipated. 'tîey were ait i r. t'arker'm, Mir. Feulcue aud Mr. Ritteli. barils vaa Sio chef etteriumet Alfred and Chas.Tiiotoson siarteil for Atbuquerqîue, New leiaxt,î la8t Monday ta ind a tocation for the latter t e hart np luatbe dragug uiue8w fls beali i viinet culture tItis Avera ctixuate, »o lie expee te remain lu the eceth bereatier. AI wvlltrettilin as Acuîn agi a aultalile location la fotitîd Havieg a compltasline o 0fo dIl e- igue ai wail paper, 1 witlltl mgtow au the toweat and eau alse, baug I lit tIhe moat vorkmaulike manner, floue aud dacoratîve paiting. Carialle and i gu painting a apecialiy LUTE WALT, 19.3mo i HalicsVi1Él A FIendiah Attack. An attack vaa iatety made oiniC. Fý rCllier oi Clierokee, lOWA, ibaL nearly pteved fatat. h came ibrougit bié) hîd- neya. His back gel so laine lie eotîtd îlot sloop wiihout great pain, nîtr Ait in a chair except prîîpps'îl iy eiihiloua. No ramedy lielped i saisutil lue trled Electric bittera wblî-lu citeed sncb a vonderful î'bange ilsat Le, writea be latin tike a uew man. 'liin arvaioua mediîn,- ntrea Iiteekace i and klduey trouible, puirtleme bilîtîiauil tuitda up yotir bealtit Ohîty 5ie ai F. B. LovzrLbLbIertyville, 0.. B. I 'Hoitpaon, tirayaiake. VOLO. Albient Itaiigbt vai tliWaîttegaîi recentty. lire. Kineis, cf Wautagan, la vleliting at fiaught Brn. The veddtng belta vill ring lu eîîr ltuile liurg ore long. Ciri Dillon vent te Chiceago Mon- dai nîght it lh a car ladoo!liage. Mir. Gardinuerla. quite alet. Dr. Shatier, et Gnaylaze, ia lu ataudance. Johin Richiardsou purcbaad geodis lus Chicago àMeuday asdl'ueeday oetibis veat. The Infant sou ot Joe Mlulen anîl vite dilests Saturday ulgit snd vas burid in the Vote Cattioli'caeneteey Tueaday mornlng. Theasoma l bisihse borne o!f(eo. Beuveit lash fflday evenîeg vas very largely attendesi. Everybedy listia datigittiît hune. Tue tadiles eoarcul $16.35. We bava cavesi many doctor bill, aluca va began uatng Chamiberlain'@ Congh Remedy lu our liome. Wa taep a botte open ai thie time and Whou- ever any e! my famlly on mysoit beglu go catch colsi va bagin te cas the Cengli Remedy and si as eut va neyer hava to aeud avay for a docter ansi lueur a large douter bllI. for Chamberlain& Cougli Remedy caver talit"tecure. ta certaily a inadi- dune o! great menti ansi vorth.-D. B. Mearkle,Uenenai Mrchant aud Farmar, Matie, Redford couuty, Pa. For mite by F. IB. LovELIs, Lllsertyvîlle, J. It. BaAcHuaR,Gnruee, F. L. WICaTRIAaa,, Rookialler, <ISAYSLARR PlHARMIA(v, JOUX Mutins, lvanhae. Drowpp.d Ail Othea or a .a Reduction Sae!1 Wishing to reduce our stock before 'inj voicing, we wiII seil regardlesl of cost .~i Menasliag liitaena pet pair ....S....$os mule 6kImlittteua pet pair .... .... t9 85 et. Calf 8kim littena per pair 65 $1.15Buîck ...... 97 Fteeced Cotton (iloveea..... 19 Linesi Buck 8kmn Glovea, vere 75vî, ai.............. 59 Men'a 60e c leaced Undervear .39 Wright'@a Healili Uudervear, 89 Men'a Clay Wormied $15.00 Milita.... ... 12 00 Boy@" - ".. $6.1 .... .*- . 3 73 2 25 Suitls ai............................. t1 40 1 75 1- '............ ... t1 i Ladies' $6.50 and $7.510 leeket4i ai ................. 5 (0 tOc Flasineletta ai ...... . ..... 98 $1.311 to $1.45 te $1.640 i>eeriioa e t ................I119 Ladies Overticea............................ 73 isses Overaitoes..e . ...69 (htîdreula Overalioes ... .......... 60 Lot o! Mimae. nlberw per pair ....................Io Lot cf Ladiea $1.711 aud $2.50 salîex per pair - .1 (0 ltusibRobes $1.351goe..... .....................8 00> rS-A tierce hiaukata ...t.... 119 F. H. KUEBKER, Grayslake DeDt. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. Buy Goods of a Responsible Party whose ~ Guarantee is reliabie. Don't go to a -Cheap John Store" and expect Somnething for Nothing. WATCIE. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, NOVELTIES IN OOLD Af'4D SILVER. Icarry a good lune at right prices. Table Silverwear always deligisis the housewife. -1-1-zoodtint - - c ",When 1 heard of the wondcrful cures performed by Miles' Restorative Nervine 1 dropped ail other trait. ment. Nervous postration and gen- cral debility had =ale the efforts of the best physicians in this section. The "lstbottle of Nmrine brought relief. 1 continued using it togethrr with Dr. Miles' Headt Cure until hea]th was ngain restored.' Mma 0. W. Olm,î.d. Kickapse. cela. or. m1MIWhvo*p 7jfl lasIsil by a11 dniggials ou guarantea, 6,5 stIue benelits or mouey bsck. Boouk n eart and neeves lent ires. De. Miles Mdical Companîy. Elkhmfl, loi. PATNT~ Usai. m " l mm a NOok"HwobaaPe' Mn. J. S.ear, bedalla, Mo., 8aved htie chilida lite by One Min nie CotîgLi Cure..lire. nR ciurcbili, Berlin, Vit., Mey Dociore biad gîven ter up tu die vitti "Our baiîy wvasciisaresi itis rimantig croup. île an intailible cure for ceres4, ieWitte lWiteb Barci salve couglis, îolde. grippe. piseuinonia, curesi ber." A epecillc fer pilee ands brenctîltia andti rosi sd ud ig jetsu dioesee Bevare o o! veieai troubles. Itlievem at once. F. B, CoUnterfets.t-'. lu. LOVEFLL, Libserty- LoVELL, Libertyviile;J. R. BitAIISEis, ville; J, I. HEACREJS tGîruee; F. L. Gunnee. F. L. WBOTEUMAN, Rockefeller. WEfiTERÉAN, Rockefeller. Bacttershall's Bargains. Cleaned Currants, 4 Ibs for 25ce New Maple Sugar. per lb 10e Ladieu Black Silk Bells 10c Best Bacon. per lb 10c Lot of Ladiems Shoea. to cdean up ai soc Childen's Shom t orne fine sud smre coanse. from, 10c to 25c Lot of Children'a Rubberaper pair. Sc la 25c Fancy Box Paper andl Envelopra 05c 24 sheeta Journal Paper ..O.... 5 300 page Day Book.- 25c Sranac Buck Gioves 70c Shrink Yaru Mttens ose Alarni Clocka .....75o 1 Earhrn Pie Plate free with eaeh pound cf eoffee, HAINESVILLE, -1 - L LNO1S. 4 00., Repairing of ail kinds. I can fix your watch so it wili keep correct time. New Royal New Homne DROP H4EAD SEWING MACHINES - - - -$19 0during holidae' c - - 29 75 -» GRAYSLAKE. WISHING TO CLOSE OUT AIL MY CLOTHINO Consisting of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, odd Pants, Men's and Boys Overcoats and Jackets. 1 WILL GIVE A From my already Iow prices which are less on some than they can be bought at wholesale now. Mens Overcoata, S 3.00 ta ... Suit., $250 10. Boys Duck Goats. 60cet Faits end Rubbems.compicee candre Childs Buckie Areiics. sizes 5 to 10 .. Wooiilined AI&". ssize 8to 2 Lades and Mena Felt Shoes sud Sipperat rost. A kew Horm Blankets ai cost. W.W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLAKE, Protection to Purchasers We caution the public againat pnrciaaung imitations o! obsolete farina e! our machines. We keep up with tic tatest developinents i tue art. makiug nothiug but the bigLest grade a! produci, ands have achileurd unqualilied luccee ilu te sale ; heure inany attempts at imitation, and the iiicgal use a! aur trade naine. A Brase Medalior, cf taie ellipticai forin showu above. bears, eue regle. tered trade.aîark, and le piacesi upon the e as o! every machine made lîy ua. NONE OENWINE WITmoIT I T. SINal aEWaO.UCtllgaAU SO SONLY @Y THE SIwCIERMANUI'AOTURINOC 09 omets en mvRmRY 0M %fi Tt w@ni.. 1 haveaà . .Extra fine Carving Sets, and sold rightI. Clocks in varied and unique designs. E. B. SIIERMAN, ILLINOIS. s 10 00 10 O00 90 1 65 1 95 35 50 - - - ILLINOIS Il 1